Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Crisis solution (2017)

Since the Delhi Agreement between seven parliamentary parties and the insurgent CPN (Maoist) of 22 November 2005, the people of Nepal have been waiting in vain for the promised realisation of an inclusive democratic system. Although the then putsching monarchy was abolished and a constitution was passed in 2015 after long power struggles between the political parties, even this was the sole work of the exclusively male leaders of the three major parties, predominantly male Bahuns. The appropriate participation of all social groups, as provided for in the interim constitution of January 2007, did not take place. In this respect, the constitution of 2015 even represented in part a step backwards compared to the interim constitution.
Thus, apart from the abolition of the monarchy, not much has changed since the 1990 system. Numerous fundamental human rights continue to be disregarded. There is no inclusion of all social groups. All power and the majority of all state functions are still in the hands of male Tagadharis, especially male Bahuns.  The latter make up only 6 percent of the population, but the identification of the state and its society and culture, in short the nationalist image of the state of Nepal, is still based on the culture and partly narrow-minded, anarchic, patriarchal and socially discriminating view and thinking of this small minority. As long as this state of affairs continues and the failed generation of political leaders of all parties is not replaced by a younger generation that is inclusive, open-minded, receptive and not exclusively oriented towards personal power interests, there will be no end to the crisis situation.

Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Crisis solution (current)


31/12/2017: Respect Popular Mandate, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Politics of Government Formation and Trajectory of Violence in Province 2, by Govinda Bhattarai (rn), Govt working on state chief appointments (kp), PM to make it a unilateral decision if consensus fails, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Date for National Assembly election to be announced by January 12: DPM Shrestha, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [???], Fund meant for fighting air pollution unused, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Govt phases out donor-funded social programmes (kp), ‘CIAA against politicisation of dev projects’ (kp), Love-hate couple, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Double speak: At least 33 percent women, says the constitution, but only three percent were elected through the FPTP, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), RJP-N to join govt if statute amendment assured, says Karna (ht), Nepal’s dream deferred: Overwhelming participation of people in elections shows they are desperately waiting to materialize their dream of prosperous, peaceful and politically stable Nepal, by Jiva Nath Lamsal (rep)

30/12/2017: Prez approves ordinance on upper house (kp), Undue pressure on Prez to pass ordinance: Oli (kp) [?????], CEC asks prime minister to announce NA poll date (ht), New govt 7 weeks away? EC says it takes at least a month to elect upper house, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), New government unlikely in January (ht), Multiple riders still complicate govt formation, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Local govts find it hard managing education sector (kp), The crooks have all the fun! We expect our politicians to change but we seem to forget that there is  no incentive for them to change their colours for the good of the nation, by Guffadi (kp), Dilemma in Provincial Setup, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Parties submit lists of provincial PR candidates: Only 13 parties have made the cut for provincial PR seats (ht)

29/12/2017: Writ in SC for passage of ordinance (kp), President set to pass ordinance ‘next week’ (kp), Ordinance authenticated to end political impasse: Prez Bhandari (ht), UML allots 71 PR seats to female candidates (kp), NC CWEC meet to finalise provincial PR list today (ht), Congress ‘ready’ to back Dahal if he runs for PM (kp) [The sowing of distrust among opponents is a traditional tool of political Hinduism under rajaniti! It has been repeatedly used by monarchy against the political parties after 1950!], UML to counter ‘bid to prolong Deuba’s tenure’: To conclude merger process with Maoist Centre ‘soon’ (kp), Left alliance keen to include FSF-N in new govt, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Shape of things to come: The bargaining for power in the merged communist parties and the wrangling in the provinces is a sign of things to come, and what lies in store for Nepali politics in the new year, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Reconstruction matters: NRA’s claim that reconstruction will be  completed in the next six-months is dubious (kp), Too slow a pace: Some of the beneficiaries whose houses were damaged in the quake have been deprived of government aid (ht), Left Unity and Resurgence, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), To forget or not to forget: Can new provincial governments address hardships of war victims?, by Shreejana Shrestha (nt), A stable Nepal in 2018? But parliamentary elections under a fairly good Constitution alone will not bring about stability, by Yvonne Pandey (nt)

28/12/2017: Tug Of War Over State Capitals, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), EC finalises allocation of HoR PR seats (ht), Oli, Dahal meet amid speculation of mistrust: Discuss party merger, govt formation (kp), Divided on unification: Parties disappoint voters who want to see a quick formation of a stable govt (kp), Maoist Centre adamant on PM or party chair’s post, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Managing second-rung leaders a major challenge for unification, by Kosh Raj Koirala (kp), Madhes alliance will form govt in Province 2: Mahato (kp), Post-quake reconstruction: Only 11 pc private homes built so far, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp) [a crime committed by NRA, government and administration!], Relief materials rot in storehouse while quake victims battle with cold and hunger, by Bhagawati Lama (rep), Untouchability cases being settled under duress (ht), Ensure justice: Transitional justice mechanisms have failed to conclude their tasks as specified by the Act (ht), Delay in fiscal commission appointments may hit budget transfers (rep), Prosperity over politics: If Nepal wants to reach middle-income status, it must include women in positions of power and influence, especially in business and politics, by Alaina B. Teplitz (rep), Promoting integrity: Stability, rule of law, accountability and good governance can be maintained only through honest individuals in and outside the government, by Narayan Adhikari and Ashmita Sharma (rep)

27/12/2017: Writ on Madhesi Dalits’ PR seats (kp, Spat Over the NA Ordinance, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), RJP-N leaders ask President to authenticate ordinance: Madhesi leaders tell Bhandari their poll victory meant endorsement of their constitution amendment agenda (kp), Govt formation delay: Indecision rules Singha Durbar (kp), UML, Maoist leaders to meet ‘today’ (kp), Mistrust creeping among top leaders of left alliance?, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Oli to lead govt for full five years: Pandit; The UML leader says there is no doubt concerning the party’s merger with the CPN (Maoist Centre), but the  current priority is new government formation (kp), Quake victims lack resources to rebuild (ht), Oli’s challenges: Oli will have to convince Indian establishment that a politically strong and prosperous Nepal is the best guarantee of safeguarding India’s interests, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (rep)

26/12/2017: Forgotten federalism: Major threat to federalism is that provinces have not been drawn up in a way to allocate equal capacity-building resources, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Provincial administration in limbo as statute deadline inches closer, by Ashok Dahal (rep), ‘Faulty’ PR candidate lists: Madhesi dalits to move court (kp), UML pressed to arrive at consensus: Parties tell UML to either agree on the single trans-ferable vote system or offer an alternative to elect the National Assembly (kp), Single Transferable Voting: 'System ensures proportional representation’, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Mistrust within left alliance grows as govt formation stalls, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), ‘Revolt to save communist movement’ (kp), UML, Maoists mull 60:40 Cabinet share (kp), Into uncharted waters: Nepal is moving into a new governance system and there are many challenges ahead, by Binoj Basnyat (kp), Conditions for Political Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), Quake survivors battling with extreme cold, by Kishan Sangeet Nepali (rep), Christmas Carol for Deuba: Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba may want to take refuge in ‘‘A Christmas Carol’’ after a crushing defeat in the elections, by Bishal Thapa (rep)

25/12/2017: Failure Of NC Leadership, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Saving the tree BP planted: The NC must demonstrate that it is bound by principles of public service and high ethical standards, by Naresh Koirala (kp), NC mounts pressure on Prez: Congress leaders claim that the EC cannot  publish the final poll results before election to  the National Assembly (kp), Delay in passing ordinance will prolong Deuba’s term: SSF-N chief Yadav (kp), FSF-Nepal leaders urge president to endorse ordinance (ht), CPN-MC backs single transferable voting (ht), Prez in a fix as parties rally behind ordinance, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Unhelpful parties: Positions taken by both UML and Nepali Congress have not helped post-poll politics (kp), UML courts Madhes parties to form govt (kp), Madhesi parties mulling to join Oli govt if UML agrees to amend statute, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), SC rejects Chaudhary’s plea to get MP certificate via power of attorney (kp), SC tells MP Resham Chaudhary to face trial, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), EC accepts ‘faulty’ RJP-N PR candidate list, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Provincial capital row: Newly elected reps struggle to make good on their promise, by Lilaballav Ghimire (kp), UML, CPN-MC unification no cakewalk, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Local levels running with 40pc staffers (ht), Contractors, suppliers paid Rs 20 billion in bribes last year, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), Youth in data: Only by providing adequate opportunities to the youths, can Nepal realize its dream of transitioning into the middle-income country by 2030, by Bijay K. Shahi (rep)

24/12/2017: Male chambers: Only six of 165 candidates picked for House of Representatives under FPTP are women, which comes to a paltry 3.63 percent, by Meena Bhatta (rep), Upper election row: Parties working behind the scene to end impasse (kp), UML under pressure to back National Assembly poll ordinance, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), EC: Allocation of PR seats of parliament in a couple of days (rep), Staff crunch paralyses local govts (kp), The need for a watchdog: The media needs to get its priorities right and report news that matters to the public, by Anil Bhattarai (kp), ‘No ignoring Madhes issues’: People have given reply to detractors: Experts, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Political parties yet to develop federal mindset, by Roshan S. Nepal (ht), Leaders of major parties divided over provincial capitals, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Left or right? UML is critical of Western ‘hegemony’ but is then funded by money coming from Western countries, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep)

23/12/2017: First meeting post election cuts no ice: Five national parties, however, agree to resolve disputes in consultation (kp), Parties stick to their guns on ordinance, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Row over National Assembly drags on (rep), Prez shows hurdles to endorsing ordinance (kp), EC allots proportional seats of provincial vote: CPN-UML has topped the PR chart by securing a total of 75 seats, followed by  the NC’s 72 and 35 of  the CPN (Maoist Centre), by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Provincial PR seat allocation to parties complete (ht), UML, CPN-MC to lead govt by turns: Dahal (ht) [Don't even dream of such nonsense! The government has to be stable for 5 years ate last!], Left bloc in power-sharing bid (kp), The Tricky Issue Of Left Unification, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Police shoot dead Myadi recruit for protesting pay cut, by Tularam Pandey (kp), No end in sight to quake victims’ plight (ht)

22/12/2017: Dalit presence in Parliament still seen as tokenism, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Deuba sees no need for party meetings for ending impasse: Says dispute over ordinance for upper house election is constitutional (kp), Politics Of Ordinance, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Show stoppper: Two weeks after the final phase of elections, the NC, voted out by the people, clings to power, while the Left Alliance is struggling to form the new government (nt), Govt preparing to appoint provincial governors, by Rupesh Acharya (ht) [??], Joint leadership mulled for UML-Maoist merger, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Oli likely to be PM, Dahal party chair: Unified outfit may adopt 'one peron, one post' model, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Targeting the poor: Reasons for poverty differ across provinces and require distinct intervention efforts (kp), Strategy for survival: Nepal’s latest election results do not mean dismay for New Delhi or joy for Beijing, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Year of surprises: Even with all the political changes 2017 brought, it wouldn’t be surprising if we reverted to uncertainty next year, by Shyam KC (kp), Economic leapfrog: To become a middle-income country by 2030, investing in private sector while promoting foreign investment is a must, by Niraj KC (kp), Coming full circle at Mainapokhari: Nani Maiya and baby survived a Maoist attack 13 years ago in which her husband was killed. This week she had to congratulate the Maoist in-charge who won the election, by Amrit Gurung (nt), State of Confusion (nt), Children of single, divorced parents face difficulty acquiring citizenship (ht), Grassroots democracy: Services to doorsteps, by Shesh Raman Neupane and Chay Garde (ht), Maoists preparing to validate conflict-era land deals, by Devendra Basnet and Ganesh BK (rep)

21/12/2017: Oli, Dahal urges EC to allocate PR seats soon, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), President urges top parties to forge consensus on National Assembly Formation (ht), Turf war: Focus is on govt formation, but decentralisation of bureaucracy will be equally tough (kp), It’s not over: When Nepal should be moving ahead with all its people on board, the marginalised are still struggling, by Pramod Mishra (kp), ‘Madhesi alliance to work with forces supportive of Madhes issues’ (ht), 29 out of 100 people poor: Govt uses Multidimensional Poverty Index to measure national poverty for the first time, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp), CIEDP urges government to extend its term by three years, by Roshan S. Nepal (ht), In despair, quake victims living on flood-prone riverbank, by Shiva Hari Ghimire (rep), Political Model For Stability, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Parliamentarians change their stance after election, by Raju Adhikari (rep)

20/12/2017: CEC Yadav asks major parties to clear hurdles (kp), Left to sweep upper house under majority system, a few seats for NC under STV, by Ashok Dahal and Mani Dahal (rep), EC ready to hold NA poll under STV polling system, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Maoist Center irked by UML's rigid stance against transferrable vote (rep), Govt urges President to pass ordinance pronto, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Some 3,000 officials required for provincial secretariats, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Rout to revival: NC’s political manoeuvrability in national politics has hit its lowest point ever, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Nepali Congress In The Opposition, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Lost without recourse: Govt has failed to enforce laws that would discourage exploitation of migrant workers (kp), Value of life: Why are Nepali migrants, who were proven to be medically fit before departure, dying in large numbers abroad?, by Roni Pradhan (kp), Quake victims to spend third winter in tents, by Madhusudan Guragain (rep), Evaluating NC’s ‘loss’: Judging by the popular votes this time for Nepali Congress, communist victory appears nothing more than an outcome of political match-fixing, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), Cringed CapEx: Low capital spending affects the quality of our vital energy, road and telecom infrastructures, by Kartika Yadav (rep)

19/12/2017: The missing millions: A comparison of census and Election Commission data shows hordes of lost voters, by Sanjay Sharma (kp), EC working on PR quota allocation in lower house: Poll authority busy verifying data after receiving related documents from most of the electoral constituencies, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), NC stands firm on its position (kp) [This stance may further damage the party's reputation!], Dispute over National Assembly election likely to delay new govt (rep), Rawal for meaningful power-sharing talks (kp), Maoist Centre headquarters meeting: ‘Party merger before new govt’; Party for resolving National Assembly election row in consensus, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Oli, Dahal likely to lead government turn by turn, by Rewati Sapkota (ht) [Stop such nonsense power games! The country needs political stability with a government that is elected for 5 years!], Maoist Center leaders tell Dahal to sort out leadership issue before merger (rep), Getting small things right: Change will only come to the Nepali political landscape if society betters itself first, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Leadership Transformation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn), After polls, Madhesi people now want development, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep), Only 5,565 quake-damaged houses rebuilt in Gorkha, by Narahari Sapkota (rep), Post-poll prospects: Hill voters accused Congress of not speaking strongly against the blockade while Madhesis were disenchanted with its inadequate support for statute amendment, by Pramod Jaiswal (rep)

18/12/2017: Frustrating And Uncalled For Dispute, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Clear way for new government, left alliance tells PM Deuba (kp), Deuba-led govt trying to ‘undermine’ fresh mandate (kp), Lingering Problems, by S. Binodkumar Singh (SAIR), Mission not-yet-accomplished: The major parties now have to take immediate steps to ensure smooth transfer of power (kp), Oli, Dahal to head govt 'by turns', by Roshan Sedhai (rep) [Stop this bullshit talk! The Left Alliance has been eected to bring stability into Nepal's politics by forming a government for the full term of 5 years! Everything else would be a continuation of the personal power games of its top politicians!!], The understanding is that if UML leader is Premier, MC leader is party chief, and vice versa, interview with Basaman Pun (kp), Ousted fringe parties have footing in state assemblies (kp), Cementocracy: Development as a political good has resulted in an alliance between business leaders and the political establishment, by Dan Hirslund and Prem Phyak (kp), Will Oli be able to fulfil his promises? Left alliance to take private sector into confidence, not to stop economic reforms, by Pushpa Raj Acharya (ht), Oli tries to allay foreign policy, investment fears (rep)

17/12/2017: EC: Allocation of PR vote seats could take time. by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), NA election ordinance at centre of dispute, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Deuba urges left alliance not to provoke Prez; Dahal to PM: Make appointments only in consultation ‘with us’ (kp), Prez asks parties to resolve disputes (kp), PM Deuba consults with constitutional experts (kp), Hurdles To A New Government, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), ‘No alternative to UML-MC merger’ (kp), Litmus Test For The Left, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), A third of migrant households in Sunsari remain poor: Study; It has found that about 30 percent households, who were previously better off, became rather poorer after migrating overseas (kp), Protecting workers without borders: Nepal should benefit from migration, but not at the cost of the rights and wellbeing of migrants, by Paul I. Norton (kp), Eat now, vote later: Something is seriously wrong if candidates are elected based on their ability to spend, by Prawash Gautam (kp), ‘Left alliance formation led to NC’s loss’: Congress leaders say PR vote results suggest people’s faith in the party remains intact (ht), Caste discrimination hampering development in Tarai, says Yadav (ht), Arrests show extent of corruption in Nepal's "most corrupt" govt office (ht)

16/12/2017: National assembly election: Ordinance stuck at prez office as parties spar over electoral system (kp), Govt to appoint province governors next week: ‘Appointment necessary to form the National Assembly’ (ht), Experts at odds on need for upper house in govt formation (rep), Proportional representation: A likely scenario: At 8pm on Friday, the UML appeared to get 41 PR seats in the House while the NC could secure 40 seats. Maoists might get 17 seats, the SSF-N and the RJP-N 6 each, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Left leaders dwell on new govt at centre: Agree to hold more discussions to chart out right plan for future move, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Govt formation, left unification to go hand in hand: Oli, Dahal (ht), SC refuses Chaudhary’s writ petition (kp), New era, false dawn: From a partyless autocracy to these first steps into a brave new world of a federal republic, this country has indeed come a long way, by Mohan Guragain (kp), New govt may have only 15 ministries (ht), No preparation yet for provincial meet (ht), Terai-Madhes unrest probe commission submits report to govt (rep)

15/12/2017: Investing in inclusion: Constitutionally guaranteed proportional  representation won’t guarantee qualitative change (kp) [The parties' women discriminating way of nominating candidates for elections is a fundamental crime and a grave violation of the constitution!!], Need to aim higher: Women’s representation in public life has risen, but we shouldn’t become complacent, by Kabi Adhikari (kp), Pro-women (nt), EC needs 25 days to hold NA elections (ht), On The Threshold Of New Era, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Deuba says ‘eager to hand over’ power: Urges President to clear ordinance on election of National Assembly (kp), Lawyers argue for and against govt before upper house polls, by Ram Kumar Kamat (kp), Cop-turned-politician Silwal in the dock? Apex court orders action against those involved in forging appraisal documents related to former DIG; After resigning from police force, Silwal joined the  CPN-UML and went on to win a seat in the House of Representatives (kp) [The connections between politics and crime can never be close enough! This cannot be called rule of law!], Economic Development in federal Nepal, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp), Yadav rules out FSF-N and RJP-N unity (ht)

14/12/2017: Left alliance set to start govt formation talks (kp), No new PM before upper house is formed: NC, by Ashok Dahal (rep) [??? The PM is elected by the HoR! There is no reason why there should not be more than 33 per cent women MPs! Each of the 7 provinces will send 8 representatives into the National Assembly of which at least 3 have to be women, The president will nominates 3, of which at least 1 will be a woman! So, the problem remains only in the HoR and has been caused by the male dominated parties and their politics of patriarchy!], Five parties likely to qualify for PR seats, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), No. of directly elected female candidates slumps further: Only six secure seats in House of Representatives under FPTP category in these elections (kp), Work for declaring provisional state capitals on, by Hari Adhikari, Raj Kumar Parajuli and Bharat Koirala (ht), UML, NC at odds over fixing provincial capitals, governors (kp), The party is over: If the scale and depth of the current defeat doesn’t wake up the NC, what will (kp) [Without any doubt, the NC has lost this election, but the thrashing defeat under the FPTP system was due to the disciplined cooperation of CPN-UML and CPN-MC! True public support for the parties is only reflected by the PR vote!], Better times for a battered country: With the completion of local elections and new dynamics coming to the fore at the grassroots, one cannot but feel optimistic, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Future of work: Nepal’s future as a federal state will depend on how we deal with a host of challenges and opportunities, by Sajal Dhital (kp), Govt yet to mobilise civil servants for provincial assemblies, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), No ministerial berth for those losing HoR FPTP election (ht), Stability: The Goal Of New Political Order, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), FSFN, RJPN into unification bid, provincial govt formation, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep)

13/12/2017: The Nation Takes Left Turn, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Man on the run set to walk into Parliament: Resham Chaudhary wins election from Kailali-1; He is on our wanted list; we will arrest him: Police (kp) [Question to EC and RJPN: What about article 87 of the constitution??], Cabinet likely to pick provincial headquarters, guvs on Thursday: The constitution authorises the govt to announce temporary headquarters, while two-thirds majority of the respec-tive provincial assembly will fix the permanent capital (kp), Don’t forget the children: Leaders have promised magnificent things, but said little about ending malnutrition, by PC Wasti (kp), Outlawed Chhaupadi still in practice: The Criminal Code stipulates a three-month jail term or Rs 3,000 fine, or both, for anyone forcing a woman to follow the custom (ht), New coalition govt by mid-Jan, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Race for CM on, only one woman contender, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), 42 pc new faces in parliament under FPTP, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Dissecting CSR: Our lawmakers have hastily copied CSR law from India, without learning anything from India’s implementation, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), The second coming: KP Oli had long established himself as a good leader but it was the Indian economic blockade that made him a statesman, by Niranjan Narsingh Khatri (rep)

12/12/2017: Oli says ‘we will take opposition along’, by Parwat Portel (kp) [Respect is okay, but democracy needs government and opposition and the left alliance has been elected by the people to form a strong government! It's still a very far way to implement the federal system and this requires stability!!], Oli likely to be next premier, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), New govt, party unity simultaneously: Dahal (kp), Counting of FPTP votes over in 4 days, says EC: Counting of votes in Syangja began  on Sunday midnight (kp), Old faces dominate tally, by Chandan Kmuar Mandal (kp), UML objects to appointments of ‘caretaker’ govt: Says upcoming govt will revoke all such decisions (kp), Beware of headwinds: New govt must take moderate reformist path to give impetus to economic activities (kp), Elections 2017: Hoping Changes For Better, by Prem Khatry (rn), Provisional capitals of provinces tomorrow, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Resolve the row: Considering the urgency, the Election Commission has urged the government to draft a law for the Upper House election (ht), Results Of Federal And Provincial Elections Of 2017, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

11/12/2017: Left in order: With left alliance looking to have absolute control, Nepal urgently needs strong opposition (kp), Red wave sweeps the nation (rep), UML leads in popular vote too, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp). Left to form govts in six provinces, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Madhesi parties hold little sway outside Province 2: Most of the seats the SSF-N and the RJP-N are winning are from the eight Tarai districts west of Koshi, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), New govt likely in first week of January: EC says poll results will be submitted to the President by this month-end (kp), Taskforce submits report on venues for Province-4 parliament, agencies, by Lal Prasad Sharma (kp), New PM without parliament formation! (rep) [First, the new PM has to command an absolute majority of seats in the HoR, i.e the House has to be formed and the majority has to be proved by voting! Second, according to current counting, no party will win an absolute majority of seats!], Preparations on a full swing for first meetings (kp) [And where will the newly elected provincial assemblies meet??], Full speed ahead: Nepal is looking neither towards the north nor the south, but towards the future, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (kp), This leftist electoral alliance will move towards unification, interview with Shyam Shrestha (kp), Victory Of Democracy, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), EC presses govt to frame laws for National Assembly elections, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Parliament Secretariat making preparation to hold meetings of HoR, National Assembly (ht) [The members of the NA have first to be elected by the Provincial Assemblies! But where shall the latter meet? There are no laws, infrastructure, staff; not even the names of the headquarters are clear! Federalism is still a fare dream!!], We have won: These elections took place under the constitution that was projected as ‘regressive’ and with nothing for women, Madhesis and Janajatis, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Words to action: The elections are just a first step in achieving a larger goal of strengthening accountability and democracy in Nepal, by Valerie Julliand (rep)

10/12/2017: Left Alliance Heads For Resounding Victory, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Left alliance heading for comfortable majority (ht), Country on the cusp of taking Left turn: UML-Maoist Centre alliance set for election sweep; The two forces also leading in districts along plains, except Province 2, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Selection of provincial capitals only after vote count: PMO; Joint Secretary Hari Prasad Panthi claims  necessary officials and staff could be deployed  within 24 hours of a Cabinet decision (kp) [???], Government yet to fix provincial protocol, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), NC, UML neck to neck in PR vote: NC gets 39,353 PR votes for federal parliament  compared to UML’s 39,260 (kp), Prez stresses upliftment of marginalised communities (kp) [For example, by not participating them in politics?], The politics of human rights: Govt must enact laws for protecting and promoting human rights if Constitution is to be implemented, by Mohna Ansari (kp), Forgetting something: The transition is said to have been a success, but conflict victims still wait for justice, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp)

09/12/2017: NHRC concerned over country’s poor human rights track record (kp), Rights situation not satisfactory: NHRC (ht), AHRC urges govt to improve human rights situation (ht), Left on track as alliance move proves right: Analysts say UML, Maoist Centre’s rallying cry for ‘prosperity through stability’ worked well while NC failed to win voters’ trust, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Turnout revised up to 69.58pc (kp)

08/12/2017: Found in transition: With polls yesterday, Nepal is on its way to completing political transition that started in 2006 but a lot still remains to be done (kp), Into a state of uncertain stability: Whoever wins, Nepal will likely be ruled by the same old leaders, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Challenges ahead: Those in newly elected Parliament must ensure that welfare of people takes precedence over petty party interests, by Shyam KC (kp) [This would mean a total revolution campared to what has happened so far!!], Historic polls conclude with 67pc turnout, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Confusion reigns in PR voting as voters lack education, by Roshan S. Nepal (ht), Voters not taught to cast ballot properly, says NRHC (ht), First phase vote count starts: Early results put CPN-UML ahead (kp), A watershed moment: Successful completion of elections ends long-drawn transition infusing hope of stability, but challenges remain, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CK Raut’s hometown boycotts elections (kp), #16 Days: Make the call: Only if the culture of shame and silence around Gender Based Violence is broken will we be able to create a safe environment, by Biska Thapa (kp), Fasten seat belts: Brace yourselves for a ride into uncharted constitutional territory, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), A New Chapter In The History Begins, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

07/12/2017: 45 districts go to polls today, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 45 districts go to polls today: 12,235,993 voters to elect 128 parliamentary FPTP candidates, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Over 200,000 security forces for today’s polls, by Manish Gautam (kp), So close yet so far: As important as today’s polls are, very little has been done on post-poll federal project (kp) [!!!], Keeping old hopes alive: Established parties have created a mess, but a solution exists within Nepali society and its young democracy, by Pramod Mishra (kp)

06/12/2017: TRC takes exception to Dahal’s deal with Madi blast victims (kp), Observers warn of illegal deals in silence period (kp), Where is the security? NC leader Gagan Thapa escaped a deadly attack but Deuba govt needs to do more (kp), AI concerned about increasing violence (ht), Dispute over ‘cash dole’ to voters (kp), FNJ moves SC demanding release of arrested journalists (kp), 75 local government units are still without executive officers, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), ‘Temporary provincial HQ after polls’ (kp), Dialectics of dictatorship: Peoples’ real agenda for elections are overshadowed by the exchange of high-voltage allegations, by Achyut Wagle (kp), FPTP poll results by December 11, claims poll panel Results of PR elections by Dec 15 (ht), Will the elections pave way for stability, development?, by Pushpa Raj Acharya (ht)

05/12/2017: TRC ignored due process while probing war-era cases: Victims, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Dahal's deal with Badarmude victims draws flak (rep), Nepal yet to ratify third optional protocol to CRC (ht), Bajura women not free to exercise voting rights, by Prakash Singh (ht), NC’s Thapa among 11 injured in blast: First explosion in Capital targeting campaign three days ahead of polls, by Manish Gautam (kp), Blasts targeting candidates continue unabated: IED goes off near a hotel in Dhangadi where PM Deuba was staying (kp), ‘Lack of designated home minister affecting security’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Security tops agenda for poll observers, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Frequent blasts have challenged poll security, says NHRC (ht), Time to deliver: Incoming govt should formulate laws to implement fiscal federalism with urgency (kp), Make way! Whenever the status quo does not deliver, a new crop of leadership emerges that should assume the helm, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), I have a manifesto: Our country has great potential, but to harness this potential, it needs statesmanlike leaders who are devoted more to ‘lokniti’ than ‘rajniti’, by Niranjan Narsingh Khatri (rep), Whither Madhes movement?, by Govinda Bhattarai (rep)

04/12/2017: A lot has healed but scars remain: Two years after a deadly violence in the Tharu heartland, the political landscape has changed dramatically; The raw energy and anger that fuelled the Tharu protests across the mid- and far-western Tarai in 2015 has lessened substantially, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), Dahal signs deal with Bandarmude blast victims, by Shiva Puri (kp) [This means that he at last admits the crime, but justice looks different!! Abd who will pay all this, the state or the Maoist party??], Dahal signs reparation deal with Badarmudhe victims ahead of polls (rep), Justice eludes conflict victims, by Ujjwal Satyal (ht), Transitional justice cases will not be swept under the rug: Transitional justice cases will not be swept under the rug, interview with Hari Phuyal, former Attorney General (kp), Fiscal federalism gets off to slow start (kp), Nepal: Hopes and Fears, by S. Binodkumar Singh (SAIR), The money trail: In economies where informal sector dominates and political protection is a profitable racket, return on investment in politics is invariably more lucrative than any other business or industry, by CK Lal (rep)

03/12/2017: EC’s poll code limited to papers only? No action taken against anyone except a few warnings here and there: Election observers say the poll authority on almost all occasions has turned  a blind eye to poll code  violation (kp) [Only foreign election observers are punished severely for doing their job!!], Blasts continue in various districts (kp), Army enhances presence to curb anti-poll actions: NA officials say resurgence of violent activities has prompted them to ‘play  a more active role’  in maintaining law and order during the elections (kp), Security situation ‘normal’ in Tarai districts, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), EC working to publish results within week; Official: Election Commission preparing to relay vote counting updates more frequently (kp) [It would be better for many reasons if only preliminary final results are published for each constituency! The continued publishing of intermediate results is confusing and provokes militant actions!], Appearance and Reality: During election campaigns, candidates display ostensible acts of kindness and desire to serve, by Prawash Gautam (kp)

02/12/2017: Blast in Capital hours after security meet, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), One killed, five dozen hurt in violence over two weeks (kp), Taskforce to ensure ministries devolve power to local level: Secretary says there are still no executive officers  in some 50 local units (kp), Online listing of VAW cases from Dec 11 (kp), Home but not dry: The two-phase elections will conclude this week, but the federal journey has just begun, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), The beginning of the end: Most of our political parties promise us everything. We will have thousands of MW electricity. We will all be making at least ten thousand dollars a year in our own land in a decade. But how come we are yet to hear from any political parties about vegetables prices, by Guffadi (kp), Report highlights barriers Nepali girls face in accessing education: The report provides data of education, child marriage and VAW (ht)

01/12/2017: EC instructs agencies to step up security (kp), Four injured in Itahari blast, by Bedraj Poudel (kp), Parties flouting poll code of conduct: EC; On-site monitoring finds ‘rampant violation’ of code mainly in the use of flags, posters and pamphlets (kp), Poised for a fresh start: Federalism will drive transformation of Nepal’s archaic societal and economic setting, by Niraj KC (kp), Families of Maleth victims want jobs, education (ht), Performance vs promises (nt), Our election circus, by Gunjan Upadhyay (rep), Putting NC Marginal Candidates At Risk, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

30/11/2017: Temporary cop injured in Dang explosion dies: 1st casualty of anti-poll activities, by Durga Lal KC (kp), NC candidate among seven hurt in Udaypur IED blast, by Dilliram Khatiwada (kp), NHRC condemns rising incidents of bomb attack (kp), EC seeks security stratagy for second phase polls (kp), How to save the election: Premier Deuba has failed to demonstrate strong  commitment to security for historic elections (kp), Initial study on provincial headquarters completed (kp), Horsing around: Insincerity and false promises has become a staple of Nepali politics now, rendering vote swings highly probable, by Deepak Thapa (kp), First-Phase Federal And Provincial Elections, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

29/11/2017: Transitional justive: Lack of designated law minister puts MoPR in quandary: Act amendment process stalled as commissions’ term nears end (kp), IED blast in Tulsipur leaves nine injured, by Durga Lal KC (kp)

28/11/2017: After polls, ballot box safety major concern: Political parties in Sindhupalchok install close-circuit television cameras (kp), Ballots from 40 polling stations to be airlifted, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Congress courts Madhesi, fringe forces to contain left: There is a ‘tentative agreement’ that the two sides  should forge alliance in the constituencies where  the prospects of the left alliance winning are high (kp), Works begin to set up state parliament, govt agencies in Province 6, by Janak Nepal and Prakash Adhikari (kp), No violence please: Use of guns and explosives to dirupt electoral environment can have long-term implications on national security, by Binoj Basnyat (kp), Unfounded fears: Portrayal of the left alliance as a potential threat to democracy is nothing more than political propaganda, by Lalbabu Yadav (kp), Elections, parties and alliances: Observations from abroad, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (Social Science Baha Lecture Series XCIV)

27/11/2017: Vote in 32 districts a success, says EC; Former chief election commissioner Uprety: More than 65 percent turnout satisfactory against the odds (kp), Voter turnout 65 pc in first phase of polls: Polling suspended in only two polling booths of Rukum West after ballot boxes were burnt there, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Observers urge EC to focus on better voter education (kp), All that is free and fair: The first phase of elections has gone well despite deep apprehension (kp), Who is left to be Left in Nepal? Nepal adopts a middle path by merging liberalism and socialism with welfare capitalism, so a ‘communist take-over’ is fanciful, by Suman Khadka (kp), There is no transparency on political parties’ election spending, interview with Shree Hari Aryal (kp)

26/11/2017: Transitional justice: Probe into 500 cases completed in 2 provinces: Reports to be sent to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission head office for review before further process; Commission unable to review the investigated cases  as senior officials from the TRC headquarters  have been deputed for the elections, by Binod Ghimire (kp) 2074, a year of elections (kp), Media warned against ‘code violation’ (kp), Nepal goes to polls today: Ballots will be cast in 32 districts in Phase I of parliamentary and provincial elections (ht), Violence against women continues (ht), Reconstruction work snail-paced (ht)

25/11/2017: Two European Union observers barred from monitoring polls (ht), EC bars two EU observers from poll monitoring (kp) [As a consequence, all poliiticians and parties that have violated the election code of conduct should be bared from elections??], ‘Government has violated election code’: Govt allegedly distributed a huge sum of money to  cadres of ruling parties (ht) [This must be checked by international election observation teams as well if the election observation shall make any sense!!], EC helpless against poll code violators: Observers: Lack of effective voter education programme is another concern raised, by Tika R. Prahan (kp), Parties clash in different districts ahead of polls (kp), Blasts continue, explosive devices defused (kp), Maybe our netas should quit politics and join the entertainment industry as writers while our ‘real’ writers can join politics and give us something new instead; What we need is direct democracy so that we, the common folks will finally have opportunity to take part in decision-making and also be able to challenge any law passed by our nincompoops, by Guffadi (kp)

24/11/2017: MoHA orders arrest of top CPN leaders: Anti-poll activities continue despite govt’s ‘improved security’ claims (kp), Election watch: Free and fair poll observation is  important exercise in a democracy (kp), Space of absence: Women and other marginalised gender groups cannot  afford to ignore inaccessibility to fundamental rights, by Archana Thapa (kp), Good governance: New hopes; In Nepal, bureaucracy or public sectors have suffered most from the rampant corruption. In fiscal year 2015/16, Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) Nepal received a total of 15,126 cases of corruption, by Sisir Bhandari (kp), Power centre: Electing the Parliament and state assemblies does not necessarily ensure the kind of decentralisation that Nepalis have long needed, by Om Astha Rai (nt), The centre tries to hold: Diehard functionaries of a previously centralised, unitary state are fighting tooth and nail to preserve the status quo, by George Varughese (nt)

23/11/2017: EU reps violate election code in Kanchanpur, by Chitranga Thapa (kp), EC urged to bar EU poll observers from Kanchanpur, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), CEC hardens position on int’l poll observers: Says there’s no need for missions, monitors to certify elections of Nepal (kp), Transitional justice: CIEDP to summon Deuba over conflict-era disappearances, by Chitranga Thapa (kp), Piecemeal process: 11 years after CPA, political parties are still to internalise the essence of transitional justice (kp), Fighting alienation: During elections, rational voting has to flourish and negative elements should not be allowed to outweigh positive ones, by Sajal Mani Dhital (kp)

22/11/2017: 11 years of peace agreement: Conflict victims’ wait for justice continues, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Govt to file cases against anti-poll elements in court, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), SC calls parties, EC to discuss 33 pc women candidates, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp) [Why only 4 days ahead of the first election day?], Democratic deficit: Nepal’s politics is rendered precariously fluid by petty interests of a handful of influential party leaders, by Achyut Wagle (kp), The youth of the nation: In the face of adversity, Nepali youths should find the energy and motivation to play an active role in serving society, by Simone Galimberti (kp)

21/11/2017: Deuba tells forces to act tough: Pledges security agencies resources and support to curbing activities that threaten peaceful elections, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), What is in store? Societal changes are much needed, but whether or not they will occur after elections is doubtful, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Talking through their hat: Many of the health care promises in the election manifestos are absurd and undoable, by Nirmal Kandel (kp), Case of rotten crate: International evidence suggests that in a corrupt political system, instead of elections controlling corruption, it is corruption that controls elections, by Narayan Manandhar (rep)

20/11/2017: Army to step up poll security measures: Says it will conduct land and aerial patrols as violent acts go unabated, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Shaken up: Deuba govt should take stronger position to stop violent attacks against political campaigns (kp), Final list of PR candidates: Women account for 55pc of total PR candidates; After EC disqualifies 253, total number comes down to 5,838 (kp), Nepal needs the PR electoral system until we achieve inclusiveness that renders PR unnecessary, interview with BhojraJ Pokharel (kp), Phials of blood: How would the Madhesi activists who agitated for constitutional change vote in a poll being held to ensure the inviolability of the same statute?, by CK Lal (rep)

19/11/2017: Attacks on leaders continue unchecked:  IED hurled at NC leader Ram Chandra Poudel’s vehicle in Tanahun n Explosion near left alliance programme venue in Rautahat (kp), MoHA says ‘attention drawn to assaults: Yet to release information on who are behind blasts’ (kp), Despite higher population size women voters are less than men (kp), New direction: In these elections, for the first time in the country’s history, development agenda tops, by Prawash Gautam (kp), In defense of BRB: The muscles UML and Maoist leaders flex are powered by the money of private education and medical mafias, by Kaushal Ghimire (rep)

18/11/2017: NC, Maoist Centre leaders attacked: Blast targeted at Mahat injures six in Nuwakot (kp), From the margins: While there are sparse Muslim settlements in the hilly regions of far western Nepal, they receive little to no attention from government agencies, and political candidates vying for office, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Follow the money! Our political parties never tell the EC, or the people, where they get their funds from and it seems that the EC does not have the courage to take any action, by Guffadi (kp), Federal express: The country has made miraculous political achievements in the past decade. The next one should be devoted to uplifting people out of poverty, by Mohan Guragain (kp), Whom to Believe?, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

17/11/2017: Incidents of attack on leaders stoke concern: IED blasts targeting candidates, poll campaigns continue unabated; Police say they have upped vigilance, arrested over 150 in two weeks (kp), Nudges for betterment: Political parties contesting achievable goals, accompanied by an aware voter base, would set Nepal in the right direction, by Jaya Jung Mahat (kp)

16/11/2017: EC ‘concerned’ about ‘secret financial dealings’: CEC Yadav seeks support from all sectors to curb such activities (kp), Unsecure: Govt, security agencies need to be vigilant to curb attacks on election candidates (kp), Responsible conduct: One can only imagine the kind of conflicts of interest that abound in Nepal’s corridors of power, by Deepak Thapa (kp)

15/11/2017: Blasts targeting candidates cause for concern, say poll observers (kp), ‘Directly elected executive head does not suit Nepal’ (kp), Political Interferences In Development, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

14/11/2017: Banda hits life in Rolpa (kp), Money, muscle and politics: Corrupt politicians should be voted out of office, but this does not happen in Nepal, by Bigyan Prasai (kp)

13/11/2017: Left forces UML, Maoists for party merger ‘at the earliest’: Unity possible even before forming new government: Yubaraj Gyawali, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), New roadmap: There is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done after the election (kp), Only sound and fury, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), History, on repeat, by Aditya Man Shrestha (rep)

12/11/2017: Voters to be given FPTP, PR ballots separately: EC says move will help minimise confusion, reduce number of void votes, by Prithvci Man Shrestha (kp), Police told to arrest Chand party cadres (kp), No enforcement: Flouting election Codes of Conduct will have a multiplier effect on the level of corruption, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp)

11/11/2017: Prez issues HPE Ordinance (kp), 18-40 age group makes up over half of voters, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Back to the basics: While manifestos pledge railways, rapid development, and foreign investment; voters want political actors to stick to the basics, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), Putting people first: While infrastructural development has brought much-welcome changes, social development is the need of the hour, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Fake manifestos: Our political parties should stop wasting money publishing  hawa-daari manifestos and littering our streets, by Guffadi (kp)

10/11/2017: Mishra strives to make inroads into NC bastion, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Slaving away: Govt has proven toothless, instead of taking strong position to protect migrant workers (kp)

09/11/2017: Trauma in transition:Tenures of toothless transitional justice bodies need to be renewed; given greater independence (kp), Voters ‘unaware’ of duties of centre and state govts: Experts say political parties and leaders should have done enough homework to make voters understand powers and responsibilities of central and provincial governments, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Govt to announce provincial capitals after scheduled polls (kp), Why vote? I will never endorse anyone blindly; my endorsement will depend on past records and personal demeanour, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Numbers are not enough: It will not do much good if women elected to power are not committed to the cause, by Tara Kanel (kp)

08/11/2017: TRC, CIEDP stare at crisis as term sees end: Act needs to be amended to give the commissions more time to work, by Binod Ghire (kp), Dr KC files RTI petition at Office of President: Seeks to know cause of the delay in endorsement (kp), Gender discriminatory practices not on parties’ vote agenda, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Money for nothing: When elections become race for patronage rather than principles they are bound to be expensive (kp), Local govts defy centre’s order on ‘tourism fee’ (kp) [It is bad for tourism if the central government is not willing to understand constitution and federal principles!]

07/11/2017: Maina Sunuwar murder case: SC orders Kavre court to produce documents; three ex-Nepal army officials were sentenced to life in prison in April (kp), President holds HPE Ordinance (kp) [President supporting partisan interests?], As it stands: Nepal has to proceed in a manner that protects political and national security while enhancing the lives of citizens, by Binoj Basnyat (kp)

06/11/2017: Voting rights of officials on duty: SC calls amicus curiae (kp), SSF-N, RJP-N snub principle of inclusion: FPTP list for federal polls does not have even one woman (kp), (Un)easy alliances: Elections are weeks away; left and NC-led  alliances have different political characteristics (kp), The post-truth socialism: Nepali communists’ longing for ‘socialism with market freedom’ is completely anachronistic, by Achyut Wagle (kp), The EC constantly shifts positions and buckles under pressure, interview with Neel Kantha Uprety (kp)

05/11/2017: No women candidates in Province 6 for FPTP vote, by Janak Nepal (kp), Election authority yet to start voter education drive: Vote three weeks away; Fear for high invalid votes (kp), Guilty of Madi bus ambush should face legal action: Dahal (kp) [Change of mind?], ‘Bandarmudhe incident serious blot on CPN-MC’, by Tilakram Rimsl (kp), HRMEA prone to misuse: The phrase ‘as far as possible’ in the Act lets leaders choose from PR list, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), First-time voters against gerontocracy, by Ujjwal Satyal (ht), Health insurance made mandatory for all (ht), Fuzzy federal math: Neither will the central government agree to downsize, as local units want, nor will local governments be self-reliant on funds, at least in the foreseeable future, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

04/11/2017: EC readies PR candidate list for two polls: 56 percent of 6,094 fielded under the category are women (kp), Let the chors rule: Everything is possible in Nepali  politics where ideologies take a back seat and it’s about ego and money, by Guffadi (kp), Election manifesto: Charter amendment top agenda of Madhes-based parties, by Roshan S. Nepal (ht)

03/11/2017: 4,708 file nominations for Phase II polls, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Over 4,700 file papers for Dec 7 election (ht), Candidates' lists infested with criminals, goons, by Manish Gautam (kp), Left bloc common manifesto lashes out at Congress (kp), Politicians in proportion: Women must be allowed to contest direct elections so as to develop leadership skills (kp) [Its is their right! Men have nothing to allow!], Major political parties fail to field enough number of women candidates: NC has fielded seven, UML six and CPN-MC three women candidates for phase ll of parliamentary FPTP polls (ht)

02/11/2017: Women candidates few and far between in NC: Party leadership struggles to quell charges of nepotism and favouritism, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Electoral competency: Women are still underrepresented in Nepali politics and the PR system has not made it any better, by Sanjaya Mahato (kp), Arrest of Dhungel raises hope of justice for war-era victims (kp), Search for truth and justice continues in Nepal: ICJ; Says arrest of Maoist leader Dhungel highlights weaknesses, as well as promises, for conflict victims seeking accountability (kp), Half a milestone: Maoist leader Dhungel’s arrest for war-era murder should now be followed by broader prosecution (kp), Krishna Adhikari's murder: Hearing put off for December 11 (kp), Justice delayed and denied: Many more cases like Dhungel’s will have to be brought to justice before some kind of normalcy returns, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Govt’s plan to defer transfers may hit fiscal federalism, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp)

01/11/2017: Murder convict Dhungel sent to prison: Maoist leader, who was walking free despite being convicted eight years ago by apex court, will remain behind bars for 12.5 yrs, by Manish Gautam (kp)

31/10/2017: Oli’s legacy at stake: To effectively lead the left coalition including the Maoists, KP Sharma Oli must clearly outline where he stands on parliamentary democracy, by Bishal Thapa (rep)

30/10/2017: Political Polarisation and Mud-slinging, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), EC gears up for separate ballots: Move follows consultation with attorney general; Having 2 different ballots ‘not to hit’ poll schedule, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Poll panel to abide by court directive: To print separate FPTP ballot papers for provincial, parliamentary polls, by Arjun Poudel (ht), EC tells govt to cancel Rs10b programme (kp), EC bars ex-MPs from spending CDF money (rep), SC’s strong directives to EC at this crucial time will hamper progress made towards FDR, interview with Bipin Adhikari (kp), EC condemned for ignoring SC order (ht) [Parties and politicians ignore SC orders as well!], Too poor to run! If election tickets are to be auctioned off to highest bidders, why would anyone devote her life for the party’s betterment?, by Subhash Ghimire (rep)

29/10/2017: Cong factions play favourites as party selects candidates: Deuba flexing his muscles in ticket distribution; Poudel not happy, Sitaula camp in a tight spot, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), No deal yet with FSF-N, RJP-N: NC, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Not secular: The government seems to have forgotten that it is bound  to protect an individual’s rights to have a religion, by Lokmani Dhakal and David Anderson (kp), Foreign secretary attends UNSC debate (ht) [The secretary's statement at the UNSC contradicts relities in Nepal!], Same old faces in fray for polls in province 6 (ht)

28/10/2017: ‘Ensure women participation as per statute' (kp), Dalit leaders demand fair distribution of tickets in second phase elections (ht), EC starts printing of FPTP ballot papers, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Views divided on EC’s decision (ht), Chances of Cong alliance with SSF-N, RJP-N slim: The parties likely to work to ensure victory for their ‘top leaders’ (kp), NC not keen on democratic alliance, allege FSF-N, RJP-N, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), FSF-N, RJP-N close to deal (ht), Left alliance likely to finalise seat sharing today, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Gunda-Tantra! We are witnessing a new era of Nepali politics where mundrey gundas and so-called Dons finally come out and become politicians for good, by Guffadi (kp), Crime does pay: If there’s one thing we’ve learnt from watching too many films it is that participation in politics is natural progression for gangsters, by Gunjan Upadhyay (rep)

27/10/2017: Dangerous alliance: State security forces and political parties have allied to subvert the truth behind human rights abuses, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Women leaders demand more media coverage to promote female leadership (ht), Court ruling on separate ballots raises concerns, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), Respect SC order: The EC should be prepared to print separate ballot papers if the SC orders so as the apex court’s order is binding to all state organs (ht), EC working on response to court (kp), EC undecided on FPTP ballot papers, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Won’t accept election postponement: Left alliance (kp), Dahal: Revival of Parliament if polls deferred (kp), International conference on peace next month (kp), Federalism in action: The provinces have to set up many institutions to deliver basic services properly, and they have to start from scratch, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp)

26/10/2017: Post-election blues: How was Nepal elected to the top United Nations human rights body with such a checkered rights record of its vital state actors?, by Biswas Baral (rep) [Can it be that the international community does not really understand Nepal's HR, social and political issues?], SC orders separate ballots for two polls: Asks EC to present report on progress made since its earlier ruling; An election commissioner says polls not possible on November 26 if separate ballots were to be printed, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), SC seeks progress info from EC on printing separate ballots (rep), EC not to print separate FPTP ballot papers: Supreme Court orders commissioners of the poll panel to furnish clarification within three days, by Ram Kumar Kamat and Arjun Poudel (ht), EC toothless, complains Yadav: Yadav expresses his regret that the EC lacks authority to schedule or postpone elections or to make a financial decision (kp), NC, left alliance putting final touches on poll manifestos, by Sanjeev Giri and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), The right bills: Cabinet has rightly sent two crucial bills of huge public importance for Presidential approval (kp), How will we vote? Upcoming elections could be a referendum over inclusion of identity versus exclusion of nationality and nationalism, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Poll Alliance For Stability, by Mukti Rijal (rn), UML withdraws from Manang where gangster Manange is contesting (ht) [In accordance witth article 87 of the constitution one must ask why this man is allowed to be a candidate. This is another example for the connection between political parties and criminals!], UML withdraws candidate to make way for Manange (rep), Govt’s scheme for quake victims falls flat: Over 80 per cent acquirers of new taxi permits have transferred ownership of their cabs, by Sujan Dhungana (ht), Ministries in fix as naming of province capitals delayed, by Ashok Dahal (rep), 'Left alliance bound by democratic norms, no question of dictatorship', interview with Hari Roka (rep)

25/10/2017: Contempt of court writ filed against police chief: Petitioner says failure to arrest murder convict Dhungel is wilful disobedience by security force (kp), Poll duty to deprive lakhs of right to vote: EC says it didn’t have time to issue voter IDs to govt staff on poll duty (ht) [This means that the elections cannot be called free and fair!], Rebel candidates give left alliance hard time: Parties’ calls to withdraw candidacy cut no ice with ‘dissatisfied leaders', by Sanjeev Giri (kp) [And what about the dissatisfied women, Dalits, etc.?], Maoist Centre not to recall ministers anytime soon (kp), Bureaucrats’, ministers’ foreign junkets top Cabinet agenda, by Rewati Sapkota (ht)

24/10/2017: Parties leave out women, Dalits in candidate selection, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [Not even 5 per cent female candidates!!], Fair share of tickets a far cry for women: Three major parties field only nine women for Nov 26 polls, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Two alliances field just 8 women under FPTP in first phase polls: Poll alliances, reluctance of women aspirants, cited for low female numbers, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Gender imbalance: The major political parties  have given importance to male candidates for reasons, or rationale, beyond anybody’s comprehension (ht), Private sector under pressure for donations (ht) [These are extortions, not donations!], Poll alliances trigger dissent in districts, by Santosh Pokharel (rep), Medical education reforms: Govt decides to issue ordinance, by Manish Gautam (kp), Yubaraj Bhusal appointed new chief executive officer of NRA: Third person to lead reconstruction authority in less than three years, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), Photo expo on Nepalis sans citizenship (ht), Chand-led group can pose security threat during elections: NSC, by Rewati Sapkota (ht), Quake victims struggle to receive grants, by Madhusudan Guragain (rep), Deuba: Fear Slogan Won’t Work, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km)

23/10/2017: The logical step: Despite the initial confusion, the country now seems all set for provincial and federal polls (kp), Nominations over for Phase I polls; Leaders: Successful candidacy filing augurs well for elections crucial for implementing the new constitution, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Parties field nominees for Phase 1 polls (kp), Limited seats force heavyweights to face off each other, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Tough fight expected among top leaders of major parties in upcoming elections (ht), Local leaders rebel against alliance candidates (rep), Maoist Centre leaders, cadres in Jajarkot disappointed with alliance decision, by Janak KC (rep), Left and right alliances playing blame game in Jumla, by DB Buda (rep), Maoist ministers wait party’s nod to exit coalition (kp), The gadfly that will not go away: Dr KC has spent the past five years fighting for better healthcare, and now, finally, there is hope on the horizon, by Naresh Koirala (kp), If parties allow human rights problems to fester, new issues will crop up, interview with Mohna Ansari (kp). We will opt for directly elected presidential system: Dahal , by Rewati Sapkota (ht), The neocon specter: Premier Deuba seems to be unable to accept that the real challenge to democracy is not communism but proto-fascism of Panchayat variety, by CK Lal (rep)

22/10/2017: Nominations for first phase polls in 32 district today (kp), Ex-King Gyanedra says time has come for his leadership (kp) [??????????????????????????????????????????????]

21/10/2017: (Nothing important to report during Tihar)

20/10/2017: Far from over: Combating poverty with greater  determination should be a national priority (kp), Fragile alliance: The ballyhooed coalition may be China’s way of paying India back in its own coin, by Birendra P. Mishra (kp)

19/10/2017: SC rules out interim order on separate ballots for two polls: There is no need to issue an interim order at a time when ballot papers for PR system have already been sent for printing, says SC, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Maoist Centre to quit govt on Sunday (kp), Many quake survivors are still without proper homes, by Anish Tiwari (kp), Well within our rights: Now a member of the UNHRC, Nepal has to fully commit to upholding human rights (kp), Unity of a kind: Though history serves as no sure guide to how the UML-Maoist relationship will evolve, the surest bet is on a falling-out sooner than later, by Deepak Thapa (kp), 'It is political immaturity to equate left alliance with totalitarianism', interview with Top Bahadur Rayamajhi (rep), ‘Govt needs rs820b to build offices and human capacity at local bodies’, interview with  Finance secretary Shanta Raj Subedi (kp)

18/10/2017: A day of high drama in Singha Durbar: CPN (Maoist Centre) does a volte-face after saying it will quit govt: PM Deuba relieves Maoist ministers of responsibilities, keeps home and foreign ministries with himself; Eight newly inducted leaders from the RPP assigned ministerial portfolios (kp), CPN-MC ministers stripped of portfolios (ht), PM reshuffles cabinet, Maoists ministers left portfolio-less, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), CPN-MC does volte-face on quitting govt: Says it has secret information PM planning to defer polls, by Roshan S. Nepal (ht), All eyes on today’s SC ruling on ballot papers: Writ by RJP-N leader demands separate ballots for two elections (kp), The communist dream: All that the UML and the Maoist Centre have in common are Leninist party organisations and a desire to monopolise power, by Aditya Adhikari (kp), To ally or not to ally: Congress needs Madhesbadi parties for its very survival while these parties can do without such an alliance with NC, by Hari Bansh Jha (rep), Do more: member of the UNHRC gives an immense opportunity to share experiences of the unique and successful peace process (ht)

17/10/2017: No progress on fixing provincial headquarters yet as polls near: Logistics preparation delayed as panel’s recommendations gather dust (kp), Fielding of criminal figures in polls unleashes public ire: Who will contest from Manang if not Manange?: Oli, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Fewer parties contesting elections under PR system: Compared to 122 ahead of CA polls, only 49 parties in fray, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 49 parties file closed list of PR candidates (ht), Madhes parties, NC to join forces against left bloc (kp), A homecoming for Gachhadar: NLF, NC merge to ‘stop rise of authoritarianism, save democracy and ensure broader acceptance of statute’ (kp), NDF merges with NC (ht), Nepal elected to UN Human rights Council (kp), A case for good governance: There have been five Administrative Reforms Commissions but very little reform, by Madhukar SJB Rana and Atul K. Thakur (kp), Dynamics and geo-politics: Despite not being well thought out at its conception, the Leftist alliance can be used to create real political change, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Presidential system, no-no, by Bishal Thapa (rep)

16/10/2017: Parties submit lists of PR candidates: Major forces register names in haste, to revise lists within EC’s deadline; UML, Congress bigwigs to contest direct elections (kp), Parties file closed lists of candidates, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Eleventh-hour negotiations delay filing of candidacies (rep), Top leaders throw in their hats for PR polls (ht), Bhattarai counts on NC in Gorkha bid (kp), Threshold forcing fringe parties to go for mergers, alliances (rep), NHRC tells parties to incorporate HR in poll manifestos (kp), Differences take a backseat: The focus of the government and all political parties should be on holding elections (kp), NC, Maoists should remain key partners until the peace process is complete, interview with Bimalendra Nidhi (kp), Disabled people guaranteed right to political participation (ht), PM may divest CPN-MC ministers of their portfolios: The PM wants CPN-MC ministers to quit the government on their own volition (ht) [??], Election Commission And Cabinet Expansion, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km)

15/10/2017: CA-turned-Parliament completes term: Top leaders hail constitution promulgation as historic achievement, say stage set for the implementation of the charter, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Parliament dissolved: Altogether, the House passed 84 bills and failed to pass 20; Cabinet expansion within bounds of the constitution, says PM, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), PM’s move violates poll code but won’t affect elections: EC (kp), Maoist Centre to continue support to Deuba govt (kp), CPN-MC ministers not to quit, party won’t withdraw support to govt (ht), PR candidates’ closed lists to be submitted today (kp), Statute  revision must for its implementation: Yadav (kp), Transitional justice: Conflict victims disappointed at TRC’s snail-paced work, by Prakash Adhikari (kp), Left Alliance On A Bumpy Road!, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Municipalities without facilities, by Ganesh BK (rep), Local remedies: Giving both executive and judicial rights to elected local representatives goes against democratic principles, by Mukti Rijal (rep)

14/10/2017: Deuba inducts eight ministers from RPP, by Anil Giri (kp) [??? This is nothing else than irresponsible plundering of public coffers!!], PM inducts eight ministers from RPP: Prez yet to fix swearing-in time; Kamal Thapa appointed DPM (ht), PM reiterates commitment to polls (kp) [Hopefully, this man is voted out of office soon!], Is Deuba Competent?, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), HPE Bill’s fate hangs in the balance: Chances of its endorsement today, the last day of Parliament, slim, as it is not on the agenda, by Manish Gautam (kp), Lawmakers cheated people: Dr KC (kp), AHRC urges government to address striking Dr Govinda KC’s demands (ht), Naya Shakti back to poll symbol ‘eye’: Party led by former PM Baburam Bhattarai says it has not severed ties with the left alliance (kp), NSP-N exits left electoral alliance: UML terms decision emotional; CPN-MC says it will only harm party, by Roshan S. Nepal (ht), Implications of Left Alliance, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Pole vault: Why has the left united and  what can we expect next?, by Mohan Guragain (kp), No more constipation! Our Constipated Assembly wasted billions and billions to feed our  hungry, starving lawmakers for nearly a decade. And what did we get so far? We got nothing but a half-baked constitution, by Guffadi (kp), Local bodies asked to prepare programmes: People have high hopes from the govts at grassroots, as they have just elected their representatives after a gap of around 20 years (kp), National Assembly election bill not listed in business schedule (ht)

13/10/2017: Polls will be held on scheduled dates: PM; Tells left alliance leaders he has no plans to remove Maoist ministers (kp), UML, MaoistCentre warn PM Deuba: Prime minister told not to remove CPN-MC ministers or postpone elections (ht), UML working to finalise PR candidates: Two allies may have equal number of candidates in provinces 2 and 6 (kp), NSP-N mulls exiting left alliance (ht), Bhattarai hints at quitting left alliance (kp), Chaos in Cong over candidates (kp), Partnership hinges on NC’s generosity: Yadav (kp), UML, Maoist Centre MPs block HPE Bill: Government aborted its plan of tabling the bill after the UML and Maoist Centre warned of House obstruction (kp) [Personal and party interests have absolute priority!], Bid to pass Medical Education Bill fails, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), House to convene last meeting today (ht), Permutation combination: The leftist alliance has raised fears that Nepal may be hurtling towards communism, by Bikash Gupta and Gaurav Thapa (kp), Old wine, old bottle, by Gunjan Upadhyay (rep), Bedfellows: As things stand, the left alliance has an edge over the democratic grouping. But it is far from certain if these blocs will survive intra-party and intra-alliances rifts before polls, by Om Astha Rai (nt), New Frontier Of Consciousness, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Free press for development: Government should remove obstacles that prevent people from exercising their right to information, by Meera Rajbhandari Amatya (kp), Election in a kakistocracy (nt), Plus and minus: Just because the Maoists are subsumed within the UML, it doesn’t mean their war crimes will be erased, by Nilamber Acharya (nt) [Please do not conceal that war crimes were committed in the same way by security forces and at least protected by the then responsible politicians from NC, CPN-UML, and RPP as well as Gyanendra Shah!]

12/10/2017: Set it right: Nepal Army has to come clean on the Maina Sunuwar case, as it is an emblematic one (kp), Alliances For Political Stability, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), How Will Left Coalition Fare?, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Is The ‘Sun’ Rising? (rn), Breaking through the veil: The people need to show that they are not fooled by lofty election manifestos of leftist or Democratic alliances, by Pramod Mishra (kp) [By the way, is 'leftist' the opposite of 'democratic' as the NC tries to pretend?], No plan to postpone polls, say NC leaders: Some Cong members calling for delaying nomination filing by a few days (kp), Parliament to be dissolved tomorrow (kp), DA constituents seek NC decision (ht), Left alliance still unable to finalise FPTP seats (ht), MoE agrees to amend HPE Bill in line with Dr KC’s demand (kp), Crystal clear: The only thing that is transparent in Nepal is the high level of corruption, by Ram Dayal Rakesh (kp), Election manifesto blues: For breakthroughs, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht), Vote transfer row halts National Assembly Election Bill, by Ashok Dahal (rep)

11/10/2017: Left forces struggle to get things right: UMl, Maoist Centre facing hard time dividing seats among constituents, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), Pre-poll alliances make fielding candidates tough for parties, by Raju Adhikari (rep), ‘Busy’ NC leaves alliance partners waiting (kp), House nod to landmark bill to ensure universal health care, by Binod Ghimire (kp), House passes Health Insurance Bill (rep), Prime minister cannot oust ministers, say legal eagles, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), CEC Yadav tells govt not to do anything that affects polls (kp), Political parties unite: Healthy competition between the alliances could give the economy a further boost, by Sajal Mani Dhital (kp), Army petitions SC over Kavre court verdict in Maina case, by Bhasha Sharma (rep)

10/10/2017: Daunting Tasks Ahead For Left Alliance, by Raj Kumar KC (rn), Losers And Winners, by Bishnu Gautam (rn), CPN (U) to merge with Maoist Centre (kp), NDF likely to merge with Nepali Congress (ht) [Everything forgiven and forgotten that has been so important in 2007??], RPP decides to extend support to Deuba govt: Kamal Thapa demands Home Ministry, currently held by Maoist Centre (kp), PM secures RPP support as he mulls cabinet reshuffle: FSFN to shore up govt if Maoist Center withdraws (rep), Won’t tolerate changes in Cabinet: Oli (kp), Local units fix wages without laws mandating their action, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Snake oil salesman: NOC chief Khadka should not be allowed to hide or tamper with evidences (kp), SC issues show cause notice over sacking of Sajha chair (kp), Politicizing corruption: What defines corruption here? Is it media coverage or the actions of the CIAA or court verdicts or the size of julus in favor of Dr Govinda KC at Maitighar?, by Rajendra Manandhar (rep), Demanding our rights: Only through provision of basic services can the cycle of poverty be broken and the marginalised given a voice, by Anjita Parajuli (kp), Work in progress: Softening its position on demands of Madhes-based parties, India now seems to support the constitution implementation process, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), MoGA warns civil servants against contesting polls (ht) [To prevent members of special vocational groups from candidating in elections is a grave violation of equal fundamental rights!], Local government associations: Important contributions, by Shesh Raman Neupane and Chay James Garde (ht), Compensation for flood-affected only after PDNA (ht) [??], 'Too many old faces may dampen voter zeal', by Bhim Chapagain (rep)

09/10/2017: NC weighs Cabinet reshuffle option: Taking RPP on board possible move if Maoist-led ministries are vacated (kp) [What kind of rubbish 7 weeks ahead of the elections! Besides, this would mean another waste of tax money!], Litmus test: Yet again, Nepalis are watching if PM Deuba will be able to hold scheduled elections (kp), SSF-N, RJP-N claim big chunk of seats to share (kp), FSF-N, RJP-N,  discuss seat allotment with Congress: Demand 35 pc parliamentary and 40 pc provincial seats under FPTP system (ht), Disputes over constituencies mar ‘democratic’ alliance talks: There would be nothing left for NC if it allots the constituencies as demanded by the smaller parties, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Unhealthy alliances: Nepali democracy cannot sustain two-party system if newly formed alliances don’t keep their cadres happy, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Left Unity: Positive Move For Stability, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Political stability will be the top election agenda of the left alliance, interview with UML General Secretary Ishwor Pokharel (kp), Election bill for president, vice-president passed (ht), NOC chief reinstated: Khadka is accused of misappropriating around  Rs800 million while buying land plots worth Rs1.61 billion in four places: Bhairahawa, Chitwan, Sarlahi and Jhapa, by Rajesh Khanal (kp), SC stays govt decision sacking NOC chief Khadka (ht), Dr KC warns of stern protest against judiciary (rep), Govt grants Rs 106m to EC for luxury cars: The fund has been released even though each commissioner already has at least two vehicles (rep), When dreams sag: The surrender of Bhattarai-Dahal duo stole the thunder from the act of Messrs Brijesh Kumar Gupta and Hridayesh Tripathi throwing down their gauntlets into Tinau River, by CK Lal (rep), Why the alliance? The new left alliance is a strategic alliance, with the ultimate goal of building a powerful socialist center, by Sudarshan Khatiwada (rep)

08/10/2017: FSFN-RJPN poll alliance brings excitement to Madhes: The Nepali Congress won most seats in the recent local elections in Province 2 but the votes secured by FSFN and RJPN together add up to more than NC's vote, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), An alliance with game-changing potential: The local polls once again shifted the ballance of power to the left (rep), Alliance with UML out of compulsion: Dahal; Admits procedural lapses while taking ‘such an important decision’, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Left front sends ripples to the ground: Some in a Morang village excited about three parties coming together, others don’t care, by Jitendra Sah (kp), ‘Democratic’ alliance taskforce stuck on electoral seat-sharing (kp), NC to talk to like-minded parties: Will discuss division of FPTP constituencies with alliance partners, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), RPP in favour of reinstating Hindu state (ht) [a like-minded party of NC???], CPN-MC not for toppling govt: Dahal (ht) [Don't talk on such stupid things!], Spectre Of Communism!, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), October Revolution in Nepal, by Hari Har Khanal (rn), Old faces to dominate parliamentary, provincial polls nomination (rep)

07/10/2017: SSF-N, RJP-N form alliance for upcoming polls (kp), FSF-N, RJPN to field common candidates (ht), RJPN, FSFN to share constituencies 50-50 in Madhes (rep), Congress censures coalition partner, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), EC tells govt not to reshuffle cabinet, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), EC harbours poll deferral fears (kp), All communists unite! So the comrades will be on the left and our Kangroos and their friends will head the right. But who will be at the centre and find the middle path to peace and prosperity?, by Guffadi (kp), Provinces, local units get 25% royalty for natural resources (rep), Ten years on, displaced families still struggling for permanent shelter, by Amar Khadka (rep)

06/10/2017: Left electoral alliance leaves NC in tight spot: Leaders say party to discuss its future strategy at today’s CWC meeting; Some Congress leaders are of the view that the  Maoist Centre has lost moral and political  ground to stay in government (kp), Deuba mulls sacking Maoist ministers, govt reshuffle (rep), Panel to decide left alliance candidates within 3 days: A week given for manifesto drafting (kp), 33-party alliance to participate in polls with ‘sickle-hammer’ symbol (ht), Welcome Left Unity With Caution, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), All eyes on which way FSFN will go (rep), RPP seeks 7pc seats in ‘democratic’ alliance (kp), Quake survivors in Dolakha struggle to repay loans, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp), Flood victims shut Gulariya ward offices (kp), A 2-party state: The main political actors have not changed: they are still mostly conservative, ‘higher’ caste men, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Two Horse Race (nt), Nepal Turning To Two-Party System?, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

05/10/2017: NC joins forces with five parties for poll alliance: Parties decide to form a seven-member taskforce to finalise details of ‘democratic’ bloc (kp), NC initiates efforts to forge democratic alliance (ht), What led to the broad left electoral alliance and what next?, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), ‘CPN-MC faces question of political morality, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), UML: No plans to topple govt, by Sanjeev Giri (kp) [Forget such superfluous power struggles and manage the numerous tasks you have to do!! The term of the current government will end in January either!], Tables turned: A government change now could adversely delay polls (kp), We will be leftist, progressive and forward-looking socialist force, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (rep), Taskforces to determine candidates, poll manifesto (kp), Stuck in the past: The concept of development has become a ‘social organizing force’ in the Nepali socio-political context, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Govt bans essential services strike (ht), After gloomy dashain, flood victims worry over prospect of cold winter, by Amar Khadka (rep)

04/10/2017: UML, MC, Naya Shakti form broad alliance, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), Parties can have same symbol if they come as single party: Election body (kp), ‘Parties were in continuous talks for merger deal', by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Development unexpected and unusual: NC; Accuses main opposition UML of making efforts to topple govt (kp), Looking outwards: Only a non-partisan and consistent domestic policy will allow Nepal to escape external influence, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Make way for us: Democracy will only work when citizens assert their right to join in local governance, by Simone Galimberti (kp), Scrambling For Alliances, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

03/10/2017: Gulariya under curfew after clash (kp), Maoist Centre says ‘open to poll alliance with all parties’ (kp), UML gunning for a left alliance (kp), Five dissent leaders of RJP-N join hands with UML (kp), Tripathi, four Madhesi leaders to contest polls with CPN-UML’s election symbol (ht), Dr KC submits 17-point memorandum to PM (kp), Only 6.6pc of quake-damaged houses rebuilt till date (ht)

02/10/2017: Dashain fails to bring cheers to quake-hit families, by Dipesh Khatiwada (kp)

01/10/2017: [Dashain break: Still nothing to do or to report in this obviously uncritical phase of Nepal's history!]

30/09/2017: Doctors call off strike after 4-pt deal with govt; hospitals reopen across country (kp)

29/09/2017: [Dashain break: Nothing important to do in Nepal!]

28/09/2017: Reflection: This Dashain, Nepalis have an opportunity to reflect on recent political and societal changes (kp), The democratic treatment: Sooner or later, the commitment of Madhesi intellectuals to achieve equality will be translated into political action; The path that Upendra Yadav and Ashok Rai’s party has shown by forming Janajati-Madhesi alliances and transcending differences in caste, ethnicity and region is the political version of what Madhesi intellectuals have begun to articulate, by Pramod Mishra (kp), WB questions govt’s royalty distribution mechanism (kp), Election results of all 136 local levels in Province 2 delivered (ht)

27/09/2017: Docs up the ante as govt renews call to end strike: NMA warns of stern protest as patients suffer (kp), RJP-N in talks with SSF-N for tie-up (kp), UML-Maoist election alliance on the cards? The third position of the ruling Maoists makes the party a desirable ally for both the Nepali Congress and the opposition CPN-UML (kp), Maoist Center on the horns of alliance dilemma (rep), Confusion over budget for new local federal units (kp), Rural municipal offices in huts, ward offices run from bags (ht), Bardiya flood survivors brace for joyless festival, by Kamal Panthi (kp), The good old days: Only economic prosperity can illuminate Nepal’s glorious history and former fame, by Ram C. Acharya (kp), Sweeping reforms: The Will System which was passed at the Legislation Committee was dropped when the Bills were discussed in the full House of Parliament (ht), Implementation of the constitution is an intergenerational process, interview with Waris Husain (rep)

26/09/2017: Dr KC launches 12th hunger strike (kp), OPD services closed on fourth day of strike (ht), Lives in peril: The strike goes against the provision of the Essential Service Operation Act that forbids strikes in hospitals and health centres (ht), Patients bear brunt of docs’ strike: Hundreds of thousands of patients across country deprived of medical services as doctors refuse to budge, by Manish Gautam (kp), Parties raise concern about similar election symbols: Say they could confuse voters no end during upcoming polls, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Conditioned happiness: Nepal’s economic, social and human development has been constrained by a lack of basic, adequate infrastructure, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Looking out: With the end of transition, Nepal needs to be able to assert its position on the global stage, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Between a rock and a hard place: The task of carrying on protests will be difficult for Madhes-based parties after the loss of popular ground, by Birendra P. Mishra (kp) [??? The boycott of local elections by the RJP-N has been undemocratic and it was a big mistake! But in province 2, the 3 main Madheshi/Janajati parties together have probably won 54 mayor positions, i.e. 15 more than the closest big party, the NC! The CPN-UML has been punished severely for its one-sided stance on national identity that continues to disregard the interests of the Madheshis, Janajatis and Dalits, i.e. the majority of the Nepalese citizens. Boycotts and blockades are the wrong way, but there is a lot to change in the political system beginning with the constitution!!], Sons, daughters to have equal rights in parental property: Will system dropped from final bill, by Ram Kumar Kamat (kp), ‘Human rights situation not satisfactory’ (ht), Three years on, state of flood victims no better (ht)

25/09/2017: Call for integrity: Lawmakers need to push HPE bill in line with recommendations from the Mathema report (kp), Pathways to Resolution, by S. Binodkumar Singh (SAIR)

24/09/2017: Results a precursor to season of alliance? Parties mull joining hands with ‘likeminded forces’ in upcoming polls (kp), Rise of Homo corruptus: For more than a century, the architecture of the political and bureaucratic system of Nepal has been engineered to allow Homo corruptus to thrive, by Manish Pokharel and Bimal Pratap Shah (rep)

23/09/2017: MPs preparing to rush through HPE Bill: If passed in present form, it will directly benefit a handful of institutions; Lawmakers plan to put the Health Profession Education Bill to a vote in Parliament on Monday (kp), MPs propose changes to upper house,  prez polls bills, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Money, power had role in candidate selection: Ex-prez (kp), Flood recovery plan set to exclude tenant farmers: While the government announced a Rs 1.25 billion agricultural recovery package, this aid is unlikely to reach farmers because they lack formal documentation certifying tenancy, by Petert Gill and Bhola Paswan (kp), The Tragedy at Tundikhel: Tundikhel was home to rubble accumulated from Kathmandu’s most important heritage sites. This week, 25-tonne excavators nonchalantly scattered them to the wind, by Sanjit Bhakta Pradhananga (kp), The next revolution: Let us give an ultimatum of three months to the CIAA to start investigating high-level corruption cases, by Jagannath Lamichhane (rep)

22/09/2017: Fighting corruption: The cancer of corruption is eating away at Nepal, leading to state indebtedness, insolvency and chaos, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (kp), The dead, and the dying: Nanda Prasad Adhikari is dead, but his family’s quest for justice for his murdered son is not, by Om Astha Rai (nt)

21/09/2017: Constitutional Rhetoric And Reality, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Criminal Code: Chhaupadi and community, by Mukesh Adhikari (ht), 29 months on, many quake victims yet to get first installment of grant, by Kisaa Sangit Nepali (rep), Washington consensus: There is some substance to the argument that American focus in Nepal is to contain China, which has been true since the start of US-Nepal ties, by Biswas Baral (rep), The prime minister does not seem serious on corruption, interview with Suryanath Upadhyay (rep)

20/09/2017: The Third Constitution Day, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Constitution Taking Effect, Gradually, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), A Long Wait But What Now?, by Shyam KC (rn), Induction of state ministers breaches election code: EC (kp), Power games: Various attempts have been made to curtail the authority of the local governments, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp), Nepal’s vertical fiscal gap to be widest in federal countries: This income generation arrangement implies tax collection in federal Nepal will not be significantly different from the unitary system, as approximately 80 to 85 percent of the total revenue is likely to remain with the central government, says the report (kp), Cleaning up government, by Alaina B. Teplitz (rep), Yes, they can: Our major donors should ensure that the funds they contribute for Nepa's development  do not end up in pockets of corrupt politicians, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

19/09/2017: Dearth of honesty: The state can be stable, democratic and progressive only if we follow the rule of law, by Sushila Karki (kp), People vote in Province 2 with fervour: EC’s early  estimates put voter turnout at 73 percent (kp), Constitution implementation moves ahead with all parties joining polls: Effective implementation depends on how well three tiers of government function: Constitutional expert, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Democracy And Political Stability, by Angur Baba Joshi (rn)

18/09/2017: Race to the end: Lawmakers yet to pass important legislation, even as Dasain will make Parliament inactive (kp) Province 2 votes today: Chief Election Commissioner Yadav requests people to ‘give one day for the nation', by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Despite setbacks, the implementation of the constitution is commendable, interview with Bipin Adhikari (kp), Venues of provincial assemblies not determined yet (ht), Udaypur local level reps after personal gains, by Shyam Rai (ht), Capital expenditure stands at 1.27pc of total allocation (ht), Connecting the dots: The evolving narrative of exploitation and domination established by the Madhesi uprising is only a part of a much larger national story, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep)

17/09/2017: Changing Discourse Of Madhes Politics, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), No end to Rasuwa’s tent treatment: Health facility destroyed in 2015 earthquake yet to be rebuilt, by Balaram Ghimire (kp), Government issues CDP regulation (ht)

16/09/2017: CIAA, PMO concerned about projects for MPs: Caution about misuse of Rs 10 billion for constituency development; Lawmakers have been asked to submit projects under Constituency Infrastructure Special Programme and Constituency Development Programme by Oct 17 (kp), Local Government In Limbo, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Thawang chief kidnapped by cadres of Chand-led party: CPN members say they will release Ghartimagar after interrogation, by Kashiram Dangi (kp), Whose government is it anyway? Most politicians appear to have of humble backgrounds. But why this utter neglect of helpless people when corrupt officials enjoy impunity?, by Mohan Guragain (kp)

15/09/2017: Infra for provincial assemblies: Govt preparation far from satisfactory; Federal parliaments set to commence business from first week of Jan, by Binod Ghimire (kp), MP’s vote to be equivalent to 79 votes: Bills on presidential, national assembly polls registered (ht), Civic body chief’s vote to have a weightage of 18 (ht), Selfish motive: If the former lawmakers deserve medical facilities why cannot the general public get the same facilities in government hospitals? (ht), Civil society to the fray: You cannot wake up someone pretending to sleep, by Dinkar Nepal (nt)

14/09/2017: Democracy Slips Into Elective Despotism, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Projects for lawmakers: Incumbent MPs may have ‘unfair’ advantage; EC says ‘hands tied’ over projects under constituency development and infrastructure programmes, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Cabinet expansion violates poll code, but can’t do anything: CEC Yadav (kp), Bill on National Assembly members registered: The bill has proposed the first-past-the-post  Bloc Voting Electoral System - similar to the  one adopted for the local level elections - to elect  members of the National Assembly, by Binod Ghimire (kp), 2.66 local unit votes equal 1 provincial assembly vote, by Ashok Dahal (rep), How Nepal has voted: Fair competition enables members of the janajati populace to rise to leadership positions, by Krishna Prasad Upadhyaya and Krishna Prasad Sharma (kp), Bid to pass bill on VIP facilities on: Lawmakers want pay and perks for former MPs as well (ht), Musahars ask for citizenship with candidates seeking votes, by Mahesh Kumar Das (rep)

13/09/2017: Fallacy of federal façade: Nepalis seem oblivious to the fact that federalism by its very concept is a shared rule, by Achyut Wagle (kp), A Compulsion Of Coalition Culture, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn) [This does not excuse the high number of members of the Council of Ministers! Besides, the number of ministries must be reduced to not more than 15!!], ‘Further expansion of Cabinet possible’ (kp) [Mr Deuba, you should contact a psychiatrist!], Cabinet expansion a compulsion, says Prime Minister Deuba (ht), Musical chairs: Using Cabinet seats as political currency is unethical and an administrative burden (kp), Govt fails to curb foreign junkets of ministers, officials (kp)

12/09/2017: Big III stay mum on corruption scandals (ht), Deuba, ministers to draw Rs 14m  a month from the state coffers, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), PM, ministers yet to furnish property details: Should have done so by first week of August, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), MPs press for lifelong perks as retirement draws near (kp), Calendar for two major polls unveiled (kp), EC unveils provincial, parliamentary poll schedule:  Candidates to file nominations for FPTP system on October 22 8ht), The amendment farce: Madhesis feel let down by their parties as they have painted themselves into a corner, by Randhir Chaudhary (kp), Even candidates don't know how to vote!, by Balkrishna Adhikari and Suresh Yadav (rep), Dalits in Saptari disappointed over election ticket snub: 'Political parties have taken us only as vote banks', by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep)

11/09/2017: UN special rapporteurs invited for inspection visit (kp), The state of the race: Holding elections without addressing concerns is not sufficient to placate the population in the Tarai (kp), Madhesi rights movement will continue even though RJP-N has entered elections, interview with Tula Narayan Shah, executive director of the Nepal Madhesh Foundation (kp), Parties put aside statute amendment, seek votes through promises of development, by Balkrishna Adhikari and Suresh Yadav (rep), Province 2 puzzle: Many of them know that results of local polls have nothing to do with the task of constitution amendment, by Praveen Kumar Yadav (rep), The Black September: With the grounds of grievances and resentment still intact, the possibility of further uprisings in Madhes can never be ruled out, by CK Lal (rep), PM Deuba set to expand Cabinet for fifth time today: Four Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Prajatantrik) leaders to be sworn in; Cabinet to have 54 members, breaking all records (kp) [Criminal procedure! Nepal needs neither constitution nor other laws nor a SC as long as the politicians do what they like while continuing their power games!!], 54! Deuba set to induct four more ministers today (rep), EC warns against cabinet expansion (rep), PM Deuba expands Cabinet, inducts 3 Ministers, 1 State Minister (ht), Democracy as a way of life: Schools have the potential to give citizens the power of self-direction. by Tom Robertson (kp), Parliamentary panel endorses local govt bill: Civic bodies to have power to register land and issue ownership certificates, as per its provisions, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Crucial bills: Time is running out for the political parties and Parliament to pass the bills for which political parties need to reach consensus (ht), CIAA urges media, public not to question its probes (rep), PAC preparing to grill DPM Shrestha for inaction against Sajha chief, by Bishnu Prasad Aryal (rep)

10/09/2017: Federal and provincial elections: EC’s plan to publish poll schedule put off; The poll body, however, has asked parties to inform it by Tuesday about the places from where they want to  contest elections (kp), RJP-Nepal views NC as its main competitor (kp), No budget allocation for local polls in Province 2 (kp), EC invites int'l observers for province, parliament polls (rep), Foreign firms invited to enlist for poll observation: EC says presence of  international observers adds to the credibility of elections (kp), Dalit women come forward to assume leadership (kp), For the common good: Nepal’s media is unable to reflect public interests, even though it should, by Aashish Mishra (kp), Fate of three dozen bills uncertain, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), EC directs ministry to set up DCCs (ht), Flood-displaced locals in Sarlahi await support from government (ht) [Another case of denial of assistance!!]

09/09/2017: Madhesi panel bill endorsed: Tharu, Muslim commission bills stuck for lack of quorum, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Parliament passes Madhesi Commission Bill unanimously (ht), Crucial bills stuck in House for lack of quorum, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Coalition govts bane of Nepal’s foreign policy? Experts say matters get complicated at times when there are prime minister and foreign minister from different parties, by Anil Giri (kp), Poll code affecting relief works, Deuba tells EC: Code of conduct for federal and provincial elections—to be held on Nov 26 and  Dec 7— has been in place since August 30 (kp) [???], Charter revision on parties’ poll agenda (kp), 100 days of incompetence, by Guffadi (kp), Fourteen-year-old dies in police custody (kp), Government urged to guarantee social security of journalists (ht), Ruling party MP flays minister staying mum on NOC scam (rep), Suspend corruption-accused, tweets US envoy (rep), Family of drowned girls yet to get promised relief, by Madan Thakur (rep)

08/09/2017: Mayor Shakya blames limited rights for failure: Says govt still holds sway on local development issues, by Anup Ojha (kp), Local Level Governance Bill to be tabled in full House on Sunday (ht), Stability begins at home: Petty partisan politics over foreign policy for short-term electoral gains will leave the door open for outside interference, by Sarin Ghimire (kp), Chhaupadi tradition: Uneducated belief, by Usha Maharjan Wall (ht) [And why is it practised by people who pretend to be educated as well, especially in Western and Far Western Nepal?], Day of the Carpetbagger: Gangamaya's hunger strike for justice is tied directly to Nepal's economic progress, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt)

07/09/2017: State of perfidy: Corruption has seeped into every pore of our polity, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Controversial Bohora set to become minister again (rep) [There cannot be enough corrupt politicians in the government!!], Voters disappointed by performance of local representatives, by Raju Adhikari (rep)

06/09/2017: Criminalisation of Chhaupadi: Bajhang women sceptical about effective implementation of law, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp), Saving their honor: While Chhaupadi ban is indeed a major step towards women’s empowerment and emancipation in our highly patriarchal society, it also has many hitherto ignored ramifications, by Basant Kumar Chaudhary (rep), Lack of funds, disease outbreaks compound flood victims’ misery’ (kp), Flood victims accuse parties of ignoring their plights, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep), Landslide survivors say aid has not reached them yet: Landslide-displaced families from the indigenous Chepang communities in Santhali, Sarling and Shyamrang villages of Chitwan are living like destitutes, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), Muted voices: Ideas such as ‘right to no vote’ should have been discussed before lawmakers dropped them (kp), Conflict victims: The mechanical way of taking statements will neither reveal the truth nor heal the trauma, by Suman Adhikari (kp), IFJ urges Nepal to discourage false lawsuits aimed at silencing media (rep)

05/09/2017: House endorses two election-related bills, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [SC decisions are once again not of any interest for politicians!!], Poll bills clear parliament after amendment dropped, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Hold all polls by Jan 21: SC to govt (ht), Two EC secretaries changed in five days, by Arjun Poudel (ht) [????], What’s gone wrong? A nation engrossed with lawlessness and democratic deficit is a blueprint for a failed state, by Anurag Devkota (kp), Three weeks on, flood victims still await relief (ht) [!!!!], Local units fleecing flood victims (ht), Viral fever takes hold of flood victims, by Nirmal Ghimire (rep), Against Mafiatantra: We need another non-violent revolution to establish rule of law and make corrupt politicians accountable for their dirty actions, by Jagannath Lamichhane (rep)

04/09/2017: The Wait Unto Death For Justice, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), CDC was given unrealistic 21-day deadline for constituency delimitation, interview with Balananda (kp), Not now: Right to recall provision would likely lead to a spate of recall moves one or two years after the election, and it would not do good to anybody (ht)

03/09/2017: Govt and EC at odds over ‘early’ election code (kp), Right to recall unlikely in new election bill, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Flood victims demand safe land to build new houses, by Amar Khadka (rep)

02/09/2017: RJP-N takes exception to new constituencies, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Parties disappointed over delineation of electoral constituencies, by Narahari Sapkota (rep), SAC split on poll bill contents: Postpones its meeting till Monday (ht), Oppn MPs accuse NC of delaying poll bills (kp), New local reps unable to keep poll promises (rep), Transparency question in parties’ finances: With single leader spending millions during elections, civil society leaders wonder if the parties’ reports are close to reality, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), A flood of grievances: A reporter’s diary from a week-long field visit to the flood-hit Tarai, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), 19 students die, 1 million still unable to go to school in flood-hit districts, by Bishnu Prasad Aryal (rep), A decade on, victims of insurgency still living with scars, by Anita Shrestha (ht)

01/09/2017: Without a trace: Nepal’s transitional justice mechanisms have fallen sorely short of international standards (kp), Disappearance of justice (nt), Murder convict released at the order of Home Minister Sharma, by Upendra Yadav (rep), SAC set to pass poll bill as NC MPs ready to drop amendment bid; As many as 18 NC lawmakers have proposed amendments to the bill, demanding that even the corruption-convicted should be allowed to contes elections three years after serving their jail sentences (rep) [!?], NOC chief sues Nagarik for defamation, seeks Rs 800m damages (rep), EC divides districts for two phases of elections (kp), Important step: Some districts seem to be over or under-represented because of differences in population distribution (ht), Government yet to send relief to flood-affected Morgaun in Parsa: Hunger and diseases have started to stalk the village. Children, elderly, pregnant women and new mothers  have been greatly affected, by Shankar Acharya (kp), Right to vote: Ensure accessible polling booths so that persons with disabilities are not disenfranchised, by Pragya Lamsal (kp), New districts operating sans admin set-up: Rukum, Nawalparasi chief district officers in the dark about new entities (ht)

31/08/2017: Hope fades for families of disappeared (kp), ICJ calls for criminalising enforced disappearance (kp), ICJ tells nations to criminalise enforced disappearance (ht), Provide justice: As it may take a long time to settle all cases, the settled cases should be forwarded for necessary action (ht), CDC submits its report with 165 electoral constituencies: Move takes the country one more step towards the implementation of the constitution, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), CDC creates 495 constituencies (ht), Govt decides to hold polls in two phases: First round on Nov 26, second on Dec 7 (kp), Govt decision to hold polls in 2 phases irks UML, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Republican Structure As Desired By People, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Local levels’ functioning affected (ht), Hunger and diseases further victimize flood victims, by Kalendra Sejuwal and Arjun Oli (rep)

30/08/2017: The disappeared: The state must deliver justice and criminalise enforced disappearance as a crime against humanity, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Frustration mounts among war victims’ families (kp), TRC mulling to set up liaison offices in all 75 districts (rep), Efforts on to minimise VAW: State Minister Hussen (ht) [Minimise??????], ‘Promotion of corruption in court disturbing’ (kp), Former supplies minister ‘involved’ in NOC land scam, by Dilip Poudel (rep), Local representatives helpless due to lack of laws, by Raju Adhikari (rep) [!!!!], No time to lose: CDC’s report is almost complete, now lawmakers and govt must help EC complete polls (kp), EC preparing for two-phase provincial, parliamentary polls: If it has its way, the second phase may be held on December 7 or 12 (ht), EC says better to hold polls in two phases: Cites logistics management and weather conditions among others, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Ruling parties expedite talks for electoral alliance for Sept 18 polls: NC and CPN (Maoist Centre) in discussion with RPP (Prajatantrik); plan to hold dialogue with RJP-N (kp), RJP-N activists hurl stones at UML event (kp). So-called Nationalists In Name Only, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

29/08/2017: Like homeless among ruins of their homes, by Pratap Bista (kp), Documentation error depriving quake victims of grants, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (rep), Kin of war victims from security forces seek ‘justice’, by Anita Shrestha (ht), CDC putting finishing touches to its report: Working on map with 495 constituencies it has carved out across country, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), PM defends his Delhi statute remarks at Parliament (kp), PM’s remarks on statute inappropriate: Dahal (kp), NC-Maoist bonhomie fading? (rep), Why amendment failed: A constitution amendment bill needs to be judged on whether it is welcomed by domestic constituencies, not on whether it gives ‘face saver’ to outsiders, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

28/08/2017: No excuses: Government must formulate long-term plans to help Nepali citizens regain their footing (kp), Parties in race to pick poll candidates (kp) [Obviously, the central leaders of the parties once again decide on the local candidates! This is the opposite of democracy and local participation!!], Will continue push for amendments: PM (kp) [???]

27/08/2017: NHRC in bid to blacklist rights violators: Culprits to be barred from travel abroad and state benefits; Individuals found guilty of human rights violations by NHRC probe will have their names made public, says Spokesperson Ansari (kp), CIEDP begins detailed study of complaints (ht), House rent tax: Collection dispute leaves taxpayers in confusion (kp) [Introduce necessary laws immediately and end the unitary state!!], Hundreds of flood survivors under grip of viral diseases, by Pawan Yadav, Shankar Acharya and Laxmi Sah (kp), Parties jostle to appease flood-hit voters with aid and relief materials (rep), 27 months on, doctors still treating quake-hit patients under tents, by Him Nath Devkota (rep) [correctly: 28 months!]

26/08/2017: Province 2 gears up for local polls, by Laxmi Sah, Bhusan Yadav and Pawan Yadav (kp), EC issues eight-point directive to government (ht), RJP-N expedites preparations (kp), Monsoon-related disasters: Govt to unveil rebuilding plan within three months (kp) [??], Pressure group for indigenous peoples’ rights: Inter-Party Indigenous Network represents  indigenous leaders from five parties and is support-ed by NEFIN and NFDIN (kp)

25/08/2017: Time to end impunity: Nepal should immediately ratify the ICC treaty to strengthen the national justice system, by Raj Kumar Siwakoti (kp), Chances of early poll acts slim (kp),  RJP-N announces to contest all polls: To use ‘cycle’ as election symbol, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Quantity over quality: Deuba has surpassed all records by installing a 50-member strong Cabinet (kp), PM’s gracious gifts, by Biswas Baral (rep), Leading from beneath: The one-door policy for flood relief was widely criticised, but it can work if newly-elected local governments take charge, by Sahina Shrestha (nt)

24/08/2017: Promise to decentralize Singha Durbar's power limited to slogan only, by Suman Malla (rep), Failure Of The Amendment Bill, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Resources For Local Govt, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Motive suspect as House panel sits on poll bills, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Election dates: Unless the constitution is amended giving the EC the right to declare election date(s) it has to abide by the government decision (ht), Time bound: To hold elections in a single phase, govt should prioritise crucial electoral legislation (kp), Fix roads before polls: EC to govt (kp), Joining polls: RJP-N set to announce today, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Political pantomimes: Constitutional proscription on cabinet size will be problematic if coalition governments are to be the norm in Nepal, by Deepak Thapa (kp)

23/08/2017: EC suggests govt to hold elections separately (kp), Deuba’s Cabinet largest ever: PM inducts 15 state ministers, 12 from his Nepali Congress party, to Council of Ministers, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Deuba inducts additional 15 state ministers in his cabinet (rep), Poll backers outweigh in RJP-N meet (kp), House panel directs govt to prepare integrated working plan (kp) [related to flood disaster], Dharan flood survivors off govt relief radar, by Pradeep Menyangbo (kp), DoR seeks Rs 420m immediately (ht), Pass laws soon: The government and the parliament should make no further delay in making the laws holding elections of the three-tiers of government (ht), Chhaupadi in Jumla: Even health workers live in shed during menstruation, by DB Buda (rep), Women’s issues Laws to correct them, by Bijen Jonchhe (ht)

22/08/2017: Constitution amendment bill fails in Parliament, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Amendment bill falls through in Parliament: Only 347 lawmakers, 48 short of two-third majority required to pass the bill, vote in its favour (ht), Year-long efforts at constitution amendment fail, by Ashok Dahal (rep), RJPN to contest polls despite amendment defeat (rep), Govt calls two major elections for Nov 26: The EC has said it will discuss government decision on holding two polls together and respond accordingly (kp), Both parliamentary, provincial polls on Nov 26: EC says same day polls is a challenge but is ready to face it to implement constitution (by Bhadra Sharma (rep), EC asks govt to ready logistics for Phase 3 polls: Election commissioner says damage caused by floods could create hurdles in holding the vote in Province 2 on Sept 18, by Shankar Acharya (kp), Not my candidate: The right to reject all candidates during elections is essential in a participatory democracy, by Saurav Karki (kp) [This is especially important under the system of nepotism that is prevalent in all Nepalese parties!!], Interim order against IoE, TU (ht) [continued discrimination on the basis of gender and citizenship!]

21/08/2017: Aid in collaboration: Supreme Court interim order against govt’s one-door policy on flood aid is welcome (kp), RPP stands against charter revision bill: With main opposition UML and the Thapa-led party deciding to vote against constitution amendment, slim chance of the bill being endorsed (kp) [Don't bother about what we said yesterday!! Tomorrow we will say the opposite again!], Eight state ministers sworn in (kp) [This means now 35 persons within the Council of Ministers; not more than 25 are allowed by the constitution!!], Proposed Second Amendment To The Constitution, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Governance and delivery: In a sick condition, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht). Altars of change: Excessive focus on violent methods of social change in Nepal often eclipses parallel non-violent methods, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep), Politics of relief: Some flood victims complained that party cadres had listed even those not affected by floods as flood victims, by Praveen Kumar Yadav (rep)

20/08/2017: Statute Amendment Bill Under Scanner, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), 50 amendments to be presented in House ‘today’; Parliament Secretariat: Voting on charter revision bill tomorrow (kp), Barrier to gender equality: Eliminating citizenship discrimination in Nepal is essential, by Wendy Yu (kp), Govt’s languid approach leaves flood victims hungry and angry, by Pawan Yadav (kp), Women, children deprived of treatment, by Santosh Singh (kp), Diseases break out in flood-hit areas (ht), Sunsari flood victims in miserable condition (ht), Existential crisis: With an electoral rout of small Madhesi parties in Province 2, the struggle for separate Madhes province or Madhesi-only province would be meaningless, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

19/08/2017: Relief distribution: SC orders govt not to adopt one-door policy (kp), Stay on one-window relief delivery (ht), Govt decides to accept foreign aid (kp) [But only through the single government channel what is not allowed according the the SC decision!!], Lessons learnt: The government has once again adopted a one-door policy for the  distribution of relief materials, but reports from the ground  suggest this has only further complicated the process, by Binod Ghimire (kp), IFRC warns of grave humanitarian crisis (ht), In government we don't trust: Why is our own government stopping us from helping  our brothers and sisters?, by Guffadi (kp), Meagre ration infuriates flood survivors, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), EVM use ruled out in upcoming polls: EC says there would be little time to teach people how to vote electronically even if procurement is rushed (kp), Nine local levels added to Province 2 (ht)

18/08/2017: Fear of diseases looms in the wake of floods: Experts call for urgent steps to supply water, sanitation and medicines: Most of the flood survivors are left with no option than to spend nights under the open sky  without basic facilities, by Chandan Kumar Mandal and Pawan Yadav (kp), Not enough: Television footage of the rice distributed in some areas shows spoiled rice, and such are the allegations also as to the distribution of clothes (ht), Surviving the flood: Hazards of floodwaters could carry into future crop cycles in the absence of proper initiatives (kp), Disastrous unpreparedness, by Ajaya Dixit (nt), Both polls to be held together most likely on November 20: Govt preparing to announce date by Sunday after consulting with EC, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), EC, parties agree to hold provincial, parliamentary elections by Nov 23 (rep), Poll panel for holding both elections together: ‘Will have to conduct them in two phases — on Nov 20, Dec 7’ (ht), Rights defenders object to Lama’s promotion (kp), Additional 2,264 cases registered with TRC: The second deadline for insurgency victims to file their pleas ended  on August 11, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Ending chhaupadi system: Comprehensive approach required, by Valerie Julliand, Giulia Vallese annd Wenny Kusuma (ht), Rs 7 billion spent on ritualistic inspections, monitoring, by Surendra Paudel  (rep)

17/08/2017: Go for the doctor: Time to start a public debate to stop lawmakers from profiteering at the expense of the people (kp), Making Local Leaders Capable, by Mukti Rijal (rn), RJP-N Finally Comes To Its Senses, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Floodwaters wipe out Rs 8b worth of crops: Damage could cast a shadow on the economy that was on rebound; Disaster likely to create pressure on farmer incomes and inflation, by Sangam Prasain (kp), Flood survivors feel snubbed as they wait for relief to arrive, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Jhapa flood victims under viral fever grip: A local health post official says the facility is running out of medicines, by Arjun Rajbanshi (kp), Disease follows deluge: Flood-displaced people falling ill in Morang, Sunsari, by Hari Adhikari and Sanrosh Kafle (ht), Statute revision: Clause-wise discussion on amendment bill starts; To be put to vote in Parliament most likely on Monday, by Binod Ghimire (kp), EC says difficult to hold two major polls together (kp), Disaster nation: Perhaps the recent flood disaster will awaken the ruling class and push them in the right direction, by Pramod Mishra (kp) [Stop dreaming!!]

16/08/2017: Reconstruction fiasco: Quake survivors are living wretched lives as the government can’t get its act together, by Umesh Pokharel (kp), Rain drain: Govt should coordinate helping hands from  private donors and individuals, not create hurdles (kp), Flood victims await relief, rehabilitation (ht), Starving flood victims struggling for food, by Ritesh Tripathi (rep), Threat of diseases looms in southern plains (kp), Essential medicines, health workers wanting: Dhurmus Suntali Foundation (kp), Tilathi villagers not to accept govt relief: Say the state has always given short shrift to them, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), People camp out on postal highway awaiting relief, by Ganesh Chaudhary (kp), Cabinet extends CDC’s tenure by 15 days: CDC officials say their work was affected by the SC’s ruling last week that cleared way for adding new federal units in Province 2 (kp), EC asks govt to announce date for polls immediately (ht), Rolpa Municipality to formulate laws to validate insurgency-era decisions, by Dinesh Subedi (rep)

15/08/2017: Flood toll soars to 91, victims await relief: Local officials call for immediate measures to prevent disease outbreaks (kp), Death toll reaches 91, six million people affected (rep), Death toll rises as floodwaters recede (ht), Delay in relief puts flood hit people at risk: Many families have not had anything to eat in days; Polluted water and poor sanitation raise fear of disease outbreaks, by Thakur Singh Tharu (kp), Thousands displaced in central Tarai districts (kp), Over 35 taken ill with diarrhoea and dysentery in Mahottari (kp), Victims cold and hungry while govt sits on billions in relief funds (rep), Govt adopts 1-door policy on relief distribution (kp) [And in front of this single door sit politicians and administrators who do nothing, just as after the earthquakes of 2015!!], Relief materials yet to reach victims (ht) [!!!], Assess the situation fast: Latest disasters could push the  vulnerable back into the trap of poverty (kp), Do it well: In future, further actions need to be taken to minimize the havoc that may be created by the monsoon rains (ht), Discussion on statute revision bill delayed (kp), Keep on voting: Election season is in full swing, and archaic practices and laws need to be reformed, by Krishna Man Pradhan (kp), Unity in adversity: Let’s join hands to turn this challenge in the form of massive floods in Tarai into an opportunity to unite the whole country, by Hari Bansh Jha (rep)

14/08/2017: Disastrous disaster preparedness: Diplomacy and institutional setup in disaster risk management would benefit us all, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Floods claim 57 lives across country: Unusual weather phenomenon hits all of the country, inundating whole of Tarai and affecting the Hills as well, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Death toll rises to 66, over 35 still missing in floods, landslides (ht), Flood death toll climbs to 80: Nepal Police, by KP Dhungana (rep), Health experts warn of disease outbreaks (kp), Govt offers to buy Manmohan College: CPN-UML lawmaker Pandey turns down PM Deuba’s proposal, by Manish Gautam (kp), Govt to EC: Give RJP-N single election symbol (kp), Electoral symbol can’t be awarded to RJP: EC, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), RJPN and elections: Participation important, by Hari Bansh Jha (ht)

13/08/2017: At least 30 killed in floods, landslides: 15,000 houses inundated in Saptari, 50,000 people affected; Highways, hundreds of settlements affected in other districts (kp), 28 killed, 11 missing in floods and landslides (ht), Monsoon wreaks havoc, claims 30 (rep), Death toll reaches to 49; more rainfall forecasted during evening (rep), Incessant rainfall wreaks havoc in Tarai (ht), Heavy rains to continue for a few days: DoHM, ba Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), Resolute in determination, Dr KC refuses to budge, by Manish Gautam (kp), Dr KC disagrees to revision, no talks held, by Sabitri Dhakal (ht), Thousands participate in rally held to express solidarity with agitating Dr KC (ht), RJP-N Returns To Sanity, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Young, gifted and held back: A platform must be created to harness youth-based skills in order to transform the state, by Brabim Kumar (kp)

12/08/2017: Corruption And Political Protection, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Heartless hoodlums: Are you a psychopath? Yes. A pathological liar? Yes. A narcissist? Yes. Then welcome to Nepali politics, by Guffadi (kp), SC orders release of Chudamani Sharma: Graft case to be settled by the Special Court, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Fresh changes in HPE Bill fail to convince Dr KC: Fasting surgeon says blanket ban on new medical schools in Valley for 10 years a must, by Manish Gautam (kp), Amendment bill to be put to vote soon: RJP-Nepal to take part in Province 2 local level polls (ht), RJP-Nepal agrees to take part in Phase III local polls: Constitution  amendment bill to be put to vote most likely on Tuesday, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Yadav roots for provincial polls before parliamentary elections (ht), Political And Bureaucratic Hurdles To Development, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

11/08/2017: Ending bad blood: Criminalising the practice of Chhaupadi is a milestone in Nepali women’s fight against patriarchy, by Supriya Gurung (kp), Parliamentary taskforce ignores Dr KC’s calls: Finalises HPE Bill with some crucial amendments, by Manish Gautam (kp), Parliament’s HR Committee directs govt to save Dr KC’s life, by Ashok Dala (rep), Nepal’s healer, by Biswas Baral (rep), Govt docs to boycott outpatient services (kp), Medical services to be shut from today (ht), Dr KC to continue fast unto death until his demands are met, by Sabitri Dhakal (ht), Pleasure Of Self-infliction, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Increasing number of local units: SC vacates its earlier interim order, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Constituency Conundrum: Balancing population and geography will be the biggest  challenge in ensuring proportionate representation, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp), Vote of confidence: The Election Commission should be strengthened to make it a bulwark of democracy, by Bishnu Hari Marasini (kp), 3-party dictatorship (nt), Fix a date, by Rameshwar Bohara (nt)

10/08/2017: A deal that disregards Dr KC’s demand: Colleges ‘that meet the criteria’ to get affiliation before HPE Bill passed, by Manish Gautam (kp) [Long live corruption and selfish interests of politicians!!], Doctors’ associations threaten stern protests: Ask the government to address Dr KC’s demands without further delay (ht), Medics, civil society members stage protests to push Dr KC's demands (rep 10/08/2017), New law criminalises Chhaupadi custom (kp), Nepali society will rise to ensure justice, interview with Biraj Patnaik, AI Regional Director for South Asia (kp), Experts say Doklam standoff opens avenue for Nepal to settle its boundary issues: Experts say Nepal has a perfect opportunity to raise its boundary issues, as Kathmandu will be hosting two high-profile guests from the south and the north in the coming week, by Anil Giri (kp), Voice of the people: The UML promotes one type of nationalism in Nepal, but will all their cadres follow?, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Constituency Delineation Concerns, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Corruption, Corruption Everywhere!, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), The impeachment motion came to forestall verdict on Fewa Lake, interview with Sushila Karki (rep) [!!]

09/08/2017: ICJ calls for reforms in transitional justice bodies (kp) [see discussion paper by ICJ], Tired of waiting: Quake reconstruction work should be delegated to the local level for faster results, by Jeevan Baniya (kp), Mercury poisoning: Govt’s ratification delay raises fears, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp), House to pass bills on criminal code today (ht), RJP-N decides to boycott civic polls: To announce protest programmes after a week (ht) [In a democratic state, no political party has any right to act without the people's mandate!!], EC asks govt to announce date for elections pronto (ht), The Gorkha Empire: The concept of ‘unification of Nepal’ with Prithvi Narayan Shah as the hero who unified Nepal began to take root after the Shah restoration of 1951, by Binayak Sundas (rep)

08/08/2017: Prepare for both polls together, Deuba tells EC: Election officials ask govt to fix dates by August 17 (kp), Hold provincial, parliamentary polls together, PM tells EC: Poll panel pitches for use of EVMs (ht), RPP Prajatantrik to join govt after registration (kp) [??], Undeclared borders: The centre has created a cut-off point defined by physical boundaries and devised mechanisms that perpetuate difference, by Kalpana Jha (kp)

07/08/2017: RJP-N teams to talk about polls (kp), Rana splits RPP to form new party: The Rana faction claims support of 22 lawmakers and  72 central committee members from Thapa-led party (kp), RPP splits as Rana applies for new party (rep), Renu’s victory fails to impress Maoist leaders (kp)

06/08/2017: Renu Dahal turns the tables on Devi Gyawali: Wins the mayoral race securing 43,127 votes against her rival’s 42,924 (kp), Renu Dahal elected mayor of Bharatpur metropolis: It’s said participation of  NC cadres who had earlier abstained from voting ensured her victory (ht), UML won most seats with vote share like NC’s, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Rainbow of KC’s Satyagraha: Dr KC seeks to tear through the conundrum of self-serving political elites in government, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Province 2 Election: Stage Set For One-upmanship, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Denial of citizenship top complaint at home ministry (ht), Locals unimpressed with representatives' achievements, by Devendra Basnet (rep) [How shall they, without legal and financial regulations?], Local poll losses trigger blam game in NC, UML, by Sher Bahadur KC (rep)

05/08/2017: Internal dispute in RJP-N hits its decision on polls (kp), 75.58pc voter turnout in Bharatpur-19 (kp), Shanti Batika at Ratna Parkto be declared ‘protest zone’ (ht), Attention drawn to flood, landslip victims’ plight (ht)

04/08/2017: Constituency delimitation: So much to do, only a few days in hand; CDC, which has 2 weeks, is yet to fix basis for carving out constituencies (kp), CEC Yadav advises CDC on delineation: Says don’t overlap rural municipalities and division of wards (ht), MPs demand 55 FPTP seats for women (ht), CEC: Logistical issues if two polls held together (kp), EC weighs FPTP block voting for Nat’l Assembly, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Whither past deals? Ignoring Madhesi grievances will not make them go away; they have to be addressed, by Randhir Chaudhary (kp), Practice of corruption: Hindrance to nation-building, by Dinesh Thapa (ht), Federalism in jeopardy, by Iain Payne and Binayak Basnyat (nt)

03/08/2017: Decks cleared for setting up three commissions: House has endorsed bills related to formation of National Dalit Commission, National Inclusion Commission and Indigenous Nationality Commission (kp), EC’s voter registration boosts citizenship applicant numbers, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp), No To Corrupt Politicians (rn), Lawmakers flay govt for having ‘soft corner’ for corrupt people (ht), Politicians and profiteers: Fulfilling Dr KC’s demands would adversely affect financial interests of political leaders (kp), Looking beyond the horizon: Politicians are more focused on maintaining power than on principles of justice and structural equality, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Lingering Of Amendment Bill, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), A ‘weakened’ RJP says its agenda still alive: Difference of opinions among the leaders shows the RJP-N is yet to become an organically united force, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Thakur presents RJP-N’s political document: Party not to participate in elections till constitution amendment bill is passed (ht) [Go to the elections with all your demands to get democratic legimisation! Else, you will disqualify yourself from participation in all future discussions!], NC, Maoist Center seek poll alliance against UML in Tarai, by Roshan Sedhai (rep 03/08/2017), Unfinished business: Local officials have been elected, now their authority must be spelt out through laws, by Anurag Devkota (kp), Lawmakers for letting EC decide poll dates (kp), Nepal-India 1950 treaty: Nepali EPG side on horns of dilemma; Seeks suggestion whether to amend pact or replace it with a new one (kp)

02/08/2017: Re-election in Ward 19 of Bharatpur on Friday, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), Maoist Centre all for electoral alliances in Province 2: Dahal says his party will take initiatives to make Janakpur a metropolis, pledging an ‘international’ airport in the city (kp), Maoist Centre to forge poll alliance with two forums (ht), Four regime types: Nepal’s path to full democracy could be protracted unless the current crop of corrupt, feckless and feudal leaders are ousted, by Naresh Koirala (kp), Relief finally: Criticism has come from various quarters that a lot of money was spent out of the Welfare Fund to pay for junkets and other expenses of powerful people (ht), Dahal’s caretaker govt doled out Rs 167m to party cadres ahead of polls, by Bhasha Skarma (rep)

01/08/2017: Children of Nepali citizens by birth still being denied citizenship for lack of laws (ht), Demographic dividend: Today’s youngsters can turn into assets, or liabilities depending on country’s policies (kp), Awakening Urgency For Nepali Females, by Prem Khatry (rn), More teeth sought for NWC (ht), RPP to take call on amendment vote later (ht), Precedent set: Stern action should be taken against the violators who indulge in outrageous activities in the election process thereby serving as a deterrent (ht), Reconstruction by I/NGOs sluggish, by Narahari Sapkota and Devendra Basnet (rep 01/08/2017) [Such statements should not be generalised! In heavly affected districts where government support has not even started after almost two and a half years, there are villages where the reconstruction of houses is almost completed with the help of NGOs and foreign friends!!!], Making it work: Apart from being a step toward implementing constitution, local elections mark the first step to institutionalizing federalism, by Meena Bhatta (rep)

31/07/2017: Court upholds EC’s re-polling decision, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), SC orders re-poll in Bharatpur Ward 19 (rep), CEC Yadav sees logistical hurdles in holding two elections together (kp), Price of polls: PM and EC should make all efforts to hold provincial and general polls in one go if it’s politically feasible (kp), Constituency delimitation: Parties remain at odds over bases (kp), Elections should, and will, take place whether or not RJP-N is on board, interview with Narayan Kaji Shrestha, CPN-MC (kp), Remembering Ambedkar in Bangalore: Nepali Dalits lack the generations of affirmative action through reservations in politics, the civil service and other state organs, by David Gellner (kp), ‘Pass Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill’ (ht), Lawmakers demand immediate distribution of grant to quake survivors (rep), UML finalizes candidates of DDCC chair and deputy chairs in 19 districts (rep) [This is not democratic! The local level has do decide on these candiidates!], Realm of divertissements: Core issue of public life in Nepal is still Madhes. The longer PEON hides its face, higher will be the price of political avoidance, by CK Lal (rep)

30/07/2017: Smaller Parties: Balancer Or Spoiler?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Govt preparing to hold 2 major polls together: Says it will save money, ensure country does not miss Jan 21 deadline, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Call to form 3 constituencies in Banke (kp), RJPN rift deepens ahead of crucial meets: Leaders threaten to quit party en masse, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), MPs for banning candidates for 10 yrs for involvement in tearing ballot papers (rep), Quake victims living in fear of landslips, floods (ht), The world forgetting, by the world forgot: Transitional justice is lost in transition in sluggish world of delays and apathy, by Reena Chikanbanjar (ht), Chhaupadi still prevalent in hilly districts, by Govind KC (rep), Province 2 manifesto: Poverty is the biggest challenge and it would be on the minds of the electorate when they go to the polls on September 18, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

29/07/2017: EC mulling single ballot paper for FPTP, PR: Plans to propose the idea if provincial and federal polls are held together; What the poll body is planning, however, has drawn mixed reactions, with some saying it will avoid confusion among voters and others saying it limits people’s choice, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Constitution amendment: Bill will be put to vote after RJP-N’s consent: Nidhi, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), The Sluggish Pace Of Govt, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), The looting continues!, by Guffadi (kp) [satirical], RPP settles for supporting govt without Cabinet share: Even if the party with 37 lawmakers pulls the plug, the government will continue to have a majority in Parliament (kp)

28/07/2017: Case for deliberative polls: It is now time to place informed public opinion  at the forefront of our democratic culture, by Namit Wagley (kp), NEFIN for ensuring proportional representation in all elections: After consulting with indigenous lawmakers from several parties, NEFIN drafts amendment proposals to the election bills (kp), The real deal or a flight of fancy? Newly appointed ministers make tall promises after assuming  office, many call them ‘overambitious and vacuous (kp), Prime minister urges EC to cut invalid votes: To curb invalid votes, election commissioners propose using electronic voting machines in the provincial  and federal parliaments (kp) [The problem is the system and the chaotic politics! It cannot be solved by EVMs!], PM proposes holding provincial, parliamentary polls simultaneously, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Huge financial irregularities in targeted programs, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), Apex court verdict deferred for 10th time (rep) [This smells of political undermining of jurisdiction!], Little light: Whether Deuba goes for elections with or without the RJP will determine the success or failure of his fourth tenure as PM, by Om Astha Rai (nt)

27/07/2017: Fringe parties unite against threshold: 77 proposals registered seeking amendments to bills on federal parliament and provincial assemblies (kp), Plea For Executive Presidency, by Mukti Rijal (rn), More than 4 million votes cast in phase II civic polls invalid: EC (ht) [How can these elections be called fair and democratic??], PM Deuba inducts 19 ministers: 10 from NC, six from Maoist Centre, two from NLF and one from CPN (Samyukta) administered oath of office (kp), Prime minister inducts 19 new ministers (ht), RPP drops plan to join govt (kp) [Good decision! This anti-constitutional and non inclusive party is not of any use!!], Recovering the expenses: High election campaign costs provide legitimacy to political corruption, by Sanjaya Mahato (kp), Fifty-three bills need House consideration: It is the government’s duty to give business to the Parliament, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Officers of most rural municipalties stay away from their workplaces (ht)

26/07/2017: Deuba set to induct 19 ministers today (kp) [But you are not even 2 months in office! And please respect that Article 76 of the constitution allows not more than 25 persons in the Council of Ministers! Your current plan would already bring the number to 27!!], Dispute within NC further delays cabinet expansion (rep), Town development committees: 2 ministries contest chief appointments (kp) [TDCs must be a local task without any intervention by the central level!!], Pressure builds within RJPN for poll participation (rep), Tikapur sees rise in number of people seeking citizenship certificates, by Yogesh Rawal (rep), Comedy of amendment: The claim that only Nepali constitution has rigid provisions on federal boundary changes is a big lie. The problem is that we tend to cite only Indian constitution, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Setting boundaries: Nepal must freeze for next 50 years the number of seats in House of Representatives, National Assembly and Provincial Assembly, by Govind Subedi (rep), Lawmakers concerned over last minute capital expenditure: Call for 'reward and punishment' approach to speed up work (rep)

25/07/2017: A road to nowhere: Attitude of the state and major political parties must change to reflect concern for conflict victims’ demand for justice, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Constitution amendment: Cong CWC decides to put bill to vote (kp), NC to put amendment bill to vote: The party also decides to urge the government to add 22 local levels in Tarai districts as proposed by the previous government (ht), Bharatpur fracas: AG challenges petitioners’ right to move SC, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Bharatpur lessons: Bharatpur would not have been significant if it were an isolated case, by Bishal Thapa (rep), Confusing elections: The Election Commission can reduce the number of invalid votes in Province 2 by using two ballot papers, by Birendra P. Mishra (rep), Prez, VP to be spared legal action for acts in office: Rs150,450 President’s monthly salary; Rs108,030 for the VP (kp) [True heirs of monarchy!]

24/07/2017: Superstition And Social Suppression, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), NC leaders for putting amendment bill to vote: Leaders speaking at the ongoing Central Working Committee meeting say the country must not be held hostage by lingering a single agenda (kp), Right to reject sought in new election bill (ht), Inter-party conflict: Barrier to development, by Sisir Bhandari (ht), Where’s the will? The constitution is largely Dalit-friendly but sadly few of its implementers, by Dhana Bahadur Mijar (rep)

23/07/2017: New kind of politics: Most people in Nepal can’t claim they will be heard at their elected representative’s office, by Sumana Shrestha (rep) [see also interview with her: It’s easy to organise protests; the harder part is getting things done (kp 24/07/2017), Natural resources in federalism: Stakeholders call for clarity on regulations; Experts have long been calling for properly planned  state restructuring, as natural resources could easily turn into a curse from opportunity (kp), Flawed Analysis Of Poll Results, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), The missed bus? If RJP-N boycotts the third phase of local polls, it risks further alienating its constituents, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Province 2 to see little dev activities this year: Local level election is precondition to utilising funds allocated for capital expenditure, by Aman Koirala (kp) [Thanks to RJPN!], Agonising wait continues for Surkhet flood victims: Only 464 out of 970 displaced families have received Rs50,000 to buy land, while 123 have got only Rs25,000 of the pledged Rs75,000 to build homes over the years, by Prakash Adhikari (kp) [After 3 years!! Nobody can buy land for 75.000 Rs! MPs need far more every month, not talk about the millions or even billions that are wasted for incompetent politicians, cars, foreign medical trips etc.!]

22/07/2017: Who Represents Who?, by Gaurav Ojha (rn), Our lives don’t matter: Sarkari Hakims get free government vejicles and their kids don't have to walk to school but why do the rest of us need to silently suffer from the mismanagement and lack of urgency?, by Guffadi (kp), Govt yet to contact CDC chairperson, members (ht), RPP CWC meet decides to support statute amendment (ht), ‘No statute amendment before polls’ (ht)

21/07/2017: Centralised mindset: The federal government has shown it is determined not to let go of the purse strings. by Khim Lal Devkota (kp), Local reps, stakeholders oppose bills curtailing rights of local govt (rep), Sinkhole: As Deuba orders authorities to bury street sinkholes, a political sinkhole is forming and threatens to swallow the Constitution, by Astha Rai (nt) [!!!], Govt forms CDC under former SC justice Das: Gives 21 days to carve out constituencies for national, provincial polls; After receiving CDC’s report, the government will send it to Parliament, which then will forward it to the Election Commission (kp), Constituency delineation body formed, given 21 days, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Race against time: The Constituency Delineation Commission should be allowed to function independently (kp), Bills for federal and provincial polls tabled (kp), Metro without mayor: "Maoists did not just tear up ballot papers, but attacked democracy as well", by Om Astha Rai (nt), Shadow Government (nt), Influencing the influencers: Nepal wants and needs a credible political alternative to the existing parties, by Dinkar Nepal (nt)

20/07/2017: RJP-N rejects proposal to put statute revision bill to vote: Cabinet expansion further delayed, likely to get full shape on Sunday (kp), RJP-N rejects ruling parties’ proposal, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Ensure majority support before tabling amendment: RJPN to govt (rep) [!!], Pathology Of Governance, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Panels under CDOs to manage employees for local units: The centre will not deploy employees to the local units until the federal and provincial elections are held, say officials (kp), ’14 flood victims of Banke, Bardiya still awaiting relief, by Krishna Prasad Gautam (kp), High invalid vote despite Rs 750m spent on voter education, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), The holy trinity: The leaders of the three biggest parties in the country right now have firmly consolidated their powers and are virtually unopposed, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep)

19/07/2017: Raped, pregnant and banished, 11-yr-old struggles for justice, by Bidhya Rai (kp), Cabinet expansion: 13 ministries for Congress, Maoist Centre to get 9; Ruling parties to hold talks on statute revision again (kp) [This planned extension means once again a grave violation of the constitution that only allows a council of ministers with 25 persons!!], Cabinet expansion delay irks Dahal: Failure to hold polls on time ‘will end  significance of  the coalition' (kp), Vote on amendment if RJPN pledges to join polls: Ruling parties (rep) [This means nothing without a guaranteed two thirds majority!], Fix it: Pathetic state of Capital’s roads is part of a larger malaise afflicting Nepal’s polity (kp), All in the same vote: To make the third phase of local polls a success, big parties should go to the interior of Province 2, by Deepak Chaudhary (kp), Despite public outrage govt okays Rs 140m for 5 SUVs for EC: No new fleet for President Bhandari, by Bhadra Sharma and Balkrishna Gnawali (rep)

18/07/2017: Bharatpur vote count : Hearing put off until July 23 (kp) [???], Down the drain: Underutilisation and year-end bunching of capital budget are tantamount to financial misuse (kp), 60 percent people in Karnali unaware of Chhaupadi ban: Report (kp) [And govt and administration do nothing to implement it!], National disgrace: A clean or dirty shed is not the issue, the issue is women’s dignity and human rights, by Radha Paudel (kp), EC may extend voter-registration deadline: Poll panel likely to allow out-district registration as well, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Fiscal federalism: Major challenges, by Nirajan Mainali (ht), Fringe parties take strong exception to proposal to retain 240 units (rep), Third time unlucky: There is a chance most Madhesi parties will go out of business, which could help Madhesi public unite behind a common cause, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

17/07/2017: Search for justice Grave war-era crimes become a matter of international concern in the absence of domestic ability to prosecute them, by Govinda Sharma Bandi (kp), Elected representatives in a fix sans operation procedure (ht), EC re-urges PM to clear legal, administrative hurdles without further delay (rep), PM asks EC to gear up for state, fed polls: Promises Constituency Delimitation Commission ‘within a week or two’ (kp), UML presses for CDC: Says 165  constituencies should be set up as per provision of constitution (kp), Yadav, Bhattarai oppose 240 constituencies (kp), Tug of war: There should be smooth resolution of problems that will arise as local units come into operation (kp), Only organic development can resolve societal contradictions, by Yug Pathak (kp), FSF-N, NSP-N demand statute amendment before polls (ht), RJP-Nepal not in favour of naturalised citizens holding top posts: Thakur (ht), Low spending: Those responsible should own up responsibility and do something to ensure that the development budget is not only spent but spent wisely (ht)

16/07/2017: Provincial, national polls: Revised bills could affect women’s representation, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Governing alliance in bid to address RJP-N’s other demands (kp), RJP’s Demand For Multi-nation State: A Recipe For Territorial Disintegration, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Hassles in deploying officials to local level: Despite dire warnings, hardly 581 gazetted officials deployed so far, by Binod Ghimire (kp), 50 amendments to Civil Servants Bill (kp), Squatter settlement demolished, by Anup Ojha (kp)

15/07/2017: One year on, language panel incomplete, without Act (kp), Revamping The Political Culture, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Concerns over upcoming polls as govt misses EC's deadline (rep), EC's new car purchase plan: EC buying 5 SUVs for Rs 110 million, by Bhadra Sharma (rep) [?????]

14/07/2017: Why UML Won Local Elections, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Local Governance Act under process (kp), Question of fairness: It is true that self-governance means identifying and raising one’s own resources, and not depending too much on the central government (ht), Three VVIPS have 675 security personnel, spend 18.7 million per month: 285 security personnel for president alone cost Rs 8.2 million a month, 305 personnel for prime minister cost 7.8 million, by KP Dhungana (rep), Jure landslide victims get relief three yrs after disaster (rep)

13/07/2017: Take the long viewIt’s in the interest of all parties to respect inclusive provisions in the constitution (kp), RJP-Nepal in a fix after statute revision ruled out:Party mulling various options: Leaders (kp), Resource, revenue sharing bill opposed: Cutting across party lines, lawmakers condemn bills on centre-state ties (kp), Election expenditure details sought from parties, candidates: Political parties, candidates and elected representatives have to furnish details of poll expenses in 30 days (ht), Monsoon drenching quake victims once again, by Narahari Sapkota (rep)

12/07/2017: NHRC protests govt neglect of its recommendations (kp), Ruling alliance rules out statute revision: Makes it clear to RJP-Nepal leaders that it lacks required numbers (kp), Bill unlikely to be passed ‘any time soon’ (ht), CPN-UML refuses to budge from its stance on statute (ht), Deuba starts homework to expand Cabinet: A joint taskforce of the  ruling Nepali Congress and CPN (Maoist Centre) has been assigned to allocate the ministries (kp), Ruling alliance needs to improve image after local level election results (ht), Central level project implementation units: Cabinet indecision puts NRA’s plan in limbo (kp), Election bills: Candidates to be barred from race in more than one constituency (kp), Unconvincing: The EC should reconsider its decision and allow the citizens to register their names in the voters roll from a convenient place (ht), Women empowerment: Many barriers, by Prativa Subedi (ht), Civil servants’ 1,400 trips cost taxpayers over Rs 1b: A total of 1,442 civil servants acquired permission from the government to visit over three dozen countries from May 16 to July 11, by Bhadra Sharma and Roshan Sedhai (rep), Flood victims: Were Madhesi protests genuine?, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep)

11/07/2017: TRC, CIEDP seek continuation of local peace panels (kp), TRC opens field office in Lalitpur for Province 3 (ht), 21 pc votes invalid in Biratnagar Metropolitan City (ht), CDC delay likely to hit poll cycle: EC seeks constituency delimitation report by the end of this month, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp) [Govt's intention?], Delayed polls to hinder dev works in Province 2, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Constitution amendment: Bid to muster two-third majority in favour of bill (ht), Bharatpur ballot case: Hearing deferred for third time; To be heard on July 17 (kp), The fish rots from the head: A probe into the wealth that officials have amassed will show the depth of corruption, by Suresh Sharma (kp), Her future is our future: When a woman is free to make choices about her life, her children, her family and everybody else will benefit, by Giulia Vallese (kp), No quick fix: Madhesi leaders do disservice to their constituents when they time and again ask “Are we there, yet?”, by Mukesh Khanal (rep)

10/07/2017: #NotMyFederalism: Govt-tabled bill gives 85-90 percent of income generated from local resources to the centre (kp), Amendment proposal should be rewritten, says SSF-N (kp), UML firm against charter revision bill: Leaders say govt trying to endorse amendments without main oppn, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), UML’s Responsibility On Amendment, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Thapa hints at backing proposal (kp), Two election related laws forwarded to Cabinet (kp), Nepal Army’s plan to run FM radio triggers debate, by Anil Giri (kp), Local transformations: Extreme caution and constant improvement are necessary until local government is established as a self-maintained system, by Jagannath Acharya and Hemant Ojha (kp), UML wants early polls as it has done well; NC wants to defer them for same reason, interview with Krishna Hachhethu (kp), Transitional justice: An uphill task, by Roshni Kapur (ht), Frequent poll deferrals cost Rs 4 billion, by Bhadra Sharma (rep)

09/07/2017: New structure, lack of laws put local representatives in a bind, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Govt delays essential local governance laws: Kathmandu mayor says their hands are tied in the lack of laws. Local councils are unable to take policy decisions (kp) [Which government? An incompetent PM does not make up a govt!], FinMin requested to make arrangement for local bodies (kp), Govt, opposition in tussle over constitution amendment (rep), The numbers game begins once again: Governing parties scramble to secure two-thirds votes to amend statute (kp), Ruling parties intensify efforts to ensure passage (ht), Oppn parties set to oppose amendment bill in Parliament (ht), Proposal not acceptable: Oli (ht), Ruling coalition expedites talks: A Maoist Centre leadert says the ruling coalition witll oush the amendment bill before Cabinet expansion (kp), Local Polls Resounding Success For UML, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Prez Bhandari seeks Rs 160 million to buy new presidential fleet, by Roshan Sedhai (rep) [?? But still no money for the majority of quake victims!!], Quake victims forced to live in landslide-prone areas, by Narahari Sapkota (rep) [!!!], Chhaupadi: A tradition that continues to claim women's live, by Govinda KC (rep), Poor Nepali Dalits: Only special packages for poverty-reduction among Dalits will bring meaningful change in their lives, by Hira Vishwakarma (rep)

08/07/2017: RJP-N applies at EC for party registration: Governing parties seek one week to make efforts to address concerns (kp), Govt in bid to amend constitution by July 31, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Deuba strikes back! The Prime Monster doesn’t have Gyanu Uncle to fire him again. He knows that as long as he makes our CA members happy, they will support him, by Guffadi (kp), The Second-phase Local Election, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km)

07/07/2017: No roof over their heads, by Anish Tiwari (kp), Post-quake reconstruction fails to pick up pace, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), Quake victims spending third monsoon in tents, by Narahari Sapkota (rep), Nepal in a fix as Gulf rivals seek support, by Anil Giri (kp), Power without paisa: The Big Three threaten to roll back decentralisation by cutting off money supply to newly elected local councils, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Stingy budget: Power has been devolved to local units, but they have not received matching funding, by Khimlal Devkota (kp), Function without finance, by Khim Lal Devkota (nt), Devolution revolution (nt), Lack of laws hindering local level reps from exercising rights (ht), Election fervor returns as RJPN mulling to register party, by Ritesh Tripathi (rep), The joke is on us, by Gunjan Upadhyay (rep), A 3-party state (nt), Storms Ahead: With the completion of the second round of local election, politics is going back to some new power game again, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Unique Local Governance Model: Nepal does not fit in any of Nico’s criteria set out in his report on a dialogue on comparative local governance system in federations that was published in 2005, by Surya Dhungel (sp)

06/07/2017: The long road: The dominance of major parties might bring some political stability, but it has its pitfalls (kp), RJP-N scrambles to make sense of its own decision:  Leaders from Provinces 5 and 7 question whether boycotting polls was a right move; Second phase of local elections cause skeletons to tumble out of the party’s closet; For Madhes-based forces, finding a way to keep agenda alive becoming an uphill task, by Anil Giri (kp), Rift in RJP-N on contents of party statute: Plan to register with EC deferred, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), RJPN to contest polls, amendment or no (rep), Dwindling Influence Of RJP-N, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), RJPN candidate wins elections, by Kiran Man Bajracharya (rep), Valley’s heritage sites stare at Unesco ‘danger list’ (kp), Tardy rebuilding efforts put monuments in peril, by Samipa Khanal (kp), CDC to be formed soon: Home minister (kp) [??], Ministerial portfolio sharing triggers rift within ruling NC, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep) [Typical NC behaviour!!]

05/07/2017: EC wants poll dates by first week of August (kp), EC asks govt to give laws and fix polls date (ht), Preferred Political Forces, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), All’s well, soldier: There was no need to bring out the troops during the second phase of local elections, by Randhir Chaudhary (kp), 20 per cent votes cast in KMC invalid (ht) [Such percentage calls the whole local elections into question!!], Locals of Province 2 disappointed with poll deferral, by Suresh Yadav (rep), UML may support constitution amendment, says Gyawali: Demands withdrawal of proposal, redrafting with opposition’s consent (kp), Strike affects normal life in Rolpa, by Dinesh Subedi (rep), Politics of hubris: We have a number of politicians who think election is all about money and muscle, and this ails Nepali politics, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

04/07/2017: Dissatisfaction brewing in RJP-Nepal? Tripathi threatens to quit party (kp) [Refusing to ask for the people's mandate leaves this party as an unimportant lot without democratic legitimisation!], RJPN in confusion over next step: RJPN fielded candidacies in more than 20 local units including in Rupendehi and Kapilvastu but has not won even a single seat until fourth day of the vote count on Monday (rep), Gachchhadar, Yadav maintain influence in their regions, by Amar Khadka (rep), Nationalist stand, weak NC leadership helped UML in polls, by Ashok Dahal (rep), What The Local Elections Say, by Prem Khatry (rn), Deuba sends social media into frenzy: PM goes blunt on Sajha Sawal, heckles members of the audience, by Sanjeev Giri (kp)

03/07/2017: Lost in reconciliation: There are widespread fears that the new TRC offices in the provinces won’t deliver much (kp), All swept away, got nothing to eat, say Saptari flood victims, by Abdhesh Kumar Jha (kp), Call to ensure citizens’ right to information (ht), Seven dead, four missing in flooding, landslides (kp), Local Polls: Birth Of Local Government, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Third-phase elections: Too many invalid votes, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), The Oliogocal train: Political economy of Oliology is oligopolistic, part of proto-fascist movement that combines xenophobia, chauvinism, communalism and ethno-nationalism, by CK Lal (rep)

02/07/2017: Political cynicism: and stagnation: Empty narratives of peace without the practice of justice will not result in a stable future, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), TRC opens offices in seven provinces, members to lead, by Binod Ghimire (kp), 2nd Phase Of Local Poll: People Dump Extremist Forces, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Deuba’s advantage: Nepal is in dire need of leaders who preach and practise reconciliation rather than divisiveness, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Insecure scribes: Even after a decade of end of armed conflict many journalists still feel insecure and are forced to practice self-censorship, by Laxman Datt Pant (rep)

01/07/2017: EC proposes holding all elections by Nov 23 (kp), EC moots deadlines for provincial, central polls, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Hold provincial, parliamentary polls before December: EC (ht), Parliament and Provincial Assembly elections not possible in single phase: CEC Yadav (ht), UML, NC in tight race, Maoists distant third: The main opposition is ahead in Provinces 1 and 5  while the NC is better placed in Province 7 (kp), Will major forces win west Tarai? Regional parties trail in early race, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), RJP-Nepal not to withdraw support to Deuba-led government in haste, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [What at all is the importance of RJP-N after it refused to ask for the people's mandate?], Cabinet expansion likely next week: Senior Congress leaders say PM Deuba is waiting for party General Secretary Shashank Koirala’s arrival from a foreign visit (kp) [Obviously, there is no need of more ministers as Deuba's first three weeks in office have proved!], Gorkhaland And Madhes Movements, by Kushal Pokharel (rn)

30/06/2017: Second phase local polls: Early results put UML and NC in close contest (kp), Peaceful polls: The two phases of local elections have proved the fact that the people want peace, stability and prosperity through periodic elections (ht), Salute to the people: These elections were proof that the public got wise to the attempt to pit plains people against hill people, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), Voting in the rain, by Neel Kantha Uprety (nt), Referendum for election: The high turnout in the first two phases of local elections reflect the strong desire among Nepalis to vote for local governments, by Om Astha Rai (nt)

29/06/2017: Phase II polls see 70.5pc voter turnout: People brave rains in some parts of the country to reach polling centres to cast votes;EC says voting concluded peacefully with no untoward incidents in any of the provinces , by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 70.5 pc voter turnout in phase 2 local polls (rep), People power: Success of second round (rep), Observers say voting ‘highly encouraging and peaceful’: The NHRC has drawn authorities’ attention to poll timing given the difficulties faced by voters due to rains (kp), Poll deferral disappoints locals of Province 2, by Mahesh Kumar Das (rep), Poll lessons: Election success should encourage major parties to engage with RJP-N (kp), Head constable saves hundreds from fatal bomb explosion (ht), Dalit beaten for entering temple (kp), Dalit thrashed for entering temple in Bode Barsain Municipality (ht)

28/06/2017: Local elections in Provinces 1, 5, 7 today, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 6.4 million voters to pick over 15,000 local reps, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Polls open today for 6.4 million voters, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), RJP-N says won’t resort to violence (kp), Disruptive Designs Bite The Dust, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Walking The Talk, by Shyam KC (rn), Ministry suggests draft laws for local fed units: Local councils can pass them with necessary changes (kp), Home minister unveils reform scheme: The 84-point document says state will use force if highways are blocked in any form of protest (kp), Home Minister unveils home administration reform road map (ht)

27/06/2017: Truth and Reconsiliation Commission Act: Justice not possible without amendment (ht), Truth for its own sake: Commissions established expressly to uncover the truth have a sacred duty towards victims, by Aileen Thomson (kp), Quake victims to spend third monsoon under makeshift huts, by Dhruba Dangal (rep), Kusundas went ire of political parties and election commission for neglecting them, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Clashes, blasts raise security concerns: Such incidents could result in low voter turnout during polls: Experts (kp), Observers charge EC lost its independence (kp), LDOs asked to Determine size of DCCs (kp), Contest between giants: Managing growing Indian and Chinese interests will be a major foreign policy challenge for Nepal in the days ahead, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

26/06/2017: Dalit fined Rs 2,000 for touching cowshe, by Krishna Oli (rep), It’s not right: Historically the security forces in Nepal have used force, threats and torture to control the population, by Praveen Kumar Yadav (rep), No measures to reduce invalid votes: Observers (kp), In a fix: RJP-N’s ambivalence over second phase of local polls shows deeply divided Madhesi constituency (kp), Is UML Reconsidering Its Position?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Big parties fooling voters with conflicting promises (rep), We can't stop people from voting: RJPN leader, by Durga Dulal and Amar Khadka (rep), Why RJP So Lethargic?, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

25/06/2017: Cheated and silenced, the voters in the Terai will go to the polls with a heavy heart, by Anurag Acharya (The Record), Minority groups flay parties for ignoring them (kp), Charter amendment after talks with UML, says PM (kp), Not against polls: RJP-N (kp), RJPN brass campaign for party's independent candidates, by Sher Bahadur KC (rep), Political symbolism: We will have more symbols to understand and live with in the changing times, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Caste-based discrimination, untouchability punishable (ht), Quake victims living in constant fear of landslides (ht), Leaders only visit us during elections: Locals (rep) [!!], Post-2006 dualism: Our institutions have been held hostage by the very nobles, or thulabada, who spearheaded the People’s Movement in 2006, by Sushav Niraula (rep)

24/06/2017: RJP-Nepal will withdraw support to govt: Tripathi; Govt charged with stoking the conflict by deploying the Army in the plains on the pretext of polls (kp). CIEDP to collect ante-mortem data from tomorrow (kp), Identity politics peters out in eastern hills, by Durga Dulal and Bhim Chapagain (rep), With ministries at odds, peace committees feel neglected, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Maoist Center lures voters with sample land ownership certificates in Dharan, by Rohit Rai (rep)

23/06/2017: Costly Election Boycott, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Statute may be amended after polls, says Nembang (kp) [Is UML really softening its stubborn tone?], The baffled voters: Effective voter education programmes are necessary to reduce the number of invalid ballots, by Umesh Raj Regmi (kp), Moving after shaking: Over 2,600 families in villages threatened by quake-induced landslides need to be urgently resettled before the monsoon, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Polling Together: Two years after bloody clashes, Tikapur is trying to bury the past to hold local elections, by Shreejana Shrestha (nt), Moderating with moderates, by Chandra Kishor (nt), Setting a bad precedent: Postponing elections is a terrible habit, it will weaken Nepal’s democracy, by Damakant Jayshi (nt), Fringe parties' survival at stake with rise in political opportunism, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Deuba’s burdens: Elections or bust, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Constitutionalism Versus Political Expediency, by K. Uprety (sp), “Nepal Needs New Faces In Leadership”, interview with Matthias Meyer (sp), Election To Education: The failure of the three parties to bring the RJPN in the election process will definitely pose a threat to the legitimacy of the elections, by Keshab Poudel (sp)

22/06/2017: Federalism: Functional Overlaps, by Mukti Rijal (rn), PM assures RJP-N he’ll address its concerns after June 28 polls; PM Deuba is also learnt to have told the RJP-N leaders that the party’s political demands will be addressed by the Cabinet (kp) [The main problems have to do with the constitutional demands and these cannot be solved by the cabinet!], Complex problem, complex approach: This election has been an opportunity to politicise people, both by boycotting it and by vigorously campaigning for it, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Second Round Poll: Success Will Prevail, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Govt to local units: No ‘arbitrary’ decisions (kp) [The laws that are necessary for local government procedures should have been passed ahead of the local elections!!], Sanctity of judiciary: Criticism should aim at strengthening the judiciary through reform, not at weakening it, by Barun Ghimire (kp), Dalits of Bajura village cannot vote freely (ht)

21/06/2017: SC directs EC to produce torn ballot (kp), SC asks EC to submit ‘original decision’ over Bharatpur re-polling (ht), SC seeks torn Bharatpur ballots, other documents (rep), Immature Step Of RJP, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Women leaders buoyed, eyeing better posts in next elections, by Kalendra Sejuwal (rep), Unnatural encounters: Karki and Comey, as leaders of independent judicial institutions, showed immense courage in the face of huge political pressure, by Ajapa Sharma (kp), The deep south: Janakpur is bustling once again, but there are political issues that need to be resolved, by Deepak Chaudhary (kp), Quiet riot brewing: The achievements of the Jana Andolan II do not benefit the youth and every day over 1,500 leave in search of better opportunities abroad, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep)

20/06/2017: Many wartime rape victims have no access to justice, by Anita Shrestha (ht), Void votes: Lalitpur, Kathmandu top list: Average invalid ballots in May 14 polls stand at 11 percent, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [This elections cannot be called fair and independent because of confusing ballot papers, discrimination against small and new parties, a government dependent election commission, and constant interfering by goverment and political parties!!], Ongoing election meaningless, say RJP-Nepal leaders (kp), Supreme Court summons RJP-N and govt for discussions on Thursday (ht), Four-day school closure for polls (kp) [Schools cannot be closed often enough!], Tingla residents boycott election (kp), Chand-led CPN M to contest in Rolpa (ht), Govt working on 14 various local governance acts, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep)

19/06/2017: Who is lying? Democracy and federalism can be sustained only in an environment of political trust and transparency; If the govt often feels betrayed by the RJP-N, or the RJP-N finds that the govt ‘misleads’ the public, why can’t they agree to negotiate issues of public importance in the presence of the media, the civil society or the public in general?, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Doubtful deferral: It would be wrong to blame only the RJPN for Province 2 delay. Congress is as responsible, by David Kainee (rep), ‘Phase III poll as suggested by agitating forces’ (ht) [Did they really suggest it in this way?], No Shift In Position Fuelling The Fire, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Polls ‘undemocratic’, say RJP-N leaders, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), Candidacies filed despite protests (kp), Sporadic clashes in Tarai but candidates unfazed (kp), UML cadre killed in clash with NC in Bajura (ht), FA condemns firing, arrest of protesters (ht), We are caught between the government and RJPN: Locals of Province-2, by Upendra Yadav (rep), RJP-N, CPN cadres in fray as independents (kp) [To candidate as independents will further minimise their chances in addition to the fact that they do not have common election symbols, different from the major parties!!], People of all political orientation in Province 2 want elections, interview with Bimalendra Nidhi, NC (kp), RJP-Nepal central treasurer joins UML (kp), Education of daughters: Disparity in SEE performance shows that girls still have a long way to go (kp), Crumbling leadership: A formidable challenge, by Rahul Shah (ht), Post-reconciliation blues: Bardia had highest number of enforced disappearances, most of them picked up by the security forces. Their whereabouts remain unknown, by CK Lal (rep)

18/06/2017: 5 RJP-N activists injured in Parasi police firing, by Narayan Sharma (kp), Three RJP-N cadres injured in police firing in Nawalparasi (ht), Police detain 2 Kanchanpur journos (kp), Journalists held over news report (ht), Mahato demands polls across Tarai in single phase (ht), Deuba meets RJP-N leader (kp), Decision to defer local level elections a blunder: Paudel (ht), Province 2 Not A Conflict Zone, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [??], Madhes forces in poll race (kp)

17/06/2017: RJP-N’s tough stance stokes political crisis, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp) [Why do you not write: CPN-UML's tough stance on necessary constitutional changes stokes polical crisis? The RJP-N's bad and in the same way undemocratic behaviour is only a reaction!], RJP-N says protests on (kp), Dispute in RJPN over continuing with protests: Decides to press on with protests amid disgruntlement (rep), FA to keep protesting against local level polls: FA will hold baton rallies in Madhes and Tharuhat on Saturday and impose general strike in Madhes on Sunday, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Holding Local Polls Still A Challenge, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), India ‘firm’ on inclusive constitution in Nepal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Postpone till eternity: Maybe, we should just request Deuba’s astrologers to forget about the stars and the moons; Just tell the Prime Monster to do the right thing for once so that we can forgive him for all his screw-ups in the past, by Guffadi (kp) [satirical]

16/06/2017: Govt postpones polls in Province 2: UML objects to the move; RJP-N unconvinced; Deuba runs risk of repeating history (kp) [With the UML as stubborn as ever you wild hardly find the necessary majority for a constitutional amendment ahead of the elections in province 2!!], Polls in Province 2 deferred yet again, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Election in instalments: Good news: 2nd phase of polls will be held on 28 June itself; Bad news: Voting in Province 2 only after monsoon, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Decision draws mixed reactions in Tarai (kp), RJPN threatens to disrupt polls in other tarai districts too: Says poll deferral only in Province 2 not acceptable (rep), Mahato warns of ‘final’ agitation (ht), People take to social media against deferral (rep), Two years on: There are several reasons why quake survivors haven’t received the second tranche of govt aid, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), The Third-Phase Local Election, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

15/06/2017: MPs’ Fund & Local Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Elections likely to be delayed in Province 2: PM Deuba, other top leaders to hold talks with EC chief and RJP-N today (kp), Gachhadar hints at third phase polls (kp), RJP-Nepal to decide on poll participation today (ht), Talks to persuade RJPN to join polls fruitless (rep), The Stubborn Attitude Of RJP-N, by Uttam Maharjan (rn) [Yes, its stubborn indeed, just as the UML position on necessary constitutional changes!!], General strike paralyses some Tarai districts (ht), RJP-N supporters, police clash during Tarai banda (kp), Mahato warns of grave crisis (ht), Whether our protests are peaceful depends on government response. interview with Rajendra Mahato (rep), Bandh brings local level election activities to a grinding halt (ht), EC concerned as officials detained (kp), A fine balance: Both RJP-N and govt should do their best to ensure broad participation in the polls and avoid violence (kp), Local politics, national habits: If only a small fraction of those elected manage to shine, local elections will have been a success, by Deepak Thapa (kp)

14/06/2017: Local level restructuring: Proportional representation, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht) RJP-N general strike affects life in various Tarai districts (kp), First day of banda cripples life in core tarai districts (rep), Bandh throws life out of gear in Tarai (ht), RJP’s Tantrums May Backfire, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn) [The party will fall into oblivon if it does not take part in the elections since it will have nothing to say on the local level for the next five years!], Yadav: Protests will rob Madhesis of right to vote (kp), PM hints at poll deferral ‘if it helps end deadlock’: To hold a meeting with agitating party leaders today (kp), Ruling parties propose deferring polls yet again, by Ashok Dahal (rep), No further poll deferral: UML (kp), SC rejects govt request to vacate stay on adding local units (kp), SC rejects govt plea to vacate order on local units (rep)

13/06/2017: Candidate selection delayed in Province 2, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), RJP-N misses EC deadline to submit documents (ht), Confusion reigns in central Tarai (kp), RJP-N’s agitation confounds Rautahat residents (ht), RJPN cadres beat up 3 polling officers, vandalize vehicles (rep), No prospect of bringing RJPN on board now, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Big 3 eye alliance with Madhes parties, Madhes-based eye each other, by Ashok Dahal (rep), It’s all a ruse: Landless people’s take on polls, by Arjun Rajbanshi (kp), Parties accused of giving tickets to affluent candidates, by Kalendra Sejuwal (rep), ‘Limit ministries at central level to 16’: Chief secy insists on the original plan as efforts are being made to increase number to 18 (kp), Holier than thou: The best thing Bibeksheel Nepali and Sajha Party can do for Nepal is to disengage from politics and offer the country civilian leadership, by Bishal Thapa (rep), Democratic deficit: Politicians of Nepal, which has seen 26 government changes in 27 years, must consider themselves lucky, by Meena Bhatta (rep)

12/06/2017: House amends Act related to Political Parties-2017 (kp), Act related to election symbol amended, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Govt requests SC to vacate stay on adding local units (kp), RJP-N ups ante, says it will disrupt polls: Announces protests after negotiations with ruling parties break down, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Agitators stick to amendment demand (rep), Federal Alliance announces protests to disrupt polls, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), RJP-N supporters disrupt CPN-UML programme (kp), Agitating RJPN urged to utilize local polls to institutionalize federalism (rep), Running away from polls is cowardice: Yadav, by Santosh Singh (rep), RJP-N cadres protest against Upendra Yadav, by Aman Koirala (kp), Madheshi Leaders For Protests, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Return to pragmatism: It is hard to believe Upendra Yadav once went to ex-Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, bowl in hand, exhorting him to support the blockade, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Tight security for FSF-N programme (ht), Deuba committing blunder, says Mahato (ht), Political Ambush, One After Another, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Find common ground: Ruling coalition and RJP-N should continue with earnest negotiations to reach a compromise (kp), Election won’t stop: CEC Yadav (rep), ‘Zero tolerance against anti-election activities’ (kp), Gachhadar suggests 3rd phase vote in Province 2 (kp), Time’s too short to amend the constitution before the polls, interview with Krishna Khanal (kp), Family, ethnic ties decisive in tarai polls, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep)

11/06/2017: Ruling alliance rejects RJP-N’s poll delay call, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), 3-party talks on poll participation fail yet again: Deuba requests RJPN leaders to take part in polls; RJPN says participation impossible until demands are met;NC rejects proposal to defer polls yet again , by Roshan Sedhai (rep), EC rejects outright any further poll deferral (rep), RJP-N says it won’t participate in polls till key demands met: The party wants constitution amendment bill passed and more local levels in Madhes, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), RJP-N to boycott polls, says Mahato (ht), Confusion surrounds coordination committee formation in split districts (kp), Rs 4 billion needed to establish provincial assemblies (ht), Regulation to facilitate making of laws at local levels endorsed (ht), Deuba’s Litmus Test, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Cabinet likely to take time acquiring full shape (rep), NC and UML more worried about intra-party conflict (rep)

10/06/2017: Statute amendment after local polls: PM (kp), EC gives RJP-Nepal three days to submit details (kp), Sarita Giri joins forces with Upendra Yadav (kp), Old habits die hard: As the candidates from leading political parties coasted to victory with little or no competition at all, it became clear that the roots of old political establishments run deep and wide in our country, by Abhinawa Devkota (kp), Giving Continuity To Competent Ministers, by Kushal Pokharel (rn)

09/06/2017: House amends Local Level Election Act: Move aimed at bringing agitating parties on board the election process, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Deuba may not induct NC ministers until June 28 polls: Tells party leaders to go to villages for elections (kp), Sher Bahadur Deuba Became A Prime Minister, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Deuba's roadmap: In his fourth tenure as Prime Minister, Sher Bahadur Deuba has a chance to end what started when he first was in that post 20 years ago (nt), Rivalry in high places: Discussing the politicisation of the judiciary and judicialisation of politics in Nepal, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), End the wait: A new prime minister takes over, but there is no political will to ensure justice for conflict victims, by Meenakshi Ganguly (nt)

08/06/2017: Delay in amending laws affects transitional justice: Not even a single case has been investigated due to lack of laws in line with the Supreme Court orders (kp), Deuba sworn in as PM (kp), Deuba braces for berth pangs as he takes office: Dispute arises over ministerial portfolio allocation; Factional feud surfaces in his party, RPP unhappy; CPN (Maoist Centre) also has too many aspirants (kp), Strained legacy: New Prime Minister Deuba gets yet another opportunity to rewrite his blighted history (kp), First Cabinet meeting catalogues priorities (kp), New finance minister faces an uphill task, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp), A systemic problem: Ruined roads have become representative of the Nepali condition as a whole, by Pramod Mishra (kp)

07/06/2017: Deuba elected PM for fourth time: Set to have a full plate as he has to complete the job half done by Dahal, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Deuba is Nepal’s 40th prime minister, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Deuba back in Baluwatar for fourth time: Vows to amend constitution at any cost, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Deuba's trysts with power (rep), RJP-Nepal, FSF-N back NC president (ht), RJPN may take part in polls (rep), RJP-Nepal leaders, cadres quit party (ht), Oath with small Cabinet today (kp), New Government Under Deuba, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Deuba pledges provincial, parliamentary polls by Jan 21 (ht), Over to you, Mr Deuba: Let’s pray Deuba’s stint this time will be different to his previous stints and he will now “act” brilliantly, to make us forget recent Oscar winners, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (rep), Positive signs: The big three parties should continue to show a spirit of cooperation on issues of common interest, particularly regarding the execution of the constitution (ht), Top leaders take potshot at each other (kp), Karki impeachment motion withdrawn (kp), 12 years on, Bandarmudhe victims await justice (kp), CPN (Maoist Center) validating war-era land transactions in Rukum, by Devendra Basnet and Ganesh BK (rep)

06/06/2017: RJP-N ‘ready’ for polls with one of six vote symbols: Election officials say the demanded symbol - umbrella - cannot be given to the united party as ballot papers have already been printed and delivered to the districts, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Rift surfaces in RJP-N over registration for polls (ht), Madhesi Commission chair, members to be from same community (ht), Re-polling in bharatpur-19: Apex court stays EC decision; Asks authorities to maintain status quo until Sunday (kp), Question of credibility: The Election Commission acting like an extended wing of the government does not bode well for democracy, by Achyut Wagle (kp), UML to let House function today: Move paves way for Sher Bahadur Deuba’s election as new prime minister (kp), UML agrees to end House obstruction, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), CJ retires tomorrow, CC yet to name successor (ht), Council meeting in limbo: Chief Justice Karki retires tomorrow but her successor is yet to be named (kp)

05/06/2017: RPP, SSF-N back Deuba’s bid: RJP-Nepal likely to extend support after possible deal on its demands; SSF-N Chair Yadav says his party has decided to vote forDeuba after being assured of constitution amendment (kp), RJP-N secretly preparing for upcoming civic polls (ht), PM poll put off until tomorrow (kp), Parliament fails to elect new PM (ht), Deuba may secure two-thirds votes (rep), Politics of syndicates: The chief justice has made damning accusations against Dahal and Deuba (kp), Writ petition against EC’s decision on Bharatpur vote row: Petitioners demand annulment of the Election Commission’s decision and a court order for the EC to resume counting of the votes in the disputed ward (kp), SC stays EC’s decision to hold re-polling in Bharatpur-19 (ht)

04/06/2017: EC decides re-polling in Bharatpur Ward 19: Ballot papers of the ward affected by the act have been declared illegitimate and voting has been scrapped, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Poll body decision sets already agitated UML’s teeth on edge: UML says it won’t let the House function on Sunday when voting to elect new prime minister has been scheduled (kp) [The Blocking of parliament is one of the most undemocratic ways of protest!!], Bharatpur Scam Spoils Prachanda’s Image, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Deuba set to become PM for a fourth time: Plain sailing for him as NC-Maoist Centre alliance commands majority, by Binod Ghimire (kp)

03/06/2017: PM election boils down to EC decision on Bharatpur incident, by Tika R. Pradhan and Binod Ghimire (kp), Bamdev a likely PM candidate (kp) [Just like Deuba, Gautam has already proved his disqualification!], Candidacy nomination for PM today, election on Sunday (rep), 18 ministries proposed at federal level (kp) [The constitution disallows a council of ministers with more than 25 persons, not 25 ministries! 18 ministries are still too many!], MPs for fewer ministries under central govt, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), The second phase: If you want to run the show then you have to stand up for election and win and show us what you can do for the people, by Guffadi (kp), Conflict-era land transactions challanged at court, by Dinesh Subedi (rep)

02/06/2017: Bharatpur vote counting fiasco: 90 ballot papers found torn, 70pc in shreds, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), EC undecided how to resolve ballot-tearing row (rep), NHRC seeks action against those guilty of tearing up ballots: Constitutional body writes to the Election Commission underlining the need for increased vigilance to ensure that such events do not repeat in the future (kp), Respect people’s verdict: NHRC (ht), NC, Maoists in new govt bid (kp), Voting to elect new PM most likely on Sunday (kp), Deuba IV: The man who failed as Prime Minister not just once, twice, but three times is all set to become Nepal’s Prime Minister for the fourth time, by Om Astha Rai (nt), RJP-N viewed as strong contender in the plains, by Aman Koirala (kp), Local concerns: Some analysts believe it will be tough to hold elections in the Tarai belt without first amending the constitution, by Biswas Baral (rep)

01/06/2017: New schedule for June 28 polls unveiled (kp), Repeated deferrals annoys voters, candidates, by Devendra Basnet (rep), RJP-Nepal reschedules its protests (kp), RJPN calls off protest after change in poll schedule (rep), FA withdraws today, tomorrow’s strike (ht), Election code should be suspended for some time, interview with Manish Suman, general secretary of RJPN (rep), Stirring Threats Again, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Majority govt formation process set to start today: President holds consultation with top leaders (kp), Process of electing new PM begins today (ht), Biratnagar, Birgunj declared metropolises again (kp) [Simple disregard of SC decisions once again!], Govt upgrades Birgunj, Biratnagar to metropolitan cities (rep), Chilling consequences: Impeachment motion against CJ and its aftermath may have damaging effects on the Nepali state (kp)

31/05/2017: Phase II local polls to be held on June 28: The government says the decision to reschedule polls was taken after members of the Muslim community drew its attention to the Ramadan festival they are observing (kp), Govt registers bill to amend local poll law (kp), RJP-N fallen between two stools? Differences within the party stalling decision on its participation in local elections: Some leaders within the RJP-N are for finding ‘a political way out’ and going to polls while others say participating in the polls without government addressing their demands would mean losing face with the constituencies, by Anil Giri (kp) [Defeat the anti-inclusive major parties in a democratic way by vote, not by protest! Else, you will be on the losing side once again!!], RJP-N stages sit-in at poll office: 32 cadres of the party held; protest to continue till they are released (ht), Saptari locals urging parties to take part in elections, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep), Indian envoy advises RJPN to go to polls (rep), Widow and kids of slain Tamang seek protection, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp), Miles To Go, by Shyam KC (rn), What Lies Ahead For Deuba?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), NC takes initiative to form govt (rep), CPN-UML boycotts all-party meet: Formation of national consensus govt unlikely (ht), Law placing prez, veep above litigation proposed, by Ashok Dahal (rep) [Revival of royal thinking! Long live the royal republic of Nepal!], Curse of trilemma: Nepal’s trilemma is reflected in the concentration of all powers in our three major political parties, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), Ministries still hesitant to delegate authority to local units, by Rudra Pangeni (rep)

30/05/2017: Phase II local elections rescheduled for June 23 (kp), Govt puts off phase 2 local polls for June 23 (rep), RJP-N welcomes govt decision to defer polls: Announced protest programme to continue until demands addressed, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Madhesi parties preparing for polls, RJPN still undecided, by Chhatra Karki and Ajit Tiwari (rep), More needs to be done: RJPN leaders (rep), Implementation of laws necessary to help end discrimination (kp)

29/05/2017: Parties not to move impeachment motion (kp), Parties ‘ready to delay polls by about a week’, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Ruling alliance for deferring polls, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), We hope the govt will show sincerity in bringing us on board the elections, interview with Rajendra Mahato, RJP-N (kp), Show flexibility: RJPN should now realize that constitutional amendment and increasing number of local levels at this stage are impossible (ht) [This sounds reasonable though the question remains why the media never demanded the same from the stubborn and non-inclusively minded CPN-UML!], ‘Congress hindering coalition govt’ (ht) [??], Celebrating Tenth Republic Day, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

28/05/2017: House resumes after: 3-party agreement: NC, Maoist Centre agree to withdraw impeachment motion against CJ (kp), RJP-N protest dampens poll spirit in Banke (kp), Four-party meeting ends inconclusively: NC leaders ready to delay second phase of local level elections, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Election should not be postponed: Oli, by Bhim Ghimire (kp), Second Phase Election: Fraught With Challenges, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Masses on the move: Nepal may join many external initiatives, but without stability and empowerment, it will continue to flounder, by Pramod Mishra (kp), PM urges NHRC to protect rights of all (ht) [This is only possible if the work of NHRC is no longer hindered by govt, parties and army!!], TRC, CIEDP unlikely to accomplish task, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Rally taken out in memory of martyr Krishna Sen (ht), Budget to take on federal structure: Before proper implementation of budget, the government will have to prepare a conducive environment for economic development, by Pawan Timilsina (ht)

27/05/2017: Nepal's politicians, army resistant to investigating war crimes: report (Reuters) [see also article in THT], Gathabandhan ups the ante: Announces protests aimed at foiling June 14 election; The RJP-N says it will not participate in polls as the government has failed to address its demands and implement past deals, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), RJPN announces to disrupt polls, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), SC stays govt decision to add local units in Tarai districts (kp), SC stays addition of local levels in Tarai: Observes such changes should be made one year before civic polls, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [Under this consideration the whole local elections would be invalid!!], SC stays decision to create new local units in Tarai (rep), CPN-UML’s House obstruction continues (ht), UML agrees to resume House (ht), Opposition parties obstruct Parliament (kp), House obstruction lands govt in trouble (rep), Emperor’s report card: Our Emperor has shown us that he will make deals with anyone as long as it helps him or his daughter or his near ones, by Guffadi (kp) [satirical], ‘Local bodies must get adequate budget’ (kp), Govt formation parleys on (ht), NWPP not to join new government (ht), Lawmakers press govt to continue constituency dev funds (rep) [a source for endless corruption on a failed way to development!!]

26/05/2017: Elections with added units not possible on June 14, says EC, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Polls in newly added local levels technically not possible: EC (ht), Madhes-centric parties welcome govt decision to increase local units (kp), Govt policies and programmes: Budget focus on local body empowerment, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp), Including the excluded: The real winners of the local elections are not political parties, but women, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Federal feminine republic of Nepal (nt), Madam Mayor, by Kantika Sejuwal (nt), President Bhandari unveils annual policy, programmes (ht), Prez gives parties 7 days to pick consensus PM (kp), Search begins for PM Dahal's replacement (rep), Mixed legacy: In honouring the deal to step down, Dahal made a welcome departure from his predecessors (kp), Obstructed, House unable to thank President for address (kp), Parties in Banke ready for polls, save RJP-N (kp), RJPN undecided about second phase elections, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Madhesi parties into polls to prevent cadres from quitting party, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), Voters of remote Bajura village demand rice before election, by Arjun Shah (kp), Rights all year round: NHRC needs to undertake structural reforms to make it fit for purpose in the new federal set-up; Tikapur case shows that unless there is representation of linguistic and religious minorities in the NHRC’s structures, it would be difficult for it to win the confidence of these groups, by Mohna Ansari (kp), What lies ahead: The way the impeachment row unfolded can only adversely impact the judiciary in the years to come, by Barun Ghimire (kp), Election and ballot papers: Simple solutions are possible, by Pramod Raj Pokharel (ht), Radically decentralised: Newly-elected representatives have a huge challenge to fulfill the people’s pent-up expectations, by Dinkar Nepal (nt)

25/05/2017: Polls on June 14 with added local units difficult, says EC: According to EC officials, PM Dahal has sought to know whether postponing elections could be an option to bring agitating forces on board the poll process, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), EC tells PM second phase polls not possible if local bodies increase (ht), EC rules out polls in 22 newly-created local units: Dahal proposes defering second round polls to accomodate new units, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Local units unfeasible, say experts, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), RJP-N still in dilemma over joining local polls: Announcement of a fresh round of protest likely today, says a leader, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Party’s Saptari chapter for election boycott (kp), Dahal steps down to honour deal with NC: Says he wants to break the culture of not keeping word, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Prime Minister Prachanda Quit Office, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Graceful exit: The new PM will have to hold not only the second phase of local  level election but also the provincial and parliamentary elections by January 21, 2018 (ht), Unprincipled Hobnobbing In Local Polls, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Gearing Up For Second Phase Local Poll, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), After the elections: Political and bureaucratic actors need to hurry with preps for transition to federalism, by Sachchi Ghimire Karki (kp), Elusive decentralisation: Instead of turning Kathmandu into a mega city, we should develop cities elsewhere, by Prashanta Khanal (kp), 16 years on, government buildings still not reconstructed, by Ram Bahadur Kunwar (rep)

24/05/2017: Decision to increase number of local units puts EC in a fix: The EC says it cannot make any comment as it is yet to receive information about the government decision of increasing 22 local units in 12 Tarai districts, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Local unit addition affects poll preparations, says CEC Yadav: Chief commissioners says preparing new voter lists and managing logistics in the new local units are challenging tasks (kp), EC 'totally unaware' of decision on 22 new local units (rep), Phase II polls as scheduled: CEC (ht), New local federal units: UML accuses govt of gerrymandering; Oli says the decision should not have been made taking cues from the results of the first-phase polls, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), UML takes serious exception to govt decision (ht), UML stands between PM and Parliament: Speaker puts off House meeting until today after four postponements; Dahal’s plan to step down fails as main opposition steps up pressure, by Binod Ghimire (kp), PM Dahal announces his resignation (kp), Prime Minister Dahal resigns (with full text in Nepali) (rep), Morang’s Jahada urges govt to amend statute ahead of polls (kp), Tasks ahead: The crown jewel of the present Constitution is the creation of local government bringing most services of the government to people’s doorsteps (ht), EC takes flak for not enforcing code, credibility questioned (rep), CJ impeachment: Govt warns UN against interfering in its exclusive jurisdiction, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Sense and sentiments: When intelligentsia, political class and public intellectuals fail to take clear stands, the whole debate flies into abstractions, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

23/05/2017: Categorisation of ethnic nationalities as minorities: On April 24, the government published a notice on the Nepal Gazette declaring 98 communities with population below 0.5 percent as minority groups, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 12 Tarai districts to get 22 more local units: Cabinet decides to upgrade Birgunj and Biratnagar as metropolitan cities (kp), Cabinet adds 22 local levels in Tarai (ht), Govt forms 22 more local units in Tarai districts: EC says it will now be 'quite difficult' to conduct second round local polls on June 14, by Bhadra Sharma and Gyan P. Neupane (rep), RJP-N: Decision on polls tomorrow, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), FA postpones protests (ht), Towards tech-friendly polls: The chaos of the elections reflected the nature of our society, where planning and order have never been a priority, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Sheer underrepresentation: Electing a familiar person to represent the locals is almost impossible under the new structure, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Come, all ye faithful: Why would Dalits stand outside a closed door when the next one says welcome?, by Rajendra Senchurey (kp)

22/05/2017: Petition against move to pardon Tikapur accused (kp), No attack on judiciary, govt tells UN body: The Foreign Ministry confirms that it has replied to UN Special Rapporteur through Nepal’s Permanent Mission to Geneva (kp) [??!!], Will participate in all three tiers of polls (kp), Maoist Center Shaken To Roots, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Maoist Center fails to impress urban voters, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Elections can be viewed as referendum on amendment bill, interview with  UML Secretary Pradip Gyawali (kp) [These are local, not national elections, Mr Gyawali! They have nothing to do with the national issue of constitutional amendment that is necessary without any doubt! So far, they were only hold in areas that are hardly inhabited by dissatisfied groups!!], ‘Govt working to ratify statute amendment bill’ (ht), Dahal working to step down ‘in a few days’: PM’s press adviser Govinda Acharya says Dahal has already prepared the statement he will read out in Parliament for announcing his resignation, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Turn confusion into clarity: New government should ensure that the remaining elections are held successfully (kp), Final preps to increase local units in Tarai: Cabinet said to endorse the increased number of units on Monday afternoon (kp), EC rejects PM's request to increase local units: The election body has also refused to give umbrella as the election symbol to the newly-formed Rastriya Janata Party Nepal as demanded by its leaders (rep), Madhesi parties in bid for poll alliance (rep), NC calls strike after clash with UML (ht) [??], Dalits in leadership: Dalit community is hopeful that they will no more have to fight for their rights, by Janak KC and Sangam Gharti Magar (rep)

21/05/2017: Who will deal with ‘disappearances’ registered as ‘death’ cases?, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Renewed deadlock fears loom large: Major parties, RJP-N yet to reach deal on way forward for June 14 polls (kp), EC, ministry review security situation for Phase II vote: Potential election boycott by RJPN, activities of CPN and open border with India among the security threats, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 3 more weeks for local governance law to come into effect (kp), Local representatives to be oriented on their powers, responsibilities, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Election silver lining: That issues of development have taken political centre stage is in itself a positive development, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Not over yet: Election Commission can do a better job during the second phase of local elections, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Caretaker government to present new fiscal budget (ht)

20/05/2017: Decision on Tharuhat, Madhes movement: NHRC objects to govt move; NHRC says decision to grant amnesty to the guilty of the dreadful incidents amounts to promoting a culture of impunity (kp), NHRC condemns govt decision: Says culprits of criminal offences should be brought to justice (ht), Tikapur carnage victims cry foul, by Tekendra Deuba (ht), Dahal government under fire over decision on withdraw criminal cases, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Pardoning murder (rep), Tikapur carnage: UML condemns govt decision to drop cases; The main opposition party terms the move a mockery of rule of law and rank disregard for human rights (kp), Maina murder case: Amnesty seeks review of Maj Basnet’s acquittal (kp), ‘Serious criminal cases have not been withdrawn’: The agitating Tharus and Madhesis have long been demanding that cases related to the political movements be withdrawn (kp), Seven-party talks on for peaceful polls: Madhesi leaders threaten to boycott elections if amendment bill not passed, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Early Indications Of Local Polls, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), While this local election might not quite be Nepal’s version of a social media-fuelled uprising, it shows Nepali politics is transitioning into the digital age, even if begrudgingly, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), Unleashing Nepal: As the constitution grants local bodies autonomy of governance and oversight, it has the potential to unleash an unprecedented wave of development at the grassroots level, by Mohan Guragain (kp), Counting the votes! Next time, maybe we can have A4 sized ballot papers instead of ones that are big enough to cover entire windows!, by Guffadi (kp)

19/05/2017: Civil society group calls for charter revision (kp), EC plans ‘better’ voter education for Phase II polls, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Dark clouds over Asia: Disputes, distrust and an arms race threaten to disrupt economic growth in the region, by Suresh C. Chalise (kp), Govt to drop charges in Kailali lynchings, other cases (rep) [???], Election of new PM after budget: Maoist leaders; Dahal likely to resign next week (rep), Govt preparing to table full-fledged budget on May 29, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), Lovebirds: As the ruling coalition enters a new phase, the alliance of Madehsi parties, looks anxious that it might be left out once again, by Om Astha Rai (nt), From subjects to citizens: Reconnecting Nepalis with a democratic political process, by George Varughese (nt), Political Parties And First-Phase Local Elections, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

18/05/2017: The election effect: One hopes the dysfunction that became so apparent with the all-party mechanisms after 2007 will stop after these elections, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Poll observers point to lack of voter education: Huge ballot papers, dozens of electoral symbols and inadequate awareness programmes could lead to high number of invalid votes (kp), Report stresses need for effective voter education (ht), CEC says counting will be completed in a week (kp), All Eyes On Second Phase Poll, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), 'Ill-timed' second phase polls less exciting for Muslims, by Binod Subedi (rep), RJP-N for postponing elections: The govt, however, is set to end House session today (kp), NC rejects RJP request to delay 2nd phase polls, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Constitution amendment: RJPN tells PM, Deuba to ensure passage of bill, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Parliament may be prorogued today (ht), UML calls for probe into poll violence: Says second phase elections should be held under current structure (kp), Kin of Maleth clash victims get Rs 1m each (kp) [And what about punishing the guilty persons?? This is continued politics of impunity!!], Tharu communities in Kailali worry their traditional rules will die out (ht), Low spending: It is the government which needs to make massive investment in infrastructure development in targeted areas. No growth is possible unless the government increases its spending capacity (ht), Local election seen as harbinger of inclusiveness (rep) [??], Dr KC to stage 11th hunger strike from May 23: Demands include withdrawal of impeachment against CJ (rep), Experts against increasing number of local units in Tarai (rep), RPP seemingly headed for a stinging defeat, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep) [This anti-inclusive Hindu fundamentalist party should see it as the referendum it has been asking for!!!], Schools of schisms: The thought seems to be that if difference is unaddressed, it will cease to exist and to shape people’s experiences. That is not so, by Abha Lal (rep)

17/05/2017: Vote counting tedious, time-consuming affair: It may take weeks for results to be out if enumerators keep at current pace (kp), Slow counting leaves voters disappointed, by Santosh Pokharel (rep), Correct it: Adequate counting units should be added to finish counting even in the metropolitan cities within a week at the latest (ht), Early counts show high vote wastage, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [!!!], Poor voter education blamed for high number of void votes, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Keys to ballot boxes ‘go missing’ from inside court building (kp), Lessons From Local Polls, by Shyam KC (rn), A Victory For Democracy, Nation, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), NC’s memo against killing of its cadre (ht), Yadav demands amendment before second phase polls (kp), Amendment must as per deal: Upendra Yadav (rep), New Delhi changes tack, assumes ‘neutral position’: Observers say India has softened stance on Nepal’s constitution and is encouraging Madhes-based forces to take part in polls, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), US seeks int’l observers’ access to June 14 polls (kp), US urge all to work together for second phase of local polls (ht), What’s new about new politics? Success of new parties depends on the extent to which different communities of interest trust and cooperate with them, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Arid manifestos: Political parties know agriculture is still very important for Nepal yet it is low in priority in their election manifestos, by Bhairab Raj Kaini (rep)

16/05/2017: The Politics Of Impeachment, by Meena Bhatta (rn), Empower the grassroots: Local bodies must be able to formulate budgetary programmes on their own (kp), Govt still undecided on allocation of resources for local units (rep), Legal vacuum for elected representatives to start work (rep), Complicated ballot paper, poor voter's education and inks blamed for slow vote counting, by Kalendra Sejuwal (rep), First Phase Local Elections of 2017, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Can new forces buck the trend? ‘Traditional parties’ still hold sway over voters if preliminary results are anything to go by (kp), Dispute delays Bharatpur vote count by more than 8 hours (kp), UK for allowing int’l observers for June 14 polls: Welcomes Sunday’s vote, stops short of commenting on the process (kp), Malkot clash: RPP candidate succumbs to bullet injuries (kp), Family members of victim shot by APF seeking justice, by Madhusudan Guragain (rep), What about health? High-flown election manifestos are silent about basic things like ending malnutrition, by Jeeban Ghimire (kp), PM Dahal says will step down within a week (kp) [Nobody will shed tears, but to change the government every nine months is the opposite of political stability and prevents development development and reconstruction!!], Dahal to hand over power to Deuba this week, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Play by the rules: The constitution sets the boundaries, the laws are the rules and the judges serve as the referees, by Alaina B. Teplitz (kp)

15/05/2017: Nation holds local polls in 20 yrs: First round of election successful with more than 73 percent turnout: EC, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 73% voter turnout in historic local polls, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), First phase of civic polls witnesses enthusiastic participation, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Ballot papers ‘confusing’ (kp), Large ballot paper confuses voters, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), Election cancelled in three centres; one killed (kp), APF accused of killing youth in Kavre: Protest over murder disrupts polling in Namobuddha (ht), Dhading CPN-UML cadre beaten to death (ht), Nawalparasi’s  ballot paper used at Nagarkot (kp), UML for re-polling over ‘code violation’ (kp), Periodic polls: After the success of first phase of local polls, challenge now is to ensure the second one (kp), Local polls at last: Voters were more enthusiastic as the new constitution has given more power and authority to the elected representatives at the local level (ht), Local representatives to enjoy executive, legislative and judicial powers, by Ashok Dahal (rep) [This not only means rights but also duties!!!], The impeachment anarchy: Two high-profile officials responsible for fighting corruption have been labelled with being paagal and bhrasta, by Narayan Manandhar (rep)

14/05/2017: Happy family, happy world: Children and the elderly first, this is the message of International Day of Families, by Angur Baba Joshi (kp), Not quite half the sky: Intricacies that limit women’s participation in politics must be brought to the fore, by Anjita Parajuli (kp), Go vote for democracy (kp), All set for polls: Voters will, for the first time under the new constitution, instate elected representatives in village and municipal councils which will have more powers and budget (kp), Return to direct democracy: A truly democratic society is a community deeply engaged in local decision-making, by Simone Galimberti (kp), Silence period in voting: Local governments should be of, by and for the people, not for the elitist metropolitan dreamers, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Local Elections A Moment Of Truth For Voters, by Ritu Raj Subedi (kp)

13/05/2017: Technically included, practically left out: The number of Dalit candidates for top jobs in municipal and village councils is near zero despite commitments for inclusion in the constitution and party documents, by Bhola Paswan (The Record), Raute demand voting rights, by Nagendra Upadhyaya (rep), The lost cause: Democracy gives people the right to choose their leaders. But no system, not even a democratic one, is better than those leading it, by Abhinawa Devkota (kp), Time to vote! We don’t know our candidates until they show up at our homes, asking for votes. This is the only time you get to meet your politicians. They shake your hands and smile and promise you everything, by Guffadi (kp), Citizenship, passport, driving licence can be used to vote: EC; Poll body, however, says names should be on voter list, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Cylinder bomb goes off in Bhaktapur (kp), IEDs found outside two candidates’ homes (kp), Voting Blues, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), On eve of polls, govt doles out Rs 150m to Kailali incident victims (rep) [??], Protest rally against NC, CPN-MC (ht)

12/05/2017: The Fountainhead (of all crises): Nepal’s top political leaders are not just part of the problem, they are the problem, by Dinkar Nepal (nt), Language Planning In Nepal, by Govinda Bahadur Tumbahang (rn), Unidentified groups detonate explosive devices in three districts (kp), Police alerted by recent acts of violence, by Manish Gautam (kp), Averting Catastrophe Through Reconciliation, by Narad Bhardwaj (rn), Let the people decide: This election is not just another election; it heralds the start of a new era of politics, by Dharani Kumar Sharma (kp), RJP-N to disrupt polls if statute not amended (kp), Youths demand employment, elderly people seek allowance, by Janak KC (rep), The right & responsibility to vote, by Cilla Khatry (rep), Why social media won’t change anything: We’re still a masu-bhat, raksi and ‘dai ko mama ko party’ type of nation and we tend to vote accordingly, by Gunjan Upadhyay (rep), Grassroots democracy (nt), Trial and error democracy: Nepal is experimenting with radical decentralisation in local elections, and does not have the luxury of failing, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Nationally local (nt), Resuscitating democracy, by Krishna Prasad Sapkota (nt), Does democracy deliver development? The jury is still out over which comes first: economic growth or an open society, by Sangita Thebe-Limbu (nt), From subjects to citizens: Reconnecting Nepalis with a democratic political process, by George Varughese (nt)

11/05/2017: Incidents of violence a cause for concern: EC; Political leaders point finger at each other for cases of violence, clashes (kp), UML activist killed in clash, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp), Violence in the time of polls: Govt and security forces need to be alert, but constructive public engagement is best policing (kp), Candidates fail to impress Sindhupalchok quake victims, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Victims’ concerns: Tall promises of political parties and candidates will not change their hearts; service delivery will do (ht), Confusion still reigns among voters, by Binod Ghimire and Anish Tiwari (kp), Many voters in Surkhet say they don’t know how to vote, by Prakash Adhikari (kp), EC lifts ban on ministers from participating in campaign (kp), Oli rejects proposal to back amendment bill: Demands that date for second phase polls be advanced, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Oli rejects Deuba’s demand for support in amendment (rep), UML will discuss statute amendment after May 14 polls, Oli tells Deuba (kp), Voters perplexed as parties forge ‘strange’ electoral alliances (rep), Armageddon Between Executive And Judiciary, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), LG Should Shun Adjudicative Functions, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Baggage vs experience: Can the new parties strike a chord with the voters and shake up Nepali politics?, by Pramod Mishra (kp)

10/05/2017: Gathabandhan announces stir plan: PM says amendment proposal will be forwarded in the upcoming meeting of Parliament, by Tika R. Pradhan(kp) [Don't take the people for a fool! With your attack against the independence of judiciary you have lost any chance to find the necessary majority for an amenment, Mr Dahal!], Govt not honoring 'gentlemen's agreement': Madhesi parties (rep), FA announces fresh stir against polls, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), PM, law minister, AG skip SC function (kp) [Still strange but significant!!], Bigwigs boycott SC’s Law Day function, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Locals living on city fringes ‘unaware’ of voting process (kp), Biplav’s party ‘major obstacle’ to polls, by Janak Nepal and Tularam Pandey (kp), Time to vote: Let’s exercise our discretion and democratic rights and make local polls a success (kp), First-time voters voice their preferences (ht), Earthquake victims cynical about polls, by Rajkumar Parajuli (ht), Poll candidates snub displaced flood victims: Displaced voters seek written commitment from candidates for resettlement, by Nagendra Upadhyaya (rep), Kathmanduites want real issues tackled, not lofty promises, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep) [Candidates and parties with unaccomplishable promises should not be voted for!!], Polls expenditure ceiling criticized as impractical, by Santosh Neupane (rep), Impeachment Motion: Has Sanity Prevailed, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Justice done: This was a case of dispute among IGP contenders and Supreme Court was the right authority to review the appointment process, by Ananta Raj Luitel (rep), Impeachment Motion and Reinstatement Of Chief Justice, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

09/05/2017: Baseless impeachment motion: Let this not be the day we remain silent about things that matter, by Prakriti Yonzon (kp), Irreparable damage: The impeachment motion seems politically motivated and aimed at barring the CJ from carrying out her duty, by Govinda Sharma Bandi (kp), ‘Impeachment motion closure after civic polls’ (ht) [The arrogance of erring politicians goes unabated!], Dalit women candidates face discrimination, by Janak Nepal, Tularam Pandey and LP Devkota (kp), Counting soon after May 14 polls (kp), Parties dwell on ad hoc budget on May 29 (kp), Election: Fate For Few, Féte For Many, by Prem Khatry (rn), CEC urges parties to abide by poll code (kp), Gachhadar joins govt with 2 other party colleagues: Three state ministers from NLF to be sworn in today (kp), Gathabandhan to hold talks with PM today: Alliance of Madhesi and Janajati forces considering protest to press government for statute amendment (kp), FA to remind PM about gentlemen’s agreement (ht), Holiday junkies: Our attitude towards holidays reflects the state of Nepali society, by Sujeev Shakya (kp)

08/05/2017: I am the state: It is a matter of surprise that there are some people who think they own the country, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Impeachment motion has exposed vulnerability of constitutional provision, interview with Bipin Adhikari (kp), Signs of thaw in Parliament’s frosty relations with judiciary (kp) [The movement has no chance of getting a two thirds majority either, but it has already deeply damaged the image of NC and CPN-MC The problem is that the CPN-UML's undemocratic behaviour concerning the amendment of the constitution is in no way better!], Leading vs cheerleading: Govt should withdraw impeachment motion immediately to avert further confrontation (kp), Speaker: Ruling infringed upon House’s turf (kp) [?????], Chief election commissioner raises alarm with civil society leaders, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Thakur-led Gathabandhan to serve ultimatum to PM (kp), Thakur’s statement personal: Yadav (kp), Chand-led CPN supporters arrested with explosives (kp), Never Ending Fight For Supremacy, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

07/05/2017: Impeachment motion against CJ: SC ruling puts House on horns of dilemma; Speaker Gharti is for putting the motion on hold, but a decision will be taken after consultations with parties (kp), Gathabandhan shows its architect the door: Removes Upendra Yadav; Mahantha Thakur takes over, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), 10 embassies to observe polls in Valley (kp),
The election effect: Local level polls, if held successfully, will ensure a more vibrant exercise of democracy than ever before (kp), CJ Karki Reinstatement Justice Prevails, Finally!, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

06/05/2017: SC stays impeachment motion against Karki: Terms NC-Maoist move unconstitutional, reinstates her as chief justice, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Ruling coalition objects to apex court ruling Says order violates lawmakers’ ‘special rights’ (kp) [Nepal's so-called political leaders are not the owners of the country! They must learn that the decisions of the SC are binding law that has not to be objected by the executive! The procedure of NC and CPN-MC is a coup d'état!], CJ  impeachment motion (kp), Mockery Of Rule Of Law, by Kushal Pokharel (rn)

05/04/2017: Supreme Court stays impeachment motion, reinstates CJ Karki, by Keshav P. Koirala (ht) [!!!], CJ Karki resumes her duties following stay order (rep), Travesty Of Judicial Independence, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Lady Justice (nt), Unimpeachable evidence: The coalition doesn’t want to impeach Sushila Karki, just suspend her so she can’t hear high-profile corruption cases, by Binita Dahal (nt), Exit, the crusader: Sushila Karki is forced out of the Supreme Court, not in disgrace but in a blaze of glory, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), Chief justice impeachment motion: Differences result in House meet deferral; Gachhadar’s NLF, which backs govt, sides with UML against move (kp), NBA seeks silence on chief justice impeachment issue (kp), Impeachment or revenge? Elected legislative representatives must use their power properly and for the good of the people, by Shyam KC (kp), Nine oppn parties demand withdrawal of impeachment motion (rep), UML for second phase polls before budget: According to sources, CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli has proposed second phase of elections on May 26 (kp), Main oppn draws EC’s attention (kp), Madhesi parties join hands with UML (ht), Electoral alliance, or dalliance? Nepotism rules the roost in NC, Maoist Centre; poles apart UML, RPP to work in tandem (kp), Female politicians displeased with sexism in nomination process (kp), After pact with Deuba, Nidhi rejoins ministry: Home Minister Nidhi decides to withdraw his resignation after a meeting with Dahal and Deuba at the prime minister’s residence (kp), Nidhi resumes his office as home minister (rep), Vibrant and vigilant: Nepali press faces problems, but has evolved considerably over the years (kp), SC seeks govt clarification over voting rights of Nepali migrant workers (rep), Third gender barred from contesting poll, by Anjali Subedi (rep), Politics of change, by Gunjan Upadhyay (rep)

04/05/2017: Two-phase election is problematic, says Bipin Adhikari (rn) [interview], Polls Amidst Polemics, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Local Polls And Emerging Developments, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Constitution amendment: Bill to be put to vote today? Govt indecisive; Ruling coalition struggles to muster required numbers to pass proposal (kp), House to dwell on amendment bill today: CPN-UML not to obstruct parliament proceedings (kp), Govt defers amendment bid as RPP stands divided (rep), FSF-N won’t take part in second phase polls if statute not amended (ht), Charter revision a must before June 14: Yadav (kp), Process to hike local level numbers halted (kp), Around 44,000 nominations filed for May 14 polls, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), EC wants schools closed for 7 days for May 14 polls (rep) [Why?], RPP leaders quit govt (kp), ‘Nepali media still under threat, remains unsecure’: Impunity for crimes against journalists a big concern, says a newly launched IFJ report (kp) [see IFJ report, Nepal on pp. 72-77], Playing with our future: Perhaps it is because public schools have been disproportionately affected by the quakes that the authorities’ response has been so slow, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Private sector doubts implementation of political parties’ poll-centric manifestos (ht) [The manifestos are irrational as always before! Besides, they hardly deal with local affairs!], Law on political financing: You pay your money; Many anomalies in our political parties can be explained by lack of transparency and accountability in their sourcing and use of funds, by Narayan Manandhar (rep), Karki is innocent until she is indicted and parliament approves the indictment, interview with Balaram KC (rep)

03/05/2017: Nominations conclude for May 14 polls: 13,556 seats up for grabs in 283 local units of 34 districts of 3 provinces, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Local unit candidacies filed in 34 districts, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Major parties, new forces file candidacies (kp), Nominations for first phase of elections filed, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Valley candidates file nominations enthusiastically (rep), Writ against CJ impeachment motion: The petitioner has claimed that the impeachment motion against the chief justice contravenes Article 105of the Constitution of Nepal (kp), Withdraw impeachment motion against Karki: ICJ (kp) [see press release by ICJ], ICJ decries impeachment motion, suspects motive (rep), Impeachment May Set Bad Precedent, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Gachchhadar's NLP declines Dahal offer to join govt: Decides to continue support to govt (rep), UML-RPP alliance in Kathmandu (rep), Formation of RJP-N formally endorsed: To join polls only after statute amendment (kp), Seeds of conflict: Discrimination and backwardness in the Madhes have created ripe conditions for unrest, by Deepak Chaudhary (kp), Better Order After Local Polls?, by Shyam KC (rn), Ambitious election manifestos: Will every Nepali earn Rs 515,000 a year by 2027? Experts question targets for economic growth, per capita income and power generation, by Rudra Pangeni (rep)

02/05/2017: Impeachment motion against chief justice: Congress-Maoist move threatens separation of powers? (kp), Not courteous to the court: Using impeachment as a tool to serve vested interests bodes ill for separation of powers (kp), Wrong precedent: Such impeachment motion should first have been discussed by experts and in public for a pretty long time before pushing it forward (ht), Impeachment motion against CJ sparks protest (kp), Civil society, small parties protest impeachment motion (rep), 4 ex-CJs protest impeachment motion (rep), Coalition stares at crisis after seeking to impeach Karki: RPP pulls support, Gachhadar’s NLF to decide today (kp), With RPP pulling out, govt totters on the brink, by Ashok Dahal (rep), MC: Impeachment motion filed for ensuring impending polls (kp) [Irrational statement by absurd, undemocratic and corrupt politicians!], Move necessary to keep judiciary independent: NC (kp) [?????], Motion to safeguard judicial dignity: Minister Lekhak (ht) [It is more necessary to introduce political culture and retire all the so-called political leaders!], NC leaders defend impeachment motion (rep), Passive Civil Society, by Bishnu Gautam (rn), FSFN to contest polls; RJP to await amendment (rep), Too little, too late: While Madhesi people have faced bullets benefits have accrued mostly to a handful of Madhesi leaders, by Sukhdev Shah (rep), Nominations for first phase of local polls today, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Against odds, EC sets stage for May 14 polls, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), As election uncertainties grow, Rukum locals head to pick yarsa, by Ganesh BK (rep), Female leaders forced to accept candidacy for second position (ht), Dolakha quake victims weathering storm, snow in temporary shelters (ht)

01/05/2017: The election blunder: National integration is more important than elections to satisfy the ‘ego’ of certain persons linked to implementing the constitution in its current form, by Hari Bansh Jha (rep), Impeachment motion against CJ Karki: 249 MPs from Nepali Congress and CPN (Maoist Centre) sign document; Legal eagles say move slap on separation of powers, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [An attack on democracy and the end of separation of power??], Nepali Congress, Maoist Center file impeachment motion against CJ, by Kosh Raj Koirala and Ashok Dahal (rep), DPM Nidhi resigns (kp), Uproar against decision (kp), Attack against independent judiciary: UML (rep), Govt bid to pass amendment bill fails: RPP, NC lawmakers deliberately skip House meeting (rep), Unexpected political developments diminish poll hope (kp), Confusion looms over local polls: Impeachment motion against CJ Karki precipitates a series of events from Nidhi quitting as home minister to coalition partner RPP-N considering exit (kp), Opposition UML’s Stubborn Stance, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Polls: Parties hop on youth bandwagon (kp), Sole woman candidate for local level election in Kalikot (rep), Election candidate injured by bullet shot during police live-fire exercise (kp), Our established politicians are not capable of change, interview with Ranju Darshana (kp), Quake survivors still in temporary shelters, by Anish Tiwari (kp), Separate and unequal: Reconstruction has failed the most disadvantaged, landless sections of people (kp), Whither pride project laws? Myriads of structural problems have caused almost all of our big projects to fall behind schedule, by Naresh Koirala (kp)

30/04/2017: Ruling coalition, Morcha file constitution amendment bill: Sanghiya Samajbadi Forum-Nepal differs over proposal of governing parties and newly formed RJP-N, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Ruling, opposition parties register 50 proposals, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), UML to obstruct revision proposal, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Statute Amendment Proposal: Risk Of Horse-trading In Parliament, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), EC asks govt not to present budget between elections (kp), Finance ministry still to finalise grant amount for 744 local bodies (ht)

29/04/2017: Sluggish Reconstruction, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), PM: Counting of all votes together; Budget after ballot; Parties seek single-phase vote (kp), Oppn, Madhes parties want local polls in single phase (rep), FSFN demands elections in single phase: 'Budget only after constitution amendment, elections' (rep), Muslim community demands rethink on phase II poll date (rep), Hardly any female aspirant for major posts in Dhading, by Shankar Shrestha (rep), Local elections or not? Our corrupt government has enough funds to hold elections in two phases but not enough to help those displaced by the earthquakes, by Guffadi (kp) [satirical], Embassies seek EC nod to observe polls outside KTM, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), EC to let diplomats observe polls in Valley (ht), Int'l community concerned over foreign observers' absence in local polls, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Yarsha season affecting local elections, by Kalendra Sejuwal (rep), UML picks male candidates for top local level posts in Siraha (ht) [This is the UML understanding of inclusion and equality!]

28/04/2017: End the conflict: Political parties have been debating amnesty while making no effort to strengthen the existing justice system, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Local units addition in consensus: Govt (kp), PM assures Madhesi leaders of increasing local units (rep), Ruling parties closer to two-third majority in House, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Oppn parties to foil charter amendments (kp), UML questions govt’s intent for amendment: PM had invited UML leaders for talks after the opposition front decided to foil the constitution amendment proposal, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Experts say 2-phase polls will be against electoral principles (rep), FSF-N for single phase polls after Ramadan (ht), Int’l community urges accommodation of all: Not having elections will be tragic: US ambassador (kp), Civil society raises concern over election code of conduct violation (kp), Woman beaten in captivity by husband, in-laws over dowry (kp), Better than before? Women’s empowerment requires concrete policies and their robust implementation (kp), Recent Political Development in Nepal, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

27/04/2017: RJP-N misses time to enlist for Phase I vote: New party only informs poll body about the merger of six Madhes-based parties to become RJP-N and demands ‘umbrella’ as its election symbol, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Who represents the Madhes? Parties that speak and work with people rather than for them can eventually win their hearts and minds, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Nawalparasi, Rukum polls in two phases (kp), Local leaders turn to social media to woo electorate: Many voters strongly feel that the elections are won on the ground, that the numbers of likes and shares on social networking sites are not the deciding factor, by Pradeep Menyangbo (kp), Active Citizens For Local Govt, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Setting The Stage For Conducting Polls, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Under opposition pressure govt shelves plan to increase local units, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), House resumes as govt backs out: Lawmakers allowed registering amendments to the constitution amendment bill (rep), House back in business (kp), One last leap of faith: UML should agree to a larger political compromise to make elections possible (kp), UML warns EC against two-phase polls, budget timing (rep), UML voices displeasure with EC over budget between polls (kp), Govt’s election moves irk UML (kp), Oli’s follies: His words and actions have been unfair to some groups of Nepalis, incLocal capital to be mobilized to build 25-MW project in MyagdiLocal capital to be mobilized to build 25-MW project in Myagdiluding the Christians, by Ramesh Khatry (kp), Conflict likely between provincial, local govts over revenue collection: Experts (rep)

26/04/2017: UML obstructs House: The main oppn party objects to charter revision, polls-after-budget plans; The party is against the agreement on revising several provisions of the constitution (kp) [Failed understanding of democratic principles!!], UML obstructs House over amendment bill: Move poses challenge to endorsing amendment before candidacy registrations (rep), 5 parties to thrash out contention, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Unified Madhesis To Join Poll Fray, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Lest We Forget, by Shyam KC (rn)

25/04/2017: Thakur urges govt to clear the decks for polls: Says his party would take part in the polls if the government created an environment for the same by amending the constitution (kp), EC unveils Phase II poll schedule (ht), UML not to support amendment proposal: Oppn party presses govt to hold vote before budget, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), EC permits budget between polls: But says presenting it after Phase II polling better n Asks govt to seek permission for populist schemes if budget on May 29, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Reconstruction moves at snail’s pace: NRA blames lack of trained workers, funding shortfall (kp), Delayed grants irk development partners (ht), International community urges for speedy reconstruction (kp), Unfinished task: Two years have passed since the great earthquake, yet a lot needs to be done (kp), Nepal: Two years on, the government continues to fail marginalised earthquake survivors (Amnesty International) [see full reports "What I want is the government to help" and "Building Inequality"], Scientific research Beyond: Gorkha earthquake, by Dipendra Gautam (ht), More than meets the eye: Don’t be fooled by the wonderful growth rates declared recently by the government, by Achyut Wagle (kp)

24/04/2017: Fast-track the amendment: The Federal Alliance has been flexible, and the government needs to hold up its part of the deal; It remains to be seen how the ruling parties will muster the two-thirds majority needed for the Constitution Amendment Bill to pass through Parliament, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Gathabandhan rolls back agitation plan: To begin preparations for local polls, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), In search of an election: Recent political events are momentous but there still are major hurdles (kp), Govt confirms June 14 as Phase II polling day: Cabinet approves contents of revised constitution amendment bill; Call to defer April 29 deadline for candidate nomination bya few days in states 3, 4 and 6, where vote takes place first (kp), PM: Deuba govt to oversee June vote (kp), Oli seeks pact points in writing (ht), Postpone budget to hold polls in two phases, suggests UML, by Binod Ghimire (kp), President’s Women Empowerment Programme starts in 26 districts: It aims to provide skill development training to Dalit, indigenous and marginalised women, by Samipa Khanal (kp), People’s Movement victim living with paralysis (ht) [To remember: Now DPM Thapa ordered the brutal procedure of police forces in April 2006!!]

23/04/2017: Probe into war-era cases affected as CIEDP staffers deployed for polls (ht), Gathabandhan to take part in two-phase local elections: Govt agrees to fast-track endorsement of a revised constitution amendment proposal, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Two-phase poll OK, but changes could hamper preparations, says EC: Warns that local elections could become uncertain, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Invalid votes make voter education a must in Province 2: Over 6pc of votes in 2 CA polls in 8 districts were invalid, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Donors commit to extend 75pc of funds (kp)

22/04/2017: Hectic parleys raise hope of agreement: Panel formed to prepare revised constitution amendment proposal; Deal, most likely today, could clear clouds of uncertainty over polls, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Morcha disrupts EC training: Protesters warn of disrupting every programme related to the local level elections (kp), CEC hails Madhes parties’ merger as positive move (kp), Chand party’s activities threat to election: Officials (kp), UK parliament motion seeks Saptari probe; MP Clwyd: Hold elections after charter revision (kp)

21/04/2017: Six Madhes-based parties under one umbrella: Rastriya Janata Party ‘to step up protest’ to press for statute revision; Leaders rule out possibility of participating in polls slated for May 14 (kp), Six UDMF constituents merge: Form Rastriya Janata Party; FSF-N not to be a part of the new entity (ht), Six Madhes parties unify as polls loom closer, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Coming together: A day after five major parties agreed to go for local elections on 14 May with or without Madhes-based parties, six fringe parties from the Tarai announced unification, by Om Astha Rai (nt), UDMF struggles to resist poll aspirants despite boycott stance, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), SLMM activists clash with police in Gaur (kp), EC puts earlier decision on RPP statute on hold: Party withdraws protests to ‘focus on elections’ (kp), EC urges all parties to ensure women’s participation in polls (kp), Women’s voices enrich public life: Building strong gender equal communities requires every individual citizen to stand firmly in the political landscape, by Valerie Julliand, Alaina B. Teplitz, Mashfee Binte Shams, Rensje Teerink, W. Swarnalatha Pereira and Ingrid Dahl-Madsen (kp), Comprehensive recovery: Initiatives to address quake survivors’ social vulnerability must be scaled up (kp), Sindhupalchowk quake victims left in the lurch (ht), Disastrous discrimination: Dalits left behind as Nepal slowly recovers from the earthquake two years ago, by Patrick Barron (nt)

20/04/2017: Landslide victims warn of sitting out local polls, by Giru Prasad Bhandari (kp), Dahal seeks opinion on elections in two phases: Madhesi Morcha must agree to join the poll process, say major parties (kp), EC concerned about RPP, its chairman’s remarks (kp), Meritocracy At Local Polls, by Mukti Rijal (rn), 5 big parties commit to polls on May 14 (rep), Big parties finalizing poll manifestos, by Ashok Dahal (rep) [Are these national or local polls??], Big parties recommend their candidates as election near (rep), Local leaders warn against poll deferral, by Bhim Chapagain and Sher Bahadur KC (rep), Conducting Polls Amid Protests, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Political parties warned against using kids in any election-related activity (ht), EC asks DPM Thapa to refrain from anti-poll activities (rep), Much ado about nothing: The only positive spin to the whole debacle was that it showed the govt was responsive to adverse public opinion, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Do it anyway: The local election will help revive local democracy, improve local government and empower marginalized communities, by Bhadra Sharma (rep)

19/04/2017: UN welcomes court verdict on Maina Sunuwar murder: Calls ruling a significant step towards ensuring victims’ rights to justice (kp), Fresh wounds: Conviction of the perpetrators of war-era cases provides hope for justice, but enforcement is key (kp), Poll cycle in ‘advance stage’, no turning back now: EC chief, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), Fate Of Polls Hanging In Balance?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), SLMM stages torch rally (kp), ‘PM under intense pressure to defer May 14 polls’: PM vows polls on stipulated date at any cost, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Extreme pressure to postpone polls: PM; Says government to resist all, not to wait for the agitating parties, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), CEC warns of action against parties obstructing polls (rep), No election related activity in Saptari (ht), Joint stir announced in Kailali (ht), Police disrupt Chand party’s anti-poll events (kp), For a new partnership: Nepal needs a complete transformation of politics if it is to deliver peace and prosperity, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Women in politics: The way forward, by Ayush Joshi (ht), Reason to vote: Failure to hold the local polls on May 14 could lead the country to a serious political and constitutional crisis, by Meena Bhatta (rep)

18/04/2017: 3 ex-NA officials convicted of killing Maina Sunuwar: Kavre court passes landmark verdict on a case that had been dragging on for 13 years; Sentences former soldiers in absentia to 20 years in jail for the murder of teenage girl, by Nagendra Adhikari (kp) [The verdict remains symbolic as long as they are not arrested and serve their sentences!!], Kavre court slaps life term on 3 NA officers, acquits Basnet, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Another way: Nepal’s political elites are engaging in a ‘survival game’ instead of upholding the spirit of electoral politics, by Niranjan Koirala and Atul K. Thakur (kp), Gathabandhan move leaves locals in Madhes wary, by Bhusan Yadav (kp), BRB to join forces with Yadav for joint movement (kp), "Inclusion must be ensured to avoid conflicts", interview with Bhai Raja Pandey, political advisor of NSN (ht), Morcha’s protests challenge for polls: Security officials, by Thakur Singh Tharu (kp), Nidhi’s wee-hour tweet sparks concerns over election prospects (kp), Nidhi’s statement on poll security irks EC (rep), Election activities yet to kick off in rural areas, locals confused (ht), JSSK fails to meet book printing deadline, again: 14 million school textbooks prepared so far, 5.5 million yet to be printed, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Caste discrimination: Where Dalits can’t buy milk, by Jagat Khadka (rep), Capital expenditure 36 per cent in nine months (kp)

17/04/2017: Law bars issuing poll symbols to parties outside House, says Yadav, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), EC concerned over voters’ ID distribution (kp), Gathabandhan shares plan to foil local polls: Local vote should be held after federal and provincial elections: Yadav (kp), What do Madhesi parties want?, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), Participatory politics: Necessity of local poll is widely recognised; the challenge is to conduct a good one (kp), Fresh amendments only if Morcha agrees: Nayak, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Dahal, Deuba for May 14 poll at any cost, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Police file sedition, organised crime charges against Raut (kp) [?], The New Year Of Renewed Hopes, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Govt endorses Prez state visit to India; declares public holiday on Monday and Friday (rep) [???], Govt move to announce holiday denounced (rep), Govt cancels public holiday announced on Friday (rep), State Holiday for The State Visit, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Inclusion and equality: Mind shift; Just as donors have pooled their strengths to establish Governance Facility, a similar Facility can be built to support NGOs committed to fight exclusion, by Simone Galimberti (rep), Judging the judges: Political affiliation is still a major criterion for judge appointments and it badly affects justice delivery, by Sudeshna Thapa (rep)

16/04/2017: Delayed poll education programme: Concerns grow over low voter turnout, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Congress CWC meeting: Province 2 leaders for early deal with SLMM; Float options including poll deferral by 10 days and elections in two phases (kp), Nepali Congress urged to hold talks with UDMF (ht), FA to announce protest programmes today (ht), 68-party front begins hunger strike for election symbols (kp), 68 parties begin hunger strike against new poll law (ht), 22 local units likely to be added in Provinces 2 and 5: Government, however, wants Morcha’s nod first to take the plan ahead (kp), Conflict victims' cases: Preliminary probe in six months: TRC (ht), Mohan Baidya flays Supreme Court order to jail Bal Krishna Dhungel (ht), Arrest Order Against Dhungel: A Blow To Prachanda, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

15/04/2017: Partyfull Panchayat: The parliament should immediately correct this constitution-defying apartheid law and allow all parties to use their party symbols as electoral symbols, by Ujwal Thapa (rep), Ruling parties for single-phase polls: Dahal, Deuba and Thapa assert that elections will be held on May 14 even if the Madhesi Morcha refuses to participate (kp), Govt delay in releasing funds puts temporary cops at their wits’ end: With no cash in hand, recruits are facing hard time managing food and lodging, by Manish Gautam (kp), UDMF leaders discuss protest strategies (ht), UDMF ready for another round of talks 'if govt is sincere' (rep), Political events in Nepal trigger palpable concerns in New Delhi: Politicians and government officials though refrain from making official comments, newspapers have called for early resolution to Kathmandu-Madhes deadlock, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Governing RPP announces fresh protests against EC (kp), Nepali New Year Resolutions! Maybe, it would be better if our government came up with a ‘No Bribing’ rule instead of welcoming the New Year with the ‘No Honk’ rule, by Guffadi (kp), CPN-MC wary of anti-poll forces (ht), Province 5: A tough battleground, by Tekendra Basyal, Devendra Basnet and LB Thapa (rep), Province 6 eagerly awaits local polls (rep), Men likely to dominate nominations in Bardia, by Nirmal Ghimire (rep)

14/04/2017: EC chief drops a hint about polls in two phases, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Poll panel to deploy more than 21,000 voter educators across the country (ht), BRB dares parties to dissolve Parliament for federal polls: Naya Shakti Nepal-led 68 parties announce struggle for election symbol (kp), Local elections: Whose roadmap? Recent developments show that the status quo in the form of old political parties still dominates Nepal’s political milieu, by Hisila Yami (kp), Madhesis seek changes in charter (ht), Positive Turning Point, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Court to govt: Arrest murder convict Bal Krishna Dhungel (kp), SC orders police to arrest murder-convict Dungel within 7 days (rep), The pariah problem: PM Dahal’s suggestion that discrimination against Dalits will end with federalism is too simplistic (kp), Need for black feminism: Madhesi women face double discrimination: one, as Madhesis and, two, as women, by Kalpana Jha (kp), No turning back: Why Nepal’s upcoming local elections matters more than ever, by Bishal K. Chalise and George Varughese (nt), Undemocratic democracy: Proof of how far we have fallen is a senior leader demanding that the judiciary should be kept under parliament, by Dinkar Nepal (nt)

13/04/2017: Ominous tides: Local elections, if held without bringing the Morcha on board, will be another way of entrenching Kathmandu’s power, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Constitution amendment process back to square one: Govt bid to bring Madhesi parties on board the election uncertain, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Govt move cuts no ice, Morcha ‘to turn up heat’, by Binod Ghimire (kp), UDMF rejects new amendment bill, by Roshan Sedhai (rep), RPP to support amendment bill if UDMF participates in polls (rep), RPP to support statute amendment proposal (kp), The Lack of Political Acumen, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Parties struggling to pick candidates (ht), Deuba slams secessionist tendencies (ht) [Neither your policy nor the composition of your party leadership reflect the inclusivveness you are talking about!], Re-advent of democracy: Promises to keep, by Jeewan Shrestha (ht), More things change: Little had changed in the lives of people, even though appearances of changes like advent of Maoism and demise of monarchy were aplenty, by Sukhdev Shah (rep), The constitution should be amended only after a fresh electoral mandate, interview with constitutional expert Bipin Adhikari (rep)

12/04/2017: Constitution amendment: New bill registered at Parliament Secretariat; Earlier proposal that sought to address boundary issue withdrawn, by Tika R. Pradhan and Binod Ghimire (kp), Govt registers fresh bill to amend constitution, by Ashok Dahal (rep), New amendment bill draws mixed reaction from Madhes-based parties; UML vows to foil it (rep), Will Politics Move Ahead Smoothly?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Tens of thousands of quake survivors at risk again: A third of homes poorly built, says NRA CEO Pokharel (ht) [How shall they built houses in a safe way if govt and NRA deny them the aid provided by international donors??], Make or break: What if the elected local governments fail to carry out the big tasks assigned to them by the constitution?, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Politics, Rule Of Law, And Economics, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

11/04/2017: Constitution amendment; Boundary row to be addressed by federal commission, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), UML opposes amendment proposal: Stresses local polls at one go (kp), Major parties failed to end crisis: Gachhadar (ht), Local Elections: A Dream Come True, by Prem Khatry (rn), Chand-led Maoists running anti-election campaign in Gulmi, by Shiva Lal Subedi (rep), Police told to keep close eye on activities of CPN (kp) [related to group of Netra Bikram Chand], Hopes for 2074: Nepal stands at the crossroads of becoming Korea; we need to choose whether it’s North or South, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Modernise the military: The country has undergone fundamental changes, and the Army should keep in step, by Binod Basnyat (kp), Oppn parties flay govt for row over seniority (rep), Infighting within parties over tickets, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep)

10/04/2017: Zero hour: Without any delay, parties must pass amendment bill and the Madhesi parties must commit to polls (kp), Morcha’s views sought on fresh amendment proposal: Oppn CPN-UML yet to be consulted, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Nidhi to skip Cabinet meeting (kp), ‘UML creating rift between Hills and Madhes’ (kp), Saptari locals want govt to create environment for polls, by Abdhesh Kumar Jha (kp), ‘Elections must for development’, by Raj Kumar Karki (kp), Saptari firing: House panel moots action against security personnel guilty of indiscriminate killing, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht)

09/04/2017: Statute amendment: PM says new proposal will be acceptable to all; Morcha leaders ‘eagerly waiting’ to see how government moves forward, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Govt drafts new constitution amendment bill, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Oli, Deuba out of station: UML chairman off to Bangkok; NC chief to visit Far West for days (kp) [Obviously, they are not interested to hol local elections in time!!], Absence of deal dampens poll spirit in the plains, by Bhusan Yadav (kp), ‘Judiciary should be overseen by legislature’ (kp) [NC General Secretary demands removal of separation of powers!!!], Poor people, rich parties: Publication of financial statements puts political parties at the centre of public attention and investigation, by Narayan Manandhar (kp)

08/04/2017: In a first, govt tables NHRC report in House, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Officials raise red flag for some Tarai districts: Say it will be difficult to hold elections if Morcha not brought on board (kp), NC for putting amendment bill to vote: Open to holding polls in two phases if UDMF takes part (ht), NC divided over polls in one go or two phases: Majority of lawmakers and CWC leaders are for voting in one go but party chief has hinted at possibility of two-phase elections (kp), Ruling parties wrangle over minor issues as polls near, by Ashok Dahal (rep), I/NGOs asked to halt work until elections, by Narahari Sapkota (rep) [Yes, earthquake victims don't need help!?]

07/04/2017: Maoist Centre in bid to withdraw amendment bill: ‘Vote in 11 districts in 2nd phase if Morcha joins polls’; Meeting for increasing the number of local level units in the eight districts of Province 2 and three districts of Province 5 on the basis of population, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Protracted political transition: Nepali youths have become aware that the course of progress can be expedited by adopting right policies, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), Phase-wise Poll Is A Ploy, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), EC seeks govt nod to print ballot papers for Province 2 (ht)

06/04/2017: Long and difficult ride: Upcoming local level elections are only the beginning of the long march to federalism (kp), Not enough time to educate voters: EC; Poll panel fears higher percentage of invalid votes than witnessed in 2013 CA elections, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Sorting Out Political Differences, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Threshold provision triggers merger of fringe parties: MJF-L, Rastriya Janamukti Party, Dalit Janajati Party become Nepal Loktantrik Forum Party, by Binod Ghimire and Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Nuwakot DAO denies 3 siblings citizenships in mother’s name (kp), Kids sans birth certificate deprived of education (ht), Chand-led Maoists threaten aspiring candidates (ht), Talks with Madhes parties on back burner as NC-Maoist ties sour, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Saptari locals, police wish for govt-UDMF deal, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep)

05/04/2017: Polls in all 744 local units in one go: EC, by Bhadra Sharma (rep) Local Level Election: Confidence And Suspicions, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Budget formulation: Govt at a loss for lack of lawss to manage public finance, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp), Donors concerned about education in new local set-up: Ministry comes up with action plan (kp), I/NGOs told to follow election code (kp) [Those providing relief to earthquake victims before the elections shall be arrested????], Two years since gorkha earthquake: Only a quarter of damaged health facilities rebuilt, by Manish Gautam (kp), NRB asked to ensure easy loans to quake survivors (kp), NRA asks NRB to relax process for concessional loan, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), MJF-D, RJP decide to unify (ht) [new name will be Nepal Loktantrik Forum and MJF-D Chairman Gachhadar will lead it], SC stays probe into multi-billion rupee drug scam (rep) [???]

04/04/2017: Fire the slowpokes: A new Truth and Reconciliation Commission consisting of nonpartisan experts should be formed; Nepal’s experience suggests that when perpetrators hold the key to power, truth and justice for conflict victims can be sidelined, by DB Subedi (kp), Number of voters in Tarai up by 15.46 pc, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [Nevertheless is the number of registered voters in the Tarai less than in the rest of the country even though the population is higher according to national census!], First statute amendment, then elections: Thakur (ht), Security in mess as some in police turn criminals, by Manish Gautam (kp), Apologetic Hisila Yami says “yo desh lai khaarej gar” was a slip of the tongue (ht) [Don't worry and think of the continued misspelling of words from ethnic languages by Nepali mother tongue speakers!!], PM explores possibility of polls in two phases, by Roshan Sedhai (rep) [Why?], Most women unaware of reservations, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep), Province 1 awaits election in anticipations of first-ever mayors, by Raju Adhikari and Bhim Chapagain (rep), Destroying Hinduism: We must defend Kamal Thapa’s right to maintain his party’s position on Hindu state but we should reject his call for Nepal as Hindu state, by Bishal Thapa (rep) [????], Poisonous legacy: The media gave extensive coverage to CIAA accusations against government officials but were miserly in covering their acquittal, by Jayash Paudel (rep)

03/04/2017: Dahal pledges to sort disputes in ‘two days’: PM to meet RPP chief and DPM Thapa, UML Chair Oli and Madhesi Morcha leaders to discuss the pressing agendas, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Police detain Bhattarai among dozens from demo outside EC (ht), BRB caught from EC, released (kp), 6 areas in Valley declared restricted zones (kp), Limbuwan party for leveraging election to strengthen its base, by Arjun B. Rajbanshi (kp), Polls possible if statute amendment bill is revised: MJF-D (ht), Bid to form unified Madhesi party (ht), Price of polls in Province 2: It’s important to get political buy-in from Madhesi parties for a two-phase election (kp), Bibeksheel moves court demanding election symbol (rep), Agitation against restructuring of local bodies (ht), Are We Close To The End Of Tunnel?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), ‘Citizens should be made aware of their rights and duties’ (ht), Democracy becomes much dearer, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), Handle with care: Even though Nepal’s new constitution has several weaknesses, its flexible, amendable and democratic characters are its big strengths, by Ganesh Mandal (rep)

02/04/2017: TRC, a hostage to chairperson’s prolonged absence, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), PM’s polls-in- 2-phases proposal faces objection: Coalition partners, main opposition call for elections on scheduled date, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Energy minister attends Maoist party programme flouting election code, by Sudip Kaini (kp), NC Objection To SC Verdict: Mocks Independence Of Judiciary, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), NSN to protest at EC, election offices (ht)

01/04/2017: Neighbours thrash Dalit boy for entering kitchen, by Prakash Adhikari (kp), UDMF’s key concern to be addressed after May 14: PM (ht), We want actions, not words: Morcha leaders; PM Dahal seeks two days to find political consensus on his proposal, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Talks flounder as NC does U-turn: Two sides agree to meet again Sunday after PM promises 'concrete draft' (rep), UDMF protests fail to dampen election spirit in Province 2, by Suresh Yadav, Ritesh Tripathi and Upendra Yadav (rep), Baidya-led Maoist Party to join local polls (rep), Quest For An Ideal Mayor, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Govt for posting 80 pc civil servants to province, local levels, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), Deputing staffers to provincial, local governments challenging: Government staff demand one level promotion to join services at state, local levels, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp)

31/03/2017: Whither compensation: Govt’s inconsistent and ad-hoc policies letting down conflict victims, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Vote for… those who ensure roofs over our heads, say quake victims, by Sudip Kaini (kp) [Probably, many will ensure this but it will be empty words!!], Rai seeks amendment first (ht), BRB issues 48-hr ultimatum to PM: Demands participation in local polls (kp), MJF-Loktantrik decides to pull support for govt (kp), Prosperity Under Discourse, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), SC orders govt to ensure safe housing to people (ht)

30/03/2017: ICJ urges Nepal to revise Criminal Code Bill draft: Seeks accountability for grave rights violations (kp), ICJ seeks revision of Nepal’s Criminal Code Bill (ht), Need for consensus grows as date for polls draws closer, by Anil Giri (kp), Madhes protests cost Saptari 11 lives in 19 months: Residents, leaders and activist call for peaceful protests, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep), Environment becoming conducive for elections in Madhes: CEC Yadav; Reiterates need of consensus among parties (kp), Madhesi Parties: A Force To Reckon With, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), 2nd batch of aid reaches only 103 families in Kavre (kp), NC leader murdered; Khalanga shut in protest (kp), Wisdom of experience: Nepal should learn from the mistakes made by nation-states with a specific religious identity, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Udayapur youths miffed at not being able to vote: They are not in the voters' list as DEO stopped registering names (ht) [???], Big party mayoral aspirants in Pokhara, Bharatpur, by Santosh Pokharel and Sangeet Sangroula (rep), Major parties initiate process to pick candidates for local polls (rep)

29/03/2017: Mixing religion and politics: Some Nepali politicians and parties have been emboldened by the election result in India, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), Good political culture: Political parties’ failure to adjust their ideologies, principles and actions could put the country at risk, by Jaya Jung Mahat (kp), Apprehensions Defused, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), NC to take lead to see statute revision proposal through (kp), SLMM supporters stage anti-poll protests in several Tarai districts (kp), Implementation of directives not satisfactory: SAC (kp), 16 ministries for the central government suggested (kp), Political parties expedite election campaigning: CPN (Maoist Centre), RPP and UML ahead in the race (kp)

28/03/2017: Federal election bill: federal election bill; Madhesis to get reservation for 20.9 percent seats, down from 31.9 percent in the Constituent Assembly elections when Madhesis, Tharus and Muslims were under a single category, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Officials discuss security issues on Monday in view of Morcha protests: Point to challenges in holding elections in eastern Tarai districts (kp), Security Council recommends Army deployment for May polls: The decision should be endorsed by Parliament within a month of the deployment (kp), Victims tossed into bureaucratic minefield (ht)

27/03/2017: Give justice: Parliament should also take up this issue seriously if the State remains apathetic to the CIEDP’s call (ht), Martyr families question the outcome of their loss, by Suresh Yadav (rep), Ensure participation of Madhes parties in May polls: NC leaders (kp), Madhes parties should be brought on board: Thapa (kp) [By denying constitutional changes and federalism and by reintroducing monarchy and the anti-inclusive Hindu state? Your statement is ridiculous, Mr Thapa!], Khadka calls for referendum (kp) [There has already been referendums in form of Jana Andolan II and the CA elections!!], Khadka seeks referendum for Hindu state (rep), Yadav warns of people’s revolt (kp), ‘Statute execution likely to fail’ (ht), Criminals active in guise of politics: Oli (kp) [Says the person who has been most responsible for the renewed confrontation!], Barpak survivors fear they may not get further aid, by Sudip Kaini (kp), Saffron extension: Characters like Modi and Yogi have risen as the contemporary faces of ‘extended’ orientalism, by Achyut Wagle (kp)

26/03/2017: CIEDP handicapped as legally there’s very little it can do: Government yet to enact law criminalising enforced disappearance andtorture (ht) Refining Electoral Democracy, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), CEC calls for consensus among parties for polls (kp), Polls after constitution amendment, says Thakur (kp), Nail culprits of Madhes: Oli and Raut are championing hate-filled worldviews that are unkind to half of the Nepalis, by Atul K. Thakur (kp)

25/03/2017: Conflict victims allowed to move SC against TRC Chairman Gurung: Apex court quashes registrar's refusal order (ht), NRA website gives wrong information about rebuilt houses (ht), NRA says previous team misinformed on number of houses rebuilt, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), Kathmandu Valley’s heritage at stake: UNESCO not happy with the pace of reconstruction in the Kathmandu Valley (ht), Lowest bidders a major threat (ht), Looming Political Crisis, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Publish ‘minority’ list, EC asks govt, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), A tale of two DPMs and Dahal’s trip to China: Bimalendra Nidhi-Kamal Thapa row over seniority leaves country without official head of govt, by Anil Giri (kp), CK Raut remanded to custody for 10 more days (ht) [If his name were Kamal Thapa, he would be made DPM instead!!], Amend statute before polls, says Mahato (ht), Transparent policy-making makes people less cynical of their government, interview with Rohini Pande and Michael Callen (rep), Rs 5.05 billion distributed to woo voters, by Rudra Pangeni (rep)

24/03/2017: Dahal’s bid to break deadlock fails again: Hopes some breakthrough after returning from his visit to north, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), PM for amendment but not to boundaries for now: Madhes parties refuse to budge (rep), Maoist, RPP cadres clash in Dhading (kp), Corruption cure: Nepal’s state of affairs is bleak, and unless we hold local level elections, what is in store for us could be worse, by Prem Dangal (kp), Cleaning the drainage: Nepal’s development bottleneck is largely due to the behavioural problems plaguing our leaders, bureaucrats and general citizens, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (kp), SC orders formation of constitutional bench (ht), SC orders CJ to designate judges for Constitutional Bench (rep), For stability: This bill is very important for holding three tiers of elections that are not very far off and there is little time to prepare for all these elections (ht) [The treshold is necessary, but your argument that the major political parties are inclusive is wrong!], Saffron surge: Nepal’s secularist republicans are now getting nervous that India will do a U-turn, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Southerly Wind (nt)

23/03/2017: Criteria for national parties: 3 percent vote share, 1 FPTP seat a must, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Threshold of 3pc plus one FPTP seat for national party (rep), House endorses Bill on Political Parties with threshold provision (ht), Political Imbroglio: A Gordian Knot?, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Local Poll Manifestoes: Enhancing Social Accountability, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Govt urged to appoint IG without any delay: Former IGs of Nepal Police and security experts warn the leadership void could affect the chain of command of the law enforcement agency (kp), Morcha supporters remove village councils, municipality signboards: The Morcha supporters also demonstrated in Belsapur, Ujaini, Manjhariya and Parasi to protest against the local elections (kp), MC to go extra mile to bring Morcha on board: The party says it will also lobby for increasing the number of local units (kp), Farcical law: There is no reason to be alarmed by any political view, so long as there is no attempt to inflame violence, by Deepak Thapa (kp), TRC holds meet in absence of chair (ht), Probe begins into Tharuhat, Madhes protests (ht), NRA Act inadequate for reconstruction task: CEO Pokharel; "If the NRA remained with the same powers and guidelines as now, I don't see any future for it" (rep), Protest in Saptari over downgrading of municipality: Marketplaces closed, municipality padlocked, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep)

22/03/2017: House sits idle with no business to deal with: Yet to enact 100 laws needed to implement charter, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Maoist MPs lash out at their ministers, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), PM’s party eyes statute revision sans boundary: Maoist MPs representing Madhes urge the party to create environment for Madhesi Morcha to take part in the polls (kp), EC Takes Wind Out Of RPP’s Sails, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Gender equality: The Nordic Model, by Kjell Tormod Pettersen (rep)

21/03/2017: Untouchability: Still entrenched; The state should apologize for its historically inhumane treatment of the Dalit community, by David Kainee (rep), Amendment needed to secure women’s rights: Activists (ht), UML rigid on its stance on charter amendment (kp), UML asks govt to bring plan to break deadlock, by Tika R. Prahan (kp) [Says the party that is responsible for the deadlock!], CPN-UML asks what will satisfy Madhesi Front (ht) [Are they stupid or simply arrogant?], House passes bill relating to wards and constituency: Provision to allow division of one ward between two constituencies (ht), RPP members clash with cops, dozens hurt: Party is protesting against EC move of removing ‘Hindu state’ and ‘monarchy’ from its statute (kp), Kantipath turns tense as RPP cadres clash with police (rep), Shifting winds: Nepal’s Hindu supporters may be eyeing a rebound with leftists in India at a low ebb, by Prakash A. Raj (kp), Let Us Trust The People, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Election hampers printing of school textbooks, by Bishnu Prasad Aryal (rep)

20/03/2017: EC worried about lack of consensus on May polls: Madhes-based parties have warned of boycotting and disrupting the local level elections if the constitution is not amended first (kp), Madhesi Morcha boycotts Parliament meeting (kp), SLMM shuts municipal, village council offices (kp), Commission defends decision to reject RPP agendas (kp) [The EC will probably not have the right to change party statutes, but according to article 269 it has the duty not to allow parties with such anti-constitutional and anti-national goals! In view of growing Hindu fundamentalism in Nepal's immediate neighbourhood, the RPP-Nepal means a real danger!!], Political Hinduism: For Nepal, there’s much to be wary of the Hindu cleric in UP’s new chief minister (kp), Stung by EC, RPP registers constitution amendment proposal: Proposes ‘Hindu state with complete religious freedom’, instead of secularism (kp), The political impasse: A middle path, by Bishnu Hari Marasini (ht), Gachchhadar's party 'might' join NC (rep) [???]

19/03/2017: Lies, damn lies and statistical lies: When elections do not reflect the will of the people, they could become a problem in themselves, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Pressure in Congress to approve amendment bill before May vote (kp) Madhes-based Parties Against Direct Democracy?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [??], EC move can ruin poll environment: Thapa; Objects to removal of ‘Hindu state’, ‘monarchy’ from his party statute, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), RPP registers amendment proposal demanding Hindu state (ht), Province 2 likely to see heavy police presence during local elections, by Manish Gautam (kp), Cause of death contested (kp)

18/03/2017: EC removes Hindu state, monarchy from RPP’s statute (ht) [The correct way would have been not to register anti-national parties like the RPP-Nepal that stand aginst the fundamental principals of Nepali state and society and try to disturb social harmony!!], EC removes 'Hindu state', 'monarchy' from RPP's statute, by Bhadra (rep), Election Commission robbed us of our soul, says Kamal Thapa (ht), NC lawmakers from Tarai pressure party for amendment (ht), EC chief takes his poll concerns to PM Dahal: Calls for environment to accommodate all parties for May 14 elections, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), EC awards electoral symbols to 26 parties: A total of 79 political parties have been registered with the EC for the upcoming local elections (kp), No temp cops in sensitive districts: Govt (kp), Mechi-Mahakali campaign over: CPN-UML to organise special programme in Province 2 (kp), Another new party! Either Rabindra dai is crazy, or is suffering from mid-life crisis at 50, or really wants to devote his time to participate in the ‘Political Olympics’ of Nepal, by Guffadi (kp) [satirical], Our first nations: There are compelling evidence to suggest that even before the Aryan and Mongoloid groups of people stumbled upon this place, it was occupied by Austroasiatic groups of people, by Abhinawa Devkota (kp), Upcoming Polls An Opportunity, by Thakur Mohan Shrestha (rn), Power to the local units, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Row over office locations for local units flare (rep), 481 chiefs appointed in rural municipalities (rep), Preparations for new local units move ahead in Province 2 (rep), MPs lobby for VVIP perks after retirement (rep), Shaping a country, by Swasti Gautam (rep)

17/03/2017: Coalition partners fail to convince Morcha to take part in local polls, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Gathabandhan announces protest programmes (kp), Four more UDMF parties withdraw support for govt (rep), Accommodate all before going to vote: India (kp), An Assessment of UML’s Campaign, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn) [Once again extremely biased!], Politicisation is necessary: This will ensure a more democratic and transparent governance process and practice, by Jeevan Baniya (kp), Prestige at stake: Laws need to be made to ensure that competent people are appointed as ambassadors, by Anurag Devkota (kp), EC clips wings of ministers, MPs, secys: Election Commision bans foreign junkets till polls are over, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Flagged off: With local polls less than two months away, the Nepali public sphere is abuzz with talk of candidates for mayors or village council chiefs, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Back to the golden age, by Rishiram Lumsali (nt), Question of threshold: A stabilising factor, by Pranav Bhattarai (ht)

16/03/2017: Hurtling towards disaster: Politics and discourse seem to have collapsed at multiple levels, rendering even simple solutions impossibly complex, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Additional 3,830 conflict victims verified: Number now totals 139,711, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), War-victims demand TRC office bearers’ resignation (ht), FSFN officially withdraws support to govt (rep), Morcha calls it quits, severs ties with govt: SSF-N informs Speaker about decision, six constituents to do so today (kp), Kanchanpur firing: Ballistics indicates bullet belongs to SSB (kp), Nidhi takes up border killing issue with India (kp), Continued uncertainty: Recent incidents have yet again exposed Nepali society’s vulnerability to conflict (kp), Polls sans resolution of Tarai problem will spell disaster: Sah (ht), Social inclusion, by Sharad K. Shrestha (ht) [!!!], DPM Thapa advocates for reinstatement of Hindu state: RPP ministers are advocating for a Hindu state though the constitution has declared Nepal a secular country (kp) [This antinational politician is trying to destroy social harmony in Nepal! He must be dismissed immediately! Why is he not treated like CK Raut?], Amendment bill won’t be endorsed, says Khanal: The UML leader claims the amendment bill has  proposals that are against the national interest (kp) [Not much different from Kamal Thapa!], UML’s taunting and insulting of Madheshis led to Saptari deaths, interview with Jitendra Sonal, Tarai-Madhesh Democratic Party (rep), A better alternative force: It is a challenge for the new parties to reduce the perception that politics is a dirty game and to rekindle hope, by Manavi Poudel (kp), War-victims demand TRC office bearers’ resignation (ht), A week after fixing 6,680 wards, govt tables bill in House (rep), LLRC Report Implementation: Historic Master Stroke, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Madhesi Parties’ Protests And Local Polls, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

15/03/2017: Additional 14,988 conflict victims verified, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Transitional justice: Doing it right, by Geja Sharma Wagle (rep), Another round of conflict? Despite our impatience to embark on a path of prosperity, we still need to work on peace, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Statute revision sans boundary revision? PM says provincial demarcation should not be an issue for local pollsn Calls on Madhes-based parties to participate in elections on May 14, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Ultimatum ends, but Morcha keeps mum (kp), UDMF refuses PM Dahal’s proposal, announces fresh stir (ht), We’re no longer with ruling coalition: UDMF leaders (rep), Oli tells Madhesi parties not to rake up communal sentiments (ht) [Make the state inclusive and communal sentiments will no longer play any role, Mr Oli!!], A section of NC asks leadership to act (kp), SLMM activists set passenger bus on fire (kp), 744 new local units come into effect (kp), Whistle rally held in Khotang (ht), All Eyes On Local Elections, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Did Terai People Need To Punish Madheshi Leaders?, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

14/03/2017: Murder-convict Dhungel felicitated in Okhaldhunga: Dhungel and seven others had been convicted for the murder. Six have already completed their jail terms while the seventh, Pushkar Gautam, is still in jail, by Anil Bhandari (rep) [Long live the close cooperation of politics and crime!], Defuse the tension: Preparations to amend the constitution and hold polls should be done simultaneously, by Randhir Chaudhary (kp), Dahal urges Oli to help amend constitution, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Oli refuses to support statute amendment bill (ht), RPP to quit govt if existing amendment bill put to vote: Thapa (rep), RPP won’t vote for amendment: Thapa: ‘We will rather walk out of govt’ (kp) [Long live the endless power fighting among the non-inclusive and conservative male political elite on the cost of the not included sections of society!], Madhesi parties undecided over withdrawing support to govt (rep), PM to champion cause of presidential system (ht), LLRC’s tenure ends without completing task, by Binod Ghimire (kp), LLRC fails to fix special, autonomous and protected regions, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), New local govt structure revives development hopes, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Additional cash to conflict victims: EC appears softer towards govt on poll code violation; Former commissioners say govt decision untimely, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [As usual, the politicians get active ahead of elections, but they will forget their promises immediately after the elections!], The halo effect: Instead of discrediting rivals, our politicians should be on the same page about attracting foreign investment, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp), Trigger for growth: A sense of competition among local units to ensure improved delivery of services would be very helpful, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Openness and isolation: Nepali youths find themselves being pulled between two opposing global phenomena, by Saurav Raj Pant (kp)

13/03/2017: Unchanged power structure: Country’s political problems will be ignored by the ‘aristocratic ruling class’ until its own position is optimised, by Achyut Wagle (kp), In dark times: The struggles between defenders of Khas-Arya dominance and hegemony and proponents of ethnic equality and Madheshi dignity are likely to be a protracted one, by CK Lal (rep), Ruling parties turning to 'fence-sitters' for way out, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Won't allow constitution amendment: UML leaders, by Rekha Bhusal (rep), Mahato warns of intensified agitation (ht), Thakur rejects Deuba’s request to stand by govt: Tells NC president protests in Rajbiraj were not organ-ised by Morcha but irate people gathered voluntarily to protest the CPN-UML’s electoral campaign (kp), Ready to act if atrocities go on: Yadav (kp), Army chief in eastern Tarai (kp), Politically Counter-productive Moves, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), The sky won’t fall if all three elections aren’t held by the deadline, interview with Rajendra Shrestha, Sanghiya Samajbadi Forum-Nepal (kp), Local polls elate women leaders, by Raju Adhikari (rep), Lohani quits reshaped RPP (kp), Baidya against May elections (kp), Bid to induct Gachhadar in jumbo Cabinet (ht)

12/03/2017: Cold snap adds to misery of quake-displaced (kp), Reconstruction impasse: A stable and effective leadership is essential in the NRA to overcome obstacles, by Narayan Marasini (kp), Some NC leaders want local polls after amending statute (ht), EC puts expenditure cap for candidates (kp), EC asks govt to depute staff to local levels by Thursday, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), MoFALD seeks staff for local units (kp), CPN banda affects life (kp), Vehicles vandalised for defying bandh in Gaighat (kp), Let’s work together: Civil society organisations and the government should try to become better friends, by Prakash Bhattarai and Samikshya Bhattarai (kp), Keep Incendiary Politics At Bay, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

11/03/2017: Saptari and beyond: Immediate and long term perspective on the tragic Saptari incident, by Shreya Paudel (kp), Madhes protest victims mostly commoners, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), New local level units come into existence, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Federal setup with 744 local units enforced: DPM Thapa, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), Take Madhesi Parties On Board, by Amarendra Yadav (rn), 8 million students hit by Friday's strike (kp), 80 banda enforcers held (kp), UML resumes Mechi-Mahakali campaign from Hetauda (kp), Gender Equality In Nepal, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Long live King Kamal! Kamal Dai and his fellow mandaley’s voted against our Emperor during the prime ministerial election in August. But in politics, friends become foes and enemies become lovers, by Guffadi (kp) [satirical]

10/03/2017: NHRC concerned over obstruction: Commissioner Ansari’s vehicle vandalised (kp), UDMF cadres torch bus for defying strike in Saptari (ht), Death toll in Saptari incident rises (ht), A lose-lose situation (nt), The middle path, by Dipendra Jha (nt), ‘Fuel shortage’ fear grips Valley (ht), Thapa makes it to govt, again: Three RPP leaders join Dahal who now leads the largest Cabinet ever, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Oli accuses ruling parties of trying to kill UML leadership: Asks Dahal to step down if he can’t hold elections (kp) [Such accusations should not be treated as joke and have to be decided by an independent law court! It is time that Nepali politicians become aware of all the nonsense that they say publicly and, if necessary, get punished!], After deal, Morcha ready to take bodies (kp), The elephant in the room: Killing of four people in Saptari police firing has amplified calls of those who do not want local elections, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Time to be realistic about federalism: Oli (ht) [??], Up to the task: More struggle is necessary to get Nepali women into real decision-making positions, by Bidushi Dhungel (kp), Districts to get LBRC report (ht), Stateless daughters: Every Nepali mother must be allowed to get Nepali citizenship as easily as a man, without if’s and but’s, by Deepti Gurung (nt), Untie the knot: Every day of delayed reconstruction of built heritage is another blow against Kathmandu Valley’s living culture, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), Erneute Eskalation im Tarai: Die Gefahr des gescheiterten Staates, von Karl-Heinz Krämer (Nepal Observer 38), Polls Announced, by Tilak Rawal (sp)

09/03/2017: EC And Electoral Integrity, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Local Polls & Strengthening Of Democracy, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Prolonged stalemate: It is perhaps time to turn to an approach where all major parties agree to work with a common mediator, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Amnesty calls for prompt probe into police killings (kp) [see statement by AI], Panel to probe into Saptari killings (kp), UML rejects PM’s call to postpone poll rally (kp), CPN-UML refuses to halt Mechi-Mahakali campaign: The party has decided to resume campaign from Hetauda on March 10 (ht), UML demands govt security for party rallies: Warns of grave consequences if the party has to resort to self-defense (rep) [Allow the democratic discussion of constitutional changes in parliament and the situation will calm down!], Morcha serves 7-day ultimatum to govt: Warns of withdrawing support if demands not met (kp), UDMF serves ultimatum to PM: Wants constitution amendbill passed, polls postponed (kp), Protests against Maleth shooting on 2nd day of bandh also (rep), Banda affects life in Tarai districts (kp), Strikes hit customs revenue collection, by Shankar Acharya (kp), CEC Yadav’s house vandalised (kp), RPP calls off its poll campaign: The party had earlier announced 5-day national unity procession in various districts starting March 21 (kp), UK concerned over Saptari incident (kp), Govt hands over local level restructuring report to EC, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), EC now at point of no return: CEC Yadav, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), The day Ban Ki-moon cried: Have we done enough to support the earthquake victims in Nepal?, by Surendra Bahadur Sijapati (kp), NRA deadline leaves landless quake victims worried, by Narahari Sapkota (rep), Air too dangerous to breathe: Kathmandu residents breathed extremely polluted air in Magh, by Ajaya Shrestha (rep), Govt brings bill for delineation of electoral constituencies (rep), Madhesh is wasting: If all Madheshi leaders come under a single electoral umbrella, it would give the fight for Madheshi rights new boost and legitimacy, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

08/03/2017: Stop Confrontational Politics!, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Tragic deaths: Despite strong differences, the UML and the Madhesi parties should urge caution (kp), Police killings spark protests: Morcha supporters enforce strike, shut eastern Tarai districts, by Abdhesh Kumar Jha (kp), Family members inconsolable after death of breadwinner, by Mikthilesh Yadav (rep), Govt recalls Saptari CDO, security chiefs: Decides to deploy additional 300 security personnel in the district, by Manish Gautam (kp), Put off polls: Gathabandhan (kp), Morcha tried to encircle us: UML (kp), The road to Maleth, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), Local polls shouldn't stop under any pretext: UML (rep), Federal Alliance to end support to govt if polls not withdrawn (rep), Congress lawmakers demand judicial probe (kp), Leaders' provocative speeches laid the ground for Tikapur killings: NHRC; Recommends action against APF DIG Chaudhary, SP Singh over security lapses (rep) [Not only speeches but also the arrogant UML boycott of democratic procedures cin parliament!], Saptari incident concerns UN, US (kp), NHRC blames security lapse for Tikapur incident: Seeks departmental action against senior APF officers (ht), 2,000 more staff needed to handle all local units (kp), Quake-displaced demand safe place for resettlement, by Sudip Kaini (kp), Report and Reality: Melamchi environment plan only on paper, Lack of proper implementation a threat to public health (rep), 13 years on, society yet to accept Maoist leader who married a Dalit girl, by Ram Hari Gajurel (rep), Women continue to face discrimination at home, workplace (ht), Is women empowerment just women employment? If this day is to celebrate your and my achievements, then it does not need to be marked in the calendar, by Sambridhi Gyawali (rep), Bold action now: In Nepal, while women work as much as men, the gender wage gap is still in the bottom half of the world ranking, by Valerie Julliand (rep), 15pc quake victims yet to receive first tranche of govt aid (ht) [In 14 of the 31 affected districts; people in the other districts have got nothcing at all after almost two years and, to a greater part still live in shelters!!]

07/03/2017: Three protesters killed in police firing in Saptari, by Abadhesh Kumar Jha (kp), 3 dead as UDMF cadres clash with police, by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep), CPN-UML’s East-West Campaign And PN Shah’s Sword, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km), Experts in Madhes urge all to exercise restraint, by Bhusan Yadav (kp), SLMM flays incident, calls on all for peace (kp), UDMF leaders threaten to withdraw support to govt (rep), UDMF to withdraw support to govt today (ht), UML puts campaign on hold for 3 days, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), UML decides to put off Mechi-Mahakali Camapaign for three days, by Mani Dahal (rep), NC rival faction criticises Deuba, prime minister (kp), The ideal transition: There are major obstacles that need to be overcome to avoid prolonging the process, by Binoj Basnyat (kp), Take part in polls: The Madhesi parties should not let slip the chance of institutionalizing the hard-earned achievements of the movements launched by the people for decades (ht), Funneling Money Through Mouth, by Prem Khatry (rn), Unlikely to finish all tasks within deadline: LBRC, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Writ petition filed against govt decision to increase local units (rep)

06/03/2017: Debate over poll-related bill surfaces (rep), UML changes venue for safety: Prime minister, National Human Rights Commission urge Madhesi Morcha not to disturb peaceful events, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp) [This is correct, but the UML should also not disturb democratic procedures in parliament! The UML is not only a victim but also a perpetrator!], NHRC urges UDMF not to obstruct UML campaign (ht), Don’t be destructive: UML to UDMF, by Amar Khadka (rep) [Yes, please show democratic culture just as the UML does when it obstructs parliament!], UML, UDMF set to face off as neither is budging, by Mani Dahal (rep), Morcha units to counter party programmes (kp), Conflict avoidance: The potential threat of clashes between  various parties cannot be underemphasised (kp), Leaders say east-west tour for national unity (kp) [What mean national unity, integrity and nationalism in the non-inclusive state of Nepal that is stilled ruled in form of an oligarchy?], Number of local units reaches 744: 21 more in Province 2 (kp), Govt to create 744 local levels: Of the additional 25 civic bodies, 21 to be in province 2 (ht), Redrawing of provincial boundaries has no bearing on local elections, interview with Narayan Kaji Shrestha, CPN-MC (kp), Creating Environment For Election, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Poor in Jhapa desperate for local elections, by Raju Adhikari (rep), Women and rightist revival: By calling on women to participate in local election, anti-inclusive and anti-federal forces are laying a trap, by Hisila Yami (rep), ‘Reconstruction work procedure to be amended’ (ht)

05/03/2017: ‘Torture high in Tarai district’: According to a study  carried out by the THRD Alliance, 23.76 percent of the 766 detainees  interviewed in 19 districts reported torture (kp) [see THRDA press release], Chhaupadi tradition: Women’s monthly exile continues (kp), Uncertainty, not instability: Nepal’s current political problem is an inability to move from a deal-based mechanism to a rule-based one, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Politics of agreement: Announcing polls before resolving disagreements could be a ploy to perpetuate political instability, by Sachchi Ghimire Karki (kp), ‘Try to pass constitution amendment bill before local level polls’ (ht), Major parties begin preparing for first phase of elections (ht), Major parties prepare to get out on the hustings: UML launches campaign, RPP to start on March 20; NC, Maoist Centre devising strategies, by Binod Ghimire (kp), UML’s Mechi-Mahakali Campaign kicks off, by Parbat Portel (kp), 21 leaders from Madhes inducted to CC (kp) [??], UML Campaign And Reactive Madhesi Front, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), PM backtracking on commitment: Thakur (ht), Morcha leaders seek to derail programme, by Abadhesh Kumar Jha (kp), Poll body seeks support from India and China: The Election Commission says it has sought support from the neighbouring countries to prevent a lengthy procurement  procedure, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Dust in our eyes: Politicians of all hues have recklessly destroyed Nepal’s nature and ecology, by Abhi Subedi (kp)

04/03/2017: Discourses of Alternative Politics in Nepal, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Panel to suggest 17 more local units in State 2 (kp), Task-force proposes to increase 25 local units (rep), Morcha obstructs UML programme in Saptari (kp), 'UDMF-UML face-off a threat to Saptari's internal security', by Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep), Rolpa, the cradle of Maoists insurgency, elated with local polls, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Constitution amendment: Speaker likely to send bill to special committee, by Rupesh Acharya (ht)

03/03/2017: SC seeks govt action plan for 3 elections (kp) [!!], Charter revision becomes a hot potato for PM: Rules out amendment before polls, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), UDMF mulls withdrawing support to Dahal govt (rep), TMDP, SP tell leaders to prepare for protest (ht), Plain speaking: So far, the Madhesi parties are staying firm even though there is no way the proposed amendment will get a two-thirds vote, by Om Astha Rai and Jiyalal Sah (nt), Madhesi Politics Of Negation, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn) [Once again a onesided Tagadhari view: The politics of negation is practised by both sides! Why not talk about the UML politics of negation?], Minister breaches election code of conduct (kp), Govt breaches poll code, appoints 4 VCs (rep), No plan to disrupt local polls: Chand (kp), Mahat, UN top official discuss Nepal HR issues (kp), Downplaying diplomacy: Govt needs to appoint competent ambassadors so that Nepal can handle international challenges successfully, by Gopal Thapa (kp) [!!], Time to complete task not enough: LBRC (ht), Bhatta asks TRC secretariat to call meeting pronto (ht)

02/03/2017: Govt bid to get partners’ support comes a cropper: RPP, MJF-L refuse to back bill; Morcha warns of ‘grave consequences’, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), PM again woos Madhesi parties to no avail (rep), Six constituents of UDMF refuse to register with EC (ht), EC tells ministers not to engage in campaigning, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), EC commissioners, ministers in heated debate over code, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), EC registers 81 parties for local polls (kp), Parties campaigning in villages, by Anil Bhandari (rep), KP Oli was an architect of two Tarai-province model, interview with Farmullah Mansoor, Nepali Congress (rep)

01/03/2017: Victims’ critical engagement: The number of people willing to engage with the commissions shows the need and desire for justice and reconciliation, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Absence of TRC Chair affects works (ht) [???], PM: Let’s seek change through the ballot box: Counts his compulsions to go for elections sans statute amendment; Calls on disgruntled forces to participate in local level polls on May 14, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), No putting amendment on hold: Madhes parties to PM, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Election a chance for Madhes to express grievances: PM (rep) [??], Governing parties’ renewed calls cut no ice with Morcha, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Deadlock Casts Shadow On Polls, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Poll code comes into force today, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Nepal announces UNHRC candidature for 2018-20 term: This is the first time Nepal has presented  its candidature to the council (kp) [First, respect human rights at home! See collection of links on HR issues!], Govt extends deadline of taskforce again (rep), Mishra quits BBC to form ‘Sajha Party’ (kp), Politics and Economics of Local-Unit Elections, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km)

28/02/2017: Tharu leaders’ district meetings to plan protests against polls (kp), Madhes-based parties rule out local polls (ht), Agitating leaders want provision like Indian statute Article 3, by Ashok Dahal (rep), PM for moving issues forward in two phases: Morcha leaders reject, saying ‘we can’t trust govt’, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Govt consults parties on constitution amendment bill (ht), 22 local units likely to be added in Province 2 (kp), EC in rush to acquire ballot boxes: Election authority has 65,000 at its disposal, will need at least 85,000, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Printing ballot papers to affect textbooks availability: Only 50 percent school textbooks printed to date, by Bishnu Prasad Aryal (rep), Dalit, minority women to see big increase among elected, by Prakash Timilsina (rep) [There will hardly be more than prescribed by law, and this would still be far from being representative!], For Free And Fair Local Election, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Chasing a mirage: Given the myriad challenges, we should hold local polls under the existing structure and gradually adopt the new set-up, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Elections, parties and money: Creating a fund with tax deductible donations can end campaign finance corruption, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Baidhya and Chand-led Maoist parties won’t be able to contest local polls: EC (ht), Govt, LDOs mull over adding new local bodies (ht), PM pledges to raise Dalit issues at UN (kp), Stop meddling: The practice of wielding influence to grab a stake in infrastructure projects should end (kp)

27/02/2017: State of limbo: The Nepali political atmosphere is changing as a result of recent events (kp), Police, Morcha cadres clash in Gaur; six hurt (kp), Madhes parties want all Tarai districts hived off from hills, by Ashok Dahal (rep), 15 amendment papers filed on charter revision, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Positive Step Toward Statute Implementation, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Paudel faction wants CWC, PP meet as rift widens in NC (rep), Govt’s dillydallying puts EC in a fix to begin ‘actual preparations’, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Accept the outcome: Constitutional amendment and holding of local level elections are unrelated matters. Electoral boycott would seek to nullify the supremacy of parliament (ht) [Just as the UML initiated boycott of the discussion on constitution amendment does!], SC refuses to register 'right to reject' plea, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Election Commission proposes expenditure limits for local polls: Rs 700k highest amount a candidate can spend, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Seven-lakh ceiling set on poll spending, by Arjun Poudel (ht), EC invites parties to enlist for polls (kp), Parties look to expand base, ramp up activities in far-west for polls (ht), Protest against local bodies restructuring resumes in Khotang (ht), All our daughters: Where are Nepali women in the metaphor of coffins, bakasko bimba, which pervades pathologies of remittance reporting?, by CK Lal (rep)

26/02/2017: ‘Morcha on the cusp of severing ties with govt’ (kp), UDMF in wait and watch mode on next move (ht), Tharuhat protest from March 3 (kp), Indigenous Madhesis Want Elections, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [Nobody is against elections! The problem is that the traditionally excluded groups are going to be cheated once again by some male Tagadhari politicians who claim to be the true owners of the country! By the way, who is indigenous in the multiethnic state of Nepal where almost all groups have immigrated at any time? The blocking of elections is wrong, but why is it democratic if the UML blocks the necessary amendment discussion in parliament?], UML putting national unity in peril, says Deuba (ht), A town in Morang that says ‘NO’ to protests: Kosiharaicha locals stand firm against strikes under any pretext (kp), by Jitendra Sah (kp), Poll symbol rule riles fringe forces, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Poudel faction ups the ante against Deuba (kp), Paudel faction unhappy with Deuba’s ways, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Conference on Dalit concerns starts in Capital (kp), Divine motherland: The task of healing and rejuvenating Nepal is long overdue, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (kp)

25/02/2017: Nepal’s Elusive Democracy, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Gathabandhan warns of severing ties with govt, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), FA to launch stir against local polls, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Delay in bringing poll code a major cause for concern: We’ll take a decision most probably by tomorrow: EC, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), EC seeks bar on weapon-wielding protesters (ht), LLRC rules out report revision: Tells govt to ‘do what it wishes’ (kp), Go local! We know that the looting will continue even when we have our own mayors and ward chairpersons but at least we can hold them accountable and kick them out come next election, by Guffadi (kp), Three Main Mistakes of Former President Yadav, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (kp)

24/02/2017: The real truth about the Truth Commission: Nepal’s transitional justice process was delayed, now it is doomed, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Trust and the TRC, by Charan Prasai (nt), Justice delayed, justice denied (nt), Naya Shakti, SSFN join forces against scheduled local polls: 9 NSN leaders oppose Bhattarai’s move, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), NEFIN against local polls held without settling boundary row (kp), Oppn parties allow a day of deliberations (rep), UML ‘allows’ House to deliberate over bill: Theoretical discussions though have begun in the House, the fate of the constitution amendment bill continues to hang in the balance, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), ‘Amendment bill won’t be endorsed’ (kp), Jugglenaut: Madhesi parties are not on board yet, but Dahal is in no mood to back off, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Hold all three elections on time: SC (kp) [This demand is reasonable but first the constitution has to be implemented after fundamental changes! Else, the new political system has no future!], Revitalising Democracy Through Election, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), Election code enforcement delay worries experts, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), To confront ‘cessionist’ moves: COAS (kp) [The army chief should not give political statements! Besides, RPP policy is the most cesessionist danger as it divides society by returning to the non-inclusive royal system!], Army ready to foil any separatist activities: CoAS Chhetri (rep), Political settlement: Nepal Army’s role; The political leadership has failed to influence the military in Nepal. They ousted monarchy but did not learn how to use the military for the betterment of the nation, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (ht)

23/02/2017: Progress on transitional justice precious little: AI (kp), Kotbada killings still haunt families, by Shankar Shrestha (rep), Remote Chitwan settlements left without school after earthquake, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), Bakraha flood victims announce protest (kp), Parliament meeting postponed yet again (kp), Opposition to allow amendment bill if UDMF agrees to local polls, by Ashok Dahal (rep), UML sets rider for debate on amendment bill (ht) [The UML criticises the demands of UDMF and blockades all democratic procedures in an irresponsible way though its own procedure is in the same way strictly non-cooperative and undemocratic!], SLMM planning to sever ties with ruling coalition (kp), Tharuhat slams govt plan to hold local level polls (kp), Morcha banda affects life in eastern Tarai (kp), Banda affects life in Madhes, by Suresh Yadav and Jitendra Kumar Jha (rep), All three elections must be held before January 21, 2018: SC (rep) [!!], MoHA starts homework for poll security plan (kp), EC unveils polls work plan, awaits LLRC report: EC commissioner vows to conduct local polls within stipulated timeframe, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), EC makes public election schedule (kp), Old heads on young shoulders: Student elections have become no more than an extension of the patronage politics on the national stage, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Agitating petroleum tanker operators should be jailed: Supplies secretary (rep) [If agitating politicians and party cadres were jailed as well, Nepal would need a lot more prisons!!]

22/02/2017: Nepal 206/17, report by Amnesty International, Local polls on May 14 at any cost: Nidhi, by Ajit Tiwari (rep), ‘Flexible’ UML throws ball in Morcha’s court: To agree on putting the bill in process only if agitating parties are ready to accept the outcome of voting, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [Local elections are necessary, but 'flexibal' would look different! This is as reactionary as always before: First do what we overlords of the country order and then we can officially deny what you demand!], UML details two-week Mechi-Mahakali campaign (rep), House to dwell on amendment bill today (ht), UML against moving charter revision bill (kp) [!], Energising the grassroots: Local polls are imperative, so the UML and the Madhesi parties need to find common ground (kp), Angry SLMM skips meeting, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Parties in plains protest election plans (kp), A welcome step: Madhesi Morcha should take local elections as an opportunity to establish their agenda among the people, by Bishnu Hari Marasini (kp), People excited about local polls (kp), Local Election A Reality Now!, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn) [They should have been held together with the election for the two constituent assemblies in 2008 and 2013, but this has been prevented by the leaders of NC, UML and the Maoists! Reasons for this denial that had given by them then are still valid!]

21/02/2017: Racing against the clock: Nepal’s truth commissions need renewed focus and strong relationships to make the most of the extra year, by Aileen Thomson (kp), Cabinet sets May 14 as local election date, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Local polls after 20 years, finally, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), House unlikely to have business on statute revision (ht), Morcha announces stir, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), UML welcomes announcement (kp), With shortest time ever for poll preparations, EC faces daunting task, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Govt extends taskforce deadline by 7 days, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), Taskforce asked to up local units in Province 2 (kp), Govt decides to create more local bodies in Province 2 (ht), Life returns to normal in Rupandehi’s Marchawar (kp), Political Bone Of Contention, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), General Convention Of RPP And K Thapa, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km)

20/02/2017: Families of the disappeared to side with CIEDP, by Dewan Rai (kp), Decisive Week For Local Elections, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), 1.5 pc threshold proposed for upcoming parliamentary poll, by Ashok Dahal (rep) [!!], Govt appears set to announce poll dates; Delay could affect prospects of local elections by May: NC, Maoist Centre, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Rather plan other two elections: Morcha to PM, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Talks to set poll date fruitless: Heated exchanges with Madhesi leaders (rep), PM says poll date after deal with Madhes parties, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), ‘Charter revision after poll date’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), LBRC chief tells prime minister not to seek revision of report (ht), Chand Maoist planning a military wing in Rolpa (kp), Marchawar tense as CK Raut’s supporters clash with police, by Madhav Dhungana (kp), It’s secession, stupid: Madheshi Morcha leaders echo CK Raut on several fronts, with only slight variances in their tone and phraseology, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep) [By the way, what about the social secession that is forced by Kamal Thapa and his RPP? Both the policies of Raut and Thapa are disintegrating and unconstitutional, only that Raut is imprisoned and Thapa is celebrated by mainstream Tagadhari politicians!], Much delayed reconstruction: Now that rebuilding houses is finally under way, there’s much the NRA should focus on (kp), NRA nudges ministry over interest-free loan for quake victims (rep), Realising peace potential of constitution: Shared commitment to managing divisive identity politics, inter-party competition and foreign interests is essential, by Tatsushi Arai (kp), Given the current trend of politics, a crisis seems imminent, interview with Hridayesh Tripathi, Tarai Madhes Loktantrik Party (kp), Musahars submit memo to PM, by Santosh Singh (rep)

19/02/2017: Morcha puts PM under pressure, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), UDMF rejects PM’s proposal: Says no to poll date without passing statute amendmend bill, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Dahal to hold final talks with parties, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Caste-based discrimination still rife in Bajhang villages, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp), CK Raut’s supporters held (kp), Powerful Nepali women’s challenges: They have come to stand face-to-face with history in an unprecedented way, by Abhi Subedi (kp)

18/02/2017: PM to take poll date proposal to Cabinet, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Revision of LBRC report unlikely (ht), Rastriya Prajatantra Party convention: RPP calls on all parties to work together for nation, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [In this case, you should stop to promote the Hindu state! The Nepali nation embraces a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural state!!], Low-Life Loafers: We the people have  resigned ourselves to the fact that our politicians will not change and we leave  it to them to take this  country down the drain, by Guffadi (kp) [satirical], Political instability, lack of vision led to wasted generation, by Kuvera Chalise (rep), Tharu parties aim for unification, by Madan Chaudhary (rep), #YouthForElection: In order to address people’s everyday issues we need local representatives more than we need members of parliaments, by Jagannath Lamichhane (rep), Post quake rebuilding: Let women lead; With male members away, women have started rebuilding their homes destroyed by 2015 earthquakes on their own, by Kriti Bhuju (rep), Nepal still remains mostly an unfree economy: Heritage Foundation, by Kuvera Chalise (rep)

17/02/2017: Post-quake reconstruction: Education of thousands of students in jeopardy; MoE at wit’s end as govt scrambles to generate fund to rebuild schools, by Binod Ghimire (kp), NA protecting officials in Maina’s case: Lawyers (kp), UN Nepal chief urges int'l standards for transitional justice bodies (rep), Transitional justice process: Will comply with int’l laws: PM (kp) [??], Bhatta urges Gurung to call TRC meeting without delay (ht), Naive LLRC report: Devolution should be Nepal’s motto going forward—the  proposed 719 local bodies will make this impossible, by Bihari Krishna Shrestha (kp), Local level restructuring: Add units in Province 2, recommends taskforce (kp), Prime minister reaches out to Madhes leaders, by Roshan Sedhaoi (kp), Maoists for pushing polls, charter revision together, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), UML voices suspicion over lack of preparation for polls (rep), Pulling a poll cart: Dahal needs to show he wants elections, otherwise the NC and UML could gang up against him, by Om Astha Rai (nt), Chicken or egg? What comes first, election or amendment?, by Binita Dahal (nt), Halting Executive’s Aberration, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn)

16/02/2017: CIEDP opens new plaint registration window: Plans to launch formal investigation process after a month; War victims ‘cautiously optimistic’ the tasks will be completed; The CIEDP is also providing the already registered individuals the chance to record information and details to their complaints, by Dewan Rai (kp), TRC, CIEDP to accept complaints again, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), The choice is yours: Short-term Panchayat-era nationalism or long-term vision of Nepal owned by all? The seed of one language, one dress nationalism that Mahendra sowed, KP Oli tries to reseed as the ideological son, by Pramod Mishra (kp), PM tells CEC dates for polls by Sunday: Local level elections by May-June (kp), Big 3 deal likely to put SLMM under pressure, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), ‘Madhes needs local polls the most’, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep), LBRC report treats Madhes unfairly: UDMF (ht), ‘Will accept LLRC report with changes’ (kp), LLRC report unacceptable without revision: UDMF (rep), EC presses ‘close’ button on EVM purchase for now: Move follows controversy that the election body was in bid to buy the machines without competition, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), UML may agree to put amendment bill to vote (rep), Politics And Academics: Challenge Of De-linking, by Mukti Rijal (rn), House panel’s directives go unheeded (ht), For whom hope is all that’s left, by Pushpa Raj Acharya (ht)

15/02/2017: Maina Sunar murder: A case of justice denied (ht), Kin of victims lament airport massacre, by Keshav Adhikari (ht), Transitional Justice: Conflict victims want no more delays or excuses; TRC and CIEDP officials advised to utilise the extended one-year tenure as their original  two-year terms expired last week (kp), High Court judge to lead transitional justice court: Two members will be appointed from among the legal professionals quali-fied to become the High Court judge, by Dewan Rai (kp), Parliamentary panel defines heinous crimes: Proposes sentence till death; Ups life sentence to 25 years, by Rupesh Acharya (ht) [Chhaupadi still punished mildly and only if a woman dies; else, it's still not seen as crime!!], CPN-UML irked at poll delay (kp), Consolidating Democracy Further, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Messy policing: Bodies vital to national security should remain free of government interference (kp), Rome wasn’t built in a day: Politics in Nepal is guided by interests, but winning elections will be increasingly hard unless benefits trickle down, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp), Doable steps to cure capital's air pollution: Simple actions that can cure capital's air pollution (rep), Taskforce to submit report on LBRC’s work (ht)

14/02/2017: Post-truth narratives: The elite want to regain sway over the bureaucracy by amending the inclusion policy, by Ramesh Sunam (kp), Local Polls For Democracy, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), LLRC report implementation must start by Sunday, says EC (kp), Number of local units could go up not exceeding 744 (kp), Local body staff on warpath: Services at local level affected due to stir against proposed law, by Anil Giri (kp), UMDF snubs meeting with govt taskforce (rep), Sources of instability in Nepal: Only a change in the political system will make progress and development possible, by Hisila Yami (kp), Challenging mediocrity, adopting meritocracy: For the big picture to change, it is important for the small pixels to be right, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Trump jitters: Nepal’s ties with neighbours India and China could be affected by shifts in US policy, by Prakash A. Raj (kp), Families of Kotbada victims still await justice, by Shankar Shrestha (rep) [This has been cold-blooded murder committed by the army and those responsible have been well known from the very first moment!], The marginalised: Toilet and school, still a dream for Musahars, by Santosh Singh (rep)

13/02/2017: TJ bodies demand legal amendment to function (kp), Bracing for election: Major political forces haven’t grasped danger of not holding elections by next January (kp), Chepang folk deprived of housing aid (kp), We embrace Hindutwa as the backbone of the Nepali polity, interview with Kamal Thapa (kp) [In other words: Let's return to the non-inclusive and authoritarian Nepal that is property of the male minority of some so called high Hindu castes! This man respresents one of the greatest dangers for Nepal's future!], Bhattarai says Oli, Raut are “two sides of the same coin” (ht) [Please don't foget to include Kamala Thapa and some other RPP leaders into this comparison!], 22 years of 'People's War': Ex-combatants have only regrets, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Maoists observe People's War Day, victims mark Black Day, by Ashok Dahal (rep), New Development: UML-UDMF Dialogue, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Focus On Informed Citizenry, by P. Kharel (rn), Supreme Court stays IGP pick, by Gyan P. Neupane (rep), Uncertainty over its report hits LBRC’s work (ht)

12/02/2017: ‘Keep TRC, CIEDP out of politics’, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Local level restructuring: A few tweaks to report is what Morcha seeks; Calls for adding 100 units in Tarai to make recommendations acceptable, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Task force to consult Madhesi lawmakers on LBRC report, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Yadav says state govts should hold local polls: SSFN chairman warns the Maoist-Congress coalition not to force elections on the Madhes-based parties (kp), Fiscal Decentralisation In Nepal, by Kalpana Ghimire (rn), Interface Between State And Citizens, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Red tape stalls grant, loan signing with India: Indian govt has pledged $1b for rebuilding efforts (kp), RPP unity convention will go for reinstating monarchy: Thapa; Thapa, who backed consti-tutional monarchy even after it was abolished, hails king as the pillar of national independence and unity (kp) [Such demands are anti-national and destroy social harmony in the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural state of Nepal where many social groups have suffered under royal politics for centuries!]

11/02/2017: Transitional justice: House panel tells govt to give teeth to commissions, by Dewan Rai (kp) [see Nepal: extending transitional justice commissions without granting real powers betrays trust of victims (ICJ 10/02/2017)], Ten Years On, Madhes Still In Unrest, by Amarendra Yadav (rn), Polls over partisan interests: If political parties remain unwilling to give up their respective stances, we might as well prepare ourselves for another round of serious political turmoil, by Sarin Ghimire (kp), Dahal, Oli sit for parley, say polls probably by May, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Teenager wins court case on citizenship in mother’s name, by Thakur Singh Tharu (kp), How the Trump gag rule threatens women’s lives in Nepal: The cut-off of American financing to providers of family planning services is a terrible blow to a country with few doctors and clinics, by Subina Shrestha (kp)

10/02/2017: TRC, CIEDP terms extended by one year: Rights activists point out the need to empower commissions with laws, by Dewan Rai (kp), Transitional justice mechanisms get one year term extension (rep), Action needed, not empty words, say conflict victims: Justice a far cry even a decade after peace deal, by Durga Lal KC (kp), Local level restructuring report: Panel to consult with State 2 MPs (kp), Govt mulls sending LLRC report back to commission: Ploy to delay elections: UML (rep), Fringe parties: Threshold design to disenfranchise marginalised groups; The bill related to political parties, which awaits parliamentary nod, requires a national party to pass 3 percent vote threshold in parliamentary polls (kp), Haven’t received electoral laws, says CEC Yadav: Electoral laws, LLRC report and polling date in urgent need, according to the chief commissioner (kp), Constitution Amendment: Wrong Prioritisation, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn), CSOs in a loktantrik Nepal: A democratic polity should look for ways to further allow Nepali citizens to fully enjoy their fundamental right to organise, by Pratyoush Onta and Avash Bhandari (kp), 300 law practitioners from 8 districts resign (kp)

09/02/2017: A regressive step: The new Civil Code Bill will roll back the historic gains in property rights for Nepali women, by Subin Mulmni (kp), Distribute first and second tranches by next 3 months: House panel to NRA, by Sangeet Sangroula (rep), NRA told to ensure homes for quake-hit before monsoon: A compiled data from the NRA shows 14,000 houses damaged by the earthquake have been rebuilt and another 30,625 are under construction as of Wednesday (kp), Transitional justice act amendment: Draft defines disappearance, by Dewan Rai (kp), Breaking the threshold: All the making and breaking of post-1990 governments have been due to the big parties, not the small ones, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Crucial bill on local elections stalled, by Prakash Timilsina (rep), Elections under present structure: Deuba (kp), Poll dates after agreement with Morcha: Dahal (kp), Developers of Nepali voting machine feel discouraged, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Executive President For Political Stability, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Faces of foreign meddling: Are critiques against foreign meddling mere stuffs of imagination? Is it that we do not see what others see or others do not see what we see?, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

08/02/2017: TJ act amerndment draft: 20-year jail for guilty of murder, disappearance, by Dewan Rai (kp), Inclusiveness in Nepal and India: There are a number of lessons that Nepal can learn from India to redress historical injustices, by Mahendra P. Lama (kp), Drive begins for united Tharuhat; Demand: Alignment of Tharu strongholds of Kailali and Kanchanpur districts with a Tharuwan province (kp), Taksera villagers protest in Musikot against LLRC report, by Hari Gautam (kp), Panel reaches Tikapur to conduct probe (kp), Relations between NC and Maoist Center sour, by Ashok Dahal (kp) [Yes, please reduce life of governments to six months!]

07/02/2017: RPP to recall ministers soon, says Lohani (kp), TMLP holds merger talks with like-minded Madhesi parties (kp), What’s the hold-up? Delay by line ministries in the extension of spending authority is surprising and worrying (kp)

06/02/2017: Civil Code Bill draws flak from rights advocates: Rights activists say the  bill introduced to replace Muluki Ain has denied even those rights that women had enjoyed earlier (kp), Rights groups press govt to extend TJ bodies’ mandate (kp), Transitional justice should also address root causes of the conflict, interview with Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Illogical Stand On Amendment, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Election body to ask govt for polling date: To write to the Cabinet today to make matters clear, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Stay on the message: Prime Minister Dahal needs to be  consistent about his position on elections (kp), TMLP asks Deuba to honour commitment (kp), ‘Resolving Madhes crisis crucial for polls’ (kp), Shankharapur residents padlock municipal office: Shankharapur locals have objected to the LLRC report which suggests annexing the municipality into Kajeshwori Manohara (kp)

05/02/2017: CIEDP lays groundwork for investigation: Panel involving forensic experts to be formed for exhuming bodies, by Dewan Rai (kp), AI, HRW call to extend mandates of TRC, CIEDP (ht), Taskforce to forward suggestions to LLRC: If restructuring report needs to be revised, commission to do so, not govt, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Govt to intensify parleys to ensure local elections: PM Dahal is under pressure with the Madhes-based parties refusing to budge from their stance and the UML turning up the heat (kp), Local Polls Vehicle Of Grassroots Democracy, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Morcha denies meetings with secessionist forces (kp)

04/02/2017: Rift among TRC members comes to fore, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht) [This is because the TRC is only another playing field for the power struggles of the politicians!], Nepali workers abroad still unable to vote, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Letter from govt lacks clarity, says poll body: EC yet to take a decision on how to respond to the government missive (kp), First statute amendment, SLMM leaders reiterate, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), MJF-D threatens to boycott civic elections (ht), No poll date before amendment: PM (rep), LLRC chairman says report can’t be revised: The government has already formed a taskforce to study the complaints against the LLRC report and present its suggestions (kp) Fake Student Union (FSU): Yes, we need student unions, but they should work for  the students not the vested interests of politicians; It’s about time we had  age limit for our politicians as well. Yes, you have to be 25 to contest general elections in this land but why not have a cut-off age at 65?, by Guffadi (kp) [satirical and true!], Playing with fire: If Madhesh remains unstable, Nepal’s misgivings about India’s interference will make it more and more dependent on China, economically and militarily, by Sukhdev Shah (rep), Political parties are trying to sabotage Election Commission, interview with Neel Kantha Uprety (rep)

03/02/2017: Nepal: Key Moment for Justice; UN and Donors Need to Back Accountability for Conflict Era Crimes (HRW), ‘TRC, CIEPD failed victims of conflict’ (ht), Taskforce to study issues related to LLRC report (kp), Local level election bill endorsed (kp), EC now has 4 of 5 laws needed for local poll (rep), Morcha: Govt free to prepare for polls (kp), Govt writes to EC for local poll preparations: Oppn and others smell rat behind govt move, by Sangeet Sangroula (rep), Polls likely before May 24, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), ‘Free Madhes’ campaigner CK Raut arrested (kp), Consequence Of Appeasement, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn) [??], Periods of banishment: Women in western Nepal are starting to refuse to be thrown out of the house once a month, by Subeksha Poudel (nt), 7 years in Jeddah jail: Ten Nepali migrant workers return home to ask: "Why did our government abandon us?", by Om Astha Rai (nt), CIAA receiving less number of corruption complaints: New constitution curtailed rights of CIAA barring the constitutional body from investigating ‘improper conduct’ of public officials (rep) [Investigation obviously not wanted by male Tagadhari creators of the new constitution!]

02/02/2017: Rights priorities go wrong: Extension of TJ commissions’ terms without giving them legislative muscles means little (kp), SC scraps TRC guidelines for putting complaints on hold (rep), Election Commission: Maintaining Independence, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Local level election bill: Women, Dalit, marginalized representation to increase, by Ashok Dahal (rep), 45 parties registered with EC for local elections, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Govt to write to EC to start preparations (kp), Cong leaders doubt Dahal’s poll intentions: Say chances of local elections under new mandate slim (kp), LLRC report: Legal eagles: Govt can revise paper; Commission officials warn such a move will be unconstitutional (kp), Broadening the Nepali mind: Events like the Nepal Literature Festival help counter aggressive nationalism and ignorance, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Little progress: Instructions and orders alone will not resolve the problem of low spending; it is a matter of strong political will to sincerely remove all the impediments on the way (ht), Landless quake victims: Why are we deprived of state aid?, by Shankar Shrestha (ht)

01/02/2017: Rebuilding Sindhuli houses could take more than a century, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), Subcommittee agrees on key provision: Lawmakers have reached an agreement to have a provision that ensures elections to local councils will be held two months prior to expiry of the exist-ing local bodies’ tenure, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), District judge to be poll commissioner: Provisions on vote threshold and election symbols in the bill on political parties are contentious. The major parties want a threshold of votes to ensure a seat for a party in the Parliament but fringe parties have been opposing the provision (ht), No vote if our demands not met, warns Mahato (kp), Madhesi Parties Playing Spoilsport?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), ‘Civil society should step in to end impasse’ (ht), Own it up: The report of the LBRC should be implemented and if necessary changes can be made to the report after the elections (ht), House panel tells govt to appoint envoys pronto (kp) [The govt has never been interested in what parliament or Supreme Court say!], Govt bodies at a loss for lack of right to spend: On average, each ministry has extended spending authority to about 80pc projects and programmes, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp), Nepal likely to have Rs 300 bn budget surplus, by Pushpa Raj Acharya (ht), A critical moment: As Nepal’s economic prospects expand, who benefits and how will depend on the success of its democratic system, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp), Shocks After Shocks, by Shyam KC (rn)

31/01/2017: Idea of citizenship: We need to revisit the 1952 Citizenship Act in order to make Nepal a true republic, by Kalpana Jha (kp), PM’s four questions to Madhes leaders: Madhes leaders reiterate amendment prior to poll date announcement, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), ‘Marriage of convenience’ on the verge of collapse? Irate leaders of Madhes-based parties say they are ready to part ways with ruling alliance (kp), House endorses third poll-related bill: 5 laws must to hold local elections n 4 more needed for federal, provincial and prez votes (kp), No Alternative To Elections, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Election And The New Generation, by Prem Khatry (rn), ‘Changing LBRC report without implementation unconstitutional’ (ht), NRA planning to spend hefty amount for deploying volunteers: Experts term the plan unnecessary and a populist program, by Sangeet Sangroula (rep), Celebrating The Martyrs’ Day, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km)

30/01/2017: TRC for extending its tenure by one year (ht), Judicial Council bids for one-tier Special Court: Conflict victims can appeal in the Supreme Court, by Dewan Rai (kp), ‘EC gradually losing autonomy’, by Bhadra Sharma (rep), Voter list update: 14 districts  get  extra time: The Election Commission extends the deadline to February 11 considering the delay in voter list updating process because of  protests in Province 5 (kp), Dahal to set poll date in ‘2-3 days’, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), PM under pressure with no progress on amendment, polls, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Statute must be rewritten: Upendra Yadav (ht), Proletarianism to globalism: Modi has done on the subcontinent what Trump has done at the global level: vacate the leadership position for China, by Achyut Wagle (kp), Musing On Martyrs’ Day, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

29/01/2017: Has PM struck deal with UML? Failure to announce poll dates by his own deadline does not say so, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Morcha to hold demonstrations in Tarai on Feb 5 (kp), UDMF to hold demonstrations in Tarai: The front fears the big III will ignore Madhes issues, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Local elections bill: MPs: Vote before representatives’ tenure expires, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Debunking a few myths: Nepal was never a buffer state, and China and India prefer maritime routes for trade, by Madan Shahi (kp)

28/01/2017: TRC commissioners at odds over seeking term extension, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Local level elections: Delay in announcing dates sows confusion; Cabinet decides to take LLRC report to political parties for discussion, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Govt decides to dwell on LBRC report: Decision may make announcing election dates in 4-5 days, as promised, difficult, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Two poll-related laws delayed (kp), Parties barred from accepting donations from NGOs, govt agencies; Motorbike/vehicle rallies banned; Wall paintings/pamphleteering on public/private walls prohibited (rep), 'Right to reject' removed from election bill (rep) [Further ignoring of SC rulings!!], Three members recommended for EC, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Elusive National And Local Polls, by Kushal Pokharel (rn), Government puts local restructuring report on hold, by Sangeet Sangroula (rep), Passage of amendment bill will embolden secessionist elements, interview with Bhim Rawal (rep) [Long live male Tagadharibad!]

27/01/2017: Unequal by law: The constitution needs to be amended so that  people of all genders can receive equal treatment, by Sanjay Sharma and Tingyi Yang (kp), Performance legitimacy: Wining an election no longer guarantees accountability, voters will now decide based on achievement (nt), SAC to present 2 poll bills in House today (kp), House sub-panel endorses poll offences bill: Proposes two-year jail term for grave electoral malpractices (ht), Preparing the field: Parliament needs to pass three more bills, and if that is done by the weekend local elections can finally be held for the first time in 20 years, by Om Astha Rai (nt), NC pressuring PM to declare civic elections (ht), Amend statute before declaring poll: FSF-N (ht), No polls without Madhesis, Tharus on board: PM (rep), NRA releases Rs 11.75b for second tranche (kp), Whose turn next? The politics of agreement ensures that every person willing to hang on will have his day, by Sachchi Ghimire Karki (kp), Nationalism Under Threat, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn) [Which nationalism, non-inclusive male Tagadhari nationalism or the one that includes all sections of society and that still has to be invented?]

26/01/2017: A nation still in the making: Ethnicity and nationhood need not be mutually exclusive, but Mahendra failed to create a multi-ethnic nation, by Deepak Thapa (kp), TRC presses for firm govt commitment: Demands legal prerequisites and logistics before term extension, by Dewan Rai (kp), TRC fails to decide on term extension (ht), Nepal ranked as third most corrupt country in SAsia, by Samipa Khanal (kp), Nepal made scant progress against corruption: TI; Third most corrupt country in South Asia and 131th in score out of 176 surveyed (rep), Parliament endorses two poll-related bills (kp), Local Polls Should Not Be Deferred, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Constitution amendment: PM proposes House panel to end dispute, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), LBRC starts hiring experts on public administration (ht), 17 wounded in Nuwakot clash, by Krishna Thapa (kp) [on local level restructuring], UML refuses to be part of foreign policy review panel (kp)

25/01/2017: Panel on disappearances to seek 1-year term extension, by Dewan Rai (kp), ‘Ready to hold local level polls within May-June’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), UDMF warns against unilateral announcement of polls, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Poll only after amendment: PM to Madhes parties (rep), Local Polls: A Political Discourse, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Parties continue to bicker over threshold: Parties that are against threshold say big political parties want to maintain monopoly by keeping the provision, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp). Local level restructuring dispute: Prolonged banda in Nuwakot affects farmers, quake victims, by Krishna Thapa (kp), Growth and prosperity: Nepal should enforce economic reforms and spend the capital budget (kp), Schools turning into playground for politicians, by Raju Adhikari (rep)

24/01/2017: Ensure Early Polls, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), PM consults CEC on local elections, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), House panel endorses two poll related bills, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), House panel softens poll offence penalty for parties, by Ashok Dahal (rep 24/01/2017), PM floats supplementary constitution amendment proposal: Morcha ‘positive’ about plan; Oppn UML asks PM for details, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Ministry finalizes proposal on new local units, by Sangeet Sangroula (rep), NC lawmakers want revision to LLRC report (kp), UDMF cadres stage rally (ht), Anti-intellectualism: a growing menace; Undereducated political leaders in fledgling democracies like Nepal are undermining democracy even before it takes root, by Naresh Koirala (kp), Bheri Babai could see budget cut to fund petty projects: Budget being transferred to election constituencies of home, irrigation ministers: Officials, by Rudra Pangeni (rep) [A special kind of corruption on highest political level!!]

23/01/2017: Team readies two poll bills for submission: Sub-panel plans to give final touches to first two bills in its meeting on Monday morning and sub-mit them to the SAC late, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Holding Local Polls In April, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), PM Dahal says local elections by mid-May, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Challenges galore for holding local polls by mid-May, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Civic poll date in six days: PM: Supplementary proposal likely to revise amendment bill, by Rupesh Acharya (ht), Look before you leap: It is essential to gain the confidence of the  disgruntled groups before heading to elections (kp), Only way out: The local level elections and the constitutional amendment bill should not be made dependent on each other; they are quite separate issues (ht), LBRC working on basic defining criteria: NEFIN has come up with demand fro 23 autonomous and 12 special protected regions, by Arjun Poudel (ht), Govt attorneys boycott hearings to protest appointment of judges, by Dewan Rai (kp), Dispute over judges appointment gets serious: Demanding a review of the council’s decision, government attorneys on Sunday boycotted proceedings in all the courts and tribunals, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Oli warns of stir if statute revisions were to be passed: Claims proposed revisions will weaken link between the Hills and the Tarai, by Lal Prasad Sharma (kp), Revolution No 4: The world economy is changing, and Nepal is once again in danger of missing out, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Nepali nationality has not been well defined even after 250 years, interview with CK Lal (kp)

22/01/2017: TRC yet to decide on tenure extension, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Major parties agree to hold local polls by mid-May, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp), Big III agree on polls: Statute amendment bill still remains a contentious issue, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), FSF-N decides not to accept amendment bill (ht), Madhes parties, Naya Shakti in bid for alliance: Leaders from both sides say a new alliance would  be announced once com-mon agendas are identified (kp), Terai Turning Into A Soft Belly?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Govt formulates strategy to make budget gender responsive (ht)

21/01/2017: TJ bodies divided over extra tenure: The mandate of the TRC and the CIEDP, formed to look into conflict-era  cases, expires on Feb 10, by Dewan Rai (kp), Government mulling House prorogation: Aims to g