Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Crisis solution (2021)

Since the Delhi Agreement between seven parliamentary parties and the insurgent CPN (Maoist) of 22 November 2005, the people of Nepal have been waiting in vain for the promised realisation of an inclusive democratic system. Although the then putsching monarchy was abolished and a constitution was passed in 2015 after long power struggles between the political parties, even this was the sole work of the exclusively male leaders of the three major parties, predominantly male Bahuns. The appropriate participation of all social groups, as provided for in the interim constitution of January 2007, did not take place. In this respect, the constitution of 2015 even represented in part a step backwards compared to the interim constitution.
Thus, apart from the abolition of the monarchy, not much has changed since the 1990 system. Numerous fundamental human rights continue to be disregarded. There is no inclusion of all social groups. All power and the majority of all state functions are still in the hands of male Tagadharis, especially male Bahuns.  The latter make up only 6 percent of the population, but the identification of the state and its society and culture, in short the nationalist image of the state of Nepal, is still based on the culture and partly narrow-minded, anarchic, patriarchal and socially discriminating view and thinking of this small minority. As long as this state of affairs continues and the failed generation of political leaders of all parties is not replaced by a younger generation that is inclusive, open-minded, receptive and not exclusively oriented towards personal power interests, there will be no end to the crisis situation.

Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights
Crisis solution (current)


31/12/2021: From a united whole to multiple fragmentations: How Nepal’s Maoist party lost its relevance in 15 years : Once the kingmaker of Nepali politics, CPN (Maoist Center), now is probably the most divided and splintered political party in Nepal, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt), RPP Chair Lingden and Bibeksheel Sajha Chairman Mishra discuss party unity (kh) [Similarly minded parties, but this spells the final end of the Bibeksheel Sajha Party. Rabindra Mishra's alternativity means a return to the non-inclusive Hindu monarchy that more than 17,000 people sacrificed their lives to abolish! Whether Hindu state or secularism is not a question of religion. More than 40 per cent of the people are not Hindus from a social point of view. Hindu women and Dalits are also extremely discriminated against. Unfortunately, even the major parties have not come close to delivering what they promised in 2006. Therefore, Nepal has remained a state of high-caste Hindu men under a supposedly inclusive and secular republic.], Consensus and collaboration needed for protection of nationality, democracy: PM Deuba (kh) [Make national identity and democracy inclusive first, i.e. independent of ethnicity, religion and gender, before advocating for their preservation!], A year of political ups and downs and surprises : Political one-upmanship and power struggles dominated the greater part of 2021, by Anil Giri (kp), A forgettable year : Leaders have turned politics into a rat race, whose endpoint is Baluwatar (kp), How political parties rendered Parliament dysfunctional : It started with KP Sharma Oli, and the onslaught on the platform of people’s representatives continued with no one showing respect to the hallowed House, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Uncertain political stability : The multiparty experiences in the post-Panchayat era were not up to the minimum standards, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), The return of political instability : Differences over policy among the coalition partners do not help increase confidence among investors, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Judiciary: Applause and then controversy and crisis : 2021 has been the worst year in the history of the judiciary because it was embroiled in the ugliness of individual greed and the vested interests of its stakeholders, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), A year of social movements : Compared to 2020, this year saw a rise in public discourses around pertinent social issues of caste, impunity, and safe spaces, by Ankit Khadgi (kp), Chure degradation continues amid catastrophic projections : Even when there is visible environmental degradation, the local government has focused on promoting the Chure area as a tourism spot, putting the ecology of the region at risk, by Dilliram Khatiwada (kp), Stop Downplaying Street Harassment, by Ameesha Rayamajhi (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/12/32021: Nepal has over 4.4 million informal workers, majority of them underpaid and excluded from social protection: Report. Nepal has seen reforms in labor and social security acts but these reforms have made little to no impact on the lives of informal sector workers, the report says, by Prasun Sangroula (nlt), Enforce Party Law For Democratisation, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Election body’s removal of ‘unconstitutional’ terms from Maoist statute triggers debate : Election Commission says some phrases including ‘communism’ in the party charter contradict the constitution, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [And what about parties that oppose the fundamentals of the constitution like RPP and Bibeksheel Sajha Party when they reject the achievements of the past decades and want to return to authoritarian Hindu monarchy? This is clearly against the interests of the multi-ethnic and multi-religious society of Nepal! The secular Republic of Nepal is ailing only because of the incompetent, corrupt, disinterested political elite that remains deeply rooted in Hindu thinking!], Former RPP Chair Kamal Thapa to launch “new campaign” (kh) [Anyone who advocates a return to the Hindu state, with or without a monarchy, is clearly acting unconstitutionally!], How Nepal’s bid to diversify trade after the blockade fell flat : Experts say over-reliance on the southern neighbour has rather increased because of a lack of strong policies and failure to implement recommended measures, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Addressing economic woes : We must reinvent our economy to escape the throes of an unstable environment (kp), Talking marathons : A succession of gasbags trying to hoodwink their fellow partymen and the nation in turn, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Taking Nepal forward with MCC, by Deepak Rauniyar (rep), MCC project choices: To be or not to be, by Gaurav Shamsher JB Rana (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/12/2021: Anti-Chhaupadi campaign in Achham losing steam : Neither the police administration nor the local units and local people are showing interest in effectively implementing the campaign, women say, by Menuka Dhungana (kp), Ensuring Effective Border Management, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn), Six parties protest against strike (ht), Educate about RTI : Not many would know that RTI covers not just government agencies but also political parties and NGOs funded by foreign agencies (ht), MCC opposition in Nepal: Rhetoric or reality?, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/12/2021: Cultural, linguistic diversities are asset of nation: Province Chief Gurung (kh), Madhyapaschim University Vice Chancellor bats for experts in govt (kh), Dahal proposes three-front fight for identity-based federalism : Admits to making mistakes that led to his party paying political price (ht), Ram Karki dissents on Prachanda’s dossier, questions the relevance of federalism (kh), Prachanda accuses US of preparing for war, strengthening ties with India (kh), What Ails The CPN-UML?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Weaknesses, Issues, Problems and Challenges of Nepalese political leadership, by Ram Kumar Dahal (tn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/12/2021: Poverty keeps children in Mugu out of school : Around 60 percent of children in Sayakhola, Kotilla and Mundu of Chhayanathrara Municipality are out of the school system, by Raj Bahadur Shahi (kp), Who is nurturing violence in Nepal’s public campuses? Acts of violence against teachers in Nepal’s public campuses continue unabated despite student unions’ assurances to control them, by Prasun Sangroula (nlt), Govt urged to ratify UN convention on statelessness (ht), Medical colleges snub Medical Education Commission under political protection : Colleges are demanding higher fees from MBBS students ignoring the fee structure fixed by the regulator, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Burden on state coffers : Various perks and privileges for each additional minister add an extra burden on the already stretched budget (kp), NC politics: Factionalism exists, rank and file are “clientelistic” loyalties, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh), As Maoists hold national convention, focus remains on managing leaders : Ideology takes a back seat as party is forced to propose 15 office bearers to ‘adjust’ aspirants, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Sugarcane farmers to launch fresh protest from mid-Jan after failing to receive previous years’ dues (rep) [There is obviously still no state interest in finally putting an end to the criminal practices of the sugar mills!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/12/2021: Provinces are in an ‘ugly competition’ to appoint more ministers : Experts say more ministries means increased administrative expenses at the cost of development activities, and call for constitutional curbs, by Binod Ghimire (kp), A tale of two conventions : The public wanted the younger generation to take over the leadership from the ageing, corrupt incumbents, by Naresh Koirala (kp) [Continuation of the politics of failure, and the CPN-MC seems to be following them as well.], Keep Five-Party Alliance Intact, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Dr. Govinda KC warns of hunger strike seeking CJ Rana’s ouster (kh), Complaint demanding investigation of CJ Rana assets filed at Money Laundering and Investigation Department (rep), Dolakha residents chip in to restore quake-ravaged heritage structures : Six years after the devastating earthquake, authorities including the Department of Archaeology have yet to take any concrete initiative to restore heritage sites, by Kedar Shiwakoti (kp), CK Raut cadres block highway in Siraha : Vandalize trucks and other vehicles (kh), Janamat party members vandalise private vehicles on East-West Highway (rep), [So this is what you call "non-violent", Mr Raut?], Juvenile justice in shoddy state (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/12/2021: The revolution has stalled : The Maoist Centre is at a loss for what to do next. As it goes to ‘national conference’, it seeks to reinvent itself. But can it?, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Truth Commission wraps up 29 war-era cases of atrocities, victims unhappy : Commission says it has prioritised complaints that don’t need prosecution, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Shifting Development Culture, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Everyone Will Be Represented In Party - PM Deuba (rn) [This will only be the case when the proportion of male Bahuns and Chhetris at all levels of the party is reduced to no more than 15 per cent in total and the seats hitherto occupied by them are given to members of all other sections of society in proportion to their share of the population! Incidentally, this applies to all political parties!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/12/2021: Authorities sit on probe report as Banke activists’ sit-in nears month : One of the accused, former Constituent Assembly member Badshah Kurmi is contesting for Banke district president of the ruling Nepali Congress, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Politics and crime continue to be close and politics likes to prevent necessary legal investigations. Persons accused of crimes should not hold public office until a legal clarification has been made! This also applies, by the way, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as well!], EC proposes to hold local levels election on April 27 (kh), All kinds of discriminations against women will be ended: Minister Regmi (rep) [For this, the constitution would first have to be amended!], NRA's term comes to an end (ht), Secularism and sectarianism : Nepal is not yet secular. We still have a long way to go, by Indra Adhikari (nt), China lobbying against MCC : The holdup in ratifying the MCC is not because of Nepal’s domestic politics, but geopolitics, by Ramesh Kumar (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/12/2021: Taking hostage of parliament undemocratic: Former PM Bhattarai (kh) [Not undemocratic, but anti-democratic! Democracy is the rule of the people, but the authoritarian KP Oli prevents the elected representatives from exercising this rule!], Politics Of Material Advantage, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Central bank says more deposits, less in loan sign of improving liquidity : Despite getting indications of looming foreign exchange depletion as early as April, the central bank waited for the situation to self-improve, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), ‘NRB unveils positive report of country’s economy following FinMin’s pressure’ (kh), When should the local elections be held? Election Commission says by May next year. Political parties don’t seem to be prepared, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Embezzlement by employees at Hulak Bachat Bank has snatched vulnerable groups of their savings, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp), No political party for Nepalis with disabilities, by Pratik Ghimire (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/12/2021: Foxes pretending to be lions : It's distressing to see that Premier Deuba has almost no fight left in him anymore, by CK Lal (kp), Work As Per People’s Aspirations, by Namrata Sharma (rn), “Structural reform is still a long shot”: Nepal’s young lawyers open up about judiciary debacle : An assessment of how inclusive the protests against the chief justice were, particularly for younger lawyers, and whether pertinent issues concerning them were addressed, by Rishav Sapkota (nlt), NC jamboree fails to give message of inclusion, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Election Commission holding local level election on May 3 (kh), A hot potato that MCC is in Nepal : Four years on, US grant continues to be a divisive element, as parties talk it ad nauseum but fail to find consensus, by Anil Giri (kp), Retaining students in schools : The myopic view of prioritising economic relief comes at the cost of increasing dropouts (kp), Chandre Kami found after a week (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/12/2021: Political confusion remains the same one year on : 12 months after Oli’s House dissolution move: Parliament is deadlocked, judiciary is in crisis and government is hobbling with coalition partners having nothing in common, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [Nothing will change as long as this incompetent and failed generation of power-hungry politicians remains in control, ruining the state and society just as the monarchy did before!], Next generation Nepali Congress : Many of these young leaders started their political careers after restoring democracy in 1990,  by Achyut Wagle (kp), China “playing foul” on MCC; Nepali communist leaders under China’s pressure (kh) [The problem is that both countries, the USA and China, are primarily pursuing their own interests. China is not democratic, but the USA is also anything but a guarantor of democracy and human rights!], Blind men and the MCC elephant : What is as clear as day is that none of the leaders is honest in their analysis of what MCC is (kp), Making a Constitutional Case for Climate Action, by Apurva Singh (rep), Increasing trend of splitting provincial ministries takes the number to 69 (rep) [The focus is not on demand-oriented politics, but on power politics of the parties oriented towards the allocation of posts, which is reinforced in view of critical majorities in the provinces.], Stakeholders urge govt to ratify ILO Convention 190 (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/12/2021: Pandemic worsens disparities in young children’s development and learning in Nepal: UNICEF. “The pandemic has especially affected the health, learning and psychosocial well-being of the children” (nlt) [see press release by UNIC EF as well as Child and Family Tracker (presentation)], How Finance Minister Janardan Sharma is failing Nepal’s economy : Janardan Sharma’s five months at the helm of finance ministry is characterized by considerable ambivalence and continual fluctuations between different, sometimes opposing, working modalities and principles, by Ashim Neupane (nlt), Committee formed to mark Prithvi Jayanti and National Unity Day (kh) [In commemoration of the birthday of Prithvi Narayan Shah, who once conquered the numerous mini states by military force, subjugated their inhabitants, mainly ethnic groups, and subjected the country to a patriarchal and hierarchical social order based on Hindu law. What a cause for celebration!], Cases of sexual abuse of women go unreported in Banke : The cases of sexual abuse are weak and the accused are usually let free because the victims withdraw their complaints on their own accord or under pressure from family, police say, by Madhu Shahi (kp), No knee-jerk reaction : The only weapon in the government’s armoury in tackling Covid-19 happens to be a strict lockdown (kp), Ban on strikes in supply of essential services still on (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/12/2021: Tame the inflation, ensure greatest good of the greatest number of Nepalis : Why should we, the commoners, suffer at the hands of the few unscrupulous business people? Should not the state guarantee the greatest good to the greatest number of the commoners?, by Jivesh Jha (nlt), PM Deuba calls all-party meeting at 4 pm today : To discuss UML's obstruction in House and MCC; CPN-UML to abstain (kh), Plan to table MCC in Parliament set to charge up politics : Deuba for moving the bill for its passage amid reservations from his coalition partners who want amendments to some clauses in the US grant agreement, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Of politics and teachers : The history of overt and covert allegiances of teachers to political groups spans many decades, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Food adulteration offences rise even during lockdown : As long as consumers consider food adulteration a minor problem and the government plays down its impact, such offences will keep growing, rights activists say, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Sexual harassment case settled secretly (rep) [Such serious crimes must not be settled, they have to be punished very severely, if these men should prove to be guilty!], Landless squatters from Chitwan demand land ownership certificates (rep) [Unequal land ownership is also a historical consequence of monarchy, its arrogant allocation of land and Hindu state thinking!], NHRC takes stock of situation of freed haliyas in Bajura (ht), Musahars on the margins : The Musahar community has long been marginalized and discriminated against, but the Covid-19 pandemic only made things worse, by Rakesh Prasad Chaudhary (rec)

see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/12/2021: Campaign launched to reduce violence against women (kh), Experts warn of economic slump, urge govt for immediate measures (kh), Foreign employment leaving villages sans youths (kh), Unraveling Nepal’s instability conundrum, interview with Purna B Silwal, Major General (Retd) of Nepal Army (nlt), Planned ‘development law’ to clear hurdles in infrastructure projects : Bill says landowners must accept the compensation agreed on by over 50 percent of affected landowners, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Overcoming Politics Of Winner’s Curse, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Sindhuli Quake Victims Not Getting Govt Grant, by Baburam Devkota (rn), 32 per cent children in Nepal chronically malnourished' (ht), Nepal retains its position in Seventh Annual Human Freedom Index (ht) [see full report by Fraser Institute, Nepal tabels on pp. 267-268]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/12/2021: Four years on, government keeps Lal Commission report secret : Governments have defied calls, including a court order, to make the report public, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Forgotten commitment by political parties : The law says that there should be at least one-third women at party committees at all levels, by Ila Sharma (kp) [The machos at the top of the parties will never change without drastic punishments. Exclusion of the parties concerned at the next elections would be a guaranteed effective remedy! CPN-UML and NC would definitely be candidates!], End party meddling : Institutes of higher education or even schools cannot be a playing ground for the political parties any longer (ht), Parliament is the only panacea, by Gopal Thapa (kh), 32 percent children in Nepal chronically malnourished: Report (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/12/2021: Global alliance to wait for court decision before deciding on rights watchdog’s status : National Human Rights Commission could lose ‘A’ status if appointments made in it through ordinance are found unconstitutional, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Nepal is in throes of economic slowdown: Observers criticize government indifference : Overall indicators paint a bleak picture of the country’s economy: The remittance inflow has declined. The current account and the balance of payments are in the deficit. The foreign exchange reserve is depleting. And the trade deficit is widening, by Ashim Neupane (nlt), Party in need of change: What next for Deuba and Nepali Congress? Deuba won the presidency in Nepali Congress but he has failed to come up with agendas and visions to set up the future political course for the party, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt), Deuba’s comeback as party chief reassuring for ruling alliance, but concerns remain : Coalition members want long-term partnership, but much will depend on how the Congress president, also prime minister, deals with issues like MCC and House obstruction, by Anil Giri (kp), Same old faces : The truth of the matter is that back door dealings are an open secret (kp), Dispute between UML and Speaker continues as House reconvenes : Experts on parliamentary affairs say while the Speaker and the prime minister should take initiatives for dialogue, the UML must also understand that House obstruction is not going to offer a solution, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Partial human development : For a number of reasons, certain groups do better than others but we are not being told by how much, by Deepak Thapa (kp), In Defense of Democratic Institutions, by Ambika Prasad Joshi (rep), Nepal struggling to deal with new refugees : Nepal has been treating 716 nationals from 10 countries as illegal migrants. Even though the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) lists them as refugees, the country does not recognize refugees from anywhere bar Tibet and Bhutan, by Shambhu Kattel (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/12/2021: The long arm of the law : The victims have found a new ray of hope with the courts stepping in to solve insurgency-era crimes (kp), Parties: Orphans Of Ideology, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Don't obstruct House : People will be closely watching to see if the lawmakers will allow the passage of the MCC compact in the House (ht), MCC grant agreement : Don't twist facts, by Gandhi Pandit (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/12/2021: Whither Transitional Justice?, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), The spectre of unknown enemies : Political parties have been harping that the hard-earned achievements are at risk from ‘internal and external forces’, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Cronyism in Nepali politics : We have seen the lives of people who became close to politicians transform dramatically, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Govt tables six ordinances amid UML’s obstruction, House meeting postponed for a week : The main opposition party, UML, had obstructed the earlier House session as well demanding that 14 lawmakers it took action should be dismissed (nlt) [A party that prevents the urgently needed work of the legislature should be excluded from future elections, as it quite obviously rejects the parliamentary rule of the people, which is bindingly prescribed by the constitution! What the UML criticises must be settled through the courts!], Lawmaker Tripathi announces ‘People’s Progressive Party’ (kh) [Constantly new parties are not the solution. Nepal urgently needs a new, charismatic and socially inclusive generation of politicians and policies!], ‘Karyakarta’ teachers : By participating in political conventions, teachers are flouting court orders (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/12/2021: Congress is broken. It needs fixing : An overhauled ideology—and an organisational rejig—is a must to inject new blood into the grand old party, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Journalists misbehaved at NC General Convention; photojournalists put down cameras (kh), Green, resilient and inclusive development : The Conference on Nepal’s Reconstruction highlighted lessons learned from the earthquake recovery, by Faris Hadad-Zervos and John Roome (kp), UML Chair Oli has a leap in factionalism: Dr. Bhim Rawal (kh) [The authoritarian anti-democrat Oli continues his course of destroying the CPN-UML!], Social Innovation for Nepal, by Rajesh Poudel (rep), Ensure Digital Human Rights, by Narayan Prasad Ghimire (rn), Federal govt empowers local levels (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/12/2021: 28 women and girls fall victim to domestic violence during 16 days of violence against women campaign (rep), NC 14th Convention : Will It Take Socialist Course?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [No, the NC only calls itself socialist. In reality, it is a party clearly to the right of centre with conservative elements that question the most important achievements of today's constitution, such as the republic and secularism!], NHRC laments non-cooperation of government (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/12/2021: RTI In Nepal, by Aashish Mishra (rn) 16-day campaign against gender violence limited to Achham district headquarters : The women leaders and activists take up all the space and in doing so exclude real victims from conversations about gender violence, local women say, by Menuka Dhungana (kp), Parties offering high offices to pacify leadership aspirants subverts cause : Observers say Nepal should start appointing non-partisan individuals as the country’s President and Vice President to protect the impartiality of the top positions, by Binod Ghimire (kp), The Guts Of Public Inquiry, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/12/2021: Nepal should deliver on social justice promptly, UN Special Rapporteur says : Olivier De Schutter says poverty reduction must be part of the country’s transition strategy to an emerging economy (kp), 'Nepal must deliver on promise of social justice' (ht), Human rights still a far cry for many (ht), The Nepali state in the Himalaya : The food shortage in Limi Valley has highlighted Nepal’s weak state presence in the Himalayan borderlands, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), Constitution needs amendment to make it more inclusive: Mahantha Thakur (kh), JSP Chair Yadav emphasizes need for amending constitution (kh), Former DIG Ramesh Kharel announcing new party today (kh) [Nepal does not need more parties, but a comprehensive democratisation of the existing ones with adequate inclusion of all social groups and a renunciation of the authoritarian machinations of the existing party elites!], Menstrual exclusion practices continue even in modern educated families : The caste and gender hierarchies are designed to control women’s sexuality by regulating their menstruation, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp), For the women, by the women : On the occasion of '16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence', four women across Nepal, who have been relentlessly fighting to end gender violence, share their experiences, by Pinki Sris Rana (kp), Last year’s flood victims from Dhorpatan still await relief : Several government officials had reached the flood- and landslide-hit areas and announced relief packages but none of the promised funds has come through, by Prakash Baral (kp), The Religious Shock Doctrine and Cultural Genocide, by Bimal Rawal (rep), Media As Human Rights Watchdog, by Kundan Aryal (rn), Conflict Victims Will Get Justice: PM Deuba (rn) [And when will this happen? When all the perpetrators and the victims and their relatives have died?], Purchasing power, by Ramesh Kumar (nt), Battle lines drawn for Nepal elections : Politicians and their parties position themselves for the 2022 polls, with secularism and monarchy topping the agenda (nt), Is democracy too expensive for Nepal? Heavy election expenses deter women candidates from running for office in the 2023 elections, by Laxmi Basnet (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/12/2021: High courts intervene after police refuse to register conflict-era disappearance complaints : The Penal Code introduced three years ago lists enforced disappearance as a criminal offence, by Binod Ghimire (kp), SC orders to mention perpetrator’s in conflict victim’s identity card (kh), Hey Bhagwan : Politicising religion in Nepal has the potential to create major social and religious conflicts, by Naresh Koirala (kp), Reservation and quota, how justifiable?, by Ruby Khadgi (kh), Katha Ghera’s adaptation of “Animal Farm” takes a jibe at Nepali kleptocracy : The theatrical adaptation of George Orwell’s satirical novella “Animal Farm”, being staged at Kausi Theater, reflects on the deficiency of a proper leadership in Nepal, by Anushka Nepal (nlt), MCC likely to be main agenda of the winter session of the House starting next week : Prime Minister Deuba has over the past few months assured several US officials that the compact would be passed through Parliament, by Tika R Pradfhan (kh), Staring into the void : Medical students who completed their studies in China are in a bind as they can't intern in Nepal (kp), A test of patience : Buddhist communities whose monasteries were damaged by the 2015 earthquakes express frustration at the delay in reconstruction, by Pasang Dorjee (kp), Democracy Slides Globally, by Mukti Rijal (rn) [In Nepal, the state of the already weakly implemented democracy has deteriorated considerably in recent years!], Soils under threat : Halt salinisation, by Dinesh Panday (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/12/2021: How menstrual stigma intersects with violence against women : Confining women and young girls to small sheds for three or more days and keeping surveillance on their daily mobility is a form of violence against women, by Jyotika Rimal (nlt), Dalits living in rented homes hesitant to reveal caste during census : Enumerators say they found many families who were not keen to disclose their last names fearing eviction, by Prakriti Dahal (kp), Dhanusha attorney office says no need to probe Musahar’s custodial death : District attorney’s office claims Musahar committed suicide. Family members say he was tortured to death, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Political Metaphor and the Turbulence Ahead, by Madhav Prasad Dahal (kh), No decision on ways to curb Omicron spread except talk on action plan : Public health experts say reactive approach has been the problem all along and immediate measures are a must, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Wind of change : It is time youth politicians from across parties started actively challenging the old guard (kp), Rightward drift of Nepali politics : The demise of political ideology and progressive idealism was slow and painful, by CK Lal (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/12/2021: Amid the pandemic : The absence of essential medicines for almost two months is nothing short of maleficence (kp) [The Deuba government exists only on paper. The fulfilment of tasks and duties must wait. Power struggles and party conventions have absolute priority!], Nepal's e-governance pipe dreams : An automated system will make the stream of illegal income dry up for politicians and bureaucrats, by Achyut Wagle (kp), MCC dominates ambassadorial hearing : Parliamentary committee has endorsed ambassadors—Shankar Sharma for India, Sridhar Khatri for the United States and Gyan Chandra Acharya for the United Kingdom, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), World Bank report underlines reforms to support fiscal federalism, green growth in Nepal : The report also stresses the importance of strengthening investment processes and fiscal policies for green growth (kp), World Bank’s report underlines reforms to support fiscal federalism, green growth in Nepal : While federalism is helping bring policymaking closer to the people, it has also increased fiscal spending and exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic led to a sharp rise in fiscal deficits and public debt, report finds (nlt) [see WB report], Surprising Election Results, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Stakeholders suggest long-term solution for Nepal’s liquidity crisis (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/12/2021: What to make of teachers’ involvement in party politics? The teachers have been promoted, honored, and received many other lavish facilities for serving political leaders and parties. They also get transfers according to their wishes, by Prasun Sangroula (nlt), Stop Politics In Apolitical Institutions, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Online harassment rife but largely ignored as system fails to recognise it : Nepal Police has a bureau to deal with the cases, but a lack of sensitisation among officials is leading to victimisation, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp), Voting from abroad : It will take several years for political parties to reach an agreement regarding the out-of-country voting (ht), JSP Chair Yadav advocates for change in socio-political system for Dalit liberation (kh), A death foretold : Nakunni Dhobi and the 20-day march to Kathmandu: How many women have returned to private cages of violence, never to reach out again?, by Reshma Thapa (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/12/2021: Lesson forgotten: Political parties are up with huge public gatherings as new variant of Covid-19 is raising its head again : Public health experts argue one after another mass gatherings by political parties, without complying with the safety protocols, could spell disaster for Nepal, by Ashim Neupane (nlt), A limping economy crippled by external sector vulnerability : Nepal’s road to recovery is fraught with challenges due to falling remittances and rising imports. Experts stress the need for short-, mid- and long-term strategies, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Linguistics in political times : The biodiversity of languages in Nepal, where 123 languages are spoken, is of universal interest, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Govt not ready for out-of-country voting : EC says existing laws need to be amended to enable Nepalis living abroad to vote, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [The government has had more than four years to fulfil the SC's order in this regard!], Inequality behind country’s backwardness: JSP Chair Yadav (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/12/2021: Former President’s concern over no good change in political system (kh), Party politics getting costlier is a matter of concern : Citing the ballooning expenditures of party’s internal elections, observers say politics, which should serve people, is moving out of ordinary people’s reach, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Nepal preparing to issue identification cards to refugees living in the country : Plan for now is to provide them to refugees from Bhutan, with no discussions yet on doing so for Tibetan refugees, by Anil Giri (kp), Nepalis’ Infinite Pursuit Of Freedom, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Impeachment against CJ Rana unlikely sans consensus among parties: Maoist Chair Prachanda (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/12/2021: Fertiliser crisis could spell economic disaster, experts warn : Essential farm nutrients could be in short supply in Nepal amid global shortages, by Sangam Prasain (kp) [This does not interest Nepal's politicians at all, as it has nothing to do with their power ambitions!], Deuba-led Tribhuvan University meeting decides to hire teachers without open competition : Experts say such a practice will promote incompetence and ruin students’ future, by Binod Ghimire (kp), What ails construction projects in Nepal? Taxpayers have every right to expect roads and bridges that do not get washed away with the first rain, by Rudra Sharma Aryal (kp), Manufacturing and business shudder as virus resurgence threatens recovery : Another lockdown would be disastrous when the economy is starting to rebound from two years of despair, insiders say, by Krishana Prasain (kp), UML will not allow the parliament to function unless expelled MPs are sanctioned: Chair Oli (kh) [The anti-democrat Oli already wanted to abolish the democratically elected House of Representatives when he was PM! For him, the manipulation of parliament only serves to implement his authoritarian machinations!], Coalition govt has destroyed the foundation of democracy: Oli (rep) [Incredible words from the mouth of a coup leader who as PM tried to abolish parliamentary democracy!], Lest we forget : The risk of transmission is high at huge gatherings, and the coronavirus is still very much in circulation (kp) [Only party conventions are free from such risk of transmission, as UML and RPP have already irresponsibly demonstrated!], Ending 40 days long row, SC judges agree to hear all kinds of cases : Nepal Bar to continue protest unless CJ Rana's resignation (kh), Vow against VAW : As Nepal marks 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, Ruby Khan makes an impassioned plea for justice from her sit-in near Singha Darbar, by Ruby Khan (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/12/2021: Declining democratic practices : Whether it is party politics or national politics, democratic norms seem to be waning, by Kushal Pokharel (kp), UN special envoy in Kathmandu to study food crisis (kh), 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, by Sonika Lamichhane (kh), Speaker Sapkota-led delegation returns home from Madrid : Says will now be focused to end parliamentary deadlock (kh) [What fairy tale of achieved inclusiveness did you recount in Madrid?], Supreme Court turns the page with lottery system, but will the crisis end? More questions remain to be answered as the judiciary problem is more than meets the eye, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Master out of class : It may never have been necessary to push for a lottery system had they have faith in the leader (kp), Nepali importers suffer as China continues to hold up shipments : Delays in the delivery of goods and constant disruptions on the roads to Khasa and Tatopani have also resulted in higher transportation costs, traders say, by Krishana Prasain and Anish Tiwari (kp), President issues six ordinances (rep) [Nepal is a parliamentary democracy and there is a popularly elected parliament responsible for legislation. There is no need for ordinances!], Ensure Right To Health, by Prakriti Nepal (rn), Political parties should be self-directed in obeying laws: CEC Thapaliya (kh) [Government and political parties very often do exactly the opposite and should be punished in such cases, just like any other citizen!], President Bhandari stresses on preserving Nepali original culture (kh) [And what is the original Nepali culture in a multiethnic, multicultural, multireligious and multilingual state?], What constitutes sexual harassment at the workplace? An explainer on what sexual harassment is, the legal frameworks that aim to prevent and eliminate it, and what else can be done, by Prakritee Yonzon (rec), Alternative politics: Is there still hope? Populist politics and no tolerance for dissent means a demise of the alternative political movement, by Dinkar Nepal (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/12/2021: From Democracy To Oligarchy, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), UML congress: Oli and his ilk form the nucleus of the party : Internal democracy, well practised in the communist force for years, reaches a nadir, as one man appears to be calling the shots, restricting dissent and competition, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Brouhaha in Sauraha : By the time the convention was over, it was clearer than ever who called the shots in the party (kp), Himalayan Quadrangle or Himalayan Triangle?, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep), Mindset Change A Must To Curb VAW, by Namrata Sharma (rn), Chepang Children In Dhanding In Need Of Warm Clothes (rn), Shuklaphanta National Park Displaced Ones Await For Justice For Nearly Two Decades, by Sher Bahadur Singh (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/11/2021: Experts fault Deuba for prioritising domestic politics over foreign policy : As the MCC’s ratification hangs in the balance, questions arise over the fate of projects under the BRI, by Anil Giri (kp), Development paradox : Can we rise up to the challenge of being classed as a developing country? (kp), Ensuring government service delivery : The money we earn goes to the government as taxes and is spent without accountability, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Khas Arya domination continues in UML (ht) [This is a serious violation of the Constitution and the Political Party Act. Nepal is not the property of male Bahuns, but a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-lingual state with over 51 per cent women. Parties that do not reflect this are out of place!], Locals in Rudhi village facing acute food crisis for eight years (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/11/2021: Nepal’s graduation to developing country hinges on political stability : Experts stress taking measures at reducing the cost of doing business by improving the country’s infrastructure connectivity and human resources, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), LDC graduation : Parties must have a common vision of development so that policies remain the same regardless of change of government (ht), Oli cult in the making: How UML’s national congress is fueling Oli’s authoritarian streak? At an event which is supposed to elect central committee members and office bearers through elections, cadres and influential leaders stood firmly against the competitive process, by Ashim Neupane and Nishan Khatiwada (nlt) [Oli's authoritarianism is a serious threat to the development of democracy, which is already endangered by the parties, politicians, monarchists and Hindu nationalists!], How UML convention got mired in Oli’s chutzpah and hubris : Party chair’s late night meeting in Chitwan fails to find consensus. Vote to be held today, by Tika R Pradhan and Binod Ghimire (kp), Why Prachanda should help in parliamentary ratification of MCC’s Nepal Compact : It is time for Prachanda to choose whether he is for or against parliamentary ratification of the Compact. PM Deuba might push the Compact, with or without Maoist Center's support, by Uttam Gaulee (nlt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/11/2021: Advancing discourses on women-led climate justice in Nepal : Global studies also highlight that due to climate induced displacement, women and children are more vulnerable to violence and abuse, as they are forced to leave their homes, by Sudeep Uprety, Popular Gentle, Lhamo Yangchen Sherpa and Jagadishwor Ghimire (nlt), Oli fears his party would “splinter into pieces” if the national congress goes for elections : Oli is pushing for a consensus fearing the party would split again if the National Congress goes for elections, party insiders say, by Ashim Neupane (nlt) [Oli should finally ask himself what role his authoritarian and anti-democratic leadership style plays in this!], After consensus eludes UML, Oli asked to select leadership : Observers and insiders call it an undemocratic process as leaders who aspire to be elected to top party positions are being pressed to fall in line with the chairperson, by Binod Ghimire and Tika R Pradhan (kp) [In a democratic party, all posts should be filled through elections, respecting the rules of social inclusion!], UML Chair Oli’s dominance ends democracy in the main opposition: NC leader Thapa (kp) [Oli finished the last remnants of democracy in the CPN-UML already in 2020!], List of proposed UML leadership submitted to party Chair Oli (kh) [Don't forget the requirements of Article 15 of the Political Party Act: at all levels of a party, at least 33 per cent must be women and the country's social diversity must be reflected!], Nepal: Political Puzzle in Judiciary, by Rajeev Kunwar (kh), Alternative force necessary to give outlet to the country: Dr Bhattarai (kh), Financing climate adaptation : It is necessary to educate the public that clean energy usage is economically viable, by Siddhant Raj Pandey (kp), Custodial deaths probe : Independent mechanism sought, by Ram Kumar Mamat (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/11/2021: Banke activists resume sit-in in Capital alleging government dishonesty : Protesters led by Ruby Khan demand immediate arrest of ex-CA member Badshah Kurmi over a woman’s disappearance and release of probe report, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Enumeration over, data processing to begin soon (ht), Two enumerators pass countless hurdles to reach frontier villages : Khagendra Karki and Lokendra Ter chase a treacherous trail abandoned for long in the call of their duty to count Nepalis living in the country’s north-western corner, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [India is really a true friend of Nepal!], Why is democracy failing to deliver?, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (rep), Culture As Construct Of National Identity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Lawyers press for CJ's impeachment, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/12/2021: With lottery system, chief justice loses the master of roster role : A system of drawing lots for assigning cases will come into effect starting December 1, but the judiciary crisis may not end anytime soon, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Nepal to be upgraded from LDC category : With the preparatory period of five years, Nepal will graduate to a middle-income developing country by December 2026 (kp), Can Sapkota be investigated in Spain under principles of universal jurisdiction? Nepali rights groups demand Spain probe Sapkota over an insurgency-era abduction, killing, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Toothless Commissions : Former enemies are now in the same governing coalition, neither want to rake up war crimes (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/11/2021: Independence of umbrella organization of Nepali journalists comes under scrutiny : The FNJ is supposed to be an organization that promotes freedom of expression, journalists’ rights, and independence. But its incumbent officials are vying for public positions in major political parties, by Prasun Sangroula (nlt), UNGA endorses Nepal’s graduation from Least Developed Country category : The five-year transition period is provided on an exceptional basis mainly in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which would normally be for three years (nlt), Province 2 set to finalize its name and capital, calls provincial Assembly meeting for Dec 15 (kh), Finance Minister’s discontent over meagre capital expenditure (kh), Upcoming upper house polls could leave a weakened UML even weaker : A loss may be solely the UML’s but holds the potential for affecting national understanding by deepening the divide, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Infrastructure: Burden or opportunity? The current project implementation method must undergo profound restructuring and reform, by Sambriddhi Acharya (kp), Rights groups denounce Nepal Speaker’s participation in IPU assembly : They have demanded that the International Parliamentary Union cancel the invitation to Agni Sapkota (kp), Eradicate Caste-Based Crimes, by Shreya Joshi and Rakshya Singh (rn), Population Census 2021 : Data Vs Reliability, by Nir Bahadur Karki (rep), Party conventions of NC, UML : Competition of old and new leadership, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/11/2021: First duty of the state : The government must ensure judicious use of resources to maximise its social welfare output (kp), Diplomatic dilemmas of the hybrid regime : It seems Indians are as worried about US involvement as they are about the Chinese role in the organisational politics of Nepal, by CK Lal (kp), Season 2 of ‘Jaat Ko Prashna’ highlights the ills of the caste system : At the heart of the recently released show are the voices of those impacted by caste-based discrimination and violence, by Pinki Sris Rana (kp), PAPAD to participate in march in solidarity with NBA (rep), Bill related to COVID-19 stalled in parliament (rep), Give Justice To People, by Namrata Sharma (rn), Cultivating Democratic Culture, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), EC warns NC, UML against using govt staff (ht), Many Nepali politicians have personal websites but they are either un-updated, unreachable or errorful : The irony is the leaders who tried to sell us the dream of digital Nepal themselves have a sketchy digital presence, by Prasun Sangroula (nlt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/11/2021: Transitional justice bodies spar over who should look into which cases : Truth commission and disappearance commission say they have received many complaints that they cannot investigate given their nature, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Amnesty International Nepal calls for urgent and concerted action to prevent custodial deaths : The human rights organisation raises concerns about the increasing number of custodial deaths despite earlier calls to the Nepal government for responsibility and accountability of the lives of detainees (kp) [see AI appeal in Nepali], Haven for dictatorial gerontocracy : Political parties would not bother holding the convention had the constitution not forced them, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Nepal’s largest communist party gears up for its National Congress. Here’s everything you need to know about it : The National Congress is likely to be a test of strength for the country’s largest communist force, CPN (UML), which endured a split recently, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt), Food depots in Mugu district empty as contractors delay supply of subsidised rice : District residents have to pay higher prices to buy the grain from local markets, by Raj Bahadur Shahi (kp), Standoff At SC : Urgency To Give An Outlet, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), NBA makes a slew of charges against CJ (ht), UML Chair Oli opines all judges should resign (kh) [Even more important would be the resignation of the entire generation of failed and largely over-aged so-called political leaders!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/11/2021: White Man's burden and Brahmanism, by Mim Bahadur Pariyar (Margin), Fractured peace : The so-called representatives of the working class are the new elites of Nepal (kp) [And this elite continues to be recruited from the same social strata. Under the monarchy, male Chhetris were in the majority. With the "democratisation" of 1990, male Bahuns took over this role. The Maoist uprising, Jana Andolan II and the new constitution have not changed this, as this traditional elite has deceived the people about adequate social inclusion until today!], Parties’ opaque finances are cause for concern as they fuel corruption : Poll body plans to implement ‘accounting format’ to ensure transparency, but experts are not hopeful. A strong law is a must to make parties accountable, observers say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Agitating lawyers handing over letter of attention to political parties today (kh), Restructuring Nepali Army : We must make security forces more inclusive and effective to make them more attractive for peacekeeping, by Kul Chandra Gautam (kp), Inflation expectations among Nepali consumers hit new highs : A majority of people expect average prices of goods and services to rise by a staggering 11.3 percent over the next year, according to the Inflation Expectation Survey released on Sunday, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Let The Subaltern Speak, by Tulasi Acharya (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/11/2021: “15 years since CPA, Nepal’s pledges to TJ remain unmet” (kh), Conflict victims losing patience—and lives—in wait for justice : In 15 years since the peace accord was signed, political parties have failed even to assure insurgency victims that they’ll be delivered due justice, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Where is peace without justice? Successive governments and the major political parties have failed to prioritise justice to the victims, by Suman Adhikari (kp), Transitional justice has failed former child soldiers : They deserve special support from the government to genuinely complete Nepal’s peace process, by Kul Chandra Gautam (kp), Nepali peace process as a global model : One reason why it has become successful is that it adopted a home-grown approach to end conflict, by Pushpa Kamal Dahal (kp) [Statement by one of the main perpetrators of the numerous unpunished victims of the conflict and of the denial of justice!], Int'l bodies urge Nepal to act on peace pact (ht), National Human Rights Commission demands end to impunity through justice delivery . Several victim associations and human rights groups seek immediate and urgent steps from the authorities towards reviving the transitional justice process (kp), Nepal: 15 Years On, Act on Peace Agreement Pledges, joint statement by AIHRW, ICJ and TRIAL International, Malnutrition a cause for concern in Province 2 : Malnutrition is a serious health challenge in the province mainly due to a lack of awareness among guardians regarding nourishing food for children, by Shankar Acharya (kp), Nepal, Catch-22 and history : Those entrusted to uphold the constitution have forsaken the principles of the present system, by Abhi Subedi (kp), 'Federal civil service act to be introduced thru ordinance' (ht) [This is not the way to introduce laws in a parliamentarian democracy!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/11/2021: October disaster victims in Bajhang deprived of relief : People complain of discrepancies in beneficiary list prepared by District Administration Office as fake victims lay claim to government grants, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp), Lawyers’ protest against Rana to continue even as justices return to duty : Some say Nepal Bar should now change its tack and focus on ‘isolating’ the chief justice while they boycott hearings, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), On MCC pact, US message to Nepal is getting more clear: Take it or leave it : A visiting American official calls for a decision on the grant through democratic consultation while hinting that Washington has options to take it to some other country, by Anil Giri (kp), US wants MCC pact ratified by Dec 14 (ht), Democratic Recession in Nepal, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep), National Assembly member election to be held on January 26 (rep), Creating An Inclusive School, by Shak Bahadur Budhathoki (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/11/2021: All eyes on the 2021 census : The new census attempts to provide disaggregated data all the way to the local level but concerns remain over the government’s capacity to pull it off without compromising quality, by Sovit Subedi (rec), Public’s reluctance to share details could impact census outcome : Experts say a lack of campaigns to make people aware of the importance of the decennial campaign could have made many wary of enumerators, by Anup Ojha (kp), Chief Justice Rana assigns 10 benches today : Agitating lawyers engage in minor scuffle with police (kh), Two held for abusing Nepal Bar lawyers (kh), Supreme Court turning to normalcy (kh), What’s the lottery system for assigning cases and does it really work? Justices’ protest against Rana may end when they start getting to hear petitions by drawing lots, but this process has its own complexities and is easier said than done, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Senior advocates urge political parties to impeach chief justice Rana (rep 19/11/2021), US Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu meets UML Chairman Oli : “Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba-led government has not consulted with UML about MCC” (kh), Visiting US official urges Deuba to ratify MCC compact at the earliest : Deuba fails to secure commitment from Dahal for pact’s ratification, by Anil Giri (kp), US Assistant Secretary Lu calls on Maoist Chair Prachanda : US official urged Prachanda to reach an early decision on US grant MCC (kh), Government planning to send 10,000 nurses to the UK for employment (kh) [These nurses are not needed in Nepal?], Census team heads towards Darchula villages on foot through Nepali territory : India refused to provide entry passes for enumerators to use Indian territory to reach Tinkar and Chhangru (kp) [India is, as always, an extremely helpful and friendly neighbour!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/11/2021: Government indecision delays scrapping of anti-poverty body : Staffers of Poverty Alleviation Fund remain unpaid for four months, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Forget Kalapani, Nepal struggling to conduct census in Darchula villages : Enumerators need to travel via India to reach Tinkar and Chhangru, which Indian authorities have yet to permit, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Justices willing to make peace if Rana assigns cases by drawing lots : An unrelenting Nepal Bar Association gives the chief justice until Friday to step down, by Binod Ghimire (kp), SC full court agrees to execute lottery system to assign cases (kh), Police use force to disperse agitating lawyers in SC (kh), At least seven including Nepal Bar chair injured in a scuffle with police : Clash occurred when security personnel tried to stop protesting lawyers from moving towards the gate chief justice has been using to enter office (kp), NHRC urges govt to stop use of force on agitating legal practitioners (kh) [The Deuba government is behaving much like the previous one of the authoritarian anti-democrat Oli. And the police still do not respect the fundamental rights of the people!], Challenges Of Good Governance, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn), CJ accused of corruption in NBA meet (ht), FNJ urges CJ to save apex court's dignity (ht), Resolve it from within : If the CJ is forced to resign under undue pressure, it will set a bad precedent in the entire judiciary and justice system (ht), Piecemeal Changes Won’t Reform Judiciary, by Mukti Rijal (rn), We can’t afford to lose judiciary’s independence at a time when all other institutions have been compromised : Nepal’s Supreme Court has stood firm in several critical junctures in recent history. The roots of that institution have now been shaken to the core, by Mandira Sharma (nlt), General Conventions: Old parties, old faces, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Hard lessons of history, by Dinkar Nepal (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/11/2021: Citizenship issue : Inability to solve the citizenship issue is only adding more and more people to the number of stateless persons year after year (ht),  World Vlog Challenge highlights the despoliation of Khumbu region by climate change : Ten vloggers/creators from around the world trekked to the Khumbu Glacier to tell stories about the rapidly melting Himalayan glaciers and its repercussions on people in the region, by Rishav Sapkota (nlt), Kuznets and Nepal’s Climate Goals, by Mamata Aryal (kh), Leaders, Lackeys And Lapdogs, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Chiefs of eight constitutional commissions call for talks to end Supreme Court crisis : Among 39 issuing the statement, 36 were recommended for appointment in December last year and in May as per the ordinance to amend the Constitutional Council Act, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Supreme Court standoff takes a new turn as four judges return to work : Protesting lawyers say they will start calling out all those justices who side with Chief Justice Rana, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Legal practitioners continue sit-in, CJ Rana assigns nine benches for hearing (nlt), Senior Advocate Thapa challenges SC judges to issue verdicts sans participation of lawyers (kh), Ruling coalition breaks silence, calls for averting apex court deadlock soon (kh), Political parties will seek a political solution to SC stalemate if not resolved soon: Prachanda (kh), FNJ urges Chief Justice to display high ethical conduct to maintain court’s dignity (kh), US Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu arriving Nepal today : Deputy Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Kelly Keiderling to arrive on Thursday (kh) [????], CPN's Nepal bandh largely defied, 212 held (ht), Chand’s banda is a dud, but the general public is at the receiving end : General strikes are a thing of the past and such old ways of protest must be shunned, observers say, by Anup Ojha and Shuvam Dhungana (kp) [Bandhs are always crimes against the people!], Six students unions demand immediate withdrawal of hike made in the prices of petroleum products (rep), Travesty of activism : Political actors must find more creative ways than a 'banda' to protest a fuel hike (kp), Minority Kayat community announces to not participate in census (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/11/2021: Biplav-called banda hits commuters in Valley (kh), Police arrest 11 Biplav cadres in Tanahun (kh), Nepal bandh has general effect (kh), Nationwide strike by Chand-led CPN affects vehicular movement in Kathmandu Valley (rep), Problems seen at the Supreme Court should be resolved at the earliest: Political Coordination Committee (rep), Eminent Persons’ Group meeting and its significance, by Prithvi Bahadur Bogati (kh), Constitutional bodies for resolving deadlock in judiciary through talks and dialogue (kh), Justices divided on their struggle against chief justice : Five of those who campaigned against Rana demanding his resignation have decided not to attend any meetings except for a full court, as lawyers step up protest, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Eight constitutional commissions call for talks to resolve standoff in the judiciary : Issuing a statement, 39 chairs and members of the constitutional bodies say the prolonged crisis in the Supreme Court threatens the rule of law and constitution (kp), Dispute among people’s representatives deprives students of textbooks : Chhinnamasta Rural Municipality in Saptari has not yet released the budget for the education sector, by Abdhesh Kumar Jha (kp) [Such irresponsible party politicians should not be called "representatives of the people"!], Main census questionnaire does not recognise queer people : The gender category ‘others’ in Form 1 of the census has been removed in Form 2 of the census, much to the dismay of activists, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp), Who is stalling reforms? We need to stop involving 'cartelpreneurs' in policy discourses around reforms, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Corruptions in local governments still alarming: CIAA report (rep), Women’s Attraction To Judiciary Rising, by Kalika Khadka (rn), Lawmakers urged to pass new citizenship bill (ht), Population Census 2021: Dual duty of government and citizens, by Nir Bahadur Karki (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/11/2021: Charimaya Tamang: ‘Who will wipe out the tears of trafficking survivors if I start crying myself?’ From survivor to savior: Charimaya Tamang continues to turn around the lives of trafficking survivors in Nepal, by Anushka Nepal (nlt), NC President Deuba “not in favor of electoral alliance” with other parties (kh), Lawyers ratchet up protest. Judges in bid to find a middle path out of court row : With Chief Justice Rana refusing to relent, justices are under pressure as hearings have been affected for three weeks. Nepal Bar calls on judges to not hear cases, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Calls for House session as judicial crisis protracts : Observers say the House should be summoned so that lawmakers can discuss the disputes in the Supreme Court, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Chief Justice Rana calls for unity against attempts to derail judiciary : Calls Nepal Bar Association for dialogue (kh), Dialogue with CJ Rana, no way: Nepal Bar (kh), Chief Justice’s resignation is our ultimate demand: Nepal Bar Association. Nepal Bar and SC judges held discussions Monday; discussions to continue Tuesday as well (kh), Former Judges Forum urge political parties to impeach Chief Justice Rana (kh), Private sector writes to prime minister asking for MCC compact ratification : Independent Power Producers’ Association of Nepal, however, stays away from the demand (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/11/2021: Should the court be left alone to clear the air over judiciary? Experts say government should summon Parliament to start impeachment process, by Anil Giri (kp), With Chief Justice Rana refusing to budge, observers call ongoing protests misplaced : Experts suggest protests should focus on pressuring political parties for impeachment, by Binod Ghimire (kp), The scars of corporal punishment : School teachers inflicting physical and psychological abuse on students is rampant in Nepal, reflecting the sorry state of education in the country, by Swikriti Kattel (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/11/2021: Judiciary down the rabbit hole as there’s more to crisis than meets the eye : Even if Chief Justice Rana vacates office, immediate complexities are immense. Experts say piecemeal efforts won’t offer solutions to all the ills in the Supreme Court, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Protesting lawyers say they will not relent until Chief Justice Rana quits : Prime Minister Deuba tells leaders of his Nepali Congress party that the executive cannot interfere in the judiciary, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [But the executive is heavily involved in the judiciary. 40 per cent of the members of the Judicial Council, which decides on appointments to judges' offices, are selected by the respective government. The executive takes the right to decide whether or not to accept court decisions, very often the latter. The judiciary is constantly abused for the power games of the executive and the political parties. The executive is responsible for the functioning of the governance system, and the judiciary is currently functionless!],
Call to protect judicial independence, integrity crisis in apex court (ht), Language policing and what we overlook : In a country that prides itself on its diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and a wide array of vernaculars, the discourse surrounding language gets particularly inflammatory, by Pasang Dorjee (kp), Waning Constitutional Welfare State, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Four former TU vice chancellors urge govt, political parties to address crisis in judiciary (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/11/2021: Parliament unaware about 80 per cent laws formulated under its nose (kh), International rights groups call for an end to Nepal Supreme Court crisis : The call comes as confrontation is escalating in Nepal’s judiciary amid justices and lawyers’ demand of chief justice’s resignation (kp), HR bodies call for protecting judicial independence as lawyers continue protest demanding CJ's resignation (rep), Public Interest Litigation or Private Interest Litigation?, by Hrithik Yadav (kh), Bar ups the ante as court crisis deepens. Lawyers not to let Rana enter office : Confrontation escalates after up to six lawyers got injured in a scuffle with police while protesting against the chief justice who refuses to resign despite mounting pressure, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Tension as Nepal Bar lawyers clash with pro-CJ Rana lawyers; five held (kh), Clashes outside Supreme Court as agitating lawyers try to stop Chief Justice Rana from entering office (With Photos) (rep), PM Deuba instructs police not to interfere in lawyers’ agitation (kh), Parties’ reluctance to speak on judiciary row stems from fears : Many cases are pending in Supreme Court related to individual political parties, by Anil Giri (kp), Local units angry after consumer groups barred from procurement : Government defends its decision citing irregularities in procurement and substandard work by such groups, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), No backdoor entry : Food security arises from an unequal distribution of resources rather than a paucity of food itself (kp), Between fact and fiction : Examples of flawed historical interpretations abound in our everyday affairs, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), A Story of Good Slogans, Bad Performance, by Kamal Raj Dhungel (rep), Urgency about Nepal’s economic emergency : The real uncertainty Nepal faces today is not about who succeeds Chief Justice Rana, but the fate of the economy (nt), How the climate crisis adds to child marriage in Nepal : As harvests fail due to drought and floods, girls from marginalised families are forced to marry earlier to escape poverty, by Sonam Lama (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/11/2021: Report finds child labor rife among informal, small businesses : New campaign calls for governments and international agencies to focus on tackling the worst forms of child labor found in thousands of small, informal businesses (nlt), Nepal unbans import of genetically modified crops : The move has sparked protest with scientists and lawyers questioning the government’s intention behind allowing controversial products into the country, by Sangam Prasain (kp), Coming to one’s census : There is a reason why the number of caste/ethnic groups went up from 60 in 1991 to 125 in 2011, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Political parties brought the change people pushed for but who will sustain it? The achievements are at stake as political actors engage in power games without commitment to the system, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Half-baked projects : Politicians use incomplete projects as bait to entice the people to vote in their favour (kp), Landslide-hit Miklajung village faces food shortage : Despite promises from the federal and the provincial governments, no help has reached the disaster-hit areas in the last three weeks, by Laxmi Gautam (kp), Chand-led CPN announces nationwide strike against recent hike in prices of petroleum products (rep), Cut Wasteful Public Expenditures, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Tackling Liquidity Crisis, by Prakash Kumar Shrestha (rn), Rights activists urge Parliament to pass citizenship bill (ht), Nepal’s judiciary debacle: Serious allegations are directed toward the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Nothing has happened since, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/11/2021: Emboldened by parties’ silence, chief justice goes  on the offensive :Rana assigns cases to justices who have boycotted  benches for the last two weeks, in a clear sign of escalating confrontation in the judiciary, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Govt to hold National Assembly elections by Jan 22 (kh), NC leader Singh rules out relevancy of political mechanism (kh), ‘Coordination committee’ to assist government is but a farce, observers say : The committee that the ruling coalition has instituted, at the behest of Dahal, would rather create hassles than ease day-to-day administrative functioning, by Anil Giri (kp), Nepal receives just around half of the committed foreign loans : In the past five years, the government was able to claim just 30 to 54 percent of foreign loans committed by donors. Failure to spend on time and timely reimbursement blamed, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Disillusionment of Madhesi mainstreamers : Madhesis have been hamstrung with conflicting emotions of conformism and confrontation, by CK Lal (kp), PM Deuba challenges former King Gyanendra to contest polls (kh) [Not a good idea! Nepal does not need another authoritarian putschist for election. Just like most of the top party leaders, Gyanendra belongs to the completely failed generation of political leaders.], Make Census 2021 Inclusive, by Namrata Sharma (rn), Govt urged to ratify Violence and Harassment Convention (190) (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/11/2021: Five parties to form an alliance in NA and by-elections (kh), Ruling alliance forms panel to implement common agenda (ht), Supreme Court on trial as it’s justices vs chief justice : With Chief Justice Rana refusing to budge, judges wonder how long they can deprive the public of their right  to justice, as the crisis in the judiciary deepens, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), SC justices to hear habeas corpus petitions from today : Not to sit in a division bench with Chief Justice (kh), SC Justices boycott all benches after CJ Rana assigned hearing for all cases : None of the SC judges attended the 10 benches today following breach of understanding CJ Rana had reached with them (kh), Act on education : Successive governments have pledged to pass a Federal Education Act, but it has not happened (kp), Conflicting claims by ruling leaders complicate MCC ratification : Differing views from Deuba and Dahal have raised  a serious question—at least one person is lying , by Anil Giri (kp 09/11/2021), MCC has to be endorsed; anti-development elements spreading false rumors: Dr. Bhattarai (kh), Liquidity crunch and low capital expenditure : The government must find ways to substantially increase capital expenditure, by Achyut Wagle (kp), In defence of military diplomacy : It is a crucial  instrument complementary to official diplomacy, by Shantosh Bhallave Pouyal (kp) [In many respects a doubtful statement : diplomacy is not the task of the army!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/11/2021: Ruling alliance in a fix as it faces a host of challenges : Coalition partners differ over MCC as crisis in the judiciary makes it more difficult for them to make a joint stance, by Tika R Pradhan and Binod Ghimire (kp), PM Deuba calls meeting of ruling coalition (kh), Clean Energy and the Ambiguity in National Documents, by Mamata Aryal and Anurag Pokharel (kh), Court’s image has tarnished; Chief Justice should step down, interview with Former President Dr. Yadav (kh), Watch out : The government should design long-term support programmes to support pandemic victims (kp), Preparations for National Census 2021 completed (kh), CPN-UML convention : No females and Dalits elected in the leadership of 84 wards of Baitadi (rep) [Here the CPN-UML shows its true colours of a patriarchal Tagadhari party! According to the 2011 Census, 54 per cent of Baitadi's population were women. The proportion of Dalits was 20 per cent! This means that about 65 percent of the population remains excluded!], To submit or quit: Hamletian predicament of ten dissident leaders of CPN-UML : As ten dissident leaders are insisting on the implementation of the ten-point agreement, Chairman Oli and leaders close to him have turned deaf ears to the call, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt) [Authoritarianism without borders! Oli says what he wants, does what he wants and doesn't care about his yesterday's chatter! This is the direct path to the destruction of democracy!], People gathering to demand climate justice in Nepal (The Margin), JSP Chair Yadav says people will make another constitution if existing one not amended (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/11/2021: Woman beaten to death by her husband (rep), Panchthar residents affected without repair of facilities damaged in landslides, flooding (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/11/2021: Pradesh 1 to be named on basis of identity: CM Rai (kh), Increasing Road Accidents in Nepal, by Sonika Lamichhane (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/11/2021: Political parties dragging their feet as key institutions decay : The crisis in the judiciary follows problems in the legislature and the executive, by Anil Giri (kp), Federal education act remains an unfulfilled promise : In the absence of the law, local governments have not been able to manage school-level education in their jurisdictions, by Binod Ghimire (kp), NRNA’s brush with politics : The Nepali Congress’s  interference in the  NRNA’s internal matters  is deplorable, by Naresh Koirala (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/11/2021: Election Commission legitimizes Chair Mishra-led Bibeksheel Sajha Party : The election body approves the party's recent amendment to statute (kh), Party will take action against ministers not working on behalf of people: Prachanda (kh) [And what about the numerous party leaders who are not working on behalf of the people? Even the Political Party Act is more in the interest of party leaders than in that of the people!], Parties mum on judiciary crisis, but lawyers affiliated to them speak up : Advocates aligned to Congress and UML, who are under the Nepal Bar Association that is demanding Rana’s  resignation, say court hearings should not be obstructed, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Prime Minister’s Office is blocking Health Ministry’s attempt to buy Pfizer vaccine : Ministry says it wants approval for purchasing 6 million doses of the vaccine through a non-disclosure agreement, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Government readies guidelines for cash grant to the pandemic-hit poor : Around half a million poor households will receive  Rs 10,000 as a one time-cash grant, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Nepal’s debt sustainability : Nepal has enough fiscal space to  use more debt for development, by Jagadish Prasad Bist (kp), No possibility for early election: Gagan Thapa (rep), Civil Service In A Quandary, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Conflict victims condemn govt for failing to amend act (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/11/2021: Nepal’s democracy has evolved into a company: Former CJ Kalyan Shrestha (rep), Power export permission: 39 MW surplus power to be sent to India in first phase (kh), Delhi opens door for Nepal to sell power in India’s energy exchange market : Several hundred megawatts of electricity in Nepal are being wasted amid low power demand in the country and lack of market access abroad, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Doors open to sell electricity to India: NEA (rep), Stalemate persists in top court as judges sense chief justice not serious on exit : Protesting lawyers and justices, saying Rana’s proposal is unclear, are working on counter terms of negotiation, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), No quick fix : The pandemic is a reality check for the authorities who are entirely reliant on the service sector (kp), COVID- 19 and Nepali Tourism Industry : Nepal needs to start thinking about post-COVID tourism strategies as a country with considerable dependence on tourism income, by Tulsi Paudel (rep), Parties In Existential Crisis, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Check Misuse Of Power And Authority, by Namrata Sharma (rn), Media Action Nepal calls on government to end impunity for crimes against journalists (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/11/2021: Democracy in Nepal: The Long Game, by Rajeev Kunwar (kh), Justices return to work after a week, set to discuss chief justice’s proposal : Congress leader Sitaula says if needed his party will  intervene to resolve the dispute in the judiciary, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Restore Faith In Judiciary, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Delhi opens door for Nepal to sell electricity in India’s energy exchange market : Several hundred megawatts of electricity in Nepal are being wasted amid low power demand in the country and lack of market access abroad, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/11/2021: As key institutions fail to perform, regressive agenda at play : The more democratic institutions weaken, the powerful the right wing forces become, experts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Start reforms :The controversy surrounding the CJ demands far-reaching reforms before the trust of the common people in the Judiciary starts waning (ht), Advocates warn that the silence of the parties in Chief Justice Rana case will be fatal (kh), Jump in inflation sparks worries about economic recovery : October floods have made some food items costlier for consumers already feeling heat of rising energy prices, by Krishana Prasain (kp), MCC headquarters concerned over delay in compact ratification : While the US grant has become a political hot potato in Nepal, a Maoist leader says  its endorsement by Parliament is unlikely before the upcoming general elections, by Anil Giri (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

31/10/2021: Hearing on cases at SC uncertain today as well : SC Justices adamant; Nepal Bar launches phase-wise agitation from Sunday (kh), Judiciary facing unprecedented setback due to adamant Chief Justice, by Govinda Luitel (kh), Deadlock Mars Court’s Dignity, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), 'CJ's exit won't bring reforms in judiciary', by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Biplav demands a referendum to decide the system of governance (kh), Possibility of early elections diminishing : The constitution has no provision for vote before schedule and most parties in the ruling alliance are still unprepared, by Anil Giri (kp), Authorities indifferent to poor state of Karnali road : 136 people have been killed and 300 others maimed, injured in several accidents since the highway came into operation in 2007, by Krishna Prasad Gautam (kp), Realigning justice with the judiciary : The current controversy surrounding the chief justice reflects a broader problem with the judiciary, which is in urgent need of reform, by Prakritee Yonzon (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/10/2021: As crisis in judiciary deepens, justices feel pressure to return to work : Judges want other stakeholders, including political  parties, to make a move against chief justice as they  cannot afford not to hear cases for long, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Over 100 days since taking office, ministers yet to disclose their assets : Campaigners say revealing property is first step for public position holders to show they are transparent and fair, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Keeping all doors open for political corruption!], Congress youth leaders call for political intervention to clean up mess in judiciary : Leaders close to Prime Minister Deuba say the independence of judiciary should be honoured and Supreme Court should resolve the crisis on its own. Parties in the ruling coalition are also largely in favour of letting the court find its way out, by Anil Giri (kp) [Nepal's party politicians have never respected the independence of the judiciary. On the contrary, they are in many ways responsible for the current crisis!], NC young Turks for cleaning up judiciary : 'NC should back those fighting against acts that undermined basic norms of democracy, justice' (ht), Mediators Of Democracy’s Contradictions, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/10/2021: Writ filed at Supreme Court demanding order to justices to resume hearings : Petitioners say halt to habeas corpus writs hits fundamental right of the people in detention (kp), CJ Rana in soup as all 19 SC Justices in favor of his resignation (kh), What is happening to Nepal’s Supreme Court? Politicians who interfered with judicial appointments are irked with a Chief Justice who interfered with ministerial appointments, by Santa Gaha Magar (nt), Intervention in judicial crisis unlikely as political parties are divided : Ruling alliance has not yet discussed the controversy and Deuba is leaving on a four-day visit to the UK today, by Anil Giri (kp), House prorogation stalls prospect of chief justice being impeached for now : An impeachment motion can be registered even when the House is not in session, but the House has to be in session for forming the impeachment recommendation committee, discussing the motion and for putting the motion to vote, by Binod Ghimire (kp), If it pleases the court The judiciary, which is the last refuge of the people, cannot remain in the eye of a storm for too long (kp), Nepal wants people to use more electricity to prevent wastage : To ‘increase’ power consumption, Electricity Regulatory Commission has slashed charges, but does it make sense?, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Woman beaten on charges of witchcraft, by Binod Subedi (rep), Ex-Maoist Combatants organization submits memorandum to acting PM Khand (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/10/2021:Justice seekers hit by judicial deadlock : Hearings of over 700 cases affected in the last three days as justices boycott bench in protest against Chief Justice Rana, by Binod Ghimire (kp),  Nepal Bar to hit streets, bar CJ from entering Court as part of protests (kh), To impeach or not to impeach? Political parties at their wits’ end : Amid calls for resignation of Rana, who has refused  to budge, politicians wonder whether they should make  a move in Parliament to remove the chief justice, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [This is also a question of the two-thirds majority in both houses of parliament. Cooperation on the part of KP Oli and his party can still not be expected.], Practising austerity : A country that relies on foreign aid should not allocate money for extravagant perks and benefits (kp), In defence of alternative narratives : We have a huge mass unaware of our history and how it continues to shape present-day interactions, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Nepalis pay more for internet than other South Asians, report says : A Nepali spends 2.6 percent of their gross annual income on internet while it costs less than one percent in India and Pakistan, by Krishana Prasain (kp) [Nowadays, affordable internet access is one of the basic rights of the people in Nepal and must be guaranteed by the state!], UML obstruction in parliament continues (kh), HoR meeting adjourned till Nov 15 : UML's sloganeering continued Thursday as well (kh) [According to the constitution, Nepal is a parliamentary democracy. As PM, Oli has tried several times to eliminate the parliament. Now in opposition, he continues to try to prevent any work by the people's elected representatives. This is an attack on the very foundations of the Nepali state.], Bibeksheel Sajha passes proposal to abolish federalism with two-thirds majority (kh), Govt recommends ambassadors to India, UK and US (kh), “We will not stop”: Nepalgunj protestors’ long march to justice and the road ahead, by Anushka Nepal (nlt), Explainer: What is happening inside Nepal’s judiciary? Why is it difficult to correct the course?, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt), History lessons for energy sector : Through its policies and program, the government is shrugging off the movement that is building around distributed renewable energy, by Bishal Thapa (ae), How and when will the three-tier elections be held?, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae), Misogyny in Nepal: Little acts, big consequences, by Cilla Khatry (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/10/2021: Judicial deadlock looms large as chief justice and justices stick to their guns : Rana refuses to step down, saying he will rather face  the constitutional process. He, however, says is ready to resign if other justices in question agree to do so too, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Nepal’s judiciary is plagued by systemic problems : Current crisis in Supreme Court has been in the making for years and is a result of bad precedents, political  meddling and flawed appointment process, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Brihat Nagarik Andolan calls on parties to move impeachment motion against chief justice : Pressure has mounted on Rana from justices and lawyers to step down (kp), 15 SC Justices meeting even today; not to attend bench unless CJ resigns (kh), Bar warns of nationwide protest if Chief Justice Rana doesn’t resign (rep), Congress set to postpone general convention again : Some leaders say convention by mid-December is not  certain, even more so if the country goes to early polls, by Anil Giri (kp), PM Directs NC Poll Body To Prepare Calendar For Dec-15 Convention (rn), Let the autumn anguish end : This Deepawali, light a lamp in memory of the fallen paddies, lost hopes and broken families, by CK Lal (kp), Baitadi faces acute water shortage, over 50 drinking water projects damaged by recent floods and landslides (rep), Waning Power Of Political Catchwords, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Bagmati Province CM Shakya Resigns (rn), Bagmati Province Chief Minister Shakya resigns (kh), Rohingya refugees who once saw Nepal as 'promised land' now stare at uncertain future, by Ujjwal Satyal (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/10/2021: Non-Nepali children of Nepali parents demand rights (ht), What happens when you formulate laws but do not implement them? In Nepal, we have scores of laws which have never been implemented. This has had a deleterious effect in good governance and rule of law, by Jivesh Jha (nlt), Nepal’s judiciary in crisis : Collusion among the judiciary, executive and legislature must end to ensure reforms: The rot runs deep. The Chief Justice’s ouster alone will not guarantee reforms. The PM, former PM and top brass of political parties need to come clean as allegations of collusion and other forms of misconduct are levelled against them. If not, they should also be accountable on moral grounds (nlt), SC judges to meet CJ Rana today; to urge him to step down (kh), Will not resign under pressure and influence: CJ Rana (kh), Noose is tightening around chief justice’s neck : Supreme Court Bar demands Rana’s  resignation as Nepal Bar Association  calls for ‘giving a way out’ / Political parties maintain an uncanny silence, by Tika R Pradhan/Anil Giri (kp), Amidst mounting tensions at SC, Judges shorten leaves to attend court (kh), 15 SC judges urge CJ Rana to step down (kh), After meeting with CJ Rana, SC judges engage in discussion (kh), Way out seems remote as CJ and SC judges stick to their guns (kh), CJ Rana should put in papers for damage control: Constitutional expert Acharaya (kh), Chief justice says ready to resign if other justices who have come into question do so : Rana tells Supreme Court judges he will rather face the constitutional process.(kp) [A first step towards stepping down?], Judges Society calls for speedy redressal of issues concerning leadership and judiciary (kh), Nepal Bar’s Advisory Committee also calls for resignation of Chief Justice (kh), 15 SC judges’ meet decide not to attend bench until CJ resigns : A meeting of 15 judges concluded CJ is cause of current crisis (kh), Will exit only after completing constitutionally-bestowed responsibility, says CJ Rana (kh), Election Commission gears up for local elections (kh) [One should not expect too much. None of Nepal's parties and political leaders feel bound by the constitution and laws!], Women take pills to delay periods. But many are not aware of the side effects : The deeply ingrained notions of ‘impurity’ around menstruation are forcing women  to pop pills so that they are socially acceptable during festivals and rituals, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp) [A consequence of the discriminatory attitude of the medieval patriarchal society of Nepal!], Government comes up with austerity plan but doubt remains about its implementation : Past experience shows the austerity measures are thrown into the backburner with change in government, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Tampering with public procurement : The procurement regime needs a complete overhaul, but the motive and method are doubtful, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Seats of 20 National Assembly lawmakers falling vacant (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/10/2021: Dalit representatives complain of social discrimination : Ensuring Dalit rights as fundamental rights is not enough unless they get implemented, Dalit leaders say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Supreme Court justices to boycott full court meeting called by Rana : Pressure is mounting on chief justice, who has run into controversies, to step down from his post, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Supreme Court judges up the ante against CJ Rana, convene meeting (kh), NBA holding meeting to dwell on SC’s latest development (kh), Nepal Bar also concludes CJ Rana should resign : Formal announcement after Tuesday's Advisory Committee meet (kh), CJ Rana convened full court meet ‘postponed’ due to ‘unwillingness’ of SC judges (kh), Deserted Chief Justice Rana entertaining PM Deuba’s support (kh) [No close ties between CJ and PM? This partisanship also sidelines the PM!], Supreme Court judges conclude Chief Justice should resign (kp), Four ex-CJs also demand CJ Rana’s resignation (kh), Grant contract signed for reconstruction of houses after one year (kh), 11 Afghan nationals arrested from a hotel in Kathmandu (kh) [??], Consult Delhi for census in Kalapani, census bureau asks Foreign Ministry : The Central Bureau of Statistics has yet to decide on  sending enumerators to the region, which Nepal has brought within its borders but India claims as its own, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Congress may appoint deputy Speaker, leaving state minister seat for Janata Samajbadi : Pushpa Bhusal has been touted as Congress nominee, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Railblock ahead : Delay in operating the Janakpur-Kurtha rail is a masterclass on how not to run projects (kp), What led to the violence in Motipur that left four people dead? The clash between squatters and police on October 10 was the culmination of years of back-and-forth between the two sides but also at hand are wider issues of development and displacement, by Abha Lal (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/10/2021: The rise and fall of ‘rebel leader’ Prachanda : The leader of a political party that once claimed to be the messiah of the proletariat is now reduced to a symbol of opportunism and malpractices, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt), Conflicting views by Deuba, Khadka hint rift growing in ruling coalition over MCC : Contrasting the prime minister, country’s top diplomat says compact cannot be approved in its existing form, by Anil Giri (kp), Police launch crackdown on roadside vending at Thamel : Authorities claim roadside vendors were involved in illegal activities and blocking the road. Meanwhile, vendors who live hand-to-mouth fear for their livelihoods, by Anup Ojha (kp), CJ Rana Holds Talks With NBA Office Bearers (rn), Allegations against Chief Justice : NBA to raise issue with CJ Rana (ht), SC judges conclude CJ Rana ought to be investigated (kh), Chief Justice Rana calls Full Court meeting for Monday (kh), Supreme Court judges hold discussion on their participation in tomorrow’s Full Court meeting (kh), I urged PM not to make Hamal a Minister: CJ Rana (kh), CJ Rana loses confidence of Supreme Court judges : Majority judges at SC conclude CJ should be subject to investigation, by Govinda Luitel (kh), Supreme Court judges decide not to participate in tomorrow’s Full Court meeting (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/10/2021: Protest held denouncing killing of Bharatpur’s Bhim Bahadur BK (kh 23/10/2021), Women carry body to the pyre (kh) [What sounds like a normality not worth mentioning is a great revolution in arch-patriarchal Nepal!], Bomb blast at Surkhet community forest injures two persons (kh), Study panel says ‘there are issues’ along Nepal-China border in Humla : The committee has made a dozen recommendations and called for not politicising border disputes based on political ideologies, by Anil Giri (kp), Chief justice under fire: Calls grow loud for Rana to come clean on controversies : Former judges join chorus asking him to clear ground for restoring the judiciary’s sanctity, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Former judges ask Chief Justice Rana to quit (ht), Campaign overspending an issue of concern amid talks of new elections : A total of Rs131.3 billion was spent in the last elections, according to Election Observation Committee, by Binod Ghimire (kp), The lived experience of a ‘low caste’ Newa person : For a person belonging to an oppressed caste group, the path to reclaiming and embracing one’s culture and caste isn’t easy, by Ankit Khadgi (kp), Leveraging The Strategic Geography, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/10/2021: Unseasonal October rains to shave up to 0.6 percentage points off GDP : Losses could be in billions of rupees as heavy rains  damage paddy crops across the country, by Sangam Prasain (kp), Death toll from post-monsoon disaster reaches 101 : Sudden and extreme rainfall in the third week of October has left experts worried about the impact of climate change on economy and livelihoods. Forty-one people were still missing  as of  late Thursday afternoon, by Shuvam Dhungana (kp), Postponing House meeting without compelling reasons, a wrong trend that continues : Analysts stress need for the House calendar to end the practice, by Binod Ghimire (kp), As Deuba marks 100 days, Maoists want official position on MCC pact : Observers are unimpressed with the coalition government’s performance, by Anil Giri (kp), MCC will be passed without any amendments: PM Deuba (rep), Indecisiveness On MCC Nepal Compact, by Hira Bahadur Thapa (rn), Ex-CJ’s Forum implores CJ Rana to uphold judiciary’s dignity (kh), What is preventing youths from coming into politics? What can be done? The youths of political parties should unite, continue their movement inside their party and fight for their equal representation in leadership and positions, by Nirmal Kandel (nlt), Rain-induced disaster claims 111 lives; 37 go missing (kh), Nepal Bar Association gives 15-day ultimatum to CJ Rana for judicial reform (kh), Non-government of Nepal : A distracted government’s apathy magnifies the impact of disasters and injustice on citizens, by Sonia Awale (nt), 100 days : The report card for Nepal’s 5-party coalition government gives it failing grades on most subjects, by Ramesh Kumar (nt), Who wants early elections, and why? 100 days into office, Nepal’s ruling coalition wants polls before it messes things up even more, by Santa Gaha Magar (nt), Feel angry? Read this : Archaic patriarchal beliefs will persist for years but you can't let negative emotions consume you, by Anjana Rajbhandary (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/10/2021: Finding a ray of hope in Nepal’s gloomy politics : In many respects, what is tarnishing Nepali democracy at the national level is a generational problem with leaders too old to really imagine a different way of doing politics, by Simone Galimberti (nlt), Until something happens : No matter how effective it is, disaster response and rehabilitation is just not enough (kp), Maoists mull mechanism to ‘help’ party ministers : But experts think such a mechanism could straitjacket ministers, promote corruption, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Need Of Political Consensus For MCC, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn), Nepal’s decennial census needs a rethink : Experts say the government ought to work on making the current census system more efficient and technology-friendly. At the same time, it should also prepare for an alternative, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/10/2021: In Mahottari, two women are abused physically on witchcraft charges, one of them murdered : In a span of two days, two women in Mahottari were accused and physically abused for ‘practicing witchcraft’. One of them was killed, the other rendered emotionally traumatized, by Anushka Nepal (nlt), Early elections are in talks, but there are complications galore : Besides legal hurdles, coalition partners also have some issues, while Deuba may face a hard time justifying it, by Anil Giri (kp), Banke protesters postpone sit-in after  government announces probe panel : Rights activist Mohna Ansari says the composition of the panel has made her hopeful, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Parties using deputy Speaker’s position as a bargaining chip is wrong, observers say : The ruling alliance has agreed to give the long vacant deputy Speaker’s post to the Janata Samajbadi Party as part of a power-sharing deal, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Counting the cost : The spread of water-borne diseases has broader economic and social consequences (kp), The Nepal factor in the Indo-Pacific strategy : Nepal should not rush to side with either of its neighbours carrying hegemonic ambitions in the region, by Gaurav Raja Dahal (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/10/2021: Despite laws in place, justice still out of reach for Dalits in Nepal : As discrimination and deaths continue, experts say law needs amendment to lift the burden of proof off victims, by Parbat Portel (kp), Govt signs deal with activist Ruby Khan (kh), Police slammed for using excessive force on protesters (ht) [see report by HRW: Nepal: Police Allegedly Use Excessive Force on Protesters, Target Activists : Killings Linked to Land Rights Expose Lawlessness, Impunity], Four held for force-feeding human excreta to woman (ht), Poor rule of law : The political parties, bureaucracy and law enforcement agencies are to blame for the poor rule of law and bad governance (ht), Judiciary-executive nexus in Nepal: Need for top-level cleansing, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), Two years since Xi’s visit, Nepal-China ‘strategic partnership’ remains an enigma : During Xi’s Nepal visit in 2019, the two countries made some big announcements, but there has been little progress, by Anil Giri (kp), 1,500 metric tons of chemical fertilizers stuck at Tatopani checkpoint due to unofficial China blockade (kh), UML to continue obstructing House proceedings (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/10/2021: In Bharatpur, a Dalit man gets brutally assaulted and killed for reportedly arguing for Dalits’ right to enter a temple : While Nepal Police say an investigation into the incident is ongoing, many locals, witnesses and rights activists have said that caste-based discrimination was what led to the incident, by Anushka Nepal (nlt), Government is ignoring Nepalgunj protesters’ demands, activists sayProtest leader Ruby Khan, who is on a hunger strike, was taken to TU Teaching Hospital after condition worsened, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Nepal drops two notches in rule of law : Ranks 70th among 139 countries and jurisdictions. Nepal’s overall rule of law score decreased 1.1 per cent in the World Justice Project Index-2021, which evaluates rule of law in 139 countries and jurisdictions (ht) [see WJP Rule of Law Indey Nepal], Ruling coalition mulls holding three-tire elections simultaneously (kh), Experts blame centralised governance for instability in the provinces : Some fear growing aberrations could fuel public frustrations against federalism, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Probe into claims : The controversy surrounding the CJ's alleged wrongdoings raises questions about the integrity of the judiciary (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/10/2021: Government offices that remained closed for Dashain reopen today (kh), Home Ministry forms probe team on death in detention : Govt committed to disclose facts on death in detention center (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/10/2021:Seven cops injured in clash with locals in Rukum West (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/10/2021: Bada Dashain being celebrated across country today (kh), Indo-Pacific : A new theatre of opportunities and rise of China, by Divya Rai (kh), NC General Convention likely to be deferred (kh) [Another postponement of the party conference can hardly be justified by the Corona pandemic. This is clearly about organisational deficits of the ruling party. According to § 16 of the Political Parties Act (PPA), elections to the party's central committee must be held at least every five years.  Both deadlines have long been exceeded. According to § 54 of the PPA, this can lead to a fine or even suspension of the party!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/10/2021: India's decision to slash custom duty on the import of edible oil from third countries could hurt Nepal’s export earnings (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/10/2021: The decline of social solidarity : No organisation has felt it necessary to add its voice to the cry of the complainants from Banke, by CK Lal (kp), Curfew lifted in Rupandehi (kh), Tame the police : Great crimes have been committed in the name of maintaining law and order (kp), Large quantity of petrol bombs and home-made weapons raided from Motipur: Police (kh) [??], 4.5 million girls at risk of not finishing school due to pandemicA UN report says with children remaining out of school,  the risk of child labour, gender-based violence, early and forced marriage, and early pregnancy may increase, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Brain drain: Compulsion or a wish?, by Sonika Lamichhane (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/10/2021: Four deaths in Rupandehi put spotlight on Nepal’s trigger-happy cops : Law enforcement agencies tend to show discriminatory behaviour against protests and crowds in the Tarai and  by the underprivileged, rights activists say, by Shuvam Dhungana and Tika R Pradhan (kp), Unresolved disputes likely to delay Nepali Congress general convention by at least a month : While the party hasn’t been able to confirm active members in Bara, Rasuwa and Rautahat, ten districts are planning their conventions after Dashain, by Anil Giri (kp) [Based on Nepali law, the NC is already an illegitimate party. Another postponement of the convention could no longer be justified by the Corona pandemic!], Gagan Thapa unhappy with frequent postponement of convention schedule (kh), Chinese Occupation of Nepalese Minds!, by Saroj Mishra (kp), Staff pay stuck as local units fail to bring budget on time : Federal, provincial and local governments cannot spend without presenting their annual budgets, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Market failure in festival economy : The state’s planning needs to look for vibrancy in the economy beyond the festival glitter, by Achyut Wagle (kp), CJ Under Public Scrutiny, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Democracy without monarchy, and monarchy without democracy not relevant in Nepal: Former King Gyanendra (kh) [For all the justified criticism of the failed elite of the leading political parties, such open criticism of the foundations of the modern Nepali state must not be accepted! More than 17,000 people had to die before the institution of monarchy, which was responsible for the undesirable developments of the state for centuries, was finally abolished. With statements like this, Gyanendra is trying to exploit the failure of politicians to create new suffering for the people. What is needed is not a return to anti-democratic and authoritarian monarchy, but an immediate replacement of the failed party leaders by an upright and democratic generation of politicians!], NHRC calls for impartial investigation into Motipur incident (kh), SC orders govt to produce Ruby Khan before court on Thursday (kh), ‘Ordinance meant for combatting violence against women ineffective due to opposition’s protest’ (kh) [Thank you, Mr. Oli!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/10/2021: Long march to justice : In suppressing dissent, the government is accelerating the decline of the Nepalese state (kp), Minister’s resignation soon after swearing-in shows rot runs deep : Question is not who got appointed and how, the question is how the system has failed over the years, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Four people killed in clash with police in Rupandehi : The clash ensued when police deployed to demolish illegal huts erected on government land were attacked by squatters, by Ghanashyam Gautam, Sanju Paudel and Amrita Anmol (kp), Ex-PM Bhattarai for resolving landless problems in a sustainable manner (kh), Trespassers on govt land will be punished: MoHA (kh) [???? But this does not justify the murder of desperate and homeless people! You are responsible for police actions!], SC orders police to produce Ruby Khan before court today (rep), China’s BRI in Nepal burdened with hollow promises as Rasuwagadhi border remains closed, by Govinda Luitel (kh), Programme for girl children fails to bear fruit in Karnali Province : The provincial government has launched ‘Bank Account for Daughters for Secure Life’ but many people in rural areas are unaware of the scheme, by Chandani Kathayat (kp), Unlocking the full potential of girls : One of the critical issues hindering a girl’s ability to reach her full potential is early marriage, by Partti Anttinen and Elke Wisch (kp), Support girls left behind due to gender discrimination, says UN Population Fund (ht), Congress lays claim to Bagmati chief minister seat : Coalition partners warn breach of agreement with CPN (Unified Socialist) could affect political alignment at the centre itself, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), ‘All governments lie’, Nepali startups and innovators say : Last week, Finance Minister Sharma promised to groom startups and innovators as soon as possible. But most of the startups the Post contacted do not think it will be implemented, by Krishana Prasain (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/10/2021: Deuba’s onslaught on democracy : Congress leader’s move to appoint a non-parliamentarian minister at chief justice’s behest is going to live in infamy in the annals of Nepal’s political history, by Anil Giri (kp), Minister Hamal, criticized for being appointed from CJ Rana’s quota, resigns (kh), Hamal’s induction into Cabinet gives legal professionals a shock : More than 70 lawyers demand sack for controversial Supreme Court justices, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Politicians, who rose through protests, loathe citizens on streets : Detaining Banke justice seekers from Maitighar for agitation shows Deuba government’s double standards, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Supreme Court orders police to present Ruby Khan, one of the Nepalgunj protesters, in person : Police on Friday arrested Khan and since then her whereabouts are unknown (kp), Sunsari tense after youth ‘commits suicide’ in police custody (rep), Police open fire during clash with squatters in Motipur Industrial Area (kh), Six injured as police, land encroachers clash in Motipur Industrial Area : Locals from Butwal and neighbouring areas have encroached around 200 bigha of land in the industrial area, said police (kp), Curfew imposed in Motipur Industrial Area of Butwal (kh), Four people killed in clash between police and squatters (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/10/2021: International Day of Girl Child: Discrimination must end at home (kh), Police round up protesters from NepalgunjA group of 14 people, including 11 women, had walked all the way to Kathmandu from Nepalgunj demanding justice for Nakunni Dhobi and Nirmala Kurmi (kp), Responsibility of country’s development now rests on female ministers’ shoulders (rep), Carrying the Hindu nation agenda, Hamal becomes minister, by Arjun Oli (rep), Minister position for non-parliamentarian ‘close to’ chief justice causes uproar : Prime Minister Deuba appoints Gajendra Bahadur Hamal, a district level leader of Nepali Congress, industry minister, by Anil Giri (kp), Decisions made through loopholes in law will haunt you forever: NC leader Thapa (kh), No truth on power sharing with judiciary, says Maoist Chair Dahal (kh), Foreign Policy in the Constitution of Nepal, 2015, by Rajeev Kunwar (kh), Pregnant women in rural Achham still dying for want of timely medical care : Lack of health awareness, poverty, geographical remoteness and non-cooperation of family lead most women to go for home births despite risks, by Menuka Dhungana (kp), Due Diligence Of Civil Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Tragedy of the Commons, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/10/2021: A long and arduous walk for justice : The 20-day journey by 14 people, including 11 women, to Kathmandu from Nepalgunj on foot reflects the labyrinthine red tape inhibiting the Nepali justice system and exposes how the state is failing its citizens, by Anup Ojha (kp), Protest at Maitighar demanding justice : A group of 14 people, including 11 women, walked all the way to Kathmandu from Nepalgunj after they were denied justice (kp), The pursuit of justice : Security establishments cannot continue to shield their officers accused of extrajudicial killings (kp), Government withdraws Civil Service Bill from Parliament (kh), Govt to withdraw four bills (rep), Bote community demands unhindered access to fish in Chitwan park rivers : Park officials are reluctant to issue licences to more Bote people because of conservation efforts targeted at preserving the aquatic life in the area, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (kp), Coalition partners strike power-sharing deal after hard bargains : Maoists to lead five ministries, CPN (Unified Socialist) and Janata Samajbadi four each. Unified Socialist will get two chief ministers, deputy Speaker is for Janata Samajbadi, by Anil Giri (kp), Deuba gives full shape to his government, three months after assuming office : Five new ministers from Congress, three from the Maoist Centre and four each from CPN (Unified Socialist) and Janata Samajbadi inducted on Friday (kp), PM Deuba expands cabinet after 88 days of taking charge of government (With list) (kh), Cabinet gets full shape nearly three months after formation of new govt (rep), Cabinet Gets Full Shape (rn), Climate crises affecting children’s learning and protection (kh), As Political Uncertainty Looms Ominously…, by Dipak Gyawali (sp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/10/2021: Truth above all else : Restriction of media freedom would, in effect, lead to the limitation of civil liberties (kp), Government employees in politics: Court issues interim order against it : The interim order has given hopes as partisan of employees along the political ideology has been directly reflected in the service delivery and favoritism based on affiliation to a particular political party has become visible (nlt), Nepal’s surplus energy is going to waste as there are no buyers yet : The country is losing millions of rupees due to  non-utilisation of available power output, which exposes authorities’ policy failure and their myopic vision, by Pritvhvi Man Shrestha (kp), Rule through ordinance threat to democracy, observers say : Finding himself in a tight spot, Deuba mulls withdrawing some bills that have passed a House and proroguing Parliament, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Private sector wants MCC compact endorsed from Parliament : Amid controversy surrounding the US aid, three trade associations say the programme has economic benefits for Nepal, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Inordinate delay : The problems that have emerged in the coalition will not be resolved even after the cabinet is expanded in a day or two (ht), Increasing Costs Hinder Justice Delivery, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Indian ignorance on Nepal : Few Indians seem aware that China’s debt diplomacy is something endlessly discussed in Nepal, by Viswas Baral (ae), No political joy this Dashain : If our politicians were serious about bringing people some festive joy, nobody would have to worry about how to celebrate Dashain, by Lok Raj Dahal (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/10/2021: The pandemic has further increased Nepali children’s vulnerability to forced labor and trafficking : In a recent incident, a total of 12 Nepali children who left for work to India after pandemic canceled classes were rescued by human rights organizations, by Rishav Sapkota (nlt), Sexual exploitation of minors unabated in capital, authorities mum, by Ujjwal Satyal (ht), ‘Fair criticism of court and verdicts does not amount to contempt of court’ : In full text of verdict quashing petition seeking contempt charges against Kantipur, court emphasises freedom of expression and public opinions, even in sub judice cases, by Binod Ghimire (kp), The rot runs deep : This nexus between the pillars of democracy is nothing short of malfeasance in office (kp), Internal income of province should be 50 percent’ (kh), Developing country, here we come : Nepal’s graduation from LDC status is imminent, and the private sector seems to have stage fright, by Bijendra Man Shakya (kp), Distribution of ministerial berths among ruling coalition decided, NC to hold eight ministries (rep), Into the World of Tax-free and Stigma-free Period, by Monika Shrestha (rep), FNCCI, CNI and NCC seek ratification of MCC (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/10/2021: Call to free judiciary from political influence (kh), As chief justice comes under scrutiny, concerns grow if the rot has set in : Judiciary head getting caught into controversy over ‘bargains’ with executive when legislature is dysfunctional bodes ill for democracy and constitution, observers say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Ugly connivance: People deserve to know about the ‘secret deal’ between the Judiciary and the Executive : The erosion we see today in major organs of the state—the legislative, the executive and the judiciary—will lead to an unimaginable disaster if it is left unchecked (nlt), Undeclared blockade by China: Over 1000 trucks stuck at Tatopani and Kerung borders : Less than 20 containers enter Nepal daily from these borders (kh), Take up border issue with Beijing, Home Ministry asks Foreign Ministry : Communication comes ahead of the 60th anniversary  of signing of Nepal-China Boundary Treaty, which called  for joint inspection every 10 years, by Anil Giri (kp), Service unavailable : On no pretext can the utility and communication service providers create an information abyss (kp), Towards multi-modal connectivity : With geopolitics rapidly changing, Nepal needs to make multi-modal connectivity a reality, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Ruling parties agree to expand cabinet soon (kh) [You have been claiming this for almost three months!], UML protests continues in HoR, House postponed in eight minutes : Next meeting scheduled for Friday (kh) [As prime minister, Oli repeatedly shut down parliament to push through his authoritarian and sometimes unconstitutional moves. As a no-longer-prime minister, he blocks the work of the elected people' s representatives from the inside! Yet Nepal calls itself a parliamentary democracy!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/120/2021: A country where victimization of vulnerable women in the name of practicing witchcraft is still rampant : In Nepal, there’s still no let up in cases of violence based on witchcraft accusations, despite the fact that the country’s law has criminalized it, by Anushka Nepal (nlt), National Women Commission gears up its activities (kh), Consumers bear brunt of fight between internet companies, power utility : To punish internet providers, Electricity Authority cut wires and cables after a longstanding dispute over rental fee in a move that curtails people’s basic rights, activists say, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Internet service affected in many areas across country following NEA's move (ht), UN help for justice : With the Maoists enjoying immense power and clout here, it will be difficult to push the transitional justice mechanism forward (ht, [Not only the Maoists, also those who were then responsible for the state forces re in power!), Directly elected prime minister idea floated at UML convention : Observers warn against the idea saying that it will make the executive more autocratic, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Please, no autocrats in the style of Oli!], Do what is right for democracy : This is an opportunity for Prime Minister Deuba to redeem himself from his controversial past, by Naresh Koirala (kp), Chief Justice Rana refutes allegation that he sought share in cabinet (kh), Nepal Bar warns of agitation against leadership of judiciary and government (kh), Not always in the public interest : The number of Public Interest Litigation cases is rising every year and while this could be a good thing, many are simply being filed for publicity and to fulfill personal interests, by Prasansha Rimal (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/10/2021: Cash scheme for poor families likely to get delayed : Finance Ministry says it plans to distribute the cash before Dashain but the working procedures have not been approved yet, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Fair probe into Paudel’s killing doubtful, advocates say : Supreme Court has directed Sarlahi District Attorney’s Office to register the case after repeated refusals by police, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Police officers who refuse to do their duty should face consequences!], Regional security after Taliban takeover : Nepal needs to be concerned about its preparedness for  preventing and countering  violent extremism, by Surendra Shah and Bam Bahadur Bhandari (kp), Early Polls Go Against SC Verdicts, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Constitutionally compromised : The constitution mandates the chief justice be a member of a council that makes constitutional appointments while also leading a judicial bench that oversees those same appointments, by Robin Sharma (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/10/2021: No more dishonest rigmarole on the MCC grant: Let parliament decide its fate : Rejection of MCC may put us in such a situation that China, too, might see us as an unreliable partner in BRI cooperation (nlt), As Non-Aligned Movement marks 60 years, many are questioning its relevance : Experts say new alliances are emerging and the world is heading to become multi-polar, so Nepal needs to tread cautiously while disengaging itself from strategic alliances, by Anil Giri (kp), Beyond System Of Interstate Relations, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), After the fall, UML hatches comeback plan around Oli cult : he party is holding its first statute congress, setting the stage for Oli to become the uncontested leader and shunning collective leadership and organisational system, by Anil Giri (kp) [The hope remains that the voters are clever enough not to give another chance to someone who has tried to destroy the constitution and parliamentary democracy!], Elections are costly and fuel corruption. But there has been no check : Overspending has become a norm but poll body has failed to curb practice, observers say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [There is even a politician who has twice in the past nine months initiated new elections in a completely superfluous manner and ultimately in vain, thus causing great costs to the state!], No ground to charge ex-chief justices with contempt of court, top court observes (kp) [If there is anyone who should be prosecuted for repeated contempt of court, it is KP Oli!], Kathmandu yet to see Dashain travel rush : Many people cite reduced incomes due to the pandemic as the reason for cancelling their annual holiday journeys home, by Anup Ojha (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/10/2021:  Nepali state has lied, once again, on transitional justice, conflict victims say : Those awaiting justice write to UN chief, urging him to use his good offices to help conclude stalled peace process, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Four former chief justices acquitted in contempt of court case (kh), Money isn’t enough : We need to hold a wider discussion on how we plan to manage the ageing population (kp), Policy interrupted : Rather than non-alignment, Nepal’s foreign policy represents a lack of continuity, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), Legal hurdle in Cabinet expansion as ruling-opposition deadlock persists : Main opposition CPN-UML skips an all-party meeting called by the prime minister to find a way out of the crisis, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Female foeticide to football : From an unwanted daughter to Nepal’s national footballer, by Srijana Singh Thakuri (nt), Swapping ambassadors midway : A government so self-obsessed that it cannot appreciate the role of its women ambassadors does not deserve respect from its citizens (nt), We need to talk about climate change trauma : In addition to building resilience against climate change, we must also come to terms with the trauma it leaves us with, by Shuvam Rizal (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/09/2021: Scattered mess: Nepal surely needs a new generation of leadership, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh), Data discrepancy: Ministry providing confusing numbers on vaccination : The daily updates on inoculation show more doses have been administered than the country has actually received, which experts say could affect Nepal’s vaccination target, by Arjun Poudel (kp), UML continues Parliament obstruction as KP Oli pitches for early elections : Experts argue that UML has challenged the Speaker’s move in court so it should wait until the court gives its verdict, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [The MPs were elected to represent the people and not the parties. Perhaps voters should think twice at the next elections before voting for a party that prevents the legislature from doing its much-needed work!], All-party meeting ends without any transient results : Urges UML Chair Oli not to obstruct parliament (kh), No law on oath raises questions over rulers’ adherence to rule of law : The daily updates on inoculation show more doses have been administered than the country has actually received, which experts say could affect Nepal’s vaccination target. An ordinance related to the administration of oaths  lapsed on September 15, creating a legal vacuum, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Authorities may no longer fast-track procurement of medical goods : They will now have to follow regular procurement process, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Activists want President to act to convert ‘Kathmandu View Tower’ into National Library : Thousands of books and historical manuscripts are at risk of damage as the Lalitpur-based National Library building has fallen into disrepair following the 2015 earthquakes, by Anup Ojha (kp), Assessing the country’s total wealth, by Shanker Man Singh (rep), Appointments to constitutional bodies : CJ urged to resume hearing on cases (ht), Overcoming Democratic Deficit, by Mukti Rijal (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/09/2021: Haphazard extraction of riverbed materials poses risk to settlements in Bajhang : Vast tracts of arable land have been swept away due to unchecked riverbank erosion along the Seti river in last few years, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp), Government spent big in just four days : A government shutdown situation had halted government spending for several days, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Why is Oli right this time? Experts question motive behind introducing and repealing the ordinance on political parties, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Tentacles of the treatment industry : What Nepal needs most are more barefoot doctors taking their services to the people’s doorsteps, by CK Lal(kp), Writ filed seeking annulment of oath taken by Foreign Minister Khadka (rep), Hearing on case against Speaker Sapkota deferred again (rep), Poverty In Nepal, by Dixya Poudel (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/09/2021: The right to know : Effective implementation of the RTI Act is essential to ensure transparency and accountability in Nepal, by Mahendra Man Gurung (kp), President revokes ordinance on political parties (kh), Why Planning Fails in Nepal?, by Sambisha Godi (kh), Abrupt withdrawal of ordinance relating to political parties shows it was meant for UML split: KP Oli (kh) [How true! The Deuba government's action was as undemocratic and unconstitutional as the various actions of the previous Oli government. The top politicians are destroying democracy! The Political Party Act urgently needs to be revised, but please through Parliament!], Ordinance on political parties repealed, but moral questions remain : Experts say the way the government has acted, in  introducing and repealing the ordinance, it has clearly  misused power and undermined the rule of law, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), After Covid-19 pandemic, it’s price rise that is biting Nepalis hard : There is a government but there is no governance, say experts, as the administration has failed to limit inflation ahead of festivals and elections, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Malnutrition a cause for concern in Sudurpaschim : As per a 2016 survey, 36 percent of children under five were stunted, nine percent wasted, and 28 percent were underweight in the province, by Arjun Shah (kp), Thief’s route : The non-disclosure provision is just a garb to provide sanctuary to a narrow, exclusive circle (kp), Communist curse on Nepal’s development : Nepali communists need to transform themselves and prove that they are not anti-development, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Minister Sharma stresses fully proportional election (kh) [This was already mandated by Article 63 of the Interim Constitution of 2007, but it was strictly disregarded by the high-caste male party leaders! The 2015 Constitution in the form of a retrograde step does not even mention social inclusion for the selection of FPTP candidates!], Girl killed for rejecting marriage proposal (rep), MCC compact agreement cannot be amended only for Nepal: FM Khadka (rep) [????? This must be decided by the US government, not by the Nepali Foreign Minister! For Nepal, the only question is whether or not it can justify signing or refusing to sign.]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/09/2021: Ordinance relating to Political Parties will be withdrawn today: Prachanda (kh) [An ordinance for which the HoR session was specially terminated so that the parties could split is now to be withdrawn. This approach sounds neither democratic nor constitutional, even though the Political Party Act also contains various undemocratic passages. In its present form, it underpins party rule, not people's rule!], Deuba is struggling. But what is Maoist Centre up to? It has intrigued many as to why Dahal, the leader of  the key coalition partner, is not providing a list of ministers to the prime minister to help him expand the Cabinet, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Maoist Center decides to hold consultation with coalition partners to give full shape to the cabinet (rep), Over 1,000 containers carrying goods imported by Nepali traders stopped at Nepal-China border (kh) [Perhaps Nepal should reconsider its position on BRI. Nepal has nothing at all to gain from such trade relations!],  No need to disclose investment source raises money laundering risk : Even though intent of not seeking source of investment may be good, it can have consequences, officials say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Move on infra investment opposed (ht), Government policies fail to reduce infant mortality rate in Palpa : The number of infant deaths has increased across the district in last four years despite several programmes implemented at the local and district levels to save mothers and babies. For every 100,000 births, 229 women die during or after childbirth in Nepal, data show, by Madhab Aryal (kp), Flawed constitution has increased political instability: Chairman Thakur (rep), Budget crunch hits shelter programme for citizens (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/09/2021: Freed Kamlaris yet to receive identity card (kh), Oli’s document and his foreign policy duplicity—when in and out of power : Ahead of UML’s statute convention and elections, party chair is ratcheting up his old nationalistic rhetoric, again, by Anil Giri (kp), As parties mull repealing ordinance on Political Parties Act, experts say this will raise moral questions : CPN (Unified Socialist) optimistic after Friday’s ruling of the Supreme Court on the ordinance but Janata Samajbadi Party is not convinced, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Ruling coalition urges PM Deuba to take immediate decision on Ordinance (kh), Falling remittances, foreign currency reserves worrisome amid resurging imports :Nepal’s imports surged by 75.7 percent while remittances fell by 18.1 percent in the first month of the new fiscal year, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), No takers for houses at Dolakha integrated settlement : A majority of beneficiaries have decided to stay back in their old village because they do not want to leave behind their farmland and cattle. The integrated settlement has been constructed for the quake-displaced Thamicommunity, by Kedar Shiwakoti (kp), In the name of Development Aid, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/09/2021: Top court in the dock as the Constitutional Bench issue gets even more complicated : Chief justice last month decided to recuse from hearing, but benches set by him have created more confusion, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Women and activists see red over pink tax : The government last fiscal year collected Rs342.31 million in revenue from imports of  sanitary napkins. Calls grow to ensure easy accessibility of menstrual hygiene products, by Krishana Prasain and Aakriti Ghimire ( kp), Supreme Court denies interim order against ordinance on Political Parties Act : Way cleared for Madhav Nepal-led CPN (Unified Socialist) to join the Sher Bahadaur Deuba-led government, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Musahar children can’t enrol in schools for lack of birth certificates : Child marriage, which is illegal in Nepal, is still common in the community leading to unregistered births of children from underage marriages, by Bharat Jargha Magar (kp) [Every child living in Nepal has a right to unhindered school attendance! What does this have to do with birth documents denied out of narrow-minded and partly patriarchal ways of thinking?], Leaders blamed for slow progress to achieve SDG 16 (ht), Government, development partners join forces on Nepal's GRID (ht), Framing Independent Foreign Policy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/09/2021: Hand-picking leadership in sister wings, parties undermine democracy : Political observers say appointing the leadership—be it in the mother parties or in the sister wings—reflects the dwindling democratic practice among the parties, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Child goes missing in a drain in Kathmandu : Who is responsible?, by Smriti Dhungana (rep), Watch your step : Neglected open sewers in the city should be a matter of criminal negligence (kp), Speaker Sapkota urges UML lawmakers not to comment on sub judice matters (rep), Social Beliefs On Menstruation Take Tolls On Youths’ Mental Health, by Smita Adhikari (rn), 'No changes made in the tax imposed on sanitary pads in new budget' (rep), "Do not impose tax on my period" (Photo feature) (rep), ADB's projections : Since immunisation is key to economic recovery, it behooves the govt to speed up the vaccination campaign (ht), Progress toward SDGs disappointing (rep), Sino-Nepal ties in the ‘post-Afghan’ era : The MCC debate in Nepal must be seen in the context of Asia’s restructured geopolitics, by Bhaskar Koirala (nt
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/09/2021: Deuba faces censure from own party over Cabinet expansion : The ruling coalition, despite a series of meetings, has failed to provide names for ministerial posts, earning bad repute for the government, by Anil Giri (kp), Welcome home : The government should appoint a larger number of career diplomats to our diplomatic missions abroad (kp) [There should be no political nominations at all!], New rule may prevent conflicts of interest in user groups : Elected officials, office-bearers of political parties and government staff, among others, may be denied seats on user committees for public projects, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), President authenticates appropriation bill ending government shutdown : Bill was passed by upper house majority Thursday (kp), Unified Socialist decides against passage of MCC in current situation (kh), Unified Socialist picks seven vice-chair, forms 301-member Central Committee (kh) [The newly formed CPN (Unified Socialist) is proving to be no more socially inclusive than the older parties. Only six percent of the population are male Bahuns, but the party is headed by three male Bahuns, and of the seven deputy chairpersons, all men, two are Bahuns. General Secretary is a male Bahun, among his three deputies is another male Bahun. There is also another Bahun among the four secretaries. Here, Ram Kumari Jhankri is the only woman among the party's 18 top leaders.Thus, the new CPN (US) violates the provisions of Article 15 of the Political Party Act and does not represent Nepal's society any more than do the other major parties!], Nepal needs annual budget of Rs 2 trillion 25 billion under SDGs (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/09/2021: UML’s partisan politics enters upper house, as members demand Speaker’s resignation : Observers say Nepali parties have failed to comprehend the spirit of the National Assembly and made it a platform to squabble over petty interests, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Perhaps it is not necessarily the parties, but rather the old, long-since failed and anti-democratic so-called party leaders who should be sent packing if Nepal is finally to come to its senses politically!], The birth and life of Nepal’s most iconic revolutionary song : Once anathema to the regime, ‘Gaun Gaun Bata Utha’ has become go-to anthem for change, by Ankit Khadgi (kp) [Time to sing this song again!], Deuba recalls 12 envoys appointed by Oli : Twenty-three missions are now set to go headless, and some are in key countries—India, China, US, UK and Qatar, by Anil Giri (kp), Fix Term Age Limits For Politicians, by Namrata Sharma (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/09/2021: Deuba’s plan for Cabinet expansion constrained by coalition partners : Janata Samajbadi Party wants ordinance to ease party splits withdrawn while CPN (Unified Socialist) wants the prime minister to wait until court order on Oli’s petitions, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Getting there, slowly : The government should discourage people from gathering in big crowds as markets reopen (kp), Resilient Nepalis : Crises seem to spur Nepalis to achieve the impossible, as we witnessed in the months after the earthquake, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Maoist Center to select all level leadership via election (kh), Insult to the titles : The govt must honour only those who have made contributions to the nation from outside public office (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/09/2021: Just another day : Even as we celebrate the constitution, we must remember that large sections still feel neglected (kp) [This is a constitution of the ruling male highcaste elite who have thus secured their privileges. The representatives of the people were only allowed to nod off in 2015!], Civic group marches in Kathmandu to demand amendments to constitution : Activists call for unity among the marginalised, as they call for efforts to ensure wider acceptance of the charter, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Ordinary people vent their frustrations on Constitution Day, by Anup Ojha (kp), No regard for rule of law as Nepali state runs on ad hocism : Ordinances are allowed by constitution but governments are issuing them as per their wish, not paying attention  to their timely approval, leading to legal vacuum, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Both Oli and Deuba are guilty of this, but ultimately so is the president, whose main task is to prevent this!], Yangma residents deprived of even basic services : The remote village in Taplejung does not have health, education and communication services, by Ananda Gautam (kp), Lower house endorses budget amid UML protest : The bill now will be sent to the upper house. The government shutdown would be lifted once the bill gets through (kp), To MCC or not to MCC : The MCC debate, explained, by Pranaya SJB Rana (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/09/2021: Six years since promulgation, problems remain with the constitution : Madhesis, Tharus, Muslims, and women are still unable to take ownership of the statute due to the document’s failure to encompass their aspirations, by Prasansha Rimal (rec) [This was the intention of the high-caste male party leaders who had given this constitution to their MPs for an unopposed vote in blatant violation of the interim constitution!], At six, constitution’s fragility has only grown, observers say : Those who promulgated the charter have remained non-committal on its implementation and those who once objected to it lack the heft to push for amendments, by Binod Ghimire (kp), We promulgated the Constitution despite threats and intimidation: UML leader Nemwang (kh) [But you did it in grave violation of the 2013 interim constitution: not socially inclusive elected representatives of the people, but the traditional male highcaste elite of the parties decided on the constitution, securing their privileges in the process! Already in the nomination process for the FPTP system, the inclusion required by Article 63 (4) was grossly disregarded!], Tharu community to observe Constitution Day as a black day (kh), Constitution needs to be rewritten: Prabhu Sah (CPN-UML) (kh) Media persons reject govt-conferred medals and honors on Constitution Day (kh), Constitution Day award ceremony draws widespread criticism (rep), Pro-monarchy groups holding demonstration restoration of 1991 Constitution (kh), Talks on to clear Parliament impasse, but no deal in sight : There is a rumour in the political circle that Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba  and CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli are aiming for early elections. Oli wants the House dissolved to see  himself  vindicated, Nepali Congress spokesperson says, by Anil Giri (kp) [Early elections will not solve the many problems as long as there is no alternative to failed and anti-democratic politicians like Oli, Deuba, Dahal etc.! There is no justification for Oli's coup and his repeated breaches of the constitution anyway!], NC leader Sharma proposes term-limits for executive posts in government (kh) [A very good suggestion! Moreover, persons who have plotted against the state and parliamentary democracy should never again be allowed to hold political office and be admitted to elections!], Selection of undeserving projects is one of the main causes of slow capital expenditure: Finmin Sharma (rep), Govt spent Rs 207.20 million from state coffers in two days after budget holiday (rep), Controversial amendment to Income Tax Act: Manipulation to legalize illegal property, by Dilip Ppudel (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/09/2021: Adoption of official languages recommended for provinces challenging, experts say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Indo-Pacific Strategy and its possible impact on Nepalese Economy, by Sagar Jung Karki (kh), Will Kalapani residents fit into ‘my census, my participation’ motto? Central Bureau of Statistics, the agency conducting  the national census, is not sure whether it could count households and number of people in the region physically., by Prithvi Man Shrestha and Anil Giri (kp), Big confusion as top body responding to Covid-19 becomes defunct : At a time when the government is facing a financial gridlock, the Covid-19 Crisis Management Centre getting invalid could spell a catastrophe, experts warn, by Tike R Pradhan a nd Sangam Prasain (kp), Why is Nepal facing a government shutdown? (kp), Need for clear action plan to abolish untouchability from country stressed (ht), Breaking The Sluggish Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/09/2021: Land to landless is more political than a socioeconomic issue : Yet another commission formed, 14th since 1990, but the landless people’s problems  persist, as governments have failed to find a permanent solution, by Binod Ghimire (kp), COVID-19 control work hit over failure to endorse budget (kh), Coalition leaders divided over power-sharing deal; task-force assigned to resolve (kh), Malnutrition cases up several fold amid Covid-19 pandemic : Severity and deaths will increase if malnourished children are infected with the coronavirus, doctors say, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Hard times for kids : Failure to address the present crisis of the children is bound to be reflected in the future (kp), An urban horror story : Nepal’s cities are a disaster waiting to happen. What can we do about it?, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), UML attacking state organs to dissolve parliament and push country to mid-term polls: Rastriya Janamorcha (kh), ‘Some elements using MCC as weapon in bid to dismantle ruling coalition’ (kh), Make it systematic : It is imperative to ensure banking services in all the local levels to make the social security scheme more systematic (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/09/2021: Country’s three key state organs are in disarray : The executive is hobbling, legislature is facing an impasse, and the judiciary is caught in tangles, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), UML looks set for a showdown amid spending halt : Ruling alliance may steamroller the budget through lower house, but its passage from upper house looks difficult without a deal with main opposition, by Anil Giri and Binod Ghimire (kp), Prime Minister Deuba’s Cabinet expansion woes (kp), Local bodies want to exercise constitutional rights freely: Mayor Shrestha (kh), Deuba Cabinet expansion faces ordinance hurdle (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/09/2021: Six years of ethnonational upsurge : Khas-Arya supremacists consider the Divya Upadesh to be the manual of nationalism, by CK Lal (kp), Government faces financial deadlock as budget fails to get  through Parliament : A shutdown situation as no spending allowed and  further delay could lead to a crisis, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Child marriage cases up by 31.25pc (ht), Bedlam in parliament: Speaker's political bias to blame, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), Which Socialism They Mean, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), MCC For Electricity Infrastructure, by Namrata Sharma (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/09/2021: The perils of toxic rhetoric : Politicians are crossing ethical lines by employing toxic language to demean and attack their opponents, and it seems that the public approves, by Jagadish Paudel (rec), Replacement bill stuck in the parliament, govt expenditure to be affected for few days (kh), House of ruckus : Unruly behaviour reflects poorly not just on the representatives but on the people too (kp), House obstructions, if continue, can lead to financial deadlock : As Speaker fails to resolve the crisis, there are concerns the government may have its hands tied when it comes to spending, with just two days to get the budget endorsed, by Tika R Pradhan and Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Behind the anti-MCC protests : Will Nepal remain in the world’s democratic club or be a decoy agent for strategic powers?, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Journo Dixit files FIR against defamation circulated via fake ‘MCC’ document (kh), SC issues interim order allowing lawmakers Pandey and Sharda Devi to join Unified Socialist (kh), SC paves way for UML lawmakers Pandey and Bhatta to join (Unified Socialist) party (rep), UML obstructs parliament meeting today as well : Next meeting on September 20 (kh), Budget plans low-cost meals, monetary aid for the poor, but experts smell electoral motives . Government has yet to identify the prospective beneficiaries, by Anup Ojha (kp), Building back stronger with nature ; Investments in forestry, ecotourism and organic agriculture could help in resilient recovery from the pandemic, by Lily Shrestha and Nabin Bhattarai (rep), Retired SC justice moves apex court : The constitution does not prevent retired judges from filing a case in the court, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/09/2021: ‘Example of compulsory and free education act is enough to know status of law implementation’ (kh), Court puts brakes on arbitrary hirings at public entities, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), UML Chair Oli’s writ assigned to Deepak Kumar Karki and Mira Khadka’s bench : UML Chair Oli's writ assigned to Deepak Kumar Karki and Mira Khadka's bench (kh) [By the way, when will Oli actually pay for all the damage he has caused with his repeated breaches of the constitution, contempt of court and completely pointless initiations of electoral processes?], UML demands resignation of Speaker; not to attend all-party meet (kh), MCC officials wrap up visit hoping the US programme’s ratification : A message, however, is clear to Nepali leadership—it has already been too late and further delay could impact  economic recovery at a time of the pandemic, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), What MCC is and what it is not, by Jagadish Paudel (rep), Govt's new budget : Many social programmes proposed by the government are likely to remain only on paper due to lack of funds and its capacity (ht), Rs 750 million allocated for free repatriation of stranded migrant workers, only Rs 13.5 million used, by Rudra Khadka (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/09/2021: Cabinet expansion to be delayed as ruling coalition meet strikes no chords (kh), Coalition partners fail to agree on Cabinet expansion : While CPN (Unified Socialist) wants Deuba to wait until Monday, Janata Samajbadi says it won’t join the government unless the party split provisions are changed (kp), MCC ratification delay slows down transmission project implementation : Four years into signing, the agreement is languishing in Parliament, as US officials are in town to make a final push, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), A teacher’s tale : Leaders squabble over the age of the members, but not about their status as students, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Speaker calls all-party meeting for tomorrow (kh), Corruption continues to plague local levels (ht), Let Parliament Run Smoothly, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Entrepreneurs warn to picket Singha Durbar if tourism business is not allowed to open soon (rep), Govt claims to achieve inflated economic growth rate without introducing concrete programs (rep) [??], Dreaming of a Government of Technocrats, by Simone Galimberti (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/09/2021: Deuba tells US delegation he is hopeful of MCC ratification soon : Millennium Challenge Corporation officials continue meetings as the fate of the US  programme hangs in the balance, with the Maoist Centre not making a clear position, by Anil Giri (kp) [Such a desperate struggle to finally give Nepal 500 million US dollars completely selflessly? Sounds strange somehow!], Congress may have avoided risk of invalidation but challenges remain : The party has written to the poll body, informing about the start of its convention at the ward level. The party’s 13th general convention was held on  March 3-6, 2016, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Deuba tells coalition leaders can’t wait too long for Cabinet expansion : The government is facing criticism for failing to give full shape to his Cabinet even after nearly two months, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Onus on Speaker Sapkota to fix broken House of Representatives, observers say : As the presiding officer of the legislative body, they say the Speaker should take the initiative to diffuse the situation, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Replacement Bill passed amidst mayhem, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [What a shame! This behaviour in parliament is unworthy of representatives of the people and damages Nepal's reputation in the world!], Democracy Needs Enlightened Citizens, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Flood Victims Of Banke Living In Forests For 30 Years, by Siraj Khan (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/09/2021: Political parties are holding Parliament hostage : The government, the opposition and the Speaker are only concerned about petty party interests, a former Speaker says, by Binod Ghimire (kp), US officials get down to business with a series of meetings, starting with Oli : MCC delegation is in Kathmandu for what appears to be one last push to get the American programme through Nepal Parliament, as the aid project hangs in the balance, by Anil Giri (kp), PM calls National Security Council meeting amid sporadic protests against MCC (rep), Major highlights of substitution budget introduced by Finance Minister Sharma (rep), Govt to provide Rs 10,000 in grant to about 500,000 poor and needy families (kh), Nepal less and less able to feed itself : Growing population, rising income and stagnant domestic production mean more dependence on food imports to meet growing demand, by Ramesh Kumar (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/09/2021: Security tightened in Valley targeting MCC Vice Chair Fatema’s Nepal visit (kh), 15 arrested while trying to show black flag to MCC delegation in Koteshwor (kh), Fringe parties stage protest against MCC (ht), MCC delegation calls on Unified Socialist Chair Nepal (kh), MCC responds to Nepal’s concerns ahead of its top officials’ arrival : The response comes as House session starts in Kathmandu amid differences among ruling partners  over the US programme’s parliamentary ratification, by Prithvi Man Shrestha and Anil Giri (kp), Deuba’s diplomacy of expedience, by Biswas Baral (ae), MCC compact : Decide now : If the US does not revise the compact and if there is no broad political consensus, it is better to reject the compact than risk further instability, by Pragya Ghimire (ae), Crime and turpitude : A series of murders points to lawlessness and the degeneration of society (kp), Give Momentum To TRC, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Solving Landless People Problem in Nepal, by Keshav Bhattarai (rep)l
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/09/2021: Dozens of people registered as disappeared during Maoist insurgency found alive : In the last six years, the Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons has received 3,223 complaints of enforced disappearances implicating either security forces or the rebel Maoists.Commission has found 2,494 cases that fall under its jurisdiction for investigation, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Large number of children deprived of virtual learning, UNICEF survey shows : For 63 percent of children, textbooks are the only source of information. The survey was carried out among 6,643 children and guardians across the  seven provinces, by Binod Ghimire (kp), SC receives writ petition against Home Ministry’s statement (kh), Parliament meeting adjourned; to meet again on Sept 10 (kh) [Preventing parliamentary work or even dissolving it is an anti-democratic speciality of Oli and his CPN-UM! Nepal does not have a party democracy but a parliamentary democracy with MPs who should only be accountable to the sovereign people and their conscience!!], MCC has no hidden agenda: Vice President Fatema (kh) [Yes, just like the Chinese BRI!], Nepal: Bridge or ‘Burden’ to China’s South Asia Ambitions?, by Gaurav Bhattarai (rep), Respect Women’s Dignity, by Namrata Sharma (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/09/2021: Take it easy  : Dissent and debate are quintessential elements of democracy (kp), Why parliamentary transparency matters : Parliamentary record-keeping in our case has been somewhat superficial, by Shraddha Pokharel (kp), Govt set to conduct National Census-2021 from Nov 11 to 25 (kh), After over a month, and much criticism, Nepal writes to India on Darchula incident : The disappearance of a man in Mahakali river, in which Indian security personnel are said to be involved, has become a diplomatic headache for Prime Minister Deuba, by Anil Giri (kp), Moment of truth for Nepal on MCC, by Dai Yonghong (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/09/2021: Government attempts to curb protests, public debates : Home Ministry’s two statements in three days warning of actions over activities against ‘friendly nations’ amount to curtailing of fundamental rights, analysts and leaders say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), HM warns not to protest against neighbouring countries (ht) [A government that suppresses freedom of opinion is not democratic!], Six arrested from outside U.S. Embassy in Maharajgunj (kh), Pouring destruction Floods will be recurring tragedies if we do not act on them immediately (kp), Government prepares to endorse MCC agreement through parliament, security vigilance upped across the country, by Tapendra Karki (rep), Enhancing women’s access to finance : As a first step, we need to identify the actual needs and study international practices, by Shreya Subedi (kp), Political Party Act odinance : Ruckus expected from UML in HoR (ht), Cases of witchcraft allegation rise by 79.41pc in 2020-21 (ht), Language Commission recommends province-wise official languages before government (kh), NC leader Thapa accuses govt of making series of wrong decisions (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/09/2021: President summons Federal Parliament meetings (kh), CJ Rana hearing writ filed against EC, Speaker today (kh), As MCC becomes a lightning rod for controversy, Deuba is in a tight spot : The prime minister appears to have fallen into a trap with coalition partners’ strong reservations about the American programme, as US officials are due to arrive this week, by Tika R Pradhan and Anil Giri (kp), Why Gagan Thapa’s candidacy can be good gesture for Congress—and other parties : Amid growing leadership handover debate, Thapa is set to contest for party general secretary, five years after an unsuccessful attempt for the same post, by Anil Giri (kp), Hearing on cases related to constitutional appointments in limboThe Supreme Court has issued an interim order to first settle whether the Constitutional Bench can sit without the chief justice, who has recused himself from the hearing, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Lamenting The Party Split, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Government on statement spree over protests, debates : After warning of action against those making statements on foreign-funded development projects, ministry objects to protests against Indian prime minister (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/09/2021: Court observation on public debate on sub judice cases raises questions : Restricting public discourse could be tantamount to gag order, which is a detriment to democracy, analysts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Govt starts preparation for new session of parliament (kh) [Thanks to the prorogation of the House of Representatives and the immediate subsequent amendment of the Political Party Act, the parties were able to split to secure the Deuba government. Now the legislature of the elected representatives of the people can get back to work!], Cabinet requests Prez to summon house session on September 8 (rep), Overcoming Crisis Of Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Tackle Human Trafficking, by Aashish Mishra (rn), Earthquake Victims Of Barpak Dalit  Settlement Await Reconstruction, by Narendra Dhakal (rn), Nepal writes to the US to clarify ‘controversial’ provisions of MCC agreement (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/09/2021: Govt to mark 7th Constitution Day for three days (kh) [The celebration of a constitution that the male leaders refuse to implement and some of them already want to revise?  Ex-Prime Minister Oli even wanted to destroy it!], Trivialising the apex court : When the executive flouts the judiciary’s decisions, it raises questions on the constitution’s legitimacy, by Bijesh Joshi and Laabhesh Thapa (kp), Lack of political culture has bred mistrust among parties, observers say : Unable to trust the Maoists, Deuba has started approaching the main opposition, CPN-UML, mainly for the endorsement of the bill on the MCC grant. The level of distrust among the state organs too is deepening, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Nepal’s PM, too, hasn’t assertively said they have accepted EPG report, interview with SD Muni (kh), Border issue with China exposes Nepal’s unstable foreign policy : When it comes to relations with neighbours, a studied approach that is above partisan interests is required, and both Oli and Deuba have bungled, analysts say, by Anil Giri (kp), No official communication on Darchula issue from Nepal yet, India says, by Rajesh Misdhra (kp), Supreme Court stays hearing on appointments in constitutional bodies, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), After Supreme Court’s interim order on Constitutional Bench, NBA calls Advisory Council meet (kh), 10 arrested from anti-MCC demonstration in front of US Embassy (rep), Madhav Nepal’s CPN (Unified Center)’s student union burns effigy of Indian PM Modi (rep), Federalism: Is It a White Elephant?, by Rajendra Koirala (rep) [The problem is not federalism as such, but its opposition by the self-centred, anti-democratic male highcaste politicians. It sounds like 1960 when King Mahendra claimed that Nepal was not made for democracy!], The systemic silencing of stories of harassment : Stories of abuse and harassment at educational institutions continue to emerge but there are few consequences for the perpetrators, by Kabita Bahing (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/09/2021: Families of persons disappeared during insurgency start filing criminal cases with police : Victim families say they have lost faith in the transitional justice commissions, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Understanding the Tharu perspective on the 2015 Tikapur incident, by Prasansha Rimal (rec), Cycle of ineptitude : We should not expect much from a government by the least suitable people (kp), Nepal’s ‘socialist’ parties : Ordinary people rarely care about complicated political philosophies, say analysts, stressing that politicians should focus on delivery, not jargon, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Communists, socialists or whatever : The real test for Madhav Kumar Nepal’s outfit will come during the elections in a year’s time, by Deepak Thapa (kp),  Darchula incident makes a diplomatic test case with India for Deuba : Government has yet to make any position on Jaya Singh Dhami’s disappearance in Mahakali river, despite a probe committee submitting its report, by Anil Giri (kp), Curate Politics Thru Election System, by Mukti Rijal (rn), No citizenship, no job : Young Madhesis have been deprived of numerous opportunities as they can’t apply for citizenship. They can’t even go abroad for work, by Jitendra Narayan Thakur (ae), Young menace : Revival of militant youth groups is bad news for upcoming elections (ae), Prachanda-path 2.0 : If Prachanda and his Maoist Center intend to govern, they must return to their roots and empower individuals and local communities, by Bishal Thapa (ae), What fuels political instability in Nepal?, by Pratik Ghimire (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/09/2021: A case of political déjà vu : Unfortunately, for the people of Nepal, we are entrapped in a maze of instability, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp), Let courts try cases : The issue of rights violations committed during the conflict will remain unsettled unless the TRC Act is amended (ht), Young Nepalis are waking up to the climate crisis, but officials aren’t listening, by Shuvam Rizal (rec), Living on the margins : Dhami’s story is the story of a democratic state failing to fulfil its responsibility (kp), Deuba struggles to expand Cabinet as coalition partners squabbleWhile Janata Samajbadi demands withdrawal of ordinance that eases party splits, CPN (Unified Socialiast) eyes  plum ministries. Maoist Centre has its own demands, by Anil Giri (kp) [As always, it's all about posts and access to funds! This generation of politicians will never change. They must be replaced urgently!], Shakya and Acharya may lose chief minister posts if they remain in UML : With some UML assembly members defecting to CPN (Unified Socialist), Oli supporters could slip into minority, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Hearing on murder case against Speaker Sapkota deferred again (rep), Recent UML political phenomena: Merger, forced termination, division, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

31/08/2021: 'Allow regular courts to try conflict era cases' (ht), Nepal caught in virus geopolitical games as US and China spar over origin : Kathmandu should maintain a neutral position, as  Covid-19 crisis is not over yet and it cannot afford  to antagonise any friendly nations, analysts say, by Anil Giri (kp), Anti-MCC people have nexus with China, interview with foreign affairs expert Arun Subedi (kh) [Nepal can desperately use this US aid. The problem is that everything the US initiates in South Asia is always part of its rivalry with China. They are not interested in the possible impact on Nepal's relationship with China!], Coalition partners ask Deuba to release report on Dhami disappearance case : Prime Minister Deuba seems to be trying to dismiss the incident in order not to offend India, analysts say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Unsavoury soup of cooked books : The disgraceful picture  portrayed by the auditor general’s report reflects lack of accountability, by Achyut Wagle (kp), BSP divided over issues of federalism and secularism : Party Chair Mishra, Coordinator Pandey call separate meetings (kh) [Rabindra Mishra is about to  dump his once hopeful party and himself in the dustbin of oblivion!], Bibeksheel Sajha on the verge of split, again : Party chair Rabindra Mishra and convener Milan Pandey have called separate meetings of the Central Committee on Thursday (kp) [Each and every member of the Bibeksheel Sajha Party should distance him/herself from the backward-looking chairman!], Reducing Multidimensional Poverty, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), PM Deuba’s defining moment, by Narayan Manandhar (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/08/2021: Status of those  disappeared during insurgency continues to elude families : Conflict victims are not hopeful of the government’s  latest plan to conclude the transitional justice process, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Where are they? The failure to address insurgency-era grievances inhibits our ability to build a peaceful future (kp), Ensure justice for Nepal’s “Disappeared”: ICJ (kh), Nepal: ensure justice for Nepal’s “Disappeared” (ICJ), Nepal govt urged not to stop stalling enforced disappearance inquiries (rep), International rights bodies call on Nepal to stop stalling enforced disappearance inquiries : Three global rights organisations say that international partners should strongly back victims’ needs and credible legal process (kp), Judicial announcement of death made 21 years after disappearance, by Dinesh Subedi (rep), Right to reject: To vote or not to vote?, by Anoushka Pant (ht), Poll prospects of new parties depend on how alliances evolve : Formation of CPN (Unified Socialist) and Loktantrik Samajbadi could lead to vote splitting, and for them to gain, they will have to rely on others, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Journo Tripathi demands end of federalism and secularism, and restoration of monarchy (kh) [Another completely superfluous party. Why not turn back the wheel of history to the time before the Gorkhali conquests: no Shah monarchy, no Hindu state, no Bahunbad, just a garden of ethnic flowers, which Prithvi Narayan then abolished to establish his state of exclusion and social statification?], Gyanendra was dethroned, Oli was overthrown but the game for power continues: Bhattarai (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/08/2021: In Nepal’s politics and governance, old faces rule the roost : Top leaders’ penchant for power and young generation’s failure to challenge the seniors have made leadership handover a distant dream, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [And they are overwhelmingly male Tagadharis, especially Bahuns, although the latter represent only a very small minority of six percent of the population! Is this the socially equal and inclusive Nepal that the same politicians promised in 2006 and again in 2008?], PM Deuba prepares to deactivate ordinance on party split before cabinet expansion (kh) [Deuba manipulates parliament and laws to enforce his political power interests. Where is the difference to Oli?], Will defy media laws enacted unilaterally: FNJ. The incumbent government has endorsed the same bill drafted by Oli’s government (ht) [Once again: Where is the difference to Oli?], Nepal’s budget allocations to repay foreign, domestic loans tripled in five years : Experts say it’s high time governments were more selective in borrowing with the debt to GDP ratio crossing 40 percent, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/08/2021: Six years after Tikapur incident, Tharus still wait for justice : Those who were tortured and sent to jails but acquitted say the state has failed them  and their entire community, with no political party willing to take up their cause, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Rana not to sit on Constitutional Bench to hear case of controversial appointments : Questions were raised whether Rana should preside over the bench to hear the cases where he has conflict of interest, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), CJ Rana recuses self, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Divisive Politics Breeds Instability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Nepal now has six national political parties (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/08/2021: ‘Stability’, Nepal’s political parties said. And then they ruined the idea : Three and a half years after vote under new charter, the country is back to square one, and as polls are just around the corner, the spectre of the old vicious cycle looms large, by Anil Giri (kp), CPN (Unified Socialist) party in a dilemma to choose ministers : Too many aspirants make it difficult for Madhav Kumar Nepal to choose leaders from his party for ministerial berths in the Deuba-led government (rep) [Ministerial posts and other functions are all that top politicians have in mind!], Hearing on Constitutional council postponed after lawyers raise ethical questions against CJ Rana : CJ Rana likely to quit Bench (kh), CJ Rana not to be part of Constitutional Bench hearing case related to appointments to constitutional bodies (rep), Hearing postponed on mass murder case against NC lawmaker Alam (rep), Youth activists demand dismissal of rape-accused Karnali minister within 24 hours (rep), Hridayesh Tripathi to form a new party (rep) [Put an end to the moronic factionalism within all the major parties! Every party leader needs his own party! This will provide much needed political stability?!], Nepal’s unequal marriages : Men cheat and get away with it, while women are blamed for shaming the family, by Arjana Rajbhandary (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/08/2021: Court’s intervention natural when leaders don’t follow charter, ex-chief justices say : Parties have the tendency of criticising the court  whenever rulings do not go their way, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Nepal’s communist movement takes yet another turn : CPN-UML, the country’s largest party, splits. Madhav Nepal now leads the CPN (Unified Socialist), by Anil Giri (kp), A late start, perhaps We will have to wait to see whether Madhav Nepal bounces back or fades into obsolescence (kp), Madhav Nepal’s CPN (Unified Socialist) to join Deuba-led cabinet (rep), Government mulls options to ease growing burden of social security allowances : Observers call for alternatives even as safety net for the elderly, poor, vulnerable and needy is state’s responsibility, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Disaster preparedness sorely lacking in Karnali Province : Floods and landslides take lives and ravage properties in the province every year. Many people say the severity can be mitigated by prioritising preparedness, by Chandan Kathayat (kp), Nepal’s archaic land acquisition laws : Projects have failed to acquire land because of compensation disputes with locals, by Prem Khanal (kp), Political Cases Swamp Supreme Court, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Born unequal, treated unequally : The world treats people differently based on sex and it starts as soon as the gender of the fetus can be identified, by Balmukunda Regmi (ae), Nepal as a self-confident, educated, skilled and prosperous democracy, by Bipin Adhikari (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/08/2021: Identifying the vulnerable: Key to reducing poverty, by Simone Galimberti (ht), Critique Of Non-Political Activism, by Bhupa P. Dhamala (rn), Migrant Workers Prone To Human Trafficking, by Namrata Sharma (rn), UML Chair Oli signals to move forward with proposal of a powerful chairman (kh) [The party leaders of CPN-UML and NC already have an undemocratically large amount of power. The autocrat Oli in particular, but also Deuba, have abused this time and again. Since Nepal does not practise democracy but party rule, this is particularly worrying. As part of an urgently needed revision of the Political Party Act, the power of party leaders should therefore also be significantly restricted.]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/08/2021: OAG report paints bleak picture of country’s fiscal governance (kh), Leader Nepal backs Ashta Lakshmi Shakya in Bagmati Province (kh), Bureaucratic inertia delays report on Darchula missing youth probe : Almost a month since Dhami fell into Mahakali trying to cross the river on a cable, the government is yet to share what exactly happened and its position on the incident, by Anil Giri (kp), Deuba’s fifth term: Six weeks go by with 17 ministries still under him : The prime minister has not been able to expand his Cabinet even in more than 40 days, and observers say a lack of dedicated ministers hugely affects governance, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Impose inheritance tax to change politics : Family feuds generally revolve around ancestral assets in the form of land and property, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Six years on, Tikapur carnage victims still worried about justice (ht), Severe food crisis looms large in Bajura district (ht), Arrested journo freed, two constables suspended (ht), Congress In Driving Seat, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), The real ‘Gaijatra’: Sheer stupidity on display, by Kunga Hyolmo (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/08/2021: In UML split, Maoist Centre sees chance at regaining its relevance : As Madhav Nepal moves to register new party, the former rebel party, under threat of being wiped out of political scene, appears to be major beneficiary besides Congress, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), How splits in parties may affect provincial politics, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Socialist centre in Nepal : A realistic vision or an ambitious idea? Some politicians, including Baburam Bhattarai, a former Maoist leader, have been making a pitch for bringing like-minded forces to build a new model of socialism, by Anil Giri (kp), Government yet to pay Nepal Airlines for last year’s Omni chartered flights : Payment remains stalled while the carrier faces acute financial problems due to flight suspensions, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Shambolic management : Official ineptitude cost too many lives during the second wave. We cannot let a repeat show happen (kp), Saptari flood victims crying for relief (kh), She wrestled for the nation, but is deprived of citizenship card : There is no provision for issuing a citizenship in the name of mother (ht)  [Nepal's high-caste patriarchal machos at the top of the state consider the land their property; women are only tolerated!], Piling arrears : Unless there is a change in the attitude of those in power, it would be futile to expect good governance (ht), Rein In Arrears (rn), UML Is What It Is Not, by Mukunda Raj Kattel (rn), Ruling alliance expresses serious concern over ‘threats’ issued by UML lawmakers against Speaker Sapkota (rep), Ruling coalition objects to UML’s ‘threat’ to House Speaker : Issuing a statement, Congress, Maoist Centre, Janata Samajbadi, Rastriya Janamorcha and Madhav Nepal group urge all to respect constitutional decorum (kp), 142 Cases Of Human Rights Violation Reported In A Month (rn) [see INSEC report)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/08/2021: How Hindu state idea is trying to gain ground in Nepal : Analysts say it is not easy to undo the achievements  guaranteed by the constitution, but threats remain, by Anil Giri (kp), Unity among good communists a must: Maoist Center leader Pun (kh) [And who are the good communists? Those who admit to being responsible for the deaths of 5,000 people during the Maoist insurgency but continue to deny any justice for the victims?], Auditor General’s report points out anomalies in pandemic management and procurements : The report also pointed out a substantial differences in  the prices of medical goods procured by the government agencies to combat Covid-19 in the fiscal year 2019-20, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), State treasury misused on pretext of peace, security, OAG report says (ht), Nepal’s bureaucracy seriously lacks accountability: 58th annual report of OAG (rep), Confrontation between UML and Speaker continues UML chair Oli has accused Speaker Sapkota of disregarding the party’s recommendation to dismiss 14 lawmakers, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Can Nepal Lead Socialist Movement?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/08/2021: Will Deuba set a legacy different from his predecessor?, by Abhaya R. Joshi (kh), Thakur-Mahato group to participate in govt if newly proposed DSP gets EC’s go-ahead (kh), Alliance politics set to make a comeback as two parties split : Stability, a common refrain of Nepali politicians, goes up in the smoke as they squabble over power, partisan interests, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Pandemic rages on but money in Covid-19  fund remains unspent for past six months : Not a single rupee has been released from the Coronavirus Prevention, Control and Treatment Fund since January 27 (kp) [Cheers to the incompetence and ignorance of the former Prime Minister Oli!], There are only nine banking outlets serving every 100,000 people in Province 2: NRB (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/08/2021: Implementation of basic humanitarian standards stressed (kh), An ordinance nation, and rule of law : How President, despite having  constitutional roles, can be instrumental in keeping political processes on track, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [The question is whether now, unlike during the Oli government, the President actually waited a day to sign the bill to thoroughly review the ordinance. Or did she simply want to give Oli's CPN-UML enough time to expel the dissidents from the party so that they lost their MP status before the amended law took effect and MK Nepal's party could easily split.], UML mounts pressure on Speaker to initiate action against its 14 lawmakers : Speaker to forward action as per law (kh) [According to article 35 of the Political Party Act, the speaker has 15 days time to do so!], With ordinance challenged in court, doubts over Nepal and Thakur’s new parties : Six advocates have petitioned against Deuba government’s ordinance to ease party splits, demanding its annulment and actions based on it, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Apex court moved against ordinance amending PPA, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), UML cannot take action against 14 lawmakers: Lawmaker Devkota (kh) [In view of the Supreme Court ruling of 12 July, this is absolutely correct! The judgement is binding law also for Mr. Oli!], Karnali CM sees need of strengthening federalism for respect to martyrs (kh) [The implementation of federalism and secularism is not only important for the martyrs, but also for those who live today and in the future!], Nepal faction proposes new name for party–CPN (Ekikrit Samajbadi) (kp), Split in UML, JSP-N : What is true is that none of the political outfits that have broken away from the establishment have been able to expand their base (ht), People’s representative from Dalit community tied to a pole and beaten : Police nab 8 on assault allegation (kh), The Plights Of Rape Survivors And Criminal Investigation, by Govind Prasad Thapa (sp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/08/2021: Pandemic may leave Nepal’s poor more deprived, report says, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 17.4% people under poverty line in Nepal: Govt data : Highest in Karnali (39.5%); lowest in Bagmati (7%) (kh) [see Multidomensional Poverty Index by NPC et al. (report as PDF)], Most parties fare poorly on internal democracy : Parties have been postponing their conventions under various pretexts. Observers say this must end, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Aided by Deuba ordinance, dissidents split two parties : Madhav Nepal applies for CPN UML (Samajbadi) and Mahantha Thakur for Janata Samajbadi Party (Loktantrik), by Anil Giri (kp), The pot and the kettle : Deuba’s selfish act will go down in history as yet another beginning of the undoing of democracy (kp), PM Deuba, can you handle it?, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh) [No, Deuba has already proven four times before that he is not up to the tasks of a PM. Now he has also shown that he acts just as reprehensibly and anti-democratically as Oli. This whole non-inclusive generation of failed politicians at the top of the parties should finally disappear!], Deuba on Oli’s footsteps (ae), Shakya becomes first woman chief minister, by Subas Bidari (kp), Angling for the sympathy of conservatives : Rabindra  Mishra’s ‘alternative’ thoughts seem to have been fossilised in the bygone decades of the Panchayat era, by Deepak Thapa (kp), UML piles pressure on Speaker to dismiss 14 lawmakers (kh), Five writs filed at SC against ordinance on party split (kh), Petitions registered at Supreme Court against ordinance to amend Political Parties Act (kp), Distributive Justice in a Plot of Land, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep), Violence against women, by Nitesh Raj Joshi (ht), Afghan lessons for Nepal (ae), Rabindra Mishra: Nepal’s Trump. Like Trump, Mishra seeks to harness the grievances of Nepal’s privileged class whose traditional sources of authority are being challenged by the new republican, federal, decentralized, and secular structure, by Bishal Thapa (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/08/2021: 18 years on, justice still a far cry for people killed by Nepali Army in Doramba (ht), It’s wrong to bring ordinance bypassing parliament, says NC leader Thapa (kh), An ordinance that makes it more evident Deuba no different from Oli : The Congress-led government has done exactly the same for which the party criticised Oli government last year. It’s the UML that is launching an attack on Deuba now, by Anil Giri (kp), Ordinance lowers threshold for splitting parties (ht), House prorogued : The govt has deliberately undermined the role of the parliament by putting it under the shadow of the executive (ht) [This is an unchanged continuation of Oli's anti-democratic and unconstitutional policy! Deuba has already failed mercilessly even in his fifth attempt as prime minister!], Govt money meant for the poor being spent on treatment of politicians (rep), Prez Bhandari issues ‘party-split’ ordinance (rep), Tharu Morcha in protest, pressuring government to implement past agreements : Brihat Nagarik Aandolan, an alliance of civil society members and people from various walks of life, supports the protest, by Binod Ghimire (kp), People forced to buy drug used to treat severe Covid-19 patients in black market : Patients paying up to 17 times the government approved price for Tocilizumab, a drug that is in short supply; Malpractice also common in private hospitals  treating Covid-19 patients, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Ghising outlines poor performance of power utility under previous leadership : While his appointment is challenged at the Supreme Court, Ghising has announced plans to increase domestic consumption and export electricity, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Antics of MCC critics : Given Nepal’s current situation, MCC or no MCC is not going to make any difference. The sky is not going to fall without the MCC, nor will we be having a heavenly ride with the MCC. Yet, the political forces in the opposition have found it to be a rallying cry, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), UML Samajwadi Party registered with Election Commission : Chairman Madhav Kumar Nepal, senior leader Jhala Nath Khanal (kh), Mahantha Thakur registers JSP Nepal (Democratic) at EC : "Bicycle" as election symbol (kh), Nepal’s poverty was reduced to 17.4 percent before pandemic hit the country: NPC (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/08/2021: 164 Nepalis return home from Afghanistan; 134 register their details : Foreign Ministry: 1,500 Nepalis in Afghanistan, NAFEA: 15,000 (kh), 118 Nepalis arrive from Afghanistan via Kuwait : Officials say they were working inside the US embassy in Kabul and evacuated by the Americans (kp), Nepalis in Kabul appeal for immediate rescue, by Yogendra Yogi (kh), Nepal scrambles to evacuate Nepalis from Afghanistan : Easier said than done, officials say, as the country lacks  diplomatic links and mechanisms, including dedicated ministers. Government relying on employing countries, by Anil Giri, Sangam Prasain and Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Govt bringing ordinance to amend Political Parties Act 2017 : Province and local level representatives will be able to choose the party (kh) [Many amendments to the Political Parties Act would be necessary. The current amendment is mainly to facilitate a split of CPN-UML and JSPN. But why is the amendment again made through an Ordinance and not through Parliament, whose session was therefore ended the day before?], Govt's move to prorogue Parliament condemned, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Opposition lashes out at the government for proroguing Parliament : After failing to give business to the House, the Deuba administration, which is unsure of its strength to pass bills, has ended the session that started a month ago, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [The criticism is well-founded, but the tradition of ruling without parliament and democratic rules was introduced by KP Oli! That Deuba continues this is shocking!], Oli expels 14 members of the Nepal faction as lawmakers : Decision comes amid an ordinance to ease laws for party split (kp), UML on the verge of split : UML dismisses 14 of its lawmakers, including Madhav Kumar Nepal (rep), Deuba-led govt, too, introduces ‘party-split’ ordinance (rep), SP leaders meet PM Deuba to discuss Madhesh agenda (kh), Do not take the economy for granted : The government seems to be in no hurry to address the common man’s quest for survival, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Reimagining and owning politics : Why is politics—a value-neutral word–a taboo in Nepal?, by Sushav Niraula (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/08/2021: Migrant workers’ contribution: Where is the Government?, by Nitish Lal Shrestha (kh), Half of the population already exposed to the virus, new study says : Experts caution against interpreting the number as achieving herd immunity and call for taking precautionary measures and scaling up vaccination, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Nepal plans to start road to economic recovery as third wave looms : Even though the Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Deuba on July 13 had decided to introduce a special package to revive the economy within a month, it's yet to announce any package, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Snarling global geopolitics : How does Nepal sense it?,  by Madhav Shrestha (ht), Government to prorogue parliament session (kh) [The way the Deuba government deals with the legislature seems to be little different from the Oli period. Democracy looks different. There should be so many laws passed!], President prorogues parliament : Minister defends prorogation saying government needed time to build consensus on pending (kp), Nepali citizens in Afghanistan plead for their immediate rescue after Taliban insurgents storm Kabul (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/08/2021: Just as virus cases surge, non-Covid-19 patient numbers are rising too : Demand for oxygen doubled in Kathmandu in the past week. But authorities are still not focussing on  preventive measures like tests, experts say, by Arjun Poudel and Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp ), Protesters demand justice for Krisala Chaudhary (rep), With major shifts in party organizations, Maoist Center’s CC meet concludes (kh) [But standing Committee not affected? The provision of the constitution applies to all party levels!], SC orders full ban on plastics (thinner than 40μ) within 21 days (kh), What the UN’s ‘Code Red’ climate report means for Nepal : With rising temperatures all but certain, Nepal must focus on a more realistic and comprehensive emissions reduction strategy, strong regional cooperation, and effective global diplomacy, by Shuvam Rizal (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/08/2021: Women still face witchcraft charges in Sunsari : Rights activists say most of the victims of such allegations are women from marginalised communities, by Sumnim a Chamling (kp), Deuba has struggled to form the Cabinet. He lacks team of advisers as well : In the absence of ministers, role of persons with expertise can be crucial in governance, but Congress leaders say the prime minister is waiting to give government full shape, by Anil Giri (kp), Nepal-Khanal faction mulling to form new party : Accuses Oli of moving ahead unilaterally (kh), Shift in political dynamics may lead to oversized governments in provinces, experts warn : With UML no longer in power at the centre, provincial governments are also undergoing shake-ups. But there is a risk of the new power-sharing deal leading to bloated cabinets, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Under Article 168 (9), the number of members of a provincial council of ministers is limited to a maximum of 20 per cent of the number of MPs in the province, for example, 8 in Karnali Province and 22 in Bagmati Province.], Monetary policy prioritises relief and recovery for the pandemic-hit : Extension of repayment deadline, availability of cheaper interest loans, refinance among the measures announced by the new policy, by Prtithvi Man Shrestha and Krishana Prasain (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/08/2021: SC order on reservations draws flak, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), 'Court prejudiced against reservation' (ht), They fail, we fall : Not even the rise of the Hindu right, monarchists, or the call to scrap federalism and secularism has united Nepal’s politicians (nt), With government unsure of its own strength, House deprived of business : Deuba cannot risk rejection of bills without ensuring the support of Nepal faction of UML and Thakur camp of Janata Samajbadi that gave him trust vote, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), After the Melamchi disaster : Planners need to realise and accept that the era of megaprojects in Nepal is over, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp), Nepal’s Endless Democratic Transition, by Chandra D Bhatta (rn), SC’s division bench refuses to hear Aftab’s pleading citing conflict of interest (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/08/2021: What new global climate report that paints a bleak picture means for Nepal : While poor nations should press rich countries to scale up aid, they should also try to be part of solution, experts say, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), After authorities failed to ramp up antigen tests, kits are close to expiry : Health Ministry in May planned 25,000 antigen tests a day, but numbers hover around 5,000. Experts say no one is paying attention to testing, first step in fighting the virus, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Unions set up roadblock against long stalled aviation bills : The trade unions say they fear the government will gradually privatise the airports, causing them to lose their perks and pay, by Sangam Prasain (kp), A voice from nowhere: Battling for rights away from Kathmandu : Manoj Ram, a Parsa-based Dalit rights activist, believes it’s his moral duty to struggle against all odds for his community, by Srizu Bajracharya (kp), Poor economic health : Fiscal deficit cannot be reduced to the desired level unless the government takes measures to increase the production base (ht), Nepal’s rightwing fallacy: The question is, which part of the current political system is unique to Nepal? (ae) [fUnique to the multiethnic and multicultural society of Nepal or unique to the small elite of male Bahuns and Chhetris?]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/08/2021: The fishing village and the stolen boat : They stole our ghats. They stole our boats. They stole our rivers and our fish. Crushers in our rivers, they even stole the lands of our ancestors, by Raju Syangtan (rec), Deuba government to revise ordinance budget presented in May-end : Experts say revision to the budget and its size necessary, but the white paper came just to discredit Oli government, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), National coffers running a deficit of Rs 143 billion (ht), Nepal’s public borrowing increasing at an alarming rate: Govt’s whitepaper (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/08/2021: Indigenous people are victims of conservation 'success story' (ht), Indigenous people’s role to consolidate nationality: Province Chief Gurung (kh) [The male Bahuns and other male Tagadharis must finally stop identifying nationality with their own culture and way of thinking! Male Bahuns make up only six percent of the population but control almost all posts and functions of the state!], Indigenous Peoples Suffer Under Conservation Policies: Report (rn) [see report by Amnesty International], Once power-starved, Nepal now aims to export electricity : The country now is energy surplus after an increase in total installed capacity, and the realisation of the plan to sell power to India would mark a milestone, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), SEE results once again show effect of centralised education system : Federal authorities say local units lack competency to oversee school education as prescribed by the constitution, but experts argue that has to be tested first, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Public messaging : The government must review its Covid-19 communication strategy (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/08/2021: Indigenous people worry hard-won gains may be lost : Achievements made since 1990 are at risk as secularism and federalism are yet to be institutionalised and recent court ruling is another challenge, activists say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [The traditional elite, especially male Bahuns, continue to control the country, prevent social inclusion and the development of federalism and secularism, and constantly demand that the wheel of time be turned back instead, e.g. Ganga Thapa, Rabindra Mishra, KP Oli, Shashanka Koirala, etc.], Deuba’s double trouble: timely party convention and managing coalition : Pressure building on Nepali Congress president to keep house in order and expand the Cabinet, by Anil Giri (kp), Supreme Court orders government not to implement its decision to scrap land commission : The bench has called the government and petitioners for discussion on August 17 to discuss the matter further (kp), Cabinet meeting to discuss on formation of new land commission (kh) [Contempt of court also on the part of the Deuba government! Your legitimacy is based on the fact that the unconstitutional machinations of Oli had to be stopped, not for you to similarly misbehave, Mr. Deuba!], Chief Justice Rana justifies appointments to constitutional bodies, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [?????], BSP Chair’s Dangerous Proposal, by Mukunda Raj Kattel (rn) [Rabindra Mishra has been preaching Bibeksheel Sajha Party for years as an innovative and alternative political force. Now he is showing his true Hindu fundamentalist face. If there is anything Nepal truly does not need, it is a return to the Hindu state, monarchy, centralism and Panchayat glorification. If the BSP is to have a future, it must part company with its chairperson immediately! There is no sign of a rethink among the established parties. This could be an opportunity for the BSP!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/08/2021: Government’s talk of expediting transitional justice process fails to convince conflict victims : Conflict victims doubt the Deuba government is committed to amending the transitional justice laws as per the 2015 Supreme Court ruling, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Deuba and Dahal have both had a great responsibility for the escalation of the conflict and should therefore have no interest in justice for the victims!], Man dies in Police custody in Sindhupalchok (kh), People with disabilities left out of Covid-19 vaccination drive : Although the government has decided to inoculate people with disabilities,  vaccines are not accessible to all in the target group, by Biplab Maharjan (kp), Exiles at home : Migrant workers are heroes of the nation, but the  government treats them as lesser humans, by Deepak Thapa (kp), The networking of politics: families, funds, and favoritism, by Rajib Neupane (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/08/2021: Consensus foreign policy: Desirable, but  can parties have it?  A task force of the ruling alliance has called for a foreign policy based on consensus. It is possible if national  interest is kept above petty party interests, experts say, by Anil Giri (kp), Changing officials too often may hit plans to jab all in next eight months : Technical manpower in health departments continues to get transferred. As new appointees take time to learn, fight against the pandemic will be affected, former officials say, by Arjun Poudel (kp) [This is also a consequence of frequent changes of government, when all leading positions in the administration are re-staffed in a pathological manner according to party allegiance!], Children in Jajarkot villages deprived of nutrition pay : Local officials say around Rs 4.7 million meant for nutrition allowance was frozen, as NIC Asia bank could not release the amount on time, by Bhim Bahadur Singh (kp), Fostering Representative Links Of Citizens, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Politics and Business, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), Cases of violence against women on the rise (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/08/2021: Going backwards : The idea that reservation must be based on need, and not caste, is flawed (kp) [The judges also bear the characteristics of being male and high-caste. They obviously cannot escape their acquired view. As long as adequate participation in society is not guaranteed by a restrictive quota system also in the judiciary, a correct assessment of the situation of the traditionally excluded is unlikely to be realised!], In defence of secularism : A forgotten incident from the Panchayat era tells us why we must protect minority religions, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), Ruling, opposition parties on collision course after land commission scrapped : More of the Oli government’s decisions will be scrapped, Congress leaders say. Analysts argue that all decisions need not be overturned but there is no system in place, by Anil Giri (kp), School textbooks yet to reach remote Karnali districts : High airfare and disruption of road networks have delayed the transportation of textbooks, by Chhapal Lama (kp), The business of politics in Nepal L To uproot cronyism, the next election must stop votes being bought with notes, by Shekhar Kharel (nt), RPP Chair Thapa objects plan to ‘bring local levels under Province govts’ (kh) [Thapa's idol Mahendra once called it "Back to the Village National Campaign" with various facilities to control and spy on the people! This sounds like a return to panchayat times.. Nevertheless, the local level must not be brought under the control of the provincial level!], Unstable All The Time, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Nepal’s Unsteady Progress Towards Fiscal Federalism, by Bishnu Adhikari, Parshuram Upadhyaya, Amol Acharya and Abhas Ghimire (sp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/08/2021: One step forward, two steps back : Recent court ruling to revisit reservation and affirmative actions for those discriminated against by the state is regressive and defeats the purpose, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Sorry state of affairs : Challenges of implementation of the reservation policy for women in Nepal persist, by Roshee Lamichhane (kp), Ignored for three years, EPG report is losing its relevanceEminent Persons’ Group, formed to review various aspects of Nepal-India ties, including the 1950 Treaty, finalised  the report in July 2018, but it continues to gather dust, by Anil Giri (kp) [Who was in political charge again in the last three years?], 'Indecision' of Madhav Kumar Nepal-led faction over whether to join govt delays Deuba's plan to expand cabinet (rep), Referendum on secularism? 10 public intellectuals weigh in, by Pratik Ghimire (ae) [It is shocking to read how many intellectual Nepali Hindus define Nepal exclusively as a state of their own. Nepal is a multi-religious and multi-cultural state. Such a state should not identify itself with one culture and religion. This creates discontent among those who cannot identify with a Hindu state and fuels conflict, as one can learn from Nepali history. It is not about using a referendum to prove that there are more Hindus living in Nepal than members of other cultures. The state must give all inhabitants a possibility of identification, and this only works in a secular state. Linking state identification with a particular religion is poison! Overcoming this grievance has been one of the greatest achievements of recent years. The fact that the ruling elite, all high-caste male Hindus by the way, have not developed this ideal further, probably quite deliberately, is no reason to return to the failed state identification of the male Hindu elite.]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/08/2021: The broken drum of meritocracy : Loyalists of the old order seem to be trying to sabotage the agenda of the 2008 pronouncement, by CK Lal (kp),  Instances of VAW far from declining yet, by Sabina Karki (kh), Nepal helped Deuba return to power. Now he’s hobbling Cabinet expansion : Even three weeks after assuming office, prime minister  is unable to expand the Cabinet. Allotment of ministries delayed as UML dissidents who voted for Deuba vacillate, by Anil Giri (kp), Bureaucratic run-around : The government can at least ensure hassle-free access to testing, jabs and vaccine passports (kp), Commission to mark land for landless dissolved, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Twenty-six lives lost in risky river crossings in Darchula in last 27 years (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/08/2021: The woes of migrant workers to get vaccines and certification : After waiting for weeks to get jabbed, youths planning  to head for foreign countries for work have to struggle again for paperwork showing proof of vaccination, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Target groups left out from Covid-19 vaccination campaign in Bhimdatta Municipality : Locals accuse health workers deployed at vaccination sites, people’s representatives and municipal employees of stealing vaccines for family, friends, by Bhawani Bhatta (kp), School scholarship funds go unspent while students drop out due to poverty : Hardly Rs150 million was distributed to the target student groups in the previous fiscal year leaving around Rs700 million unspent, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Tame the beast : Recent controversies in the stock market have raised doubts among investors (kp), Central planning versus federalism : The National Planning Commission is a relic of the centralised planning era of Panchayat, by Achyut Wagle (kp), SC orders halt in excavation of riverine substances (rep), EC cancels registration of 41 political parties (kh), PM Deuba instructs Minister Bhusal to appoint Kulman as NEA Executive Director (kh), Bibeksheel leaders unveil alternative proposal (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/08/2021: Prevention is cure : The Deuba administration has to rope in top experts in the field to assess our latest situation (kp), Ideals of the rule of law : The laws of the nation must bear the fundamental ideals of justice, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp), Sugarcane farmers resort to agitation again after government breaks promise : Farmers say sugar mills still owe them Rs250 million that includes the subsidy amount given to them by the government, by Krishana Prasain (kp), SC validates UML’s action against 4 Karnali lawmakers (kh), Four UML Province Assembly members breaching party whip lose their positions (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/08/2021: With hospitalisations on the rise, lockdown is inevitable, experts say : Restrictions are not being enforced and those vaccinated are growing complacent even though the risk of Delta variant, predominant in Nepal, is higher, by Arjun Poudel and Anup Ojha (kp), CCMC proposes smart lockdown to stem COVID spread (ht), Foster Intraparty Unity, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn) [This will not be possible without democratising the internal party structures and processes, criminalising the authoritarian machinations at the party leaderships and finally making the parties socially inclusive, as prescribed by the constitution and the Political Parties Act!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

31/07/2021: Prospect Of Democratic Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), UML unity only possible after current leadership quits: Leader Jhakri (kh) [This is absolutely correct. If political conditions in Nepal are to improve and democracy is to be saved, the leaders of all the major parties must resign in unison and make way for a younger and more socially and culturally inclusive generation!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/07/2021: Rights commission tells global body ‘court will test legality of key appointments’ : Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions is set to revisit the ‘A’ status of National Human Rights Commission, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Standing with Nepal’s survivors  of trafficking in persons : Ultimately, to eliminate trafficking in Nepal, we must address the underlying issues, by Randy Berry and Nicola Pollitt (kp), Cabinet reshuffle likely to be delayed, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Political trilogy, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), Nepalis queueing up all night for proof of jab : Vaccine certificates are just another in a long checklist of permits and authorisations for Nepali workers headed overseas, by Upasana Khadka (nt),, 2AM is too late : The lines at Teku this week showed appalling indifference towards those at the mercy of the state (nt), Coping with patriarchy : Tracking the struggle of women in a Nepali clan across four generations, by Bhumi Ghimiré (nt), Treaty, agreement should be in national interest: Dr Rawal (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/07/2021: Whose backing Deuba has anyway—parties or individual lawmakers, or both? Analysts say the Congress leader has mixed support, but confusion persists as there is a lack of clear constitutional explanation, which may emerge in case differences arise, by Binod Ghimire (kp), US interest, Nepal foreign policy under Beijing’s watch with changes in Kathmandu : China would want to make a push for implementation of BRI projects, just as Deuba government prepares to move the American MCC programme forward, observers say, by Anil Giri (kp), Patients deprived of free essential medicines at Mugu government health institutions : The District Hospital in Gamgadhi sends patients to private medical stores due to  a shortage of medicines at the hospital, by Raj Bahadur Shahi (kp), Keep the third wave away : Our centralised and  inaccessible health system definitely needs a complete makeover, by Bimala Joshi (kp), Sugarcane farmers in capital once again to protest as sugar factories fail to clear their dues (rep), Rabindra Mishra: Wrong right turn : He has betrayed the idea of alternative politics and hence lost the moral authority to lead the movement, by Dinkar Nepal (ae), Why should women accept patriarchal norms?, by Cilla Khatry (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/07/2021: Our history offers grim hope : Government after  government has failed to address the grievances of the insurgency period, by Mohna Ansari (kp), Alternative politics continues to be a chimera in Nepal : Analysts say conservatism and regressive ideas still prevail with no parties or leaders, despite promises, able to inject hopes in a society that yearns for a change, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Keep your fingers crossed : Alternative politics has remained an excellent idea on the drawing board only (kp), Lawmakers press for passage of citizenship bill (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/07/2021: Back to the future: Dream of a utopian Nepal, by Ashok Kumar Khand (ht), Government must up its efforts to prevent human trafficking, stakeholders sayChanging forms of human trafficking and gap in existing laws have made things worse for the victims as well as authorities working to prevent them, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Trafficking laws incompatible with Palermo Protocol (ht), Govt preparing to remove chiefs of three provinces (kh), Challenges Before PM Deuba, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Deuba govt won’t get excuse for erring as Oli govt: Gagan Thapa : Says previous govt reached Balkot from Baluwatar for its misdeeds (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/07/2021: As Nepal is getting jabs, vaccine administration presents new challenges : Experts warn that crowded immunisation centres could turn  into virus hotspots. Authorities urge the public to register  for vaccination but the response has been lukewarm, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Heritage activists welcome anti-corruption body probing Pashupati jalahari installation : In February, the Pashupati Area Development Trust had replaced the receptacle at the base of the Shiva Linga with a golden 96-kg one inside the temple defying a court order (kp), Too quick a fall : The exit of a ‘communist’ government has left  the critics of Nepali  communism vindicated, by Jiwan Kshetry (kp), Justice eludes victims of heinous crimes: NHRC (ht), The Social Enigma behind Untouchability, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep), Changing Course : Nation Above Notion. Abolition of Federalism by Restructuring and Strengthening Local Bodies : Referendum on Secularism, by Rabindra Mishra (paper on personal website)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/07/2021: With Congress leading government, its general convention becomes uncertain : Dispute over party membership, focus on governance, pandemic, natural calamities and Deuba’s desire to lead party for another term could mean it will be postponed, by Anil Giri (kp) [After the CPN-UML, the NC is also showing its major democratic flaws and losing its legitimacy!], Government promotes police officer involved in extrajudicial killings : Sub-inspector Dipendra Chand is promoted despite the national rights body recommending action against him, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Dalit woman, son thrashed in Siraha (ht), Nirmala murder case remains a mystery even after three years (rep), One arrested for misusing photo of President, PM (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/07/2021: Communists’ inability to unite results in power loss, Deuba’s test ahead (kh), From vaccines to a balancing act, Deuba faces tough foreign policy challenges : It is not just about India and China anymore. With the changes in international rivalries, Nepal needs to tread carefully while safeguarding its interests, observers say, by Anil Giri (kp), Controversial issues might be raised to break the alliance: Prachanda (kh) [Nepal's political future is still at stake, Mr Dahal! This is no time for power games. The old generation of top politicians of all parties should take their leave by the elections at the end of next year at the latest!], UML claims Deuba doesn’t have popular mandate. Experts disagree : Political and constitutional experts say UML leaders are undermining the people’s mandate and promoting negativity against the judiciary by questioning Deuba’s appointment as prime minister, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Nearly half a million Nepalis rescued from abroad since the start of pandemic : According to the Covid-19 Crisis Management Centre, most of those rescued are from places including the Persian Gulf, Malaysia and India, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Nepal’s Search For Political Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/07/2021: Round and round goes the wheel : Why is Nepal stuck in a loop of musical chairs between the same old men?, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), Teachers Service Commission out of work with vacant leadership positions : The commission is unable to announce vacancies for at least 12,000 schoolteachers and decide on promotions of over 2,500 teachers in the absence of chair and members, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Thank you Mr Oli, you were the most incompetent PM Nepal has ever seen!], Nepali ‘Kabuliwalas’ : Repatriating Nepalis in Afghanistan needs to be a high priority for Deuba (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/07/2021: The House got a new lease of life. Now it should get deputy Speaker : Experts say parties in power must not undermine the fact that constitutional obligations are attached with the post, which the previous government failed to pay heed to, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Will Deuba be a changed man in his fifth outing? There seems to be little hope that Deuba would be any better than Oli in terms of governance, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Denial of citizenship due to lack of relevant law affects thousands (ht), The Accidental Prime Minister, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), जति नेता त्यति गुट : जुन समुदायमा आफ्नै सरकारसँग लड्ने शक्ति हुन्छ, त्यसले चिरकालसम्म उसलाई पराजित मनोविज्ञानमा रहन दिन्न । [The more leaders, the more factions : A community that has the power to fight its own government should not be allowed to live in a defeatist mentality forever], by Chandra Kishor (ka), Discredited parliament : We blame politicians and political parties, but in one form or another, we end up concluding that this system is hopeless, by Bishal Thapa (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/07/2021: Teach cadres manners instead of making them ruffians: Raghuji Pant (kh), Outraged Oli supporters continue spitting venom at Dahal, Nepal (ht 21/07/2021), Deuba struggles to expand Cabinet, more so by issues in his own party : The prime minister has to satisfy the rival faction of his party. The Maoist Centre and the Janata Samjabadi are his key partners and he can’t ignore the Nepal group either, by Anil Giri (kp) [After only a few days, the usual power-seeking and factionalism seems to be back in Deuba's government as well!], Deuba as the new PM: Opportunity to enhance tarnished image, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), Janata Samajbadi’s birth was accidental and it may meet with an accident of split : Factions led by Upendra Yadav and Mahantha Thakur have drifted apart and reconciliation between them is unlikely in the current circumstances, observers say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Towards safer births : Superstitions and discriminatory customs continue to deny women their basic rights (kp), The curse of tinpot heroes : Our self-important politicos falsely believe they have made huge sacrifices for the country, by CK Lal (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/07/2021: The show’s over : Nepali politics has finally returned to a semblance of stability (kp), After Deuba’s trust vote, UML seems to be unravelling : As differences between Oli and Nepal have reached the point of no return, the only question is how many will side with the latter as he appears set to quit the party, insiders say, by Anil Giri (kp) [It is unbelievable how an authoritarian and power-hungry politician like Oli destroys his party, which has played such an important role in the last 30 years!], Women in remote Baglung village are sent to animal sheds to give birth : Many women die for want of treatment and maternity care in Dhiri since they do not go to hospitals for delivery, by Prakash Baral (kp), The economic challenges facing Deuba : The new prime minister has appointed somebody with unknown credentials as finance minister, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Work for stability : Hopefully, with the new mandate, PM Deuba will provide the much-desired political stability that has remained elusive for the last seven months (ht), PM Deuba and Maoist Center Chair agree to overturn ‘unconstitutional appointments’ (kh), The Politics of Quotas, by Sanjit Shrestha (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/07/2021: In Kalikot, gender discrimination begins at birth : Despite efforts from social organisations and local authorities to raise awareness on gender discrimination, prejudices against girls are still prevalent, by Tularam Pandey (kp), Deuba set to govern for a year and a half as he wins House confidence : As many as 165 lawmakers vote in favour of Deuba’s trust motion while 83 vote against and one remains neutral, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Deuba wins trust vote, moots national govt : 165 lawmakers, including 23 from UML, vote in his favour • 83 UML MPs vote against him, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Embracing The Essence Of Democracy, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/07/2021: Deuba likely to take vote of confidence today : Speaker calls meeting of Business Advisory Committee (kh), PM Deuba confident about getting a vote of confidence (kh), We will vote for Deuba for parliament’s sake: UML leader Jhankri (kh), UML senior leader Khanal urges lawmakers to vote for PM Deuba (kh), Amid mixed signals, Nepal faction’s support for Deuba is not a certainty : UML leaders continue unity bid even if it means rethinking the roles of Oli and Nepal. Meanwhile, more Samajbadi Party lawmakers switch sides to support the government, by Anil Giri (kp), Congress has opportunity to restore parliamentary supremacy, experts say : Besides over a dozen ordinances of previous government, there are scores of bills awaiting endorsement. Some related to federalism have been pending since 2018, by Binod Ghimire (kp), In criticising court, Oli defies rule of law, experts say : UML Standing Committee decides to ‘expose’ Supreme Court’s verdict ordering Deuba’s appointment as prime minister, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Court Steps In To Save Parliament, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [Oli no longer even had the mandate of the people after the HoR withdrew its confidence in him. This is also one of the many untruths spread by Oli!], Legacy of KP Oli: Dismantling rule of law, by Sumit Pathak (rep), Prez Bhandari annuls ordinance amending Constitutional Council procedure (rep), Govt tables ordinance-based budget presented by Oli led govt at parliament (rep), Deuba wins vote of confidence in the reinstated House : The win ensures Congress leader’s tenure as prime minister for a year and a half–until the next elections are held (kp), Deuba wins vote of confidence in parliament with 165 votes (rep), PM Sher Bahadur Deuba wins trust vote in House of Representatives, secures 165 votes (ht), PM Deuba secures vote of confidence in Parliament : Out of 249 votes: Yes 165; No 83; 1 Neutral (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/07/2021: In new fiscal year, hopes for economic revival hinge on jabs : Nepal’s economy lost two years to pandemic. Economic activities were picking up but then the second wave hit in April. Except for tourism, prognosis is good, experts say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Provinces following Oli’s example of governing through ordinances : Karnali governed by Maoist Centre-Congress alliance and Lumbini by UML prorogue provincial assemblies and introduce new fiscal budgets through ordinances, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [This is due to the fact that Nepal has party rule rather than people's rule, particracy instead of democracy!], The Anatomy Of Authoritarianism, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Advocacy Forum-Nepal, Amnesty International Nepal urge govt to ratify Rome Statute (rep) [see joint statement]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/07/2021: Transitional justice bodies get new term but conflict victims have little hope : Rights activists say the Congress and Maoist Centre have got another chance to complete the peace deal by settling insurgency-era cases, but progress remains dismal, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [There is not much to expect. Dahal, by his own admission, was responsible for the Maoists' crimes, and Deuba was at times responsible for the actions of the state security forces. In particular, Deuba was responsible for the mobilisation of the army and the resulting escalation of the conflict!], Proposed policy to ban small importers sparks individual rights concerns : Provision will limit the number of importers and make it easier to identify them and track their transactions, report says, by Prithvi ManShrestha (kp), Caste discrimination case : SC tells police to book ex-minister Shrestha (ht), INSEC Urges to Ratify Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (INSEC)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/07/2021: EC cancels election schedule for HoR (kh), Let’s appoint a retired justice as President, suggests ex-PM Bhattarai (kh), PM Deuba to take vote of confidence within few days : His strategy to secure vote of confidence (kh), Uncertainty ahead : Deuba cannot afford to be "incompetent" again. But his hands are tied (kp), In KP Oli’s ouster, there are lessons for others—what not to do when in power : A fall from grace for the leader who squandered a historic opportunity and strong mandate to govern, implement the constitution and safeguard democracy, observers say, by Anil Giri and Tika R Pradhan (kp), Cabinet recommends House meeting at 4pm Sunday : The lower house was restored by the Supreme Court on July 12 (kp), Three days after the abrupt ending of NA, Deuba calls for its new session (kh), Conflict victims not to engage with commissions sans law amendment (ht), Reframing Our Youth Employment Problem, by Surath Giri and Saurabh Shah (rep), President Bhandari calls HoR, NA meeting on July 18 (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/07/2021: Deuba returns as prime minister with challenges ahead : Congress leader has taken over the reins for fifth time with a duty to fight pandemic and clean up the mess left by Oli, by Anil Giri (kp), Confidence vote will decide how long new government lasts : If Deuba wins, it will be 18 months. If not, he’ll have to hold polls in six months, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Budget hit as Oli govt nosedives 3 days prior to its implementation (kh), After court’s observations, questions arise over fate of ordinance budget : The court called the introduction of the budget through  an ordinance a week after House dissolution fraudulent. Legal experts say Deuba government can bring a new one, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Telling it like it is : The court has made it clear that snollygosters must be thrown out (kp), Reproductive rights of women, young people must be protected, says UNFPA (ht), End Comedy Of Political Errors, by Namrata Sharma (rn), SC issues interim order to stay works on Kaligandaki River diversion (kh), NC leader Gachhadar released on Rs 1 million bail (kh), UML cadres demonstrate against SC order in Oli’s hometown Damak : Effigy of Chief Justice also burned (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/07/2021: Oli flew too high : The judiciary has rescued Nepal’s parliamentary democracy and averted a constitutional disaster (kp), Supreme Court shows Oli the door : Constitutional Bench orders Nepali Congress President Deuba’s appointment as prime minister and reinstatement of the House. Legal experts say the court verdict is a victory of rule of law, constitutionalism, independence of judiciary and democracy, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Court verdict raises serious moral question for President Bhandari : As Supreme Court restores House, it says Head of State’s actions are subject to judicial review and that it is the judiciary’s responsibility to correct any unconstitutional moves, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Speaker can call meet of Lower House: Apex court (ht), Congress President Deuba set to return to power, for fifth timeThe Congress leader needs to be appointed prime minister by 5pm today as per court order. UML’s Nepal faction, however, has severed ties with the opposition alliance, by Anil Giri (kp) [This could mean that new elections will be held within the next 6-7 months, this time under the rule of law. After all, such new elections are likely to be inevitable.], Senior UML leader Nepal breaks alliance with opposition parties (rep), UML holding Standing Committee meeting today : Likely to endorse 10-pt consensus deal (kh), Nepal-Khanal faction meeting prior to UML SC meeting : To decide whether to attend SC meeting or not (kh), Is Nepal likely headed for political unrest? The country cannot afford another political turmoil, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh), Attorney General Badal resigns (kh), People’s mandate is in my favor, NC Prez Deuba got SC’s: PM Oli (kh) [This is a lie! Oli continues to be intransigent and ignores the fact that the representatives of the people withdrew his mandate in a democratic process on 10 May 2021. Everything he has done since then has been unconstitutional!], PM Oli says SC decision disturbed balance of powers, democracy in peril (kh) [Reversal of reality!], PM Oli announces resignation in his address to nation (kh), President Bhandari appoints NC President Deuba as new Prime Minister : Swearing-in ceremony to take place at 6 pm (kh), President’s Office statement skips mentioning constitutional provision by which Deuba is appointed (kp), President appoints Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba prime minister : The appointment comes after the Supreme Court ordered it on Monday. It ruled that the rejection of his claim, with the support of 149 lawmakers, by the President in May was unconstitutional (kp), Deuba sworn in as prime minister : Four ministers also sworn-in (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/07/2021: SC reinstates House of Representatives yet again : "Appoint NC President Sher Bahadur Deuba as Prime Minister within two days" (kh) [see Nepali text of the verdict, alternative link in case of overload of the SC server], Court orders President to appoint Congress leader Deuba prime minister by 5pm Tuesday : The decision of the five-member Constitutional Bench also orders summoning of the House by 5pm July 18 (kp), Apex court reinstates parliament, issues mandamus to appoint Deuba as new PM (rep), What’s in the SC verdict? (rep), Supreme Court reinstates House, issues verdict in favour of Deuba's claim (ht), Lawmakers free to give vote of confidence for PM under Article 76 (5): SC  (kh), MPs can’t be imposed whip as per Article 76 (5): SC (rep) [This is a particularly important part of the ruling, as elected representatives are granted unrestricted freedom of conscience: Nepal has a democracy and not a party dictatorship! This also applies to those parties that now see themselves on the winning side!], Oli supporters take to streets against SC verdict on House dissolution case (ht), 23 UML lawmakers’ signatures in support of Deuba will remain intact: UML leader Nepal (kh), For an inclusive Congress : Caste, class, culture and gender diversity is imperative to end the status quo, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp) [And with it comes an unwavering commitment to federalism and secularism. Advocates of a return to the Hindu state should have no place in this party that will now have to take the lead in the future government!], Reinstatement of Parliament: Arguments and counterarguments, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), Precedents of dissolution and reinstatement of HoR (kh), SC verdict is flawed and unpleasant yet we will accept it: CPN-UML (kh) [Let's hope so! You don't seem to accept that a Supreme Court decision is binding law!], Opp’n alliance decides to form govt led by NC President Deuba (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/07/2021: Police intervene in civil society demonstration : Dozens of demonstrators arrested (kh), Police arrest 19 protesting civil society members : The Brihat Nagarik Andolan group were demonstrating against irregularities in the medical education sector in front of Singhadurbar (kp), China aims to create an alternative regional bloc in South Asia : Observers say Nepal needs to tread carefully as the Beijing-led Poverty Alleviation Centre minus India is part of Chinese attempts to expand its influence and countervail New Delhi’s clout in the region, by Anil Giri (kp), What made you wait for a month, Mr Prime Minister?, by Kunga Hyolmo (rep), Details of UML task force’s 10-point unity deal : UML task force announces 10-point unity agreement (kh) [At the beginning of the agreement, the most important point is missing: Oli's immediate resignation from all state and party offices. Putschists are unacceptable in a democracy!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/07/2021: Cases of missing person go up during Covid-19 pandemic, police records show : The National Human Rights Commission in 2019 had reported that nearly 1.5 million Nepalis are at risk of various forms of human trafficking; 10,418 missing person reports were filed in first eight months of  the current fiscal year, by Shuvam Dhungana (kp), Newlywed inter-caste couple attacked, girl taken away (ht) [An archaic patriarchal way of thinking and acting that raises doubts as to whether Nepal really has a civilised society! This violation of basic human rights requires the toughest possible crackdown by the government and the judiciary!], Ideas For Systemic Conflict Transformation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Good and bad nationalism, by Surendra Singh Rawal (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/07/2021: Don’t wait for free jabs, pay to secure them, World Bank tells Nepal : The donor agency, which has provided $100 million for vaccine procurement, says money should not be an issue when it comes to vaccinating the population, by Sangam Prasain (kp), With majority population unvaccinated, concerns abound over hasty lifting of Covid-19 restrictions : Covid-19 Crisis Management Centre says it is devising a strategy to tackle a possible third wave, by Anup Ojha (kp), Codifying the breaking of wind : The Nepali state’s desire to control all aspects of life, including our orifices, is omnipresent, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), The deep dive : Specter of secularism, by Pranaya Rana (rec), Parliamentary whiplash : Hopefully, by this time next week a Supreme Court verdict will show us a way out of this maze (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/07/2021: Legitimacy of the CPN (Maoist Centre) challenged at the Election Commission : Former Maoist leaders claim the party has breached the constitutional provision of holding the periodic general convention, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Fewer flights, expensive tickets and Covid-19 restrictions hit migrant workers : Vaccination rule has added uncertainty to Nepal’s foreign employment sector. Nepali diplomats in labour destination countries say workers are facing similar hardship as last year, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), A bunch of hogwash : The government is known for bullshit, but even it could have supported citizens better against Covid-19, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Elderly People: Waiting for Justice at Very Important Phase of Life, by Punam Pant (rep), What does it mean to be a casteist? To not be a casteist, we must recognize that caste is structural and exists in invisible forms in Nepali society, by Tarun Timalsina (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/07/2021: Ties of tradition that bind and blind : Without more aggressive politicisation of the  inclusive agenda, cultural divisions are unlikely to end, by CK Lal (kp), Critical Citizenry Vital For Democracy, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Fate of opposition alliance at stake as CPN-UML factions step up unity talks : As talks to bring Oli and Nepal together are termed positive, the future of the alliance, formed to make Nepali Congress President Deuba prime minister, is uncertain, leaders say, by Anil Giri (kp), Split in Samajbadi Party is no surprise as its formation was unnatural, analysts say : The Election Commission will decide which of the two rival factions will get the party name and election symbol, by Tika R Pradhan (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/07/2021: Government is way behind tax revenue target as fiscal year ends on July 15 : Annual target is Rs450 billion but the Inland Revenue Department has collected just Rs373.26 billion until July 3, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Don't even think about it : Political adventurism to scrap secularism and federalism will backfire (kp), Supremacy of the constitution : To preserve democratic values and norms, the reinstatement of the House is inevitable, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp), Court likely to give its verdict on July, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), SC Verdict To Seal UML Fate?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn) [All parties must change fundamentally if Nepal is to have a future. Nepal's political parties are not democratic, socially non-inclusive and in the hands of patriarchal machos with a greater or lesser proximity to Hindu political thinking!], JSP headed towards split as EC’s last-resort effort to strike deal between two factions fails (kh), Janata Samajbadi Party decide to split a little more than a year after merger : The Election Commission will decide on which of the two warring factions led by the two chairs Thakur and Yadav will get the party’s name and symbol (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/07/2021: Oli’s aversion to federalism and secularism becoming more apparent : A proposal at UML top panel to review major achievements of the constitution does not portend well for the charter which has come under increasing threats, observers say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Arguments centre on if court can appoint Deuba prime ministe r: Chief justice asks whether it will be the right thing for  the bench to pick prime minister as demanded by  petitioners, as hearing on House dissolution continues, by Binod Ghimire (kp), HoR Dissolution: Three senior lawyers presenting counter-arguments today : Four hours remain for writ against HoR (kh), Hearing on parliament dissolution case over, verdict likely on July 12 (rep), Rupa Sunar moves court demanding sacking of Education Minister Shrestha : Shrestha had escorted an alleged perpetrator of caste discrimination from the police office to her home on June 23 after the district attorney’s office ordered her release (kp), The world is watching : It would be shameful if the National Human Rights Commission’s status were to be downgraded (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/07/2021: ‘A’ status of rights commission under threat due to controversial appointments : Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions has asked the commission to furnish a justification over the controversial appointments of its office bearers, by Binod Ghimire (kp), House Dissolution: Constitutional Bench hearing debates today as well : Legal practitioners to debate on behalf of Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota (kh), No party whips on the govt formation as per Article 76 (5): Speaker Sapkota’s lawyer (kh), Constitution was violated by President: Senior Advocate Kharel (kh), PM Oli has skipped constitutional provisions, HoR will be reinstated: Yogesh Bhattarai (kh), Rupa Sunar files writ petition against Minister Shrestha on caste-based discrimination allegation (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/07/2021: Ratnanagar not to allow lactating mothers to go abroad (kh) [This is archaic patriarchy! According to Article 18 of the Constitution, all people are equal, regardless of their gender. Consequently, men with children of this age are also no longer allowed to leave the country!], As US supplies vaccines to some countries, Nepal waits and wonders : Nepal fails to become Washington’s priority for vaccine aid despite its urgent needs. There is no clarity on doses and delivery of the jabs White House announced last month, by Anil Giri (kp), Election body preparing for polls despite uncertainty : The Election Commission plans to issue a tender notice next week for the procurement of election materials, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [Oli is now to blame for this situation for the second time. He should be held personally responsible for the completely unnecessary expenses if the SC declares his actions unconstitutional this time as well, which is to be assumed! It would have been much more important to use the time to finally prepare a postal voting option so that migrant workers and other expatriate Nepalis, election workers and security personnel could also vote. Denying them the right to vote is unconstitutional!, SC to pass its verdict on HoR dissolution case next week (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/07/2021: Questions galore before the Supreme Court as it hears House dissolution : How the Constitutional Bench looks into arguments from the petitioners and defendants and how it passes a verdict will help define the constitution, experts say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), HoR Dissolution: Govt attorneys to finish pleading today : Lawyers to begin arguments on behalf of Speaker (kh), Without dedicated health, foreign ministers, vaccine purchase will be hit, ex-ministers say : Two Nepal Airlines flights will bring vaccines from Beijing next week, officials say. But other sources of vaccine are unclear, by Anil Giri (kp), The great headcount : The bureau must sensitise the enumerators on the need to appreciate social diversity (kp), Federal government continues handling local roads and bridge projects : Road officials say local governments still don’t have capacity to implement such projects, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [This is a consequence of the fact that the Oli government, as the first government elected under the new constitution, refuses to this day to really implement federalism!], PM Oli claims there will be enough vaccines from Sunday (kh 02/07/2021) [Direct connection to heaven?], Labour migration : A sound policy is required to make productive use of the remittance, instead of squandering it on importing luxury goods (ht), Not the right time to conduct polls : Faulty comparisons, by Mahendra P Joshi (ht), After the petitioners, now the defendants, by Narayan Manandhar (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/07/2021: Koshi Tappu residents protest decision to turn their homesteads into leasehold forest : The proposed area is home to 500 families, mostly flood and landslide victims, squatters and impoverished households, by Dilliram Khatiwada (kp), Central Bureau of Statistics told to make plan for conducing census before Dashain : With a third wave of Covid-19 projected to hit the country around the same time, the bureau faces challenge, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), NHRC's call against caste-based inequality (ht), Abide by the code : The office-bearers must live up to the people's expectations and take impartial and fair actions as per the legal provisions (ht), Writ petition filed at SC, demanding  halting of Kali Gandaki-Tinau Diversion Multipurpose Project (rep), Secure Demographic Dividend by Attending to Nepali Youth Now, by George Varughese and Richard Howard (rep), Protests intensify against HoR dissolution in capital (photo feature) (rep), 16 ordinances presented at NA meeting (kh) [That is complete nonsense! Does the Oli government really think the people of Nepal are stupid? According to Article 114 of the Constitution, ordinances require the approval of both houses of parliament. Approval by the National Assembly alone is absolutely meaningless. At least some of the ordinances should have been tabled a long time ago when both houses were in session. Indeed, according to Article 114 (2) (a), this has to be done in the first session of Parliament after the promulgation of the Ordinances, otherwise the latter are deemed to be repealed. However, the Oli government deliberately failed to make such a submission!], Hold Nepali politicians to account : Perhaps what Nepal needs is a figurative demise of dishonourable, untrustworthy, corrupt netas. That demise can only begin if the average Nepali decides to stop being a marionette, by Shreya Soni (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/06/2021: American firms say unable to supply vaccines to Nepal before 2022 : J&J and Moderna’s inability to sign any deal within this year shrinks government’s options, just as Nepalis wait desperately to get inoculated amid a third wave threat, by Anil Giri (kp), Five student unions staging protest against HoR dissolution today (kh), Lawyers defending House dissolution face intense grilling : Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher Rana asks lawyers whether it is mandatory for  the President to appoint a prime minister after Article 76(5) is invoked, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Anti-defection law key weapon of defence team (ht) [Once again, it is evident that Nepal does not have democracy but party rule. Since the parties are not structured democratically and the party leaders claim almost absolute power, the constitution and the party law must be amended so that decision-making power lies with the elected representatives of the people who, despite all the necessary party discipline, are primarily responsible to their conscience! Hopefully, the SC will demand this in its final judgement!], Caste persists, nurtured by the state, by Shradha Ghale (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/06/2021: NHRC discusses with Health Ministry on COVID-19 control efforts (kh), The difference between communism in China and Nepal : Three decades of existence has shown us that Nepali communists have misguided priorities, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Isn’t parliament a forum to seek vote of confidence? Chief Justice Rana asks govt attorney (kh) [What a confusing argumentation on the part of the Attorney General!], HoR Dissolution: Political parties subject to party whip in democratic country: Joint Attorney General Pandey (kh) [Accordingly, most of the democratic states in the world are not democratic at all if they put the freedom of conscience of the members of parliament above party discipline, e.g. Germany!], PM’s resignation not envisaged by constitution, argues DAG Pandey (kh) [Mr Pandey, please read Article 77 (1) (a) of the Constitution. A leading jurist in the country should be familiar with this passage!], PM Oli cautions Education Minister Shrestha for latter’s ‘indecent’ behavior (kh) [Anyone who supports caste discrimination is unacceptable as a minister!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/06/2021: Nepal hasn’t seen a single conviction for torture and custodial deaths in the past three years : Police cannot be trusted to conduct impartial investigation into cases where own officers are involved, says a 2020 Supreme Court ruling, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Investigate torture : Only an independent mechanism can investigate and prosecute all acts of torture and ensure justice to the victims (ht), Dalit rights: No respite at the top. Those in power are allowed to get away with perpetuating atrocities against Dalits, by Deepak Thapa (kp), HoR dissolution: Govt attorneys delivering arguments on behalf of Prime Minister from today : Ramesh Badal, Sushil Panta and Agni Kharel to advocate (kh), Court should order Deuba be appointed prime minister, lawyers argue : As Article 75 (5) has already been activated, the question now is who should lead the government on its basis, they say. The defendants’ arguments begin today, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Writ filed against HoR does not fall within jurisdiction of Constitutional Bench: Attorney General Badal (kh) [And what about Article 137 (2) in combination with Article 133 (1)? The Attorney General's statement casts doubt on his legal qualifications!], Attorney General Badal claims President saved face of opposition alliance (kh) [The President and the Prime Minister only had to abide by the Constitution. The mandatory second vote of confidence would have brought absolute clarity. Everything else was unconstitutional!], Get the point? Nepali migrant workers cannot travel to labour destinations as they are yet to be inoculated (kp), Judiciary in federalism of Nepal: Universally agreed principles ignored, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (ht), Are We Heading Towards Socialism?, by Mukunda Raj Kattel (rn), Chief Minister Raut alleges federal government does not want the provinces to prosper (kh) [KP Oli and many other central party politicians would prefer not to have a federal system but a return to centralism with an all-powerful prime minister at the helm who is beyond the control of parliament!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/06/2021: HoR Dissolution: Debates on behalf of writ petitioners concluding today (kh), Press Council’s censure of social media posts draws condemnation, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Justice eludes victims of heinous crimes: NHRC (ht), 'Establish dedicated mechanism to investigate torture' (ht), Grand old party is in transition and seems to be in a dilemma : Nepali Congress is preparing for its general convention to elect a new leadership, but with too many aspirants to lead the party, leaders are busy forming alliances, by Anil Giri (kp) [The old familiar party leaders, most of whom have already failed several times, who have led the party into the abyss over the years, are applying again, some of whom are seriously calling for a return to the Hindu state. If the NC now misses the chance for a fundamental change to a younger generation of politicians, an internal democratisation and, above all, social inclusion at all levels, the party will face a difficult future and that is not good for Nepal!], UML’s unity mantra : The Nepal camp has unequivocally supported Oli and turned a blind eye to his transgressions, by Naresh Koirala (kp), Biplav expedites meeting with other party leaders on holding a referendum (kh), Judiciary, Executive On Collision Course, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Himalayan Reinsurance Company: Rs 1 billion ‘deal’ for operating license (rep), No, Mr Prime Minister! KP Oli’s tendencies are wholly and growingly anti-democratic. He seems to hold no conception that an MP’s power to vote in parliament is derived from the trust from the sovereign people, and not from the party’s chairman, by Manish Jung Thapa (rep) [In this regard, all party leaders of Nepal think alike, with Oli topping all others. It must be enshrined in the Constitution and the Political Party Law that MPs are representatives of the people and not of the political parties and that they are only accountable to their conscience!], Apex court issues interim order not to appoint Yuvraj Karki as ambassador (kh) [Prime Minister Oli loves to bend the constitution and laws to suit himself!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/06/2021: Opposition alliance builds pressure on Oli, but it too faces questions galore : The group with five former prime ministers also has answers to provide to the public and come up with what exactly it is aiming for, analysts say, by Anil Giri (kp), President’s actions can be subject to judicial review, lawyers argue : Advocates pleading on behalf of petitions against House dissolution wind up their arguments, bringing the Head of State’s role and intentions under scrutiny, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Of course, the President is not above the law. She has to fulfil her constitutional duties diligently and must act in a completely non-partisan manner! Her allegiance to the CPN-UML must rest as long as she is President! And she must accept criticism as long as it is factually justified!], Three UML lawmakers in Karnali suspended again (kh) [Nepal obviously does not have a democracy, but a party dictatorship. MPs are the representatives of the people and not of the party; they have only to follow their conscience! Moreover, decisions of the SC are binding law that all parties, including the Prime Minister, have to abide by!], Book perpetrators to justice: National Human Rights Commission (kh), The Myth Of Merit, by Aashish Mishra (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/06/2021: Article 76 (5) is meant for individual lawmakers—not parties, lawyers tell bench : On the second day of hearing on House dissolution,  advocates attempt to interpret the provision’s legislative intent and how it has been breached, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), PM and President have no right to dissolve HoR: Advocate Pokharel (kh), Today’s hearing on House dissolution case over, petitioners now have 2.35 hrs for debate (rep), President appoints 20 to constitutional bodies while case is sub judice in court : With the House dissolved, their hearings could not be conducted. Lawyers argue that provision of appointment after 45 days is applicable only when hearing is possible, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Political mishandling aggravates vaccine uncertainty, experts say : Oli’s focus is on politics rather than governance, as he has been shuffling ministers, including at Health Ministry, and there’s a lack of will, not resources, to arrange for the jabs, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Nepal is in disarray. Its foreign policy doesn’t need to be : Foreign policy cannot serve individual interests. In Nepal, unfortunately, this is the norm, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), The real cost of Nepal’s second wave : The pandemic makes Nepalis poorer and ruins the economy, but the government has no solutions, by Anita Bhetwal (nt), Dalit Commission calls for impartial investigation into alleged refusal of a house owner to rent her premises to a woman of the Dalit community : In a statement, it has also questioned the role of the education minister in securing the release of the house owner while the investigation was ongoing (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/0672021: Chief Justice turns a blind eye to ‘Doctrine of Necessity’: PM’s Press Advisor Thapa (kh) [It is not the SC that is responsible, but only the coup-mongering Prime Minister Ol and his personal president who keep breaking the Constitution to maintain power, not to help the country and its citizens, Mr Thapa! The SC has only done its constitutional duty!], Political blow : The reversal of govt decisions by the SC time and again does not augur well for the image of the PM (ht), Lawyers question President’s intent as hearing on House dissolution starts : The way Bhandari acted on May 21 makes it clear that  she wanted Oli—and no other person—as prime minister, advocates argue. Hence she rejected Deuba’s claim, by Binod Ghimire (kp), PM’s appointment is not discretionary right of President: Advocate Shrestha (kh), “Article 76 (5) provides discretionary right to parliamentarians to act independently” (rep), Prez Bhandari appoints 20 commissioners in various constitutional bodies (rep) [The unconstitutional actions of the Prime Minister and the President continue unabated!], PM Oli shuffles portfolios of ministers : Deputy Prime Minister Bishnu Poudel gets Ministries of Home Affairs and Finance (kh), Restore political course : The administration has a lot on its plate amid vaccine deal fiascos and natural disaster alerts (kp) [Three basic conditions would have to be fulfilled for this: First, the immediate replacement of the unconstitutional Oli government by a transitional government, if necessary under Deuba. Secondly, exchange the leadership of all political parties for a younger generation of politicians. Thirdly, democratisation of the political parties and the law governing them.], Nepal’s foreign policy failure : The oft-repeated policy of equidistance between India and China is unrealistic, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Nepal’s transitional justice hurdle : At the core of Nepal’s current constitutional crisis is a deeper struggle over who will direct its transitional justice process, by Bishal Thapa (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/06/2021: In a big blow to Oli, Supreme Court annuls appointments of 20 ministers : Interim order asserts government is a caretaker one and terms induction of new ministers earlier this month, after prime minister lost a confidence vote, unconstitutional, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [Why are only the new appointments of ministers considered unconstitutional under Article 77 (3), but not the dismissals made at the same time? In any case, the aforementioned article does not make any distinction.], SC hearing writs against HoR dissolution from today (kh), President has gone beyond the Constitution: Advocate Bandi (kh), President should have said PM Oli “You’re no more Prime Minister: Senior advocate Karki (kh), PM Oli dissolved HoR with an ill intent, argues Senior Advocate Khati : Seeks mandamus to appoint Deuba as PM (kh), Economic growth target unchanged for the next three years despite the pandemic : Target of 6.5 percent for 2021-22 may be met if situation normalises given the negative growth last fiscal year, but double digit growth after that is impossible, experts say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [A political way to raise unrealistic hopes!], Settlements in Chure foothills at high risk of flood, landslide : Conservationists blame exploitation of forest and riverbed materials in the Chure region for the incidents of floods and landslides occurring frequently in recent years, by Bhawani Bhatta and Mohan Budhaair (kp), Kathmandu’s street vendors find no respite despite loosening of lockdown, by Anup Ojha (kp), Saffronisation of the body politic : Oli wants to be the republican inheritor of Hindu rule, by mingling royalist yellow with Marxist-Leninist red, by CK Lal (kp), The Failed Dalit Struggle : The dream of creating a classless society has remained just a dream. It could never become a reality, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/06/2021: Twists and turns: What will happen next?, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh), Supreme Court quashes cabinet reshuffle : 20 ministers relieved of their positions (kh) [Oli and Bhandari have been taught that they are not above the constitution and have to respect it like any other citizen of Nepal! The next lecture will be about the renewed dissolution of the House of Representatives. The damage done by Oli and Bhandari is already immense! But if the interim cabinet should not have been changed under Article 77 (3), then the dismissed ministers should also be returned to their posts now, shouldn't they?], Supreme Court quashes appointment of 20 ministers : Oli had inducted the ministers in two different Cabinet expansions after the government became a caretaker one following May 21 House dissolution (kp),  Politics, gerontocracy-style : The very politicians who fought for democracy hold on to power and influence stubbornly (kp), Nepal’s abstention on Myanmar resolution at UN raises questions : Diplomats, experts and rights defenders say Nepal, despite being a member of the Human Rights Council, failed to show its commitment to human rights and democracy, by Anil Giri (kp)  [Both states are experiencing a similar scenario, Myanmar a coup by the army, Nepal one by the prime minister! In both cases, democratic structures and procedures are being disrupted. Nepal has never been qualified to be a member of the UN Human Rights Council!], Ilam sees hard times ahead as tourists stop coming : If the situation continues, a large section of the population will lose jobs, insiders say, by Biplav Bhattarai (kp), SC issues interim order to vaccinate 1.35 million senior citizens awaiting second dose of Covidsheild vaccine (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/06/2021: UML lodges writ against SC’s decision to reinstate Karnali lawmakers (kh) [Unbelievable that not even the SC accepts the supremacy of Prime Minister Oli!], Manpower and hydropower : This monsoon is a wake-up call. We ignore these moving mountains at our own peril (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/06/2021: Dr Bhattarai emphasizes “radical transformation” of political parties (kh) [This is indeed a very important point. But there is also a second one: The constitution and the law on political parties, as they stand, are geared exclusively to the interests of the party leaders. Members of parliament, as representatives of the sovereign people, must not be bound by the orders and instructions of their party leaders and must be bound only by their conscience. Party discipline must have its limits when party leaders put their personal power interests above the welfare of the people and the state! Furthermore, the selection of election candidates must come from the grassroots. Only then can better social and regional inclusion be achieved.], SC issues interim order to prioritize vaccination for journalists (kh), Police nabs landlord in Babarmahal for caste-based discrimination (kh), Litmus Test Of Judiciary, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Pseudo-experts and Economic Policy, by Ram Prasad Mainali (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/06/2021: Is Nepal still a democratic state?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh), Nepal talks about vaccines from China. And the Chinese are not happyConcerns from Sinopharm and Chinese Embassy forced Health Ministry to ‘refute’ media reports. But everyone, including prime minister, is giving statements on the jabs, by Anil Giri (kp) [The people's basic right to correct information is not exactly what Oli and his government are aiming for!], Supreme Court puts brakes on government’s plan to extract aggregates for export : Extracting the Chure resources in the name of decreasing trade deficit would degrade the environment, critics say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Lockdown drags on but no relief package for the urban poor, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Essence Of Native Civil Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Enhancing Public Trust In Judiciary, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn), Crime against Humanity : Instead of making genuine efforts toward vaccine procurement, the PM urged the public to gargle with guava leaves and drink turmeric-infused water to prevent COVID, saying even the vaccine does not guarantee total immunity. This was the time when cases had started increasing by 100%, by Sambridh Ghimire (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/06/2021: 100 nursing colleges to close down (kh) [Given the particularly high demand for nurses in times of pandemic, the Oli government should explain this absurd policy immediately!], Bhandari, Oli defend House dissolution, Sapkota calls it unconstitutional : In their responses, the President claims her action cannot be tested by judiciary, prime minister argues court cannot give a prime minister and Speaker says both are wrong, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [What kind of argument is this? No one is above the constitution. The duties of the president and prime minister are clearly defined there. If they violate them, they become a case for the judiciary!], Court cannot appoint a Prime Minister, PM Oli says in his written response to SC, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [This confused and idiosyncratic interpretation of the constitution and democracy suggests a basic suspicion of mental confusion! Important votes in parliament, such as the vote of confidence, should be held in secret, if only to protect the MPs. In a democratic state, how a member of parliament votes is his or her personal decision of conscience!], Decade of disasters : Our challenges have grown due to climate change, geological conditions and misguided policies (kp), The Chure conundrum : The consequences  of mining aggregates  are more severe than  deforestation, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp), SC issues interim order to halt govt’s plan of exporting river products (kh), Supreme Court issues interim order not to implement the government policy to export sand, pebbles and stones : There had been widespread criticism of the government’s policy, announced in the budget for the fiscal year 2021-22, to export these materials needed for construction (kp), This is not fair, Prime Minister Oli!, by Kunga Hyolmo (rep), Hunger for governance : Childhood malnutrition in Nepal has its roots in political failure, the same reason more children are going hungry during the pandemic. (nt), Nepal’s epidemic of hunger : Malnutrition among Nepali children pre-dates Covid-19, but the pandemic has made it worse, by Anita Bhetwal (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/06/2021: Two transitional justice commissions getting another term extension : But conflict victims say the commissions have done very little to deserve added tenure, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Monsoon displacements could complicate pandemic : Temporary shelters for the displaced can turn into coronavirus hotspots while there is the risk of water-borne and vector-borne infections, doctors say, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Depending on handouts : The provinces still rely heavily on fiscal transfers and revenue sharing (kp) [This is not what is meant by federalism! Oli and other leaders continue to stand for a central state to keep everything under their control!], The way to environmental degradation : The decision to extract sand, stones and soil for export to reduce the deficit is unwise, by Shyam Mainali (kp), Wage gap between men and women persists: Report; The widest difference is in the professional category where a male worker earns Rs23,800 monthly compared to Rs12,000 for a female, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Govt urged to provide relief to underprivileged, needy people (ht), 'Federation of Nepali Journalists cannot be a mere spectator to journos' woes' (ht), Party Democratisation Should Top The Agenda, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Parliamentarians cannot breach party discipline: PM Oli claims in his written response to Supreme Court (rep) [MPs are the elected representatives of the people, not of the Prime Minister or his party faction, Mr Oli! It is a feature of democracy that they must follow only their conscience and the constitution in doing so! Anything else would be party dictatorship.], Oli says government formation a political process and it cannot be decided by the court : In his response to the Supreme Court, Oli argues he dissolved the House after it could not give a new government (kp) [Hopefully, not even this reality denier and ignorant of the constitution himself believes in this!], Who will fight for you? Irresponsible government and geopolitical rivalry mean darker times ahead for Nepal unless the youth resolve to unite and act, by Dinkar Nepal (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/06/2021: Nepal to purchase 4 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine from China : Officials say procurement will be under a non-disclosure agreement. Price is not disclosed yet but is said to be around $10 per dose. No other details are available, by Anil Giri (kp) [In a democratic state, people have a right to information (see Article 27 of the Constitution). There is no law that makes the purchase of vaccine a confidential matter!], Lack of response to President’s letters for vaccines a diplomatic failure, observers say : There has not even been ‘reciprocal response’ to the President’s letters requesting for vaccine support, by Anil Giri (kp), Is Oli government’s new Nepal map more about optics than substance? As India continues to expand the road via Lipulekh, Nepal has yet to make any diplomatic response. Foreign Ministry says it has asked Home Ministry to look into the matter, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Oli's statements are empty slogans without content! Or does he want to build a road on Indian territory in response?], Decentralise SEE and honour statute, experts advise government : Education experts say the government with a centralised mindset doesn’t want to lose any of its authority, by Binod Ghimire (kp), No safe space : Women who faced sexual violence during the 10 years of the Maoist armed conflict continue to suffer, by Susan Risal (kp), The Space Creator : Ujwal didn’t want a professional political party like the ones which have been in power for the last thirty years in Nepal, where the only way someone could serve had to go through decades spent on the different rungs of party membership, by Simón Dhungana (rep), Oli’s attempts to rule by dicta : Since coming to power, Prime Minister Oli has attempted numerous times — via ordinances — to bypass the legislation and vest the powers to make laws within himself, by Robin Sharma (rec)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali) 

15/06/2021: No let-up in cases of violence against women and children during lockdown : On average 53 cases of violence against women and children are reported daily across the country, according to records maintained by police, by Shuvam Dhungana (kp), Pressure from all sides for jabs, but there is no sign of vaccine arrival : Officials say there has been pressure on health workers across the country to  give the Covid-19 jabs to friends and family members of influential people, by Atjun Poudel (kp), Covid-19 pandemic, snap polls cast a shadow of uncertainty over census : Central Bureau of Statistics wants to conduct the 12th national census from July 30 to October 1, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [Another consequence of PM Oli's destruction of the state and the nation guided by greed for power!], River management project announces inability to control floods as monsoon arrives (kh), Upheavals In Provinces : UML Bickering Boon For Opposition, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Hunger & Scarcity Hit Badi Community, by Mahesh Nepali (Badi) (rn), EC’s decision partial and prejudiced, says JSP Chair Yadav (kh), Maoist Spokesperson Shrestha accuses EC of being govt’s hand puppet (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/06/2021: Arrogant attitude among top leaders main obstacle for party unity: UML leader Bhattarai (kh) [There is only one solution: You must get rid of all of them as soon as possible. This would be the best for the party, the people and the nation!], Ego-centric politiciansEven as the pandemic rages on,  they can’t see beyond their nose (kp), Political uncertainty puts Nepal’s federal process on a bumpy road : Confusion created by KP Sharma Oli in Kathmandu has percolated into the provinces and it endangers implementation of federalism, experts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Authorities appear clueless about how to ease or lift lockdown : Prohibitory orders currently in place in the Valley have been extended by a week and the rest of country follows the model. Little else is being done to check virus spread, by Arjun Poudel (kp) [The Oli government is finding it difficult to deal rationally with the pandemic. Oli himself is only interested in staying in power, may the country go down the drain.], Daily earners hit hardest by prohibitory orders in Lumbini : The workers have no source of income and have received no relief from the authorities and social organisations during the ongoing second coronavirus wave, by Sanju Paudel and Mohan Budhaair (kp), Petty traders selling non-essential goods getting wiped out : Preventing the spread of the virus is essential, but the rules unfairly impact small businesses over large businesses, insiders say, by Krishana Prasain (kp), “Oxygen, vaccines, essential medical supplies urgently needed,” says AI in new briefing (kh) [see Amnesty International report (14/01/2021)], Supreme Court moved against Constitutional Council Act Ordinance (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/06/2021: Newly-wed spouse ruthlessly battered for not bringing dowry (kh), Man arrested for attacking wife with acid (kh), New severe media law in the offing : Media publishing, broadcasting news on prohibited issues to be shut down (kh) [related to Lumbini Province], A setback for Oli, as his aide is replaced by Congress leader in Gandaki : Nepali Congress’ Krishna Chandra Nepali takes over chief minister after Prithvi Subba Gurung lost confidence vote, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Let our children thrive : We should act to ensure that children are not robbed of their childhood and dreams , by Narayan Bhattarai and Shiva Shanker Dangol (kp), Province 2 Chief asks CM to make cabinet more inclusive (kh) [Cabinets in Nepal have never been inclusive. They are still dominated by men, except for Province 2 by male Bahuns. Janajatis (population share about five times that of male Bahuns) and Madheshis are severely underrepresented, women find at best a pseudo-representation. Dalits and Muslims are extremely rarely included.], Five former PMs call for joint struggle against Oli's unconstitutional move (ht), The Court Calls The Shots, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Quo Vadis? Given the state of affairs since December 20, 2020 - the date of the first dissolution of the House of Representatives - the lack of constitutional norms and political morality and the character of leadership to bypass everything that becomes inconvenient for power grab, where is the leadership taking the country?, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep), Citizens’ movement condemns threat on medical education commission executive : Brihat Nagarik Andolan alleges that the prime minister and ministers have been exerting undue pressure on Dr Giri to approve affiliation to B&C College (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/06/2021: International condemnation for HoR dissolution (ht) [see statement by IBARI (10/06/2021)], Leadership Crisis Plagues The Nation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Government agrees to grant affiliation to B&C Medical College : Despite protests against affiliation, the prime minister-headed commission has asked for the necessary paperwork to be completed within a week, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Nepotism at the highest level!], Apex court's stay on citizenship ordinance raises questions (ht), PM’s Advisor claims Baidya swore to take PM’s life  : Bhattarai demands Baidya be booked by law (kh), Baidya’s statement is unacceptable: NC leader Gagan Thapa (kh), NC Spokesperson Sharma directs Baidya to apologize for his statement  : 'NC has no tradition to cover objectionable statements' (kh), Baidya’s statement highy objectionable and criminal in nature: UML (kh), NC Bagmati Province member Baidya self-criticizes, withdraws his controversial statement (rep), Social activist Gyanendra Shahi assaulted (kh), Families await support amidst loss of large scale jobs and income sources, survey reveals (kh), Risk communication strategy key to fighting virus, but there’s none : As cases continue to rise and without a strategy in place, the public is left confused and panicking, experts say. The latest example is conflict during ongoing vaccination, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Army’s foray into agriculture sector sparks debate : There should be a clear distinction between what a national defence force should and should not do, observers say, by Anil Giri (kp), Freed haliyas bearing the brunt of pandemic (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/06/2021: Going down with the ship : Nepal’s leaders are fighting it out with deck chairs on the Titanic,  by Kunda Dixit (nt), Civil society members held for protesting in Baluwatar (kh), 20 civil society leaders including Narayan Wagle, Khagendra Sangraula arrested from Baluwatar (rep), Experts say Speaker discussing House dissolution is undemocratic : The issue is sub judice in court but after holding meetings with former Speakers and lawyers, Sapkota has called a meeting today of the parties represented in the dissolved House, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [The Prime Minister's constant unconstitutional measures are also undemocratic!], SC stays citizenship ordinance, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [Because of the Hindu thinking of the ruling elite, women continue to be discriminated against. If children of Nepali women with foreign men do not have an unrestricted right to citizenship, then according to Article 18 of the Constitution this also applies to children of Nepali men and foreign women! However, neither is right!], Stateless in their own country : The ordinance gave thousands of Nepalis who have no citizenship hope that they could perhaps finally get one. But with the Supreme Court declaring it void, that hope has been lost for now, by Raksha Ram Harijan (rec) [Oli didn't want this change either, he only initiated it now for political reasons because he wanted to get supporters from the Tarai with it!], PM Oli put in difficult position as Supreme Court stays his major decisions (rep), Speaker Sapkota holding all-party meeting on HoR dissolution today (kh), PM Oli not to attend all-party meet called by Speaker Sapkota (kh), Supreme Court orders government not to enforce citizenship ordinance : Constitutional Bench says legal complications could arise if the ordinance fails to get through Parliament, by Tika R Pradhan (kp)[Extreme complications and costs will also arise if the Supreme Court declares the renewed dissolution of parliament and cabinet reshuffle by caretaker Prime Minister Oli unconstitutional, which is to be expected given the clear wording of the constitution!], While he has yet to clarify his June 4 Cabinet expansion, Oli does it again : Seven more ministers appointed to curry favour with his supporters and  an eye on the elections, by Anil Giri (kp) [A completely unconstitutional government policy by Oli!], Gandaki Province Assembly member Thapa again relieved of his post (rep) [Continued disregard of constitution, legislature and jurisdiction means anarchy!], Chure is not just environment, but a political issue, experts say : Degradation of the hills, a crucial zone balancing Nepal’s fragile ecosystem, should be a top political agenda, as it can have a profound impact on the generations to come, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), A break from an all-male tradition : Hisila Yami’s feminist leaning brings a different perspective to the Maoist conflict. But is it adequate?, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), Ruling UML to go on vacate against the SC order (kh) [When a court rebukes Oli for his undemocratic and unconstitutional measures, it amounts to lese majeste!], COVID-19 pandemic threatens progress made by Nepal to reduce child labor (rep) [see report by UNICEF and ILO], Half of Nepalis lost jobs in past month : New survey shows most households got little or no support from the government (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/06/2021: PM Oli picks Pahadi as minister from Nepal-Khanal faction (kh), PM Oli appointing 8 ministers including one state minister today : Adhikari to be appointed as Home Minister (kh), Oli expands Cabinet Prime minister appoints seven new ministers (kp), Walking two hours daily for a free mealHundreds of families in the Capital are struggling to manage two square meals after they lost their means of livelihood, by Anup Ojha (kp), Wealth communism : That Gyawali’s asset declaration should surprise Nepalis itself is a surprise, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Supreme Court issues interim order not to implement citizenship ordinance (kh), Saving Nepal’s flawed constitution : Only a truly non-partisan a-political civilian movement can bring about this shift to institutional stability and help reinforce our crumbling constitution, by Bishal Thapa (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/06/2021: With politics a preference in provinces, pandemic has become a non-issue : Chief ministers are so busy saving their chairs that they have failed to make the fight against the coronavirus, which is spreading fast in rural Nepal, their priority, by Anil Giri and Tika R Pradhan (kp), Who decides vote of confidence, HoR or the President?, Senior advocate Thapa asks : ‘As the ad-hoc PM has dissolved HoR, Interim order should be issued’ (kh), Supreme Court issues show cause notice to offices of the President and prime minister over House dissolution : Constitutional Bench has asked the defendants to furnish clarification in writing by June 23 (kp), SC refuses to issue interim order against HoR dissolution, hearing to be continued from June 23 (rep)  SC allocates 15 hours each to both parties of HoR dissolution case (kh), SC seeks amicus curiae on Parliament dissolution case (kh), Bench-hunting sets a bad precedent for the judiciary, according to experts : Crucial time of the Supreme Court is being wasted on unnecessary things, they say, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [This is intentional on the part of Oli and other politicians!], That’s the way to do it : Court order unbanning online delivery  services is a relief (kp) [This extremely incompetent government needs a court ruling for everything!], Paradoxical powerlessness of the Supremo : The anti-Maoist elements of civil society have made Oli an icon of Khas-Arya  ethnonationalism, by CK Lal (kp), Six ministries to be split into 10 in Pradesh 2 to include NC and Maoist Center (kh) [Thanks to Oli's power politics games, puffed-up councils of ministers are back in Nepal politics!], Nepal's caretaker government : A total embarrassment, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), Republic, federalism and secularism are agenda imposed by foreigners: RPP Chair Thapa (kh) [They are intellectual achievements of human civilisation, Mr Thapa. Those who think that multi-ethnic and multi-religious Nepal must remain in the centuries-old state of exclusion and social discrimination have understood nothing!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/06/2021: Entirely over to the judiciary : As politicians go beserk for power, there is no alternative to nuanced judicial activism, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Supreme Court hearing writs against cabinet expansion today (kh), How upper house has become inactive, to the extent of being irrelevant : The National Assembly has certain roles to play. When the lower house is dissolved and the judiciary is in crisis, it has an even bigger responsibility, but it has failed, analysts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Ease restrictions cautiously : Let experts handle the situation instead of leaving the job to bureaucrats (kp), All Eyes On Supreme Court, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/06/2021: UML leader Acharya suggests all first generation leaders in the party to resign en masse (kh) [This is the only right way to save Nepal's democracy and political parties. It applies to all major parties and should be implemented immediately so that the people in this difficult time finally get the policies and help that the old and failed top politicians deny them in their delusion of power!], All eyes on Chief Justice Rana, as crisis deepens in the judiciary : After Rana constituted the bench on seniority basis, Oli’s lawyers demand expulsion of two justices for their position that current House dissolution is linked to March 7 verdict, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Court on trial : The judiciary must ensure its independence so that it remains loyal to the citizens and not the powers that be (kp), Oli's proposal aimed at weakening parliament dissolution case in Supreme Court: Panta (rep), Few convinced as government body defends plan to export construction materials : The government’s plan to export construction materials from mines in order to reduce trade deficit has been criticised as an environmentally disastrous idea, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Triangular geopolitical rivalry : Nepal must maintain a balance among the big powers, or it will turn into a playground, by Geja Sharma Wagle (kp), Impoverished family hit hard by prohibition order struggling to survive (kh), Right to bodily autonomy under threat, say activists (ht), Three years in jail for assaulting health workers (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/06/2021: CJ Rana forms Constitutional Bench of senior judges : Constitutional Bench to hear House dissolution case today (kh), Govt lawyers object to Constitutional Bench reformation (kh), Now, it’s ruling side lawyers’ turn to question constitution of Constitutional Bench : Lawyers argue 11 justices of the Supreme Court cannot be included in the bench (rep), AG Badal expresses dissatisfaction over reformation of Constitutional Bench (kh), CJ Rana warns lawyers of charging with contempt of court as they raise questions over 11 justices (rep), Chief Justice Rana warns of suing on defamation allegation (kh), SC receives writ petition seeking reversal of cabinet reshuffle (kh), SC orders reinstatement of Rastriya Janamorcha’s expelled lawmaker Thapa (kh) [What does this provisional ruling mean for the numerous party expulsions in recent months, all of which were based on power politics?], Change in criteria to appoint ambassadors meets with widespread criticism : The share of political appointees among envoys has grown and if the candidate is a former minister a high school degree would qualify them for the role, officials say, by Anil Giri (kp), Govt amends eligibility criteria for ambassadors to make space for ‘relatives’ (kh), Covid-19 fund idle as pandemic paralyses nation : Coronavirus Prevention and Control Fund officials say there was no demand for resources, but others blame political crisis for the disuse, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Migrant workers return to India in search of jobs, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), Sunsari-Morang sees 20,000 workers laid off as lockdown chokes factories : The industrial heartland in the eastern region is home to 500 factories which employ around 50,000 persons, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Civil society, environmentalists against Chure exploitation (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/06/2021: For Oli, power—not governance—is priority, as country fights virus wave : Thakur-Mahato faction joins government, inviting questions for themselves of being complicit with someone who they once opposed for his loathing for the Madhes, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [Another serious breach of the constitution by KP Oli: He now only heads a caretaker government. Such a government is supposed to remain in office until the election of a new prime minister, but according to Article 77 (3) of the constitution it may not be changed!], Oli reshuffles Cabinet, appoints Mahato deputy prime minister, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), World is giving medical goods to Nepal. Concern is if they are fairly distributed  : Foreign missions say they keep track of what they provide, but some observers do not rule out misuse of such assistance, by Anil Giri (kp), Discrimination cases got worse during pandemic, Dalit rights advocates say : Incidents of discrimination haven’t decreased due to lax implementation of law, according to national rights body, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [see press release by NHRC (in Nepali)], Health workers at Bheri Hospital call probe committee’s report unfairMedical fraternity in Banke says the committee failed to provide a fair investigation into all aspects of the incident since it has not addressed the issue of violence against women, by Thakur Singh Tharu, Rupa Gahatraj and Madhu Shahin (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/06/2021: CJ Rana forms a constitutional bench comprising senior judges in the roster : The Bench to hear the ordinance related to citizenship today (kh), Amendment to rules redundant for Constitutional Bench formation: Full Court (kh), SC hearing against citizenship ordinance adjourned till June 10 : Hearing on HoR dissolution to resume from Sunday (kh), Petition seeks exclusion of 11 judges in Constitutional Bench (kh), Curbs need gradual lifting, with other measures to control pandemic, experts say : Contact tracing, testing and isolating are the key and for  this whole government machinery must be deployed. But Health Ministry alone cannot do everything, officials say, by Arjun Poudel (kp), KMC provides hotline number 1180 in aid of people without food (kh), Fact Check: Is this elderly woman applauding the increase in old-age allowance? (kh), A budget without economic objectives : Every government has tried to launch schemes to stir up the public for election gains, by Jagadish Prasad Bist (kp), Community forest user groups lambast government for not addressing concerns : They had hoped the government would resolve their outstanding issues of tax and PAN through new budget, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Lockdown has been especially hard on Valley’s visually-impaired persons : Most of the visually-impaired persons in the Valley were employed in the informal sector, by Anup Ojha (kp), NHRC urges to ensure Dalit’s rights to justice and equality (kh), A yam between two Indias : Nepal does not just need to balance India and China now, it has to keep out of India’s polarised politics (nt), Friday Cabinet reshuffle: All but four incumbent ministers sacked : DPM Ishwor Pokhrel, and ministers Pradeep Gyawali and Hridayesh Tripathi among others sacked (kh) [The most urgent dismissal is missing; that of KP Oli!], New ministers to be sworn in at 8 pm today (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/06/2021: Who Nepal’s political parties represent anyway : None seem to be concerned about the people hit by the virus, as they deal with crises of their own, paying little attention to their electorate, by Anil Giri (kp), Farmers face getting wiped out for lack of market access : Vegetable growers are forced to destroy their produce due to lack of transportation, by Krishana Pasain (kp), Fertilisers not on ‘essential commodity’ list as paddy farmers wait anxiouslyDecision to block supply can have an overarching effect, as it may hit paddy crop, and slash economic growth in turn, by Sangam Prasain (kp), Police misbehaviour with citizens under scanner, thanks to social media, by Shuvam Dhungana (kp), Pay Tax, Demand Welfare And Accountability, by Kamal Parajuli (rn), Non-implementation of Cabinet decision halts distribution of relief funds to families of COVID-19 victims (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/06/021: A reconstituted bench to hear petitions against House dissolution : Chief justice to designate new justices on seniority basis to Constitutional Bench after row over his choice earlier. Two members refuse to recuse and the other two opt out, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Malnourished children deprived of care as nutritional rehabs are converted into isolation facilities : Doctors warn child and infant mortality will increase, and years of effort and investment  in reducing child mortality will go to waste, if the issue is continuously ignored, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Budget heavily relies on foreign funds for Covid-19 prevention : Government aims to get Rs 26.21 billion or 71.67 percent of the allocation for  the Covid-19 Prevention and Control Programme from foreign donors, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Licence to plunder : The outrageous announcement erodes years of conservation efforts at the stroke of a pen (kp), Strike ban on areas of essential goods and services expanded (ht), Relentless Ripples In Political Pond, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Nepal’s Failed Governance and Unemployment Problem : The government is least concerned about the chaos in the country created by the unemployment problem. Instead, the Oli government’s every move shows that Oli is only worried about saving his chair, by Prakash Pokhrel (rep), Prohibitory orders must be eased but scientifically: Experts, by Kunga Hyolmo (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/06/2021: Who is poisoning our democracy?, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh), House Dissolution : Blow to political future of Nepal, by Geeta Kochhar (ht), Back in court : The world will be watching the political and legal eccentricities taking  place in Nepal, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Judiciary in the dock as justices come into question : Never in the past has the Supreme Court faced a crisis  of such immense proportions where it has to fight to  justify the composition of a bench, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp) [Oli's state-destroying policies continue to work just fine!], Justices divided on recusal, hearing put off, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Justices Karki and Bhattarai quit as KC and Shrestha decide to remain in bench (kh), Chief Justice Rana to reconstitute Constitutional Bench with justices on seniority basis : After Bam Kumar Shrestha and Tej Bahadur KC refuse to recuse, Deepak Kumar Karki and Ananda Mohan Bhattarai leave the bench. Hearing on House dissolution to start on June 6 with a new set of justices (kp), Janata Samajbadi wants ordinance to split party before joining government : Thakur-Mahato faction wants a split fearing expulsion by a powerful Yadav-Bhattarai camp if Parliament is revived, by Anil Giri (kp), JSP Yadav faction expels four leaders, including Thakur and Mahato (kh) [Oli continues to succeed in dividing parties!], JSP letter on party action registered at Election Commission (kh), JSP Chair Thakur faction decides to expel Chair Yadav (kh), Govt signs 6-point deal with Tharuhat/Tharuwan Struggle Committee (kh) [This agreement will probably not be worth the paper it is printed on either!], Government agrees to take initiatives for the release of Resham Chaudhary and other Tharu leaders : They had been convicted for their involvement in the 2015 Tikapur riots in which nine died. The release has been a long-standing demand of the Janata Samajbadi Party which is in talks to join the government (kp), President’s initiatives for Covid-19 vaccines seen as foreign policy failure : The move is an attempt to improve the President’s image tarnished after her complicity in the prime minister’s move to dissolve the House, observers say, by Anil Giri (kp) [Her blind support for the Oli coup with all its aftermath cannot and must not be excused! The constitution prescribes exactly the opposite behaviour! What she is doing now, she could have done months ago.], Environmentalists warn plan to export stones, pebbles and sand can spell ecological disaster : The announcement in the budget speech was made without Environment Ministry’s knowledge, say officials who fear it could lead to unchecked exploitation of resources to the point the country may not have enough for itself, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Withdraw quarrying program from budget: NEFEJ tells government (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

31/05/2021: The country be damned  : No one seems to be able to stop Oli’s whimsical actions, even if it ends up destroying the country, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Lawyers continue to question composition of bench examining House dissolution : Chief Justice Rana has agreed to review his selection of justices and is expected to announce a decision today. Public faith in the judiciary is at stake, observers say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Petitioners call for CJ, two justices to recuse themselves from case, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Supreme Court Justices’ meeting underway (kh), Opposition parties working on a strategy for an electoral alliance (kh), Antigen kits rolled out in hundreds of thousands but daily tests remain dismal : As pandemic reaches villages which lack PCR labs, antigen tests are the alternative. Health Ministry officials blame the reluctance of local officials for the lacklustre testing, by Arjun Poudel (kp), In a pandemic-hit economy, state offers little hope for creating jobs : The budget for the upcoming fiscal year aims to create around 350,000 new jobs whereas  500,000 youths enter the labour market every year, by the government’s own estimates, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Ban on roadside vending  disrupts livelihoods of Kathmandu’s poor : Over 6,000 vegetables and fruits hawkers have been robbed of their incomes, by Anup Ojha (kp), All bark and no bite : Reflecting on the government that announced it, Budget 2021-22 is bound to be unimplementable (kp), Time to end the unacceptable: Together we can end child labour, by Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/05/2021: Indifference is not an option : We must challenge the politicians and expose their treachery, by Naresh Koirala (kp), SC to hear petitions on House dissolution today as well (kh), A bloated budget of Rs1.64 trillion through ordinance : With some focus on fighting the coronavirus, the financial plan of Oli administration carries lofty promises which observers say are aimed at the uncertain elections, by Prithvi Man Shrestha and Sangam Prasain (kp), Government unveils nearly Rs 1.65tn budget for 2021-22 (ht), Incentives and tax rebates galore in new federal budget with focus on midterm elections : Incentives include deduction of value added tax on diesel and cooking gas for businesses and on payments through electronic mode, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Opposition parties term budget as “populist” (kh), Opposition parties warn government to refrain from making decisions having long-term impact (kh), Small parties lament a full budget from caretaker government (kh), Lawyer say judges KC and Shrestha should leave bench to maintain SC’s dignity (kh), House dissolution case: Senior lawyer Thapa suggests Chief Justice Rana to stay on leave (kh), Amid heightened rift, JSP leaders engage in a tug-of-war (kh), As monsoon nears, Nepal will have to cope with virus and seasonal diseases : Since seasonal diseases have symptoms similar to Covid-19, experts warn that treatable conditions may not be diagnosed in time and this may be fatal, by Arjun Poudel (kp), School dropout remains a challenge, survey report shows : Poverty, parents’ illiteracy and lack of learning environment are major reasons behind high dropout rates, education experts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [see report by Ministry of Finance in Nepali], Online classes a far cry for many students (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/05/2021: A fledgling republic and a vulnerable constitution : How a charter that institutionalised republicanism has come under threat from someone elected  to protect it–the President, by Binod Ghimire (kp) 14th Republic Day today; President stresses socialism-oriented economy (kh) [Which republic? In a republican state the people are sovereign and not prime minister and president! The sovereign people have their representatives elected into parliament and the constitution is the legal basis for all citizens of the country!], Four former Chief Justices call House dissolution an unconstitutional exercise, say it is against past SC verdict (ht), Migrant Workers’ Contribution vs. Government Behavior, by Nitish Lal Shrestha (kh), Composition of bench questioned as hearing on House dissolution begins  : Plaintiffs’ lawyers say Shrestha’s presence constitutes conflict of interest as he was part of the bench that  invalidated Nepal Communist Party (NCP) in March,  by Tika R Pradhan and Binod Ghimirwe (kp), Untangling The Tangled Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), UML leader Bhusal confesses violating parliamentary norms : Claims he signed for NC Prez Deuba to safeguard Constitution (kh), Budget 2021/22: Most debated Constituency Development Fund revoked (kh) [Finally a positive step, but not born out of the conviction that the project means political corruption at the highest level for only directly elected and thus selected by party leaders and usually high-caste male MPs!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/05/2021: Four former chief justices warn of mockery being made against rule of law : In a statement, they say the dissolution of the House of Representatives is against the letter and spirit of the constitution and democratic values (kp), Constitutional Bench to decide the fate of 30 petitions : Petitioners wanted an extended full bench to look into the case of House dissolution, by Binod Ghimire (kp), SC allocates 10 minutes for hearing on writ petition related to HoR dissolution (kh), SC hearing adjourns as concern raised over Justice Shrestha’s inclusion in Constitutional Bench : Hearing on HoR dissolution to continue Sunday (kh), Buying Chinese vaccines easier said than done, officials and experts say : Though some provisions have been eased, the  non-disclosure agreement condition proposed by Sinopharm could pose a challenge to procurement, by Prithvi Man Shrestha and Anil Giri (kp), Aid pours into Nepal, but where be vaccines? International community rushes oxygen and PPEs, but Nepal is not even getting the vaccines it paid for, by Sonia Awale (nt), Ramp up testing : Without curbing the infection rate, we risk a perilous situation of a flare-up in new cases and deaths (kp), New provisions issued to empower women (ht), Health workers at Bheri Hospital attacked by relatives of deceased patient, by Arjun Oli (rep), Health ministry expresses concern over physical assault on health workers at Bheri Hospital (rep), “There was no option but to jump off the window to save our lives” (rep), Political exercise of democratic republic turns helpless: Former Chair Regmi (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/05/2021: Bending constitutional provisions for government formation, the KP Oli way : Constitution drafters failed to foresee that prime minister elected under 76 (1) would dissolve the House after three years at the helm, as that article clearly ensures full term, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Dissolution of Lower House condemned (ht), 'PM's repeated moves to dissolve parliament not good sign for democracy, constitutional system' (rep), SC to begin hearing writs against HoR dissolution today (kh), CJ Rana sends all 19 petitions on HoR dissolution to constitutional bench (kh), SC refuses to issue interim-order, all writ petitions to be heard at Constitutional Bench (rep), Speaker Sapkota warns of taking “tough and strenuous step” to protect constitution (kh), Stop intimidating journos: Amnesty International (ht), Govt to skip policies and programs this year (kp) [How easy it is for Oli to rule and control this country after he has marginalised the opposition in every way by unconstitutionally dissolving the House of Representatives! This is much better for Oli than democracy and the rule of law.], Thakur faction of JSP likely to register RJP at EC today : JSP on verge of split (kh), JSP-N on the verge of split? Rift widens as co-chairs seek explanation from each other (ht), Speaker Sapkota consulting with constitutional experts on House dissolution (kh), What about the poor? Officials cannot continue to evade responsibility even as people go to bed hungry (kp), Lockdown disrupts dairy sector as sales suffer, feed becomes scarce : With hotels and restaurants shut, farmers can’t sell their milk because there are no buyers. Residents also do not want to come out of their houses to buy milk due to risk of infection, by Chandani kathayat, LP Devkota and Biplab Bhattarai (kp), The UK must help Nepal : The British Parliament discusses Nepal’s Covid crisis after Nepalis organised a petition, by Sanyukta Shrestha (kp), The subtle art of misogyny: Time to break free of it, by Supriya Pudasainy (ht), Political Expediency Overrules Ethics, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Do not bring budget through ordinance: Nine former NPC vice-chairmen (kh), Oli following in Modi’s footsteps (ae), Existential crisis : In recent times, fissures in communist parties have largely, if not exclusively, been guided by personal calculations (ae) [This has been typical for Nepal's political parties since the late 1940s!], Let them eat cake, Madam President, by Bishal Thapa (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/05/2021: Supreme Court summons editors over news reports. Not everyone is amusedExperts say court’s rebuttal of news suggesting a meeting between prime minister and chief justice is uncalled for and demanding proof from editors wrong, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Supreme Court to hear writs against HoR dissolution on Thursday and Friday (kh), House dissolution “unconstitutional”: Constitution Monitoring Group (kh), Dissolution at midnight: Yet another travesty of the constitution, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), Civil Society stages protest against HoR dissolution in capital (rep), A watershed in country’s communist  movement as ruling UML nears split : The Madhav Nepal faction of the CPN-UML, currently the largest communist party  in the country, decides to part ways with Oli, charging the chair with shenanigans, by Anil Giri (kp), JSP on verge of split with both factions taking action against each other (kh) [Oli is again successful in using the Hindu political means of bheda by division, betrayal, sowing discord among opponents!], Leaders of CCP and political parties of Nepal holding zoom meeting today (kh), UML’s Sudurpaschhim Province PP meeting underway (kh) [According to the 2015 constitution, Nepal is a federal state. In such a state, the central party leadership can only make recommendations to that of the province, but cannot issue orders.The measure is merely part of KP Oli's hate campaign and is aimed at destroying governability at all levels of the federal system!], UML’s Sudurpaschim province PP defies SC decision : Decides not to withdraw support from the province government (kh), Controversies, conspiracies and  the constitutional crisis : With more holes in it than a strainer, the convoluted constitution was fated to fail, by CK Lal (kp), Covid-19 fuelling child labour in Nepal, a new Human Rights Watch report says : With little support from the government, children have been forced to work for long gruelling hours for low pay (kp) [HRW report “I Must Work to Eat” - Covid-19, Poverty, and Child labor in Ghana, Nepal, and Uganda], “Immediate rescue plan needed for Nepalis stuck abroad” (rep) [As in 2020, the oh-so-competent Oli government refuses to honour its responsibilities!], 15 UML SC members appeal to stand against Chairman Oli’s arbitrary rule : Yogesh Bhattarai and Gokarna Bista come back to Nepal-Khanal camp (kh), Nepal Public Health Association demands to annul mid-term elections (kh), HoR dissolution is unconstitutional and undemocratic: Nepal Bar Association (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/05/2021: Opposition alliance moves court against House dissolutionAs many as 146 members from Congress, Maoist Centre, UML’s Nepal faction, Janata Samajbadi’s Yadav-Bhattarai faction and Janamorcha demand restoration of House, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), SC fixes May 27 and 28 as hearing dates for writs against HoR dissolution (kh), PM-CJ meeting at night in Baluwatar does not bode well: JSP leader Bhattarai (kh) [The Chief Justice should not meet people who are the focus of a serious case in the making!], UML row: Nepal-Khanal faction to establish new party (kh), Fight for survival, by Nitish Lal Shrestha (kh), Valley’s poor worry about food as authorities prepare to extend lockdown by another week : Rights activist Mohna Ansari says the state must support the needy in times of crisis, by Anup Ojha (kp), Lockdown violator to face 1 year jail-term or fine of Rs 500,000 from today (kh) [And why do repeated violators of the Constitution go unpunished? Why are leading politicians allowed to lure people en masse onto the streets in the middle of a pandemic with impunity?], Speaker Agni Sapkota holding talks with former speakers (kh) [The non-participation of Subas Nembang is very telling!], Former Speakers conclude HoR dissolution unconstitutional ( kh), Nepal woefully short on human resources for Covid-19 treatment : An expert group says it had sent a list of health workers trained in critical care before the first wave but there was no response from the Health Ministry, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Doctors in Dolpa warn of halting Covid-19 treatment : The health workers have been deprived of allowances and facilities due to them for the treatment of Covid-19 patients since the last fiscal year, by Hari Gautam (kp), Chain of injustice : The perpetrators of the caste killings in Rukum West are yet to face justice (kp), Faltering Intraparty Democracy : The deepening crisis of intraparty democracy brushes off the achievement of democratic values and legal standards and creates a feeding ground for brutal and egregious dictators. We are, in a true sense, living under a dictatorship, by Nilam Sangroula (rep), Preparation to file contempt of court writ against PM Oli (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/05/2021: Democracy’s gravediggers : KP Sharma Oli proved that you may win elections and still be a loser (kp), Oli attempts to use citizenship ordinance for his political gains : Timing raises questions over intentions as bill had been pending in Parliament for years, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Attorney General Badal addresses concerns on citizenship ordinance (kh), Nepalis on social media take a dig at Oli over his criticism of a Kantipur cartoon : The Post’s sister paper had run the cartoon two days after President Bhandari endorsed Prime Minister Oli’s House dissolution decision with promptitude, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), 23 UML lawmakers join protest against HoR dissolution (kh), Opposition alliance files petition at Supreme Court demanding House reinstatement : 146 lawmakers, including 23 from the Madhav Nepal faction of the UML, have signed the petition, also demanding that Congress President Deuba be appointed prime minister (kp), 146 lawmakers of opp’n parties file writ against HoR dissolution : Key demands: appoint Deuba as PM, reinstate parliament (kh), Opposition alliance raises three concerns in writ against HoR dissolution (kh), We came to SC to show we are competent to form govt: Gagan Thapa (kh), Chand-led Communist Party demands withdrawal of citizenship ordinance (kh), CPN-UML expels 11 leaders, including Madhav Nepal and Jhala Nath Khanal : Also decides to withdraw support given to Sudurpaschim govt (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/05/2021: President Bhandari faces more questions for failing to abide by her duty : The head of state comes under scrutiny for being  Oli’s accomplice in undermining the constitution  that she is supposed to protect, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Elections in the time of a raging pandemic, a recipe for disaster : In India campaigning for assembly polls in states in April contributed to a deadly second wave. In Nepal elections are scheduled during a potential third wave, experts say, by Atjun Poudel (kp), Thakur-Mahato faction of Janata Samajbadi to join government : An observer of Madhes politics says the party will split  if the faction joins the Oli Cabinet amid polarisation, by Anil Giri (kp), Severe flaws in the governance system : The mantra of politics, it is increasingly being realised, does not appear to be the spirit of freedom and equality, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Politics Takes Dramatic Turn, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), CPN (Unified) Party registered at EC : Party’s leader Jiwan Rai is close to Madhav Nepal; election symbol pen (kh) [This indicates a formal split of the CPN-UML in the making!], House dissolution and announcement of midterm election amid COVID-19 pandemic is inhuman cruelty: Bibeksheel Sajha Party (rep), NC cadres protesting against house dissolution arrested in capital (rep), HoR dissolution “unconstitutional” (kh), Devkota reveals he was intimidated to back out from NA by-election (kh), No complaint can be filed against president’s discretionary rights: PM Oli (rep) [Oli dreams of infallibility of PM and President! The problem is that Article 76 (5) is not a right of application of the President. This paragraph of Article 76 only applies automatically after a PM elected under Article 76 (3 and 4) has his confidence withdrawn by Parliament after 30 days. Your vote of confidence, which is required for this, is still pending, Mr Oli! Consequently, Article 76 (5 - 7) may not yet be applied at all on the basis of the Constitution and the House of Representatives may not be dissolved at all. To disregard this is a serious breach of the constitution!], Budget will be introduced through ordinance on May 29: PM Oli (rep) [Oli needs neither constitution nor parliament, in fact no cabinet either. He only needs his president to sign his ordinances! What was it said about the power of the King in the Panchayat Constitution? Yes, the sovereignty of Nepal is vested in His Majesty and all powers - executive, legislative and judicial - emanate from Him! Nothing to add to that!], Prez Bhandari issues ordinance on citizenship (rep) [In order to manipulate the JSP!], President issues Citizenship Ordinance : The ordinance addresses concerns of Madhes-centric parties (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/05/2021: Oli calls emergency cabinet meeting at midnight; decides to dissolve house, announces snap elections (ht) [Again, although the Supreme Court has made it unmistakably clear to him that he is not empowered to do so and must follow the steps provided by the Constitution. This is a gross disregard of the court and, in view of the extreme pandemic situation, a serious crime against the people of Nepal!], PM Oli dissolves parliament, announces midterm elections in November, by Kosdh Raj Koirala (rep), President dissolves House, calls snap polls for November 12 and 19 : After a day-long political drama, through a midnight Cabinet meeting, Oli, as he failed to get reappointed, takes the country towards elections amid a raging Covid-19 pandemic, by Anil Giri, Tika R Pradhan and Binod Ghimire (kp), President dissolves Parliament; declares elections on Nov 12 & 19 (kh), Social media awash with criticisms against President’s move to announce mid-term polls (kh), Actions of PM Oli and Prez Bhandari cannot be pardoned: Parties; NC: Unconstitutional; Maoist: Oli on Gyanendra’s path (rep), NC decides to take political as well legal action against HoR dissolution (rep), Why didn’t NC Prez Deuba agree to go for impeachment and no-confidence motion? (kh), Thakur-Mahato faction of JSP welcomes House dissolution (Setopati) [This means the end of the JSP and thus another success of Oli's policy!], Before heading to prez, Oli urged opposition to let him lead national govt (ht) [This proves that Oli is only concerned with maintaining his personal power in everything he does, even if the country is destroyed in the process!], I Paved The Way For Alternative Govt: PM (rn) [This person must be completely insane to claim that he knows better what would be useful than the Constitution!], Parliamentary system does not suit interest and need of Nepali people: NCP Gen Secy Biplav (kh), Govt can now impose state of emergency to curb COVID-19,  if necessary (rep), PM directs Election Commission to gear up for election (kh) [Just like Oli's forced election preparations after the first unconstitutional parliamentary dissolution, those of the present one will mean a lot of wasted money for which Oli and Bhandari will have to be held personally accountable once they are out of office!], The devil on one side and a pandemic on the other, by Pranaya SJB Rana (Record), Opposition alliance calls house dissolution and call for snap polls unconstitutional and regressive : In a statement three parties, a faction of the ruling party and a faction of Janata Samajbadi have accused the prime minister of announcing the polls with the ill-intention of prolonging his autocratic regime as it cannot be held (kp 22/05/2021)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/05/2021: With President’s complicity, Oli hammers another nail in the coffin of the constitution : Bhandari’s call to form a new government in less than 24 hours at the request of the incumbent one bypassing  the due parliamentary process is unconstitutional, experts and political parties say, by Anil Giri (kp) [Oli's constitutional options would be immediate resignation or another vote of confidence and, if that fails, immediate resignation as well. Anything else is unconstitutional and the president is once again acting as his stooge!], Nepal Tarun Dal voices impeachment against President Bhandari (kh), NC leader Thapa suggests President’s ouster through impeachment (kh), Opposition parties discuss impeaching President : Meeting at Sher Bahadur Deuba's residence, Budhanilakantha (kh) [According to Article 61 of the Constitution, the President has only two duties: Promoting national unity and respecting and protecting the Constitution.  With her blind support for Oli's largely unconstitutional and unlawful machinations to secure his grip on power, she has done exactly the opposite! She is a servant of Oli and not of the people!], Six writ petitions filed at SC against President’s move (kh), Bibeksheel Sajha Party urges opposition parties to impeach Prez and form a new government (rep), The many sins of Bidya Bhandari, by Pranaya SJB Rana (Record), Govt invoked Article 76 (5) to form new govt for budget: PM Oli (kh) [Article 76 (5) cannot be invoked by the government. It is merely a provision of the Constitution if the incumbent Prime Minister loses the necessary second vote of confidence in the House of Representatives within 30 days on the basis of Article 76 (3 and 4) and is thus deemed to be voted out standing!], Nepal Constitutional Crisis: What happens after 5 PM today?, by Kamal Subedi (rep), Opposition parties reach Sheetal Niwas with signatures of 149 lawmakers : NC President proposed Prime Minister (kh), PM Oli reaches Sheetal Niwas before the opposition leaders : PM Oli, President holding talks as opposition waits for President to submit its claim (kh), PM Oli too claims stake on govt formation with support of 153 lawmakers (kh), Opposition parties’ claim registered at President’s Office : President told the opposition alliance that a decision would be taken after consulting experts (kh), Oli, Deuba stake claim for Prime Minister (kh), Nepal’s opposition alliance to stake claim to new government with support of 149 lawmakers : Congress President Deuba proposed new prime minister (kp), UML’s Nepal faction leaders issue contradictory statements over support to Deuba : They say they never agreed to make Deuba the PM (kh), Is Nepal headed toward early elections?, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh), JSP leader Bhattarai calls to resolve imbroglio invoking Article 76 (5) (kh), JSP holding PP meeting to dwell on power-sharing today (kh), PM Oli-Thakur agree to form task force to amend constitution (kh) [Oli promised the same in 2018 when he was elected prime minister, but later he would not hear of it. He belongs to the circle of those male Tagadharis, especially  Bahuns, who pushed through the constitution in this very form to ensure their dominance!], Rules apply to all : When the head of the government doesn't follow rules and regulations, it gives others ample reason to do likewise (ht), A pandemic of apathy: How our MPs failed to address Covid-19 : It’s our great misfortune that the ones in power  continue to protect their own interests, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp), Correcting Nepal’s Political Course, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/05/2021: Red tape, indecision and politics blamed for delay in getting Chinese vaccines : Initially there was over-dependence on India and when the crisis deepened, authorities scrambled to acquire shots but made little effort to reach out to Beijing, officials say, by Anil Giri (kp), Pandemic leaves migrant workers with worries piling up and savings depleting : With international flights suspended, many cannot return home–and they don’t have jobs as their contact is over, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Pandemic pushing more families into  poverty as unemployment soars : People have been deprived of their basic right to health, education and livelihood, rights activists say, by Binod Ghimire and Anup Ojha (kp), Scars of the Maoist conflict : Resetting the truth  commission now is  a priority if citizens  are to get closure, by Anttoni James Numminem (kp), Khim Lal Devkota defeats Ram Bahadur Thapa in National Assembly election : Devkota, an independent candidate backed by Nepal-Khanal faction of the UML, had the support of Congress and Maoist Centre. Thapa was fielded by the UML (kp) [Both Oli and Thapa really deserve this!], Khimlal Devkota elected to National Assembly (kh), Dr Devkota secures victory in National Assembly by-poll (rep), Supreme Court scraps appointment of seven ministers who are not lawmakers : Chief Justice Rana’s bench says their appointment and oath, on May 14, prima facie, against constitutional provisions. All of them had joined the CPN-UML after deserting the Maoist Centre (kp) [Oli as well as Thapa and the other deserters really deserve this! Finally respect the constitution, the laws and the parliamentary defeats, Mr Oli, and resign!], SC scraps appointment of non-MP ministers, seven including Home Min Thapa relieved (ht), SC Orders Seven Ministers To Stop Works (rn), Reappointment of former Maoist leaders as ministers unconstitutional: SC (rep), President calls on HoR members to form govt as per Article 76 (5) by 5pm Friday : PM Oli opted to pave way to form new government as he did not see possibility of him gaining parliament's trust (kh), Railway ordinance stipulates provision for dedicated security unit (ht) [Why by ordinance at all, when Nepal has a popularly elected parliament, which the prime minister has so far been unable to abolish despite all his efforts?], Public Policies Fail To Deliver Results, by Mukti Rijal (rn), President Bhandari issues two ordinances (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/05/2021: Janata Samajbadi in a bid to bring a new twist to the tale of Nepal politics : The party says it is ready to lead the government, a condition that could leave Oli in a precarious position, by Anil Giri (kp)  [This demand is not new and it is understandable in one respect: The three other parties want to continue as before, with the same, largely failed and non-inclusive party leaders!], RPP issues whip to vote for Home Minister Thapa (kh) [The monarchists and supporters of the Hindu state support the election of a former Maoist! Someone must have radically changed his mind, and it is not the RPP!], Youth dies in APF firing in Nawalparasi (rep), PM Oli violates election code of conduct, EC warns of action (rep), PM Oli urges to cast votes for Thapa in NA by-elections (kh), Afno manche, all over again in Nepal : If any of you wants a government/bureaucratic job in the next two years, profess your loyalty to the UML, then join a clique, then prove your loyalty to your leader, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/05/2021: Morality and policy and the means (upaya) of Hindu politics, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh), Leaders underplay spectre of split hovering over JSP-N (ht) [The dissent within the JSP is also a result of PM Oli's use of the Hindu political device bheda (sowing discord among opponents)], JSP Chairmen Thakur and Yadav agree to consolidate party : JSP would rather lead the government than joining Oli-led govt (kh), Oli mulling budget through ordinance as his vote of confidence in Parliament remains pending : The federal budget for the next fiscal year must be presented on May 29. Parliament session is yet to be called for presenting policies and programmes and pre-budget discussions, by Anil Giri (kp) [Oli needs no parliament, just a president who willingly signs his every ordinance!], Send oxygen, not circulars : Oli’s prime ministership has been riddled with a lethal combination of ignorance and arrogance (kp), Minister Shrestha is ignoring most pressing issues facing education sector, experts say : While schools remain closed and key exams have become uncertain due to the pandemic, the education minister hasn’t announced any measures to address the problem, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [That alone qualifies him to be a minister in the Oli government!], SC seeks written response from PM on swearing-in (kh), SC refuses interim order, seeks written response from defendants within 15 days (rep), Prolonged prohibitory orders hit valley's daily wagers hard (ht), How not to manage a crisis : Society’s handling of the pandemic reflects on the government’s performance, by Sujeev Shakya (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/05/2021: Authorities continue to fumble around amid Covid-19 surge : With pandemic showing signs of sliding into a devastating crisis, authorities mull a new law to streamline response, as they ignore the basics like tracing, testing and isolating, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Help us, world : Nepal is counting on you for life-saving  oxygen equipment and vaccines (kp), The economy has been eroding : Given the rapid spread of Covid-19, CBS’s growth  projection will most likely be an overestimation, by Chandan Sapkota (kp), Vegetables rot in fields as lockdown paralyses market : Groceries are allowed to open briefly in the morning and sales are at minimum level, traders say, by Pratap Bista and Krishana Prasain (kp) [This is an expected consequence of the totally ill-conceived pandemic policy of the incompetent Oli government!], Controversy over PM's swearing-in snowballs : Petition filed in the Supreme Court demanding that Oli be sworn in again, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Nepali politics: Testing waters of democracy, by Geeta Kochhar (ht), Daily wage earners struggling to meet survival needs (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/05/2021: Do we have a government?, by Kamal Subedi (rep), Despite increase in health budget, preparations for crisis were sorely lacking : Plans to set up enough oxygen plants, ICU beds and to  procure equipment remained only on paper. Less than  4 percent of Covid-19 capital budget has been spent, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Contact tracing yet to take off as ministry assigns job to local level : Cases won’t come under control unless they are checked at the source but whether local governments have the capacity to do the task is another question, experts say, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Army ignores House panel’s directive, forges deal for expressway : Bypassing the directives of the House committees is an act of defying the sovereign entity, experts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Oli’s envoy appointments could erode country’s credibility, experts warn : Only two out of eleven ambassadorial nominees are career diplomats, by Anil Giri (kp), Govt urged to protect citizens' right to life (ht), Oli’s Third Innings In Government : The entire drama indicates that political culture and constitutional conduct is yet to take roots in the federal republic, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), What are Nepali youth thinking?, by Jagannath Lamichhane, Sanjaya Mahato and Sushav Niraula (rep) [see corresponding Niti report],
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/05/2021: An oath of office when people are gasping for breath as well as answers : As Oli has been sworn in as prime minister again, he now must focus on fighting the pandemic and saving lives, leaving his political games aside, analysts say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Nepal’s missions abroad have little to show in seeking Covid-19 assistance : Even as country battles the virus and the world shows concern, diplomats have failed in actively lobbying for support, By Anil Giri (kp), Flimsy huts set up in lieu of holding centre at Gaddachauki border point : Kanchanpur authorities are yet to set up a holding centre for people returning from India, by Bhawani Bhatta (kp) [Unlike the completely superfluous power struggles, this would have belonged to the real tasks of a competent and morally oriented prime minister!], Lawmakers get second dose of vaccine while citizens are still waiting for theirs : They didn’t pressure the government to ensure vaccines for all as they knew they wouldn’t be deprived of the second dose, says a former general secretary at Parliament Secretariat. Around 1.3m people are still waiting for second jabs, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [!!!!], Government preaches but does not act, political analysts and local units say : Kathmandu Valley Mayors’ Forum alleges that the central government has just been issuing instructions while doing little to address the Covid-19 crisis, by Anup Ojha (kp), People can’t go out, and they can’t get home delivery : Online stores are confused about providing service due to lack of clear guidelines from the government regarding ecommerce, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Cabinet recommends 11 envoys for various countries : Of the recommendations, nine are political appointees while only two are from the foreign service (kp), Rato Machhindranath chariot being pulled despite the pandemic terror (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/05/2021: Losing trust in the republic : As citizens scramble for oxygen and a hospital bed, our state has disappeared, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp) [It is not the republic, the top politicians have failed. The monarchy was no better. The party-political oligarchs behave like the monarchy once did, without conscience, without morals, oriented only towards their own power interests!], A tale of two Nepals : As the country reported 8,842 new Covid-19 cases and 214 deaths, Nepali politicians had but one number in mind—136, the figure that could secure them power; Oli reappointed prime minister, by Tika R Pradhan and Anil Giri (kp) [There must be a way to get rid of these failed and totally irresponsible politicians! Unfortunately, even possible elections are hardly hopeful, as only these self-declared masters of Nepal decide on the selection of candidates and will never change their undemocratic party structures!], Virus in the villages : The perennially marginalised cannot be left to fend for themselves (kp), Daily infection count hovers around 9,000 mark but deaths could continue to rise : As hospitals are not admitting patients due to oxygen shortages, many infected are in home isolation. Without timely and sufficient care, they are at high risk, doctors say, by Arjun Poudel (kp) [Thank you Mr Oli, you have all the time in the world for your power struggles but no time to fulfil your obligations as Prime Minister and care for the people in their need!], Ill-timed trust vote may scupper pre-budget session : Avoiding the pre-budget discussion is like barring people from participating in the budget process, a former Parliament Secretariat official says, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [PM Oli does not need a budget. He can rule without one and also without parliament! The money earmarked for the country's development is never spent as planned anyway!], Defeat of confidence motion : Herculean challenge for new govt, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), We need a functioning govt (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/05/2021: Data discrepancy amid virus crisis could spell disaster : Different figures on Covid-19 death toll, which have  puzzled many, raise concerns if there are more virus  fatalities than what the government is reporting, by Binod Ghimire (kp), How the raging coronavirus pandemic is tearing families apart : The government’s inefficiency and apathy towards  handling the pandemic has made things much more  challenging for people infected with Covid-19, by Srizu Bajracharya (kp), End of the Oli show : Oli’s departure from the scene will not and should not be lamented, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Rawal urges CPN-UML lawmakers to quit (ht), Only essential services to remain open from today (rep), Talks between UML Chair Oli and senior leader Nepal end on a positive note : Resignation on hold; leaders agree on making a task force (kh), NC and Maoist Center bid to form majority govt fails (kh 13/05/2021), Nepal needs political consensus, again : Such political consensus is long way off. But that should not stop our political actors from trying, by Biswas Baral (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/05/2021: Oh, what a fall it was : Oli will be remembered in Nepali politics and society for all the wrong reasons (kp), It’s time to go, El Supremo : Oli considers the amoral pragmatism of Marxism-Leninism and Maoism to be the guiding principle of his political life, by CK Lal (kp), Nepal’s health system cracks under the strain of rising Covid-19 cases : More people are in dire need of oxygen, but plants are falling short of production, as hospitals say they cannot take new patients for lack of the life-saving gas, by Shuvam Dhungana and Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Country faces political crisis on top of a deepening virus crisis : With political turmoil ignited by Oli, parties are now in the number games, which look like a futile exercise, given their strengths and internal feuds in UML and Janata Samajbadi, by Anil Giri and Tika R Pradhan (kp), Housemaids and elderly hit hard by  prohibitory orders in Kathmandu  : The lockdown has not just put many domestic helps out of their jobs, elderly people have also lost their caregivers, by Anup Ojha (kp) [The Oli government again fails to realise that countless other things need to be considered and thought through in a lockdown. Anyone who even makes the remotest power play in such a situation is completely out of place.]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/05/2021: Noxious politics hits the nadir : We need a wholly new approach to regain the sanctity, independence and efficacy of our institutions, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Public policy implementation : Ways to upending barriers, by Madhav Shrestha (ht) [No prime minister after 1990 could build on such a stable majority government as Oli, but his delivery was the worst Nepal has seen since!], Regaining Lost Credibility, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Oli loses vote of confidence : Parties have until Thursday to form a new government, but the process appears to be tricky. Congress and Maoist Centre look to Janata Samajbadi as they lack numbers, by Anil Giri and Tika R Pradhan (kp), As things stand, Oli is likely to be PM again under Article 76 (3) (kh) [This is definitely the last thing Nepal needs at this critical hour!], Oratorical genius Oli missed a golden opportunity, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh), Janata Samajbadi’s Thakur not to support government formation process : Thakur’s Monday midnight statement makes the government formation even trickier as the Congress and the Maoist Centre lack the numbers (kp) [Obviously, you want Nepal to go further down the drain or prolong the disastrous Oli government, which is somewhat the same thing, Mr Thakur! How can you want to destroy your homeland so deliberately?], NC to stake claim on govt formation after discussion with all parties (kh), The sting operations : It is very difficult to say what possible impacts the ban will have on the anti-corruption drive, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), HRW urges Nepal to act urgently to avert looming COVID-19 disaster (ht)  [see: Nepal: Act to Avert Looming Covid-19 Disaster : Desperate Need for Supplies, Oxygen as Cases Surge (HRW 10/05/2021)], Human Rights Watch calls on Nepal government to act urgently to avert a looming Covid-19 crisis : The rights body urges donor countries like the US, UK and EU to make life-saving oxygen equipment and vaccines equitably available (kp),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/05/2021: Nepal Prime Minister Oli fails trust vote in Parliament : Of the 232 lawmakers present, 93 cast votes in Oli’s favour and 124 against him while 15 lawmakers stayed neutral, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), PM Oli fails to secure parliament’s confidence, what next? (rep), PM Oli fails to retain confidence of parliament (kh) [Budget session of parliament ended on its very first day?], Speaker Sapkota writes to President saying PM failed the floor test (kh), PM Oli reaches President’s Office (kh), Out of control : It is the coronavirus pandemic, and not the media narrative, that should be under control (kp), Chief justice in dock for attending council meet : Experts say Rana, who has refused to hear a petition against ordinance on Constitutional Council Act, committed judicial misconduct, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Oli dangles a carrot as Nepal-Khanal faction wavers : Nepal-Khanal group remains indecisive as prime minister faces a trust vote today. Janata Samajbadi is a divided house. Congress waits and watches. So do the Maoists, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), No immediate plan to evacuate workers affected by flight suspension : Officials say the government will repatriate the affected workers if the flight suspension remains for an extended period, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp) [A similar lack of interest from the Oli government as during the first lockdown!], Oli appeals to stop anti-party activities : Says it’s a crime to attempt to pull down the party (ht) [The one who has been misbehaving in this way for months is above all you personally, Mr Oli: sowing discord among political opponents, dividing your own and other parties, destroying democracy and the constitution, disregarding numerous laws, pretending false facts, neglecting urgent measures to contain the pandemic, suppressing fundamental rights, neglecting any moral responsibility, etc.], Nepal records highest single-day spike with 9,127 new Covid-19 cases : Health Ministry says 139 deaths based on statistics from the Covid-19 Crisis Management Centre and Nepal Army (kp) [The Oli government really has it all under control!], Super-spreader Special Session of Nepal’s Parliament . Oli loses confidence vote in the midst of a raging pandemic, demonstrating why the country is in crisis (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/05/2021: Oli’s virus ‘situation under control’ remark meets with criticism : Crisis continues to deepen with over 8,000 new cases  and 53 deaths. Many from Oli’s orbit and over two dozen lawmakers test positive ahead of May 10 House session, by Tika R Pradhan and Binod Ghimire (kp), Valley hospitals face shortage of oxygen, many have stopped admitting patients : Oxygen manufacturers say demand has gone up four times their production capacity. China has given 3,500 cylinders as a grant but they will take three weeks to arrive, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Anti-COVID-19 Cooperation : Can China’s Move Fill Regional Void?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Constitutional Council recommends appointments to various Constitutional Commissions (kh) [Last manipulated appointments before Oli is finally dumped?], Can’t give a vote of confidence: Mahanta tells PM Oli (kh), Prohibitory orders likely to be extended by two more weeks (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/05/2021: Nepal wanted to buy millions of jabs. Here’s how it failed : Over the past months, conflicting narratives have emerged on what went wrong in Health Ministry that leave the country without vaccines, as virus crisis deepens, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Govt rules out vaccine import in near future (ht), Elderly waiting for second dose, by Sabitri Dhakal (ht), Residents in Karnali and Sudurpaschim hit hard by the second wave of pandemicPandemic brings challenges to regions suffering from lack of proper health care system, and poor road connectivity, by Hari Gautam, Chhapal Lama, Menuka Dhungana and Basanta Pratap Singh (kp), Deuba, Dahal reach understanding to foil PM Oli's bid to secure vote of confidence (rep), Deuba leaves NC PP meeting in the middle to chalk new strategy (kh 08/05/2021), Main oppn leader Deuba, Speaker Sapkota to boycott Constitutional Council meeting (rep 08/05/2021)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/05/2021: Oli’s preference for politics to virus crisis is an affront to people, analysts say : The UML chair and prime minister is paying no attention to soaring coronavirus cases, as he busies himself with political schemings ahead of his May 10 trust vote, by Tika R Pradhan and Anil Giri (kp), Pandemic is getting out of hand, as government has its focus misplaced  : Officials fail to heed fundamentals like increasing contact tracing and testing as they see lockdowns as only option, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Factories face shortages of raw materials as prohibitory order cuts supply lines : Entrepreneurs say they can handle a short period of immobility, but worry the lockdown may be prolonged, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), Health Ministry refutes news reports on the involvement of govt in COVID-19 vaccine procurement scam (rep), Vaccine procurement scandal is not just a case of corruption but a ‘crime’: MP Thapa (rep), Nepal is a hotbed of virus and politics : In the midst of a pandemic, Nepal’s prime minister calls for a confidence vote in Parliament, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Microcosms of a pandemic : In the absence of government, municipalities and communities on the frontlines manage the second wave, by Sonia Awale (nt), PM summons Constitutional Council meeting on Sunday (kh) [Oli continues to try to prove that a Prime Minister, no matter how incompetent, has the right to govern without respect for the Constitution and the rule of law!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/05/2021: No plan B to break infection chain as virus continues to rage : Experts say prohibitory orders can slow the spread of the coronavirus but until there  are other measures simultaneously in place, a let-up in the surge is unlikely, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Govt's indecision threatens vaccination drive : Agents of vaccine producing companies want advance payment, health ministry not ready to pay (ht), Oli reaches out to Deuba as opposition forces band together : Meeting follows talks between Congress, Maoist Centre and a section of Janata Samajbadi leaders, by Anil Giri (kp), What happens after Monday’s voting on confidence motion : Oli will be in difficulty if the Nepal faction with its around 30 lawmakers resigns before vote, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Flight suspension stalls Covid-19-related imports : Suppliers say almost all oxygen concentrators in the market have already sold out causing an acute shortage of equipment, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Things to do before the budget : Institutional structures  at the federal level  should be reduced by at least a quarter, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/05/2021: Complacency, miscalculation and missteps : Country records highest daily coronavirus death toll and new cases. Oli’s chest-thumping and false claims  continue as vaccine supply is nowhere in sight. 47 percent of total tests return positive results, byArjun Poudel and Binod Ghimire (kp), Rights activists find rapid response team ineffective : The job of squad representing several ministries is to keep supply lines clear during the prohibitory period aimed at containing rising Covid-19 cases; Traders say trucks bringing food items to Kathmandu have to wait at entry points for long, by Krishana Prasain (kp), Will Oli’s confidence vote plan shake up political landscape? Maoists withdraw support and Nepal-Khanal supporters are mulling resigning as lawmakers. Congress party eyes  government and Janata Samajbadi is still a divided house, by Anil Giri and Tika R Pradhan (kp), Restoring balance : The relationship between the people and political parties is reaching a breaking point, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Maoist Center submits letter of withdrawal of support to govt at Parliament Secretariat (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/05/2021: Sick and tired : The monkey business that is called democratic politics (kp), Authorities enforced antigen tests but failed to increase numbers : Such tests at border points could have been helpful  but they were few and far between, experts say, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Frontline health workers deprived of promised risk allowances : Health workers who were engaged in setting up quarantine and isolation facilities and providing treatment to Covid-19 patients last year say they feel cheated by the authorities, by Madhav Aryal (kp), Kathmandu Valley district administration offices decide to enforce prohibitory orders more strictly : Shops selling essential foodstuffs will be allowed to open only in the mornings and up to 9 am. Vehicle passes will not be issued anymore (kp), Covid-19 restrictions once again cast uncertainty over labour migration : After a disastrous 2020 when labour migration dropped to a new low, the foreign employment sector has once again started to feel the heat amid surge in coronavirus cases, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Maoist Centre decides to withdraw support to government : The decision comes days after Oli said he would go for a floor test (kp), NC decides to foil PM Oli’s bid to garner majority in HoR (kh), Second wave of corona : Quality education compromised, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/05/2021: As if there’s no pandemic : Oli and his clique’s seeming indifference to the raging coronavirus and unfolding tragedy is stark. Even as virus cases hit a new record of 7,137 and death toll clocks 3,325, political games continue, by Tika R Pradhan and Binod Ghimire (kp), Campaigners join global call for lawful postings at human rights commission : The National Human Rights Commission has the chance of becoming a mere shadow of the government, they say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Organisations asked to divert some funds to fight pandemic : The government has asked domestic and international relief organisations to divert 5 to 20 percent resources for pandemic relief depending on the size of their budget, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), After Health Ministry bows out, municipal officials bear the brunt of Covid-19 crisis : Ward chiefs say they’re flooded with phone calls from people asking for hospital beds. Kathmandu lacks isolation or quarantine facilities, infected persons can’t access bottled oxygen, by Anup Ojha (kp), Pupils in limbo : The cabinet needs to reconsider its  decision to conduct in-person exams (kp), Conflict victims seek prosecution of perpetrators (ht) [see statement by Advocacy Forum-Nepal]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/05/2021: Covid-19 peak yet to arrive, warn experts as they lay stress on curbing infections : Doctors say increasing number of beds and keeping  an eye on possible hoarding of oxygen cylinders, as well  as expanding testing, should be an immediate priority, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Oli caused formation of Janata Samajbadi Party. Now he is prompting its split : Cracks have emerged in the party which was formed in April last year through the merger between Rastriya Janata Party Nepal and Samajbadi Party Nepal, by Anil Giri (kp), NHRC urges govt to handle health crisis effectively (ht), Offices to operate with only 25 per cent staffers (ht), Prohibitory order in the Valley to be tightened from today (rep), PM Oli calls cabinet meeting at 4 pm today : Likely to take crucial decisions on COVID-19 (kh), Nepal records highest-ever 7,211 new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours : Kathmandu Valley witnesses 3,595 fresh COVID-19 cases (kh), Resignation of CM Pokharel approved, preparations to form UML-led one-party govt (rep), Lumbini Province: UML parliamentary party decides to form new govt under Pokharel’s leadership (rep), Lumbini Province Assembly Member Bimala Khatri joins Maoist Center, CM Pokharel loses majority (rep), Pokharel re-appointed CM in Lumbini Province (kh) [Article 168 (1) requires a majority of the party concerned, in this case the CPN-UML, in the provincial assembly for such action. As of today, however, the UML no longer has such a majority. The procedure is a clear breach of the constitution following KP Oli's trick!], Pokhrel’s bid to form UML-led government in Lumbini meets with obstacles : A Provincial Assembly member, Bimala Khatri, chooses to side with the Maoist Centre, making the UML fall short of a seat to prove majority (kp), Opposition requests Lumbini Province Chief to stop Pokharel from forming govt : Maoist leader Kul Prasad KC says he should form new govt as Pokharel lacks majority claim now (kh), Three UML lawmakers resign in Lumbini : UML loses its majority in the province assembly (kh) [All these political capers are a direct consequence of KP Oli's power games after his failed coup at the central level!], PM Oli sees need for paperless government service system (kh) [Is that all he sees? But the little insight comes too late!], Domestic and international non-governmental organisations required to divert 5-20 percent of budget to fight Covid-19 : Such funds can be used to procure medical supplies and equipment, distribute relief and run small construction projects targeting employment for migrant workers, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/05/2021: ‘We give up’ : Health Ministry asks people to be ‘sensible’, saying the health system cannot cope, as hospitals have run out of beds with new cases crossing the 5,000 mark, by Arjun Poudel (kp) [Since Oli and other top politicians are largely to blame for this situation, this is a declaration of bankruptcy by the government and party political circles!], To Prime Minister Oli’s relief, Deuba rules out no-confidence motion : With Janata Samajbadi Party not wholly supportive of  such a motion, the numbers would not be enough to  oust Oli, the opposition leader says., by Anil Giri (kp), JSP-N to back no-confidence motion : Opposition to the move by Thakur, Mahato might split the party, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [This is all a consequence of Oli's policy of sowing discord among his political opponents, one of the traditional means (upaya) of Hindu politics to maintain a ruler's power!], Permit no longer needed for essential services within Kathmandu : From Friday, the District Administration Office, Kathmandu started issuing permits only to those who have to travel out of the Valley for funeral rites or highly essential purposes, by Shuvam Dhungana (kp), Biplav-led NCP splits as Dhamala forms Jana-Samajwadi Manch (kh), Three decades of movements, uprisings, putsches and constitutions: Did they promote democracy?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/04/2021: Lash of a lockdown : It’s the decline in the moral foundation of Nepali politicians that is causing this situation (kp), Modern-day Neros : Our political leadership’s abdication of responsibility borders on criminality, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp) [Today's party leaders will go down in history as the great destroyers of the country!], Nepal: A victim of party politics and power games, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (rep), Ugly face of Nepali politics : Ruling party engaged in ugly horse-trading as opposition parties mount effort to oust it from power in provinces (rep), Scrambling for jabs, Nepal in talks with Russia, China, US : With India, the vaccine powerhouse, itself in dire need  of international support, the government looks to other countries to acquire shots as coronavirus cases surge, by Anil Giri (kp), Kathmandu Valley’s daily wage earners worry about survival : For many daily-wage earners and squatters living in Kathmandu, they have nowhere to go to escape the brunt of the pandemic, by Anup Ojha (kp) [The problem repeats itself from the first lockdown, as the Oli government is not at all interested in these people and once again believes it can solve all problems with a lockdown!], 1.1 million child labourers in the country: Report; 3.3 per cent of child labourers in urban areas involved in hazardous work (ht) {see report], Prohibitory orders to be stricter from today (kh), JSP’s “majority members” agree to bring no-confidence motion against PM Oli (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/04/2021: Politics in the midst of a pandemic as people suffer : At a time when politicians should have demonstrated unity to fight the virus, they are busy in their petty political games, which represents a betrayal of citizens’ trust, analysts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Government and Janata Samajbadi Party near deal : Agreement is expected to address several longstanding demands of the party, including the release of jailed party lawmaker Resham Chaudhary, by Anil Giri (kp), Failure of Nepali political class, by Biswas Baral (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/04/2021: Lawmakers across parties for continuing pork barrel funds : They say misuse of the funds in some places doesn’t mean the Local Infrastructure Development Partnership Programme has failed across the country, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [The system implies high levels of political corruption, as it only helps handpicked mainly male directly elected MPs to secure future re-election!], Consequences Of Power-Centered Politics, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Govt decides to withdraw 15 cases filed against 120 people (with list) (rep) [This is part of Oli's desperate efforts to maintain his power. Just to remind you, during the Madhesh Movement, his attitude was totally adamant!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/04/2021: Back to square one, or even worse : No contact tracing even as the number of active cases crosses the 20,000 mark. Country reports 3,442 new cases and 12 deaths, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Set up soup kitchens : With yet another lockdown, we are back to square one. Are we better prepared this time? (kp) [Definitely not! The Oli government has been busy all along with power struggles, breaking the constitution and laws and suppressing basic human rights! There was no time to deal with such trivial things as the pandemic!], Take harsh measures : Nepal may not have much of a choice other than to place extraordinary civil restrictions to break the chains of infection (ht), Prohibitory orders enforced in Kathmandu Valley for 15 days starting Thursday : Decision comes amid rising number of coronavirus cases in the Valley, which recorded more than half the total new infections reported across the country in the past 24 hours, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), United Nations special rapporteurs urge Nepal to rectify the appointments in the National Human Rights Commission : They have pointed out the appointments were not in line with international practices and undermines the independence, integrity and legitimacy of the rights body (kp), More than 900 women go missing in Morang (ht), SC refuses to issue stay order against Oli's action (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/04/2021: A system that failed in the fight against pandemic : Failure to empower sub-national governments and political games in Kathmandu impacted provinces, thereby  deepening the coronavirus crisis, experts say, by Anil Giri (kp), Police defy court to arrest journalist, media manager: Anil Tamang and DL Tamang of were detained for publishing document bearing purported signatures of KP Oli and Samant Goel, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Ujyalo Network editor, publisher arrested for crime against state (ht) [Oli ist nicht der Staat! Außerdem eine solche Regierungsmaßnahme gerichtlich untersagt untersagt!], FNJ demands immediate release of journalists (ht), Phallic fallacies : The Dharahara inauguration drama amidst the coronavirus crisis was in bad taste (kp), What is wrong with Nepal govt's COVID response, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [What response? The Oli government is irresponsible in every respect and only interested in prolonging the power it no longer has anyway!], Covid-19 prohibitory orders re-introduced in Kathmandu valley; regulations effective from Thursday (ht), Prohibitory orders in Kathmandu Valley from Thursday : The decision by three chief district officers comes amid rising number of coronavirus cases in the Valley which recorded almost half of the total infections across the country, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Act now! (rep), Local administrations given authority to impose prohibitory orders : Educational institutions cannot hold examinations and those entering Nepal have to stay in quarantine, by Tika R Pradhan (kp),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/04/2021: People ignoring social distancing measures despite spike in infections : When government officials and politicians themselves have been organising functions and rallies in defiance of  Covid-19 restrictions, ordinary people have stopped taking precautions, experts say, by Shuvam Dhungana (kp) [This criminal behaviour of Oli and the other so-called top politicians was a deliberate part of their ruthless and self-serving power struggles!], As cases surge and hospitals fill up, doctors are worried : With only seriously ill cases coming for treatment, doctors say that the virus is much more widespread than daily infection data shows and the next two months will be critical, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Amid fears of oxygen shortage, government talks to suppliers : Manufacturers say production is sufficient but supply could be disrupted if hospitals start hoarding oxygen.  To increase capacity, more cylinders need to be imported, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Lax health security checks at Darchula  border points ; There is no official record of entries through five of the six border points in Darchula, by Manoj Badu (kp), JSP-N undecided, new govt formation in limbo (ht), Fickle Comrades Bicker Over NCP Day, by Ritu Raj Subedi (kp), PM Oli urges party rank and file to fan out for control of COVID-19 (kh) [With your months-long calls for mass public meetings for the purpose of maintaining your personal power, you bear an outstanding responsibility for the development of the pandemic in Nepal. Resign from all offices at last!], DAOs in Kathmandu Valley suspends non-essential services from Monday (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/04/221: Nepal seeks support in virus fight from crisis-hit India : The request for oxygen, antiviral drug and intensive care beds exposes the government’s inaction despite warnings of a looming crisis, experts say, by Anil Giril (kp) [All oxygen available in the country should be used exclusively for Covid-19 patients and not for mountaineers!], A second wave prompting  a new exodus : Fearing lockdown, people are moving out to avoid the trouble they faced last year, by Anup Ojha (kp), After Nepal Communist Party (NCP), now UML headed for vertical split : Oli constitutes a 19-member Standing Committee excluding leaders close to Nepal—an indication the two leaders are prepared to go their separate ways, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Most handwash stands installed in Valley last year are not in working condition: Authorities say they are working to repair and restore the handwashing stations  but even after four days since the commitment, the situation remains the same, by Anup Ojha (kp), Health Ministry recommends immediate lockdown in Kathmandu Valley (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/04/2021: When governance took a backseat, second wave took hold : At border points, authorities are failing to conduct tests and quarantine people, just as health facilities are on the verge of buckling under the caseload, by Arjun Poudel (kp) [The Oli government is behaving almost more incompetently and irresponsibly than during the first Corona wave!], Government mismanagement  leads to crowding at hospitals : Many were forced to return without getting the jabs despite waiting in line for hours, by Anup Ojha (kp), Billions spent on Dharahara but school reconstruction suffering in lack of funds : Reconstruction of college buildings damaged in the 2015 earthquakes is yet to begin as the government only recently decided to take Indian loan despite stringent conditions, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Health ministry seeks Rs 33 billion for vaccines (ht) [That would have made more sense than 95 kg of gold for the Dharahara top!], Politics In A State Of Flux, by Dhruba Hari Adhikari (rn), Arrested democratic transformation in Nepal : International civil society intervention could make a difference, by Bihari Krishna Shrestha (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/04/2021: Lives vs livelihoods? Amid a surge in coronavirus cases, lockdown fears loom : Authorities must devise strategies to contain the spread without imposing blanket restrictions as such curbs can severely impact the economy and the people, analysts say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Red alert : The government has to stop waiting for things to turn worse and urgently prepare for the worst (kp), Justice eludes rape victims in six South Asian countries, including Nepal : Rape survivors and their families face pressure to withdraw complain (ht), Khadka held from UML HQ for calling CM Rai a ‘rapist’ (kh) [??], Fostering Intergovernmental Ties, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Caste discrimination still prevalent in Karnali, by lalit Bahadur Budha (ae)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/04/2021: Swearing by political principles and acting just the opposite : Nepali politicians are losing their moral compass, they themselves say to criticise others. Analysts say such a lack of political ethics among leaders is a threat to democracy, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), An old mindset prevails : Public confidence in federalism is waning because of the Constituency Development Programme, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp) [The CDP is an instrument of political corruption by the non-inclusive male ruling oligarchy!], Online classes for some : The pandemic has exposed yet another  harsh reality—the digital divide (kp), Thousands participate in Seto Machhindranath chariot procession (ht) [An excellent behaviour in times of strongly increasing Corona infections!], Need Of Robust Civil Society Movement, by Namrata Sharma (rn), Maoist Center entrusts party chairman Dahal to take decision to withdraw support to Oli-led govt (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/04/2021: Government issues a slew of orders  amid threat of a second wave : More than 25 people cannot gather at one place; schools and places of worship among others closed till May 14. Testing and treatment made free, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Schools close again but there have been no preparation for virtual learning : Distance learning was not effective last year and as the virus may not go away soon, a long-term policy is required rather than seeking ad-hoc solutions, experts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Building institutions : The focus on the individual must be replaced by a culture of institution-building, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Import controls go as foreign exchange reserves swell : Experts say that Nepal should increase earnings from other sources and not depend too much on remittance, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Lower House of Parliament prorogued, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/04/2021: Vaccination rate dismal even as cases are surging with only 100,000 taking Chinese shots : Poor planning on accessibility, target groups, and awareness campaign; and vaccine hesitancy cited as reasons, by Arjun Poudel (kp), ‘Strategic plan’ hints federal civil service law will be delayed by around two years In the absence of the law, provinces have been unable to recruit staff since 2017; The Bill faced delays after Oli prorogued the House on July 2, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [Oli and many other central leaders are not interested in federalism!], In MCC, Oli sees a chance to play domestic and geopolitical games : The prime minister is using the American aid not only to rein in opponents in his party but also to curry favour with international power centres, analysts and insiders say, by Anil Giri and Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), The elusive no-confidence motion : What are the options to replace Oli and restore sanity in Nepal’s politics?, by Naresh Koirala (kp) [The endless infighting of the failed and incompetent top politicians results in the morally reprehensible Oli government remaining in power and continuing to play its manipulative games!], President Bhandari ends winter session of HoR (ht) [This means that all ordinances ipso facto cease to be effective according to article 114 (2) of the constitution since they have not been tabled at the session of parliament held after their promulgation! Is Oli about pushing MCC through without Parliament?], Siraha woman accused of practicing witchcraft, tortured (ht), Good Governance: Myth Or Reality?, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), Govt decides to withdraw cases filed against JSP cadres (kh) [Part of Oli's policy to win over the divided JSP? Not to forget: Already in 2018, Oli had promised the party all sorts of things without ever delivering!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/04/2021: Democracy and political parties in crisis, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh) [See also shortened Nepali text], Officials forgot duty, public dropped masks; now second wave is here : New variants of the coronavirus are more transmissible and deadlier, but people are not taking precautions and there is not enough testing and monitoring of those in home isolation, by Arjun Poudel (kp), In the CPN-UML, Oli has found a new spin doctor—Pradeep Gyawali : The foreign minister lectured on ‘democracy with Nepali flavour’ and morality as he defended House dissolution. Now he says Karnali incident is against parliamentary system, by Binod Gyawali (kp), Oli asks parties for support to ratify MCC in Parliament : With the Nepali Congress and Janata Samajbadi Party in favour, the compact will likely  be ratified but the Speaker has to  agree to table it for vote in the House meeting, by Anil Giri (kp), Home Min Thapa loses ministership after being removed from National Assembly; reappointment likely today (ht), Leader Badal Re-Appointed As Home Minister (rn), 2077 BS: Annus Horribilis, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Most INGOs in Nepal yet to work in areas beyond Kathmandu Valley (rep), PM Oli warns of seeking Speaker’s alternative if MCC not presented in HoR (kh) [Mr. Oli should finally get to grips with the constitution. The replacement of the Speaker of Parliament is not a matter for the executive, but requires the support of a two-thirds majority of MPs (Article 91 (6) (c)). Much more important would be the election of a Deputy Speaker of Parliament who has been pending for more than a year! In the current constellation, this post would belong to a woman!],
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/04/2021: Janata Samajbadi, amid differences within party, close to a deal with Oli : Leaders say the government has given them word to free their lawmaker and to withdraw cases against their cadres in return for support to Oli on early polls and the MCC, by Anil Giri (kp), Shahi survives vote of confidence in Karnali as four UML members defy whip : The decision to cross the floor is aimed at sending across a message to Oli, says  a leader who decided to vote to save the Maoist Centre provincial government, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Karnali CM wins confidence vote : Four UML lawmakers cross, by am Kumar Kamat (ht) [Oli's manipulations foiled!], Message from Karnali: No govt is safe unless internal conflict is resolved (kh), To open, or not to open : Contradicting messages from government about running schools  amid the coronavirus scare confuse guardians, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Election Commission earns disrepute over communist party legitimacy indecision : The commission has time and again failed to resist influence despite being a constitutional body, observers say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Political Shifts And Public Intellectuals, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Political Space for Youths : The political space for youths is going to contract further in South Asia including Nepal until and unless the senior leaders voluntarily give the youths the chance to lead, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/04/2021: No-confidence motion filed against Gandaki Chief Minister Gurung : Since the Provincial Assembly was prorogued hours before the motion was filed,  provincial lawmakers have also called for a special session, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Unmasking the second wave : Nepalis are ignoring the new coronavirus surge, by Sonia Awale (nt), Preparing for a ‘No Normal’ : Nepal’s Covid-19 second wave is here, and it is an exact re-enactment of 2020 (nt), Miracle Boy, six years after Nepal quake : Baby survived being buried under the rubble for 22 hours, but his family still struggles to cope, by Monika Deupala (nt), Quarter of Nepalis still hungry during pandemic : A year into the Covid-19 crisis, Nepalis have more food but still suffer under-nutrition (nt), PM Oli calls an all-party meeting for Saturday (kh), Discriminatory citizenship laws continue to disenfranchise Nepalis : Despite constitutional provisions, inaction on supporting laws has meant that individuals are routinely denied citizenship through their mothers, by Bimita GC (Record) [Thanks to Oli and all the other patriarchal so-called leaders!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/04/2021: Why Nepal is not on the list of invitees for climate summit called by Joe Biden : The country has failed to demonstrate its actions to mitigate impacts and make concerted efforts to show its vulnerabilities before the world despite bearing the brunt, by Chandan Kumar Mandal and Anil Giri (kp), Mountain blues : The government must invest in  climate change research (kp), Verdict ahead of parliamentary hearing raises multiple questions : Experts say the Supreme Court saying Nahakul Subedi is qualified for the post of justice before a parliamentary hearing threatens the principle of separation of powers, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Armed and unrestrained : Wrangling concessions from a pliant leadership, the army’s professionalism is compromised, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Purse Plays Havoc In The Polls, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Ominous 2078 : As the Oli government battles for its very survival, it has been badly distracted from the growing virus menace (ae), Debt without reforms : Financing debt without adequate policy reforms is a bit like financing the gambler, by Bishal Thapa (ae), Gandaki Province Assembly winter session prorogued (rep) [Practising KP Oli's undemocratic methods to prevent his dismissal!], No-confidence motion filed against Gandaki CM Gurung, NC’s Pokharel proposed as new CM (rep), Opposition parties in Gandaki to call for special session (kh), Fearing no-confidence motion Gandaki Chief Minister Gurung prorogues Assembly : Leaders of the Maoist Centre say a no-confidence motion will be filed nonetheless and the party will support the Nepali Congress to form a new provincial government (kp), Health Ministry urges not to attend schools in COVID-19 affected districts, including Kathmandu (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

14/04/2021: A lament for lost opportunities : The excitement of achievement in 1990 turned out to be a rather short one, by CK Lal (kp), Political lull in Nepal : All the major parties to be blamed, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), The second wave is knocking on the border : The government seems to be unconcerned about a possible renewed virus outbreak, by Jagadish Prasad Bist (kp), Covid-19 infecting more children, but government reluctant to close schools : Epidemiology and Disease Control Division says the UK variant B.1.1.7. might be responsible for over 60 percent of the new infections in Nepal, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Janata Samajbadi willing to form new government under its leadership : Party leaders say the candidate will be based on a consensus, by Anil Giri (kp), Government has failed on employment front (ht), Supreme Court scraps provision requiring online media to renew their registration each year (rep), Oli govt is trying to usurp the rights of provinces: Prakash Man Singh (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

13/04/2021: Experts warn against lapses and complacency as virus cases surge : As Nepal reports 13 new deaths with a daily count of  496, concerns grow over a repeat of last year’s cycle if  authorities fail to ramp up measures to contain the spread, by Arjun Poudel (kp), New Virus Variant : Averting Second Wave Of Pandemic, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Lumbini Province sees surge in Covid-19 cases ; Health officials are concerned about cases increasing in all districts of the province that borders with India, by Thakur Singh Tharu and Sanju Paudel (kp), Accountability? What? The Baskota case shows how little politicians care about public opinion (kp) [KP Oli stands out in a particularly negative way. He can be bluntly described as a protector of corruption!], Performance contract blues : Such contracts have failed due to the lack of ownership and concrete incentives, by Achyut Wagle (kp), JSP leaders Yadav, Bhattarai holding talks with NC President Deuba in Budhanilkantha (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

12/04/2021: A third of Oli’s Cabinet ministers are not members of federal parliament : Analysts say the prime minister is showing utter disregard for constitutional provisions for his political gains, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Oli should one day be held accountable for his continued destruction of the state and democracy, but his opponents are also to blame! The drama would end if the CPN-MC finally officially ended the coalition with the CPN-UML!], Ghode Jatra draws huge crowd at Tundikhel amid Covid-19 risk : People are not following simplest of advice like wearing masks in public, by Anup Ojha (kp) [And the Oli government supports this criminal madness by doing nothing to stop it!], Baskota’s recommendation to House committee raises concern about conflict of interest : The ex-minister, who was embroiled in a Rs700 million bribery scandal, has been recommended as a member of the Public Accounts Committee, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [This is probably part of Oli's way of fighting corruption!], Free legal aid inadequate, ineffective, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Ensure Voting Rights Of Persons With Disabilities, by Dev Datta Joshi (rn), World Hindu Federation office vandalized in Kathmandu (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

11/04/2021: Bipul Pokhrel-led panel sweeps all positions of Federation of Nepali Journalists (kp) [The media should be free from any infiltration by political parties!], Erosion of poetry in Nepali politics : The most alarming aspect of politicians’ use of language is the production of lies, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Nepal needs an ICT census : The survey will provide facts and figures to help manage education during crises, by Sagun Shrestha (kp), Particracy Undermines Democracy, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

10/04/2021: NC asks CPN-MC, JSP-N to help form government, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Janata Samajbadi seeks time to decide and politics is stalled again : Three parties finally meet to discuss unseating Oli. Nepali Congress and Maoist Centre agree to join hands, but the fourth largest party wants to  wait for Oli’s response, by Binod Ghimire and Tika R Pradhan (kp), Dialogue As Tool To Solve Conflict, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

09/04/2021: Deuba’s intriguing dilemma and his credibility chasm : The onus of taking political process forward is upon the Congress chief. But given the dynamics in his party, and his relations with Oli and other parties, he is hesitating, by Anil Giri (kp), Three parties meet today for talks on new government formation : If the negotiations between Nepali Congress, CPN (Maoist Centre) and Janata Samajbadi Party are  positive, further discussions will be held on the way forward to unseat Oli, Congress leaders say, by Anil Giri (kp), An election of journalists under the shadow of political parties : Almost all candidates have backing of parties, leaving little space for independent ones to lead, which many say could affect independence of Federation of Nepali Journalists, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), FNJ Must Rise Above Partisan Interest, by Kundan Aryal (rn), Untangling the knots : What is happening in Nepali politics is impossible to explain in a nutshell. But we will try (nt), JSP as Nepal’s king-maker party : “I have given my word to Oli that I will not turn against him”, interview with Mahantha Thakur (nt), Maoist Center suspends National Assembly membership of Home Minister Thapa, seeks clarification from lawmaker Khadka (rep), PM Oli to reappoint four former Maoist Center ministers, oath-taking later today (rep), Govt mulling to stop physical classes as the COVID-19 cases see a fresh spike (rep), Health ministry recommends to CCMC to stop physical classes as second wave of COVID-19 hits Nepal : COVID-19 infection rate doubled among children below 18 years of age (rep),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

08/04/2021: How rigid provisions are hobbling Nepal’s political process : A no-confidence motion is a tool parties can use against prime minister, but strong conditions aimed at stability have weakened opposition forces in the House instead, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Coalition to topple govt merely a chimera, by Ram Kumar kamat (ht), Election in crisis : Why we need to talk about, by Apurva Singh (ht) , Four Maoist Center lawmakers lose their posts (kh), NC leader Gagan Thapa invites PM Oli to HoR (kh), Amnesty International paints bleak picture of rights situation in Nepal Report calls Nepal out for custody deaths, police brutality, curbs on freedom and failure to probe conflict-era crimes (kp), AI paints dismal picture of human rights in Nepal (ht), Combat human trafficking : As many as 300 children, more girls than boys, go missing every month in Nepal (kp), Politics and institution building : Political tactics and  short-term gains trump institution-building for frontline politicians, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Struggling for breath : The biggest problem right now is that people have zero faith in their government (ae),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

07/04/2021: Are Nepal’s parties taking the country towards early polls? Oli is for elections, and Congress, the main opposition, Maoist Centre, Oli’s former ally, and Samajbadi Party, the fourth but a key force, appear to give their tacit consent, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Break the deadlock : The political parties have squandered the opportunity given by the Supreme Court (kp) [Nepal's political parties lack democratic structures and plitical culture!], Politics of fear and international influence : Political processes in Nepal are now increasingly being influenced by networks of greed, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Government plans to hold census in Kalapani but doesn’t know how : Sending enumerators there looks impossible, local leaders say. Authorities are mulling over counting residents on  the basis of past Indian census data or satellite imagery, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Early marriage and teen pregnancy rampant in Karnali Province : According to the Ministry of Social Development, 41,000 teenage girls got married in Karnali in the last three years, by Chandani Kathayat (kp), VAW On Rise, Seven Rape Cases Reported Daily In Nepal, by Deepa Chaudhary (rn), Nepal 2020 (excerpt from Amnesty International report 2020/21), Nepal records 339 fresh cases, tally hits 2,78,809 (kh), Nepal’s security forces used excessive force in peaceful protests : Amnesty International (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

06/04/2021: As Congress and Janata Samajbadi Party hem and haw, politics has stagnated : Congress leaders say Deuba must take a lead, but he is still reluctant with one eye on the polls. Maoist Centre’s indecision on withdrawing support complicates things, by Anil Giri (kp), NC's New Initiative JSP In Decisive Position, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Maoist Center taking action against its Ministers in Oli-govt (kh), Maoist Center writes to Parliament Secretariat to expel four of its lawmakers (kh), Poverty Alleviation Fund was scrapped, but it still exists. What does it do? The fund created at the height of insurgency has lost its relevance with local governments in place, officials admit, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Three years have passed, but no consumer court in sight : Consumer rights activists accuse the government of deliberately delaying the implementation of the law, by Krishana Prasain (kp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

05/04/2021: Local governments say they don’t get enough resources : The federal government needs to hand over their constitutional responsibilities as well as staff to subnational governments, experts say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Women representatives in Achham are excluded from decision-making roles : Most women ward members say the inclusion policy has only served as a token gesture to fulfil gender and caste representation requirements at the local level, by Menuka Dhungana (kp) [All the male Bahuns who dominate all levels in the state and parties, even though they are recruited from only 6% of the population, consider the state as their property and have no interest whatsoever in social inclusion, decentralisation and federalism! Ending the Bahun patriarchy requires a fundamental change in the state, parties and society!], On the campaign trail : Oli is on an inauguration spree with an eye on elections (kp), NC urges JSP-N to help form govt (ht), The Vice Of Factionalism, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn), SP leader Mahato hints at party’s intent to lead new govt (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

04/04/2021: Oli capitalises on other parties’ lack of heft to act against him : Experts say the prime minister needs to seek  a vote of confidence by Tuesday, but there is  no answer to what happens if he refuses to do so, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Political course unclear despite Nepali Congress decision to unseat Oli : Maoist Centre has to withdraw support but more importantly Janata Samajbadi has to make its stance clear. And early elections cannot be ruled out, leaders say, by Anil Giri (kp), Nepal-Khanal faction mulls forming a party and joining broader alliance, insiders say : With its leaders suspended from the UML and Oli in no mood to compromise, the  cornered faction has few options before it as its leaders’ political future is at stake, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Oli rushes to inaugurate 165 road projects without their preparatory works complete : Observers term prime minister’s move a populist ploy aimed at securing his political position, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Freed haliyas in Bajura still remain victims of state apathy (ht), Thorny political course versus conceited leaders (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

03/04/2021: United Nations questions rights body’s autonomy after controversial appointments : Five National Human Rights Commission office bearers were appointed after the Oli government introduced an ordinance in December to amend recommendation rules, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Nepali Congress appears to be ready to get the ball rolling : The main opposition decides to seek Oli’s resignation and start process to form a government led by its president, by Anil Giri (kp), NC demands resignation of PM Oli : NC to take initiative to form a new government under its own leadership (rep), Judge's daughter-in-law complains of torture (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

02/04/2021: A setback for Dahal as court rejects his review petition : With the court refusing to revisit the revival of the Maoist Centre and UML, Dahal’s options are limited, as Nepal faction joining hands with him soon is unlikely, insiders say, by Tika R Pradhan and Anil Giri (kp), Rainfall brings some respite from pollution but threat of more wildfires remains : With the rain, the number of wildfires came down to 59, air quality index to 42 from  a high of 334, and visibility went up to 7,000 metres from 1,000 metres, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Public hearing by Greater Civic Agitation : The disgrace that was!, by Bihari Krishna Shrestha (kh), Reinstated HoR has become dysfunctional: PM Oli (kh) [Yes, this has been your intention for months!], Political smokescreen : The smoke that shrouded Nepal for the past week was a metaphor for the state of the state (nt), Why On The Thirteenth Day? As birds of the same feather flock together, and as there are neither permanent friends nor foes in politics, it is likely that the politicians will come to a political deal that suits them rather than what is best for the country, by Hemang Dixit (sp)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

01/04/2021: Be no fool : We must start questioning the intention and integrity of those who govern us (kp) [This whole generation of failed so-called political leaders must go immediately! Anyone who thinks and acts like them should not even apply to be their successor!], Whatever happened to equity and inclusion? That one group should progress so disproportionately talks about the failure of the state-society compact, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Disregard of constitutional norms : Manifestation of hubris syndrome, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht), A complex political triangle of Maoist Centre and two opposition parties : The Maoists are looking to the Congress, which does not want to make any move, while the Janata Samajbadi is  a divided house. Amid this, Oli continues to wield power, by Anil Giri (kp), Nothing is being done to curb local pollution, environmentalists say : Vehicle emissions, industries, brick kilns and construction are major sources of air pollution, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Supreme Court refuses to review its verdict to revive UML and Maoist Center (rep), Maoist Center not to withdraw support to govt immediately (kh), The Political Imbroglio, by Narayan Manandhar (rep),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

31/03/2021: Judiciary in the spotlight as political process is halted : Nepali politicians’ inertia and failure to find solutions to the deadlock politically could give room to non-political actors, which is not good for democracy, analysts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Worsening wildfires a reminder that the country lacks clear policies : Despite their frequency, in which lives, wildlife and hundreds of thousands of hectares of green cover are lost, forest fire disasters have been largely ignored by authorities, experts say, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Talks between the government and Tharu Welfare Society termed positive : The dialogue takes place two days after the home minister met the agitating group whose demands include  the release of jailed lawmaker Resham Chaudhary, by Tika R Pradhan and Ganesh Chaudhary (kp), PM Oli should gain vote of confidence from parliament by April 5: CPN (Maoist Center) leader Gurung (rep), Govt’s constitutional validity ends on Apr 5 if vote of confidence not taken: Maoist Center (kh) [KP Oli was elected prime minister by the CPN-UML and CPN-MC MPs under Article 76 (2), i.e. he was prime minister of a coalition government whose two components only later merged to form the NCP. Article 100 (2) is not very clear on the situation at hand. The NCP is again divided into the original parties by the SC decision; however, it was in principle already divided into the Oli and Dahal/Nepal factions before the ruling. At that time, therefore, Oli should already have asked for a vote of confidence under Article 100 (2). Formally, however, it is also the case today that Oli was elected by the two aforementioned parties in 2018 and the CPN-ML has not withdrawn its confidence in Oli to date.], Take the initiative to form new govt: Prachanda urges Deuba (kh), Highly-proclaimed People’s Housing Program goes sluggish : 31 percent budget and 30 percent construction in 11 years, by Sabina Karki (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

30/03/2021: Education institutions ordered shut for four days, stakeholders criticise delayed response, by Anup Ojha (kp), 52% Nepalis support declaring Nepal a Hindu state: Nationwide survey, by Shree Ram Subedi (rep) [This little opinion poll was not a political election. In a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious state like Nepal, one cannot link state identification with any one of these cultures and religions. Otherwise, we will have the same situation that has existed for centuries and is the cause of many of today's serious social problems. Even according to the opinion poll, more than 40 per cent would obviously feel discriminated against. Only a secular and socially inclusive state suits Nepal, but the country is still miles away from that! Why at all is the Hindu state brought into play in this otherwise purely politically oriented opinion poll?]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

29/03/2021: Deteriorating air quality amid spike in Covid-19 cases causes concerns : Experts say asking people to stay inside and wear  face masks is just a temporary solution and stress  a long-term plan to deal with such situations, by Arjun Poudel (kp), Gasping for air : The government’s response to the ongoing air pollution emergency is grossly inadequate (kp), There’s House and there are political parties. But politics is deadlocked : While Congress has been partly blamed for not making any move, the Maoist Centre’s indecision over support to Oli is the major reason the political process is stalled, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [PM Oli has lost all moral legitimacy for political office after his failed coup, but the rest of the so-called top politicians are no better!], Disregarding Covid-19 risk, hundreds celebrate Holi : Health experts fear the revelry could become a ‘super-spreading’ event, by Anup Ojha (kp), Subnational level finances : The provinces should enlarge their own sources and not depend on fiscal transfers only, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp) [But Oli and many other central level politicians don't really want federalism and decentralisation!], Child marriage continues unabated (ht), Home Minister-led talks team formed to address demands of Tharuhat movement : The list of demands includes the release of Resham Chaudhary, convicted for masterminding the 2015 Tikapur incident in which nine people were killed (kp), CPN (Maoist Center) to withdraw support to govt in Bagmati Province (kh) [A test for a similar approach at the central level?]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

28/03/2021: As controversy over Constitutional Council continues, recruitment in state agencies is hit : Office bearers of Public Service Commission retired last week. With the ordinance on Council challenged in court and bill stuck in House, new appointments can’t be made, by Anil Giri (kp) [How much longer will Oli and all the other would-be leaders be allowed to destroy this beautiful country and its newly won democracy?], Data collection for national ID card distribution hits snag : Against the target to collect the details of 10 million people, the government may only be able to collect the details of 4.4.5 million people because of Covid-19 scare, officials say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [And what about the millions of Nepalis who are denied citizenship because they do not fit into the male Bahuns' concept of national identity?], Law implementation remains weak in cases of caste-based discrimination : A report says police are reluctant to register cases. And even if cases get registered, they lack evidence to back up the claims, which results in low conviction rate, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Jurisdictions of human rights protection ambiguous: NHRC (ht), Investing in youth : Big employment generating programs must be carefully evaluated while small innovative pilots should be supported, by Simone Galimberti (rep), Speaker Sapkota meets PM Oli, discusses a host of issues including crucial bills (rep),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

27/03/2021: Janata Samajbadi looks set to support Oli even as some leaders oppose idea : Those holding talks with the prime minister say there is  no harm in joining the government if their demands, including freeing Resham Chaudhary, are met, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [If KP Olis, one of the biggest opponents of Madhesh interests, is supported, the JSPN will be permanently damaged!], Team formed to hold talks with government regarding release of Tikapur riot convictsTharuwan/Tharuhat Rashtriya Morcha says it will continue movement until government releases all prisoners related to Tikapur incident and withdraws cases filed against them, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), Tharuhat-Tharuwan National Front forms team : Six-member talks team is led by Resham Chaudhary (ht), Only 217 migrant workers availed of government’s pandemic repatriation scheme : Poor implementation of the programme led to low numbers, labour rights experts say, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp) [One of numerous cases of complete failure by the Oli government!], Challenges Of Political Leadership, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), High-level mechanism advised for effective RTI implementation (kh),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

26/03/2021: House panels aren’t doing their part when government decisions are being questioned : Parliamentary committees should spring into action when the House has been rendered ineffective, analysts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Give business to HoR : Some of the bills are sensitive and require cautious deliberation before they are passed by the parliament (ht), Break the cycle of impunity for rape : Repeal statute of limitations,  by Laxmi Pokharel and Boram Jang (ht), JSP won’t join Oli-led govt under any circumstance: Upendra Yadav (rep), KP Oli sits pretty as opposition forces in Nepal run out of options, by Ashok Dahal (ae), No replacement for Oli in Nepal? (ae), Only 20 percent budget spent in eight months, by Shivaraj Bhatta (ae), In a state of disillusionment : A public opinion survey shows disenchantment for the centre, but hope in local leaders (opinion poll (nt) [A damning but understandable verdict for the government and the political parties! What is incomprehensible, however, is what people in the multi-ethnic and multi-religious state of Nepal with its endless discrimination against women, Dalits and ethnic groups expect from a Hindu state!], PM Oli discloses his plan to end parliament session soon (kh) [Oli-archy does not need parliament! But all ordinances become invalid if they are not decided by this session, Mr Oli!],
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

25/03/2021: Which party those elected under Nepal Communist Party now represent? Analysts say they have freedom to choose between the UML and Maoist Centre but don’t rule out complications, by Binod Ghimire (kp), No-confidence motions against Rai and Poudel to be withdrawn : The positions of Province 1 and Bagmati chief ministers were challenged after Prime Minister Oli dissolved the House of Representatives on December 20 last year; A UML leader says the indecision on the part of  Nepali Congress also led to the decision, by Deo Narayan Sah (kp), Parliament in limbo, bills pending, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Get thee to work : Lawmakers should understand that their primary role is making laws (kp), 17 Dalits killed after introduction of act against untouchability (ht), Deputy Mayors Disempowered At Local Level, by Mukti Rijal (rn) [And most of the are women! This is typical for Nepal's macho patriarchy!], Marriage is no license to rape : Sexual violence by intimate partner is largely unreported due to social stigma as well as the belief that forced sexual relation by a husband without the consent of the wife doesn’t constitute violence, by Roshani Giri (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

24/03/2021: Oli and Janata Samajbadi Party take their talks one step aheadBut hurdles remain as not all in Samajbadi Party are willing to support Oli government, by Anil Giri (kp) [No one from any party should support Oli after all the reprehensible and anti-democratic things he has done out of pure lust for power!], JSP-Nepal leaders offer support to Oli, by Ram Kumar Kamat (kp), A forgettable year : Not much has changed a year after Nepal went into lockdown (kp), Supreme Court: Arbiter of democracy : One bad stumble is all it takes for a fledgeling system to suffer a fatal blow, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp), My body, my rights : There is growing evidence that the Covid-19 economic recession has led to increased vulnerabilities, by Christian Manhart and Eunsong Kim (kp), Govt to decide on lockdown after analyzing the pandemic risk (kh)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

23/03/2021: Nepali politics is becoming devoid of principles, ethics and ideologies : Beneath the veneer of their high-sounding claims of fighting for the system and democratic norms and values lies politicians’ insatiable desire to attain power and control, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Provincial, local governance hit as key law delayed : It has been more than two years since bill on federal civil service was registered. But passage of bills has not been a priority of the House, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [Oli and many other top politicians are among the most adamant opponents of federalism and any kind of decentralisation!], NC will neither table no-confidence motion nor join govt: Deuba, by Binod Subedi (rep) [This literally means: Deuba is committed to keeping PM Oli in power, as the latter could only finally be deprived of power through the active participation of the NC.], UML and JSP discuss constitution amendment, government formation (kh) [This is exactly what Oli had already promised the JSPN once in 2018. After their entry into his government, he no longer wanted to know anything about it! But even with the participation of the JSPN, the Oli government would not have a majority in parliament!], Guilty until proven innocent? The practice of making suspects public too quickly is wrong (kp), Girl injured after boyfriend sets her on fire by dousing her with kerosene in capital (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

22/03/2021: Political instability an excuse to delay justice, conflict victims say : Leaderships of major political parties have refused to sit for a meeting with the victims, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Deuba’s silence has resulted in status quo—and it is benefiting OliCalls are growing within the Nepali Congress that the party president must take initiatives to form an alliance with Maoist Centre and Janata Samajbadi Party to unseat Oli, by Anil Giri and Binod Ghimire (kp), Enough of bickering : The arbitrary ways of the PM are making it more and more difficult to effect a reconciliation with the rival faction (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

21/03/2021: As Oli tightens grip on the party, he tells rivals to support him or face the music : UML Central Committee amends Parliamentary Party statute giving its leader sweeping powers including that to sack lawmakers. It asks four of them for clarifications, by Tika R Pradhan (kp) [The party structure of the UML is not democratic but dictatorial, which, by the way, is similar in all political parties. According to Article 269 (4) of the Constitution, such parties should not even be registered by the Election Commission! All office-bearers of a political party should be elected democratically from the grassroots upwards and in a socially inclusive manner, must be accountable at all times, face a re-vote at regular intervals and must not have authoritarian powers! Well-founded criticism and dealing with it without aggression are part of the basis of democracy!], Rite of passage : Nepal is excited by the prospect of moving up from the LDC status, but dreads losing the benefits, by Bijendra Man Shakya (kp), Health ministry urges not to organize any gatherings, rallies and seminars as threats of COVID-19 grows (rep),
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

20/03/2021: Representation of women in state organs dismal: NHRC report (ht) [see annual report of NHRC], As Janata Samajbadi rift grows, so does uncertainty over new coalition formation : While the Thakur-Mahato faction of Janata Samajbadi Party supports Oli, the Yadav-Bhattarai faction wants to join hands with the Congress and the Maoist Centre, by Anil Giri (kp), To ally with Oli or NC-Maoist Center: JSP in Hamletian dilemma (kh) [The Oli government should not be supported on moral grounds!], Oli wants to prove House irrelevant, critics say : The prime minister neither attends meetings, nor does his government provide any business to the House of Representatives, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Prime minister's resignation sought on moral grounds : Opposition lawmakers cite examples of ministers in Oli govt who did so not long ago, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Beating The Politics Of Attrition, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), COVID-19 Crisis Management Center is ‘nonfunctional’ : The CCMC sat for a meeting after a gap of three months on Thursday (rep), Nepal ‘happiest’ country in South Asia (rep) [Maybe that's because they're laughing at Oli and all the other failed politicians, although it' more like crying!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

19/03/2021: No to censors : Functioning democracy and regulated speech just don’t go together (ae), Moment of truth : The leadership should leave no stone unturned to manage the vaccine shortage (kp), PM Oli has lost all moral, ethical grounds to rule: NC leader Thapa (kh), UML vs UMLThe Nepal-Khanal faction plans to revive all party committees to counter KP Sharma Oli while the latter appears firm on bulldozing decisions, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Oli accused of promoting factionalism in UML (ht) [Oli is currently one of the most destructive politicians in the world. Everything he does is done with full intention, without regard for democracy, state, nation and party!], Government directed to run VAW classes in schools every week (ht), HoR holding fourth meeting; when is address by top leaders?, by Narayan Neupane (rep) [What good is parliament if it is not even willing or able to remove from the prime minister's office a putschist who has only a small proportion of MPs on his side? Democracy looks different!], Attorney General Agni Kharel resigns (rep) [This was overdue since his strange justification of the Oli coup!], “The goal is empowerment and independence of women”, Supreme Court Justice Sapana Pradhan Malla on the struggle ahead for Nepal’s feminist movement (interview) (nt)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

18/03/2021: Why KP Oli must go : Failing to sack Oli out of power is tantamount to breeding a situation of impunity at the highest level of executive authority, by Narayan Manandhar (rep) [After his departure, additional judicial steps should be considered.], Rigging the match : The president is deeply enmeshed in the ruling party’s mess, and that is not good for the republic (kp) [Both Oli and Bhandari have failed completely, because they know no duties, but are only oriented towards their personal advantages!], Parliamentary hearing no more than ritual, experts say : Former bureaucrats, committee members say panel is obliged to toe the party line, by Binod Ghimire (kp), UML’s Oli faction withdraws support to Karnali government : Parliamentary Party won’t back Chief Minister Shahi from CPN (Maoist Centre), leaders say; Shahi now has two options: step down or prove majority  in the provincial assembly, by Kalendra Sejuwal (kp) [Just like Oli on the national level!], Language chauvinism : The recent arrests in Balaju show the need for greater understanding of language diversity, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Health service cuts resulting in more child deaths (ht), Integration, disintegration of parties : Lack of ideological debate responsible, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht) [Even more significant is the lack of democratic party structures and the personal claims to power of the top politicians, even if they have already failed several times!]
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

17/03/2021: House is reinstated, but neither government nor opposition has faith in it : The government hasn’t given Parliament any business, and the opposition too hasn’t used it to hold officials to account, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [When will people realise that they have neither democracy nor a future with this generation of failed politicians?], President’s all-party meeting comes into question over intent : Oli proposing House dissolution and fresh elections makes the event look like Sheetal Niwas dancing to Baluwatar’s tune, leaders attending the meeting and analysts say, by Anil Giri (kp) [Bidya Devi Bhandari is a president by Oli's grace. Since then, she has therefore been a compliant tool in support of her Prime Minister's ambitions for power, forgetting her constitutional duties!], Prez criticised at all-party meeting (ht), Laws are not enough : We risk reversing years of hard-earned progress toward keeping children, especially girls, in school (kp), Musahars deprived of land for lack of citizenship (ht)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

16/03/2021: The spectre of split hovers above CPN-UML even as Oli and Nepal hold talks in a fence-mending attempt : The factions led by party chair and senior leader refuse to budge from stances, thereby deciding to make their own moves, by Tika R Pradhan (kp), Delay in talks hobbles the Congress, Maoist Center, Janata Samajbadi Party’s attempts to forge an alliance : What looked like an easy game has turned out to be cumbersome exercise with multiple factors coming into play by the day, by Anil Giri (kp), In Kalikot district, incidents of child marriage are still rampant169 incidents of child marriage were reported in two local units of the district in 2020, by Tularam Pandey (kp), Shun violence : Let us hope Nepal is not witnessing a resurgence of those violent activities that brought the country to a standstill (ht), No End To Political Theatrics, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), HoR meeting concludes in just seven minutes, next meeting on March 19 (rep) [The farce continues! All top politicians care more about personal power claims than democracy and the well-being of the people!], Let women lead : Men must be part of the equation but women must be prepared and assert themselves, by Simone Galimberti (rep)
see also news programmes of Kantipur TV : morning (English), evening (Nepali)

15/03/2021: Court yet to hear case on constitutional body picksChief Justice Rana himself is a defendant in the case that should constitutionally be heard by the bench he chairs, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [The Chief Justice is clearly biased and cannot judge objectively in this case!], Eight injured, two critically, in a blast at a government office in SirahaThe explosion, for which Jaya Krishna Goit-led group has taken responsibility, shows radical forces continue to exist and they should be brought to the talks table, analysts say, by Bharat Jarghamagar and Tika R Pradhan (kp) [Only a few days ago, PM Oli claimed that there was no militancy left in Nepal, except for the one he had started. That was probably a false statement!], Maoist Centre is in a fix over its next move : The party has decided to seek clarification from its members who have sided with Oli but it is yet to chart out further strategy, by Binod Ghinire (kp), Why participation isn’t enough : Women’s participat