Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Crisis solution (2006 - 2007)

Since the Delhi Agreement between seven parliamentary parties and the insurgent CPN (Maoist) of 22 November 2005, the people of Nepal have been waiting in vain for the promised realisation of an inclusive democratic system. Although the then putsching monarchy was abolished and a constitution was passed in 2015 after long power struggles between the political parties, even this was the sole work of the exclusively male leaders of the three major parties, predominantly male Bahuns. The appropriate participation of all social groups, as provided for in the interim constitution of January 2007, did not take place. In this respect, the constitution of 2015 even represented in part a step backwards compared to the interim constitution.
Thus, apart from the abolition of the monarchy, not much has changed since the 1990 system. Numerous fundamental human rights continue to be disregarded. There is no inclusion of all social groups. All power and the majority of all state functions are still in the hands of male Tagadharis, especially male Bahuns.  The latter make up only 6 percent of the population, but the identification of the state and its society and culture, in short the nationalist image of the state of Nepal, is still based on the culture and partly narrow-minded, anarchic, patriarchal and socially discriminating view and thinking of this small minority. As long as this state of affairs continues and the failed generation of political leaders of all parties is not replaced by a younger generation that is inclusive, open-minded, receptive and not exclusively oriented towards personal power interests, there will be no end to the crisis situation.

Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Crisis solution (current)


31/12/2007: 209 missing in Bardiya (kp) [A 'new Nepal' will never have any chance as long as the crimes of the past are not punished!!], NA aid to construct Bandarmudhe monument, by Binod Tripathi (kp), Five Maoists join cabinet (kp), Conflict displaced 25,000: Govt report, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), 10 kidnapped, 28 arrested in Siraha in a month, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), 'We have a right to declare independence', interview with Mahanta Thakur (kp)

30/12/2007: Shivapuri Site: Govt unwilling to probe past atrocities: HRW (kp) [A 'new Nepal' will never have any chance as long as the crimes of the past are not punished!!], Maoists name seven ministers (kp), Madhesi MPs urge NC to address tarai issues (kp)

29/12/2007: 3rd amendment clears deck for republic (kp), Maoists to rejoin govt today (kp), Tarai-Madhesh Lokatantrik Party announced: Party not against CA poll (kp), Invite agitating tarai groups for talks: Yadav (kp), Limbuwan splits: Lingden leads dissidents (kp)

28/12/2007: UNMIN verification: Near 12,000 disqualify (kp), Ten amendments on Third Amendment Bill (kp), Progressive step sought for tarai (kp), Constitutionalism of convenience, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Prachanda, power and politics, by Bhagirath Yogi (kp)

27/12/2007: ‘23-point pact will invite 4th amendment’ (kp), RJP, PFN register amendment proposals (kp), ‘Reservation’ for top SPA leaders in CA poll: Nepal, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Resolve tarai problems politically, curb crime: India, by Gopal Khanal (kp), Cops nab 6 JTMM-J men (kp), NFFR warns of confrontation (kp), People are symbol of nat’l unity, not king: PM, by Ballab Ghimire (kp), Federation fumble, by J Narayan Parajuli (kp), ‘Federal system expensive’ (kp), With a pinch of salt, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), मधेस समस्याका नया“ आयाम, by Pradip Gyawali (ka)

26/12/2007: Poll date will be fixed shortly: PM, by Lila Ballav Ghimire (kp) [Why hurry? The male Tagadhari politicians have done everything to preserve their power positions!], China welcomes 23-point pact (kp), ‘King has no capacity to disrupt polls’ (kp) [But the politicians have!], Limbuwan State Council develops cracks (kp), RPP to table amendment to bill (kp) [The erstwhile protagonists of the Shah monarchy's slogan of 'one culture, one religion and one language' suddenly detect population groups whose existence they once denied and whose identity they tried to destroy!], Ensure peace in Tarai: NHRC tells govt (kp), ‘Talks with tarai groups a must’ (kp) [When will you understand that talks are not enough?], Differently abled too want PR in CA (kp), Has the new era begun?,by Abhi Subedi (kp), Focusing on 23-point consensus, by Narayan Manandhar (kp)

25/12/2007: Govt tables bill to amend constitution (kp), Steps to a republic  (kp), Madhesis oppose accord: Janajati support conditionally (kp), Nepal proposes April 8 for CA polls, by Lila Ballav Ghimire (kp), Mahara to lead Maoist team in govt (kp), Govt to form mechanism to protect evidence (kp), UNHCR, rights bodies to resettle displaced, by Shahiman Rai (kp), Cops nab 4 armed MMT men (kp 25/12/2007), संविधानसभा सुनिश्चितताको प्रश्न, by Bhim Prasad Bhutel (ka)

24/12/2007: Federal Republic of Nepal, 601-member CA agreed, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp) [A step to bring the peace process with the Maoists back on course, but in no way siutable for solving the outstanding issue of inclusion!! Besides, the number of MPs is absolutely irresponsible and unnecessary! It only serves to guarantee the continued dominance of male Tagadharis!], मुलुक अब गणतान्त्रिक,by Bal Ram Baliyan and Raja Ram Gautam (ka), ‘Implement past pacts sincerely’ (kp), ‘Conduct polls on time': civil society meeting (kp), Govt, UNMIN relieving ITF members today, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp)

23/12/2007: Big three parties to forge consensus today (kp), House panel to summon PM, army chief over Shivapuri (kp), ‘Roundtable idea unconstitutional’ (kp), Roundtable meaningless: Deuba, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), HR defenders rap criminalization in politics (kp), मधेसको जन्म, by Buddhi Narayan Shrestha (ka)

22/12/2007: Experts collect items from Shivapuri (kp), Maoists ready for polls without joining govt? Parties meeting today (kp), Parties made mockery of statute, democracy: Rana (kp), 601 CA seats a compulsion: Nepal (kp), Maoist MPs threaten to disrupt House (kp), Welcome to New Nepal, by Ishwor N Rijal (kp)

21/12/2007: NHRC experts visit Shivapuri today (kp), Parties differ over ‘round table’, steering committee (kp), Thapa tells SPA to prove it’s pro-people (kp), Parsa Muslims to begin phase-wise protest (kp), STF arrests 3 in Parsa (kp), Fear grips Saptari village after JTMM-J killings, by Jitendra Khadga (kp), Madhes needs reason, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), The politics of murder, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Monarchy and myths, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), माओवादीले वीपीलाई सम्झनुपर्दा, by Narayan Khadka (ka)

20/12/2007: Cops guarding site: Suspected mass cremation spot found, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Task-force meet put off due to NC: Dr Bhattarai (kp), NC asks Maoists to honor pacts (kp), House adjourned till Friday (kp), Armed groups up against STF deployment (kp), Govt seeks UNMIN extension (kp), Consensus or conspiracy politics?, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp)

19/12/2007: Democracy and ethnic dissent, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Madhes more serious than Maoist problem: NC MPs (kp), Security improves in eastern tarai (kp), MMT cadres attack police post (kp), SPA leaders to meet today (kp) [It's hardly worth to be mentioned! The people cannot hear it anymore!!], EU nudges govt on polls, public security (kp), Ex-Indian CJ emphasizes judiciary's proactive role (kp), Scars of war and agony for hapless family, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), Illegal sand-mining and Baluwatar, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Shape up or ship out, by Prem Sharma

18/12/2007: ‘Reconstruction will need Rs 5b, 20 yrs’ , by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Compensate Maoist victims by June: SC (kp), Environment for polls growing favorable: Prachanda, by Amrita Anmol (kp) [?? He already speaks the same nonsense as other Tagadhari politicians! The suggested constitutional changes are totally insufficient in every respect!!], Constitution amendment  (kp), Amend statute as per House instructions: Taskforce (kp), All-party taskforce close to consensus (kp) [Yes, as reported every day!!], UMF announces fresh tarai stir (kp), Banda paralyzes Rautahat, by Shiva Puri (kp), 4 held with pistols, bullets (kp), Army denies meeting Maoists (kp), King transferred ‘inherited’ amount to London (kp), Barking up the wrong tree, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Power, justice and statesmanship, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp)

17/1272007: Govt tables bill to amend constitution (kp), Special Security Plan: STF arrests 96, seizes dozens of arms (kp), NC, Maoists in blame game over polls delay (kp) [Of course, both are right!!], Taskforce meet put off (kp), Last opportunity for Koirala: Nepal (kp), 24 killed in land mine explosions (kp), ‘Maoists don't have control over their cadres’, interview with  Ashish Nandi (kp), Madhes awakening, by Beerendra Pandey (kp)

16/12/2007: Polls by mid-April: consensus close on republic, poll system (kp), Parties acting like monarchs: Deuba (kp), Maoists with armed wing can’t go to polls: Nepal, by Binod Tripathi (kp), MPRF-NSP demo peaceful, by Shiva Puri (kp), ‘Maoists, NSP gave madhes wrong turn’ (kp)

15/12/2007: Power-sharing dispute stalls agreement (kp) [When will the politicians understand that they are only the servants of the sovereign people??], Missing deadline creates no constitutional crisis: Speaker (kp), Security maximized in Gaur following blasts, by Shiva Puri (kp), Insurgency victims await govt aid, by Baburam Kharel (kp), Security plan (kp), Four pillars of Naya Nepal, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), Will Thakur's move be a masterstroke?, by Chandrakishore (kp)

14/12/2007: Republic to be mentioned in statute: PR percentage to go up (kp), Poll date by Saturday: Prachanda, by Upendra Lamichhane and Shyamsundar Sashi (kp), Hope for good news soon: UML chief (kp), PM asks Madhesi MPs for idea: Home minister seeks Madhesi names for CDO (kp), How is the tarai security plan working?, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Security beefed up in Gaur (kp), MPs lambast govt over tarai (kp), ‘Tell UNMIN to go, or criticize constructively’ (kp), Landmine victims still sick at heart, by Santosh Pokharel (kp), The undertaker, by Dhruva Joshy (kp), Reviving the 1990 constitution?, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp)

13/12/2007: Agreement likely by Thursday: Prachanda, by Shiva Puri (kp), Impunity unchecked: OHCHR: Both state, Maoists violated CPA (kp), PM consults fringe left parties (kp), Leaders smell rat in resignation by MPs (kp), 2-week banda throws life out of gear (kp), The growing crisis, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp)

12/12/2007: Speaker accepts Madhesi MPs’ resignation (kp), Madhes unity (kp), Agreement in three days: Sitaula (kp), Govt to inform House about king’s inheritance (kp), RPP breaks ties with monarchy (kp), A false alarm perhaps!, by Manushi Bahttarai (kp)

11/12/2007: Civil society leaders warn parties of new movement (kp), Minister, MPs quit office, party (kp), Impunity getting institutionalized: NHRC (kp), No impunity in NA: Army Chief (kp) [???], Army Act should be amended: ICJ to PM (kp), Parties hope breakthrough today (kp) [They really claim to be able to hold CA elections? Nobody will believe this!!], Minister Gupta ‘kidnapped’ 2 NSP leaders (kp), Playing politics with army, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Integration of Nepali and Maoist armies, by Prakash A Raj (kp)

10/12/2007: International Human Rights Day: HR situation deteriorating, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), ‘Maoists, UML ridiculed House’ (kp) [Politics have primarily to be made in parliament and not in Baluwatar!!], Royal challenge (kp), MPs concerned over Prachanda’s remarks (kp), Maoists helping prolong monarchy: Gyawali (kp), RPP proposes dropping monarchy, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), RPP: We’ll take new initiative if no consensus by Dec 15 (kp), 'Hunger can become a source of conflict', interview with Anne-Isabelle Degryse-Blateau, country director of UNDP Nepal (kp)

09/12/2007: Sidelining king might invite mishap: NC leaders (kp) [Do you really join hands with a putschist whose institution has main responsibility for failed developments and non-inclusion??], ‘Janaandolan guilty shouldn’t be spared’ (kp), Polls meaningless if Maoists lose: Bhattarai (kp) [?? It is democratic and thus meaningful if people decide in polls that they do not want a special party!!], Arrest Sah’s murderers: FNJ (kp), CA poll most important task: UML (kp), Let's see who'll proclaim republic from House: Thapa (kp), HR violation on the rise: NHRC (kp), MPRF-NSP banda exceeds week, by Shiva Puri (kp)

08/12/2007: MPRF, NSP announce United Madhesi Front, fresh stir (kp), Nepal, Martin discuss UNMIN role, term (kp), Maoists sorry for beating medicos (kp) [This is not enough! Bring your cadres, especially the YCL, under control or dissolve them!!], RPP urges govt to set new poll date (kp), 30 displaced families return home, by Rameshchandra Adhikari (kp), Six held with arms in Janakpur (kp), Time for change, by Siddhartha Thapa (kp)

07/12/2007: Madhesi groups forming separate fronts (kp), APF arrests 45 members of armed groups (kp), 2 dozen held for arms Possession (kp), EU: Peace process has lost momentum (kp), Maoists injure tourist not paying donation, by Prem Nepali (kp), Govt committee prepares ToR for state restructuring (kp), Only Koirala can hold CA poll: Sitaula, by Binod Tripathi (kp) [??], UML, Maoists form committees to address issues (kp), Nationalist card (kp), Nationalism tirade, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Towards politics without fear, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp)

06/12/2007: Lawmakers slam Prachanda’s remark (kp), Unity with nationalists to protect nation: Ananta (kp) [This is not what the people asked for in April 2006! By the way, what does 'nationalism' mean in the multiethnic, multireligious, multicultural and multilingual state of Nepal whit 85% of the popolation being not included for centuries??], ‘60pc PLA troops will pass verification’, by Narayan Sharma (kp), Poll possible by mid-April: CEC (kp), Kin seek whereabouts of disappeared, by Dambar Singh Rai (kp), Single women narrate woes: Some face sexual exploitation from in-laws (kp), Be comprehensible (kp), Of GPK, MKN and Prachanda, by Niranjan Koirala (kp)

05/12/2007: Prachanda for tie-up with ‘nationalist’ royalists (kp), New poll date soon: PM (kp), Converging views on federal model, by Thira Bhusal (kp), ‘Madhesh Rakshya Bahini’ in public, by Shankar Acharya (kp), NA to help build Madi monument, by Dipendra Baduwal (kp), State of the state, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp)

04/12/2007: NC, UML yet to reach consensus (kp), CA central issue: UML, NC, PFN (kp) [In reality, the central issues are the personal and party interests of the self-declared 'leaders'!], Banda hits Rautahat (kp), ‘Interim house can’t proclaim republic’ (kp) [The republic has already been proclaimed when putsched!!], ‘Maoist opportunism delayed republic’ (kp), A tale of a few polls, by Damakanth Jayshi (kp), Maoists’ errant experiment, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp)

03/12/2007: Special task force in 10 tarai districts (kp), Govt shouldn't surrender to Maoists: Oli (kp), ‘Maoists should not dream of communists coming together’, interview with K.P.Oli (kp) [Oli's intra-party opposition towards Madhav Nepal further complicates the peace process!!], Tripathi raps PM Koirala, Prachanda (kp), ‘Major party continuing HR violations’ (kp), JTMM man threatens to kill Post scribe (kp)

02/12/2007: SPA leaders agree to review pacts (kp), RPP to drop monarchy from party documents (kp), Continuing contradictions of Prachandaspeak, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Leftists unite and lead govt: Baidya (kp), Republic alone won't establish people's sovereignty (kp)

01/12/2007: Parties begin confidence building (kp) [Is't this too early? What will they do the remaining 50 years until CA elections take place??], 'Stalling polls, imposing, by Sam Howard (kp)

30/11/2007: Congress, Maoists narrowing differences (kp), 7-15 yrs jail, Rs 200,000 fine for abduction (kp) [apply this law immediately for all abductors, including the Maoist ones!!], Poll put off as parties feared people: RPP chief (kp), Failed, but still good, by Gyanu Adhikari (kp), Jimmy Carter's prescriptions, by Khagendra N ASharma (kp)

29/11/2007: SPA leaders to make last ditch effort today, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Why PLA combatants flee camps, by Binod Tripathi (kp), Cabinet directs Home Ministry to beef up security (kp), NC urges govt on camp conditions, disappearance (kp), Political feuds and fluidity, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Polarization: Myth or reality?, by Shrawan Sharma (kp), Carter proposal for conflict resolution , by Prakash A. Raj (kp)

28/11/2007: Maoist sister wings urge party to resort to protests (kp), Maoists not to give up 'back to jungle' option (kp), Be wary of maoist ploy: NC members (kp), Cops nab 5 MMT members (kp)

27/11/2007: Parties intensify parleys: No agreement in sight (kp), 'Prachanda's proposal to unite two armies irrelevant' (kp), Govt to withdraw disappearance ordinance, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Media-bashing (kp), The syndicate in crisis, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp)

26/11/2007: YCL to turn holy: Prachanda, by Dipendra Baduwal (kp) [by killing, beating, stealing, robbing, extorting, abducting and other crimes??], Judges, lawyers face threats, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Professionals to protest Maoist high-handedness (kp), 'Lack of security' prevented Prachanda's Madi visit, by Binod Tripathi (kp), Maoists still believe in arms: Parties (kp), Nepalese people to decide on electoral system: Parties (kp) [How can they if the majority of the people is not adequately represented in the CA??], Badi threats (kp), TRC: Challenges and opportunities, by Madhu P. Regmi (kp), 'Past injustices should be dealt properly', interview with Patrick Burgess (kp)

25/11/2007: We'll fight 40 yrs more if needed: Prachanda (kp), Maoist seasonal donation drive terrifies farmers (kp), Madi victims accuse Prachanda of dishonesty (kp), Maoist victims want seized property back (kp), PLA combatant numbers fall short (kp)70:30 ratio for proportional and first-past-post: Carter (kp), Govt still mum on Nepalgunj riots (kp)

24/11/2007: 36 Maoists arrested for torching vehicles Rautahat and Siraha still shut (kp), Donation drive (kp), New Act on disappearances coming soon (kp), MP's Q & A with Carter (kp), Polls, accord implementation inseparable: Carter (kp), Sitaula should step down: Sujata Koirala (kp), 'Maoists behind poll deferral' (kp), Badis threaten fresh protest (kp)

23/11/2007: Maoist 'voluntary' donations spread terror, by Milan Maniu Sharma (kp), Poll possibly by mid-April: PM to Carter (kp), Carter factor (kp), One billion spent for election: Mahat (kp), Govt starts keeping promise to groups (kp), ‘CPA goals elusive due to Maoists’ anti-poll activities’ (kp), Abide by CPA: OHCHR tells Maoists (kp), Govt change if no consensus: Prachanda, by Kulchandra Neupane and Prem Nepali (kp), PAPAD to push parties for polls (kp), 150 Sunsari families forced out of homes, by Pradip Myangmo (kp), What next?, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Anarchy by another name, by Khagendra Nath Sharma (kp)

22/11/2007: Analysis: Nov 22: A lost opportunity, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Anniversary of CPA: Peace Accord has failed people, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), NC, UML to bury hatchet (kp), Maoists could offer UML to lead the government, warns Prachanda (nn), Carter, PM Koirala discusses peace, polls (nn), Fix CA Poll Date Soon: Carter Tells PM Koirala (ht), Danish envoy calls parties to fix poll date (ht), Ghost of failed election haunts Nepal (wi), Rally organised in Kathmandu demanding new election date (nn), Bandhs called by different groups hit normal life in Terai (nn), Conflict Displaces 3,000 From Siraha, by Rajesh Prasad Barma (ht), APF arrest 8 JTMM men (nn), OHCHR to Maoists: Don't force minors to rejoin PLA (nn), 60 colleges, medicos to protest Maoist excesses (kp), Maoist abducted Thakuri: FNJ (kp), Maoists resume ‘kangaroo courts’, continue land seizures (kp), Return of seized lands urged (kp), MMPR best for CA poll: NSP-A (kp), Gloomy polarization (kp), United we stand strong, by Nick Meynen (kp), Give the SPA a shot in the arm, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Govt, Maoists Both Violating Peace Pact, Says Report (ht), OHCHR urges CPN-M to cooperate with reintegration of minors associated with armed forces and armed group (Relief Web), Loss of Birendra Sah, by Biswo Poudel (kp), MJF-G wish-list: Republic, free Madhes, PR (ht), Leaders for political solution to Madhes woes (ht) [??], Where the buck stops (ht)

21/11/2007: Over 80 killed in last six months in Terai, says a report (nn), 82 killed in tarai in 6 months: Report (kp), Govt wakes up to Tarai turmoil, by Damaru Lal Bhandari (ht), TRC Must not Include Amnesty for Guilty: AI (ht), AI to launch 60 days of action; appeals for fulfilling promises of justice, security and inclusion (nn), Amnesty says Nepal needs its "truth" commission (Reuters), First anniversary of CPA; experts stress more efforts to attain durable peace (nn), PM busy in consultations (nn), Former US Prez Carter arrives (nn), The Grand Design theory, by Surendra R Devkota (kp), Post-Nov 22 quest for ‘constitutional legitimacy’, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Nepali Lok-tantrism, by Hem Raj Kafle (kp), Nepal: Party Line Politics or Political Dilemma, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), In the same boat (ht), NC, UML for holding CA polls within 2064 B.S. (nn) [The behaviour of the politicians does not fit to this claim!!]

20/11/2007: Education Minister spits venom at Prime Minister (nn), UML chief hits at govt for polls debacle (nn), NEFIN sit-in at Singhadurbar (kp), Joint agitation planned in Madhes, says Yadav (nn), Madhesi Convention begins (kp), Maoists shut down Siraha, MSF announces bandh in Malangawa (nn), Bandhs Cripple Life in Siraha, Sarlahi (ht), NC to talk with UML, NPFN; Maoist advisory committee meet begins (nn), The Maoists’ demand factory, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Prachanda hopes for a breakthrough by Nov 29 (nn), Role of UNMIN in peace process, by Prakash A Raj (kp), 24 April 2006, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Seven-party meet: Move afoot to evolve consensus (ht), Transitional phase here to last: AG (ht), Can India stabilise Nepal?: Challenges ahead, by Jaya Raj Acharya (ht), Mahato demands early polls; warns of third Jana Andolan (nn)

19/11/2007: NC leaders threaten to disobey the whip (nn), Don’t give up party stance: NC leaders, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), NC Brass Refuses to Attend Meet to End Deadlock (ht) [These are the male Tagadhar leaders who are going to lose most under a republic with a fully proportionate election system!!], Proportional v mixed system : Future of Nepal on the line, by Mangal S Manandhar (ht), Reality Check: Parties likely to opt for MMP system, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Demos staged in Indian cities; ethnic bodies stage rally in Kathmandu (nn), Top level meeting ends inconclusively (nn), Nepal PM faces tough fight for survival (wi), Act on passed proposals or quit, Bhattarai tells PM (ht), We've Koirala's alternative: Maoists (kp), Maoists luring UML to lead govt: NC leader (kp), Cornered Nepal government buys time ahead of battle (wi), Lack of NA regulations delays justice delivery, by Sangeeta Rijal (kp), Lay it on the line (kp), Freedom to be unaccountable, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Now, the test (ht), Maoists Warn Status-Quoists, by Mohan Nepali (Scoop)

18/11/2007: Declare republic and fix new date for CA polls: CMDP (nn), SPA meet to discuss House directives (kp), Going against House directive will cost NC dear: Dr Bhattarai (nn), Declaring republic without NC’s wish is not possible: Minister Pokharel (nn), Singh accuses Maoists of derailing election (nn), Sujata wants 1990 constitution revived, accuses Sitaula of 'ambushing' NC (nn) [She's obviously not all there!!], PM should resign on moral grounds – MJF chief (nn), Former US Prez Carter to visit Nepal this week (nn), Carter's second Nepal peace mission (wi), JTMM-J bombs petrol pump (kp)

17/11/2007: NC, Maoists agree to accelerate dialogue to resolve deadlock (nn), Review past agreements, form new govt: Prachanda (kp), Maoists unveil new road map for rescuing peace talks (wi), UML urges new CA poll date (kp), Pen politics & poison, by Ujjwal B Khadka (kp), We’re against separate tarai: Upendra Yadav, by Janak Nepal (kp), Chure Bhavar to set up peace force (kp), Turmoil in tarai (kp), Demining begins from Dolakha, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp), NA starts de-mining operations from Dolakha (nn), ‘UNMIN to complete arms mgmt in December’ (kp), Sujata accuses Sitaula of 'ambushing' NC and the country (nn), A step backward, by Mohan Bikram Singh (kp), Dogged UN says security role not outside its Nepal mandate (wi), SPA unity key to peace process success: Martin (ht)

16/11/2007: Cabinet okays six-month term extension of UNMIN; seven parties to make final decision (nn), Mandated monitoring: Nepalis need to be told what UNMIN is up to, by Prashant Jha (nt), Dogged UN says security role not outside its Nepal mandate (Earth Times), 'Implementation of agreements a must to keep peace process intact' (nn), Apex court says it cannot direct the government to hold polls on fixed date (nn), Abductions continue in Terai (nn), PM meets with Upendra Yadav, promises to fulfill MJF demands (nn), Mahato warns of fresh stir in Terai (nn), Maoist irresponsibility caused crisis: K P Oli (kp), ‘NC should be ready for change in govt leadership’ (kp), “I will resign after elections”, by John Narayan Parajuli (nt), The prime minister meets the people (nt), Maoists announce 12-day protest march in western Terai (nn), Tarai security dire due to poor political support: Top cops (kp), Slave labour (nt, originally in Nepal, 11 November), 104 bandas since April Uprising!, by Koshraj Koirala (kp), Maoists beat govt in breaching CPA: Study (kp), ‘7-party coalition govt needed after CA poll’ (kp), Armed group threats halt hospital construction, by Shiva Puri (kp), Consequences of the divided vote, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Security Beef-up in Eastern Region (ht), Who is cornering whom? When everyone is trying to outsmart everyone else, everyone gets outsmarted, by CK Lal (nt), Maoists want immediate cabinet reshuffle; demand early integration of PLA into NA (nn), Shekhar Koirala dares parties to change govt leadership through the parliament (nn)

15/11/2007: Cabinet okays six-month term extension of UNMIN; seven parties to make final decision (nn), Thapa says House has no authority to declare republic (nn) [... and you have been PM under a king who had no authority to putsch!!], Govt to provide special security to party leaders, employees in Terai (nn), Mahato for separate Madheshi front (nn), Separate Madheshi front in offing: Mahato (kp), Mahato Faction Gears Up for 'Final Showdown' in Tarai (ht), NC continues parleys with smaller parties (nn), Political Consultations: Merry-go-round parleys bring outlet no nearer (kp), Parties working out accord: Prachanda (kp), Nepal asks Maoists to form a clear view on govt (nn), Inviting interference, by Indra Adhikari (kp), Maoists Beat Govt in Rights Abuse, Reveals Report (ht), Political conference : It is not too late yet, by Shailendra Kumar Upadhyay (ht), India unlikely to resume arms supplies to Nepal (wi), Nepal mired in monarchy debate, by Dhruba Adhikary (Asia Times), House should not declare republic, says Oli (nn), Police chiefs brief cabinet on security situation (nn), No CA if PR system is implemented, says Deuba (nn) [Throw all the Tagadhari politicians who want to prevent an inclusive CA out of politics!!]

14/11/2007: Prachanda hints at split in SPA (nn), Prachanda's prattle (kp), Maoists rule out polls before Nepal king's ouster (wi), Talks continue for consensus before House session (kp), Parleys among parties pick up pace (ht), ‘Maoists messing up security in far west’, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), Political dreams and dramas, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Major Parties Divided over UNMIN'S Role, Term (ht), UNMIN term extension has to be agreed upon by seven parties, says FM Pradhan (nn), Legal Eagles, MPs Say Statute Needs Amendment, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Special session Implications of the resolutions, by Birendra P Mishra (ht), Dirty Politics In Nepal, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician)

13/11/2007: NC, UML, Maoists are on their individual planks, says Gautam (nn), NC, PFN discuss ways to narrow down differences within SPA (nn), Dr Bhattarai wants 'new basis' for seven-party unity (nn), Whereabouts of abducted journo Thakuri still unknown (nn), Indian envoy meets Peace Minister (nn), Winter session to set new poll date: Nepal (kp), by Shiva Puri, Speaker hopes polls by mid-April (nn), Republic, not polls, is priority: Prachanda (kp) [There is no legitimacy without polls!], PM’s resignation Maoist third priority (kp), Poll delay hurting peace: China envoy (kp), PM: Current constitution rendered impractical (kp), Siraha out of govt control: NC district unit (kp), Sah and sanity, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), NC’s royal obsession, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Maoists oppose greater UN role in Nepal peace process (wi), Congress leaders step up internal deliberations (nn)

12/11/2007: Festivities end, serious political consultations to pick up (nn), MK Nepal hits at govt for 'failing to maintain law and order' (nn), Maoist leader warns of agitation if House directive is not implemented (nn), Abducted NC cadre found dead (nn), Prachanda dares NC to declare republic (nn)

11/11/2007: Gov't commits to make Nepal Sambat as national calendar (Xinhua), India unhappy with UN bid to expand role in Nepal (Gulf Times)

10/11/2007: PM Koirala hopes parliament will fix the date of CA election (nn), Nepal urges govt to implement House decision (nn), Maoists cultivating ties with King Gyanendra: Minister Gurung (nn), Sah cremated amid stung hearts, by Upendra Lamichhane (kp), Press faces constant threat, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp)

09/11/2007: Deuba advises UML and Maoists to follow politics of consensus (nn), PM says Nepal-India joint efforts required to solve terai problem (nn), India objects at UN officials meeting terai armed group (nn), MK Nepal tries to dispel Congress' fears regarding communist unity (nn), Martin meets with Prachanda (nn), Parties should accept House directive: Speaker Nemwang (nn), Thousands of students and teachers abducted in Nepal in 5 years: UNESCO report (nn), CA poll by mid-April: PM, by Madhav Ghimire & Lilaballav Ghimire (kp), ‘Full proportional system not acceptable’ (kp) [... says Bahun leader Poudel (NC) but the truth is: Continued dominance of male Tagadharis not acceptable!!], God save the people (kp), Parties, go to the villages, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp)

08/11/2007: Media requested to black out Maoist news (nn), NNWFN to boycott positive news of Maoists (kp), Prachanda gets 'raw meat gift' for Shah's murder (nn), PM promises to take action against Shah's killers; Shah's body still not found (nn), Journalist Shah's dead body found (nn), IFJ outraged at the death of Birendra Shah (nn), UML minister says House directive cannot be implemented (nn), UML gen secy asks NC to improve style of governance (nn), NC denounces ongoing Maoist activities (kp), Deteriorating rights situation, by Navaraj Pudasaini (kp), Euphoria and political reality, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp)

07/11/2007: 21 dead and 1951 injured in Terai agitation (nn), Abducted NC leader’s throat slit (kp), National, int’l outcry over Sah’s killing (kp), Govt, Maoists flayed for Shah's murder (samn), Birendra Sah and the tarai media, by Chandrakishore (kp), UML urges Maoists to stop attacking media persons (nn), Maoists want cases dropped, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Maoists to pressure govt on republic, poll system (kp), Prachanda confers with Nepal (samn), CPN-UML in no mood to launch stir (samn), Congress leader doubts election amid existing lack of security (nn), Road-map to ensure polls must: UN (samn), Martin hopes uncertainty will end soon (nn), Martin for more active UN role (kp), Press statement by Ian Martin, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (Relief Web), No improvement in HR situation: NHRC (kp), 105 displaced families return home, by J Pandey (kp), After Tihar: CA elections or republican putsch?, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Maoists, govt flout peace accord: NHRC (samn), Nepal: The search for missing links (One World South Asia), Prachanda, Nepal see no possibility of immediate change in govt leadership (nn)

06/11/2007: Prachanda, Nepal discuss ways to exert pressure for implementation of House directive (nn), Congress in wait-and-see mode: UML, Maoists at parting of ways (kp), UML was divided on Maoist motion (nn), Winners and losers (kp), Nationwide agitation by FNJ to protest Shah's murder (nn), Sah killed on day of abduction: Maoist probe panel (kp), Outcry in Nepal after Maoists admit to killing journalist (wi), Nepal anger at killing by Maoists (BBC News), OHCHR, EU condemn journalist Shah’s murder (nn), Mahato vows to form a united front in Madhes by involving even armed outfits (nn), Goit's men shoot at overseer; JTMM-Jwala kills civilian (nn), JTMM-J men burn youth alive (kp), Armed groups in southern Nepal resume criminal activities (Xinhua), PM to use Nepal Sambat in official letter pad (nn), UNMIN seeks role in security sector reform (nn), Freedom on the brink, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Over 100 people killed between February and July: NHRC report (nn)

05/11/2007: Left unite, pass republic, PR motions, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), House passes motion on republic (samn), House re-established as political centre (samn), House marathon ends but Nepal impasse will continue (wi), Aryal says House proposals were anti-constitutional (nn), Left parties press for implementation of motions passed by House (nn), Vote division feared to create rift within ruling alliance (nn), Cabinet decides to formulate strict law on abduction (nn), Abducted NC member found dead, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), Woes of the fourth estate, by Shyam KC (kp), The dues and the devils, by Devendra Raj Panday (kp), Maoist report says journalist Shah was murdered on the day of his abduction (nn)

04/11/2007: Seven party leaders meeting to forge consensus (nn), CPN-UML to continue its effort to build political agreement (nn), NC lays down bottom line: UML, Maoists discuss left unity in case no consensus (kp), Crucial day for Koirala, Prachanda (samn), House to vote on Maoist proposal as leaders fail to reach consensus (nn), Indigenous people flay PM's remarks (samn), 'NC for passing resolution on republic' (samn), Royalists stage demonstration in Birgunj (nn), Siraha tense after NC leader’s abduction (nn), Curfew in parts of Lahan as protests erupt after NC leader’s murder (nn), Kapilvastu bandh called off (nn), Mahato demands jobs for Madhesi youths before election (nn), Maoists, UML back each other’s proposals; House passes Maoist motion on PR system (nn), Mainali fears division among leftists and democrats (nn), PM says there is a wave of republic in the nation (nn), The passed proposals do not have constitutional meaning, say legal experts (nn)

03/11/2007: Govt to seek one more year for UNMIN (kp), UNSG positive about extending UNMIN term (nn), Parties near republic motion: Session resumes Sunday (kp), Koirala ‘rejects’ idea of announcing republic immediately (nn), Oli opposes political polarization (kp), Left parties continue efforts for a compromise (nn), Parties still fail to find solution (samn), NC leaders criticise Maoists (nn), ‘Ensure minority participation in CA’ (kp), Shekhar invites armed groups for talks (samn), NSP-A to spearhead Madhes stir (samn), Nepal: Question of Morale in Democracy, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Riot victims announce indefinite bandh in Kapilvastu (nn)

02/11/2007: Student leaders interact in London (nn), Last-minute efforts by parties to strike a deal (nn), Polarisation begins among parties as voting in parliament approaches (nn), Preparation for voting in parliament begins (nn), Parliament should fix the date of CA election, says PM Koirala (nn), Nepal PM cornered as Maoists, communists unite (wi), Leftists unite on republican issue (samn), Dithers on date: NC agrees republic proclamation, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Nepal’s only railway service closed down (nn), Cop hurt as locals attack APF team, Shiva Puri (kp), SPA’s dismal failure, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Whither sovereign people, by Khagendra Nath Sharma (kp), House suspended for two days as leaders promise to find compromise by then (nn), Delhi view: India’s last-ditch effort to salvage Nepal’s peace process, by Prashant Jha (nt), “Longer the deadlock, greater the danger for the peace process”, interview with Tamrat Samuel (nt), Agreeing to agree: Posturing has become the default position of all politicians, by CK Lal (nt), Knife-edge: Nepal’s democracy is thwarted by the left and right, by Shastri Ramacharan (nt), A peace missing (nt), “Let’s have a roundtable”, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (nt, originally in Mulyankan, October 2007-11-01), Role Of UNMIN, by Keshab Poudel (sp), “National Reconciliation Can Be The Basis For Resolving Current Problems”, interview with Govinda Raj Joshi (sp)

01/11/2007: Traders and govt officials in Saptari up in arms, demand security guarantee (nn), Displaced families to get Rs 50,000 as monetary assistance (nn), Rs 50,000 per displaced family, by Krishna Regmi (kp), PM hopeful of ending political deadlock (nn), PM asks taskforce to strive for consensus (kp), Parties unable to end impasse: Prachanda (kp), Maoists rapped for changing stance (kp), Parties engage in bilateral, multilateral discussions (nn), Parties keep up parleys (kp), Parties fail to reach consensus (samn), UML decides to make efforts to keep intact alliance (nn), Prachanda, Mukherjee talk to end crisis (samn), Small parties to team up for TPR (samn), House adjourned till Friday; leaders still hope for a breakthrough (nn), ‘NA and Maoists should apologize’, by Janak Nepal (kp), The kernel of the problem, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Questions of legitimacy, by Prem Sharma (kp), UNMIN wants more, PM demurs (samn) [Obviously, the PM is fearing the male Tagadharis' loss of supremacy!!], 1 killed, 6 injured in bomb explosion in southern Nepal (Xinhua)

31/10/2007: House to continue debate on Wednesday; party leaders to engage in parleys (nn), Party leaders engage in parleys; House continues debate today (nn), Maoist leaders hit at NC for deadlock; warn of breaking alliance (nn), ‘7-party unity will break sans consensus’ (kp), Maoists aiding monarchy: NC, UML lawmakers (kp) [Aiding monarchy are those who resist the abolition of this outdated institution!], Student groups call for initiatives to save seven-party unity (nn), Parliament has no right to proclaim republic: RPP, RJP (kp), Employees halt work, protest Yadav's murder (kp), Curfew in Sandhikharka after clash (kp), Politics and circularity, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Mukherjee meets PM Koirala; Prachanda visits Indian embassy (nn), House debate on Maoist proposal to continue Thursday (nn), What UNMIN Should Do to Manage Nepal Peace Process, by Krishna Hari Pushkar (Nepal Monitor)

30/10/2007: Terai outfits step up assaults against local bodies' officials (nn), MJF warns of agitation from November 22 (nn), CEC asks PM to fix election date at the earliest (nn), Government bid at clarifications from Karki fails, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), Protesting students rounded up, freed (kp), Wrong-footed UN, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Political equality & election systems, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Nation will face a grave crisis if Maoist proposal is turned down: Maoist leader (nn), JTMM-J releases three captives; abducts VDC secretary (nn)

29/10/2007: Parliament special session to begin today (nn 29/10/2007), Special house session: Parties for vote on Maoist proposals, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp 29/10/2007), Speaker Nemwang holds series of consultations ahead of special session (nn 29/10/2007), Parliament special session resumes (nn 29/10/2007), Nepal's UML not to go against CPN-M's motion in parliament (Xinhua), PM to propose hike in PR seats (samn), PM asks Maoists to withdraw motions (samn), Leaders still hopeful of consensus (samn), Govt-formed panel fails to identify hands behind Kapilvastu incident (nn), Panel fails to pinpoint riot culprits (samn), Govt releases Rs 1m each for tarai killed (kp), JTMM-G activists abduct bank official (kp), Nepal at a crossroads, by Trilochan Upreti (kp 29/10/2007)

28/10/2007: Seven-party leaders making ‘last-ditch effort’ to end deadlock today (nn), UML Minister also drops hints about election without Maoists (nn) [Elections without Maoist participation are meaningless for a solution of the crisis!!], Polls a must by mid-March: PM (kp) [???], Janjatis submit memo to UML demanding early polls (nn), Stick to PR system: NEFIN urges Prachanda (kp), Maoists to stick to PR election system (samn), UML, Maoists step up consultations (kp), What a vote on Maoist proposals means, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), JTMM-Goit abducts bank employee in Siraha (nn), JTMM-J cadres abduct 3 (kp), JTMM-J men murder youth (kp), Families of 48 people killed during Terai protests to get compensation (nn)

27/10/2007: Jwala Singh withdraws truce; one killed in Rautahat (nn), JTMM-J abducts 2 in Saptari (kp), Armed outfits continue to terrorise terai life (nn), Martin briefs UNSC on Nepal (samn), UNSC likely to extend UNMIN term (nn), UN urges prompt elections (kp), Prachanda, Nepal meet as deadlock persists (nn), ‘NC will vote against both proposals’: Top Maoists boycott NC tea party (kp), Prachanda, Bhattarai skip NC tea party (samn), Nepal Maoists snub Koirala ahead of house battle (wi), UML hosts tea party (nn), Denmark wants early polls for legitimacy (samn), CPA parties neglected commitment: Denmark (kp), Parties behind crisis; feel people (samn), PM, king visit Navadurga temple, by Kedar Ojha (kp), Yadav not satisfied with reservations in police (kp), Grim Dashain for bereaved families of Kotwada, by Rajendra Pratap Singh (kp), Hinduism effectively state religion in 'secular' Nepal (wi)

26/10/2007: Congress preparing to face voting on Maoist demands (nn), NC for House vote on problems (kp), Speaker, Prachanda hopeful of compromise (nn), PM discusses political crisis with diplomats (nn), PM consults Sherchan, Prakash, diplomats (kp), Poudel accuses CPN-UML of double standards (kp), Abducted boy safely returned to parents; JTMM abducts two in Saptari (nn), Tarai army commander drowns in Bagmati (kp), Beyond politics, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), VDC secy abducted from Siraha; two others abducted from Saptari (nn), PM travels to Durga temple in Bhaktapur; King follows suit (nn), NC hosts tea reception amid political deadlock; Maoists stay away (nn), Danish special envoy asks parties to abide by their commitments to peace process (nn)

25/10/2007: Govt yet to decide UNMIN extension (kp) [???], Nepal at crossroads: Ban Ki-moon (kp), PM Koirala continues with political parleys (nn), PM meets leaders, but stalemate persists (samn), Bid to break deadlock redoubled (kp), Sushil says NC can compromise no further (nn), MJF-Gupta faction throws its weight behind PR demand (nn), Shekhar sees no option for mixed election system (nn) [Yes, because else the overall dominance of male Tagadharis could be ended!!], Shun rigidity: Poudel tells Maoists (kp), Yadav urges tarai groups to talk (kp), Jwala’s men murder civilian in Bara (nn), NC youths beat up, injure 6 MPRF cadres (kp), Opt for a mixed electoral system, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp)

24/10/2007: Govt to communicate with UN to extend UNMIN term (nn), UN Secy Gen urges parties to agree on ‘future steps’ (nn), Ban Ki-moon urges Nepalese parties to agree on future steps (Associated Press of Pakistan), Parties resume consultations to end deadlock (nn), One shot dead in Sarlahi; another abducted in Saptari (nn), Home Ministry warns of action against flag-burners (nn), JTMM-J extends unilateral ceasefire (nn), Dashain blessings fail to break political impasse (kp), Maoists will rejoin govt once poll date is fixed: PM, by Bedraj Poudel (kp), No compromise on PR System: Gajurel (samn), Maoists may quit parliament, too (samn), Prachanda hopeful of an outlet before Oct 29 (nn), Strong action awaits road obstructors (kp), Guilty in Jajarkot incident to be punished, by Bhim Bahadur Singh (kp), Ban imposed on firecracker import (kp), Toilet-papering the 12-point 'treaty'?, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Counting the days of monarchy, bY Narayan Manandhar (kp), Nepal peace pact slides towards new abyss (wi), Parleys have yielded nothing: Nepal (samn), PM meets with Nepal; reiterates NC stance against PR system (nn)

23/10/2007: Parties engage in consultations to end political deadlock (nn), Minister Pokharel asks govt to ‘seriously reconsider’ Maoist demands (nn), Maoists threaten to quit parliament (samn), One killed, two injured in Sankhuwasabha firing (nn), Katawal dismisses rumours of military coup (nn), Time to amend statute now, say experts (samn), Nation's woes drowned in festivities (samn), Maoists may withdraw republican demand if there is agreement on PR system: Gajurel (nn)

22/10/2007: Clash between locals and APF men leaves dozen injured in Jajarkot (nn), Maoists are helping the palace: Poudel (nn), Maoists will quit parliament if demands not met, warns Bhattarai (nn)

21/10/2007: Prachanda, Nepal discuss possible solution to political crisis (nn), PM rules out Maoist return to government (Gulf Times), Nepal king calls for reconciliation (wi), My Vision for Nepal, by Khagendra Thapa (Scoop)

20/10/2007: NC ready for commitment proposal on republic, but against proportional system: Koirala (nn), Govt is a total failure, says Nepal (nn)

19/10/2007: Maoists will rejoin govt after Dashain: Sitaula (nn), ‘Maoists to return to govt after Dashain’, by Bedraj Poudel (kp), Form new govt to hold polls: MPRF (kp), MJF wants govt dissolved; announces stir (samn), Referendum not the solution (kp), Futile neutrality: Excessive timidity is eroding UNMIN’s credibility, by Siddhi Subedi (nt), Villagers displaced by war head home for dasain, by Rameswor Bohora (nt), Uncertain no more: Nepalis outside Nepal are ashamed about the state of Nepal, by Tanka Subba (nt), Tarai churning: Connecting the dots to make sense of madhesi politics is becoming much harder, by Prashant Jha (nt), “I stand with the revolution”, interview with Maoist leader Ram Bahadur Thapa (nt, originally in Nepal, 28 October), Talk talk (nt, originally in Naya Patrika, 14 October)

18/10/2007: Leaders, experts slam Maoist duplicity (kp), Peace accord in crisis: INHURED (kp), ‘Face challenges for lasting peace’ (kp), Lack of resources behind poor law and order: Sitaula (kp), CPN-M will rejoin Nepali gov't after Dashain festival (Xinhua), Mahara seeks backing for republic motion (samn), Nepal’s brain bank, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp), Citizens devoid of sovereignty, by Prem Sharma (kp), India should desist Nepal from going republic, by Avantika Regmi (kp)

17/10/2007: Consensus still eludes: Special session adjourned 12 days, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Mulling military moves, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Yadav wants poll date fixed soon (samn), Army diffuses two bombs near Koteshwor (nn)

16/10/2007: Top leaders to meet in the morning (nn), Top leaders gather at Baluwatar (nn), Parties decide to prorogue House for two weeks (nn) [Tagadhari leaders, celebrate your Dasain and let the country die!!], Possibility of consensus has ended: Poudel (nn) [Without consensus no peace, without peace no future for Nepal, Mr Poudel! You abviously do not understand the seriousness of the situation!], Prachanda warns of confrontation (nn), Poll without Maoists, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), UML for republic via polls, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), OHCHR raises HR violations by Maoists (kp), Govt, Badis reach deal (kp), Rise of new authoritarianism, by Sarita Giri (kp), Nepal: Comrades’ politics of survival, by M. Rama Rao (Asian Tribune)

15/10/2007: PM vows to keep intact 7-party unity; parleys over deadlock continue (nn), CPN-UML bringing NC, Maoists closer (samn), Fallible effort (kp), ‘Poll deferral is a crime against the state’, interview with Daman Nath Dhungana (kp), Head, I win; tail, you lose, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), NEFIN revives demands (kp), Dalit leaders back PR system of election (samn)

14/10/2007: International community disappointed over repeated deferral of CA election: Pradhan (nn), CA polls must take place within B.S 2064: MK Nepal (nn),  Maoists' dilemma reason for crisis: UML (samn), Martin off to New York to brief UN top brass (nn), PM-Prachanda meeting fails (samn), PM keen to review CPA implementation (samn), Terai factions declare truce (samn), Poudel wants Kapilvastu rioters booked (samn)

13/10/2007: Maoists seek NRN support in favour of republic (nn), Mahara urges NRNs to favour republic (samn), Martin calls on PM, Speaker (nn), Chinese envoy meets PM (nn), Leaders intensify discussion to reach consensus (nn), Parties in meetings strain for consensus (kp), UML, NC hope alliance will end deadlock (samn), PM-Prachanda fail to resolve crisis (samn), ‘Fresh mandate best way to decide on monarchy’ (kp) [The people's mandate of April 2006 way absolutely clear; a new one is not needed! The party politicians have to implement this and hold CA elections immediately or they have to resign!!], Proclaiming republic undemocratic: Jhalanath (kp), Maoists constantly violating peace accord: NC (nn), 50 displaced families home bound for Dashain, by Molital Poudel (kp), Love's labor lost, by Bal Krishna Sharma (kp), Kapilvastu riot victims to get relief package worth Rs 20 million (nn)

12/10/2007: INSEC asks govt to invite UN rapporteurs (nn), Koirala, Prachanda discuss ways to end political deadlock (nn), NRN reps meet PM, Prachanda (nn), Efforts on to end imbroglio (kp), Battle royale casts gloom on Nepal's biggest festival (wi), Army planning a coup: Maoists (wi), India’s advice to parties: Take all crucial decisions after polls (nn) [But the excluded sections of society will then be excluded again and cannot take part in the decision process!!], Is CA election possible without Maoists? (samn), JTMM-J releases three abductees (nn), FLSC calls off banda for festivals (kp 12/10/2007), Leadership during crisis, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Missed opportunity, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), No election, no peace, no development: The people of Bajura make the connection, and blame politicians, by Naresh Newar (nt), “Give us food, we’ll give you votes”: A New Nepal should be one where Nepalis don’t go to bed hungry every night (nt), In the frontlines: It is much more dangerous for tarai reporters today than it was during ten years of conflict (nt), Senility and the saviour syndrome: What is KP Bhattarai afraid of?, by CK Lal (nt), Nepali ek haun: Forget about a new Nepal, just build us a better Nepal, by Vijay Lama (nt), Deadend nation: That’s what we’ll be if we are not proactive on the economy, by Artha Beed (nt), Poll vault (nt), Polarisation On The Cards: As republican debate heats up, politics gets poised for a new polarisation, by Narayan Karki Chhetri (sp), Arrogance of power: Constituent Assembly - Real or Farcical?, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Foreign Concern: Nepal’s foreign friends express concern over the postponement of CA polls (sp), Student organisations protest Gen. Menta’s comment (nn)

11/10/2007: CMPD asks parties to go for ‘democratic republicanism’ (nn), Abide by CWC decision: PM to partymen: Maoist demands violate interim statute, CPA: CWC, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp) [The legitimacy of the party politicians derives from the people's movement of April 2006. All parties have violated against the people's mandate!!!], SC denies registering writ against poll suspension (nn), Chure Samaj demands neutral govt (nn), Tarun Dal UK demands early elections (nn), Indian special envoy Sharan starts political parleys (nn), Saran says political impasse will end once poll date is fixed (nn) [?? The poll date was already fixed!!], Maoists wary about Shyam Saran's Nepal mission (wi), Maoist proposal won’t resolve deadlock: MK Nepal (nn), Maoists will continue raising demands: UML (kp), Street protest an option if demands not met: Badal (kp), EU envoys meet Maoist leadership (nn), UN firm to assist peace process: Martin (kp), Martin asks govt, Maoists to follow deal (samn), JTMM-J declares ceasefire (kp), 4 groups danger for peace, New Nepal: Pahadi (kp), Get tough (kp), Victory of unprincipled politics, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Recognizing the real milan-bindu, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp), Kishunjee’s arrow, by Surendra R Devkota (kp)

10/10/2007: Jhapa administration lifts curfew (nn), JTMM-G men kill VDC secy: JTMM-J abducts 4 (kp), JTMM-Jwala halts armed activities for 13 days (nn), Shyam Saran in Kathmandu to discuss possible solution to political deadlock (nn), Indian leaders back republic (kp), Delhi denies plan to send army to Nepal (Peninsula) [?? Do not make Napel another Sikkim!!], Entrepreneurs, professionals ask govt to set a new date for CA (nn), Set new poll date: PAPAD (kp), Security Council 'disappointed' by polls delay (nn), PM assures EU envoys for new CA polls date soon (nn) [This doen't mean anything either!], Fresh Nepal poll date not in a hurry: Koirala (wi) [No, please not in a hurry! The people have been waiting only for more than 56 years during which they have been cheated by kings and male Tagadhari leaders time and again!!], UML seeks PM's apology for poll deferral (samn), Current crisis is result of weak management of peace process: Martin (nn), NC decides to go against Maoists’ motion in parliament (nn), Session holds no promise to solve crisis (samn), Maoists register ‘republic motion’ at parliament secretariat (nn), ‘Failure at consensus may doom 7-party unity’, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (kp), 7-party unity may break: Prachanda (samn) [Which unity??], Referendum helps king: MPRF (kp), Nepal opposition to vote in favour of monarchy (wi), Royalists begin grouping in Nepal (Gulf Times), Pro-monarchists want Bhattarai to lead (kp) [?!!], Ojha team advises JC to fire Judge Khadka (nn), EU unveils plan to support human rights defenders in Nepal (nn), Highway obstructed five days: Hundreds stranded (kp), Clear the cloud (kp), Betrayed beyond belief, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Crisis of leadership, by Ranadhoj Limbu (kp), NHRC blames admn for Kapilvastu mayhem (samn)

09/10/2007: Maoists will quit alliance if consensus not reached on republic, PR system: Prachanda (nn), Referendum delusion (kp), Maoists threaten to topple Nepal government (wi), UML keeps all options open, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), UML wants 7-party alliance intact (samn), No compromise on party stance: NC members, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), PM says political deadlock will end in a few days (nn) [??], NC CWC members ask party leadership not to change stand (nn), RPP to stand against republic motion (nn), Interim govt seeks Koirala's resignation (samn), JTMM-Goit guns down VDC secretary in Bara (nn), Royalist leaders intensify parleys (nn), Bhattarai supports monarchy for ‘nationalism’ (kp) [The failure of the so-called party leaders does not excuse the total failure of monarchy! Monarchy is the historical reason for crisis and should not have any future!], Prachanda barred from visiting historic fort, by D R Panta (kp) [Another hint at gradual takeover by the army??], Dalits threatened for entering temple, by Shiv Puri (kp), Banda continues to paralyze east tarai (kp), Bandas boon for some (kp), ‘Do not obstruct public transport’ (kp), Political imbroglio, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), King's more property nationalized: govt (samn)

08/10/2007: Maoists suggest referendum on monarchy, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Maoists propose new fight against Nepal king (wi), Parties mull referendum on monarchy (nn), Govt makes further effort to nationalise royal properties (nn), BJP trying to save monarchy in Nepal: Prachanda (nn), Prachanda proposes plebiscite (samn), Poll delay puts APF in dilemma, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Banda in East: 1 protester dies in Jhapa police action, 37 arrested (kp), Curfews, general strikes shut down southeast Nepal (iht), Rangeli Bazaar tense after clash (kp), Dozens injured in clashes in Sunsari and Morang (nn), Curfew continues (kp), Civil society vows to defy strikes (kp), Entrepreneurs appeal to shun bandh (samn), Maoist dissidents reorganised (nn), Maoist-aligned teachers rally for republic (kp), MPRF wants PM to quit (kp), UML mounts pressure on PM to step down (samn), UML says govt’s leadership has proved a failure (nn), Let there be elections & there were, by Shayam KC (kp), Dealing with 5/10 depression, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Suspension of polls saddens Nepal’s poor (Peninsula)

07/10/2007: Ethnic groups seek PM resignation (nn), MJF wants PM to step down (samn), SPA leadership lost credibility: Leaders (kp), Govt has now lost legitimacy: RJP (nn), Ruling coalition partners call for Nepal PM's resignation (iht), Clamour grows in Nepal for PM's ouster (wi), Govt must go now: CPN-UML (samn), UML blames NC and Maoists for suspension of polls; seeks alternative to Koirala (nn), UML blames Girija, Maoists for poll fiasco (kp), UML to lose most from poll deferral (samn), Maoists to rally support for demands (kp), Nepal Maoists call stir to coerce government (wi), NC rules out republic proclamation (samn), PM Koirala starts political consultation with top leaders (nn), Poll suspension was a compulsion: Bijukchhe (nn), NEMA demands new polls date (nn), Polls delay saddens UN, UK, Carter Center (kp), Deferral disappoints UN secy general (samn), Protests in Nepal after polls delayed (Peninsula), MPRF for fresh stir (kp), 5 injured, property damaged: Factory workers, MPRF faction clash (kp), Curfew in Jhapa after clash (kp), Police arrest 30 curfew violators in Jhapa (nn), Biratnagar limps to normal, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Who’s smiling in Nepal? (Khaleej Times 07/10/2007)

06/10/2007: CA poll put off, no new date yet: PM summons parliament for Oct 11, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Poll put off; parties trade charges (samn), Nepal Coalition’s Dispute With Former Rebels Stalls Elections, by Somini Sengupta (Yew York Times), We were forced to cancel poll schedule: EC, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Unfortunate (kp), Civil society seeks change of govt (kp), Peace process: A bumby road ahead (samn), FNJ expresses severe objection over CA deferral (nn), Student leaders deplore poll delay (kp), UNSG disappointed at the suspension of the polls (nn), Carter Center disappointed with delay in poll (nn), US, EU, India, UN dismayed by poll suspension (kp), Poll deferral disappoints intl community (samn), Poll deferral draws flak (kp), Protests in Nepal as parties put off polls (wi), Nepal poll fiasco means another Indian failure (wi) [?], Prachanda proposed postponement: UML (kp), Speaker, PM discuss preparation for special session (nn), UNMIN chief meets Prachanda (nn), Maoists to renew dialogue with parties for republic (nn), MJF says it will not to abide by 22-pt pact anymore; announces fresh stir (nn), Bandas grip east tarai (kp), Curfew imposed in Biratnagar (nn), Curfew in Saptari (kp), NA scouring augurs coup: Maoist (kp), Catch-22 standoff, by Prakash Bom (kp), State sans statesmanship, by Prem Sharma (kp), A Nepali recipe for pessimism: Feuding politicians, an unpopular king and ex-militants (iht), Maoist muddle, by Prashant Jha (fl)

05/10/2007: CA poll: A mirage at last?, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Parties preparing to postpone polls (nn), Nepal polls likely to be postponed (wi), Poll process to be suspended (samn), Experts worried over possible deferral of polls (nn), Parties do the unthinkable; November election suspended (nn) [It's time for civil society to replace the unable, selfish and irresponsible party politicians in the national reconstruction provess!!], EC cancels election programmes (nn), Nepal government defers crucial polls (wi), Nepal poll vault comes crashing down (wi), Nepal's dreams crash as elections deferred again (wi), Nepal deadlock delays elections (BBC News), US, EU disappointed at suspension of polls (nn), Govt would lose legitimacy: experts (samn), UML stages protest against polls suspension (nn), Parties blame each other after polls suspension (kp), PM summons special parliament session on Oct 11 (nn), Nepal calls special session Oct 11 to fight fire (wi), Special House session may be marred by indecision (nn), JTMM-J murders youth in Sarlahi (nn), Curfew imposed in Saptari; bandh cripples life in East (nn), Tarai banda: Highways closed, vehicles vandalized (kp), Ill-conceived Madhesi flames, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), CPN (Maoist) vs SPA government, by Yadav Khanal (kp), Ending the season of unreason: There is no turning back to the days of dead certainty, by CK Lal (nt), Open border, closed minds: Blaming the border for the madhes crisis distracts attention from Nepal’s domestic political failure, by Prashant Jha (nt)

04/10/2007: Army enters NTV and Radio Nepal stations; media groups concerned (nn) [???], Be cautious of unruly forces: CoAS (kp) [Hints at a possible military coup??], Minister Nepal says army should be mobilised in seven districts (nn), Ruling parties would be held responsible if CA gets postponed: Nepal (nn), CEC urges parties to end poll deadlock (kp), Crucial seven-party meet underway in Baluwatar (nn), Seven-party meeting inconclusive (kp), Seven Party meeting ends inconclusively, parties start whispering about putting off polls (nn), EU stresses credible poll for lasting peace (kp), Martin meets Prachanda (nn), PLA bandh in Chitwan and Makwanpur called off (nn), ‘Maoist move was to derail polls’ (kp), Increasing impunity concerns leaders (kp), Arduous path to liberty, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Bankrupt of ideas or reaction formation!, by Shayam Chalise (kp)

03/10/2007: Nepal’s peace process at critical juncture: Carter Center (nn) Kapilvastu commission starts work (nn), Envoys advise against postponing CA election (nn), CEC urges parties not to postpone polls (nn), Parties intensify consultations to break deadlock (nn), 'Intermediary' sees little hope for country reaching a political consensus (nn), Baluwatar meet inconclusive; 'Deadlock may lead to election postponement' (nn), Strike hits eastern districts (nn), Govt panel agrees to look into Badis' demands (nn), Uphold rule of law, says EU; RPP-Nepal denounces YCL action (nn), Press attacks and beyond (kp), Will the peace process be jeopardized?, by Abhi Subedi (kp)

02/10/2007: Give opportunities to minorities: NHRC chief (nn), Anything less than proportional system not acceptable: Prachanda (nn), PM meets speaker, discuss calling special session of House (nn), Nepal PM calls parliament session to decide king's fate (wi), Four JTMM cadres nabbed (nn), PM serves stern warning to King (samn), Families of disappeared citizens demonstrate in front of Bhairabnath Battalion (nn), Maoists step up anti-poll activities (kp), Stick to schedule (kp), Crime and punishment: No time for a wishy-washy TRC, by Navaraj Pudasaini (kp), State of anarchy, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp)

01/10/2007: Changing election system is not like changing a car, says an election commissioner (nn), PM reiterates his stand against PR system (nn), Maoists vow to continue protests (samn), Maoists stage demos, ring EC offices (kp), Maoists call off Oct 4-6 strike (kp), EC sets new dates for nominations (samn), EC extends nomination deadline by 5 days, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Security situation poor: House panel (samn), PM discusses security issues with army chief (nn), Police unveil capital blasts suspects (kp), Blast near Japanese Embassy in Kathmandu (nn), Riot victims in Kapilvastu continue their bandh (nn), City blasts: 13 involved, say cops (samn), Laws biased against women: study (samn), Statement by Richard Bennett, Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal - Delivered at a media briefing at OHCHR-Nepal, Kathmandu (Relief Web), Concern over ‘repression’ of Indian origin people in Nepal, by Anand S. Raj (Khaleej Times)

30/09/2007: Gajurel says no election before their demands are met; Mahato threatens the same (nn), Alliance may break over poll system: Gajurel (kp), CPN (M) sticks to its demand for PR-based election system (nn), ‘New deal is just power sharing’ (kp), 'Polls may be deferred due to Maoists' (samn), Nepal poll schedule under revision to avert clashes (wi), Parties for extending poll deadline (samn), SPA to ask EC for 5 days more, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Parties agree to ask EC to postpone nomination date by five days (nn), EC extends nomination deadline (nn), Nepal's election timetable postponed (wi), Riot victims’ bandh hits normal life in Kapilvastu (nn), Kapilvastu hurts, by Hitesh karki (kp), Insurgency damaged Rs 80m in Kailali property, by Mohan Budaair (kp), Mahato pulls out of govt, to launch protest (kp), Mahato torches EC verdict copy (samn), PM approves Mahato’s resignation; NSP faction to move SC against EC decision (nn), 20 injured as locals, cops clash (kp), Rolpalis are left out, by Howard Roak (kp), Maoists acts helping regressive forces (samn), Maoists want Manisha's dad's property nationalised (wi), 4 men arrested in fatal Katmandu bomb blasts (iht), Four blast-accused presented before media (nn)

29/09/2007: ICG says Nepal's peace process is still fragile (nn), Maoists in no mood to file closed-list of candidate nomination on Sunday (nn), Maoists table House motion (samn), Maoists call House session (kp), SPA big guns meet, agree to disagree (samn), 7-party talks stuck over poll system (kp) [Definitely, Nepal would be better off without her male Tagadhari "elite"!!], Top three parties resume discussion for consensus (nn), Unity must for timely CA polls: Speaker (samn), EC recognizes NSP-Anandidevi faction (kp), Mahato to resign, will unleash agitation against EC decision (nn), Another Nepal minister quits, calls for protest (wi), Nepal minister arrested after resignation (wi), Police arrest Rajendra Mahato, three dozen others; all released now (nn), Normalcy returning to Kapilvastu, by Khim Ghale & Sanjay Panthi (kp), ‘Make public disappared people’ (kp), Nepali women less equal, by Sangeeta Rijal (kp), Madhes is our collective dream, by Shiva Rijal (kp)

28/09/2007: Deal or deadlock? Far from the misery of thousands of Kapilbastu refugees, leaders in Kathmandu are trying to hammer out a compromise for elections (nt), Carnage in Kapilbastu: Ominous Indication, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Kapilbastu Postmortem: Who killed Moid?, by JB Pun (nt), Kapilbastu diary: Senseless violence in the land of Buddha’s birth, by Aruna Uprety (nt), Punish Kapilvastu culprits: NHRC (kp), WFP, UNICEF to give relief to riot-hit (samn), OCHA Nepal Situation Report - Kapilvastu and Dang, humanitarian needs update 25 Sep 2007 (Relief Web) [see full report], Rayamajhi guilty can contest polls: SC (kp), Rayamajhi-indicted free to contest polls (samn), Bandh cripples life in eastern Terai (nn), Strike calls disrupt normal life in Nepal (wi), JTMM-Jwala kills civilian in Rautahat (nn), Limbuwan threatens fresh agitations (kp), Seven parties close to deal (kp), Nepal's ruling parties, ex-rebels to discuss political crisis (iht), Compromise now possible in Nepal peace process, by Sam Taylor (Daily Times), UML calls for immediate decision on Maoist demands (nn), Seven party meeting ends as leaders differ over PR election system (nn) [A PR election system would be the beginning of the end of male Tagadhari dominance; that's why!!], Nepal poll talks fail, Maoists begin republic bid (wi), Maoists register petition demanding special session of the House (nn), NC, UML, Maoists agree on republic (samn), Dhading closed to protest Maoist excesses, by Rajendra Pratap Shah (kp), Dozens hurt as cops, shopkeepers clash, by Shankar Kharel (kp), “A date has been set”, interview with James T Walsh, US Congressman (nt), Our identity crisis: Who are we, and why is Prashant Tamang our hero?, by CK Lal (nt), Nepal's Disorder: Who Is To Blame?, by Keshab Poudel (sp), CA election: Global Concerns (sp), Nepal politics: No more war, by Kunda Dixit (Deccan Herald)

27/09/2007: Police arrest 17 in connection with Kapilvastu violence (nn), Indian Muslims flee Nepal after Kapilavastu violence (wi), UML imposes bandh in Dhading protesting YCL attack (nn), UML calls off Dhading bandh (nn), Nepal ruling party calls strike ahead of poll meet (wi), PM intensifies political parleys; meets with Prachanda, Prakash and Nepal (nn), CEC wants parties to settle rows in two days (nn), Top leaders’ meeting inconclusive; next meeting Friday (nn), Nepali Cong takes Maoists head on (samn), Maoists fight shy of polls as support wanes (kp), Defeat Maoists ideologically: Nepal: Maoists grievously injure ANNFSU leader (kp, Rs 500 note without King's picture circulated (nn), CA polls a distant dream for far-western denizens, by Rajendra Nath (kp), Call for unity and harmony, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Maoists say army planning coup to save monarchy (Peninsula), SC says Rayamajhi Commission-accused can contest polls (nn) [???]

26/09/2007: PM hopeful of Maoists' return to the government; will meet with Prachanda today (nn), Mahara rules out possibility of returning to govt (nn), Police arrest four over Kathmandu blasts (nn), Kathmandu blasts: Breakthrough likely with four arrests (wi), WFP, UNICEF to provide relief to 5000 people displaced by communal violence (nn), ‘Address Tarai issues in time’ (kp), Kishunji severs his relation with Congress (nn) [It's a pity that this outstanding old politician sticks to the traditional Tagadhari understanding of national reconciliation and does not understand the necessity of an inclusive way of national reconsiliation!!!] (nn), Parties laud NC decision on republic (kp), Youths hold mini CA to voice own demands (kp), Divided nation & dwindling hope, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Prashant, ‘Prachanda-path’ and polls, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), What do Maoists want?, by Surendra R Devkota (kp), Political polarization begins, by N.P. Upadhyaya (tg), Prolonged political crisis can incite foreign interference, interview with Sushil Koirala (tg), Lazy compromises can quickly and effectively discredit the entire concept of compromise, by Thomas Meyer (tg), The citizenship act is simply a design to challenge the very independence of our country by our own leaders, interview with Chetendra Jung Himali, President Border Awareness Forum (tg)

25/09/2007: One more dead body found in Kapilvastu (nn), Civil society leaders want immediate rehab for displaced in Kapilvastu (nn), Victims narrate harrowing tales (kp), Kapilvastu limping back to normal: New CDO assumes office, curfew in 2 places still (kp), Thousands displaced by violence in southern Nepal, says rights group (iht), Big decisions likely in few days: Prachanda (kp), Maoists for change of guard in govt (samn), We’re at a turning point: Mahara (kp), NBA to exert pressure on parties for poll (kp), Stinking ‘save monarchy’ campaign, by Dakant Jayshi (kp), Alliance for Democracy & Human Rights in Nepal, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician)

24/09/2007: Rights situation not alright: NHRC (samn), Dr Bhattarai hints at sharp political polarisation; CPN (MLM) merges with CPN (M) (nn), Nepal Maoists steal march over biggest rival (wi), ‘Maoists will return to govt if there's new political agreement’ (nn), Maoists to call special House session (samn), 20 children missing in riot-torn Kapilvastu (nn), Kapilvastu riot victims recall horrors (samn), ‘5,000 displaced in Kapilvastu’ (kp), Kapilvastu CDO recalled (nn), Kapilvastu returning to normal (kp)

23/09/2007: Kapilvastu survivors shocked, devastated, by Amrita Anmol (kp), Home Minister responsible for all losses in Kapilvastu: Rights monitors (nn), Guilty security officers will be punished: Sitaula, by Amrita Anmol (kp), 20 injured in ANNFSU, ANNISU-R clashes (kp), ‘Be flexible toward Maoist demands’ (kp), Deuba for parleys on Maoists' demands (samn), Gurung trashes election as 'drama' (nn), 'No declaration of republic before poll' (samn), House commitment proposal on republic will not suffice for Maoists (nn), ‘Keep eight-party unity intact’ (kp), Maoists hindering CA poll: Gautam (kp), Maoists disrupt poll awareness gathering (samn), Conflict victims share stories of pain, by Mohan Budhair (kp), Govt to release Rs 3m for riot-hit (samn), Badis to protest again (kp), Two children injured as abandoned bomb explodes in Dang (nn)

22/09/2007: 150 vehicles wrecked: 3,000 displaced, 119 houses razed: NHRC (kp), NHRC report blames security forces (samn), OHCHR chief raps govt inaction (kp), Special security for violence-hit Kapilvastu (kp), Kapilvastu violence a conspiracy: Prachanda (kp), 34 suspects arrested: Lamahi sees respite, curfew intact in Tulsipur, by Sudarshan Rijal (kp), Nepalgunj braces against violence, by J. Pandey (kp), ‘Address Maoist demands soon’ (kp), NC leaders against proposal in House (kp),  Nepali Congress faction against republic (samn), No confidence vote in offing: Dev Gurung (kp), PM’s ouster? Another blunder!, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Deuba to persuade Maoists to rejoin govt (kp), Polls without Maoists meaningless: Deuba (samn), UN official appeals for political compromise (kp), Carter Centre expresses concern over Maoists' exit from Nepal Govt (wi), Republic motion may save EPA unity (samn), PFN out on hustings (kp), What ails the leadership?, by Kamal Sigdel (kp)

21/09/2007: Kapilvastu violence: 3 die in fresh clashes: Toll climbs to 28 (kp), Security tightened in south Nepal district where violence has killed at least 22 people (iht), Judicial panel to probe Kapilvastu violence (kp), Violence 'escalating' in southern Nepal (Relief Web), Kapilvastu mayhem (kp), While Butwal burned: There will be more Kapilbastus unless the parties act, by Prashant Jha (nt), Home Minister Sitaula in Kapilvastu to take stock of security situation; violence spreads to Dang (nn), Govt not sufficiently present in restive Kapilvastu: OHCHR (nn), Prachanda sees ‘deadly conspiracy’ behind Kapilvastu riots (nn), A truck carrying food aid torched; WFP warns it could jeopardise its operation (nn), Anger at Nepal food lorry attack (BBC News),, 'Janajatis readying for decisive stir' (samn), Withdraws strike: Limbuwan not to disrupt election, by Chetan Adhikari (kp), PM kowtowing to regressive forces: Dev (samn), EU urges CA poll on schedule (kp), Five politicians abducted in Terai region (Peninsula), 7 armed JTMM-J cadres arrested (kp), Only memories remain: Life can never be normal again for the families of the Kathmandu bomb victims, by Damber K Shrestha (nt), Victim of Kathmandu blast demands artificial limb, by Sangeeta Rijal (kp), The Myth of Sisyphus and CA, by Raghab D Pant (kp), Maoists quit the govt: Polls Uncertain, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Former rebels launch protests to oust king (Gulf Times), Nepal's Maoists under fire from key donors, by Sam Taylor (Relief Web), Who is not to blame?, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Under a cloud (tc), Election without Maoist participation will be meaningless, says Nidhi (nn), Sound and fury: Maoist walkout sends wake-up call to government (nt), Wake up, prime minister: A look at Kathmandu's antics from Kapilbastu, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), Violence in a vacuum: Weak government is leading to an acceptance of violence, by CK Lal (nt), Building bridges in the madhes: “All we want here is peace and development so we can get on with our lives”, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Fix this first: The quota system for polls is fraught with problems, by Shrishti Jha (nt), Living in the past: Too many of our ageing politicians are out of touch, by Ashutosh Tiwari (nt), Peace hiccup (nt), All in limbo (nt, originally in Rajdhani, 19 September), Eight parties should recommit to the path of peace, says Martin (nn), UNMIN chief urges political parties, civil society to work together for social harmony in Nepal (pd), Where Is Nepal Heading?, by Keshab Poudel (sp), US warns Maoists against trying to 'trash' elections; Senator Leahy also speaks out (nn), Carter Center's representative meets with Maoist leader Gajurel (nn), Mahara says Maoists in favour of eight party unity (nn), Declaring republic will resolve 98.5% problems of the country, claims Pokharel (nn)

20/09/2007: Kapilvastu Mayhem: Another 9 bodies recovered, more likely, by Sanjay Panthi & Nisha Bishwokarma (kp), Nepal riots spread, five more killed (wi), Death toll in Kapilvastu climbs to 28 (nn), Muslim leaders meet Koirala; demand security in riot-torn Kapilvastu (nn), Govt forms probe panel on Kapilvastu riots; 3 killed in fresh clash (nn), Civil society activists demand special task force to control unrest in Kapilbastu (nn), Two killed in Bara; five abducted in Rautahat (nn), Life in the east hit by strike (nn), Curfew imposed in Dang (nn), Eight-party unity to remain intact: Leaders agree to thrash out issues, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Japan, others concerned at Maoist pullout (kp), EU disappointed by Maoist decision (nn), Nine student organisations appeal for eight party unity (nn), Maoists' student wing, too, launches agitation (nn), Student bodies urge Maoists to withdraw protests (nn), Rank regression (kp), Jhapa tense due to strike (nn), EC urges SC to quash royalists' petitions (kp), Govt buys insurance for 256,000 CA polls staff (kp), HR bodies voice solidarity with Badis (kp), Maoists' social anxiety, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), UN stresses on political compromise (nn)

19/09/2007: Maoists quit govt, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), PM hopes for new consensus; parties begin internal discussions (nn), Leaders surprised by Maoist decision to quit govt (nn), Maoists' 22-point demands were legitimate, says Amik Sherchan (nn), Maoists want special session of parliament; mull ‘no-confidence motion’ against PM (nn), Maoist war and peace: A chronology (kp), Eight party meet begins in Baluwatar (nn), Eight parties agree to maintain unity (nn), India stresses on resolution through understanding (nn), 1 body recovered, curfew continues: Normalcy returns Kapilvastu (kp), Death toll in Kapilbastu climbs to 12 (nn), Death toll in Kapilbastu climbs to 17 (nn), MJF dissidents to restrict Yadav from entering Mahottari (nn), Banda hits Damak (kp), In the name of people?, by Subhadra Belbase (kp)

18/09/2007: Decision likely Tuesday: Government, Maoists consider compromise (kp), Interim constitution will be at risk if Maoists quit, says Poudel (nn), Crucial meeting begins in Baluwatar (nn), Maoists quit govt; announce protest movement (nn), Congress, UML leaders still hope to keep alive eight-party unity (nn), UNMIN urges parties to find a way out of current stalemate (nn), British minister disappointed with Maoist move (nn), EC hints fully proportional system is not possible; code of conduct comes into effect (nn), Taulihawa limps back to normalcy; death toll reaches four (nn), Three more die in Kapilvastu violence, by Nisha Bishwakarma & Amrita Anmol (kp), Khan's killing condemned (kp), Prolonged transition spawning armed groups (kp), Eight Terai districts classified as 'highly sensitive' (nn), Districts categorized for poll (kp), Bijukchhe claims India is searching for 'Lhendup Dorje' in Nepal (nn), Women face political violence too (kp), Perils of Maoist brinkmanship, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Q&A: Nepal's future (BBC News)

17/09/2007: Bus bombed in Bara, one killed; Home Ministry appeals for harmony (nn), Killing of anti-Maoist leader ignites violence, by Nisha Bishwakarma & Amrita Anmol (kp), OHCHR condemns killing in Kapilvastu, Repandehi (nn), Goodwill rally organised in Butwal; curfew lifted (nn), Poudel still optimistic that Maoists will come to understanding (nn), PM against announcing republic before polls (nn), Koirala ‘rejects’ Maoist demands for pre-election republic and PR-based election system (nn), ‘Eight-party meet to address Maoist demands’: NC for republic through CA: PM to UML chief (kp), Leaders accelerate discussion on Maoist demands (nn), Myopic strategy (kp), NSP-A proposes separate prime ministers as heads of 'regional parliaments' (nn), NSP-A meet okays 14-point proposal, by Sujit Mahat (kp), Maoists in rejection, by Dhruva Joshy (kp)

16/09/2007: Act responsibly: PM tells Maoists: Prachanda sets Sept 17 deadline to quit govt (kp), Prachanda urged to put off protests (samn), Civil society leaders demand 8-party meet (kp), ‘8-party unity a must till new constitution is framed’ (kp), Anarchy looms as Maoist-PM talks collapse (Gulf Times), New Maoist revolt looms in Nepal (Peninsula), Koirala, Nepal agree to hold 'immediate' eight-party meet over Maoist demands (nn), Tuesday’s mass meeting will declare revolt if demands not met: Bhattarai (kp), CA polls a must for madhesis: Mahato, by Sujit Mahat and Shankar Acharya (kp), MJF making overtures for cooperation with NC (nn), Home secy vows to tighten security from Sep 18 (nn), EC to enforce code of conduct from Sept 18 (kp), JTMM-G cadres torch former minister Matrika’s vehicle (nn), Indefinite curfew imposed in Butwal and Taulihawa; APF man killed (nn), Curfew in Butwal and Taulihawa; two killed; situation tense (update) (nn), Politician, policeman killed in southern Nepal; authorities impose curfew (iht), Maoist roundtable put off yet again (nn), Cops campaign for CA polls, by Damodar Neupane (kp), Styling the stile that turns for all, by Baburam Neupane (kp), Religious dogmatism and monarchy, by Udbodh Bhandari (kp), Sushil blames monarchy for instability (samn) [You obviously did not consult K.P. and Sujata before you claimed this!], Maoists bargaining for CA seats: Mahat (samn)

15/09/2007: Maoist roundtable conference Monday (nn), Maoists struggle to reschedule roundtable (kp), Maoists cannot run away from election, says PM Koirala (nn), Maoist-PM talks fail, anarchy looms in Nepal, by Sudeshna Sarkar (Hindustan Times), Prachanda discusses 22-pt demand with Koirala, MK Nepal (nn), Britain supports November poll in Nepal (wi), CPN-M leader stresses role of international community in Nepali peace process (pd), World mounts pressure on Nepal for timely polls (wi), Leaders surprised at PM's remark (samn), Leaders confusing people: lawmakers (samn), New fears for Nepal future, by Surendra Phuyal (Daily Times)

14/09/2007: Yadav hits back at Maoist attempt to sow divide in MJF (nn), Maoists trying to split MJF: Yadav (samn), Parties are in election mood, we are in agitation mood, says Badal (nn), Govt, Chure-Bhavar reach accord (kp), Maoists defer round table meet (samn), Maoist ‘roundtable’ a fiasco, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoist conundrum, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), ‘Security sound for CA election’, by J Pandey & Janak Nepal (kp), Security forces alone can’t ensure polls (samn), The party of incumbency, by R D Pant (kp), Fighting for free & fair franchise, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), New fears for Nepal future, by Surendra Phuyal (BBC News), Calling all moderates: Madhesi extremists must not be given free rein, by Prashant Jha (nt), “The Art Of Leadership Is The Art Of Compromise”, interview with Peter Russell (sp), Prachanda says efforts are on for eight-party consensus (nn), Rising Tempo: The Maoist leaders have stepped up their pressure by threatening to quit cabinet and unleash new 'revolution', by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), PLA's movement is serious violation of agreement, says UNMIN (nn), Ex-Maoists call four-day closure to prevent polls (Peninsula), JTMM-Jwala also vows to disrupt CA election (nn)

13/09/2007: Maoists' roundtable meet suspended (nn), After crown prince, malady stalks Nepal's Maoist chief (wi), Speaker Nemwang meets Sitaula, Mahara; stresses on eight-party unity (nn), Maoist demands to be addressed in a day or two: Speaker (kp), Announcing republic before polls not a legitimate choice: Bijukchhe (nn), Talks with Tharu body end inconclusively (kp), Govt, Chure-Bhawar Samaj resume talks (nn), Government signs 9-point pact with Chure Bhawar (nn), Poll on Nov 22 at any cost: PM (kp), Upendra lambasts Maoist ‘duplicity’ (kp), Jwala's men kill one in Janakpur (nn), ‘Use force against tarai criminal activity’ (kp), Talk with India stressed to curtail tarai violence (kp), ‘We’re ready for polls, parties aren’t’, by Madhav Ghimire (kp), Political cynicism, by Sudeep Acharya (kp), Democracy in disarray, by Hari Bansha Dulal & Stefano Foa (kp), CA polls, republic and federalism, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Democratic Intervention in Nepal, by Arjun Bishta (Global Politician), Intransigent Reactionaries In Nepal, by Prakash Bom (Global Politician), Nepal's Maoists: Running out of issues (Relief Web)

12/09/2007: Maoists to hold roundtable with around dozen organisations (nn), PM Koirala says he is unaware about govt-NFIN agreement (nn) [Another case of senility or simply dishonesty??], Govt-Tharu Morcha talks inconclusive (nn), Badi women stage sit-in in front of PM’s residence (nn), JTMM-Goit vows to disrupt CA polls (nn), Situation most favorable for republicans: UML chief (kp), ‘CA poll candidates can be picked from sexual minorities’ (kp), Nepal could piece together peace, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Nepal’s impasse (Khaleej Times), Alliance warns of ‘guerrilla war’ within seven days (Gulf Times), Speaker Nemwang for immediate dialogue on Maoist demands (nn)

11/09/2007: Maoist to hold roundtable conference; prepare to walk out of govt (nn), We may pull out of govt: Prachanda (kp), No November polls unless monarchy abolished: Prachanda (wi), Sitaula talks with Maoist ministers on 22-pt demands (nn), Maoists having defeatist mentality: MK Nepal (nn), Committee to monitor accord compliance (kp), Interim parliament itself a roundtable conference: Poudel, by Dipendra Baduwal (kp), Congress leaders dismiss Kishunji's views as outdated (nn), Ramblings (kp), Hindu groups announce ‘guerrilla war’ (Peninsula), ‘No women fit to contest CA poll?’ Says who? (kp), Madhesi women gear up for CA poll (kp), Parties, civil society upbeat about CA poll, by Sujit Mahat (kp), Vocabulary of our leaders, by Avantika Regmi (kp), TRC, fear and expectation, by Keshab Sigdel (kp), Jwala's men murder schoolteacher in Siraha (nn)

10/09/2007: Maoists step up pressure by warning to quit the govt in a week (nn), Maoists mull quitting government (samn), Prachanda says Maoists are committed to polls (nn), ‘Maoists scared to face poll’ (kp), MK Nepal remonstrates Kishunji's call to save monarchy (nn), K.P Bhattarai visits Crown Prince Paras at hospital; says King must support democracy (nn) [?? Obviously a case of senility!], Janakpur remains shut for 4th straight day (nn), Army chief briefs PM on security scene (samn), Army offers help for CA poll (kp), Parties intensify CA poll campaign in west (kp)

09/09/2007: Prachanda warns of ‘decisive movement’ from next week if 22 demands not met (nn), Be ready for revolt: Prachanda to cadres (samn), Nov poll more uncertain: Prachanda (kp), MK Nepal urges Maoists to drop demands; says polls can't be put off any more (nn), Maoists asked to let CA decide on king (samn), PM meets security heads; says last week's blasts put question mark on their credibility (nn), Rana roots for timely polls (nn), PM urges coordination among ministries for poll (kp), Gita becomes election manifesto: Pro-Hindu parties unite for monarchy, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp) [Long live royal autocracy and the overall dominance of male Thagadhari!!], Pro-Hindu Nepali parties unite for monarchy (pd), Autonomy, federalism only after poll: Speaker, by Pradeep Meyangbo (kp), 15 injured in DJP-cops clash (kp), Legitimizing terrorism, by Pritam S Rana (kp), Terai suffers shutdown while Nepal leaders feud (wi), Separate strikes cripple life in Eastern Terai (nn), Janayatra flagged off from three districts (nn)

08/09/2007: Preliminary report (kp), Blast in Birgunj (nn), 8 parties can share poll platform: Sitaula, by Kulchandra Neupane and Prem Nepali (kp), Missing Nov poll will invite war: Acharya (kp), ‘Intensify poll-oriented activities’ (kp), Leaders ask Maoists to be sincere to CA (samn), Being honest about people, by Prabodh Devkota (kp), Prachanda says election still uncertain (nn)

07/09/2007: Unidentified group plant bombs in school (nn), After Kathmandu blasts, bomb found in Nepal school (wi), Communist leaders discuss republican model (nn), Sitaula says struggle between monarchy and democracy at final stages (nn), Historic move (kp), NC can never go republican: Sujata (samn) [??], JTMM-J commander held for VDC secy's murder (nn), Badis picket ministerial residence in Pulchowk, organising sit-in protests (nn), In a state of fear: Some powerful forces don’t want elections, by CK Lal (nt), Blasts ‘politically motivated’: Police (kp), Cops issue sketch of blast suspect (samn), Army planning coup: Maoist leader (samn), Not in our name: Madhesis are sickened by the bombings claimed by a previously unknown tarai group, by Rameswor Bohora, Chandra Kishor and Ajit Tiwari (nt), '21 out of 27 central members support Yadav': MPRF expels Biswas, three others (kp), Almost total impunity in Nepal: OHCHR (kp), ‘Where are my two sons?’, by Kamal Panthi (kp), Justice in the balance: Is Nepal ready for a truth and reconciliation commission?, by Navin Singh Khadka (nt), Black list (nt), Bar corrupt from contesting CA poll: TI (kp), Elections to constituent assembly, by Prakash A.Raj (kp), Some past the post: The parties still haven’t understood that the winner can’t take all, by Jainendra Jeevan (nt), Polls apart (nt), Learning from Northern Ireland (nt), A missed opportunity: The MJF’s deal with the government is not all its cracked up to be (nt), by Prashant Jha, “They’re immature”, MJF leader Upendra Yadav defends the deal in a conversation with Prashant Jha (nt), “He’s a traitor”, interview with Kishore Biswas who now leads the dissident faction of the party (nt), MJF to unite with like-minded parties (samn), Immediate Hiccups:
As the deal has come under fire from some sections of both the government and MJF side, the celebrations could be premature
, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Jai Nepal: Being compulsively optimistic about Nepal, by Maura Moynihan (nt), Maoists' integration in National Army, by Arjun Bista (Scoop), NA to support APF during polls (nn), FAST Update Nepal: Trends in conflict and cooperation Jul - Aug 2007 (Relief Web), New Nepal Regressive Results Under Progressive Banner, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Terror Returns: After one and a half year of relative calm, terror seems to have returned to Kathmandu, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), "In A Diverse Country Like Nepal, The Federalism With Centralized Mind May Be Suitable", interview with Abhishek Singhvi (sp), CA Election - A process of making people sovereign, by Govinda Raj Joshi (sp 07/09/2007)

06/09/2007: Decides to go for federal democratic republic: Nepali Congress takes a leap (kp), Congress opts for republican setup (samn), Nepal King loses his biggest prop (wi), Nepali Congress is now a pro-republic party: Situala (nn), MJF-dissidents spat deepens, stand for and against election (nn), MPRF central meeting begins (kp), MJF on election mood (nn), Serious conspiracies on to disrupt CA: Bhattarai (nn), Polls not possible in Nov: Bhattarai, by Amrita Anmol (kp), Polls preparations ill-timed: Bhattarai (samn), Nepal to seek world support for polls (samn), EU Heads of mission condemns 9/2 bomb blast, urges govt to act tough (nn), Another student dies of blast injuries (kp), Limbuwan, Khumbuwan ready for talks (kp), Nepali identity and Prashant Tamang, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Misunderstanding TRC, by Trilochan Upreti (kp), OHCHR chief concerned over impunity (nn), Army refutes allegations of involvement in 9/2 blasts (nn), Police suspect political causes behind Sunday's blasts (nn)

05/09/2007: Blast toll reaches three (nn), Cops find 'lead' on blasts in capital (samn), Several arrests over Nepal blasts (BBC News), Tarai Elam leader among 5 held (kp), MJF takes out 'victory rally' in Birgunj (nn), We aren’t against CA polls: MMT, by Jitendra Khadga (kp), PLA demands benefits at par with Nepali Army (nn), Absent from Prasuti Griha function: King marks Krishna Ashtami inside palace: PM visits Krishna Mandir (kp), PM to clarify on republic soon (samn), Don’t take CA poll as zero-sum game: Sitaula (nn), Gaura Parba starts with CA campaign, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), Questions on federalism, by Yubaraj Sangroula (kp), Maoists will be out of govt by Sept 18 if republic is not announced, says Ananta (nn), NC Mahasamiti to decide on republic; NC-D wants unification as per ‘previous understanding’ (nn)

04/09/2007: Woman killed in blast identified, 2 still critical (kp), Cowardice act (kp), ‘Blasts brutal, cowardly, inhuman’: Govt firm on timely election (kp), Rights groups, parties condemn blasts (kp), Terai outfits own up serial blasts (samn), Royalists behind blasts: Mahara (samn), UML believes criminal elements were behind Sunday blasts (nn), Terai leaders deny Nepal blast claims (Peninsula), Report on 9/2 bomb blasts by evening: Sitaula (nn), Security checks resume in highways (nn), Dozens held over Sunday blasts (kp), Nepal police detain 8 for questioning over weekend explosions in capital (iht), Upendra Yadav urges people to join election campaign (nn), Yadav calls on Madhesis to make CA poll a success (kp), Prachanda directs Maoist students for protests ahead of polls (nn), Prachanda urges Indian help for poll (kp), Maoist deputy commanders submit 6-point memo to PM Koirala (nn), House starts monitoring situation for poll (kp), Don't shy away from poll: Civil society (kp), MP offers free education, food, to badi girls (kp), Possibility of army mobilisation can’t be ruled out, says Minister (nn), Nepal facing many human rights challenges: Bennett (nn), JTMM dissidents ‘expel’ Goit (nn)

03/09/2007: 2 killed, 19 injured: Nepal People’s Army, Tarai Army claim responsibility: Triple blasts rock Kathmandu, by Sangeeta Rijal (kp), Blasts rock capital, two killed (samn), Govt, parties all suspect blasts are aimed at disrupting the polls (nn), PM, Home Minister discuss Sunday's blasts (nn), Cabinet meeting denounces city blasts; assures free treatment to injured people (nn), UN envoy speaks out against attacks in Nepalese capital (Scoop), Terai leaders deny Kathmandu blast claims (wi), Civil society reps describe Sunday blasts as premeditated crime (nn), Protests erupt in Kathmandu after serial blasts (wi), Do not suspend polls in the face of blasts, says UML general secy (nn), Vehicle security checks in Katmandu after 3 bombs kill 2, wound 13 (iht), Police make around half a dozen arrests related with Sunday's triple blasts (nn), Terai groups claim hand in Kathmandu blasts (wi), Obscure Groups Claim Responsibility for Nepal Bombings, by Steve Herman (Voice of America), MJF dissidents dump Upendra Yadav (nn), MPRF ‘ousts’ Chairman Yadav (kp), MJF faction ‘suspends’ Yadav (samn), JTMM-G ‘sacks’ Goit (kp), Goit threatens action against employees (samn), Maoists may break 12-point pact: Gurung (samn), Maoists want to deploy PLA for CA election (kp), Poll security (kp), Parties up CA polls campaign in districts (kp), ‘Politicians are undermining the nation’, interview with Surya Prasad Subedi (kp), Consequences of deferring CA polls!, by Narayan Khadka (kp), A good start must be sustained, by Shyam KC (kp), Nepal Government Immunizes Massacre Leaders: A Serious Blow to Human Rights Ideal, by Mohan Nepali (Scoop), Government urged to do more to curb small arms (Relief Web), New OHCHR-Nepal chief arriving Tuesday (nn)

02/09/2007: Three simultaneous blasts rock the capital city (nn), Series of explosions in Kathmandu, at least one feared dead, over a dozen injured (ek), Thirteen injured in Nepal blasts (BBC News), 4 bombs kill 1, injure 13 around Nepalese capital (iht), At least 13 injured as series of blasts rip through Kathmandu (Monster and Critics), Home Ministry suspects blasts aimed at disrupting the polls; Maoists also smell conspiracy (nn), Ethnic bodies suspend talks with government (nn), FDNF suspends talks with govt (samn), STRMM ready for talks, calls off strike (kp), Govt unveils poll security plan (kp), 138,202 security persons for CA polls (samn), Agreement targets Maoists: Prachanda: Prachanda’s objection meaningless: Poudel (kp), ‘Anti-CA, regressive forces opposing deal’ (kp), Maoist students call Kathmandu shutdown (wi), PM vows to hold CA polls on Nov 22 (samn), ‘Nov 22 poll primary goal’ (kp), CA polls must to end monarchy: CPN-UML (samn), Maoists return seized lands of 23 persons, by Biplav Maharjan (kp), A for awareness, by Shreeya Shakya (kp), Move to seal Nepal borders, by Nishit Dholabhai (tc), India to step up security in the border ahead of polls (nn), Govt-MJF deal was signed after consensus among parties: Poudel (kp)

01/09/2007: Prachanda says Maoists will take part in CA; Dr. Bhattarai wants 22-points addressed first (nn), Prachanda censures Govt-MPRF deal (kp), Maoists wage war on Tarai pact (samn), Upendra Yadav rebuffs CPN-M reaction on MJF-govt deal (nn), Madhesi deal (kp), 2 children killed in bomb attack, by Dev Narayan Shah (kp), Armed men shoot dead 2, kidnap 1 (kp), Rights activists question NHRC recommendations (kp), Parties ‘clearing decks’ for CA polls (kp), People's common agenda, by Yadav Khanal (kp)

31/08/2007: Govt, MPRF strike 22-point deal, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Govt, MJF ink deal on Terai crisis (samn), Ethnic pact brings partial peace in Nepal's Terai (wi), Prachanda sees conspiracy behind govt-MJF agreement (nn), MPs suggest mobilizing army, PLA for election (kp), Govt to deploy 1.1 lakh cops for polls (samn), Poll atmosphere lacking in Tarai: Martin (samn), Cops shoot JTMM-J commander dead (kp), Two kids killed in bomb explosion in Siraha (nn), Giri new CJ, NHRC gets chief and commissioners (kp), OHCHR wants panel on missing people (samn), ‘SC order on disappearance ignored’ (kp), Nepal Government Silent Over Hundreds of Disappearances, by Mohan Nepali (Scoop), Who gains by postponing CA polls, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Peace process and India, by Prakash A Raj (kp), Agenda for CA polls, by Prakash Bom (kp), CA election: doubts persist, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Nepal still unsafe, says UN team (Peninsula), Haunted By The Shadow Of the Past: Though the characters are different, Nepal's history of power struggle has repeated again, by Keshab Poudel (sp), UML will bring the NC and the Maoists to progressive mainstream, says Gautam (nn)

30/08/2007: Govt-MJF reach 22-pt agreement; MJF withdraws protests (nn), Govt, ethnic groups talks on Sunday (samn), Whereabouts of more than 1,000 people still unknown (nn) [Goverment and Eight Party Alliance are not interested in investigating the crimes of security forces and Maoists!], Kin of 1042 disappeared still in lurch (kp), No info on 1,042 missing persons: ICRC (samn), UK, Advocacy Forum demand truth about disappearances (kp), Inter-party cooperation vital for security: UN (kp), ANFREL hopes security will improve before polls (nn), JTMM commander killed in police firing (nn), Nepal lawyer gets death threats for torture diary (wi), AI demands lawyer’s safety (kp), No change in security front: UN (samn), Prachanda distorted himself!, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Politics, hypocrisy and nationality, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Let us materialize people's aspiration, by Amit Pyakurel (kp), Maoist leader accuses UML of being against ‘leftist unity’ (nn), Additional 30,000 security men required for election security: Home Minister (nn)

29/08/2007: No single basis for federalism: UML (kp), MJF stresses on federalism with autonomous provinces (nn), No protests please, PM to MPRF (kp), MJF demands to be met after polls: PM (samn), STRMM banda continues in Dang (kp), CMDP urges Maoists for Nov 22 poll (kp), Gear up for CA poll: Prachanda to his MPs (nn), Mainstreaming Maoists, the ballots way (kp), by Surendra Phuyal, Parties out on the hustings (kp), Dalits, Badis gherao PM’s residence (samn), Badi plight (kp), To vote or not to vote?, by Bijay Kumar Rauniyar (kp), Royal cash transferred to UK bank (samn), Where is the money of Nepal's slain royal family? (wi), 9 JTMM cadres, 7 Maoists arrested in Siraha; Jwala’s men abduct VDC secy (nn), Jwala Singh goes crazy, govt. may resort to army option, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), Nepal cannot be simply compared with so-called failed states like Somalia, Sudan and Afghanistan, interview with Menka Rajbhandari Shrestha (tg), UN team says security situation hasn’t improved; urges firm commitment to timely polls (nn), Rights group calls for prompt action on involuntary disappearances (nn)

28/08/2007: USIP cites multiple challenges ahead of the polls (nn) [see report by Karon Cochran-Budhathoki and Colette Rausch], Dalits, Badis continue protests: Over 50 arrested, freed (kp), Home Ministry takes a strong exception to Dr. Bhattarai's comments (nn), 22-pt demand helps timely election: Prachanda (nn), PM urges MJF to withdraw all protest programmes (nn), Maoist victims stage sit-in (kp), CA poll must on Nov 22: PFN (kp), Bandas disrupt life (kp), Landless squatters suspend strike for two days (nn), Parties start internal exercise to devise election strategies (nn), Nepal Becoming Lawless State, by Mohan Nepali (Scoop), Narayanhiti may one day become a ‘presidential palace’ (nn)

27/08/2007: Speaker accelerates political discussions (nn), Dalits, Badis continue protest; over 50 arrested (nn), Three ethnic fronts join hands for CA (nn), 4 STRMM cadres held: Dozen motorbikes vandalized, by Mohan Budhaair (kp), Eastern Terai sees no respite from bandh (nn), Media distorted statement: Prachanda (kp), Nobody can prevent CA poll: Mahara (kp), Exposed! (kp), Are the Maoist's trying to prolong their fading legacy in Nepal?, by Bhuwan Thapaliya (Global Politician), Heads I win, tails you lose, by Shyam KC (kp), Five more palaces to be nationalized (kp), RPP chief asks govt to maintain transparency in nationalising royal property (nn), EC seeks security assurance for polls (kp), Ex-royal officials move SC over ban (kp), ‘Let Narayanhiti be presidential palace’, interview with Prithvi Subba Gurung (kp), UNMIN chief stresses media role in voters education in Nepal (pd), Foreseeing the Face of 'New Nepal', by Amit Pyakurel (Global Politician), NSU-Democratic leader calls Koirala, Prachanda as main obstacles to polls (nn)

26/08/2007: Panel decides to nationalise five more palaces, eight jungles owned by King (nn), ‘Maoist plight no excuse for poll deferral’ (kp), Mahara 'contradicts' Prachanda, says election will be held on time (nn), Prachanda insists media distorted his views on election (nn), Maoists won’t run away from CA poll: Nepal (kp), Face CA election, Nepal tells Prachanda (samn), NC, UML against election deferral (samn), CA poll must not be deferred: Leaders (kp), Students blast deferral idea (kp), 'Maoist struggle mere political gimmick (samn), We can walk out of government anytime, says Dr. Bhattarai (nn), Govt, Limbuwan talks Aug 29, by Pradeep Meyangbo (kp), Partial effect of bandh in Terai; Squatters' agitation blocks highway in Far West (nn), Landmine victims seek ban, by Baburam Kharel (kp), Landmines continue to kill people in Nepal (Relief Web), JTMM-J demands Rs 200,000 from Yadav (kp), MMT cadres vandalize dozen vehicles in Sunsari (nn), Former royalist ministers challenge CA Election Act at Supreme Court (nn)

25/08/2007: Maoists for postponing CA polls (kp), Maoists for CA polls postponement (samn), 'Backstabbed' Maoists want Nepal polls deferred (wi), Maoist leader denies seeking poll postponement (wi), Prachanda's poll remark stirs hornet's nest; leaders decry Maoists for sowing doubts (nn), UML launches election campaign; Nepal urges Maoists not to shy away from polls (nn), PM pledges to hold CA polls in writing (samn), ‘Integrating Maoists in national army problematic’, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), MPRF to hit streets, by Shankar Acharya (kp), JTMM-J death threat shuts bank (kp), National treasures (kp), Nuwakot palace nationalized twice (kp), In search of victim justice, by Prakash Gnyawali (kp), Vehicles for peace-building, by Madhu P Regmi (kp), Nepal: Constituent Assembly Election Hangs On The Razor’s Edge, by Bhuwan Thapaliya (Global Politician)

24/08/2007: Govt nationalizes Narayanhiti: Six other palaces included, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), King’s palaces nationalised (samn), Nepal king loses palace, property (wi), Nepal's government nationalizes the king's royal palaces (iht), Nepal takes over ownership of king's palaces, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), King Gyanendra's family 'shifts' to Nagarjun palace (nn), King of Nepal moves out of nationalized palace (pd), Govt did not address Madhes movement: MPRF (kp), MJF divided over CA election (nn), MJF gives ultimatum till August 31 (nn), MJF warns of fresh revolt in Terai (samn), PM, CEC try to allay doubts over election (nn), No legitimacy without poll, EU tells Madhav (kp), Maoist-UML unity would solve all problems, claims Dr Bhattarai (nn), Maoist-UML unity would solve all problems, claims Bhattarai; Nepal stresses 8-party unity (nn), Parties yet to go to villages: Martin (samn), ‘Don’t penalize army for work under old setup’ (kp) [But 2005 was 15 years after the abolishment of the old setup!?!], HRW, ICJ rap TRC draft bill (kp), No truth, some reconciliation: Warring sides in government are trying to forgive themselves for atrocities (nt), Undervalued grief (nt), “Justice is a pre-requisite for peace”, interview with Yasmin Sooka, commissioner in the post-apartheid South African Truth Commission (nt), United oppressed group supports Badi community (kp), Building peace, by Aruna Joshi (kp), Security management for CA polls, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Closed for business? Election-related political action mustn’t destroy tourism, by Naresh Newar (nt), Hindu righteousness: Not this king, but India’s religious right still wants the monarchy, by Prashant Jha (nt), Disrupt polls to have polls: War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength, by CK Lal (nt), Yes, yes, yes: Say no to another poll postponement, by Raghu Pant (nt), Necessity is the mother of innovation, by Artha Beed (nt), ‘India’s grand design’, interview with Pushpa Kamal Dahal (nt, originally in Nepal, 19 August), Emerging Pressure Groups, by Keshab Poudel (sp), “Nobody Can Override Sovereign Rights Of Citizens”, interview with KB Gurung, Nepali Congress general secretary (sp) [.. but all political forces, including the NC, do!], Troubled Waters, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Prachanda proposes putting off CA polls again (nn)

23/08/2007: Banda affects valley and beyond (kp), Seven royal palaces to come under govt ownership (nn), NA withdraws portraits of King and Queen (nn), Nepal nationalises royal palaces (BBC News), NA starts removing photos, slogans of king (kp), NA will never challenge political and state authority, says Gen Katawal (nn), US trying to save monarchy, India trying to take advantage from Nepal’s situation: CPN-UML (nn), Speaker meets Prachanda (nn), Maoist programmes terrorising people: Sitaula (nn), Madhesi Tigers target vehicles on second-day of terai bandh (nn), MPRF central meet kicks off, by Shankar Acharya (kp), MJF warns of fresh stir (nn), Suspended monarchy and CA polls, by Prakash Bom (kp), 'Landmines being defused nationwide' (samn), Truth commission bill disregards victims' rights: Draft Bill Fails to Meet International Human Rights Standards (Human Rights Watch), TRC Bill is seriously flawed: ICJ, HRW (nn), UNMIN chief urges political efforts to create election climate (nn)

22/08/2007: Bandh affects life in the capital (nn), Minority groups lead strike in Nepal's capital in fight for more rights (iht) [All groups in Nepal are minority groups, including the dominating elite of male Tagadhari!!], Kathmandu valley paralysed as Buddhists, Dalits go on warpath (wi), Violence in Kathmandu in continuing ethnic upsurge (kp), Badi women stage protest in front of Singha Durbar (nn), Maoists shut down central Nepal, bandits do so in Terai (wi), Madhes also under the grips of bandh (nn), Nepal's royal government tried to frame top politicians: Reports (Monster and Critics), Sharma sees little possibility of free and fair election (nn) [... says the staunch supporter of autocratic monarchy!], MJF central committee meet starts in Birgunj (nn), Govt-MPRF talks hit snag (kp), Ilam tense after teen’s death (kp), CA poll in 92 days, parties not ready, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Campaigning for CA polls in districts (kp), Maoists face flak left, right and center (kp), Maoist desperation (kp), Goodwill assembly vows to keep communal harmony intact, by Aman Koirala (kp), Crisis of nation-building, by C D Bhatta (kp), Peace please, by Prerana Marasini (kp), PM commends NA role in safeguarding nation's independence (nn)

21/08/2007: Royal property to be nationalized in 15 days, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Govt-MJF talks resume (nn), Govt-MJF meet inconclusive; MJF likely to quit talks process (nn), Dolakha CDO transferred (nn), Maoist U-turns on poll pre-conditions continue (kp), Parties worried by Maoist move (nn), EC announces poll schedule (samn), Home ministry gears up for CA election security (nn), Pascoe hails progress in polls preparedness (nn) [?], Gathering momentum (kp), Activists out on hustings: Districts gear up for CA polls (kp), Local leaders say no to bandas (kp), Financial accountability in public sector, by Bhanu Prasad Acharya (kp), Govt decides to disclose report of Ojha Commission (nn)

20/08/2007: People deprived of service as VDC secys are on strike (nn), Madheshi women for holding CA election on time (nn), Hold poll on scheduled date: Madhesi women, by Binod Tripathi (kp) [But ladies, this is in contradiction to the decision of the male Tarai god, Mr Jwala Singh!!], Police arrest two JTMM-J cadres with arms (nn), Eight parties hold discussion to end deadlock (nn), PM takes initiative for talks with MPRF, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), MJF gives govt August 22 deadline (samn), MJF enraged over election schedule (nn), ‘Security good to hold Nov polls’ (kp) [??], All going well for CA polls: UN (samn) [??], Ruling parties deviated from janaanodlan mandate: RPP (kp), ‘Politicians must launch civic education campaign’, interview with Chief Election Commissioner Bhoj Raj Pokharel (kp), Nepal education strike off, fresh protests in Terai (wi), Govt forms committee to nationalise King’s property (nn), Panel formed to nationalize Nepali late king's property (Xinhua), Prachanda sets 22-pt condition, warns of 'people’s movement' (nn), Maoists to call closures, reprisal unless king goes (wi), Nobody has the right to supersede the people, says NC gen secy (nn)

19/08/2007: Roundtable conference needed to resolve Madhesi issues, says Tripathy (nn), Tarai unrest: Tripathi sees king's role (samn), 8-party meeting : Alliance committed to CA election, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Maoists want king out of palace (samn), Maoists did not put forth any proposal, says Sherchan (nn) [??], Pascoe discusses polls, peace process with PM (nn), Top UN official meets Nepalese leaders, says he is happy with peace process (iht) [Is he not telling the truth or does he not understand??], UN official expresses hope for timely polls (nn), ANNISU-R enforces nationwide closure of educational institutions (nn) [When will they understand that depriving the children from their fundamental right to education can never contribute to solve any problems???], ANNISU-R goes for indefinite academic strike (kp), Nepal reels under indefinite education strike (wi), Maoist students call off indefinite education strike (nn), Will banana democracy go republic?, by Babu Ram Neupane (kp), Reflections on reinventing Nepal (kp), Wake up for Nepal, by Nabin Kumar Chhetri (kp), Nepali people in search of a future, by Kamala Sarup (Scoop), Polls likely to spur tie-ups (samn), State threatening free press: Nisthuri (samn), Minister for two-phase polls, if security is inadequate (nn), MJF chief Yadav discusses Terai issue with PM (nn), Jwala Singh says his group will bar Terai people from voting (nn) [Who are the Tarai people, Mr Singh: the original ethnic inhabitants or those whose ancestors immigrated within the last 150 years from India as well as from the Pahad? Who do you think you are that you want to decide what the sovereign people of the Tarai have to do?]

18/08/2007: Dalits demand 20 percent seats in CA (nn), Dalits seek 20 per cent quota in CA (samn), Govt, dalits start talks, agree to continue (kp), Eight-party meeting this afternoon (nn), UML wants eight-party commitment to CA polls (nn), Eight-party meeting ends inconclusively (nn), Minister Mahat denounces UN for laxity (samn), UN political chief arrives (nn), Major challenges remain for poll: Martin, by Binod Tripathi (kp), Bandh hits normal life in Chitwan (nn), Lynching in Dhanusha, curfew in Bardibas, by Rabindra Upreti and Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp), AG okays disappearance commission: Rights activists unhappy, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Defending perpetrators at the cost of human rights, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Locals kill two JTMM-J cadres in reprisal, by Shankar Acharya (kp), Crisis of legitimacy, by Prakash A Raj (kp), Violence endangers elections in Nepal, by Chitra Tiwari (Washington Times 18/08/2007)

17/08/2007: Locals kill two JTMM cadres (nn), Villagers in southern Nepal kill ethnic rights activists (iht), Army widows left in a lurch, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Tigers ready for talks (kp), Educating the people on CA polls, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), When the going gets tough...: Will the tough get going?, by John Narayan Parajuli (nt), Polls or bust: Elections will address economic inequity, by CK Lal (nt), Mainly in the plains: The madehsi perception of India is not what we think it is, by Prashant Jha (nt), Difficult To Balance, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Walking A Tightrope, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), “The Government Should Ensure Implementation Of The Acts”, interview with Raghu Panta, CPN-UML (sp), Quietly comes the new National Anthem, by Madan Regmi (sp), Peace process crawls due to PLA issue (samn), Martin calls for meaningful participation of women in CA (nn)

16/08/2007: ADHRN concerned over draft TRC Bill (nn), TRC Bill undermines justice: Amnesty (kp) [Misunderstood reconciliation has been a fundamental problem ever since 1951!], JTMM-G cadres torch vehicles in Bara (nn), Election impossible unless Maoists behave: Deuba (nn), 4 vehicles vandalized, 23 activists arrested: YCL, ANNISU-R enforce sudden strike, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Nov 22 CA polls a must: Mukherjee (kp), CBES continue transport strike (kp), Chure Bhawar Ekata Samaj withdraws bandh (nn), What is to be done?, by Roop Joshi (kp), Danger of distortion, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Envisioning a 'New Nepal': Is this a cliche or the true hope for the people?, by Amit Pyakurel (on), Poudel calls agitators for dialogue; Mahara rues lack of dialogue among ministers (nn), Maoists decide to divide country into 11 state committees; Madhes committee has three sub committees (nn)

15/08/2007: Old habits (kp), Home Ministry raises objections on the use of combat dress in YCL rally (nn), Activists concerned with disturbances in media houses (nn), US, UK and NBA express concern over disruption in THT/AP and Radio HBC (nn), Police-Maoist cadres clash in course of 3-hr chakkajam; UML MP's vehicle vandalised (nn), Kathmandu paralysed as student violence snowballs (wi), Curfew renewed in Bardibas (kp), November elections & Nepali dreams, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), From cantonments to cantons, by Bijay Kumar Rauniyar (kp), Parties told to start poll campaign (kp)

14/08/2007: UNSC requests parties to 'speed up' election process (nn), Dalits begin relay hunger strike (nn), Curfew clamped in Mahottari town as tension mounts (nn), Curfew in Bardibas after clash, by Rabindra Upreti (kp), ANNISU-R storm campus, injure principal, students: YCL men thrash NSU students in Bhaktapur, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Irate NSU students close down educational institutions nationwide (nn), Maoist MPs boycott House sitting; CPN-M central meet deferred again (nn), JTMM-J men, cops clash (kp), Police arrest four JTMM-G cadres in Bara (nn), Dolakha Maoists’ new threat, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp), ‘Security situation improving’ (kp), Highways closed 165 times in 7 months, by Binod Bhandari (kp), TRC, start anew (kp 14/08/2007), Draft TRC Bill risks undermining justice: AI (nn), CEC cautions against expressing doubts over polls (nn)

13/08/2007: ‘Maoists can forgo poll conditions’ (kp), Nepal's former rebels threaten to quit coalition government (iht), Ex-rebels plan protests to ensure elections (Gulf Times), Maoist warn of 'fight to finish' (nn), Nuwakot police post raid : Arms returned; Regmi, others in Maoist 'control' (kp), CA polls parties' main 'political agenda': CEC Pokhrel (nn), Spooky pre-conditions, by Dhruva Joshy (kp), NEMA demands revision in CA Membership Act (nn), Speaker stresses on taking talks to a definite conclusion (nn), Ruling alliance MPs engage in blame game (kp), For torture, disappearances, extra-judicial killings’: ‘Amnesty cannot be granted, interview with Sandra Beidas, Acting Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for Nepal (kp) [see AI paper], Media Society asks for protection; THT/AP staffers prevented from entering office premises (nn), Talks between govt and ethnic groups end inconclusively (kp), Curfew in Bardibas due to Chure unrest (nn), Parliament passes NRN bill (nn)

12/08/2007: We will quit govt if status-quo continues: Prachanda (nn), Maoists to take part in polls, but without king (wi), Revolts within Maoists could seriously disturb peace process, says Shrestha (nn), Maoists cadres claim revolt in Nuwakot (kp), Maoist faction announces revolt after storming police post (wi), Nepal Maoist rebels form split group, by Ameet Dhakal (Hindu), Maoists' acts may boomerang: CPN-UML (samn), ICDR Condemns murder of Dalit activist (nn), EC chief urges parties to reach the people (nn), CEC meets PM to push poll process (samn), CA poll might be deferred again: Deuba (kp), Pact on PR system must: Gajurel (samn), 'Country will see civil war if poll deferred' (kp), Highway tense, markets closed: Police fire at CBES men, 2 hurt (kp), Envisioning a New Nepal…, by Aparajita Acharya (kp), Social inclusion and poverty, by Hira Vishwakarma (kp), Landmines pose danger in Dipayal (samn), Nepal advises PM to 'correct' his 'functioning style' (nn)

11/08/2007: Sadbhavana preparing ground for wider Madhesi Front (nn), NSP urges JTMMs for talks (kp), Chure cadres injured in scuffle with police (nn), Police, YCL continue search for fleeing rebels; ‘Revolting’ Maoists form armed group in Nuwakot (nn), Police, YCL hunt for Maoist attackers (kp), Effective role must for credible poll: Carter Center (kp), Curfew lifted in Indrapur: Limbuwan, Khumbuwan ready for talks, by Pradip Myangbo (kp), ‘Maoists violating CPA more’ (kp), Banda affects daily life (kp), Govt wont conduct CA polls on time: Pahadi (kp), Security must for CA polls: Rana (kp), Only polls can save nation: leaders (samn), Rayamajhi report's moral mess, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Truth and reconciliation bill, by Navaraj Pudasaini (kp), Implement verdict on missing: SC (samn), Poudel says informal talks with MJF on to reach understanding (nn), Chure cadres injured in scuffle with police (nn)

10/08/2007: Govt offers talks with Limbuwan and Khambuwan groups (nn), Curfew in Morang after Limbuwan, locals clash, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Limbuwan bandh: 10 hurt in clash (samn), Limbuwan and Khambuwan form negotiation teams; drop agitation (nn), Adopt declaration on rights of indigenous peoples: Arbour (kp), Govt holding talks seriously: Poudel (samn), Nepal suspects Maoists do not want election (nn), Maoists diffident about poll, not against it: UML (kp), British envoy against 'delays and diversions' from the election (nn), EU expresses serious concern over TRC Bill (kp), From Mallik to Rayamajhi: History has repeated itself as a farce, by C.K. Lal (nt), Concerns for Credibility (sp), Maoists raid police post, loot arms (kp), Probe into Nepal 'Maoist' attack (BBC News), CBES-N opts for indefinite protest (kp), Foreign policy of the Maoists, by Prakash A Raj (kp), Plenum’s complication, by Samragyee Bhandari (kp), Prospect of Political Violence Growing: Energies will increasing be focused on the new election, by Bhuwan Thapaliya (on), New song: Now that polls are certain, let’s go for it, by Kunda Dixit (nt), No turning back now (nt), A part for parties: Are we squandering our freedom again?, by Sapana P Malla (nt), Small is beautiful: Small parties are much more enthusiastic about elections than the big, established ones, by John Narayan Parajuli (nt), Half the sky, by Mallika Aryal (nt), Sandbagging the plains: The weakness of madhesi groups shouldn’t make us complacent about the tarai crisis, by Prashant Jha (nt), Cold feet, by Yubaraj Ghimire (nt, originally in Samaya 10 August), Army won’t do it, by Dhurba Kumar (nt, originally in Himal Khabarpatrika, 1-17 August), Aspirations (nt, originally in Nayapatrika, 9 August), Towards Deadlock, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), “Madhes Is In Search Of A Strong Political Leadership”, interview with Hridayesh Tripathi (sp), Disturbing Dithering, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Crisis of Realignment: As Nepal enters into a new political phase, a new alignment is in the making, by Keshab Poudel(sp), Carter Center calls for effective role of govt, parties for credible polls (nn)

09/08/2007: Janajaati accord (kp), Home Minister says budget inadequate for security (nn), Maoists to push republican agenda (samn), Parties concerned over Maoist pre-conditions (nn), Parties working for common agenda: NC (samn), EU concerned over amnesty for serious rights violators in Nepal (Earth Times), House committee to discuss TRC bill with UN reps on Aug 19; British envoy talks with Poudel (nn), Truth and Reconciliation Commission, by Bhimarjun Acharya (kp), Group posing as Maoists attacks police post in Nuwakot (nn), Bandhs called by different groups paralyse life in eastern and central Terai (nn), Dalits, Limbuwan activists arrested, freed (kp), Police arrest Dalits, Chure-Bhawar activists (nn), CBES-N protests paralyze traffic (kp), HR in Siraha, Saptari grim (kp), A fallible plenum patch up, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Squatters warn of violent protests (samn)

08/08/2007: Govt, NEFIN sign 20-point deal: Janajaatis on board for polls (kp), Govt, Janajatis strike deal (samn), Maoists not to quit government (samn), Peace process more complex than people's war, says Gajurel (nn), Maoist meet formalizes poll pre-conditions, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), NC, NC-D flay Maoists’ poll stance (samn), We’ll hold talks with JTMM: Sitaula (samn), Nation's image will take a beating if polls put off again, says CEC (nn), Round table wraps up with 11-point declaration, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), Deluge and political cyclones (kp), Light at end of tunnel, by Bal Krishna Sharma (kp), Impudent YCL and CA poll quandary, by Ishwor N Rijal (kp), JC allows govt to deploy poll officers (samn), Bandh continues to hit normal life in eastern region (nn), Indefinite strike shuts eastern Nepal (Peninsula), Similar “aggressive” political overtones?, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), Democracy — A Strategy for Fair Conflict Resolution, by Thomas Meyer (tg), We firmly believe that the CA polls conducted under the shaddow of the guns will have no credibility and legitimacy, interview with Keshav Prasad Mainali, President, Chure-Bhawar Ekta Samaj (tg), Maoist leaders for ‘revolt’ in govt, House and street (nn), Over two dozen Dalit activists arrested; released later (nn)

07/08/2007: Differences deepen within NSP-A, Minister Mahato not to step down (nn), Gen secy Nepal says Maoists fear polls (nn), Govt-NEFIN start 10th round of talks (nn), Govt-NEFIN seal much-awaited deal (nn), NBA chief stresses on reconciliation for nation building (nn) [see press statement], Bandh cripples life in east, organisers burn newspaper vehicle (nn), ‘Another rebellion could grip country’ (kp), PLA presses party to quit govt (samn), Maoist ranks want to wage new war (Peninsula), Prachanda says party has no immediate plans to pull out of govt (nn), National anthem (kp), Loss of common sense, by Prakash Bom (kp), Prospect of political violence is growing in Nepal, by Bhuwan Thapaliya (Global Politician), Truth Commission 'soon' (nn), House committee to confer with UN rights organisation over TRC Bill (nn)

06/08/2007: Govt-MPRF talks put off indefinitely (kp), Govt-MJF talks put off indefinitely (samn), No more talks with govt: Chure-Bhawar Samaj (nn), Mahato urges terai groups to utilize CA poll (kp), NSP (A) recalls minister Mahato from govt (nn), 1990 probe commission chief Mallik dies at 80 (nn) [Not publishing his report has been one of the most fundamental failures of 1990!], Rayamajhi report (kp), Foul play in Rayamajhi panel alleged (samn), Not in words but in deeds, by Sham KC (kp), Maoist 5th plenum: Quit govt: Maoists tell leadership (kp), Maoist ranks ready to light Nepal powder keg again (wi), Maoist cadres criticise party leadership; pressurise to quit govt (nn), Maoist leaders call for people’s revolt (samn), Displaced Jumlis return home after 8 yrs (samn), JTMM-J kills another civilian in Saptari (nn)

05/08/2007: Govt-MJF talks inconclusive yet again (nn), INSEC general secretary calls for unity for timely CA polls (nn), Strike hits three districts (nn), Maoists positive toward poll: Sitaula (kp), Preconditions surprise us: Poudel (kp), 'Prachanda backtracking from Nov 8 pact' (samn), 900 civil servants leave terai: Services affected, by Milan mani Sharma (kp), TRC draft bill - what’s the goal, actually?, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Govt records perishing thanks to apathy, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Maoist deserter forms new group (kp), Polls will be held on time: Koirala (samn), No surprises in report on Nepal’s royal regime (Gulf Times), Nepal says parties' attitudes blocking the CA (nn)

04/08/2007: Rayamajhi report lenient with king: Recommends action against 201, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Probe report unveiled: King off the hook (samn), Nepal panel seeks action against king (Peninsula), MK Nepal for prompt implementation of Rayamajhi Commission report (nn), Truth, reconciliation bill dismays OHCHR (kp), A Nepali perspective: Truth and Reconciliation Commission, by Madhu P Regmi (kp), NEFIN climbs down from PR demand; close to sealing a deal with govt (nn), Govt-Nefin talks: One CA seat each for 59 groups (kp), NEFIN, govt reach agreement on quota (samn), Budget for rehabilitating the IDPs approved (nn), PM instructs security officials, administrators to work with high morale (nn), Govt awaiting Maoist plenum result: PM (kp), New national anthem made public (kp), Nation switches to people-centric anthem (samn), Prospect of Political Violence Growing: Energies will increasing be focused on the new election, by Bhuwan Thapaliya (on), Poudel accuses Maoists of blocking CA polls (nn)

03/08/2007: OHCHR concerned about Truth and Reconciliation Commission Bill (nn), Govt presents Rayamajhi Commission report at parliament (nn), Rayamajhi Commission report publicised; Sitaula says action already taken against those named (nn), Parties, civil society slam Maoist pre-conditions, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), VDC Secys withdraw agitation after govt assures to form local bodies (nn), PM tells APF to up security for polls (kp), My 60-yr career at stake: PM Koirala (samn), National Anthem to be public today (kp), New National Anthem publicised (nn), Nepal unveils new national anthem (BBC News), Maoists for amending statute (samn),  Prachanda remarks trigger fresh debate (samn), Maoists go astray, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Why round table conference?, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), 100 days to go: But are they serious about polls? (nt), The revolt of the aristocrats: Why even privileged Yadavs are so very angry, by CK Lal (nt), Half revolution: The debate about inclusivness has excluded class, by Bishnu Rimal (nt), Could be worse: Looking from Afghanistan at Nepal’s failure to get its act together, by Daniel Lak, Beyond tokenism: Is it too much to expect Kathmandu’s rulers to take madhesi grievances seriously?, by Prashant Jha (nt), Another Roadblock?, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), “If Leaders Of Eight Political Parties Agree, Nothing Is Impossible”, interview with Ishwor Pokharel, CPN-UML (sp), Regional Conflict: Development Or Destruction, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Koirala reaches Biratnagar, reiterates CA polls on time (nn)

02/08/2007: Govt-NEFIN talks progress (kp), Govt to ensure minimum representation of listed communities; says no to fully PR system (nn) [... say the Tagadhari defenders of Bahunbad!!], Prachanda: Republic, proportional poll pre-conditions, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoists call off Dolakha strike (nn), Dolakha debacle prompts Maoists to announce 'exposure' campaign (nn), PM directs APF to concentrate on providing security with high morale (nn), Minister Gurung threatens Maoists will walk out from the govt (nn), Curfew in Inaruwa as locals clash with police (nn), Govt to table Rayamajhi report by Friday (kp), MPs stress army’s democratization (kp), Social capital, law and democracy, by Hari Bansha Dulal and Stefano Foa (kp), Madhav’s belated message, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Nepal strikes first high note after king's fall (wi), Now more trouble store in Nepal's Terai (wi), Prachanda's clarifications: "No decision to launch people's revolt" (nn)

01/08/2007: Prachanda proposes launching "People's Revolt" (nn), Rayamajhi Commission report to be presented at the parliament (nn), PM Koirala assures Speaker of settling outstanding issues (nn), JTMM-G guns down civilian in Bara (nn), Maoists threathen again to kill LDO, by Labadev Dhungana (kp), Maoists defend YCL actions: MPs condemn attack on CDO, LDO (kp), Attempt to murder case against 11 Maoists: Public offense against 17 others, 4 freed, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp), Attack on rule of law, by Bhimarjun Acharya (kp), Maoist strike affects life in four districts; 8-party meet fails to settle row (nn), Fears over Nepal's young Maoists, by Surendra Phuyal (BBC News), Fatalism and CA polls, by Ramesh Khatri (kp), Talks with VDC secys end in stalemate (samn), EU envoys urge secure atmosphere for CA polls (nn)

31/07/2007: Lawmakers criticise, govt employees protest against YCL activities (nn), Shame on Maoists (kp), Maoists warn of closing down Kavre and Sindhupalchowk over Dolakha issue (nn), Home Ministry, DAO staff halt work (kp), DDC, VDC work at halt as staff continue protests (kp), by Surendra Subedi, 2 shot dead, JTMM-J men abduct 5 persons: Atrocities unabated in terai (kp), Nat’l unity weakened: Prachanda (kp), EEMT to visit Nepal again this week (kp), Latest on peace process, by Prakash A Raj (kp)

30/07/2007: Terror of armed groups continues in Terai as govt steps up security (nn), Nepal’s Terai rebels huddled in Bihar: Daily (Peninsula), Govt stepping up security in east Tarai (samn), UN Electoral Monitoring Team starts second visit to Nepal (nn), 30 hurt as Maoists clash with cops (samn), Curfew in Dolakha after YCL men beat up CDO: Dozens cops, Maoists hurt in clash (kp), Works at DAOs come to a halt as officials protest ‘YCL highhandedness' (nn), North Nepal tense after Maoist rampage (wi), Maoists stick with their demands for ambassadorial posts (nn), Is freedom really a myth?, by Shyam KC (kp), ‘Declare republic before CA polls’, interview with Mohan Baidhya, central leader of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (kp)

29/07/2007: MPRF wants house dissolved, caretaker govt, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), We won't quit govt: Prachanda, by Lila Baral (kp), PM, Prachanda discuss peace process (samn), Maoists for joint poll campaign in terai (kp), Rayamajhi report to be public soon (kp), Kathmandu to unwrap sensitive report (Peninsula), Extortion terrifies traders in Sunsari (samn), Terai groups in Nepal warn of fresh agitations (Peninsula), VDC secys demonstrate in front of PM’s residence (nn), Curfew in Charikot as YCL activists clash with police (nn)

28/07/2007: Govt urged to publicise Rayamajhi report (samn), Rayamajhi Commission report to be publicised after next cabinet meeting (nn), Nepal government faces trouble over violence probe report (wi), Govt-MJF talks fall through after Forum demands dissolution of interim parliament (nn),  ‘Security still major challenge for polls’ (kp), JTMM-J man shot dead, Jwala warns of strike (kp), Madhesi Tigers’ bandh shuts Siraha (samn), Set the common goal for CA elections, by Prakash Bom (kp), Prachanda, PM discuss ways to create election atmosphere (nn)

27/07/2007: Police confirms arrest of 'Defense Army' operative (nn), Jwala Singh's man killed in Rautahat (nn), JTMM-G for talks under UN supervision, by Dilliram Khatiwada (kp), Poudel rules out UN mediation for talks with Terai rebels (nn), Dialogue and cooperation among parties crucial for CA polls: Martin (nn), Govt okays Chure preconditions: Next meeting in 3 weeks (kp), Govt, Chure Samaj talks end successfully (samn), 2 judges, 26 district court staff on leave: Officers leave Siraha (kp), VDC secys at work to be targeted (kp), Truth Commission draft ready: Poudel (kp), Don’t force us to take up arms: war victims, by Janak Nepal (kp), Far from home free: Over 70,000 Nepalis, largely children and women, still cannot go home, by Naresh newar (nt), Son, mom die as NA abandoned bomb goes off (kp), Poll environment (kp), EPA government and diplomacy, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Peace undeveloped: Development is held up the politics of the peace process, by John Narayan Parajuli (nt), “Where are the young leaders?”, interview with Michel Jolivet, French Ambassador (nt), Leave it to us: The tarai issues must be resolved by Nepalis, not internationals, by Prashant Jha (nt), Terai trouble: Complicated Picture, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), “The madhes wants options”, interview with Bijay Gachhedar (NC-D) (nt, originally in Ghatana ra Bichar, 25 July), Importance Of Political Culture In Sustaining Democracy, by Thomas Meyer (sp), CA elections: A Hobson’s Choice, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Denmark has worries on CA election (samn), Fresh closures plague Nepal's Terai (wi), CEC Pokharel asks all to be ‘very serious’ to hold CA polls (nn)

26/07/2007: JTMM-J activists leave party en masse (nn), VDC secys to continue nationwide strike (nn), Govt-Chure talks put off till Friday (nn), Govt-Chure hold talks, agree to meet again (nn), Govt-MJF talks make no headway (samn), Govt-MPRF hold 2nd round of talks, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), JTMM-Goit ready for UN-brokered talks (nn), JTMM-Jwala captures former CJ’s house in Siraha (nn), Dalit Morcha to launch agitation (nn), Govt does not have details of disappeared citizens: Poudel (nn) [??], Rayamajhi report (kp), Mother, son die in bomb explosion (nn), Political scene more complex, challenging: Ban (kp), Foster poll-oriented atmosphere: CEC (kp), Holding polls in Tarai tough: CEC (samn), Do not discount Madhes, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Koirala, Nepal discuss current issues (samn), Alarm in Nepal as Maoists build up new clout (Khaleej Times)

25/07/2007: Maoists equally guilty of crime against humanity as any: Pradip Gyawali (nn), Fear psychosis (kp), Mahara meets with PM; claims NA changed guards without Koirala's knowledge (nn), Strike halts works in govt offices (samn), Civil servants on pen down nationwide: Threaten to take to streets (kp), Disclose Rayamajhi report: House (kp), Make probe panel report public: Speaker (samn), UNSG stresses on credible election on time (nn), India ready to help with terai issue: Yechuri; Jaswant Singh in town (kp), Violence as imago, by Abhi Subedi  (kp), UNMIN and Maoists’ heartburn, by Som P Pudasaini (kp), Rights defenders protest Katawal’s UK visit (kp), Nepal army chief's Britain visit stirs fresh controversy (wi), India, US run this govt: minister (samn), Jaswant Singh starts political consultations (nn), Govt-MJF talks underway in Dhulikhel (nn), A new identity for Nepal, by Prakash A. Raj (tg)

24/07/2007: Maoists threaten to quit govt (kp), Nepal's ex-communist rebels threaten to quit government (iht), Dr Bhattarai sees ‘little significance’ of Maoists remaining in govt (nn), Nepal Maoists in fresh spat over ministerial bodyguards (Gulf Times), Talks with Terai groups soon: Minister Poudel (nn), Govt offices halt services as employees go on protest (nn), Govt employees to go ahead with pen down (kp), Civil servants' strike cripples government services in Nepal (wi), Panel to study security of court staff in terai (kp), JTMM-J threatens to kill VDC employee (kp), PM holds series of political parleys (nn), House directs govt to publicise Rayamajhi Commission report (nn), Commission on disappearance in limbo, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Compromise for peace and integrity, by Suresh Sharma (kp), Naked vengeance increasing the divide, by Avantika Regmi (kp)

23/07/2007: Security to govt employees is top priority: Minister Gurung (nn), Local bodies' employees to begin protest (samn), Armed groups have hinted at talks: Poudel (kp), Poudel invites JTMM groups to talks (samn), Chure Bhawar Samaj sets preconditions for talks, by Lila Ballav Ghimire (kp), ‘We are the sons of the soil’, interview with Keshab Mainali, president of Chure Bhabar Ekta Samaj (CBES) (kp), Madhesi Mukti Tigers ready for talks (kp), Cobra ‘head’ to be sent to Rautahat (kp), Divided house cannot last long, by Shyam KC (kp), Govt unable to maintain rule of law: MPs (samn), Tamangs’ demand (samn), Chameleon Nature of Maoist Strategy In Nepal, by Kundan Singh Khatri (Global Politician)

22/07/2007: ‘Talks with protest groups by mid-August’: I gave no ultimatum: Sitaula, by Madhav Ghimire (kp), Poudel consults Madhesi leaders (kp), Sitaula requests Terai groups to come to talks unconditionally (nn), Attempt to attack Maoist MP foiled (nn), Cops foil JTMM-J attempt on Maoist MP (kp), Goit’s men gun down Maoist cadre in Dhanusha (nn), RPP condemns attacks against its offices (nn), VDC secys launch agitation (kp), Local body employees announce nationwide stir (nn), Agitating VDC secretaries give 3-day ultimatum to govt (nn), Poll delay will cost dear: Poudel (samn), Hunting light in the Himalayas!, by Babu Ram Neupane (kp), Looking inside the peace talks, a book review by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Maoist victims to launch decisive stir (samn), Military impunity is the greatest hindrance for Nepal’s peace process, by Isabel Hilton (Dawn)

21/07/2007: Eight parties call Terai groups for talks (nn), Parties to speak one voice on terai (kp), ‘JTMM-J ready for talks’, by Jitendra Khadga (kp), VDC secretary escapes JTMM-J captivity (kp), Rajbiraj court employees halt work demanding security (nn), 12 officers leave districts; Terror in Terai: Civil servants descend upon terai district HQs (kp), Terai reels under endless closure (wi), UK, India envoys sound Maoists out on CA poll (kp), Russia to send 50 military officers (nn), Analysis: The verification conundrum, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Peace process and Switzerland, by Prakash A Raj (kp 21/07/2007), Concepts of state restructuring, by Shiva Raj Shrestha "Malla" (kp), Maoists targeting independent media (samn), Maoist-affiliated workers disrupt distribution of newspapers (nn), Sitaula takes back his words; Deuba favours using force to control unrest, if necessary (nn), PM discusses security with NA top brass (nn)

20/07/2007: Deteriorating security biggest threat to poll: UN (kp), One killed in Siraha (nn), VDC secys strike nationwide (kp), VDC secys continue nationwide strike (nn), Terai rebels abduct official, kill former employee wi), PM smells conspiracy to divide eight party alliance (nn), ‘Sitaula's statement personal’ (kp), Loose talk indeed!, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Madhesi leaders ask govt to hold dialogue with Terai groups soon (nn), Madhesi issues and excesses, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Dangerous Democracy, by Kuber Sharma (sp), Appeal For Relief: The UN World Food Program has issued international appeal for helping the conflict-hit needy people (sp), Nepal in a Zone of Conflict, by Ganesh Raj Sharma (sp), PLA Verification: Serious Snag, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), GPK's National Reconciliation: Conviction or Compulsion?, by Keshab Poudel (sp), One by one: Slowly, momentum is building for a November election, by Purna Basnet (nt), Lost in seminar space: There’s so much hot air circulating these days, by CK Lal (nt), The greatest threat to peace in Nepal is military impunity, by Isabel Hilton (Guardian, UK)

19/07/2007: Security situation serious threat to electoral process: UN monitors (nn), Administrative vacuum turns acute in Terai, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Panicky government workers start leaving troubled Terai (wi), JTMM-J butchers VDC secy (samn), No respite from Terai violence, another Congress leader killed (nn), OHCHR expresses grave concern over VDC secy's murder (nn), Government mulls armed guards for VDC secys (nn), Rebels resort to shutdown, blasts after govt ultimatum (Gulf Times), Terai MPs against total overhaul of constituencies, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Two teachers released by JTMM-J (nn), ‘Jwala Singh threat cowardly’ (kp), Bandas in eastern terai have patchy effect (kp), Indefinite bandh in Rautahat (nn), Govt trying to bring JTMM to negotiating table: Poudel (nn), Nepal's government to hold peace talks with ethnic rights group to end protests (iht), Govt to hold talks with MJF and Chure Samaj next week (nn), Tired of Terai trouble, Nepal turns to India (Peninsula), Efforts continue for PLA-NA integration, resuming PLA verification (nn), CA polls unlikely unless monarchy abolished: Badal, by Dilliram Khatiwada (kp), Maoist allegation about budget baseless (kp), Compromise is the best way forward, says German Professor (nn), Make Rayamajhi report public: parties (samn), Speak out (kp), History & vitality of CA polls, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Nepal & governance indicators, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Nepal's politicians losing their reading habit (wi)

18/07/2007: Hill-origin govt staff quit terai: Jwala (kp) [According to your abstruse thinking, Mr Singh, only members of the traditional ethnic Tarai groups would be allowed to stay, not those of Indian or Pahad origin!?], Insecurity compels VDC secretaries to seek transfer from Terai (nn), JTMM kills VDC secretary; VDC secretaries announce nationwide strike (nn), Rebels answer government ultimatum with murder, blasts, shutdown (wi), Hill versus plains row erupts in Nepal Terai, by J. Hemanth (tc), Bandhs called by separate outfits affect eastern Nepal (nn), JTMM-Jwala cadres torch passenger bus in Bara (nn), 45 pc civil service reservations coming (kp) [Remember: These disadvantaged groups constitute about 85% of the total population!!], Cases filed against 9 MPRF cadres (kp), Govt to gear up political mobilization in terai, by J Pandey (kp), Intentional obstacle? (kp), General amnesty and truth commission, by Dipendra Jha & Prakash Gnyawali (kp), No phenomenological ground, by Prem Phyak (kp), What can we expect from these fool Nepali politicians?, by Prem Phyak (tg), Nepali political parties are effectively under them thumb rule of a small coterie, by Jan Sharma (tg), Leaders agree to make Raymajhi commission report public; talks with MJF on July 25 (nn), Looking for Nepal's 'disappeared', by Mark Dummett (BBC News)

17/07/2007: Nepal, Deuba rebuff Prachanda's proposal to use YCL in poll security (nn), Budget was allocated to the palace on consensus: Finance Minister Mahat (nn), Backdoor bonus!, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Jwala Singh dismisses Sitaula's ultimatum (nn), 9 MPRF men arrested, by Shiva Puri (kp), MJF shuts down Rautahat protesting arrest of cadres (nn), JTMM-G men kill Madhesi Tiger worker (kp), Special security detail for top Maoists (kp), CIAA Report card: Failure to nail big fish harms image, by Baburam Kharel (kp), Peace or appease process?, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), 'Elections impossible in November' (samn), Top UN Envoy Calls on Nepalese to Resist (Scoop)

16/07/2007: Use YCL to provide security for CA election, says Prachanda (nn), JTMM-Goit kills Maoist activist in Siraha (nn), Gaur probe panel submits report to govt (nn), Chure Bhawar sets preconditions for talks (kp), Are we heading in the right direction?, by Shyam KC (kp), ‘Voter education and awareness is a big issue’, interview with Darren S Nance, Director of the Carter Center in Nepal (kp), Experts begin destroying explosives used by rebels during years of conflict in Nepal (iht)

15/07/2007: NEFIN warns to disrupt CA poll (kp), Budget for palace is natural, says MK Nepal (nn), ‘Royal allowance just for survival’ (kp) [??], 'Unemployment Allowance' for Nepal King: Budget actually provides some 'hidden' funds for the royal family, by Umesh Shrestha (on), Maoist lawmakers come down heavily on budget (kp), Leaders flay king's allowance in budget (kp), Terai extremists are terrorists: Maoist leader (nn), Govt gives terai groups 15-day talks deadline (kp), Govt invites Terai groups for talks (samn), Transport strike grips capital again (kp), Transport strike halts Valley traffic (samn), Nepal's king seeks escape amid probe into wealth, by Dan McDougall (Guardian, UK), The war of King Gyanendra’s nether region, by Louis de Bernieres (Times, UK), MJF warns of fresh stir in Terai (nn)

14/07/2007: Home Minister gives two-week talks deadline to rebel groups (nn), Sitaula lays out election security plan (kp), Industrial security force imminent (kp, Suddenly announced transport strike hits normal life in Valley (nn), The king should have abdicated: Moriarty (kp) [US still out to save monarchy!],  US envoy suggests king to abdicate (samn), Funds to palace under miscellaneous head (kp), Nepali Maoists accuse govt of deception over royal fund (Daily Star), Nepal government fails to scrap king's allowances (wi), NA to fight any ism that’s against democracy: CoAS (kp), ‘Terai problems not addressed in budget’ (kp), Adieu monarchy, by Prashanna Tiwari (kp), PLA deputy commander suspects UN intention (nn)

13/07/2007: EC for media survey ban during CA poll (kp), Diplomats rally behind CA poll (kp), Yet another chakkajam hobbles capital (kp), Valley bandh called off (nn), Robin Hood culture, by Dhruva Joshy (kp), King Gyanendra's last birthday, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Finance Minister says palace will get a purse (nn) [??], Democracy in Experiment: Nepal has spent almost six decades in experimenting various models of constitutions and democracies but the country did not have to pay as high a price in the past as it is paying now, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Thrust On Polls, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Four months to go (nt), Poll-itical solution: For a credible election, the government must fix the tarai’s security mess, by John Narayan Parajuli (nt), State of confusion, by Tularam Saha (nt, originally in Kantipur, 12 July), Communist quicksand: Pushpa Kamal Dahal can save the peace process from the various leftie threats to it, by CK Lal (nt), “Fitting reply to those who call us terrorists", Puspha Kamal Dahal in interview in Maoist paper, Janadesh, 10 July (nt), Maoists want fighters in security wings (samn), Unceremonial monarchy: The state should keep itself out of the religious realm, by Sudhindra Sharma (nt), CPN-UML seeks new panel to hold talks (samn), New Maoist demands halt UN arms verification in Nepal (wi), Verification process shouldn't stop: Martin (kp), Martin meets with PM; discusses the stalled verification of PLA (nn), Stalling of verification of Maoist PLA is violation of agreement, says Moriarty (nn), JTMM-Jwala kills two of a family in Saptari (nn), Sitaula briefs House committee on govt's security plan (nn)

12/07/2007: PM meets with Prachanda and Nepal (nn), ‘Honeymoon’ ends, Maoists spit venom at NC (kp), Diplomats willing to support EC for polls (nn), 82 terai police posts still displaced, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Armed terai groups mushroom, rampage, by Jitendra Khadga (kp), School allowance eludes war victims, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Embrace & confront concurrently, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Pay tax to Tarai govt: JTMM-J (samn), Strikes can disrupt peace process, Sitaula warns (nn)

11/07/2007: King, royals not to receive state allowance in upcoming budget (nn), King, royals to receive no allowance in Rs 170b budget, by Prem Khanal (kp), CA polls: CEC issues strong warning (samn), End strikes: Poll chief (kp), ‘Mobilize civil society, youths to maintain peace’ (kp), Train Maoists: Deuba urges Prachanda (kp), ‘Make republic common agenda’ (kp), CPN-UML chief asks king to abdicate (samn), Secularism's Ritual Kingship and Communism's Bourgeois Democracy, by Saubhagya Shah (tg), The activities of the terrorists are still continuing and everyday innocent people are subjected to killings, abduction, extortion, by Surya Pd. Shrestha, Former Chief Election Commissioner (tg), Maoists must be honest to what they have committed themselves in the peace agreement and stop taking law in their own hands, interview with Rabindra Khanal (tg), Moriarty's final verbal assault on Maoists (tg), 8-parties have no right to rule: Thapa (samn), HPRN issues ultimatum to govt (samn), MPs decry arrest of their colleague (nn)

10/07/2007: Address the weaknesses of the peace process: ICG (nn) [see full text of the ICG report], 'Nepal needs to consider minorities' (samn), Chure activists warn of new agitation (nn), JTMM factions carry on atrocities (kp), Maoists take stock of party’s situation in terai (kp), CEC asks govt to improve security (nn), Nepal to recruit 75,000 more police for key election (Monster and Critics), Violence still threatens Nepal's elections, by Kamala Sarup (Scoop), CA poll to be held at one go, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Oust monarchy before polls: Vaidhya (samn), No leftist alliance at the cost of 8-party unity: MK Nepal (nn)

09/07/2007: MJF chief says Terai movement is not for separation (nn), Elections will be held at any cost, says Nepal (nn), Abolish monarchy: NWPP appeals to parties (kp), ‘Birthday bash makes no difference’ (kp), Lame, tame, dud end to royal bash (samn), 'Nationalise king's property' (samn), European Diplomats Honored Nepalis’ Verdict of Republic, by Mohan Nepali (Scoop), Ruling alliance MPs rap govt programs, policy (kp), Backforce of Terai Violence in Nepal Disclosed, by Mohan Nepali (Scoop), Maoist leaders discuss their 'dwindling strength' and 'growing attacks' in Madhes (nn)

08/07/2007: Single phase poll tough for security: Home secy (kp), Commitments alone will not work for CA polls: Speaker (kp), MJF trains its cadres to use domestic weapons (nn), Prachanda rejects envoys’ list (kp), King indulging in politics: Prachanda (samn), Dozen injured as YCL cadres, youths clash with royalists (kp), Clashes mar king’s b’day celebrations (samn), Killings, intimidation continue in Terai (nn)

07/07/2007: King's birthday proceeds amid protests (nn), King's supporters organise rally on his birthday (nn), Nepalese king celebrates birthday (BBC News), Nepal's king marks birthday amid protests (iht), Nepal's king marks his 60th birthday with lavish ceremony as protesters gather in streets, by Binaj Gurubacharya (Santa Barabara News-Press), Former top panchas present: Govt, diplomats snub king’s party (kp), CPN-UML slams king's b'day plans (samn), King's party plans fuel protests (samn), Mass boycott of Nepal king's birthday bash (wi), Palace seeks govt security, gets it (samn), Few injured after YCL cadres foil monarchists' rally (nn), Clashes mar Nepal king's birthday (Aljazeera), Nepal king supporters, opponents clash (Monster and Critics), Monarchy should be abolished before CA election: Prachanda (nn), 90 percent people will participate in CA polls: Survey (nn), Father of missing soldiers sick at heart, by Kamal Panthi (kp), NHRC concerned over abductions (kp), Prachanda path is 'fool' paradise, by Avantika Regmi (kp), Another pact must for republic: Badal (samn), Major parties ignoring small ones: JMN (samn), Tarai leaders’ Front likely next month (samn)

06/07/2007: Students, youths vow to foil king’s birthday bash (kp), Monarchists not to change their party plan (nn), Attending king's b'day bash an individual choice: RPP, RJP (kp), Birthday fiasco (kp), King requests for security (nn) [The people did the same against royal suppression in 2005/6!], Nepal's king seeks protection from government ahead of planned protest against him (iht), Pro-monarchy forces will be defeated: Nepal (kp), DDR not applicable for Maoists: says Prachanda (nn), OHCHR concerned over Disappearance Commission (kp), Constituent Assembly Elections: Fair or Foul?, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Let’s zero in on polls: CPN-UML chief (samn), 'We Do Not Want To See Nepal Become A Totalitarian State', interview with US Ambassador Moriarty (sp), The unrepentant state: Trying to establish an ‘armed peace’ in the madhes will prove disastrous, by CK Lal (nt), 2007 to 2007: What will ordinary Nepalis gain from a republic?, by Prem J Thapa (nt), Forever feudal: Guess who out-feudals who in the New Nepal (nt), Parties against Janajati demands: MPs (samn), Third front likely, says NC-D leader (samn), Chure Samaj disrupts traffic on highway (samn), Nepal Opting For A Rare Transition, by Amit Pyakurel (Global Politician)

05/07/2007: Maoists say the govt policies are only 'so-so' (nn), Leaders demand security (nn), Govt employee, businessman shot dead (nn), JTMM men kill govt employee in Janakpur (samn), Diplomats to boycott king’s birthday bash, by Damakant Jayshi (kp), Ambassadors to shun Nepal king’s bash (Peninsula), Government ministers, key envoys to boycott Nepalese king's 60th birthday celebration (iht), EU to support CA, security, HR (kp), Govt’s policy & program: CA poll top priority, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), CA polls to be revolutionary: PM (samn), There's no future for a Nepalese monarchy, says premier Koirala (Monster and Critics), PM shows way out to feudal elements (samn), Time to end feudalism: UML leaders (samn), Compensate the Oppressed: An interview with a leader of the Communist Party of Nepal, by Rupesh Silwal (on), ‘Armed groups can’t resolve terai problem’ (kp), Progression or retrogression?, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Listen to silent majority, by Narayan Prasad Wagle (kp), Nepal's young Turks wage new war on king (wi), Party poopers not to allow King to hold his birthday bash (nn), Protesting civil society activists released after brief detention (nn)

04/07/2007: SC seeks progress details on Rayamajhi report (kp), Govt forms 16 member Dalit commission (nn), Two district leaders of Congress killed (nn), NC, NC-D leaders shot dead, Maoists blamed, by Narayan Sharma (kp), Gunmen slay 2 politicians in southern Nepal; suspect arrested (iht), JTMM-J abducts lawyer, contractor (kp), Unidentified group abducts govt employee (nn), Terai Cobra ‘head’ under surveillence, by Kosh Raj Koirala and Shiva Puri (kp), UML concerned over terai violence (kp), RPP wants T&R commission soon (kp), ‘Westminster model can't work in Nepal’ (kp), Are we prepared for CA polls?, by Amit Pyakurel (kp), A Trahi-Trahi Nepal!, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Youth violence in post-conflict scenario, by Suvechha Adhikari & Dipendra Tamang (tg), Campaign to secure rights during constituent assembly, by K.B.Bhattachan (tg), Dr Hall asks govt, parties to create environment for polls (nn), CA will bring new era: PM Koirala (nn), Govt unveils its annual policies; focused on CA elections (nn), Three hurt in Sarlahi bomb blast (nn)

03/07/2007: OHCHR concerned over killing of Maoists (nn), Transport strike withdrawn (nn), Transport strike over (kp), APF, police to deploy against terai violence, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Conflict victims demand impartial ‘truth commission’ (kp), CA is both opportunity and test: Moriarty (nn), Lawyer abducted in Sunsari (nn)

02/07/2007: Thapa warns against integrating Maoist combatants into NA (nn), PLA-NA integration will invite aberration: RJP (kp), Maoists not to return ‘royalists’ property (nn), UNMIN refutes media report on PLA verification (nn), UNMIN disputes number of disqualified Maoist troops (kp), JTMM-J men gun down Maoist leader (kp), PM directs NA to be ready for any challenge (kp), Shun violence: Deuba tells Maoists (kp), Transport strikes trouble terai (kp), US expert stresses transparency, participation (nn), Strikes continue to paralyse life in eastern Terai life (samn)

01/07/2007: MJF to allow CA only if their demands are met (nn), Goit’s men gun down Maoist cadre in Rautahat (nn), CPN-M cadre killed by armed group in southern Nepal (Xinhua), No compromise with terrorism and extremism, says Army chief (nn), PM meets CoAS Katawal (nn), Poudel handed over TRC guideline draft (kp), Minister Pradhan criticizes PM (kp), UML leaders criticise govt, PM (samn), Ruling alliance partner creating anarchy: Thapa (kp), Round table before CA poll: Pahadi (kp), Holding CA polls difficult: Maoists (samn), Maoists obstruct UN verification process (samn), Security chiefs told to clear highways (samn), 'JTNM no less armed than Maoists' (samn), Slice-Tarai-out-of-Nepal offer ‘rejected (samn), A thousand Nepali mutinies (hs), Country will be in serious trouble if CA polls not held in free and fair manner: Moriarty (nn)

30/06/2007: Home Minister promises special security plan (nn), Election code-of-conduct in the offing (nn), Parties urge EC to formulate realistic code of conduct (kp), No agreement on poll expenditure limit (samn), ‘We've no attachment with monarchy’, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), 1 local, 2 JTMM-J men kidnapped (kp), Transport strike extends westward (kp), Possible presidents, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), PM, Prachanda resolve disputes (samn), Prachanda leaves for Switzerland (nn), UML accuses NC of marginalising partners (samn), Let people decide on king: Thapa (samn) [This is only possible if the candidates and parties that want to be elected make their positions clear ahead of the elections!!], Nepal Muslims demand seats in national election (Reuters), Side with republicans, SD Muni tells India; claims India not behind Terai turmoil (nn), Nepali Congress main hurdle in declaring republic from House: Mahara (nn), Democratic worries, by Rita Machanda (fl)

29/06/2007: Give lesser budget to the King, says Mahara (nn), Speaker suggests king to ‘keep quiet’ (samn), Maoists want their envoy in 'A category' nations (nn), House body seeks fresh envoy list (kp), Maoist defector ready to place ‘hidden’ weapons in UN cantonment (nn), We were instructed to hide weapons: Maoist defector, by Mohan Budaair (kp), PM meets with Prachanda, agree to hold joint mass meetings (nn), Madhav Nepal accuses PM of working like a dictator (nn), UML wants stronger 8-party unity (samn), Prachanda Warns Agitation; Expresses Desire To Be Prez (sp), YCL cadres won't obstruct polls: Poudel (samn), Maoists desperate for int’l recognition, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Work responsibly for polls: Sitaula to APF (kp), Full speed ahead (nt), EC seeks clarification on poll Act (kp), “For The Political Purpose, We Are Violating The Rule Of Law And Constitutionalism”, interview with Radheshyam Adhikari (sp), Minister Pokharel doubts polls on November (nn), Cruise control: A November election depends on better law and order, by Kiran nepal and JB Pun (nt), Roadblocks to CA election, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Date Fixed: Although the date for elections is fixed, how Terai behaves in next few months will be crucial for holding the credible polls, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Madhesh state demand not justified: UML leader Jha (kp) [The Tarai region was populated by a number of Nepali ethnic groups when the immigration of people of Indian origin was encouraged by the Rana rulers in the mid 19th century to exploit the region for their own pockets!!!], Lone crusader, interview with Nepali Congress MP Jaya Prakash Gupta (nt, originally in Ghatana Ra Bichar, 27 June), Govt-Janajati bodies talks inconclusive (samn), Muslims demand 10 pc in CA (samn), Muslims seek place in CA (samn), Nepali gov't forms bodies for safe disposal of landmines (pd), What Next on the Maoist Roadmap?, by Kundan Singh Khatri (Scoop), JTMM-Jwala abducts youth (nn), NRNs demand voting rights in CA polls (nn)

28/06/2007: Police chief wants strong action against anarchists (nn), JTMM splits again (nn), JTMM-G also splits (kp), Another JTMM faction is born (samn), Yet another band of insurgents in Terai (wi), PM Koirala meets Mukherjee (nn), Demands on budget threaten financial stability: Mahat (kp), Budget to manage transition (samn), Kin of disappeared demand new probe body (kp), Maoists to launch protest over envoy list (kp), House Committee tells govt to submit new list of ambassadorial nominees (kp), Differences surface in Nepal's coalition government over ambassador appointments (International Herald Tribune, Govt-truck operators’ talks inconclusive (kp), Wrestling with the ghost of Polanyi, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Pre-conditions for CA poll, by Dipendra Jha and Yagya Raj Thapa (kp), Home Minister says govt will ensure security for polls (nn), Police kill suspected dacoits in Birgunj; violence continues in Terai (nn), Govt to do ‘whatever it takes’ to end violence in Terai (nn), Don't make reckless comments on elections: CEC tells leaders (nn), Govt-NEFIN talks held; agree to meet again (nn), Maoists call off indefinite bandh in Siraha (nn)

27/06/2007: Disappearances probe body members named (kp), Nepal sets up commission to trace hundreds who disappeared during rebellion (International Herald Tribune),, Will Prachanda's dream come true? (tg), Prachanda can’t be prez: Poudel (kp), Nov poll doubtful if Maoists continue killings: Deuba (kp), Intellectuals’ narrative space, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Elections: In whose interest?, by Narayan Khadka (kp), Political Transition in Nepal, by Prem Sharma (tg), Women combatants in cantonments: where next?, by Suvechha Adhikari (tg), Sustainable peace can only be achieved when the structural causes of the armed conflict are addressed, interview with Bishnu Raj Upreti (tg), End of monarchy inevitable: NSU prez (samn), Narahari doubts CA election (samn), Southern Nepal remains closed for the 4th day due to strike (pd), Bandh continues in eastern Terai (nn), Nepal's Dalits Turn Down Assembly Seats Offer (One World), JTMM-Jwala kills villager in Bara (nn), Maoists raise objection against ambassadorial nominations (nn), Dr. Mahat overwhelmed with huge budget demand for elections (nn)

26/06/2007: Nepal Sets Constituent Assembly Elections for November: 'Government must first ensure peace and security': Nepali Election Commission, by Santosh Salik Shah (on), CA Poll (kp), Free and fair election, by Narayan Prasad Wagle (kp), UNMIN, India welcome announcement of polls date (nn), Peace pre-requisite for CA poll: CEC (kp), Nepalis abroad demand voting rights (kp), Truckers halt services in Mechi, Koshi (kp), Supply hit as truckers go on strike in eastern region (nn), Shrapnel-hit woman awaits treatment, by Biplav Maharjan (kp), 1,313 torture cases after April movement (kp), For politics-free work place, by Yogendra Sakya (kp), Restructuring of state, by Ananta Raj Poudyal (kp), We want special ties: Prachanda (Hindu), Congress leaders scoff at Prachanda’s ‘dream’ to become President (nn), US Ambassador meets PM (nn), Bandh paralyses Terai life (nn), Police arrest seven with guns in Terai (nn), Govt forms 3-member commission on disappearances (nn)

25/06/2007: CA poll on November 22 (kp), Tryst with destiny on November 22 (samn), Poll top priority: PM (kp), Civil society comes up with 6-pt recommendation for CA election (nn), PM for fulfilling all demands before polls (nn) [This is not possible, Mr PM! You have already refused to include several important aspects in the interim constitution and its amendments!], EC to govt: Improve security for free and fair polls (nn), Tighter security across Nepal needed ahead of November elections, official says (International Herald Tribune), Small arms may affect CA polls (nn), Nepal town closed after blast kills ethnic Indian (wi), Govt will allot budget for king: Acharya (samn), NRNs' representation in CA demanded (samn), NTD, NSU against militarisation (samn), Generals promoted as Maoists protest (samn), 22 maimed during conflict in Dhankuta (samn), CPN-M calls general strikes in 4 southern districts (pd), Terai life hit hard by routine bandhs (nn), Prachanda Warns Girija: Maoists Hope for the Best, Prepared for the Worst, by Mohan Nepali (Scoop)

24/06/2007: Govt gets EPA consent to announce poll date, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp) Govt sets Nov 22 poll date (nn), Nepal to go to polls on Nov 22 (wi), Serious mass movement if no CA, says Prachanda (nn), Rural folk mostly ignorant about CA (kp), by Pratap Bista, Maoists announce 3-day bandh in Saptari (nn), Janandolan-injured to wage movement if demands not met (nn), Generals promoted as Maoists protest, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Kathmandu copes with criticisms, by Babu Ram Neupane (kp)

23/06/2007: PM stumbling block to CA poll: Nepal, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp), Govt to fix poll date Sunday (nn), ‘Public security floundering’ (kp), Terai in for pitched political battle, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Eleven MPRF men arrested (kp), Taskforce for conflict data collection (kp), Thoughts for New Nepal, by Aditya Baral (kp), Republic performance culture, by Shiva Rijal (kp), Trouble in Maoists' Madhesi front; Matrika Yadav steps down (nn), UN wants trust among Nepal parties (samn), Rule of law precondition for CA polls: KC (samn), 'Status-quoists trying to foil CA polls' (samn), CA poll date by Sunday: UML chief (samn), 'Include minorities in dev process' (samn), Dalits urged to join politics (samn), Prachanda vows to end feudalism (samn), NA-PLA merger possible: Sitaula (samn), Nepali CPN-M combatants could be merged into NA before CA elections: minister (pd), Maoists call indefinite strike in Sarlahi; MJF shut down Parasi (nn)

22/06/2007:  Cabinet fails to set CA polls date (samn), Kathmandu again fails to set firm election date (Gulf Times), Govt takes major decisions, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Nepal to set up commission to find information on hundreds who disappeared during conflict (International Herald Tribune), Mass exodus empties village, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), Move swiftly, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Role of intellectuals, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), It is a matter of disgrace, by Avantika Regmi (kp), Bombs in the countryside: Even in peacetime, thousands of explosive devices are threatening the lives of Nepalis, by Govinda Luitel (kp), The republic of disorder: Jimmy Carter’s visit only highlighted Kathmandu’s hamhanded approach to the tarai, by CK Lal (nt), Twin Concerns: At the end of his four-day visit, Carter raised two worries – insecurity and ethnic division - endorsing the position of Bush administration, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), A banda a day, by Dirgha Raj Upadhya (nt, originally in Himal Khabarpatrika, 15-29 June), TNLFN submits memo to PM (samn), Govt officer shot at in Bara (nn), Ethnic group paralyses Nepal's Terai, official killed (wi), MJF bandh affects life in Terai (nn), Strike by ethnic rights group shuts down southern Nepal, cuts traffic to north (International Herald Tribune), Indian arms embargo hits landmine defusing in Nepal (wi), 33% candidacy of women sought in polls (samn), Democratic stresses in Nepal and its regional implications, by Ret Marut (, Carter's futile visit, by Shashi Malla (Scoop) [Words by a supporter of total royal autocracy!!], Hundreds of Political Prisoners in Nepali Prisons, by Mohan Nepal (Scoop), Bring human rights violators to justice: Sundh (nn), Where Does He Stand? Prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala's statements raise the questions on where does he stand, by Keshab Poudel (sp)

21/06/2007: Cabinet fails to finalise election date, committee formed for NA-PLA merger nn), Nepal government fails to fix election date (wi), Nepali cabinet forms a committee to look after integration of armies (pd), Power still lies in Army Headquarters and Royal Palace, claims Prachanda (nn), Govt to announce relief measures (kp), Plan launched to mitigate effects of war (samn), NA-injured man bedridden due to lack of treatment, by Prem Nepali (kp), Transitional Maoist diplomacy, by Som P Pudasaini (kp), Poudel rules out ban on YCL (samn), Maoists don't want CA election: Sujata (samn), Deuba doubts CA elections in Mangsir (nn), UN chief appoints second envoy for Nepal peace process (wi), Cabinet fails to finalise election date, committee formed for NA-PLA merger nn)

20/06/2007: PM said so: Weekly Fortnightly Newspapers Network (nn), Koirala’s ineptness or media fault?, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), Nepal PM Koirala Teaching Journalists English, by Mohan Nepali (Scoop 20/06/2007), 176 still missing in east Nepal, by Madhav Ghimire (kp), RPP-N to challenge provision (kp) [We have forcefully suppressed the democratic ambitions of the people but excluding us is undemocratic!??], Party youth wings ban RPP-N activity (kp), 49 VDC secretaries demand security (kp), Peace at the crossroads, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), No US plans to talk to Maoists: envoy (samn), Nepal is not an inherited land of Hindus, by Prakash Bom (tg), 'Hindu Al Qaeda training suicide bombers in Nepal' (wi) [another militant Hindu organization!], PM appoints members of constitutional council (nn), Govt to fill up vacant posts in constitutional bodies (nn), Nepal ranked 21st in Failed States Index (nn), Poudel says PM never spoke about ousting Maoists from govt (nn)

19/06/2007: CMPD opposes minor king (nn), Maoists, UML rap PM over remark (kp), Whose line? (kp), People will decide monarchy’s fate: PM (kp), Maoists seek monarchy's end (samn), Maoists step up pressure to abolish monarchy (Gulf Times), Thapa warns against republic (nn), Curtailing king’s rights can’t diminish his power: Thapa (kp), Monarchy necessary for national unity and integrity, says Sharma (nn) [But royal Shah politics have been the reason for disunity and disintegration!?], MPRF for Maoist ouster, YCL ban, by Rabindra Upreti (kp), PM vows to act tough on YCL (nn), Maoists to organise agitation in Madhes soon (nn), Birtamod remains tense, by Lila Baral (kp), Curfew reimposed in eastern Nepal (samn), ‘Implement SC order on disappearances’ (kp), Hundreds protest for disappeared (samn), 200 protesters in Nepal demand information on hundreds who disappeared during conflict (International Herald Tribune), Nepal to probe missing people (Gulf Times), Decaying nationalism?, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp)

18/06/2007: PM: Monarchy can continue if king, Paras abdicate (kp), PM Koirala asks king to abdicate (samn), Nepal Maoists reject PM's proposal of child king (wi), Prachanda raps PM remarks on monarchy; Deuba says it’s Koirala’s ‘personal opinion’ (nn) [Obviously, Prakash and Manisha are not the only royalists of the Koirala family!!], PM denies making comments favouring 'minor King' (nn) [??], CA will decide monarchy's future, anyway: PM (nn), Maoists ask US to lift terrorist tag (samn), Boy killed in police firing, by Lila Baral (kp), One killed, 35 hurt in Jhapa clash (samn), Curfew continues in Birtamod (nn), MJF demands ban on YCL (nn), Deuba asks Maoists to return seized lands (nn), Sit-in begins seeking whereabouts of disappeared citizens (nn), Free treatment for injured CBES cadres (kp), NHRC paints bleak picture of east terai, by Madhav Ghimire (kp), Courteous Carter (kp), Incomplete movements, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Poudel vows to resolve terai disputes (samn), Prachanda praises underprivileged's role (samn)

17/06/2007: Carter wants US contact with Maoists (kp), Carter throws his weight behind Nepal Maoists (wi), Maoists find Carter's assurance positive (nn), MK Nepal claims JTMM not receiving Indian support (nn), Prachanda sees conspiracies galore (nn), Gaur bomb explosion injures three (nn), One killed in Birtamod clash; 8-hour curfew clamped (nn), Govt, Chure Samaj start second round of talks (nn), Govt to provide security to Maoist leaders (nn), Truth and Reconciliation Commission to be formed 'soon' (nn), Republic will come if King, Crown Prince do not step down ahead of CA: PM (nn) [There is no place for a monarchy that is responsible for the wrong developments of the past and that has putsched in recent years once again!!], Punish king to usher in republic: Pahadi (kp), PM for Nov 26 poll date (kp), ‘EPA headed toward failure’ (kp), Nepal stresses EPA unity with others (kp)

16/06/2007: PM to propose November 26 poll date (nn), Prachanda courts Carter over terrorist listing (kp), Carter to urge Bush administration to have communication with Maoists (nn), Let's pressurize house for republic: Prachanda (kp), Maoists vow action against MPRF, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Lawlessness in terai worries Martin (kp), Police team recovers looted weapons (kp), MPRF urges YCL to free Shah (kp), Bomb defused in Kamal Thapa’s house (nn), ‘Royalists capitalize on discords within 8-party’ (kp)

15/06/2007: Second amendment (kp), Rush For Change, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Nepal Heading For Rare Political Change: Parliament now legitimately can abolish the Monarchy, by Amit Pyakurel (on), Constituent Assembly election: House all for semi-proportional system, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp) [This election system will prevent inclusiveness that would be fundamental for building up a new Nepal! The first-past-the-post system has guaranteed the domination of the traditional elites after 1990 and must be abolished!], Nepal approves key poll law to calm ethnic groups, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), India feels it is dangerous topush elections beyond Mangsir, says MK Nepal (nn), Republic through parliament will invite dictatorship, says Rana (nn) [Authoritarian dictatorship already existed under the monarchy!!], Prachanda wants republic now; Maoists to launch agitation against killings (nn), “Secretive agreement” to bring down Maoist combatants to 15,000 (nn), Carter meets with political leaders and COAS (nn), Koirala my hero: Carter (kp) [??], Ex-US President Carter meets leaders of Nepal's former communist rebels (International Herald Tribune), Prachanda requests Carter's help in withdrawing US terrorist tag (nn), Where Do They Stand? With frequent shifts in their alliances and changing words, political forces in Nepal do not know where they stand, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Moving ahead, by JB Pun Magar (nt), Footnotes to history: Opinion polls in Nepal are mostly harmless indulgences, by CK Lal (nt), East, mid-Tarai shut at JTMM-J call (samn), Terai life hit hard by strike (nn)

14/06/2007: Parliament can now end monarchy, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Nepal's monarchy faces new threat (BBC News), Nepal parliament gets armed to axe king (wi), Parliament gets power to end Nepal monarchy (Peninsula), Nepal's Parliament amends constitution empowering legislators to abolish king (International Herald Tribune), Govt says no to ethnicity based PR (nn), Govt, NEFIN disagree on representation (samn), Next Govt-janajatis talks within 15 days (kp), Carter arrives to assess polls situation (samn), Carter meets PM Koirala (kp), Carter meets Koirala, pledges support for polls (wi), Maoists discuss agendas for Carter meeting (nn), MPRF men ‘murder’ 2 YCL cadres, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), Jwala’s men gun down Maoist district leader in Bara (nn), Maoist guerrillas call shutdown in Terai area (Gulf Times), UNMIN, OHCHR launch probe on YCL leaders’ killing (nn), We’ll take arms out of UN containers: Baldev (kp), Bomb blast at Shrish Rana's house (nn), Insurgency victims face govt apathy, by Binod Tripathi (kp), Signature campaign to control arms (kp), Diplomats’ security (kp), Why see yells of collective terror?, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), UN postpones second phase of verification of Maoist combatants (Hindustan Times), Second phase PLA verification postponed (nn)

13/06/2007: Parliament approves second amendment; House authorised to abolish monarchy (nn), Maoist leader killed by JTMM-G cadres (nn), Maoists call shutdown in Terai (wi), YCL leader killed in ‘clash’ with MJF cadres (nn), Martin stresses public security (kp), UN asks govt to make poll plan (samn), UN election monitoring team meets PM Koirala (nn), PM meets Martin, Katawal (nn), Call for declaring Nepal the Hindu nation (nn), Nepal rules out any form of monarchy (nn), Carter arriving today, by Dinesh Wagle (kp), Former US prez Carter arrives (nn), Calling Carter to Kathmandu, by Raman Grandon (kp), Tight security cover for Carter's Nepal trip (wi), Former US President Carter arrive in Nepal, plans to meet former communist leaders (International herald Tribune), YCL is PLA outside cantonments: Moriarty (kp), Transporters threaten indefinite strike (kp), Transporters declare strike from June 15 (samn), Need for a democratic alliance, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp), The missing state (tg), Nepalese leaders must sincerely utilize this open moment, by Tone Bleie (tg), Nepal: Buffoonery lectures! (tg), NC-D far west activists warn of stir (samn), JTMM-G warns action against minister (samn), Bandh disrupts life in several districts (samn), Once, there was a Hindu nation, by Tarun Vijay (Times of India) [opinion of an Indian Hindu fundamentalist from the RSS], Yadav accuses home administration of aiding Terai violence (nn)

12/06/2007: Govt-Janajati talks make progress (kp), Government-Janjati talks inconclusive (samn), Britain hands over de-mining equipment (nn), Strike by landless partially affects life (nn), Political bond (kp), Highway politics, by Hem Raj Kafle (kp), Maoist victims stage sit-in at NC office (samn), Goit group calls off bandh (samn), Maoist actions threatening peace process: Moriarty (nn), Time running out for election preparations, says Martin (nn), Transport entrepreneurs meet with Prachanda (nn), Jimmy Carter arriving Wednesday (nn)

11/06/2007: Govt carrying out national policy on IDPs, says PM (nn), PM confers with NC leaders; UML wants conducive atmosphere for polls (nn), JTMM-Goit seizes 435 bighas of land in Saptari (nn), NC, Maoists patch up differences, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), 2nd round today: Govt, ethnic bodies talks 'positive' (kp), Govt talks team ‘verbally agrees’ to some of Janajati demands (nn), ‘Maoists want to make me incompetent’, interview with Pradip Nepal, Minister for Education and Sports (kp), Shaky politics, impunity and YCL, by Amit Pyakurel (kp)

10/06/2007: Minister Yadav warns of 'People's War' in Terai (nn), 'PM’s remark won’t affect peace process’: YCL action will continue: Prachanda (kp), PM meeting with Prachanda (nn), PM, Prachanda agree to resolve issues of dissent (nn), NEFIN calls off banda: Talks today (kp), PM assures NEFIN leaders to meet their demands (nn), Govt, NEFIN negotiators to sit again on Monday (nn), Row over ‘Indian advice’ is now over: Prachanda (nn), Kapilvastu bandh called off (nn), Parties betraying people: Dr Panday (kp)

09/09/2007: Govt asks Janajatis to withdraw bandh (nn), CZOP urges agitators to let schools open (nn), NEFIN calls off two-day bandh (nn), Congress VP spits venom at YCL (nn), Prachanda says YCL will continue to hunt down corrupt people (nn), Redefining the acronym, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Strike affects Kapilvastu life (nn), Settle major issues promptly for CA polls: Carter Center (kp), JTMM outfits abduct 3 (kp), Bhutuke blast questions Koirala, by Prabhash Devkota (kp), What the people have to say, by Krishna Hacchhethu (kp)

08/06/2007: NFIN to continue with their protest programme (nn), Panel begins probing terai violence, by Madhav Ghimire (kp), Reservation, by Madhav Raj Regmi (kp), Home minister’s resignation, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Still undecided: Most Nepalis are either not interested in politics, or are unsure which way to vote (nt), The state of Nepali democracy. Wanted: comprehensive change, community identity, economic progress, better governance, by Krishna Hachhethu (nt), Nationwide opinion favours republic (samn), Playing with matches: The Maoists want to fight fire with fire in the tarai, by CK Lal (nt), Dialogue, not diatribe (nt), Ban bandas (nt, originally in Kantipur, 4 June), PM’s comment on YCL provocative: Bamdev (samn), Statute amendment aims to save king: MPs (samn), Former US President Carter to visit Nepal, meet former communist leaders (International Herald Tribune)

07/06/2007: 8-party unity shouldn’t break: Dr Bhattarai (kp), Fast-unto-death for justice: Kin of disappeared submit memo to Speaker (kp), Birgunj businessmen demand increased security (nn), Parties confusing people: Speaker (kp), ‘Outlaw YCL or take back your words’ (kp), Prachanda admits to ties with Birendra (samn), Fear of suspended monarchy, by Prakash Bom (kp), Civil society, minister stage sit-in (samn), Bill ensures 50% CA quota for women (samn), Govt hands over Rs 92.5 million as salary for PLA (nn)

06/06/2007: Eight-party unity in peril: Mahara (samn), PM’s mentality itself criminal: Mahara (kp), PM protector of criminals: Prachanda, by Amrita Anmol (kp), YCL controversy echoes in parliament (nn), Fast unto death launched demanding whereabouts of disappeared (nn), Fast unto death ends after govt assurance (nn), Civil Society organises sit in to exert pressure on the government (nn), 'EC, not parties, will set poll date' (samn), Prachanda smells rat in Indian advice to UML (nn), Maoists need not suspect us: Adhikary (nn), Maoists vehemently deny link with ULFA (nn), ‘Give parties 10pc elbow room’ (kp) [??], Extortion drive terrorizes businessmen, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Madheshi Tigers' strike hits Terai life (nn), JTMM-Jwala captures former CJ’s land (nn), Birgunj shut over shooting incident, by Shankar Acharya (kp), YCL irony (kp), Govt lifting ban on camouflage clothing (kp)

05/06/2007: Rayamajhi Commission absolves the King, says Shrestha (nn), Maoists want pay before verification (kp), Police nab JTMM-J district chief (kp), Young Criminal League, says PM (kp), Koirala favors taming YCL now (samn), Minister Nepal says YCL will lead Maoists to downfall; YCL protests PM’s comment (nn), Mahara  criticises PM's remarks on YCL; warns of fissure in 8-party unity (nn), Frustration over government inability to stem “atrocities” (Relief Web), JP Gupta severs ties with MJF (nn)

04/06/2007: Poudel cautions against restructuring state on ethnic lines (nn) [But the state is already structured on a single ethnic line, i.e. the Tagadhari line!!], Poudel against federalism on ethnic line (samn), Scholar Bista predicted janajatis’ stir (samn), Maoists to launch month-long Terai agitation (nn), Goit’s men gun down Maoist cadre in Bara; indiscriminate firing kills one in Birjung (nn), NC warns JTMM-J, YCL to stop unruly activities (kp), ANNISU-R launches drive (samn), Painful ordeal of a disappeared’s father, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), MPs seek tough law against disappearance (samn) [Many crimes of the past can already be punished on the basis of existing law! Why is this prevented by the government?], OHCHR welcomes SC decision on disappearances (nn), 'I had differences over principles with Dr Pandey', interview with Krishna Pahadi (kp), Landmine tragedy (kp), Diplomats' security top priority: govt (samn), Second-phase PLA verification uncertain as Maoists set new 'condition' (nn), We are not against foreign capital, says Prachanda (nn)

03/06/2007: 12,500 landmines planted during insurgency, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Rights activists increasingly attacked, threatened: Report (nn), JTMM-Goit captures NC chief whip’s land in Mahottari (nn), 2nd round of talks before June 14: MPRF (kp), Notes of dissent not justified: Koirala, by Lila Baral (kp), Maoist violence threatens peace: Lowenkron (kp), US stance on Maoists remains unchanged (samn), Nepal may face crisis after polls: US (samn), ‘Two regimes still in existence’ (kp), Koirala under pressure to hold CA polls (samn), PM vows better security for polls (samn), Dalits to stage rallies nationwide (samn), NC condemns activities by JTMM and YCL (nn), MPs object Maoist atrocities (nn)

02/06/2007: Understanding reached on one half of MJF demands (nn), Agreement on various demands: Govt-MPRF talks, by Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp), NEFIN banda affects life (kp), US strongly supports Nepal's peace process: Assistant Secy Lowenkron (nn) [??], Only CA polls can establish durable republican order: PM (nn), Only NC-UML unity can save peace process, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Disapperance: SC orders fully empowered probe, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), 83 disappeared finally get justice in Nepal, 854 still waiting (wi), 15 governments condemn Maoist attack on US envoy (wi)

01/06/2007: All-party meeting: CA polls by November-end: ECDC report to be reviewed, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Nepal CA polls to be held in Nov (samn), Nepal alliance to hold polls in November, by J. Hemanth (tc), EC seeks election related laws (samn), Nepal bandh affects normal life (nn), 'Sons of soil' mark Black Day, shut down Nepal (wi), Govt, MJF to hold talks today (nn), US official satisfied with decision to fix new polls date (nn), CPN-UML not to push for removing Koirala (samn), Both JTMMs on land grab drive (samn), Nine armed groups in operation, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), New beginning or dead end? by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), 937: The number of Nepalis still listed as disappeared during the war (nt), Disappearing truth (nt), Disappeared, dead or alive, by Anagha Neelakantan and Kunda Dixit (nt), “For lasting peace, we must deal with the missing", interview with Mary Werntz, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross delegation to Nepal (nt), “The agony of families is being prolonged”, interview with Lena Sundh, representative in Nepal of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (nt), Who says Nepal is poor? by Kiran Nepal (nt), Apex court orders govt to compensate families of disappeared people (nn), Diplomatic Corps concerned by insecurity (nn), MJF presents 26-point demands (nn)

31/05/2007: UML team heading for New Delhi (nn), Party leaders heading for New Delhi (nn) [a behaviour as in the early 1950s!], Government urged to form land commission (nn), NC not to yield an inch in 8-party meet (samn), Eight parties agree to hold CA by November third week (nn), November poll 'agreed in Nepal' (BBC News), Nepal parties agree over November elections (wi), Nepal leaders fix poll time, rescue parliament (wi), Multiple blasts rock Janakpur (kp), 7 arrested with illegal shotguns (kp), Implementing House resolution on women challenging, by Sangeeta Rijal (kp), Twisted tails & state's resistance, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Maoists condemn blast in City office (samn), Maoist body to join stir  (samn), Gandhi Is Needed In Nepal, by Kamala Sarup (Scoop), JMCC’s meet indecisive on key issues (nn), US Assistant Secretary holds series of high-profile meetings (nn), Stick with previous pact on monarchy, says US official (nn)

30/05/2007: Bomb explosion at Maoist party office (nn), 9 killed in Palpa bomb blasts, by Madhav Aryal (kp), Eight Party Meet: Panel set up to study CDC report (kp), Poudel, Nepal trade blame on political deadlock (nn), Poudel blames Leftists for deadlock (kp) [But deadlocks have been normal for the established parties and politicians ever since 1991 when the Maoists were not a partner, yet!?!], Myopic parties (kp), 'Govt loses legitimacy after June' (samn), Govt-MJF talks on Friday (nn), Indian, US ambassadors meet UML chief (nn), Senior US official in town to 'promote setting polls date’ (nn), To be or not to be, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Strengthening the rule of law and security in Nepal, by Karon Cochran, Sobhakar Budhathoki and Colette Rausch (tg), Self-terminated feudal monarchy & need to declare a federal democratic republic, by Prakash Bom (tg), You can't expect democracy of your choice if you achieve it by climbing on the back of any "foreign element", interview with Indu Acharya-Regmi, Lecturer, Padma Kanya campus (tg), Civil society groups to stage protests (samn)

29/05/2007: Same old issues, same old differences (kp) [Is it time that the people dismiss the complete old political establishment??], Eight-party meeting postponed until Thursday (nn), We've respected Koirala for his international image, says Dr. Bhattarai (nn), Top Maoist lauds PM’s int’l image, not his deeds, by Santosh Pokharel (nn), Nine feared dead in Palpa bomb blast (nn), ‘Obstructing House helps autocracy’ (kp), APF frees kidnapped RJP man (kp), En route to transformation, by Surendra R Devkota (kp)

28/05/2007: MJF's report gives party clean chit in Gaur incident (nn), End of monarchy needed: NSU prez, by Binod Tripathi (kp), Republican students (kp), Collapsing into pandemonium, by Madhab P Khanal (kp), ‘Government fails to abide by its agreement’ (kp), Civil society calls to end impunity (samn), No need of debate on republic: Narahari (samn), Koirala loses grip on student wing (samn), APF exercise terrifies locals of Dharan (samn), UML for proportional voting system; NC, NC (D) stick to mixed system (nn), Eight-party leaders meet in Baluwatar (nn)

27/05/2007: EPA meets after 6 weeks: Fails to clear stalemate, poll date, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp) [The Nepali people are fed up with all these incompetent, selfish and traditionalist politicians!!], Nepal government puts off announcing poll date (wi), Parties agree to resume House job (samn) [How graceful! This is their duty, not their right!!], RPP-Nepal not allowed to hold programme (nn), Government, parties denounce attack on US envoy’s vehicle (nn), JTMM-J abducts 3 (kp), MJF lauds new Madhesh probe panel (samn), Mahara stresses new power polarization (kp), Can deconstruction of ideology be a new agenda? Reading Mahara's mind, by Sumit Sharma (kp), NC not clear on monarchy: Maoists (samn)

26/05/2007: YCL activists pelt stones at Moriarty (kp), YCL washes off its hand from stoning incident (nn), Eight party meeting in Baluwatar (nn), Eight-party meeting resumes after short break (nn), Eight-party meeting ends, will resume on Monday (nn), Parliament session stalled till May 30 (nn), Judicial panel to probe terai losses, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Judicial panel to probe Tarai unrest (samn), Nepal's Terai MPs not happy with new commission (wi), APF, JTMM-J men clash (kp), Koirala's ceremonial king, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), 75% pepole want early CA election (samn), EU seeks unconditional arms verification (samn), Lawyers demand law and order, safety (samn), Janajatis stage sit-in (samn), MJF ready to negotiate if charges are dropped against its cadres (nn)

25/05/2007: Indigenous nationalities organise 48 hour sit-in protest (nn), ICRC urges govt to form probe commission (nn), 6 injured in Sarlahi blast (kp), Erosion Of Political Culture, by Keshab Poudel (sp), "Political Parties Have Lost Their Faith In CA Polls", interview with Taranath Ranabhat (sp), Dissecting Madhesi movement, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), All-party meet soon: Bhattarai (samn), U.S. envoy unhurt as Nepal Maoists stone car (Reuters) [This is not a democratic bahaviour towards a foreign diplomat irrespective of his negative political games!!], Cabinet forms commission to investigate terai unrest (nn), Prachanda meets with EU envoys, CA polls discussed (nn), Culture of violence must come to an end, says Finance Minister (nn)

24/05/2007: Prachanda urges YCL to improve (nn), Prachanda asks YCL to mend its ways (samn), Victims outraged as Maoists get salary (Gulf Times), Govt to release Rs 120 million to help conflict victims (nn), Ethnic people seek debate on federalism (samn), NC has not developed model of federalism: Sujata (nn), Maoists, govt failed on HR committments: AI (kp), Govt urged to minimise landmines risks (samn), Govt apathy (kp), Ideological gap and authoritarian threat, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Nepal urges govt to hold talks with JTMM (samn), Eight party meeting on Saturday, says PM (nn)

23/05/2007: Serial blasts in Janakpur (nn), Series of blasts rocks southern Nepalese town (Earth Times), Nepal demands Sitaula's scalp (nn), Halt YCL outrage, PM tells Prachanda (kp), YCL meet on to review its activities (nn), PM asks Maoists to mend ways (samn), Govt not serious about talks: Yadav (kp), Yadav slams Prachanda remarks on Tarai (samn), MPRF snubs summons, by Shiva Puri (kp), ‘Expedite statute changes’ (kp), Koirala heading for fatal blunder, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), Class or caste struggle? (tg), Constitutionalism in today's context means the dictates of government and EPA partners in parliament, interview with Shrish S. Rana (tg) [Mr Rana is a staunch royalist and has been one of the henchmen of the royal putsch of 2005, which is still defended by him!], Salary for Maoists, stick for their victims (wi), CPN-UML wants strong 8-party unity (samn), Govt, backward classes body hold talks (samn), Nepal's Unhealed Wound: The internally displaced people have yet to return to their homes, by Laxmi Prasad Tamang (on), Amnesty report takes Maoists to task over rights violations (nn)

22/05/2007: Congress leaders spit venom at YCL (nn), Maoists, NC meet to end deadlock (nn), UNFPA to deliver reproductive health service to conflict-affected people (nn), MK Nepal say UML not comfortable in govt (nn), Prachanda blasts anti-election move (samn), JTMM-G seizes poet Siddhicharan's ancestral house (nn), Capture NC leader’s land: JTMMs step up land seizures (kp), MPRF men torch vehicle carrying UML leader (kp), Politics and political game, by Sujeet Karn (kp), The Koiralas’ Crown Compulsions, by Sanjay Upadhya (Scoop)

21/05/2007: We can step down from govt anytime, says Gurung (nn), ‘We won’t quit govt even if CA poll is not held’ (kp), JTMM-J bombs NC leader’s house (kp), Maoists mistreat NA soldier's family (kp), Army condemns attempts to terrorise families of soldiers (nn), Tough talk, tougher behaviour, by Shyam KC (kp), Lame parliament, by Rishi Ram Paudyal (kp), PM to sort out issues before polls (kp) [This sounds like then PM K.P. Bhattarai before the elections of 1991!!], Declare republic before polls: Gajurel (kp), Govt told to compensate Speaker Nembang (samn) [There are many others who have to be compensated as well and also many others who have to be punished!! When will it happen??], Govt urged to give info of missing ones (samn), 'NC’s pro-king stand delaying process' (samn)

20/05/2007: April 24 pact obstructing republic, says Pokharel (nn), Terai problem can be resolved in two weeks, claims Prachanda (nn), Maoists pass Dang ‘test-case’: Parties striving, making progress, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), YCL cadres intensify violent activities nationwide (nn), YCL cadres beat up, break limbs of villager (kp) [Is this the politics you justify, Honourable Minister Mahara??], Control YCL activities to hold 8-party meet: PM Koirala (nn), YCL hampering peace process: Gurung (samn), Pact reached on issue of PLA camps (samn), Govt to get tough with armed groups (kp), Sitaula assures perfect law and order (samn), MPRF to change track in movement (kp), Nepali Diaspora demands republic announcement (nn), ‘Maoists may resort to confrontation’ (kp) [See corresponding report of International Crisis Group, Brussels], Monarchy unacceptable in any form: UML (samn), Let people decide on monarchy: Sahana (samn), Dr Bhattarai says struggle for republic will continue (nn), JTMM seizes Dr Yadav's house, land (nn)

19/05/2007: Chure agitators protest against Minister Mahato (nn), Maoist could resort to physical confrontation: ICG (nn), Rayamajhi Commission doesn't recommend action against King, Oli reveals (nn) [What a nonsense comment!!], Prachanda to talk with PM regarding monarchy's future (nn), Massive stir if no govt promise on upkeep of PLA, warns Prachanda (nn), Nemwang for safeguarding indigenous people's interests (nn), JTMM-J threatens to kill Post scribe, five others (kp), Civil servants demand security (kp), Troubled transition and New Nepal, by Som P Pudasaini (kp), CA polls date within a week: PM (samn), Informal talks with MJF on: minister (samn), Induct Maoist fighters into army: Nepal (samn), One year gone, much needs to be done (samn), Home Minister urges Maoists to check YCL activities (nn)

18/05/2007: Maoist victims forced out of Tinkune (nn), PM meets Nepal (kp), PM continue parleys with leaders; others (samn), Mahara for consensus to end stalemate (samn), Maoists won't return lands before CA poll: Mahara (kp), YCL thrash medic, abduct 12 (kp), Lessons from Uttar Pradesh, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Ideological challenges to Maoists, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Push From The Left, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), “A new war strategy”, interview with Nanda Kishore Pun (‘Pasang’), Maoist central committee member, PLA deputy commander, and vice-chair of the joint arms management committee(nt), Fluid situation: The limbo will last a little longer and create more complications, by Shiva Gaunle (nt), The rise of a party: In a decade, the MJF has gone from being a talk shop to one of the most powerful forces in national politics, by Mallika Aryal (nt), Got Plan B? The onus is on all Nepalis to steer the country back on track, by Daniele Ponce (nt), Same old Nepal (nt), I dissent, by Laxman Chaudhary (‘Roshan’) nt, originally in Nepal, 13 May), Left in disarray (nt, originally in Ghatana Ra Bichar, 16-22 May), NEFIN suggests CA poll in Nov last week (samn), MJF snubs govt’s talks deadline (nn), Jimmy Carter coming to Kathmandu (nn), PM meets EU ambassadors; discusses CA polls (nn)

17/05/2007: PM talks CA with Nepal; Moriarty concerned with Maoist atrocities (nn), YCL’s high-handedness riles officials (samn), Unacceptable (kp) [Comrade Prachanda, stop and discipline your anarchist lot immediately if you really stand for peace and a new Nepal!!], Mahara 'defends' YCL activities (nn), Maoists call nationwide school shutdown (samn), Maoists close down Nepal schools indefinitely (wi) [You are smashing the fundamental rights of Nepal's children!!], WB warns of suspending assistance in troubled areas (nn), Home Ministry staff protest attack on DAO (kp), PM parleys with Madhesi lawmakers (kp), Kill the eight-party alliance, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), UN okays November 10 as CA polls date (samn), Govt mulls new law to trim palace staff (samn), House can’t declare republic: RPP (samn) [Why did you not say, the king cannot dismiss the government and grab powers, on 4 October 2002??], Women leaders seek more inclusive CA (samn), Govt, MJF talks rescheduled (samn)

16/05/2007: Govt-MPRF talks on Friday (kp), MJF chairman rules out talks on May 18 (nn) [??], MJF adopts wait-n-watch policy on talks (samn), Fare concession to People’s Movement II injured (nn), Madhesi MPs engage in discussion, chances of parliament meeting still slim (nn), PM commits to resolve House deadlock soon (kp), PM vows to end House deadlock (samn), House adjourned till May 24 (nn) [Is this what people died for in April 2006???], Cabinet also stalled (nn), JTMM-J guns down 2 JTMM-G cadres, by Shiva Puri (kp), Tough task ahead for peace ministry, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Sitaula vows to take action against law violators (kp), YCL should not exist, by Avantika Regmi (kp), Indian Maoists urge CPN-M to wield arms, by Tilak P Pokharel (kp), Parties and paranoia, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Red unity rebuked, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), Madhesis have been suffering from an identity crisis and recognition problem, interview with Lal Babu Yadav, lecturer, Political Science Department, T.U, Nepal (tg), Eight parties suppressing Terai: RPP (samn) [say the heir apparents of panchayat system who at that time denied the Nepali identity of the Madhesis!!], I distributed Nepalgunj CD: Tripathi (samn), 'Indigenous people need fair treatment' (samn), Taking the Madhesi Movement to New Heights: Nepal's leaders must prevent alienation of communities of Indian origin, by Santosh Salik Shah (on), Pahadi distances himself from CMDP (nn) [Does this mean that the civil society leadership does not differ from the selfish interests of the party leaders??], Mid-November is a realistic election timeline, says Martin (nn)

15/05/2997: Chure agitators demand action against Minister Mahato (nn), Minister Mahato regrets PM's comment (nn), Jwala's men kill two cadres of Goit's faction (nn), PM main impediment for republic: Yadav (nn), UML refutes media reports (nn), King 80 percent finished: PM, by Harsa Subba, Madhav Ghimire & Binod Bhandari (kp), NRB governor barred from flying to B'desh (kp), 15 injured in bomb blast in Rautahat, by Shiva Puri (kp), Laws but little justice, by Trilochan Upreti (kp), A red herring to constituent assembly, by Bijay Kumar Rauniyar (kp), Nepali women empowerment truth or sham?, by Shaheen Gani (kp), Madhesi, RPP MPs disrupt house (samn), Red Cross urges Nepal to find missing war victims (Reuters), Prachanda, Bamdev discuss red unity (nn), Koirala returns from Biratnagar; starts political parleys (nn), Govt team to hold talks with MJF on May 18 (nn)

14/05/2007: Maoists register proposal for republic in House, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoists register republic motion (samn), Parties criticise Maoists for presenting republic motion in 'light' manner (nn), Establishing republic is not easy: Koirala (nn) [??], NC is a hindrance: Nepal, by Prem Nepali (kp), Koirala dodging political crisis? (samn), Tarai MPs to stall House business (samn), Madhesi MPs in no mood to allow parliament (nn) [Not elected MPs who boycott the parliament should no longer be paid from the public budget as parliamentarians!!], NRB governor barred from flying abroad (nn), Return seized land: Prachanda (nn), Seized assets to be returned: Prachanda (kp), 'Joint commitment on CA poll in 4 days' (kp), CA polls will ensure 33% reservation for women: PM (kp) [Similar to the interim parliament??], Demonstrations against killing (kp), Security for Marwaris (kp), Discrimination continues, by Neelam Sharma (kp), Corruption 'free' (?) new interim regime, by Shyam KC (kp), Maoist victims facing hard times (samn), 'Forces trying to split 8-party pact' (samn), Madheshi students’ body changes name (samn), Cops, JTMM men trade fire in Rautahat (samn), Over dozen injured in Rautahat blast (nn), Widespread disappearances still unresolved despite peace (Relief Web) [The politicians are definitely not interested!!], ICRC urges govt to establish high-level commission on missing people (nn), Three injured in landmine blast (nn), CZOP appeals for release of minors from PLA camps (nn), People’s Third Movement In The Offing, by Siddhi N. Ranjitkar (Scoop)

13/05/2007: Truth and Reconciliation Commission to be set up (nn) [The report of a similar commission, the Rayamajhi Commission, has already been presented to the government more than half a year ago and nothing has happened; it has not even been made public, similar to the Mallik report of 1990!!], Koirala blamed for CA polls delay (samn), Prachanda warns against undermining Maoist strength (nn), JTMM-J district chairman shot dead (nn), Goit owns up killing of engineer (samn), JTMM-Goit releases two abductees (nn), Ex-COAS Thapa barred from boarding flight to Doha (nn), Misleading history, by Binaya Ghimire (kp), Minister demands autonomy for Madhesis (samn), Minister Mahato’s remarks spark protests (nn), UML for early declaration of republic (samn), Maoists register proposal demanding republic (nn), Prachanda hints at returning seized land (samn), Nepal's former rebels reject allegations they have children in their armed forces (International Herald Tribune 13/05/2007)

12/05/2007: Govt engineer killed by JTMM-Goit (nn), 2 abducted: Engineer shot dead, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), Koirala plans polls in Nov, by J. Hemanth (tc), NC, Maoists begin homework (kp), Koirala ready to part with Sitaula (samn), Prachanda positive on 8-party unity (samn), Maoist-victims seek American help (samn), Nation on the brink, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Regret needs restitution, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Madhesi sues Kathmandu Post, Kantipur (samn) [??], UN group urges immediate demobilisation of child soldiers (nn), Time to dissolve EC: UML chief (nn) [Unbelievable statement: The party politicians are responsible that the CA elections cannot take place in time, not the election commission!! The party politicians practise failed and selfish power politics and cannot separate from traditional values as they have always done after 1990!!]

11/05/2007: YCL's activities flouting peace pact, says NHRC (nn), Conflict causes loss of Rs 5 billion (nn), Bardiya administration acts tough with Maoists (nn), Indigenous organisations announce fresh agitation (nn), Professionals demand immediate announcement of polls date (nn), Eight parties should first decide on republic: Prachanda (nn), Eight parties fail to meet (kp), Swift Undercurrents: As the eight parties continue to be in a state of limbo, swift undercurrents are felt with the recent remarks by Koirala and Nepal, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Banda affects life in Dang (kp), Into post Maoism, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Declare CA poll date, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Priorities In Conflict, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Rocky road to republic: Koirala is stuck between royalists and his own party’s republicans, by CK Lal (nt), New country, old habits: Listen to ‘the people’ while planning a new Nepal, by Nimalka Fernando (nt), Peace train (nt), Afraid of the royal shadow, letter to the editor by Pushpa Pokhrel (nt, originally in Kantipur, 6 May), “Anything is possible if the left parties unite”, interview with Maoist leader Mohan Baidya (nt 11/05/2007, originally in Budhabar, 9 May), 'Koirala in favour of Nepal elections in November' (wi)

10/05/2007: Poudel meets with MJF chief (nn), NEOC demands announcement of poll date (nn), Bandhs, demonstrations make life harder in terai (nn), Uncertainty shrouds eight party meeting (nn), Eight parties fail to meet (nn), 4 cops, dozen Maoists injured: Maoists torch land reform office, by Sudarshan Rijal (kp), Prachanda regrets Dang incident (nn), Mahara not happy with violent activities in the name of YCL (nn), Govt not cooperating with IDPs: NRC (kp), Jana-andolan injured for republic, by Baburam Kharel (kp), Prachanda on Prachanda doctrine, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Paradox of politics, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp)

09/05/2007: Fresh election date will be fixed by the meet, says Poudel (nn), PM begins parleys to end crisis (samn), Speaker discusses House standoff with PM, party whips (kp), House sitting deferred till May 14 (nn), Minister urges APF to leave CDC building (kp), PM has reasons to stand by monarchy (samn), Gradual move (kp), Mahara accepts indecisiveness (samn), Thus spake Prachanda, by Avantika Regmi (kp), Year of elections?, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Unrest in Madhes and Chure Bhabar, by Prakash A Raj (kp), Dalit Front submits memo to PM (samn), Minister’s comment draws criticism (samn), YCL the panoc creator?, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), King’s "coronation" over?, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), A Grim Picture, by Bhumika Ghimire (tg), How can the declaration of republic be legitimate?, by Prakash Bom (tg), NC needs to allay fear of communist domination, says PM (nn)

08/05/2007: Show of arms banned in Bardiya; UNMIN to probe attacks (nn), Rallies, mass meets with sticks, weapons banned, by Kamal Panthi (kp), 2 killed as masked men open fire in Bara (samn), Govt plans to hold talks with all agitating groups within mid-May (nn) [Such talks require wholehearted willingness to become inclusive; lip service is not enough!!], HRW urges Maoists to release child soldiers (nn), PM meeting top party leaders today (kp), Koirala starts political parleys; 8-party meet on Thursday nn), Republic will come gradually: PM (kp), Can’t declare republic in haste: PM (samn), PM satistifed with NA role (kp), Strikes banned in 15 essential services (kp), Commitments yet to be met, by Meera Regmi (kp), Madhesi movement and nation state, by Sujeet Karn (kp), Arms verification process hits snag (samn), Government has lost credibility: CPN-UML (samn), US govt cautions its citizen on travel to Nepal (nn) [Moriarty does everything to prevent the improvement of Nepali economy!], Speaker intensifies efforts to break ice; Madhesi MPs still to stall House (nn)

07/05/2007: NC deplores Bardiya attack; YCL warns of nationwide agitation (nn), 24 injured as Maoists, cops clash in Banke (kp), Public offence case filed against YCL members (nn), YCL threat displaces locals, by Kamal Panthi (kp), YCL challenge (kp), Maoist victims to launch third round of agitation (nn), Royalist ministers' passports 'frozen' (kp), Jungle, goon(da) or lok (people) raj?, by Shyam KC (kp), Illusive press freedom in loktantrik Nepal (kp), Uncertainty shrouds second-phase verification of PLA combatants (nn), Establishing republic is not that easy, says Koirala (nn), UML chief shoots down leftist unity proposal (nn)

06/05/2007: Street struggle is top priority, says Maoist leader (nn), Maoists may quit alliance: PLA commander (samn), Peace process firmly on track: Martin (kp), Mahara for republic before polls (samn), Mahara for unity among reformists (kp), Govt, NEFIN to hold parley on May 9 (kp), Govt, Janajatis hold talks (samn), Strike hits five districts (Gulf Times), YCL men torch govt offices in Bardiya (samn), Four dozen Maoists arrested for vandalising govt offices Nepal (oi), Mahato calls parties to amend statute (samn), Talks on Maoist-seized properties inconclusive (nn)

05/05/2007: Mahara criticised for defending past atrocities against journos (nn), Mahara owns up mistakes against journos (kp), 8-party unity must not break: PM Koirala (kp), PM starts consultations for fresh polls date (nn), Martin says peace process is on track (nn), Govt talk team, NEFIN discuss talks procedure (nn), Curfew renewed in Sanoshree (kp), Police, Madheshi Tigers exchange fire (samn), Yami’s formula for Dalit empowerment (samn), Positive discrimination for inclusion, by Narayan Prasad Wagle (kp)

04/05/2007: "Mid-November appropriate time for polls" (nn), "One Point Agenda For The Transitional Government Is To Bring About The Good Elections", interview with Andrew Hall (sp), Now and Then: Every one is talking about national reconciliation including prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala but one can see sea change in the concept, by Keshab Poudel (sp), NC as MC for republicanism, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), NC-Maoist row: Dangerous Deflection, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Maoists, PFN hold talks (kp), Political Inclusiveness: The Path to Stability, by Siddhartha Sharma (sp), 'Martin's remarks violate understanding' (kp), Maoists' double standard (kp), Prachanda denies attacking police post (kp), The wild west: The Maoist attack on a border police post was to protect a lucrative timber smuggling interests, by Rameswor Bohara (nt), Bardiya tense as APF-YCL row heats up (samn), Maoist supporters defy curfew, by Kamal Panthi (kp), Bandh imposed in five western districts; curfew continues in Sanoshree (nn), Antinomies of democracy, by CD Bhatta (kp), Misrepresenting the right to self-determination (kp), by Madan Regmi, On your marks..., …get set, and let’s start again, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Terror in the tarai: “This is worse than it was during the Maoist war”, by Ajit Tiwari (nt), Sick politics (nt, originally in Naya Patrika, 2 May), Nepal press still under threat: UN (samn), Prachanda doubtful in holding CA polls (samn), 8-party alliance indispensable: CPN-UML (samn), Gurung’s mantra for forging fresh unity (samn), Driving licences still bear HMG logo (samn)

03/05/2007: Two dozen injured in APF-Maoist clash in Bardiya; curfew clamped (nn), Curfew in Nepal village following clashes (Khaleej Times), Cops, YCL clash for 3rd day, by Kamal Panthi (kp), Maoist’s excesses on; padlock municipality office (nn), Maoists lock up municipality office (kp), Prachanda's Delhi visit changed Indian view: US (kp), Erupt or implode? (kp), JTMM - J abducts 12-yr-old (kp), JTMM cadre killed in police action (kp), NSP(A) to talk with Madhesi groups (kp), 
Journalists in terai still face threats, by Lila Ballav Ghimire (kp), Refusing the political gauntlet?, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Nepal stresses on 8-party unity till CA polls (nn), Congress will not come in the way of republic: Poudel (nn), Maoist minister threatens to walk out of govt (nn), Prachanda criticises Martin, says no preconditions have been set for verification (nn), Janajati leaders want commission on indigenous people (nn)

02/05/2007: Seized properties can't be returned: Baidya (nn), Seized properties won't be returned: Baidya, by Raj Kumar Karki and Tika Bhatta (kp), Maoists attack police post, by Janak Nepal (kp), Nepal Maoists resume arms, attack police post (wi), People protest Maoist high handedness; three injured (nn), Madhesi Tigers own up responsibility for bombing (nn), 2 MMT men arrests (kp), Census will take 4 years: CBS, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Prachanda threatens fresh stir (kp), Verification can't be conditional: Martin (kp), Paradox of unity and celebration, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Machiavellian politics comes into action!, by N.P.Upadhyaya (tg), Motives of the Monarchy Displayed through the Rituals of Fallacy, by Prakash Bom (tg), Federalism in Nepal: too many models too little solution, by Lok Raj Baral (tg), Everyone should receive social justice3 but without breaking other people's legs, by Sanjeev Upreti (tg), Polarization has become inevitable in Nepali politics which is good for a healthy political growth and evolution, interview with Mohan Prasad Lohani (tg), US says Maoists still a terrorist organisation; JTMM added (nn), Over 30 injured in Bardiya clash (nn), Chinese envoy meets Prime Minister Koirala (nn), Only special convention can decide on republic: Poudel (nn), Gajurel hints at early pro-republic street movement (nn), NSP (A) seeks merger of Madhesi parties (nn)

01/05/2007: A year of loktantra, by Liz Philipson (Himal Southasian, May 2007), Celebrating Loktantra Day, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (kp), Maoist support for UML to change govt leadership: ‘NC had hand in Gaur carnage’ (kp), PM Koirala, RPP chief discuss political scenario (nn), King has intensified activism, says Dr Koirala (nn), Prachanda steps up pressure to declare republic; warns to unleash all round revolt (nn), Yadav in New Delhi, puts three preconditions for talks (nn), MPRF chairman Yadav in Delhi, by Gopal Khanal (kp), Chure protestors withdraw transport strike (kp), Chure Bhawar strike called off (samn), May Day brings respite to troubled Nepal (wi), Vehicles still stranded on highway, by Aman Koirala (kp), Maoists still blocking return of displaced: OHCHR (kp), Maoist victims injured in clash with police (kp), Maoists refuse verification (kp), Maoists have put conditions for second phase registration: Martin (nn), Army chief denies meeting King (samn), For the betterment, by Shivendra Jha (kp), Why federalism is necessary, by Yubaraj Sangroula (kp)

30/04/2007: Eight party differences delaying CA date announcement (nn), Expert calls for forming CA Commission (nn), Maoists start publicity campaign for republic set up (nn), 'Monarchy has already been abolished' (kp), PM seeks clarification from CoAS on his ‘meeting’ with King (nn), 'Maoists, UML going against constitution' (kp), Alliance will remain intact: Poudel (samn), NC to speak on monarchy after district presidents' meet (nn), Govt calls Chure protestors for talks (kp), Hundreds of passengers stranded in eastern terai (kp), Terai reels under continued strikes (samn), NHRC concerned over rights violations in Terai (kp), Nepal to reopen key southern highways, boost security, as general strike continues (International Herald Tribune), Chure Bhawar bandh called off (nn), Grassroots women flay women leaders (kp), Exercise restraint, good for country's health, by Shyam KC (kp), Maoists not meeting their commitment on safe return of IDPs: OHCHR (nn), Congress and Maoist leaders trade charges (nn)

29/04/2007: Maoists threaten to unleash indefinite agitation (nn), Dr Bhattarai issues ultimatum on republic (kp), Declare republic by May: Bhattarai (samn), Foreign forces behind delay in CA polls: Neupane (nn), Transport workers bring valley traffic to a halt (kp), Valley traffic disrupted for hours (samn), Man killed as police use force to clear highway: Two more shot, 10 cops hurt, by Aman (kp), Chure Bhawar cadre die in police firing (samn), Vehicles move under police escorts (samn), Microbus carrying journalists attacked in Sunsari (nn), Maoists call banda to thwart NC meet (kp), Thapa stresses unity against leftist alliance, by Gopal Khanal (kp), RJP chief hints major political change (samn), 'Nepal not suitable for federalism' (samn), Ban lauds peace process (kp), Ban cautious in Nepal peace process (samn), New Conflicts Accompany Nepal’s Efforts at Democracy, by Somini Sengupta (New York Times), Army refutes reports of chief's meeting with the King (nn), Indefinite bandh continues to paralyse life in Terai (nn), NHRC laments human rights abuses during Terai agitations (nn), Govt renews call for dialogue (nn)

28/04/2007: Maoists for forming republican alliance: Badal (nn), 8 parties to meet soon (kp), Informal 8-party meet held to end crisis (samn), Leader of Chure Bhawar Ekta Samaj held; three hurt (nn), Chure Bhawar banda on for 5th day (kp), Chure Bhawar activists set lawyers free (samn), Police firing kills protester in Sarlahi (nn), Govt ready for unconditional dialogue (samn), Sushil Koirala lashes out at YCL's atrocities (nn), UN experts stress on eliminating caste based discrimination (nn), UN urges elimination of discrimination (samn), Making the coalition work, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), ‘Parliament not authorized to proclaim republic’, by Janak Nepal (kp), Bruised Madhes (kp), Democracy is priority but democrats inevitable, by Babu Ram Neupane (kp), 'Army Salute to King at PM's Behest' (samn), Mukherjee meets PM Koirala (nn) [why Indian and US ambassadors so often??], Transport workers' strike disrupts traffic in the Valley (nn), Moriarty set to brief Washington about Nepal situation (nn), Fundamental issues should be left for the people to decide, says Thapa (nn), Sushil Koirala, Poudel deplore Maoist attempt to foil NC programme (nn)

27/04/2007: Deuba blames Maoists for CA polls deferral; Nepal for 8-party meet on monarchy (nn), Women and just peace (sp), Stupendous Year, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), No Alternatives To Middle Way, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Poudel hits at attempts to overshadow CA (nn), Parliament cannot announce republic, says Poudel (nn) [???], A public republic (nt), Un-democratic, by Gunaraj Luitel (nt, originally in Kantipur, 24 April), Vehicles shun highways due to CBES strike (kp), Home Minister vows to clear highways (nn), 33 lawyers held by Chure protesters (nn), Lawyers not held, claim Chure protesters (nn), PM meets with Nemwang and Moriarty (nn) [why Moriarty??], 8-party leaders decide to call top level meeting soon (nn), Stalled political process delays verification, by Tilak P Pokharel (kp), Coalition culture, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Still in the crosshairs: The war may have ended, but there is no peace in Holeri, by Rameswor Bohara (nt), The price of radicalism: The MJF has created a political vacuum it can’t fill any time soon, by CK Lal (nt), A new order: Use the smarts of the Nepali people, by Ashraf Ghani (nt), Let’s stay together: Because breaking up by ethnicity is hard to do, by Charles Haviland (nt), Govt calls NFIN for talks on May 5 (nn)

26/04/2007: No business is business as usual, by Tilak P Pokharel (kp), Koirala meets with Deuba (nn), PM intensifies diplomatic meetings (nn), Heckling for justice (kp), Poudel feels eight parties lack confidence (nn), Eight parties' leaders must accept reality: Poudel, by Prakash Baral (kp), Maoist ministers seek to appoint, transfer officials (kp), Brussels conference focuses on ways to sustain democracy (nn), Chure Bhawar strike runs on for third day (kp), Chure Bhawar strike on (samn), Banda makes man trek to capital, by Shiva Puri (kp), Thousands of people stranded in south Nepal due to general strike (International herald tribune), CPN-UML, Maoists root for republic (samn), Referendum on monarchy, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Nepal’s royal hangover, by J. Hemanth (tc), MP raises issue of army's salute to king (samn), Secret report recommends legal action against Nepal’s king (Khaleej Times), No unity without clarity, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp), Law and order must for CA polls: UK (samn), Tarai judge to head Madhes unrest probe (samn), Nepal to investigate ethnic unrest (Peninsula), 80 killed in clashes in one year: report (samn), ‘Rights situation better' (samn)

25/04/2007: Elections postponement not a disaster: Martin (nn), Deferring of polls no disaster: Martin (samn), Decision on CA polls rests on Nepal's political parties: British envoy (nn), Maoist lawmakers demand NC's viewpoint on republic announcement (nn), No time to wait for republic: Prachanda (samn), NSP (A) for republic (samn), Declare Nepal a republic: Martyrs’ kins (samn), UML, Maoists discuss left unity; bash PM (nn), Reds unity to sideline Congress soon! (tg), Maoist-NC rift comes to fore (samn), Congress blamed for CA polls uncertainty (nn), Peace process at risk : Maoists (kp), Cabinet decides to form judicial commission to probe atrocities during terai unrest (nn), One Year On: the Janaandolan and Nepal's peace process, by Ian Martin (kp), Thousands join Loktantra Day celebration, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Democracy celebrated nationwide (kp), A year of living together, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), 'People yet to taste fruit of loktantra' (samn), End impunity: OHCHR (kp), More needed on rights front, says OHCHR (samn), Legacy of Karmacharitantra & Maoist ministers in the cabinet, by Prakash Bom (tg), Need for economic andolan? by Sandeep Basnyat (tg), Bravo, says Danish envoy (samn), US treats Maoists as terrorists (samn), Bandh claims one; 18 vehicles damaged (samn), Civil society leaders question NA salute to King Gyanendra (nn), MJF forms four-member talk team (nn)

24/04/2007: A year after, things look challenging, by Tilak P. Pokharel (kp), Progress since Janaandolan II unsatisfactory (kp), Hope is one-year-old today (samn), Year after king bowed out, Nepal remains at crossroads (Guld Times), Loktantra Day (kp), Nepal celebrates anniversary of forcing king to abandon authoritarian rule (International Herald Tribune), Loktantra Day being observed (nn), Prachanda feels seven parties agreed in haste (nn), Prachanda seeks unity for republic (samn), Leaders, civil society activists stress on republic (nn), Looking back, by Prateek Pradhan (kp), Nepal marks democracy anniversary, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), A year after fall, life still sweet for Nepal's royals (wi), Mandate for unity and progressive change, by Narayan Prasad Wagle (kp), Parties stress need of CA poll (kp), CA polls likely in October: Mahat (samn), 'CA poll without fear needed' (kp), 'Maoists to blame for CA poll delay' (samn), 'Leaders not serious about polls' (samn) [Why should they? They only want power and positions, not inclusive democracy!], Madhesi MPs frantic to defend turf, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Police refuse to register case against MPRF, by Shiva Puri (kp), Chure-Bhawar protesters burn down two Red Cross vehicles (nn) [What is this criminal anti-people terror good for??], OHCHR expresses concerns over disappeared people (nn)

23/04/2007: Loktantra day being celebrated with festivities (nn) [It's still daltantra in a not inclusive system!], Left leaders to unify for republic (kp), Minister Poudel calls Chure protestors for talks (nn), Life partially affected by MPRF banda (kp), MPRF strike losing force in Terai (samn), Over 4 dozen Maoist victims held, freed (kp), PM assures return of Maoist victims' property (kp), A ship without a rudder, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp), Hindu holidays in secular Nepal, by Shyam KC (kp), Suspension of janajati project likely (kp), Nepal marks end of king's absolute rule, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), Nepal elections likely in October, says top official (International Herald Tribune), Bandh in Chure-Bhawar region hits normal life; govt calls for talks (nn), CIAA interrogates Dr Giri, Bista (nn)

22/04/2007: MPRF banda has patchy impact (kp), MJF cadres clash with cops, 13 hurt (samn), Over 20 MJF activists held for defying prohibitory orders in Gaur (nn), JTMM-J seizes over 350 bighas land (kp), Chure protestors threaten fresh agitation (nn), Ethnic protesters call indefinite Nepal strike from Monday (wi), YCL starts campaign to seize royal properties (nn), Maoist MPs for new CA poll date (kp), Parties doing homework for poll date (samn), Martyrs’ kin urge timely CA polls (samn), Reactionaries fear communist majority in CA: MK Nepal (nn), Compensation still eludes conflict victims, by Tularam Pandey (kp), Dozens of protesting ‘Maoist victims’ arrested, released (nn), PM assures he will ensure return of seized properties (nn), Rolpalis yet to feel free, secure (samn), CIAA grills ex-minister Pandey, summons four royal kingpins (nn)

21/04/2007: Nepal demands immediate clarification on CA (nn), Announce CA date and improve camp conditions, say Maoist MPs (nn), ‘CA must be disscussed widely’ (kp), MJF bandh continues to trouble Terai region (nn), Banda affects life in east terai (kp), Kalanki salutes Janaandolan sacrifice (kp), Declaration of republic (kp)

20/04/2007: MJF bandh affects life in Terai, NC cancels its Janakpur gathering (nn), Govt urges MPRF to call off banda (kp), Govt hails MJF's desire for talks (samn), Ruffle in the cabinet (kp), Democratic republic in offing: Sitaula (samn), CA Elections: Polls In Doubt, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Carter Center on Polls: Unaddressed Challenges (sp), Poll observers ask govt to announce fresh CA date (nn), One more chance: The risks and opportunities of delayed elections, by Yash Ghai (nt), Power: Politics Of Haves And Have Nots, by Keshab Poudel (sp), OHCHR-Nepal calls for probing disappearances (sp), Impunity on the rise: NHRC (kp), CIAA interrogates Tulsi Giri, three other royal kingpins (nn), Weaknesses of law enforcement agencies responsible for Gaur massacre: OHCHR (nn), Maoists face up to political reality, by Dhruba Adhikary (sp), US embassy holds up visa for Maoist leader, by Tilak P. Pokharel (kp), Cabinet approves Maila's song as national anthem (nn), Cabinet selects Maila's song as national anthem (kp), Responsibility for security, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), An unfinished uprising: A year later, the tarai is still struggling for inclusive loktantra, by CK Lal (nt), Madhes mess (nt, originally in Tarun, 16 April), Citizen papers (nt, originally in Himal Khabarpatrika, 14-30 April), The real story: Nepalis don’t want to hear glorious myths, they want to work for a glorious future, by Daniel Lak (nt), Speak your mind: As citizens we all need to engage with informed, moderate debate, by Artha Beed (nt)

19/04/2007: Altercation that put off a cabinet meet, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Maoists walk out of cabinet meeting (samn), India's sandalwood raises stink in Nepal (wi), CIAA directs govt to check sandalwood smuggling (nn), 7 tons of sandalwood seized (kp), PM assures Prachanda over PLA issues (kp), Three day long prohibitory order in Gaur (nn), Chure Bhawar Ekata Samaj announces fresh protest (nn), Black flags greet Moriarty in Gaighat (kp), Fear of derailment, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Stop petty politicking, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Maoists, UML acting as opponents: Poudel (nn), MJF reiterates old demands, asks govt to stop constituency delineation process (nn), Poudel hints govt's readiness to cast aside ECDC counsel (nn), Madhesi lawmakers disrupt House proceedings (nn)

18/04/2007: Maoist ministers walk out; cabinet meeting suspended (nn), Defiant Yadav asks PM to correct himself (nn), Prachanda meets Koirala after cabinet row (nn), Maoist lawmakers disrupt House proceeding (nn), Madhesi MPs demand fresh census ahead of CA polls (nn), Civil servants decry Jwala Singh's decree (nn), JTMM-J raid on police post foiled, by Shiva Puri (kp), Maoists demand Rs 500m for PLA (kp), 198 ways for peaceful protests (nn), Carter Center urges end to violence, fear (kp), 2.2m citizenships distributed (kp), CIAA serves summons to royal ministers (kp), Janaandolan II injured still bed ridden, by Ganesh Chaudhary (kp), Active ambassadors can be a liability, by Dhruba Hari Adhikary (kp), Politics of compromise and appeasement enabled the Maoists to hold 73 seats in the parliament without being elected, interview with Dilli Ram Dahal (tg) [None of the current MPs has been elected! All of them have been nominated by their party leaders! Only the Maoists have tried to respect inclusiveness!], Nepali Diaspora calls for attention to Terai problem (kp)

17/04/2007: NGOs to launch drive on federalism (samn), Referendum on monarchy an option: Prachanda (kp), Maoists push for referendum (samn), Maoists for vote on monarchy (tc), Parties will decide on republic: PM (samn), Now referendum, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Deferral of the CA elections, by Prakash Bom (kp), 'Create situation for credible election' (samn), No CA elections if snail's pace continues, says Nepal (nn), Prachanda directs his ministers to ensure that people feel change (nn), Prachanda, Sitaula discuss latest political developments (nn), Nepal Maoists blame Bihar zealots for poll fiasco (wi), Don’t curb political activities: Sundh (samn), OHCHR, NHRC discuss rights issues with leaders, civil society activists (nn), YCL seeks 'public clarification' on raids (kp), YCL seeks govt clarification on raids (samn), Victims of atrocities, excesses, unite!, by Shyam KC (kp), Carter's team finds high level of fear, violence in Nepal (wi), CIAA summons Tulsi Giri, 10 others (nn), Army Chief briefs PM about security situation (nn), Madhesi MPs seek consensus on key issues (nn), JTMM kills one in Bara, attacks police post in Rautahat (nn), Over 2 million citizenships distributed in four months (nn)

16/04/2007: Civil society to hold citizen's mass meeting on Loktantra Day (nn), PM to address on Loktantra Day (nn), Eight-party meeting deferred indefinitely (kp), 8-party moot on CA polls deferred (samn), Maoists want House to proclaim republic (kp), 'Declare Nepal republic before polls' (samn), Maoists push to remove Gyanendra (Guld Times), Maoists threaten new campaign to end monarchy (Khaleej Times), Prachanda for referendum to decide fate of monarchy (nn), PM, Prachanda discuss CA polls (nn), Nepali PM meets CPN-M chairman (pd), Prime Minister proved incompetent: Lawmaker (nn), Koirala under attack over election delay (Gulf Times), What next? (kp), Janjatis withdraw valley blockade (nn), Nepal's Madhesi groups welcome government's offer for talks (pd), Police raid YCL offices (nn), Police raid YCL offices, no weapon found, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), YCL takes out torch rallies to protest police raids (nn), Nepalgunj tense after 5 hurt in clash with police (kp), An idea that failed, by Dhruva Joshy (kp), MJF, JTMM (Goit) welcome talks offer, demand 'conducive environment' (nn), Second phase of arms registration from May 1 (nn), JMCC discusses next phase of arms registration in Nepal (pd), Carter Center urges political efforts for sound electoral process (nn)

15/04/2007: Basis for eight-party unity over: Prachanda: Parties to decide new poll date today (kp), 8-parties' unity broken: Prachanda (samn), Nepal's former rebels warn they will quit government if elections are delayed (International Herald Tribune), Ex-pm Deuba hails EC's decision on polls (samn), Parties' internal discussions continue; eight party meeting in the afternoon (nn), Eight party meeting to discuss CA polls deferred (nn), Maoists demand to declare republic before CA polls (nn), 'PM must take lion's share of blame' (samn), Nepal PM flayed by allies over poll delay (wi), NINFA asks govt to sort out issues through dialogue (nn), 15 injured in a clash between locals and police in Banke (nn), MPRF ready for dialogue with govt (kp), NC asks MJF to withdraw bandh (nn), JTMM (J) orders pahade bureaucrats out (kp), Re(visiting) public, by Bijay Kumar Rauniyar (kp), Victim construction, by Arun Gupto (kp)

14/04/2007: June 20 poll not possible: CEC, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), CA polls not possible in June: EC (samn),  Elections may be put off: minister (samn), Govt draws flak for poll delay (samn), UML, Maoists hold PM responsible for delay (kp), UML warns of anarchy if CA polls delayed (samn), CA date debacle fallout: Deuba welcomes; UML blames govt; Maoists want republic (nn), PLA men leave camps to protest EC announcement (nn) [Everybody knowing the situation in Nepal and having a little bit of intellect has been aware for long that elections could not take place in June! Responsible are all the politicians who delayed the transition process including some foreign ambassadors!], Only declaration of republic can save 8-party unity now, says Prachanda (nn), Enter the dragon of uncertainty, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), DEO Joshi freed by police (nn), Transitions as opportunity, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Anatomy of Madhesi nationalism, by Sarita Giri (kp), MJF dismisses addition of constituencies (samn), MJF sets two conditions for dialogue with govt (nn), Maithali women seek role in CA (samn)

13/04/2007: Tarai to have 28 more constituencies (samn), MJF dismisses addition of constituencies (nn), Cabinet to discuss CA date; 8-party leaders to meet today (nn), CMP signed by 8 parties has no legitimacy: MPs (kp), CMP document illegal: lawmakers (samn), Ten nabbed with weapons (nn), Authorities seize 7 illegal weapons (kp), Security stepped up for Marwari community (sp), Operation Clean-up: The UNMIN has said it is willing to help in the disposal of landmines and IEDs which have been killing unsuspecting people, particularly kids (sp), UNMIN registers 2855 NA weapons (kp), Nepal army also locks up more than 2800 weapon to aid peace process (Relief Web), Take action against Janaandolan guilty (kp), Meaningful talks (kp), Maoist paradox, by Tilak P Pokharel (kp), Parties and women's inclusion, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Democracy: Inclusive or Exclusive?, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Dalits want special status in statute (samn), Constituent assembly polls: Date Debate, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Horse before the cart: Let a referendum on the monarchy precede constituent assembly elections, by Maitalal Gurung (nt), EC says it cannot meet June deadline; requests govt to announce appropriate date (nn), Nepal's Election Commission rules out June vote for special assembly (International Herald Tribune), Nepal commission delays elections (BBC News), Nepali govt to discuss on EC's letter on CA polls (pd), Cabinet refers EC letter to eight parties (nn), Crucial Nepal elections likely to be postponed (Khaleej Times), Fears of unrest arise as Nepal elections delayed until late 2007 (Raw Story), Top leaders meet to discuss election timetable (nn), Eight party meeting ends inconclusively (nn), “A crisis if elections are delayed”, interview with Pushpa Kamal Dahal, CPN-M chairman (nt, originally in Nepal, 8 April), Prachanda wants declaration of republic (samn), After peace, perhaps development: An interim economic plan to deal with the challenges of political transition, by Kiran Nepal (nt), An even more fateful year: Sometimes, instinctive rather than analytical readings point the way ahead, by CK Lal (nt), Maoists Ultimately Join Nepal Government: Challenges remain to realizing democracy, by Amit Pyakurel (on), Concerning Nepal's Grave And Deteriorating Situation (Scoop) [This open letter by a handful of arch-conservative Bahuns and some others proves the danger Nepal is facing from ultra-right royalist forces!!], Civil Society forms committee to celebrate Loktantra Day (nn), Critical Juncture, by Hom Raj Acharya (Asia News Network)

12/04/2007: June 20 too early for polls: CEC (samn), CEC questions security situation; EC to react on polls date soon (nn), CEC: Polls possible on schedule, by Bedraj Poudel (kp), CA elections (kp), Don't rush into CA polls: civil society (samn), SAC still unable to finalize CA poll bill (kp), CDO to lead monitoring committees (nn), Govt calls agitating groups for dialogue (kp), Govt offices resume work after 2 months, by Rabindra Uprety (kp), Nepal ethnic group calls strike in Terai (samn), Sangh’s Nepal connection, by Poornima Joshi (tc), UNMIN completes storage of Nepal Army weapons (nn)

11/04/2007: Abductions and intimidations continue in Terai (nn), Goit orders action against journos (kp), Police nab seven JTMM-Goit activists (nn), Cops nab 7 JTMM-G men (kp), Thapa refutes allegations of plotting against CA polls (nn), We won't scuttle CA polls: royalists (samn), SAC faces problem finalizing CA bill (kp) [It is the internal problem of the parties that they have done nothing to become inclusive even 17 years after the introduction of a democratic system!!], UNMIN begins NA arms registration (kp), UN team begins registration of NA arms (samn), 2000 NA weapons locked up in containers (nn), Martin doubts poll possible on June 20 (kp), Election on time: Poudel (kp), Conduct CA polls or quit: CPN-UML (samn), Maoists may quit govt: minister (samn), Fresh struggle if CA polls not held: Maoists (nn), JMN district meet begins (samn), Siraha folks unaware of CA polls (samn), Rebel group vows to disrupt Nepal elections (Peninsula), Dumped ! (kp), Miss Nepal, terai tantrums and fair elections, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), 'No minors in Maoist cantonments' (samn), MJF forms panel to probe Gaur massacre (nn), Poudel asks MJF, JTMM to come to the table (nn), CZOP Coalition hails govt’s pledge on ‘schools as zones of peace’ (nn), Janjatis hold demonstrations (nn)

10/04/2007: Janjatis stirring for fresh protests (nn), Terai banda paralyzes life (kp), Govt forms team to hold talks with Madhesis, Janajatis (kp), No private property for us: Maoist ministers (nn), Security beefed up in Marwadi settlements; Report (nn), Activists of JTMM- Jwala Singh abduct Maoist; seize land (nn), PM tells Maoists to behave, by Ishwari Neupane & Prem Nepali (kp), RPP drops constitutional monarchy (kp), Janaandolan victim awaits govt help (kp), Challenges for interim government, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp), Palace posing poll hurdles: govt (samn), Nepal elections in June not feasible: UN (samn), JTMM (Goit) vows to disrupt CA polls (samn), Splinter rebel group vows to disrupt Nepal election (Reuters), Storage of NA arms starts (nn), Nepal's army to lock up weapons as part of peace deal (Inernational Herald Tribune)

09/04/2007: Locals lock up 8-party leaders, VDC Secy (nn), JTMM-Goit to disrupt CA polls (nn), Terai bandh affects normal life (nn), General strike partially shuts down southern Nepal (International Herald Tribune), Govt forms 3-member team to hold talks with agitating groups (nn), Nepal ministerial group to quell Terai turmoil (wi), Sundh stresses on strengthening law and order to end impunity (nn), PM Koirala urges for national unity and reconciliation (nn) [Reconciliation must not mean 'impunity'!], 'Planned disappearance massive' (samn), HR defenders, professionals denounce abductions (kp), Ministers will be sacked if found corrupt: PM (kp), PM, Prachanda discuss CA polls (samn), Prachanda asks PM to implement agreements (kp), Maoists nudge Nepal PM on first date, by J. Hemanth (tc), Maoists must return seized properties: Koirala (nn), CPN-UML chief raps diplomats on CA polls, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Need for more house cleaning, by Shyam KC (kp), NA to start storage of arms from Tuesday (nn)

08/04/2007: Nation marks April movement (samn), RJP, too, dumps monarchy from its statute (nn), RJP too drops monarchy from statute (kp), People’s War will continue: Maoists (samn), ‘Maoist will not give up long-term strategy’ (kp), Prachanda urges Koirala to declare election date (nn), PM, Prachanda discuss CA polls, stress on holding it timely (ek), Maoists not to be blamed for poll delay (samn), Interim govt meaningless if CA poll deferred, by Binod Bhandari & Bhim Ghimire (kp), Timely CA polls unlikely: Nepal (samn), Maoist army to help NA conduct polls: Minister Gurung (nn), PLA will help NA conduct polls: Gurung (samn), UML for early merger between NA and PLA (nn), UNMIN to start storing NA arms Tuesday (kp), Chure people warn of resuming agitation (nn), ‘Oh, where is the republic?’, by Upendra Pokharel (kp), Security stepped up after 2 government officials abducted in southern Nepal (International Herald Tribune)

07/04/2007: Monarchy still a threat to people (kp), Army can be mobilised for CA: Nepal (nn), Army may be deployed for CA polls: UML (samn) [Which army?], Peace ministry to act as one-door for peace and reconstruction (nn), One-door policy for reconstruction works (samn), Recontruction soon for damaged infrastructure (kp), Public property (kp), Chure-Bhawar society warns of protests (samn), Democracy and Madhesi nationalism, by Sarita Giri (kp), A federation of identities: Rethinking Nepal, by Aniruddhi Gautam (kp), Assembly likely to have 517 seats (samn) [This will be too big for rational and effective working!!], Nepal prepares for landmark vote, by Chitra Tiwari (Washington Times), Ruling But Not Governing, b Shashi P.B.B. Malla & Chandra Bahadur Parbate (Scoop) [A critical commentary by convinced royalists!], Prachanda calls for unity against ‘conspiracies’ (nn), Only the form of struggle has changed, says Prachanda (nn), Storage of NA weapons to start from Tuesday (nn)

06/04/2007: Say ‘Gyanendra’, not ‘King Gyanendra’: PM, by Gopal Khanal (kp), King has become a commoner: PM (samn), Holding poll on June 20 will be tough: CEC, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Make no haste on CA elections: EC (samn), Nepal's June Election Date in Doubt, by Steve Herman (Voice of America), Let CA polls not be a farce, by Saurav Dev Bhatta (kp), European Union Seeks To Work For Reconciliation And Against Polarisation, by Franz Ring, German ambassador to Nepal (sp), "Donors can only support the parties", interview with Gareth Thomas, Britain’s minister of International Development (nt), "Elections Must Be Fair And Credible", by Gareth Thomas, UK International Development Minister (sp), "Nepal’s Democracy And Democratic Forces Are Trapped", interview with Kamal Thapa (sp) [One of Nepal`s greatest anti-democrats and leading henchman of the royal coup talks about "democracy"], Paper, paper on the table: The Common Minimum Program can’t become like another election manifesto, by Artha Beed (nt), Broad Plans: The eight parties agree to a common minimum program for the interim government – focusing on peace and elections, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), In the interim: Out with the best, in with the worst, by Sheetal Kumar (nt), Lessons for the future (nt), Instability In Continuity, by Keshab Poudel (sp), MJF-Maoists clash in Sunsari (nn), 2 injured as Maoists, MPRF trade fire, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Marwari community in panic; 20 abducted in two weeks (nn), 'MPRF men' threaten govt officials from India, by Shiva Puri (kp), JTMM-J terror displaces 28 families in Siraha (kp), MPRF ban on newspapers lifted in Gaur (samn), 8-parties to take stock of Kalikot clash (nn), Public property, private usages, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Messages from Gaur massacre, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Three months later: The smoke has cleared in Lahan, but many things will never be the same again, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Towards the final push: Prachanda seems to be in a win-win situation, by Swapan Dasgupta (tc) [A critical Indian view], Fiscal implications in federal structure, by Bishwambher Pyakuryal (kp), Martin, Prachanda discuss arms management process (nn)

05/03/2007: EC announces funding opportunities for conflict-hit (kp), Under-representation of Madhesis flayed (kp), RPP skeptical of CA poll environment (kp), Mine related deaths, injuries worry experts (kp), UN urges govt to remove landmines fast (samn), Lessons learned, challenges ahead, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Nepalese wary after strikes and clashes (BBC News), NC dissident group lobbies for monarchy (samn), NA arms storage preparations complete (samn), Koirala hints of decision on monarchy ahead of CA polls (nn), EC wants govt to consult with it before declaring election date (nn)

04/04/2007: Police to act tough against rallies and strikes (nn), Poudel urges Maoists to stop threatening people (nn), Nepalese govt gets mixed reactions (Gulf Times), Denmark backs Nepal peace process; hails new govt (nn), UK assures Maoists cooperation (kp), Pak, B'desh welcome new govt (kp), Boucher says Maoists can't be trusted (nn) [This is similar to the world's problems with the US government!], Speaker, US envoy discuss CA polls (nn), MPRF should own up Gaur killing: Repor (kp), 'Put Gaur incident guilty behind bars' (kp), Janaandolan II injured left in lurch, by Bikram Giri & Tirtha Neupane (kp), Martin highlights need for public awareness on explosives (nn), Silence and after, by Abhi Subedi (kp), New order (tc), Coalition Government in Nepal, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), Cooperative regional federal states, by Alok K Bohara (kp)

03/04/2007: Sitaula starts second innings with tough warning; talks teams dissolved (nn), Govt unveils new security plan (kp), Govt, Maoists breached peace agreement: NHRC (kp), They also sacrificed, by Baburam Kharel (kp), CIAA interrogates former army chief Thapa (nn), Strike impact in terai patchy (kp), Man rescued from JTMM captivity (kp), Dozens of dalits flee home fearing JTMM, by Bharat Jarghamagar (kp), Prohibitory order in Nawalparasi (nn), Rights activists blame MJF for gross violations in Gaur massacre (nn)

02/04/2007: 8 parties agree to amend constitution; sign common minimum programme (nn), Nation takes a leap, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Leap forward (kp), Maoists join govt after 12-yr war: Koirala to head Nepal cabinet (tc), Nepal Maoists progress from mines to ministries (wi), Maoists sworn into new interim govt (samn), Games to be PM by default, by Bharat Bhushan (tc), Woman communist leader is Nepal's new foreign minister (wi), Int'l community welcomes new govt, stress law enforcement (kp), World hails new government in Nepal (wi), UNMIN hails interim govt formation (samn), Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the formation of the Interim Government of Nepal (Relief Web), UK welcomes formation of new govt in Nepal (nn), Australia, Japan hail formation of interim govt (nn), Euphoria, concerns as Nepal Maoists join government, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), Multiple blasts rock Janakpur (kp), Prohibitory orders in Rautahat (kp), Bandh called by MJF hits normal life in Terai (nn), Terai closure first challenge for Nepal's Maoist government (wi), Many displaced still in a lurch, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Constituent assembly & impartial polls, by Shyam KC (kp), CA polls to be held on June 20 (samn), June 20 to decide King Gyanendra's fate (wi), Legal experts flay new CA poll date (samn), 'Democratic republic is the right choice', interview with Dr Devendra Raj Panday, Citizens' Movement For Democracy and Peace (CMDP) (kp)

01/04/2007: Wrangling delays Maoists' entry into Nepal govt (Daily Star), Bickering delays interim govt (samn), NC-UML wrangling delays interim government, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), UML, PF sulk; interim cabinet formation hits a snag (nn), Democratic parties’ undemocratic side (kp), Nepal strikes deal on new cabinet (BBC News), Jostling over Nepal posts delays govt (tc), Solution still eludes House, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Women on warpath over delay in forming Nepal government (wi), CA polls on June 20, Poudel senior most minister (nn), June 20 set as date for CA polls (ek), Nepali Constituent Assembly poll set on June 20 (pd), Nepal elections set for June (Aljazeera), Nepali PM resigns, Interim Gov't to be formed (pd), House reappoints Koirala as PM, interim cabinet to be announced shortly (nn), Koirala elected interim govt PM (ek), PM Koirala appeals for cooperation from all parties to maintain peace (nn), PM administers oath to ministers and state ministers; 22 member cabinet unveiled (nn), List of Ministers (nn), Maoists finally join government, by Shirish B Pradhan (oi), Nepal’s Maoists join the govt, poll date set (Khaleej Times), Nepal Political Parties, Former Rebels Agree to New Government (Voice of America), Martin hails formation of inerim govt; US to continue assistance (nn), India welcomes new govt (nn), JTMM-Goit detonates four bombs in Janakpur (nn), Four powerful blasts rock Janakpur (samn), Blasts at village council injure 6, by Aman Koirala (kp), Displaced despair at terai violence (kp), Nepal's attention turns to King, by Rabindra Mishra (BBC News)

31/03/2007: Eight parties to sign five pacts including CMP (nn), Parties agree on interim govt (samn), Maoists finally capture power in Nepal (wi), Nepal Maoists face tough test in government (Khaleej Times), New cabinet to be unveiled in the parliament today (nn), Interim government today, by Ghanashyam Ojha & Yuvraj Acharya (kp), NC, UML finalise names of ministers; PF piqued over the process (nn), Koirala ‘unhappy’ with UML’s choice of team leader in govt (nn), 8-party meeting postponed as NC, UML tussle over hierarchy in govt (nn), Scorned deputy PM delays new government in Nepal (wi), Landmark Nepalese cabinet delayed (BBC News), Squabbles put off Nepal's new government formation (wi), Squabbles delay Nepal government (Aljazeera), Spat over posts hits formation of Nepal interim govt, by Gopal Sharma (Star), Formation of Nepal's new government delayed as parties squabble over portfolios (International Herald Tribune), Jwala group declares ‘Free Terai State’ (samn), MPRF, JTMM threats drive away govt officials, by Shiva Puri (kp), Basics for structural changes, by Surendra R Devkota and Avantika Regmi (kp), Aryal shocked at missing clause (samn)

30/03/2007: Eight party meeting to finalise interim cabinet (nn), Hurdles cleared for interim govt (samn), Interim govt likely today, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Nepal give-and-take to form govt, by Bharat Bhushan (tc), Nepal Maoists set to join interim government, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), PM meets with Moriarty, CoAS Katawal (nn) [Why Moriarty again? His continued intervention is one of the main obstacles for crisis solution!!], Leaders intensify debate; interim govt likely today (nn), Police release 6 Gaur suspects, by Shiva Puri (kp), Families of Belbari victims compensated (nn), Belbari victims under compensated, by Bhim Ghimire (kp), Oli recommends action against officials (samn), Ratify  Rome statute immediately, say experts (nn), Women activists and Chure agitators invited for talks (nn), The time to act is now, by Ameet Dhakal (kp), Impediments to constituent assembly, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Before the flurry: Start preparing for a longer interim period, by Kiran Nepal (nt), Is the election of the Constituent Assembly possible?, by Govinda Raj Joshi (sp), Adverse Signals Will Be Sent If CA Polls Put Off: Gill (sp), "It Will Be A Great Mistake To Postpone The Elections", interview with Madhav Kumar Nepal (sp), A tale of two MPs: Their bitter connection also shows the enormous gap between the Maoists and ordinary Nepalis, by Mallika Aryal (nt), "Nepal is being Sikkimised", interview with Nanda Kishore Pun (Pasang), Maoist central committee member, PLA deputy commander, and vice-chair of the joint arms management committee (nt), Maoists game, rest unsure, by Bharat Bhushan (tc), Spring cleaning: It’s time Girija Koirala told New Delhi a thing or two, by CK Lal (nt), Boomerang: The Maoists and the MJF have lost ground, but the ideals that drove them remain important, by Sheetal Kumar (nt), Ominous Trend: Despite Maoists joining the mainstream, the politics of violence continues to grip the country, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), ”Federalism Is Sometimes Necessary To Accommodate Differences”, interview with MP Singh, vice chancellor of West Bengal National University of Judicial Science (sp), Stable Democracy Or Volatile Dictatorship? by Keshab Poudel (sp), JTMM (Singh) demands separate govt in Terai (nn), Cabinet portfolios divided, Maoists get five berths (nn)

29/03/2007: 'NDA operated by Indian Hindus' (kp), Indians sit-in at Jogbani point, lend support to MJF (nn), Indian group stages sit-in supporting MPRF, by Binod Bhandari & Bhim Ghimire (kp), Unidentified group shoots dead MPRF leader (kp), Nepalgunj clash victims stage sit-in (samn), Ex-army chief summoned on graft charge (samn), Oli committee recommends action agaisnt RCCC officials (nn), More time given to trace missing people (samn), Chure talks team (samn), Maoist MPs disrupt House (kp), Maoists keep 250 displaced at bay (samn), Maoist MPs disrupt House again (samn), Form interim govt at once: Tarun Dal (kp), 'No problem if Maoists join govt' (samn), Interim government to be formed by Friday: Home Minister (nn), Prachanda meets with Koirala, govt likely by Friday evening (nn), Nepal peace process in danger, say Maoists (Peninsula), Moriarty meets with UML Gen Secy (nn) [Continued US efforts to stop the peace process!!], Federal system will break country: KC (samn), What next?, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Simmering political fluctuations, by Shreedhar Gautam (kp)

28/03/2007: NDA steps up activities, bombs Congress leader's house (nn), Explosion at Congress legislator's house (kp), Armed assailants kill former VDC chairman in Banke (nn), 'Maoists had plotted to kill top MPRF leaders' (kp), MPRF provoked carnage: NBA (kp), HR defenders demand probe into carnage (kp), Govt will book Gaur guilty: Gyawali (samn), One killed in Nepal as Terai violence continues (wi), PM-Prachanda talks inconclusive (samn), PM proposes to drop DPM's post (kp), UML seeks interim govt before SAARC meet (samn), 'Coordinate with govt for rallies' (kp), Home Ministry appeals for peaceful protests (nn), 8 parties join hands to make polls happen (kp), Maoist MPs disrupt House proceedings demanding interim govt (nn), CIAA summons ex-CoAS Thapa over graft charge (nn), Unity in diversity, by Surendra Phuyal (kp), Right to self-determination, by Kumar Lama (kp 28/03/2007), Madhesh/Terai and Tharus/Madheshis: Nepal’s New Frontier of Etymopolitics, by Vivaswan Kumar (tg)

27/03/2007: Blasts at UML office; Bomb hurled at Kantipur office (nn) [Growing violence by royalist Hindu militants is most dangerous for the process of reconstruction and peace!], Reactionary forces creating instability (samn), Bomb hurled at Kantipur Biratnagar office (kp), Eight injured in Parsa shootout (nn), Criminals used rape as a weapon in Gaur carnage, says a report (nn), Punish Gaur guilty: right bodies (samn), Madhesi intellectuals denounce carnage (kp), MJF blames Maoists for Gaur bloodbath, demands high-level probe (nn) [In other words: the victims, all of them Maoists, have brutally murdered, raped and hurt them themselves??], MPRF-cops clash, 12 injured, 15 arrested (kp), 5 wounded in fresh violence in troubled south Nepal (International Herald Tribune), Maoists set Friday deadline for interim government: Report (nn), PM, Prachanda meet inconclusive; Maoists continue debates over joining govt (nn), Form interim govt before SAARC summit: Bharat Mohan (nn), RPP wants CA polls held on time (nn), Panel prepares report on missing people (samn), No one heeds IDPs' woes, by D R Panta (kp), Sliding towards anarchy, by Narayan Prasad Wagle (kp), Recent Carnage in Nepal Stirs Pessimism: Massacre of Maoist cadres raises fears for the peace process, by Amit Pyakurel (on), Marching towards a new South Asia, by Gauri Phadhan (kp), Maoists should show restraints, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Nepal: Lessons from Gaur Incident, by P B Khatri (Scoop), Gaur Massacre, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), Development Through Unity of King and People, by I.K. Pradhan (Scoop) [Statement of a blind royalist follower. The only thing the king has appropriately pointed out is that he is the greatest obstacle to peace, harmony and inclusion in Nepal!!], Maoists’ Lust For Power And Thirst For Blood, by John Lama (Scoop)

26/03/2007: UML bitter over NC attitude; Mahara says alliance in difficult spot (nn), Parties close to power sharing deal (kp), Four-party meeting deferred (nn), Interim government (kp), Maoists in two minds over joining interim government (nn), Maoists joining govt before abandoning violence will be 'dangerous': Moriarty (nn), House instructs govt to punish guilty (kp), Security tightened in eastern terai (kp), Prohibitory order in Saptari (nn), MJF activists clash with police in Rajbiraj; over dozen arrested (nn), Forerunner of bigger catastrophe?, by Shyam KC (kp), 'MPRF hired professional killers in Gaur', interview with civil society leader Prof. Mathura Prasad Shrestha (kp), Rights And Democracy In Nepal, by Hari Bansha Dulal (Scoop)

25/03/2007: Now deputy Speaker doubts CA polls (nn), Polls by June not possible: Dy Speaker (kp), CA polls by June impossible: Dy Speaker (samn), CPN-UML urges govt not to defer CA polls (samn), Growing Terai turmoil casts doubts on Nepal polls (wi), Maoists not to join Koirala-led govt (samn), Maoists develop doubts over Koirala's leadership (nn), Maoists demand dissolution of Koirala government (oi), Hindu extremists accused of supporting Madhesis, by Shirish B. Pradhan (oi), MPRF student front severs allegiance, by Jitendra Khadga (kp), NMSF severs ties with MJF; says MJF chair is a royalist (nn), New security measures imposed in Nepal's volatile southeast (Channel News Asia), Curfew imposed ahead of MPRF meet: Security beefed up in various terai areas (kp), Prohibitory orders issued in 5 districts (samn), Police nab 6 suspects for Gaur carnage, by Shiva Puri (kp), Gaur limps back to normalcy; another suspect of Wednesday massacre held (nn), '50 cadres still missing' (samn), Parliament passes motion condemning Gaur massacre (nn), Four parties tussle over plum portfolios (nn) [Only selfish power interests and no interest in Nepal and the people as usual!!], Leaders to meet Sunday: UML wants Home or Finance ministry (kp) [Leaders??], Parties disagree on power-sharing (samn), Not caste or region but country: Nepal (kp) [This sounds like late kings Mahendra and Birendra! Make state and society inclusive! This is exactly what the monarchy has always prevented!], Make Nepal a Hindu republic: Hindu body (kp) [Leave socio-religious aspects out of state politics!], Last humiliation of the god king: a £1bn payback, by Dean Nelson (Times, UK)

24/03/2007: Abducted Tharu leader resurfaces, says he was enticed to incite unrest (nn), Gatherings banned in Biratnagar; Rautahat CDO recalled (nn), MJF programmes banned in some Terai districts; curfew in Siraha (nn), Southern Nepal town imposes curfew, bans demonstrations to prevent violence (International Herald tribune), Maoists disrupt House: We’ll punish MPRF if govt doesn’t: Dr Bhattarai (kp), Maoist lawmakers disrupt House meeting (samn), Nepal Maoists display corpses after ethnic clashes (Daily Times) [not ethnic clashes but coldblooded and extremely brutal murder!!], Maoists continue protests nationwide (samn), Maoists threaten revenge after south Nepali bloodbath (Daily Star), Fear grips Gaur (samn), Sad and serious accident: MPRF (kp) [There is absolutely no understanding and no pardon for such crimes! Only the brutal murderers and their inciters are guilty and have to to bear full responsibility!!], Police arrests six suspects of Gaur incident (nn), US,UNMIN urge punishment for Gaur guilty (kp), India to help nab Gaur assailants, by Shiva Puri (kp), Body formed to probe Gaur killings (kp), Maoists object to probe commission (kp), Govt forms probe panel; Maoists reject (samn), Leaders flay govt for Gaur incident (samn), Gill lauds eight-party unity (kp), EU concerned at extortions, threat (samn), Biratnagar customs asked to shut down (kp), Truth and reconciliation commission, by Navaraj Pudasaini (kp), The UN role in present peace process, by Mohan P Lohani (kp), UN to deploy 700 staff to help Nepal's peace process, by Shirish B. Pradhan (Hindustan Times), The chaos of Kathmandu: Emma Mahony hoped for spiritual respite but this week got caught up in tumultuous events in Nepal (Times, UK), Time running out for Nepal: A peace agreement between the Nepal government and the Maoists is strained as fresh violence breaks out south of the capital, by Sudeshna Sarkar (Relief Web), UML Gen Secy doubtful about timely CA polls (nn) [So-called leaders: please start to make your parties democratic and inclusive! You must not wait for the CA elections! And please let the people know what you stand for in the planned elections! This can help to calm down the moods!], Top leaders resume discussion on interim govt, CA polls (nn), PM holds separate talks with 8-party leaders; no consensus yet on interim cabinet (nn)

23/03/2007: Rights activists reveal shocking details of Gaur attack (nn), Hired criminals did it: rights activists (samn), Gaur massacre has shocked world: UN (samn), Probe Gaur incident: Arbour (samn), Gaur killings shock everyone (kp), Gaur clash (kp), Gore in Gaur, by Kiran Nepal (nt), PLA men protest Gaur killings (kp), Maoists rally over Nepal killings (BBC News), PLA fighters stage protest outside camps (samn), Thousands of Nepal's Maoists protest activist killings (International Herald Tribune), Government to take action against guilty of Gaur incident: Sitaula (nn), Govt to punish guilty: Sitaula, by Shiva Puri (kp), Threat to Nepal peace, by J Hemanth (tc), Fresh terror in Terai, government to probe killings (wi), Violence rocks southern Nepal (Aljazeera), After bloodbath, looters spread terror in Terai (wi), Cabinet forms panel to probe Gaur bloodshed (nn), Maoists dismiss govt’s probe committee; memorial service organised for Gaur victims (nn), Gaur killing royalist plot: Maoists (samn), Outlaw MPRF, says Prachanda, by Janak Nepal (kp), Seal the border, says Mahara; Maoists stop House session (nn), US Embassy condemns Gaur violence; urges law and order (nn), Leaders seek home minister's resignation (samn), Debate on federalism kicks off (nn), Nepal’s Maoists in credibility crisis (Gulf Times), EU asks Maoists to walk the talk; wants to see interim govt formed soon (nn), Maoists should be disarmed completely: Rice (kp), Substantial number of minors in cantonments: Martin (kp), In search of president, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp 23/03/2007), Federal states based on caste and ethnicity is impossible for Nepal, by Vikash Raj Satyal (sp), Ethnicity-based federalism? (nt, originally in Himal Khabarpatrika, 15-29 March), A small, shrinking centre: Mainstream parties and civil society must challenge the extremists, by CK Lal (nt), One year itch: A peace compromise, or compromised peace?, by Shaubhagya Shah (nt), The middle path: Nepal desperately needs centrists to sit quiet, centre-stage, by Daniel Lak (nt), Enough: This week we saw the cost of ignoring Nepalis who invest in Nepal, by Artha Beed (nt), A private little war: Donation terror takes its toll, by Foreign Hand (nt), Gathering Doubts: PM Koirala makes an unimpressive plea to the EC to go ahead with the polls come what may, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Only fools rush in: Deferring the polls is the best way to save Nepal from future madness, by Sheetal Kumar (nt), Step away from the polls (nt), Postpone CA polls on consensus: Deuba (nn), Swift Repercussions: Just as they were poised to join the interim government, Maoists’ attack against business community has cast doubt over its immediate formation, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), Priorities In Conflict, by Keshab Poudel (sp)

22/0372007: 27 killed in Maoist-MPRF clash, by Shiva Puri (kp), MJF, Maoist clash kills 27 in Rautahat (samn), Terai bloodbath leaves 27 dead in Nepal, dozens hurt (wi), Gaur toll climbs to 28, curfew continues (nn), Curfew extended after Nepal clash (BBC News), Curfew also in Kalaiya, Gaur remains tense (nn), Nepal towns under fresh curfew after deadly clashes, by Gopal Sharma (Reuters), Security stepped up in south Nepal after 26 killed (International Herald Tribune), Nepal Violence: 26 Maoists Killed: Clash comes as the Maoists are about to join interim government, by Umesh Shrestha (on), Bloodshed in Terai plains, by J. Hemanth (tc), Maoists to protest Gaur incident (nn), Parties want action against Gaur guilty (samn), Leaders, HR activists reach Gaur (nn), Gaur bloodshed shocks UN rights commissioner, appeals for probe (nn), Prachanda asks govt to outlaw MFJ; PLA men come out of camp (nn), MJF terms Prachanda's demand to ban it as 'undemocratic remark' (nn) [MJF activities have nothing to do with democracy and respect of fundamental human rights! Its simply crime and terror!!], Prachanda points at Indian Hindu extremists' hand in Gaur bloodshed (nn), Criminal act: Home Ministry (kp), NHRC, OHCHR-Nepal launch probe into Gaur incident (nn), Maoists, Forum trade charges (kp), Govt must take legal action against Maoist cadres: Thapa (kp), Long road (tc), Martin urges parties to act to end violence (nn), Activists propose changes in CA-related bills (nn), Govt committed to hold CA polls by mid-June: PM (nn) [??], Parties’ indifference delaying CA polls (samn), 'CA must have fair representation' (kp), 'Parties yet to win people's hearts' (samn), US working with India for peace in Nepal (wi) [?], Strike has partial effect in districts (samn), Business strike called off, by Krishna Regmi (kp), Police escort cargo trucks (samn), Federalism and communal resistance, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), A united Nepal, by Alankar Khanal (kp), Tarai movement irrelevant: Nidhi (samn), Nepal for drive against untouchability (samn), Dalits, janajatis a majority in Dahaban (samn)

21/03/2007: Business community to continue with strike (nn), Govt assures of security to the business community (nn), Tripathy says peace process is in danger (nn), Businessmen reiterate commitment to continue with strike (nn), Striking businessmen refuse to budge (samn), SPA lawmakers support business strike (kp), 'Govt failed to maintain security' (samn), Govt to bring hotelier assailants to book (kp), Palace hand in strike: Prachanda, by Mohan Budaair (kp), Maoists admit role of two members (samn), Anti-Maoist strikes affect life (kp), Parties express commitment to ensure conducive business atmosphere (nn), Prachanda pledges safe environment for private businesses (nn), Business community suspends their indefinite strike (nn), Leaders learn federalism, restructuring, by Ishwari Neupane (kp), Blockade halts goods movement (kp), Demo against JTMM excesses (kp), The legacy of impunity, by Prakash Bom (kp), Before joining govt, Maoists face hurdles, by Bharat Bhushan (tc), Nepal''s crown princess contemplates shifting to India (wi), Lamas submit memo to PM (samn), OHCHR focusing on addressing discriminations: Sundh (nn), 25 feared killed in clash between Maoists and MJF activists in Gaur; curfew clamped (nn), 8 people killed in clash between CPN-M and MPRF (pd), Gunbattle between rival political groups leaves five dead in Nepal (Raw Story), 9 killed, 23 injured in fresh violence in south Nepal (International Herald Tribune), Terai toll rises to 25, curfew clamped (wi)

20/03/2007: Private sector calls for indefinite shutdown (kp), Traders announce indefinite strike (samn), Home Ministry urges withdrawal of strike; Prachanda too makes the appeal (nn), Businessmen urge Maoists to stop intimidation (nn), Maoists deny role in city incidents (samn), Govt invites agitating businessmen for talks (nn), Indefinite shutdown affects life partially; ANTUF expels two members (nn), AOAN to halt flight services on Thursday (nn), Morang traders not to back strike (samn), Nepal shuts down as traders go on warpath (Earth Times), UML expresses solidarity with business community, demands Sitaula's resignation (nn), Police ordered to arrest those who attacked businessman, says Sitaula (nn), Business group strikes in Nepal against kidnapping, extortion by former rebels (International Herald Tribune), Thousands march in Nepal over Maoist threats (Reuters), Prachanda sees royalists' hand in strike (nn), PM assures EC of timely CA election (kp) [??], CA polls by mid-June to be a real squeeze, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), Nation could fall in a disaster if CA polls not held on time, says Prachanda (nn), CA elections still unsure: Prachanda, by Ganesh Chaudhary and Mohan Budhair (kp), Rana calls govt. to improve ‘law and order situation’ to hold CA polls (nn), Prachanda opposes single-party hegemony (samn), Nepal, India cops foil MPRF blockade, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), Govt not serious: JTMM (samn), Maoist menace (kp), Abolish monarchy first: Maoist leader (samn), Disorder(s) in the House, by Manjushree Thapa (kp), Winning the peace, by Krishna Regmi (kp)

19/03/2007: Palace ignores govt. panel’s deadline to submit details (nn), Nepal king refuses to divulge wealth details (wi), Time to step down, Nepali king urged, by Dhruba Adhikary (Asia Times), Taskforce submits 5 papers: Top leaders to meet Tuesday (kp), Eight parties differ on portfolios (samn) [Always the same power games: The parties are lacking legitimacy, are not democratic and are not interested in the welfare of the people and the country!!!], Parties have failed to earn their legitimacy: Dixit (nn), Businessmen call for shutdown from 3 pm (nn), Internet services go down in protest of attack on businessman (nn), Businessmen announce indefinite shutdown (nn), Nepal in anti-Maoist protests, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), Maoists deny hand in manhandling of businessman (nn), Indian envoy meets PM Koirala (nn), Preserve evidences (kp), CA poll: To be or not be, by Dhruva Joshy (kp), 'We ought to keep our integrity intact', interview with Om Gurung (kp)

18/03/2007: Differences over power sharing persist (kp), Parties finalise interim govt model (samn), Top leaders' meet ends inconclusively (nn), MPRF attacks 8-party rally (kp), Goit’s men kill JTMM-J vice commander (kp), 70 injured in Birgunj, Kalaiya clashes (samn), Seven-hour curfew in Kalaiya (nn), Passengers, protestors clash, 18 hurt (kp), UN ready to mediate on terai violence: Lena Sundh (kp), OHCHR says it has no mandate for mediation (nn), OHCHR for pluralistic representation (samn), Political attacks flare in Nepal, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), Gajurel stresses unity among leftists (kp), Prachanda for final knock to feudalism (samn), Farmers’ nation, by Shiva Rijal (kp), Nepal at a crossroads, by Mohan P Lohani (kp), Most Nepalis support reservations: poll (samn)

17/03/2007: MJF supporters thrash Congress leader (nn), One dead in clash between two JTMM factions (nn), 8 royalists arrested for Rangeli riots, by Binod Bhandari (kp), Royalist meet disrupted (kp), Monarchists' rights (kp), OHCHR team visits terai districts (kp), Probe on 49 disappeared may be dropped, by Kiran Chapagain (kp) [Once again justice denied as so often in Nepali history!?], UML for early formation of interim govt (samn), 8-party meet discusses CMP (samn), 8-party homework on interim govt continues; top level meet on Sunday (nn), Parties draft common program, code of conduct (kp), ‘SPA cannot issue certificate of good conduct’ (kp), Maoists urge govt to revoke decisions (kp), NEFIN announces 3rd round of protests (kp), Bandh in Chure region called off (nn), Dozens hurt as MJF men clash with 8-party cadres in Birgunj (nn), TMM (Singh) releases three abducted govt officials (nn)

16/03/2007: Eight-party meeting underway in Baluwatar (nn), Interim govt likely Friday: Mahara (kp), Nepal to get new government today? (wi), UML to send new team in interim govt; parties intensify parleys (nn), Eight-party meeting ends inconclusively; taskforce to finalise CMP (nn), A stitch in time: The king becomes the pawn as haggling begins for a new government, by Kunda Dixit (nt), PM to blame if CA polls delayed: Nepal (kp) [All party leaders are responsible because they have failed to implement the mandate of the April 2006 movement!], CA polls not possible in mid-June: Dahal (samn), Prachanda claims conspiracies afoot to derail CA elections (nn), NEFIN to launch third phase of agitation (nn), Janajatis resume nationwide protests (samn), Chure Bhawar region banda affects life (kp), Bandh hits Chure region; industries begin to close (nn), Two policemen hurt in a clash in Birgunj (nn), Civil servants flay Rangeli incident, demand compensation (kp), Birgunj remains tense; six MJF activists injured in a clash (nn), Fading glitter (kp), Eleven more disappeared in western region: ICRC (kp), Review on revival of House, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Ethnic division is lust for power, by Tilak B Shrestha (kp), Truly new: A paradigm shift in Nepali self-perception, by Shristhi RL Rana (nt), When words are weapons: Girija Koirala is playing a clever game, by CK Lal (nt), Unstable Opinions And Political Instability: The role of opinion builders is so inconsistent and contradictory that they have confused the people, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Prachanda's comments have put US citizens at risk, says Moriarty (nn) [US citizens are at risk worldwide because of negative US politics!]

15/03/2007: New govt 'within days' (kp), PM begins talks on interim govt, CA (samn), New govt will announce CA poll: Koirala (samn), ‘Eight parties have agreed on distribution of portfolios’ (nn), MPRF torch dozen offices in Rangeli, by Binod Bhandari (kp), 49 VDCs protest abductions (kp), 90 per cent industries closed in Hetauda (samn), UN to investigate Maoist arms in Nepal (Peninsula), 'Truth Commission must for just society' (kp), Nepal king's envoy carries message to Hindu meet in India (wi), Safeguard Nepali king: Indian pundits, by Jitendra Khadga (kp), Nepal moves closer to ditching king, by Sam Taylor (Dawn), Nepal's king is made to cut staff, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), 8-party activists disrupt RPP-Nepal's programme in Jhapa (nn), Language rights workers’ rally (samn), SAC decides to remove seven provisions from Party-related Bill (nn), 7 provisions removed from party bill (samn) [No rational person will understand most of these changes!!], Big men big dilemma, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp)

14/03/2007: Palace refutes plot allegations (nn), Nepal palace refutes Maoist plot allegations (wi), Exit gracefully (kp), Virtual Republic (Times of India), Nepal king in trouble after PM turns against monarchy (Peninsula), Parties intensify parleys over interim government (nn), 4 parties to draft common program, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Eight party leaders in Baluwatar (nn), Leaders discuss forming interim govt within a week (nn), Maoist chief triggers fresh arms controversy (wi), It was said in jest: Prachanda, by Tilak P. Pokharel (kp), Nepal Maoists in damage control, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), Register all arms, fighters: UN envoy (samn), UN concerned over Maoist arms claims (Gulf Times), UN mission concerned about reports on "unregistered" arms and combatants in Nepal (pd), UN Mission to Investigate Weapons Claims by Nepal's Maoists, by Steve Herman (Voice of America), UN to investigate if Nepal's ex-rebels have weapons and fighters outside camps (International Herald Tribune), Gyawali updates world leaders about Nepal's peace process (nn), MPRF cadres padlock offices (kp),  JTMM-J abducts 3 civil servants, local (kp), Secys discuss security of govt staff in terai (kp), MJF activists go on a rampage setting offices to fire in Rangeli (nn), Terai breathes in peace (kp), Tarai limping back to normalcy (samn), Tarai not safe for journalists: report (samn), A Tharu leader walks away from Maoists, forms new front (nn), Dalit communities seek reservation (samn), Rights and democracy, by Hari Bansha Dulal (kp), Ethnic Groups and Race Based Federalism: A Recipe for Disaster for Nepal, by Khagendra Thapa (Scoop), PM promises CA polls by June 15 (samn), Elections will be held after situation normalises, says PM (nn), UML proposes CA elections for June 12 (samn), Over 1.7 million citizenship distributed: Home Ministry (nn), National integration and peace through federalism, by D.B. Gurung (tg)

13/03/2007: Civil society wants roundtable conference (nn), Thousands of combatants, arms outside cantonment site: Prachanda (nn), Thousands of troops, arms outside camps: Prachanda, by Ujir Magar & Lal Prasad Sharma (kp), 'Nepal Maoists not confined yet', by Charles Haviland (BBC News), UNMIN concerned about ‘unregistered’ arms and combatants (nn), 'Palace made CD to demean Maoists' (kp), Palace plotting to kill leaders: Maoists (samn), Maoists claim palace conspired against four big parties (nn), Nepal's royal family in fresh plot controversy (wi), Speaker says Maoists' CD will be discussed by House committee (nn), Nation on republican path: PM, by Harsa Subba & Bedraj Poudel (kp), PM Koirala asks king to abdicate (samn), Nepal PM suggests king should step down: report (Khaleej Times), Nepal prime minister suggests king should step down: report (International Herald Tribune), Nepal’s PM wants king to abdicate (Peninsula), U-turn Koirala piles heat on king, by J. Hemanth (tc), PM confers with NC leaders on agendas of 8-party meet (nn), PM to initiate talks with other parties over interim govt formation (nn), Prachanda threatens to declare republic (samn), 'Difficulties imminent if CA poll deferred' (kp), Containers stranded due to bandh (nn), MPRF students clash claims 1, curfew clamped, by Shankar Kharel (kp), MPRF ends banda, starts disobedience drive (kp), Terai rights forum withdraws strikes (samn), JTMM cadres abduct citizenship distribution officials (nn), Madhesi, Pahade vow to stand united, by J. Pandey (kp), Goodwill rally organised in Nepalgunj (nn), Call for women's equal representation (samn), Acting government on road to nowhere, by Dil Sahni (kp), Govt will not tolerate bandhs anymore: Minister Mahat (nn), Indigenous communities meet in UK (nn)

12/03/2007: Palace conspiring to assassinate top leaders: Mahara; 'Plot CD' tabled at parliament (nn), Attack on Janadesh editor condemned (kp), King’s behaviour has paved the way for republic: PM Koirala (nn), Nepalese PM calls for king to step down (Monster and Critics), Nepal's PM says king should quit, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), PM's pro-republic statement based on understanding: Prachanda (nn), Hearing on Rayamajhi report postponed (kp), No chance of another Royal Takeover: Former PM Thapa (nn), King can’t usurp power: Thapa, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Security to US citizens govt responsibility: PM, by Bedraj Poudel (kp), Nation heading toward anarchy, warns Rana (nn), Life toward normalcy in districts (kp), JTMM (Goit) suspends ‘military actions’ (kp), 35 injured, indefinite curfew follows in southern Nepal (Xinhua), Curfew in Nepal villages after bloody clash (Relief Web), 4th day curfew clamped in Nepali Terai Banke district (pd), Curfew continues in Banke (nn), Indefinite curfew in Inaruwa (nn), MJF calls off general strike (nn), HIV-positive community warn they will form party (kp), Compensation (kp), Federalism, multiculturalism and inclusion, by Sanjeev Uprety (kp), 81 proposals put forward in PPR bill (samn), Foreign Aid Funding Terrorism in Nepal, by Vivaswan Kumar (Scoop)

11/03/2007: MPRF, janajatis protest amendment (kp), Federal Nepal (Gulf Today), Unheard of party claims responsibility for placing bomb (nn), Nepal Hindu group demands poll on secularism (wi), Govt panel sends letter to Palace (nn), Government will lose legitimacy if CA not held on time, says Nepal (nn), If resigning is remedy, I too am ready: PM Koirala, by Binod Bhandari & Bedraj Poudel (kp), Koirala hopeful about forming interim govt at the earliest (nn), ‘Maoists still don’t qualify to join govt’, by Tilak P. Pokharel (kp) [US government still tying to hamper peace process!], US warns Maoists on violence (tc),  4 parties set agenda for all-party meet (kp), Top leaders' meeting on Tuesday (nn), Day-time curfew continues in Banke; bandh hits life in Terai (nn), Terai under MPRF grid lock for 5th day (kp), JTMM (Goit) halts armed activities (nn), JTMM-J says truce over, by Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp), Violence in Terai as former Maoists begin fresh 'war' (wi), Nepal govt asks Madhesis to halt agitation, by Shirish B Pradhan (oi), Southern minorities to continue protests despite Nepal government initiatives (International Herald Tribune), Curfew in Nepal villages after bloody clashes (Peninsula), We’ll furnish proof of plot to kill: Prachanda, by Kul Chandra Neupane (kp), 'UML ready to declare republic from parliament', by Numraj Khanal (kp), Farewell to arms, by Anuj Chopra (Hindu)

10/03/2007: Nepal goes federal on statute amendment, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp) NADR, UK deplores bomb scare at civil society leaders’ residences (nn), NJP owns responsibility for planting bombs (kp) [Such royalist fundamentalists will march on as long as the institution of monarchy remains unharmed despite its responsibilities!], Participation of women must in peace process: Martin (nn), Give us chance to rule the country: Prachanda (nn), US worried by continuing Maoist violence and growing ethnic unrest (nn), Moriarty stunned by Prachanda's assertions (nn), US to Maoists: Share info on ‘plot to kill’ (kp), PM Koirala urges Maoists to ‘behave’ before joining govt (nn), Maoists didn’t submit 781 weapons: Army (kp), MPRF men torch customs office (kp), Curfew in tense areas: Man killed in Nepalgunj clash, by Janak Nepal (kp), Fresh blood stains Nepal's Terai protests (wi), Curfew re-imposed in Banke (nn), Towards culture of rhetoric(s), by Beerendra Pandey (kp), Politics of ethnicity, a myopia, by Prem Phyak (kp)

09/03/2007: Government not following parliament's directives: leaders (nn), Bomb discovered at residences of Dr. Pandey and Pahadi (nn), Bombs at Dr Panday’s, Pahadi’s houses (kp), MPs deplore bomb scare at civil society leaders’ residences (nn), Rayamajhi commission does not implicate the King, says DPM Sherchan (nn) [But he has been the outstanding responsible person! He claimed this responsiblity in front TV cameras on 1 February 2005 when he finalised his coup d'etat!!], US embassy 'deeply concerned' over Prachanda's statement (nn), Form inclusive interim govt promptly: Solheim (kp), Prachanda asks cadres to behave (kp), One dead in Banke clash; 13-hour long curfew imposed (nn), Govt to withdraw warrants and cases against JTMM leaders (nn), Protests slid out of our control: MPRF (kp), CA polls impossible unless our demands are met: Dr Gurung (nn), Conflict victims yet to be resettled: NHRC (nn), 1st phase of arms registration over (kp), Arms verification report submitted to the government (nn), Interim constitution amended by the parliament (nn), Nepal changes into federal state, by Charles Haviland (BBC News), Is there a king?, by Aditya Man Shrestha (kp), Linguistic inclusion & national integration, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), Let the games begin: The politics of masks, sidestepping, feints, and gambits, by CK Lal (nt), In the interim (nt), No to June: A flawed election is worse than a delayed election, by Sheetal Kumar (nt)

08/03/2007: Parties issue whip to pass statute amendment proposal (nn), Prime Minister, UML leaders discuss formation of interim govt (nn), Maoists should stop forceful acts before joining interim govt: NC (nn), PM, Prachanda agree property return, release of Maoists, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Prachanda directs party cadres to 'behave' (nn), Prachanda hints at conspiracy to malign Maoists (nn), Maoists register commitment motion on republic at the parliament (nn), Welcome gate for Prachanda set ablaze (kp), Canadian officials discuss landmine issues (kp), Defiance of MJF strike in various districts (nn), More people defy MPRF strike (kp), ‘Women deprived of presence in politics’ (kp), Politics of self-defeat, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), From social exclusion to social cohesion, by Bindu Chaudhary (kp)

07/03/2007: Terai reels under strike (kp), Dozen policemen injured in attack during Terai bandh (nn), S Nepal strike enters second day (BBC News), MJF strike hits life in Tarai (samn), MJF bandh continues to hit normal life; protestors vandalise ambulance (nn), House defers interim statute amendment, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), House fails to amend constitution (samn), Republic before CA poll unwelcome: Nepal, by Madhav Aryal (kp), CPN-UML not to accept CA poll after June (samn), Rayamajhi report soft to King: Minister Gyawali (nn), HURPES’ plea to govt (samn), Cults of gloom and censorship, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Prachanda's words and deeds, by Sanjeev Satgainya (kp), Democracy and peace building in Nepal, by Dev Raj Dahal (tg), Chronological mapping of conflict dynamic posture in Nepal, by Prabal Raj Pokhrel (tg), Nepal: Can Peace Hold?, by Anuj Chopra (Frontline World), Women to fight for proper representation (samn), Dalits against Biswasi at NDC (samn), Dalits demand more share in CA (samn), ICRC calls for special attention to mothers/wives of missing persons (nn), NC, CPN (Maoist) agree to form interim govt before mid-March (nn)

06/03/2007: MJF resumes Terai agitation (nn), Strike resumes today (kp), Madhesi resume strike in southern Nepal (Monster and Vritics), Nepal ethnic group widens strike in the plains (Reuters), Normal life hit in Terai as MJF resumes agitation (nn), Nepal transport stoppage expands to general strike across the south (International Herald Tribune), Nepal government gears up to break Terai strike (wi), Transporters to defy MPRF strike (kp),   Regressive elements provoking MJF: Yadav (samn), NSP-Anandidevi threatens to pull out (nn), 'Eight-party alliance may break', by Ghanashyam Khadka (kp), CPN-UML threatens to quit govt (samn), SPA agrees to pass bill to amend interim statute (nn), No immediate action against King: Report (nn), No immediate action against king (kp), NC consulted on impeachment: UML, by Bishnu Budhathoki (kp), UML plotting to protect monarchy: Baidya (nn), PM for republic if king flouts norms: Prachanda, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), Govt to make Rayamajhi report public (samn), Nepal to publicize report on King's direct rule (pd), Nepal action against king for crackdown, by J. Hemanth (tc), Govt panel to ask royal palace to disclose property details (nn), Bring Maoists in (kp), The only story in town, by Manjushree Thapa (kp), Republic : A fantasy or reality?, by Puran Agrawal (kp), Hindu group stages sit-in (samn), Parliament defers passage of statute amendment bill for Friday (nn)

05/03/2007: Civil society should initiate efforts to ensure participation in CA, says Ghai (nn), RPP demands reservation; Prachand meets RPP chief Rana (nn), Prime Minister, NC behind delay in interim government: Nepal (nn), 8-party unity may break up if interim govt not formed soon: Nepal (nn), UML wants provision to impeach king, by Ghanashyam Ojha (kp), UML refutes allegations over statute amendment proposal (nn), Nepal's communists at loggerheads over king (wi), CIAA grills ex-ministers Dhakal, Shahi (kp), PM directs Sitaula to create atmo-sphere for polls (kp), Govt-NEFIN talks deferred (nn), EC holds discussion with Janajatis, Dalits (nn), Empathy a must for reconciliation (kp), Address Madheshi, ethnic issues: RPP (kp), Strikes cripple life in eastern region (kp), Govt calls for end to strikes (nn), Defying strikes (kp), Nepal government renews calls for negotiations with rebel faction (Raw Story), One dies in Parsa shootout; five abducted in Jhapa (nn), Govt to cancel illegal citizenship certificates (kp), Where is my husband? (kp), Parties and identity politics: quest for new role, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Deposed King Gyanendra Stretches The Truth, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (Scoop), Cabinet adopts Oli committee's counsel over Rayamajhi panel report (nn), PM discusses make-up of interim cabinet with Prachanda, Deuba (nn)

04/03/2007: Ensure inclusiveness in CA, say experts (nn), Expert for fully inclusive CA (samn), JTMM (Singh) to resume armed revolt; Madhesi Tigers release abductees (nn), JTMM warns to resume armed struggle, by Shankar Kharel (kp), Govt not serious about talks: JTMM (samn), Transport strike hits normal life in Terai; flights affected (nn), Small group of armed activists threatens to resume south Nepal violence (International Herald Tribune), MPRF padlocks Bhittamod customs (kp), Parties intensify intra-party debate on interim govt; UML for 8-party meet (nn), The story of a disappeared teacher, by Kiran Chapagain (kp), No basis for satisfaction over Maoist arms: Army (kp), Assures ex-rebels of govt security: NC urges Maoists not to carry arms, by Yuvraj Acharya (kp), Martin lauds Chinese role for Nepal peace (kp), UNSC members may visit Nepal, by Tilak P. Pokharel (kp), ‘No fair polls until Maoists stop intimidation’ (kp), Army, police casualties to see parity compensation, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), SPA against taking us in govt: Maoists (samn), NC divided on taking Maoists in govt (samn), Prachanda seeks NC's stand on king (samn), Koirala, Prachanda most popular: survey (samn), Peace Secretariat working on Tarai issue (samn), King’s followers to start ‘save monarchy campaign’ (Gulf Times), Maoist, NC leaders slam UML for registering separate statute amendment proposal (nn), CIAA grills royal ministers Shahi, Dhakal (nn)

03/03/2007: Sitaula seeks support from Police force to make new Nepal (nn), Oli surprised over discrepancies of arms and combatants (nn), Number of Maoist arms ridiculous: Oli (kp), Nepal Army ‘unhappy’ with PLA weapons count (nn), PM asks Maoists to abide by accord (samn), PM, Prachanda discuss interim govt, election date (nn), PM declines to proclaim republic (kp), NC against taking Maoists in govt (samn), ‘King’s ouster must for CA poll’ (kp), MPRF lifts transport strike for Holi: Transport workers refuse MPRF call (kp), Transport entrepreneurs impose bandh in Terai (nn), Holi brings mixed blessings for Nepal (wi), Terai cobra strikes, one person killed (nn), Govt- NEFIN talks inconclusive (kp), Govt tables bill on political parties (samn), Bill moots state funds for political parties (kp), Reform bill in Nepal to 'discipline political parties', by Shirish B. Pradhan (oi), Dozen ravaged offices await reinstatement (kp), Communal seed (kp) [The seed of communalism has been sown in Nepal by the Hindu politics of the Shah monarchy!], Inherent obstacles to federalism, by Khagendra N Sharma (kp), No PM-Prachanda meeting held on Saturday, says Bhattarai (nn)

02/03/2007: Maoists in government within a week, says DPM Sherchan (nn), PM Koirala, Prachanda discussing formation of interim government (nn), Nepal's government, ex-rebels begin talks on forming interim government (International Herald Tribune), Diplomats in hectic consultation (samn), Top leaders intensify discussion; PM asks Prachanda to have patience on declaring republic (nn), Discussions begin over statute amendment proposal (nn), Including all castes in CA impossible: Yadav (kp), UNDP to organise national conference on constitution making (nn), Japanese support for CA polls (kp), CIAA grills royal minister Rana (nn), Experts search for the secretly buried, by Rajendra Pratap Shah (kp), Provide better health care for Mukesh: Locals (kp), 'Madhesi Tigers' abduct 11 pahades, by Dilliram Khatiwada (kp), Save politics from shadow of arms: MPs (kp), Pistol episode negates Maoist claims of democratic commitment, says Moriarty (nn) [Yes, as Iraq, Guantanamo, etc. negate US claims of democratic, human rights and peace commitment!], Arms Count Vs Trust Count: The revelation of the weapons count held by the Maoists has raised many eye-brows, by Sanjaya Dhakal (sp), The missing guns?, by Madhab Basnet (nt, originally in Dristi, 27 February), The Maoists Weapons and Combatants, by Rajat KC (Scoop), Banda affects life in Bara, Nawalparasi (kp), It’s double whammy for Tarai (samn), Fine-tune peace process, by Anga R Timilsina (kp), All fired up and nowhere to go: Meeting a small-time revolutionary in a small town hotel, by Leo Balze (nt) [on Jwala Singh, real name Nagendra Paswan, leader of JTMM (Singh)], "We need to streamline the peace process", interview with Janak Raj Joshi (nt), Arms control: Missing the forest for the trees, by Sheetal Kumar (nt), Not everything matters: If we look beyond arms and fighters, we’d see the other dangers, by CK Lal (nt), Keep it together: Thinking that Nepal will fall apart or be colonised is pure hysteria, by Daniel Lak (nt), “These Three Regions – Hills, Mountains and Terai - Are Complimentary And Supplementary To Each Other”, interview with Mohan Gopal Khetan (sp), Ethnic autonomy may be harmful: Rawal (samn), Govt-NEFIN talks end inconclusively (nn), MJF postpones strike for three days (nn), Interim Crisis or Interim Learning?, by Andrew Arato (sp), Nepal king's Hindu followers to start save monarchy campaign (wi), Hindu body’s stir (samn)

01/03/2007: JTMM (Singh) warns of physical action; accepts talks offer (nn), JTMM (Singh) warns of 'physical action' (kp), Strikes continue to paralyse normal life in Terai (nn), Terai leaders want end to ongoing protests (kp), General strike stifles daily life (kp), Banda cripples life nationwide (kp), General strike brings Nepal to a halt (Peninsula), NEFIN bandh throws life out of gear (samn), Nepal's Ethnic Minorities Strike to Demand Political Rights, by Paul Tighe (Bloomberg) [How do you define "minorities" in Nepal?], Banda brings joy to rickshaw pullers, street vendors, by Shankar Gnyawali & Devendra Koirala (kp), CIAA grills Thapa for misuse of funds (samn), Lawmakers express objection to Maoist MP's statement on arms (nn),