Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Crisis solution (2012)

Since the Delhi Agreement between seven parliamentary parties and the insurgent CPN (Maoist) of 22 November 2005, the people of Nepal have been waiting in vain for the promised realisation of an inclusive democratic system. Although the then putsching monarchy was abolished and a constitution was passed in 2015 after long power struggles between the political parties, even this was the sole work of the exclusively male leaders of the three major parties, predominantly male Bahuns. The appropriate participation of all social groups, as provided for in the interim constitution of January 2007, did not take place. In this respect, the constitution of 2015 even represented in part a step backwards compared to the interim constitution.
Thus, apart from the abolition of the monarchy, not much has changed since the 1990 system. Numerous fundamental human rights continue to be disregarded. There is no inclusion of all social groups. All power and the majority of all state functions are still in the hands of male Tagadharis, especially male Bahuns.  The latter make up only 6 percent of the population, but the identification of the state and its society and culture, in short the nationalist image of the state of Nepal, is still based on the culture and partly narrow-minded, anarchic, patriarchal and socially discriminating view and thinking of this small minority. As long as this state of affairs continues and the failed generation of political leaders of all parties is not replaced by a younger generation that is inclusive, open-minded, receptive and not exclusively oriented towards personal power interests, there will be no end to the crisis situation.

Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Crisis solution (current)


31/12/2012: Polls far-off for Dahal, seeks CA rebirth (kp), Deadline extended, sixth time (kp), Possibility of polls by May receding fast (ht), Janajati leaders form another party, by Roshan Sedhai (kp) [Without unity, the Janajatis will once again have no role to play in future Nepal!!], New Janajati party launched in Capital: A 63-member ad hoc central working committee including a presidium was formed (ht), SJMM cadres were planning to detonate bombs in Kathmandu (ht), 'Underground outfit was out to carry out multiple attacks in Kathmandu' (nn)

30/12/2012: Onus to resolve crisis lies on us, says Prez: Sheetal Niwas to consult with major political parties today, by Anil Giri (kp), Major parties seek five more days to form unity govt (nn), Consensus a distant dream (kp), Prez gives parties five more days to name consensus PM (nn), Spoiled revolutionaries: PM Baburam Bhattarai’s adamant refusal to resign as premier has fully tarnished his image, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp) [This caretaker PM can only be replaced by an elected parliament, Mr Jeevan! Better write about how the opposition blocks all ways to new elections for the sake of power!!], UCPN-M still striving for mid-May polls (ht), KC blames UCPN-Maoist for prolonged crisis: Says NC leadership won’t jettison democratic ideals (ht) [Demanding political leadership without a new people's mandate ist already undemocratic! The NC has been rejected as a leading party by the people in the last elections because this party has been most responsible for the failure of the 1990 system!!!], Issue of ex-combatants who want to quit Nepali Army unresolved: Former PLAs who opted to join NA now want retirement package like their erstwhile colleagues (ht), New Janajati party announced (nn) [The Janajatis will only have a chance to fight for their rights and interests if they stand united!!], FSP calls for identity-based federal statute (ht)

29/12/2012: Leaders faff about, reach nowhere: Parties fail to keep their promise of forging consensus, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Prez to keep pushing parties for consensus govt formation; Major political parties to wait and see: NC leader (kp) [For the NC leaders, consensus means that all their demands are fulfilled!], ‘Party won’t stoop low for PM’s post’ (kp), Will not back down, says PM, by Basanti Bastola (kp), PM says oppn in bid to besmirch his reputation: Denies he is a stumbling block to consensus building process (ht), Prez returning home; Package deal so near yet so far (nn), On his return from India President Yadav says parties should resolve crisis on their own (nn), No schism within FDRA on CA revival, say Madhesi leaders (ht), Baidhya raps president, prime minister for crisis: Blames Big III for prolonging the stalemate due to ‘lust for power’ (ht)

28/12/2012: Anyone can lead govt if package deal had: FDRA; Ruling alliance for CA revival provided no consensus by Jan 9, by Pranab Kharel (kp) [Such procedure is neither legitimate nor necessary! Necessary are only elections as early as possible! The dissolved CA has to be revived but only to pave the way to new elections legally!!], FDRA floats four ways out of crisis: CPN-UML calls it a ploy to prolong stay in power by delaying election, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), No resignation without package deal: PM Bhattarai (nn), Koirala blames UCPN (M) for prolonged crisis, by Pratap Bista (kp) [You are to blame for the same reason even more! The UCPN-M has made many mistakes, but the NC has vetoed all necessary changes of state and society!!], Big words, little progress: The entire legal system is being slowly discredited in the eyes of the general public, by Manish Gyawali (kp), A long wait: The country and the people cannot go on waiting forever for politicians to come to an agreement, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Opportunity cost: All the difficult decisions we didn't make in 2012 will come back to haunt us in 2013 and beyond, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Local bodies to be monitored this year (ht) [Better hold local elections immediately! The last elections took place in 1997!!], The past foretold: If the political parties are terrified of parliamentary elections in 2013, why don't they at least agree to hold local polls and restore accountability to the grassroots? (nt), Nepal's fiscal cliff in 2013: If Nepal doesn't ratify its international anti-money laundering commitments next year it will join other rogue states, by Sunir Pandey (nt)

27/12/2012: Time to step down: PM Bhattarai should leave office to make way for April-May elections (kp), Madhes-based parties warn of poll boycott, by Bhadra Sharma and Pranab Kharel (kp), Conflict victims yet to get allowance, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp), Price of instability: The state’s failure to generate electricity is largely due to unstable governments (kp), Case of contempt: Injustice towards women is an everyday phenomenon. The state, media and society need to start punishing the culprits, not the victims, by Bidushi Dhungel (kp), A dangerous game: PM's hard stand, by Biswas Baral (rep)

26/12/2012: Compromise, Dahal nudges Bhattarai: Maoist chairman asks PM to soften his stance if Nepali Congress agrees a package deal (kp), Ruling alliance for government under neutral candidate (kp), The centre turns right: The NC’s unwillingness to own the political change it helped bring about, and its fear of substantive democracy, has hampered the transition, by Prashant Jha (kp), Deceptive commitments: Human rights, by Suman Adhikari (rep)

25/12/2012: PM Bhattarai worships at altar of neutral govt, now (kp), Prez India visit for unity govt’s sake, says aide (kp) [????], Prez Yadav to hold a series of political interactions in Delhi, by Anil Giri (kp), Year of dread: Lack of incentives is hurting the prospect of the Constituent Assembly elections, by Bipin Shah (kp), Lifting the veil: Socialist revolution in Nepal, by Shreya Paudel (rep)

24/12/2012 PM, FDRA stance puts deal on hold (kp), Give my govt nationalshape: Bhattarai (kp), Prez ‘won’t set’ next consensus deadline (kp), Prez Yadav to leave for India today (kp) [????], Neutral government won’t deliver May election, interview with Minendra Rijal, Nepali Congress (kp) [The only legitimate way out of crisis would be that NC and UML join the current caretaker government of PM Bhattarai and cooperate to level the way to new elections!!], The deviation of NC: From people to power politics, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht)

23/12/2012: Maoist thumbs down to PM stance: Meeting decides to hand over govt leadership to NC if a package deal is sealed, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal, Bhattaraito find way out (ht), Morcha floats 9-pt consensus proposal (kp), UDMF presents nine conditions, seeks 240 PR seats, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Ruling alliance divided over change of guard in govt (nn) [The exchange of the PM will not bring Nepal any closer to legitmacy, only elections can do so!!], Bhattarai hurdle for consensus, says Khanal (ht) [The dictate of parties that became minority parties in the last elections is no good basis for consensus!!], Peeved Prez likely to call all-party meeting today (kp), Prez to call more parties (ht)

22/12/2012: In a first, Bhattarai asks Dahal to take up top job, if that helps (kp), Rift between Dahal, Bhattarai widens: Party meeting postponed until today (ht), Unity govt only way out: Indian foreign minister, by Mahesh Acharya (kp), EC officials frantic as parties struggle to clear poll hurdles, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UDMF busy drafting its own rider to seek agreement in package: Says it will present a set of conditions today, by Ram Kumar Kamat (kp), Madhesi Front floats 9-pt proposal for consensus (nn), 5th deadline to parties ends today (nn), Agitation if no consensus by Saturday: Poudel (nn) [A strange way to reach consensus], RPP-N warns of religious war (ht) [Be aware of Hindu fundamentalism!!!], Mothers not getting recognition as citizens? Citizenship on the basis of matrilineal descent still a far cry, by Kokila K.C. (ht)

21/12/2012: Bhattarai rigid; NC-led govt not on the horizon: PM says his govt must get unity shape first (kp), PM denies he set new conditions for consensus: Says his success or failure depends on his ability to create environment for holding fresh election, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), FDRA sticks to earlier decisions, says deal in package a must, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Journos injured as Shiva Senacadres vandalise media office, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Revolutionary comrade: For Baburam Bhattarai, it seems, the impoverishment of the populace is a sacrifice that can be easily made on the road to a Nepali paradise inhabited by comrades Lenin and Mao, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp) [Once again a fact distorting article led by anti-communist stance!], Patriarchy behind citizenship woes: Experts (ht), ‘Deal’ in threat as Bhattarai-Dahal rift widens: PM skips crucial party meeting; Miffed at party chairman for asking him to leave office and make way for NC (kp), Bid to ensure: Bhattarai’s ‘dignified exit’, by Prakash Acharya (ht), UCPN-M firm on forming unity govt (ht), UDMF dashes Koirala’s prime ministerial hopes: Says it can’t accept NC at helm under existing circumstances (ht), Conflict-era rape case filed at UN (kp), Technocratic policy drama: A depoliticised policy making process appears scientific but it serves the interest of narrow elites, by Hemant R. Ojha (kp), Give and take: Internal power struggles and cadres discontent will define the UCPN (M)'s upcoming general convention, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Crisis hits economy: Entrepreneurs losing confidence, by Kamal Raj Dhungel (ht), Patriarchy in the political hierarchy: The exclusive behaviour of powerful Madhesi leaders ridicules the inclusion agenda they claim to champion, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

19/12/2012: Unwilling Prez extends deal deadline again (kp), Defiant Bhattaraiputs Dahal in a fix: Despite PM’s refusal to resign, UCPN (Maoist) will honour his pledge to opposition parties’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [There is no legitimate way to replace Bhattarai before elections for a new CA are hold!! The power greedy opposition, that has been rejected by the people in the last elections, should finally understand this!!], Nepali Congress miffed at Bhattarai no end: But says the party is in wait and watch mode, by Prakash Acharya (ht) [The NC should better act and join the current government!!], Gachhadar urges not to cast aspersions on PM’s motive: Flays Big Three for not involving his outfit (ht), Maoists and the mainstream: The Maoists succeeded in deepening Nepali democracy, but failed to change its political culture, which eroded their moral authority, by Prashant Jha (kp)

18/12/2012: Deal hits PM’s ‘dignified exit’ hurdle: Bhattarai refuses to accept Koirala as his successor; leaders say accord likely in couple of days, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [Making a politician who has been rejected by the people in the last elections now PM on decision of no longer legitimated party leaders is illegitimate and undemocratic!!], Bhattarai puts forth new riders: Asks parties to join his government at least for two weeks, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht) [This is the only legitimate way for crisis solution, but two weeks are insufficient!!], Fresh Dahal, Bhattarai differences surface: Bhattarai has turned a deaf ear to Dahal’s proposal (kp), Dahal’s whim makes Congress’ head swim: After floating fanciful idea, says he failed to ‘convince Bhattarai’, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Need for speed Efforts at early elections will protect PM Bhattarai’s political legacy and career (kp), Prez may seek smaller parties’ help (kp), Parties demand yet another extension of consensus deadline (nn), Political parties get five more days to name consensus PM (nn), Koirala as PM unacceptable: Baidya (nn), Against Army Act, CoAS wants Maj Gen promoted, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), CPN-M will resume people’s revolt: Shakya (ht), Falling together: A more powerful press would be good for democracy, but for that the industry needs greater transparency, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp)

17/12/2012: Unity govt deal today? Very likely, says Dahal (kp), Leaders confident about win-win package deal Say consensus in a day or two, mum on details (ht), UDMF may boycott new govt: Seeks NC’s views on federalism,four-point deal; Against more than two pradeshes in Madhes (ht), Old cries, pledges repeat in rights summit, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Revolt obligation, says Baidya (kp), CPN-M doesn’t rule out people’s revolt (ht), Election fever: NC needs to stick to its new proposal in order to achieve a breakthrough (kp)

16/12/2012: UN calls for quick consensus (kp), NC floats ‘holistic’ proposal to confront burning issues, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Pranab Kharel (kp), Parties to strike deal in a week: Koirala premiership likely to figure in package agreement, by Prakash Acharya  (ht), Bhattarai calls on prez, floats proposal for consensus govt (ht), Quest for Political Stability in Nepal, by Ganga Thapa (nn)

15/12/2012: Leaders: Poll preps first step towards consensus, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [How can you claim that elections are possible within four months when you only fight for power instead of commonly solving the legal hurdles???], Paudel warns to topple govt (ht) [You called it 'putsch' when Gyanendra Shah did the same!!], Absence of polls breeding graft in local bodies: PM (kp), Army integration: 4,171-strong gen directorate to be under NA; Special Committee gets 60 days to finish outstanding tasks (ht)

14/12/2012: Warring parties get Prez’s ‘last consensus deadline’: Sheetal Niwas wants common PM candidate by December 24 (kp), Accord in three days if Dahal is honest: Koirala (kp) [This is neither a question of Dahal's honesty nor of Koirala's demands: Only the elected representatives of the people have the legitimacy to replace the current caretaker PM! So, go for the people's vote and then elect a new PM!!], Don’t legalise war-era property, SC tells govt, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Communist wave? An in-depth analysis suggests that Nepalis have supported political forces that raised issues of their concerns, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Telling truth to power: When the conscience keepers of society show elastic ethics, it is time to worry, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Lost Right To Vote, by Abhishekh Adhikari (sp), President’s Exercise of Article 38 (1): A Constitutional Necessity, by Ankit Adhikari (sp)

13/12/2012: Prez summons top leaders, likely to give fourth bite of cherry, by Anil Giri (kp), UCPN (M) throws fresh proposal card
To accept NC leadership if the present govt is allowed to amend statute, fix poll date
, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Pranab Kharel (kp) [There is no legitimation for any of these steps!!!]

12/12/2012: Accord elusive, Prez pressed to extend deadline yet again, by Anil Giri (kp) [There is only one solution: NC and UML must join the government under PM Bhattarai and share responsibility! Anything else would be illegitimate!], Third extended deadline to form unity govt expiring today as parties stop bothering to forge consensus altogether (nn), As last resort, Dahal may run for premiership, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [This would be illegitimate nonsense as well!], Name PM from outside top three parties: Bhandari-led alliance to President (nn) [Only elected representatives of the people are legitimated to elect a new PM!!], UML keeps nod to back NC’s PM bid (kp), PM: Consensus clock ticking (kp), No compromise on basic issues: UCPN-M (ht), Padam Kunwar suggests leaders to 'beware of public anger' as he admits 'unlawful act' (nn), Some ex-fighters seek to leave NA training: Ranks, family matters, health cited; NA forms probe committee (kp), Govt, unverified fighters cut deal (kp), AHRC paints dismal picture of rights scene (kp) [see AHRC report], War-ravaged buildings await reconstruction, by Giri Prasad Bhandari (kp), Results of the headcount: The census has added significance as electoral seats will be allocated as per these figures, by Prakash A. Raj (kp), The search for order and justice: The hopes of 2006 collided with the realities of a fragmented political landscape and entrenched interests, leading to the current fragility, by Prashant Jha (kp)

11/12/2012: Deadlines come, go but issues remain (kp), What’s up, doc? The president has painted himself into a corner by giving the parties a deadline to find a consensus PM, by Bipin Shah (kp), PM ‘eschews’ rights issues on HR Day: Bhattarai remains silent on cases of rights violations, dwells on social inclusion, equality (kp), Beyond all platitudes: If human rights violators go scot free, security forces will believe abuses aren’t a big deal (kp), ‘Citizens’ rights will be protected’: NHRC chairman flays government over withdrawing criminal cases (ht), For protests, UML seeks ties with CPN-M, MJF-N (kp), Bhattarai says CA polls not possible if consensus fails (ht), Seeking alternative to PM unconstitutional: Rayamajhi; Forge consensus to extricate the country (ht), Triangular benefits: In the absence of viable and credible governance in Nepal, changes underway in its neighbourhood risk becoming irrelevant, by Lok Raj Baral (kp)

10/12/2012: NC not to sell democracy for prime ministership: CWC seeks a concrete strategy to topple govt (ht) [In other words: Democracy means the illegitimate handover of power to the NC under preconditions as set by this party which has been elected by every fifth Nepali in the last elections of April 2008! This means underminig the people's mandate!!], Dahal’s premiership bait ‘a clever ploy’: Analysts say the move will gain people’s sympathy in Madhes and isolate NC, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), SC issues show cause notice to Prez over consensus call (nn), Ex-PLA women, kids face problems (ht), Wishing for progress, EU and Swiss Missions (rep), Govt gets an earful over its rights record (nn)

09/12/2012: FDRA warns of Cabinet expansion: Alliance to adopt maximum flexibility to reach agreement in 6 days (kp), FDRA for expanding Cabinet if consensus fails (ht), 12-point deal partners must unite: Dahal; ‘Fighting each other will aid regressive forces’ (ht), Dahal proposes PM from outside Maoists, NC, UML, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [And who has the legitimacy to elect him? The current caretaker PM has been democratically elected by the people's representatives!!], Parties revert to informal talks (ht), No polls sans consensus, says PM (ht), Janaandolan victim cries for treatment, by Shiva Sharma (kp), Living martyr’s struggle for survival, by Bhim Bahadur Singh (kp)

08/12/2012: President serves third deadline, of six days (kp), Dangerous game: The second extension (rep), Parties at sixes and sevens, prezgives till Wednesday to reach deal (ht), CPN-UML may name KP Oli (kp) [Wonderful consensus! All leading opposition parties want to name their most disqualified politicians for the office of PM!! When will they understand that they have no other option than to join the current government for the sake of people and country??], FDRA decides to expand cabinet if no consensus by Dec 12 (nn), Opposition parties not to hit the streets for at least week (ht), UDMF rules out support to Koirala (ht), Parties thinking only of polls, not ways to end crisis: PM (nn), Quitting govt will add to problems, claims Maoist spokesperson (nn), Instability may devastate economy, Chhibber warns (kp), DPM rules out mid-May poll if no deal by Dec 15: Says chances of political parties reaching an agreement on consensus govt in a week or so slim (ht)

07/12/2012: Parties miss deadline, diappoint Prez again: 4 major political forces meeting Prez today, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Four forces fail yet again to end impasse, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), FDRA sets package deal precondition to quit govt, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), President gives six more days to parties to form unity govt (nn), Army integration almost over; Spl panel to wind up, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Unverified PLAs threaten leaders (ht), Elections and our Bonaparte: The Maoist-Madhesbadi strategy seems to be to dillydally through December to make it impossible to organise elections by April 2013, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp) [Kanak, you know that elections are already not possible in April! The responsibility goes to the leaders of all parties, especially to those of the opposition!!], Prez holds ordinance to amend JC Act, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Call for strong social movement (ht), Coming and going: If your house is on fire and you don't make any move to put it out, your neighbours will be worried, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

06/12/2012: Four-party talks end sans result (kp), Congress picks Koirala but parties still at odds, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Maoists keep all options open (kp), FDRA, oppn draw fresh battle lines, by Prakash Acharya (ht), ‘Maoists not serious on economy’, by Kuvera Chalise (ht) [None of the leading politicians is serious on economy!!], JC SOS to ministry as SC judges retiring, by Pranab Kharel (kp) [The power greedy politicians are ruining the state!!], Dubious distinction: The executive and the legislature have accepted inclusion but the judiciary is holding out, by Dipendra Jha (kp) [Only the election system was inclusive but the inclusively elected MPs have never been included in the constitutional discussions! The executive, the leadership of the parties and the judiciary, among many other sectors, are exclusive shops as ever!], A fine balance: The failure to come up with a constitution and the political morass we find ourselves is no reason to wish for a quasi- or undemocratic alternative, by Deepak Thapa (kp), The President's call: Diffusing political crisis, by Hari Bansh Jha (rep), Sustainable government hard sans coalition culture, interview with Padma Ratna Tuladhar (rep)

05/12/2012: Article 158 overuse weakens democracy: President (kp), Prime ministerial candidate today: NC; Koirala likely unanimous pick; Maoist leaders deny giving words to support Congress, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [In the last elections in 2008, the people rejected both NC and Sushil Koirala in a very democratic and reasonable way! What gives them the legitimation to claim leadership now?? Ask for the people's vote first!!], Who wants elections? Everyone is scared of the electorate but the opposition seems more wary of the voter than the ruling parties, by Prashant Jha (kp), Parties inching closer towards consensus, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), UCPN (M) says it is willing to hand over leadership of unity govt to Nepali Congress (nn) [This procedure would be unconstitutional!!], NC names Sushil Koirala its PM candidate (nn) [One of the most disqualified among Nepal's numerous unable politicians!!], No hint of support from Peris Danda, Sushil tells CWC (nn), Prez urges leaders to honour deadline (ht), Four-party talks make no headway (nn), Prez, PM, top leaders ‘breached protocol’, by Anil Giri (kp), FM says prez, PM failing in diplomatic norms, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Charges against UCPN (Maoist) cadres withdrawn (kp) [This is justice denied!!]

04/12/2012: Prez prescribes package deal to unlock deadlock (kp), UCPN (M) dangles NC mighty ministries (kp), ‘I am impatient to relinquish power’: Bhattarai says he is only waiting for parties to reach consensus (ht), UML ready to lead next govt: Khanal (ht), Everybody’s business: It is irresponsible of the opposition to demand PM Bhattarai step down without first finding a consensus candidate, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp) [It is even illegitimate to exchange the PM when there is no parliament to elect/nominate him/her! The opposition should better join the Bhattarai government and help to solve the constitutional crisis!! A great article once again!!], Prez warns parties of public 'humiliation' if they again fail to forge consensus for unity govt (nn), Peace process in Nepal: Crisis looming ahead, by Hari Bansh Jha (ht), No different: The Maoist project, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

03/12/2012: FDRA wants govt transformed into unity one: No way, say oppn parties; NC, CPN-M join hands in protest (kp), NC, CPN-M to topple govt through streetprotests (ht) [Do the people really want such coup d'état??], Search for leadership: The parties have to agree on a prime ministerial candidate immediately (kp) [They have no constitutional legitimation to nominate a new government! The opposition may only join the current government to end the deadlock!!!], UCPN (Maoist) says chances of opposition joining in ever growing, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PM Bhattarai tells NC prez he is 'ready to pave the way' (nn) [Please don't turn the country into even deeper chaos!!], NEFIN anti-census data protests flare (kp), NEFIN burns census report in protest (ht), Towards justice (ht)

02/12/2012: Prez talks turkey in Pokhara: Says CA polls easy to hold should oppn parties join present govt, by Prem Nepali (kp) [!!!! Then start to put pressure on the opposition and not on the government!!], NC, CPN-M rule out possibility of joining Bhattarai-led govt (nn), 'UML won't accept Bhattarai as consensus PM' (nn), President calls for elections to end deadlock (ht), NEFIN says it won’t accept four-party decision: Slams President’s attitude; Announces protest (ht), Nefin to protest census report (kp), Rule of law index: Nepal ranks towards the bottom (kp), CPN-M cadres capture buildings (kp), Ex-combatants’ protest (kp), Time for Maoist introspection: Contrary to Prachanda’s public announcement to forgive, Padam Kunwar has been receiving harsh treatment, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), End of ideology? Confusing political discourses, by Sohan Prasad Sha (rep), First of many: the 'slapgate', by Kiran Pun (rep), No time for squabble: President-Prime Minister conflict, by Murari Sharma (rep)

01/12/2012: CPN-Maoist tells Prez: We’re the 3rd largest party, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), President’s snub riles CPN-Maoist: Gajurel says the party is third largest political force now (ht), Deadlines are for losers: What’s the use of a deadline if you keep extending it for eternity? We might never get 24-hour electricity or paani from Melamchiin our lifetime but at least give us a new constitution , by Guffadi (kp), Neighbours in constant touch to help Nepal (ht), RPP-Nepal calls for revival of 1990 statute (ht), Madhes issue figures in Yadav, Koirala talks (ht)

30/11/2012: Parties seek extension; they get it: President gives leaders 7 more days to come up with consensus PM candidate, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Parties squander chance, Prez gives more time: Tells leaders consensus is only option; Asks them to form unity government by December 6 (ht) [Consensus can only mean that NC and UML join the current government! There is no legitimation for anything else!!], Whither consensus (ht), Amid crisis, Delhi sends its emissary, by Anil Giri (kp), EC wants hurdles cleared by Jan (kp), ‘Disqualified’ PLA combatants lay siege to UCPN-M headquarters: Say will stay put untilparty addressestheir woes (ht), Prospects, 2013: Nepal’s electoral history does not paint a rosy picture for the Nepali Congress and CPN-UML, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), In a state of flux: Nepal's changing demography provides conditions for broad socio-economic transformation, but is the political class ready to lead the country in that direction?, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Nepal's Political/Constitutional Impasse: Decay of Moral Authority to Govern, by Ankit Dhakal (sp), Nepal: Ensuring Democratic Governance in the Absence of Elected Representatives, by Bipin Adhikari (sp)

29/11/2012: PM candidate nowhere in sight: Deadline ends today; President likely to extend it by five more days (kp) [There will never be a consensus government! NC and UML should join the current one and cooperate to hold elections as soon as possible!!], Seize the day: Claiming govt leadership without offering a roadmap will not take parties far (kp) [!!!!!], NC set to announce Koirala as its PM candidate: But still keeping a wary eye on ruling Maoist party, by Prakash Acharya (ht), UML throws its weight behind Congress: Forms Nepal-led four-member team to hold talks with other parties (ht) [This means absolutely nothing in a state without parliament and with no legitimate way to elect a new PM!!], NC-led election govt only possible if it resolves disputed issues of constitution, Dahal tells Poudel (nn), Shital Niwas mulling over another deadline for consensus govt (nn), UML for holding CA, local elections simultaneously (kp), Baidya party declares Thapa PM candidate (kp), PM Bhattarai warns Prez, by Prakash Baral (kp), Oppn parties provoking President, says Bhattarai (ht), New republican state protocol ready: President at the top, followed by Veep, PM and chief justice; Cabinet panel studying proposal, by Anil Giri (kp), Moderate’s victory: Curbing extremist tendencies in the Madhes and strengthening the principle of inclusion are two far-reaching contributions of the Madhesi polity, by Bipin Shah (kp), Congress doesn't rule out third party option, interview with Arjun Narsingh K.C. (rep)

28/11/2012: UCPN (M) not to accept Cong at unity govt helm: Party says an alternative leadership will be from within the ruling coalition itself, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Ruling Maoists decide not to let NC, UML rule: To make an all-out effort to turn Bhattarai-led incumbent govt into national consensus one, by Tilak R. Pradhan (ht), Deuba to trade his demands for Koirala candidacy, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Sushil keen to secure PM bid (kp), Koirala meets Dahal in bid to garner support (ht), UML thumbs down to Maoist, Morcha-led govt, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Prez, Dahal talk possible scenarios (kp), Prez, Dahal dwell on future course: Deadline extension likely if no deal by Nov 29 (ht), Congress, UML likely to seek more time for consensus talks (nn), Captured land torn between UCPN (Maoist), CPN-Maoist: Owners deprived of their property even after the peace pact, by Durgalal K.C. (kp), Presidential call: Neither a coup nor a woo, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), Disturbed power balance: Terrible precedents are being set. Imagine a president with Maoist background behaving in a similar manner with an NC government, by Prashant Jha (kp)

27/11/2012: No secret deal with Prez, Dahal tells PM (kp 27/11/2012), Bhattarai mends fences with Dahal, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Dahal meets President Yadav (nn), Dahal comes up with 4 PM candidate names (kp), NC begins govt leadership lobbying, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC chief in talks to grab prime minister’s post, by Prakash Acharya (ht), US ambassador calls on NC prez (nn) [???], No objection to unity govt under NC chief, says Gachhadar (nn), Constitutional crisis worries lawyers (ht) [Lawyers should be aware that there is no legitimate way to form a new government without a parliament!!, Taken for a ride: Maoist failings, by Prakash A. Raj and Chandra Kanta Gyawali (rep) [Fundamental but extremely one-sided critics in the politicians' failures!], Get serious: The ongoing talks (rep), As consensus deadline nears deal on unity govt still a far cry, by Rajendra Pokhrel (nn)

26/11/2012: Cabinet finds fault with Prez’s unity govt call, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Call for consensus PM unconstitutional: Cabinet, by Prakash Acharya (ht), PM Bhattarai asks President Yadav not to bypass constitution (nn), Govt can’t judge my moves: Prez, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [?? In a free democatic state, everybody has the right to check the constitutionality of politicians behaviour!!], Legal eagles say caretaker govt can’t question prez, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Oppn raps govt objection to Prez move, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Oppn parties laud consensus call: Say it is undemocratic and protest the Prez’sto misread move (ht), CPN-Maoist cautiously welcomes President’s move: Demands a round table meet for a renewed deal (ht), Delhi dazed by Prez-PM standoff, by Mahesh Acharya (kp) [The legitimation of both, Prez and PM, has been downgraded to that of caretakers by the dissolution of the CA!!], Dahal treading carefully amid Prez-PM tussle, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal, Baidhya back Thapa for new PM, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Call to action: Onus lies on parties to agree on a Premier to head the election govt (kp) [??], Maoist student union launches protest against President’s move (kp), Important task (ht), Movement for democracy: Against hegemony and tyranny, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht) [An article in support of forming a new government by party politicians, irrespective of their missing legitimation!!], Long winter: Sidelines, by C.K. Lal (rep), Colonial dogma: Nepal Army appears to hold on to the discredited theory of martial races, making inclusion a difficult objective to achieve, by Sam Cowan (kp), US wants to see TRC in place in Nepal, interview with Maria Otero (kp), The road not taken: NC's shortfalls, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), 'Disqualified' PLAs call off East bandh; to focus on Capital-centered stir (nn)

25/11/2012: Prez call creates ‘rift’ between Dahal, Bhattarai: PM suspects Maoist chief is supporting the ‘unconstitutional’ move, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [Like many other politicians, Dahal may not be aware of this fact!], Prez move ill-intentioned, says UCPN-M: Warn of agitation if President Yadav does not retract (ht), ‘Bid positive if meant for accord’ (kp), Allies term President’s move unconstitutional (kp), FDRA terms President’s call unconstitutional (kp), Three-party consensus talks begin in earnest (kp), Parties intensify negotiations for next PM: Meeting ends inconclusively; Maoists not rigid about retaining Bhattarai as Prime Minister, by Prakash Acharya (ht) [They should better talk about the way to a new CA!!], Who will be Congress’ PM candidate? (kp), UML to back unity govt led by Nepali Congress (ht) [The current government may be joined by NC and UML to solve the crisis but there is neither reason nor legitimation to replace the PM!!], Oli suggests majority govt may precede one of unity (kp) [Another innocent politician: What means 'majority government' in absence of parliament??], NC’s Khadka brings host of leaders, diplomats together (kp) [Don't irritate the diplomats on the question of legitimacy!!], Decisive solutions: Given the fact that the president approved the budget a day ahead of November 22, there must be something cooking behind the scenes, by Narayan Manandhar (kp)

24/11/2012: Prez gives parties a week to seek PM candidate: Parties now need to find candidate to lead unity govt by Thursday; Prez office says move a bid to seek accord, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [The existence of the CA is the precondition of applying article 38 of the interim constitution! Party leaders have no legitimation to nominate a new PM!!], Prez gives a week to choose PM: Invokes Article 38 (1); Legal experts say step portends problems (ht), Prez move reminiscent of pre-republic days: PM adviser (nn), Head of state crossed the line, says UCPN (M), by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), President’s step unconstitutional: UCPN (M) (nn), Is the latest move a mixed blessing? Opposition glad,Madhes-basedforces cautious (ht), Opposition parties hail unity govt call (kp), Opposition parties ask cadres to fuel anti-government stir (kp) [This is really the best way to consensus!!], Oppn warns of stir to oust PM (ht), EC now seeks date for polls, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Disqualified combatants' bandh leaves partial impact in some districts (nn)

23/11/2012: PM passes stalemate buck on oppn: Says govt ready to make ‘all kinds of sacrifices,’ step down once there’s agreement, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), PM extends diatribe against opposition parties: Says he is ready to step down but only if there is broader political consensus among leaders (ht), Bhattarai speech gets oppn bashing (kp), Defiant words: PM was defiant, instead of reaching out to the opposition for reconciliation (kp), NSU holds anti-govt protest: Goes berserk after announcement of fresh CA election date (ht), Prez determined to step in, his aides say: Head of state likely to make a move today, by Anil Giri (kp), President Yadav gives 7 days to parties to form unity govt (nn), Civil society members call for grand coalition: Say it’s imperative for fair polls (ht), Polls unlikely even in May: UML (ht) [There will never be elections without prior changes of interim constitution and election law through the shortly reinstated CA!!], Slapstick politics: It is no longer enough to say that the Maoists are out to grab power, when the only way to prevent that is to pave the way for elections by joining an interim-government (nt) [!!!], Janajati party is here, finally, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Rai declares Federal Socialist Party-Nepal: FSP-N to fight forsingle identity basedthe cause of federalism (ht), Nepal atrocity report: With the ‘janayuddha’ war crimes internationalised, it will become more difficult for those perpetrators who have planned to lord it over the citizens, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Making us sick: Unhealthy politics is turning into an epidemic that has infected hospitals and schools, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

22/11/2012: Oppn slams govt, budget: Says govt move has lessened chances of parties striking consensus, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Oppn vexed but won’t censure Head of State: Decides not to drag prez into controversy; To launch strong protests to oust govt, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC rues Sheetal Niwas budget move, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CPN-M flays Prez decision to okay ordinance (kp), What budget shows: For once, the parties appear to have recognised the gravity of the matter (kp) [??? The opposition parties have recognised nothing!], Budget falls short of expectations, says FNCCI (kp), Students seek consensus budget: Say govt trying to extend transitional period (ht) [Better protest against your parties which do not want consensus!!], UCPN (M) to take initiative for consensus (nn), SC seeks Prez reply (kp), PLA integration: Spl panel seeks 4,171 more Army vacancies (kp), Ex-PLAs to cut their teeth in army, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), New election impossible in April-May: Opposition parties (nn), New Janajati party today, say leaders, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Bid to form united party fails: Rai-Subba ideological divide behind failure (ht), New janajati party under Rai’s leadership unveiled (nn), Women for peace: We need to review the peace process through a gender context, by Kopila Rijal (kp)

21/11/2012: Despite the hue ‘n’ cry, budget gets President’s nod, by Prithvi Man Shrestha and Sangam Prasain (kp), Half year wasted in terms of fiscal policy, by Dikshya Singh (ht), Biz community seeks a bigger budget , by Bibek Subedi and Ashok Thapa (kp), Interim public expenditure arrangement passes thru: FinMin not happy with own budget; It will prolong govt life: Oppn, by Kuvera Chalise (ht), Necessity made prez eat his words, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Oppn parties fear further confrontation (kp) [There were enough chances for you to participate but you only wanted boycott!!], NSU demonstrates against govt move (kp), FNCCI demands full budget on consensus (nn), Start of a new settlement innings: Leaders, by Phanindra Dahal and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Amid ‘quit’ calls, government declares new April-May polls: Election Commission says not possible until officials appointed, legal hurdles cleared, by Bhadra Sharma and Pranab Kharel (kp), Govt announces CA polls again, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Poll call Maoist ploy to stay in power, says NC (nn) [Maybe, but sure is that the boycott of everything is NC's ploy to get power, irrrespective of the fate of country and people!!], Oppn rejects budget, poll announcement; prepares to unleash 'storm of protests' (nn), Apex court issues show cause notice to Prez (nn) [!!!], One of a kind: The world can learn from Nepal’s way of ending conflict and demobilising the combatants, by Geja Sharma Wagle (kp) [??], Cabinet extends SC tenure by one month (ht), Crisis of legitimacy: Parties must invest all energy in holding April elections to save the republic. They still have a narrow window, by Prashant Jha (kp), The only game: Our constitution must challenge the primacy of government and finality of State political power, by Bishal Thapa (rep)

20/11/2012: Any Prez move ‘will be guided by consensus’: The head of state is all set to make a written request to parties to form a consensus govt by Thursday, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Prez gives ‘reference date’ for consensus: ‘Full budget won’t be approved sans agreement’, by Prakash Acharya and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Shital Niwas denial of giving Nov 22 deadline to the parties to reach consensus proves Home Minister wrong (nn), Political steps from Prez unacceptable: UCPN (M) (kp), Oppn hails President’s move; It will complicate political process: UCPN-M (ht), President’s new move (ht), Three-party meet a dud, yet again, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Don't push it: Consensus on budget (rep), Budget: Be flexible, oppn told (kp), Dahal calls on Prez; asks him to approve budget ordinance (nn), Govt announces fresh polls; presents budget ordinance to Prez (nn), Oppn cries foul over unilateral election announcement (nn), Janajati leaders head for splitsville before new party sees light of day, by Roshan Sedhai (kp) [Only a single unified Janajati party makes sense; else you should return to your Bahun dominated mother parties!!], PLA integration: Former fighters say ranks first (kp), Boost for army integration: Cabinet likely to give Special Committee monthlong extension (ht), On the street: An element of futility surrounds the opposition’s decision to hold protests (kp)

19/11/2012: Prez to ‘step in’ after Nov 22 if parties fail, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Prez warns of political vacuum post-Nov 22: Says time running out; PM to give consensus a chance; One-third budget likely again, by Kuvera Chalise and Prakash Acharya (ht), President Yadav gives Nov 22 deadline to parties to reach deal (nn), Show statute provision on full budget, PM told (ht), Protests will be a test of the opposition’s strength, interview with Haribol Gajurel, UCPN-M (kp) [It's not the time for such stupid power games!], PLA integration: Plan may hit Army structure hurdle (kp), Hope for budget amid political wrangling , by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Kootneta’s message: Although condemnable, petty violence against politicians contains lessons (kp)

18/11/2012: Civil society calls for clear agenda from oppn leaders, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [They don't have any agenda! They only want power!], Opposition attempts to win over civil society: Seeks support for its monthlong govt-toppling move; Says Bhattarai failed to hold elections (ht), ‘Pact among select parties won’t do’: Major parties are focusing on government at expense of other crucial issues (ht), Govt preparing to bring budget ‘sans new policies’ (kp), Consensus or not, 'full budget' ordinance on Tuesday (nn), Probe hints smack on Dahal unpremeditated, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Govt forms panel toprobe attack on Dahal: Another committee to formulate procedure to provide VIP security (ht), Conflict-era human rights violations by security forces: Probe hit by absence of transitional mechanisms: Defence spokesman (kp) [????]

17/11/2012: Man from Kootneta village slaps Prachanda, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Maoist chairman Dahal slapped at tea party; UCPN (M) calls attack 'premeditated' (nn), UCPN (M), CPN-M disown Kunwar, by Prakash Baral (kp), CPN-M denies involvement in 'slapgate' (nn), No elections in April if accord not had: Dahal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [They are not possible until that date either!!], I won't be next prime minister: NC's Deuba (ht), Civil society demands clear agendas from oppns (ht), Let's convert current govt to unity govt: PM (kp)

16/11/2012: PM accuses opposition of turning budget into a ‘political weapon’ (nn), 'Budget issues should not be used as political weapon' (kp), Prachanda presses NC prez to remove budget hurdle (ht) [The failed NC leaders only want power! They are not interested in the country's fate!!], Return to investment: A year after declaring investment a priority, lack of progress in governance and transparency are keeping investors away from Nepal, by Pooja Tandon (nt), If not now, then when? The Maoists are not just any other party; They may be de-listed terrorists, but they still espouse an ideology that belongs in a mausoleum (nt) [The same is true for NC and CPN-UML politics as well!!], No movement: The opposition's winter street showdown may backfire because they have taken the people's support for granted, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

15/11/2012: Consensus by next week, claims PM Bhattarai (nn), Poll date by end of Nov: PM Bhattarai (ht), Prez! oust govt: UML's Nepal (ht) [????]

14/11/2012: Quest for power: The desire to attain immediate political power, only for the sake of power, at whatever cost, lies at the heart of deadlock, by Prashant Jha (kp), Time to reflect: Leaders need to realise the effect of their actions on the people, economy (kp), Prez seeks ardent bid from parties (kp), Koirala repeats: Accord out of question unless Bhattarai goes (kp) [And who has the legitimation to decide on a new PM? Definitively not Sushil Koirala who has been rejected by the people in 2008!!], Govt determined to go ahead with budget plan: Dahal (nn), Dahal pledges flexibility (kp), Where people resent voting for Maoists, by Manoj Basnet (kp)

13/11/2012: Govt shelves budget plan; Prez may get it on Friday (kp), Cabinet puts off ordinance for full budget: Pun told to focus onconsensus, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), FinMin gets an earful from President: Govt failure to forge consensus will hit people, by Kuvera Chalise (ht) [You should not blame the government alone! Veto player no. 1 is the NC!!], President summons top leaders, again (kp), Three parties agree to disagree (ht) [When will civil society stand up against these criminal politicians??], Bhattarai’s alternatives can be looked for: Dahal (kp) [Nepal has other problems than the exchange of the PM! There is nobody in the NC and UML who would be a better PM!!], Dutta criticises protest programmes (ht), Armed outfit ready to surrender weapons, by Janak Nepal (kp), Govt to prepare federal framework this fiscal (ht), Cool it, comrades: The CPN-Maoist should tell its cadres to be realistic as another armed conflict is not possible, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Absence of the Iron Man: Leadership crisis in Nepal, by Him Lal Ghimire (ht)

12/11/2012: MoF ‘ready’ with Rs 458b budget plans: Substantial resources to fresh CA elections, fertiliser import, road expansion plans in KTM, by Mukul Humagain and Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Govt in final bid to push full budget through: Prez may not get ordinance today; Consensus elusive; Bureaucracy,finance minister at odds, by Kuvera Chalise and Tika Pradhan (ht), Govt may take ordinance to Prez today, by Pranab Kharel and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Aide says Prez won’t okay budget sans consensus: ‘Govt activities reminder of Orwell’s Animal Farm’, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Former FMs for package deal (ht), Goldstein calls for prudent budget: World Bank reiterates support for hydropower (ht), Nepal to lose Rs 500m in reimbursement (ht), Out of the way: The budget debate, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (rep), NC to intensify anti-govt stir (kp), Govt puts off plan to bring full-year budget through ordinance (nn), Big three talks on budget fail as NC, UML refuse to budge from their stance (nn), NC turns down UCPN-M proposal for consensus, by Prakash Acharya (ht) [The NC neither wants a new constitution nor an inclusive state, it only wants power at all means and without legitimation!!], Bargain again: Negotiations now need to be focused on the mechanics of a national unity govt (kp), Mandate only way out, says Pokharel (ht) [A new mandate only makes sense if the elected representatives of the people get a free  hand to write the constitution without dictate by the party leaders!!!], Fear and loathing: The last six years of politics and opinion-making in Nepal provide a sobering display of how fear can be a potent tool in changing the national narrative, by Bipin Shah (kp), The Tihar Spirit, by C.K. Lal (rep)

11/11/2012: Thousands show up for Pariwartan (kp), Budget 2012-13: Ruling parties to give accord a last-gasp try (kp), Ruling aliance to bring budget (ht), Budget sans consensus unacceptable: NC (ht) [Then please enter into consensus talks! Only saying 'no' is not the way to consensus! You must also move away from your own standpoints!!], Major parties to meet to discuss budget (nn), Dahal seeks support for budget with former finance ministers (nn), World Bank Group dictates its their terms for providing ‘future foreign assistance’ to Nepal (nn) [!!!], PM asks Oppn to cooperate kp), Oppn protests set for Nov 17 launch, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Oppn chalks out agitation plans (ht), Move meaningless: UCPN (M) (kp), Oppn plotting to seize power: UCPN-M (ht), NC, UML move counter-revolutionary: Dahal (ht), DPM Shrestha rules out govt-Prez confrontation (kp), ‘Govt does not want confrontation with Prez’ (ht), Dangerous duel: Breaking the impasse (rep), Janajati party announcement likely on November 22, by Roshan Sedhaio (kp), Retirement package paid to all ex-PLAs (ht), Béteille’s vision, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Red herring: Failure of multiparty system, by Bimal Rawal (rep)

10/11/2012: Gearing up for change: All roads lead to Tundikhel today (kp), Cong leaders vow to topple govt, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dare seek fresh mandate: NC to UCPN-M (ht), Oppn unveils stir; turns up heat on PM to step down (nn), Dahal starts lobbying for budget (nn)

09/11/2012: Oppn petition Prez: No budget sans consensus Political pact by mid-Nov, says Bhattarai, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Oppn urges Prez to block budget: PM tells Head of State he is trying his best to forge consensus (ht), NC rejects Maoist proposal (ht), Three for the road: The only way to end the political impasse is a trilateral pact involving Nepal, India and China, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp), By the people, for the people: The prolonged political deadlock in Kathmandu is trickling down to the grassroots, and undermining community spirit, by Anurag Acharya (nt), For whom the bell polls: The only way out of the current impasse is to hold fresh elections by first setting up an inclusive government (nt), “Budget Must Not Be Made A Political Issue”, interview with Suraj Baidhya, President of FNCCI (sp), Kangressi Doldrums, by Dipak Gyawali (sp)

08/11/2012: Upreti retires, EC strength at low ebb, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Hold local polls, SC tells govt (kp), Ossified centres: The Army is pervaded with the ethos of mid-18th century Gorkha, and demands conformity with those set of strongly Hindu religious values of everyone who enter it, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Budget-denial power politics: Threat to economic collapse, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht)

07/11/2012: NC, UML back Prez; demand FinMin ouster, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Pun, Koirala talk budget (kp), Oppn to ask Prez to reject budget ordinance (ht), Economy first: The political parties should bring out a complete budget first and continue arguing later, by Chandrashekhar Nepali (kp), Breaking the deadlock, by Gopal Thapa (rep), Moral emergency: It is morally reprehensible for politicians to seek treatment abroad (kp), Ethnic parties want more PR seats (ht), Spoilt child: Nepali Congress’ staggering sense of entitlement and self-righteousness is at the root of the current impasse, by Prashant Jha (kp)

06/11/2012: ‘Govt morally bound to quit if deal eludes’, by Phanindra Dahal and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), No option to consensus, says Prez (ht), Baidya blames ‘regressive forces, agents’ for deadlock, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), FDRA seeks full budget by mid-November (kp), FDRA for full budget even if it’s without consensus (ht), FM Pun seeks NC prez Koirala's support for full budget (nn), 85 pc ex-PLAs get retirement package (ht), Space and automony: The internal weakness yields national space to foreign forces and turn Nepal into a playground of their interests, by Dinesh Bhattarai (kp), Lagging behind: Nepal's failings, by Suresh Prasad Acharya (rep), No more exclusive rights: Nepal’s past was structured around caste and ethnicity which hindered equality and progress, by Suman Khadka (kp), New elections: Do our votes matter?, by Prabin Manandhar (ht)

05/11/2012: Years go by: A compromise by the end of November is necessary to hold elections in April (kp), Prez-UCPN (M) animosity hits boiling point: Sheetal Niwas flays Pun remark on Prez; Yadav invites PM to express displeasure, by Phanindra Dahal and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC, UML throw their weight behind Yadav (kp), ‘Govt pushing country into confrontation’ (ht) [Not only the government, the leaders of all parties are responsible!!!], SC stays govt bid to pay unverified combatants (kp), Payment to disqualified combatants stayed
The doleout to fighters who failed verification would cost Rs 600 million
(ht), ‘Polygamist’ ex-PLA fighters denied cash (kp), Maoists obstruct Nepali Army tender process (ht), Govt manages funds for compulsory liabilities until mid-November, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Oppn parties not to get involved in budget work (kp), Budget sans consensus will invite war: KC (ht), President, UML chairman talk budget ordinance (nn), Budget musings (ht), The semi-colonial feeling stems from deep-seated insecurity, interview with Jhalak Subedi (kp), Ghost of the defunct CA: Road to self-destruction, by Gyan Basnet (ht)

04/11/2012: Civil society to campaign for righting wrong politics: Calls a mass gathering in the Capital on November 22 as part of its pressure tactic (kp), Civil society to launch stir against govt (ht) [Stir against the govt only is nonsense! It must go against all parties and politicians, especially against the big veto players!], Janajati taskforce proposes manifesto for new party (kp), Top NC leaders bat for fresh polls, by Ishworkaji Khaiju (ht), NC ex-lawmakers face Koirala ire over CA stance, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Congress refuses to give name of PM candidate: Says party won’t be part of UCPN-M game plan (ht), Ex-combatants final payment stopped (ht), My father and his bullock cart: There’s a reason why this crop of policians prefer to attack cars, by Robin Giri (kp), The President's roadmap, by Murari Sharma (rep)

03/11/2012: Don’t waste more time: Prez (kp), Squabble on as Dahal seeks Cong stance, PM candidate: NC, UML say they’ll find candidates within hours of an accord, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Bhadra Sharma (kp), Major forces agree on polls: No agreement on government leadership (ht), UML won’t lay claim for govt leadership: Gyawali (ht), Budget at any cost: UCPN (M) (kp), Budget ordinance sans consensus a no-no: Prez; Major parties assure they are all for fresh CA elections; Promise to get their acts together (ht), Lack of consensus delays budget: Absence of full-fledged budget to hit low-income people the most; Has been fixed at Rs 429 billion,but could rise to Rs 450 billion (ht)

02/11/2012: Parties stuck at poll govt leadership (kp), Four major parties: agree to go for polls Still no agreement on who will lead new govt (ht) [Only elected people's representatives have the legitimation to elect a new PM, not power greedy politicians!!], Go further (ht), "Did the President call?": The reason there is no deal is that no one really wants a deal, this elastic transition benefits everyone (nt), With hurdles all the way, April poll is no cakewalk, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Vacuum if no deal by Nov 22, Prez tells PM (kp), Gachhadar says he should be next PM: Claims he can forge consensus in a jiffy if allowed to lead govt (ht), UCPN (M) proposes oppn parties to name PM candidate (nn) [??? Who will elect him?? The country first needs a new CA/parliament which then can elect a new PM!!], Experts seek consensus full budget (ht), Full budget even if no consensus: UCPN (M) (nn), Full budget: PM says govt will do its level best; Private sector against making budget a political issue, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Prez tells top leaders to forge consensus on contentious issues including budget (nn), Missing voters: The rule requiring citizenship certificates to be included in the voters list disenfranchises millions of Nepalis, by Dipendra Jha (kp), They’re all nuts: Our public institutions are falling apart because of the political madness in the country, by Jagnannath Lamichhane (kp), Cabinet withdraws cases against Tharu activists, Maoists (ht), CPN-M war against foreign films: Not patriotism or nationalism, by Ajita Singh (ht), Not everybody's cup of tea: In the arithmetic of power politics, ignoring the inclusion agenda in the Tarai may prove costly for the parties, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

01/11/2012: Legal eagles slam ex CJs’ advice to resurrect parliament (nn) [This suggestion is not new, but it shows the only way out! At least 'legal eagles' should know this!!], NC settles for CA polls, finally: Deuba, party veep Poudel, however, say party must remain open to options, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [The only option is to hold CA elections after reviving the CA to change the interim constitution as necessary!!!], NC proposes that which is not provisioned in interim statute: Fresh CA / Parliament polls without amending constitution (ht), Congress ex-MPs protest party decision against CA revival (nn), FDRA leaders for expanding govt if no political deal (kp), FDRA tells Dahal to talk to opposition (ht), UML threatens to boycott talks (ht), Second instalment payment to former Maoist fighters begins across country (kp), Elusive consensus puts budget in limbo, by Kuvera Chalise (ht), Forge consensus to bring budget ordinance: Prez to PM (nn), Riders on the storm: Breaking the logjam, by Biswas Baral (rep), Blind to justice: The actions of the present government to withdraw criminal charges against, and to reward, those who did wrong during the conflict must not be glossed over, by Gyan Basnet (kp), Gathering storm; Remittance, politics and crimes, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

31/10/2012: Govt to dole out cash to unverified fighters: Plunder of state treasury, say opposition parties, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Distribution of final installment of cash package to ex-combatants starts (nn), Unity govt before polls, budget talks: NC, UML, by Bhadra Sharma and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [???], Madhesi Morcha to decide its stance on CA fate tomorrow (kp), Parties assign top rung leaders to find solution (ht) [This is exactly the group that will never come to a solution!!], NC officially decides to go for fresh CA polls (nn) [Be aware that you must shortly revive the CA to change the constitution before you can go for fresh elections!!!], FNCCI: Don’t make budget political tool (kp), Govt to hold talks for full budget (kp), Private sector seeks full-fledged budget (ht), Budget talks (ht), Do it anyway: Case for full budget (rep), Ruling coalition decides to bring budget ordinance by mid-November (nn), Time’s running out: The government and the opposition should stop fooling around and bring a full budget, by Surendra Regmi (kp), Budget should not be linked to politics, interview with Bishwambher Pyakuryal (rep), Options for the President: Getting narrower, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), Name commissioners within month to hold polls in April: EC (nn), Think Hard Before Declaring New CA Election, by Gyan Basnet (nn)

30/10/2012: Deal by Nov end crucial for an April poll: EC chief (kp) [You can already forget the April date, since the CA has to be revived to give the deal legitimacy and change the constitution!!], Ruling UCPN (M), Morcha strike CA elections accord (kp), Dahal drops hint UCPN (Maoist) may give up Assembly revival idea, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Congress CWC to decide ‘in favour of' polls (kp), Ruling parties rearing to bring full budget: Opposition warns against any such move (ht), Money for development: Agreement on the budget will set good precedent for economy and politics (kp), No new budget means no pay for govt staff (kp), ‘Ethnic federalism will split nation’ (ht) [Denial of the ethnic rights and ambitions may split nation!!], Former PLAs to get paid: Govt decides to settle final retirement package (ht), EU concerned over lack of progress in Nepal’s peace process (nn), Federal polemics in Nepal: Local governance obscured, by Mukti Rijal (ht), Divide and rule: The culture of alliances between disparate groups hinders broader political process, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep), CPN-Maoist claims govt leadership; names Thapa its PM candidate (nn), Four-party meet inconclusive; top leaders to sit for 'decisive' talks (nn)

29/10/2012: Former CJs brush off CA revival idea (kp), Polls the silver bullet: Ex-CJs (ht), Forget CA revival, Prez tells parties: Says fresh mandate the only way; NC,UML doubt Maoist proposals (ht), NC, UML up the ante on talks, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Bhadra Sharma (kp), NC, UML stress unity govt to end crisis: Decide to launch joint agitation after festive season end (ht) [Stop your criminal power games and help to solve the crisis: Short term revival of the CA to change constitution and election law, followed by elections for a new CA as soon as possible!!!], NC, UML want PM Bhattarai to step down to facilitate the process of forming consensus govt (nn), Ruling coalition divided over CA revival, united to stay in power (nn), Consensus foremost (ht), The next phase: Parties need to recognise that current debates cannot go on forever (kp), UCPN-M moves on self-reliance: ‘Misappropriation of funds and extortion charges have damaged the party’s image’ (ht), Full budget: Parties set to put up another fight, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Ex-fighters to get 2nd installment (kp), Nepal can’t run on power games alone, by Kiyoko Ogura (kp)

28/10/2012: Congress, UML reject Dahal’s fresh proposal: Dahal is only repeating the same things over and over again: Koirala, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Bhadra Sharma (kp) [All party leaders repeat the same things without thinking and without a will to reasonable consensus!!], Dahal proposes two options, but Congress, UML reject both: NC-led govt after CA revival or polls by this govt (ht), Parties on a collision course, by Pranab Kharel (kp), CA revival not our party’s demand, says Shekhar (kp) [NC only wants power; democratic means and legitimation don't play any role!!!], Prez suggests NC, UML leadership to end political stalemate before Tihar (nn), Interpreters’ echoes: Too many interpretations without audience could turn the country into a society of gossipmongers where everybody talks and nobody listens, by Abhi Subedi (kp 28/10/2012) [Especially the selfish politicians should start to listen! Obviously, they are not even able to read!!!]

27/10/2012: UCPN (M) boss hands over political roadmap to Prez, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [There is no legitimation for the revived CA to promulgate the new constitution! Besides, the constitution has to be written by the people's representatives and not by party leaders!!!!!!!], Ex-PM Nepal visits President to discuss politics (ht), Dahal intesifies parleys; UML chief says no alternative to polls (nn), Polls have no meaning: Poudel (kp) [NC 'leaders' have no meaning!], NC prez Koirala insists on polls, Paudel on CA revival (nn) [Both is necessary: No new constitution without elections, no elections without short-term revival of the CA!!!], Make haste: Talks must start in earnest (rep)

25/10/2012: Ex-PLAs end 10 years of Dashain boycott (ht), Prez should play role to pick new PM: Nepal (ek)

23/10/2012: 'NC is mother of inclusive democracy' (ht) [... says one of the greatest preventers of inclusive democracy!!]

22/10/2012: Parties need to defeat mistrust, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC should lead election govt: Shushil (kp) [Why?? Your party has been the greatest veto player in the past 4 and a half years!!], Whatever it takes, we must have an election next April, interview with Krishna Sitaula, Nepali Congress (kp), Covert affairs: Institutionalising good governance goes beyond sting operations (kp), Cantonment corruption: Nepal’s peace negotiators have sought an easy and quick access to peace—to buy peace rather than to build it, by Narayan Manandhar (kp)

21/10/2012: FDRA open to fresh polls, reinstatement of CA (kp), FDRA to adopt flexibility: Says it is open to both CA revival as well as fresh elections (ht), Poudel says CA revival best alternative (ht) [The incompetent politicians do not understand that a revived CA cannot draft the constitution; but it is needed to change interim constitution and election law!!!], Grab the offer: Case for CA restoration, by Murari Sharma (rep), UML chief says govt is ‘major obstacle’ to consensus (kp) [Consensus has to come first! The resignation of the PM will change nothing; he will stay in office as a caretaker PM and this is what he already is!! How stupid are these politicians??], Bhattarai hopes for consenus after Dashain (ht), Prez remark blown out of context: Aide (kp)

20/10/2012: Prez ready to ‘quit and face polls’: Vows to put in papers if parties arrive at consensus for CA and presidential polls, by Anil Giri (kp) [This is not the solution! President and Prime Minister should stay in office until a new CA has been elected by the people in a legitimate way! Then the elected representatives of the people will have to elect a new president and a new government!!], Why UCPN (Maoist) brought freshpresidential poll proposal to fore, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [The revived CA cannot draft the constitution, but it is neccessary to open up a legitimate way for elections to a new CA!!], Prez presses parties to pick up pace: Asks leaders to resolve crises at the earliest; Reminds them of their earlier commitment, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht)

19/10/2012: Dahal plays another card, this time to elect new prez: NC condemns the proposal, says such ‘dirty tricks’ will not work, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [Nepal needs a way out of the legitimacy crisis, not new power holders!!!], Dahal seeks election for President (ht), UCPN-Maoist view secessionist, says Nepal (ht) [??], FDFN urges prez to declare date for polls (ht) [On which basis of legitimation??], President Yadav pleads political parties to reach consensus and end problems facing country (nn), The past foretold: The parties may strike a deal by the end of this month to revive the CA, but that won't solve anything, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Nepal’s Peace Process Needs Int’l Democratic impetus, by Jacqueline Swarajya Prasai (nn), Compromise for power?, by Yubaraj Ghimire (sp), President’s confusion, by Tilak Rawal (sp)

18/10/2012: Basnet promotion: NHRC still awaits govt response (kp), NC, UML formally say nay to CA revival proposal, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [This means 'no to crisis solution' because the CA has to be shortly revived to change the constitution!!], NC, UML decide to oust govt (ht) [Please go a legitimate way of crisis solution!!], Prez has told me he is not a Congress worker: Dahal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal proposes presidential poll (nn), Glimmer of hope: PM-Prez rapprochement (ht), ‘PM chair sole goal for Deuba, Poudel’ (kp), Still poor: Insecure land ownership is the major cause of poverty, social injustice and conflict in Nepal, by Jagat Basnet (kp), Partial budget leaves development works in a fix, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Faulty legal provisions render thousands stateless (ht), People’s benevolent dictator: To set things right?, by Anil Shah (ht) [Dictators are never benevolent! Just like the Shah kings, they may only claim to be so!], Cut to the chase: Breakin the impasse, by Ajit N.S. Thapa (rep), The Supreme Court will not let the reinstated CA work, interview with Purna Man Shakya (rep)

17/10/2012: Serious concern (ht), President, PM in bid to forge consensus: Find fault with media, say reports created misunderstanding (ht), Prez-PM relationship sours further, by Phanindra Dahal and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [A revived CA cannot promulgate a new constitution, but the CA has to be shortly revived to remove constitutional and legal obstacles for new elections!!], ‘PM trying to drag Prez into controversy’ (kp) [The Nepali Congress, as well, is dragging President Yadav into controversy by pressing him to actions for which he has no legitimation!!], Integration process: Govt took courageous step: Dahal (ht), All’s not dead: Revival is the best bet as a new CA election doesn’t guarantee the constitution, but instead, will further polarise society, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), The chakravyuh of politics: Irrespective of how political events unfold immediately, Nepal is headed for a decade more of instability, by Prashant Jha (kp), Camouflaged terrorism, by Shrochis Karki (rep), Tamang says federalism based on multiple ethnic identities ‘best suited’ for country (nn)

16/10/2012: Forget CA revival, go for polls, Prez tells parties (ht), Country heading towards fresh elections, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Apex court stays Col Basnet’s promotion: Tells govt authorities to come clean within 15 days (ht), ‘Prez can appoint new prime minister’: Senior leaders say it’s time the Head of the State must use his discretion (ht) [Which article of the interim constitution are you citing? Another incompetent government cannot solve Nepal's problems! These are mere power games!], 'Oppn parties provoking President to take unconstitutional step’ (nn), NC leaders come down on PM Bhattarai for his remarks on President (nn), Prez, PM decide to clear away differences, misunderstanding (nn)

15/10/2012: Time to act (ht), Pushing it: Irresponsible parties (rep), Prez remarks unwanted: PM (kp), Bhattarai slams President’s remarks: Says he has no constitutional right to dictate to the govt (ht), Prez will remove Bhattarai if he doesn’t quit: Sitaula (ht) [NC politicians should stop to dictate what President Yadav, NC, has to do! The president does not have executive power! It is not his task to bring the irrespoinsble NC politicians into power! The party politicians must act immediately or hand the task over to civil society!!], CA will be revived before Tihar: Dahal (nn), CA can't be brought back to life: President (nn), New election NC’s official line, says Koirala (ht), SC moved against Basnet’s elevation (kp), Basnet’s promotion challenged in SC (ht), Apex court stays Col Basnet's promotion (nn), UN, diplomats and criminals: Government of Nepal has been vetoing application of the rule of law and systematically undermining its own Supreme Court, by Suhas Chakma (kp), A night’s stay: The PM’s monthly visits have political symbolism but charges of populism stick (kp), Federal Nepal in the making Looking around, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), Dashain break: Sidelines, by C.K. Lal (rep)

14/10/2012: Prez sounds clarion call for parties, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Prez says he won’t stay idle after October 16 deadline (ht), UML firm on fresh polls, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UML rejects CA revival, roots for fresh polls (ht), NC leaders seek focus on polls (kp), Once bitten, twice shy: NC, UML wary of Dahal's proposal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA revival impractical, says Yadav (ht), Unification bid: Divisive issues of yore still haunt Madhesi parties (kp), Conflict victims oppose amnesty: ‘Move to grant general pardon could push the country into another war’ (ht), The ultimate deception: Distress in PLA, by Kiran Pun (rep) [see part 2 (15/10/2012)]

13/10/2012: Leaders ignoring court verdict on CA: Prez (nn), Can't remain a bystander, says President (nn), Fresh mandate will provide wider legitimacy, says EU (nn), UML open on resurrecting CA: Khanal (nn), UML warns its ex-CA members against lobbying for CA revival (nn), Koirala asks cadres to get ready for polls; says NC leaders speaking for CA revival are falling into Maoist trap (nn), ‘Regressive forces’ could rear their ugly heads: PM, by Krishna Acharya and Purna BK (kp), PM’s aide claims CA revival by mid-Nov (ht) [??], President consults experts on budget (kp), President, economists hold budget consultations: Different opinions surface regarding a full-fledged financial policy for remaining fiscal year, by Kuvera Chalise (ht), NC to stage street protests: Paudel (ht)

12/10/2012: ICJ urges government to withdraw ordinance on transitional justice (kp) [see ICG briefing paper], Prosecute perpetrators under universal jurisdiction: ICJ; Calls on govt to ensure accountability for rights violations (ht), ICJ urges accountability for violations perpetrated by security forces, Maoists during insurgency (nn), Out, damned spot: Only by confronting the ugly secrets of the past will we be able to protect the future (nt), History will not forgive Bhattarai: The political and moral blunder of promoting a war criminal will haunt Baburam Bhattarai for a very long time, by Anurag Acharya (nt), New Janajati party likely before Tihar, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), The original sin: The blame for 15 years of national deceleration must rest on the Maoist decision to go underground in 1996 and start a war against the democratic state, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Back to square one: Reviving the Constituent Assembly does not reflect the wishes of the people, by Shyam K.C. (kp) [The CA cannot be revived to decide the new constitution because this would mean an extension of the CA term, and this is not possible according the SC decision! The CA must be shortly revived to make new elections for a CA possible! Besides, the constitution has to be written by the elected people's representatives, not by the party leaders!!], Dahal, Khanal concur on statute through revived CA, by Phanindra Dahal and Bhadra Sharma (kp), Former members press for CA revival: Say it’s necessary as the country can’t be run through ordinances alone (ht), ‘Time to determine ex-PLA role in Nepali Army has come’ (ht), Democracy, Gangnam style: The pop of pap politics of potty politicians, by Anuj Mishra (ht), "If you want peace, abolish hunger": Professor Johan Galtung speaks on the importance of federalism in Nepal and how the new constitution should be shaped (nt)

11/10/2012: EC asks parties to clear up on polls: The EC fears the plan to hold elections may be deferred for years if the parties don't take a call on time, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Dahal says fresh elections vague, risky idea: Underscores the need to revive CA to promulgate constitution, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Undecided election: New discussions among the parties threaten to derail the election process (kp), CPN-Maoist fires a warning shot across parties’ bows (kp), Baidhya stresses on roundtable conference (ht), Koirala under tremendous pressure to take a stand, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC, UML lust for power a bottleneck: UCPN (M) (kp), Parties likely to miss self-imposed deadline (nn) [What else??], Madhesi leaders cautiously optimistic: Say unity must for larger cause,not for short-term benefits (ht), The big picture: OHCHR rights report (rep), Political impulses: Local politics has to be made more dynamic and elections at that level is one way out, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Once upon a time Royalist forces have been trying to fish in troubled waters, but time has passed them by, by Narayan Manandhar (kp)

10/10/2012: CA resurrection the best option: Dahal; The UCPN (M) boss says deadlock will drag if govt falls now, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), ‘CA reinstatement is for leaders to decide’ (ht), Judiciary ‘unconcerned’ over political parties bid to reinstate CA (nn), Congress against CA revival, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC not in favour of CA reinstatement: Koirala (nn), Parties making promises only to break them, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Change ways (ht), The grand design: Backsliding on polls troubling (rep), War report draws mixed reaction (kp), Govt lambasts OHCHR report: Calls it unilateral, made without consultation (ht), Furore over Basnet's promotion: Kin of missing clash with police at PM’s residence; 11 activists held, released; Half-a-dozen protesters injured (kp), 10 injured as police charge batons on kin of disappeared (ht), Rights conference stands for speedy enforcement of defenders’ guidelines (kp), Prez against Cabinet expansion, says aide (kp), MoFA summons UNHCR chief: Seeks correction on number of stateless people in country (ht), Reinstatement puzzle: Prachanda’s return to the reinstatement option is a result of his desire to lock the agreement on the mixed form of government. NC’s leaders want power, by Prashant Jha (kp), The risky road, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

09/10/2012: UN’s war report raps govt inaction: OHCHR report is the most comprehensive documentation of conflict-era rights violations, by Dewan Rai and Anil Giri (kp), OHCHR points at state impunity, lack of accountability: UN document says serious conflict-time rights violations amount to war crimes; Rules out amnesty to law violators (ht),  After failing to stop the release, govt refutes report, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), No shortcut to justice (ht), Govt questions UN rights body's 'Nepal conflict report' (nn), Sophists united: Rather than take a principled stance, all parties have remained silent over the government decision to promote senior Army official implicated in grave human rights abuses, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), Madhesis not keen on combat duty: NA (kp), End of an era: End of integration process will allow parties to focus on other issues of national importance (kp) [???], CA revival must to go for polls: Nembang (ht), Congress leaders demand leadership clarify stance (kp), UCPN (M), NC now talk CA rebirth, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Congress leaders say Dahal has turned into loose cannon, by Prakash Acharya (ht), They are in error: Consensus among the political parties is necessary not after the resignation of the PM, but before it, by Bipin Shah (kp)

08/10/2012: Nepal Conflict Report (ReliefWeb) [see OHCHR report] Govt in a tizzy over UN war report plan, by Anil Giri (kp), CPN-M to lay bare ‘corrupt’ Maoists (kp), Dahal prefers CA revival to polls: Effortful to get other political party leaders to agree on his agenda (kp), Integration process ends (kp), Indian experts hail army integration: Say it could be an inspiration for any conflict-hit country in South Asia, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Fruits of discontent: The next elections could well see independent Janajati parties emerge as a major force (kp), Daily doublespeak: Both the UCPN (Maoist) and the CPN-Maoist employ double standards when it comes to India, by Uddhab Pyakurel (kp), Legally unsound: Hindi movie ban, by Aditya Karki (rep), NC hasn’t been able to address the spirit of 2006, interview with Bhim Bahadur Tamang, Nepali Congress (kp), Govt cracks down on rights acitvists protesting Basnet’s promotion (ht), Reading Nepal’s Democratization Process, by Ganga Thapa (nn)

07/10/2012: Big two parties step up talks: NC, Maoist leaders say dialogue has minimised trust deficit, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Progress in Army integration ‘boosts’ image of UCPN (M), by Phanindra Dahal (kp), ‘One country two armies’ situation ends, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Col Basnet’s promotion faces severe criticisms (kp), Col Basnet’s promotion draws flak: Three international rights organisations call it miscarriage of justice (ht), Police crackdown on activists protesting Basnet's promotion (nn), RPP chair Rana says non-political figure should lead unity govt (nn), ‘UCPN-M dangling PM’s post to lure opposition leaders’ (ht), NC to fix stance on key charter issues (kp), NC to endorse report on indigenous issues (ht), Politics of pilgrimage: If the ex-king doesn’t utilise the resentment against the parties, some other forces will, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Another bloodbath?, by Murari Sharma and Bhagirath Basnet (rep)

06/10/2012: ‘Go PM’ call resounds in CPN-UML’s Capital rally (kp), CPN-UML top leaders vow to oust govt thru street protests, by Arjun Bhandari (ht) [And what are your visionary ways out of crisis???], Dahal ready for PM job if NC, UML request so, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [And what would give legitimation to such change??], Won’t accept NC led-govt, says Dahal: ‘Either a UCPN-M leader or someone from outside Congress acceptable’ (ht), UCPN (M) chair Dahal intensifies talks to iron out inter-party differences (nn), PM will resign in two weeks, says Maoist leader (nn), Criminal charges against Maoist leaders withdrawn (kp) [???], Special Committee monitors final screening of ex-PLAs: Former rebels in contention for officer position interviewed (ht)

05/10/2012: Over 500 party leaders, cadresbid final farewell to CPN-UM, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UML dissident leaders sever ties with party, over 500 cadres follow suit (ht), Ideology an impediment to Janajati leaders’ plan, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), After all the hue and cry, Basnet gets a promotion, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Govt promotes controversial Col Raju Basnet, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Rights group takes exception to Basnet promotion, withdrawal of cases against Maoist leaders (nn), A dangerous precedence: The state's refusal to accept an OHCHR report detailing war crimes will hurt the peace and reconciliation process, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Truth and memory: The victims of conflict have moved beyond revenge to remembrance, politicians could learn from them, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (nt), Reparations intended for victims of insurgency should address causes and consequences of conflict and injustice: ICTJ (nn), PLA bills totalling Rs 16b submitted to Special Committee (ht), UML anti-govt rally today (ht), ‘UML ready to wage nationwide protests to topple Maoist govt’ (nn) [No idea what you want to make different! You better tell us before you call for protests!!!], How to ransack the treasury: Prime Minister Bhattarai may be personally honest, but he is presiding over the plunder of the state (nt), Federalism for all: Comparative perspectives of the various proposed models and India’s experience can be useful in gauging the kind of federalism necessary for Nepal, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Brinkmanship doesn't work: Leaders come out of coterie politics to seek broader support, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

04/10/2012: 36 Janajati members walk out on Congress, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC indigenous leaders quit (ht), Thirty six Janajati leaders resign from Nepali Congress accusing party of being against federalism (nn), PLA integration: Govt may ‘downgrade’ gen directorate: 71 of 75 aspiring PLA commanders pass NA officer’s psychological tests, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Ex Maoist commanders failing in officer level test to be given chance in junior ranks of NA (nn), Govt promotes 10 Nepal Army officials (nn) [including one of the probably most criminal army officers!!), Janamorcha Nepal prescribes formation of commission to write constitution (nn), Counting the stars (ht), Won’t put in papers sans consensus: PM (ht), Get out of the way: A neutral government of non-political persons should be formed to hold fresh elections, by Surendra Regmi (kp)

03/10/2012: Mushrooming blocs on which ‘politics will revolve’, by Bhadra Sharma and Pranab Kharel (kp), All-party meet a dud (kp), Parties failing to do what they got to do: According to all accounts, accord very unlikely (ht), I will not step down to prevent country from further crisis, says PM Bhattarai (nn), Baidya hits out at Bhattarai govt, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Been there already: Military structures being created by CPN-Maoists will lead nowhere (kp), No to arms (ht), Why this kolaveri di?: CPN-Maoist publicity stunt (rep), Ban on Hindi movies gets bad reviews (ht), Royalist parties announce an alliance (kp), UML dissidents to quit party: Rai (ht), People demonstrate in Dhangadi against DPM Gachchhadar's remarks (nn), ‘Constitution cannot be framed even if CA revived’ (ht) [K.P. Oli claims that the people's strong vote for the Maoists in the 2008 elections instead of voting for conservative minded politicians like him spoiled the chance of framing a new constitution!!!!!], End of the PLA: Maoist opportunism, myopia of non-Maoist parties, Army’s initial resistance, and India’s changing approach to the Maoists delayed the integration process, by Prashant Jha (kp), NC ready to address indigenous leaders' demands (nn) [?? The resistance pf the NC leaders to address these demands led to the final failure of the CA!!!], Still in the Middle Ages: Research shows that massive caste-based discrimination continues in Nepali society, by Dhana Bahadur Mijar (kp)

02/10/2012: Political forces rev up efforts to hammer out deal (kp), Parties realise table better than streets for consensus (ht), First all-party meet after CA's demise discusses ways to end protracted deadlock (nn), CPN-M ‘forming’ military structure, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), 2 Madhes, 5 fringe parties form alliance (kp), Federal Democratic Front-Nepal formedClaims objective is to provide a strong alternative force to the big parties (ht), Ban on Indian vehicles taking toll on economy (ht), The uses of outrage: The hardline Maoists are trying to exploit anti-Indian sentiment to gain prominence in Nepali politics, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), On intellectuals, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep), 'Disqualified' ex-combatants enforce bandh in mid-west (nn)

01/10/2012: Prez ‘ready’ to act if parties fail, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [???], Prez asks parties to define his role in crisis: Wonders what to do and when; Says leaders should take full responsibility for their advice, by Prakash Acharya and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), CA revival necessary for fresh elections: Deuba (kp), Don’t amend statute thru decree: Deuba (ht), CA revival necessary for fresh elections: Deuba (kp), Protest against barring of Indian vehicles, by Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp), Madhesi, Janajati parties to unite (kp), Uncivil acts: Whatever the motivations, resorting to violence against politicians is not right (kp), Back to square one: The planned election, in a way, will be a rerun of the 2008 Constituent Assembly poll, by Jagannath Acharya (kp), Social inclusion is not a donor agenda, interview with Robert Piper (kp), Bullies at home: The UCPN (Maoist) seems to be headed towards totalitarianism, by Dinesh Aryal (rep), Old phantoms, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), The demolition man, by C.K. Lal (rep)

30/09/2012: Prez invites top leaders for talks (kp), CA revival is necessary even to go to polls: Deuba (nn) [He and other party leaders would have become aware of this fact at least 8 weeks earlier if he/they had read the Kathmandu Post of 7 August 2012 carefully!!], Progress in MJF-N, TMLP merger talks (kp), Mahantha Thakur goes seditious (kp), To new consensus: CPN-Maoist’s 70-point demand is ideological document which brings uncertainty to politics, by Erik Wilson (rep), A win-win formula, by Anand Jha (rep), NC cadre’s attack on Koirala foiled: Action against culprit sought; Congress forms probe committee, by Prakash Acharya (ht), CPN-M downplays its ban campaign (ht), CPN-Maoist to only allow Indian vehicles carrying 'essential commodities' to operate on Nepal's roads (nn)

29/09/2012: Bhattarai asks security chiefs to act tough on ‘anti-neighbour’ moves (kp 29/09/2012), Now, India stops Nepali vehicles, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), UDMF objects to CPN-Maoist’s activities targeting India (ht), Student unions rally against government (ht), Forge consensus for ordinances, Prez to PM (ht), Oppn parties' anti-govt stir meaningless: Sujata (nn), Tarai outfit surrenders weapons (ht)

28/09/2012: Integration chapter ends, all camps shut down: 1,463 former fighters chosen for army sent on 53-day leave; To begin training from Nov 21 (ht), Insult to injury: The lifelong pension scheme for war victims and ex-combatants has turned into a scam, by Rameshwor Bohara and Dirgha Raj Upadhya (nt), NC allays Indian envoy’s CPN-M fears: Koirala to Prasad: Party has no hand in anti-India moves (kp), Indian vehicles stopped along border points (kp), Pvt sector flays CPN-M decision, Gajurel to envoys: No revolt for now (kp) [??], PM asks Home Minister to take tough action against those obstructing Indian vehicles (nn), CPN-M calls off Chitwan bandh after release of cadres (nn), Wrong track (ht), Oppn leaders team up for stir: Nepali Congress chief stresses on peaceful anti-govt agitation (ht), Oppn defers plan to unveil anti-govt stir (kp), Barking up the wrong tree: The frustrated opposition is once again preparing to take to the streets, but what do they really want?, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Dalit and federalism: Dalits could gain more political space from the 11-14 provinces model than the 5-7 provinces model, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Yes, Fresh Mandate; but How?, by Dipak Gyawali (sp)

27/09/2012: CPN-Maoist’s anti-India rant earns severe criticism: Ultra-leftist outfit decides to ban Indian vehicles, movies from today (ht), CPN-Maoist declares nationwide ban on Hindi movies, Indian plate vehicles (nn), International treaties: Human rights body complains of weak implementation (ht), President urged to reject ordinance: ‘Only managing Maoist arms and army not enough to bring peace’ (ht), VP Jha says President may take ‘necessary steps’ if parties fail to end crisis (nn), PM Bhattarai rules out his resignation without package deal (nn), Handing over govt leadership to Nepali Congress 'suicidal': PM Bhattarai (nn), The course of NC: Going against people’s wishes?, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), Constitutionally correct: The president's role, by Suresh Prasad Acharya (rep), The India factor: Arguably, by Biswas Baral (rep)

26/09/2012: PLA camps set to become history, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Towards next spring: The only way elections will happen in April is if India puts pressure on parties, and mediates a deal, by Prashant Jha (kp), Brace yourself: If political courage, judicial sanity and executive resolve converge, the combination can pull the country out of this morass, by Bipin Shah (kp)

25/09/2012: PM to face 13 opposition parties’ street ‘pressure’: They say consensus not possible as long as Bhattarai stays in office, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Oppn to ramp up pressure on govt to step down: Thirteen parties join hands to launch a series of protests (ht), Parties say broader national agreement must for way out (ht), Stuck again: Hurdles for CA polls (rep), Street agitation will oust govt within a month: Gajurel (nn) [And what will follow then? Nobody has the legitimation to form a new government! Only the people can decide this, not self-claimed politicians!!], PLA integration: As number falls, new Nepal Army directorate called into question, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Army integration: Separate directorate general in NA unlikely (ht), Cabinet asked to explain call on Prez to remove statute hurdles (kp), Indecent proposal: Promoting accused human rights offenders is not a good idea (kp), Taking a hit: Consensus politics is shackling Nepal’s economic growth, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), Rotten deals: Peace can be bought in the political markets through the currency called corruption, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Tilted scales: Elite control, by Upendra Bahadur BK (rep), D for democracy, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep)

24/09/2012: Army in ‘tainted’ Basnet promotion bid, again, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Breakthrough before festivals unlikely, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Going for polls: Many issues need to be sorted out before an election can be held (kp), Big IV split on CA election, by Prakash Acharya (ht), UML Janajati leaders to quit party early Oct, by Bhadra Aharma (kp), Dissidents quitting UML: Ashok Rai-led group to announce new party on October 4 (ht), We will give an alternative to current parties, interview with Ashok Rai (kp), 1,388 ex-PLA fighters clear final test (kp), 3D security: Security is not only having a trained army, it is also political stability and economic prosperity, by Daman Bahadur Ghale (kp), Migrants’ right to vote a far cry, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Nation at crucial juncture
Some critical questions
, by Anil Shah (ht), Country loses one third of budget due to bandhs (ht), Flop show: PM Bhattarai's failings, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep)

23/09/2012: Parties mull April-May polls: Differences over government leadership may but hit efforts, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Federal alliance to hold mass rallies in five cities (kp), Crisis if NC given govt helm, says UCPN (M) (kp), UCPN-M to claim reins of new govt Rubbishes charge of irregularities in camps (ht), Baidya pleads for a seat in party meets (kp), NC, UML want CPN-M, MJF-N in (ht), PLA integration: Commanders’ written test: 75 through (kp), Politics good, armed outfits feel: Talks with 16 groups since 2007 have yielded good results, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Virtues of consensus: The process of consensus to solve contentious issues like federalism is still viable, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), Take it to the polls: Without internal reform and a clear social, economic and political agenda, NC’s dream of becoming the largest party will perish again, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

22/09/2012: Top parties to seek package deal: UCPN (M) rejects UML proposal for NC-led govt; 11 parties decry their exclusion, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Four forces one on three-point package, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Major parties’ decision challenged (ht), NC nay to CA poll underpresent govt (kp), CPN-Maoist leaders tell NC not to sideline them (nn), Ex-lawmakers rally against CA poll plan (kp), Student unions call for ‘massive demo’ next week (ht), Ex-PLAs torch three trucks in Dhading (ht), Count them in: Youth and politics, by Suresh Pranjali (rep), Finding alternatives: A bottom-up approach, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep)

21/09/2012: Parties divided on PM candidate: Differences over leadership of new govt likely to delay finalisation of new roadmap, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [What is the legitimation for such procedure? Please obey the interim constitution!!], With election decision come challenges galore: How easy is it for parties to tread the rocky road to polls? (ht), Morcha leaves it to Big 3 to select PM candidate (kp), Ten parties raise objection to election decision (nn), ‘UCPN-M will lead consensus govt’ (ht), Four parties decide to settle their differences in package (nn), Talking about revolutions: While there are similarities between the French Revolution and the second Jana Andolan, the former model may not be fit to interpret changes in Nepal, by Gérard Toffin (kp), Politically incorrect: We could start a civil debate on the extent to which our artists and writers can exercise their right to freedom of expression, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (kp), Intolerance of tolerance: In a democracy, you can't threaten to kill people who hurt your feelings (nt), Zero sum game: The recourse to new elections is the result of mutual distrust among the parties, rather than the need to seek a new mandate, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

20/09/2012: Fresh CA elections, top party leaders aver: Come tomorrow, parties will begin talks on clearing legal and constitutional hurdles in holding the polls, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Pranab Kharel (kp), Political forces agree to let dead CA be buried: Decide to go for fresh elections; Say new deal in three-four days, by Prakash Acharya (ht) [You cannot hold fresh elections without changing the interim constitution and election law! And for these changes you must first shortly revive the old CA!!!], Reinstatement a must: Nembang (ht), Fresh polls not possible without reinstating CA, says former speaker Nemwang (nn), CPN-Maoist sniffs conspiracy behind four party agreement to go for fresh polls (nn), NC, UML in hurry to form govt: Gajurel (ht), Ruling parties for fresh CA polls (ht), Election option (ht), Step by step: Structured talks towards CA polls (rep), 215 ex-fighters pass written test, by Binod Tripathi (kp), 1485 former combatants pass written examination to qualify for integration into NA (nn), Govt agrees to meet disqualified combatants' demands (nn), Foreign envoys express concern over prolonging transition in Nepal (nn), Governance matters: Organs of the state should be functioning as parties tackle constitutional issues (kp), Religion and power: Religion is neither bad nor good but its deployment for the exercise of power by one group over another is what makes it damaging, by Pramod Mishra (kp)

19/09/2012: ‘CA elections if no pact on federalism’: Parties talk 11-state model as basis for accord (kp) [A constitution decided by not legitimized and not representative party leaders will be a stillbirth!!], Revived CA can’t deliver constitution, says Acharya (kp), Consensus talks again an exercise in futility: Leaders squabble over number of pradeshes to be carved out; Buy more time to come to terms, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Churning points: If the current deadlock persists, the parties should go for elections (kp), HR groups urgegovt to suspend Rana’s promotion (kp), Offended hegemony: Right to offend is an intrinsic part of right to free speech. The over-sensitive, with pseudo hurt sentiments, must not be appeased, by Prashant Jha (kp), Letting them off the hook: What’s the use of another commission if rights violators are to be given general amnesty?, by Mandira Sharma (kp), Unmasking local terrorism, by Shrochis Karki (rep)

18/09/2012: UML reiterates UCPN (Maoist) rigidity to blame for impasse (kp), Autonomy and equality: The CPN-Maoist’s 70-point list of demands reveals the ways in which Nepal has changed and those in which it has remained the same, by Aditya Adhikari (kp)

17/09/2012: Cut deal on CA polls, Prez tells leaders (kp), Major political forces miss deadline, again: Say polls if pact not had in couple of days (kp), Number of armed outfits dwindling, by Anil Giri (kp), Myth called secularism: The worst offender in the Manish Harijan episode has been the Nepal Police, our guardians of law and order, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp), There’s no way to give electoral advantage to every ethnicity, interview with Minendra Rijal, Nepali Congress (kp)

16/09/2012: Prez invites leaders of Big 3 for talks today (kp), NC, UML ‘to opt’ for CA revival: But demand UCPN (M) adhere to May 15 agreement (kp) [Independent of the legitimacy of such procedure: The form of the secular state is to be decided by the CA, not by the party leaders!!!], NC, UML instigating Prez for power grab: UCPN (M) (kp), Disappearance Commission the ‘consensus way’, by Janak Nepal (kp)

15/09/2012: Nepali Congress softens stance on consensus, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Combatants' integration: Finance Ministry releases budget (kp), Art under attack: Manish Harijan’s encounter with religious fundamentalists is an instance of how artistic freedom in Nepal is not something to be taken for granted, by Anup Ojha (kp)

14/09/2012: IGP tug-of-war ends as govt picks Rana the new top cop, by Pranab Kharel and Kamal Dev  Bhattarai (kp), Disgruntled UML Janajati leaders wooing others, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Will Baidya party walk the talk?, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

13/09/2012: UCPN (M), NC to talk ways to hold CA polls, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), 1,567 combatants fill up forms (kp), Art v extremists: Threats by religious extremists should not be tolerated in our secular society (kp), Nothing like religion: Nepal’s Hindu right has disturbingly begun to clamp down on artistic expression, by Deepak Thapa (kp), New change agent: A new war is inevitable between the two Maoist parties—one running the state and the other ruining it, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp)

12/09/2012: President to ‘turn down’ govt call: Recommendation to remove hurdles intends to drag Prez office into controversy: Officials, by Phanindra Dahal and Pranab Kharel (kp), Singing the tunes: Nepali political leaders think that consensus means others agreeing with them completely, by Narayan Narsingh Khatri (kp) [!!!], Fertile ground: If unity talks between Mahant Thakur and Upendra Yadav succeed, it will transform Tarai’s politics, by Prashant Jha (kp)

11/09/2012: Maoist tactics wheel comes full circle: like Bhattarai in 1996, Baidya party hands over 70-point charter of demands to prime minister, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (Ikp) PM may table ‘direct proposal’ to pick IGP (kp), 752 fighters pass tests (kp), Constitutional appointments: Cabinet wants Prez to remove hurdles (kp), For the sake of harmony: If pundits preaching communal harmony think it will make the indigenous and the Madhesis give up their political demands, they should study Nepal’s recent history a little more carefully, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), Stuck in a quagmire: The current national stagnation is the result of a politically-shrewd government and an utterly incompetent opposition to match, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp)

10/09/2012: 1,271 reaffirm integration wish (kp), Revised roadmap: There’s merit to CA revival, given major outstanding issues are solved first (kp), Nepali Congress leadership is still stuck in the 1950s, interview with Puranjan Acharya (kp)

09/09/2012: PM threatens stir over ordinances, by Krishna Acharya (kp) [????], 993 combatants choose integration in 3 days: Secretariat officials say former combatants willing to join NA could fall to 1,000-1,200 (kp), Disqualified fighters demand economic package (kp), CA revival ‘against’ popular aspiration (kp) [The unwillingness of all the political leaders to let the CA write the constitution was against the people's aspirations, Mr Rawal!!]

08/09/2012: MoFA advises Prez not to meet Western diplomats, by Anil Giri (kp) [????], CA revival only under ‘NC-led govt’, by Ishwori Neupane and Madhav Aryal (kp) [????]

07/09/2012: After 9 years, US strikes Maoists off terrorist list: State Department says the Maoists are no longer engaged in terrorist activity that threatens US nationals’ security, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), US drops UCPN-M from terrorist list, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), No laughing matter: Threats from the splintered Maoist group should not be dismissed (kp), Prez to keep ordinances pending, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Born-again CA: Politicians are afraid of elections, they should be forced to go back to the people (nt), Selection begins; some fighters fail to show up (kp), Selection process begins at camps (ht), Army integration begins at major cantonments; Sindhuli, Jhapa, Rolpa in line today (nn), Neighbourly advice: Nepalis should devise a federal system according to their realities, interests and will, by Zulfiqar Shah (kp), The guardian’s choice, by Yubaraj Ghimire (sp) [Traditional misunderstanding: The president shall be the guardian, not the executor!!], Just need justice: The proposed Truth and Reconciliation Bill has qualified even the most gruesome crime for amnesty, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

06/09/2012: NC proposes CA polls in May, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Consensus not possible unless PM quits: Koirala (kp) [Consensus is only possible if all parties leave their preconditions behind!!], Congress conundrum: The NC needs a solid negotiating position to press for its interests (kp), Baidya party threatens to take up arms for power, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Supreme Court stays NA’s staff recruitment move, by Pranab Kharel (kp), PLA Integration: Selection process to resume today (kp), Process to pick former PLAs to resume today: Secretariat, Selection Board teams head for camps (ht), Only half of the infrastructures damaged during conflict period reconstructed (nn), Govt approves UNDAF document: Phrases,such as ‘structural discrimination’, ‘statelessness’, removed to minorities’chagrin, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), West and the Rest: The West has declared its approach to multiculturalism as having failed, while it continues to push the same dysfunctional policies for Nepal with no regard for their apparent “failures” or local context, by Bidushi Dhungel (kp) [A very confusing article!], Mission harmony: As ethnic violence ravages South Asia, it’s worth pondering how to maintain inter-ethnic harmony in Nepal while transforming into a just state, by Pramod Mishra (kp)

05/09/2012: Dahal pins impasse blame on Congress: Says NC’s failure to name PM candidate a hurdle (kp), Wavering NC to blame for deadlock: Dahal (ht) [None of the three top leaders is qualified to lead Nepal out of crisis!!], NC, UML stay away from all-party meet (kp) [These parties really stand for crisis solution!!], UML dissidents split over party response: Move neither encouraging nor negative: Gurung (kp), NHRC urges urgent relief measures for landmine victims (kp), Myth of the strongman: The democratic space is too wide open, and polity too fragmented, for any strongman to emerge in Nepal, by Prashant Jha (kp), Federal agenda, by Erik Wilson (rep), The ceremonial citizen, by Shrochis Karki (rep)

04/09/2012: Alleged PLA fund graft: NC, UML spl committee members seek probe (kp), Party bows down, to ensure Janajatis’ rights, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [??? The current Bhun leaders will never change!!], Families receive death certificates of disappeared kin for damages, by Janak Nepal (kp), Fighters’ selection to end in October, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Is UCPN-M nurturing ex-PLAs for ‘future use’? Critics say the party is organising former fighters in a bid to keep its ‘military structure’ intact (ht), Real restructuring, by Jagat Basnet (kp), Collapse of Constituent Assembly: Gloomy economic clouds, by Ashok Shumshere JB Rana (ht), FDRA allies meet ahead of all-party parley (nn)

03/09/2012: Another eyewash: Ordinance on TRC is not the right way to address crimes committed during the insurgency (kp), Diplomatic missions say truth and disappearance commissions must meet int’l standards (nn), UCPN (M) hots up army integration process: Asks former PLA combatants to return to their respective cantonments (kp), Axe deals signed with India: Baidya party, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC should lead next govt: Sujata‘Talks are going to find a lasting solution’ (ht) [Why? The NC has made so many mistakes in the past and it has not come up with any suggestions what it wants to make better!!], Strongman rising: Paranoia about PM Bhattarai is deep seated and stems from various factors. One is the fear that he will do all he can to remain in office for along haul , by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), CA revival best option, says Deuba (ht), CA revival means death of Interim Constitution, interview with Purna Man Shakya (kp), Limbuwan to revive ‘people’s government’ (ht), Chasing the Nepali dream: If we don’t do it, who is going to?, by Subarna Chhetri (ht), Former combatants opting retirement or failing to qualify for integration to be discharged by giving away lump sum amount (nn), Baidya's party to submit 70-pt demand to govt before launching stir (nn)

02/09/2012: CA election first priority: PM (kp), Three parties intensify efforts to end deadlock (kp) [Don't hurry! You have destroyed the CA only 97 days ago! By the way, you are all so wealthy, how do you earn your living without having a job??], UCPN (Maoist) floats new proposal: Suggests promulgating statute incorporating resolved issues, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Big III discuss CA revival, referendum (ht), UML, Janajatis refuge to budge (kp), UML dissidents turn down party demands (ht), ‘Major parties against federalism’ (ht), Rights groups urge Prez to reject ordinance: Say it violates Nepal’s commitment to international laws (ht), Terai-based armed outfit hands over weapons to govt (nn), Removing red tape: Our bureaucratic ills, by Pranav Bhattarai (rep)

01/09/2012: Elections if talks on CA rebirth fail, say leaders (kp), NC leaders call for clear stance on disputed issues, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), UML Janajati leaders get 2nd talk offer (kp) [The Bahun leaders will talk and the Janajatis will have to obey! This is UML's understanding of inclusive democracy!!], NC, UML change tack but hope less: To keep govt formation aside for a few days; Ready to discuss issues related to statute (ht), Forgotten tales Of families torn between despair and hope, by Laxmi Maharjan (ht), Status and options, by Ram Sharan Mahat, Nepali Congress (rep) [see part 2 (02/09/2012)], A daunting task: A dismal state of affairs, by Hemant Arjyal (rep)

31/08/2012: What is next after the Dissolution of CA in Nepal?, by Madan Kumar Dahal (tg), Prez: Ordinances good only if parties strike agreement (kp), President presses parties for consensus: Tells them to limit ordinances,decide on polls or CA revival (ht), Widen participation: Renewed negotiations are a good start but they must include Madhesis and Janajatis (kp), 401 still missing: Red cross (ht) [Neither parties nor army are interested, instead prefer amnesty for crimes of all kinds!!], Disappearance of truth: A Truth and Reconciliation Commission overseen by perpetrators will not bring us closer to truth and reconciliation, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (nt), Int’l rights watchdogs urge Prez to return TRC bill to Cabinet (kp), Federalism debate: ‘Nepal can learn a lot from India’ (ht), How about two to three pradeshes in Madhes: Nidhi (ht), Coming back full circle: The debate on federalism has taken two extreme positions without sufficiently exploring the middle ground, by Anurag Acharya (nt), One year itch: If the opposition cannot agree on a prime ministerial candidate there is no sense asking the prime minister to step down (nt) [And the opposition must also explain what and how they want to make better! The politicians who are mentioned as PM candidates have often enough proved that they are not qualified!!] Three major parties continue efforts to strike political agreement (nn) [Please don't hasten! Only 95 days have passed since all of you forced the dissolution of the CA!!], Female Former Combatants Struggle to Readjust to Civilian Life in Nepal, by Tara Bhattarai (rep), The farce of reinstatement: The political leaders who propose revival of the Constituent Assembly are engaging in impunity of the lowest order, belittling the good sense of the citizenry, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Historical breakthrough: Integration of Maoist combatants into the Army has finally reached its last phase, by Jeetendra Dev (kp)

30/08/2012: Big 3 give themselves a mid-Sept deadline, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Polls or CA revival? Big III bosses to decide: Leaders of top parties hopeful of reaching consensus soon (ht), Congress softens stance; to talk disputed issues (kp), Prez to meet four major forces today (ht), President advises major parties to come clear whether to hold election or reinstate CA (nn), ‘Fresh polls if no consensus soon’ (ht), TRC ordinance irks rights watchdog (kp), TRC ordinance could ‘severely undermine’ justice to victims, says UN resident coordinator (nn), Govt move irks rights activists (ht), Terror victims society objects to ordinances (ht), Diplomatic Missions recall victims on the International Day of the Disappeared (nn), Unjust silence: The state has done nothing to investigate and prosecute those responsible for disappearances, by Yadab Bastola (kp), Political circus: Consensus eludes the parties and their leaders when it comes to matters that mean something to the people in their everyday lives, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Formation of Federal Democratic Republican Alliance: Hardening political positions, by Mukti Rijal (ht), The Tibet factor: Nepal's geo-politics and federalism, by Krishna Hachhethu (rep)

29/08/2012: Gave our best, but fell short: PM; Blames opposition parties, ‘traditional state mechanisms’ for the poor show, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [The latter is true, but it's only half of the truth!!], PM gloats over his feats, glosses over fiascos: Lashes out at NC, UML; Terms them traditional status-quoist forces; Mocks the judiciary (ht), Opposition parties rebut Bhattarai accusations, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), ‘Country will be a vibrant bridge between India, China’ (kp), Move on ordinance riles NHRC, civil society activists, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Harmony at the top: Govt and opposition need to reach an understanding on ordinances (kp) [Not only on ordinances!!], UML to opt for fresh poll (ht) [This is o.k., but go the legitimate way! Party leasders don't have legitimation by birth!!], Top leaders of Big three to decide whether to carry out fresh election or resurrect dissolved CA to end crisis (nn), Dahal for elections if parties fail to agree on CA revival within few days (nn), 'High risk of President or Army seizing power' (nn), Step closer: Integration breakthrough (rep), Return of the rebel: The opening of the democratic space, and diminished public support, has weakened the armed movement in Madhes, by Prashant Jha (kp), Missing self-esteem in politicians: Making life painful, by Surendra R. Devkota (ht), Fight to finish: President vs. the Maoists, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep)

28/08/2012: Agree on way ahead: ICG urges parties (kp) [see ICG report part 1 and part 2 (27/08/2012)], Dahal intensifies political parleys; meets President, opposition leader (nn), Spl panel to resume integration on Sept 6 (kp), Deal reached on fighters' age‚ qualification, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Integration move (ht), Govt to forward four ordinances to Prez: Decides not to re-send poll bills rejected earlier (kp), Rights defenders decry TRC bid (ht), Alrc moves un special rapporteur: Greiff urged to prioritise Nepal (kp), Founding principle: The NC needs to clarify its position on the socialism it inherited from BP Koirala (kp), Fear and aggression: Divisions over federalism and inclusion have only become more entrenched since the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Wasted: Bhattarai's one year in office (rep), Let it be: Should PM resign?, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

27/08/2012: Three party talks resume: Top leaders vow to end blame game (kp) [There is no reason to believe them!!], Leading parties to start fresh talks finally, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Peace process nearing collapse: UML (kp), Team Deuba blames Koirala for political logjam, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PM a failure in his own words: UML, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), ICJ asks govt to follow int’l norms on COI (kp), Necessary functions: Prez should accept ordinances that don’t directly impact large political questions (kp), Alarmed judiciary: In the absence of a parliament, using the President’s “power to remove difficulties” is the best option to appoint judges in the Supreme Court, by Semanta Dahal (kp), Federal alliance will further polarise society, interview with Pradip Gyawali, CPN-UML (kp), NC, UML commitment on federalism: Debate continues, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Activists seek rights for displaced people: Say they want the govt to work in tandem with various stakeholders (ht), Army integration to resume from Sept 6 (nn)

26/08/2012: Congress, UML decry new alliance: Say the formation of FDRA is aimed at imposing an authoritarian rule, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [??], NC, UML rebuff Dahal-led alliance’s talks offer: Refuse to recognise FDRA; Reiterate unity govt (ht), Madhesi leaders claim UCPN (M) Tarai body helm (kp), UCPN (M) adopts soft stance on ordinances, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), President, prime minister lack legitimacy: Baidya (kp), Spl panel meeting on Monday (kp), Many men: These emperors are naked, but there’s no child to see the nakedness of emperors, by Anil Bhattarai (kp), Out of bounds: Judiciary is not the solution of the failure of the political process, by Bipin Shah (kp), Inclusive affairs: Democracy can be inclusive when all social groups are able to influence the decisions, by Upendra Bahadur BK (kp), Destroying myths, by Anand Jha (rep), Be the change, by Biraj Bahadur Bista (rep), Stitch on time, by Biswas Baral (rep)

25/08/2012: FDRA to rope in more parties: To offer them ministerial berths if NC, UML refuse to join hands in govt, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [If you want to differ from the other big parties: Stop the power games and go the way of legitimation!!], Federalists’ alliance offers olive branch to oppn Invites all major stakeholders for an all-party political interaction scheduled for September 4, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), NC leaders, Indian experts one on Prez’s active role (kp) [??? Choose a legitimate way!!], Govt fails to woo Prez on ordinances (ht), All eyes on the President, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), CA revival best option, says DPM Shrestha, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Both Prime Minister and President have lost legitimacy: Baidya (nn), War victims plea for justice: Govt cautioned against HR violations (kp), Investigate torture case involving army: UN (ht)

24/08/2012: Spl panel gets new lease of life: PM Bhattarai says integration process will resume in the next few days (kp), Talk consensus, not ordinance, President tells visiting ministers, by Pranab Kharel and Phanindra Dahal (kp), Govt treads gingerly on ordinances in pipeline (ht), Agreement on ethnic states not possible: KC (ht) [According to NC thinking, consensus means that the other parties have to adopt the NC will!], President's move essential to end political deadlock, says UML leader Gautam (nn) [Not president's move but politicians' move!! The generations of old politicians must resign, a younger generation must find a consensus, legitimize it by shortly reviving the CA and give back power into people's hand as soon as possible!!], UCPN (M)-led alliance calls all-party debate on Sept 4 (nn), Textbook history: To blame outsiders for Nepal's ills is to excuse the mistakes of our rulers and misread history, by Anurag Acharya (nt), "A dangerous racism", David Seddon spoke to Nepali Times about why his dire predictions about Nepal haven't come true. He warns about the dangers of defining social exclusion only in terms of caste and ethnicity (nt)

23/082012: Govt set to send back ordinances to Prez (kp), Govt fails to decide on ordinances amid differences between ruling allies (nn), PLA integration: PM steps up talks to resume process, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Cabinet extends Army Integration Special Committee’s term by 3 months (nn), UCPN (M) decides to restart obstructed army integration process within two days (nn), One down: There’s no reason for the Army or parties to further delay the integration process (kp), NC leader KC for referendum instead of CA reinstatement (nn), On the shelf: Blaming caste groups for a donor report being shelved is unnecessary politicisation of the issue, by Bidushi Dhungel (kp), Over to you: The President must do everything possible to appoint a non-partisan government under neutral persons, by Pramod Mishra (kp)

22/08/2012: Spl committee term expires, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Friction within NC likely to prolong political deadlock, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Baidya, Thapa to work in tandem (kp) [Extremely strange, but K.J. Rayamajhi once also became a monarchist!!], RJP chair Thapa sees country's doom ahead (nn) [This old conservative politician may himself not offer any future to the country, but his strong words fully hit the truth!!!], Walk the talk: PM Bhattarai must rein in his bureaucrats, who are undermining an inclusive development agenda, by Prashant Jha (kp), Who’s next? A strong CIAA means many powerful politicians in jail. That’s why the anti-graft body is weak, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Thinking about the newly-formed FDRA: Gloomy future, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht)

21/08/2012: PM plans amending Army regulation (kp), No talks on CA unless PM steps down, says Congress, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [In other words: CA and constitution are absolutely unimportant!], NC trio censured for flubbing the dub: Mahat says it’s high time top brass fixed the party or let others take over (ht), Strong on the inside: External players can show their genuine concern about Nepal’s peace, progress and political stability, but cannot indulge in micro-management of politics and administration, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), The road ahead: Dialectics of national consensus, by Narayan Khadka (rep), Nepal: The way ahead is deceitful, by Deepak Gajurel (tg)

20/08/2012: Govt doesn’t fare well in ‘mock election’: Results of the poll conducted by 17 oppn party wings handed over to Prez, by Samik Kharel (kp) [This mock election is a farce. It aims for a consensus government but none of the parties is prepared to make concessions, the fundamental basis of consensus. Besides, such consensus government needs legtimation by the people's representatives, i.e. the shortly reinstalled CA!!], Prez to be served ordinances again (kp), EC, not govt, holds CA polls: Prez (ht) [This is correct but please introduce the necessary constitutional chances by a legitimate way, not by ordinances!!], President may oust PM Bhattarai: Oli (kp) [On the basis on which article of the constitution?? Sound like the royal putsch of October 4, 2002!!], Oli, Koirala confer on govt’s ouster [Only to remember: Both of them have been rejected to become representatives of the people in April 2008!!], Hard choices: Long a dominant political force, Nepali Congress now faces a hard choice: internalise shifts in history or be relegated to the periphery in Nepali polity, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp)

19/08/2012: UCPN (Maoist) to informpeople of Prez ‘wrongdoing’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Current govt will continue if consensus is not had: Dahal, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp)

18/08/2012: President rejects two election ordinances, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Prez puts the kibosh on election ordinances: Govt slams decision; Terms it ‘an attack on democratic norms’; Wishes to send them back, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht) [The necessary constitutional and legal changes can only be introduced by elected representatives of the people! Reinstate the CA shortly for this purpose! The party leaders have no legitimation to take such decisions!!], Situation necessitated the move, say experts (ht), Rejection of ordinances by President undemocratic and unconstitutional: PM's political advisor (nn), Dahal-led alliance futile: Baidya (kp), SC rejects PIL against CA members’ pay (ht) [The failure was not caused by the elected CA members but by the unconstitutional interference of the partly not elected party leaders!!], Pick and choose: NC must respect SC verdict (rep), Congress crisis likely to deepen, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Deuba-Koirala rift deepens: Note of dissent against unilateral CWC decisions (ht), Rift deepens in NC as establishment 'unilaterally' makes crucial decisions (nn)

17/08/2012: NEFIN not to accept Big III diktat (ht), Janajati leaders getting itchy feet for separation from CPN-UML (kp), President Yadav turns down election ordinances (nn), Key appointments: President feels ordinance not the right way: Hesitant to give his nod, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), PM departure will land Prez in trouble: Dahal, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), ‘PM won’t quit without consensus’: Dahal says resigning at this time will invite situation like in the 1950s (ht), Ramzan kareem: This festive season, Nepali Muslims pray for greater representation and equality, by Trisa Rana (nt), Remember Doramba! The Nepal Army and the Maoists are bound together in an unspoken conspiracy to ensure that justice is derailed, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Past the impasse, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp)

16/08/2012: 20 parties unveil a federal bloc: They say the new alliance will help country get out of the political crisis, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal unveils UCPN-Maoist-led ‘20-party federalists’ alliance’: Is move aimed at searching for the Holy Grail of consensus or equivalent to flirting with disaster? (ht), Mock polls to test govt’s popularity (ht) [This is nonsense! The vote must be between a legitimate way based on consensus and the handover of power to other failed and not legitimated politicians!!], Ex-fighters ‘to return’ to camps (kp), What’s in a name: At a time when the very essence of the Nepali identity is highly contested, it makes little sense to set store by rules framed for an earlier era, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Round we go: The current standoff is the result of our political class who continue to speak in circles, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Getting it right: Reviving democracy, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep), Nepal: Freedom is not condition of anarchy, by Dev Raj Dahal (tg)

15/08/2012: Golden ticket: Born out of compulsion and shared commitment, the federalist alliance will aid Nepal’s multiple nationalities in imagining a common, restructured state, by Prashant Jha (kp), NPC undermines minorities’ plight Wants ‘structural discrimination’ removed from UN draft, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), 21-party 'federal alliance' unveiled formally; Dahal says it's going to be long-term alliance (nn), Diluting differences: PM and unity government, by Sumit Sharma Sameer, Army seeks number of camped ex-PLA fighters (kp) [Please hold integration until nobody is left!!], Former minister Khadka convicted of graft: SC sentences him to 18 months in prison; Slaps Rs 9.47 million fine, by Pranab Kharel (kp), SC sentences 12-time minister to 18-month jail: Slaps a fine of Rs 9.4 million on Khum Bahadur; Confiscates property worth an equal amount, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Influential leader (ht), SC verdict draws widespread applause, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Trust me, by Dharma Adhikari (rep)

14/08/2012: Bloc of ‘federal forces’ to be born tomorrow (kp), Ruling parties to rename FDA: To declare Federal Democratic Republican Alliance tomorrow (ht), Former combatants desert Kailali PLA camp in droves (kp), Secular state: Activities carried out by extremist groups should be collectively condemned (kp), Nepali society: Sycophancy still rules is guided by the chakari system where a person’s qualification counts little, by Prem Phyak (kp), NHRC against blanket amnesty (ht), SC slaps NC leader Khadka 18 months jail sentence; Rs. 9.5 m penalty for corruption (nn), Khadka's supporters take to streets against SC verdict (nn), Failures Galore, by Tilak Rawal (nn)

13/08/2012: Early days: New Janajati party, which hasn’t attracted established leaders, has a long way to go (kp), Collective identity of all groups should be in the constitution, interview with Dambar Chemjong (kp), Fostering inclusiveness: Nepal must ensure inclusiveness of indigenous and tribal peoples, by Prakash A. Raj [!!!], Madhesi parties in bid to form single entity, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), UDMF leaders debate proposal for new alliance (ht), Hindu extremist group threatening again, say Valley church leaders, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Activists boycott government’s Int’l Youth Day celebrations (kp), Not about age: How are our youth leaders different? (rep), Revive CA, end impasse: Deuba (ht), Oli predicts NC won't be able to run govt (nn) [This is also true for the UML! Work together for a legitimate way immediately or resign from politics en masse!!], Citizenship from below, by Sabin Ninglekhu Limbu (rep)

12/08/2012: No NC-led govt sans deal on ethnic federalism: Dahal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC-led govt not possible: Dahal (ht) [It's absolutely unimportant which party leads the government; they have all failed and they do not want end the crisis!! Only claiming to provide a solution to solve the current crisis without mentioning how is another example of the inability and power greed of the so-called party leaders!!], ‘Brahmins responsible for destroying nation’ (ht), Party wings hell-bent on govt ouster (kp), UCPN (M) using ex-fighters as ‘bargaining chip’: Integration deadlock to break if parties agree anew on charter, polls, government (kp), ‘Federalism not agenda of Big III’: DKKA terms NC,UML anti-federalist forces (ht), Pinnacles and debacles: M Bhattarai’s meager performance, unimpressive verbal and body language and hunger for power have completely shattered his previous image, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Ex-speaker for Constituent Assembly to draft statute (kp), Academics, litterati seek national unity (ht), Honesty please: Parties' democracy deficit, by Murari Sharma and Bhagirath Basnet (rep)

11/08/2012: Proposed federal alliance: Oppn finds fault with UCPN (M) plan, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), No-no for transitional justice mechanisms through ordinance (kp), Congress chief takes a pot shot at ‘federalists’ alliance’ (ht), After UCPN-M, CPN-M forms new front (ht), CPN-M's roundtable: Leaders reiterate stances; Dahal calls for civil society-led election govt (nn), Pokharel says no to single-ethno state (ht), Strike it off: No to banda culture (rep), The neglected voice: Women displacement in Nepal, by Suresh Pranjali (rep), The electoral dimension, by Udaya R. Wagle (rep), Nepal: The Rise of the Mafia State, by Gyan Basnet (nn)

10/08/2012: Janajatis unveil party name, policy: Say the Social Democratic Pluri-National Party will be a common man’s party, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), SDPP manifestoout, launchput off (ht), Some UML leaders may stay out, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Alliance of ‘federalist forces’ in the offing (kp), Bid to form federalists’ alliance intensifies, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Youth, student wings of oppn parties picket Sindha Durbar (nn) [Bhattarai may resign but he will nevertheless continue to stay in office as a caretaker PM since there is no legitimate way to elect a new PM!!], CPN-Maoist, too, stakes claim over govt leadership; forms alliance with fringe left parties (nn), Tasks at hand: The country needs a government with broad political acceptance, joint legislative power with the President and then parliamentary polls for a House with a full five-year term, by Nilambar Acharya, Nepali Congress (kp), CA reinstatement best option to end political impasse: Vice Prez Jha (nn) [Guess you've read the article of K.-H. Krämer in the KP of 7 August!!], Teaching in tongues, by Gopal Sijapati Magar (kp), Towards anarchy? (ht), No youth for the country, by C.K. Lal (rep), Unfree and unfair: Nepal will remain poorly-governed unless we reform the electoral process with strong laws to regulate campaign financing (nt), A diverse unity: In eastern Nepal, people have come to better accept each other's culture and identity, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

09/08/2012: Janajati leaders postpone party formation plan: Proposed name, manifesto coming today, by Bhadra Sharma and Roshan Sedhai (kp), Janajatis to launch party today with ‘inclusion’ as their motto, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Don’t make a move in haste: UML dissidents (ht), Janajati activists announce 'Social Democratic Pluri-National Party' (nn), Int’l Indigenous Day today: Indigenous folk have little access to and participation in media (kp), Int’l Indigenous Day being marked (nn), UNESCO for inclusive media (ht), UCPN (M)-led alliance for identity-based federalism in the offing (nn, Govt planning ordinance again: Wants to fill vacant positions in the absence of parliamentary hearing, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Failing, failing: Signs of state failure, by Biswas Baral (rep)

08/08/2012: Janajati leaders divided over party formation on Thursday (kp) [No good beginning! You should not repeat the mistakes of the other parties!!], Separate party to ensure rights of Janajatis: UML leader Gurung (nn), PM ouster demand pointless: UCPN (M) (kp), Youth groups announce more protests (kp), Opposition parties shift stance on polls: Ready for Constituent Assembly election to gain public support, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), UML chief throws down challenge to Bhattarai (kp), Reform agenda: General Rana’s key challenges will include navigating the political terrain, wrapping up integration and addressing reform-related issues of the NA, by Prashant Jha (kp), Cultural diversity and the nation: Marked ethnic identities, by Manish Gyawali (ht), Making federalism work, by Ram Sharan Mahat, Nepali Congress (rep) [See part 2 (09/08/2012)]

07/08/2012: A legitimate solution: In view of the protests by the opposition, one could think Bhattarai should resign. But the opposite is true, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kp), A perilous vacuum, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (rep), Russian roulette: Growing PM-Prez tussle (rep), Dahal for ‘working alliance’ with Baidya: Also seeks to better ties with Madhesi Morcha, Janajati leaders, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CIAA gets tough on govt staff flouting ‘dress code’ (kp) [Abolish this dress code immediately! It's discriminating against the traditional wear of the majority of the people and cannot be called 'national'!!], Youth wings unveil more protest programmes (kp) [The party leaders misuse the youth wings and their violence for their reckless power games!], YAN supported by 16 youth wings of various parties imposes nationwide chakkajam demanding PM's resignation (nn), NC-led consensus govt must for polls: Koirala (ht) [???], Call for inclusive newsroom (ht), ‘NEFIN to take up arms’ (ht), Shrestha seeks united stance on tricky issue of sovereignty (kp), Proposal of single Madhes party draws mixed reactions (kp), Reality bites: PM Bhattarai has been on the receiving end of the nationalism debate for stating the obvious, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp)

06/08/2012: Vile tendency (ht) [!!!], Dirty linen: Failing on rights (rep), Prez to parties: Get back to politics of consensus, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Prez worried country going to the dogs: Tells leaders they are doing little to resolve crises thru consensus, by Prakash Acharya (ht), ‘Parties responsible for CA dissolution’ (ht), NC ready for CA reinstatement if it gets leadership of unity govt: Sushil (nn) [Power is all that counts!!], ‘Poll ordinance withdrawal best bet’, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Bhattarai says he’ll go soon after new accord (kp), UML to jump on the street stir bandwagon, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Nefin leaders tussle over Aug 9 party formation, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Indigenous leaders all set to form new party, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), On the go: Parties must take steps to ensure development continues in spite of instability (kp), Nostalgia and nightmares: Nepali Congress, by C.K. Lal (rep), The roadmap: Consensus government, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep)

05/08/2012: Prez should play proactive role: Koirala, by Prem Nepali (kp) [Please go a legitimate way! There was a big outcry by the NC when the king did the same in 2005!!], Tarai armed group surrenders weapons (kp), Thakur for statute only through CA: ‘Federalism should empower Madhesis’ (ht), Agent of change: The new chief secretary, by Sugat Ratna Kansakar (rep), President Yadav urges parties to end political impasse immediately (nn)

04/08/2012: Bhattarai wants package deal to step down: Says parties must come to terms on process to promulgate constitution and new govt leadership (ht), Youth wings hell-bent on PM’s ouster (kp), President to meet leaders tomorrow: To seek a possible way out of political deadlock facing the country (ht), President Yadav to consult leaders of 27 parties over country's political deadlock (nn), ‘Deuba to lead consensus govt’ (ht) [Please no person who has failed so often! And who has the legitimation to form a new government??], Singh calls for NC, UML help for third people’s movement (kp), Stand united for your rights, leader tells indigenous peoples (ht), No integration till govt takes decision, says Army, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), PM Bhattarai talks of 'growing foreign meddling'; expresses dissatisfaction at BJP leader's trip at Shital Niwas invitation (nn)

03/08/2012: Pathway to power: A broad-based party of the marginalised groups, run democratically with aims to address class and ethnic cleavages, could emerge as a major power, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Ex-UML lawmakers seek CA rebirth, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), For the sake of opposition: There can be no consensus as long as the opposition holds true to its definition, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Political blessings: The only way parties could have a field day is to run the country without a valid constitution approved by an assembly elected by the people, by Shyam K.C. (kp), CA demise: Role of skeptics and radicals, by Yubaraj Sangroula (ht)

02/08/2012: Poll declaring authority vests in Cabinet: PM, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Govt mulling April election date, say ministers (kp), Govt scrambles for polls on Nov 22, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Do the new: Case for fresh CA polls (rep), No country for luxury: VIPs should consider what they’ve given before extracting benefits (kp), No more socialists: There are examples aplenty of how Nepali comrades have been hoodwinking the population in the name of communism, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Prince and plebeians: Nepal's own Machiavellis, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

01/08/2012: SC stays govt move to provide state facilities to former VIPs (kp), SC stays state facilities to ex-VIPs again, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), EC scraps code of conduct as it washes hands off November polls (nn), Maoists and India: India's role, by Sukh Deo Muni (rep), Indian prof spills the beans: Says top Maoist leaders had written to India, other countries in 2002 promising political transformation, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), PM Bhattarai fails to deliver, by Kuvera Chalise (ht), Congress at crossroads: NC has to offer a clear road map on where it wants to go (kp), Stripped of dignity: Nepal’s Dalit movement has to make strategic choices—on federalism, capitalism, and political alliances—and build its strength, by Prashant Jha (kp), Political Crisis in Nepal: Is the ‘Third Jana Aandolan’ inevitable?, by Mohan Bikram Singh (nn)

31/07/2012: It’s official: EC gives up on November polls, by Pranab Kharel (kp), EC tells govt polls not possible on Nov 22: Says it lacks legal framework for elections (ht), Former PLA commanders urge early decision on integration (kp), Where from here: An elected parliament which will also draft the constitution and bring peace is the best option, by Arjun Narsingha K.C., Nepali Congress (kp) [Good idea to safeguard the non-inclusive state for a longer time!!], Dr. Bhattarai as PM: A negation of credentials, by Mukti Rijal (ht), Constitution please, by Rishi Adhikari (rep)

30/07/2012: EC to confirm today its inability to hold Nov polls, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Prez under pressure to pass poll ordinances: Opposition asks Yadav to reject them both, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Pitfall of pushing: The govt should try to forge consensus on elections as soon as possible (kp) [This is correct, but consensus means that all parties must leave their hard standpoints!], Clarion call to practise hard-earned secularism (kp), Nefin set to mark World Indigenous People’s Day (kp), Got to do something: Civil society should find common ground among the political parties and urge them to act on it, by Jagannath Adhari (kp), The VIP government, by Chandra Lal Pandey (rep)

29/07/2012: President to sit on poll ordinances, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Legal eagles at odds, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Dahal says party against one identity as federalism basis (kp), CPN-Maoist tells wings to intensify anti-govt protests (kp), Many ex-PLAs say the party theyfought for not worth joining now, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Messy story: We need to clean up politics, but we have to understand that politicians are not the only part of the problem, by Anil Bhattarai (kp), Back to the future: We have got to do something new to get out of this impasse, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp), Lead or leave: Political stalemate and budget, by Murari Sharma (rep), The perfect model: Ethnic federalism, by Anand Jha (rep)

28/07/2012: India intervened in Katawal case: Sharan, by Mahesh Acharya (kp) [This may have influenced the peace and constitution writing process in a very decisive way! In other words: India shares responsibility for the current legitimacy crisis!!], Govt brings ordinances to pave way for polls: Both are subject to presidential approval though (ht), Ordinances not enough for holding polls: Acting CEC (nn), PM-CJ subtle tussle could humble judiciary: ‘Personality conflict’may affect judges’ appointment, justice dispensation, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht)

27/07/2012: Hopes fading; govt set to seek new election date, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Govt to set new election date (nn), Govt endorses ordinances related to election; removes VAT on Kerosene (nn), Takes two to tango: Only decisions that President Yadav and Prime Minister Bhattarai take jointly will have a semblance of legitimacy in the current political limbo (nt), Absence of full budget will hit investment: Private sector (kp), Party for power: There is strong demand among the indigenous nationalities’ activists for forming a new party that represents and protects their interests, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), A transparent path: The Maoist plenum has shown all parties, including the Maoists, the way to become more transparent, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Revolution begins at home: A party which has set out to change society must first change itself, by Anurag Acharya (nt) [This is true for all parties, especially also for the NC!!], Re-defining space and attitude: Must for political parties, by Gyan Basnet (ht), The Return of the King!, by Gyan Basnet (nn)

26/07/2012: Do the right thing: The decision to go for elections is legally, morally and politically correct, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Ruling parties decide to postpone Nov polls (kp), NC, UML at odds with UCPN-M over poll date (ht), Think local polls (ht), Opposition parties reject Dahal proposal (kp), Selective pressure: The opposition shouldn’t pose problems on issues which directly affect citizens’ wellbeing (kp), After clean chit earlier, Spl Court now jails Joshi: The former minister is sent to prison for one-and-a-half years on graft charges, by Pranab Kharel and Bhadra Sharma (kp), EC proposes ‘one candidate one constituency’ for polls (kp), Steps, agenda and leadership: For politics back on track, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (ht)

25/07/2012: Three big parties to sit for ‘decisive talks’ today: To seek ways to form consensus govt, end current imbroglio, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), NC, UML set to rekindle dialogue with UCPN-M: Decisive talks to be held today,claim leaders; Options for CA or Parliament elections open (ht), Prez urges parties to toe consensus line (kp), Won’t take decision in haste: Prez, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Dahal: Consensus likely on new polls (kp), EC seeks new poll date from PM (ht), Youth wings team up to topple PM (kp) [The parties are misusing their youth wings, that are always ready to use violence, to get their demands through even though the latter are not justified by the constitution!!], Dahal’s shake-up plan gets thumbs-down, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Disgruntled UML leaders threaten to take up arms, by Shiva Sharma (kp), Disgruntled leaders to form separate party (ht), Electoral calculations: Whether the Maoists can retain conflicting social constituencies under an umbrella formation will determine its performance in the next polls, by Prashant Jha (kp), Pouvoir Constituant: Beyond constitutional vacuum, by Anuj Mishra (ht)

24/07/2012: A tale of two armies: The Maoist People’s Liberation Army witnesses a humiliating end because of the failure of the parties to stick to the peace agreement, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), PLA integration: Opposition raps UCPN (Maoist)’s flexibility call (kp), Ideal integration, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (rep), Parties at variance over type of polls: They are, however, almost one on holding elections once a unity govt is in place, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [What gives them the legitimacy to take any decision before consensus and constitutional changes??], UML leader Nepal rules out election on Nov 22 (nn) [Civil society rules out that the old failed party leaders will be allowed to play any role in future Nepal!!], Morcha seeks package deal (kp), After ‘revolution’, is UCPN-Maoist headed towards dissolution? With plenum turning out to be a farce, disintegration looms large, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Insurgency victims to get identity cards: PM (ht), Lost in the noise: Fiscal matters are as important constitutional issues as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, by Udaya R. Wagle (kp), In search of identity: No place for hypocrisy, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht)

23/07/2012: Amendments must before new poll date: EC (ht), Dahal seeks decent PLA integration (ht), Ex-Gen warns of army takeover of state (ht) [?????], Judiciary and crisis: Charting the right course, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Govt's two pronged strategy halts activities of armed groups, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Paroxysms of paranoia, by C.K. Lal (rep)

22/07/2012: Sadistic satisfaction: A precondition for transforming the state of affairs is to retire the existing leadership, by Anil Bhattarai (kp) [!!!!!], The art of possible: There’s an immediate need to work out a power-sharing agreement, and to heal the wounds of this post-conflict society, by Lalbabu Yadav (kp), Ruling country through ordinances unjust: Prez, by Amrita Anamol (kp), Amendment to election laws: Govt may get 1 week more (kp), Maoists for ‘final talk’ to revise 7-point deal, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Madhesi parties reaching out to Pahadi people (kp), Madhesi parties divided over election type (ht), Silent monarchists: As political parties lose popular support, the case for reinstating monarchy gains strength, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (kp) [Monarchy has been abolished by the people through the inclusively elected CA! It does not need further confirmation!], Royal intentions, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep) [The problem is not his justified critics in parties, politians and state of affairs but his ambitions!!], ANNISU-R shuts down all private higher secondary schools demanding removal of foreign name (nn) [Education is absolutely unimportant! By the way, when will ANNISU-R change its own name? Or must all its offices be closed and smashed before? The same is true for its mother party!]

21/07/2012: Janajati leaders hit out at party (kp), Unable to clear hurdles, govt may defer polls (kp), Elections set to be postponed as consensus eludes political parties: Deadline for clearing hurdles expires tomorrow, by Ananta Raj Luitel and Santosh P. Pokharel (ht), Oli for parliamentary elections (kp) [On which legal basis?? The party leaders of today do not have the moral legitimation by Jana Andolan II!!], Dahal, Bhattarai supporters trade blows: Supporters of UCPN (M) boss manhandle Bhattarai; PM loyal hurls chair at Dahal, he escapes unhurt, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Paroxysm of anger upsets UCPN-M plenum: Factionalism rears its ugly head; Chair hurled at chairman; Bhattarai almost roughed up, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Plenum shows rivalry in UCPN (M) lingers (kp)

20/07/2012: CPN-UML Janajati leaders relieved of responsibilities, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), EC grows weary of poll law woes, consults lawyers (kp), Marching to a different drum: Youths are joining party organisations and fighting each other instead of working for development, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (kp), Army Chief downgraded in new order of precedence, by Kiran Chapagain (rep)

19/07/2012: Unmet standards: Parties and the Army would do well to relax norms in integrating former Maoist combatants (kp) [!!!!], Govt sets sights on poll law amendment, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Govt begins formal preparations for CA poll, by Kiran Chapagain (rep), UML opts for fresh mandate amid CA rebirth demands, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [There are not only legal hurdles for for elections to a new CA or the revival of the old one but also for the formation of a new government!! The clearing of legal hurdles must be the first step!!], UML opts for fresh polls to end deadlock (ht), Indigenous interests: Whether the country becomes federal or remains a unitary state is of far less consequence than how power will be redistributed in the future, by Manish Gyawali (kp), Identity federalism will end prejudice: Gachhadar (ht), Proof of the pudding, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep) [an anti-Maoist tirade that completely ignores the failures of other parties as well as the ruling of the SC!!], Fragmentation of Democracy, by Gyan Basnet (nn)

18/07/2012: Janajatis to continue with their agenda (kp), Oli eyes PM chair (kp) [One of the most failed and extremely conservative minded party leaders who already has been rejected by the people! This male Bahun is one of the most disqualified politicians in Nepal!], More than numbers: Stalled PLA integration (rep), Battle for the narrative: Finding the right language for federalism is essential to break the deadlock, by Prashant Jha (kp), What could be a win-win deal for parties?, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Experts can draft statute: Vice-prez (ht) [The interim constitution is still valid, Mr Jha! According to this constitution neither party leaders nor experts can draft a new constitution!], How to get past the impasse: The best solution for the present deadlock is to hold elections under the present Prime Minister, by Jeetendra Dev (kp)

17/07/2012: Mind the voidUCPN (Maoist) should form a clear position to help break the impasse (kp), ‘Consensus will clear all legal hurdles’: Only six days left for parties (ht), Make headway with constitution: Experts (ht), Nearly 1000 ex-combatants face disqualification (rep) [???], Weight of contradictions: Divisions within the new Maoist party are becoming apparent less than a month after its formation, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), In agreement, by Apurba Khatiwada (rep)

16/07/2012: CA revival best option, say Dahal, Khanal (ht) [The SC has unmistakably decided that the CA could not be extended; thus, it also cannot be revived!! But probably the SC will allow to revive the CA for a few days only to pave the legal way for elections to a new CA!], Pun brings poll, peace budget, by Kuvera Chalise (ht), ‘Budget against consensus’: Economists say it failed to address private sector’s concerns (ht), Finally it's one-third budget, by Milan Mani Sharma (rep), Bhattarai must go for resolving current crises: NC leaders (rep) [O.k., but NC leaders must go as well! The people of Nepal don't want them anymore!], Resolution of contentious issues: Go for referendum, by Ajita Singh (ht), The right path, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep)

15/07/2012: Govt floored as EC deadline looms, by Bhadra Sharma and Pranab Kharel (kp), All-party meet seeks CA revival or fresh elections (ht), UCPN (M) chair Dahal for CA's revival (nn), Sadbhawana Party suggests way out of political gridlock (kp), SP for forming federalists' alliance (rep), UML dissidents miss deadline to clarify move (kp), ‘Party didn’t toe peace-charter line’ (kp), Cabinet endorses partial budget (nn), Nepal challenges former king to prove deal with parties to retain monarchy, by Binod Tripathi (kp), Centre stage failures: Fuss over the ex-king’s ‘privileges’ is trivial, and reveals shortcomings of critics’ parties, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Wishful thinking, Gyanendra: Pillars that once upheld monarchy have crumbled, and the probability of its revival are near zero, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Agenda for new politics: For 240 years, Nepali state has been a burden to most of Nepali citizens, by Anil Bhattarai (kp), Country without people: Current politics does not foster critical thought or room for change, which is exactly what political parties want, by Prem Phyak (kp)

14/07/2012: ‘Revive CA’ campaign picks up pace, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), ‘CA can be reinstated through consensus’ (kp) [But the SC has decided repeatedly that it cannot be extended over May 27! This means that it also cannot be revived!!], CA revival possible, say Koirala, Baidhya: ‘Before that thorny issues should be settled first’ (ht), SC moved for revival of CA (ht), Dahal throws his weight behind PM: Leaders say the Maoist chief’s move is aimed at winning over Bhattarai supporters (kp), Dahal says Bhattarai won’t step down: Claims that resignation will invite disaster; Calls on parties to fix broken federalism talks (ht), CPN-Maoist to bring back kangaroo court (ht) [???], UML dissidents vow to fight for single-ethnic federalism (rep), Govt set to announce one-third budget by Sunday (nn)

13/07/2012: Who’s afraid of elections? The non-performing, unprincipled and inept political parties are afraid of elections, by Shyam K.C., Prez ‘okays’ funds for CA elections (kp), ‘Elections, not CA poll will be held’, says Sitaula (ht) [?????], Dahal for constitution through CA Stresses consensus among parties as the only way to end political impasse, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Civil society or jurist run govt sought (ht) [!!], Prez to order consensus govt after July 22: Mahat (kp) [And what is the legitimacy for this procedure?], It's your mess, clean it up: It doesn't matter whether this government remains or goes because the next one will face the same deadlock, by Anurag Acharya (nt), The caretakers: The PM is limited in terms of policy decisions, and the President plays a greater role than one might think, by Semanta Dahal (kp), Army integration: Ex-fighters want flexible standards, by Binod Tripathi (kp), Integration with dignity still possible: Dahal (rep), Ex-combatants find new life in agriculture, by DR Panta (kp), Activists against blanket amnesty (ht) For party reforms (ht), One-third budget plus Rs 12.5b, by Milan Mani Sharma (rep), Show me the money: And again, political differences are forcing us to settle for a partial budget, by Paavan Mathema (nt), The fear of plurality, by C.K. Lal (rep)

12/07/2012: State of the state: After CA, constitutional bodies now all set to become new casualties, by Anil Giri (kp), Indigenous leaders seek role in consensus building (rep, Quitting govt without accord suicidal: Dahal; He, however, flays some decisions taken by the govt, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), First things first: Broad agreement on future course is necessary before changing the govt (kp), Oppn urges Prez not to okay poll budget (kp) [Elections are dangerous for us! We want power without elections!!], EC seeks co-operation from political parties (ht), Call to ensure voting rights (kp), Tarun Dal demands voting rights for 1.8m youths (rep), Partial or one-third budget? Finance Ministry at a loss (kp), 'Partial budget will hurt export prospects, infra development' (rep), A lost battle: Why Bhattarai should go, by Biswas Baral (rep) [The resignation of the PM at this moment would complicate the situation further! There is no legitimacy to form a new government without a parliament!! Both, PM and president have only caretaker status! Elections are a must!], Divisive politics: Weakening social harmony, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (rep)

11/07/2012: Poll chances have lowered, say EC officials (kp), Neglect makes fighters’ blood boil, by Ganesh Chaudhary (kp), No ‘full budget,’ leaders aver in all-party meet, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), All-party meet hits right on the money: Ruling parties agree to bring partial budget,deadlock ends, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Parties agree to partial budget but differ on size (rep), The pitfalls of partial budget (rep), Uncertainty continues (ht), Parties differ over holding CA polls, by Gani Ansari (rep), Two of a kind: Positive deviasnce, by Shrochis Karki (rep), Preserving the agenda: It is not about giving up Baluwatar, but preserving the political values of 2006-07, by Prashant Jha (kp), The 'democratic' oligarch, by Birat Thapa (rep)

10/07/2012: A crisis of confidence: For the new party being formed by the Janajatis, building confidence in the future is the first step. That means dropping the demand for a CA revival, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), Federal journeys: Most people consider "geographic accessibility" as the most important criterion in designing federal states, by Mukesh Khanal (kp), Election officials remind PM of hurdle clearance deadline (kp) [The current failed leaders will never be elected again! If they want to stay in power, they must prevent new elections!!], EC ups pressure on govt to amend poll acts (ht), Clear legal hurdles by July: EC to Govt (rep), Not quite over: Dragging on the process of integration of Maoist combatants has huge political costs (kp), NC, CPN-UML to boycott PM's all party meeting (rep), Oppn parties boycott 'all-party' meeting called by PM (nn), Parties start formal dialogue (nn), PM warns deposed king Shah (kp), Gyanendra’s comeback remark raises storm in political circles: PM warns of stripping ex-king of state facilities (ht), No deal was sealed with former king, says Khanal (kp), More than 1000 'kamlari' girls still working for Kathmandu's influential families including high-ranking Communist leaders, lawyers, police, journalists (nn), Human rights violations: Challenging justice, democracy and peace, by Charan Prasai (ht)

09/07/2012: The state of identity: While demanding its just rights, the emerging Janajati party should not demonise others (kp), Ex-combatants cry foul as age controversy flares up: Make no mountain out of a molehill, it’s humiliating, they say, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Top commanders leave Shaktikhor cantonment (rep), Former PLAs left high and dry in Kailali (ht), Nov polls: EC summons PM, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Govt yet to gear up for elections, by Kiran Cjhapagain (rep), Post split, Dahal, Baidya sit to talk: UCPN (Maoist) chief seeks rival party’s help in reviving Constituent Assembly, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Prez nod to budget through ordinance, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Federalism doesn’t make qualitative difference to Dalits, interview with Padam Sundas (kp), President’s prime duties: ‘Observance and protection’, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), Twisted democracy, by Sabin Ninglekhu Limbu (rep), Dream on: Monarchy ́s gone for good (rep), O tempora o mores, by C.K. Lal (rep), NC leader refutes ex-king’s claim of an agreement to keep constitutional monarch (nn), State facilities to ex-King Gyanendra might be withdrawn, warns PM Bhattarai (nn) [They must be withdrawn in any case, but this is not enough!!]

08/07/2012: Will Janajatis pull it off? A new force with transformative programme will break the stranglehold of inept leaders of existing parties, by Anil Bhattarai (kp), 'Ethnic party to unsettle mainstream in short run', by Gani Ansari (rep), Idea of one party in Madhes draws mixed reactions (kp), ‘Single ethnicity based state not acceptable’ (ht), Janajati-Madhesi stir in UML: Party brass in talks to pacify dissidents (kp), UML dissidents in no mood for clarifications (rep), Selection process makes no headway (kp), Bhattarai tells combatants to maintain calm: Assures integration will take place in respectable manner (ht), Maoist combatants put off protests, by Chandni Hamal (rep), Prez to govt: Abide by constitution; Government will not create any difficulty, assures finance minister, by Mukul Humagain and Phanindra Dahal (kp), NC leaders under pressure to choose talks or protests (rep), Ex-King Gyanendra celebrates 66th birthday as he longs for a 'comeback' (nn), Leaders had committed to retain monarchy: Ex-king (rep) [This was the decison of the inclusvely elected CA, not of the not elected party leaders! Thank god that the abolition of monarchy was all after your putsch!!]

07/07/2012: Existential crisis: Ethnic threat to parties (rep), Janajatis announce new party formation (kp), Indigenous people finally decide on new party (ht), New ethnic party to champion social justice (rep), Will UML punish dissident leaders?, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [In the end, the UML Bahun leaders will find out that they have punished themselves!!], Clarification demand meaningless: UML dissident (rep), UML dissident leaders shun disciplinary panel's decree (nn), Disgruntled leaders will not quit party, says Nepal (kp) [Dream on!], Ex-combatants hopping mad: NA’s selection process stalls (kp), Integration process halted in all seven divisions, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Age controversy stalls integration (rep), PM assures of 'respectful integration' (nn), Former members call for CA’s reinstatement (ht), Kin of 3,700 victims yet to seek damages (kp), Govt ignoring decisions of past House committees, by Samiksha Koirala (rep), Rules of engagement: Foreign policy in federal Nepal, by Gopal Thapa (rep)

06/07/2012: NEFIN meet: Leaders’ thumbs up to new party, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), New party of Janajati activists on the cards (nn), TMLP forms panel to start dialogue for single Madhesi party (nn), UML gives Janajati, Madhesi leaders a week to clear air (kp) [Ethnicity will play a leading role in future politics! UML and NC will see where their die-hard Bahun politics will lead to!!], UML dissident leaders warned of action: Asked to reply within a week (ht), Integration process hits age, qualification hurdles (kp) [This is integral part of the peace process, not normal army recruitment!!!], Integration criteria annoys combatants: Say they are well trained, physical tests not required (ht), NC, UML cast doubt (kp) [???], Disruption at four divisions mar integration process, by Surya Prakash Kandel (ht), CA reinstatement for 27 minutes? (kp), Mahara says Constituent Assembly revival possible (ht), The Ethiopean experiment: More on ethnic federalism, by Manish Gyawali (ht), Monsoon of the megalomaniacs: A new government made up of old leaders will mean the same old, by Anurag Acharya (nt), A democratic jolt: The NC and UML are dominated by failed and ageing alpha males from the past, it's time to make a clean break, by Rubeena Mahato (nt), All politics is local : All the big parties are reluctant to go for local elections because they are afraid of facing the people whom they have misled for so long (nt), Picking up the pieces after war: A novel shelter is helping children orphaned and injured during the conflict to rebuild their lives, by Sunir Pandey (nt), Humanitarian fallout: Nepal's constitutional deadlock has humanitarian consequences for its people (nt)

05/07/2012: Indigenous nationalities may launch new party (ht), Ethnic leaders discuss forming new party, by Gani Ansari (rep), New groupism in making in UML, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), PLA integration process begins sans excitement (kp), NA begins integration process (rep), CA election likely to be put off (ht), Ex women CA members call for CA resurrection (nn), Preventing economic catastrophe: No alternative to ordinance budget, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht) [!!!!], Oppn petitions prez to block budget: Urges him to do the needful in order to avert conflict, by Prash Acharya (ht), Oppn parties urge Prez not to endorse full budget plan (kp), Oppn parties urge prez not to endorse budget ordinance (rep), Govt committed to bring full-fledged budget of Rs 439 billion: NPC Vice-chairman (nn), Budget not based on political consensus unacceptable: NC prez (nn), CPN-M secy says seized land not to be returned (ht), PM interacts with former top bureaucrats (ht), Divided we fall: Shunning polarization (rep), Demos or ethnos? Ethnic province debate, by Chaitanya Mishra (rep), Where do you go? NC's future, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), CPN-Maoist against returning seized land, by Janak Nepal (kp), Threats of another ‘people’s war’ terrorise Kavre villagers, by Manoj Basnet (kp), The sage and the peak: Until we as a nation have a sense of achievement, we will continue to be hung up trying to prove a point that nobody cares about, by Deepak Thapa (kp)

04/07/2012: PM proposes new alliance on federalism (kp), ‘Form alliance for federalism’: Bhattarai assures Janajati leaders of doing the needful, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), NEFIN’s national gathering kicks off (nn), PM seeks lawyers’ suggestions on budget, CA polls (kp), Lawyers advise PM to keep SC order in mind (ht), Oppn to urge Prez not to okay budget: Leaders likely to meet President Yadav today (kp), Oppn turns down coalition’s offer (kp), SC verdict complicated budget formulation issue, say experts (kp), State movers and shakers to dwell on key issues today (kp), All talk, no action as four forces meet: Sit for dialogue but refuse to give up their stand; NC,UML stick to unity government stance (ht), Monarchy can stage a comeback if people so wish: Former king (nn) [Nepal does not need another royal putsch!! When will he have to stand trial for the victims of Jana Andolan II and the royal state of emergency??], Impasse invites action: The main responsibility for taking initiatives lies on the Prime Minister’s shoulders, by Bhim Rawal (kp), Parliament election, not CA: The solution, by Govinda Raj Joshi, one of the Nepali Congress leaders who is just facing corruption trials (ht) [????], Political realignments: Newer outfits will be more radical than their parent parties, making politics more unmanageable, by Prashant Jha (kp)

03/07/2012: PM consults Janajati leaders on identity-based federalism (nn), Ex-combatants’ selection all set to begin tomorrow, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), President to PM: No budget sans consensus Yadav tells Bhattarai to toe policies and programmes of the current fiscal year, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Budget move not unconstitutional, says apex court (kp), Oppn parties up in arms against govt plan to present full budget; reiterate demand PM’s resignation (nn), NC urges prez to block budget: President says he will act as per the spirit of constitution (ht), Nepali Congress, CPN-Maoist agree to topple prime minister (kp) [On which constitutional basis?? Do you want to stage a vote of no confidence in the dissolved parliament or do you want to stage a coup? The formation of governments is not the inherited right of  discredited party leaders!!], Maoists, Morcha for package deal (kp) UCPN (Maoist), UDMF to form federalist alliance (kp), UCPN-M, UDMF say NC could lead unity govt: Caveat their statement with reminder that there should be agreement on federalism first (ht), Surplus stares budget in face: Gross financial indiscipline worries experts, by Kuvera Chalise (kp), Consensus nonsense: It is clear political consensus will only institutionalise the trend of major parties taking their turn to form a government, thus making a mockery of representative democracy, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (kp), Get out of the way: The old inept leaders should retire and let a fresh batch of energetic leaders take over, by Tika P. Dhakal (kp), Adapt and apply: Marxism and Nepali Maoists, by Binit Gurung (rep), Breaking the impasse: The options, by Surendra R. Devkota (ht)

02/07/2012: SC ‘clears way’ for budget unfolding: Responding to a writ, Supreme Court says stay order not needed for the time being (kp), SC clears way for budget through ordinance: Tells govt to downsize it in absence of consensus, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), SC paves way for partial budget (rep), NC, UML one against govt’s budget plan (kp), Pvt sector in intense lobbying for timely budget (kp), EC continues preparations amid CA revival talk (kp), Govt distributing financial assistance, against election code of conduct, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), UML urges NC to announce PM candidate, by Prakash Acharya (ht), ‘Bhattarai to quit if consensus reached’: Dahal says he’s doing his best to find a solution to the crisis (ht), Dahal, Bhattarai at odds over key political issues, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Hurting each other: There are ominous signs of violent contest between the two Maoist parties (kp), Matrika hope in Baidya (kp), Ready to join Baidhya: Matrika (ht), Rajkishore Yadav stripped of party responsibilities (kp), MJF-R chief Yadav removed from CC, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), MPRF-R withdraws support to govt: Removes Yadav from party leadership, by Gani Ansari (rep), Splits in Madhes parties: Their causes and ramifications, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Fear of losing progress on human rights looms large, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Just like a mirage: The word ‘consensus’ has been bandied about since 1990, but it is nowhere near being realised, by Prakash K. Shrestha and Anjan Panday (kp), Rein them in: Militant politics, by Murari Sharma (rep), Obsession with politics harms growth in many areas, interview with Pratyoush Onta (kp)

01/07/2012: Bhattarai ‘open’ to CA revival if parties agree: Assembly’s revival should be constitutional: PM, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PM open to all options, even revival of CA: Says his is not a caretaker govt but one that will hold elections (ht), I will be happy to reinstate CA: PM (rep), UML in dilemma over CA revival option, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), NC rules out CA polls sans consensus (ht), Prez review: Parties, PM made mistakes (kp), ‘I’ll have to play patron’s role’: President says no constitutional vacuum in the country (ht) [There is a constitutional vacuum, Mr President, with the consequence that you, too, are only in a caretaker position!!], SLMM supports prime minister on consensus, change of government, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Info minister expelled from party as another Madhesi party on verge of split (nn), Muslim women seek fair share of state pie (ht), The song remains the same for Dalits, by Naresh Newar (rep), Seize the day, by Anil Keshary Shah (rep), Misplaced priority, by Dinesh Aryal (rep), Sliding State, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

30/06/2012: HR monitoring slack in absence of OHCHR: ICJ (rep), Rights activists against ordinance ruleOppose bid to form TRC,panel on disappeared thru shortcut (ht), PLA integration: Oppn mellows on committee meeting (kp) [???], Former PLA chief says frustration in cantonments running high (rep), Koirala in bid to woo Madhesi parties, leaders: His odds though improving, still stacked against him (ht) [Nepal's dilemma is that Bhattarai only has legitimacy as a caretaker PM. Neither he nor the opposition nor the president have any legitimacy to form a new government!!], UML dissidents to press leadership for CA revival (rep)

29/06/2012: In face of furore,govt plans more case withdrawals: In Cabinet, PM presents 16 cases for amnesty, by Pranab Kharel (kp) [Without justice no future!!], Govt preparing for TRC through ordinance: Rights defenders say such a move will be tantamount to institutionalising impunity, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Nefin meet to decide on new party (kp), Federalism clearly unacceptable: Pradip Nepal (rep) [?????], Sushil solicits TMDP support for nat'l consensus govt, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep) [Better say: in search for a majority government led by the NC!!], Taking care of the caretaker: The opposition may not like it, but the caretaker government can remain legally in power until elections are held, by Anurag Acharya (nt) [You even better say: There is no legal way to change it!!], Has history’s wheel come full circle? CPN-M to submit 40-point demand to Bhattarai, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Consensus on consensus: Consensus is not going to happen simply because we all wish for it. It has to be created, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), National deconstruction: Political identity, by Anuj Mishra (ht)

28/06/2012: Duncan stands behind aid for ethnic groups (kp), UK minister refutes allegations of donors stirring ethnic conflict (rep), UML spawns more divergence on federalism, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Language barrier: Promoting regional tongues (rep), NC, UML young guns snub ‘eyewash’ meet with PM (kp), No man's land: Prime Minister Bhattarai continues to mess up but that’s only half the problem (kp), Failure spectacular: Political failure can lead to only one thing: public trauma, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Whad'ya know? Political opinion in Nepal, by Biswas Baral (rep), Implement obligations, urges CEDAW panel: Thorough investigation of sexual abuse during time of conflict sought (ht 28/06/2012)

27/06/2012: PM’s position different from mine, says Dahal: Bhattarai’s ‘won’t quit’ remarks tick off Maoist boss, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PM says he is ready to quit (rep), Oppn says PM remarks smack of despotism (kp), UML weighs fielding Oli as PM candidate (kp) [Just as Koirala from the NC, Oli has already been rejected by the people!!], ministerial candidate (ht), Oli UML’s primeIn NC, it’s either Deuba or Poudel, says KC (kp), Baidya party vows to topple Bhattarai (kp), CPN-M donation drive injects fear into businessmen (ht), CPN-M worries over degrading sovereignty, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Now, Matrika’s Maoist party splits (kp), Civil society leaders stress consensus (kp), Civil society urges PM to work for consensus (rep), NA seeks decision on application fee (ht) [????], Maoists gear up for integration, by Kiran Pun (rep), NC, UML not to attend AISC meeting as govt prepares to start army integration from next week (nn) [???? The situation is urgent and serious, but they behave like little children!!], 20 new parties waiting for registration, by Gani Ansari (rep), A long stalemate: The PM has to walk the fine line between asserting authority and knowing limits since legitimacy of his authority is contested, by Prashant Jha (kp), Sources of conflict: From caste discrimination to conflict-era crimes, challenges remain in creating social harmony, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (kp), Federalism: Voices of the ordinary; Time to take debate to the public, by Naresh Newar (rep)

26/06/2012: Nefin mulling party of Janajatis: Sherpa, by Nirmal Shrestha (kp), UML dissident tow: District chiefs warn against drastic move (rep), PM says will stay put, hold CA elections (kp), I’ll stay till next CA election, says Bhattarai: Terms opposition parties’resignation demand childish; Warns of situation like Feb 1,2005, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Maoists, UML ask NC to, pick its candidate for PM (kp) [In this critical situation Nepal needs a charismatic PM! There is no NC politician with this qualification! Stop these endless power games and think of people an country!], Invitation to a deposing: Some actors in the opposition parties are urging the President to sack the Prime Minister, a move that’s both ignoble and unconstitutional, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), Baidya party proposes revolt (kp), Maoists’ new demands stall integration: Nepali Army writes to MoD seeking clarity on some issues, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht) [The former fighters' demands are justified! Why did the army wait so long? The PLA did not lose its war against the royal army! What counts now is durable peace!!], Flawed process: Whither restructuring? (rep), Budget through ordinance: Court summons govt; Gives 15 days to submit explanation (ht), Party reforms (ht), Federal fallout: Nepal at crossroads, by Chandra Lal Pandey (rep)

25/06/2012: CPN-Maoist is third largest force, Baidya tells President (kp), PLA integration: Army may begin process next week, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Nepal Army gears up for integration, by Kiran Chapagain (rep), CPN-M pitches for round table conference (ht), CPN-M brings 'roadmap' for ending political crisis, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), New CA election as scheduled: Uprety, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), CA polls on Nov 22, if parties wish: Uprety (rep), Polls must be held by March, says CEC Upreti (ht) [???], CA Election within April 13 next year if not possible on November 22: Acting CEC (nn), PM Bhattarai dismisses demands for resignation; vows to hold election on Nov 22 (nn), NC, UML leaders project Sushil as consensus candidate for PM (nn) [He has not the qualification, he has been rejected by the people in 2008, and he is one of the party leaders who were most responsible for the failure of the CA!!], Maoist behind CA fiasco, says Sitaula (ht) [People who live in glasshouses should not throw stones!!!], Mind the gap: Bickering parties should at least agree on vital issues of running the state (kp), President and PM are on a path of confrontation, interview with Shyam Shrestha (kp), Maoists get dose of their own medicine: Opposing budget in past boomerangs on UCPN-M (ht), An election too far: It is better to form a body including all the parties in the past CA to write the constitution, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), Divided Maoists And Shattered Dreams, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), The continuing political impasse: The way out, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), The true picture: Federalism from the ground, by Mukesh Khanal (rep), The will of bourgeoisie, by C.K. Lal (rep)

24/06/2012: Beautiful people: Recognising ethnicity-based states is respecting the history and pride of ethnic communities, by Rishi Adhikari (kp), Three-day NEFIN gathering on current deadlock (rep), Friction in UML over federalism: A section of party opposes CC-endorsed 7-province model (kp), UML passes 7-province model amid dissent (rep), UML panel to draft white paper on CA: Will try to assess dissolved Assembly’s four-year term (ht), CPN-M to discuss round-table idea with other forces (kp), Dahal against statute from round-table conference (kp), NC appeals prez to form new govt (ht) [??? Sorry, I forgot: Nepal belongs to the party leaders, may they be rejected by the people, non-inclusive, incompetent, corrupt or whatever! Hopefully, caretaker president Yadav stands to his honest line that he has followed so far!], CPN-Maoist fails to take any decision (ht), Ministry backtracks on top cop transfers, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), TMDPN, UCPN-M to form alliance for forthcoming election: Yadav (ht), Privilege of privilege: What you don’t realise is that you can’t tear apart a country that has never united in the first place, by Pranaya SJB Rana (kp)

23/06/2012: Ex-combatants rue integration process let-up (kp), CPN-Maoist to unveil protest programmes (kp), Beyond unity govt formation, CPN-UML leaders at a loss (kp), Unity govt for statute: Deuba (kp) [The non-inclusive party leaders have neither the qualification nor the legitimation to write the constitution! They are the reason for failure of the CA!!], NC to take struggle, consensus side by side (ht) [If Nepal is a multi-ethnic, etc. country, why are about 50% of the NC central leaders male Bahuns and not only 6.5%?? The NC leadership does not represent the population of the country!!], UCPN (M) ready to give up govt leadership: Dahal (nn)

22/06/2012: UML proposes seven states on capability-identity basis: The party's Janajati and Madhesi leaders have rejected the proposal tabled by the chairman, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Khanal proposes seven pradeshes on the basis of multi-ethnicity, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), UML leaders for seven multi-ethnic provinces, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Dissident UML leaders for CA reinstatement (ht), UML dissidents to hit streets, by Maoj Basnet (kp), UML dissidents to struggle within party (rep), NC panel for addressing Janajati federal demands (kp), Paudel stresses on consensus (ht), Cops’ transfer: SC seeks explanation (kp), EC to seek clarifications over NTV chief's demotion, by Gani Ansari (rep), Return properties, complete peace process: Congress (ht), NC demands completion of integration process (rep), Will to power: Any exercise of the “power to remove difficulties” under article 158 of the Interim Constitution to enable consensus may come under the Supreme Court’s scrutiny, by Semanta Dahal (kp), Split ends of a revolution: What was surprising about the great Maoist breakup this week was the lack of fuss, by Anurag Acharya (nt), The revenge of the radicals: Mohan Baidya spinning off from UCPN-Maoist represents more than an interchange of punctuation marks, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), Giving conflict victims a voice: Those most directly affected by the war can play a role in addressing its legacy, by Simon Robins (nt), Politics of Fragmentation, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn)

21/06/2012: Disgruntled UML leaders meet up (ht), 'Disappointed' UML dissidents sulk in Dhulikhel (rep), Foreign powers disturbed social goodwill: UML (ht) [It is a myth that there was social harmony in a single identity based unitary state!!], UML to dissidents: Seek solution within party (rep, UML's Janajati-Madhesi leaders not to quit party for now; but will continue to boycott party meetings (nn), Report proposes martyrs’ categorisation: Urges govt to confer martyrdom only on those who really deserve honour, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Unity govt can shrink trust deficit: NC, UML, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Government defends transfer of top cops (ht), SC moved against code breach (ht), EC wants poll laws soon (ht), 'Nepal at risk of becoming a failed state' (rep), NC, UML no to full-fledged budget sans political consensus (rep)

20/06/2012: EC tells govt to scrap top cops’ transfer: Says the move contravenes commission’s code of conduct, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Four parties start talks to find consensus (rep), Vertical split: It’s hard to see the new Maoist party implementing its agenda (kp), Experts see bleak prospects for Baidya’s party, by Mahesh Acharya (kp), The radicals strike back: The Maoist split will make any deal on the future roadmap more difficult, but it may mean a more accurate representation of political constituencies, by Prashant Jha (kp), Point of departure: Fallout of Maoist split (rep 20/06/2012), Rival Maoist parties wooing cadres in former heartlands, by Janak Nepal, Kashiram Dangi and Krishna Gautam (kp), Party split dissappoints Maoist cadres in east (ht), New party essential to achieve goals of People’s War: Baidya, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), 'People's revolt' not an immediate possibility: Baidya, by Kiran Pun (rep), CPN-Maoist against parliamentarianism: Baidhya says door for unification open if Dahal,Bhattarai reform themselves (ht), Maoist-padlocked house unlocked after 10 yrs (kp), Nod to ordinances exception, not rule: Prez adviser, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Move on: A new CA gives people the opportunity to decide on federalism, by Shikhar Prasad Acharya (kp), Multi-ethnic provinces yes, single-ethnic model no: UML chairman, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep)

19/06/2012: Baidya camp forms breakaway Maoist party: Formal announcement of birth of Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist to be made today, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), UCPN-M splits, CPN-Maoist born: Door open for unification talks; Says urban revolt the way ahead, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), UCPN (Maoist) splits, by Kiran Pun (rep), Dahal-Baidya tiff, a recapitulation (kp), UML national conclave starts; dissidents faction boycott, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), UML bid to forge ‘broader alliance’ against Maoists, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Unity govt only way out, says UML: CA poll impossible without statute amendment (ht), TMDP for one Madhesi party (rep), Govt transfers top cops; EC left fuming again, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Transfer of cops violates election code of conduct (ht), NTV acting chief punished for airing Oppn event live (kp), NTV chief demoted for airing oppn rally, by Prakash Acharya (ht), New bourgeoisie: The Nepali Congress is losing the trust of the class that has traditionally supported it, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), The Congress conundrum, by Sumit Sharma Sameer (ht)

18/06/2012: CPN UML stands against ethnicity-based federalism, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Reinstate Ang Kaji, Rai tells UML (kp), UML's national cadres' meet kicks off amid boycott by Janajati, Madhesi leaders (nn), Fresh CA elections: Only held fast to your orders, PM tells apex court (kp), Prez pities ‘wasted’ time, state of flux (kp), Find way out pronto: Prez; Warns parties against failure to forge consensus, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Start talking: Negotiations over the govt should proceed along with those on more pressing issues (kp), New Maoist party in a ‘couple of days’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Baidhya proposes name for breakaway revolutionary party, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), We’re ready to take leadership of revolt, interview with Netra Bikram Chand 'Biplab', UCPN-M (kp), Floating options: If the CA could act as parliament, then a parliament can aslo act as CA, by Akanshya Shah (kp) [The failure was not caused by the inclusively elected CA but by the non-inclusive and partly not elected party leadership! A smaller but inclusively elected CA or parliament would be ideal as long as non-elected party leaders are excluded from the constitution writing process and the decision is with the CA and not with the leaders!!], New CA not in Nepali Congress’ plan of things, by Prakash Acharya (ht), No cooperation until Maoists mend ways: NC leaders (rep) [??], Court order sought to protect voting right (ht), Youths move SC for voting rights (rep) [In future, all citizens should have the right to vote if they have reached the age of 18 on the day of whatever election!], Opposition inciting President to stage a coup: PM’s political aide (nn), President’s role: Consideration of transitional state, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Govt preparing to bring regular budget: Opposition says ‘only special budget is valid’ (ht), 17,800 people died during conflict period, says Ministry of Peace (nn), Need for Inquiry Commission on CA's failure, by Gyan Basnet (nn)

17/06/2012: Sherpa’s expulsion stirs up a hornets’ nest in CPN-UML: Not in a position to remain in the party, respond Janajati leaders, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), NEFIN terms Sherpa’s expulsion from UML party ‘shameful', says it is motivated to sideline indigenous nationalities (nn), Dissidents may boycott UML meet (rep), Party dissidents warn of boycotting NC programmes (kp), NC indigenous wings, leaders urge supporters to boycott party programmes, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), NC ethnic leaders up the ante (rep), TMDP not to forge electoral alliance: Not to accept new constitution promulgated from outside CA (rep), Baidya camp vows to form new party: Accuses party leadership of failing to address interests of people, country, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Baidya or Thapa likely as chief of new party, by Kiran Pun (rep), Better we divorce‚ says Baidhya, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Team Baidya’s planning (kp), UCPN (M) establishment still wants unity as Baidya floats name for new party in national gathering (nn), Dahal to NC, UML: PM will step down in the event of consensus (kp) [Who among the leading politicians has a similar qualification for the job??], Olive branch to NC, UML: Dahal on damage-control mode after a vitriolic attack (ht), 27 parties gang up against govt: Task force to enforce protests (kp), Dahal initiates talks for consensus: NC, UML say PM ́s exist from Baluwatar a bottomline for consensus  (rep), Oppn parties to intensify protests: Announce programme from June 19 to July 9 (ht), Gender equality in students' politics: Still a far cry, by Kokila K.C. (ht), Taking stock, by Gopal Thapa (rep)

16/06/2012: UML calls 27-party meet; NEFIN secretary Sherpa’s membership scrapped (ht) [Long live Bahunbad! Expell the Janajatis and you will be a disappearing minority in future politics!], No alternative to CA for new statute: PM, Dahal (rep), ‘Let’s begin a fresh consensus journey’: Maoist boss says he’s ready to explore options to end deadlock; urges hardliners to remain united (kp), Baidya Proposes Revolt As Line Of New Party, by Kiran Pun (rep), Maoist hardliners headed for splitsville (ht), Indian experts stress unity govt in Nepal, by Mahesh Acharya (kp), Coalition partners threaten to quit (ht), Limbuwan no to CA revival (ht), Justice Bam declared martyr in breach of criteria, by Kiran Chapagain (rep) [Then you will have to declare every murdered person a martyr!!], Put it to a vote: State restructuring, by Murari Sharma and Bhagirath Basnet (rep), The new force, by Binit Gurung (rep)

15/06/2012: Prez may amend statute, poll laws, says EC panel, by Anil Giri (kp),  Find alternative, I'll quit: PM to parties (rep) [Nepal is not the property of party leaders!! A new government needs legitimation through an elected parliament!], Baidya faction holds Dahal, PM responsible for CA dissolution, by Kiran Pun (rep) [All party leaders, including Baidya, share responsibility!!], Silence of the foxes, by C.K. Lal (rep), Children of war: UN delisting Maoists from groups using minors in conflict is welcome (kp), Transitional justice process elitist: Report (ht), The assassin creed: The unsolved murders of Ranju Jha and her colleagues as well as that of Justice Rana Bahadur Bam will aggravate impunity and weaken the state (nt), Let people decide: Nepal is no longer a docile society, and the people know their rights, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp), Seize the time: Deep inside we know we cannot support the leaders who have given us only pain, suffering and false sense of nation-building, by Sagar Onta (kp), Despair and hope in Dolpo: "Politics is only for the leaders. We never expected anything from the  constitution", by Dewan Rai (nt)

14/06/2012: Prez discusses CA polls with EC commissioners (rep), Govt violated poll code, says EC (kp), UML welcomes Janajati leaders’ decision for talks (kp), Dissident leaders won't be in bad books: UML (rep) [But exclusive Bahun leaders who were responsible for the CA failure should be in the bad books!], UML for common identity-based states: No action against dissidents for their views on federalism (ht) [This means conservative upholding of the non-inclusive status quo!!], Staying afloat: Parties should at least come together on issues of common interest; budget is one (kp), FNCCI demands full and timely budget (kp), Congress announces nationwide protests: Demands PM’s resignation for building consensus (ht), NC to boycott PM, ministers (rep), No unity without course correction of leadership, interview with Mohan Baidya (rep), PM Bhattarai sanguine about TRC formation (kp), Justice and deterrence: Establishment of rule of law, by Gyan Basnet (ht), Don’t take martyrdom lightly: NHRC to govt (ht), Hollowing center: Radicalization of Nepali politics, by Biswas Baral (rep), New glue: In this interregnum, when the old is undergoing death spasms, and the new hasn’t been born, societal glue needs renewal, by Pramod Mishra (kp)

13/06/2012: The battle ahead: The conflict has become tougher. There is a pushback on inclusion from the internationals and older parties, by Prashant Jha (kp), Pressure on UML to embrace identity-based federalism: Indigenous, Madhesi leaders urge party to lobby for revival of dissolved Constituent Assembly, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), UML dissidents press single-identity model, CA revival, by Kiran Chapagain (rep), UML Janajati leaders want CA resurrected, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), President Yadav speaks out: Budget only after consensus (kp), President against populist budget (ht), Will guard statute, prez assures oppn (ht), Oli takes pot shots at Maoists; says other parties should take govt leadership from Maoists to end current crisis (nn) [Politicians like Oli who have been rejected by the people in the elections have no right to claim positions in state and government!!], The roadmap: Current political crisis, by Bhim Udas (rep), Not too late: Maoist infighting, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Class struggle: Steeped in identity problem, by Gopal Thakur (ht), Study finds Nepal peaceful than most South Asian nations (nn)

12/06/2012: 24 UML district chiefs press leadership for multiple-identity, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), With no CA, justice for conflict victims uncertain, by Kiran Chapagain (rep) [The party leaders never wanted justice! It's now easier for them without the CA!], Keeping the record straight: We believe that political consensus among major parties is essential for holding election, by Baburam Bhattarai (kp), Political consensus crucial to hold polls: PM (kp), Petition seeks SC for PM’s ouster (ht), PM tries to woo foreign envoys (ht), Oppn parties protest caretaker govt (kp), Oppn parties vow to scuttle govt’s ordinance plans (kp), Block budget thru ordinance, prez urged: NC, UML say consensus a must before govt makes move (ht), President Yadav asks Finance Minister to introduce budget through consensus (nn), Govt, opposition parties at odds over ordinances, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Congress stages protest rallies (ht), Maoists putting the squeeze on entrepreneurs: Demand work, money for ex-fighters, by Bhanubhakta Acharya (ht), A new party it is, says Bhandari (kp), It’s splitsville for MJF-Democratic: Expelled MJF-D Co-Chair Sharat Singh Bhandari to announce new party (ht), Bhandari to form new party, calls national gathering, by Gani Ansari (rep), The way out of here: Instead of reviving an expired Constituent Assembly, holding another CA election will strengthen Nepali democracy, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), For fulfilment of task: Consensus, not confrontation, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht), Brouhaha surrounding May 27 deceit, by Jacqueline Swarajya Prasai (nn)

11/06/2012: Closing ranks: Outnumbered with a 30:70 population ratio, Bahun-Chhetri groups from all odd camps are closing ranks, and the remaining 70 percent is getting organised, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Big picture politics: Sustained political deadlock will further erode mainstream parties’ legitimacy (kp), UML in no mood to consider Janajati leaders’ demands, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Baidya turns down Dahal's talks offer, by Kiran Pun (rep), PM to brief diplomats on CA dissolution (kp), The democratic flag: Benevolent dictatorship, by Slok Gyawali (rep), Frictions over federalism, by C.K. Lal (rep), Reduce CA strength, before elections: CEC; Says late November not suitable for polls, by Ananta Raj Luitel and Santosh P. Pokharel (ht), Can’t put people on the voter list without citizenship card, interview with Neel Kantha Uprety, acting Chief Election Commissioner (kp), NC, UML urge President to reject ordinance on budget (nn), Oppn parties to hit the streets against govt plan to introduce budget through ordinance (nn), The Maoist intention: To capture state power, by Kuvera Chalise (ht)

10/06/2012: CA revival conditional: Dahal; Says basis for unity with the hard-line faction has increased (kp), ‘CA revival possible after deal on identity-based federalism’, interview with Pushpa Kamal Dahal (kp), June 15 may see birth of new party: Gajurel, by Ajit Tiwari (rep), CPN-UML to issue white paper on CA fiasco, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), RPP-Nepal demand: Hold fresh election or revive 1990 statute (kp), RRP-N in show of strength: Demands govt led by sitting or former chief justice to hold CA poll (rep), There is no going back (rep 11/06/2012) [!!!], Proposed CA Poll Mired In Controversies, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Referendum: A Better Alternative, by Pradip Thapa (nn)

09/06/2012: Cutting criticism rains down on Maoists: Congress, UML, 19 other parties urge consensus, warn UCPN (Maoist) of ‘inevitable downfall’, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Dahal slams NC, UML federalism stances (ht), Election, no CA rebirth, says PM, by Lal Prasad Sharma (kp), UML tells leaders to heed party policy (ht) [The male Bahun leaders are always right! Obey to them or face punishment!!], Why Madhesi parties split, by Gani Ansari (rep), Elderly conflict victims yet to get compensation, by Dilip Poudel (rep)

08/06/2012: Stateless in new Nepal: Inclusion without citizenship is impossible, by George Varughese and Pema Adams (nt), Mother country: Only the Taliban treats women worse (nt), "Even slaves are treated better", by Sushila Budathoki and Mina Sharma (nt), UML district chiefs bat for ethnic-based provinces (rep), NC ethnic leaders for mixed-identity provinces, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Govt declares Thanet martyr (kp), NEFIN calls off general strike in Terai after govt declares Tharu martyr (nn), Legal eagles at variance over CA rebirth, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Khanal, Dahal dwell on ways to consensus: Hold talks on political scenario (ht), Stage set for parties’ mass meeting: NC, UML and 19 other parties urge all to be part of the protests, by Arjun Paudel (kp), 22 parties plan show of strength today (rep), Anti-govt mass meeting brings thousands of people at Khulamanch (nn), MPRF-D seeks clarification from nine CC members (rep), Still call the shots: Including Pahadi-dominated Tarai districts in the proposed Madhesi state would be counterproductive for Madhesis, by Murari Sharma (kp) [Language is only one aspect of identity! It has to be handled carefully after decades of Nepalization und migration towards the Tarai!], PM’s Rio+20 visit deemed inopportune: Parties, diplomats say time to focus on home issues,not foreign junkets, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Unceremonious Death of Constituent Assembly, by Tilak Rawal (sp), CA has failed, and so has the Interim constitution: It will be equally foolish for the president to even consider reviving Constituent Assembly that ended as a failure, by Yubaraj Ghimire (sp) [Not the CA but the party leaders were the failure! It's time for them to quit and to restore the CA!!], “It is wrong to say we have constitutional vacuum”, interview with Surya Dhungel (sp)

07/06/2012: Class, caste and creed: Dominance continues, by Namrata Sharma (ht), Congress janajati leaders threaten to quit party, by Arjun Paudel (kp), NC’s Janajati leaders also threaten to quit over differences with party leadership on identity-based federalism (nn), NC ethnic leaders press for identity in federalism (rep), CA cannot be revived: Angkaji (ht), Two ways out: All-party agreement is prequisite for both elections or CA reinstatement (kp), Leaders start giving CA rebirth a thought, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), CA resurrection an option, Deuba to PM, by Prakash Acharya (ht), PM, Dahal, Morcha to blame: UML; Diplomatic representatives ask if Assembly elections can be held again (kp), NC, UML to boycott CA polls (rep), Bhattarai has no moral ground to continue: Nepal,  by Thira L. Bhusal (rep) [None of the party leaders has moral grounds to continue or even to take over!!!], Creating space for dialogue (rep), Dahal sets conditions to quit as party chief, by Kiran Pun (rep), MPRF-D expels two more central committee members (rep), Between the lines: Exclusion and ethnicity, by Jainendra Jeevan (rep) [Once more one of the distorting articles by this author! There may be many Bahuns and Chhetris who are disadvantaged for economic reasons, but other groups are excluded right from the beginning because of their ethnicity! The author should look into the history of modern Nepal and her Hindu state politics!], A way out: New constitution, by Sukhdev Shah (rep), UN political rep busy in political parleys (nn), Concerned, Yang meets Dahal (kp), Dahal apprised of China’s concerns (ht), NEFIN: Declare Dhan Bahadur a martyr (kp), NEFIN bandh hits life in some parts of Terai (nn), NC leader shot by Maoists ten years ago dies (nn), Peace fundamentals: The process' success is determined not only by CA election but societal transformation, integration of the Maoist army, and a new constitution, by Karin Landgren (kp)

06/06/2012: CA resurrection an option, says Dahal: Gachhadar slams idea as ‘useless debate’, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Talks to revive CA on: Dahal (ht), We are ready to discuss CA reinstatement: Dahal (rep), NC, UML to diplomats: PM stay illegitimate; Donors express dismay over CA dissolution, by Anil Giri (kp), Nepali Congress, CPN-UML in bid to woo European diplomats: ‘Some EU, Scandinavian nations using clout to cajole the opposition into joining Maoist govt’ , by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [The CA was dissolved according to the decision of the SC and after NC and UML prevented an inclusive federal setup for a rudimentary constitution! The current caretaker government is legitimate and should be joined by other parties!!], Norway minister urges political consensus (rep), UML throws dinner party to foreign diplomats as it scrambles to pacify Janajati leaders (nn) [Hopefully, the diplomats are aware that they have only met the Bahun leaders of this non-inclusive party!!], Preparations for anti-govt show of strength on (kp), June 15 meet to announce split: Gajurel; New party to support opposition’s protest for consensus govt (ht), Will the Maoist party split at last?, by Kiran Pun (rep), MJF-L gives Bhandari the walking ticket (kp), MPRF-D expels Bhandari, by Gani Ansari (rep), PLAs who opted for integration worried (ht), Combatants deprived of basic health care, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Political deadlock could lead to fiscal jeopardy, by Milan Mani Sharma (rep), A ray of hope: A constitution for the women, by Naresh Newar (rep), Which way from here? An all-party council should be formed to write the constitution, run the government and conduct polls, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp) [The party leaders, who have already been responsible for the failure of the CA, are an uninclusive lot with no understanding for the excluded masses and, as such, they are not qualified to write the constitution!!], Post-May 27 path: Calls for a political solution, by Govind Raj Joshi, Nepali Congress (ht), The new maze: Everyone has lost out, some more than others. Politicians should mourn, and reflect about what went wrong, by Prashant Jha (kp), NEFIN stages protest as Tharu activist injured in police firing dies (nn), The Politics of Consensus, by Basanta Lohani (nn)

05/06/2012: Rudderless drift: The dissolution of the CA leads to increased radicalisation and fragmentation of political forces, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Hands are tied, Prez says on PM ouster, CA revival (kp) [President Yadav proves character and is, nevertheless, helpless since the situation cannot be solved in a legitimate way!!], Ex-NC lawmakers seek CA revival: Prez says he’ll only act on basis of political consensus (ht), Maoist chair Dahal says CA can be reinstated through consensus among parties (nn) [This makes no sense since the SC wil scrap it either!!], PM blames fight: over federalism for CA dissolution (kp), Anti-govt alliance gears up for showdown (kp), 19 parties mull holding rally to clarify govt move (kp), We are ready to support oppn parties to make PM resign, says Maoist leader Gurung (nn), NC, UML, fringe parties aiming at ‘massive’ protest on Friday: Discuss ways to make programme a success; To finalise mode of demonstrations today (ht), Fringe parties thwart counter rally against NC, UML (rep), PM's resignation bottom line: Koirala, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Call for consensus amid blame game (ht), Visiting Norwegian minister calls for consensus (nn), MJF-L rift surfaces with Bhandari’s reply (kp), Internal rift in MPRF (D) at boiling point, by Gani Ansari (rep), Things fall apart: Split in the Maoist party could impact the larger political process that looks fragile (kp), Madi bus blast victims yet to see justice, by Prem Dhakal (rep), Money matters: Banking in a federal model, by Bishal K. Chalise (rep), CA dissolution, and way forward: Serious questions arise, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), UN Human Rights Council urged to monitor Nepal's 'increasingly precarious' rights situation (nn)

04/06/2012: Nefin campaign to expose 'anti-federalists' (rep), Not naming states along ethnic lines rejects identity, interview with Prithvi Subba Gurung, CPN-UML (kp), Party leaders apathetic to caste-based discrimination, by Prakash Adhikari (kp), UML leaders put heat on leadership, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Majority for provinces on mixed-identity basis, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep) [i.e. the majority of a Bahun dominated institution!!], UML's indigenous, madhesi leaders boycott party's CC meet over differences with party leadership on identity- based federalism (nn), NC’s 61 former lawmakers seek CA resurrection (kp), 61 NC ex-CA member demand reinstatement of CA (rep) [This would definitely be better to solve the current hopeless situation than giving the solution into the hand of party leaders. The problem: both ways have no legitimation! So, the best solutions are new elections of a CA and formation of an interim government composed of intellectual non-party persons from civil society and public life!], Amendment to statute must for holding polls: EC; Commission officials apprise Prez, PM of hurdles they face (ht), EC wants laws, constitution amended for polls, by Gani Ansari (rep), Ruling parties decide to gear up for polls (nn), Maoists, Morcha to hold poll parleys with other parties (kp), Ruling tie-up puts consensus on back burner. UCPN-M, UDMF plan to counter opposition parties, polarise society, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), PM Bhattarai not to give up (rep), Resigning would be running away from my responsibility, interview with PM Baburam Bhattarai (rep), True to form, by Murari Sharma (rep) [Inclusive federalism is not a question of state names! All future federal states will be multiethnic; but they are only inclusive if there are chances for relative majorities other than Bahun and Chhetri! The original proposal of the inclusively elected CA provided such states! Why did NC und UML not agree? It was the task of the CA, not of the party leaders to decide the federal setup!!], BMF asks President to oust PM Bhattarai (nn) [The president has not only to protect but also to abide by the constitution (Art. 36A)! The constitution does not give him the right to dismiss the PM!!], Constitutional crisis: A Maoist creation, by Arjun Narsingh K.C., Nepali Congress (ht) [???], The fallout: Impact of Maoist split (rep), Tiff in MJF-Democratic intensifies: Gachhadar, Bhandari factions claim greater following of cadres (ht), Artificial unity: Realignments and splits are not bad for democracy in the long run (kp), Investigate this: The death of the CA has spawned many rumours. To ensure a second CA doesn’t carry the same fate, an independent judicial inquiry commission must be established to investigate what went wrong, by Gyan Basnet (kp), The way forward (ht)

03/06/2012: Shameless Nepalese Politicians Heading To Making Political Instability (km), UML floats new proposal to woo its disgruntled leaders (kp), UML to form high-level commission to address concern of disgruntled indigenous, madhesi leaders (nn) [But your 'high level' is absolutely in the hands of male Bahuns! They are disqualified for this job!!], UML forms high-level commission on federalism, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Maoist split likely within June 15: One of the founders is all set to register a new party, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Hardliners’ riders for UCPN-M unity: Party chairman for Baidhya, PM for Thapa (ht) [How do you want to change the government without a parliament??], Madhesi Front urges Prez to end deadlock: Wants him to dismiss Bhattarai govt and forge consensus among parties (kp) [The solution of the situation is almost impossible, but such procedure would be another putsch!!], BMF urges Prez to end political crisis (rep), Bhandari prepares stiff reply to MPRF-D (rep), Bhandari at risk of disciplinary action: Blamed for aiding anti-federalist forces; Deadline to furnish clarification today (ht), NC blames Maoists for fiasco (kp) [People who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones!!] (kp), CA was only a strategic tool for Maoists: Congress (ht) [And why did you prevent an inclusive federal set-up as basis for a rudimentary constitution at all means???], CA dissolution conspiracy to capture state powers: NC (rep), UML launching campaign to force Bhattarai’s resignation (ht), Four wasteful years, by Chandan Sapkota (rep), What’s in a name: In the federalism debate, the contention that names are devoid of any meaning is baseless and politically motivated, by Shuv Raj Rana Bhat (kp)

02/06/2012: Janajati leaders may quit UML, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Ethnic dissent in UML at boiling point, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Split in Maoist party imminent: Baidhya faction may take up arms if not allowed to protest peacefully, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), More PLAs seek retirement Even 2,000 may not opt for integration, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), PLA selection for integration soon: Panel awaiting details of combatants (ht), 19 parties declare nationwide protests (kp), Parties launch anti-govt stir (ht), Khanal asks President to appoint new prime minister (nn) [The president has no right to do so! The parties must do what they hav not done for years: They must cooperate in the interest of the country without power ambitions!!], President not to override constitution (ht), I will breach party discipline for Madhes cause: Bhandari (rep), FinMin says pending bills thru ordinance, by Rajesh Khanal (kp), Strings attached: The flipside of federalism, by Dinesh Aryal (rep), Growing incidents of violence have human rights defenders worried (ht)

01/06/2012: Democratic deficit: Abiding by democratic procedures in the CA would have delivered a constitution; The NC and UML leaders no longer have the moral authority to claim to be the real democrats, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Indigenous leaders for all party government (rep), Ex-CA members in despair, Thira L. Bhusal (rep), CIAA halts ex-lawmakers’ last perks (kp), Don’t interfere, PM tells apex court (kp), Court sacrosanct, says PM: Govt defends statute amendment bill; Refutes contempt charge (ht), PM initiates overtures for consensus (rep), Call all-party meeting, civil society tells Prez (kp) [But please exclude the current party 'leaders'!!], PM seeks NC prez Koirala's support to form national consensus govt (nn), NC, UML, fringe parties to launch nationwide protest to press PM Bhattarai to resign (nn), CPN-UML leaders urge consensus government formation (kp), UML seeks unity govt till polls: Says that’s the only option for tackling post-CA scenario (ht), ‘Ready’ to discuss Janajati agenda (kp) [???], Rift resurfaces in MJF-Loktantrik (kp), MPRF-D seeks clarification from Sharat Singh Bhandari, by Gani Ansari (rep), EU, Japan upset by constitution failure (kp), CA failure worries global heavyweights: International community calls for political consensus (ht), Rallies for, against ethno-federalism: Student demonstrations rock City (ht), At the midnight hour: The dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and the call for fresh election could be another Maoist bid to capture the state, by Ram Sharan Mahat, Nepali Congress (kp) [A historically and politically distorting article! The anti-reformist veto politics of the NC has been mainly responsible for the failure of the peace and reconstruction process!!], Unfinished business: The number of people awaiting justice reveals the level of emotional and mental distress in our society, by Jagannath Lamichhane (kp), Nepali people short-changed in search of statute: What now?, by Ajita Singh (ht), We have a situation here: No constitution at all may be better than a fatally-flawed one (nt), Death of an institution: The Constituent Assembly provided an example of how not to write a constitution, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt) [The responsibility goes to all party leaders, not the Maoist ones only! And special responsibility goes to NC und UML!!], Conveniently left: Nepalis have moved on, but our communal communists are still dreaming of utopia, by Rubeena Mahato (nt) [This article represents a misunderstanding of identity based inclusive federalism! Please don't bash the Maoists for what all party leaders have responsibility!!!], Out of the darkness: A national unity government with elections by November is the least parties can now give dejected Nepalis, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Truth without justice is an insult, by Robert Godden (nt)

31/05/2012: Indigenous leaders to form party (rn), Indigenous nationalities to form party or alliance, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), UML tries to woo Janajati leaders, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Drive against anti-federalists (ht), Morcha decides to go for CA polls (kp), Madhesi leaders divided over election alliance with Maoists, by Gani Ansari (rep), GP gets cour deadline to clarify polls: Giving him 10 days to explain things, the Supreme Court, however, refuses to stay the move (kp), SC issues show-cause to govt over poll bid (ht), SC gives PM 10 days to furnish written clarification, by Sundar Khanal (rep), Prez ‘cannot call’ for unity govt formation, by Anil Giri (kp), Delicate balance: PM, opposition to find common ground, quickly form unity govt (kp), Keep talking: Rebuilding the trust (rep), NC gearing up for protests (ht) [Once again, the NC wants power in its own hands but it has no alternative to the steps initiated by the current PM!!], Mahat against fresh CA polls ht), UDMF for new CA poll (ht), UML calls for political consensus (ht), Students hit streets for PM’s resignation (ht), Big parties blamed for CA failure (ht), Wait and watch: Pre-election politics, by Biswas Baral (rep), Monarchy and 1990 statute forever gone, interview with Purna Man Shakya (rep), Power of the unelected: Conceptual and behavioural clarity about the past is absolutely essential for successfully moving forward, by Pramod Mishra (kp), In murky waters: Things began to go wrong after political consensus failed to materialise after the 2008 CA elections, by Narayan Manandhar (kp) [Till today, NC und UML do not understand that they have lost people's trust in the 2008 elections and why this happened! Their unjustified demand for the leading role has destroyed the peace process and constitution writing!], UK official stresses political dialogue (kp), UK disappointed over CA dissolution (rep), EU, Norway, Switzerland regret failure of Nepal's parties to forge consensus on statute (nn), Japan urges political parties to make fresh efforts to write constitution (nn), Shot four times by masked assailants, justice Bam dies during treatment at Norvic Hospital (nn)

30/05/2012: Lulled by betrayal: An uneasy calm has descended after the latest failure of the political class (kp), Challenge of nation-building: The death of the CA is a tragedy; its failure reflects the enormous resistance to reshaping Nepali society, by Prashant Jha (kp), Janajatis to form broader alliance for election (rep), Prez assures PM of full cooperation (kp), Prez declares government caretaker (rep), EC gears up for fresh CA polls, by Gani Ansari (rep), EC wants legal hurdles cleared first, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Bhattarai insists unity govt is the only alternative, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Hang on, Prez tells government: Asks Cabinet to look into daily affairs until a new one is formed (kp), Prez wants govt to hold polls? PM’s personal secretary thinks so, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Prez asked to exercise his powers for consensus govt, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), NC, UML sister wings demand PM step down (kp) [This is the only thing these short-minded politicians think of!!], Congress, UML up in arms against Bhattarai’s move (kp), Petition challenges govt's CA election decision (rep), Polls Only Alternative (rn), UN chief unhappy over CA death Calls on parties to end the present political crisis (kp) [Sorry, but Nepali party leaders are only good for destruction!!], Dissolved CA yet to pay Rs 20m in rent to ICC, by Samik Kharel (kp), Towards the new, by Namrata Sharma (rep), What next? Future course of federalism, by Mahabir Poudyal (rep), The way ahead: Electing new CA, by Damakant Jayshi (rep), Odds Heavily Stacked Against Govt., by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Couple claim relief for murder of their sons during insurgency, by Prakash Baral (kp), Where to begin: Grassroots politicians do not believe in giving priority rights to one particular ethnicity, by Mukesh Khanal (kp) [Nepal still has a system that gives priority rights to one particular ethnicity on all levels of state, society and economy! Other groups must get priority in the federal states if this shall be changed nationally in the long run!!], Constitutional bodies to remain headless: No parliamentary hearing, no appointment, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Constituent Assembly without Constitution: Last court of appeal, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), SC seeks govt's clarification over CA dissolution (nn), Nepali Winter in an Era of Arab Spring, by Nishchal Pandey (nn)

29/05/2012: Delayed justice: Equality for all ethnicities, by Naresh Newar (rep), Elegy for an Assembly: The Assembly members chanted outside the CA building hours before it died, demanding a meeting to be held. They realised too late that they had been deceived, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), All systems considered: Intellectuals should engage in discussions on a viable model to create the preconditions necessary for the eventual democratisation of Nepal, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (kp), What legal experts say, by Sundar Khanal (rep), People find Republican day hollow, by Shreejana Shrestha (rep), Row over voting plan led to CA dissolution, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Sad End Of CA (rn), 'Power greed behind failure to bring statute' (rep), Height Of Incompetence, by Syam K.C. (rn), Leaders hold Subas Nembang responsible for CA's failure (rep) [The party leaders have been the by far most responsible culprits! They should not have to play any future political role but they already continue their power games unabated!!], CA dissolution sparks protests: Irate party cadres burn effigies of PM, top leaders of major parties (kp), Oppn warns of uprising against unilateral move: NC,UML and others unite to counter ‘unconstitutional bid’ (ht), Prez advised calling polls unconstitutional: PM caretaker, Speaker defunct, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Fresh polls could deepen crisis, say Indian experts (kp) What is the alternative? Uncontrolled power in hands of the incompetent, corrupt and power-greedy party leaders??], NEFIN stands in favour of fresh election (nn), CA demise sends parties towards fresh polarization (rep), The Republican Future (rn), Baidya gears up to form new party (kp), NC, UML, fringe parties want PM out, by Arjun Paudel and Bhadra Sharma (kp), As ‘quit’ calls mount, Maoists say PM will stay (kp), Present govt to continue: Dahal (rep), President directs Bhattarai govt to work in caretaker status; assures of 'peaceful and democratic outlet' (nn), In far-west, euphoria mutes sadness, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Living With The Wrong Identity: A sad refection, by Prem Khatry (rn), Sigh of relief as harrowing bandas end (kp),Security stepped up in eastern region: Agitating Broader Madhesi Front calls off all protest programmes for now (ht)

28/05/2012: CA goes sans statute; govt plans fresh elections, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Assembly dead, what next?, by Kamal Raj Sigdel (kp), CA term expires, polls set for Nov 22, by Arjun Bhandari and Prakash Acharya (ht), CA dissolved after epic failure (nn), That sinking feeling: After four long years, Nepalis get another CA elections (kp) [This only makes sense if you make the new CA an absolutely independent institution that is totally free from any kind of intervention by party leaders! Only those leaders that become elected members of the CA shall have the right to take part in constitution writing! Besides, the degree of inclusiveness should even be better than last time!], Federalism dispute leads to CA dissolution, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep) [Correct is: Most from the exclusive circle of leading party politicians never wanted the constitutional changes they had promised to the people in 2006!!], NEFIN says parties and their leaders will be ‘punished’ for failing to ensure new constitution (nn), Twisted democracy (rep), Best option (ht), CA's demise: Political class stands discredited (rep) [Better say: It has lost the very last rest of its credit!], NC, UML cry foul; say poll decision illegal (kp), Govt authorised hold to elections, claims PM (ht), Prez silent; to talk with experts first, by Anil Giri (kp), Elections can't be held in a hurry: Commissioner, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Who all stand to gain from another assembly ballot: New forces may erode vote banks of Big Three, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Power politics reason behind failure to draft constitution (rep), How Constituent Assembly met its death, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Day began with hope, dusk dashed it all: No agreement as Madhesi parties,Tharus averse to multiple pradeshes in Tarai, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Some ‘dirty’ members brought disrepute to CA (kp), Protests, clash, dances, songs before CA demise (kp), Anxious people vent utter outbursts, despair (kp), The rise and ‘fall’ of Dahal (kp), People in Far west fear situation will worsen, by Gunaraj Luitel (rep), Districts see no respite from banda (kp), Indigenous caucus flexible on statute: Open on naming of states (ht), Madhesi morcha bargain continues (kp), One Madhes movement gains momentum (ht), When strikes for identity became norm rather than exception (ht), The harmonium players: Constitution and ethnic aspirations, by C.K. Lal (rep), The Last Day And The Biggest Uncertainty, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), The cycle repeats: Vicious cycle of poverty and instability is keeping Nepal down (kp), Shape of things to come: Theoretically there are advantages and disadvantages of ethnic federalism. But various contextual factors are important for its success and sustainability, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), National assets: Federal Nepal requires an inclusive language policy, by Gopal Sijapati Magar (kp), Racing with history, by Kunda Dixit U(nn)

27/05/2012: Hectic parleys make no headway: Parties pass the buck to each other as futile consensus bid amplifies uncertainty, by Pranab Kharel and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), A day of failed negotiations, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Talks fail, CA dissolution inevitable, by Ram Kumar Kamat Prakash Achaya and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), CA members demonstrate in Assembly premises (nn), Four political forces close to deal on federalism based on multiple identities as House secretariat prepares preliminary draft of constitution (nn), Chances of constitution promulgation increase as Baluwatar meet ends on positive note (nn), Experts see three possible scenarios (kp), Emerging scenarios post-Constituent Assembly (ht), No statute today will leave political, constitutional void, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Is Dahal facing Hamletian dilemma?, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Team Baidya comes tough (kp), Baidya's new idea to save parliament, by Kiran Chapagain and Kiran Pun (rep), No compromise on federalism: Baidhya (ht), Nembang warns leaders of chaos, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Lawmakers fear failure to promulgate constitution will defame them (kp) [Defamed are the so-called party leaders!], Pre-deadline demonstrations flare (kp), NC, UML set for no-trust motion, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [???????], NC, UML mulling no trust motion (ht), Valley cops on the qui vive, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Security forces put on high alert, by K.P. Dhungana (rep), Prez office gears up for statute promulgation, by Anil Giri (kp), Intellectuals against ethnic federalism (ht), Crisis looms large, says civil society (ht), UML ethnic lawmakers pounce on Chairman Khanal, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep) [We Bahuns are the party, not thou Janajatis, Dalits and Madhesis!!!], Federalism proves hard nut to crack (rep), Does Nation Get New Constitution Today?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Shutdowns affect life across country (kp), Limbuwans declare own state and statute (ht) [!!!], Far West protest continues (kp), Far-west sees longest bandh: Life paralysed for over a month (ht), Continued bandh in Tarai hits life no end (ht), Govt signs 7-pt deal with agitating Karnali group; commission on Karnali to be formed (nn), Please, prove me wrong: Current political crisis came with clearly flagged warning signs, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp), The momentous day is here: A new Nepal with 10 or 14 states will be the country’s achievement, not its weakness, by Abhi Subedi (kp), United we will stand: There is an urgent need to understand the potential ramifications of identity-based federalism, by Rajju Malla Dhakal (kp)

26/05/2012: Wrong, again: Yet another case of judicial overreach (rep), Leaders close to deal on federalism: Maoists set priority rights precondition on multiple identity-based provinces, by Kamal Raj Sigdel and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Fat chance of compromise among parties: Leaders content passing the buck on each other for failure to meet statute promulgation deadline, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Draft constitution the only option: NC, UML, by Arjun Paudel and Bhadra Sharma (kp), Election if CA fails to produce statute, Lawyers suggest UML (kp), Talks 'more serious' but inconclusive (rep), Second round talks underway in Baluwatar (nn), CA meeting deferred once again (nn), Various groups demonstrate in capital as leaders sweat over possible crisis after May 27 (nn), Talks have failed, tearful Maoist vice chairman Shrestha says (nn), New statute in the making 'quietly', by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep) [??????], UML asks lawmakers to stand by party's decisions (rep) [The constitution is not the decision of party leaders but of the inclusively elected members of the CA!!!], Baidya for fresh mandate if no deal on 14 provinces (rep), Maoists to hit streets if CA dissolved (kp), Ethnic stirrings worry mixed-community families, by Chandani Hamal (rep), Misplaced priorities: Constitution and protests, by Shrochis Karki (rep), Consensus, Confusion And Crisis In Politics, by Shambhu Ram (rn), Flurry of shutdowns causes boundless public suffering (kp), Strikes in east hit patients hard (ht), Continued attacks on press worry journos Scribes cry foul, say police mute spectators (ht), Separate Kali Gandaki state sought (ht), Tarai districts reeling under shutdowns: Rallies, slogans, agitations rule the region (ht), Limbuwans warn of declaring own state (ht)

25/05/2012: SC stays govt bid to extend CA term: Says govt decision not in line with its previous verdict, Interim Constitution, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Apex court stays govt bid to extend CA term: Says Cabinet decision disrespects SC order; Reiterates authorities must abide by verdict, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), SC strikes down CA extension bill, by Sundar Khanal (rep), Maoists unhappy with apex court order: Some Morcha leaders term the decision positive, others displeased, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC, UML hail SC decision, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), ‘No alternative to statute by Sunday’, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Self-serving qualms on CA term extension, by Biswas Baral (rep), 15 parties slam government: Lambaste move to amend constitution (ht), Final countdown SC's non-extension of CA means parties will have to find some common ground by May 27 (kp), Overhaul or suspend CA regulations: Leaders, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Political course ahead remains hazy (rep), Harm reduction:The Supreme Court deadline has left no choice for the parties but to work night and day, fine-tuning the draft along the lines of agreements and declaring the constitution on 27 May (nt), Big three agree to issue constitution within May 27; disputed issues to be settled by CA-turned-parliament (nn), CA meeting deferred again (nn), Four party meet over May 27 crisis ends without making concrete decision (nn), UCPN (M) decides to wage struggle if CA is dissolved without promulgating constitution (nn), Bhattarai to stay put (ht), BMF objects govt bid to extend CA term (rep), Sitaula resigns, NC’s presence in govt ends (ht), NC quits govt over CA extension row, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Status Of Justice, by Raj Kumar Siwakoti (rn), Is CA Our Leaders’ Rubber Stamp?, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Unending bandas cause suffering across nation (kp),  After a tirade, Nepal toils to pacify fuming Maoist chairman, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Report: Nepal towards full-spectrum impunity: Amnesty says the parties government in the subverted justice by favouring withdrawal of criminal charges (kp), AI slams human rights record: Says war-era crime, widespread torture being overlooked (ht), Pressing againt violence: The attacks on the media must be taken very seriously as they are a direct attack on press freedom, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Identity, mobilisation and the state: With aspirations of more groups recognised, Nepal will grow stronger, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Asia indigenous peoples’ body calls for social justice (ht), No respite from Tarai bandh related vandalism (ht), Janakpur tense the whole day (ht), Limbuwan bandh hits life in eastern region (nn), Future federal fights: Natural resources-sharing figures nowhere in federating of states; brace up for confrontations and conflicts, by Navin Singh Khadka (kp), National identity crisis: At a time when we should be valuing our multiple, intersecting identities, we are being told to choose a single, overarching definition of ourselves, by Rubeena D. Shrestha (nt), A fresh people’s mandate: Referendum on ethnic federalism or fresh elections for a smaller assembly with a six-month mandate may be the best way to address the impending political deadlock, by Damakant Jayshi (kp) [The problem were not the elected CA members but the party leaders, especially the not elected!!], Experts seek fresh polls for statute-making body (ht), Pressure to name Kapilvastu a capital (ht)

24/05/2012: Moment of truth: Federalism and ethnicity, by Anagha Neelakantan (rep), Nefin-govt deal displeases NC, UML, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), After 9-pt deal, indigenous leaders see challenges ahead (rep), Govt, Tharus seal 10-pt deal (kp), 'Undivided far-west' campaigners reimpose bandh against govt-Tharu deal (nn), Govt can't fool people all the time, interview with Rajkumar Lekhi (rep), Life in east comes to a standstill (ht), ‘No compromise on Madhes issues’ (ht), Tarai closure continues (ht), Let’s build a nation that reflects unity in diversity, by Anil Shah (ht) [For this, an inclusive federal system is a precondition as the failure of the 1990 system has proved!!], NC, UML wings oppose ethno-based federalism: Demand promulgation of statute in four days (ht) [Long live Bahunbad and exclusive politics!!], Positive extension: An opportunity to transform Nepal (rep), Disappointing: Political leaders have pushed the country to a statewhere we have to choose between getting a new constitution or violating existing provisions (ht), PM will not step down now: Maoists, Morcha (kp), NC, UML cast aside CA extension idea: Miffed, parties say Bhattarai must go, and quick (ht) [The constitution cannot be promulgated on 27 May! Responsible is not Baburam Bhattarai but Sushil Koirala, Sher Bahadur Deuba, Ram Chandra Paudyal, Ram Sharan Mahat, Madhav Kumar Nepal, K.P. Oli, Jhala Nath Khanal, Ishwor Pokharel, Mohan Vaidya, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, etc., etc.!!!], Congress, UML pile pressure on PM to step down: Set riders for CA term extension; Call for parties to forge consensus, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Ruling NC, UML press PM to resign, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), UCPN (M) decides to remain in power until constitution is promulgated (nn), President Yadav for constitution within May 27 (nn), Writs challenge CA extension bid, by Pranab Kharel (kp), SC moved against govt move to extend CA term: Petitioners seek stay order; Slam Cabinet decision as contemptible (ht), SC stays CA term extension decision (nn), Party sister organizations against CA extension (rep), Congress leaders demand party call back ministers, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Cong likely to recall its ministers today, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), I'm no longer in the cabinet: Sitaula (rep), DPM Sitaula says he is no more part of current govt as NC prepares to recall its ministers today (nn), Round five: Widening distrust means compromise in the coming days will be more difficult (kp), Goodwill rally for peace, harmony, timely statute (kp), Protracted shutdown affects life across districts: People organise rallies for social harmony, demand an end to banda culture (kp), Piecemeal approach: Instead of signing deal after deal that are disavowed soon after by someone or the other, the solution perhaps lies in having all agitating groups and parties converge on a mammoth roundtable, by Deepak Thapa (kp) [With these 'political leaders', this will lead to nothing as well! They simply do not want changes and inclusion! They do not want democratic structures! They do not want the constitution to be written! They are not interested in the people and the country!], A doomed move: Prachanda's miscalculation, by Jainendra Jeevan (rep), Economically Viable Federal States, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Call for gender-friendly statute (ht), Govt failed to provide truth, justice to victims: Amnesty report (nn) [see AI report 2012 on Nepal]

23/05/2012: In House, govt seeks three more months for CA: Bill registered; UCPN (Maoist), Madhesi Morcha say extension fully justifiable; Ruling parties confident of bill passage, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA extension plan: How it all happened at last, by Anil Giri (kp), Govt registers bill seeking CA term extension: Wants three more months; Cold-shoulders SC order; Ignores Congress, UML’s reservations, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Unconstitutional, say legal eagles (kp), Constitutional legitimacy lost, political legality in question, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Maoist chair confers with President Yadav (nn), Parties agree to extend CA term by 3 months more, by Kiran Chapagain and Gani Ansari (rep),  NC objects to Cabinet decision (ht), NC says no to CA term extension terming it against rule of law; insists upon promulgation of constitution within May 27 (nn) [There is no inclusive constitution draft that can be promulgated on May 27! And you party leaders are responsible! You should resign from politics en masse!], NC, UML express reservations over term extension, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Party sister organizations against CA extension (rep), Baidya faction sees 'conspiracy' in CA term extension proposal (nn), Three separate writs filed at SC against CA term extension proposal (nn), NC, UML warn Madhesi, janajati lawmakers of disciplinary action (rep) [These party leaders should be brought to court! The CA has been elected inclusively to enable all population groups to include their interests in the new constitution and not the interests of the Bahun leaders!!!], UML leader Nepal demands PM Bhattarai's resignation (nn) [Long live the power games of the male Bahun politicians!!], UML officially demands PM Bhattarai's resignation (nn), Govt, janajati groups sign 9-pt deal; banda called off: Government agrees to go for ethnicity-based federalism, adopt proportional, inclusive electoral system, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Indigenous nationalities withdraw all protest programs after govt guarantees identity-based federalism (nn), A broader consensus: Engaging the dissent is good for both NC and UML (kp), Ethnic NC leaders make a u-turn on federalism, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Vice-chairman’s drive against party decision riles UML, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Limbuwan front warns of revolt (ht), Tuesday’s banda less violent People in several places take out rallies for communal harmony (kp), Vandalism defines Nefin shutdown (kp), Mofussil media protest attacks (kp), Vehicles torched, journos attacked (ht), Bandh hits life in east hard (ht), Dalits hold demonstrations across the country, demand special rights (rep), ‘Declare Myanglung regional hub’ (ht), New balance of power: There’s no need to see conspiracies when none exist, this is a natural upsurge and parties should backtrack from May 15 pact, by Prashant Jha (kp), Caution advised: Danger of ethnic discord (rep), Thousands attend rally for social harmony (nn), Can of worms: Ethnic federalism, by Murari Sharma (rep), Parties Must Act Before Any Misfortune Befalls, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Words as weapons: Dangerous speech is an early-warning sign of violence. This is a fear in hearts of Nepalis today, by Erisha Suwal (kp), Red-tapism hits peace process, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht)

22/05/2012: Second day of Nefin banda paralyses life, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Govt-ethnic group talks stall, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Govt-NEFIN dialogue to call off bandh fails, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), NJSC, government talks inconclusive (rep), Tactical mistakes: While the anger of the protestors these past days was justified, some of their actions only damaged their cause, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Misbehaviour of agitators flayed from all quarters (ht), Better late: Halfway statute meaningless (rep) [!!!], New demand for Madhes (kp), Maoist volte-face queers statute pitch: Dahal comes up with 10-pradesh proposal; Congress, UML reject it, say breach of deal, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Major parties urge Janajatis to call off bandh and opt for negotiated settlement of demands (nn), Second round of talks between govt and Janajati leaders fail; bandh enters day 3 (nn), Concerned, Prez nudges PM, leaders Asks them to promulgate statute by May 27, do something about bandas, people’s sufferings, by Anil Giri (kp) [This is contradictory!!], NC, UML leaders for 5-pt deal as basis, by Arjun Paudel (kp), NC, UML reject single identity provinces, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Proposals clash in inter-party talks, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Pranab Kharel (kp), Leaders urge restraint on agitating groups (rep) [The Bahun politicians play their non-inclusive games as always before and say the people should shut up!!], Banda's no cure (rep), BMF forms team for talks with govt (rep), Top brass floats CA term extension: Tell President situation complicated, time short, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Running out of time (ht), Youth leaders press NC, UML chiefs for statute by May 27 (rep) [The statute has to be written and passed by the elected CA members and not by the party leaders!!], Bandh paralyses Valley for second day (ht), Clashes at Imadol, Naya Bazaar mar stir (ht), Clashes, vandalism across country: Public at the receiving end; Shutdown triggers price hike (kp), Attack on scribes continues (kp), Mediapersons underscore safety of press (ht), FNJ submits memorandum to home minister (rep), Prolonged bandh deteriorates life in eastern region (ht), Strike cripples life across nation (ht), Waste disposal blockade against ethnic states, by Nirjana Sharma (kp), ‘Merge Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari into one state’ (ht), Now, a ‘pure’ Kusunda man seeks his share in new statute, by Purna B.K. (kp), Kusunda calls for separate state (ht), ‘Declare Khotang  provincial capital’ (ht), FNCCI, students union to organise mass gathering for peace, national harmony (nn), A fine balance: Nepali polity in regional context, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep), Peace Still a Challenge, by Prem Khatry (rn), Prelude To Disaster, by Shyam K.C. (rn), From war to peace: Ongoing reintegration of Maoist combatants reminds that peace process is not over yet, by Mukesh Khanal (kp), UML’s disciplinary body warns lawmakers against defying party decisions (nn) [According to the interim constitution, the inclusively elected CA members have to be absolutely free in their vote!!!], Maoists, UDMF agree for voting in CA if parties fail to reach understanding on thorny issues (nn), CA, House meeting deferred once again (nn)

21/05/2012: Face the facts: The old mindset that Nepal will disintegrate if an identity-based approach is recognised is not tenable, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Violent Nefin strike throws normal life out of gear, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Bandh coordinator alleges infiltration (ht), Banda enforcers attack press vehicles; PM, others condemn, by Nirjana Sharma (kp), NEFIN bandh enforcers target media: Over 25 vehicles of mediapersons vandalised, torched; Police round up 54 vandals in Capital (ht), Condemnation galore of violent shutdown: Rights, professional groups flay attack on press (kp), Nefin banda hits nation to the hilt (kp), NEFIN set precondition for talks with Govt (rep), Janajatis to talk only to PM, possibly today, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Four-party meeting deferred till today: Prachanda incited Janajatis, claims Khanal (ht), UDMF denounces 'suppression of protests' (rep), Eastern region bears the brunt of bandhs (ht), Strike hits most parts of country: Enforcers vandalise public property, clash with cops (ht), Agitating Muslims come to terms (kp), Muslims call off stir (ht), Muslisms win battle for identity, by Gani Ansari (rep) [And what does it mean?], No dividing districts for the sake of states: NC (kp) [The delination of district boundaries in the early 1960s have been a tool to prevent ethnic majorities and to force the Hindu state! If you want an inclusive state, you must not reject boundary changes!!], Tharu cadres quit party (kp), Rallies taken out for communal harmony, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal and Raju Adhikari (rep), Rautes demand ‘forest’ state, by Durga Lal K.C. (kp), Rautes demand free movement in jungles, by Gajendra Bohara (rep), Big 3, Morcha talks hit roadblock: Constitution on time, Dahal insists; Time running out, says Poudel, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Bhadra Sharma (kp), Three-party meet cancelled as UML backs out, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Vegetables, fruits rot as strike shuts downs Kalimati market (rep), Stirs bleed transport sector dry (kp), Federalism isn’t the vehicle to solve all inequalities, interview with Chaitanya Mishra (kp)

20/05/2012: Statute amended to meet May 27 deadline (ht) House okays amendment to fast-track statute (rep), Bandhs disrupt life in east (ht), Agitating bodies join forces: Indigenous, Madhesi leaders to back each other’s stir (ht), Life comes to a standstill in Tarai (ht), Madhesi, indigenous groups unite against 11-province model, by Gani Ansari (rep), Call in NC for 5 Madhes states (kp), Five pradeshes sought in Madhes (ht), NC lawmakers from Tarai for 5 provinces (rep), UML gen secy shocked over UDMF volte face on 11-province deal (rep) [??], Dahal seeks revision to deal on 11 states; The pact should be implemented in letter and spirit: Singh, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), New agreement on federalism on Sunday: Dahal (rep), Don’t divide Myagdi, say locals (ht), Federal states to get budget (ht) [Such things are to be decided by the CA! The federal states must be autonomous units with their own tax income!], Why the haste? Army Restructuring, by Govind Prasad Kusum (rep)

19/05/2012: House set to make 12th amendment to Interim Constitution (nn) 296 lawmakers stand against 11 pradeshes (ht) [The constitution is the independent decision of the CA, not that of the party leaders!!], Around three hundred lawmakers stand against three party deal on 11-province federal model (nn), 14 UML lawmakers demand 11-state model be corrected (ht), NC, UML warn UCPN-M not to back-pedal on deal (ht), Deal on 11-province model is preliminary: PM, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Three parties meet over demand for review on 11-state model (nn), New agreement on federalism on the cards: Dahal (nn), Tharu extend banda; others strike elsewhere, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal and Pushpa Raj Joshi (rep), Brahmins, Chhetris not indigenous groups: NEFIN (ht), BMF, indigenous nationalities to launch joint protest (nn), Major parties to campaign in favour of 11-state agreement (ht) [Once again: The party leaders do not have the legitimacy to decide this!!], Bandhs disrupt normal life in east (ht), Upendra Yadav-led Madhesi alliance shuts Terai (nn), Govt-Muslim talks inconclusive as Muslim leaders want senior leaders to participate in negotiations (nn), Different places of capital declared restricted area (nn), NC, UML not to send new ministers to govt (rep), Time for a rethink, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

18/05/2012: Debate on forms of governance, states rages on, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Final countdown: Morcha, Maoists close to settling 11-state row; NC, UML not keen on taking back proposal (kp) Madhesi lawmakers throw spanner in statute works, Madhesi lawmakers block House, by Ram K. Kamat and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Broader Madhesi Front all set to protest 11-province model (kp), UDMF sticks to its guns, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Maoist, Madhesi lawmakers obstruct parliament, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), JP Gupta writes to UDMF top brass from jail (rep), Call for indefinite strike in Madhes (ht), Shutdown hits Tarai districts hard (kp), Eastern Tarai reeling under strikes (ht), Tug of war over provincial capital (ht), General strike hits education, businesses hard: Public vehicles stay off the road; Strike against identity-based federalism will continue, says Joint Struggle Committee (ht), Wave of protests hampers normal policing in Valley: Police say social crimes on the rise due to daily strikes (ht), Indian diplomat in Birgunj ‘seeks’ a ‘storm’ in the Madhes, by Bhusan Yadav (kp), Dahal inquires with Indian ambassador over consular’s controversial remarks (nn), Three-party leaders demand expulsion of Indian Consulate General for inflammatory remarks; Govt to ask India to 'recall' him (nn), India’s centre-state ties lesson for Nepal, by Mahesh Acharya (kp), Locals rally for undivided Sankhuwasabha, by Siddha Raj Rai (rep), Agitation for single Far West lifted; Tharu struggle remains, by Chitraga Thapa, Mohan Budhair and Ganesh Chaudhary (kp), Bahun-Chhetri banda ‘trailer’ throws life out of gear, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), Far-west remains shut, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal and Pushpa Raj Joshi (rep), Strike withdrawn, Brahmins, Chhetris now adibasis (rep) [Yes, please make them inclusive now, e.g. only 6.5% of all positions to be filled by male Bahuns!!], Brahmin-Chhetris withdraw indefinite strike after being awarded Adivasi Janjati status (nn), RPP-Nepal's bandh leaves partial impact in capital (nn) [?????], 11 provinces to sap nation’s finances, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Debate on federal Nepal: Whose identity is it anyway?, by Damakant Jayshi (rep), Dahal in talks about sacking Maoist MPs flouting party policy (kp), Democracy now, by Gyan Basnet (kp), Last minute wisdom, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Identity and good governance: Strong correlation exists, by Basanta K. Pokharel (ht), After a people's war: We can have federalism if we must, but it is guaranteed to keep Nepal poor, by Bihari K. Shrestha (nt) [Who belongs to 'Nepal' in your interpretation? Besides, the party leaders without legitimation have decided for multiethnic and not for identity based federal states!!], Damage control mode: Despite the deal on the constitution we face the twin dangers of a demagogue president presiding over a country disintegrating into inter-ethnic squabbles (nt), Fooling some people all the time: A new constitution may eventually be declared on 27 May but the compromised document will leave many dissatisfied, by Anurag Acharya (nt), The losing game: We are too busy fighting amongst ourselves to notice what we have lost, by Rubeena Mahato (nt), New Reconciliation Commission, by Jeeva Raj Budhathoki (sp), Blanket amnesty would create great concerns, interview with Asko Luukkainen (sp), Some Scenarios Beyond May 28, by Surya Dhungel (sp)

17/05/2012: Life in Tarai comes to a grinding halt (ht), Cops, locals clash (ht), Protesting Tharu Struggle Committee forms talks team (nn), Deal on 11 states slammed (ht), Police intervene in Janajati protest, scores injured (rep), Far-west bandh ends (ht), Bahun-Chhetris enforce Nepal Bandh again protesting against federalism based on identity (nn), UDMF leaders feel betrayed: Madhesi ministers in dilemma over quitting, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), UDMF divided over quitting govt, by Gani Ansari (rep), Women take to street for equal rights (rep), Parties squabble over President, PM’s powers, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Focus now on power division between Prez, PM, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep) [This will be absolutely unimportant if you don't solve the issue of ethnic and gender inclusion!!], Two of a kind: Race for presidency, by Biswas Baral (rep), Maoist meet backsdeal on statute (ht) [???], Pro-ethno-federalism UML MPs to face action (ht) [Long live Bahunbad!!!], State restructuring: Ethnic considerations, by Homraj Acharya (ht)

16/05/2012: Half measure: The political mood and Constituent Assembly numbers favour identity-based federalism; But the parties have postponed the issue to shift power back to dominant communities, by Prashant Jha (kp), Finally, deal on 11 states, mixed governance model, by Phanindra Dahal and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Draft of agreement among parties (kp) [text of the agreement], Parties cut a deal, break long-drawn deadlock: Compromise sets the premise for constitution promulgation by May 27; Federal commission to look into thorny issues (ht), Parties resolve all contentious issues, by Kiran Chapagain and Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Taskforce to put 3-party deal into writing (rep), NEFIN slams deal, warns of chaos (kp), Morcha, Janajatis slam provinces ‘sans identity’, by Pranab Kharel (kp) [The change in boundary deliniation once again produces ethnic minorities in the provinces and divides ethnic mainlands! This is obviously the intention of the Bahun leaders!!!], Deal on federalism stirs hornet’s nest, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), NEFIN terms deal on 11 states sans identity 'grave betrayal'; UDMF also expresses disapproval (nn), Ethnic groups, Madhesi parties object to three-party agreement, by Gani Ansari (rep), Indigenous groups, lawmakers, Maoist Baidya faction strongly object to four party agreement (nn), Indigenous groups take to street against three party agreement (nn), UDMF dismisses 11-state federal model (nn), Banda affects Tarai districts (kp), Bandh cripples life in Tarai (ht), Bandh continues in Terai; Far west further choked as bandh enters day 20 (nn), Kailali witnesses clashes, by Mohan Budhair and Chitranga Thapa (kp), Rana Tharu in mass assembly of Far-West supporters (rep), Muslims’ stir in Phase II (kp), Muslims to agitate (ht), Team Baidya spits venom (kp), Baidya wants NC to take lead in constitution drafting process (nn) [???], Statute in sight, all’s well that ends well, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Prakash Acharya (ht) [???], Prez summons House meeting (rep), CA meet postponed (nn), After deal, UML decides to join Bhattarai-led govt, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Pokharel to lead UML team (rep) [Only to mention: He has been rejected by the voters; he is against identity based federalism; he denies the right of the UML MPs to free vote in the CA!!], Ban concerned over rising tensions (kp), Valley put on high security alert Prohibitory zones in city may be extended (ht)

15/05/2012: Ghosts of the Panchayat: Behind the façade of a Panchayati model the latest anti-federalist tactic reveals a fear of democracy, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), Dahal vows to push rights of indigenous nationalities (rep), NEFIN seeks UML’s support to federate country based on ethnicity (nn), The identity battle Rana Tharus in Far-West, by Bikram Rana (rep), Top leaders agree on mixed system of governance, by Kamal Raj Sigdel (kp), NC floats 3 federal models (kp), UML for parliament to settle unresolved issues (rep) [All issues have to be decided by the inclusive CA, not by the party leaders!!!], Baidya faction demands timely constitution (rep), Big 3 close to consensus on knotty issues, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Parties to sign consensus deal today, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Parties likely to seal deal today, by Kiran Chapagain (rep), Parties agree on 11-state federal model, mixed governance system with directly elected President; UML to join govt (nn) [!!!!!], UNSG Ban urges Nepal's parties to rise above their differences; expresses concern over rising tensions (nn), Far West strike, day 18: Four die for want of treatment (ht), Tension runs high in Dhangadhi as Maoist cadres clash with undivided Far West demonstrators (nn), Far West stir: Govt: Public opinion if need be, by Anil Giri and Pranab Kharel (kp), Top political honchos say referendum will be held in Kailali, Kanchanpur regarding demand for ‘undivided’ far-west (nn), Agitators unhappy with parties’ proposal, by Chitranga Thapa and Mohan Budhair (kp), Into the wild: All the regimes that have ruled the country failed to improve the people’s conditions, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp), Voting to draft constitution: Future restructuring provision necessary, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), Kidnapping convict lawmaker Gupta gets voting rights in CA (nn) [???? According to article 65 (c) a member of the CA must not have been convicted of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude!!!]

14/05/2012: Top parties hit impasse in state-nomenclature talks: NC, UML say states must choose names; Give them options, say Maoists, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Blame game as negotiations stall (rep), Dahal’s protest plea riles NC, UML (ht), Dahal urges indigenous nationalities to counter 'anti-federal' forces (rep), NC floats twin options: Party to go for ‘neutral’ names or ones picked by provincial assembly (kp), Let provinces decide their name: NC (rep), UCPN (M) for promulgating constitution by May 27; sticks to 11-state model (nn), Action will be taken against those who defy party decisions, interview with Ishwor Pokhrel, CPN-UML (kp) [This is a total misinterpretation of the rights and duties of the CA!! The inclusive composition of the CA makes no sense if the CA members are bound to the decision of the Bahun leaders of their parties who often have been rejected by the voters!!], Leaders now weighing the CA extension option, by Phanindra Dahal and Pranab Kharel (kp), Questionnaires bounce back to CC subcommittee (kp), Questionnaire back with sub-panel: Constitutional Committee stuck on trivial details, by Ram Kumar kamat (ht), CC returns questionaire back to subcommittee (rep), CC meeting postponed indefinitely as sub-committee seeks time to finalise questionnaire (nn), Far-west leaders fear communal conflict (ht), Banda on; relief in Kanchanpur, by Ganesh Chaudhary, Mohan Budhair and Chitranga Thapa (kp), Banda fuels fear of food shortage in Far West, by Chitranga Thapa and Mohan Budhair (kp), Strike continues in far-west: Talks team urged to return home on 17th day of protest (ht), Mid-western region folk brace for more shutdowns (ht), Bandh hits life in nine eastern districts (ht), Schools shut against banda, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Life becomes unbearable in far-west as bandh enters day 18; 22 districts in Terai also shut (nn), Federal anxieties, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Angst in Maithil heartland, by C.K. Lal (rep), Lost in transition: Why has the question of retroactivity been ignored in the transitional justice mechanism?, by Kamal Raj Sigdel (kp), State restructuring: Hurdles of constitution building, by Ajit N.S. Thapa (ht)

13/05/2012: Talks on federalism fail to resolve rift: Parties laying groundwork for voting process (kp), Leaders differ on definition of multi-identity, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), NC brass talks to janajati leaders: Asks them to stick to party’s official position on federalism (kp), Obey party line, NC tells lawmakers (rep) [This is a total misinterpretation of the rights and duties of the CA!! The inclusive composition of the CA makes no sense if the CA members are bound to the decision of the Bahun leaders of their parties who often have been rejected by the voters!!], No compromise on ethnicity-based federalism, says Dahal (nn), Second rung Madhesi leaders furious against 3-4 provinces in Tarai (rep), Thamis agitated (ht), Leaders pitch for Limbuwan state (ht), Govt conspiring to bring sponsored constitution: Gajurel (rep), Disputes shuttle between CC and subcommittee (rep), Banda leaves far-west high and dry, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Talks on undivided Far West ‘positive’: Government negotiators to present issue to top leaders (kp), Tussle over Far-west, interviews with Ramesh Lekhak (NC) and Mahesh Chaudhary (UML) (rep), Brahmin-Chhetri alliance gives govt 3 days to address concerns (kp), In thy shoes (rep) [For many groups this is difficult after more than 200 years of exclusion under a Hindu ethnicity based state identity!!], Protests continue across districts (kp), UML flexibility falters as Oli reigns supreme (kp), Making it work: Models of federalism, by Ambika P. Adhikari (rep), Avoid the bloodshed: Reconciling competing claims, by Murari Sharma and Bhagirath Basnet (rep), Promote ESC Rights, by Raj Kumar Siwakoti (rn), Prolonged shutdown hits: life, adds to hardship, by Chitranga Thapa, Mohan Bushair and Ganesh Chaudhary (kp), Thapa suggests emergency way of extending CA term (kp)

12/05/2012: Parties near deal on 11 provinces: May ask provincial parliaments to name the multiple identity-based states on their own, by Kamal Raj Sigdel and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC, UML push for 11 pradeshes: Continue to oppose single identity-based proposal to federate the country, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Subcommittee mandated to finalise questionnaires (kp), CC sends disputes back to subcommittee (rep), Maoists for consensus on naming provinces (rep), Leaders close to deal on 11 provinces, by Kiran Chapagain (rep), Khanal: Toe party line on ethnic-based federalism, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep) [This is a total misinterpretation of the rights and duties of the CA!! The inclusive composition of the CA makes no sense if the CA members are bound to the decision of the Bahun leaders of their parties who often have been rejected by the voters!!], State restructuring on ethnic identity will invite civil war: PAPAD (rep) [PAPAD predominantly represents Bahun circles, the main profiteers of the Hindu ethnicity based unitary state!!], Govt, Brahmin-Chhetri Samaj talks go in vain (kp), Govt, Bramhan Chhetri alliance talks fail (rep), Govt, far-west talks inconclusive (rep), 22 injured as protesting groups clash, by Mohan Budhair, Ganesh Chaudhary and Chitranga Thapa (kp), Kailali clashes leave 45 injured: Undivided far-west supporters, Tharus scuffle, by Shivaraj Bhatta (ht), Private sector worried as bandas make a comeback (kp), Bandh continues to affect valley: Taxi torched; Nine detained from Kathmandu, Lalitpur for violence; Strike triggers protest rally in Kirtipur (ht), Agitators ruin public property on Day Two (ht), Two-day banda cause output loss of over Rs 4.5b (rep), Tourism industry unnerved by bandas (kp), NC firm against single ethnic identity-based federalism (kp), Civil society against ethnic federalism (ht) [Civil society, as well, is totally dominated by Bahuns and Chhetris!!]

11/05/2012: CA voting process hits questionnaire hurdle, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), CC preparing questionnaire for voting (ht), CC struggles to prepare questionnaire (rep), Constitutional Committee's failure to forward questionnaire puts off CA meeting again (nn), Federalism gets mazy asdemand for states risesShutdowns over state restructuring cripple life across country (kp), Lawmakers form alliance to press for single identity-based provinces: To vote together on disputed issues of constitution-drafting, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Madhesi, Janajati CA members join hands: Threaten to cross floor to pressure NC, UML (ht), NC lawmakers opt out of party stance: Ally with like-minded lawmakers from other parties (kp), Madhesi, Janjati lawmakers unite for identity-based federalism, by Gani Ansari (rep), Big parties differ over 'party whip' on CA members (rep), NC discusses indigenous lawmakers demands (rep), UML lawmakers warned against defying party line (kp), UML chairman Khanal instructs lawmakers to vote for six-province federal model (nn), Bahun-Chhetris to intensify protest; Nefin slams plan (kp), Bahun-Chettris continue protests against ethnicity-based federalism (nn), Banda cripples life across the country (rep), Protestors cut 132 kV transmission line, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Banda leaves foreign tourists without food, water, by Santosh Pokharel (rep), No peace at all on the western front: Agitation, closures in far and mid-west against proposed division continue unabated, by Shivaraj Bhatta (ht), A day marked by bandhs (ht), Federalism accord hope ‘still alive’ (kp), UCPN (Maoist), NC fail to agree on names of federal provinces (nn), Giri floats new name for country (kp), The times they are changing: The politicians have landed us in a mess by not listening to the electorate, but there is still time to change that, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

10/05/2012: Promise of a New Nepal: There is plenty of evidence that some of the worst excesses of the Old have become even more magnified in the New. But none of that detracts from our achievements so far, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Ball in CA court as major leaders put knotty statute issues to vote (kp), Madhesi, ethnic lawmakers unite (kp), CA readies to conduct votes on disputed issues (rep), Singular, multiple identity row mars state re-do talks, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Federalism still a tough row to hoe for parties: Now stuck on identity, not viability of provinces, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Prakash Acharya (ht), Parties' meeting inconclusive, by Kiran Pun (rep), UML goes for 11 states now (kp) [??], UML stands by 7-province model (rep) [??], Jumbo Far-West talks team heads for Capital (kp), Far-west talks team en route to Kathmandu (ht), Health in power: Identity and healthcare, by Lhamo Yangchen Sherpa (rep), The right size: Before reorganisation of the Army, right-sizing and democratisation are essential (kp) [!!!], The weakest link: In a world where individual attributes are celebrated, there’s gradually less room for celebrating caste or ethnic characteristics, by Manish Gyawali (kp), Patients get sick of far-west bandh (ht)

09/05/2012: Tharuhat demand separate province, by Bikram Giri (rep), Madhesi, Tharus, caucus one on state restructuring, by Gani Ansari (rep), NC now floats 9-province model, by Kiran Chapagain (rep), UDMF toughens its stance: To stick to one Madhes Pradesh for now, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Continued shutdown spells trouble, crisis, by Chitranga Thapa (kp), No talks yet with far-west agitators, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Pahad Ghar: Identity and restructuring, by Dharma Adhikari (rep), Restructuring endgame: The parties dismiss emerging movements at their own peril. Compromise only after judging strength; but engage with all, by Prashant Jha (kp), Voting on contentious issues of constitution to begin in CA from Thursday (nn) [The CA has not been elected as a voting machine! It is the outstanding task of the inclusive CA, and not that of the exclusive and partly rejected party leaders, to elaborate, discuss and write the constitution!!!], Leaders doubt timely statute (ht) [Those ruining the country for selfish interests should not be called 'leaders'!!!], Parties ‘close’ to consensus (kp), Parties refuse to budge, talks hit blind alley: Consensus turning out to be a wild-goose chase (ht), Settle thorny issues first, says UML (kp) [Yes, you should have settled them almost four years ago!!], SAC shelves Army restructuring plan, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), SAC throws cold water on proposal, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Halt NA restructuring for now: SAC tells govt, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Congress ‘picks’ 3 more Cabinet candidates, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Running in circles: A national consensus government without an opposition is a risky choice, by Bipin Adhikari (kp)

08/05/2012: Unresolved questions: There are many unresolved matters that are as crucial to the federalism debate as the delineation of provinces, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Widen the vision: Time has come for an inclusive round table meeting with Janajatis, Dalits, women and Madhesis, by Prem Phyak (kp), Parties seek time till today for consensus: Constitutional Committee meeting tomorrow, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), CA meeting deferred till Wednesday (nn), Statute by May 27 not possible: CC Chair Acharya, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), NC, UML agree on finer points of federalism, forms of governance (nn), Major parties close to agreement on form of governance, state restructuring (nn), 'Autonomous Madhesh province' is bottom line: Madhesi Front (nn), Delay in Cabinet pick as NC camps engage in blame game (kp), UML sets two preconditions for joining ‘consensus govt’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [It's irresponsible to set precondicions for this absolutely unnecessary change of government that disregards the urgent interests of people and nation!!!], CPN-UML to support govt from outside (rep), Maoist-UML meet inconclusive: Govt’s move to reshuffle ministers objected (ht), UCPN (M), NC muse over options for bringing UML on board (nn), Federal fears: Political class should work towards convincing people of Far West that they’re being heard (kp), Bandh hits patients hard in far-west (ht), Far-West banda: Govt talks offer gets fair response, by Chitranga Thapa, Mohan Budhair and Mohan Shahi (kp), Life becomes intolerable in Far-West as bandh enters Day 12 (nn), Sitaula team to talk with Far-west region strikers (rep), Life comes to standstill in east (ht), PM backs Army’s structure re-do proposal (kp), PM stresses army restructuring: Says old structure is irrelevant in present context (ht), National security policy before NA restructuring: Lawmakers (rep), CA Court fails to ‘live up’ to expectations, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Anti-federalism party leader fears for life: Chitra Bahadur KC tells prime minister he has only 5 days to live (kp),  War of the courts: Unavoidable conflict, by Gyan Basnet (ht)

07/05/2012: Parties seek two more days to resolve disputed issues of constitution; CC meet also put off (nn), Wild wild west: The call for an ‘Indivisible Far West’ is a ploy being used by political leaders to benefit from both the hills and the Tarai, by Deepak Chaudhary (kp), Far-west defies call by Big III (ht), Top leaders' call enrages agitators, banda to continue, by Bikram Giri (rep), Big three renew call to far western agitators to end bandh (nn), Restructuring of ministries raises a few eyebrows, by Pranab Kharel and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [The whole process of exchange of government at this critical point of time is a farce that only serves the interest of NC und UML leaders to prevent the timely conclusion of the constitution with a Maoist led government!!!], Poudel’s PM prospects pale: Deal forged with Prachanda to make Koirala next PM’, by Arjun Paudel (kp) [None of the three NC top leaders is qualified for the post of PM! Koirala has even been rejected by the electorate!!], UML to stay out of govt, for now, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UML not to join govt: Central committee decides to play constructive role in statute drafting, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), UML decides not to join govt, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Sitaula elevated to DPM a day after becoming minister (rep), Appointments in constitutional bodies: Change of guard likely to delay process (ht), Baidya loyal students’ demo against ‘Indian interference’ (kp), Defining identities, by Shrochis Karki (rep), Unholy alliance would’ve jeopordised the constitution, interview with Bimalendra Nidhi, Nepali Congress (kp)

06/05/2012: Constitution talks make no headway (kp), Consensus on federalism, governance elusive
Parties have until tomorrow to agree before issues are put to vote in CA
(ht), Can’t trust political parties on federalism yet: Mahato, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Tharu banda affects life (kp), Muslim people stage protests (kp), Far West strike called off
(kp), Far west bandh continues despite joint call by big three parties (nn), Far-west left high and dry for 9th day (ht), Act now: Crisis in Far-west (rep), Demands for Birgunj as capital of Madhes state (rep), Bhattarai inducts 12 ministers, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PM swears in 12-minister Cabinet: UML, fringe parties to join govt tomorrow (ht), Eleven ministers from Maoist, NC and UDMF sworn in [Ashaming power theatre once again!!!], MPRF-R sees red over Yadav continuing in new cabinet (rep), Deuba faction riled as Sushil picks ministers, by Arjun Paudel (kp), NC rift surfaces on government issue (ht), NC's Deuba faction boycotts CWC meeting (rep), UML likely to join Bhattarai Cabinet amid pressure (kp), UML 2nd rung leaders feel party will join govt (rep), Turbulence ahead: Post-May 27 climate, by Biswas Baral (rep), PLAs unite for fresh revolution (ht)

05/05/2012: Midnight deal (rep) [Obviously, this deal is not really worth the papers it has been written on!!], Rifts in parties hit unity govt bid: NC, UML fail to pick Cabinet candidates; Parties say will finalise names by evening today, by Kamal Raj Sigdel (kp), Baidya wants deal scrapped (kp), Baidya faction opposes 5-pt deal (rep), NC under pressure to stick to party position (kp), Settle intra-party disputes before party joins govt: Deuba (rep), UML CC members say no to joining new govt, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UML CC members flay five-point deal: Nepal stands by agreement, says there was no alternative (ht), UML CC meeting: Majority press party to shun Bhattarai-led govt (rep), Bhattarai to form new govt today: 26-member Cabinet on cards; Congress,UML yet to decide names (ht), New cabinet likely to have two dozen ministers, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), PM Bhattarai to unveil new cabinet today; Shital Niwas asked to prepare for oath ceremony at 5 pm (nn), Far-West shutdown drags on, by Chitranga Thapa and Mohan Budhair (kp), Bandh hits common man in Far-West, by Shivaraj Bhatta (ht), Far west reels under crippling strike, by Dil Bahadur Chhantyal and Bikram Giri (rep), Bandh sparks shortage of essential commodities in far west (nn), Call for oppressed lot to unite: Time for marginalised to fight for their rights: Mahato, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Chance for peace, by Sukh Deo Muni (Frontline)

04/05/2012: Deal signed to form unity govt in 2 days: All 48 ministers quit; Bhattarai to resign before statute promulgation; NC-led govt to hold polls, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [A deal that  means nothing for a good constitution as basis of future Nepal! It only underlines the continued power greed of unable Bahun politicians!!], Parties strike deal at the stroke of midnight: Unity govt under Bhattarai in two days; Nepali Congress to take over before May 27, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Tika R. Pradhan (ht) [The first is o.k. and should have happened months ago; the second is absolutely unneccessary and does not reflect the vote of the people!], Ministers resign en masse at midnight, by Thira L. Bhusal rep), Baidya faction not to join consensus govt (nn), UCPN (M) retains Shrestha, Bogati in unity govt; Baidya faction skips meeting (nn), CA meeting put off for four days (nn) [No problem! It's enough if the Bahun leaders clear their power games and decide on the constitution issues! The CA may just say yes in the end!!!], Far-west bandh enters seventh day (ht), Far-West banda triggers food shortage (kp), Lost all hopes, say war-missing’s kin, by Rajkumar Karki (kp), Re-framing politics-public administration relationship: For better governance, by Anuj Mishra (ht), Dangerous minds: A few ruthless leaders must not jeopardise democracy just to fulfill their personal ambitions and greed, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Together we stand: Let's learn from the chimpanzees, who cooperate to survive, by Alok K. Bohara (nt), Beware of the future: Us-vs-them ethno-chauvinism is drowning out moderate, sane and rational voices, by Rubeena Mahato (nt), Federal express: In the tinder dry terrain of Nepal's political summer, the conditions are right for a blaze that could rapidly engulf the whole country (nt)

03/05/2012: First draft of constitution almost ready: Constituent Assembly appoints experts’ panel to fine-tune language, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Maoists in eastern Tarai oppose 10-state model, by Khilanath Dhakal (rep), Broader Madhesi Front calls stir (ht), United we stand: A fresh federal model, by Alok K. Bohara (rep), Generosity and justice: NC and UML leaders are fooling themselves if they think they can shortchange the marginalised; Ethnic activists are fooling themselves if they think that they can have the lion’s share at others’ expense, by Pramod Mishra (kp), PM's call fails to impress far western agitators; bandh further hits life on day 7 (nn), Shutdowns across country hit life (kp), Ruling alliance urges opposition to join govt (kp), Desperate measures: A vote of no-confidence in gov’t will only stagnate constitution-drafting process (kp), Parties agree on unity govt under Bhattarai: PM to dissolve Cabinet after talks among four forces today; To invite all parties in CA to join new govt, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Bhattarai to dissolve Cabinet today: Parties reach too close to a deal on national unity govt, forms of governance, federalism, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Prakash Acharya (ht), Prime Minister to dissolve cabinet today, by Ameet Dhakal and Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Three major parties, UDMF all set to pave way for formation of national unity govt (nn), Sitauala likely to lead NC's team in unity govt as Deputy PM (nn), Info Minister trashes reports about formation of new national unity govt; says cabinet will only be reshuffled (nn) [???], PLA selection schedule soon, says govt, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht)

02/05/2012: Parties amend rules to prepare first draft: Amendment opens door for referring contentious issues of statute to CA for voting, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Parties to vote when push comes to shove: Leaders vow to continue talks but voting highly likely tomorrow, by Ram Kumar Kamat and OPrakash Acharya (ht), CA regulations amended to decide disputed issues by vote (rep), Dahal: No compromise on directly elected Prez (kp), Sheer procrastination (ht), NC, Maoists in showdown over national unity govt, by Arjun Paudel (kp), Heated debate in NC over no-trust motion (rep) [They must be crazy; at least, they are absolutely irresponsible!!], UML mulls over vote of no confidence: To seek help of an NC section, Maoist hard-line faction, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [Power is morer important than writing the constitution!!], NC to go to great lengths to lead unity govt: Mandates top leaders to put party at helm before promulgation of statute (ht), NC demands House session; no official decision yet on no-trust motion (nn), Parties Motivated Only By Self-Serving Interest, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Life hit to the hilt on 6th banda day (kp), Far-west banda disrupts life, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Normal life thrown out of gear in various districts of far west, mid west due to bandh (nn), Strike hits Chitwan and eastern Nepal districts too; bandh peaceful so far (nn), Upendra Yadav led Madhesi alliance announces protest programmes (nn), Muslim community worried whether their rights will be enshrined in new statute (nn), Turbulent Tarai: Only a full investigation will reveal the truth behind the bombing in Janakpur (kp), Terror grips Janakpur as locals hear another blast; police yet to confirm (nn), Gender balance: Equal rights for women, by Bijan Pant (rep), Failure to change: Instead of responding to the marginalised, NC has decided to be the face of Nepali conservatism. This is suicidal, by Prashant Jha (kp), Clash of the courts: The arrival of a constitutional court will represent a huge institutional imposition within our justice system and inevitably lead to conflict, by Gyan Basnet (kp), Workers demand 10 percent representation in state bodies (kp)

01/05/2012: Major parties at odds over Far-west, by Shivaraj Bhatta (ht), 22 lawmakers against undivided far-west (rep), Parties mull putting statute issues to vote, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Deal eludes parties, vote beckons, by Arjun Bhandari and Prakash Acharya (ht), Last-ditch effort today to avert vote on thorny issues (rep), Leaders finally agree to go ahead with voting to settle thorny issues (nn), Ruling parties to remain in power until new constitution is promulgated (rep) [Everything else would be absolute nonsense!!], Unwanted distraction: No-trust motion is a no-no at this stage (rep), A new beginning?, by Sumit Sharma Sameer (rep), Federalism And The Right To Self-Determination, by Gyan Basnet (rn), 4 die in Janakpur blast: Over 30 injured, 14 seriously, by Suresh Yadav (rep), Promising actress among blast dead (rep), Who is Rajan Mukti? (rep), 4 dead as blast rips thru Mithila sit-in: 15 of 18 hurt in Janakpur explosion airlifted to Capital; Mukti-led JTMM owns up act (kp), Sugary drink, betel nuts and the bang, by Shyam Sundar Shashi (rep), Janakpur blast condemned (kp)

30/04/2012: Federalism: Ethnic fronts step up their pressure campaigns, by Pranab Karel (kp), Ethnic leaders warn of burning new statue (ht), Tharus join forces for undivided Tharuhat, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Demonstrations across districts; banda called off, by Chitranga Thapa (kp), Far-west bandh cripples normal life (ht), Hindu extremists can exploit cow issue: NC (rep) [???], The next revolutionists: Dalits in Nepali politics, by C.K. Lal (rep), No Ethnic Names, Please!, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn) [??], Oli surprised at 12-state plan (kp), Federal compromise: It is heartening to see parties willing to move away from their rigid positions (kp) [The 14 state proposal of the CA was already a compomise! Every further compromise is a step towards future disaster!!], Parties likely to head for a unity govt showdown, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Unity govt talks eclipse constitutional issues, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Prakash Acharya (ht) [????], Nepal talks of CA term extension (kp) [???], CA may last till mid-July: Nepal (ht), Money for justice: Barring amnesty to “six unpardonable crimes” must be the condition for any support to the TRC by the international community, by Suhas Chakma (kp), It’s not that everything will be lost or won on May 27, interview with Purna Man Shakya (kp)

29/04/2012: Alliance to press for Tharuhat state (kp), Tharu alliance for integrated Tharuhat state (rep), Banda shuts Kailali, Kanchanpur (kp), No fragmented far west: Locals, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Baidya rejects 10-province model, by Raju Adhikari (rep), UML floats 12-state federal model: NC leader KC dubs UML change of stance ‘double standard, breach of understanding’, by Phanindra Dahal and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Change of heart tactic or compulsion?, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UML for seven units, directly-elected PM (ht), UML leader says ethno states not acceptable (ht), Let's go either for 7 or 12 provinces: UML, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), NC ‘firm’ on 7 provinces: Acknowledges ethnicity as a basis of federation (kp) [This is not possible with 7 provinces and the current 75 districts that have been delineated to prevent ethnic inclusion!!], NC, UML could agree to 10 to 12 pradeshes, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Prakash Acharya (ht), Second phase of Muslim protests from May 2 (rep), Bandh calling for 'undivided far western' enters day 3 (nn), ‘Consensus delay makes statute draft uncertain’ (kp), CC meeting ends without taking up agendas due to absence of top leaders (nn) [???], PLA fighters sacrificed for peace, constitution: Pun; Says ex-combatants surrendered their aspirations for the sake of nation (ht)

28/04/2012: SC turns down writ against ethnicity-based federalism (nn), Sherpas, Karnali people stage protest demanding 'autonomous provinces' (nn), Cong comes up with 7-state model: Says 75 districts will remain intact;  Maoists, Madhes parties reject proposal (kp), NC proposes seven provinces sans names: Pradesh Sabhas to decide what to call them; No district to be divided, by Ram K. Kamat (ht), Nepali Congress floats 7-province model, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), No going beyond 7, say UML leaders, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Voting on 14 units if 10 denied, says Dahal (ht), Maoist model sparks protest in Far-west (ht), Parties still at loggerheads over state restructuring (rep), Parties show no sign of relenting on their positions on federal model (nn), Parties yet to discuss size of federal parliament, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), A disastrous road: Ethnic federalism, by Keshav Bhattarai and Darlene Budd (rep) [After more than 200 years of ethnic unitary state, ethnic federalism has become a must!!], India’s role in peace process crucial: Ban, by Mahesh Acharya (kp) [??]

27/04/2012: Bahun leadership and federalism: Opposition to multi-ethnic federalism may incur greater losses to the traditional political parties, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Maoists for 10 identity-based states: Madhes-based parties positive; NC, UML say proposal against Hattiban understanding, by Phanindra Daha and anab Khare (kp), UCPN-M pitches for 10 federal units: Nepali Congress, CPN-UML condemn outright, say proposal ignores economic capability, by Arjun Bhandari and Ram K. Kamat (ht), Maoists propose 10 states, one centrally-run zone, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), NC floats seven-province federal model (nn), Muslim community enforces two-hour strike in valley (nn), Push for directly elected prez (kp), 42 UML lawmakers oppose mixed model (rep), Constitution writing: The missing debate, by Ameert Dhakal (rep), TRC through ordinance: Rights defenders warn parties against doing wrong to victims (ht), Mixing things up: In an effort to seek a 'win-win' arrangement, let's not settle for something that will make us all losers, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

26/04/2012: Calls for states put east in a state of confusion: Will leaders be able to avert the impending threat of ethnic tension?, by Somnath Bastola (ht), Indigenous leaders warn of stern protest if their rights not enshrined in new statute (nn), Caucus unhappy with deal (kp), Prez, PM to share executive powers: Directly-elected president to be head of state; to exercise certain prerogatives, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Federalism a political hot potato for parties: Leaders pitch proposals, fail to reach accord, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Top leaders to forge deal by Friday, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep) [A deal is not the solution! Anything else than identity based federalism will lead to a disaster!!], Cong, UML MPs against huge House (ht) [A 150 member House of Representatives should be enough! The other chamber must be the representation of the federal states on the national level and should not have more than 3-5 representatives from each province depending on population!], 385-member strong House too big: NC leaders (rep), UML ready for give and take: Khanal (kp), Hardliners plan to tage protest in CA (kp), BMF for common Madhesi stance on thorny issues (rep), CA meeting deferred till April 29 (nn) [No problem, the CA is an absolutely unimportant institution! Better let the incompetent politicians write the constitution!!], Strengthening The Nepal Peace Trust Fund, by Durga Nidhi Sharma (rn), Revival Of Hope For The Constitution, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Think justice: The government cannot keep victims and the Nepali people in the dark about the parameters of the upcoming TRC, by Yadab Bastola (kp)

25/04/2012: NEFIN banda affects Tarai districts: Group demands ethnicity-based federalism; Violence marks shutdown in Udayapur (kp), Bandh affects normal life in Tarai (ht), Ethnic group leaders a dissatisfied lot (kp), Lawmakers press for identity based federalism, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Clamour for 14 federal states (kp), Muslims submit memos to CDOs across country (kp), Parliamentary committee seeks to end caste based discrimination (nn), Maoists to propose Chitwan as federal capital of Nepal; claims other parties are also 'positive' about it (nn), Parties’ decision to have jumbo federal assemblies slammed, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Parties agree tentatively on election system (ht), 325-member lower house, 60-strong upper agreed (rep), Maoists for mixed model with directly elected prez (kp), Top NC leaders asked not to give up stance (kp), Weighing the options: Finding a balance for executive power in form of government is tricky (kp), CC seeks two more days to resolve remaining disputes (nn), PLA to recommend up to 30 for NA majors, 60 for captains, by Kiran Pun (rep), Conflict victim lies in wait for treatment, by Prakash Baral (kp), Martyrs family grapples with unfulfilled promises, by Rudra Khadka (rep), Can't even think of another extension, interview with Subas Chandra Nembang (rep), No Time For Dilly-dallying Tactics, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Justice System: Impunity And Reconciliation, by Raj Kumar Siwakoti (rn), In breach of protocol: While pretending to be a constitutional president, Ram Baran Yadav has already launched his next election campaign, by Prashant Jha (kp) [See also The hero: Evaluating Ram Baran Yadav, by Jainendra Jeevan (rep 26/04/2012), an article against ethnic demands and criticism that is glorifying the president and turning a blind eye to his misbehaviours], State re-structuring: Basic human rights vital, by Hemang Sharma (ht)

24/04/2012: ICJ, HRW say no to amnesty for serious crimes (kp), Rights bodies worried over amnesty pact (ht), Terai districts hit by NEFIN strike for ethnicity-based federalism (nn), Minister pitches for ethnic federalism (kp), Two dozen Muslim demonstrators including seven lawmakers arrested (nn), Parties reach understanding on electoral system, form of governance (nn), From French to Finnish Model, by Ameet Dhakal (rep), Lawyers at variance over Constitutional Court: Some want it for ever, not just for 5 years, by Pranab Kharekl (kp), Lawyers divided over Constitutional Court (ht), Parties settle judiciary, citizenship issues: Forms of governance,election system and federalism continue to trouble top leaders, by Prakash Acharya and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), New constitution to have interim one’s citizenship terms (kp), CA put off to give leaders more time (kp) [Yes, the framing of the constitution is the task of (partly rejected) party leaders and not that of the elected representatives of the people!!!], Parties get two more days for negotiations (rep), Breakthrough Tuesday: Leaders (rep), NC in a fix over joining Bhattarai-led govt (kp) [Maybe your last chance to wake up, NC!!], Catch-22: Federalism debate, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Law v justice: Regardless of whether it is the political or the civil society that demands it, justice always remains the end and rule of law the means, by Apurba Khatiwada (kp), Indian states’ elections: Clue to our constitution drafting?, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht)

23/04/2012: Maoists flexible on federalism (kp) [The Bahuns once again make their deal agains the interests of the excluded population groups! Another uprising will be preprogrammed!!], 12 Tharu organizations for three provinces in Tarai, by Chandni Hamal (rep), Muslims seek their share in imminent federal structure (kp), NEFIN threatens to take up arms (ht), Bill seeks to fast-track statute writing process (kp), Deal on mixed model ‘almost at hand’: New constitution to have provision of a Constitutional Court to be set up for five years, by Phanindra Dahal and Bhadra Sharma (kp), 3-party nod to Constitutional Court: UDMF agrees; Tenure five years; To be headed by chief justice, by Ram Kumar and Prakash Tika (ht), Minor hurdles: Debate surrounding Constitutional Court and citizenship have room for compromise (kp), Leaders agree on mixed system of governance, by Thira L. Bhusal and Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Half the story: Against the tide, by Ramesh Khatry (rep), Emulating engagement: Constuitution drafting process, by Shrochis Karki (rep), There’s a crisis of confidence in top three parties, interview with Upendra Yadav (kp) [You should also include the Madhesi parties into your critics!!], Parties Under Pressure From All Sides, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Jailed ex-minister’s plea to attend CA (ht) [???], Truth Commission: For rule of law, ending impunity, by Suman Adhikari (ht), Life is still a struggle for Kayasthas (ht), Martyrs’ families want constitution on time (ht)

22/04/2012: Beyond numbers: Restructuring talks should be widened (rep), Newar leaders pile pressure for Newa Autonomous State (nn), Indigenous nationalities demand ethnic identity-based federalism (nn), Chhetris say no to ethno-states (ht) [But they never said no to more than 200 years of ethnic unitary state!], Paper promises: Nepali women’s political and civil rights continue to be limited only to pacts and promises, by Bhawana Upadhyay (kp), Parties poles apart on judiciary, citizenship: NC, UML ‘backtracked’ on constitutional court deal (kp), Disputed issues: Maoists, Morcha team up (kp), Parties fail to reach deal on issues of new statute, by Ram Kumar and Prakash Tika (ht), Differences over constitutional court hinder consensus, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Big III plotting not to draft statute: Yadav (ht), CC meet postponed till Monday afternoon (nn), Gajurel, Gurung in blame game, by Raju Adhikari (rep), Maoists, UDMF for giving continuity to Bhattarai-led govt till new constitution, by Gani Ansari (rep), Public at receiving end as NC, UML activists at war on roads (kp), Will the sky fall? Post-May 27 scenario, by Murari Sharma (rep), Water wall: To destroy caste-based hierarchies, cultural practices and ingrained beliefs need to change, by Erisha Suwal (kp)

21/04/2012: Ethnic lawmakers’ caucus piles pressure on parties, by Bhadra Shama and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Diverse group pile pressure on statute, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Lawmakers against north-south divide (ht), Limbuwan panel seeks 14 provinces (kp), Tharu leaders discuss separate province, by Chandni Hamal (rep), ‘Madhes will be divided into two states’ (ht), Police detain Muslim leaders (rep), Khanal says party against ethno-based federalism (ht), Transitional justice mechanism: Govt likely to table new bill through ordinance (kp), Campaign against amnesty pact (kp), Civil society objects  to blanket amnesty (ht), Commission could rub salt on war-time wounds, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Parties differ on ‘criminal’ MP issue (ht), Under pressure, Big Three in marathon talks on contentious issues (rep), Maoist top brass, Madhesi Front for giving continuity to Bhattarai govt; agree to form common position on statute (nn), UCPN (M), NC 'ready' for package agreement on thorny issues (nn) [???], Cantonments to be venue for combatant selections (rep), PLA brass refuses fund transfer funds to party HQ (rep)

20/04/2012: ‘Ethno-based states a must’: Marginalised groups warn of spurning new constitution (ht), Tarai lawmakers up in arms: Form Comprehensive Madhesi Front to press regional issues (kp), Madhesi leaders rise to Madhes cause (ht), 7-province model unacceptable: NEFIN, NIWF (rep), ‘Ethno-federalism not accepted’ (ht) [Says Bahun Khanal who oviously sees no negative effects of more than 200 years of ethnic unitarism!], Over two dozen Muslim protesters arrested (nn), Big 3 parties decide to go for a single commission: Not good an idea, say leaders studying two pending bills (kp), Nod to Integrated Reconciliatory Commission: To replace TRC, commission on missing, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Top leaders prepare for 'blanket amnesty', by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Woo Maoists or accept our model, UML tells NC, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Cong, UML discuss pricky statute issues: Dwell on federalism, forms of governance, judiciary (ht), Persuade Maoists to your proposal or accept ours: UML asks NC (rep), PLA integration: Board ready to set process rolling (kp), Final count: PLAs opting for integration down to 3,161 (ht), 3,129 for integration (rep), ‘1,700 fighters had joined YCL’ (kp), Illusions galore: The people are up to their necks in illusions and don't know who, or what, to believe anymore, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp), Beyond left and right: The current need for the centre is to retake the space invaded by the radicals in the last 15 years, by Tika P. Dhakal (kp), Mind what you speak, but speak your mind: Nepal's transition is not being driven by issues at hand, but by those that will follow once the constitution is declared, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Nepal’s diversity is much greater than many countries, interview with Shoko Noda, UNDP Country Director of Nepal (sp), The Abyss Stares Back, by Dipak Gyawali (sp)

19/04/2012: Activists tell parties to shun blanket amnesty (ht), Major parties agree to merge two commissions on truth and reconciliation, disappearance (nn) [???], CA meet to start statute drafting: Parties say will continue intra-party discussions for final give and take (kp), Procedures to okay statute to be cut (ht), CA to start voting on thorny issues from April 23 (ht), NC, UML in bid to find common statute stance (kp) [Nevertheless, you are still a minority!!], Madhesi, Janajatis to deliberate on constitution Thursday (rep), Maoist chair Dahal says ethnic identity-based federal states is his party’s ‘bottom line’ (nn), Madhesi lawmakers form cross-party front (kp), Madhesi MPs to press for autonomous Madhes, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Serving the mind: We need to think about empowering all Nepalis by expanding their imagination, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Number of NA aspirants sees a free fall: Down to 3,194; experts say final integration number could be between 2,000 and 2,500, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Regrouping work concludes at fourth division (nn), Parade of pride as low-rung soldiers become officers, by Ankit Adhikari (kp), PLA men cry foul over post recommendation, by Kiran Pun (rep), NA forms selection committee (rep), Ex-Prez, PMs to get quarters, staff (rep) [This is only practicable if you don't change the government every few months as it is tradition in Nepal! Else, it is a form of corruption!!], Ordinance to reviveformer bigwigs’ perks (ht), Cautious hope: Constitution and future polity, by Biswas Baral (rep)

18/04/2012: SC to govt: Don’t withdraw serious criminal cases; Bins writ against case withdrawal; asks govt to amend 1998 working procedures, by Pranab Kharel (kp), SC bar on letting off heinous criminals (ht), Incorporate int’l provisions in TRC, PM told (kp), Muslim leaders form alliance to press demands (rep), Leaders seek 5 more days to settle issues (kp), Parties seek 5 more days for resolving disputes (rep), Parliamentary committee approves five day deadline for parties to resolve dispute (nn), Major party meet ends without taking up agendas (nn), Number of combatants choosing voluntary retirement continues to increase (nn), Spurt in retirement numbers headache for finance ministry, by Milan Mani Sharma (rep), Army wants directorate structure finalised first, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Finalize leadership, posts in directorate, says army (rep), President Yadav congratulates PM Bhattarai for recent development in peace process (nn), Poudel will lead unity government: Koirala (kp) [May god save Nepal! Only a government led by UCPN-M leader Bhattarai is rational!!], Pact on PM, prez election on cards: Sub panel seeks more days for consensus, by Prakash Acharya(ht), Maoist chairman says his party will not give up position of directly elected presidential system (nn), Spirit of Hattiban: Intense negotiations show a renewed enthusiasm to find compromises (kp), Last Hour Compromises Can Clear All Hurdles, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn) [But there is also the great danger that minimum requirements for durable peace are missed!!!], The India hand: Acknowledging Indian role is being honest to history. It does not take away from the domestic drivers for change, by Prashant Jha (kp), Midway solution: SC vs constitutional court, by Raju Prasad Chapagai (rep), Fresh beginnings, by Kul Chandra Gautam (rep)

17/04/2012: Discussions ‘positive’; deal on the horizon: Political symbolism rather than substance biggest achievement of talks held at Hattiban Resort, by Phanindra Dahal and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Parties move closer to deal on constitution: Hope to remove all the bottlenecks in next meeting; Likely to forge consensus by tomorrow, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Leaders narrow differences on thorniest issues, by Thira L. Bhusal and Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Leaders to seek five more days to resolve disputes as Hattiban meet fails to arrive at consensus (nn), 'Divided Madhes unacceptable' (rep), One Madhes, one state not viable, says Mehta (kp), Muslims demand separate identity in new constitution (ht), Handle with care: All sides must handle the remainder of the integration process with sensitivity (kp), Voluntary retirement: 5,498 fighters, and counting (kp), 5,840 retired by Monday (rep), Fighters’ interest in army wanes (ht), And what of India? India and UCPN (Maoist), by Kanak Mani Dixit (rep), Turning heads: The rotational system guarantees that all you need to do to become PM is wait your turn, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp)

16/04/2012: Final negotiations on statute begin (rep), NC, UML for 6-8 capability, identity-based provinces, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Nandalal Tiwari (kp), Federalism to top parties’ agenda (ht), Major three, UDMF resume 'decisive talks' at Hattiban Resort; expected to forge consensus on thorny issues by evening (nn), Marathon meeting at Hattiban Resort yields no result; leaders say meeting ended on positive note (nn), PLA combatants fast opting for retirement (kp), 4,080 combatants retire (rep), Increasing number of Maoist combatants choosing retirement over integration into NA (nn), Remarkable Progress (rn), No politics please, new code tells ex-fighters (kp), Govt forms new directorate under Nepal Army (rep), Govt nod to ToR on Army integration (kp), Integration plan gets govt approval (ht), Integration alone is not the end of the peace process, interview with Satya Pahadi, Minister for Peace and Reconstruction (kp), UN secy gen hails progress (kp), UN concerned about transitional justice (ht), Acute savior syndrome: Presidential activism, by C.K. Lal (rep) [!!], Time to act: Upgrading national security, by Govind Prasad Kusum (rep), No More Illusion Now, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), The path between: Internal and external dynamics have led Bhattarai, and lately Prachanda, to conclude that peace and constitution is the only option available before the party, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), Guaranteeing entrepreneurial right: Coherent provisions must in constitution, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht), Bandh partially affects life across country (ht), No to bandhs (ht), Security men bar Janajati leaders from reaching close to talks venue (nn)

15/04/2012: Ethnicity based federalism: Maoists, Morcha firm on their stands (kp), UDMF, Maoists enjoying alliance, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Parties finalise disputed issues on integration: Sort out technical matters on general directorate, ranks, training period and selection mechanisms, by Phanindra Dahal and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Conundrum cracked, integration hopes up: Proposal endorsed to give momentum to process, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Cabinet approves AISC's breakthrough deal in peace process (nn), Integration number likely to be around 3,000, by Kiran Pun (rep), Deal reached on technical issues of integration, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Darai to lead PLA in integration (rep), Voluntary retirement going in full swing (kp), Maoists, UDMF agree on fresh recruitment in NA, by Gani Ansari (rep), Madhav Nepal warns Gyanendra of jail (rep), Right to honor, by Madan Bahadur Dhami (rep), Party in govt to shut nation for three days: Janamukti Party says bandh for peace, statute (kp) [???], Janamukti Party calls off three-day bandh (nn), Opposition leaders say they will not join Bhattarai govt (nn), Leaders stay overnight at Hattiban Resort for decisive talks on thorny issues related to constitution drafting (nn)

14/04/2012: Parties ready for final give and take: Maoists, Congress to soften their stances on federal model, forms of governance (KP) I won't okay statute that dismantles Nepal: Prez, by Madhusudan Guragain (rep) [The reason for disintegration is more than 200 years of Hindu ethnic unitary state! A president who has not been elected by the people has no right to veto a constitution that has been written by the CA elected by the people!!], ‘Won’t okay statute that threatens nat’l integrity’, by Manoj Basnet (kp), Former NEFIN chief cries foul against President Yadav's remarks (nn), Statute hurdles cleared: Khanal (kp), Directly-elected PM a rallying point: Khanal (ht), UML chairman reiterates prime ministerial model (rep), Work to discharge retiring Maoist fighters resumes: Taskforce to present its proposal at Saturday’s meeting, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), 638 get voluntary retirement by Friday (rep), Ruling partners decide to give continuity to Bhattarai govt (nn), NC, UML unlikely to join Bhattarai-led coalition, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Conflicting signals: Blanket amnesty would violate the clear position of the UN that there should be no amnesty for the most serious crimes of concern to humanity, by Robert Piper (rep)

13/04/2012: A paean to PLA sacrifice, NA leadership (ht), Peace process at ‘irreversible’ stage: PM urges opposition to help transform incumbent govt into a national unity one, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Task force on brink of integration breakthrough, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Peace back on track: PM (rep), PM’s proposal fails to impress NC, UML (kp), Oppn leaders thumb down call for national consensus govt (kp), Baidya faction unveils second-phase protests (rep), Dahal's move against party CC decision, interview with Mohan Baidya rep), ‘Maoists can’t be flexible anymore’ (kp), Sharma: Fresh tension brewing in cantonments (rep), Fighters stall regrouping process (ht), Maimed combatants fighting hard to get their voices heard (ht 13/04/2012), India, United States praise peace progress (kp), Taskforce set to iron out outstanding differences (kp), SC quashes writ on Madhesis’ hiring (kp), No ifs and buts: Here in Nepal's remote outback, federalism holds the promise of making government more accessible and accountable, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

12/04/2012: Complying with int’l norms riskless, by Kamal Raj Sigdel (kp), Focus on TRC: Justice must be seen, by Gyan Basnet (ht), Panel to sort out thorny issues (kp), All divisions under Army (kp), Cantonments under NA's firm control (rep), All for one: Tuesday’s all party agreement on integration is welcome (kp), I took a bold, risky step: Dahal; Says breakthrough paves way for unity government, timely statute, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Why I did what I did, by Pushpa Kamal Dahal (rep), ‘Audacious’ Dahal claims credit for integration: Says a bold decision was need of the hour to resolve political deadlock for the sake of country (ht), Baidhya faction spills PLA handover anger on streets (kp), Badiya faction-led alliance announces fresh stir against ‘fascist govt' (nn), Maoist infighting: Police, Maoist protestors clash (rep), Soldiers’ presence irks PLAs: Personnel allowed in after talks with commander (ht), Koirala bats for NC led govt before May 27 (rep) [?? If there is something that Nepal does not need at this juncture of history, it is an NC led government! The failure of the 1990 system should not be repeated!!], Koirala hopeful of another surprise (kp), Politics of divisiveness, by Jainendra Jeevan (rep) [The author once again writes against ethnicy based federalism and denies the fact that some 200 years of Hindu ethnic unitarism is the reason for the current state of social divisiveness!], Few states most viable: Acharya, interview with Narahari Acharya, Nepali Congress (rep)

11/04/2012: Army takes charge of PLA fighters, weapons: Opposition hails progress; Parties one on resolving issues, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), NA troops, APF assume security arrangements in PLA cantonments (nn), PLA cantonments, arms containers with army, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), 200 PLA fighters flee Hattikhor, by Narayan Sharma (kp), Clashes in camps expedite NA take over, by Prakash Acharya (ht), PLA clashes impede regrouping process: It may have adverse impact on peace (ht), Why the cantonments imploded?, by Kiran Pun (rep), ‘SC’s integration is betrayal’: Hardliners to burn effigies of Dahal, PM Bhattarai (ht), Betrayal of revolution: Baidya faction (rep), Last minute hassles (ht), Urgency in cantonments delays TRC, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), UDMF to let go of key demand (ht), Nepal risks blacklisting as Baidya faction opposes organized crime bill (rep), All for one, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep) [an article against ethnic federalism that mentions the ethnic values abroad but does not see the suppression and exclusion of ethnic groups inside Nepal under the Hindu ethnic unitary state!!], Jingo all the way: There is no real difference between working in armies and working in the private sector in foreign countries, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), Conflicts of our times: From Balochistan to Myanmar, religious, ethnic and linguistic identity is a defining feature of political conflicts. Nepal has a historic chance to address it right, by Prashant Jha (kp), Stateness, identity inflation and the opportunity cost: To ponder over, by Anuj Mishra (ht)

10/04/2012: Fast track agreed for statute promulgation (kp), Article 70 to be amended for new statute (ht), Leaders to amend constitution to speed up statute drafting (rep), PLA voluntary retirement process to start today: Top leaders of major political parties to settle contentious issues, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Integration likely to be delayed: SC unable to startwork as PLAs are settling internal scores (ht), PLA to let voluntary retirement move forward, by Kiran Pun (rep), Maoist combatants skip voluntary retirement program, by Chanbdani Hamal (rep), Form panel to pick eligible PLA: NC, UML; Say Selection Committee a must before statute debate, by Arjun Bhandari (ht) [Stupid argument! You only have 47 days to complete the constitution! Run both tasks parallel!], Looking nowhere (ht), Commanders thrash combatants, by Kalendra Sejuwal (rep), Janamorcha shuts down Valley (kp), Madhes-based parties ready to reconsider ‘One Madhesh’ demand (nn), Limits of legality: Strict insistence on the rule-of-law is often opposed to demands for justice, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Parties agree to conclude peace process before focusing on constitution (nn), Baidya faction dubs PLA handover as 'surrender' (nn)

09/04/2012: Two at a time: There is no point in delaying the negotiations on the constitution (kp), Parties agree to shorten statute drafting process (nn), Maoists to select, send 5,000-6,000 fighters: Process to award voluntary retirement to start on Tuesday; NC says no objection over self-selection process (kp), PLA cantonments tense over rank issue, by Kiran Pun (rep), Special panel casts doubt on regrouping (ht), PM committed to vacating camps by April 12: NA to guard 12 cantonments, APF 3; SC members to observe process (ht), Integration to be delayed by 5 days (rep), Maoists seek agreement on remaining issues, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Peace far cry even after integration, says Thapa (ht), Poudel says Maoists made false promises (rep) [Yes, and the NC boycotts reforms overdue for long!!], Leaders plan marathon talks on capital's outskirts (rep), Big III split once again: Isssue of reconciliation the bone of contention (ht), Prosecutions will have to take place—sooner or later, interview with Trilochan Uprety,  senior legal Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office (kp), Kathmandu partially affected by Rastriya Janamorcha's Bagmati zone bandh (nn)

08/04/2012: Parties unfazed even if there is no time to lose: Constituent Assembly has a long list of tasks to sweat over (kp), PM urges parties to focus on urgent task, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC-led consensus govt by May 13: Sitaula, by Gajendra Bohara (rep) [He must be insane! There is neither time to change the government before May 27 nor is there any reason to have it been led by the conservative NC, the big failure of the 1990 system!!], CC sends SRC reports to dispute resolution panel (rep), Koirala: Ethnicity no basis for federation (kp) [Long live the state based on Bahun ethnicity!!], PLA commanders called for ‘emergency’ meeting, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), PLA regrouping could be delayed (ht), PLA surveys stall in lack of Maoist directive (rep), AISC teams reach cantonments to handover combatants, weapons to Nepal Army (nn), Three party meet to discuss formation of Truth Commission inconclusive (nn)

07/04/2012: Maoist factions hold parallel rallies: Launch diatribes against each other; Dahal skips both camps’ programmes, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Maoist factions hold separate shows: Talk of revolt an emotional outburst: PM; Dahal falls ill, skips gathering (ht), Sushil threatens to topple govt, by Aman Koirala (kp), NC: No-confidence motion against govt (ht) [Do everything to prevent the constitution!],  Revolt if statute not ready by deadline, says Mahara (ht), CC starts debate on SRC report (nn)

06/04/2012: Parties agree to resolve differences by April 17: Want CA to vote if disagreements persist beyond deadline (kp) [The writing of the constitution is the task of the elected CA either and not that of, to a greater part, rejected party leaders!!], CC gets final 12 days for consensus on statute, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Nembang floats new schedule, leaders game, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Charter of rights: Every individual and community’s rights should be formally protected in a multicultural society, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Compensating truth The state cannot - and will not be allowed to - turn its back on justice for the victims of the conflict, by Suman Adhikari (kp), Cleaning out the closet: The Maoists, Nepal Army and Police have to face the victims and tell them what really happened during the war, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Truth without justice: It would be better to have no Truth Commission at all than a toothless commission, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (nt)

05/04/2012: Spl panel okays time-bound plan to vacate PLA camps: Fails to resolve contentious issues of army integration (kp), PLA integration begins in a week, by Prakash Acharya and Lekhnath Pandey (ht), Parties agree integration but differences remain, by Kiran Chapagain and Gani Ansari (rep), AISC endorses action plan to conclude army integration work by April 12 (nn), House committee sets April 18 deadline to settle thorny issues (nn), BAC to ask top leaders about peace, statute (rep), Baidya faction unveils its version of statute (rep), MPRF calls national gathering to discuss strategy (rep), Playing the part: UML leaders should realise that their current intransigence will not benefit the party (kp), Koirala bats for north-south federal set-up (ht) [Yes, please uphold the administrative division of the Hindu state!!], Identity is prosperity: The constitution must address the grievances of the marginalised, with ethnicity-inclusive federalism, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Wrong prescription: Form of federalism, by Suresh Pranjali (rep), Birds of same feather: Arguably, by Biswas Baral (rep), Over the rainbow: If peace and constitution are the people’s mandate, then justice through the TRC and agreement on the parameters of federalism, before May 27, are non-negotiable, by Bidushi Dhungel (kp)

04/04/2012: Imminent deal: It is time for a breakthrough in the peace process (kp), Failed talks setoff blame game: PM trying to prolong tenure: Sitaula; UML, NC demand a non-issue: Maoists (kp), No statute until peace concludes: Koirala, by Suresh Yadav (rep) [untimely, stupid and incompetent comment!!], Sidelined, UML seeks its share in peace process: Congress-Maoist tie-up on crucial issues raises its eyebrow, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), NC, UML parting ways on peace process?, by Kiran Chapagain (rep), Baidya, Thapa fault Dahal in communist jargon (rep), House panel to seek clarification from political parties on failure to forge consensus on constitution drafting (nn), Monarchy gone for good: Muni (ht), Trajectory of the right: The dakshinpanthis will gain political strength not on the monarchy plank, but on that of Hindutva and a unitary state, by Prashant Jha (kp)

03/04/2012: Dangerous deadlines: Failure to reveal what happened over the conflict years will be tantamount to legitimising it, by Seira Tamang (kp), Peace ministry perplexed by conflicting displaced numbers, by Gani Ansari (rep), Parties fail to endorse action plan on integration: Disagreement erupts on resolved issues of norms of entry, ranks, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Parties find integration an issue too intricate: Special panel meet fails to reach understanding, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Differences persist over education, rank (rep), Gird yourself for dignifiedintegration: Dahal to PLA, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA members put heat on top brass: Press parties to work for constitution drafting at full throttle (kp) [Sorry, but changing the government is mor important to them!!], Lawmakers step up pressure (ht), NC’s turn to lead: Koirala (kp) [One of these obstinate 'leaders'! Win a majority in the next elections, then you may lead!!], UML's Pokharel, Rawal trying to derail peace process: PM (rep), Statute without ethnicity-based provinces unacceptable: Baidya (kp), Baidya faction for 'pro-people' statute (rep), Return to insurgency would be suicidal: PM (rep)

02/04/2012: Truth shall set you free: Go-ahead for the formation of the TRC is heartening but points of caution remain (kp), Parties come under fire from rights activists: Say leaders hell-bent on blanket amnesty by hook or by crook (ht), No amnesty to Rautahat murder convicts: SC, by Sundar Khanal (rep), Political parties should think about alternative: VP Jha (rep) [There are no alternatives! Four years should have been used reasonably!!], Disputes over training, ranks persist: Leaders reluctant to divulge details arguing that it could derail consensus (kp), Rank determination delays integration plan (rep), Bhattarai having second thoughts on integration?, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), PLA begins selection of combatants for integration (rep), Maoists decide to reactivate YCL (kp), Shun revolutionary ideals: Dahal to YCL (rep), Parties wasted time on forming and removing govts, interview with Pushpa Bhusal, Nepali Congress (kp) [This is still their main concern! See recent statements by your party chairman!!], Making politics inclusive: Back to basics, by Shrochis Karki (rep), NC to oppose ethnic states, says Koirala (ht) [But you have nothing against the ethnic Tagadhari state that is in existence for more than 240 years!!], The communist cauldron, by C.K. Lal (rep)

01/04/2012: Morcha calls for statute with federalism, identity (kp), No federalism, no statute: UDMF (rep), Madhesis, janajatis warn of disintegration (ht), Parties agree to remove clause prohibiting amnesty from TRC bill (kp) [????], BIG III thrash out all outstanding issues: Even heinous crimes could be pardoned (ht), Three-party meet put off upon NC’s request (nn), Maoists to send a div chief to NA (kp), No headway yet on integration modality (nn), Law ministry to finalize TRC, disappearance bills, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Media alliance presses for timely constitution: Urges parties to work in unison on twin tasks (kp), Choose wise: Selecting a common language is important, by Gopal Sijapati Magar (rep), Middle ground: Bias of SC judges shows on Madhesi issues, by Anand Jha (rep)

31/03/2012: Parties join hands for a major breakthrough: As the May 27 deadline nears, Friday’s ‘important step’ is likely to give constitution making process a fillip, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Upbeat, party leaders vow compromises if consensus elusive (kp), Statute promulgation by May 27: Bhattarai should quit after integration is completed; NC may take helm, interview with Krishna Prasad Sitaula, Nepali Congress (kp) [Stop these power discussions once and for all! No change of PM before May 27!!], Peace process now irreversible (rep), Major breakthrough in integration process, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Cantonments to be vacated by April 12 (rep), Three parties okay TRC bill terms: Say they will follow int’l standards while forming commissions (kp), Big 3 agree on TRC, disappearance commission, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Incomplete constitution not acceptable: Madhesi leaders (nn), UDMF's first-ever rally in capital Friday (rep), Terrible follies: Prime Minister and corruption, by Pranav Bhattarai (rep)

30/03/2012: Debate on SRC reports to continue (ht), SC Verdict: A Serious Call (rn), Skipping provisions 'must' to bring statute by May 27, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), PLA integration to see a ‘breakthrough’ today: Special Committee likely to announce a deal on Friday morning, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Combatants choosing integration to be 'handed over' to NA by April 12 (nn), Technical 'bugs' delaying integration plan, by Kiran Chapagain (rep), CC sets criteria for jobs in constitutional bodies (kp), Class Conflict Behind Political Crisis, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), The whims of the powerful: Kul Chandra Gautam may claim to speak for the good of the nation, but he represents a narrow tendency that is damaging to Nepal’s political process, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Pathology of a postponed visit: I feel proud that I have done service to my nation and honoured the sentiments of millions of Buddhists around the world, by Kul Chandra Gautam (kp), Political stagnation drags country down (ht), Major parties agree to form TRC, disappearance commission (nn)

29/03/2012: Discussion on SRC report to conclude today (nn), Debate on SRC report to continue one more day (nn), Supreme Court refuses to review decision on CA term extension, by Pranab Kharel (kp), SC deals death blow to executive, legislature: Scraps PM,Speaker’s review petitions; Reiterates no more CA term extension, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), No more CA term extension: SC, by Sundar Khanal (rep), Emergency a way out, but ‘it will be catastrophic’ (ht), Party leaders say not disheartened; vow to work on twin tasks (kp), Unprecedented security in the run-up to May 27: Plan to thwart threats in lead-up to CA deadline (ht), Maoists seek senior ranks for PLA (rep), NC, UML spurn Maoist proposal, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), CC meeting deferred till April 2 (nn) [?????], Subcommittee takes strong exception to judges' remarks (rep), Warring Maoists avert split till May 27, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Prachanda at crossroads, by Jainendra Jeevan (rep), Call to form powerfulhuman rights body (kp), Challenges Of Human Rights In Nepal, by Raj Kumar Siwakoti (rn), Anxious neighbours: The kind of federalism Nepal will have is a matter of concern to both India and China, by Prakash A. Raj (kp), Conflict and women victims: Grave injustices, by Kopila Adhikari (ht)

28/03/2012: SRC report ill-thoughtout, say CA members (ht), SRC failed to meet expectations: Mahat (rep) [Better say: Nepali Congress interests!!], Marx and Hachhethu: Debating federalism, by Nitya Nanda Timsina (rep), Possibility of CA term extension ends as SC upholds its previous decision (nn), Turning point: The deal is almost done. Expect integration to kick-start soon, and draft constitution by May-end, by Prashant Jha (kp), PLA integration: Differences over action plan hit Spl panel meet (kp), NC, UML say integration must be conducted as per seven-point pact (nn) [No, integration must  be conducted in a way to safeguard durable peace!!!], Govt forms committee on democratization of NA (rep), Nepal slams ‘corruption’ in judiciary: Unfair to blame institution because of a few cases, say justices, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Judges, top leaders meet to iron out differences, by Sundar Khanal (rep), Maoists for cutting short NA screening, NC opposes (rep), Thapa to cadres: Prepare for revolt (kp), Be ready to encircle cities: Thapa tells cadres, by Post B. Basnet (rep), We will support no-confidence motion: Gajurel; Says Baidhya faction is ready if opposition parties table one (ht), Maoist establishment side to hold CC meeting unilaterally: Bid to make hardliners attend continues though (ht), Maoist 'establishment faction' reaffirms stance on peace, statute (nn), Rival Maoists On Collision Course, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Seized land sale: Team Baidya ‘raking in millions in commission’, by Durgalal KC (kp), Yadav is new MFJ-Glawmakers’ leader: Ousted minister rues lack of chance to clarify (kp), Come and get it: Women will not rise to high positions in politics by wandering around complaining, by Saloman Rajbanshi (kp), Conflict victims still await relief provided by the state (nn)

27/03/2012: SRC federal model finds not many takers in CA meeting (kp), ‘SRC reports skirt key issues’, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Lawmakers rap SRC report (rep), Failing sight (ht), Consensus unlikely on integration plan (rep), Roots of discontent: Although the strategy of the radical Maoist faction seems confused, their grievances resonate widely among the party’s rank-and-file, by Aditya Adhikari (kp) [!!!!!], Maoist boss to take ‘bold decisions’; Says parties inching closer to deal on issues; ‘final give-and-take talks will yield results’ (kp), ‘Hassles remain in integration process’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Sons of five farmers should lead country: Prez (rep) [Only persons who have been legitimated by the people should lead the country!!], ‘Peace process first; will talk the rest out’, interview with Sushil Koirala (kp) [You have 60 days!!], Agriculture minister Datta gets the sack (kp), PM sacks Minister Dutta (rep), Protest against cow slaughter (kp) [Nepal is a multiethnic and multicultural state, not a Hindu state! Please correct the law correspondingly!!]

26/03/2012: SRC reports tabled, CA discussion today: There’s no other option but to promulgate statute by the May 27 deadline (ht) Negotiations galore: Critical constitutional issues should be resolved in the near future (kp), Grave crisis if statute bid fails: PM; Says constitution will be promulgated even by taking some ‘extra time’ after May 27, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [Please tell all the stubborn veto players that extra time is not possible!!], We can’t even imagine a constitution without federalism, interview with Pradip Gyawali, CPN-UML (kp) [???], Headless constitutional bodies: House committee gives PM two weeks to fill vacant positions (kp), Revolution in the air? April is the month of turbulence in Kathmandu. What’s in store this time?, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Systems theory, by Madhu Raman Acharya (rep), Legacy of growth: PM Bhattarai is under fire for poor governance. Yet historians could judge him more kindly for his trade and development initiatives, BIPPA, West Seti, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp)

25/03/2012: CA resuming business today, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), SRC report presented in CA; discussions to start from Monday (nn), CA term won’t be extended, says Bhattarai: Fringe parties accuse major parties of causing confusion (ht) [There is no legitimacy for an extension!!], Peace within reach (rep), Parliamentary committee gives 10 more days to CC for resolving disputes (nn), Maoist factions agree on two-pronged policy (kp), What are the Maoist hardliners planning?, by Post B. Basnet (rep), Getting it right: Shaping federal Nepal, by Sumit Sharma Sameer (rep), Looters' republic: Against the tide, by Ramesh Khatry (rep), Consensus Statute Looks Elusive, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

24/03/2012: No headway in constitutional talks (kp), Constitutional panel at loggerheads: NC, UML for integration before statute (ht), Lawmakers to up pressure campaign (kp) [The promulgation of the new constuitution must be taken out of the hands of the so-called 'leaders'! It should be the free decision of the elected representatives of the people!!], CA members to launch campaign for statute (ht), Nembang collects opinion on SRC report (kp), PM seeks Army support to prepare action plan (kp), Disqualified fighters occupy party office (kp), Integration process: A tough nut to crack; Sources say problems galore before agreement reached on modality, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Minister Giri given marching orders: PM’s decision to sack her ‘will not’ affect coalition govt, by Pranab Kharel (kp), PM sacks Labour Minister Sarita Giri: Replaces her with Malwar Singh Thapa (ht), PM sacks Sarita Giri on four grounds, by Kiran Chapagain and Gani Ansari (rep), Baidya camp teams up with 12 groups: Front unveils common policies (kp), Maoist hardliners get fringe parties to rally around them for constitution: Form joint front; Unveil struggle programmes (ht), Plato's Cave: Ethics, capitalism and power, by Murari Sharma (rep)

23/03/2012: Spl panel nod to bring out action plan in five days, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), 5 days to ready integration procedures, norms (rep), NC not to flinch on PLA: No further compromiseon integration:Shekhar Koirala, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Bhattarai will stay put, says Dahal (kp), Party divided but to stay united, claims Dahal: Says Bhattarai will not step down, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Party radicals conspiring to split party, derail peace process: Dahal, by Post B. Basnet (rep), Maoist hardliner faction announces protest against govt with support of fringe parties (nn), Unpopular agenda: Relevance requires change in Maoist hardline stance (kp), Disqualified fighters in war against party: Capture Maoist offices in Surkhet; Say protest in last stage (ht), Erring Ministers Defile Government Reputation, by G.K. Pakavath (rn), That’s taxpayer money: Despite their tall claims to be working for the people, all governments in Nepal seem to feel that the people always come last, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Political Parties And Democracy, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn)

22/03/2012: UN report decries deal on amnesty: Delay in formulating witness protection law questioned (kp), Families of involuntarily disappeared people picket Congress HQ (nn), Human rights activists against forming: Truth and Reconciliation Commission (ht), SRC reports to be discussed at CA full House on Sunday (ht), Muslims demand separate identity (rep), UDMF: No to non-federal statute (rep), Resign on moral grounds: Opposition to PM (rep) [Are you stupid? There is no time to form a new government! Conclude peace and constitution immediately!!!], CC meet in limbo after Baidhya turns down Dahal’s proposal (ht), Dissolve govt before calling CC: Baidya (rep), Maoist hardliners discuss possibility of alliance with fringe left parties (nn), Political Consensus: A Seeming Will-o’-the-wisp, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Failure to lead: If the political leaders deliver the constitution, they will make history. Otherwise, they’ll become history, by Pramod Mishra (kp)

21/03/2012: Clear choice: Federalism and ethnicity, by Krishna Hachhethu (rep), EU urges urges parties to ensure timely peace, statute ‘Blanket amnesty will cause much concern’ (ht), Senior EU official says no blanket amnesty (rep), Integration deal in two days: Dahal; Says process moving ahead as per 7-point understanding (kp), Dahal-PM camp to woo hardliners (kp), Party unity only if radicals adopt line of peace: Dahal, by Kiran Pun (rep), MPRF-D warns of stern move if peace not concluded in three weeks (rep), Erring Ministers Defile Government Reputation, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), An open letter to Prachanda: Take one more “bold decision” and kick-start the integration process. You will get all the credit for the political settlement, by Prashant Jha (kp), Dying hope (ht)

20/03/2012: PM quizzes Minister Giri, State Ministers Sah, Yadav (rep), Withdraw support to government: MPRF-D, by Gani Ansari (rep), Maoists no more a party, only a ‘united front’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal-Bhattarai faction hits out at Baidya camp: Accuses rivals of derailing peace, constitution (kp), Dahal faction for ending groupism: Maoist hardliners say their strategy will be to form ‘party within party’ (ht), Party on the verge of split: Dahal, by Post B. Basnet and Kiran Pun (rep), Living Under The Shadow Of Disunity, by Prem Khatry (rn), Central region NC gathering starts: Leaders rue lack of clear position on federal model, by Shankar Acharya (kp), L’affaire Lumbini: The cultural-political warriors’ propaganda against Prachanda eclipses larger national interests, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp)

19/03/2012: UN report to sound alarm bell against Nepal’s blanket amnesty, by Kamal Raj Sigdel (kp), Boiling over: Maoists should take public fury against them as a wake-up call (kp), Parties near deal on ranks for fighters (kp), NC, UML ban foreign trips (kp), Morcha plans mass meeting for ensuring statute, federalism (kp), The prosperity paradigm: Sidelines, by C.K. Lal (rep), Ultimatum, Urgency And Uncertainty, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Constitution writing process has become undemocratic, interview with Pampha Bhusal, UCPN-Maoist (kp), Spectator citizens: There are large political risks at stake in restricting citizens to spectators in the making of their own future, by Seira Tamang (kp)

18/03/2012: Baidya faction vows to unseat govt (kp), Hardliners unveil plan to topple Bhattarai govt: May go for no-confidence motion (ht), Dr. Baburam Bhattarai Stays On, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km) [see part 2 (25/03/2012), part 3 (01/04/2012), part 4 (08/04/2012), part 5 (15/04/2012), part 6 (22/04/2012), part 7 (29/04/2012), part 8 (06/05/2012), part 9 (13/05/2012), part 10 (20/05/2012), part 11 (27/05/2012), part 12 (10/06/2012), part 13 (17/06/2012), part 14 (24/06/2012), part 15 (01/07/2012), part 16 (08/07/2012), part 17 (15/07/2012), part 18 (22/07/2012), part 19 (29/07/2012), part 20 (05/08/2012), part 21 (12/08/2012), part 22 (19/08/2012), part 23 (26/08/2012), part 24 (02/09/2012), part 25 (09/09/2012), part 26 (16/09/2012), part 27 (23/09/2012), part 28 (01/10/2012), part 29 (07/10/2012), part 30 (14/10/2012), part 31 (21/10/2012), part 32 (28/10/2012), part 33 (04/11/2012), part 34 (18/11/2012), part 35 (25/11/2012), part 36 (02/12/2012), part 37 (09/12/2012), part 38 (16/12/2012), part 39 (23/12/2012), part 40 (30/12/2012), part 41 (06/01/2013), part 42 (13/01/2013), part 43 (20/01/2013), part 44 (27/01/2013), Part 45 (03/02/2013), part 46 (10/02/2013), part 47 (17/02/2013), part 48 (03/03/2013), part 49 (10/03/2013), part 50 (17/03/2013)], President urges leaders to toe constitution line (kp), Prez presses leaders on peace, statute (rep), Endless pain for war victim, by Krishna Prasad Gautam (kp), Prez presses parties for consensus: ‘Speculation that president will take over laid to rest’ (ht), Fringe parties warn Bhattarai: Say PM should either control political disorder or resign (ht)

17/03/2012: Maoist hardliners to unveil anti-PM protest plan today (kp), Baidya faction gives one week deadline to PM to step down (nn), Political advisor says PM Bhattarai won't step down (nn), PM asks oppn for senior rank for PLA fighters (kp)

16/03/2012: The Final Countdown, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), Under pressure, leaders abort junket: Major parties ask leaders not to leave Capital until May 27 (kp), Accountability of donors in question, by Phanindra Dahal (kp) [!!!], Ethnicity-based federalism unacceptable, says Deuba (kp) [You never understood that an ethnicity based unitary state, as it is still uphold by most political parties, has always been unacceptable for the majority of the people! This alone is the reason for the current demand of ethnicity-based federalism!!], UDMF supports Tharu stir, by Gani Ansari (rep), Anti-federalist strike triggers protests (ht), UCPN-M not to go for ethnic federalism (ht) [???], Complete integration in 7 days: UML to government, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), PLAs threaten to derail peace process: To retire if denied Brig Gen post (ht), Commanders threaten to opt out of integration (rep), Oppn ready to offer colonel rank to combatants: Dahal (kp), Securing the insecure: It’s time national security policy focussed on issues like energy rather than just the usual ticking of the military box, by Navin Singh Khadka (kp), A step back to step forward: There is plenty to be cynical about, but we are inching ahead on peace and constitution, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Restructuring Commission Report, by Prakash A. Raj (sp), Full Circle of Incongruities, by Dipak Gyawali (sp), Judging In Deed, by Yubaraj Ghimire (sp)

15/03/2012: Critical juncture this, but ‘irresponsible’ leaders raring to go on junkets, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Parties differ on crime-accused lawmakers’ status (kp), Dahal for Dhungel's exemption, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep) [No impunity for criminals!!], Hardliners forming paramilitary force (kp), Ex-combatants rallying against Dahal, govt, by Kiran Pun and Gajendra Bohara (rep), Gurung demands resignation of PM Bhattarai (nn), Why PM floated disputed proposal (rep), Big 3 leaders shamed into vowing to mend citizenship rules, by Anjali Subedi (rep), Parties get 10 days for consensus (ht), Who’s in charge? Political spoilsports’ insistence on taking the number of service years to provide equivalence of ranks to Maoist fighters should be seriously reconsidered, by Deepak Thapa (kp), UML objects to Bhattarai’s army integration plan (ht), ‘Parties should meet people’s aspirations’: Carter hopes Nepal will uphold principles of democracy (ht), Tharuwan bandh hits far-west: Locals demand to enshrine their identities in the statute (ht)

14/03/2012: The golden mean: Far more than integration, parties will be judged on how they navigate through the federal challenge. Turning a blind eye to it is no solution, by Prashant Jha (kp), Parties agree to remove procedural hitches regarding SRC report, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Victims' non-acceptance of relief package worries govt, by Gani Ansari (rep), Special Committee meet a dud; leaders say all hope is not lost, by Phanindra Dahal (rep), CC gets 10 more days to resolve contentious issues (nn), PM f