Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Crisis solution (2008)

Since the Delhi Agreement between seven parliamentary parties and the insurgent CPN (Maoist) of 22 November 2005, the people of Nepal have been waiting in vain for the promised realisation of an inclusive democratic system. Although the then putsching monarchy was abolished and a constitution was passed in 2015 after long power struggles between the political parties, even this was the sole work of the exclusively male leaders of the three major parties, predominantly male Bahuns. The appropriate participation of all social groups, as provided for in the interim constitution of January 2007, did not take place. In this respect, the constitution of 2015 even represented in part a step backwards compared to the interim constitution.
Thus, apart from the abolition of the monarchy, not much has changed since the 1990 system. Numerous fundamental human rights continue to be disregarded. There is no inclusion of all social groups. All power and the majority of all state functions are still in the hands of male Tagadharis, especially male Bahuns.  The latter make up only 6 percent of the population, but the identification of the state and its society and culture, in short the nationalist image of the state of Nepal, is still based on the culture and partly narrow-minded, anarchic, patriarchal and socially discriminating view and thinking of this small minority. As long as this state of affairs continues and the failed generation of political leaders of all parties is not replaced by a younger generation that is inclusive, open-minded, receptive and not exclusively oriented towards personal power interests, there will be no end to the crisis situation.

Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Crisis solution (current)


31/12/2008: YCL set to leave camps: Pun: To settle among general public, by Tika R Pradhan (ht), NC to rope in other parties for its cause (ht), NC bent on exerting pressure on Maoists (kp), Sharma accuses NC of conspiring to topple govt (rn), Mahara accuses NC of flouting pact by boycotting parliament (nn), Anti-Maoist strike hits Palpa, Gulmi (ht), NC protest Maoist attack; strike paralyses Gulmi (kp), NC sticks with same bullet (rn), 'YCL,YF derailing peace process' (ht), Nepali Congress a divided house on government's fate (ht), Maoist cadres seek UML pastures: Some Maoists are more equal, by Renu Kshetry (kp), Legal immunity objected (kp), 5-star food for detained union bosses (kp), Timely statute unlikely, say leaders (ht), Nepali model base of constitution: Bhusal (kp) [??], MMT-displaced demand relief (kp), Govt inks five point pact with another Terai outfit (nn), Healing The Wounds Of The Conflict, by Hira Bahadur Thapa (rn), Nepal says party will decide on proposal to nominate him to head CC (nn), Matrika threatens to leave Maoist party if Madhesis betrayed (nn), Nepal’s Suffering: An outrage to humanity, by Ananda P Srestha (tg), The Economic Dimension of Security and Good Governance, by Neelam Timilsina and Keshav Acharya (tg)

30/12/2008: Kantipur siege ends (kp), Constituent Assembly members press Maoists on media freedom (ht), Media attack reminds SAFMA head of emergency (ht), Give us 45 days to quit Balaju camp: YCL (kp), YCL excesses cripple industrial sector: Won't close camp in Balaju industrial area,says YCL's Newa Rajya panel head (ht), PM's word on property won't be kept: Matrika (ht), Matrika upholds stand on land, by Lilaballav Ghimire (kp), Word on nine-point pact mere lip service? (ht), Tarun Dal rally for pact implementation (ht), NC continues House boycott (kp), NC disrupts House meet for 6th day (rn), House proceedings stalled yet again (ht), Maoists' totalitarian attitude main hindrance to the peace process: Poudel (nn), Parties fall short of CA panels’ deadline (kp), Palpa strike sees Maoist, NC clash (kp), Former MP injured in Tansen clash (ht), Maoists should not fear army coup: Nepal (kp), Rautes set out to meet PM (kp), 'Detainees buried in Shivapuri' (ht), ‘Kidnapping for ransom, on charge of spying rampant in Terai’ (rn), Strengthen commission on disappearances: NHRC (ht), Criminal guilt, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), An end to idiocy, by Manjushree Thapa (kp), Keep on talking, by Ram Dayal Rakesh (kp), Estimating the costs of conflict, by Hari Bansh Jha (ht), Young Turk bats for internal democracy in NC, interview with Nabindra Raj Joshi (ht), Intra And Inter-party Conflict, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (rn), Federalism splits nation: Singh (rn), Home Ministry to strictly enforce ‘no blockade in highways’ decision (nn)

29/12/2008: Cabinet yields to Congress demands (ht), NC boycott on, PM address off (ht), Parliament boycott continues: PM fails to address Congress demands, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), NC again boycotts legislative parliament session (nn), Maoists are using pressure tactics, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (ht), Battle For Change (rn), Only way out (kp), Big Two agree to fill vacant posts (kp), CPN-Maoist, UML lock horns over head of AISC (rn), Measured steps (ht), Gachhadar wants MJF to quit govt (ht), FNJ calls off stir after deal with govt: Siege enters Day Five (kp), Govt, FNJ strike 10-point deal (ht), Govt, FNJ sign deal on press freedom (rn), Kantipur's eastern edition stalled despite FNJ-govt pact (nn), Press freedom, workers’ rights complement each other (rn), Release and rehabilitate child soldiers, by Kul Chandra Gautam (kp), Media blackout, by Jyotsna Poudyal (kp), Proletariats take up squatters' cause (ht), Strike grips Mechi-Koshi (ht), Displacement Versus Retirement, by P. Kharel (rn)

28/12/2008: Maoists agree to implement pacts, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), YCL to fall in line in three days, says PM: Return of property in a week, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Govt agrees on NC demands, Maoist-seized properties will be returned (nn), Maoists cling to seized property, byShakti Kumar Pun (ht), YF to evict YCL from seized property (ht) [A militant way to fight militancy?], FNJ-govt talks today, journalists' protest on (ht), Journos continue stir for free press (kp), No end to Kantipur woes (ht), FNJ-Govt talks today (kp), Govt to give commitment to press freedom in parliament (nn), Tarun Dal protest to enforce pacts (ht), Party leaders too pose threat, rue VDC secys, by J. Pandey (kp), Peace minister assures action on the Tarai pact (ht), Good governance of a republican govt, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), ‘Maoist not to align with any defender of status-quo’  (rn), People & Constitution (rn), Madhav Nepal claims to be only leader left to run nation (rn) [Yes, of course, he was only rejected twice by the people in the CA elections of April 2008!!], Maoists, UML agree to give full shape to commissions, appoint officials in constitutional bodies (nn), PLA will also take in new recruits if Nepal Army does so: Ananta (nn), NRNs get to offer suggestion for the new constitution (nn), MJF ministers unhappy with govt's performance (nn)

27/12/2008: FNJ’s nationwide protest continues: Stop Kantipur siege, leaders tell Maoists (kp), Sinister design (kp), Reinstatement of expelled workers demanded (rn), Maoist trade union chief warns of future attacks against press (nn), Journos continue protest against attacks on media (nn), Big Three seal on representation in army panel (ht), Three-party meet ends AISC row (kp), Tripartite talks fail to make headway (ht), Maoists' fling with power may depend on UML's terms (ht), Behave or we quit, UML warns Maoists (kp), Nepal's prognosis: short shrift to 12-pt accord spelt doom (ht), NC continues House boycott (kp), House boycott is NC's most-favoured ploy (ht), MJF CA members spar with Congress (ht) [CA/parliamentary affairs are run outside the building as it often happened under the failed system of 1990! This is not democracy!!], Tarai outfit smokes peace pipe (ht), Govt, SJTMM talks end on positive note, by Manika Jha (kp), Gautam deflects his poor record, blames Maoists for lawlessness, by Devendra Barma (ht), NHRC urges govt to amend Bill for missing (ht), Sadbhawana Party parades youth wing, by Janak Nepal (kp) [Wonderful! Nepal cannot have enough of such groups that like to place themselves out of law and order!], Authoritarian threat, by Ram Sharan Mahat (kp), MoD asks to stop NA recruitment process (nn), Political Vendetta In Nepal, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop)

26/12/2008: Attack on press unabated: Kantipur Biratnagar office still obstructed (kp), Daring Action: The pro-Maoist workers conduct a daring action by vandalizing the office and assaulting journos and staffs of Himal Media (sp), High noon at Himal: These are not the idealistic revolutionaries I covered during the war, by Dambar Krishna Shrestha (nt), This is Naya Nepal: Welcome back to the jungles, by Shitu Rajbhandari (nt), Dahal in the dock: Meddling with the media was the last straw, by CK Lal (nt), Freedom from pressure: Let a truly independent media flourish in 2009, bx Rishi Dhamala (nt), FNJ announces fresh protests, Maoist union still obstructing works at Kantipur regional office (nn), Thumbs down to talks offer (ht), Restore The Trust (rn), Himal moves police office (kp), Himalmedia attackers surrender (nn), Threat to Kantipur comes under Oli fire (kp), Maoist, UML seek common ground (ht), Maoist, UML discuss ways to narrow differences rn), Maoist-UML meet: PM for deal to woo NC (kp), Resignation rumour amid MJF 'turf war' (ht), Gathering Strengths: The Nepali Congress (NC) boycotts parliament demanding that the government fulfill its assurances (sp), Gautam finds gaping holes in martyrs’ list (ht), Two years compensation in sight, by Surendra Kafle (ht), In need of a home, by Umesh Pokharel (kp), Demobbed, by Aditya Man Shrestha, Prayag Dutta Tewari and Dwarika N. Dhungel (kp), Ex-Gurkhas protest Maoists' foreign recruitment ban (ht), State restructuring panel seeks advice (ht), NHRC poser to govt on withdrawal of cases (ht), Armed outfits at forefront of human rights violation (rn), Continuation of Instability: The government and political system has changed from one to another, what remains permanent is the continuation of instability, by Keshab Poudel (sp), The boundaries of federalism: A 'cooperative federalism' seeks the middle path between ethnic and territorial federalism, by Dewan Rai (nt), They do it again: Keep the peace process on track, but resist Maoist extremism, by Prashant Jha (nt), Govt-SJTMM talks ends with 5-point agreement (nn), AISC row 'almost resolved'; four parties to send two members each (nn), Nepal king gone but Mao-ruled republic remains restless (Peninsula)

25/12/2008: Alliance sets terms for talks (kp), Alliance for Press Freedom vows to continue agitation (ht), Mahara picked for talks with journalists (kp), Mahara point person for govt's image makeover (ht), Dahal censures journos, by Amrita Anmol (kp), Pressure to probe media attack piles (kp), Nationwide protests erupt (kp), Bar body flays media attack (ht), Maoist unionists to shut down Kantipur Biratnagar office (kp), Main accused of Himalmedia assault holed-up inside YCL camp (nn), 7912 to be declared martyrs: Rs 7.91b needed for compensation, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Army, defence ministry at odds over recruitment: NA set to enlist 2,600 more,ignoring govt fiat, by Prakash Rimal (ht), Jhankri's turn to malign the Maoists (ht), PM bats for govt, urges oppn to join coalition's rank, by Mahendra Thapa (ht), NC carries on boycott (kp), NC keeps up with House boycott (ht), Inclement weather fizzles out talks with armed Tarai groups (ht), Amend disappearance bill: ICRC (kp), The third alliance: Citizens need to create their own alliance because the politicians cannot be trusted, by Sumit Sharma (kp), Fresh impetus must for peace process: Trust building, mutual understanding, unifying dynamics should top parties' agenda, by Daman Nath Dhungana and Padma Ratna Tuladhar (ht), Only in Nepal, by Biswas Baral (kp)

24/12/2008: Broad alliance for press freedom (kp), Journalists' crusade against state high-handedness (ht), Media organisations close ranks (ht), A balanced hit on media: Dixit (ht), No more lies (kp), Attack on media ignites protests (kp), EU expresses concern (kp), Maoist union pickets Kantipur regional office (kp), Kantipur faces Maoists' music (kp), YF sets Birgunj daily copies afire (kp), Academicians laud role of Nepal media (tg), Maoist union leader warns of 'bigger attacks' against Himalmedia (nn) [Is this what you mean with 'new Nepal', Mr Dahal?], Alliance for press freedom to continue its protests (nn), Dahal to get pressure memo (kp), PM for Left polarization (kp), Prachanda holds out unity hope for Communist forces (ht), YCL to lend helping hand to govt (kp) [Wonderful help, this! YCL's anarchy and lawlessness will prevent the necessary renewal process!!], Sister organisations contribute to culture of impunity, says Yami (rn), MJF pushes one Madhesh Agenda (kp), MJF to push for One Madhesh, party unity (ht), New-born Madhes party plans protest right away (ht), ‘JDTLF honestly ready to hold dialogue with govt’ (rn), Talks with a Terai group stalled (nn), The political fallout, by Abhi Subedi (kp), We the people, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp), New recruitment against pact: UNMIN (kp), Army recruitment within law: NA spokesperson (nn), Peace process: What does army recruitment mean?, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Democracy and Peace Building in Nepal, by Dev Raj Dahal (tg), Inclusive Constitution needed, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Federalism is not ours, it was manufactured by Indian Expansionism, interview with Mohan Bikram Singh (tg), Nature of Political Parties, by Chandra Dev Bhatta (tg), ICRC proposes changes in draft law on missing persons (nn), NC again boycotts CA session (nn) [Please go on with these politics as long as there is a spark of life in Nepal!!], Reports of Bandhs / Blockades - 1 to 30 November 2008 (Relief Web 24/12/2008)

23/12/2008: Blank editorials in protest (kp), Publishers, editors up in arms (ht), Diplomatic missions flay attack (kp), Attack on Himalmedia condemned (ht), Int’l media organizations flay Himalmedia attack (nn), Six journos hurt in police action (ht), Cops rain batons, 12 journos hurt (kp), Maoist union warns APCA employees (kp), Maoist union threatens APCA Nepal staffers (ht), Now its Kantipur’s turn, threatens a YCL leader (nn), Threat to Kantipur regional office (kp), Himalmedia attack act of anarchy: PM, Rajendra Manandhar and Balkrishna Basnet (kp) [Dissolve all your anarchy spreading organizations and bring the culprits behind bars, Mr Dahal! This is your only chance to preserve your national and international credibility as PM!!], Minister Yami shrugs off cadres' role for attack on Himalmedia (ht), Prachanda sermon to YCL on image makeover (ht), PLA recruitment drive on the cards, by Amrita Anmol (kp), PLA to ramp up head count?, by Mahendra Thapa (ht) [??], New army recruitments would be breach of peace accord, says UNMIN chief (nn), Ruling coalition is in crisis: UML (nn), UML adopts wait and see approach (kp), Ex-rebels in line of fire at UML CC meet (ht), Yadav threatens to pull out of ruling coalition (ht), Panel to teach CC the ropes (kp), Task force push to statute-drafting (ht), CJ spells out judiciary's woes: HR crisis (ht), Stalled debate, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), The chilly winter ahead, by Daulat Jha (kp), Maoists, NC, UML united against Madhes, interview with Hridayesh Tripathi (ht), Criteria For Affirmative Action, by Narayan Prasad Wagle (rn)

22/12/2008: Himalmedia staff, editors beaten up: Presidents of Maoist-affiliated trade unions led the attack; Martial arts experts involved: Dixit (ht), Condemnations flow from political parties, NHRC: Maoist unionists attack Himal Media (kp), PM blames 'party infiltrators' behind Himalmedia assault, assures probe into the incident (nn) [??], Police rough up journos protesting attack on Himalmedia (nn), NC boycotts House yet again (ht), NC continues House boycott; RPP, RJP, Dalit party join in (kp), Oppn disrupts Parliament meeting (rn), Former Government Responsible For Disappearances (Scoop), Govt renews call for talks (kp), MMT commander Toophan Singh arrested (ht), Special police squad to combat Tarai crime, by Aman Koirala (kp), Strike hits east (kp), Mechi-Koshi bandh cripples life in east, by Sita Niraula (ht), The right way (kp), Some parties are never out of opposition: CPN-Maoist,CPN-UML love to take to the streets ignoring peace structures (ht), ‘Make status of disappeared people public’ (rn), ‘Incorporate voice of Karnali in new statute’ (rn), PM Dahal asks YCL cadres to exercise self-restraint (nn) [This means further support of impunity! All crimes have to be punished by law courts!!], Maoists 'in discussion' to open admission in PLA (nn)

21/12/2008: PM Dahal shows flexibility on AISC: Still silent on seized properties (kp), Prime Minister moots panel on seized property, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Displaced people in Rolpa having tough time returning to their villages (nn), Maoists delaying statute-drafting process: Ex-CJ, by Bal Krishna Basnet (kp) [A very critical but extremely one-sided view by a former CJ whose closeness to the NC is well known! So far, the NC seems to be the most obstructive party!!], NC to boycott House session today as well (nn) [!!], NC under Gajurel fire (kp), Khanal floats statute-drafting sutra (kp), UML leader prophesies political confrontation (kp), Maoists, NC on confrontation course: Adhikari (kp), MK Nepal snubs another offer (nn), YCL, YF threat to security: DPM (kp), Misnaming martyr: These days you can live dirty but die clean, as a 'martyr', by Prerana Marasini (kp), TMDP threatens fresh agitation (ht) [There is neither reason nor legitimacy for such demands by leaders of a disadvantaged section of society that comprises about 40% of the Tarai population!!], Leaders dwell on federalism (ht), CA should be a platform for consensus: Nembang (rn), Constitution Making Process Gathers Steam, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), All landless people will have land within two years: Gautam (nn) [???], Strike cripples life in eastern Nepal (nn)

20/12/2008: Army disappeared 156 in Bardiya: UN (kp), UN hot on Bardiya case rights' violation heels (ht), UML not helping govt: Home Minister (kp), Bam Dev trains gun at his own for 'anomalies' (ht), Incorporate our voice: Karnali folks (kp), CA sub panels (kp), Panel on governance trots out schedule (ht), TMDP spoiling for a fight with govt (ht) [Please remember: Here speaks a party that represents only 3% of the population according to the election results!!], Madhesi leaders step up 'one Madhes' rhetoric (nn), Warzone echo in classrooms as bunkers linger, by Kishor Budhathoki (ht), CPN-Maoist for progressive change (rn), Nepal will become people's republic within 1 and ½ years: Mohan Baidya (nn)

19/12/2008: Congress boycotts parliament session: Wants PM to clarify on its wish list (kp), Parliament meet postponed as NC boycotts (rn), NC boycott adjourns House till Sunday: All statute panels to have Muslim members (ht), NSU demonstrations disrupt valley traffic (nn), Khanal spits venom at NC, NSU (nn), Dahal bags peace award: Pledges to fulfil people’s aspiration (kp), This govt cannot be pulled down, says PM Dahal (nn), Dilemma of a revolutionary-turned-premier, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), Maoists, UML agree to expand AISC (kp), Integrate or disintegrate? Not all Maoists in the camps want to be part of the Nepal Army, by Prerana Marasini (nt), Prachanda urges Nepal to head constitution-drafting panel (ht), Foreign hand, by Geja Sharma Wagle (kp), Anti-mine campaign: Action Resumes (sp), Tarai talks: Timid Beginning, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), The Unrepresented: Madhesi ministers prove themselves powerless to effect change in the Tarai, by Subhas Devkota (nt), Into the darkness: Nepalis voted for peace, not  for leaders who make threats when the going gets tough, by Mallika Aryal (nt), PM Dahal says there is danger of country ending up with "traditional constitution" (nn), OHCHR makes public report on conflict-related disappearances in Bardiya (nn)

18/12/2008: Speaker banks on parties’ help (kp), Nepal repeats critical tone (kp), Maoists responsible if govt collapses, says Sushil Koirala (ht), The silent cry, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Govt 'not serious' on Tarai talks, by Byas Shankar Upadhyaya (ht), CPN-M, UML discuss constitutional appointments (nn), NC boycotts House proceedings (nn) [Bandhs and boycotts are the best way to prevent democracy!], Maoists are Conspiring Democracy in Nepal, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician)

17/12/2008: CA panels begin formal business (kp), Statute-drafting process set rolling, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Constitution drafting process goes ahead (rn), Constitution writing process takes off, by Liladhar Upadhyaya (rn), Finally Starting (rn), 2,000 displaced yet to return home: Political bickering takes its toll on local peace panels, by J. Pandey (kp), Statute, not land reforms, top priority, govt told (ht), Phony squatters on prowl in Chitwan, by Dipendra Baduwal (kp), Dispossessed farmers cry for grabbed land: Maoists refuse to part with seized property, by Kishor Budhathoki (ht), There's plenty of work for UNMIN in Nepal: Unfinished business, by Shobhakar Budhathoki (kp), Into thin air: The Disappearances Bill seeks cosmetic changes that’ll allow those guilty of crimes to to live in peace, by Sam Howard (kp), Six concerns that point to weaknesses in Nepal's peace process: Weak process, by Ian Martin (kp), Dalits for inclusive statute (ht), ‘Building federal province major daunting challenge’ (rn), The Camouflaged State of Madhes, by Kanchan Jha (tg)

16/12/2008: Panels formed to draft statute (kp), Headless statute drafting bodies get shape, by Arjun Bhandari and Prakash Acharya (ht), Constitution writing process takes off, by Liladhar Upadhyaya (rn), The right approach (ht), NC set to disrupt next session of Parliament: Wants the PM to clarify his recent utterances (ht) [This is first of all a constituent assembly! Disrupting its work once again is a crime against people and nation! Look for other ways of protest!], Nepal's NC Not Favoring Change, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Maoists for broader republican alliance (kp), Maoists for forging alliance against 'reactionaries' (kp), UML not to quit govt before writing statute (rn), Joining govt a folly: Nepal (kp), JTMM-J’s deadline for talks (kp), Law and disorder: The Maoists are creating a climate of near-total immunity for their cadres (kp), Law and disorder (Asia News Network), No alternative to capitalism, by Santosh Pokharel (kp), Shivpuri 'mass grave' report tomorrow (ht), Maoist victims to continue stir against failed promises of PM Dahal (nn), Upendra Yadav's high-handedness earns JP's ire, interview with Jayaprakash Prasad Gupta (ht), Maoist-led government: Paradox of democratization, by Ganga Thapa (ht)

15/12/2008: PM defends ‘raise-arms’ call, by Prem Kumari Ghale & Ishwori Neupane (kp) [???], Words are easy: If the Maoists go back to the jungle, it is unlikely that any other Koirala would emerge to lure them back to power, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Remarks stun UML (kp), by Amrita Anamol, UML could walk out of govt, Nepal warns Maoists (nn), PM’s remark riles CA members (kp), CA to announce panels today (kp), Statute-drafting process begins tomorrow (ht), Govt withdraws serious criminal charges giving it political colour (nn), Nepal government withdraws criminal charges against Maoist leaders (Monster and Critics), Govt official gunned down in Janakpur (nn), MJF Morang demands Gachhadhar be recalled from govt (nn), Practise what you preach, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp)

14/12/2008: Parties jostling for berths in coveted committees, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp) [These so-called leaders, most of them male tagadharis, will never change: personal interests come first, no interest in country and people!!], NC, MJF to send their list for CA committee members (nn), All the parties submit list for CA committee members (nn), NC under pressure to take on govt (kp) [This is against the people's will! They have impressively voted the NC out of government because of its failed politics! Its leadership is still the non-inclusive, little democratic lot! Democratize yourself and become a reasonable opposition!], NC condemns Maoists' revolt threat: Party to nominate reps for Constituent Assembly committees today (ht), NC, UML lawmakers raise objection to PM’s remarks; Maoists blame NC overarmy integration row (nn), I did not talk about raising arms again, PM clarifies (nn), ‘Prove competent leadership’ (rn), PM urged not to be disheartened (rn), Maoist Govt. Can Achieve A Lot, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Land Reforms Commission: Madhesis, Maoists at loggerheads (ht), Gachchhedar climbs down over Madhesh province demand, by Bedraj Poudel (kp), Gachhadar against one Madhes (ht), Govt asks for UNMIN term extension (kp), Maoist activists tarnish party image, by Durga Lal KC (kp), APF displaced in dire straits, by Uday GM (ht), Red Cross to help probe Nepal civil war’s missing people (Daily Times), Cultural Transformation (rn), ‘UML for multiethnic provincial model’ (rn)

13/12/2008: Barrel of gun still relevant: PM (kp) [???], UML won’t stay if Maoists quit govt: Gautam (kp), UML will lead govt, says Khanal (rn) [???], Deuba lambasts Maoists (kp), Parties face first statute-drafting snag, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Four parties fail to meet the deadline for CA committees (ht), Delay in formation of committees may hinder statute-drafting process (nn), UNMIN term extension talks intensify, by Manesh Shrestha (kp), Prachanda plumps for UNMIN's extended stay (ht), No compromise: Maoist efforts to compromise the independence of the judiciary need to be stopped (kp), Bickering Gurung, Sthapit urged to bury their hatchet (ht), One Madhes demand has lost relevance: MJF leader (nn), MVK says it has 1,000 fighters (kp), MVK chief boasts of outfit's strength (ht), Talks a half-hearted bid: Minister Gupta (kp), Appreciable Outcome (rn), Armies of Terai outfits can be integrated, says Gautam (rn), Nepal fears NC-Maoist rift may derail process of statute-drafting (ht), Watchdog reveals disturbing picture (ht), Gautam trains gun on youth brigades, urges dissolution (ht), Statute should reflect voices of Dalits: Nemwang (rn), PM stresses cultural transformation (rn)

12/12/2008: Integrate our fighters in NA: MVK, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Madhesi Virus Killers in pow-wow (ht), Govt holds talks with Virus Killer (rn), Nepal blames PM for poor security, by Sujit Mahat (kp), RJP chief lashes out at Maoists (kp), Mainali wishes for Maoist-led govt's collapse (ht), Maoist students' union head warns of civil war (ht), Prachanda's path, by Andrew Arato (kp), The infant republic, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Spread the word, by Pramesh KC (kp), Righting the wrongs (ht), Save the Madhes: It's about time the Madhes leaders, the State and the Madhesi people took a stance against violence and paved the way for national co-operation, by Prashant Jha (nt), The buck stops with PKD: The Maoists' dual-track strategy has its limits, by Prashant Jha (nt), Pain Of Disorder, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Nobody's Baby: The Constituent Assembly was constituted to draft a new constitution. However, it seems that making constitution is nobody's priority, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Right Upheld: A UN expert advocates right to self determination to promote rights of indigenous communities (sp)

11/12/2008: NHRC exposes govt's rights record: PM made to eat humble pie at Int'l Human Rights Day function (ht), Rights body hauls up ruling coalition for flouting child rights (ht), Freedom of expression in peril (rn), 'Govt showing draconian attitude toward free press' (nn), Right to peaceful assembly violated on HR Day, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Govt firm to safeguard human rights, says PM (rn), End Impunity (rn), Govt told to end impunity (kp), Existing impunity should be done away with: Subedi (rn), Maoist victims held, only to be released later (ht), Nod to land reforms panel: Move to review, improve security apparatus of hydropower projects (ht), Land reform panel formed (rn), Gajurel’s first cousin becomes chief: Land commission formed (kp) [Never end nepotism!!], Major parties differ on land reforms, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Land Commission chief says he will provide land to landless (nn), UML will not withdraw from govt: Khanal (rn), Adhikari's turn to take potshot at ex-rebels (ht), MK Nepal now questions essence of political committee (nn), 'Exasperated' Jwala Singh threatens to break ceasefire (ht), New armed outfits (kp), First round of talks with Terai rebels today (nn), Landmine scare (ht), Peace still elusive for Rolpali youths (kp), Mending fences (kp), In the hot seat: Prachanda has now realized that he has been successful as chairman of a revolutionary party, but not as prime minister of a coalition government, by Sumit Sharma (kp), Maoist leaders dissatisfied with performance of govt (nn), Home Minister under fire for deteriorating security situation (nn)

10/12/2008: Rift in MJF, convention may be shelved: Maoist Central Committee meet put off over 'Prime Minister's hectic schedule' (ht), Help us or we’ll pull out: Dahal (kp), UML, Maoists bury hatchet (kp), Khanal rules out possibility of early pullout from govt (nn), Implement past pacts, Nepal urges Maoists (kp), Commissions to see light of day: UML, Maoists (kp) [State restructuring is the task of the CA and not of the government!!], Govt forms Land Reform Commission (nn), Big Four fails to meet the deadline (ht), Parties fail to meet CA deadline (kp), Demining work gets underway (ht), De-mining drive starts after months (kp), Gautam trains his gun on Tarai districts (ht), Right activists' call to end impunity (ht), NHRC dissatisfied over culture of impunity (nn), 60th anniversary of udhr: 7 yrs on, wait for missing continues, by Namoti Nembang (kp), Insurgency victims cry for rehabilitation (kp), CPA implementation: Lost in a maze, by Gopal Krishna Siwakoti (ht), Breach of trust: The Maoists need to re-establish their commitment to the politics of consensus (kp), International Human Rights Day, by Hemanta Raj Dahal (kp), Regional and International Drivers of Conflict and Peace, by Chandra Dev Bhatta & Dev Raj Dahal (tg)

09/12/2008: Non-cooperation fuelled Prachanda's quit threat: Yami says NC's 'mischief 'triggered thought (ht), PM signals he will act tough, says NC impeding govt progress (nn), Nobody has power to bring down govt: Ranabhat (rn), Poudel says NC not trying to bring down government (nn), Govt is a failure, says Nepal (nn), Nepal denies heading high-level political mechanism (rn), Nepal spurns PCC offer (kp), Impunity And Human Rights Benchmarks, by Gopal Krishna Siwakoti (rn), States should not be restructured on basis of ethnicity: MK Nepal (nn), UN and NA start de-mining work (nn)

08/12/2008: GPK sounds death-knell for Prachanda's ilk (ht), Prachanda warns of popular revolt, by Chintamani Poudel (ht), Maoists to quit if NC gives cold shoulder, by Binod Tripathi (kp), NC ups anti-Maoist tirade (kp), PM stresses unity to face challenges (rn), Ruling parties to persuade NC to join integration body (rn), Nepal likely to head PCC (kp), Nepal 'not interested' in heading PCC (nn), Thapa seeks China help on integration, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), YCL, YF bad blood spurs exodus (kp), Gautam threatens to quit if the Tarai unrest goes on (ht), Peace will prevail in Tarai: Gautam, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), Familiar Script Unfolds (rn)

07/12/2008: Thapa wants end to democracy of elite (kp), Thapa keeps his head amid integration buzz (kp), Maoist, UML mend fences (nn), YCL cadres terrorise Jante villagers: 300 youths forced to flee village • Two marriages disrupted • Scores injured for backing YF (ht), Disband YCL, YF: Yami, by Ramesh Chandra Adhikari (kp) [!!!], PM Dahal says NC reluctant to promote "politics of consensus" (nn), Unite for democracy: NC prez (kp) [The conservative forces obviously call for a return to the not really democratic system of 1990 under which they misused power for their personal interests and prevented an inclusive state!], Oli sticks to his guns (kp), Tharus intensify statehood drive (kp), NHRC's call to end human rights abuse (ht), Giri stresses on promotion of human rights culture (rn), Govt not following SC orders on the disappeared, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Shows Mixed Achievements, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

06/12/2008: Cantoned minors to be discharged soon (kp), PM vows to release kid fighters from PLA camps (ht), Minors to leave Maoist camps (rn), Parties burn midnight oil to tie loose ends, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), PM, 9 ministers fall foul of law, by Hari Bahadur Thapa (kp), Include RPP at all levels: Rana (kp) [Only to remember: The RPP has not won a single FTPT seat but only 8 seats through the PR system for mere 2.45% of the total votes! In functioning democratic systems like that of Germany parties are not even participated in parliament if they have got less than 5% of the votes!], PM pledges right to info (kp), Is BDA a political reality or pipe dream?, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Mending fences (kp), Chief Justice wags finger at govt on legal duties (ht), Fair sex squares off to ward off social ills (ht), Cursed by geography, by Ramu Bishwakarma (kp), Shy intellectuals, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Act On Time (rn)

05/12/2008: 100-day honeymoon: Future perfect, present imperfect, by Mudita Bajracharya (ht), Political committee hits rough waters as Nepal declines to be its part (nn), PCC has long shopping list (kp), MPs raise global meltdown alarm; No need to worry: Bhattarai, by Manesh Shrestha (kp), VP blasts govt (kp), New armed group emerges in Rolpa, by Kashiram Dangi (kp), Desiring a strong centre, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Collective crisis, by Sumit Sharma (kp), NHRC's call to amend Disappearance Bill: To put forth suggestions to CA,govt soon (ht), Who will lead the committees? Tussle over who chairs 14 drafting committees may delay constitution process, by Dhruba Simkhada (nt), Emotional succour eludes conflict victims (ht), RPP chief wants NC to take initiative for 'democratic alliance' (nn) [??], PM agrees to release underage combatants, says UN official (nn), Redder Shift: Maoist national convention endorses 'people's federal national republic' proposal – an euphemism for what other parties perceive as turn towards totalitarianism, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Explosive remnants of war: Long after the ceasefire, people continue to lose limbs, by Moheindu Chemjong (nt), "Find solutions through consensus", interview with the Danish Foreign Minister (nt), Don't blame politicians: We are all collectively at fault for the state of the country, by Prashant Jha (nt)

04/12/2008: Coalition allies form guide-govt panel (ht), Khanal urges PM to court NC (kp), PM urged to be flexible on PLA merger panel (ht), Meet statute deadline, says Prez (kp), Govt apathy irks ex-securitymen, by Janak Nepal (kp), Farmer of the future, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Janaandolan-I victim cries for help (ht)

03/12/2008: Govt fails to announce high-level mechanism (kp), MJF discontent haunts coalition (ht), Political panel to have two members each from ruling parties (nn), Political committee announced, Gurung named acting chief (nn), Army merger panel still in limbo (ht), NC sticks to gun on integration (kp), Maoists preparing for civil war: Mahat (kp), Koirala’s last battle? (tg), Wishes and horses (ht), CA members take govt to task (ht), Analysis: Whirlpool awaits Nepal PM Prachanda?, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Secure rights of indigenous people, says UN special rep (kp), Monarchy will make comeback: Thapa (kp) [???], For everything else, there's PM, by Prerana Marasini (kp), Wanted: Demilitarisation, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), ‘Need to stop YCL,YF activities (rn), Political Realities and Challenges, by Manish Thapa (tg), Will the Maoists bring about a change in the society?, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Nepal's New Political Leadership, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician)

02/12/2008: No change is the only change, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), High-level mechanism to guide government (kp), Ruling allies' guide-govt panel today (ht), Formation of political committee gets delayed (nn), Strike hits life in east (kp), Limbuwan activists detain Nembang (ht), I was not abducted: Nemwang (rn), CA chairman denies he was held by Limbuwan activists (nn), TMDP demands plague Prime Minister Prachanda (ht), No let up in violence in Terai districts (nn), Janajatis form front (ht), Utopian dreams: The recent Maoist proposal on federalism shows a party struggling to match ideology with domestic and international realities, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Kiran revels as Prachanda's conscience-keeper, interview with Mohan Baidya (ht), YCL won’t be dissolved, it will be corrected: Ananta (rn)

01/12/2008: Hope and contradiction (Himal Southasian), Gautam raps Maoists, NC for AISC impasse (kp), Maoist-aligned groups have been most uncooperative, interview with Bam Dev Gautam (kp), MJF grades Maoists low on performance, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), NC to draft statute if deadline not met, says Koirala (ht) [This would be a coup against the sovereign rights of the Nepali people! All parties, including the NC, are responsible for the delay in constitution writing!!], Koirala toughens stance, by Santosh Pokharel (kp), Disband YF, YCL: NHRC chief (kp), PLA’s integration no chance: Koirala (rn), Mahato wants quota for 10,000 Madhesis in Nepal Army (ht), Govt performance below par: Parties (kp), Miles to go, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Strike cripples normal life in the east (ht), FLSC strike cripples eastern Nepal for 2nd day (nn), UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict arrives (nn)

30/11/2008: Honeymoon period successful: Govt (kp), ‘Govt successful in working for people’ (rn), Mahara unveils 100-day report card: Biggest achievement: Revenue generation up by 35 pc (ht), MoF pegs away but scant to show, by Kuber Chalise (ht), Onus on NC to draft statute, says Koirala (kp) [Of course, 20% of the Nepali people have voted for you, i.e. 80% are against your leading role!!], Irked by delay, Koirala warns NC could float a constitution by itself (nn), Army merger delay in Maoist interest!, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht) [??], Land reform commission within 15 days (kp), Land reforms, a thorny issue, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Frame statute on time: Hapure folk, by Durgalal KC (kp), Patriarchal shadow haunts women’s rights defenders (kp), Danish Minister expresses concern over impunity (rn), Nine eastern districts reel under Limbuwan bandh (nn), End Of Maoist Differences, Reveals Unique Intraparty Democracy, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

29/11/2008: Ensure people’s right to land: NHRC (kp), Human rights body bats for right to land (ht), Agitating landless people reach deal with govt; Land Commission within two weeks (nn), Disappearances worst aspects of ugly war: Adams (rn), Crime and punishment (kp), Subedi elected CA vice-chair (kp), Maoist Subedi is Nembang's deputy (ht), Subedi elected CA Vice Chairperson (rn), Define federalism clearly: PM (kp), Denmark offers support for peace process (nn)

28/11/2008: Coinage reveals a hidden agenda, by Prakash Rimal (ht), Mahara spells out Maoists' ultimate political ambition (ht), Maoists determined to establish people’s republic: Mahara (nn), Keep them guessing: The Dahal Doctrine is steeped in compromise and hypocrisy, by CK Lal (nt), Waste of time (nt), Federal model must suit Nepal: Koirala (kp), New constitution should depict native traits: Koirala (rn), Koirala joins issue with ex-rebels on nationalism (ht), Address our demands: Dalits (kp), Yadav warns to pull out of govt (kp), We will respect CPA: Baidya (kp), Kiran feels for the downtrodden (ht), Maoist candidate may get CA vice-chair, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Betrayal of the peace process?, by Ram S. Mahat (kp) [Most parties and so-called leaders are betraying the peace process!!], Peace ministry delivers in bits & pieces, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Rights group trains gun on land revenue offices (ht), UK minister's sermon on peace and development (ht), Army integration top priority, says Khanal (rn), Maoist victims submit memorandom to NHRC (rn), When will they start drafting? Despite delays, a glimmer of hope for a timely draft still remains, by Purna Basnet (nt), Living With Instability: Whatever the nature of political system, Nepalese people have to develop a habit to live with political instability, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Red Wrangle: The cadres' convention of the Maoists turns into ideological battleground with two senior leaders presenting different proposals on party's strategy and tactics, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp)

27/11/2008: Leaders synthesize republic brands, by Renu Kshetry (kp), NC not against army integration: Deuba, by Durgalal K.C. (kp) [??], Disappearance bill lauded (kp), Rights groups welcome disappearance bill (nn), No justice, by Gyanendra Raj Aran (kp), Khanal diagnoses Maoists' ailment: conflict hangover (ht), Maoist policy helping rightists, says Khanal (nn), Misuse Of Youth Power (rn), Much conceived, but little delivered, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Peace process (kp), SC order sought for constitutional bodies (ht), Shivapuri case: A growing pointer to human remains (ht), Elected PM cannot speak against parliamentary democracy: GP Koirala (nn), Nepal’s Maoists find revolution is slow going: Experts (Peninsula), Call for adopting bill on missing people in Nepal (Peninsula)

26/11/2008: Parties fail to agree on CA vice-chair (kp), CA VC post up for voting grabs as consensus eludes parties (ht), House adjourned due to Maoist meeting (kp), Khanal's peace-delay slur on NC, ex-rebels (ht), Maoists' legal reprieve displeases ally UML (ht), Fusions, confusions and visions: Does Prachanda feel that other parties mistrust him so much that he has to turn to the elites of the erstwhile system to fill up a vacuum?, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Strategic myopia, by Ranadhoj Limbu (Angbuhang) (kp), UN official meets indigenous folks (ht), Peace process: The search for a logical conclusion, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Missing the point (ht), In Favour Of Land Commission (rn), Serious Distractions, by Sujeet Arjel (tg), Peace Initiatives in Nepal: State and Challenge, by Dinesh Tripathi (tg), Foreign interference in Nepal must be discontinued immediately, by Madhav Kumar Rimal, President Green Party Nepal (tg), Nepal assembly urged to adopt law on disappearance (Reuters)

25/11/2008: ICJ urges effective Disappearance Bill (kp), Global body urges amendment to the missing bill (ht), State-displaced persons long for home, hearth, by Durga Lal KC (kp), Maoists holding on to seized land (kp), Inappropriate means (kp), The incomplete revolution, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Dialogue for lasting peace, by Chandrakishore (kp), Rolpalis seek representation in the constitution (ht)

24/11/2008: Displaced plead NHRC to prod govt (kp), Rift narrows but situation still ‘fluid’ (kp), Parties pledge to expedite statute drafting (kp), Nembang rules out government's role in statute-drafting (ht), CP Mainali's sermon to Maoists on pitfalls of federal structure (ht), Constitution will not be drafted within timeframe: Local poll, by Mohan Budaair (kp), Koirala puts down feet against army integration (kp), NC Accusations (rn), No cooperation with Maoists unless YCL activities checked and seized properties returned: Poudel (nn), GPK awaits Maoists' call to join integration panel (ht), Govt urged to honour pact on federalism (kp), Ethnic party cries 'govt foul play', threatens armed revolt in the east (ht), When will we learn?, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Letter to Ian Martin, by Ram Sharan Mahat (Nepali Congress) (kp), On the rights track, by Richard Bennett (kp), Towards Respect For Human Rights, by Richard Bennett (rn), Reprieve for Maoist leaders (ht), Experience of China's 30-year reform helpful to Nepal (People's Daily)

23/11/2008: Koirala rebuffs army integration, by Janak Nepal (kp), Koirala lays down conditions for cooperation with Maoists (nn), Kirati proposes 800 districts (kp), Gopal Kiranti's 800-district pill to end all ills (ht) [This does not provide any perspective!!]

22/11/2008: Prachanda adopts brave unity facade: Wags finger at reactionaries; hems and haws at 'ideological crisis'within party (ht), Peace elusive despite political change, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Tarai parleys soon: Minister Jha (kp), MJM smells rat in govt move over parleys with Tarai outfits (ht), Martyrs maligned: The proliferation in the number of 'martyrs' has made the word almost meaningless (kp), In one peace, by Som P Pudasaini (kp), NSP plumps for census ahead of restructuring (ht), Wake-Up Call (rn), No any army integration if Maoists don't correct themselves: Koirala (nn) [In other words: We will prevent necessary steps at any cost! We have the mandate to do so because we have got 20% of the votes in the CA elections!!]

21/11/2008: Chairman’s report to include ‘hard-line’ ideas: Likely leadership crisis averted, by Renu Kshetry (kp), Khanal asks Maoists to renounce violence, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), Abide by CPA, NHRC tells govt, Maoists (ht), Human rights in pathetic state (rn), Who's in charge? Thugs and threats rule in the new Nepal, by CK Lal (nt), Impunity par excellence: The state and criminals, by Ram S Mahat (ht), Valley bandh hits general life (rn), Protest perusal (ht), Agitating kin of two slain youths reach agreement with govt; protests called off (nn) [Forming another commission and paying compensation is not enough! The militant youth wings of all political parties must be dissolved immediately!!], 261 killed last year: State, non-state actors blamed (kp), Ignored Madhesh: A hundred people have been killed in the Tarai in the past six months (kp), ‘State would not accept Madhes as one state’ (rn), Tarai fragments: Caste and militancy splinters the Madhes movement, by Prashant Jha (nt), Realignment in Nepali politics: The communists will set the agenda for the new Constitution that will guide the country for decades, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), UN SR on indigenous people to arrive next week (nn), Democratise the parties: There is conflict between democratic and undemocratic tendencies of leadership within every party, Geja Sharma Wagle (kp), Learning from South Africa: Nepali legislators must look to the experiences of other 'new' nations, by Gagan Thapa (nt), "Integration is the backbone of the peace process", interview with Minister for Peace and Reconstruction, Janardan Sharma (nt), "This Government Is Acting As A Single Party Government Led By Maoists", interview with Govinda Raj Joshi, NC (sp) [??], Statute Course: The CA passes regulation and calendar on constitution writing, but parties are still at odds on key issues, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp)

20/11/2008: Violation of peace pact unchecked, by Janak Nepal (kp), 2 blasts rock Sarlahi HQ (kp), Yadav warns of withdrawing from govt (rn), Kids-friendly statute sought (kp), fine print, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Hard Task Ahead, by Shyam K.C. (rn), Putting victims on the agenda: Govt’s attempts are not enough to establish a credible Disappearance Commission, by Jyotsna Poudyal (kp), Legal lacunae bar to Madhesi inclusiveness, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht)

19/11/2008: Debate on republic brand widens rift (kp), Maoists to enter into fierce debate over two documents (nn), Prachanda’s leadership questioned by Maoists (Gulf Times), Row over ideology in Nepal, by Shirish B. Pradhan (Asian Age), Formal talks with Tarai groups soon: Minister (kp), Dharmashala now a political base (kp), Move on Maoist victims spells doom: Shekhar (kp), CPN-Maoist's commitment to democracy in doubt, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Call to draft constitution sans gender bias (ht), Model statute for citizensip rights (kp), SC directives on third-gender's rights in statute (ht), Mahara invites landless for talk (kp), The federalist debates: The international community's opposition to fedaralism is based on a number of misconceptions, by Manjushree Thapa (kp), The Danish proposition (tg), Uneasy journey to May 2010: Differences can be bridged if the Prachanda government can somehow get the NC on board the Army Integration Special Committee (kp), En masse integration into Nepal Army: Kiran (tg), Kalam's vision for New Nepal, excerpt of a speech by former president of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam (kp), 15 groups ready to sit for talks: Cabinet to be apprised of the progress in talk process today (ht), Talks with govt positive, armed groups say (rn), Party cadres intensify donation drive (ht), Nepal’s external actors would love to see efficient working of democratic process, by Bishnu Poudel (tg), Economic Costs of Conflict, by Hari Bansh Jha (tg)

18/11/2008: Dahal, Baidya at loggerheads, by Renu Kshetry (kp), Baidya counters PM on nature of republic, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Prachanda, Maoist hardliners differ over ideology (Times of India), Data on Maoist-seized properties hazy, by Phanindra Dahal (kp), Compensation for conflict-hit soon (kp), Nembang’s help sought (kp), Talks with Tarai outfits begin: Sharma informally meets leaders of more than 15 armed groups (ht), Informal talks with Tarai groups ‘positive’, by Jitendra Khadga (kp), Talks With Terai Groups (rn), Roots of struggle: Armed groups in the Tarai have serious political demands and cannot simply be dismissed as criminal, by Chandrakishore (kp), Tarai outfit's month-long agitation (ht), Whips and votes, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Now, on track (ht), People's help sought to draft constitution (ht), Army integration issue will not hinder constitution drafting process: Nemwang (nn), BP Koirala's contemporary looks back in anger, interview with Ram Hari Joshi (ht), Right activists call KJWP for talks (rn)

17/11/2008: CA begins process to draft new statute, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), CA puts final stamp on statute calendar (kp), CA okays statute writing schedule (rn), Fireworks over ‘People’s Republic’ likely: Maoist CC meet, by Ganga B.C. (kp), Exemplary proposal, by Shyam KC (kp), Onus of compensation on Maoists: Koirala, by Shankar Acharya (kp) [This sounds too easy. Crimes were committed by both, Maoists and security forces! The latter did so as ordered by their leadership and politicians like Deuba, Koirala, Thapa, Gyanendra, etc.!!], Blind eye (kp), Families of disappeared warn of stir (kp), Kin of disappeared meet PM, demand whereabouts (rn), Minister Sharma meets rebel leaders (nn), Talks with JTMM-G meaningless: Minister Jha (kp), YCL, YF bury hatchet for tender moolah (kp), Kamal Thapa’s recipe to protect democracy (kp) [Sounds strange: The main henchman of the authoritarian royal regime wants to fight authoritarianism!], Sushil floats novel plan for PLA integration (ht)

16/11/2008: Calendar for constitution writing determined, new constitution by May, 2010 (nn) Maoists delaying statute: Koirala, by Shankar Acharya (kp) [But no word on the continued power ambitions of the NC, please!!], Koirala’s call to press govt on statute, by Chiranjivi Dhungana and Ravi Dahal (ht), NC veep toughens stand on integration (ht), Danish envoy backs PLA’s integration (rn), Khanal urges NC to join govt (kp), Khanal sees political coup in Maoist mind (ht), Khanal rules out the possibility of Maoist combatant becoming NA chief (nn), Disappearance bill to be retroactive (kp), Loopholes in bill on disappearances (ht), Compensation for Maoist seizures not fair: NHRC (kp), Talks with Tarai groups in two weeks (ht), Laws sought to safeguard women’s right to own land (ht), Ex-royals’ fortunes sought for schools (ht), Dissolve YCL, we’ll follow: Nepal (ht), RPP Nepal also to float youth wing (nn) [Youth wings that tend towards militancy and disreagard law and order are the best way to prevent a peaceful new Nepal!!], Focus On Constitution (rn), Parties Inch Closer To Consensus, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

15/11/2008: New statute in May 2010, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Thilsted stresses checks and balance (kp), Women in politics face violence: Chitra Lekha (kp), Anti-women violence rampant in politics (rn), Bring in the experts, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp), Kathmandu has gone to the dogs, by Sushma Joshi (kp), Economic sovereignty next goal of Nepalese people (rn), 'Govt preparing for talks with Terai outfits in a fortnight' (nn)

14/11/2008: UML shy of warming up to Maoists: Khanal (kp), Progressive forces should unite: Khanal (rn), Khanal alleges NC, Maoists to be extremists (nn), MK Nepal lashes out at Home Minister (nn), Party youth wings threat to peace: DPM (kp), No talks invite: ATMM, Tarai Army (kp), Displaced still unable to go home, by Madhav Ghimire (kp), New constitution within 18 months: Nemwang (kp), Nembang jumps statute-drafting date gun, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Dramatic Posture: After a long period of silence, vice president Parmananda Jha starts talking from all sides of his mouth, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Parmananda Jha's shenanigans, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), NC, Maoist adamant to army integration (rn), State Restructuring Minister says he won’t go to his ministry, asks his staff to follow suit (nn), Space crunch cramps minister Kiranti's style, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Danish envoys stresses on ending impunity (nn), Pseudo-democracy: Lurking dangers, by Ganga Thapa (ht), Row Rages On: Even as the major parties have reached agreement to finalize CA rules, the row over army integration rages on, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), UNMIN: Extension Necessary (sp), Rationale for federalism, interview with Krishna Khanal (nt), "It's a shame", interview with Aasha Kumari Sardar (MJF) (nt)

13/11/2008: State and party: Maoists shouldn’t use state resources to compensate for property capture (kp), PM’s Offer For Conciliation (rn), Maoist UML agreement (rn), Talks with Tarai groups by Dec 15: Minister (kp), Minister holds informal talks with Terai armed groups (nn), Tarai stir victims yet to be compensated, by Renu Kshetry (kp), They just don't get it!, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Crafting a New Constitution in Nepal, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), President, VP discuss their roles (nn) [There is absolute no need for the position of a VP!]

12/11/2008: Maoists yet to return properties, by Durgalal KC (kp), Seized property to be returned by mid-Dec (kp), Prachanda bows to NC's demands: Promises to implement the main opposition's nine-point charter (ht), Prachanda accepts opposition demands, averts House shutdown (Gulf Times), AISC makeup to change: Khanal (kp), Khanal raises integration panel reshuffle hope (ht), Maoist combatants eager to join NA, by Dipendra Baduwal (kp), Fighters becoming ‘more efficient’ (kp), Army integration as per peace pact: Minister Bhattarai (nn), Govt will end culture of impunity: PM (kp), PM vows to end anarchy, impunity (rn), Maoist victims resort to satyagraha, by Udaya GM (ht), PM obsessed with govt's dual responsibilities (ht) [?? The framing of the new constitution is the task of the CA and not that one of the government!!], Lessons to learn (ht), UNMIN set to stay beyond Jan (kp), Martin seeks extended stay as Jan 23 deadline appears 'unrealistic' (ht), Bring armed groups into dialogue table (rn), Slow burn (kp), NC doubts success of talks (rn), Theatre, politics & illusions, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Bringing them home, by Shobhakar Budhathoki (kp), CA to start work on new statute from early next week (nn), Body for landless rights at govt's door with charter (ht), 12 hurt in OBCF strike: Backward stir hits life hard in eastern plains (ht)

11/11/2008: Finally, CA gets rules of procedures draft, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), At last: The rules of procedure are finally ready, now the CA should get on with its job (kp), Parliamentary system not for poor: PM (kp), Parliamentary democracy ignored poor, says PM (rn), PM's obsession on forms of democracy comes to fore again (ht), Kamal Thapa warns of another conflict (kp), Thapa faces music for ‘lying to House’ (kp), 'Defence Minister’s statement confusing' (rn), Listening to victims: The proposed Truth and Reconciliation Bill forces reconciliation and forgiveness onto those who suffered during the conflict, by Jyotsna Poudyal (kp), In Defense Of Strong Government, by Lok Nath Bhusal (rn), Backward castes vow to keep Terai in standstill unless demands met (nn), Maoists set to be at helm for long, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (ht)

10/11/2008: No review of AISC makeup: PM Dahal (kp), Starting over (kp), Integrate Maoist Army for lasting peace: Gurung (rn), Breach of consensus, by Arjun Narsingha KC, Nepali Congress (kp) [see also part 2 (11/11/2008)], NC threatens to halt CA business (kp) [???], NC gives memorandum to PM, warns of fresh protests (rn), NC in 'wait and see' mode; Koirala stakes claim for parliamentary leadership (nn) [With 20% of the seats?? This is not what the voters wanted!!], CA term might stretch: Minister (kp), Key parties agree to resolve dispute (rn), Armed Tarai groups’ response awaited (kp), Capitalism can’t solve peasants’ problem, interview with Samir Amir (kp), ‘Broader left unity a must for real change’: Prakash, interview with Narayan Kaji Shrestha alias Prakash (rn), CA regulations finalised; silent on whip system (nn), Nod to CA Regulations draft minus vote of conscience, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), We have witnessed complete metamorphosis: PM Dahal (nn)

09/11/2008: Govt to review AISC makeup (kp), 'Govt ready to reshuffle AISC' (rn), NC memo to govt: Act on past accords, reconstitute special committee (nn), Khanal says NC will be brought into Special Committee (nn), Maoists not keen on new statute: Koirala (kp) [This is true for almost all so called party leaders, especially those who have not been elected in April!!], Parties asked to end mutual suspicions (kp), Whip in CA violates basic rights: Veep (kp), Four parties agree to delete provision on whip in CA rules (nn), Security policy, progressive statute basis of unity: Mahara (kp), New cooperation needed: Minister Mahara (rn), Dec 15 deadline to all Tarai groups for talks, by Aman Koirala (kp), Peace still needs int’l support: Martin (kp), Nepal needs extended UNMIN assistance: Martin (rn), ‘Give up traditional mindset’ (rn), CPN (Maoist), Dr. Bhattarai & Pluralism, by Mukti Rijal (rn), No Rash Comments Please, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Minister asks Prez, VP to stay away from public functions (nn)

08/11/2008: Federation must suit Nepal: Koirala (kp), Jha's statute saviour act leaves MJF cold: Vice-prez faces music from tarai party that piggybacked him to glory not many moons ago (ht), Vice Prez defends AISC remark, by Lilaballav Ghimire (kp), Army Integration Panel legal: Yadav (rn), Parties warn of House obstruction (kp), Special committee won't be dissolved: DPM Gautam (nn), Stop creating further controversy over special committee: Yadav (nn), NC demands return of seized assets, warns of House stalling (rn), Integration will have grave repercussions: Yadav (kp), People best guide to statute drafting: Experts (kp), Peace commissions in offing (kp), Only a party that embodies dreams of the new classless class has a future: The party is over, by Sumit Sharma (kp), Constitution can still be drafted in time: Sapana Malla (nn), Nepal to request extension of UN mission (Irish Sun), Don't be mean: The NC is blaming UNMIN for its own mistakes, by Prashant Jha (nt)

07/11/2008: UML, Maoists censure Vice Prez’s statement (kp), ‘VP’s speech against constitutional norms’ (rn), VP Jha defends his controversial views; says parties' behavior compelled him to speak up (nn), Yadav tells VP Jha to remain content (nn), NC leaders express ire over special committee (nn), Courting Controversy: As the main opposition party Nepali Congress stays away from it, the special committee formed to proceed with army integration has landed in controversy, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), TMLP chief asks PM to include his party in army integration committee (nn), Integrationomics: Nobody is looking at the economics of army integration, by Artha Beed (nt), Politics of Polarization: The recent statements indicate that NC leader Girija Prasasd Koirala is leading a democratic front against Maoists, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Cognitive dissonance: Surprise over Maoist win, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Give the man a break: Prachanda has a tall order in front of him without political opponents throwing a spanner in the works, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Slogan of Constitution Making Weapon for Political Instability, by Keshab Poudel (sp), “For A Certain Period Of Time, The UN Will Have To Continue To Assist The Peace Process Of Nepal”, interview with Ban Ki-moon (sp), Prodding For Peace: United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urges parties to get over their difference to quickly conclude the peace process, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Kick start: The constitution-drafting process can't be delayed any longer, by Dhruba Simkhada (nt), Obama mania: What does the Obama win mean for Nepal?, by Mallika Aryal (nt), The United Nations now: The interests of the UN and Nepalis coincide in making the peace process a success, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt)

06/11/2008: AISC violates constitution: Vice Prez Jha (kp) [The VP should not comment on things that can only be decided by the Supreme Court!!], CA stresses understanding among parties (kp), Judicial federalism: There's more to a federal system than creating states, by Krishna Murari Shiwakoti (kp), Honeymoon, sweet and sour, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), KWP sets conditions for talks (nn)

05/11/2008: Bulk integration not possible, says DPM (kp), 'PLA would be adjusted in NA, police forces' (rn), Maoist combatants should be integrated at earliest: Yadav (rn), Nepal Army seeks 2,400 soldiers while Maoist fighters wait (Irish Sun), Ex-rebel fighters threaten revolt over integration (Gulf Times), Special Committee won't be dissolved: Bamdev (ht), ‘Disband YCL, YF’ (kp), Change overdue, by Sujeet Arjel (tg), National consensus must: Minister Yadav (kp), Honeymoon and miracle after miracle, by Surendera Phuyal (kp), Gods of misrule?, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp), Govt talks team in contact with 14 armed groups (nn), Nepal faces internal problems (Central Chronicle), CIAA, NHRC rue delay in statute-drafting process (ht), Prachanda adds con fusion, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Processing Federalism in Nepal, by Saubhagya Shah (tg), Nepal has achieved what many nations take decades to achieve, by Syed Abrar Hussain, Ambassador of Pakistan, Nepal (tg)

04/11/2008: Turn in Maoist personal security weapons: UML (kp), Rift in PLA, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), Maoists, UML to revise ToR, by Thira L. Bhusal (kp), Stitching Ties Closer (rn), PLA-NA merger absolute no-no: MJF (kp), TMLP threatens to obstruct House (kp), Former Nepal rebel combatants threaten revolt over integration (Earth Times), Report condition of 33 missing: Supreme Court (kp), Mixed signals, mixed responses, by Daulat Jha (kp)

03/11/2008: Maoists playing foul: NC, UML: Say govt ToR violates pacts on integration, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Koirala denies deal on army integration (rn), TMLP, MJF differ on integration, by Ravindra Uprety (kp), MJF against wholesale integration between NA and PLA (nn), Sharma hints at referendum to sort out integration issue (rn), Leaders call for reconstitution of army integration committee (nn), Koirala asks UN to disallow arms to Maoists (kp), Staying on (kp), Maoists, UML mending fences (kp), Maoist, UML form panel to resolve differences (kp), CPN-Maoist, UML form joint panel for better ties (rn), Statute drafting in time if unity intact: Nembang (kp), Previous constitutions failed as the people never owned them, by Purna Man Shakya (kp), Sorry, No Tears To Spare, by P. Kharel (rn), ‘Talks with armed groups immediately after Chhath festival’ (nn), Constitution making: No compromise on democratic principles, by Govinda Raj Joshi, NC (ht)

02/11/2008: ‘Immediate challenge ahead is to integrate, rehabilitate Maoist combatants’: Overcome differences: Ban to parties (kp), Rehabilitating ex-combatants most immediate challenge for Nepal – Ban (Relief Web), Ban addresses special CA meeting (rn), Girija gripes to Ban about UNMIN (kp) [???], Lumbini inspires Ban Ki-moon (kp), Two Tarai groups still out of contact (kp), Right Initiative (rn), UML leader flays Gajurel’s remark (kp), Maoist leader opts for referendum on army integration if there's no consensus (nn), Maoists' apathy for consensus weakening nationalism: Koirala (nn)

01/11/2008: Ban arrives for 22-hour visit: Voices firm UN commitment to peace process (kp), UN support for peace to continue: Ban (rn), UNSG addresses special CA meeting; pledges continuous support to Nepal peace (nn), UN urges Nepal's leaders to resolve differences, by Binaj Gurubacharya (Washington Times), Govt breached pacts, statute: Oppn (kp), Unity must for peace: PM (rn), Army integration body formed Appointments made in different offices (rn), NC irked over special committee, wants the role in formulating its ToR (nn), Governance, Maoist style, by Ram Sharan Mahat (kp), Stern Action Needed (rn), EU team stresses on stable govt (rn)

31/10/2008: UNSG Ban-Ki Moon arrives for two-day visit (nn), NC must join special committee if it is committed to peace: Sharma (nn)

30/10/2008: UN Secy General to arrive in Kathmandu on Friday (nn), MK Nepal also unhappy over special committee (kp)

29/10/2008: Gautam heads special panel, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), 'Army integration homework already on' (nn), Nepal government begins process to integrate former rebel fighters (Earth Times), PM urges NC to join committee (kp), PM Dahal urges NC to honour his ‘flexibility’ (nn), Constitution making after Tihar: Khanal (kp), False political texts and revolutions: Both the Nepali congress and the Maoists are involved in the creation of false texts about Nepali political transformation, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Come together, right now: Political parties must act with greater responsibility, by Sumit Sharma (kp), Kangaroo courts operational in Pyuthan (nn), UNSG says UNMIN may not be able to complete its task by January (nn), State restructuring:  The fiscal dimension, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht)

28/10/2008: PLA integration not mandatory: Koirala (kp), Govt forms five-member army integration committee (nn), NC won’t join govt: Koirala (kp), Cases against Maoists withdrawn (kp), CPN (Maoist) protect crooks: NC leader Singh (kp) [This is obviously true and should be changed, but the NC did the same in the past!], Maoists yet to return seized properties, by Numaraj Khanal (kp), Return seized property: Thapa to PM (kp), The agrarian question, by Aditya Adhikari (kp)

27/10/2008: Don’t renounce democracy: Koirala to PM, by Binod Bhandari and Jitendra Khadga (kp), Deuba raps Maoist ‘republic’, by Bedraj Poudel (kp), ‘The national bourgeoisie will be protected in the People’s Republic’, interview with C.P. Gajurel (kp) [??], NC firm on integration stance (kp), Complaints, complaints: The NC needs to make greater efforts to engage with the Maoists (kp), Nine outfits respond to talks offer (rn), Cabinet fails to form special committee (nn)

26/10/2008: NC to lead new democratic movement, by Binod Bhandari and Lila Ballav Ghimire (kp) [?????], Maoists have forgotten spirit of CPA: Koirala (rn), PM fears disaster if peace and statute writing are disrupted (nn), Consensus Stressed (rn), Integration committee ToR finalized (kp), Adjust army based on qualification: KC (rn), Army integration is not Maoists' priority, claims Kamal Thapa (nn) [Ceterum censeo: Thapa should be brought to court for his role during the royal putsch phase!], Koirala dissatisfied with law and order situation (nn), Govt team confers with parties on 'peace talks' preparations (nn), The Left Appendage Debate, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), VP Jha complains of not getting 'any role' (nn) [This is normal for Vice Presidents! Such office is absolutely superfluous!!!], 'UNMIN can't withdraw weapons retained for Maoist leaders' security' (nn)

25/10/2008: PM proposed UML head for special committee: NC (kp), Addressing integration, by Keshar B Bhandari (kp), RJP: Integration threatens peace (kp), Let’s institutionalize democracy: Prez (kp), Whither Brahmins?, by Prerana Marasini (kp) [?? Whither non-Brahmins? About 95% of the positions in judiciary are filled with male Bahuns, only a bit less in the media and education sector, not to talk about parties, government, administration, etc.!!! Are only male Bahuns qualified?], Restore Confidence (rn), The Question Of Getting Together, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Condition put forward for talks (rn)

24/10/2008: Maoists want PLA man as NA chief: NC (kp), NC leader suspects Pasang could be installed as NA chief (nn), Situala warns nation might slip into civil war if PLA commander installed as NA chief (nn) [???], Army amalgamation: The integration debate is not only about numbers, but control, by Prashant Jha (nt), MJF warns it may quit government (kp), Tarai group wants talks environment (kp), Engaging Rajan (kp), Problems in knowledge generation, by Mahendra Lawoti (kp), Wake-up call, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Gajurel’s republic reeks of autocracy (ht), NC accuses Maoists of hatching conspiracy (rn), RJP against federalism (rn), "If I Discard Every Offer, I Cannot Be Active In Politics", interview with Madhav Kumar Nepal (sp), Shifting Alliances: The sudden out cry of three senior Nepali Congress leaders indicates a broader anti-Maoist alliance is in making, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Sarala's struggle: The woman who defeated Bam Dev Gautam in the elections can't understand how he could be made minister, by Dewan Rai (nt), War and peace (nt), Fusion or confusion: The Maoists must clarify their commitment to multiparty democracy once and for all, by Raghu Pant (nt), Koirala accuses Maoists of interfering in judiciary (nn), Ugandan parallels: Successes Nepal can emulate and mistakes we must avoid, by Subhadra Belbase (nt), PM, UML gen secy discuss formation of special committee (nn), Parties close to an understanding on special committee (nn)

23/10/2008: No consensus on special committee chairman (kp), Parties stick to their positions over special committee (nn), Cabinet meeting put off again; dispute over special committee delays meeting (nn), Govt introduces new ToR for LPC, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Integration not stated in pact: Sitaula (kp), NC rider to join the PLA fighters’ panel (ht), Unending delay (kp), Prabhakar mulls ways to resettle disqualified PLAs (ht), Opposition in the CA, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Outfit’s nine-point charter for dialogue (ht), Talks with Terai armed groups after Tihar: Minister Yadav (nn), Kirant outfit sets talks agenda (ht), Time for decision (ht), Drafting The New Constitution: The Challenges Ahead, by Lakshman Bahadur K.C. (rn), Presence of left govt not felt: Adhikary (rn)

22/10/2008: Non-Maoist must head integration body: UML (kp), Bam Dev warns armed groups (kp), Gautam’s criminal tag on Tarai groups (ht), Khanal promises Muslim commission (kp), Guerrillas in the mist: Challenges and implications of integration, by Geja Sharma Wagle (kp), Disqualified PLA combatants add to Maoists’ woes, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Base integration on int’l standards: NSP (kp), Govt to unveil twin plans (ht), Integration lifeline of peace process: Badal (ht), Oli admonishes Maoists (kp) [There is not much difference between YCL and YF, Mr Oli! The former has only more 'experience'!], Tame Youth Violence (rn), NC acting prez raps Maoists (kp), Only words (kp), Process to drop Maoists from terror list starts: US envoy (kp), Dashain-Tihar: Season of reconciliation?, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Democratisation in Nepal: Attempts, hindrances and prospects, by Ganga Thapa (ht), Telling a tale about a “tail”, by
N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), No economic revolution without completing political revolution, interview with Mohan Vaidya Pokharel aka Kiran (tg), Mohan Vaidya resigns as CA member (nn), Noveau-Feudalism is emerging in the Tarai in the name of One Madhesh-One Province, Interview with Narayan Prasad Devkota (tg), Janaandolan II and Nepali Pundits!, by Prem Sharma (tg), Nepal still in the cave age (tg), Gautam again warns Terai armed outfit against ignoring government’s call for dialogue (nn), Four party meeting fails to reach agreement on special committee (nn)

21/10/2008: Maoists, UML work on special committees (kp), Khanal nod to PM’s offer to Nepal (ht), Dahal courts Koirala (ht), Overtures To The NC (rn), No word from Koirala over call to join govt: His body language is positive, says PM (rn), Koirala snubs call to join government (kp), Koirala raps Dahal (kp), Gyanendra held secret talks with Prachanda: GPK (ht), State restructuring ministry flouts interim statute: NC (kp) [The restructuring of the state is the exclusive task of the Constituent Assembly and not that of the government!!], Constituent Assembly The forgotten agenda, by Lok Raj Baral (ht), NC takes exception to peace nepotism (ht), Gachhadar cosies up to Congress on army integration (ht), Special cabinet committee to be formed soon (nn), Silver lining (ht), Mahara vows to probe journo killings (kp), Ministers rarely attend House session (kp), Spectre of authoritarianism, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), The Maoist agenda, by Ram Sharan Mahat (kp) [see part 2 (22/10/2008)], NC interrupting statute making: Devkota (rn), 'Maoists causing delay in writing constitution' (nn), Govt team holding informal talks with armed groups, says minister (nn), DPM Gautam says it is about time to ‘lose our tails’ (nn)

20/10/2008: Implement pacts: NC to Maoists (kp), NC finds relevance in revolt threat (ht), Maoists bent on power grab: RJP chief (kp), No PLA integration into Nepal Army: Mahato (kp), Prachanda owns up to divided Maoist house (ht), As The Maoist-Led Boat Sails, by P. Kharel (rn), First phase govt aid for conflict, Madhesh stir victims soon (rn), 'No compromise on national integrity' (rn), PM Dahal confers with Khanal (nn), Maoist, UML agree to expand cabinet (nn), Koirala declines offer to join the govt (nn)

19/10/2008: Thapa for choice on integration (kp), Badal queers the integration pitch: Advocates new norms for NA (ht), Chances of NC joining govt high: PM, by Chitranga Thapa (kp), NC would join govt: PM, NC not to join govt: Sushil (rn), Govt more into plans than statute making: Koirala (kp), Much to do before drafting statute, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), UML to lobby for direct election of PM (ht), SP asks government to hold fresh census (kp), Sadbhavana Party threatens to snap coalition ties (ht), Dev Gurung reflects on Maoist spirit (ht), Cops will stay in villages: Minister Jha (kp), A precondition for achieving peace & development: Employing the unemployed youths, by Babu Ram Neupane (kp), Republican Debate Rages On, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Too many foreign trips, now it's time to focus in the country: PM Dahal (nn)

18/10/2008: Baidya stands by bulk integration (kp), PLA Integration (rn), Ideological rift among Maoists, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Prez urges parties to seek consensus (kp), Baidhya’s take on democracy springs hope for the have nots (ht), CPN(Maoist) wish to curtail parliamentary democracy and impose autocratic rule: The Maoist model of democracy, by Ram Chandra Poudel, vice-presidentof the Nepali Congress (kp), Touching the moon, by Sushma Joshi (kp), Prachanda claims first-mover tag (ht), Security pledge to Tarai groups (ht), Muslim leaders announce agitation (rn), Tea Receptions And National Politics, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Major changes in security and administrative bodies afoot: PM (nn), Govt talks team in contact with over half a dozen armed outfits (nn)

17/10/2008: Integration in 3 months would truly ‘amaze’, by Manesh Shrestha (kp), PM hints at army integration (rn), Not all PLA combatants will be integrated into NA, says the PM (nn), Khanal: Maoists against democratic republic (kp), Prachanda flunks governance test (ht), On the face of it (ht), Tarai talks blueprint in the making (ht), JTMM-J sets conditions (kp), All districts to have peace panels (kp), Govt urged to ensure social, economic rights (kp), Electoral reforms needed: EU (kp), The state shouldn't use tax money to pay for animal sacrifices: Whither secularity?, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Minority stir cripples life in Morang, Sunsari (ht), Bhattarai tries to justify Maoist version of 'people's republic' (nn), Maoist road show: "Is he really a Maoist?" one American communist muttered, by Daniel Lak (nt), DPM Gautam says PM has asked him to take action against erring YCL cadres (nn), Maoist leaders contradict each other on changing party name (nn)

16/10/2008: Dr. Bhattarai says Maoists discussing to drop their party name (nn), Integration will begin this month: PM Dahal (kp), Army integration process will start soon, says PM (rn), NA ready to take in PLA combatants, says PM (nn), Nepal Army should be apolitical: Koirala (kp), Yadav holds brief for Prachanda on PLA’s fate (ht), Reality check: Nepali Congress takes up integration cudgel much to PLA’s chagrin, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Prime Minister lines up Tihar bonanza (ht), Mustang’s ex-king still popular, by Kulchandra Neupane (kp), A case for dual nationality: Allowing members of its diaspora to hold dual citizenship will benefit Nepal, by Ambika P Adhikari (kp), Govt missive for Tarai Cobra (ht), Tackle Terror Firmly (rn), How Dependent Are We? by Shyam K.C. (rn), CA polls met not all international standards: EU (nn)

15/10/2008: PM Dahal says his party is against Mao's type of People's Republic (nn), An opportunity to mend ties: Dahal, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Prachanda at NC’s tea reception,‘National consensus a must’ (rn), Politics takes a bow to tradition (ht), Koirala downplays PM Dahal's hope for bringing NC into coalition (nn), Coalition cracks (kp), ’Tis difficult in govt: Minister (kp), JTMM-J men freed ‘under pressure’, by Shiva Puri (kp), Ex-CJ unhappy at delay over statute (kp), Festival and politics, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Govt ready for talks on all agendas: Mahato (ht), Dispute over republic futile: Ramraja (ht), Bam Dev: Can He Deliver?, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Language Rights (rn), Parties have already reached agreement on army integration: NA chief (nn), Foreign Minister Yadav spills the beans on army integration (nn)

14/10/2008: Prez raps regionalism, by Manika Jha (kp), Opportune moment to build new Nepal (rn), Prachanda’s personas, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), NC hosts tea reception; Koirala stresses on timely drafting of constitution (nn), Govt sends missives to Tarai factions (ht)

13/10/2008: Nepal seeks $450m budgetary support: US not to relax policy on Maoists, by Milan Mani Sharma (kp), Khanal slams Maoist line, deeds (kp), Govt focusing on statute writing: PM Dahal, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), Poudel rejects integration (kp), Tarai group sets tough terms for talks (kp), Terai armed outfit put forth precondition for talks (nn), ‘Govt poised for meaningful talks with armed groups’, interview with Janardan Sharma, Minister for Peace and Reconstruction and coordinator of the three-member government talks team formed to hold dialogue with the Terai armed groups (rn), Dr Bhattarai reiterates to multi-party politics (nn), NC acting Prez warns of stir against 'wholesale' army integration (nn), Correct gesture (ht), Nepal high on hope, UML doubts PM’s offer (ht), Prachanda courts NC for statute-drafting (ht)

12/10/2008: PM seeks MK Nepal’s active role (kp), PM lifeline to Nepal’s sagging political fortune (ht), Let next generation decide on communism: FM (kp), President, PM, ex-king mark Dashain informally (kp), Masal leaders unhappy at merger with Maoists (kp), Govt seeking contact with armed groups (kp), Plot afoot against integration: Thapa (kp), Govt rules out conditional talks (rn), Badal pledges PLA integration after Tihar (ht)

11/10/2008: PM intensifies political consultation (nn), PM asks MK Nepal to coordinate govt mechanism (ek), Efforts on to establish link with Terai armed outfits: Minister (nn)

10/10/2008: FM Dr Bhattarai seeks support from US govt (nn), Finance Minister urges NRNs for assistance (ek), Army integration to begin soon (nn), Khanal advises quick army integration (nn)

09/10/2008: NC deplores govt apathy towards conflict victims (nn)

08/10/2008: Govt preparing to strictly control alcohol consumption (nn), Raja, rajauta system abolished, DPM informs Mustangi Raja (nn)

07/10/2008: DPM: Groups choosing talks are political (kp), Gautam serves ultimatum on Tarai outfits (ht)

06/10/2008: Tarai groups invited to talks: Govt open on all issues (kp), ‘Conducive atmosphere first’ (kp), Powwow (kp), No serious business in 125 days, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Maoists eroding nat’l unity: Koirala, by Binod Bhandari (kp), We are a target for all rebel groups: Politicians do not have guts to translate their words into action, interview with Bhuwani Prasad Ghimire, president of the Village Development Committes’ Secretaries Welfare Protection Centre (kp), Peace process and PLA integration, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Interview with Jai Krishna Goit (ek)

05/10/2008: Tarai groups for ‘meaningful’ talks (kp), PM directs govt's talk team to reach out to armed groups immediately (nn), Talks with Terai armed outfits before Dasain: Peace Minister (nn), Koirala vents ire on Maoists (kp), NC leaders step up rhetoric against Maoists (nn), Govt must last full term: Nepal (kp), No people's republic: Pokharel (kp), Prachanda goes back to basics; links accord pledge to PLA’s fate (ht), Nepal likely to lead political coordination committee (nn), No decision on political coordination committee, supplies to be bolstered during Dashain (nn), 43,000 to be denied vote, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Lost dreams of unsung war heroes, by Baburam Kharel (kp), President urges cooperation, unity (kp), Different view: Janjatis must get a fair deal (kp)

04/10/2008: Together we stand (kp), Govt invites Tarai groups for talks, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Govt calls armed groups for talks (rn), Prachanda spells out party’s twin goals (ht), We’re for people’s republic: PM, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Oli smells a rat in people’s republic (kp), Is integration possible in four and half months?, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Nobody knows what the proposed “revolutionary land reform” will do to the real estate business: The dash for cash, by Ramesh KC (kp), People displaced by insurgency rising (rn)

03/10/2008: Top committee to guide govt (kp), Integrate PLA into party: Poudel (kp), ‘RPP is not against PLA’s integration’ (rn), Defense Minister says 'new national army' after army integration; NC veep begs to differ (nn), Truly secular (kp), New institutions for a New Nepal, by Simon Robins (kp), Time to move on (ht), What Ails Nepali Democracy? by C.D. Bhatta (rn), Leaders divided on form of republic (rn), Cabinet forms a committee to initiate talks with armed outfits of Terai (nn), Armed Terai outfits ready for talks; announce ceasefire during Dashain (nn), Sovereignty still at risk, says PM (nn), Enlightening Exposure: Traveling to three major power centers within a period of a month, Nepalese prime minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has got much needed exposure, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Time is running out (nt), Venting it out in Varanasi: Madhesi politicians need to figure out their vision, by Prashant Jha (nt)

02/10/2008: Native language to be used in local bodies (rn), UML fires salvo at Maoists (kp), No headway at RRDC on conscience vote (kp), Maoists to go for people’s republic (kp), Cultural tensions, by Prabin Manandhar (kp), Ruling parties to form high-level political committee (nn), Maoists talking with NA over army integration, says FM Bhattarai (nn)

01/10/2008: Shackled or unleashed UNMIN in Nepal's peace process, by Aditya Adhikari (hs), Khanal urges for attention towards constitution-writing (nn), Gajurel reiterates to establish people's republic (nn), Defense Minister Thapa talks about developing NA as a 'social army' (nn), TMLP won't allow promulgation of new statute before fresh census (nn), Koirala: NC won’t try to topple govt (kp), Of intellectuals and politics, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Letter to the Prime Minister, by Alok K. Bohara (kp)

30/09/2008: Lessons in negotiation, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Stop experimenting with us, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Finance Minister hits at NC leadership for anti-government stance (nn), 1,855 killed in western region during conflict period: Report (nn)

29/09/2008: Nationwide banda cripples life (kp), No group PLA induction: Khanal (kp), All’s right in the country, by Shyam KC (kp), Peace minister assures govt will soon clarify fate of those missing during conflict (nn)

28/09/2008: Conflict victims want rights guaranteed (kp), Kin of all war dead to get Rs 1m, by Rajkumar Karki (kp), Bandh called to oppose federalism affects life (nn), Armed Terai groups meet in India's Bihar to discuss possible alliance (nn), Longevity of the govt depends on Maoist behavior: UML's Khanal (nn)

27/09/2008: NC prez: Maoists targeting democracy (kp), Maoists to form panel on killings (kp)

26/09/2008: MJF: No PLA induction in NA (kp), Maoists deter displaced from returning home (kp), Maoist predicament (kp), Control YCL: Khanal tells Maoists (nn), Again Soil and Climate Theory: Founders of one party philosophy are again reviving the political system based on soil and climate theory like that of Panchayat, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Point of no return: There is no real peace until those who fled the conflict can go home, by Dewan Rai (nt), What a riot: Pay for people to live, not for animals to die, by Mallika Aryal (nt), Secularism in a diverse state: "If they can have free meat, I want a Christmas present", by Prashant Jha (nt), Reality check: Asking the right questions is as important as finding the right answers, by Pieter de Schepper (nt)

25/09/2008: Govt confusion delays disappearance commission, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), NC CA members seek reply on arms inside ICC (kp), Constituent Assembly threatened?, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), NA-PLA merger not acceptable: MJF leader (nn), KC warns of new round of conflict in case of integration of PLA into NA (nn)

24/09/2008: Take it seriously, by Sneha Shrestha (kp), Matrika’s magic, by Daulat Jha (kp), Madhesh needs to be taken into confidence before reviewing 1950 treaty: TMLP chief (nn)

23/09/2008: When might is right, YCL takes lead, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Prez urges national consensus on statute (kp), Integration & rehab (kp), Enter socialism with inflation, by Chandan Sapkota (kp), State restructuring commission 'soon' (nn)

22/09/2008: Agreement to end stir: Govt to continue funds for rituals (kp), Kathmandu protests called off following a pact (nn), Protests continue at Basantapur area; President's programme cancelled (nn), Harbinger of more difficult days, by Shyam KC (kp), No induction without standards: Army (kp), Peace process incomplete as long as two armies exist: Martin (kp), UML too against Westminster system (kp), Home Minister talks tough on law and order, by Prem Nepali (kp), Maoists intensify land grab campaign: Seized land distributed to squatters, by Upendra Lamichhane (kp), Parties have ‘forgotten’ issues of the indigenous (kp), Federal Nepal must respect diversity, interview with George Anderson (kp)

21/09/2008: Massive protests greet plan to skimp on animal sacrifice (kp), Protests continue in thoroughfares of Kathmandu (nn), Lawmakers take govt to task over jatra expenditure cut-off (nn), DPM promises probe panel on disappeared (kp), Matrika’s resignation accepted (kp), Gupta says it is high time terai armed outfit come for talks (nn), Parliamentary system may not be the best answer for country: UML gen secy Khanal (nn)

20/09/2008: Matrika face-off ends in resignation (kp), Defiant Matrika goes to town with resignation (ht), RPP: PM’s remark violates statute (kp), Conflict-hit kids get lump sum amount (rn)

19/09/2008: PM’s remark on ‘People’s Republic’ triggers debate, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) Koirala slams PM’s remarks (kp), Constructions on seized land speed up, by Deo Narayan Sah (kp), Matrika defends Siraha land grab (kp) [Not the intention but the way is wrong! Extra-judicial ways are not suit for a minister!!], Matrika charges at Gautam (nn) [Jurisdiction is not the task of a minister, Mr Yadav!!], Party directs Matrika to apologise (nn), Minister Yadav resigns (nn) [This was the only way out since he proved unqualified for being a minister!], News analysis: Maoist-MJF rivalry at heart of land-grab row, by Rajesh Prasad Barma (ht), Living between devil and deep blue sea (kp), NOC chief implicated: Tarun Dal nab NOC officials ‘for taking bribe’ (kp), Tarun Dal exposes corrupt NOC staff, by Sriram Sigdel (ht), Limits of an interim government, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Taskforce readies House regulation (ht) [almost half a year after the elections!!], Time To Deliver: The Constituent Assembly (CA) approves the government's policies and programs. Now it is time to deliver the promises, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Federalism and Its Efficacy in Nepalese Context, by Shirish Ranabhat (sp), National rage: Since when did we become a nation of angry people?, by Mallika Aryal (nt)

18/09/2008: New democracy (kp), NC prez shows concern at PM’s remarks (kp), Matrika mocking democratic values: Minister Gurung (kp), Yadav's activities creating further anarchy: Minister Gurung (nn), Matrika Yadav’s act may cost Maoists dear (ht), Construction in full swing on seized land, by Rajesh Prasad Barma (ht), 5 minors living with shrapnel injuries, by Santosh Pokharel (kp), Gender neutral constitution demanded (kp), Wrong tack (ht), Lives in limbo (ht)

17/09/2008: Maoist obfuscation worries parties, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Nepal Politics: Paradigm shift, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Matrika act mockery of law: NC, UML (kp), Matrika strains coalition ties (ht), Minister acts tough (ht), Turf war (ht), Rumble in jungle (kp), NHRC to parties: Don't take law into own hands (kp), Youth Force will take care of anarchic minister: Nepal (nn) [Yadav must be made responsible for his misbehaviour but not through anarchic actions of a youth group!!], Politics, nature and nurture, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Bam Dev: reform or resign, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Nepal's Tharus belong to Lord Buddha's Clan, interview with Laxmi Lal Chaudhary (tg), PM for 'people's republic' in Nepal (nn) [??]

16/09/2008: Disenchantment among Maoists growing, by Kashiram Dangi (kp), Minister-led Maoists retake properties, by Deo Narayan Sah (kp), Land reforms minister leads land grab op (ht), A selling out of revolution?, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), Constitution-drafting process hits a snag, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Parties differ on finalising CA regulations (nn), Implementation Counts (rn), NHRC raps youth wings of parties (ht), Fiscal decentralisation: Opportunities and threats, by Bishwambhar Pyakuryal (ht), DPM Gautam lashes at ruling parties for clashing at local level (nn)

15/09/2008: Stretch But Don’t Overstretch, by P. Kharel (rn) ‘We need national government for peace process’, interview with KP Oli (kp) [What is 'national' in your eys? Do you mean traditionalist? You do have a national government! Nepal needs progressive forces to introduce necessary changes!], Peace dividend: Displaced begin returning home (ht), 49 Maoists’ disappearance: Finnish experts want to make findings public (ht), Positive Indications (rn), CPN (ML) decides to join govt (nn), NHRC concerned at formation of 'YCL-like' squads (nn)

14/09/2008: Rs 240m sop for Madhes stir victims, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), PM armed with new treaty draft (ht), This govt can’t sign treaties: Koirala (kp) [??], PM inspects Narayanhiti, by Yuvraj Acharya and Kiran Chapagain (kp), UML chief warns Maoists over Violence (kp), Step up women’s role in decision making: Nepal (kp), Baidya for communist rule (kp) [??], State restructuring vague: Khanal (kp), Maoists yet to return 157 Dang families’ property, by Uday GM (ht), Ambitious And Popular Agenda, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Perpetrators of extra-judicial killings go scot-free (rn)

13/09/2008: Govt to table the TRC bill soon (ht), Off The People, Bye The People, by C.D. Bhatta (rn), Tough Task Ahead, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn)

12/09/2008: 16 parties want govt policies changed (kp), Nepal opposition seeks amendment to programmes, by Prerana Marasini (Hindu), Opposition parties slam govt policies (nn), People-oriented Programme (rn), The 90-point plan: But the budget will be delayed by the prime minister's Delhi trip, by Dewan Rai (nt), Problems facing CA, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Rights body seeks action against guilty (ht), Wounds of conflict victims tingle (rn), Human cost of conflict: West Side Story, by Anand Gurung (sp), The Socio-economic Transformation, by Lok Nath Bhusal (rn) [see also part 1 (05/09/2008)], Political Alliance: NC in Opposition, by Keshab Poudel (sp), “I Will Try To Teach Maoists That Peaceful Ways Are More Effective”, by Girija Prasad Koirala (sp), Maoist Move: The Finance Minister reaches out to donors and promises to carry on with reforms, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp)

11/09/2008: Prez unveils govt policies, program, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Government unveils policy, programmes, by Prakash Acharya (rn), Policies & programs (kp), Feel-good factor (ht), PLA integration in six months, says Prez (ht), Nepal to integrate ex-rebels into security forces (Daily Times), Nepal eyes possible army role for former rebels (Gulf Times), Deliberations from Friday: Parties voice mixed reactions, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Illiberal democracy: Action speaks louder, by Ganga Thapa (ht)

10/09/2008: Cabinet okays policy, program (kp), Cabinet okays govt policies, programmes (ht), Govt accords top priority in concluding peace process and writing new constitution (nn) [Writing the new constitution is not the task of the government but that of the CA!!], Govt's programmes and policies draw mixed reaction (nn), Disgruntled Maoists form separate party (ht), Will Nepal Army exhibit flexibility?, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg)

09/09/2008: Govt to finalize policy and program today (kp), PM assures return of seized land, property (kp), Maoists seize private land (kp) [??], Plan to settle Maoist fighters in six months, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Containing the Madhes insurgency, by Daulat Jha (kp), Onus on the public service, by Prabin Manandhar (kp), Focus on statute, socio-economic transformation, by Nandalal Tiwari (kp), End culture of nepotism: PM’s brother (rn), Nepal's remarkable do-it-yourself peace, by Ian Martin (Japan Times)

08/09/2008: No need of State Restructuring Ministry: TMDP (kp) [Yes, state restructuring is not the task of the government but of the CA!!], Retaliate against YCL: MPRF chairman (kp), Conflict- displaced want to return home, by Dharma Poudel (kp), The Maoist dilemma (kp), Give security top priority, interview with Kush Kumar Joshi, president of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) (kp)

07/09/2008: Experts: Govt talk of new state structure upstages CA (kp), Maoists will be wiped out in 8 yrs: Oli (kp) [This statement is a wonderful basis for cooperation. You have to work together for building a better Nepal and not for regaining power. Else you should leave politics!!], In memory of disappeared, by Navaraj Pudasaini (kp), Tarai party seeks fast track census (ht), The Saga Of Daura-Suruwal And Tongue, by Prem Khatry (rn) [Nepal is a multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual and multireligious state! Not only the Tagadhari tradition is national!!], New Dimension To Left Movement, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), We Are Stratified, by Ambar Mainali (rn), Policies and programmes to be finalised on Monday (nn), Siraha incident pits coalition partners Maoists and MJF at loggerheads (nn)

06/09/2008: Factionalism snags CPN-Maoist, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Current situation & chaos, by Sukhdev Shah (kp), Now, The Real Test Begins, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn)

05/09/2008: Quo vadis Nepali Congress?, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Cases against Dr Bhattarai, Mahara still pending in court, by Suryamani Gautam (ht), ‘Matured’ Gautam’s plea to the police (ht), Debating The CMP, by Lok Nath Bhusal (rn) [see also part 2 (12/09/2008)], Our Party will win Majority, Even two-thirds Majority in Next Election, interview with PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal (sp), Business as usual (nt 05/09/2008), Where Are They?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Cases of disappeared: Trauma of Conflict, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Remarkable peace: Nepalis mustn't be made to wait for a new constitution to see real improvement in their lives, by Ian Martin (nt)

04/09/2008: PLA, NA integration a must: Pun (kp), Things to do, by Kamal Raj Dhungel (kp), Peace and reconciliation, by Kuldev Sharma (kp), Gautam’s pledge stirs police force (ht)

03/09/2008: Big 3 split on state restructuring (kp), Dalits flay cabinet formation (kp), Bhattarai reveals Maoist priorities for economy (kp), PM Dahal's China sojourn, by Dhruva Joshy (kp), Prachanda plans big for honeymoon period (ht), Driving peace process to conclusion priority: PM (rn), Law and order will improve in six months: Gautam (ht), Focus On Law And Order (rn), UML springs to Congress support (ht), New government: Old challenges, new expectations, by Bhavani P Dhungana (ht), Role of Nepalese Youth in Nation-Building, by Rupesh Dahal (tg)

02/09/2008: Gautam firm on law and order (kp), Gautam vows to revamp police force (ht), Law and order (kp), NC, UML still redefining ties with Maoists (kp), PLA integration—a dangerous idea!, by Sukhdev Shah (kp), Row over oath taking in Hindi (ht), VP Jha defends his oath in Hindi (nn), No statutory compulsion on oath in Nepali: Jha (kp) [Irrespective of the legal or constitutional issue, his way of argumentation does not befit to a VP! It was his intention to sow conflict!!], Nepal's Maoist democracy (Post and Courier), New Maoist-led government installed in Nepal, by W.A. Sunil (World Socialist Web Site), No action against army chief, hints PM Dahal (nn)

01/09/2008: Cabinet gets full shape (kp), Cabinet expanded; Gautam takes oath as deputy Prime Minister, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), 3 new ministries in the making (ht), Ministry splits at a glance (kp), Peace, statute, economy priorities: PM (kp), Good governance (kp), Time to deliver (ht), Gautam vows to establish law and order (nn), The Maobaadi prime minister, interview with Pushpa Kamal Dahal (hs), The Red Guard of Nepal, by Harald Olav Skar (hs), The lost battles of Khara and Pili, by Sam Cowan (hs), No habeas corpus: The frustration of and with activism on disappearances in Southasia, by Ingrid Massage (hs), Maoist victims to stir against govt ‘apathy’ (kp), Maoists give away seized house, land to others (kp), ‘Enshrine women’s rights in new statute’, interview with Jayapuri Gharti Magar, chairperson of All Nepal Women’s Association (Revolutionary) (rn), Shake-up in the home administration and security agencies in the offing: DPM Gautam (nn)

31/08/2008: Nepal to have three Deputy PMs (kp), Consensus over three deputy Prime Ministers (ht), Gautam is the only one deputy PM; ministers not to enjoy perks during foreign trips (nn), 15 new ministers sworn in (nn) [see list of ministers], Ministries reconstituted during cabinet expansion (nn), 4 parties join Nepal's new government (iht), Nepalese prime minister expands cabinet (Monster and Critics), Nepali cabinet expanded (Xinhua), CPN-Maoist yet to return land to the rightful owners (ht), Rebel with a cause, by Prerana Marasini (Hindu), Peace process will be completed in six months: PM Dahal (nn)

30/08/2008: Maoist nod to UML deputy berth (ht), Cabinet expansion soon (kp), Cabinet expansion put off as disputes persist (Gulf Times), Dr. Bhattarai piqued over efforts to downgrade his position in cabinet (nn), Ruling allies agree to appoint three deputy PMs (nn), PM to expand cabinet on Sunday (nn), Int’l day of dissappeared persons: Kin of 1200 missing still waiting in agony (kp), Call to make disappeared’s status public (ht), Police beat up Maoist victims (kp), Fractious coalition!, by Narayan Khadka (kp), Long live the republic, by Anand Aditya (kp), Political symbolism, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Prachanda As Prime Minister, C.D. Bhatta (rn), Now, Fulfill The Commitments, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn)

29/08/2008: UML gets second cabinet rank, joining govt today (kp), Small parties will join cabinet by Saturday: PM Dahal (nn), Cabinet expansion delayed as Maoists engage in further deliberations (nn), Responsibility for fractured coalition, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Toward a stable future, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp), New outlook (ht), Suggestions to Nepal Government, by Tilak Rawal (sp), New govt, old hallenges: The new government faces the same old problems – supply disruption, inflation, power cuts, insecurity, strikes etc., by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Vanished without a trace: Their families want to know what happened to the Jogimara 17 (nt), Justice delayed: Let truth prevail on the International Day of the Disappeared, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (nt), Thousands ‘still missing after war’ (Gulf Times), Holding up one-third of the sky: In the 10 assembly sessions so far, only two women have spoken, by Dewan Rai (nt), Nepal’s ‘remarkable’ peace needs international support – UN envoy (Relief Web)

28/08/2008: Maoists to concede 2nd rank (kp), PM Dahal to induct UML in the govt (nn), Protocol row settled; UML ministers to be sworn in Friday (nn), Prime Minister’s balancing act after Olympic trip (ht), Prachanda’s China visit Departure in style, not substance, by Lok Raj Baral (ht), Seized land, detainees still with Maoists, by Devendra Barma (kp), Does Khasan deserve recognition?, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Strengthening the republic, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp)

27/08/2008: ‘Bumpy road ahead for statute drafting’ (kp), A tenuous alliance, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Army integration in six months: Badal (ht), Prachanda’s Commitments, National Priorities, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Provincial states within two years: Gupta (rn)

26/08/2008: Gajurel flays row over ministerial hierarchy (ht), Politics of peace, by Basanta Lohani (kp), Prime ministerial fiasco, by Kuldev Sharma (kp), New government: Action more important than words, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Scientific Land Reform: The Meaning And Need, by Krishna Neupane (rn)

25/08/2008: Storm in a teacup (ht), MPRF dirty linen made public (kp), Maoist-led government & Congress, by Arjun Narasingha KC (kp) [see also part 2 (kp 26/08/2008)], ‘The Maoists cannot sideline the NC’, interview with Krishna Prasad Sitaula (kp) [The NC is sidelining itself! Become people oriented instead of leader oriented!]

24/08/2008: Hierarchy dispute to be resolved soon: Gurung (kp), UML won’t yield on hierarchy: Khanal (kp), Khanal adamant on not joining govt, harps on hierarchy hurdle (ht), Khanal reiterates demand for second hierarchy (nn), MPRF dissenters want ministers sacked (kp), Coalition looks shaky, by Prakash Rimal (ht), Cabinet Formation (rn), PM addresses nation: ‘Peace, new statute main responsibilities’ (kp), PM for Panchsheel ties with neighbours (ht), Nationality, republic major priorities of govt: PM (rn), Party reactions to PM’s speech mixed (kp), PM should have stayed, soothed flood-hit: Nidhi (ht)

23/08/2008: Nine-member cabinet formed, oath administered, by Prakash Acharya (rn), Only eight ministers sworn-in: UML won’t join govt without 2nd ranking, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Eight ministers sworn in, UML stays out, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [It cannot be that a party that does not want to represent all Nepali people and that has the support of only 6% of the people gets priority over a party with more than 20% backing!!], Maoist leader says UML could be given second position (nn), MPRF faction miffed at nominations, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), UML ministerial team not inclusive: Rawal (ht), CA moving on wrong track: Aryal (kp), House not functioning properly: Ex-justice Aryal (ht), CMP Of Government (rn), The least they can do (kp), Some Respite After The Agreement, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn)

22/08/2008: Home for UML, MPRF gets Foreign: Power-sharing deal at last, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Coalition partners make CMP public (rn), Pacts inked to run govt (ht) [see main issues], "Cabinet Formation Has Been Delayed Due To Technicalities", interview with Jhal Nath Khanal (sp), Maoists-UML-MJF Alliance: Fickle and Flimsy, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Cabinet formation, swearing-in today, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Likely faces (nt), UML nominates its six ministers (nn), Cabinet formed including MJF, UML fails to join (nn), We will not join govt if UML not given second position, says Poudel (nn), Officials give up search for VP residence, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), NC to walk out of CA if left bulldozes democrats: Dr Koirala, by Kulchandra Neupane (kp) [???], Available options to Maoist-led government: Binding constraints to growth, by Bishwambher Pyakuryal (kp), Power of theater and street marches, by Jiva Nath Lamsal (kp), People Should Be The Priority, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Warm Response: The newly elected PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' receives a warm response from international leaders, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Four-corner equilibrium (nt), Sowing doubts: Farmers fret as Maoists remain vague over land reform plans, by Bihari K Shrestha (nt), Land and peace: Land reform cannot just be about redistribution, it has to be a package deal, by Prashant Jha (nt), Shared past, shared future: Where will we be if there is no Nepal?, by Narayan Khadka (nt), Current model of democratic republic will give no relief to people: Bijukchhe (nn)

21/08/2008: New govt to represent 7 parties (kp), Government formation today: PM (kp), Cabinet formation likely today, claim leaders (ht), Maoists-UML reach power-sharing agreement; Bam Dev to lead UML team in govt (nn), CPN (M) names four ministers so far (nn), Happy honeymoon, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Stop fooling around (kp), Veep seeks more power (ht) [??], Challenges for the present coalition, by Krishna Pokharel (ht), No Bed Of Roses, by Shyam K.C. (rn), The Daura Suruwal Saga, by Bishnu Gautam (rn) [The traditional dress of the minority male Tagadhari elite cannot be the national dress of multiethnic and multicultural Nepal!!], Prachanda's journey begins in Beijing, by Dhruba Adhikary (Asia Times)

20/08/2008: Cabinet likely to take shape by Saturday (ht), PM promises to form an inclusive cabinet (nn), 'Cabinet expansion by Thursday evening' (nn), UML, MPRF want clarifications from Maoists (kp), PM security decision not ours: CPN-M (ht), No decision on deploying PLA for security, says PM (rn), PM meets army chief (n), Politics of symbolism, by Abhi Subedi (kp), CPN-UML’s CA candidate quits party (ht), Nembang stresses on timely drafting of new constitution (ht), Nepal’s federal structure, by Hari Bansh Jha (ht), New Nepal: Winning Over The People’s Mind, by Prem Khatry (rn), PM’s Priorities (rn), Parties’ Priorities And Challenges, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Issues galore!, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Sad beginning! (tg), Evolution of Tharus took place right in Nepal’s Dang-Deukhuri valley, interview with Mahesh Chaudhary Tharu (tg), No early congratulation to New Nepal PM (tg)

19/08/2008: PM takes oath in business suit (kp), Prachanda takes charge (ht), Prachanda sworn in as PM, assumes office, by Prakash Acharya (rn), Maoists mobilise PLA for PM’s security (ht), PLA to provide security for PM?, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Power-sharing still undecided (kp), Coalition partners still at odds over ministerial berths, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), MJF reiterates claim for foreign ministry, deputy PM (nn), Common Points (rn), Understanding the army ethos, by Kuldev Sharma (kp), New government: Pitfalls Maoists must avoid, by Bihari Krishna Shrestha (ht), First things first (ht), Growing Insecurity In Terai, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), PM Dahal meets with Norwegian minister, Indian envoy (nn)

18/08/2008: Stage set for swearing-in (ht), Negotiations for ministries continue (kp), Nod to CMP, not to portfolios (kp) [Once again the traditional power games!], Differences within alliance mar cabinet formation process (nn), Likely contenders for ministerial berths, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Alliance likely to strike power sharing deal today (rn), Dr. Bhattarai to hold Finance, Badal to take over Defense portfolios (nn), Alliance partners raise objection on Maoist decision to use PLA for PM's security (nn), Global Attention (rn), Maoist-led government would enjoy full term, says Pokharel (ht), NC not for right, left alliance (kp) [?], Looking for signs (ht), ‘Maoists want to establish socialist republic’, interview with Narayan Kaji Shresha aka "Prakash" (kp), All for the people and country, by Shyam KC (kp), Apex court tells govt to help conflict-hit (ht), Marx, Lenin, Mao Live In Nepal, by P. Kharel (rn), ‘PLA integration must be made respectable’, interview with Janardan Sharma ‘Prabhakar’ by Nandalal Tiweri (rn), Govt will announce relief programmes for people: PM (nn)

17/08/2008: Three parties prepare CMP (kp), Maoists hope to form govt by tomorrow (ht), Coalition partners close to power-sharing deal (rn), Alliance partners busy in efforts to finalise cabinet composition (nn), March Of The New Government (rn), Felicitations pouring in (kp), Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan greet PM (ht), Chinese premier looks forward to working with PM Dahal (nn), DPRK to increase cooperation with Nepal (nn), Prime Minister’s kin on cloud nine (ht), SP not to join new govt (kp), Mainstreaming women, by Sorrel Retchford (kp), Nepal prepares for left-wing revolution (Gulf Times), New Nepal PM faces serious challenges (Gulf Times), With Maoist PM, Nepal braces for revolution (Times of India)

16/08/2008: Dahal is PM of republic Nepal, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), New Nepal turns left, Prachanda turns PM, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Prachanda elected Prime Minister, by Prakash Acharya (rn), Maoist elected Nepal prime minister, by Chitra Tiwari (Washington Times), Revolutionaries and democrats, by Paul Reynolds  (BBC News), Guerrilla chief to head government in Nepal, by Tilak Pokharel and Somini Sengupta (iht), Who is Pushpa Kamal Dahal? (kp), Teacher changes course to be PM, by Chintamani Poudel (ht), Leading a new nation (ht), Dahal's challenges (kp), US, EU, India, Japan welcome Dahal’s election (kp), Congratulatory calls from India, US, UN (ht), ‘Our candidacy was against Maoist insincerity’, by Thira L. Bhusal (kp), With NC in oppn, statute-making may not be easy (ht) [When wil the NC be able to understand its mistakes and failures?], Maoist past commitments (kp) [It is true that the Maoists have not fulfilled many of their commitments and they should do so, but one should also mention the numerous commitments of other parties and politicians that have not been fulfilled after 1990!!], Alliance partners to delve into nitty-gritty of portfolio division (nn), Alliance begins work on portfolio division, CMP (nn), Political Game Continues, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn)

15/08/2008: CA elects PM today: UML, MPRF back Pushpa Kamal Dahal, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Prachanda poised to bag PM’s post, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Presidential poll allies desert NC, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), NC’s act to set 7-point condition ‘a mistake’ (ht), At last, a way out (ht), 14 small parties stress CMP (kp), NWPP, RJM to boycott PM election (nn), Prachanda, Deuba vie for top job (rn), Comrade Prachanda to Prime Minister Dahal: From farmer's son to teacher to guerrilla chief to government, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Government at last: And time for the Maoists, finally, formally and publicly, to renounce violence, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), Prachanda set to be elected as the PM (nn), PM poll today (ek), Maoists mingle with alliance partners hours before assuming reins of govt (nn), Leave the army alone, by Kuldev Sharma (kp), Kamal Thapa’s coquetry & Maoists, by Khagendran N Sharma (kp), Need For Value-based Politics, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Power: At What Cost?, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Women participation in state affairs stressed (rn), Empty role: The vice president would like something to do, by CK Lal (nt), NC expresses concern over 'independence' of army, judiciary and bureaucracy (nn) [What does 'independence' mean in this context? And have they really been 'independent' under NC rule??], Deuba loses the race, gets only 113 votes (nn), Prachanda elected PM with 464 votes (nn), Maoist chairman Dahal 1st republican PM (ek), India, US, EU and Japan congratulate Prachanda on his election as PM (nn)

14/08/2008: UML divided over forging alliance with Maoists, by Ghanashyam Ojha and Thiralal Bhusal (kp), UML central committee backs consensus govt (ht), CPN-Maoist, NC to fight for top post (rn), NC may field Deuba for PM’s post (ht) [Please say it's not true!], NC to explore option of reviving NC-UML-MJF alliance (nn), Congress should sit in the opposition, by Kanchan Jha (ht), Race for PM beings as parties fail to reach consensus (nn), Repeating classic constitutional blunders, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), We want sensible politics, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Prachanda files nomination for PM; says it will be a national unity govt (nn), Koirala prepares to leave Baluwatar (nn)

13/08/2008: Maoist-UML alliance likely, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Prachanda meets with Khanal as race to form govt heats (nn), Consensus government still dear to CPN-UML (ht), Untenable logic! (tg), NC to be in oppn, Maoists cling to Defense (kp), Maoists still trying to convince NC to join govt (nn), 16 fringe parties decide to back Maoist-led govt (nn), Lawmakers stress unity among parties (kp), Political disaster (kp), What’s triggering tug-of-war over Defence (ht), NC may field its candidate for prime minister (nn), Give another Ram a chance, by Ramesh Khatry (kp) [Why NC, a party that has main responsibility for most failures after 1990 and that is only backed by a small portion of Nepali voters??], Question of PLA integration, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), PLA integration into NA key (ht), Parties’ Inconsistency In Words And Action, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Decomposing Nationalism!, by N. P.Upadhyaya (tg), Until there are Tharus and Tharuhat Nepali sovereignty will remain intact!, interview with Maheshwor Prasad Chaudhary (tg), Chaos descends on Nepal, by Dhruba Adhikary (Asia Times)

12/08/2008: House to elect PM Friday (kp), House to elect PM on Aug 15 (rn), Constituent Assembly to elect PM on Friday (ht), NC’s elected CA members rap top leaders, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), NC CA members against giving up Defence (ht), PM Koirala meets security chiefs (nn), Nepal thinks security-related portfolio should go to parties other than NC, Maoists (nn), Govt sans NC likely: Parleys on for consensus (kp), Government formation Where will the UML find itself?, by Krishna Pokharel (ht), UML holding crucial meet on power-sharing (nn), Maoist chief says picture will be clear by Wednesday evening (nn), Politics Of Consensus In Crisis, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Valley denizens pin hopes on new government (ht), Analyzing the Maoist CMP, by Kundan Singh Khatri (kp), Maoist victims rally to make govt meet their demands (ht), Waste No Time (rn), External Interference And Nepali State, by C.D. Bhatta (rn), Activists debate on empowering women (nn)

11/08/2008: President asks CA to elect (ht) CA set to start PM election process (kp), Power-sharing efforts hit a hitch, CA stirred into action (nn), PM election on Friday (nn), Maoist-UML tie-up most likely, by Prakash Rimal (ht), No Defense Ministry to others: Maoist leader (kp), NC will be pushed to opposition if it demands Defense Ministry: Prachanda (nn), Defence still a bone of contention (ht), NC not to join Maoist govt without defence portfolio (ht), Koirala consults with Congress CA members; reiterates claim over defence portfolio (nn), NC 'offers' govt leadership to UML (nn), Rules of the game (ht), Telling stories of bleeding hearts, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Decision on Nagarjun political: PM to SC (kp) [Only the SC can decide this, not the PM!], ‘Abolition of monarchy interim’ (kp) [Monarchy was not abolished by the interim constitution but by the CA, Mr Thapa!], From free fall to a basket case?, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), ‘Unilateralism has no place in Nepalese politics’, interview with Prakash Acharya, NC (rn), ‘Create mine-free Nepal’ (rn)

10/08/2008: Maoists again fail to form government (Peninsula), Congress sticks to Defence bottomline (kp) [The intention is quite obvious and smacks of foreign intervention!!], Maoists, NC reiterate claim over defense ministry (nn), Big Four behind impasse: CPN-U (ht), Big parties will fail for sure: RPP-N (kp) [What a shame that even the most conservative traditionalists are sure! Only the departure from traditionalist thinking and behaviour can save Nepal!], Prez calls parties to form majority govt (ht), CA will start procedure on PM election (nn), Parleys over govt formation continue (nn), Political revolution not over: Baidya (ht), Clarion call to empower Janajatis (ht)

09/08/2008: Consensus dumped over power-sharing issue: Parties likely to parley for majority govt, by Ghanashyam Ojha and Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Parties miss deadline for unity govt (ht), Four parties fail to strike agreement (rn), Parties haggle over plum portfolios (nn) [!!!], Consensus, Unity Take Backseat, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), NC won’t join new govt: Acharya (kp) [The NC result in the CA elections did not come unexpected for careful observers, Mr Acharya!!], UML ready to lead unity govt: KP Oli (ht) [This is not what the people have expressed through the CA elections!!!], NC decides to take initiative for govt formation (nn) [This is not what the people have expressed through the CA elections!! Good-bye to peace and reconstruction!], Maoist chief claims his party will form govt in a week (nn), Trouble inside, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp), Anatomy of Hindi, by Prakash A Raj (kp), UN chief calls for protection of indigenous languages (ht)

08/08/2008: Parties fail to reach consensus (kp), Efforts to form govt intensify as president's deadline is set to expire (nn), Maoists to lay claim to head govt today, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Reality check: No alternative to a Maoist-led govt, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), NC flayed for staying 'mute' (rn), Lekhak urges Maoists to act responsibly (ht) [All party leaders do not act responsible!!!], Why Not A Left Front Govt?, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Ever Elusive: As consensus remains a national rhetoric search for an 'internatioanl' alternative gets underway, by Sushil Sharma (sp), PM meets Gachchhadar; some NC leaders want Koirala to lead new govt (nn) [Please respect the people's verdict: They neither want Koirala nor any other NC politician heading the government because they have totally failed after 1990 and do not stand for necessary changes!], Fringe parties for Maoist-led govt (nn), Common maximum program: Remember what worked, and just do it, by Bijari K Shrestha (nt), Changing Alignment: As the discussions on power sharing begins among four major parties, one sees a politics of changing alignment, by Keshab Poudel, "Govt Of National Consensus Is The Best Option", interview with KP Oli (sp), Janaandolan-injured yet to get full relief money (kp), Maoist victims launch fresh protest (kp), ‘HR worsening in mid and far west’ (kp), First the economy, by Bhanu Prasad Acharya (kp), Four months of post CA pol, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), NFIN organizes various programs to mark Int'l Day of Indigenous People (nn), ‘Ensure indigenous people’s rights’ (kp), Historical exclusion of indigenous people, by Bhesh Kumar Tamang (kp), Good governance: Rhetoric Vs Reality, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Road to nowhere: When was the last time we had real governance?, by Artha Beed (nt), Slow-burn in the Tarai: If you do not deal with the youth bulge there will be conflict, by Prashant Jha (nt), Strikes and blockades hitting livelihoods (IRIN), Talks fail, new govt to be formed by CA, say leaders (nn)

07/08/2008: Task force meet snagged by past pacts, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Koirala bidding to form govt? (ht), PM Koirala meets MK Nepal amidst speculation that he is eager for second inning (nn), Maoist chief miffed by PM Koirala, says his activism undermines Prez call (nn), Govt under our leadership almost impossible: Baidya (nn), Maoist chief asks Nepal to head statute panel, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), MK Nepal again offered to head statute drafting committee (nn), Consensus In Action (rn), Impose President’s Rule, says Dhungana (ht), Four parties pack up meeting without result, agree to meet on Friday (nn), Dahal orders YCL paramilitary dissolved: Seeks help for return of properties (kp), Prachanda tells YCL to demilitarise (ht), YCL demilitarisation fiat a score for YF: Khanal (ht), ‘Media into character assassination’ (kp), More areas prohibited for protests (kp), Democratic reform of military, by Bishalchandra Nepal (kp), Political process Cooperation is the key, by Bhavani P Dhungana (ht), Peace process in Nepal moving in right direction: UNSG (nn) [?? Please make honest and not diplomatic statements!!]

06/08/2008: Big 4 to draw up new CMP: Consensus deadline extended 3 days (kp), Deadline to form govt extended (ht), Task force to find basis for national consensus (rn), Leaders claim parties close to consensus on govt formation (ht), Koirala out, Prachanda in! (tg), PM meets with leaders of smaller parties (nn) [??], NC, UML accused of playing dirty games (ht), Khanal blames Maoists for delay in govt formation (nn) [All 'leading' politicians of the major parties are responsible!!], Parties unable to reach any breakthrough (nn), New Political Calling (rn), Government formation: Nepal can’t afford further ado, by Ajit NS Thapa (ht), Promote Politics Of Consensus, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), WB grant to pay PLA, conflict victims (kp), Govt announces relief aid to conflict-hit families (nn), Amalgamation, politics or art, by Abhi Subedi (kp), A Shangri-la coalition, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp), Prachanda directs party organisation to end para military activities of YCL (nn), VP Jha flouts Supreme Court order (nn), Vice President Jha ignores apex-court order (tg)

05/08/2008: Parties agree on consensus govt idea: Remain unclear about joining in (kp), Big Four one on unity government (ht), Points For New Govt (rn), Govt forms task force to end VAW: Women denounce structure (kp), Women’s demand (kp), Do UML leaders value ethics?, by Kiran Chapagain (kp) [Nepal is not the only person to be questioned! Why are there travelling so many 'officials' with a handful of athletes? This is also a form of corruption!!], The peace dividend, by Madhu P Regmi (kp), Vice-president who misread the Nepali text, by Puran P Bista (kp), Economic Federalism: Nepali Perspective, by Shanker Man Singh (rn) [see also part 2 (06/08/2008)], Terai shut down as anti-Hindi protests revive (Gulf Times), Hindi Boomerang Hits Nepal: Maybe it is time to recognize the position of the language in the country, by Bhumika Ghimire (on)

04/08/2008: A jinxed agenda for Maoists: Maoist consultation for govt formation, by Ghanashyam Ojha & Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Marathon parleys for govt formation on (ht), Need of the moment (ht), TMLP to stay out of govt (nn), CA regulations amended to elect new PM (ht), VP oath issue is political: Govt (kp), PMO to SC: Don’t intervene in oath row (ht), At least six women injured, dozens arrested (kp), NHRC cautions against excessive use of force (kp), We want law against “intersectionality” abuse, interview with Sapana Malla Pradhan (kp), Time for introspection, by Shyam KC (kp), Dalits want constitution to incorporate their voices (ht), ‘CPN-Maoist confident about leading next govt’, interview with Netra Bikram Chanda ‘Biplav’ (rn)

03/08/2008: Maoists float 50-point CMP, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Maoists draft CMP for new govt, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Maoist-proposed CMP fails to impress NC, UML (nn), MJF undecided on joining govt (ht), Caretaker’s Dilemma, by Ambar Mainali (rn), Maoists urged to return seized properties (kp), Victims of Maoist atrocities gather in capital for 'decisive movement' (nn), State and its ironies, by Arun Gupto (kp), Women’s novel protest today (ht), Police bar women activists from protesting semi-nude (nn) [The continued beating of unprotected persons with wooden sticvks by the police violates human dignity and is a crime that comes close to attempted murder!!!], President's travel to China for Beijing Olympics cancelled (nn)

02/08/2008: Maoists to lead government, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoists decide to lead new government (ht), NC, UML stress consensus govt (kp), NC no more obstacle to Maoist to form government: Poudel (rn), Maoists to discuss common minimum programme with 24 parties (nn), Put ban on banda (kp), The sky won’t fall!, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Terrorism A metaphysical AIDS, by Beerendra Pandey (kp), Nothing Seems To Be Working Well, by C. D. Bhatta (rn), For An End To The Uneasy Calm, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Alliance for Peace hails political development (rn)

01/08/2008: Maoist CC meeting: Most Maoists want 3 conditions met (kp), Sour Grapes? As a new government still looks elusive Maoists look for the villain of the piece (sp), by Sushil Sharma, CPN-M readying concept paper on new govt (ht), Maoist to forward proposal to parties for consensus (rn), NC leaders propose govt without Maoists (nn) [This is neither what Nepal needs nor what the Nepali people have voted for!! Such suggestions can only come from persons who want to prevent urgent fundamental changes!!], ‘MPRF won’t join govt at cost of Madhes agenda’ (kp), Govt sans any of Big Four meaningless: MJF (ht), Maoists decide to form govt (nn), UML keenly watching Maoist efforts to form govt, says Khanal (nn), Parmananda Jha’s chaste Hindi, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Maoists’ relapse syndrome, by Tilak P Pokharel (kp), Future of NA & integration of Maoist PLA, by Kul Chandra Gautam (kp), Government formation: Constitutional complexities, by Surya Dhungel (ht), Democracy Is Following Rule Of Games, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Vice President on controversy: Undesirable Trends, by Keshab Poudel (sp), "They betrayed us", UML presidential candidate Madhab Kumar Nepal speaks his mind about the Maoists in an interview (nt), The disparate duo: Yadav's conformism and Jha's deviance, we need them both, by CK Lal (nt), Manufacturing mistrust: This week saw identity politics at its most cynical, by Prashant Jha (nt), New constitution not even in 6 years if present situation persists: RPP chairman Rana (nn) [!!]

31/07/2008: Maoists also give nod: PM leaving for Colombo today (kp), Maoists into homework to form govt (kp), Maoists working on basis for unity govt (ht), Prez shifts to Dhapasi (kp), The nature of Presidency, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Autopsy on UNMIN report, by Ramesh Dahal (kp), Indigenous students for ethnicity based federalism (nn), Federalism complex, says German prof (ht), Call for women-friendly statute (ht), Chief Secretary calls for inclusive bureaucracy (ht), What’s next? (ht), Apology of VP (rn), Hindi row ends with VP’s apology (Gulf Times), Nepal's Growing Pains: Protests show just how far we've still got to go, by Bhumika Ghimire (on 31/07/2008)

30/07/2008: Maoists, UML threaten CA move to stop PM’s trip (kp), Finally, parties give green signal to Koirala's Colombo trip (nn), Much ado about trivial issue, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), President calls on Maoists to form govt (kp), President invites Maoists to form govt (ht), Maoists, UML revive bonhomie (kp), UML, Maoists drawing closer, again (nn), UML flip-flops (kp), NC to stay out of Maoist govt: Shekhar (ht), Maoist close to deal on forming govt: Prachanda (rn), Vice-President sad at the turn of events (ht), Didn’t mean to hurt national language, others: VP Jha (kp) [You did what you did intentionally and in full awareness of what might happen!], Demos against VP continue (kp), Strike hits Tarai districts (ht), Language row turns into war (Gulf Times), Hindi row turns ugly in Nepal (Times of India), Symbolism in politics, by Alok K Bohara (kp), Getting over a Nepali-Hindi shock, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Why This Political Dilemma?, by C.P. Gajurel (rn) [see also part 2, 31/07/2008], Mission: Finish Nepal! (tg), Power Hunger, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Past shows the future, by Nav Raj Pokharel (tg)

29/07/2008: Experts differ on Prez’s role in govt formation, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Right chord (ht), President’s Call (rn), Maoists start work on govt (kp), UML won’t join govt without NC: Pokharel (kp) [???], Delay in govt formation affecting CA, says Nemwang (nn), Maoists to present their proposal of govt formation to 24 parties (nn), Koirala unsuitable: Dahal to Lanka envoy; PM to attend 15th SAARC (kp), Prachanda against Koirala representing Nepal in SAARC meet (ht), Maoists, UML join forces to stop Koirala from attending SAARC summit (nn), Nepal advises PM to send President to attend SAARC Summit (nn), SC seeks reply from Vice Prez (kp), SC fiat to veep on oath row (ht), Protests against veep unabated (kp), Home Ministry calls for calm as protests spread (rn), Presidential oath row: 12 injured in clashes with police (ht), Language protests hit trade, transport (Gulf Times), Ugly turn (kp), Languages And Lingua Franca, by Dhruba H. Adhikary (rn), UML advisory body demands VP’s resignation (rn), House directs govt to uphold law and order (kp), House urges public to stay calm (ht), VP Jha, dhoti and Hindi, by Sukhdev Shah (kp), Women demand their share of power (kp), Agitating women seek more support (kp), The king is gone, long live the kingdom’s old ways, by Siddharth Varadarajan (Hindu)

28/07/2008: President calls for national unity (kp), Prez meets party leaders (kp), President pins high hopes on new government (ht), ‘President violating statute’ (kp), Maoists for national consensus: Dr Bhattarai (kp), Protests against veep continue (kp), Row over Hindi now reaches parliament (Gulf Times), CA directs govt to take steps to maintain communal harmony; students call off protest (nn), Dahal says sorry to Nepal: Nepal says 'Too late' (kp), UML asks Maoists to apologise for 'betrayal' (nn), New govt must before SAARC summit: CPN-M (ht), Maoists to hold talks with 24 other parties (nn), Immediate priority, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Maoist-seized properties remain unreturned, by Rajendra Nath (kp), Private land, houses still in CPN-Maoist cadres’ clutches, by Rajendra Bhatta (ht), The same old story, by Shyam KC (kp), Harmony: Need of Hour, by By Arun Ranjit (rn), Realities Of Coalition Politics, by P. Kharel (rn), ‘Power Game Must Not Impede Drafting Of New Constitution’, interview with Subas Chandra Nembang (rn), KRCC demands its representations in key state organs (nn), Parties advise Maoists to buckle up to lead new govt (nn), NC CWC members want party to remain outside govt (nn) [No wonder, many of them have been defeated in the CA elections!!]

27/07/2008: NC asks Maoists to head new govt (kp), Nepali Congress divided over Maoists (ht), Maoists not to let Koirala be PM again (ht), National consensus govt best option: UML chief (kp), ‘UML won’t join govt if national consensus is not forged’ (rn), Madhesi parties root for unity govt (ht), All-party meeting deferred till Monday (nn), Eyeing New Government (rn), Karnali folks seek special privileges (ht), Protests continue against VP’s oath in Hindi (kp), Anti-Hindi protests continue in Nepal (Peninsula), Students to continue protest against VP (nn), Madhesi CA members throw weight behind VP Jha; student protests continue (nn), Initial hearing on Veep Jha 'Hindi episode' today (nn), SC starts hearing on VP case (nn), V-P defensive as anti-Hindi protests grow (Gulf Times), Big 3 acting under foreign 'grand design': Thapa (kp), Becoming a Banana Republic?, by Madhukar Narsingh Rana (kp), Kin of disappeared curse government (ht), The ‘Unnatural’ Coalition, by Rajendra Kirati (rn), Maoist leader gives Prez lesson on constitutionality (nn)

26/07/2008: Prez starts political consultations (kp), Prez begins parleys on new govt (ht), President Yadav holds consultation with Madhesi leaders (nn), Nepal Maoists set conditions to form government (Daily Times), Maoists set three terms to end impasse (Peninsula), Maoists put conditions to form govt (Gulf Times), NC, UML reject Maoist terms (ht), NC leaders divided over joining next govt (nn), Maoists 'ready to form government' (Gulf Daily News), President has urged us to take initiative to form the govt: Mahara (nn), Oath controversy reaches SC (kp), VP Jha defends his swearing in Hindi (nn), ‘No alternative to consensus’ (kp), Modus operandi of saving nation, by Kundan Singh Khatri (kp), Meritocracy vs mediocrity, by Alankar Khanal (kp), Leaving the legacy of hypocrisy, by Michelle Annand (kp), Call to embrace secularism (ht), Work Unitedly: Don’t Fail The People, by Indra Rijal (rn), The Constitution Dilemma: Maoist opposition poses a serious threat to the peace process, by Pratibedan Baidya (on), CPN-M calls all-party meeting on Sunday (nn)

25/07/2008: Maoists set conditions for leading govt, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoists set terms to lead government (kp), Nepal Maoists offer compromise out of political crisis (Straits Times), Three parties spurn Maoist conditions (nn), PM Koirala courts Madhesi parties (nn), President consults lawyers (kp), Will Nepal’s new president woo the Maoists back? (Gulf Times), Maoists have no option but to join the government, by Yadav Khanal (kp), Nembang elected CA chair unopposed (kp), NC-UML-MPRF alliance will not break: Oli (kp) [There is no alternative to the cooperation of the three big parties! The necessary changes are not possible without participation of the Maoists!!], Can leopard change its spots?, by Puran Agrawal (kp), End the immoral politics, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Magic number (ht), Numeric Game Could Derail Peace Process, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Now, The Wait Is For The Next Government, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Dr Rambaran Yadav's victory: Against Divisive Politics, by Keshab Poudel (sp), “Whether One Lives In Himal, Madhes Or Pahad, We All Are Nepalis”, interview with President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav (sp), "We Have Lost A Moral Ground To Stake A Claim To Form The New Government", interview with Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' (sp), An ethnic presidency: A good start, but Ram Baran Yadav became president by chance, by Pramod Mishra (nt), Statesmanship, Mr Dahal (nt), A nation of Rams: President Ram's first order of business will be to work with the Maoists, by CK Lal (nt), Not out of the woods yet: Democracy is in danger not just from Maoist authoritarianism, but the lack of real political opposition to them, by Prashant Jha (nt), Madhesisation: If you squeeze the spring too hard, it can jump out of your hand, by Trib Tharu (nt), Case against VP for taking oath in Hindi (nn), Veep Jha swearing in Hindi unconstitutional: Mahara (nn), Politics of Defeating Each Other in Nepal, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), Political stasis in Nepal (Hindu), Geography should be the first basis for federal division of the country: Tripathi (nn), Tharus announce fresh protests (nn), President consults with Maoist leaders, legal experts (nn)

24/07/2008: President, VP sworn in (kp), President, veep sworn in (ht), First day at his job, Vice Prez Jha sparks protests after swearing in Hindi (nn), My post represents entire Napalis: President, by Prakash Acharya (rn), Prez, VP to be addressed as ‘His Excellency’ (kp), Dhanusha-5 seat vacated (ht), Ban urges parties to collaborate on new govt: UN, various countries congratulate Prez, VP (kp), Dahal reaches out to UML chief: Discusses further political course (kp), Maoists should form govt, says Khanal (ht), Maoists start consultation (nn), PM Koirala formally resigns (kp), Statute fuzzy on govt formation, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Race is on to form new govt (nn), Nembang unopposed candidate for CA Chair (kp), Nembang unanimous choice for Chairperson (ht), Nemwang elected CA chairman unopposed; urges parties to work together (nn), Women's identities & illusions, by Sangita Rayamajhi (kp), Women warn of stronger protests (kp), Emergence of women in Nepal, by Aditi Bhaduri (Deccan Herald), Prove The Cassandras Wrong, by Shyam K.C. (rn), Conflict-hit families get relief (rn), UNMIN term extended for six months (nn), Kotwada Victims Await Justice: Gov't needs to take any action against those involved in grave human rights violations, by Pratibedan Baidya (on), Prachanda advances three conditions to lead the government (nn)

23/07/2008: Maoists not to form next govt (kp), Peace process in peril: Prachanda (ht), Maoists backtrack on ruling Nepal (Peninsula), Nepal Maoists refuse to form government (Daily Times), We claim PM’s post if Maoists decline: MPRF (kp) [????], NC, CPN-UML for PM from MJF: Gachhadar (ht ) [??? Welcome to the chaotic politics of the mid 1990s!!], ‘UML will seek options if Maoists don’t form govt’ (kp), Rectify decision: 3 parties to Maoists (kp), Political opponents press Nepal's former rebels to form and lead new government (iht), New crisis hits Nepal (Gulf Daily News), New crisis for Nepal as Maoists refuse to form government (Sydney Morning Herald), UML proposes Nembang as CA chair (kp), NC, UML, MJF to back Nembang for CA Chairman (ht), U-turn via President, by Abhi Subedi (kp), A Madhesi president!, by Sukhdev Shah (kp), UN, US, China laud presidential polls (ht), President calling (ht), Presidential election Undermining EC’s role, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Uncertain Course Of Nepali Politics, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Promise Of President (rn), Inclusiveness with open heart (tg), Privatization of politics is dangerous for political stability in Nepal!, interview with C.D. Bhatta (tg), Madhesi Issue: Deep Rooted?, by Bal Krishna Jha (tg), PM Koirala to tender his resignation today (nn)

22/07/2008: Dr Yadav is Nepal’s first president: Man of modest beginnings, by Manika Jha & Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Yadav elected first President of Nepal, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Nepal: First President Elected; Peace process may be in danger, by Kishor Panthi (on), Nepal's governing assembly elects a physician to become the new republic's first president (iht), Nepal Maoists lose presidential election (Daily Times), First President (kp), The best option (ht), CJ to administer oath of office to Prez (ht), Prez to live at Ministerial Quarters for now, by Kiran Chapagain & Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), VP placed second in protocol ranking (nn), Maoists to wait and see (kp), Maoists undecided on staking claim for government formation (ht), Maoists to make key decision on govt formation (nn), Maoists decide not to form govt (nn) [Without the Maoists filling the most responsible position, the urgent fundamental changes will not be possible! Nepal will stuck to status quo!!], Reality check: New challenges for political transition, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal, The ultimate betrayal, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Mutiny poses threat to stability, by Ranadhoj Limbu-Angbuhang (kp), Democracy in Nepal: Its uncharted course, by Ganga Thapa (ht), Presidential Choice Signals Loss For MJF, by Sukhdev Shah (rn), Maoists see foreign hand in sudden political turn (nn), NC, MJF reaffirm support to UML for CA chair (nn), Nationality not in crisis: VP Jha, by Prithvi Shrestha (nn)

21/07/2008: Ground swells for Dr Yadav’s presidency, by Yuvraj Acharya, Ghanashyam Ojha and Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Numbers favour Yadav in presidential re-poll (ht), Contest For Presidentship (ht), Presidential run-off begins with Dr Yadav in a stronger position (nn), Presidential election over, 590 votes cast (nn), Dr Yadav becomes Nepal's first president (nn), ‘Dr Yadav is Nepal’s first prez’ (ko), From a farmer's son to first president of republic Nepal: A short biography of Dr Ram Baran Yadav, by Anand Gurung (nn), President's swearing in to take place on Wednesday (rn), Dahal raps new alliance (kp), New alliance may derail peace bid: Prachanda (ht), We won’t form govt if our Ram Raja loses: Mohan Baidya (kp), Maoists may not form govt, says Baidhya (ht), Gajurel sees obstacles in peace process (nn), New alliance will be counter-productive: Dr Bhattarai (nn), Peace minister blasts at Maoists (nn), Dirty politics (kp), Not the end (ht), Never had it so good, by Shyam KC (kp), Maoists not to join govt (nn)

20/07/2008: Paramananda Jha elected vice prez: Prez poll run-off on Monday, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), MJF’s Jha’s VP; presidential run-off tomorrow, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), CA elects Vice-President, Re-election for President on Monday, by By Prakash Acharya (rn), Nepal House fails to elect first president (Peninsula), New republic of Nepal yet to get its President (Times of India), A victory for Madhes movement, says Jha (kp), Order of precedence revised (kp), Highest protocol ranking for President (ht), High-magnitude tremor awaits CPN-M, by Prakash Rimal (ht), No Escape From Crisis, by Ambar Mainali (rn), NC, UML and MJF to hold talks with small parties (nn), PM meets with Chure Bhawar leader; parties intensify parleys (nn), RJM to back Dr. Yadav in presidential race (nn), New alliance not meant to form govt, says NC leader (nn), Maoist chairman warns 'unholy alliance' could jeopardise peace process (nn), Three fringe parties to boycott run-off presidential poll (nn)

19/07/2008: Prez and VP candidates speak of impartial role (kp), Madhes parties give alignments new twist (kp), Stage set for last minute reshuffling of alliances ahead of presidential polls (nn), New alliance is born; 'president to NC, veep to MJF and CA chair to UML' (nn), Maoists blundered in prez choice: Gautam (kp), Nepal assembly members begin voting to elect first president (iht), Voting may spring last-minute surprise (ht), Heavyweights have hectic day to woo small parties (rn), Election for president, vice president begins (nn), Voting for president, vice president completes; 16 CA members absent (nn), Jha becomes Nepal's first vice president; re-polling for president set for Monday (nn), Jha vows to work in independent manner (nn), Chand smells conspiracy in NC-UML-MJF alliance (nn), Consensus Is A Must (rn), Stability the buzz word (kp), British Minister calls NHRC to end impunity (ht), Call to carve out Karnali state (ht)

18/07/2008: Negotiations fail, big parties field own candidates, by Ghanashyam Okja & Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Three presidential candidates in fray (rn), Maoists pick Ram Raja for President’s post (ht), Nepal’s hopes shattered, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Will all Madhes vote for Ram Raja, Jha? (kp), MJF puts forth condition for supporting Singh (nn), Guru of republicans, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), End of consensus (ht), Shift From Consensual Polity, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Prime Minister Dahal and President Singh (nt), Former anti-monarchist and palace bomber likely to be elected Nepal's first president (iht), Parties campaigning for presidential election (nn), Parties intensify parleys over tomorrow's presidential election (nn), RPP-Nepal to boycott the presidential election (nn), Republic Nepal's first president, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Secys for Prez and Vice Prez offices named (kp), Maoist govt for ‘revolutionary’ land reform (kp), Swiss expert advises well mulled federation (kp), Another backdoor bonus?, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Conundrum For The People, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Leaders: Power Without Accountability, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Pardoning the perpetrators, by Mallika Aryal (nt), The long, long wait: Families of the disappeared want truth and justice, by Ramkumar Bhandari (nt), PLA cannot be integrated into any security agencies: Poudel (nn), Constitution-making could suffer due to differences among parties (nn)

17/07/2008: Parties set to choose Prez, VP by vote (kp), NC to file nominations for prez, VP (kp), Nepal front-runner for President’s post, by Arjun Bhandari (ht 17/07/2008), Parties scramble to find a presidential candidate (nn), Nepal parties to elect 1st president, by Binaj Gurubacharya (Washington Times), UML-Maoist ties likely to break as Maoists propose Ramraja for president (nn), CPN-M president candidate gathers simple majority (Xinhua), Candidates for president, veep file nominations; Singh stands fair chance (nn), Parties fail to pick common presidential candidate; frontrunners are three Madhesis (nn), Prez, VP office bureaucracies get ready, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Details on fifth amendment, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Don’t push it, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Colonialism or neocolonialism?, by Arun Kumar Pokhrel (kp), Constitution making The importance of consensus, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), More Difficult Than Gunning Down People, by Shyam K.C. (rn), New Alignment (rn), Maoist Nepal Better Balance the Power for a Stable Government, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Unity Gov of 3-Main-Political-Party Alone Can Save Nepal, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Why do UMDF Madhesi Parties of Nepal Need Affirmative Supplementary Bill?, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Nepal's, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician)

16/07/2008: Prez, Vice-prez election on Saturday (kp), Presidential poll on Saturday (ht), Presidential election process to begin from Wednesday (nn), Political parleys for consensus continue (kp), UML, Maoists to continue parleys for common candidate for president (nn), CA members: Punish caste discriminators (kp), Kamal Thapa owes 10 million: Recover Rs 14m from king’s ministers: CIAA tells Govt, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), CIAA indicts three former ministers, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), CIAA not to initiate action against ex-ministers (nn), Anarchy abetting interference, by Madhab P Khanal (kp), Madhesis' subversive demands (kp), by Kundan Singh Khatri (kp), Those For And Against, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), One Madhesh is merely a slogan!, by Bijaya Kumar Gacchedhar (tg), Grassroots people and new constitution, by Lars Peter Christensen (ht), Genie out of bottle!, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Engendering the quest for justice in Nepal, by Hyshyama Rizani (tg)

15/07/2008: Maoists intensify consultations (kp), Maoists begin talks on govt formation (ht), Nepal's top political parties begin search for country's first president (iht), UML, Maoists fail to reach consensus on president (nn), NC now formally stakes its claim for presidency (nn), CA to elect president on July 19 (nn), Still worthwhile (ht), Clearing The Political Hurdles (rn), Let the debate begin (kp), AWC questions US firm's report (kp), Don’t pardon criminals, says rights activist (ht), Assembly okays advance, expenditure bill (ht), Govt draws flak for failing to bring full-fledged budget (nn), Lethal freefall, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Fed up with banda!, by Sangam Silpakar (kp), Sensible Solution To Madhes Problem, by Sukhdev Shah (rn), PM office ignores 49 court orders (nn), UN seeks govt clarification for UNMIN term extension (nn)

14/07/2008: CA passes Fifth Amendment bill, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Fifth Amendment passed; coast cleared for forming majority govt (nn), Decks cleared for govt formation, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Parties talking about consensus but not showing commitment: Maoist chief (nn), Maoists ask NC to join next govt (nn), Maoists, UML agree to name president in two days (nn), ‘Nepal needs real and deep devolution of powers’, interview with French ambassador Gilles-Henri Garault (kp), CA disruption Elite mindset still holds sway, by Lok Raj Baral (ht), CA passes the advance expenditure bill (nn)

13/07/2008: No talks with NC about prez: Maoists (kp), Maoists not keen on post of President (ht), Khanal wants Madhes pact reviewed (kp), UML receives flak for Khanal's remarks (nn), February 28 agreement aims to split country, says Khanal (ht), Opposition’s inclusion on NSC likely (kp), Madhes parties to boycott CA today (kp), Madhesi parties to boycott CA today (ht), Madhesi parties not to disrupt House, says NC (ht), Home Minister blames Maoists for delay in government formation (kp) [??], Maoists blame NC for delay in govt formation (nn), National Unity Government (rn), Dalit CA members flay Swiss model of federalism (ht), Some Thoughts On Federalism, by Kishor Shrestha (rn), Ethnicity-based federalism is a must: Dev Gurung (nn)

12/07/2008: Top posts no basis for power sharing: Dahal (kp), Three-party unity must: Prachanda (ht), Onus on Maoists for political outlet: PM (kp), PM consults Madhesi parties (kp), Maoist Central Secretariat meeting begins in Dhulikhel (nn), Tarai banda cripples life for 2nd day (kp), Bandh hits Tarai districts (ht), One Strike Too Many (rn), ‘Adhere to cooperation and consensus’ (kp), Prachanda told to promote unity (ht), Justice denied to conflict victims?, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Paradigm shift in political thinking, by Sarad Pradhan (kp)

11/07/2008: PM, Dahal serious over Madhesi boycott (kp), Deadlock Cleared (rn), Stumbling Blocks Still Remain, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Tharu, indigenous groups to continue stir (kp), Tharus, indigenous groups to continue stir against ‘One Madhes’ demand (n), Anti-Madhes strike hits life across Tarai (ht), NEFIN chief vows to fight for indigenous people (ht), ‘Keep patient unless there’s threat to nat’l sovereignty’ (kp) [?? Without any question, the army has absolutely no right to take decisions on its own! So, there should be no such comments from the army leadership which, by the way, has already supported the royal coup of 2005 against the will of the people!!], One Nepal, one country and Nepaliness, by Rita Thapa (kp), Federalism Needs Broader Interpretation, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), 'Ethnicity based federalism will invite division' (nn), Prachanda urges NC to join new govt (ht), MoPR at crossroads, by Madhu P Regmi (kp), Southern thoughts, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), A basic lesson (ht), Allowing CA to take its course, by Babina Moktan (Lawoti) (ht), PM Koirala persuades Madhesi leaders not to boycott CA (nn), Prachanda fears disintegration of the country, stresses on consensus politics (nn), Civil society asks Maoist to take lead (nn), Uncertain Course: Despite the agreement, Madhesi parties are yet to accept the bill (sp), "There Does Not Exist A Single Madhes In The History Of This Country", interview with Ram Chandra Jha (sp), "We Will Even Go To The Extent Of Mass Resignation", interview with Rajendra Mahato (sp) [Please do so if you think it's necessary! The Madhesis constitute about 40% of the Tarai population; there is no justification for a single Madhes province against the will of the other 60% population!!], Restructuring of State: Slogan of Decentralization Under Centralized Leadership, by Keshab Poudel (sp)

10/07/2008: Make Morang to Kanchanpur Tharuhat: Tharus (ht), Tharu bandh halts transportation in highways (nn), Fifth amendment: Madhesis boycott tabling of bill (ht), CA meeting resumes under budget urgency, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Principal secretary proposed to lead prez office bureaucracy, by Kiran Chapagain (kp) [Bet you, it will be a male Bahun once again!!], ‘20 Janajati groups excluded from CA’ (kp), No CA? No pay!, by Ramesh Khatry (kp) [A good idea if you also include all those not elected politicians who illegitimately stick to their post and prevent the formation of a new government and the running of the urgent CA affairs!!], Reservation for women must: Activists (ht), Dalits seek 20 per cent quota (ht)

09/07/2008: SPA govt registers amendment bill (kp), Fresh deal to end Madhes deadlock, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Madhesi parties in internal consultations over the supplementary bill (nn), Madhesi leaders spit venom at supplementary bill (nn), Dozen groups claim 3 districts as ‘autonomous state’, by Chetan Adhikari (kp), Tharus form struggle panel (ht), Tharu activists to continue protest, more organisations rally against 'one Madhes' (nn), What Is The Motive Behind One Madhes State?, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Federal system not viable option: NPF chairman (kp), Federal system will harm national unity: Chitra Bahadur KC (nn), Muslims deserve ‘special rights’ in New Nepal: Dahal (kp), Flow or stagnation?, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Meaning of 'NEPAL', by Indra Nath Arjyal (kp), Keep the Nepal Army pure, by Arjun Bishta (kp), Gender and Transitional Justice in Nepal, by Hyshyama Rizani (tg 09/07/2008)

08/07/2008: Madhesis oppose draft supplementary amendment (kp) [They obviously want to destroy this nation! There will be no Nepal soon if this goes on for long!!], Talks on Madhes deadlocked again, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Tharus torch statute bits (ht), Parties resume discussions to end the Madhes imbroglio (nn), Ethnic state demanded (ht), Compensation still eludes conflict victims, by Tularam Pandey (kp), New Nepal: Singapore, Switzerland or…?, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp) [There will be no new Nepal if the politicians continue to destroy the country as they have done in the past three months!!], Summons from Kangaroo court, by Prakash A Raj (kp), Wake-up call: CA members must show their mettle, by Sunil B Pant (ht), People Bear Brunt Of Transition, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Litmus Test For CPN-Maoist, by Adity Rana Pandey (rn)

07/07/2008: New bill to address Madhesi demands (kp), Caretaker govt can’t table new bills: Acharya (kp), Dozens hurt in Maoist-NC clash (kp), Leaders dismiss ‘one Madhes’ demand (kp), Madhes doesn’t exist, says Maoist leader (ht), Rajbanshis, too, rise for separate autonomous state (nn), Way out of political deadlock in sight (ht), Civil society members condemn continued House disruption (ht), Stop Pressure Tactics (rn)

06/07/2008: Maoists for CA vote on contentious issues (kp), ‘Supple-mentary bill tackles Madhes issues’ (kp), Yadav for taking to streets against bill (kp), MJF chief comes down heavily on Big Three (ht), Tharus march against ‘one Madhes’ (kp), KJWP donation drive terrorizes locals, by Dambar Singh Rai (kp), Byproduct of insurgency, by Sorrel Retchford (kp), Right to self-rule for all stressed (ht), Precious Identity, by Ambar Mainali (rn), Nepal’s Peace Process And UNMIN, by Hira Bahadur Thapa (rn), Parties head towards confrontation over Madhesi issue (nn), Terai based parties pushing country into disintegration: Jha (nn), Terai parties will suffer major set back if they oppose bill: UML gen secy (nn), Three parties decide to carry on consultations with Madhesi parties (nn), Indigenous Tharus continue protest against 'one Madhes' demand (nn), Three parties agree to bring new amendment bill; Madhesi parties to allow CA to function (nn)

05/07/2008: SPA decides to table supplementary bill, by Yuvraj Acharya & Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Big Three strike deal sans fringe parties’ nod, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Govt to bring supplementary bill before CA today (nn), Maoist CA members complain of party's 'weakened role' (nn), We are here too (kp), ‘One madhes state unacceptable’ (kp), Madhesi parties conclude govt has betrayed them (nn), 20 Tarai districts shut in protest (ht), Parties holding internal discussions ahead of CA meeting (nn), Protesting Tharu activists clash with police (nn)

04/07/2008: ‘CA disruptions violate our rights’: Big 3 undermining CA: Small parties (kp) [Correct is: It violates the rights of the people!!], Smaller parties up in arms over CA imbroglio (nn), No consensus yet (kp), Big Three reach consensus; minor allies oppose draft supplementary bill (nn), Cabinet endorses supplementary bill; nominates 26 CA members (nn), ‘Maoists yet to be responsible’ (kp), NC president essential for now, by Ramesh Khatry (kp) [??], They are looting the country, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp) [Uncredible corruption and nepotism!!], Are We Heading Towards Disintegration?, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Big Three vs Other Three: If moderate Madhesis are ignored, it is the militants who will benefit, by CK Lal (nt), Message from the Madhes: No longer can three Pahadi Bahun men sit in Baluwatar and decide for the rest of the country, by Prashant Jha (nt), We belong together (nt), Elusive Consensus And Unity, Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Peace dividend? The politicians are so busy bickering, they have forgotten the people, by Bihari K Shrestha (nt), ICG urges cooperation among parties for new govt (nn), Nepali politics: Are we stuck in another quagmire?, by Ajit N S Thapa (ht), Students protest 'One Madhesh' demand, say it'll be counterproductive for Madhesis (nn), Federalism should not jeopardise national unity: Dr. Mahat (nn)

03/07/2008: Big 3 differ over autonomy, NA group entry, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Govt likely to table Bill on Madhes, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Big Three selling Madhes to buy time, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Maoist 'agree' to address Madhesi demands in supplementary bill (nn), Displaced to get new houses, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Conflict damage yet to be repaired, by Krishna Prasad Gautam (kp), Who cares Constituent Assembly?, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Consensus or confrontation?, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Democratization or politicization?, by Arjun Bishta (kp), Law of the jungle (ht), Employees deplore Youth Force (nn) [?? More and more signs of anarchy!], NHRC asks govt to improve security situation (nn), Cooperative Federal Structure: A workable politico-economic approach for New Nepal, by Alok K Bohara (nn), Federal structure should not affect national integrity: RPP Chairman Rana (nn), Khanal predicts ten more days for formation of new government (nn)

02/07/2008: Tharus enraged over 'Madhesisation' of Terai, announce protest programmes (nn), Three-party taskforce fails at agreement (kp) [This is the task of the CA and not of the parties! Form a government and let the CA do start its work!!], Near consensus on Madhesis’ concerns, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), ‘One Madhes, One Pradesh wrongheaded’ (kp), One Madhes State Not Feasible, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Defending National Integrity of Nepal from Political Impropriety, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Is Nepal back at the brink? Post CA polls, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Equality principle (ht), Are All The Hurdles Cleared?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Stop The Killings (rn), New Constitution should be inclusive, US Ambassador Powell (tg), Peace Movements in Nepal, by Dev Raj Dahal (tg), India’s stand on Madhesh issue is self contradicting, by Keshav Prasad Mainali, President Chure Bhawar Ekta Samaj (tg), Debate One Madesh One Pradesh (tg), Leadership Challenges in Nepal, by Rupesh Dahal (tg)

01/07/2008: 6 parties to seek common position on Madhes (kp), Sitaula meets Maoist chairman (nn), Carving states CA task: Bhattarai (ht) [!!!], UML repressing Madhes demands: Yadav (kp), CPN-UML fails to woo MJF to end house disruption (ht), Six parties agree to introduce supplementary amendment bill to resolve CA deadlock (nn), Maoists never offered president to UML: Khanal (kp), They await word on disappeared kin, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Confusion reigns (ht), Breaking The Logjam (rn), NC concludes it will stay in opposition (nn), Confusion in constitution-making (hsa)

30/06/2008: CA stalled yet again: Maoists tilt to UML stance on Madhes (kp), No end to House disruption (ht), Flimsy basis (ht), Do Not Disrupt (rn), Madhesi leaders threaten agitation (ht), Big Three vow to keep their word on Madhes (ht), 'One Madhesh' demand is a threat to national integrity, says Khanal (nn), Need for a concrete reparations scheme, by Navaraj Pudasaini (kp), Maoist chief blames Terai parties for delay in govt formation (nn), In Nepal: 'We are trying our best to understand democracy', by Raymond Whitaker (Independent, UK), Three parties to hold consultations with Madhesi parties jointly on Tuesday (nn 30/06/2008)

29/06/2008: CA meeting stalled again: SPA divided on Madhes issue, by Yuvraj Acharya and Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Madhes issue stalls CA session again (ht) [What is the CA good for if you want to introduce all changes without it?], Disruption to continue: MJF (ht) [You migrants are speaking for not more than 40% of the Tarai population, especially not for the indigenous population!!], CA stalemate continues (nn), Tharus against ‘One Madhes’ (ht), Gupta threatens to paralyse the entire country if Madhesi demands are not met (nn), Baidya says Maoists in favour of autonomous regions (nn), Maoists, UML say no to key demands of Terai parties (nn), UML’s anti-autonomy stance (ht), No place for Maoist troops in NA: Yadav (kp), Ethnicity and nation: Fact & Fiction, by Arun Gupto (kp), Special house for Janandolan-hit, by Merina Sharma (ht) [Do not forget to punish those who were most responsible like Kamal Thapa!!], Maoists moot presidential poll on July 2 (Gulf Times), Maoists plan presidential poll on Wednesday (Peninsula)

28/06/2008: Maoists want Singh for prez: UML sticks to Nepal, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), PM’s resignation not legal: Experts (ht), PM, Maoists assure Madhesis (kp), Tharus, Chure Bhawar object to 'One Madhes' (nn) [They are the indigenous Tarai inhabitants!], Maoists, UML say no to single Madhes state (ht), Madhesi MPs threaten more House disruptions (ht), Terai parties again obstruct CA proceeding; next CA meeting Sunday afternoon (nn), SPA meeting over Terai parties' demands inconclusive (nn), NC leaders press for opposition role (kp), Maoist criticized over stance on seized property (kp), Is it the geography, stupid?, by Hari Bansha Dulal & Samyam Waglé (kp), Who demands reservation?, by Prabha Kaini (kp), Majoritarian rule may delay statute-making process, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht)

27/06/2008: PM announces resignation: Urges unity among parties, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), PM Koirala steps aside (ht), The final act Emotional Koirala calls it quits (ht) [Text of PM's resignation speech], Nepal’s PM steps down, paves way for Maoists (Peninsula), Democratic gesture (kp), Pilgrims’ progress (ht), End of the alliance, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Beginning of End: Long on the verge of collapse, the seven-party coalition is finally falling apart, by Sushil Sharma (sp), "This Is Just An Alliance To Settle The Political Deadlock", interview with Jhal Nath Khanal (sp), Parties intensify internal, bilateral discussions (nn), Madhesi parties’ move to delay govt formation, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), How CA polls will affect Sino-India ties, by Prakash A Raj (kp), New Nepal needs new minds, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Culture of impunity in Nepal, by Dipendra Jha (ht), Danger of revival of 'conflict' still exists if the CA process is not wisely handled, interview with Surya Dhungel (sp), Deepening Crisis, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Parties recommend names for 26 CA members (nn), Political Mistrust in Nepal, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), Nepal's troubled society, by Kamala Sarup (Scoop), Question of Defining National Security Council of Nepal, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Now, the people: With the politics finally getting sorted out, time to focus on the economy (nt), Absolute anarchy: Does the UML's left arm know what its left palm is doing?, by CK Lal (nt)

26/06/2008: Parties ink fresh deal: Statute amendment proposal Thursday, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Done deal at last, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), CA assembly legitimises republic declaration (ht), ‘Incorporate Madhesi issues in constitution amendment bill’ (kp), Prachanda, Prakash discuss govt formation (ht), Maoist-UML alliance disaster for country: Oli, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Towards an authoritarian regime?, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Failing state & developing crises, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), New Nepal: Minority rights and opportunity, by Sunil Pant (ht)

25/06/2008: Difference persists over security council: Parties strike deal, by Yuvraj Acharya and Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Seven parties okay new deals, by Hem Dulal (ht), Taskforce finalising draft of agreement (nn), Parties agree to present fifth amendment (nn), Cabinet approves constitutional amendment draft (nn), UML, MJF discuss political deadlock (ht), Koirala’s utility over? (tg), Woman killed by landmine near NA premises, by Kashiram Dangi (kp), Dreams and reality, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Has Politics Of Consensus Come To An End?, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Bahuns have become even stronger than before after abolition of monarchy, interview with Krishna B. Bhattachan (tg), Nepal to extend term of UN mission by another six months (Monster & Critics), From monarchy to anarchy in Nepal (Gulf Today)

24/06/2008: Maoists, UML to leave NC out: Seven-Party Alliance breaks down, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Sitaula meets Dahal as Maoists prepare to go without NC (nn), Maoists willing to ditch NC and form govt through CA (nn), Time running out for annual policy, program, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Issues of integration, by Ranadhoj Limbu (kp), Call for greater political alliance, by Gauri Pradhan (kp), Peace process: The role of President, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Nepal: A Small Victory for Nepali Women, by Mallika Aryal (IPS), Is a 'Red' Nepal a Threat to India? The prospect alarming for some of India's security and foreign policy analysts, by Bhumika Ghimire (on), Parties discuss constitution amendment; preparing to introduce a bill in CA (nn)

23/06/2008: SPA meeting: Maoists walk away from talks, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Distrust mars seven parties’ meeting (nn), PM Koirala confers with army chief (nn) [After Gyanendra/army coup now Koirala/army coup??], ‘One-third produce to Maoists’: Maoists continue distributing land, by Ganesh Chaudhari (kp), Jana Andolan injured living with bullet in body, by Prem Nepali (kp), Sadbhawana against PLA-NA integration (ht), UK minister urges parties to form new govt (kp), Expedite govt formation: Malik (ht), Moral bankruptcy (kp), Partisan president, speaker, by Shyam KC (kp), Identifying The First President, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Time to write statute, not to form new alliances: Experts (ht), Nepali politics: The management of transition, by Ajit NS Thapa (ht), Consensus the key (ht), Dialectics Of Relations (rn), Nepal: People In Search Of A Future, by Kamala Sarup (Scoop), UML-Maoists come closer; agree to move ahead together (nn)

22/06/2008: SPA still at odds on key issues (kp), Consensus eludes SPA meet (ht), No consensus on Nepal as prez: Baidya (kp) [Why cannot be a woman the first president?? The UML is missing another chance towards an inclusive Nepal!], Identifying The First President, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Poll verdict resolves deadlock: RJP chief (kp), Redesign flag, change national animal: MNO (ht), Indigenous people seek 26 CA seats (ht)

21/06/2008: Maoists pull out from government, by Ghanashyam Ojha and Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Maoists decide to call it quits, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), UK minister urges consensus (kp), PIL against Gyanendra, ex-royals (kp), CA members spend time blaming each other (kp) [A national shame and frustration for the Nepali people who have elected a constituent assembly to leay the foundation for a better Nepal!!], Nepal parties fail to break deadlock (Peninsula), Seven parties’ consultations underway in Baluwatar (nn) [Please copy this information every day for the next ten years....], Daylong talks end without result; parties unable to break the deadlock (nn), Put economy at center: CA member Chaudhary (kp), Assembly members flay govt’s failure on security front (ht), Renewal of Nepal, by Bimal Koirala (kp), Autonomy of the CA, by Bhimarjun Acharya (kp), President for peace, by D B Gurung (kp), UML, Maoist leaders differ on presidential candidate (nn)

20/06/2008: I’ll resign if SPA asks: PM (kp) [You don't have the people's mandate, so you have to resign immediately! This is not up to the SPA!!], Panel drafts proposal to settle vexed issues, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Parties to continue parleys (nn), Power tussle ends as former Maoist guerrillas yield to parties’ conditions (Gulf Times), SC admin told to admit writ on privileges to ex-royals (kp), Maoists and UML cosy up on power-sharing; president for UML and PM for Maoists (nn), Left unity (kp), Nepal parties agree to recruit Maoist fighters into army (Peninsula), Issue of army integration, by Yubaraj Sangroula (kp), Propaganda politics, by Surendra R Devkota (kp), Blow to consensus (ht), Prime Minister Dahal (nt), Begin at the beginning: The disappearances, impunity and terror started 23 years ago, by CK Lal (nt), Veering off course: Myopic politicians are missing the bigger picture, by Prashant Jha (nt), Work in progress: Let the rule of law be the king in the new republic, by Ashutosh Tiwari (nt), Impunity must end for violence to stop in south-central Nepal, UN officials say (Scoop)

19/06/2008: Consensus on army integration, statute amendment, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Talks make no headway: NC’s stance a ‘stumbling block’, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Pradip flays Baluwatar parleys (ht), Electing the unelected: Koirala has proved me right, by Ranjan Panth (ht), UML forwards Nepal’s name as presidential candidate (nn) [???], Big Three reach consensus on army integration, constitution amendment; Maoists back Sahana as presidential candidate (nn), CA adjourns sine die, legislature to resume Friday (kp) [Throw all not elected politicians out of all functions immediately! The elections have been for CA primarily!!], Assembly meeting put off indefinitely (ht), RJP reminds ‘Big 3’ of responsibility (kp), New crown, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Vigilance after victory, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Koirala ready to step down; hints NC won't be part of next govt (nn)

18/06/2008: Crucial power sharing talks today; Three-party meet: Differences narrow down (kp), Parties to pursue path of consensus: Maoists to alter YCL’s structure in two weeks (ht), Powwow continues among big three (nn) [Throw all of them into a dust bin, especially those who have not been legitimized by the people through elections!!], Big three stumble over power-sharing; agree to continue talks (nn), Sahana Pradhan mooted as new president (ht), Make Pradhan president: Sharma (kp), UML continues to lay claim over presidential post (nn), Singh’s name acceptable: Mahato (kp), Maoists’ no-trust motion threat against govt (ht), The great president hunt, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Maoist victims want property returned (kp), Nepal still on press freedom watch list (kp), It all depends on admin, by Dhruba Nepal (kp), A paradigm shift? Himalayan geo-politics, by Sutrendra Phuyal (kp), Unedifying spectacle (ht), Parties Must Shun Double Standards, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), The Coconut Republic! (tg), Prime Minister Koirala facilitating Left Unity (tg), A mere change in the name of the system is not going to pay off, by Rabindra Khanal (tg), Martin urges Nepal govt to define UNMIN's role (nn)

17/06/2008: 24-hour Maoist ultimatum to PM (kp), CPN-M likely to quit govt today, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Accord on new govt soon: Khanal (kp), UML gen secy for left unity (nn), Three parties to resume talks; Maoists engage in internal consultations (nn), Maoists to be rigid on their stance; no to Koirala as president (nn), Up to 1,000-man security proposed for president, by Kiran Chapagain (kp) [???], Tripartite meet fails to decide PLA’s fate (ht), Ask Maoist combatants what they want, by Prakash Rimal (ht), Avoid hasty decision on PLA: Ex-general (kp), Military experts caution on hasty decision on army integration (nn), Breaking The Deadlock, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), 12 injured in bomb blast (kp), Checks and balances, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), The pot and the kettle, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Constituent Assembly: Keeping the House in order, by Sunil Babu Pant (ht), Answering for it (ht), Model Of Federalism (rn)

16/06/2008: Tackle policy issues then claim govt: UML to Maoists (kp), Keep mum on prez, UML tells Maoists (ht), Three parties continue discussion for consensus (nn), Greed, power and fate, by Monica Regmi (kp), ‘The polls succeeded because we became Gandhis’, interview with Ganesh Man Pun, head of the Young Communist League (kp) [Our remembrance of Gandhi is totally different from ICL's daily behaviour!!], Bomb hurled at a passenger bus; six hurt (nn), Dahal, Carter to be conferred peace awards (nn)

15/06/2008: Dismiss report on seeking presidency: NC leaders stick to 7 points (kp), GP Koirala not right choice: Leftists (ht), Maoist chief rules out Koirala's name from presidential race (nn), Nepal urges consensus at earliest, govt formation (kp), Maoists responsible for delay: Khanal, by Rajendra Pratap Shah (kp), UML, Maoist leaders hold talks (nn), Maoist chief asks parties to help them in formation of govt; warns them of consequences (nn), Maoists target Ram Hari’s brother (kp), Poudel calls Maoists to disarm (ht), Mainali warns of another conflict (ht), Marginalised women seek Assembly seats (ht), Swan-song Of Ex-king Gyanendra, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Toward Regression in Nepal, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), An Outlook of Federal Security System of Republic Nepal & Integration of PLA, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Martin discusses army integration issue with Maoist chairman (nn)

14/06/2008: ‘APF can be scrapped if need be’: PLA to be separate security force: Pun (kp), No integration of PLA: Yadav (kp), Big parties split over PLA adjustment plan (ht), Maoists to develop new media model: Baidya (kp) [There can be no commitment against press freedom!!], Baidya for new model of press freedom (ht), HR violation victims yet to be compensated (kp), Himalayan republic, by Buddhi Narayan Shrestha (kp), Jhala Nath Khanal for UML-Maoist tie-up (ht), Mahat blames Maoists for anti-investment climate (ht), Maoist 'positive' about Koirala as president (nn) [??], Maoists shift stand, want UN monitors to continue (Peninsula)

13/06/2008: Maoist ministers quit government (ht), Maoist ministers' resignation will not be forwarded to PM for the time being (nn), Nepal's former rebels quit government, demand prime minister resign (iht), Coalition government by June 18: Minister Gurung (nn), Bhattarai hopes for consensus by June 18 (ht), CPN-UML lays claim to president’s post (ht), UML also stakes claim to presidency (nn), Sahana ok as prez, says Dev Gurung (ht), President through consensus: Bhattarai (kp), Evening shows the night, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), No compromise on NA’s purity, sanctity, integrity: Katawal (kp), Army to help institutionalise democracy: Gen Katawal (ht), Parties divided over army integration (nn), Keep out of politics, Maoists warn ousted king Gyanendra (Peninsula), Prachanda to visit Mao-land for 'more inspiration' (nn), Extreme leftist groups pushing country into a brink: Finance Minister (nn), New govt will take over in three days: PM (nn), Irrelevant republic: In Lele, it makes little difference whether Nepal has a king or not, by Mallika Aryal (nt), The priest and the warrior: Finding a president in an age of political correctness, by CK Lal (nt), We ain't seen nothing yet: That was just the trailer; let the show commence, by Prashant Jha (nt), Federalism: Learning The Steps (sp)

12/06/2008: Produce CA agenda: Minor parties (kp), Policy on PLA first, govt later: NC, UML (ht) [Please take time! As always before, you have only been elected (if you have been elected at all) to fight for power and privilegies!!], No compromise on entry of 'qualified and capable' individuals in NA: Army Chief (nn), Army's purity should not be compromised in the name of democratisation: Army chief (kp), NC, Maoists close to reaching agreement on govt formation (nn), CMDP against any royal privilege to ex-king (kp), Gyanendra abandons Narayanhiti, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Ex-king vacates Narayanhiti, not to leave Nepal, by Hem Dulal (ht), Gyanendra’s valedictory address (kp) [text of his speech], Outgoing message (kp), CA members condemn palace placation (ht), Parties show mixed reaction to ex-king’s exit (kp), Royal rebuff for waiting scribes (ht), Student offers house, Land Cruiser to former king (ht), 3 cops hurt in shootout, arms looted, by Dambarsingh Rai (kp), Cops hurt in Kirant outfit attack (ht), Ex-MMT leader, others held with weapons (kp), Maoists arrested with weapons (ht), 6 injured in school blast (kp), Credit and power sharing politics, by Som P Pudasaini (kp), Conflict casualty probe panel to get extension (ht), The Letter That Is Still Valid, by Shyam KC (rn), Ram Raja as presidential candidate acceptable: TMLP chief (nn), Bhattarai sees UNMIN's role until NA-PLA integration (nn)

11/06/2008: Civil Society to press for end to stalemate (kp), Consensus still not at hand, says Home Minister Sitaula (ht), Task-force indecisive on PLA integration model (ht), Panel to ask YCL to vacate buildings (kp), Gyanendra wants 400 army troops: Leaving Narayanhiti today, by Kiran Chapagain (kp) [When will Nepal abolish monarchy??], CA members object to govt handouts to ex-king, POL price hike (nn), Ex-King holds press meet before leaving Narayanhiti; refutes allegations labeled against him; says he won't go into exile (nn), Ex-King Gyanendra leaves Narayanhiti (nn), Journos, media still at risk: Report (kp), Maoists yet to return seized land, property (kp), Off track (ht), A fortnight in a nation's life, by Abhi Subedi (kp), From divine right to democracy, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp), Unanimity among republicans, by Gauri Pradhan (kp), Monarchy Is Gone, But Challenges Remain, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Power center to shift from Delhi to Nagarjun (tg), Make it a habit and hope against hope, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), When federalism and democracy go hand in hand, the chances of secession are lesser, interview with Budhi Karki (tg), SC rejects writ challenging cabinet decision (nn) [The SC decision is wrong: Every Nepali citizen is personally effected by this 'political' decision since it means waste of public money for the richest private person in the country!!], Four injured in separate explosions (nn)

10/06/2008: Prez, VP, PM election by simple majority (kp), Simple CA majority to decide prez, PM (ht), Parties' panel working to finalise understanding (nn), Panel hits a snag over the issue of integration of Maoist combatants (nn), Maoists to name Ram Raja Singh for prez (kp), We’ll never accept Koirala as prez: Dahal (kp), 200 ropani inside palace sought: Gyanendra demands Trishul Sadan also, by Kiran Chapagain (kp) [This is not the abolition of a monarchy that has putsched against the state some years ago! Graceful exit can only mean: no punishment, no expulsion from the country!!], Civil society flays royal retreat for Gyanendra, kin (ht) [!!!], Red tapes under the red flag, by Chandan Sapkota (kp), Indian federal experience & Nepal, by Beerendra Pandey (kp), Signs of the future (ht), Celebrating The Republic (rn), Telling The Truth About The War, by Simon Robins (rn)

09/06/2008: Panel to iron out political differences (ht), Parties set up panel to draft statute amendment (kp), Three-party panel reaches consensus on statute amendment (nn), Beside the point (ht), Maoist flexibility (kp), Maoists against prez from big parties (kp), Eyeing The Presidency (rn), With Maoist backing Ram Raja emerges as strong presidential hopeful (nn), Republic not any party’s victory: PM (kp) [Though it is for sure that there would be neither a republic and nor an inclusive CA without the Maoist insurgency, Mr Koirala!], Women seek 50 pc reservation (ht), A New Nepal: Changing of the guard, by Ganga Thapa (ht), Finally, It Is A Graceful Exit, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Track what Gyanendra takes: Govt, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Maoists promise squatters seized land, by Mohan Budaair (kp), Maoist Kangaroo court still around, by Surendra Subedi (kp), Who should be head of state?, by Shyam KC (kp), ‘Keep out of tarai affairs’, interview with Hridayesh Tripathi (kp), ‘Nothing except one Madhes’, interview with Jaya Prakash Gupta (kp), NC youths enraged over Maoist atrocities; vow to float YCL-like units (nn)

08/06/2008: Caucuses close to consensus on key issues (ht), Gesture Of Flexibility (rn), UML wants Assembly to elect President (ht), Elect, not handpick first Prez: Khanal, by Lilaballav Ghimire (kp), PM or prez should be Madhesi: MJF (ht), MJF against Koirala for president (nn), NC intensifies lobbying for Koirala's 'presidential bid'; gets negative response from Maoists (nn), Three parties form a joint panel to suggest ways to resolve the deadlock (nn), Maoist nod for simple majority: Parties closer to consensus, by Yuvraj Acharya & Thira L Bhusal (kp), Politics of principles need of the hour, by Prakash Rimal (ht), Prachanda sees bid to trigger ethnic violence (ht), Gyanendra faces threat from kin, says Maoist leader (ht), Vulpine Greed For Power: Replacing Shah Dynasty with Koirala Dynasty? by Mohan Nepali (Scoop)

07/06/2008: Maoists oppose: NC to propose Koirala for prez (kp), Thumbs down for Koirala as president (ht), Koirala too frail for prez: Yadav (kp), NC intensifies lobbying for Koirala's 'presidential bid'; gets negative response from Maoists (nn), Maoists flexible on simple majority (kp), Prachanda sees impasse ending on Monday (ht), Prachanda not keen to back Koirala as president; ready for statute amendment (nn), NC, UML reach understanding on appointment of president (nn), All 25 parties can stay out of govt: Poudel (kp) [How stupid! Does he really want to be a political leader??], Don’t ignore us, plead puny parties (ht), Crown, scepter missing? Govt panel looking for records, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), 3 shot dead in tarai (kp), Choice for the Maoists, by Shreeram Lamichhane and Mana Prasad Wagley (kp), Goodbye Shah dynasty! by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Republic of Nepal, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop 07/06/2008)

06/06/2008: Maoists compromise on prez post (kp), Maoists climb down over key demand (ht), A new move (ht), NC, UML dissatisfied with Maoist proposal (nn), MJF opposes making Koirala president (nn), An NC leader proposes Koirala for president (nn), UML for election of president: Khanal (nn), Prachanda hints at further flexibility (nn), Madhesi, small parties criticize SPA (kp), 12 parties piqued over 'bigger parties' (nn), Power games: Fair Or Fixed? by Sushil Sharma (sp), No half way (nt), Memorial of Madi victims unveiled (kp), Three years on, govt relief not in sight for bereaved father, by Bhanubhakta Acharya (ht), Kin of Badarmudhe tragedy victims demand compensation and action against guilty (nn), Jana Andolan victims rue govt apathy (ht), What to do with the YCL? by Surendra R Devkota (kp), Peacetime in a war zone: War over, development hopes run high in the Maoist heartland, by Kishor Rimal (nt), A practical way out of impasse, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), A New Phase Of Instability, by Keshab Poudel (sp), "Nepal shows it is possible to de-link from US imperialism", interview with Prakash Karat, CPI(M), Chairman becomes premier: Pushpa Kamal Dahal now has nothing left to wreck, by CK Lal (nt), Who'll blink first? Spare a thought for voters who thought they'd see change, by Prashant Jha (nt), Pressuring the press, by Ashutosh Tiwari (nt)

05/06/2008: CA to adjourn to faciliate consultations (kp), CPN-UML to stand up to Maoists in CA (kp), Fresh Maoist threat to quit govt (ht), Maoists give up claim for presidency (nn), EU’s plea to parties to share power (ht), The May 28 proceedings, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Democracy: Fallacy or fantasy? by Madhab P Khanal (kp), Pangs of adjustment (ht), Think Federal But Shun Division, by Shyam K.C. (rn)

04/06/2008: Maoists threaten to quit govt in two days, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), MPRF sets conditions to support Maoists (kp), Maoists can take key posts if all agree: Dr Shashank (ht), Maoist absence puts off 25-party meet (kp), 12 fringe parties to group against biggies, by Thira L Bhusal (kp), Writing on the wall (kp), Parleys to end deadlock make no headway (ht), Three parties to meet in the afternoon (nn), Costly impasse (ht), Nepal Maoist chief refuses to renounce armed struggle (Dawn), NC leaders ask people to be ready for struggle (nn), Enforce recommendations: NHRC to govt (kp), Editors’ Alliance ‘seriously concerned’ over Maoist acts, threats (kp), Maoist actions, words alarm editors (ht), Hindu group deserts king, but rejects secular state (kp), WHF to begin agitation (ht), Now its VHP's turn to cry foul over Nepal change (nn), FLSC resumes tax collection (kp), Peace process under republic, by Madhu P Regmi (kp), Chappal politics, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Keeping our fingers crossed, by Rashmi Sharma Mainali (kp), Republican Nepal: The movement of history, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Republic of Nepal: People Are Masters Of Their Destiny, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Nepal’s infant democracy faces mature problems, by Gopal Sharma (Dawn), A Revolution sans Revolution, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Nepal: ‘Constitutionalism’ ignored, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Social Capital and Political Culture, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Procedural flaws in the republic declaration, interview with Bhimarjun Acharya (tg), Federalism is a dynamic theory of nation-state building, interview with Shree Krishna Bhattarai (tg), People's mandate in Nepal: Maoists’ erroneous perception, by Govinda Raj Joshi (tg)

03/06/2008: ‘No prez, PM posts for same party’, by Ghanashyam Ojha & Yuvraj Acharya (kp) [The separations of these posts is reasonable, but what makes wonder is that it was no problem to have the tasks of PM and Head of State in the hands of even a single person of the NC for two years! And this party did not have the trust of the people as the elections have shown now!!], NC, UML to give Maoists 7 days to prove eligibility (kp) [And how shall the 213 MPs of NC und UML prove eligibility against the 220 MPs of the Maoists? This is state boycott as it has been practiced so often after 1990! Cooperation is the need of the hour!], NC, UML, MPRF flay Maoist threat (kp), Dahal’s arrogance, unruliness berated, by Gopal Khanal (kp), CPN-UML, Maoists adopt rigid stance (ht), PM Koirala confers with UML, NWPP leaders (nn), Yadav roots for non-political person as a president (rn), Be Responsible (rn), 25-party meeting cancelled (nn), Simple majority should suffice to oust govt: Leaders (ht) [Please do not return to the politics of the 1990s! Your main task is to write a new and inclusive constitution!!], Gyanendra accepts CA verdict: Seeks another residence, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Gyanendra to quit palace on time, by Hem Dulal (ht), Shital Niwas favorite as prez palace: Officials, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Maoist rule in Nepal against India's interests: BJP, by Gopal Khanal (kp) [BJP rule in India against Nepal's interest!], Maoists' harsh rebuttal to BJP remarks (nn), Republic declaration questioned (kp), Another dictator in making? by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Hyperopic Maoists & myopic pundits, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), PM wants Upadhyay to head statute panel (ht) [Wow, once again are all proposed persons exclusively male Bahuns!! Bahunbad is over, Mr Koirala!], Hope for new peace and development, by Alina R. Shrestha (Reuters)

02/06/2008: Dahal threatens street protests, by Ujir Magar & Santosh Pokharel (kp), Prachanda renews agitation threat (ht), Resolve dispute: Big 3 parties told (kp), PM hopes to resolve crisis by June 5 (ht), 13-party meet fails to break ice (ht), Nepal's main parties fail to agree on forming new government (iht), Tarun Dal suggests PM to stay put unless conditions met (nn) [He has not asked for legitimation by the people, i.e. he has to resign immediately and without any further discussion!!], Dhangadhi normal, kin receive bodies (kp), Gyanendra likely to quit with public notice, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Ex-King Gyanendra says he accepts CA decision; prepares to leave Narayanhiti (nn), Home Minister meets former King (nn), Palace lacks items to stock museum? (ht), Babban Singh submits himself to court, by Shiva Puri (kp), Probe commission on disappearances urged (kp), ‘Maoists, govt reluctant to nab culprits’ (kp), Slur against media (kp), Media distorted Prachanda’s remark: Badal (ht), Morning shows the day, by Shyam KC (kp), Communist republic impossible, interview with Krishna Pahadi (kp), In search of a new identity, by Biswas Baral (ht), Worrying signs (ht), Locked In Stalemate (rn), Time To Make It People-centric, by Madhavji Shrestha (rn)

01/06/2008: Maoists U-turn back to executive prez, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), No breakthrough in SPA powwow (ht), UML seeks respectable offer to join government (ht), Thirteen parties to continue talks (nn), FNJ deplores Maoist chief’s warning against Kantipur (kp), Baburam defends Maoist chairman’s jibe at media (ht) [Obviously, the Maoists as well do not understand that inclusive democracy means more than elections!!], Keep fighting for democracy: PM (kp), Dhangadhi newspapers halt publication: Media houses threatened, journalists forced into hiding, by Shivraj Bhatt (ht), Taskforce for nationalizing ex-king’s property (kp), Security panel meets palace officials (kp), Committee busy collecting palace records (nn), Govt team inside palace (nn), YCL to stop taking action against others (kp), Chronicle of a feudal class, by Howard Roak (kp), Downfall Of Shah Dynasty, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Royal flaws in focus at birth of Nepal's republic, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), Prachanda gives three-day 'ultimatum' to NC to hand over govt's leadership (nn)

31/05/2008: ‘No prez post for losers’ (kp), Blackmail slur on Nepali Cong, CPN-UML (ht), Authoritarian attitude: NC, UML (kp), NC, UML leaders reiterate Maoists cannot have both positions (nn), What all figure-head prez can do (ht), SPA team meet put off till Saturday (kp), Maoists’ absence puts off SPA panel meet (ht), Parties fail to reach consensus (nn), Prachanda warns Kantipur Publications (kp) [???], Gyanendra gets eviction letter: Officials inspect palace, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Blast near Maoist mass meet (kp), Celebration of republic continues (kp), Republic Celebrations (rn), Private sector hails republic (kp), EU, UK, China, Carter Center welcome republic (kp), UK, Japan, China hail Nepal's advent into republic (nn), Curfew lifted in Dhangadhi (kp), Call for inclusion of indigenous issues in statute (kp), Babban Singh makes himself public, by Shiva Puri (kp), On to Act II (kp), Immediate agenda of republic, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp), Nepal Trust in its making, by Uday R Sharma (kp), Janajati leader threatens stir (ht), CA won’t serve us, feel women (ht), Federal states likely to witness water wars: Experts (ht), NC Should Join Hands With Maoists, by Somnath Lamichhane (rn)

30/05/2008: Nation celebrates republic declaration (kp), ‘Hoist nat’l flag at Narayanhiti’ (kp), Gyanendra gets 10 days to pack bags (ht), Govt writes letter to ex-King to vacate palace (nn), UML chief against prez, PM from one party (kp), UML for sharing of key posts (kp), Prez must quit party politics, says Narahari (ht), Parties to resume consultations on government formation (nn), SPA meeting postponed for Saturday (nn), Maoists eye both president and prime minister (nn), Nepalis in India rejoice republic declaration (ht), Business community, Nepali Diaspora welcome republic declaration (nn), EU, Carter Center congratulates Nepali people on declaration of republic (nn), UN, US, others hail republic (kp), US gingerly, but ready to deal with Maoists (ht), YCL, police involved in massive HR violations: AI (kp), Prakash condemns call to destroy Maoist arms (ht) [??], Tharu community to launch protests (kp), Women CA members for gender-neutral statute (kp), The power of people, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Republic brings no joy for him, by Raj Kumar Parajuli (ht) [Punish those who ordered the police to shoot!!], For the best cuts (ht), Now For Greater Dedication, Sincerity, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Nepal Is A Republic, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Federal Republic Of Nepal (rn), Learning Federalism: High level civil servants are in India to look how federalism functions (sp), "International Community Is Concerned About The Future Of Democratic And Peace Processes", interview with Suresh C. Chalise (sp), Overtaking The Constitution, by Keshab Poudel (sp), OHCHR lashes out at police highhandedness (nn), End of Nepalese monarchy sets stage for new period of political instability, by K. Ratnayake (World Socialist Website), 'It doesn't make any difference to me if there is a raja in Kathmandu or not', by Digambar Rai (nt), War wounds: Many in Nepal still bears scars of the war, by Srishti Adhikari (nt), More interesting times: Looks like we are cursed not to live through dull days, by CK Lal (nt), May the 28th: Wednesday was the easy part, by Prashant Jha (nt), Time for real change: Just doing away with the king is not enough, by Artha Beed (nt), Prachanda derides parties for blocking Maoists' ascent to power (nn)

29/05/2008: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, by Yuvraj Acharya, Ghanashyam Ojha and Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), The end of history: Rise and fall of the Shah Dynasty, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Discredited dynasty confined to history, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Nepal abolishes centuries-old Hindu monarchy, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), New Juncture Of History (rn), A hope is born (ht), Republic at last! (kp), Vive La Republique Nepal: Nepal turns into a republic, and now there are new challenges to meet (Nepal Monitor), RPP-Nepal becomes the only party against republic; some lawyers question procedures adopted by CA (nn), Royal flag removed from palace (nn), Finally, national flag flies at Narayanhiti (nn), Diversity values (kp), Time of reckoning (ht), Demonstrations deluge Baneshwor, elsewhere, by Kosh Raj Koirala and Thira L Bhushal (kp), Republic Day crowds take to the streets (ht), 3 minor bombs go off in capital (kp), Rallies to celebrate republic (nn), UN hails dawn of republic in Nepal (Hindustan Times), UN, India welcome change, US withholds (nn), US watches its words on Nepal (Times of India), Figure-head prez, executive PM, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), 3 killed in police action, curfew in Dhangadhi, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), Three killed in police firing in Dhangadhi, by Shiva Raj Bhatta (ht), Only Ramilas can save democracy, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Truth and reconciliation, by Gopal Krishna Siwakoti (kp), Politics of impunity, by Gauri Pradhan (kp), YCL violating rights with impunity: AI (ht), Assembly sans 26 nominees violates law, say legal eagles, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Editorials in major dailies cheer republic (nn), Nepal abolishes monarchy as King Gyanendra given fortnight to vacate palace, by Thomas Bell (Telegraph, UK), Nepal's rocky road ahead (Telegraph, UK), Nepal’s Macbeth: A king who was never crowned (Gulf Times), Nepal Is a New Republic, Photojournalism student Nabin Baral sends images of his nation's joyous day (on), Nepal Votes to Abolish Its Monarchy: Newly Elected Constituent Assembly Declares Country a Secular Republic, by Matthew Rosenberg (Washington Post), Nepal reborn as a republic, by Somini Sengupta (iht), Nepali expats hope for political stability, by Preeti Kannan (Khaleej Times), Nepal new republic on the roof of the world (Khaleej Times), Nepal’s royals face life as commoners, by Sam Taylor (Dawn), Prachanda: the new face of Nepal, by Subel Bhandari (Dawn), Himalayan change, Nepal a republic (Gulf Today), Republic of Nepal celebrates abolition of monarchy (Channel News Asia), Background - Key dates in Nepal's monarchy (Relief Web), Nepal monarchy abolished; King Gyanendra out: Lawmakers in the Himalayan nation declare a republic in a 560-4 vote, by Henry Chu (Los Angeles Times)

28/05/2008: CA members sworn in (kp), 567 CA members sworn in (ht), 'Most wanted' CA member comes, swears and leaves (nn), Baidya, Yadav take oath; preparations for CA meeting on; leaders in consultation (nn), A major milestone, but challenges ahead in Nepal's peace process (Relief Web), Nepal to abolish monarchy as Maoists dominate assembly (Telegraph, UK), Item one on the agenda for Nepal's new parliament: evicting the King, by Andrew Buncombe (Independent, UK), CA meeting to start from 3 pm (nn), The march of history (ht), CA to turn Nepal into republic today (nn), Celebration of republic begins (kp), Republican era dawns today (ht), King ditched by his own coterie (tg), King Gyanendra in consultations hours before facing a sack (nn), Two hurt in Ratna Park blasts (ht), Security beefed up around the palace (nn), Parties for president as head of state, by Yuvraj Acharya and Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), New Nepal to have ceremonial president (ht), CPN-Masal leader Prakash now public (kp), Prakash comes to light, shuns extremism (ht), ‘Monitoring is not 24-hour surveillance’: UNMIN role unfinished: Martin (kp), Road ahead full of challenges: Martin (ht), A great day in history, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Republic dawns in Nepal, by Anand Aditya (kp), Changed face of politics, by Sumnima Kirat (kp), Ugly political deadlock in Nepal, by Rupesh Dahal (tg), If the Maoists reject our pre-conditions, the political deadlock will intensify, by Gagan Thapa (tg) [The defeat of your party was not unexpected, Mr Thapa! You should accept this!], Nepal has to formulate its own federal model that takes its specific conditions into account, by Nicole Toepperwien (tg 28/05/2008), Human rights situation hasn't improved significantly: AI (nn), Parties agree on ‘constitutional president’ and executive prime minister; CA meeting beginning shortly (nn), CA meeting starts at BICC; PM says peace process reaching logical conclusion (nn), Blasts outside CA meeting venue (nn), Nepal becomes a federal democratic republic (nn), Govt announces two-day public holiday to celebrate republic (nn)

27/05/2008: Maoists to let Koirala remain head of state, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Difference persists on statute amendment, head of state; Republic on Wednesday, by Yuvraj Acharya and Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoists and NC, UML differ over ways of resolving deadlock (nn), Govt formation process not to MJF’s liking (ht), 3 blasts in capital (kp), Blasts in Kathmandu ahead of king’s ouster (Peninsula), Five injured in blast at Ratna Park (nn), Nepal government warns king he must leave (Reuters), Gyanendra to retain his business empire (Gulf Times), NEFIN to protest parties’ sharing 26 CA seats (kp), ‘Hand over prime accused to cops’ (kp), Unconscious Mukesh hospitalized again, by Khumansingh Tamang (kp) [Highest responsibility goes to Gyanendra Shah and Kamal Thapa!!], NHRC questions AIGs’ reinstatement (kp) [??], ‘Where is my mom?’, by Lal Prasad Sharma (kp), Protect history (kp), Futures under Maoist leadership, by Arun Kumar Pokhrel (kp), Politics of consensus, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), NHRC paints grim rights scene (ht), Constituent Assembly members sworn in (nn), Martin makes case for UNMIN's stay in Nepal (nn), Narayanhity royal palace to be turned into national museum (nn)

26/05/2008: No constitution amendment, no sharing of key posts: Maoists (kp), CPN-M to float unity govt plan (ht), Maoists to produce their proposal today (nn), Strange bedfellows (ht), Top three parties fail to reach consensus; another meeting in the evening (nn), Parties agree to criteria for 26 members (kp), Political violence: A crime that pays?, by Hari bansha Dulal (kp), ‘Either Maoists or Army will take over’, interview with Kamal Thapa (kp) [Sounds like a threat by this staunch royalist, who signed highest responsibility for the police violence against the Nepali people in April 2008!], Rallies, cultural programs to welcome republic (nn), Nepal's government bans protests, rallies around outgoing king's palace to prevent violence (iht), Nepal bans rallies in Kathmandu, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), Maoists to mobilise end of monarchy in Nepal (Khaleej Times), Obstacles to Republic, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), Twin blasts in front of BICC (nn), Prachanda meets with US official; says YCL's paramilitary character will be ended (nn)

25/05/2008: PM formally asks Prachanda to form govt, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Prachanda gets PM invite to form govt, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Three parties in close consultations (nn), Three parties part ways agreeing to meet again on Monday (nn), Koirala unacceptable for prez: Badal; Maoists reject statute amendment, prez election (kp), Prachanda reiterates stance against statute amendment (nn), Maoists have the mandate, says Sood (nn), Amendment to Constitution: It is for Nepalis to decide: Sood (kp) [The Nepali people have already decided: They want continued cooperation of all elected parties until a new constitution is written by the elected Constituent Assembly!], 13-party panel meet makes no headway (ht), ‘No compromise on autonomous Madhes’ (kp), There can be other alternatives if Maoists fail to form govt: Yadav (nn), Kirat party against One Madhes One Pradesh (ht), PLA suspends Bibidh (kp), Maoists suspend Bibidh over Shrestha’s killing (ht), Maoists deny written agreement to Shrestha family (kp), Maoists to strive to win all seats in next polls: Badal (ht), Nothing will deter republic: UML chief (kp), NRNs not happy with government, by Rupak D Sharma (kp), NRNs say they are committed to nation building process (nn), Pledge to rid country of untouchability (ht), The female face of Maoists, interview with Hisila Yami by Aditi Bhaduri (Hindu)

24/05/2008: Koirala asks Prachanda to take initiation for new govt (nn), Nepal's prime minister asks former communist rebels to form new coalition government (iht), Prachanda says no to amendment (kp), Madhes parties: Include accord in constitution (kp), Madhesi parties to press for autonomous Madhes while amending constitution (nn), No president until new statute, says CP Gajurel (ht), CA likely to take full shape by Monday (ht), Shrestha family hopes for agreement (kp), Uproar over Ramhari killing blown out of proportion: Biplab (ht) [Murder is murder and has to be punished by a law court!], Maoists suspend 'Bibidh' (nn), No mandate to supervise armed personnel: UNMIN (kp), NC cadres hit the streets against Maoists (kp), Yadav harps on Madhes autonomy (ht), Two-thirds or simple majority?, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (kp), Can an ass become a cow?, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), The Post-CA Poll Political Scenario, by C.D. Bhatta (rn), 'Protect historical papers in Narayanhiti Palace' (nn)

23/05/2008: Political consultation continues (kp), Parties dwell on political deadlock (ht), Parties to continue parleys; NC starts street agitation (nn), Newa front chief asks PM to quit (ht), Middle ground (ht), Stage set for Constituent Assembly meet (kp), Ordinance on CA members' oath (kp), Serious violation of arms pact: JMCC (kp), Parallel panels to probe murder (ht), Short of sorry, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), ‘New Nepal needs old foreign policy’ (kp), An indelible mark on Maoists, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Paradoxical power tussle, by Monica Regmi (kp), Conundrum: Tussle Or Unity, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Peaceful Transformation Should Not Be Interrupted, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Changing of the guard: Eviction day nears at Narayanhiti, by Mallika Aryal (nt), Nepal king to leave palace, say reports (Peninsula), Experimenting with commune-ism: The Maoists can’t decide whether to keep communes or scrap them, by Prakash Mahatara (nt), “Koirala must resign”, interview with Upendra Yadav (nt), “Constitutional politics and violence can’t go together”, interview with Ram Sharan Mahat (nt), Sore losers: Democracy seems to work differently in Nepal, by Tapan Kumar Bose (nt), Indian, US envoys in high-profile meetings (nn), Nepal still faces challenges after successful election, UN envoy stresses (Scoop), First meeting of CA will despatch a letter asking the King to leave palace: Dr. Bhattarai (nn), "Govt Of National Unity Is Necessary", interview with Indian Ambassador Rakesh Sood (sp), Mine Action: The UNMIN continues works to help in the de-mining and destruction of unsafe explosives, which remain a big threat (sp), Constituent Assembly: For What?, by Keshab Poudel (sp)

22/05/2008: Agree on ceremonial president, simple-majority provision: NC, UML, MPRF form common stance, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), NC, UML, MJF one on statute amendment (ht), Simple majority provision can tame Maoists: Narahari (ht), No alliance with Maoists till 7-point demand met: Deuba (kp), Seven-point condition is for consensus, claims Deuba (nn), Maoists to request PM to invite them to form government (nn), Maoists get green signal to form govt (nn), Valley shut down over Shrestha murder (kp), Bandh backers, YCL cadres clash; 12 hurt (ht), Killers’ pix made public (ht), Letter to Prachanda (kp), Prachanda bows to pressure, agrees to probe body: Ramhari murder scandal (kp), JMCC describes Shrestha's murder as serious breach of CPA (nn), WB has huge confidence in Nepali people, interview with Praful Patel, vice president of the World Bank (WB) for the South Asian Region (kp), Implications of fiscal disparities for federal Nepal, by Shankar P Sharma (kp), Issues surrounding abolition of monarchy, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Unkept promises (ht), NRN seeks representation in CA (nn)

21/05/2008: NC, UML outline constitution amendments (kp), Valley bandh affects normal life (nn), Prachanda says his party is willing to talk with kins of Shrestha; says agitation will mar preparation for republic (nn), Prachanda agrees to Shrestha murder probe (kp) [There is nothing to agree! This one and many other YCL crimes have to be solved and punished!!], NHRC warns Maoists against rights abuse (ht), Dissolve YCL, PLA: Maoists told (kp), Burden of peace, stability on me: PM, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), Prime Minister Koirala says he ain’t greedy (ht), Prachanda, Khanal in bid to forge consensus (ht), ‘Make no haste to declare republic’ (kp), Constitution and corruption, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Let’s grow together, by Krishna Regmi (kp), People’s mandate Maoists’ wrong perception, by Govinda Raj Joshi (ht), Women In Constituent Assembly, by Indira Aryal (rn), India playing double in Nepal says PM Koirala (tg), Eight blunders of King Gyanendra, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), I am rejected by the people, interview with Madhav Kumar Nepal (tg), Federal system not suitable for Nepal, interview with Chitra Bahadur K.C., Chairman Rashtriya Jan Morcha (tg), Strengthening Nationalism and Sovereignty, by Sujeet Arjel (tg), ‘International bodies should support Nepal’s political transition’ (nn), Rights-Nepal: No Reconciliation Without Truth, by Mallika Aryal (Inter Press Service)

20/05/2008: ‘Serious breach of commitment’: UNMIN condemns killing inside cantonment (kp), Protest against Shrestha murder continues (kp), ‘Money won’t bring my father back’ (ht), Time to look within (ht), Parties still at odds over power-sharing (kp), Maoists frivolous on consensus: Shekhar (ht), Maoists will either lead govt or take to streets: Baidya (kp), PM undermining democracy, says Baidya (ht), Gautam charges Maoists of attempting to end other parties (nn), Top leaders commit to economic prosperity, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), UNMIN completes half its work: Hall (kp), Peace and love (kp), Are Maoists qualified to rule?, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Sliding towards authoritarian rule?, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Challenges to democracy Time to go beyond the cliches, by Ganga Thapa (ht), NC, UML 'committed' to declare republic from first CA meeting (nn), Prachanda holds consultations with UML leaders (nn)

19/05/2008: Check criminal activities of YCL: NHRC (kp), YCL violating fundamental rights: NHRC (nn), Outrage over trader’s murder: 19 hurt in anti-Maoist demo (ht), Maoists, PLA not involved: Prachanda (kp), NC young turks’ call to arms against YCL (kp), PM should quit to ease new govt formation: Bhattarai (ht), Mend ways to head govt: Mahat to Maoist (kp), Muster two-third backing, Mahat tells Maoists (ht), First meet demands, then seek support: NC veep (ht), NC leaders not ‘assured’ of Maoist intention (nn), Meet Madhes demands or we won’t join govt: Jha (ht), Martyrs’ kin for representation in CA (kp), Wanton attitude, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Late awakening (kp), There’s no choice (ht), ‘Maoist victory is like flash flood’, interview with Jhalanath Khanal (kp), Tough road ahead for the Maoists, by Biswas Baral (ht), Challenging Conventional Wisdom, by Lok Nath Bhusal (rn), Let's learn from Buddha's sacrifice: Prachanda (nn), British envoy for Maoist-led govt (nn)

18/05/2008: Prachanda: NC leading counter- revolution (kp), NC trying to block Maoist-led govt: Badal (ht), Dr. Mahat trashes accusations of 'counter-revolution' (nn), Maoists threaten to quit govt if PM doesn’t resign (ht), ‘I still have responsibility to formulate constitution’: PM for coalition govt (kp), MPRF not joining govt: Yadav (kp), Amend statute before change of guard: MJF (ht), Maoists should lead govt: RJP chief (ht), TMLP asks NC to help Maoists form new govt (nn), Kin demand Prachanda’s apology, murder probe, by Baburam Kharel (kp), Prachanda cautions against giving political colour to Koteshwore incident (nn), PM assures probe into Shrestha's killing; Koteshwor locals continue protest (nn), Anti-Maoist protests over businessman’s killing on (ht), Demands to disband YCL not justified: Badal, by Dipendra Baduwal (kp) [Then bring them round immediately and place their numerous daily crimes on trial!!], Jwala Singh suspended by party (kp), JTMM suspends Jwala Singh for ‘aiding’ regressive forces (ht), Talks on to bring left out Janajatis into CA (ht), Janajatis demand 16 seats (nn), Our main focus is economic revolution: Dr Bhattarai (nn)

17/05/2008: India be wary of US games in Nepal: Mukherjee, by Gopal Khanal (kp), Maoists, Madhesis to form govt: Bhattarai (kp), Maoists set to join hands with Madhesi parties: Dr Bhattarai (ht), UML, MJF agree on republic, statute amendment (ht), NC, MJF hold talks (nn), ‘Maoists haven’t yet changed’ (kp), Killing fuels anti-Maoist protest (ht), Anti-Maoist protests after murder (Gulf Times), NC youths for paying YCL back in their own coin (ht), Parties-NEFIN talks inconclusive (kp), Seven parties to consider NEFIN proposal while nominating 26 CA members (nn), Causes for concern, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), There's possibility of counter-revolution in the country, says Prachanda (nn), NC leader fears Maoists may start politics of negation (nn), Jwala Singh loses JTMM commandership (nn)

16/05/2008: Govt to table proposal for republic: Oath of CA members on May 27 (kp), CA swearing-in set for May 27 (ht), Form national unity govt: Sood (kp), Sood recommends unity govt for stability (ht), India denies knowledge of ‘pact’ on king (Gulf Times), Conditional Support (sp), Local Peace Committees fail to take off, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoists never were a terrorist outfit: US (ht) [?], Monarchy On Trial, by Keshab Poudel (sp), “We Want Abdication Of The King With Due Respect And Dignity”, interview with Pushpa Kamal Dahal aka Prachanda (sp), Collision Course: Major partners in toppling the royal regime are drifting apart ahead of the planned abolition of monarchy, by Sushil Sharma (sp), Toward new Nepal, by Deepak Thapa (kp), The blind-folded NC, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Challenges of the post-poll era, by Jainendra Jeevan (ht), Can Pragmatism Prevail Sooner?, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Irrelevant Conditions Could Derail Peace Process, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), King and comrades: The Maoist victory in Nepal is not as conclusive as is made out, by Sunanda K. Datta-Ray (sp), Dr Bhattarai asks business community to join hands with his party (nn), The Maoists’ first budget: The new Maoist-led government will have to balance populism with realism (nt), Govt committed to ensure representation of all indigenous groups in CA: PM Koirala (nn), People protest against Maoists at Koteshwor for allegedly killing a local resident (nn), The state of our nation state: Preparing the rough draft of history for mythmakers of the future, by CK Lal (nt), Post-identity politics: Madhesi groups will now have to move to the next stage, by Prashant Jha (nt)

15/05/2008: PM urges restraint from leaders (kp), ‘Maoists drafting new constitution in Delhi’ (kp), All in good time (kp), Wait till Prachanda becomes prez, land grab victims told, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), Impunity should end: UK envoy (kp), Dang displaced left high and dry (kp), Dare change, by Ibha Baidya (kp), Contamination syndrome, by Hem Raj Kafle (kp), International experts dwell on statute-making (ht), Nepali politics: The burning issues, by Ananta Raj Poudyal (ht), Hoping against hope (ht)

14/05/2008: Dr Bhattarai tells PM to step down (kp), Maoist remarks show dictatorial bent: Poudel (kp), Poudel labels Maoists as neo-fascists (ht), PM urges for restraint and cooperation (nn), Quit palace before CA convenes, king told (ht), Ambivalence and paradoxes in politics, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Maoists' diplomatic dilemma, by Madhab P Khanal (kp), News analysis: Idea of simple majority toppling govt no more a chimera for Maoists, by Prakash Rimal (ht), NHRC role sought for new statute (ht), Dalit CA members vow to fight for rights of their community (ht), By another yardstick (ht), CA Polls: How Inclusive Has it been, Really?, by Prem Khatry (rn), Dr. Bhattarai urges businessmen to invest (nn), Approaching chaos in Nepal!, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Detachment? (tg), People voted for the Maoists not for their deeds, pressure factor perhaps!, interview with Narayan Man Bijukche (tg), Baidya reiterates party's stance against two-thirds provision (nn)

13/05/2008: NC, UML not to join govt: Set terms for support, by Yuvraj Acharya & Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), UML to stay out, NC sets conditions (ht), UML, NC may not join new govt (nn) [This is against all agreements as well as against the interests of the Nepali people!!], PM Koirala should resign: Bhattarai (nn), Madhesi parties seek PM’s resignation (ht), PM, Madhes parties agree statute amendment needed (kp), PM summons CA meet on May 28 (kp), CA to meet on May 28 (ht), Nepal King set to lose his crown on May 28 (Asian Age), Thapa warns against hasty abolition of monarchy (kp), KP Bhattarai, Kamal Thapa (ht), Kishunji, Thapa against abolishing monarchy immediately (nn) [These royalists are obviously not able to accept the vote of the Nepali people!!], King told to leave palace by May 27 (nn), SC to govt: Enact law against excessive force (kp), SC fiat to criminalise excessive use of force (ht), 4 armed men arrested (kp), Averting another blunder, by Alok K Bohara (kp), Eastern Nepal affected by transportation strike (nn), Mahara accuses NC of violating understanding (nn), Maoist pushing the country towards totalitarianism: Poudel (nn), Rights defenders urge strong role for NHRC (nn)

12/05/2008: CA parties urge consensus on key issues (kp), Forget presidency: PM told, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Govt formation no cakewalk for CPN-M, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), The only option (ht), Nepal Trust proposes: Royal properties to local communities, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), ‘New govt must nominate 26 CA members’ (kp), Women demand half of nominated seats (kp), 26 CA seats belong to ‘left out’ groups, claims NEFIN (ht), Maoists ‘positive’ on Madhes autonomy (ht), CA poll will fail to liberate tarai: Jwala Singh (kp), PM Koirala meets leaders of MJF, other Terai centric parties (nn), Fringe parties for doing away with monarchy (ht), The way ahead for the NC, by Arjun Narasingha KC (kp), Free advice from well-wishers, by Shyam KC (kp), Women concerned about discrimination (ht), CA election: Its implications and future challenges, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Student leaders discuss education policy, politics with Prachanda (nn), Thapa meets Maoist leadership to convey King Gyanendra's tidings (nn)

11/05/2008: Don’t join next govt: NC CWC members, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp) [This is definitely not what those wanted who have elected this party! The NC leaders continue their selfish politics to destroy Nepal!!], UML leaders: Go for power sharing, stay outside govt (kp) [This have not been parliamentary elections but those to a CA! Take your responsibility in building a new Nepal!!], First CA meet to form new govt: Prachanda (kp), PM’s unity plea to pen new statute (ht), PM consults MPRF, TMDP, SP: Taskforce meets 25 parties today, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Indian Maoists cautiously support Nepali Maoists: Urge to stay out of govt, by Gopal Khanal (kp) [Stop all kinds of Indian interference!!], Women seek fair share in state organs (ht), Maoist leaders confer with Terai-based parties (nn), AI appeals to CA members for 'effective human rights protection' (nn)

10/05/2008: Tarai violence surges post election; use of arms becoming chronic: Police, by Thira L Busal (kp), Post-poll, vital issues on the back burner (ht), Summon CA: Parties ask PM (kp), PM starts consultation with coalition partner and others (nn), SPA for CA meet after May 25 (ht) Constitution should not be amended: Experts (kp), Amend statute to implement republic: Oli (ht), Strategic firmness & tactical flexibility, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp), Mock CA to draft ‘statute’ (ht), PM directs Home Minister to find out Anandi Devi's whereabouts (nn), Indecision mars meetings of NC, UML central bodies (nn)

09/05/2008: SPA meets today to discuss way ahead (kp), SPA to pave way for govt formation: Prachanda (ht), New govt should nominate 26 members: CJ (kp), Police detain disabled protestors (kp), Populism vs Social justice, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), The bewilderness, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Koirala to be active in politics again (nn) [He should not forget that he has not been elected!!], We won't accept Koirala as President: Maoist leader (nn), Prachanda warns of revolt (nn), Dispute over nomination of 26 CA members (nn), CJ, Speaker differ on CA nominators (ht), Needless fuss (ht), Top leaders agree to call CA meeting in a fortnight (nn) [Wow!!], Food For Thought: An informal gathering of diplomats fuels speculations about formal developments, by Sushil Sharma (sp), Back to the drawing board (nt), Not out of the woods yet (nt), EC puts stamp on final CA list (ht), Relief eludes Madhes martyr’s widow, by Rajesh Prasad Barma (ht), Parallel state bodies unacceptable: NC (ht), Sherchan vows to empower Janajatis (ht), Ethnic students seek more seats in CA (ht)

08/05/2008: CPN-UML condemns Maoists (kp), Over 350 Goit cadres defect to Maoists (kp), NDF submits memo to politial parties (kp), Future course (kp), Implications of a hung CA, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), Neo-Mao in a new Nepal?, by DB Gurung (kp), No constitutional problem in govt formation: CJ (nn), No roadblock to govt formation: CJ (ht), Maoists may opt out of govt if constitution amended: Minister Gurung (nn), NSP-A demands resignation of 'corrupt' Minister Gupta (nn), Present cabinet cannot appoint 26 CA members: CJ (nn), Friday's seven-party meeting to discuss govt formation (nn), Republic tops Maoist agenda: Dr Bhattarai (ht), Miseries continue to dog thousands of conflict-hit, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Reality check: Maoists brimming with post-poll confidence, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Maoists in hurry to lead govt: Poudel (ht), CA seats not enough: Dalits (ht), Do it with grace (ht), Where have the missing gone?, by Moheindu Chemjong (ht)

07/05/2008: MPRF, SP set condition for joining govt (kp), UML for nationwide anti-Maoist protests (kp), Change Maoist ‘army structure’: Poudel (kp), YCL wants youth ministry (kp), Fiscal federalism challenging: Dr Sharma (kp), Garment entrepreneurs tell tales of woe to Maoist chiefs (kp), CPN-Maoist and the CA, by Yadav Khanal (kp), Maoists’ growth target reachable, by Lok Nath Bhusal (kp), Terai parties unwilling to join new govt (nn), Corrupt lots trying to prevent Maoists from leading govt: Mahara (nn), MJF, TMDP to stay out of next government (ht), UNMIN’s job over, says Dev Gurung (ht), Respect poll verdict: Thapa (ht), Election outcome: A vote for peace and development, by Ajit N S Thapa (ht)

06/05/2008: Seven-party meet Friday to discuss coalition (kp) [Please do not haste! All those non-elected politicians can stay in power as long as there is no renewal of the SPA on the basis of the people's verdict!!], Amend statute before forming govt: Masal (kp) [Why??], The road ahead, by Prem Sharma (kp), PM Koirala says constitution making process will be more difficult (nn), MJF chief calls for national consensus before first CA meeting (nn), RSF terms armed Terai groups as 'predators of press freedom' (nn), UML for SPA meet on May 9 (ht), Consensus likely before CA meet: PM (ht), Doubt prevails over simple majority to uproot monarchy, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht)

05/05/2008: ‘Respectable’ role for Koirala: Maoists (kp), India working on PLA rehab package (kp), CA polls: History in making, by Anand Aditya (kp), On the foreign affairs front, by Som Prasad Pudasaini (kp), 'The Nepali Congress better change or it's finished', interview with Narahari Acharya (kp) [You are totally right but I think most of the old leaders prefer the party's death!], JTMM cadres kill Maoist activist (nn), Prachanda for 'all-party' govt; 7-party meeting to decide composition of new govt (nn), Relief for kin of killed contestants (ht), PM, Prachanda delve into nitty-gritty of govt formation (ht), 28 indigenous communities out of CA: NEFIN (ht), Looking forward (ht), Poll analysts: Drawing a blank, by Biswas Baral (ht)

04/05/2008: UNMIN likely to go after July 22, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Prachanda to urge big role on RRP Singh (kp), Prachanda sees special role for Ram Raja Singh (ht), The ideas that won, by Rashmi Khanal Lohani (kp), Discontent in parties over PR list (nn), VDC secy killed in Terai (nn), Republic at doorstep, says Dev Gurung (ht), Prachanda to lure NRNs into development (ht)

03/05/2008: Parties submit PR lists, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), US to drop Maoists from terrorist list: Powell (kp), Maoists should head new govt: Yechuri (kp), CA polls only add insult to injury, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Sense and insensitivity in NC, by Monica Regmi (kp), Enter, the politics of ethnicity, by Deepak Thapa (kp), PM seeks journalists' role in constitution making process (nn)

02/05/2008: 20 ethnic groups left out from CA, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Big parties yet to clinch PR lists (kp), Legitimate reconciliation with Maoists: US (kp), Maonomics: Make them realistic, by Prem Khanal (kp), Reinforce the alliance, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Respect the electoral mandate, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), NEFIN flays govt for violating agreement, threatens protest (nn), US hints at a possible rethink of its Maoist policy (nn), US ambassador Powell meets with Prachanda (nn), Yechury hopes new govt will be formed respecting people's mandate (nn), Civil society activists urge leaders to call SPA meeting (nn), Press freedom still under cloud, three journalists killed in last one year (nn), Beyond The Boundary: Nepal’s national politics draws unparallel international attention, by Sushil Sharma (sp), "In The Name Of New Nepal, We Have Committed Many Mistakes", interview with Laxman Prasad Aryal, hairman of Interim Constitution Drafting Commission (sp), Great hall of the people: Logistics and legal issues need to be sorted out by 25 May, by Dewan Rai (nt), Waiting for Goit: The man could have been an asset in the formation of an inclusive and federal Nepal, by CK Lal (nt), Kick-starting Nepal: Besides the constitution, let’s also draft a new strategy to rebuild Nepal, by Kil Chandra Gautam (nt), South of the border: India’s rulers grapple with new Nepal reality, by Prashant Jha (nt), Revolution to development: Job-creation is about local ownership and institution-building, by Bihari K Shrestha (nt), Snap out of it (nt), Madi victims pin hopes on Maoists, by Surya Prakash Kandel (ht), Bennett calls all to uphold rule of law (ht)

01/05/2008: Maoist lawmaker’s house bombed, kin killed (kp), People’s verdict for cooperation, unity: PM (kp), Learning to live together, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Politics of healing and hope, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp), Senior communist leader Burma shot by MMT gunmen (nn), King should leave palace right away: Khanal (nn), Maoists can form govt on their own if others do not agree to join it: Mahara (nn), Parties to decide UNMIN fate: Baidya (ht), Big, old NC not so youth-friendly (ht), East-West highway blocked (ht), Understanding the Nepali mandate, by Prashant Jha (Himal Southasian), ‘There is no reason to panic’, interview with baburam Bhattarai (Himal Southasian), The Maobaadi triumph: Seeking explanations, by Kanak Mani Dixit (Himal Southasian), Turning the Maoist victory into Nepal’s good fortune, by Kul Chandra Gautam (Himal Southasian), Democratic revolution (Himal Southasian), Lhotshampa, Madhesi, Nepamul: The deprived of Bhutan, Nepal and India, by AC Sinha (Himal Southasian), Fallen majesty, by Kanak Mani Dixit (Himal Southasian)

30/04/2008: Form govt first, rest can wait: Maoists, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoists to lay claim to govt leadership (ht), ‘Without Indian support can’t do anything for Nepal’, excerpts of an interview with Prachanda as published in The Hindu (kp), Bijukchhe for all-powerful prez (ht), UML leaders say their party could join next govt if given respectful place (nn), Mahara says Maoists ready to go alone if need be to form government (nn), NC and Narahari Acharya’s poll, by Abhi Subedi (kp), All eyes on the Maoists, by Bal Krishna Sharma (kp), A country sans national interests…., by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), We want to replace the 1950 treaty by a new one, interview with Chandra Prakash Mainali (tg), CA Polls as Measurement and Scaling of Political Parties in Nepal, by Prem Sharma (tg), In Nepal the Communists have won!, by Niraj Aryal (tg), Groups warn of armed struggle to keep Hindu monarchy (nn)

29/04/2008: President, PM, Speaker for different parties: UML for sharing top posts (kp), UML insists on power-sharing; doesn't want to stay in current government (nn), No alternative to leadership of next govt: Prachanda (nn), Bhattarai reiterates his party's claim for govt's leadership (nn), Maoist CC decides to stake claim of govt leadership (nn), Start consultations for new govt: PM (kp), Parties intensify internal discussions (nn), ‘Support won’t rely on power sharing’ (kp), Sharma’s killing was accidental: Bodyguard, by Motilal Poudel (kp), New cabinet will have 50 pc women: Mahara (kp), Women and politics Is voting enough?, by Sagun Basnet (kp), Youth and politics (kp), The journey ahead, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), UNMIN's exit strategy, by Trilochan Upreti (kp),  Maoists say poll success ‘as expected’ (ht), Taking responsibility (ht), A Tharu group opposes single terai province (nn), Nepal: End of Kingship & Rise of Maoism, by Tanveer Jafri (Global Politician), The Political Consensus & Logical Sequence of People's Mandate of Nepal, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), A Catch-22 Logic of a Cultural-King of Nepal for Maoists to Ingest, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Maoists’ victory in Nepal hailed as good omen for S.Asia (Dawn)

28/04/2008: Big 4 for statute amendment: Maoists have a condition, though, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), UML unwilling to support Maoists (kp), Mines being removed (kp), ‘Ensure space for women’ (kp), Mandate and its indications, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Missed by miles, by Shyam KC (kp), ‘If Madhes is not addressed, MPRF cannot join coalition’, interview with Upendra Yadav (kp), Row over government formation deepens (ht), Talks on to rope in new kids on the block (ht), A-G calls parties to draft statute presto, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Moving the goalposts (ht), Focus On Inclusion (rn), First sitting of CA to declare republic: PM (nn), Prachanda intensifies political parleys (nn), Nepal PM urges political parties to form new coalition government (iht), Nepal’s most neglected have high hopes of Maoists (One World South Asia), Pariah Diplomacy, by Jimmy Carter (New York Times), Maoists need to convince opposition of their commitment to democracy, by Krittivas Mukherjee (Dawn), Political Maneuvers in Nepal, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), Maoists have right to lead next govt: MJF chief (nn)

27/04/2008: Let Maoists lead govt: UML youths (kp), UML emphasizes consensus, cooperation (kp), ‘Maoists should lead new govt’ (kp), NC, UML seek new agreement with Maoists (ht), News analysis: NC, UML apprehensive about a ‘militant’ govt, by Prakash Rimal (ht), Rajkaji against Koirala at helm again (ht) [Girija is not legitimated by the Nepali people to stay in ofiice!!], UML demands action against Sharma’s murderers (kp), Former minister Khadka charged with murder, by Surya Mani Gautam (ht), MJF ready to extend conditional cooperation to Maoists (nn), MJF leaders meet with NC, UML, Maoist leadership; call for amendment in constitution (nn), Turn Nepal into a Hindu state: WHF (nn) [Expel the WHF from Nepal!], PM Koirala meets with army chief (nn) [??], There will be a consensus govt: Mahara (nn), Nepali mind, by Howard Roak (kp)

26/04/2008: NC wants Koirala to continue as PM; UML leader sets terms for Maoist-led govt (kp), Rs 1 lakh relief each for 13,246 conflict dead (kp), ‘New constitution to ensure press freedom’ (kp), Out of touch (kp), ‘Stop intimidation to attract investors’ (kp), Pangs of democratic mandate, by Som Prasad Pudasaini (kp), Maoist victory for change, by Naresh Koirala (kp), Road to republic clear: Prachanda (ht), 'NC won't give up govt's leadership unless Maoists dump weapons' (nn) [Of course do the Maoists have to give up militancy but what the NC claims is a putsch against the democratic desicion of the sovereign people!!]

25/04/2008: 25 parties secure PR seats, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Final PR election results today: EC (ht), EC declares PR results; Maoists bag 100 seats, NC 73 and UML 70 (nn), Nepal Vote Count Ends, and Maoists Form Largest Party (New York Times), NC leaders: Change of govt a non-issue, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Prachanda urges pressure on parties (kp), Leaders, lawyers stress politics of consensus (kp), ‘Army integration no problem’ (kp), 6 Maoist-seized houses returned (kp), Assistance for conflict victims remains unused (nn), Maoists seek world sympathy (ht), Let’s cooperate: Maoist leaders lobby the international community for trust and support, by Dewan Rai (nt), Don’t subvert mandate, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), The before and the after, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Stop rationalizing defeat, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Constitutional ‘glitch’ may hinder govt formation, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Mission drift: The new government should not forget what it was elected for, by Ashutosh Tiwari, CA vote: A communication perspective, by Lal D Rai (ht), Family members claim 25 died in Rautahat bomb blast (nn), Third of the sky, by Mallika Aryal (nt), Rainbow assembly, by Dewan Rai (nt), Among the alchemists: Miracles won’t save us, a reality check will, by CK Lal (nt), Poll post-mortem: Winners or losers, Madhesi parties don’t have a clear plan for the future, by Prashant Jha (nt), Peace on a war-footing (nt), Illusive Mandate, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Poles Apart: Major parties brace for internal polarization over the formation of a new government, by Sushil Sharma (sp), Present Tense: Despite the election of an out-and-out republican assembly, key actors put the monarchy at the centre-stage, by Sushil Sharma (sp), "We Support The Right To Self Determination In Kashmir and Tibet Also”, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (sp)

24/03/2008: EC completes vote count, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Counting over; Maoists poll 29 pc votes (ht), PR counting over, Maoists to bag around 100 seats (nn), Nepal's former communist rebels win election, by Binaj Gurubacharya (Globe and Mail), Nepal’s Maoists Win Most Seats of Any Party in Elections (New York Times), Official: Nepal's Maoists have won the most seats in the country's new assembly (iht), Maoists seek coalition govt after Nepal poll win (Dawn), Prachanda led government within a month: Sharma (nn), ‘Most wanted’ CA member to miss first meeting (kp), Baban Singh denies hand in valley blasts (ht), First CA meet can’t abolish monarchy, says Upendra Yadav (ht), Defining democracy (kp), Maoists promise investor-friendly Nepal (kp), Maoists vow to create conducive environment (ht), Prachanda holds interaction with donors and diplomats (nn), Unlocking some constitutional issues, by Bipin Adhikari (kp), On your Marx, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Women, polls and power, by Sangita Rayamajhi (kp), Election outcome: Challenges ahead, by Ganga Thapa (ht), Untenable (ht), Rights violation of minors still rampant: UN report (nn), Nepal Maoists not ready to renounce violence, yet, by Krittivas Mukherjee (Reuters), Former rebels conciliatory after election victory in Nepal, by Randeep Ramesh (Guardian), Nepal needs a makeover, by Ratna Kapur (Times of India)

23/04/2008: PR vote counting complete in 228 constituencies (kp), EC tells parties to better PR closed-lists (ht), Maoists' vote share come below 30 percent in PR count (nn), Maoist recorded landslide victory in Nepal, by Leel Pathirana (Asian Tribune), Maoists send most women to House (Asian Age), Maoists claim leadership of next govt (kp), Maoists open to power-sharing, says Prachanda (ht), No redress yet for Janaandolan injured, by Baburam Kharel (kp), NC leaders against joining new govt (kp), 3 hurt as NPF, NC men clash (kp), NC candidate, 3 others accused of blast (kp), Kamala’s priority: Penalty for husband’s killers (kp), Dissecting post-poll pessimism & optimism, by Angaraj Timilsina (kp), Blues before Red Nepal, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Electoral system: Not quite on the mark, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Coming to terms (ht), People voted for change: Minister Gurung (nn), This victory has made us more responsible, interview with Ram Bahadur Thapa (tg), Catch-22 situation (tg), Nepal's senior economists speak, Telegraph Exclusive (tg), Maoists must take up the economic challenge (tg)

22/04/2008: Counting over, Maoists score 120 (ht), FPTP counting over, Maoists win 120 out of 240 seats (nn), Janajati first-timers send bigwigs packing (ht), Power sharing a tricky issue, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Consensus govt must: Prachanda (ht), Maoist to make additional efforts to include all in govt (nn), Maoists to obtain major portfolios: Gajurel (nn), Maoist CC meet to finalize govt model (kp), Top leaders of Nepal's ex-rebels meet to plan new government (iht), PLA integration will be another wonder: Prachanda (kp), 30,000-strong army will do: Badal, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Thakur's loss ‘setback’ for Madhes politics (kp), Baglung untouched by Maoist victory wave (kp), BICC chosen as CA meet venue (kp), ‘Ensure Dalits’ rights in new constitution’ (kp), Call to recognise Dalits’ rights in new statute (ht), Coalition yes, but conditional one, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Benefit of the doubt (ht), UN urges parties to abide by the polls results (nn), Prachanda meets UML leader Khanal (nn), 2065: the beginning of a New Nepal, by Alberto Cruz (Scoop)

21/04/2008: Badal: King will be denied all privileges (kp), Maoists for abolishing monarchy peacefully (ht), Final poll results possible by Tuesday: EC (kp), Who’s next PM? (kp), TMDP chief Thakur loses, NPF’s KC wins (kp), The haunted (ht), Displaced family still in lurch, by Surendra Subedi (kp), Maoist MP pledges lasting peace (ht), DEAN points out numerous poll code violations (ht), No malpractices in voting process: Australia (nn), Catchy slogans did the trick for Maoists (ht), Are the results of CA unexpected? What influence the election outcome, by Raghab D Pant (kp), What kind of constitution?, by Shyam KC (kp), US to remove Maoists from terror watch list (nn), Prachanda tells parties not to shy away from past agreements (nn), Nepal army must prepare to absorb Maoist fighters, interview with Krittivas Mukherjee (Reuters)

20/04/2008: I shall head the govt: Prachanda (kp), Prachanda to head new government (ht), Polls end with voting in Surkhet, Dhading (ht), Janajatis upbeat after poll showing; bag 82 seats, by Razen Manandhar (ht), Maoists keep lead in PR vote count (nn), PR counting closer to conclusion; Maoists bag 30 percent of votes (ht), Girl votes for Maoists, dad evicts her from home, by Tika R Pradhan (ht), Beside the fire line is a matchbox, by Babu Ram Neupane (kp), Maoism and academics, by Arun Gupto (kp), UML accuses Maoists of rigging election (ht) [Better revise your own mistakes first!], 62 cases of violation of press freedom during polls (ht), Mine defusing work yet to begin (ht), Gyanendra misjudged results of key elections (Gulf Times), King could get cultural rights, says Dr. Bhattarai (nn) [???], King might be forcefully evicted if he does not leave palace voluntarily: Badal (nn), Prachanda confers with Indian envoy; Maoists to confer with MJF (nn), Mahantha Thakur loses in Sarlahi (nn)

19/04/2008: Minority report (kp), ‘I’m ready to discuss it with him’, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), PM urges UML ministers not to resign (kp), UNMIN not necessary: C P Gajurel; UNMIN role not over: Martin (kp), No extension of UNMIN term: Gajurel (ht), NC urges Maoist brass to stop cadre violence (kp), NHRC points out lapses during polls (kp), NFDN to train CA members (kp), MJF not to join govt ‘till pacts are implemented’ (ht), MJF seeks implementation of past agreements to join new govt (nn), Meaning of democracy in Nepal: Fulfil people's aspirations (Central Chronicle), The order of the day, by Bhimarshan Acharya (kp), Newa ‘state’ and performance culture, by Shiva Rijal (kp), 'Overthrowing monarchy legitimately will be a unique exercise' (nn)

18/04/2008: Maoists pocket one-third votes in PR (nn), Maoists' share in PR votes come down to 30 percent (nn), Prachanda urges UML to join new government (kp), UML’s rider to join Maoist-led govt (ht), Dismantle YCL: Nepal advises Prachanda (nn), PM asks UML ministers to return to work (nn), Nepali Congress not to quit government (ht), NC leaders to Maoists: Abide by past agreements for alliance (nn), MJF likely to give Maoists a hard time (ht), Stay away (kp), Insurgency paralyzed him, now he hopes to publish, by Baburam Kharel (kp), Remembering not to forget: Relatives of the war dead come to terms with the Maoist victory, by Mallika Aryal (nt), Maoist winners return to villages, by Shahiman Rai (kp), Poll-related violence against women recorded (kp), Election post-mortem, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Unfinished business, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Wanted permanent Gandhis, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Rise of the Red: Inexplicable Results, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Red Alert: The electoral outcome has left many key stakers in a flux, by Sushil Sharma (sp), Observer's Report: Clean Chit (sp), Outside Perspective: The international community welcomes the smooth conduct of election and anxiously watches its results unfurl (sp), Fall Of Titans: From east to west, many established leaders were made to bite the dust by political minnows, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Hurdles in declaring republic?, by Ananta Raj Luitel [This decision will be taken by the CA and not by the government! Where's the problem?], Promises not enough, Maoists told (ht), Now, action (ht) [Only a new government that is elected by the CA can act, not a single political party that will definitely not get an absolute majority in the CA!!], From revolution to crisis management: In government, the Maoists will face serious economic challenges, by Dewan Rai (nt), Maonomics: How will the Maoists turn their economic policies into action?, by Artha Beed (nt), Business reax (nt), Prachanda intensifies meetings with business community (nn), 'CPN-M won't implement its agendas forcefully' (nn), Welcome to New Nepal, by Kunda Dixit (nt), After the landslide: “Help the poor, bring jobs and control the price rise”, by Shrishti Adhikari (nt), The survival of the weakest: The war hasn’t ended, it has just begun, by CK Lal (nt), Hardly surprising: The Maoists’ organisational skills paid off, by Deepak Thapa (nt), Forum in Maostan: A historical injustice is being corrected in a democratic framework, by Prashant Jha (nt), Another Maoland: Not many Chinese are aware of the Maoist victory in Nepal, by Aruna Uprety (nt), RPP-Nepal leader shot dead in Nawalparasi (nn), Politician who supported king killed in postelection violence in Nepal (iht), The long march in Nepal: The country's voters have elected for change, but the Maoists may have a battle to turn their historic victory into tangible benefits, by Sanjeev Sherchan (Guardian), Nepal votes in historic election intended to seal peace deal with insurgents, by Matthew Rosenberg (Canadian Press), Poll and Politics in Nepal, by Abdul Ruff (Global Politician), After election landslide, Nepalese Maoists reassure investors and major powers, by K. Ratnayake and Peter Symonds (World Socialist Web Site), A Maoist in Nepal's palace, by Dhruba Adhikary (Asia Times)

17/04/2008: About economy now, by Tilak Rawal (kp), Maoists for capitalism, economic miracle (kp), Comrades vow to bring economic revolution (ht), ‘New constitution should focus business’ (kp), CPN-UML ministers resign (kp), UML ministers quit govt (ht), Maoists want to lead a coalition govt, says Baidhya (ht), Reality check: People want a ‘unity government’, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Mostly janajatis elected in western region, by Kulchandra Neupane (kp), Maoists consolidate lead (ht), Maoists unlikely to get absolute majority (kp), Maoists lead PR count in districts (kp), Maoists in lead in Dhading PR race (ht), Maoists top PR count in Sindhupalchowk (ht), Terai based parties bag votes in hills, mountains (nn), Re-polling held in 5 Nepal constituencies for special assembly (iht), Repolling put off after arson in Arghakhanchi (ht) [Instead of suppressing and arresting peaceful Tibetan demonstrators in Kathmandu you should better protect the few remaining repolling stations in the countryside!!], The sky has not fallen, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Tough tasks for Maoist Nepal, by Shyam KC (kp), Education sector: Are the Maoists up to the task?, by Mana Prasad Wagley (ht), New orientation (ht), Bhattarai says King will be removed respectfully (nn), Constituent Assembly Elections Result In A Great Surprise for Maoist Nepal, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Post-Conflict News Reporting in Nepal, by Dharma Adhikari (Nepal Monitor)

16/04/2008: Maoists inch closer to clear majority (ht), How seats will be split under PR? (kp), Re-polling held in 32 centers (kp), Re-polling on in five constituencies (nn), NC to study poor poll performance, by Chitranga Thapa (kp), NA to ‘follow directives’ of legitimate govt (ht), Old habits die hard (kp), Independent candidate wins in Saptari (ht), CA election winner has murder case against him (ht), Baban’s candidacy legitimate, says EC (ht), First CA meeting to convene at BICC (ht), Accepting new reality, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Rebels with a cause, by Prem Bahadur Phyak (kp), Will the kursi change Maoists?, by Namrata Sharma (kp), Experts differ on need to amend interim constitution, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), No alternative (ht), Maoists international recognition? (tg), Maoists' electoral surge: What say Nepal’s noted scholars? (tg), Koirala’s crumbling house of cards!, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Read message on the wall (tg), UML leaders confer with Prime Minister over poll results (nn), Nepal Maoists poised for major election victory; 2 parties may pull out of government (iht), Canada to continue its support after CA polls (nn), Himalayan revolution, by Manzur Ejaz (Daily Times), Kicking out a king (Guardian), Nepal king told: 'Go gracefully' (BBC News), Maoist Election Victory Stuns World: CPN-M heading to a majority under the 240-seat first-past-the-post system, by Prakash Luitel (on), PFN chairman Serchan victorious in Chitwan-5 (nn), UML quits government; PM urges UML to reconsider its decision (nn), MJF ready to support future Maoist govt: Yadav (nn), Maoists garner one-third votes in PR; NC and UML follow as counting continues (nn)

15/04/2008: Maoists lead initial PR count, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Maoists leading in PR count also; UML stands second (nn), Maoists in lead even in PR vote count (ht), Maoists continue to be on a roll (ht), Maoists widen victory margin (nn), Maoist ex-rebels continue to widen lead in Nepal count, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), Nepal’s Maoists surge ahead in vote count (Peninsula), Nepal's ex-rebels close to winning half of directly elected seats in special assembly (iht), Maoists rout rivals in Sagarmatha zone (ht), Maoists’ victory is positive development, says Pranab (ht), Mahat injured in Maoist attack (kp), ‘Maoist cadres’ thrash Dr Mahat in Nuwakot (ht), Ktm blasts-accused Baban Singh wins poll, by Shiva Puri (kp), ‘Wanted man’ wins Rautahat seat (ht), Prachanda got most airtime in pre-election month (kp), Preliminary Report on Media Coverage of CA Election (Nepal Monitor), Madhav Nepal loses in Rautahat too (kp), Cadres urge UML leaders to shun town centered politics (kp), Looking inward (ht), CPN-UML ministers to tender their resignation by evening Tuesday (nn), RPP alleges foul play in vote-counting in Sunsari-2 (ht), Maoists won’t dump allies, says Mahara (ht), Shekhar roots for a national government (ht), MJF chief asks PM to quit (ht), NC mulling over whether to stay in the government or not (nn), Terrorised poll but positive step toward peace: RPP (kp), Thapa loses deposit (kp), Ethnonationalism & Maoist challenges, by Beerendra Pandey (kp), From rebels to rulers, by Monica Regmi (kp), Political transition: So far, so good, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), US urges patience and nonviolent observance of democratic process (nn), US, UK ambassadors call on PM (nn), Nepal Maoist win rings false alarm bells abroad, by Simon Denyer (Reuters), Analysts ponder Maoist upset in Nepal: Most had predicted that former rebels would place third, by Henry Chu (San Francisco Chronicle), Nepal's ex-rebels surprise observers, winning over half of directly elected seats in vote, by Binaj Gurubacharya (Santa Barbara News-Press), Ex-rebel chief looks headed for Nepal leadership, by Sudeshna Sarkar (Hindustan Times), Maoists' margin widens in Nepal parliament vote, by Jason Motlagh (Washington Times), Nepal Needs Social and Economic Revolution (Arab News), From Lotus Flower to the Fierce One: the story of the Maoist who took power in Nepal, by Andrew Buncombe (Independent, UK), Maoists’ chief looks headed for leadership (Gulf Times), NA ready to obey orders of elected govt (nn) [This should be absolutely out of question!]

14/04/2008: Maoists continue winning streak (ht), Maoists hit century as they head for landslide victory (nn), Nepal's former rebels extend lead in early election results (iht), Maoists embrace democracy, by Randeep Ramesh (Gulf Times), Former Maoist guerrillas on brink of historic Nepal election victory, by Randeep Ramesh (Guardian), Nepal's Maoists head for election victory, by Andrew Buncombe (Independent, UK), Maoists likely to govern Nepal (Peninsula), Maoists on track for landslide in Nepal poll, by Thomas Bell (Peninsula), Maoists hold stunning lead in Nepal elections (Kuwait Times), Maoists, PM discuss govt formation (ht), Prachanda meets PM, urges collaboration (kp), We will lead next govt: Dr Bhattarai (kp), Stung by defeat, NC starts introspection, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Nepali Congress secures two seats in Syangja (ht), NC, MJF fetch seats in Morang (ht), Deuba and Dr. Mahat win (nn), Ilam stands exception to other poll results (kp), Maoists sweep Rolpa, Dang (ht), Maoists win two seats in Banke district (ht), Top leaders who lost election (kp), CA poll winners in districts (kp), Many women among poll winners, by Sangeeta Rijal (kp), Not to join another, either: UML to withdraw from government, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), UML to withdraw from government (nn), 20 injured in firing (ht), 20 injured in clash among party cadres (kp), SMS greetings with political tones (ht), Election’s over: The parties should work together, by Lok Raj Baral (ht), People have voted for radical change: Prof Baral (nn), Unfolding message (ht), EU delegation meets PM Koirala (nn), Mahara for cooperation among parties after polls (nn), The red wave (kp), Enter Nepal's Maoist establishment, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Price of folly, by Shyam KC (kp), First vote (kp), ‘King should leave palace right after CA’s first sitting’, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (kp), Dr. Shashank remains the sole torch-bearer of Koirala clan in CA polls (nn), MK Nepal loses in Rautahat, too (nn)

13/04/2008: Groundswell for Maoists: People vote for change, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Maoists poised for landslide win (ht), Prachanda pulls off big victory (ht), A huge win for Bhattarai (ht), Maoists bag three Makwanpur seats, sweep Dhankuta (ht), Maoists sweep UML base in Lalitpur (ht), NWPP wins in Bhaktapur (ht), Maoists continue winning streak; NC and UML trail behind (nn), MJF chief ousts PM's daughter from Sunsari-5; takes Morang-5 also (nn), Maoists widen victory margin; NC trailing in third place (nn), Prachanda wins from Rolpa-2 as well (nn), Maoists score strongly in Nepal polls (Peninsula), Poll met int’l standards: EU; US should recognise Maoists: Carter (kp), EU observers happy with poll procedures (ht), UK congratulates Nepal for peaceful polls (nn), Polls held peacefully: ANFREL (ht), Poll results reflect people’s ‘yearning for change’, by Lila Ballav Ghimire (kp), Surprise lead for Maoists spells end of the line for Nepal's King, by Ed Douglas (Observer), Home Minister Sitaula, too, bites the dust (nn), Maoists bag 70 seats; NC, UML competing for second place (nn), India says it is ready work with Maoists (nn), Prachanda meets Koirala (nn)

12/04/2008: Maoists take early lead (kp), Maoists spring a surprise, take initial lead, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Maoists expect clear majority: NC worried; unexpected for UML, by Thira L Bhusal (kp), Maoists appear set to sweep the polls, UML crushed in
initial results
(nn), Maoists’ good show surprises many in Valley (ht), Prakash Man, Dev Gurung elected (kp), Mahara dons the victory cap in Dang-3 (nn), NC victory in Kathmandu 3, Maoists in Dang 2 (nn), Maoists take Dhankuta-2, Bardiya-1; NC's Suprabha Ghimire wins in Ktm-4 (nn), Nepal's Maoists gain first seats Nepal's Maoists gain first seats (BBC News), Pulse of the nation (ht), EC to reschedule polling at 60 booths (kp), NHRC takes up Surkhet, Dang poll violence (kp), Witness to a drama, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Polling officer in custody (kp), 3 poll staffers freed, another missing (kp), SI finds Nepal polls free, fair, democratic (ht), UN, US, China congratulate Nepali people (kp), Japanese mission lauds poll procedure (kp), ANFREL says polls was successful and credible (nn), CA polls met international standard: EU (nn), FNJ worried about ‘bar’ on coverage of vote counting (ht), New Year, New Nepal (kp), Dhungana praises UML, Maoists’ role (ht), Election fever still gripping Valley folk (ht), UML gen secy loses to CPN-M candidate in Kathmandu-2; NWPP takes both constituencies in Bhaktapur (nn), MK Nepal announces resignation as UML gen secy (nn), Chairman Prachanda triumphs in Ktm-10 as his party takes initial lead (nn), Maoists bag 15 seats; NC and UML share four each; NWPP win two; Prachanda to hold victory rally (nn), Khum Bahadur Khadka loses; Ananta emerges victorious (nn), "We want to continue working with parties and the int'l community," says Prachanda (nn), Carter says US should recognize Maoist poll victory (nn), Maoists bag 27 seats; NC win in seven and UML win in six constituencies (nn)
, Number of centers needing re-polling reaches 75 (nn), Fall of giants taking its toll; Sushil Koirala announces resignation as NC acting prez (nn), Dr Bhattarai wins in Gorkha-2 with largest margin (nn)

11/04/2008: Nepal stuns world, itself: Poll peaceful, turnout 60 pc (kp), Nepal shows the way: Polls peaceful, turnout huge (ht), Independent candidate among 3 killed in poll violence (kp), Party activists against fair poll, by Rameshchandra Adhikari (kp), Big three, other leaders cast votes (kp), Enthused elders add charm to polls (kp), Carter happy UNMIN, India laud poll (kp), India welcomes success of poll (kp), Parties now need to accept people's decision: UNMIN (nn), Arbour welcomes the CA polls (nn), Historic polls (kp), Zero point reached finally, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), News analysis : Polls acid test of Maoist mass base (ht), A paradigm shift (ht), High profile observers descend on Ktm-10 (ht), Success at last (ht), Poll counting starts in many places; NC's Prakash Man: Singh victorious in Kathmandu-1 (nn), Top leaders say 'epoch-making' election will help Nepal enter a 'new era' (nn), NC candidates leading in most Kathmandu constituencies (nn), NC, CPN-M candidates leading in most constituencies in Kathmandu (nn), Maoists leading in Lalitpur-3; NWPP likely to win both seats in Bhaktapur (nn), Maoists take lead in Bardiya, Dang (nn), Maoists taking lead in Mid-West (nn), Maoists taking lead in most places (nn), CPN-M's Dev Gurung wins in Manang district (nn), Ballot boxes yet to arrive in Surkhet district headquarters (nn), Problems in vote counting in Ilam (nn), MJF doing well among terai-centric parties, leads in two constituencies in Banke (nn), Covering Nepal's first election in nine years, interview with Dharma Adhikari (Asia Media), Bullet to ballot (nt), Unceremoniously removed monarchy: Will this election finally consign Nepal’s monarchy to the history books?, by Dewan Rai (nt), Lazy eye: Election observation was on the relaxed side in Lalitpur, by Sheere NG (nt), Voting for reconciliation and justice: The elected constituent assembly will have to tell the victims of war the truth, by Mallika Aryal (nt), Making every vote count: Vote counting will be prolonged, but this time it will be foolproof, by Pranaya SJB Rana (nt), Home away from home: Expats are as uncertain about the aftermath of elections as Nepalis, by Sheere NG (nt), Post-election integration, interview with Indrajit Rai (nt), Exhaustion, euphoria and ennui: post-election hopes are few, but fears many, by CK Lal (nt), “We are used to the bombs. This is our chance to be heard”: Madhesi voters defy threats and prove everyone wrong, by Prashant Jha (nt), Marketing democracy: The politicians may as well admit that campaigning is a form of marketing, by Ashutosh Tiwari (nt), Lost time: The real work now begins to build a New Nepal, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), A new page (nt)

10/04/2008: Nepal votes today, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Nepal decides today (ht), Reality check: Nation embarks on a new path, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Nepal votes in historic election, by Somini Senguta (iht), Vote for hope (ht), PM, leaders appeal to people to vote (kp), Industries announce paid holiday (kp) One more killed in Surkhet, by Motilal, Poudel (kp), NC leader behind Sharma’s killing: Bohara (ht), Injured rescued for treatment (kp), Dang returning to normal after killings, by Sudarshan Rijal and Ganesh Chaudhary (kp), Punish Dang massacre guilty: Prachanda (ht), Killings condemned; teams sent to find facts (ht), Baban Singh's aides held (kp), PM urges restraint, assures independent probe (kp), 31 YCL, 4 NC cadres held with weapons (kp), Poll violence still on (kp), UNMIN, OHCHR, EUEOM ask parties for restraint (kp), UML for poll deferral in 9 Kavre VDCs (kp), Prachanda casting vote after 28 years, by Narayan Sharma (kp), D-Day (kp), CA polls: Nepal’s tryst with destiny, by Anand Aditya (kp), Perils of partisan view, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), PM in Biratnagar, Prachanda in Chitwan to cast their votes (nn), Polling underway across the country; top leaders cast votes in early hours (nn), Voting postponed in seven polling centres; one killed in Mahottari (nn), Booths 'captured' in Lalitpur, Dolakha and Baglung; clashes in some districts (nn), NC cadre dies in clash with MJF men in Sunsari-5; Sujata demands re-polling (nn), Polling concludes; voter turnout around 60 pc; CEC describes polling as a success (nn), Voting concludes peacefully in Mid-West (nn), India hails election as 'welcome and historic step' (nn), Independent candidate gunned down in Sarlahi (nn)

09/04/2008: CPN-UML candidate shot dead: Curfew in Surkhet (kp), UML candidate gunned down (ht), One killed in fresh violence in Surkhet; curfew lifted (nn), Seven Maoist workers killed in police firing in Dang; PM urges Prachanda to exercise restraint (nn), Five Maoists killed in police firing (ht), Maoist dies in shootout with police in Dang, by Ganesh Chaudhari and Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Prachanda appeals to all for restraint (nn), Mahara turns back APF security team (nn), Martin says he is shocked by incidents in Dang, Surkhet (nn), Maoists lead in attacks on rival parties (kp), Maoists threaten RPP-N candidate, by Rajendra Nath (kp), RPP-N candidate holed up in district HQ (ht), NC demands poll deferral in Gorkha (kp), No let-up in violence; scores injured nationwide (ht), National, int’l calls for free, fair poll (kp), Foreign envoys urge credible elections (kp), ‘It's a wonderful achievement’; Election will end conflict, establish republic: Carter, by Prateek Pradhan, Narayan Wagle, Damakant Jayshi and Dinesh Wagle (kp), CEC, Carter hope parties will accept poll outcome (ht), Bury differences before polls, parties told (ht), Ban Ki-moon hopes for free, fair polls (ht), Dhungana, Tuladhar appeal for fair polls (kp), Int’l media homes in on CA polls, by Baburam Kharel (kp), Most observers already in field, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Act responsibly, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Election vacation, by Bhrikuti Rai (kp), The final countdown, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Monitoring the CA polls, by Bhimarjun Acharya (kp), UML, Maoists for coalition govt after polls (ht), Within inverted commas: Political parties have no economic agenda (ht), Creating New History Through CA Polls, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn)

08/04/2008: Formal campaign over, country braces for poll: Misgivings remain as clashes continue (kp), Carter to Hashimoto, int’l observers put Nepal in global focus, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Carters starts parleys, meets PM Koirala and CEC Pokharel (nn), Martin warns Maoists against PLA mobilization during poll (kp), 13 hurt in three separate blasts (kp), 13 hurt in blast near NC meet venue (ht), Maoist violence goes unabated nationwide (ht), Obstruction to poll monitors worries NEMA (ht), Election official abducted in Mahottari (nn), RPP candidate missing since 16 days (nn), NC-UML clash compels authorities to clamp curfew in Dhading (nn), ‘Maoist killed in Solu shot by cop’ (kp), Security beefed up in Solu, Dhading and Ramechhap (kp), Border with India sealed (nn), Martin calls parties to stop blood-letting (ht), Uneasy calm grips Sarlahi district (ht), People’s turn (kp), No U-turns (ht), Looking back, and moving forward, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Mudslinging on the eve of Judsheetal, by Beerendra Pandey (kp), Drool Maoists, by Dhruva Joshy (kp), Left parties embark on right path (ht), Political transition: CA election and peace process, by Birendra P Mishra, Situation unfavourable for polls in five districts: NEMA (nn)

07/04/2008: 32 NC cadres hurt, two abducted (ht), Maoists blamed: RJP worker killed after abduction (kp), EC seeks probe into violent incidents (ht), EC initiates action against code violators (kp), Election won’t be shelved, says CEC (ht), No let up in anti-poll activities (kp), Preserve right to secret ballot: NC (kp), Choppers deployed for polls begin nationwide patrolling (ht), UNMIN urges parties to work together (kp), Waive tax on donation: FNCCI (ht), Within inverted commas: Time to try younger leaders this time (ht), Show of restraint (ht), EC orders closure of Ghatna ra Bichar program (kp), Women candidates appeal to voters (kp), Federalism with Nepali touch, by Aniruddh Gautam (kp), Federalising Nepal: A Look At The Challenges, Constraints, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), Civil society reps ask 'big three' to take lead role in making polls fair (nn), Three left parties agree to bury the hatchet (nn), Blasts at Baneshwor, Koteshwor; one injured (nn), Nepal parties wind up campaign ahead of Thursday's election for a constitutional assembly (iht), UN criticises Nepal Maoist party, by Charlie Haviland (BBC News), UNMIN chief says no to army deployment during polls (Gulf Times), New Test for Nepal, by J. Sri Raman (Scoop), Violence feared as Nepal goes to elections (Gulf Times), Maoist chief warns king of ‘punishment’ (Gulf Times)

06/04/2008: YCL rampage unrelenting (kp), 68 NC, UML cadres hurt (ht), NC candidate injured in Maoist attack; another cadre shot in Banke (nn), Prachanda urges YCL to be on ‘defensive’ posture (nn), Prachanda: Doubt not commitment to poll result (kp), Baburam threatens takeover in 10 minutes (kp), CPN-United cadres thrash NC men in Baglung (nn), NC slams civil servants' rally, state media tilt (kp), Civil society rallies for peaceful polls (kp), All flag carriers not party champions, by Pradip Myangbo (kp), Planetary tendencies for new Nepal, by Tika Upreti (kp), Guardians of the nation, by Kapil Bisht (kp), EC calls for reliable security for election (ht), NEOC asks govt to improve security (ht), Valley blasts: Police suspect four groups (ht), Candidate’s killer caught (Gulf Times), Democratic premium in Nepal is getting bigger and wider, by Bhuwan Thapaliya (Global Politician), Prachanda feels media has jaundiced eyes (nn)

05/04/2008: Four bomb blasts in Valley (kp), Four minor blasts in city; no one hurt (nn), Don’t be swayed by isolated events: CEC to observers (kp), Poll observers told not to draw hasty conclusions (ht), UML candidate attacked in Mugu (nn), Cops fire to curb UML-Maoist clash (kp), 25 hurt in Maoist attacks in Dhading (ht), People doubtful about peaceful voting (kp), Gupta hints at possibility of NA deployment (ht), Civil society leaders meet security chiefs on poll (kp), Security situation better after 10-pt pact, says civil society (ht), Professional organisations organise rallies countrywide for peaceful polls (nn), Sections of media biased in poll reporting: Report (kp), RPP pledges to end ‘SPA dictatorship’ (kp), Republic issue to be settled by first CA meet: PM (ht), Gross ignorance (kp), Poll passion, by Sajag Karki (kp), Predicting the Unpredictability, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Corrupt Leaders As CA Candidates How Could This Happen? by Manoj Rijal (rn), Nepal Maoists seek election backing (BBC News), Fate of Maoist guerrillas looms over peace process (Peninsula)

04/04/2008: Dhungana, Tuladhar head peace committee (kp), 2,500 temporary police mobilized in Valley (kp), Nationwide aerial patrol from tomorrow (ht), Tibetans put off protests until CA poll (kp), NHRC urges free, fair poll (kp), Cops recover guns, bullets: RPP activists protest raid (kp), UML, Maoist cadres clash (kp), Three CPN-UML activists knifed (ht), Sujata’s vehicle vandalised (ht), UML leader injured in Maoist attack (nn), RPP candidate out of fray (ht), Poll Violence Joint Assurance To Follow Code Of Conduct, by Vijaya Chalise (rn), Violence should have no place in this Constituent Assembly Election, by Ian Martin (sp), Peaceful Campaigning, by Prem N. Kakkar (rn), Govt can deploy army as a last recourse: Minister Gupta (nn), EU team on poll mission leaving City for monitoring (ht), UK MEP arriving to monitor poll (kp), Envoys's take on election: Holding polls vital, victory secondary (ht), Don’t be paranoid about conspiracy: Nepal to Prachanda (kp), We’ll accept poll results: Prachanda (kp), Mixed polls: Mixed outcomes? by Bhagirath Yogi (kp), Maoist half-truths, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Post-conflict elections imply compromises: CEC (nn), Crashed Hopes: Women leaders express disappointment over the lack of enough women candidates, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Cautious Enthusiasm: In its second election report released early this week, the UN body cautions about increasing incidents of violence (sp), Constituent Assembly Elections: Knocking At The Door, by Keshab Poudel (sp 04/04/2008), Behave yourselves: The ultra left and right are main threats to peaceful polls, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Some are still more equal than others: Even after elections, Janajatis and Dalits will not be fairly represented, by Dewan Rai (nt), Same old ‘menstream’ politics: Despite promises of inclusion, women are sidelined again, by Mallika Aryal (nt), And what about youth? (nt), Fear and voting in the Tarai: Madhesi parties pick up steam, amidst fear of violence, by Prashant Jha (nt), After 4/10: Give the Madhes a stake in the constituent assembly process and government, by Prashant Jha (nt), An observer observing observers: No election is either completely free or truly fair, by CK Lal (nt)

03/04/2008: ICG cautions of violence on the eve of polls (nn) [see report as pdf], Defeat by conspiracy unacceptable: Prachanda (kp), Only fair poll verdict acceptable: Prachanda (ht), Hundreds of NC men flee villages, by D R Panta (kp), Maoists step up attacks on poll campaigners (kp), Police come under YCL rage in Rasuwa (nn), Implement the pact (kp), Violence continues despite commitments (nn), Tripartite panel told to probe 10-pt pact violation (ht), Major parties violating poll code, says Martin (ht), Martin says Maoists, UML, NC are main code violators (nn), Amnesty officer abducted (nn), ‘Binocular terror’ grips villagers, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Respect rights for CA poll success: OHCHR (kp), Bandh hits life in Tarai (ht), Use of kids in campaigns slammed, by Shreejana Shrestha (kp), How will Madhes mix affect April 10?, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Pahade voters searching for Pahade candidates (kp), Plotting political suicide, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), More than the seats (ht), In Nepal, Long-Lived Monarchy Fades From View, by Somini Sengupta (New York Times), Maoists make treaty with India new poll target (Gulf Times), The Election Campaign Heritage of Nepalese Politics, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician)

02/04/2008: Leaders ink 10-pt deal on CA poll, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Top guns ink pact for fair, peaceful polls (ht), Silver lining (ht), Curfew in Dadeldhura for 2nd consecutive day (kp), Deuba, Prachanda ‘agree’ to defuse Dadeldhura tensions (ht), Maoists injure NC candidate, 25 cadres, by Krishna Thapa and Prakash Adhikari (kp), NC suspends poll campaign fearing Maoist attack (ht), NC stages indifinte Rasuwa bandh (nn), Maoists’ pre-poll attacks continue (ht), Prachanda urges cadres to exercise restraint (nn), UML complains against Maoists at EC (kp), PLA soldiers should remain in cantonments: Martin, by Surendra Kafle (ht), Election candidate goes missing (nn), Two NC cadres 'abducted'; UML men released (nn), Security to foil anti-poll acts: Sitaula (kp), ANFREL censures parties for poll violence (kp), Election environment is poor, says report (ht), Carter to arrive with team April 7 (kp), German delegates meet conflict victims, by Khumansingh Tamang (kp), Delphi and CA elections, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Leaders Must Show Political Culture, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Why this hatred?, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), After CA election a new wave of trust and enthusiasm will prevail in Nepal, by Chandi Raj Dhakal (tg), The UML and the Maoists will both loose the election, interview with senior advocate Sarbagya Ratna Tuladhar (tg), Nepal: Unite or perish! (tg)

01/04/2008: EC cautions big 3 over poll violence (kp), Big three leaders assure civility in polls (kp), Top leaders ink deal pledging to refrain from disruptive activities during polls (nn), UML, Maoists clash with NC men, 23 hurt: Curfew in Dadeldhura, by DR Pant (kp), 23 hurt in Dadeldhura, curfew clamped (ht), YCL attacks on poll campaigners deliberate: Thapa (kp), CPN-U activists thrash PFN cadres, 5 airlifted to City (ht), Leaders stress mutual understanding (kp), Muslims to uphold social harmony (kp), Most closely observed election: Martin (kp), Parties' economic agendas inadequate to transform Nepal (kp), CA polls and human rights, by Navaraj Pudasaini (kp), Top leaders want rights activists to act as watchdog (ht), Prachanda’s view threat to press, says Nisthuri (ht), NEFIN embarks on election awareness campaign (ht), Foul play (ht), Poll Alliances For Peaceful Electioneering, by Ambar Mainali (rn), PM to stay away from campaigning (nn), Royalists join CPN (Maoist) (nn), YCL, Terai rebels prime code violators: ANFREL (nn), A vote for change, a vote for peace, by Siddharth Varadarajan (Gulf Today), The Future for Nepal: Democracy struggles to make it through its infancy, by Samad Khurram (Harvard Crimson 01/04/2008), Peace deal with Madhesis (Central Chronicle)

31/03/2008: UML, Maoists to bridge misunderstanding (kp), PLA into electioneering, UNMIN says (kp), YCL ‘threat’: Vote for us or be evicted (ht), Mosque attack crime against society: PM, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Mosque blasts draw condemnation (kp), NHRC, UNMIN deplore blasts (kp), Bandh after blasts hits life in three districts (ht), Biratnagar closed as protests against Saturday's Mosque bombing continue (nn), Nepal Muslims call general strike to protest mosque bombing (iht), Curfew in Dadeldhura following clashes (nn), Security will be further tightened: State Minister Chaudhary (nn), 18,933 security personnel to be mobilized for poll security in Mid-West (nn), 5 RJP candidates resign en bloc (kp), PM, Nepal, Prachanda to discuss poll issues today (ht), Women’s Alliance urges votes for female candidates (kp), Candidates using Indian vehicles (kp), Cordial campaign (kp), Much maligned media, by Shyam KC (kp), Future of regional Madhesi parties, by Biswo Poudel (kp), Best defence (ht), On To CA: Are We On The Right Course?, by Shyam Bhandari (rn), A vote for change, a vote for peace, by Siddharth Varadarajan (Hindu), Nepal royalists warn of civil war if king ousted (Daily Times)

30/03/2008: 2 dead in Biratnagar mosque bomb blasts: 2 others critically injured (kp), Two killed in blasts in Biratnagar mosque (ht), Two die in Nepal mosque bombing, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), Curfew after deadly Nepal mosque bombing (Channel News Asia), Bomb attack on Biratnagar mosque condemned; PM asks Muslim community to exercise restraint (nn), Don't daydream about takeover by force: UML tells Maoists (kp), No let up in Maoists’ poll campaign disruptions (kp), Maoist candidate’s vehicle attacked (kp), Two ANNISU-R students thrashed (ht), ‘Inter-party clashes may spell disaster’ (kp), Candidate abducted in Saptari (nn), Prachanda’s electoral programmes suspended due to insecurity (nn), Prachanda meets Nepal; assures to tame unruly cadres (nn), Baidya blames India and US for leftist alliance not materializing (nn), India's confidence in Maoists considerably low: Narayanan (nn), Legal remedy looks distant as poll violence goes on, by Razen Manandhar (ht), PM fears disaster if conflict among parties persists (ht), UML candidates defer electioneering in Dolakha (kp), EC can cancel poll if coercion used: CEC (kp), Armed groups to blame for stalled talks: Poudel (kp), Talks with four Tarai groups now uncertain (ht), The CA Polls: Of Leadership and Leaders, by Prem Khatry (rn), Metaphors In The Poll Campaign, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Re-Building a Run-down Hindu Feudal Nation, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Mother, daughter still missing after 5 years (nn), Women leaders regret lack of enough women candidates (nn), UNMIN finds election campaigning 'enthusiastic and relatively peaceful' (nn), UNMIN Election Report No 2, 30 March 2008 (UNMIN)

29/03/2008: PLA walkout raises hackles all round (kp), EC concerned about PLA fighters’ campaigning (ht), Minor incidents won’t affect poll: CEC (kp), NC complains to EC about Maoists (kp), Conspiracy to murder us: Maoists; Maoists still terrorizing people: UML (kp), NC, UML cadres clash, 18 injured, by Shiv Raj Bhatta (ht), Cops restrained during Madhes Movt-II: Report (kp), Tarai armed groups’ ultimatum to govt, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht),