Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Crisis solution (2014)

Since the Delhi Agreement between seven parliamentary parties and the insurgent CPN (Maoist) of 22 November 2005, the people of Nepal have been waiting in vain for the promised realisation of an inclusive democratic system. Although the then putsching monarchy was abolished and a constitution was passed in 2015 after long power struggles between the political parties, even this was the sole work of the exclusively male leaders of the three major parties, predominantly male Bahuns. The appropriate participation of all social groups, as provided for in the interim constitution of January 2007, did not take place. In this respect, the constitution of 2015 even represented in part a step backwards compared to the interim constitution.
Thus, apart from the abolition of the monarchy, not much has changed since the 1990 system. Numerous fundamental human rights continue to be disregarded. There is no inclusion of all social groups. All power and the majority of all state functions are still in the hands of male Tagadharis, especially male Bahuns.  The latter make up only 6 percent of the population, but the identification of the state and its society and culture, in short the nationalist image of the state of Nepal, is still based on the culture and partly narrow-minded, anarchic, patriarchal and socially discriminating view and thinking of this small minority. As long as this state of affairs continues and the failed generation of political leaders of all parties is not replaced by a younger generation that is inclusive, open-minded, receptive and not exclusively oriented towards personal power interests, there will be no end to the crisis situation.

Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights
Crisis solution (current)


31/12/2014: 2014: Constitution hope ends in despair (kp), Suggest ways or follow rule: Nembang to parties (kp), Nembang leaves parties with three options, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Let CA decide (ht), ‘Another conflict crime against country’ (ht), Parties remain poles apart: Shekhar Koirala (ht), CPN-Maoist announces protests: Struggle planned in consultation with UCPN-M, says Gajurel (ht), CPN-Maoist: Protest in consultation with UCPN (Maoist) (rep), CPN-Maoist demands national unity government (kp), CPN-UML chair’s activities provocative: Dahal to Nepal (ht), Mahato slams ruling parties (ht), Hit or miss? With the same old style of leadership and dysfunctional governance, leaders' speeches of delivering the new constitution on the promised date sound doubtful, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (rep)

30/12/2014: Nembang urged to initiate vote (kp), CA to proceed as per its rules: Nembang; Vote on disputed issues unlikely for months, says Constituent Assembly chair, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Top four leaders engage in tough negotiations Fail to break ice, decide to buy time to consider the alternatives suggested by the task force (ht), No statute on Jan 22, brace up for stir: Dahal tells cadres (kp), UCPN (Maoist) instructs leaders to go to districts for protest (rep), Six on roster to head transitional justice bodies (kp), CK Raut held in Jaleshwor again (kp), So close yet so far: Nepal's political parties still need to strike a balance between their ideological and strategic priorities to promulgate a constitution, by Jay Nishaant (kp), The Constitution: Blame Game Never Ends, by Prem Khatry (rn)

29/12/2014: CA members’ nay to delayed statute (kp), Taskforce leaves disputes for top leaders to settle, Govt plans security: Home Ministry assesses security scenarios whether or not there is new constitution on January 22 (kp), Leaders to decide disputed issues (ht), UML chief rules out ‘absolute consensus’ (kp), Slim chances of consensus: UML, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Students seek public pressure for constitution (ht), CK Raut held, released (kp), War victim’s journey: From an influential person to a beggar, by Bhim Bahadur Singh (kp), Transitional justice panels yet to be filled (kp), Nepali Congress and CPN-UML are insisting on ‘and’ provision, interview with Laxman Lal Karna (kp) [Citizenship is obviously another issue where the conservative parties of NC and UML show their true face!!], An alternative model: Ruling coalition’s seven-province model, in any form, is not decentralisation as alleged by the opposition, by K.L. Devkota (kp)

28/12/2014: January 22 ‘too close’ even for statute draft: Leaders say draft possible only with a deal in two days (kp), Taskforce working on alternatives: To send disputed issues of the constitution to top leaders (ht) [i.e. to the most incompetent persons of solving constitutional hurdles!!], Dahal bats for inclusiveness (kp), Baidya Maoists announce stir (kp), Thapa-led chariot rally untimely: Lawoti (kp), Not again: We should not let CA members extend the deadline for promulgating the constitution at any cost, by Rajendra Senchurey, Telling her story: Nepali history must acknowledge women’s contributions to the country’s seminal political changes, by Darshan Karki (kp), Sleep to dream: The year 2014 remained nondescript with a sense of neither going nor reaching anywhere, by Abhi Subedi (kp), CA Members Just Twiddling Their Thumbs!, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

27/12/2014: ‘Problem is power, not consensus’: Nembang hits out at parties, saying vacillation deliberate (ht) [!!!!!!!], Issue statute on time, Civil society urges leaders (kp), Civil society members urge leaders to deliver statute on time (ht), Seek common ground for constitution: Wang (kp), Wang hopes early consensus through dialogue (ht) [China must understand that the so-called Nepali political leaders are only interested in power and the preservation of their privileges!!!], The less the number of pradeshes, the better: Koirala (ht), Five Maoist parties hit out at each other (ht), Peace process, parliamentary politics failed to address people's aspiration: Chand (rep), Revolt under threat: Chand (kp), Commander Asmita’s many battles: Leela Sharma, an ex-Maoist guerilla, fought for justice in the People’s War; But even after the war, she has had to continue her battles—both on the personal front, and on behalf of other women fighters, by Deepak Adhikari (kp), Prince of darkness: Kamal Thapa should have posted a Christmas greeting video on YouTube instead of wasting millions of rupees with his ‘Chariot’ natak, by Guffadi (kp), RPP-Nepal’s Rath Yatra reaches Hetauda (ht), Old state: Women and citizenship (rep)

26/12/2014: New taskforce to seek consensus: Cross-party body to present a proposal in 2 days; Parties ‘agree’ to adopt improved parliamentary system (kp), Task force formed to forge consensus, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Task force formed to settle disputed issues, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Myriad problems if no consensus: Nembang (kp), Maoists hint at 6 states, with strings attached (kp), Maoists now float six-province model, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Constitution on Jan 22 is impossible : Bhim Rawal (kp), CPN Maoist mass assembly today (kp), Mixed signals: We have to make a constitution that is right for us, not one that fits the rightist agenda of a governing party in the neighbourhood (nt), More of the same: We Nepalis desperately need some positive experiences to believe in ourselves and in our future, by Jagannath Lamichhane (kp), Nepal’s backwardness: People’s apathy is to blame, by Mukul Sharma (ht), Forgotten fighters: Two women guerrillas who survived the war, struggle to survive the peace, by Deepak Adhikari (nt), Playing the shame game: The same handful of ‘leaders’ are jockeying in the back rooms for political, and personal, gain at the expense of nearly 30 million people, by Marty Logan (nt)

25/12/2014: History repeats: Wider range of parliamentarians, public must be included in constitution drafting (kp), Forget federalism: Addressing the concerns of marginalized and ethnic communities has nothing to do with such and such number and names of federal states, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep) [Federalism is a precondition for better inclusion of ethnic and regional groups, Mr Paudyal! Ethnic organisations had already demanded it in the mid-1990s, long before the Maoists!!!], Widening Discord May Stymie Constitution Promulgation, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Leaders urged to overlook their personal interest in CA (ht), Dahal threatens protest if statute is brought through majority (rep), Constitution, not govt, is oppn priority: Dahal (kp), NC, UML ask Maoists to register differing views (kp), Changes in statute possible later: NC, UML tell Maoists (rep) [But your non-inclusive proposal is fundamentally wrong!! It may lead to greater social unrest!!], Leaders promise to remove trust deficit: The four major forces need to clear the situation by stopping the tendency of exchanging barbs (ht), Parties need to make effort to forge consensus (ht), SSP withdraws support to govt (kp), FSP withdraws support to govt (ht), UDMF to take inlike-minded parties (ht), RPP-N chariot rally begins (kp) [Targeting national harmony within the multiethnic, multireligious and multilingual state of Nepal!!], Thapa warns of jihad (ht) [?????], Complexity of faith: Religion is a complex dynamic force of human civilisation with potential for both good and evil, by Pramod Mishra (kp), March for citizenship through mother, by Weena Pun (kp), Youth activists for citizenship also through mother's name (rep)

24/12/2014: Secularism and the state: Secularism provides legal, psychological protection to religious minorities against majoritarian hegemony, by Dipendra Jha (kp), EC for 3 pc threshold, MMPR system (ht), MPs turn up heat on senior leaders (kp), Leaders urge statute draft by January 22: Launching a movement now will divert focus from the real task,say members of ruling parties (ht), Sit-in to press for timely statute (kp), Slumber rally in city to wake lawmakers up (ht), Drive for identity-based federalism (kp), We won’t compromise on deadline for consensus: Oli (kp), RPP-N chief rules out timely constitution (ht), Nembang, lawmakers urge Dahal not to launch protest, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Not the time for stir, Shrestha tells Dahal (kp), Call it off: Opposition protest plans (rep), The billion-rupee gap: Inability to spend money earmarked for infrastructure is a loss for the country (kp), The divine comedy: For the British envoy to suggest the right to conversion be guaranteed in constitution can only mean one thing: he wants coercive conversion legalized, by Biswas Baral (rep) [??? What nonsense by a person I thought to be intellectual!!], Political corruption in Nepal: Strong action is necessary, by Pranav Bhattarai (ht)

23/12/2014: Parties’ row stops House business (kp), Leaders urged not to hold CA hostage to indecision (ht), 'CA can't be held hostage to past accords' (rep) [??], Major parties differ over wait for consensus (rep), To NC, UML, oppn wields protest plan (kp), ‘Oppn alliance a ploy to disrupt statute writing’ (kp) [Proposal of the male Bahun elites another ploy to disrupt legitimate demands and interests of the traditionally exluded majority of society!!], Koirala: Agitation will complicate matters (kp), Man of the hour: Sushil Koirala needs to emerge out of KP Oli’s shadow and take the lead on negotiations with the opposition on the constitution, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), FNCCI puts pressure on major parties (ht), Hurry Makes Bad Curry, by Shyam K.C. (rn), ICC staff protest affects House meet for 2 hrs (kp), Low capital expenditure: House panels grill PM, ministers in one voice (kp), Govt told to accomplish development projects’ bids (ht), NHRC urges govt to perform Nanda Prasad’s final rites (ht), NHRC asks govt to plan funeral (kp), Citizenship issue: Wordings add to woes of children of single mothers, by Weena Pun (kp), Name of the mother: A broadbased coalition could help in the fight against discriminatory citizenship provisions (kp), If Madhesis ruled: 'But son, army isn't for you; You must be Madheshi to qualify for army job, unless you want to work as a barber or a cook', by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

22/12/2014: A stitch in time: A major backlash is possible if a broadbased, inclusive constitution is not drafted soon (kp), CA hears party stances echoed yet again (ht), If there’s a push for conservative constitution, there’ll be strong resistance, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (kp), Interparty relations sour badly (rep), Dahal-led front set to hit streets: 19 parties decided on Sunday to launch street agitation in order to press the ruling coalition for a compromise (kp), 19 parties decide to launch agitation, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Oppn parties plan street protests (rep), Dahal lashes out at UML chief Oli (kp), Dahal lashes out at PM Koirala, Oli (ht), National integrity holds key to federalism: Khanal (kp) [National integrity means that the male Bahuns have to step down from their all-pervasive power control and privileges, once and for all!!], Constitution only through consensus, says Nembang (kp), Consensus must for constitution by deadline: Nembang (ht), Statute by two-thirds majority, Mahat claims (kp) [There will be no two-thirds majority for the proposal of the ruling parties in CA, Mr Mahat! Besides, you should be aware that the two ruling parties have been electedby less than 50 percent of the voters, i.e. the majority of the people have different ideas!!! ], 33-party alliance falls apart (kp), Are We Heading For Confrontation?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), The shivering subalterns: There seems to be some hesitation among a section of Muslims and Tharus in making common cause with mainstream Maoists and resolute Madheshis, by C.K. Lal (rep), Federalism on ethnic basis is a reversal of republicanism, interview with Hussaini Abdu (rep)

21/12/2014: Content important not deadline: BRB (ht) [!!!], ‘Decisive’ talks fall through: Maoist leaders walk out of PM-chaired meeting (kp) [The demand that the opposition has to accept the ruling parties' proposal without changes has nothing to do with consensus offer!!], UCPN-Maoist walks out (ht), NC, UML, Madhesi parties to intensify talks (ht), CA vote not an easy option (kp), PAPAD submits memo to President Yadav (ht), RPP-N chief Thapa demands referendum for Hindu state (kp) [Such demand is anti-national and anti-constitutional! The question remains: Why does the state not treat him in the same way as CK Raut or better vice versa??], RPP-N’s 10-day Rath Yatra: To cover 30 districts calling for Hindu state (ht), 13 citizenships in mum’s name in Banke last FY: No person in the district has been able to obtain citizenships through their mother’s name in the running fiscal year (kp), Elites without etiquette: Nepal’s elites need to teach their children the value of time, significance of discipline, and importance of environment, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp)

20/12/2014: NC, UML for ‘decisive talks’ with opposition (kp), NC, UML to opt for voting if no consensus (rep), Toe ‘progressive’ line: BRB to ruling parties, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Oppn front warns of protest: Protests if NC, UML are inflexible: FDRA (kp), FRA gearing up to launch agitation: NC says resolution should besought on negotiating table, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Janajati alliance stages protest for identity-based federalism (kp), No alternative to agitation, say Madhesi forces (kp), Nembang urged to take initiative for consensus (ht), ‘Govt change after Jan 22’ (kp) [UML is already part of the current weak government! Power  and privileges, that's all politicians are interested in!!], Cong should step down after Jan 22, says Khanal (kp), War-era cases: Clarify crime, punishment: NBA (kp), UN asks govt to ensure rights (kp), Citizens sans a state, by Weena Pun (kp), Transitional justice: Rights groups ask PM for transparency in appts (kp), Rights groups call on Nepal tomake TRC, CID independent (ht)

19/12/2014: CA continues debate on its next step (ht), “The clock is ticking”, interview with CA Chair Subhas Nembang (nt), One month to go: Politicians agree to agree, sending a sense of cautious optimism about the constitution, but they need to settle their power struggle first (nt), Contentious consensus: There is much more to the constitution debate than the constitution, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Directly-elected Prez call renewed (kp), NEFIN to member bodies: Don’t join Tuladhar-led move (kp) [Janajati (and Madheshi) will never get their just demands fulfilled as long as they are unable to cooperate!!], Forge consensus or be ready for vote, says PM (ht) [A two-thirds majority for the non-inclusive proposal of the ruling parties can hardly be imagined!], NC, UML for giving top leaders 5 days to settle disputes (rep), MJF-Nepal pledges single Madhes (ht), Model of judiciary: A Thorny Issue on Constitution Drafting, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Citizenship from mother: DPM Gautam wavering on his promise, by Weena Pun (kp) [Citizenship from mother is a fundamental right and does not depend on the favour of any minister!!], Not over yet: Government must implement its plan to rehabilitate children affected by conflict (kp), A great coming storm: Complex social conflicts loom, unless Nepal creates jobs for returning migrants from India and overseas, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), A failed mission: Unless a single entity is given the mandate to act freely and take action against people at the top, controlling corruption will remain impossible, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Only half free: Freedom of expression can’t be selective, it includes the freedom to speak about changing one’s religion, by Damakant Jayshi (nt)

18/12/2014: Leaders claim progress on judiciary, electoral system: Differences persist on federalism, forms of government, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Pranab Kharel (kp), CA members voice their party stances: Discussions show that deadlock nowhere near resolution (ht), UML reiterates two-third majority if no consensus (rep), Oppn warns against bringing statute through majority (rep), UML: Extremist forces threat to statute writing (kp), Demand to reinstate Prithvi Jayanti (kp), A matter of choice: British envoy may have overreached, but Hindu right is perhaps missing the point (kp), Politicians ‘try to influence CIAA’: Oli, Deuba ‘ask investigators to release those arrested’ (kp) [The close connection between high level politicians and crime is all-pervasive!!], Dalit panel without members for a year (kp), Truth and consequences: For true reconciliation, human rights violations during the conflict must be confronted head on, by Ram Kumar Bhandari and Erik B. Wilson (kp), Kin of conflict victim deprived of relief (ht), Transcending Leadership Vital To Democratic Constitution Writing, by Mukti Rijal (rn)

17/12/2014: MPs divided over statute procedure: Ruling parties question PDCC’s relevance; Propose settling disputed issues at the Constituent Assembly (kp) [Only the CA has to decide on the new constitution, not the parties and their male Bahuin leaders!!], CA prolongs meeting to await consensus among parties (ht), CA chair urged to remove deadlock (rep), FSPN warns ruling parties (ht), Chands’s party working on ‘revolutionary doctrine’ (kp), Dahal's stratagem: Dahal is championing 10 ethnic states, most of them ethnic, not as a principled issue, but as bargaining chip to realize personal ambition, by Neelam Adhikari (rep)

16/12/2014: Flexibility a far cry as CA deliberations begin (kp), PDCC must settle disputes: Maoists (kp), UCPN-M for returning disputes to CPDCC (ht), Ruling, oppn leaders sharply divided on returning to CPDCC (rep), Diplomat summoned over envoy’s conversion note, by Anil Giri (kp), Govt summons UK official over 'rights to change religion', by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Breach of protocol: Andy Sparkes plea for right to conversion is condemnable; it goes against basic diplomatic norms and values, by Bimal Gautam (rep) [The freedom to choose one's own religion is a fundamental right of every human being that is so far not respected in Nepal!!!], ‘Low women representation in political parties’, by Thakur Singh Tharu (kp), Unproductive peace: Eight years since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2006, political leaders have little to show, by Subindra Bogati (kp), 21st century constitution: Whatever happens on January 22, 2015, it is certain that it will end up drafting a constitution that could just as well have been crafted on January 22, 1815, by Bishal Thapa (rep)

15/122014: PM gets NC nod to forge consensus with oppn parties‘: Flexibility on disputed issues but only around joint proposal’ (kp), NC for consensus from margins of joint proposal: Congress to make all out effort to draft new constitution by the January 22 deadline (ht), Chances of statute through consensus high: Dahal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), EC plans to be independent poll governing body, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), MoFA to ask for UK envoy’s take: Sparkes, in a newspaper opinion piece, had called on lawmakers to protect  right to change religion in new constitution (kp) [The British ambassador's statement was necessary and reasonable! Only communal forces see this different! The fundamental right of every citizen to choose her/his religion must be guaranteed by the constitution!], Sparkes’ advocacy of conversion sparks row (ht), UK envoy under flak for advocacy of conversion: Govt prepares to seek clarification, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), RPP-N: Honour Prithvi Narayan Shah (kp) [Those conquered, subjected and excluded inferior citizens by the Shah state are also integral parts of the nation! How can they celebrate this day??], Declare Prithvi memorial daya holiday, says RPP-Nepal (ht), Return to the fold: Baidya’s reentry must not deviate the Maoist party from peace, constitution (kp), Longer the transition, the less attention govt pays to human rights, interview with Anup Raj Sharma (kp), Issue Of Disappearances, Politics Ignoring Justice, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

14/12/2014: Chances of new statute by Jan 22 slim: Bhattarai (kp), Major parties getting serious: Bhattarai; Says it’ll be an achievement if first draft of constitution is ready by January 22 (ht), Consensus possible, say parties (ht), MJF-Nepal chairfinds fault withUDMF constituents (ht), HR meet calls for youths’ representation (kp), Researching peace: Without explicit educational and empowerment functions, the state-building process cannot succeed, by Yogendra P. Paneru (kp)

13/12/2014: NC leadership asked to pull out all stops for statute, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC leaders against sending disputed issues back to CPDCC, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Koirala tasked with forging consensus (ht), Taskforce of second rung leaders on anvil (kp) [Janajati, Madheshi and women in general are minorities among second rung leaders as well!!], Major forces to disscus issues ‘more systematically’ (ht), Parties’ new option: Statute draft by Jan 22 (kp), Dahal-led 19-party alliance announced (kp), FDA to press for inclusive statute (ht), ANNFSU launches SMS campaign for constitution (ht), Call for reopening debate on citizenship; Agreed provisions can render many stateless: Experts (ht), Walking the tightrope: We have to be honest, cultivate confidence and trust, and tackle the issues without sticking adamantly to identity positions, by Shyam Sharma (rep)

12/12/2014: CPN-Maoist warns of ‘people’s constitution’ (kp), Baidya's CPN-Maoist unveils concept paper for new statute (rep), Shekhar Koirala differs with NC mainstream (ht), Oli unhappy with PM Koirala (rep), Miles to go: Clear separation of powers would help the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority tackle corruption, by Shyam K.C. (kp), Instilling Leadership Qualities, by Reagan Bhandari (rn), Decentralised plunder: The rent from Nepal’s rent-seeking state just went up (nt), Dichotomy in development: A successful politician in Nepal is almost necessarily corrupt, by Bihari K. Shrestha (nt)

11/12/2014: CA takes up disputed issues: PDCC Chair Bhattarai insists consensus still possible (kp), Bhattarai tables CPDCC report: Says mandate of people’s movements takes precedence over that of elections (ht), Choice is between disastrous and unpalatable: Bhattarai (rep), Parties in ‘positive discussions’ to settle contentious subjects (kp), Parties to seek consensus through series of talks (rep), Ruling, opposition parties trying to woo each other (ht), Fear Of Missing The January 22 Deadline Looms Large, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Weapons of choice: What would be the long- and short-term consequences if the two-thirds majority should get its way?, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Regressive statute will be torn: CPN-M (ht), ‘Nepal’s human rights condition deteriorates’ (kp) [see report of AHRC], Time to deliver: NHRC should book politicians and senior government officials who condoned torture and human rights violations, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep), And justice for all: Conflict wounds cannot be healed without recognising victims’ demands (kp), Youths of Taplejung rue decade-long insurgency: Youngsters quit their studies to work as porters (ht), TRC secretary tasked to begin logistical, administrative works (kp)

10/12/2014: Conflict victims seek end to politics over commissions, by Weena Pun (kp), War victims welcome court’s verdict on journo murder case, by Prakash Adhikari (kp), Four forces in bid to forge consensus: Second-rung leaders absent as top guns meet (ht), UML PP against re-sending issues to PDCC (kp), Oli against giving consensus forging task to CPDCC again (ht), Ex-Nefin members to join Janajati stir with Tuladhar (kp), Thapa seeks revocation of CA (ht), Appointments in TRC: Panel to give names for two commissions (ht), Rights all year round: Promotion and protection of the rights of vulnerable groups can strengthen national integrity, peace and democracy, by Madhab Regmi (kp), Empowering the other half: All out against VAW, by Gail Marzetti (ht), Latest Buzz: National Government, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

09/12/2014: Talks on statute contents, not process: Big 3 (kp), Parties in ‘final bid’ to forge consensus: Big Three include Madhesi front in talks on contentious matters for the first time, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Updated version of interim statute can be issued as new constitution: Oli (rep) [???], Updating interim statute anoption: Oli: Says disputed issues won’t be returned to CPDCC, by Tikas R. Pradhan (ht), ‘Promulgate statute evenby amending CA calendar’ (ht), Two roads diverge: By now, all parties know the limitations and possible points of compromise on contentious issues of the new constitution, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), The right move: To build a strong economic future for Nepal, we cannot ignore the rights of half of the population, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Keep your promises: Any attempt to pursue decentralisation instead of federating the country would be manipulative politics, by Prakash Bom (kp), National conference of Dalit rights activists kicks off (ht), Madheshi separatism: There is no evidence of mass discontent among Madheshi people that they are being deprived of civil and citizenship rights under the exclusionist rule, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

08/12/2014: No light at end of statute tunnel: Parties clueless what follows CA talk on PDCC report (kp), Nembang asks leaders to forge consensus in five days (ht), UCPN-M-led new opposition front in offing (ht), Morcha presses identity-based federalism (kp), UML looks to consider every possible alternative (kp), CPN-M memo to PM Koirala warning of another movement (ht), Restraint in response: Longer the constitution drafting, more opportunity for spoilers to create havoc (kp), Journo murder: Dailekh court delivers verdict: Jail terms for 5 convicts; TRC Act, Civil Code cited, by Prakash Adhikari (kp), Verdict issued in Dekendra murder case (ht), Families of conflict-missing hoping against hope, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Silence of foxes: For the Pink Pretenders of supposedly Marxist-Leninist variety, KP Oli, the presumptive power behind throne of Premier Koirala, is the rock of stability, by C.K. Lal (rep), Groundless Optimism, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

07/12/2014: NC-UML bid for nat’l consensus govt loses steam (kp), NEFIN does volte-face on Tuladhar deal: Decisison as per the mandate given by representatives at nat’l gathering in Butwal: Leaders (kp), Ex-NEFIN chair Lekhi against joining ethnic movement (kp), Two-third majority in CA won’t workin constitution making: Dahal (ht), Search for self: A Nepali identity is the whole—the sum total of the country’s more than a hundred ethnic identities, by Khagendra N. Shakya (kp) [Yes, reality is the opposite of the single ethnic identity thinking of the so-called leaders!!]

06/12/2014: CPDCC report submitted to CA chair, by Prakash Acharya and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), PDCC report lands in CA: Constituent Assembly to meet on Tuesday: Bhattarai hopeful of end to polarisation (kp), CPDCC submits report to CA: Says it's 'neither vor voting nor for deliberation' (rep), ‘New statute  possible by April 15’ (ht), Seven Madhesi forces one on disputed issues (ht), Madhesi leaders refuse to rise to govt, federal commission baits (ht), Madhesi parties reject UML bid to decide fed set-up later (kp), 20 parties form task force (ht), Crime-politics nexus promoting impunity: NHRC (kp)

05/12/2014: Constitution writing to be fast-tracked: CA secretariat prepares to amend calendar to meet Jan 22 deadline (kp), Oppn worried what CA may do to CPDCC report (ht), Fight over what happens after disputed issues are sent to CA persists, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Tarai parties may go for ‘improved parliament’ model (kp), Gachhadar against statute sans federalism (ht), ‘Flexible on number of states’ (kp), CPN-Maoist leader warns of protest (ht) [Didn't you say that you are against the promulgation of the constitution by CA??], Nepal against unity govt idea (kp), Almost there, but...: Predicament of Pushpa Kamal Dahal and fears of ‘Madhesbadi’ leaders stand between us and constitution, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), ‘C’ for constitution: Nepal may finally get its new constitution but it may not be in January, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Dalit women urge govt to ensure citizenship thru mother's name (rep), Making peace with the past: For the women widowed by war, personal happiness comes last, by Trishna Rana (nt), What Constitution? From promulgation of the new constitution by January 22, major political parties have shifted their focus to forming a national consensus government (sp), Human rights and Good governance have many faces, by Kirsten Geelan (sp)

04/12/2014: Eyes on the prize: Parties must focus more on constitution and less on government formation (kp), People launch sms campaign to press for timely statute, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), PDCC to submit report ‘today’: 22-party alliance okays major parties’ decision; BRB asked to use his conscience (kp), CPDCC chair to submit report: Bhattarai entrusted with preparing its contents ‘using his wisdom’, by Prakash Acharya (ht), RPP-N to hold Rath Yatra for Hindu state (kp), Hindu state? by Prakash A. Raj (rep) [Nepal is the best example that the identification of state and religion does not work, especially not in multi-religious and multi-ethnic states! Besides, the state of Nepal in its current form only came into existence through the military conquests of the Shah rulers between 1742 and 1791, as you know well, Mr Raj!], An index for inclusion: Multidimensional Social Inclusion Index provides an illuminating picture of inclusion’s non-linear nature, by Deepak Thapa (kp)

03/12/2014: A modest proposal: Any design for federalism must ensure rightful shares for deprived groups in the power structure, by Amar Kant Jha (kp), Proposals stranded at CPDCC (ht), Parties not serious about consensus, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Leaders need to do soul searching, by Prakash Rimal (ht), Big 3 parties say agreement around corner (kp), Political polarisation to affect January 22 deadline: Bhattarai (ht), Oli steps up unity govt talksHolds one-on-one meeting with UCPN (Maoist) leader Bhattarai for three hours (kp), Citizenship through single parent, says BRB (kp), UNHRC prods Nepal for justice in 3 war-era cases, by Weena Pun (kp)

02/12/2014: CPDCC’s filibustering holding statute hostage: Crisis of confidence between ruling and opposition parties has deadlocked constitution drafting, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Madhes parties turn down UML offer to join govt (kp), Chand announces CPN Maoist, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Conflict victims demand equal state treatment: Victims claim that govt officials, former rebels and security personnel injured during insurgency have however received facilities (kp)

01/12/2014: As meetings fail, parties to engage in informal talks (kp), Starting again: Political leaders must still explore all avenues of negotiation for consensus (kp), Nine-state model with autonomous Madhes: MJF-N; MJF-N also proposes a provision of changing the name and capital of state through two-thirds majority of a provincial assembly (kp), Not in our name: A Truth Commission cannot impose reconciliation upon victims of conflict under any circumstance, by Suman Adhikari (kp), Illusive consensus: There must be pressure from all sides to come up with a constitution by the scheduled date, by consensus, and if not, by two-third majority, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep)

30/11/2014: After a lull, parties to renew consensus effort (kp), Parties stress consensus, but continue to differ (kp), FRA decides to  wait and watchruling parties (ht), Dissolve CA, govt, demands CPN-M (ht)

29/11/2014: CPDCC meet calledfor tomorrow: Ruling, opposition parties fine-tuning strategies, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Oli bats for commission to settle federalism dispute (kp) [Such commission is of no meaning as along as the disadvantaged sections sof society are adeaquately participated! These sections (Janajatis, Madheshis, Dalits, Muslims and women in general) constitute 85 percent of the population!!!], In search of a common stance: 22-party alliance to take to streets after finalising its agenda, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht 29/11/2014)

28/11/2014: PM: No pressure from Modi on constitution (kp), Koirala says no external pressure (ht 28/11/2014), Transgression of authority: Nepal needs a strong and independent anti-corruption agency outside the realm of the executive, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Half-widows of war: Hand-in-hand, wives of those disappeared in the war help each other cope with life, by Trishna Rana (nt)

26/11/2014: Modi bats for consensus; Advice: Preliminary constitution draft in agreement, amendments may be made later, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [The problem is that the proposal of NC and UML is not inclusive and cannot be a basis for future amendments!!], Modi stresses on consensus for statute (ht), Modi for constitution through consensus: UCPN (Maoists) feels encouraged (rep), Ruling parties to Modi: Consensus best but voting if inevitable (kp) [Consensus here means that the opposition has to support the proposal of the government parties!]

25/11/2014: A slippery slope: Unless drastic amendments are made to the CA Rules of Procedure, a new constitution by January 22 is no longer possible, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), On the brink: Constitutional process (rep), 22 parties say they favour consensus: Claim ruling parties want a vote on disputed issues (ht), NC, UML blasted for ‘pushing nation towards confrontation: ’Dahal says statute cannot be drafted through majority in Constituent Assembly (ht), Opposition briefs int’l community on statute stance (kp), Chand faction splits from CPN-Maoist: Plans to announce own party after necessary homework, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Six Madhes-based parties join forces to revive SLMM (kp), Madhesi parties revive UDMF: Say they will not be joining government till the constitution is promulgated (ht), Internal divide: Splits in the indigenous movement in Nepal could jeopardise the achievements of Janajati politics, by Tashi Tewa Dolpo (kp)

24/11/2014: Dahal reneges on deal after allies rebuke: Cannot convince oppn parties to let ruling parties’ proposal to CA (kp), Past agreements principles of new statute: Dahal (ht), Political deadlock that refuses to end, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Daughters to get equal share of parental property, by Weena Pun (kp), Hybrid delusions: Democracy is a fine mantra but what really matters to international community is regime stability in chronically conflict-afflicted countries, by C.K. Lal (rep)

23/11/2014: Parties agree to send all PDCC issues to Constituent Assembly (kp), Leaders agree to end deadlock (ht), Consultations for breaking stalemate positive: Acharya (ht), If no statute, we need adraft by Jan 22: Sharma (ht), Carter Center calls for consensus among parties (kp), Referendum on Hindu state: Rana (kp) [???], Looming deadline: The only real option for political parties is a constitution by January 22, by Siddhartha Thapa (kp), The beautification charade: Unless the public demands development that is more than cosmetic fixes, superficial work, like that for the Saarc Summit, will continue, by Manish Gyawali (kp)

22/11/2014: Eager to step down, but after statute: PM (ht), Eight years of peace agreement: Leaders discuss way forward, gains so far (ht), 8 yrs after CPA, key tasks of peace process still pending: Dispute resolution body remains unable to meet (rep), Dahal urges prez to help end deadlock: Tells Head of State Congress-UML’s joint proposal creating distrust among parties (ht), Welcome to Nepal: What stings is that as they talk about meaningful regional cooperation, these politicians have absolutely no vision of how to shape the Nepal they inherites from the 2006 revolution, by Biswas Baral (rep)

21/11/2014: Parties adamant as deadlock continues (kp), Leaders still clamor for consensus (rep), Joint proposal on statute can be modified: UML (ht), Constituent Assembly will deliver constitution sooner or later, says Dev, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Electoral model becomes more vital, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), The foreign handlers: Federalism is just decentralised feudalism in which warlords will rule states, by Bihari K. Shrestha (nt), Deadlines To Miss (sp), Deconstructing Hagiography: Rescuing History: In that Nietzscheian sense, politics is about power which is best exercised invisibly, by Dipak Gyawali (sp)

20/11/2014: 20 CA parties reject NC, UML statute proposal (kp), 22-party alliance to brief envoys on Sunday: Claims what NC, UML told them is not true (ht), UCPN (Maoist)-led camp says ruling parties vitiating consensus (rep), Oppn calls off protest for SAARC Summit (kp), US, British envoys call on Dahal (ht), ‘UCPN-Maoist on course to commit another blunder’: Sitaula says the ruling coalition will get stronger even if statute is not drafted on time, by Prakash Acharya (ht) [A non-inclusive constitution is far worse than a delayed but inclusive one, Mr Sitaula!!], Key leaders abroad as political impasse deepens (rep), RPP-N to seek full CA House meeting (ht), Judges call for binning House hearing, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Appointment of judges: Parliamentary hearing not needed: Judges (ht), Cabinet can overrule CIAA order on hydros: Gyawali (kp) [An anti-corruption commission that is subordinate to politicians, i.e. one of the most corrupt sections of Nepali society, makes absolutely no sense, Ms. Gyawali!!], Papers please: Denial of citizenship to legitimate citizens is a travesty of all achievements of all popular Nepali movements, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Inter-party Contretemps, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

19/11/2014: A year after election, CA still lacks full shape, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Janajatis may work with 22-party alliance, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), ‘Mass movement essential for Indigenous People’s rights’ (ht), Parties unwilling to change stance (kp), Bhattarai says he will not act under pressure (ht), Bhattarai raps PM for joining signature campaign, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Taking regressive decisions will be suicidal: Dahal (rep), Call of revolution: It is important to bring about national transformation through small political processes, not big revolutions, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), Dawning red: While Biplab has reached a point of no return with his "people's revolt", politics in Kathmandu is slowly shifting in his favor, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Federating Nepal right, by Anil Karki (Setopati), Common Proposal Ignites New Feud, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

18/11/2014: Game of thrones: Constitutional process (rep), Statute-writing suffers serious setback: Majority CPDCC members demand joint proposal be sent to CA, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Rift widens in statute debate: PDCC meet put off as majority rally for NC-UML proposal (kp), 43 members press for forwarding NC-UML proposals, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Tharu MPs against 7-state model (kp), NEFIN, AJRA to launch joint Janajati protest (kp), Oppn to brief int’l community on their position (kp), Maoist-led oppn alliance also to brief diplomats (rep), CJ: Don’t experiment with judiciary (kp), A half-hearted effort: The NC-UML proposal on the judicial system and form of government does not reflect the spirit of federalism, by Prakash Bom (kp), Federal Nepal in the making: A number of constraints, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht)

17/11/2014: CA misses onemore deadline: Parties still hope to draft constitution by January 22 (ht), Not much to hope from PDCC meet: Ruling parties are busy collecting signatures to press Bhattarai to forward their joint proposal (kp), UML-Maoist talks to find common ground fruitless; Mistrust has deepened: Baburam Bhattarai (rep), Limbuwan bandh hits life in East (ht)

16/11/2014: BRB, NKS coax parties as Dahal spits venom (kp), Bhattarai hopping around town hoping against hope (ht), CPDCC chairman scrambles to get consensus forged: Holds hectic meetings with PM Koirala, Oli and Thapa (ht), Confrontation if past pacts violated, Dahal warns (kp), Signatories of joint NC-UML proposal to push document (ht), Slow road to ruin: The UCPN (Maoist) leadership should either reach consensus on the mode of federalism or agree to go for a vote in the CA, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp) [Consensus means that both sides have to move, not only one!!], Youth groups launch campaign for citizenship in mother’s name (kp), Campaign for citizenship rights (ht), Poll talks: Election laws should undergo periodic changes to keep pace with time and socio-political developments in the country, by Motikala Subba Dewan (kp)

15/11/2014: CPDCC meeting put off until Monday (ht), Maoists denied 5 days’ accord time (kp), Ruling parties, oppn still at loggerheads (ht), Dahal dares NC, UML to remove Bhattarai from CPDCC chair, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Crisis Of Our Making, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km)

14/11/2014: No ill-intent: Dahal’s deputies: Shrestha, Bhattarai say UCPN (M) is on statute course (kp), UCPN-M keen on talks: Bhattarai, Shrestha Say pressing for consensus does not mean they are against drafting the new constitution (ht), Bhattarai ready to prepare questionnaire of disputes (rep), NC, UML to ask Bhattarai to forward joint agenda (kp), Madhes parties revive Morcha (kp), UDMF expanded to give message of unity (ht), The revolutionary myth: Maoist insurgency, like many revolutions, provided fertile ground for epic constructions and mythologies, by Gérard Toffin (kp)

13/11/2014: A history of neglect: The challenge is to make the Nepali state genuinely plural, where there is equality of opportunity for all, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Major parties refuse to budge on cardinal points (rep), Signatories of joint proposal to adopt two-pronged strategy: To urge Nembang to move their proposition to CA if consensus bid fails, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC, UML proposal not final, claims PM (ht), Ruling parties ‘not to wait for long’: Tell diplomatic corps that they will follow the procedure if consensus eludes, by Anil Giri and Bhadra Sharma (kp) [Hopefully, the diplomats will not accept the misleading statements of the ruling party leaders! But one must be afraid that Western politicians are not able to understand the current dangerous procedures in Nepal! Nepal`s crisis solution should be viewed neither through Western nor through Bahun eyes!], Vexing issues to be put to vote, envoys told, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), New statute by Jan 22 at any cost: Ruling parties to int'l community (rep), ‘Unfortunate, if nation plunges into conflict’ (kp) [A non-inclusive constitution as planned by NC and UML, that disregards the justified demands of the excluded sections of society, will definitely lead to social conflict!!], Let CA decide future course of action: PM (kp), Madhesis seek separate space in nat’l politics (kp), Fringe Madhesi parties pitch for reviving UDMF (ht), NEFIN decides to focus on its own campaign (kp), Better none? I would prefer a no written constitution, as in Britain, to an anti-people, anti-democratic constitution, as in the Soviet Union, by Neelam Adhikari (rep)

12/11/2014: Russian roulette: Nepal’s constitution process (rep), BRB for dispute resolution panel within PDCC (kp), Bhattarai proposes forming mechanism within CPDCC to settle disputes (rep), CPDCC fails to find a way out (ht), Transitional justice panels to begin work on ‘Dec 10’: Diplomatic committee grills recommendation panel on Act provisions (kp), TRC Act will eventually tend to amnesty: Experts (rep), TRC may take up journo murder case, by Prakash Adhikari (kp), NC, UML angling for 1990 constitution: Dahal, by Hira Bahadur Ghartimagar (rep), NC, UML to brief international community on joint proposal (rep) [This only makes sense if representatives of Janajatis, Madheshis, Dalits, Muslims and women have a say in this event!!], Power issue delaying statute: Thapa (ht) [The demands for religious freedom and Hindu state are contradicting, Mr Thapa!! Religious freedom can only be guaranteed in a secular state!!!], The great amalgamation: In the debate over state restructuring, substantial discussions on the territorial and structural reform of local bodies have been missing, by K.L. Devkota (kp), House of cards: In an effort to please our visitors, we are fooling ourselves; We are trying to present something that we are not,  by Subhash Ghimire (rep)

11/11/2014: So far, not so good: Almost a year since elections to a second CA, constitution-drafting is still marked by a lack of faith, mistrust, and inflexibility, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Don’t change track: UML Janajati leaders (ht), Speak up: NC and secularism (rep), CPDCC to dwell on NC-UML joint proposal, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Bhattarai calls CPDCC meet today; Dahal leaves for four-day Rolpa tour (rep), Dahal on weeklong Rolpa ‘revenge’ tour: Maoist chairman felt ‘insulted’ by ruling parties’ snub of PC meet (kp) [??], Ruling parties in bid to win over Madhesi parties, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Fight for equal rights: Clarion calls for gender-inclusive civil code, by Weena Pun (kp), Citizenship by descent issued in mother’s name (ht) [Nepal will only be an inclusive state when such news are not sensational but normal routine!!], 10 cadres of armed outfit arrested, by Ajit Tiwari (rep), Judges' Conference to discuss judiciary model in new statute (rep), KMC flayed for not doing enough to promote Newari art, culture (rep)

10/11/2014: Time running out for timely constitution, Nembang tells leaders of political parties, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Ruling parties ‘register’ joint proposal at PDCC (kp), ‘Limited time to forge deal’ (kp), NC, UML to oppn: Prepare for vote; Constitution writing process cannot stagnate when consensus efforts fail, says Prime Minister Koirala (kp), Opposition offered olive branch with caveat (ht), Don't use language of threat: PM to Dahal (rep), Wisdom of experience: Parties must reflect on past experience and seek to prevent the mistakes made (kp), 22 NC CA members meet PM Koirala: Urge him to stick to Mahasamiti decision on federal units (ht), Row over secularism, federal model festers within NC, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Jay P Gupta warns of stern agitation (ht), One or two provinces in the Tarai is unacceptable, interview with Raj Kumar Lekhi, NEFIN (kp), Nearing Deadline And Changed Tone Of Leaders, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

09/11/2014: Indigenous issues: Indentity-based federalism is the only way to reclaim the rights of marginalised peoples, by Lhamo Yangchen Sherpa (kp) Parties in informal dialogue to build trust (kp), No ‘majority’ statute: Oppn, by Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp), NC, UML accused ofobstructing statute (ht), Tarai-based NC leaders make pitch for equality (kp), 22 CA members for change (ht), UK Bar urges govt to release CK Raut: Requests Nepal to ensure the internationally protected right to freedom of expression (kp), Bodde, Hachhethu & Ethnic Federalism, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [An article in favour of the NC/UML proposal for federal structure, but this proposal means the transfer of the current single ethnic identity based central state on the future federal provinces and will not lead to inclusion!]

08/11/2014: NC lawmakers oppose joint federal model (ht), Maoist-led alliance ready to send NC-UML proposal to CA (rep), NC, UML snub meet of Dahal-led panel (kp), Nepali Congress, CPN-UML boycott Dahal-led Political Committee meet, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), NC, UML chiefs skip Political Committee meeting (rep), UCPN-Maoist discusses ways to deal with NC, UML (ht), Healing The Past Wounds?, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), Conflict-hit children appeal for support to help them move on, by Arjun Oli (rep), Insurgency burdened many children with grown up responsibilities, by Benup Raj Bhattarai (rep)

07/11/2014: Janajatis oppose NC, UML position on federalism (kp), Main forces to toe agreed statute line (kp), Big 3 reiterate consensus constitution by Jan 22 (rep), Major parties continue consensus bid (kp), Constitution through voting, if no consensus: Oli (rep), We remain a vital part of statute writing: Dahal (kp), Maoists deny PDCC talks, seek ‘higher-level’ deliberation (kp), 'Mega campaign' for Hindu state launched (ht), Hindu state campaign gets NC cold shoulder (kp), Regressive aims: The demand to reinstate Nepal as a Hindu state has the potential to invite new problems in constitution writing, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), Inter-caste couple refused marriage registration (ht) [This is a true face of the single ethnic identity based Hindu state!!!"], Keep talking: The foundations of a New Nepal cannot be laid on faultlines of the past, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Changing Facade: Despite changing facets, the objective of the current political alliances is to put the country into a prolonged run of political instability (sp), Whither New Constitution? Instead of bridging their differences major parties are drifting apart thus putting the constitution-deadline in a real jeopardy, by Abijit Sharma (sp)

06/11/2014: NC, UML leave door open for consensus (kp) [Consensus means that the others have to adopt the own position, according to Nepali politicians' thinking!!], Towards compromise: NC-UML’s proposal should be seen as a starting point towards consensus dialogue (kp), Elusive Consensus And Power Sharing, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Three parties seek to clear suspicion (ht), PM not for bypassing opposition parties in statute-drafting, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (rep), CA Secretariat says CPDCC report delay against rules (ht), NC unfazed by campaign for Hindu state: NC Spokesman Dilendra Badu says that the party leaders and cadres are free to advocate for any religious ideology, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [The problem is not the religious ideology but its identification with state ideology, Mr Badu!!!], CIAA tables graft law amendment proposal: Private sector, judiciary, army may fall under the ambit of anti-graft body, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Swept along: Women were attracted to the Maoist party because of its focus on gender equality, not available to them in their former life, by Sewa Bhattarai (rep), Koirala government has failed to deliver, interview with Ishwar Pokharel, CPN-UML General Secretary (rep)

05/11/2014: NC, UML common proposal: Oppn spars with ruling parties (kp), Seven-pradesh model shuts out consensus: Dahal (ht), Dahal threatens govt, by Lawadev Dhungana (kp), Dahal: NC, UML have lost standing to govern: 'It's now up to 22 parties ro run country', by Giriraj Baskota (rep), Rift between ruling, oppn parties widens: Chairman postpones CPDCC meet without consulting others, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), CPN-ML opposes Congress-UML proposal on disputed issues (ht), Oppositon to expose NC, CPN-UML (ht), Major parties buying time: NSP Chair Giri (ht), Futile rounds (ht), NEFIN pulls out of Janajati movement (kp), Parties’ Rigidity Takes Its Toll On Consensus, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Clearing the air: Form of government (rep), The ignored half: How can we as a nation move forward when roughly half of our population is denied access to proper education, nutrition, health and economy, by Khusbhu Mishra (rep)

04/11/2014: A middle way: Retention of current administrative territory in designing federal units could mean the preservation and extension of the domination of the high hill castes, by Krishna Hachhethu (kp) [The most outstanding article on federal issues in recent time!!!], Out with the old: The Westminster model is not appropriate for Nepal; it needs a new governance system, by Mukunda Prasad Neupane (kp), Oppn rejects NC, UML proposal; Maoist leader Dahal: Proposal fails to address aspirations for change and reeks of Mahendra-era structure (kp), Opposition lambastes NC-UML 7-province model, by Thira L. Bhusal and Ashok Dahal (rep), NC-UML proposal polarises ruling, oppn parties, by Prakash Acharya and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), CPDCC still undecided about way forward (ht), Madhes parties turn down fed idea (kp), Eliminate all forms of discrimination: NHRC (ht), Madheshis have failed: The trick for national prosperity is development in Madhesh; Only a Pahade leadership can accomplish this, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

03/11/2014: IPNMN unveils manifesto: Pledges to secure single identity-based federal units (ht), Janajatis kick off nationwide stir: The movement plans to fight for ethnic, gender and linguistic equality of marginalised communities in the new constitution, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Madhesi parties sidelined: Gupta (ht), PM against protests until statute is out (kp) [Wow, a really democratic stand! The excluded masses shall once again accept what the male Bahun leaders decide!!], PDCC fails to chart way for constitution writing (kp), CPDCC fails to submit report: Meeting to continue until contents are finalised (ht), CPDCC meeting to continue today also; Existential crisis for leaders id consensus fails: Bhattarai (rep), NC, UML float seven-Pradesh model, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC, UML agree on 7-province model: Koshi, Janakpur, Rajdhani, Gandaki, Lumbini, Karnali, Seti-Mahakali proposed as names, by Ashok Dahal (rep), NC, UML bid to register proposals opposed (ht), UCPN (M) reiterates statute in consensus (kp), Parliament resumes after HM’s apology (kp), House proceedings resume after Gautam's apology (rep), RPP-N’s Houseobstruction ends (ht), Hindu activists resume strike (kp), Nepal’s moment: US envoy’s unsolicited advice to political actors: find common ground, stick to January deadline for new constitution, by Peter W. Bodde (kp), Federate on the basis of both identity and capability, interview with Narayan Kaji Shrestha, UCPN-M (kp), Why Has UML Changed Its Stand?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), The red line: If there is no constitution at the end of Koirala's one-year term, UML leadership could stake a claim on government leadership, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

02/11/2014: No way out of CA logjam (kp), CPDCC to send parties’ stances on unsettled issues to CA (ht), NC, UML to bid for 6 states: Ruling parties seek support of fringe parties while UCPN (Maoist) sticks to 10-state model (kp), Congress, UML wooing political parties in Constituent Assembly (ht), BRB formula: 8 or 9 states named by their parliament (kp), Dahal comes down heavily on NC, UML: Accuses two ruling parties of hatching conspiracy to derail federalism (ht), No consensus, no statute: Bhattarai (ht), Janajatis divided ahead of planned show of force (kp), Dahal calls for stir to protect rights (kp), Federalism: A Poisoned Chalice!, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [???], ‘Many Nepalis do not have citizenship’ (ht), TRC appointments: Committee to hold more discussions (ht)

01/11/2014: Consensus elusive (kp), Parties fail to reach agreeable solution: Leaders to consult CA, PDCC chairmen next (kp), Ruling parties to register common views at CPDCC, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Consensus must for statute drafting, say 22 parties (kp), Consensus chances slim: Dahal; 22-party alliance to tell CPDCC to submit report (ht), Four states Oli’s own idea: Nepal (kp), Nepal objects to Oli’s ‘unilateral decisions’: Criticises party chair during CC meeting for not consulting him (ht), Madhav Nepal threatens to 'expose Oli's autocracy': Critisises chairman in nine-page document (rep), Corruption tainted Khadka forms committee to revive Hindu state (kp), NC leaders pitch for Hindu state status: 25-member committee to launch ‘mega campaign’ (ht) [There is no reason to treat them different from C.K. Raut!!!], Police, demonstrators clash: Microbus catches fire (ht), RPP-Nepal obstructs House over HM’s remarks (kp), House tense over use of force against Hindu protesters, by Ashok Dahal (rep), RPP-N obstructs Parliament meeting twice (ht), Police clarify eviction of Hindu group (kp), Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn)

31/10/2014: Fringe parties for vote if no accord: PDCC chairman consults leaders of smaller parties (kp), UML divided over official stance on contentious issues (kp), Consensus eludes three major parties (ht), NC, UML for forwarding disputes to full CA (rep), Power-sharing gets in way of statute: The UMl reportedly wants to be ensured that the Nepali Congress will pave way for it to form a government after January 22, the date to issue the new national charter (kp) [This shows once again what's really important for Nepali politicians!!], Power sharing issue complicates negotiations (ht), Children of conflict victims deprived of education in Bajura (ht), Across ethnic lines: Ethnic federalism defies the principles of democracy, efficiency, and inclusiveness, by Ram C. Acharya (kp), Rape as a weapon of war: Perpetrators of conflict-era sexual violence walk free as women suffer in silence and fear, by Tufan Neupane (nt), Married to the military: Nepal’s ‘conflict wives’ have been invisible and ignored, by Trishna Rana (nt), Struggles for citizenship, by Shreejana Shrestha (rep), Inconvenient truths: Let’s not leave out the guarantee of freedom of expression from the preamble of our new constitution, by Damakant Jayshi (nt)

30/10/2014: NC, UML try to bridge trust gap: Ruling parties deliberate on preparing questionnaire (kp), NC, UML working on common view (ht), NC, UML to finalise their stance on federalism today (rep), Ruling parties must be ready to compromise: UCPN-Maoist (ht), No further flexbility on federal model: UCPN (Maoist) (rep), UCPN (M) ready to adopt flexibility (kp), Voting process for statute in quagmire (kp), RPP-N demands apology from government (kp), People on hunger strike ailing BirFast-unto-death bid even in ICU hampering services, say officials (ht), Narrowing the gap: Progress in closing the gender gap will require greater political participation (kp), Knot again: If it comes down to it, identity proponents must follow due process without giving up their cause, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Constitution May Not Be Promulgated This Way, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

29/10/2014: All talks and no result dampens statute prospect (kp), Parties continue attempt to forge consensus (ht), Leaders suggest ways to avoid vote on disputed issues (rep), ‘Federalism is sole dispute’ (kp) [Really inclusive federalism would mean the end of male Bahun supremacy!!], Stuck again: Constitution making (rep), KMC evicts protesters from Shanti Batika (ht), Police evict hunger strikers (kp), Sins of commission: There are lessons to be learned from the history of truth commissions across the world and in Nepal, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp)

28/10/2014: Big 3 count on informal talks as November 1 deadline looms (kp), Dishonouring previous pacts will invite dire consequences: Dahal (kp), Major parties pledge timely constitution (ht) [Many things these male Bahun leaders currently discuss are worse than no constitution!!], Consensus will be easy if leaders’ concerns addressed: Bhattarai (ht) [It's far more important to address the concerns of the excluded majority of Nepali society!!], Leaders' ambitions have prolonged deadlock: Bhattarai, by Thira L. Bhsal (rep), NC, UML for minimum pradeshes, reformed parliamentary system (ht), On Sisyphean path (ht), TRC recommendation committee gets full shape (rep), Democracy in danger: The establishment remains untouched by the change that swept the nation eight years ago, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Mission Madhesh: The best response to Raut is to demonstrate that only one person would voluntarily secede and take citizenship of His Kingdom: Dr Raut himself, by Bishal Thapa (rep) [The current political leaders are not qualified to provide the necessary preconditions!!], Slow pushback: The failure of the political parties to reach consensus is providing regressive forces with a platform to mount a comeback, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

27/10/2014: Central panel to steer Janajati campaign (kp), PDCC-judiciary consultation: Top judges for splitting JC tasks, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Constitutional bench not constitutional court: CJ, other justices; EC suggests MMPR electoral model, 3 pc threshold, by Thira L. Bhusal and Ashok Dahal (rep), EC insists on 3pc threshold as PR pre-requisite in elections: Uprety says the EC is against reserved constituencies as some sections have proposed (kp) [Such provision would have reduced the number of parties with PR-seats in the current CA to four!], Big 3 for fresh round of parley (kp), NHRC sends Pathak to TRC selection panel (ht), Selective interpretation: Only a federal and inclusive constitution can lay the foundation for an "Imagined Community", where Madheshis will live with Pahadis as equals, by C.K. Lal (rep), United States of Nepal: The issue of federalism arose only after Madheshis revolted against Interim Constitution settled by NC, UML and Maoists, by Anand Jha (rep), Politics Leading Nowhere, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

26/10/2014: Three-party leaders meet CJ Shah (ek), Top leaders meet SC Justices (rep)

25/10/2014: Bhattarai urges PM to take part in 3-party meetings (ek), Oli, Bhattarai meet to resolve contentious issues (ek), Constitution through majority if not via consensus: DPM Gautam (ek), Bhattarai continues consensus bids in Tihar also (ht), Bhattarai speeds up political consultations; meets PM Koirala (nn), Referendum on major issues of constitution: Bhandari (ht), MJF-D not to join govt before new statute (ht)

24/10/2014: Janajatis for at least 10 states, if no 14-model, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Parties in no hurry for CA vote on disputes (kp), UCPN(M), Madhesis trying to bridge distance, by Pranab Kharel (kp)

23/10/2014: Top leaders seem to have no understanding of federalism, interview with Padma Ratna Tuladhar (rep), Second round talks indecisive; next sitting after Tihar holidays (kp), Three party talks end inconclusively: They realise need for consensus, but parties still can’t find common ground (ht), Big 3 parties to meet again on Oct 26-27: Gokarna meeting fails to yield result (rep) [Hopefully, they enjoyed their luxury stay at the expense of the state!!], Nembang confident about solution (ht) [?? The required solution is not even under discussion!!], Group of ruling MPs for separate Bhojpura state, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Transitional justice: Focus on socio-economic needs of victims: Sharma (kp), Youths face threat of becoming stateless: Deprived of citizenship, future looks bleak for many young boys and girls (ht), Starts at top: Civil service reform (rep), Last chance: Nepali constitutional process is at a point where any delay might mean we will never get a constitution through the CA, by Biswas Baral (rep)

22/10/2014: Nov 1 PDCC limit to sort disputes (kp), CPDCC gets one last chance to accomplish tasks; Deadline extended till Nov 1; CA calendar amended  first time, by Prakash Acharya (ht), CPDCC gets 12 more days to settle disputes (rep), Resort talks fail to yield much (kp), Three party meet ends in fiasco: Parties to continue negotiation on thorny issues of new statute again on Wednesday (rep), Three major parties get talking ‘seriously’ (ht) [??], Secularism through referendum: Rana (kp) [Secularism is already a constitutional fact! Such demand is anti-national in a multiethnic and multireligous state!!], Peace, love and secularism, by Kaushal Ghimire (kp), Federalism and state restructuring: A better way to create provinces, by Yagya B. Karki (ht), Death of justice: Adhikari couple's struggle against injustice and Nanda Prasad's death have exposaed government failure on rights to remedy, by Charan Prasai (rep)

21/10/2014: Conflict victims stage sit-in to put pressure on the govt (kp), UML proposes counter mass meeting to NC (ht), Sharma pledges to press govt to implement NHRC decisions (ht)

20/10/2014: Janajati move for federal identity, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), ‘Major parties forgot spirit of movements’ (ht), CPDCC tables half-baked report at CA (ht), We can't keep on extending CPDCC deadline: Bhattarai; Drafting committee must get all contents by Nov. 1 Sitaula (rep), 2-day residential talks in consensus hunt (kp), Demand for Hindu state: RPP-N demo on Wednesday (kp), Only states based on both identity and capacity can last, interview with Agni Kharel, CPN-UML (kp), Consensus possible by Nov 1, says Amresh Singh (ht) [Which consensus? That among the male Tagadhari leaders of the leading parties or that with women, Janajatis, Madheshis, Dalits, Muslims??], Failing Consensus Efforts And Rising Doubts, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

19/10/2014: Constitution writing: Big 3 for Oct-end consensus cut-off, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Nembang prods parties to pick option early (kp), Vote inevitable if consensus obstructed: NC tells UCPN-M (ht) [What the parties call consensus is always a one-sided view!!], Dahal blames NC, UML for stalemate (kp), Top leaders blame each other at UML tea party (ht), 22 parties to intensify stir after Chhath (ht), Fewer provinces the better, says PM Koirala (kp) [Yes, for continuation of Bahunbad!!], Ganga Maya ends year-long fast: Says won’t have solid food until govt fulfils its commitments, by Dewan Rai and Manish Gautam (kp), Ganga Maya breaks fast-unto-death (ht), Appeal for CK Raut’s release (kp), AI urges authorities to release CK Raut (ht), Interregnum Deepens, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

18/10/2014: CA fails to abide by its calendar: CPDCC likely to get one more extension to forge consensus (ht), CPDCC yet again misses deadline given to settle disputes (rep), Parties to seek more time for accord sake (kp), 22-party alliance appeals for consensus (kp), I’m ready to lead people’s revolt, says Dahal (ht) [??? This should be the task of a non-Bahun, if possible a woman, and it must be peaceful!!], Dahal: I'll lead movement if statute put to vote (rep), Hard Days Ahead: Political leaders have failed to reach a consensus on constitutional issues, pushing the process of constitution writing into uncertainties (sp), Beyond The Borders: Nepal's quest for a new constitutional order faces the geo-political challenges it is less likely to overcome on its own, by Abijit Sharma (sp)

17/10/2014: Janajati leaders to start fresh stir (kp), Tuladhar chosen as leader of indigenous nationalities (ht), Experts air views on election system (ht), PDCC fails on accord, questionnaire fronts (kp), Bhattarai tells parties to bring consensus proposal today (ht), Consensus or vote: Parties to meet today for decision (kp), Top leaders head to Gokarna for talks (ht), Consensus on contention: There is no point continuing with endless meetings and keep fooling people all the time, by Damakant Jayshi (nt), Minister no-show: House meet put off (kp), Miffed, UML ministers delay Cabinet meet (kp), Hurdles In Constitution Writing, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Deal on federal provinces: So near and yet so far, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Where is the justice? There is little sign that Nepal’s leaders are prepared to address atrocities during a war that ended eight years ago, by David Seddon (nt)

16/10/2014: Constitution writing: Major parties to hold talks on voting process (kp), Parties to go for voting if consensus bid fails: UCPN-M could agree to six or seven pradesh model if NC and UML agree to mixed ethnicity based pradeshes (ht), Big 3 to try for consensus, prepare for vote in tandem (rep), Parties present their positions in writing (kp), Congress fails to woo Madhesi parties (ht), The Madheshi parties are one on core issues, interview with Laxman Lal Karna, Sadbhavana Party (rep), It's doable: Constitution making (rep), Thapa calls for Hindu state (ht) [If CK Raut has to be jailed, then he has to be jailed, too! Such demand is anti-national! Nepal is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state, not the property of male members of so-called high Hindu castes!!], OPMCM ‘concerned about Ganga Maya’ (ht) [PM will be among those responsible in case she dies!], Ups and downs: Avenues for compromise must be explored while refraining from holding rigid stances (kp), Delay In Promulgating Constitution Not Warranted, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

15/10/2014: ‘Statute deal not on the horizon’: Maoist chairman blames hardened NC-UML position, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Deal not possible in next three days: Dahal; Says Congress, UML backtracked on agreements reached during the previous CA (ht), We're ready to settle for fewer than 10 provinces: Dahal, by Ashok Dahal (rep), PDCC settles land reform dispute (kp), Nominees for NHRC to testify before PHSC despite outcry (kp), SC show cause over TRC picks (kp), Raut refuses to walk out on bail (kp), Corruption rife for failure to hold local polls: PM; Says level of graft at grassroots beyond belief (rep), Politics of language: When we value certain languages rather than what they do, we fail to realize we need different languages for different purposes, by Shyam Sharma (rep)

14/10/2014: Big 3 talks focus on judiciary: ‘Agreed’ in principle to form Constitutional Court to look into disputes related to federalism (kp), Major parties form team to suggest on judiciary (ht), PDCC: New Prez, veep after statute (kp) [But they need reconfirmation to regain legitimacy!!], New prez, veepa month afterstatute: CPDCC (ht), Leaders dispute Political Committee's jurisdiction: Dahal said it should play role in constitution-making, but NC, UML opposed (rep), PC for expediting peace process (kp), Political Committee for TRC pronto: To finalise jurisdiction first; To have two-year term (ht), 22 parties organise rally for consensus (ht), 22 parties asked to shun protests (kp), Pressure tactics: Both ruling and opposition parties need to realise that the time for consensus is not yet past, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Temple and state: It must be understood that secularism has become firmly entrenched in the national polity (kp), Constitutional panel defends NHRC picks (kp), NHRC recommendation in line with constitution: CC (ht), Ganga Maya suffering from high fever, in critical condition (rep) [Another murder committed by criminal politicians???], Talking about gender: Most men still do not recognise that gender inequality negatively affects them too, by Nerine Guinée (kp), Sambidhaan: What A Tough Breed Of Dhaan?, by Prem Khatry (rn), Constitution of consensus: Consensus through force may give us constitution but in the process we will have forgotten why we wanted federalism to begin with, by Bishal Thapa (rep) [The leading politicians already have forgotten this for long!!]

13/10/2014: Parties brace for statute give-n-take: Possible deal motivates leaders, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [A bad constitution is worse than a delayed constitution since it leads to further long-term conflict!!], Leaders flexible on number, names of provinces: Maoists want identity-based names for provinces (rep), Section of NC for north-south alignment (rep), Major parties disagree to agree again, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Talk panel to re-convene today: Constituent Assembly asks PDCC to forge consensus by end of week (kp), RPP-N joins NC faction in quest for Hindu state (kp) [If CK Raut had to be arrested, then these politicians should face the same fate since their demand is anti-national!!!!], RPP-Nepal announces struggle for Hindu state (ht), State restructuring about federating other parts, not Madhes, interview with Upendra Yadav (kp), Encouraging Political Developments, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), The schizophrenic polity: Perhaps Madheshi activist CK Raut is the lone political detainee in the country; but nobody would know that from media reports, by C.K. Lal (rep), On wrong foot: NC and UML don't have the constitutional authority to draft the constitution though the CA, by Shankar Limbu (rep)

12/10/2014: 6-7 states official NC position: Party to table proposal at the upcoming meeting of Political Dialogue and Consensus Committee, by Anil Giri (kp) [Flexibility sounds different!!], NC comes up with proposal on disputed issues of constitution: Suggests two federal structures, PM elected by House, Electoral College-elected President; Two-tier Parliament, single Pradesh Sabha, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC moots six-state and seven state models: Three states in Tarai plains, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), PM Koirala roots for maximum 7 federal states with multiple identity (rep), UML, NC at odds over forms of govt (kp), PM ‘not to attend’ cross-party panel: NC lawmakers criticise govt (kp), HLPC’s first meet postponed: Likely to be held tomorrow (ht), Topple govt game on: Sharma (ht), CC meeting rescheduled for Monday: To discuss names for vacant posts at CIAA, PSC, by Santosh Ghimire (rep), Police, army men, who were victims of conflict, to protest (ht), Born of woman: A refusal to allow citizenship through the mother implies a fundamental mistrust in the women of this country, by Pranaya SJB Rana (kp) [No future for Nepal as long as the country is under control of conservative minded male machos!!], Ending the cycle of violence: We must work to increase the value of the girl child so that she will be cherished throughout her life, by Tomoo Hozumi (kp), Justice denied: The death of Nanda Prasad Adhikari is a combined failure of politicians, civil society and Nepali citizens, by Pratyush Nath Upreti (kp), Travesty of justice: INanda Prasad’s death, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep)

11/10/2014: 22 parties organise rally for consensus: Press for identity-based federalism in statute (ht), Oppn rally for identity-based federalism (kp), Alliance threatens to scrap statute not ensuring identity (rep), For 3rd shot at accord, PDCC gets one week (kp), CA extends CPDCC deadline for third time, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), CPDCC gets extension Deadline for preparing first draft of statute to be affected (ht), First HLPC meeting scheduled for today (ht), ‘Political panel won’t affect CA’ (kp), RPP-Nepal ends House obstruction after government clarifies (ht), NHRC appointments: House panel asks CC to explain nominations (kp)

10/10/2014: CA likely to give PDCC more time for building consensus (kp), Bhattarai seeks PM Koirala’s help in forging consensus (ht), NC faction campaigns for Hindu state revival (kp), UCPN-Maoist urges CA members to join movement, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), CPN-UML: Vote if no consensus; Party seeks to endorse new statute through a two-third majority as per provisions of Interim Constitution (kp), RPP-N objects to political mechanism (kp), RPP-N threatens to obstruct House (ht), Rights activists say police failed to proceed with conflict-era cases (ht), A Madhesi-Pahadiya conclave: Citizens must discuss ensuring pride-of-identity along with socio-economic progress for Madhesi people, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Ripe for revolt: Ignoring the issues of the marginalised only increases the chances of another revolt in Nepal, by Tashi Tewa Dolpo (kp), Dangers of delay: Post-festival, constitution writing will be a battle ground for competing personal and partisan interests, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

09/10/2014: Big three seal 5-point deal: Legislature-Parliament business resumes, by Pranab Kharel (kp), House obstruction ends: Deadlock cleared after parties seal five-point deal (ht), Cross-party deal sets statute wheels in motion, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [??], Give and take: Both opposition and ruling parties need to demonstrate flexibility in constitution writing (kp), Ready to compromise on forms of govt: UML (kp), CPDCC submits its report to CA: It lacks consensus on any of themajor contentious issues (ht), Hearing committee receives four plaints against NHRC nominees (kp), Missing law for missing people: A commission to investigate war-era disappearances is needed, even if it has limited or no judicial power, by Ram Kumar Bhandari and Erik B. Wilson (kp), Playing for time: Nepalis might tolerate a delay in constitution promulgation if only the parties could ensure minimum governance, by Uddhab Pyakurel (kp), Constitution Writing: No Alternative To Collaboration, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Why Is Consensus So Elusive?, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

08/10/2014: Tension as mid-Oct draft deadline drifts (kp), PM urges oppn to withdraw protests (kp), Constitutional issues should be decided through dialogue: PM (ht), PDCC to submit its report today: Committee Chairman Bhattarai likely to mention that more disscussions are required for consensus (kp), CPDCC fails to settle vexing statute issues, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Constitution writing process: UML to discuss voting with fringe parties (kp), Koirala hints at Raut’s release (kp), Maoist-led Stir May Spoil Environment, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Consensus Rhetoric, by Bhimsen Thapaliya (rn), House panels not ensuring accountability, by Prakash Acharya (ht), ‘CJ should lead entire judiciary’ (ht)

07/10/2014: Oppn parties announce stir to press demands: Reject NC, UML’s proposal to settle disputed issues through vote (kp), UCPN (Maoist)-led alliance to stage protests against majority vote (rep), Three opposition fronts announce stir (ht), Parties at odds over voting; set to miss another deadline (kp), PDCC extends terms of two sub-committees (kp), CPDCC to give its report today but without questionnaire (ht), Discrepancy in data of disappeared persons (ht), Think local: Local bodies must figure into the federalism debate, as they are the governance bodies closest to the people, by K.L. Devkota (kp), Favouring a chief executive: Given the fraught history of parliamentary democracy in Nepal, it would be wise to opt for a directly-elected chief executive, by Mukti Rijal (kp), Limits of liberty: Raut's continued confinement will expose ethnic discrimination, exclusion and rights abuse carried out in the guise of nationalism and patriotism, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

06/10/2014: NC moots equal provinces for Tarai and hills (kp), Major parties fail to settle contentious issues, again (kp), Oppn plans demonstration (kp), Alternative thinking: If the federalism debate is to be postponed, local elections becomes even more of a necessity, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp), Distressing Deadlock, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

05/10/2014: Three-party meet underway (ek), Parliament to start on Oct.8, says Minister Rijal (ek), Constitution through process unacceptable: Opposition alliance (Setopati)

04/10/2014: PM Koirala starts political consultations (nn), PM Koirala intensifies meetings, meets Prachanda (Setopati)

03/10/2014: PM back home from United Nations General Assembly (rep)

02/10/2014: PM Koirala returning home today (rep), CK Raut ends fast-unto-death at hospital (ht)

01/10/2014: Parties seek one week to settle disputed issues (kp), CPDCC fails to meet second deadline (ht), No alternative to consensus, says Bhattarai (ht), Major disputes must be settled through consensus: Bhattarai; 'Decision through voting may invite conflict' (rep), House meet put off for third week in row (kp), Oli slams UCPN-M supremo Dahal (ht), Maoists obstructing statute: Nepal (ht) [All party leaders obstruct the constitution writing process since 85 percent od the population have no say!!], EC proposes 3pc threshold for parties to secure PR seats (kp) [!!], EC: 51 pc vote a must for directly-elected prez or PM, by Santosh Ghimire (rep), Maoists hanging on to seized property: The once seized land is still in the grip of former rebels (ht), Diverging on Dashain: The practice of first celebrating Dashain with the husband’s family reflects existing gender inequalities, by Pramila Rai (kp), End of government: With the free market fundamentalists at the helm, expect market monopoly and misrule to get worse, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

30/09/2014: Bhattarai issues quit threat amid impasse (kp), CPDCC chair tables options to end rift Committee may miss today’s deadline to forge consensus, by Prakash Acharya (ht), House obstacle leaves key bills in tatters: The Maoists continue to demand implementation of the past agreements and an important role in the peace process, by Pranab Kharel (kp), House adjourned till Oct 8 (ht) [Only to remember: The house has already been adjourned since August 29!!!], ‘CK Raut’s condition critical’ (kp) [The next victim of failed government politics??], Silencing dissent: The arrest and subsequent processing of CK Raut hints at political interference and is highly suspect, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Restraining privilege: Nepal can learn lessons from Rwanda, which has built a culture of shunning privilege, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Destination doubtful: Given intra-party tussles and the lack of a trust deficit, a constitution by the January 22 deadline looks unlikely, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

29/09/2014: Democracy, Nepali-style: Leaders are happily reneging on their grand promises to the Nepali people (kp), FRA, AIF to launch joint movement (ht), Yadav threatens agitation: Says govt ignoring consensus in constitution-writing process (ht), ‘Statute victim to leaders’ inability to take decisions’ (kp), Bhattarai doubts timely drafting of constitution (ht), ‘CA, PDCC making no progress’ (kp), 65 apply for transitional justice posts (kp), Human rights lawyers recommend apolitical, competent appointments (kp), Adhikari murder case: No evidence to nab accused: Home minister (kp), Nanda Prasad Adhikari's death: Gautam admits govt failed (ht) [And when will you resign, Mr Gautam??], HLPC dispute flares as UML opposes Maoist proposal (kp), Economy first: A vision for economic prosperity and inclusive growth should be the guiding principle in forming a federation, by Ram C. Acharya (kp), A vow to fight violence against women: Feminist leaders and women rights advocates take stage to express their solidarity to a global campaign for gender equality, by Chahana Sigdel (kp), Women’s equality needs democracy, socialism, secularism, interview with Kamla Bhasin (kp), Will CPDCC Forge Consensus?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Game of brinkmanship: Raut needs to break his indefinite fast; The struggle must continue, but within bounds of peaceful politics, by C.K. Lal (rep)

28/09/2014: Constitution to have more commissions (ht), CPDCC for 7 constitutional bodies in new statute: Joint house committee to monitor bodies, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Dalit leaders demand inclusion, opportunities (kp), Victims seek warring parties’ presence in TRC: ‘Individuals without pains of conflict cannot deliver justice’ (kp), Constitutional bodies to report to Parliament (kp), Consensus continues to elude Big Three (ht), Constitution promulgation by Jan 22: Oli (kp) [????], Will lawmakers abide by CA chair’s directive? Chances of Constituent Assembly members staying in Valley slim (ht), Growing at the grassroots: The roles of local women activists in the promotion of national peace building have gone largely unrecognised, by Radha Paudel (kp), Nepal govt has failed to deliver justice: ICJ, HRW (ht), In Death, Nanda Prasad Adhikari Mocks Us, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Bid to identify priority issues of conflict-hit women (ht)

27/09/2014: Parties likely to miss Sept 30 deadline as well, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Rift in CPDCC on right to property provision (ht), NRNs, ex-Gurkhas may get special citizenship (kp), 'Special citizenship' sans political rights for NRNs mooted: Dispute persists over compensation for land above ceiling, by Prakash Dahal (rep), Meeting to clear House impasse comes a cropper (kp), Krishna Prasad Adhikari murder: Red Corner Notice to nab Acharya; Main accused believed to be hiding in Northern Ireland, by Lekhanath Pandey (kp), Victims unhappy with work procedure of TRC panel (rep)

26/09/2014: TRC formation: Victims say panel is not legitimate (kp), Nepal govt Responsible for Adhikari’s Death: AFAD (kp), Nanda Prasad, in memory: We may run but we cannot hide from the values that Nanda Prasad Adhikari was trying to teach us, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), The sad saga of the Adhikari family: It was murder, not a fast-unto-death, by Damakant Jayshi (nt), Children of war: The most vulnerable victims are still those who were children during the war, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Still missing them: Most families of the estimated 1,400 disappeared have no information about their relatives, by Deepak Gyawali (nt), Death of justice: If the perpetrators and the state showed even the slightest sign of remorse for wartime atrocities, survivors may be willing to forgive; But they will never forget (nt), NC leads effort to resume Parliament: Ruling party under pressure to accept Maoist chief Dahal as HLPC chair (kp), NC, UCPN-M talks positive (ht), Major parties close to agreement on lifting House obstruction (rep), Govt, JTMM reach pact (kp), Underground group leaders come out (ht), Parliament fails to ratify: Bills related to budget, by Rupak D. Sharma (ht), Hard-won changes in peril, says Dahal (ht), Discourse and reality: Despite the political rhetoric of women’s empowerment, the state of Nepal’s women remains bleak, by Suresh Pranjali (kp), Collapse of all-party conference: Impact on statute-writing, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), Battle for Survival: Pushed to the corner after the second CA polls. pro-identity parties and political groups are leaving no stone unturned to bounce back, by Om Astha Rai (rep), Statute of denial: Nepal’s archaic laws put a deadline on reporting sex crimes, by Mallika Aryal (nt)

25/09/2014: Parties ‘to miss’ mid-Oct limit: A month needed to prepare first draft after pact: Panel (kp), Top leaders doubtful about timely statute: Maoist stand on HLPC, identity issue poses obstacles (rep), CPDCC fails to make tangible progress (rep), Federal Republican Alliance wooing fringe parties: FRA suspects ruling parties could get constitution approved on basis of numerical strength (ht), House obstruction may end tomorrow: Parties agree not to include RPP in HLPC (ht), UN bodies concerned over Nanda Prasad’s death: Urge govt to step up probe into murder of his son (kp), UN expresses sadness at: Nanda Adhikari’s death Urges govt to honour its promise to deliver justice (ht), Efforts on to get Ganga Maya to end fast: Bir Hospital (rep), Uplift status of indigenous people: Pandey (kp) [Better: make it equal to that of male Bahuns!!], HRW calls for removal of 35-day statute limitation to file rape case (kp), No need to intervene in Raut’s case: SC; Special Court extends his judicial custody by two weeks (ht), Spectre of secession, The paranoid reaction of a democratic government to CK Raut’s activities cannot be justified, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Bitter pill: Foolproof transitional justice bodies the international community seems to have in mind has never existed anywhere in the world, by Biswas Baral (rep)

24/09/2014: PDCC to discuss citizenship law, CIAA jurisdiction (kp), Job application call for TRC challenged in SC (kp), ‘Conflict-era rapes unpunished’: HRW says both Maoist combatants and govt forces sexually harassed women and girls (ht) [see HRW report], Ganga Maya urged to end fast (kp), Both govt forces, Maoists raped women during insurgency: HRW, by Nabin Khatiwada (ht), Justice delayed: Death of Nanda Prasad is an indictment of the callousness of the state and political parties (kp), Death without justice (ht), Justice silenced: Nanda Prasad’s passing (rep), Adhikari died after refusing food, treatment: Govt (rep) [?????], Govt pledges justice just as it is delayed (ht), Former armed outfit to support constitution drafting through CA (ht), UCPN (M) demands HLPC lead (kp), CA fails to renew lease even after 3 months, by Ashok Dahal (kp), Minister Mahat bats for three federal provinces: Says Congress can agree to seven pradeshes for sake of forging consensus (ht), A federal model: Based on economic viability indicators, Nepal can ideally support four provinces, by K.L. Devkota (kp)

23/09/2014: Adhikari’s cry for justice dies down: Widow lives to fight against her son’s murderers (kp) [A true martyr! Resposible for his murder are all those from politics and judiciary who denied justice!!], Nanda Prasad Adhikari dies fighting for justice, by Kritagya Regmi (ht), Nanda Prasad Adhikari loses battle for justice: Hunger strike ends in death, by Arjun Paudel and Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Fellow villagers mourn Adhikari, by Sudip Kaini (kp), Madhesi parties in bid to set common agenda: Effortful to form one voice for single autonomous Madhes province (kp), Govt turning Raut into hero: Madhesi parties (ht), Speaker bars lawmakers from raising sub judice issues (kp), The right fight: His struggle is nothing less than divine intervention to salvage the pride of millions of people who have suffered systematic exclusion, by Sukhdev Shah (rep), Will stick to Jan 22 deadline: Parties (kp) [??], Big 3 far from consensus (kp), Three-party stalemate on HLPC continues (ht), Lawmakers trade charges over House disruption, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Dahal agrees to reject parliamentary system: Agrees to five of six consitions for unification with CPN-Maoist, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Righting the wrong: As Nepal draws up post-2015 development agenda, it should prioritise justice and governance, by Neetu Pokharel and Som Niroula (kp), Right from start: Absence of elected representatives has turned local bodies into local government units without opposition, by Anirudra Neupane (rep)

22/09/2014: NC, UML Janajati MPs say ‘no’ caucus: Argue caucuses redundant when there are other forums to voice agenda, by Bhadra (kp) [All other forums are under control of male Bahuns (less than 6.5 percent of the population) who are only interested to preserve their privileges in the new constitution!!], HLPC dispute cripples cross-party dialogue (kp), Parties fail to forge consensus on HLPC (ht), Parties at odds over HLPC leadership (rep), There is systematic exclusion in the conferral of citizenships, interview with Sapana Pradhan Malla (kp), Have your say: Lack of public education is a big challenge; During the first CA there were complaints that the questionnaires for public inputs were difficult, by Alok Pokharel (rep)

21/09/2014: Statute deadline nears, ethnic MPs plan caucus (kp), Indigenous CA members to form loose alliance (ht), Preparing for battle for equal rights: MJF-N (ht), PDCC in informal accord bid; talks to go at two levels, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Bhattarai plans to work out consensus on statute issues within deadline: First report of CPDCC to be submitted to CA on September 24, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), CPDCC resumes work, but sluggishly: Largely ineffective so far (rep), Signature drive initiated to amend citizenship draft bill (kp), Parties near agreement on ending House obstruction: Issue of giving legal status for war-era land transactions yet to be resolved (ht), Radical dilemmas: The real intent of the CPN-Maoist’s demand for a roundtable conference was to remain relevant in national polity, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Personal is political: When it comes to gender sensitivity, engineering schools in Nepal have a long way to go, by Heema Rai (kp), On CK Raut: He has dared to speak publically what most Madheshis feared to contemplate in private, by Anand Jha (rep)

20/09/2014: Another chance: CPDCC time extension (rep), Parties fail to resume parliament business; Fresh Maoist demand: Legalise property deals endorsed by war-era ‘Revolutionary Council’ (kp), UCPN-M threatens to take to the streets (ht), Coalition proposes RPP, CPN-ML in HLPC, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), The long fight: Women have been pleading with the law makers to respect their independent identity in citizenship issues, by Avima Upreti (rep)

19/09/2014: PDCC gets two weeks to settle issues (kp), CA gives CPDCC two more weeks to settle disputes: Asks Baburam Bhattarai-led committee ro prepare questionnaires by October 7, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), House remains stalled (rep), Failed roundtable cost govt Rs 400,000, by Ashok Dahal (rep), NHRC gets chairman, four commissioners: To be appointed after House hearing; Hopes rise of TRC formation (kp), Anup Raj Sharma chosen to head NHRC (ht), Ex-CJ Sharma to head NHRC, by Santosh Ghimire (rep), Identity politics and federalism: Is it merely a gimmick?, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht), Extreme at both ends: Kathmandu’s neglect of the Madhes is being exploited by radicals in the plains, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Politics in a vacuume: When identity, respect, recognition of injustices past are mixed with politics, it is best to tread carefully (nt)

18/09/2014: Statute drafting, dispute resolution to go in tandem (kp), CA members press for consensus (ht), Shooting one’s own foot: CPN-Maoist will lose all relevance if it boycotts constitution-drafting process (kp), TRC: Acharya: Two panels will get officials shortly (kp), TRC, CID appointment process from today (ht), Conflict victims continue to experience hardships, says ICTJ (ht), We can form HLPC and let Prachanda lead it, interview with Gagan Thapoa (rep) [The problem is the constitution! And this has to be written by the inclusive representatives of the people and not by the non-inclusive leadership of the political parties!!], Storm in a teacup: Instead of arresting CK Raut and making him famous, his ideas should have been discussed and challenged, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Dear deadline: Mohan Baidya was right that the botched all-party conference was a gimmick of ruling parties for public consumption, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

17/09/2014: NEFIN stage sit-in protest outside CA (kp), Round-table meet plan fails: CPN-M says it’s futile to hold all-party conference if only statute issues were to be discussed, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Political conference cancelled as CPN-Maoist stays away: Wants all differences with big 3 settled first, by Ashok Dahal (rep), NPC put off sine die after CPN-M boycotts meet, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), ‘CPN-Maoist acted with ill-intention’: CA calendar not to be affected, say ruling parties, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Int’l community stands one on statute (kp), Morang attorney records CK Raut’s statement (kp), For one another: Victims have recently formed a common platform to address their transitional justice concerns, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Healing scars left by conflict and rights abuses: Comprehensive reparations measures a must, by Rajan Pokhrel (ht)

16/09/2014: CPN-M pushes for more issues on table: NC’s Poudel says conference will take place even without CPN-Maoist (kp), Writ against CA appointments (ht), Petition demands scarpping of 17 CA nominations (rep), SC orders police to produce Raut before court by Friday (kp), Govt told to produce Madhesi activist CK Raut in apex court (ht), Citizenship, Nepali style: The draft provision on citizenship, currently in the CA fails to regard women as equal citizens, by Subina Shrestha (kp), Are we heading towards disorder? Political faultlines, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (ht), Verses of discrimination: Vedas say one wjo knows Vedas should be respected but only Brahmins are allowed to read Vedas and become priests, by Rajendra Senchurey (rep)

15/09/2014: Leaders at odds over CA calendar amendment (kp), CA members split on consensus (ht), Lawmakers oppose deals on statute outside CA (rep), House disruptionon, Bills piling up: Next meeting this evening (ht), ‘Identity basis for federalism’: 33-party bloc finds common point amid differences (kp), Destination unknown: All-party conference (rep), RPP-N boycotts all-party meet (kp), Raut remanded in 6-day custody (kp), Raut remanded to 6-day police custody (rep), Activists, Madhesi parties demand Raut’s release (ht), UML guilty on two accounts: Appointment of Mahesh Basnet and arrest of CK Raut (kp), Kapilvastu riot anniversary: 7 yrs on, victims await relief, by Manoj Poudel (kp), CC meet to fill NHRC vacancies today (kp), Victims seek amendment in TRC formation (kp), The chauvinistic circle: The chauvinistic triad of military, merchants and the middleclass manufactures a mainstream where right of admission is reserved, by C.K. Lal (rep)

14/09/2014: Parties agree to take up only statute items: All-party conference to begin on Tuesday morning in CA building (kp), Task force clears all bottlenecks: All party conference to have 82 representatives (rep), Each party toget five minutes in conference (ht) [What shall this conference be good for???], Baidya to demand scrapping of TRC deal, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Doing it right: Writing a constitution that is acceptable to all is more important than a delay in its promulgation, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp) [Such constitution cannot be written by the male Bahun elite of the political parties! It requires the appropriate participation of all sections of Nepali society!!], New CA, old tricks: The second CA inherits from its predecessor the broken spirit of collaboration among political parties, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep) [as well as the constant disregard of the interim constitution and the non-inclusiveness of dialogue!!], Broadening vision: An unbiased visual representation of Nepal’s multiculturalism can help build sustainable peace, by Seema Pandey (kp), Parties misused PR system: CEC Uprety; Nilamber opposes HLPC, roundtable (rep), Unsuitable model: The Westminster model of parliamentary democracy will only work in a homogenous population, by Yogendra Paneru (kp), Caste-based discrimination: ‘7 Dalits killed, dozens faced stigma in a year’, by Dipak Bayalkoti (kp), Crusade against cancer of corruption continues: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority working to root out graft to protect rights of the people, by Lok Man Singh Karki (ht)

13/09/2014: Parties’ focus more on process, less on content (ht), House obstructed again: Sapkota says govt run by criminals (ht), Stage set for all-party meet on Sept 16, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), All-party conference fixed for Tuesday (ht), Parties agree to hold nat'l conference on Sept 16 (rep), Amatya, Basnet to replace UML ministers (kp), Shah nominated next chief justice (kp) [May the dominance of the hardly 15 per cent male Tagadharis be retained for eternity!!], Constitutional Council picks Shah as new chief justice based on seniority: Senior-most justice says he’ll try to clean judiciary image (ht), ‘No foreign trips before statute’ (kp), Hope in stills: When a loved one is disappeared, their conspicuous absence becomes the strongest mark of their lingering presence, by Darshan Karki (kp)

12/09/2014: Some citizens more equal than others: Citizenship rights in Nepal still heavily favours men and keeps large number of citizens stateless, by Damakant Jayshi (nt), PDCC submits reports to CA: Bhattarai requests more time for consensus-building (kp), Bhattarai tables CPDCC’s report in CA: Seeks more time to forge consensus on 13 unresolved issues (ht), I'm under pressure not to expedite statute: Bhattarai; Harps on consensus again (rep), TMLP cadres burn effigies of Oli and Mahat (kp), Leaders at odds over all-party meet date: CPN-Maoist leader Pampha Bhusal says top leaders want more discussions to find common ground on the disputed issues (kp), Four parties fail to fix conference date (ht), Nat'l political conference unlikely before PM's return from US, by Ashok Dahal (rep), National conference, a likely exercise in redundance, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Panel set to start TRC formation: Vacancies in transitional justice panels to open soon, by Dewan Rai (kp), Satyagraha, 324 x 2 days: The politics of constitution writing has blocked the fasting Adhikari couple’s search for justice, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), A dream deferred: The UCPN (Maoist), once championed as the harbinger of change, has demoralised and disappointed its supporters, by Charu Gajurel (kp), Lamjung’s ghost village: More than eight years after the war ended, the displaced still haven’t returned to their village, by Yubaraj Shrestha (nt), Federalism debate: No midpoint in the Far West, by Dil Bahadur Chhatyal (rep), Constituent Assembly: Calendar Question; If the current political trend is any indication, it shows that promulgation of new constitution by February 2015 is unlikely (sp), Disappearance: Just Search; Almost a decade after 15,000 people disappeared, their fate is still unknown (sp)

11/09/2014: CA full house meet today; PDCC to table reports for deliberation (kp), Big three to take shot at consensus: Informal meeting to explore points of compromise (kp), CPN-UML: If consensus eludes, let’s go for vote (kp), CA schedule can’t be pushed, Oli tells UML lawmakers (ht), Koirala against Dahal-led HLPC (kp) [i.e. Shekhar Koirala], NC leader rules outtimely constitution (ht), All-party govt, if not HLPC: Dahal (ht), Statute-making difficult if no consensus govt or HLPC: Dahal (rep) [Statute writing is neither the task of the government not of the party leaders! It is the task of inclusively composed representatives of the people!!], Opposition continues House obstruction (ht), ‘It was PM’s idea to bring aboard Baidya’ (kp), Red line: Parties in the CA should be flexible with the Baidya Maoists, but only so much (kp), CPN-Maoist wants all-powerful political conference, interview with Bhim Rawal, CPN-UML (rep), CPN-Maoist for TRC before all-party meet (kp), Conflict-era victims eager to start new life, by Durga Lal KC (kp), Skeletons in the closet: Anti-corruption drives must focus on preventing corruption, instead of focussing solely on digging into the past, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Model Of Constitution Writing: Liberal Constitutional Approach Obscure In Nepal, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Federalism fears: The people who don't believe in federalism have been given the mandate to write the constitution of federal Nepal, by Biswas Baral (rep)

10/09/2014: NEFIN calls nationwide stir (kp), CPN-M wants HLPC before all-party meet (kp), CPN-Maoist for holding political conference from September 18 onwards (ht), Gajurel rules out statute promulgation within deadline (ht), Talks on with CPN-M: Koirala (kp), Dahal urges PM toact to save nation (ht), Dahal to Koirala: Don’t backtrack on past accords (kp), Min Mahat’s Remarks on Federalism upset FDR (kp), FRA slams KP Oli, Mahat for remarks (ht), PDCC convenes three-party meet (kp), Federalism and development: The failure of the government to provide relief to victims of natural disasters drives home the need for federalism, by Prakash Bom (kp), Federal system and fiscal matters: Finance commission mechanism, by Rup Khadka (ht)

09/09/2014: All eyes on talks with Baidya (kp), Mahat puts statute before federalism, by Devendra Bhattarai (kp) [?????],  Still second sex: Ensuring provision for citizenship through mother requires advocacy and political will (kp), Contempt of court: Vox pop before law is passed: Speaker (kp), Contradictions within: Oppressed Dolpo locals need to reflect, inquire and negate their own and society’s oppressive consciousness, by Tashi Tewa Dolpo (kp)

08/09/2014: CA gets reports from talks panel: Panel Chairman Bhattarai seeks more time for consensus; CA meeting expected to amend working calendar, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), The long game: PDCC report listing both gains and failures of CA still a positive sign (kp), CA likely to send unresolved issues back to CPDCC (rep), Starting error: Constitution deadlines (rep), PM rules out putting offconstitution deadline (ht) [???], CA sidelined citizenship issue: Experts, by Chahana Sigdel (kp), 'New condition' for citizenship thru mother alarms rights activists (rep), Magar for citizenship in mother’s name (ht), Retain Constitutional Council, Judicial Council in statute: Deuba (ht), Youth Force formed for identity-based federalism (ht), Consensus will be sought till very end of constitution process, interview with Krishna Prasad Sitaula, Nepali Congress (kp) [And why do you not seek consensus with the excluded sections of Nepali society (ca. 85 percent) instead of only consensus among the male Bahun leaders of the political parties??], All-party meet to dwell on unresolved issues (ht), Will National Political Conference Bring All Together?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn) [A precondition would be that the number of participating male Bahuns is not higher than 6.5 percent!], International law conference concludes: Call to ensure economic, social and cultural rights (ht), Losing its way: The Sushil Koirala government has fared badly on constitution and governance; It is rightly criticized, by Prakash Bhattarai (rep)

07/09/2014: Talks panel misses consensus deadline, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Parties not to amend CA Rules: Decide to give one more chance to CPDCC to resolve disputed issues (ht), CA calendar to be amended: CPDCC seeks more time to settle thorny issues, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Parties yet to agree on the term of Constitutional Court: Deuba, by Narhari Sapkota (kp), 33 forces gear up for all-party conference, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), National meeting likely before Sept 19 (kp), Maoist fronts to launch struggle (ht), Motion proposed to increase women leaders at grassroots, by Weena Pun (kp)

06/09/2014: CA set to miss first crucial deadline today, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Consensus deadline expires today: Discord whether to seek more time or submit reports, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [Submitting reports now is nonsense since all the discussions have so far been among predominantly male Bahun party leaders! To seek more time only makes sense if those who discuss the issues become inclusive, i.e. male Bahuns should have a share of not more than 6.5 percent of the discussants!], Ruling parties, oppn divided over amending CA Rules, by Prakash Acharya and Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Defining marriage or curbing women’s rights? Activists decry a proposed clause on family law that is against SC ruling, by Weena Pun (kp) [Nepal is still centuries away from accepting absolute equality of women and men against the law!], Inter-Governmental Transfers Under The Federal System, by Rup Khadka (rn)

05/09/2014: Disputes remain; 3 parties agree to meet today (kp), No consensus on pradeshes (ht), Constitutional statusfor commissions (ht), CA chair wants committee report tabled on schedule (ht) [??], Three parties agree to CPN-M demand for all-party meet (kp), Big three, CPN (Maoist) agree for all-party conference: Panel to suggest modalities, jurisdiction, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Task force formed to hold political conference (kp), Among believers: We should protect the right to religious freedom in the new constitution (nt), Upsetting the stag party: The first CA’s Women’s Caucus collectively pushed for women’s issues beyond party lines, by Sabrina Singh (kp), 33% Women's Representation: Practice Divorced From Principle, by Madhav Basnet (rn), Appointments in TRC, CED likely before Tihar festival (ht), The absent state: We haven’t just failed to protect citizens within Nepal and abroad, we have abdicated our responsibility, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

04/09/2014: Looming deadline: Only through compromise can parties come up with an enduring constitution (kp) [A reasonable constitution with durable value is not possible on this way! It will only be a statue produced by male high caste party leaders without any inclusion of the so far excluded majority of society!!], Parties ‘flexible’ on disputed issues, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC, UML reach agreement (kp), Deal on thorny issues by Thursday, say top leaders, by Ramesh Khatiwada (ht) [The leaders' just sitting down and making is means ridiculing the inclusion aspect of constitution writing!], Gautam: Only CA should issue statute (kp), House meet put off for third day (kp), House in recess for one week (ht), Has Janajati cause lost its verve? Prominent Janajati leaders, who are also members of various mainstream parties, are pushing the official lines of their parties, upending the original agendas of ethnic groups, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Women rights bodies flay citizenship proviso (ht), Bar convicts of serious crimes from polls: CPDCC (ht), No contesting polls for CIMT-guilty: CPDCC urges big 3, others to settle thorny issues (ht), Local body polls: Women ask govt for equal participation, by Chahana Sigdel (kp), '50 pc women representation must in local polls' (kp), HLPM Reeks Of Groupism And Forcible Imposition Of Ideas, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Locals warn of relinquishing citizenship (rep) [The national identity is that of the exclusive male ruling elite, basta!], Back to square one: Kathmandu looks convinced that federal model proposed ans aspired by Maoists and Madheshis should not be apporved by the CA, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), All-party conference is a positive start, interview with Mohan Baidya (rep 04/09/2014)

03/09/2014: ‘Exclusive CA’ raises eyebrows (kp) Parties to negotiate stances: Major parties NC, UML, UCPN (M) begin dialogue on federalism and governance models (kp), Major parties agree to all-party meet, differ on modality and ToR: Decide to hold talks with CPN-Maoist again on Thursday (rep), Big Three positive on all-sector conference, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Big 3 in fresh talks over key contentions (rep), Parties revisit contentious statute issues (ht), Disputes to be put to vote if no consensus: Nembang (rep), Experts for 10 plus provinces (kp), Two dominant ethnic groups in pradeshes suggested: To reduce number of federal units (ht), Code drafters at a loss over LGBTI concerns, by Weena Pun (kp), Statutory provision mooted to ban strikes (ht), Does the country really need Constitutional Court?, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), AIRC proposes amnesty for cadres of armed groups (ht) [???? Once again no justice for victims?], Vote fraud probe needs more time (kp), Can CA Vote Clear All Hurdles?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

02/09/2014: 10-state model Maoist stance: Backs federalism model suggested by panel in first CA (kp), 'Federal states on the basis of identity, strength' (rep), Parties weigh three options, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Parties hard put tackling trust deficit among them (ht), Party first: If we are to have a timely constituition, the CA must take a long break; Odd as it may sound, that would be the smartest thing to do, by Bishal Thapa (rep), Let Dahal be: Ruling parties should not hesitate to handover leadership of the High Level Political Committee to the UCPN (Maoist), by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CPN-UML sticks to earlier stance (ht), UCPN-M for all-party conference before consensus deadline (ht), Big 3 to talk to CPN-Maoist today (rep), Transitional arrangements after new statute: CPDCC to give continuity to parliament, judiciary, by Ashok Dahal (rep), SC verdict on CIAA chief appointment on Sept 24 (ht), ICRC says fate of the disappeared still unclear (ht), ICRC urges govt, parties to respect rights of kin of disappeared (rep), Commission on disappearance: Will it deliver?, by Govinda Sharma 'Bandi' (ht), Nepali Leadership: Vowing to Remain the Same, by Prem Khatry (rn)

01/09/2014: Stick to deadline: Nembang; CA chairman tells chairpersons of five thematic committees calendar won’t be amended (kp), Bhattarai stresses meeting Sept 6 dispute resolution deadline: Delay will invite more complications, say other CA vommittee members, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Consensus uncertain in six days: UCPN-Maoist blames ruling coalition of Nepali Congress and CPN-UML for not engaging in meaningful negotiations (ht), Poles apart: NC-UML will commit historic blunder if openings for compromise are overlooked (kp), If consensus fails, constitution should be put to vote, interview with CPN-UML General Secretary Pradip Gyawali (kp) [?????], Oppn parties obstruct Parliament proceedings (kp), Opposition stalls House yet again over HLPC formation (rep), Madhesi parties miffed over lawmaker nomination snub (kp), Congress, UML leaders discontent (kp), 16 CA members sworn (ht), Maoists reject proposal to form 3-party HLPC (kp), UML entrusts Gautam with resolving HLPC issue (ht), HLPM And Political Consensus, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Small is ugly: Federating Nepal (rep), Operation Mustang: United Kingdom’s MI6 aided torture of Maoist cadres, by Ammu Kannampilly (kp), NHRC asks government to probe Dhading, Kailali cases (kp), Failure to ratify BWC deprives Nepal of int'l support to fight Ebola, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), The respectability trap: The time-tested way of putting the downtrodden in its place is to blame the advantaged of the community for the bacvkwardness of the rest, by C.K. Lal (rep), Between the lines: The logic in jurisprudence is that the courts are public offices and must come under public scrutiny for both their good and bad decisions, by Binod Bhattarai (rep)

31/08/2014: Missed deadline may invite chaos: Many fear Assembly relapsing into state of indecision, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), EC suggests 2 models for central election (kp), Zero out of 26: CA member nominations (rep), PAC to continue graft probe against MP-elect Thapa (kp), Dissatisfaction in NC, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), UML factional rivalry deepens (rep), UML secy disapproves of party’s MP nominees (kp), UML secretary urges party chair to put issues on table (ht), Maoists to submit names for CA pick Monday (rep), End Parliament obstruction: PM Says, there’s no point getting entangled with the issue of HLPC (ht), Congress, UML discuss contentious issues (ht), FRA threatens street protest for identity-based federalism, by Ritesh Tripathi (rep), Enforced disappearances: 8 yrs on, kin have only hope to cling on, by Dewan Rai (kp), 32nd international day of the disappeared: Kin hoping against hope, by Rajendra Manadhar (kp), Right bodies seek justice for missing persons (ht), ‘Probe killing of five Dhanusha youths’ (kp), Kin of dissapeared vent their ire, by Amar Khadka (rep), Pro-Maoist working alliance left in a lurch (ht), Nembang tells parties not to collect donations from industry, business (ht)

30/08/2014: CA likely to miss Sept 6 deadline: Thorniest issues yet to be resolved (rep), Where's the will? (rep), Minorities’ role in statute drafting discussed (ht), Cabinet nominates 17 CA members, finally; Names awaited from Maoist, fringe parties, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [Oligarchy, nepotism and disregard of the interim constitution gaining ground once again!!], Cabinet nominates 17 of the remaining 26 CA members, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Govt names only 17 CA members: Nominations spark dispute in parties, by Santosh Ghimire (rep), Opposition obstructs House over HLPC delay, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Opposition parties stall Parliament proceedings: Dahal says NC, UML not serious about constitution calendar (ht), Madhesi parties bone of contention in HLPC formation (ht), ‘Stage being set for all-party conference’ (kp), Bhattarai says willpower must to forge consensus (ht), Federalism: A Contested Narrative, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), ‘Make federalism, inclusiveness, secularism non-amendable’ (ht), 'Citizenship to kids of migrant workers who return pregnant' (rep) [All children of of Nepali women must have the right to citizenship since men and women are equal! Else, Nepal is not a democratic state!!], TRC, CED commissioners: Public hearing of candidates to be held (ht), ICJ, AI seek justice for missing persons (ht), ICJ to govt: Provide justice to victims of disappearances (rep)

29/08/2014: Parties agree to draft ‘flexible constitution’: Provisions on federalism, secularism, press freedom and human rights could be amended with two-thirds support in Parliament, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Non-amendable provisions reduced: National independence, sovereignty, integrity to be non-amendable; press freedom, human rights, periodic election, fundamental rights to be amendable (ht), They ink deal after deal but bicker over implementation, by Thiras L. Bhusal (rep), Shrestha proposes removing provision of 26 CA nominations (kp) [?? Follow the ruling of the interim constitution and nominate MPs without party affiliation! The you have no problems!], CA members need not benominated now: Shrestha (ht) [What do I care about the interim constitution!! Yes, they should have been nominated in January latest!], Shrestha: Scrap provision for 26 lawmakers (rep), NC, UML for body to steer peace tasks: Want only three parties in a wound-down committee, by Anil Giri (kp), NC, UML mull HLPC sans RPP-N, Madhes-based parties (rep), FRA objects to NC, UML’s 3-party HLPC proposal, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Missing another deadline: Pushpa Kamal Dahal is threatening to delay the constitution if he is not allowed to head a parallel government, by Damakant Jayshi (nt), The disappeared: Addressing the impact of disappearance means understanding how victim needs emerge from the social worlds they live in, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Instead of federalism: It is not too late to reconsider the positive alternatives to federalism, by David Seddon (nt), Watching the watchdog: Despite the CIAA’s recent sting operations, the agency is charged with going after small fry or waging political witch-hunts, by Binita Dahal (nt), How long will Thabang remain 'Communist'?, by Hira Bahadur Ghartimagar (rep)

28/08/2014: House elects chairpersons in 12 parliamentary committees, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Parliamentary committees get their chairs (ht), 9 months after polls, all House panel heads elected unopposed (rep), Nomination of CA members: SC moved seeking order to govt to wait for clearance (ht), NC leader moves SC against nomination of 26 lawmakers (rep), Constitutional Court not needed: Four SC judges (ht), Adhere to past accords: Nidhi; Talks on to find solution on HLPC, says Maoist VC (kp), Maoist leaders: NC, UML trying to delay statute, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Not forming HLPC will lead to confrontation, interview with Haribol Gajurel, UCPN-M (rep), Evolving document: Parties can find common ground once they internalise constitution as a work in progress (kp), Politics, Power And Politicians: An Unholy Alliance Against Local Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Need For An Equity-based Constitution, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

27/08/2014: Lawmaker nominations: Experts: Respect apex court verdict (kp), Don’t wait for apex court to review CA nominations, lawyers tell govt (kp), CJ, justices against Constitutional Court in new statute (rep), House committees to get chiefs today (ht), 11 house committees to get heads today (rep), ‘NC-UML ignoring oppn’: Dahal objects to parties’ thumbs down for HLPC (kp), Form HLPC under Dahal’s leadership: BRB tells Koirala (kp), HLPC dispute climaxes: Dahal threatens consequences (rep), Opposition parties to obstruct Parliament (ht), Parties On Collision Course, Again?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Baidhya reiterates need for all-party conference (ht), UML leaders on foreign visits, by Bhadra Sharma (kp) [No important things to do in Nepal??], Running out the clock: Despite claims by leaders that the constitution will be written in time, there are reasons to be skeptical, by Dipendra Jha (kp)

26/08/2014: Dialogue panel to solve prickly issues in 2 wks (kp), Karna sub-panelsubmits report (ht), Bhattarai invites apex court judges (ht), CA nominations put off (ht), ‘Change nat’l animal’ (ht), Ruling parties rule out formation of Dahal-led HLPC (ht), Ruling parties say no to HLPC (rep), Dahal warns House disruption (kp), Dahal threatens protests in parliament, street (rep), UCPN-M to obstruct House (kp), Think big: New constitution (rep), House panel set to vote for new heads on Wednesday (kp), House committee heads to be elected Wednesday, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Parliamentary committees’ election slated for tomorrow (ht), Lawyer Khanal replaces Malla in committee to pick TRC commissioners, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), TRC candidates selection: Recruitment process likely from this week, by Dewan Rai (kp), New Constitution: Natural Birth Or Scissoring?, by Prem Khatry (rn), Half the sky: Nepal inches toward gender equality, but challenges galore in this predominantly patriarchal society, by Shreejana Shrestha (rep)

25/08/2014: CA may miss Sept 6 deadline for settling disputes; Major parties yet to focus on thorny issues: Bhattarai, by Thira L. Bhasal (rep), Chepangs seek their representation in CA (kp), 3-party meet fails; CA appointments in limbo (kp), UCPN-Maoist walks out of three-party meet: Nepali Congress, CPN-UML reject Maoists’ demand of forming HLPC, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Maoists walk out of three-party meet: Miffed at NC-UML refusal to form high-level body (rep), Ball in ruling parties’ court: UCPN-Maoist (ht), CPN-Maoist for roundtable (ht), NC, UML to form panel for 7-point deal enforcement (kp), NC, UML to form task force, try to hammer out differences (ht), In it together: Leaders should form a cross-party mechanism for talks between parties both in and outside CA (kp), That Janajatis want ‘ethnic states’ is baseless propaganda, interview with Nagendra Kumal, chairperson of NEFIN (kp), Constitution Writing Picks Up Momentum, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Constitution mithya: Ask your representatives how many hours they have spent discussing the constitution over the nine months since November 21013 polls, by Neelam Adhikari (rep)

24/08/2014: Congress-UML to propose 6-state model to Maoists (kp), NC, UML discuss contentious issues (ht), 2 weeks for parties to settle disputes (kp), Oppn asks NC, UML to respect their views (kp), Revolution if parties neglect consensus in constitution making process‚ warns Dahal (ht), Dahal threatens to quit CA (rep), 'Let CA deal with issues of federalism, inclusion' (rep), Non-starter alliances: The ways of the UCPN (Maoist) indicate that the party is not committed to constitution writing, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Major party leaders reach out to Baidya (ht), Big three to talk to Baidya: Seek his views on contentious issues (rep), Lead the change, Mr PM: We want our prime minister to have proper grasp of governance and development issues and be decisive in carrying out his tasks, by Krishna Gyawali (rep)

23/08/2014: NC, UML agree to give CA full shape (kp) [This smells of another grave violation of the interim constitution! These 26 MPs should not be selected on the basis of affiliation to any political party!! When the SC begin to stop the continued break of constitutional law by the politicians??], 22 of 26 CA members maybe named tomorrow (ht), UML confirms 7-state federal model stance: Says ready to adopt flexibility for sake of agreement among parties, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), CPN-UML to stick to seven-province model (rep), Janajatis demand 14 states proposed by first Assembly, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), FRA set to launch campaign from today: To make a strong pitch for identity-based federalism (ht), Dalits demand proportional representation in state bodies (kp)

22/08/2014: Madhesi intelligentsia for statute through consensus: Say they’re not averse to having two pradeshes in Madhes as a compromise solution (ht), Some mistake federalism for decentralisation: Bhattarai (ht), UML begins review meet on disputed issues (kp), Oli presses for Prez re-endorsement (kp), UML sticks to fresh endorsement of Prez, VP (rep), Experts suggest PDCC to take path of consensus (kp), EC refutes rigging claims, seeks ‘autonomy’ (kp), Electoral laws: ‘CA Court stricture impractical’, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Prez says women empowerment a must to develop society: Urges all concerned, including govt, to be serious about implementing legal provisions (ht), Constitution Writing And Its Hurdles, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn), Federalism for the sake of it: Federalism is a distraction from the other important aspects of state re-structuring and reform of political representation, by David Seddon (nt), Reckless federification: It doesn’t take a Nobel laureate to see that Nepal is lop-sided and top-heavy in favour of dominant caste and ethnicities (nt), Federal fundamentalism: Question the merits of federalism and you are accused of committing blasphemy, by Bihari K. Shrestha (nt), Inclusion by any other name: The last six years have not been wasted, we have zeroed in on institutionalising inclusion, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

21/08/2014: Statute writing process: Big 3 struggle for common ground (kp), Parties at odds over Constitutional Court (kp), CA Court tells govt to amend election laws: Asks EC to introduce system that ensures that those getting majority votes win, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Federalism becomes non-amendable (ht), Middle way: Parties need to find middle ground between identity and economic viability (kp), Citizenship through mother a must in new statute: NWC (rep), Prez’s re-endorsement not possible, says PM: Koirala resumes work at his office in Singha Durbar after two months (kp) [?????], Approval of President is not at all issue of the hour, says PM Koirala (ht) [This is correct! His re-endorsement should have taken place in February; so, please live on with a not legitimised president, even though the procedure may take hardly two hours!!], CA I only discussed issues; CA II is also resolving them, Interview with Subhas Chandra Nembang (rep) [The inclusive composition of CA-I was one of the reasons for intnesive discussions; in far less inclusive CA-II, only the exclusive circle of party leaders discusses and tekas decision!! There is hardly any participation pf Dalits, Janajati, Madheshi and women in general in the decision process!], Do Not Roil Communal Harmony, by Uttam Maharjan (rn) [This is a myth! In fact, Nepal has been a single ethnic identity based central state for the past 250 years! To prevent the end of discrimination is the vested interest of the exclusive leadership of the political parties!!!], Dilemmas and democracy: Are the leaders of the Nepali-language minority willing to share state power with myriad others?, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Row over TRC recommendation committee: SC issues show-cause notice to govt (rep), House panel claims jurisdiction over all ministries, govt bodies, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep)

20/08/2014: CA committee fails to reach consensus on electoral system (kp), Panel to give more power to CIAA (kp), Parliamentary committees to get full shape, by Pranab Kharel (kp), ‘Ready to change stance on forms of governance for inclusive federalism’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA panel agrees on title of new constitution (ht), Dahal unsure of statute on time, but hopeful, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Dahal: No statute if NC, UML stick to own federalism stance, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Slow and unsteady: The idea that Koirala is in place only to draft constitution does not cut ice as constitution is the responsibility of the CA rather than the government, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (rep), Moderate left: People voted for UML as it was thought of as the only party that could neutralize the clout of NC and Maoists, by Binit Gurung (rep)

19/08/2014: CA talks panel confers with Janajati leaders, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dalits put forth 27 demands to CA, by Dipak Bayalkoti (kp), Faulty ideas (ht), Bhattarai gives tasks for major parties (ht), Major parties agree on flexible proposal (kp), Bring all on board: Dahal (kp), Parliamentary panels: Committee chairs’ names submitted (ht), House adjourned for one week (ht), House in recess; MPs to visit affected areas (kp), Constitution drafting process to go on (ht), History of violence: Political leaders must speak out against the recent spate of gender-based violence (kp), Dangers of a single story: The ability to see validity in other narratives will make collective action possible, by Bidushi Dhungel (kp), United we stand: A national unity government is looking like the only real alternative to facilitating the constitution-drafting process, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Citizens and capital: Nepal should develop a financial policy to utilise the liquid capital of its citizens for national development, by Prakash Bom (kp), Shame, shame: Govt, parliament inaction (rep), All in a name: Discrimination against Dalits continues because of the stigma attached to their ascribed names, by Rajendra Senchurey (rep)

18/08/2014: CA sub-panel settles disputes over legislature (ht), CA panel finalizes number of members in parliament (rep), Good start: Bhattarai’s statute initiative (rep), At least one-yr tenure proposed for chief justice, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), UML puts Prez, Vice Prez issue on backburner, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Neither truth nor justice: Parties have demonstrated time and again that they intend to do nothing to stop extrajudicial killings, by Suhas Chakma (kp), Nepal needs new political force to address common concerns, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (kp), A ceremonial premier: Nepal is free to have a constitution of its own but the "comma and full stops" must meet exacting standards of the wise, by C.K. Lal (rep)

17/08/2014: Flexibility crucial for constitution, interview with Tom Ginsberg (kp), Maoist, Madhesi parties to prepare common position, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), UCPN-M a failure as main opposition? Many point at party’s poor showing in Parliament, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Identity Politics On The Wane?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Tough battle: Transparency and accountability, two fundamentals of good governance, have collapsed without people's representatives, by Purnahari Amatya (rep)

16/08/2014: Majority of lawmakers ignore CA dress code, by Pranab Kharel (kp) [The current dress code is based on the current single ethnic identity based central state thinking and has to be abolished immediately!!!], Made in Nepal: The peace process (rep)

15/08/2014: Constitutional Court to be set up: House (ht), Experts for statute with amendment provision (rep), No country for young: Promises of employment alone will not suffice to keep Nepalis from leaving (kp), Breaking the circle: Nepal can learn from the growth of East and Southeast Asia which sought to remedy social exclusion, by Sagun S. Lawoti (kp), Unabashed by failings, lawmakers demand more facilities, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Where Are The Economic Bills Stuck?, by Pushpa Raj Acharya (rep), No licence to kill: Legal amendments must be made to ensure that crimes by security agencies are investigated independently, by Dipendra Jha (kp), On the sidelines of justice: A gender-blind and victim insensitive Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be a futile exercise, by Trishna Rana (nt), Adrift: Nepali politicians are too busy protecting gangsters to prepare for future Bhote Kosis, by Damakant Jayshi (nt)

14/08/2014: Closed-door talks: Parties ready to thrash out contentious issues, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), UML stance unchanged on federalism, forms of governance, electoral system (kp), NC, UML agree to settle coalition disputes in 15 days (kp), UML can't call PM 'incompetent' and yet stay in government, interview with Shekhar Koirala, NC (rep), Ambassadorial posts: Coalition partners at loggerheads, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Separate water taps for different castes (ht) [With such thinking, Nepal has no future!!!], Expanding security: Rhetoric of making Nepal more ‘secure’ by male elites must be closely critiqued for what it means for Nepali women, by Seira Tamang (kp), Wake up: No one forced government leadership on the ailing NC leader and he must have had an inkling of the pressures of the job, by Biswas Baral (rep)

13/08/2014: Statute drafting panel to complete its task today (kp), Parliament committees to have new heads (kp), Election for House committees' heads on Aug 20 (rep), UML to seek equal footing: To take up with Congress perceived ‘non-cooperation’ with ministries held by its leaders (kp), Ailing prime minister to resume office tomorrow (kp), Crucial financial, industrial bills still in drafting phase: Govt fails to live up to its committment of reforming around three dozen economic bills, by Pushpa Raj Acharya (rep), The struggle within: Indigenous movements must acknowledge women’s issues, not just limited to reproduction and sexuality, by Tashi Tewa Dolpo (kp), UCPN-Maoist: Heading For Another Split?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

12/08/2014: Prez to Koirala: Full CA key to statute legitimacy; Will hold meeting of parties and decide CA appointments, PM promises (kp) [The president as well needs new legitimation after the elections to a second CA!!!], Honor the pact: Koirala govt's failings (rep), SC’s PIL verdict remains unimplemented (kp), 5 armed outfits to join ‘statute process’ (kp), Armed groups eager for input in new statute (rep), In our court: The absence of national-level think tanks to work on issues of national interest was deeply felt during Modi's visit, by Keshar Bahadur Bhandari (kp), Statute not possible by deadline: Mainali (ht), NHRC a waning force for lack of office-bearers: 'Delay in appointments deliberate', by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), A culture of democracy: Local elections are essential to instilling democratic norms and values among the citizenry, by Seema Pandey (kp), Obstacles ahead: Lack of knowledge among our political leaders on vital constitutional issues is a major reason for delay in new constitution, by Prakash Bhattarai (rep)

11/08/2014: Govt may nominate 26members to CA in 15 days (ht) [Hopefully without party affiliation as it is demanded by the interim constitution!!], Panel starts talks with groups outside CA (kp), Tarai parties press for single Madhes state: Call for respecting 8-pt deal signed with Madhesi Morcha in 2008, by Pranab Kharel (kp), UML demand on president logical: KC (kp), Two to tango: Dahal—Bhattarai split will have serious consequences, especially on constitution (kp), Ex-rebels Forever In Dilemma, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), NWC drafts bill to criminalize dowry-related violence, by Shreejana Shrestha (rep), Bird of prey: Chari's death may not be the begiining of end of crime-politics nexus; But people's appreciation of police killing shows they have had enough, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

10/08/2014: Parties begin discussing statute issues (ht), NC, Maoists to take consensus approach (kp), Major parties step up talks for consensus on thorny issues (rep), 'Federal states based on dominant ethnic group could be counterproductive', by Ramesh Kumar Poudel (rep) [What do you mean with 'based on dominant ethnic group'? Your statement would only be true if you think of federal provinces with a system compared to the current single ethnic identity based central state that more or less belongs to male Bahuns (ca. 6.5% of the population)!!], UML ministers urge Oli to mend coalition disputes (kp), UML calls for endorsing prez by Parliament as per seven-point pact; NC says raising the issue could derail statute drafting (ht) [How can the urgently necessary endorsement of president and vicepresident derail the statute writing process?????], KP Oli consults UML ministers: Asked to resolve differences with NC (rep), TMDP, SP begin merger talks (ht)

09/08/2014: UML ‘not for’ new govt before statute, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Call CWC meeting soon, 24 NC leaders ask Koirala (kp), 24 NC CC members want CWC meet (ht), Govt urges Adhikari couple to end hunger strike (ht), Adhikari couple's health deteriorating (rep), Appointments at NHRC sought (ht), Wake up: Were our lawmakers chosen to relax, pass their time sleeping or play candy crush in CA hall?, by Shristi Kafle (rep)

08/08/2014: PDCC consults experts for consensus building (kp), Preparations to submit report (kp), PM Koirala ‘almost bed-ridden’ (kp), Implement 7-point deal: UML chief tells Koirala (kp), As coalition develops strains, UML seeks talks with Congress: UML accuzses PM, NC ministers of non-cooperation, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), CPN-UML scheming against govt: Koirala (ht)

07/08/2014: Statute drafting: Parties adopt new approach to settle disputes, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Apex court frees two suspects in murder case of journalist (kp), Chaukath flays Hindu group for vandalism, threat (kp), Reclaiming spaces: Extremist Hindu elements should be kept at the margins of public discourse (kp), PAC directs govt bodies to clear arrears (ht), ‘Federal states should be economically viable’ (ht), Private sector for adopting sustainable federal model (rep), DPM: Adhikari couple's hunger strike irrelevant (rep) [Bam Dev Gautam's comments sound predominantly irrelevant, but they are extremely dangerous for peace, rule of law and an inclusive democratic future!!!], China wary of Modi's engagement in Nepal, by Purna Basnet (rep), Milking us dry: When millions are deprived of simple life saving medicines, how can such hefty spending on our ailing politicians be justified?, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep), Social security schemes: Experts for putting in place effective dstribution mechanism, monitoring system (rep), Experts urge for need based social security (ht)

06/08/2014: Petition filed questioning legality of panel for TRC nominations (kp), TRC controversy: Conflict victims move apex court (ht), Petition seeks dissolution of recommendation committee (rep), Speaker Nembang raps govt for defying ruling (ht), TRC controversy: Conflict victims move apex court (ht), CA sub-panel owns up earlier committee’s agreements (ht), Parliament directs govt to table social security Bill (ht), Study in contrast: A society indoctrinated in left ideology that has no understanding of democracy might withdraw from democratic process and view the whole process as anarchical, by Mukul Sharma (rep)

05/08/2014: In cold blood: It is time for the government to initiate prosecution for the extra-judicial killings of five youth at Godar, by Sushil Pyakurel (kp), Modi asks leaders to make statute drafting inclusive (kp)

04/08/2014: Modi operandi: Given India’s role in the Nepali peace process, it should work to facilitate an understanding over contentious constitutional issues, by Suhas Chakma (kp), 33-party alliance withdraws protest programme plans (ht), Limbuwan parties sit together for unity talks (ht)

03/08/2014: ‘Remind Modi of Madhesi significance’ (ht)

02/08/2014: Bhattarai says talks under way on disputed issues of statute, by Prakash Acharya (ht), PDCC to record all reservations (kp), Adhikari murder case: Two more suspects freed (kp), Parties not to hinder statute writing process (rep)

01/08/2014: Discussion put on hold over oppn threat, again (kp), Budget Discussion Put Off Yet Again, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Lawmakers ‘misused’ CDF, by Janak Nepal (kp) [Yes, please give each of them 50 millions more!!], Parliamentary panel to findout flaws in electoral laws (ht), Anti-gender violence bill criticised in Parliament (ht), Three accused in Adhikari murder freed on bail (ht) [!!???], Three 'absconding' Accused Show Up At Court, by Ramesh Kumar Poudel (rep), ‘Conflict wounds psychological’, by Chahana Sigdel (kp), Our foreign non-policy: Inwardly shrivelled Kathmandu seems to have lost its ability to manage international relations, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), “Everyone forgot us”: The revolution that was supposed to liberate his community from oppression devoured Ram Ratan Chaudhari’s family, by Tufan Neupane (nt), Nothing about us, without us: The right to equality of gender and other minorities is under threat from a regressive state, by Sunil Babu Pant (nt)

31/07/2014: Contempt of court bill: Parliament to solicit public views on bill, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Parliament seeks public feedback (ht), State killing Adhikari couple: AHRC (kp), Speaker wants details on Adhikari couple (ht), CPDCC owns talks with armed groups (ht), Government briefs House on Nepal-India agreement (kp), Pandey briefs Parliament on recent Nepal-India agreement (ht), Constitution Writing: Seriousness Is Lacking, by Mukti Rijal (rn)

30/07/2014: PP leaders to get Rs 20k monthly transportation allowance (kp) [??], ‘Re-endorse prez, veep’ (kp), Class and justice: The marginalisation of victim’s priorities widens the gap between the powerful and powerless, by Ram Bhandari and Erik Wilson (kp)

29/07/2014: Forge consensus on thematic panel heads, parties told, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Oppn against amendment bill for LSGA (kp), Bill aims to ensure 40% women's representation in local bodies (rep), Contempt of Court: Bill may go up for public hearing (kp), Public feedback to be sought (ht), Parliament wants public feedback on contempt of court bill: Law minister to tabvle proposal on Wednesday (rep), Conflict damages yet to be rebuilt (kp), ‘Save Adhikaris from dying’: Slain Krishna Prasad’s parents on fast-unto-death for the last 277 days (ht), Talks with Limbuwan groups positive (ht)

28/07/2014: Contempt bill lands in House (kp), Minor killed, eight injured in grenade explosion in Siraha (ht)

27/07/2014: Conflict-era scars healing, by Krishna Prasad Gautam (kp), Challenges for Oli: Oli needs to fine-tune his tongue and temperament to adjust to his new role, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Fault in us: The fire in the Tri-Chandra College library is indicative of larger problems at Tribhuvan University, by Banita Khanal (kp) [It's a fundamental problem of political culture: So-called party leaders make the youth believe that political violence and even murder as part of protest is not a punishable crime!!], Rautahat CA members fail to spend Rs 1 million (ht)

26/07/2014: House panels headless for six months, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Dialogue committee dwells on disputed issues (ht), Calls to memorialise war victims (kp) [Most of all they need justice and compensation!!], Malla’s status delays TRC panel’s progress (ht) [This panel has no future either!!], Kin for naming public places after conflict victims (rep), Capable enough: The state and the rulers think that Dalits are incapable and unable to assume a high post and skilfully carry out assigned duties, by Dhana Bahadur Mijar (rep)

25/07/2014: CA completes six months: Parties must settle disputed issues to get job done on time, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PDCC talks to own past agreements (kp), Lower House to be called Pratinidhi Sabha (ht), Parties divided over local polls (kp), Statute deadline won’t be met: Koirala (ht), Promises to keep: The NC-UML coalition must stick to its self-imposed deadline of finishing the constitution by April, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Half truths, no justice: The government didn’t even bother to send a representative for the funeral of the Dhanusha Five this week, by Trishna Rana (nt), Strange Alliances: If the recent political alliances provide any indication, it shows that Nepali politics is heading on the path to confrontation, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Nepal’s Constitutional Problem: A Recap, by Ria Gyawali (sp), All Is Not Well: 'An ailing PM and an ailing PM-in-waiting; And we're still asking what ails our country?', by Abijit Sharma (sp)

24/07/2014: Victims’ remains handed over to kin: Nepal Army involved in the killings of 5 men in their twenties in Godar, Dhanusha, forensic report confirms, by Shyamsundar Shashi (kp) [And what about the murderers???], Kin get remains of five youths, by Brij Kumar Yadav (ht), Govt hands over remains of victims to kin: Families demand immediate action against perpetrators, by Suresh Yadav (rep), CA endorsement of prez and veep: UML set to take up issue with PM (kp), UCPN (Maoist) seeks clear position on federalism: A committee formed to prepare official line on key issues for new statute (kp), SP mulls over quitting Constituent Assembly: Party to decide on the issue after feeling pulse through interactions across Madhes (ht), Mahato-led SP sets copies of budget document on fire (rep), Full circle complete: NC and UML are at the helm again; They have no obligation to act differently than they did during the free-for-all 90s, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

23/07/2014: Koirala returns hale and hearty from New York: PM says he’s not quitting; Assures full activism and completion of all pending tasks; Promises statute on time (ht), ‘I’ve got new lease of life’: Koirala returns from New York after month-long cancer treatment (kp), All-party meet commonagenda of five parties (ht), Armed Tarai groups pose security challenge: DPM (ht), Will Maoist-led Front Disrupt Statute-making?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

22/07/2014: PDCC owns up decisions made by then statute panel (kp), CA panel begins exercise to build consensus, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Godar killings: Government may not send high-level rep (kp), Enemies of the future: Political parties must take responsibility for the actions of their affiliated student unions (kp) [Those who burn down libraries should not be called students; they are criminals, nothing else, and should be punished as such!!], Women rights activists stage protest in front of CA building (ht), Govt urged to amend Contempt of Court Bill (ht), Taking to the streets: Protests and movements have provided the marginalised with an avenue to make their voices heard, by Tashi Tewa Dolpo (kp), With power, comes responsibility: The NC, as the largest party in the CA, must take the lead in reaching out to parties on contentious issues, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

21/07/2014: Talks with armed outfits to begin next week (kp), Talks with armed outfits of Ilam, Janakpur, Nepalgunj in offing (ht), Govt starts discourse on civil service in federal set-up (rep), Remains of Godar victims to be handed to their families (ht) [There is no justice with the murderers from the army running free and getting promoted!!], Lawmakers demanding ECDP failed to spend their budgets, by Suresh Yadav (rep) [!!!! Why do they want 49 millions more??], Bhattarai floats options for new force (ht), The illusion of inclusion, by C.K. Lal (rep)

20/07/2014: CA sub-Panel gears up for talks with armed outfits, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Failing grade for UML ministers: Party lawmakers claim UML ministers failed to bring‘ pro-people’ programmes, made unpopular decisions (kp), Home minister criticised for making people homeless (ht), SP ready to take to streets (ht), Hammering it in: The results of the recent by-election further cemented the people’s rejection of single-identity federalism, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp) [No single ethnic identity federalism is o.k., but there is absolutely nothing that can be derived from recent by-elections!], Stepping in: Instead of judging who is right or wrong, mediation helps parties explore options that best serve their mutual interests and needs, by Mukti Rijal (kp)

19/07/2014: Transitional justice: Ensure victims’ participation: Experts (kp), Marginalised conflict victims’ inclusion issue discussed (ht), Failing State, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn)

18/07/2014: In consensus bid, CA panel to talk to leaders, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Federalism and Tarai-Madhes: Madhesis must have unchallenged access to wealth of the hills by being part of the same federal province, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Nothing but contempt: Under the new draft bill, it would not be possible to write this column, by Binita Dahal (nt)

17/07/2014: Contempt of court bill: Minister Acharya ‘agrees’ to amend provisions (kp), Adhikari couple’s health ‘deteriorates’ (kp), Bir Hospital unable to provide TPN to Adhikari Couple (ht), Shooting in the dark: This budget has little to offer in the absence of political consensus on a roadmap for economic prosperity, by Achyut Wagle (kp), The new budget will contribute to inflation, interview with Bishwambher Pyakuryal (rep), CDF Allocations: A Case Of Misplaced Priority, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Flawed TRC Act: Apropos Amendments Indispensable, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

16/07/2014: NC lawmakers criticise budget (kp), Local body polls by mid-Jan: Gautam (kp) [???? He obviously doesn't know what he is talking about!!!], Khadka moots three federal models (ht), Stakeholders for greater participation of women in politics (rep), Budgeting for bikas: A consensual agenda that propels us to broad-based economic growth is as urgent as the new constitution, by Swarnim Wagl� (kp)

15/07/2014: FinMin defends CDF allocation‘: Cheap loan has potential to transform agriculture’, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), 'Extra-curricular' Budget Bringing Smile To Some, by Prem Khatry (rn), It's complicated: What comes out loud and clear is that the proposal of transferring development funds to MPs rests on political, not economic ground, by Sukhdev Shah (rep), Constituting contempt: Censoring the media in the name of contempt of court can set a dangerous trend, by Dipendra Jha (kp)

14/07/2014: TRC naming panel seeks fourth member urgently (kp), CDF Saga: Focus Shift From Policy To Paisa, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Ride the wave: Nepal's traditional national security mentality with geopolitics at the center should give way to more dynamic economy-centric foreign policy, by Shyam Bandhu Subedi (rep)

13/07/2014: CA sub-panel to hold talks with armed outfits (ht), NC youths oppose Rs 50m CDF plan (kp), War-induced trauma still haunts Rukum residents, by Krishna Prasad Gautam (kp), Forgiving the past: The TRC must discourage individuals and political parties from using victims and families as a means to an end, by Yogendra P. Paneru (kp), Loktantra blues: History shows that governments often make laws to punish those who speak or write freely, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Good samaritans: The country needs a Civic Responsibility Act to increase the moral responsibility of Nepali society, by Seema Pandey (kp)

12/07/2014: Yet another front foridentity-based federalism today (ht), Govt in last-ditch effort to address CDF demand, by Anil Giri and Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Bill to empower youth registered: Envisages 23-member National Youth Council, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Call for investing more on youth: Stakeholders say brain drain must be stopped pronto (ht)

11/07/2014: 7-party alliance for singleidentity-based federalism, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Seven parties form Federal Republican Front: Warn Congress, CPN-UML not to show arrogance of numerical strength (ht), The politics of everything: Why carve up the country into supposedly autonomous states, when there is no economic base for that autonomy? (nt), SC scraps petition against CDF (kp) [??], SC quashes writ against budget for lawmakers: Says no order required as govt is yet to decide on Rs 50 million (ht), MP Or Five Crore Manager?, by Lok Nath Bhusal (rn), Widespread resistance makes commissions on transitional justice uncertain, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Post-conflict stress syndrome: Psychological scars of conflict on young survivors take longer to heal, by Taylor Caldwell (nt), More money, more problems: Failure to pursue reforms aimed at growth will have long-term detrimental effects on the entire economy, by Yoga Nath Poudel (kp), Investing in young people: Focus on development, by Giulia Vallese (ht), Investing in Young People’, by Giulia Vallese (sp), The generation gap: Nepal’s ageing political leadership is running out of time in more ways than one, by Trishna Rana (nt), When the hammer comes down: It is no longer enough to condemn the wrong-doers, they must be named and shamed, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Expert Call: United Nations experts warn that Nepal's truth-seeking legislation risks further entrenching impunity (sp), Shoddy Constitutional Exercise: Will Ek Thaan or Ek Thangno Emerge?, by Dipak Gyawali (sp)

10/07/2014: Mahat hints at CDF approval, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp) [one of the numerous fatal failures of this government!!], NC lawmakers raise voice seeking Rs 50 million: Say finance minister will face action if budget for constituencies not allocated (ht), Apex court order sought against Rs 50m dole plan (kp), Money for nothing: Instead of demanding a Rs 50 million fund, lawmakers must concentrate on a building strong, accountable governance, by Lok Nath Bhusal (kp), Funds For Constituency Development: Not Necessary At All, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Govt to SC: TRC Act doesn’t grant amnesty to serious offenders, by Pranab Kharel (kp) [?????], TRC Act consistent with int'l law: Government (rep) [Yes, all the international experts who criticise this law are absolutely innocent and ignorant!?], Rights bodies’ call to fix TRC Act flaws (ht), Int’l rights groups call for amending flawed provisions (kp) [!!!!!], Right to information or fight for information? RTI Act yet to be fully implemented, leaving many people who want to know frustrated, by Basant Sharma (ht), Respect freedom of expression: EduMin (kp), Contempt bill draws criticism (kp), Maoist, six other parties to unite on federal model (kp), Clock-watching: Term and age limits should be placed on political leaderships (kp)

09/07/2014: Subcommittee to talk to armed outfits (kp), Federal Republican Front in the offing: To pitch for identity-based federalism in constitution (ht), Democracy and caste: The encounter of democracy with caste is a historical process accommodating two sets of opposed values, by G�rard Toffin (kp), Silent war: It is fundamentally a collective failure when people sit idly by as society falls apart around them, by Bidushi Dhungel (kp), Crimean lesson: Crimea's case shows internal threat of secession undermines state's security; Nepal may have to face similar fate, by Seema Pandey (rep) [Nepal is a multiethnic state with the single ethnic identity of her non-inclusive single ethnic male elite! This is the greatest danger for security and secession and has to be changed immediately!!!], Demand For CDF Increase Raises Eyebrows, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), To give or not to give: If lawmakers cannot guarantee transparency and accountability, they do not deserve even one million rupees they are drawing from state coffers, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Leaders sans vision: Nepal's development should not be a by-product of China and India's strategic interests; we need strategically designed policies in place, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (rep)

08/07/2014: CA dialogue sub-panel confers with parties (kp), Sub-panel records demands of fringe parties outside Constituent Assembly (ht), Malla lambasts suggestion to replace her: Says the TRC Recommendation Committee members exceeded their brief (ht), Senior citizens warn of stern protests, self-immolations: Press govt to address their key demands (ht), Contempt of whom? Unless the Supreme Court protects the freedom of speech, it will fail to uphold its own dignity, by Prakash Bom (kp), Keep him busy: Without a larger role in constitution writing, Prachanda could easily drift towards the extremist line of Mohan Baidya, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

07/07/2014: Don’t cooperate on TRC, CID: Rights activists (ht), Constituency development programme: NC piles pressure on FinMin Mahat, by Anil Giri (kp), Fair trial for free expression: Judicial precedents should provide a reference for addressing the contempt of court bill in Parliament, by Binod Bhattarai (kp), Politics of reinstitution: The revolution in 19951 was subverted, reformation of 1990 rescinded and revolutions between 2006 -2008 proved to be stillborn, by C.K. Lal (rep)

06/07/2014: Bajura conflict victims scramble for a living, by Prakash Singh (ht), All for money: Lawmakers’ demand for 50 million (rep), Rs 50m funds will widen disparities: NPC head; infrastructure development in remote districts costlier, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), Bad proposition: Doling out money to CA members is opposed to the notion of financial accountability, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp) [Nepal's politicians generally do things that are against the constitution, democratic principles, the rule of law, human rights, international law, etc!!], Temple and state: Despite becoming a secular state, Nepal has not laid out the parameters for its model of secularism, by Pratyush Nath Upreti (kp)

05/07/2014: UN rights experts urge government to amend TRC Act: Say it is necessary to end impunity (ht), Govt brought bill on TRC responsibly, says Acharya (ht) [???], TRC panel seeks Malla’s replacement: Asks govt to give recommendation committee full shape, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht) [????], Poll expense details: EC slaps 18 parties with Rs 1,000 fine (ht) [This is absolutely ridiculous!!!], NC recommends Rs 50m CDP for 240 constituencies, by Anil Giri (kp), Cong demands Rs 5 crore foreach lawmaker (ht), NC all for Rs 50 million constituency fund, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), NPC asks for district-wise project details (kp), Critiquing any judge is nocontempt of court: Experts, by Pranab Kharel (kp), With no counseling, conflict-affected still feel trauma, by Benupraj Bhattarai (rep), Illusion and reality: Will federalism really bring an end to discrimination on 'class, caste, language, sex, culture, religion and region? Experts do not think so, by Raju Prasad Chapagai (rep)

04/07/2014: Madhes-based parties suspect UCPN-M stance (ht), AHRC: Don’t muzzle press freedom to protect court (kp), Shame on all of us! A human rights debacle is unfolding, with collaboration of a democratic government, the international community and intelligentsia, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Question of legitimacy: Victims must be recognised as critical actors in the transitional justice process, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), View from the hills: The government’s recent announced policies and programmes reflect a distinct hill-centric bias, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Financial inclusion: Must for Inclusive growth, by Shiv Ram Prasad Koirala (ht)

03/07/2014: Parliament passes govt’s policies and programmes: Next House meeting on July 10; Fiscal budget likely on July 11, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Govt's policies and programs endorsed through majority votes (rep), Rs 50m demand likely to be met, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Pork barrel politics at peak: Lawmakers seek Rs 50m for constituency development, by Rupak D. Sharma (ht), Govt ‘working’ to provide vehicles for parties’ top leaders (kp), A capital issue: CA members greedy of state dole-outsrisk damaging their public image (kp), NHRC says it cannot send official to panel for picking TRC team (kp), Overcoming criticism: Take TRC and CED seriously (rep), Ethnicity-based Federalism: A Counterproductive Model, by Uttam Maharjan (rn) [?? Nepal is still a single ethnic identity based central state! It has to be transformed into a miltiethnic federal state, and this has nothing to do with names and territory borders!!!], Talking out of tune: Inclusion is about developing a frame of mind that respects everyone regardless of class, ethnicity or creed, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Rape victims of armed conflict off the radar, by Shreejana Shrestha (rep)

02/07/2014: Lawmakers in fund hunt: Call in NC for Rs 50m for each constituency (kp), Female parliamentarians press for residence, transport facilities (kp), Lawmakers say govt’s policies fail to live up to expectations (kp), Policies and programmes condemned (ht), Oppn flays govt policies and programs (rep), Govt. Policies and Programmes: Implementation Aspect Is Vital, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), OHCHR: Amend inconsistent clauses (kp) [see comment by OHCHR], TRC Act violates United Nations policy: OHCHR (ht), OHCHR urges govt to amend TRC Act (rep), FRF concept paper to be finalised today (ht), Many miles to go: Despite multiple impediments, the constitution must be promulgated in time for a prosperous Nepal, by Binamra Thapa (kp), Chand counters Baidhya’s policy: Says CPN-Maoist policy must be to give continuity to people’s war (ht), Comment is not free, if you cannot write a line without fearing court may throw you in jail because you were citing its wrongdoings or flawed policies, by Dharma Adhikari (rep)

01/07/2014: CA concludes discussion on all panel reports (ht), NC lawmakers criticise govt’s programmes: Coalition government asked to amend the document, by Anil Giri (kp), NC, UML lawmakers slam document (ht), First round of deliberation concludes, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Maoist alliance to set singular position on statute (kp), NHRC asked to nominate its rep (kp), Recommendation panel of TRC wants NHRC in it: Urges govt to clear confusion regarding its formation process and questions raised by one of the members (ht), ‘Living martyr’ Mukesh will not walk again: Doc, by Weena Pun (kp), Exclusion in the mountains: The Madhes has been explored in the citizenship debate but exclusionary practices are also present in the upper hills, by Tashi Tewa Dolpo (kp)

30/06/2014: Peace, constitution, dev govt’s main priorities, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Prez presents govt’s policies and programmes, by Prakash Acharya (ht), New constitution government's top priority: Says it would strive for economic prosperity, social justice (rep), Agri, energy sectors get major push (kp), Focus on reservoir projects, PTA with India to address energy woes, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), Govt to provide easy loans to aspiring overseas workers, returnees, by Sagar Ghimire (rep), Nothing to be hopeful about, say oppn leaders (rep), Contempt bill: NHRC wants stakeholders consulted (kp), Respect universal principle of contempt of court Act: NHRC (ht), Document draws flak from rights activists (ht), Govt more interested in protecting the judiciary than people, interview with Hari Krishna Karki, president of the Nepal Bar Association (kp), Choices to make: Dahal must keep urging Baidya to join the constitution-drafting process (kp), Left unity: Focus on constitution-making (rep), Demand Of All-party Meet, Constitution Writing And CA, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), UCPN-M to clarify stance on identity based federalism (ht)

29/06/2014: CA poll study committee begins work (ht), Five Maoist parties form working alliance (ht), ‘Dahal must bring alliance in statute writing process’, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Hearts and Minds: The ultimate goal of the recent working alliance between the five communist parties is suspect, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Creation Of Two Alliances: To Facilitate Or Complicate Constitution Writing?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Mahato makes pitch for federalism (ht), Quest or revisionism: Debates constantly take place in Nepal but the gap between those doing the debating and the subjects of their debates is widening, by Abhi Subedi (kp), Women on the move: Gender shapes mobility and thus, constitutes an arena where female empowerment in Nepal can be discussed, by Gitta Shrestha (kp)

28/06/2014: Minimum number of constitutional bodies sought in new constitution (ht), Next cabinet will fill 26 CA seats, says DPM Gautam (rep), Supreme Court rejects writ appeal against contempt bill (kp), Dahal says not happy with court (ht), Government unnecessarily sparked controversy: Nepal (rep), Plea to withdraw Contempt of Court Bill (ht), Daylight robbery:  Budget allocation for MPs (rep), Budget likely to be unveiled by July 12: Prolonging of UML convention may delay the announcement, by Rupak D. Sharma (ht), Gautam wants strong centre in federal set-up (ht), Symbols that unite: Multiculturalism has so far only defines Nepal's demographic ans spacial reality, rather than working as a policy measure, by Seema Pandey (rep)

27/06/2014: Statute making at a crossroads: Top leaders should begin dialogue in the CA as well as in public to avoid another disaster, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Quota sought for marginalised communities (ht), TRC formation in trouble: Advocate to join suggestion panel on condition (kp), TRC formation process riles conflict victims: Sapana Pradhan Malla, a member of recommending body, also raises questions (ht), Confirmed: PM has lung cancer, by Anil Giri (kp), PM has lung cancer: Likely to undergo six weeks of radiotherapy, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), PM has early-stage lung cancer: Radiotherapy starts today, by Santosh Ghimire (rep), UCPN (Maoist) forms identity-based federalism alliance (rep), 5-party Maoist bloc agrees rota system (kp), UCPN-M for tie-up within, outside CA: To walk out if voting used in Constituent Assembly (ht), Bill can be amended: Ministers (kp), Speech unfree: A new law on social media that will also protect free speech is an urgent need (kp), Lawmaker's demand for Rs 50 million hits a rough patch, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Funds to be given to DDCs instead of lawmakers: FinMin (kp)

26/06/2014: Talking reform: Proposals of change to the electoral model must be refined and discussed further (kp), PM Koirala undergoes more tests (kp), DPM-led Cabinet to pass annual policies: Ministers instructed to submit the draft no later than Thursday evening, by Anil Giri (kp), DPM Gautam lashes out at critics of contempt of court Bill (ht), Five-party Maoist alliance likely today: Fringe communist parties demand for rotational lead (kp), Madhesi commission at work (ht), Torture still common in detention centres: Report says detainees are often subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment (ht), Detainees are often subjected to cruel: Report (Nepal Human Rights), Lawmakers insist on Rs 50 m, threaten to halt new budget: Threaten to halt new budget, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Dolpa folks appeal govt to ensure their rights over local resources (rep), Failing to govern: Government ministers do not consider people's problems as their problems and people's priorities as their priorities, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

25/06/2014: NC, UML for revising PR electoral system (rep), Govt to unveil policies on Sunday, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Prez topresent policies and progson June 29 (ht), Reparative justice: It would be wiser to formulate a freestanding policy on reparations than wait for the TRC, by Rajendra Senchurey (kp), By-election: Another Blow to Ultra Leftists, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Suu Kyi and democratic socialism: Will her suggestions bear fruit?, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht)

24/06/2014: CA debates structure of legislative body (ht), Contempt of court billfaces lawmakers’ snub: Amendment sought to provisions that curtail freedom of expression, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Free speech: Protecting the judiciary’s dignity must notcome at the cost of freedom of expression (kp), NC one-member stronger in Constituent Assembly (kp), NC wins three, UML one (ht), NC breaches UML bastion in Kathmandu-2, by Santosh Ghimire (rep), CPN-UML’s bastion falls (ht), Internal dispute blamed for Maoist’s poor results (kp), Dahal urges Bhattarai to put an end to factionalism in party (ht), Looking at logistics: While debating contentious issues, the CA would do well to also keep track of the transitional elements of logistics, by Prakash Bom (kp), Demographic dividend: Nepal needs to quickly come up with a decent policy if it is to benefit from its youth bulge, by Binita Kumari Paudel (kp), What Ails Parties?, by Shyam K.C. (rn)

23/06/2014: Panel begins consensus talks on disputed issues (kp), Small parties oppose owning up settled issues (rep), By-polls in four constituencies: EC says winners may be declared by this evening, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), 66 percent turnout in CA by-elections, by Santosh Ghimire (rep), CA by-elections record high voter turnout (ht), Annual policies ‘after UML meet’ (kp), Political instability resulted in poor capital expenditure: Study (kp), Maoists' Working Alliance: Will It Ease Constitution Writing?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Mao parties will pull UCPN-M out of CA: Gajurel (ht), Existential crisis: New Maoist alliance (rep), The ancient opiate: Despite the tone of triumphalism, it's not difficult to see CPN-UML is desperately looking for an ideology, a program, or an agenda, by C.K. Lal (rep), Left behind: TRC bill's apathy towards conflict-hit children is troublesome; nowhere in the bill have their concerns be included, by Bindesh Dahal (rep)

22/06/2014: Constituent Assembly website outdated; has little to offer on CA activities, by Prakash Acharya (ht) Ban for TRC in line with int’l practices: Encourages female peacekeepers (kp), Maoist parties closer to working alliance deal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Unity among pro-Mao forces for next revolution, says Dahal (ht), Landmine victims still living with shrapnels, by Kashi Ram Dangi (kp), Doramba puts behind dark past, by Tika Prasad Bhatta (kp), Royal rumble: The tussle among RPP leaders shows that aristocrats are not compatible with the democratic value system, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Contempt of people: New parliamentary bill (rep), Think big: If they truly believe foreign residency divides loyalty and is harmful to Nepal, they should first crack down on nearly three million Nepalis with dual citizenship in India and China, by Neelam Adhikari (rep), tj not TJ: The problem with Transitional Justice is that there is little space or flexibility for local ideas and ownership, by Erik B. Wilson (rep)

21/06/2014: CA’s dialogue panel dwells on judiciary (ht)

20/06/2014: CA sub-panel compiling report on debated issues (kp), Court to review ruling on 26 lawmaker picks (kp), Supreme Court to review own ruling on 26 lawmakers (rep), SC to revisit its May 13 verdict (ht), Govt opts for middle path: CA members press govt for Rs 50m each to fund projects in constituencies, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Education, health, jobs are what Nepalis want (ht) [a UN survey of Kathmandu and surrounding districts], Development conflict in Nepal, by Shankar Limbu (rep), Provisions related to marriage and divorce in the proposed Civil Code (sp)

19/06/2014: Forms of governance debate continues in CA (ht), Parties to lead sub-panels of Drafting Committee (ht), Policy and programmes presentation: Govt to declare date after PM’s medical report, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), UML conclave, PM visit likely to defer budget for mid-July, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Lawmakers demand larger constituency development fund (kp), Filling the vacuum: Ruling parties must come up with a division of responsibility during the PM’s absence (kp), Compulsory Military Service: Look Before You Leap, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

18/06/2014: NC proposes improved parliamentary system, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA continues discussions (ht), Two steps back: Proposed constitutional provisions on citizenship are regressive and only seek to uphold the status quo, by Dipendra Jha (kp), TRC formation starts with doubts galore, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Don't misuse powers for UML convention, PM told DPM Gautam: 'Health ministry hired over 1,000 to please Oli', by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep)

17/06/2014: CA members give differing views on forms of governance (kp), Lawmakers debate systems of governance (rep), Substance first: Form of government (rep), Ex-CJ heads panel to speed up TRC process, by Dewan Rai (kp), Committee to give names for TRC, CID: Commission also formed to help implement agreements with different agitating groups (ht), Panel to recommend names of TRC, CED officials, by Santosh Gjimire (rep), Unequal nation: Generous budget allocations for marginalised regions, gender and social groups can pave way for a smoother transition, by Arjun B. Kumal (kp)

16/06/2014: CA debate: Parties divided over forms of governance (kp), Forms of governance: CA begins discussion (ht), Parties stick to their guns on form of governance (rep), Eye on merger, Dahal meets splinter groups: UCPN (Maoist), CPN-Maoist, CPN (Maoist) and RCP begin alliance talks (kp), Mao followers saythey are close toforming alliance, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), UCPN (Maoist) forging alliance with agitating parties outside CA, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Centre cannot hold: The recent incident of polive brutality in Dho exemplifies the need for federalism (kp), We are not puppets for the NC to run the govt as it pleases, interview with Krishna Prasad Sharma Oli (kp), Bumpy road ahead: Prime Minister Sushil Koirala's disclosure of cancer could hasten new political developments, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp)

15/06/2014: Financial hardships grip former PLAs, by Durga Lal KC (kp), Controversy over Bill providing property rights to married daughters, by Prakash Acharya (, Feeling the public pulse: The CA is repeating a mistake made by the previous Assembly in not gauging public opinion on federalism, by Krishna Sharma and Arun Bhattarai (kp), Statute Writing Process: Federal Debate Kindles Hopes, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

14/06/2014: Janajati groups holdprotest in capital (ht), Oli warns of withdrawing support to Koirala govt, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), House forms panel to probe ‘vote rigging’ (kp), Parliamentary panel formed to probe alleged poll anomalies: Given three months to submit its report (ht), CA members play truant during deliberations: NC whip says no big deal, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Statute to include provisory draft law: Conscription law to be invoked if the state requires (kp), Parties agree on ‘compulsory service to nation’Citizens will have to be ready to serve the country as and when needed (ht), By-election preparation in final stage: CEC Uprety (kp), Parliament begins pre-budget debate, first time since ’08 (ht), Govt to post budget surplus again: Points to severe erosion in capacity to make proper use of available funds (ht), Bigger and uglier: Unwieldy party bodies (rep)

13/06/2014: CA debates land, citizenship, rights: Apparently, the most contentious issue is compensation for land acquired (ht), Panel interacts with experts (ht), CA demands provision against conversions (kp), SC schedules TRC Act final hearing for July 10 (ht), Deal upon deal (ht), In this day and age: A ceiling on private property ownership will only serve to discourage private entrepreneurship, by Shyam K.C. (kp)

12/06/2014: Vox populi: The PDCC must transparently engage all sections of society over federalism (kp), On right track: Federalism debate (rep), Parliament back in order after 13 days (kp), House resumes after 12 days, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Opposition ends protest in Parliament (ht), Rs 15b budget transferred: Mahat (kp), House obstruction taking toll on budget, constitution, says PM (ht), Fundamental rights: Constituent Assembly continues discussion for second day (ht), Property rights ceiling discussion heats up CA, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), 2003 Janakpur killings: Helsinki laboratory confirms identities of exhumed bodies, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Breaking the mould: There are two competing approaches to security prevalent in Nepal; There is a need to develop one strong and coherent approach, by D.B. Subedi (rep)

11/06/2014: Prickly statute issues land in dialogue panel, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA forwards report on issues: Debate on fundamental rights, directive principles begins (ht), 33-party alliance inface-saving mode: Ready to join constitution drafting process, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Not straight (ht), Decision time: PM Koirala's failure to deliver a broad vision for Nepal has resulted in a lethargic PMO (kp), CJ Sharma admits political pressure in judges' appointments (rep), Route to reconciliation: Moving forward requires greater concentration on locally-driven efforts and village-level activism, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Political Blunders Of Nepalese Leader, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km)

10/06/2014: Dialogue panel starts talks with parties on contentious subjects (kp), Oppn continues House haunt (kp), House adjourned till tomorrow: Parties only differ on who should chair the political mechanism (ht), One too many? Political dialogue bodies (rep), CPN-M presents saleable proposal: Major party leaders finally positive about all-party meet (kp), CPN-M for national political conference: Says party flexible on seeking a way out of the stalemate, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Baidya-led alliance reiterates all-party body for new statute: Submits eight-point demant to big three in the CA, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), House obstruction cannot be justified, interview with Ram Sharan Mahat (rep), Know thyself: Modi, or anyone else in Delhi, will only matter when Nepali power brokers realise what Nepal means for itself, by Atul K. Thakur (kp), Nepal and capitalism: It is time to begin on an interdependent and expansive path to a developed, socially just and less dependent capitalism, by Chaitanya Mishra (kp), Sleeping The Nepali Dreams Away, by Prem Khatry (rn), Victim of consensus: The country is governed by formula of political consensus and the hegemony of leaders, not rule of law; This has put law and order in limbo, by Charan Prasai (rep)

09/06/2014: Leadership bane for HLPC: Maoist chief Dahal noit to share chair of cross-party mechanism with any other leader (kp), House stalled over leadership of political committee, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), CA panel to start dialogue with parties (kp), Chaos as Gachhadar spits venom (kp), House sees heated exchanges among lawmakers, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Committee seeks details on budget reallocation in five days (ht), SC summons govt, House on lawmakers’ fund allocation (ht), 'We can submit budget document by mid-June if Speaker gives  waiver to the process of pre-budget discussion', interview with Ram Sharan Mahat (ht), Substance abuse: Current budget discussions (rep), Imagined divide: When it comes to federalism, identity and capibility cannot be either/or bases, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Midyear misgivings: Voices of reformation and restructuring of the state have turned into a whimper for 'development', a term turned upon its head for pacification of newly-freed colonies, by C.K. Lal (rep)

08/06/2014: Parties reach 3-pt deal,House likely from today, by Anil Giri and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Big Three close to clearing House obstruction (ht), Opposition set to lift House obstruction today: Big three parties at odds over HLPC leadership, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Dozens of Badarmude victims deprived of compensation, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (rep), Exercise in futility: Now that we have a legitimate CA and an elected government, it would be pointless to hold a roundtable conference, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp)

07/06/2014: Dialogue committee fails to forgedeal on compulsory army trainingSome lawmakers object to idea, say it is not needed (ht), Call for including 50 pc women in TRC (ht), Relief package benefits 522 doubly orphaned (rep) (?), Population issues core of development process: Experts highlight the need to provide equal opportunities to individuals for prosperity, growth, by Rajan Pokhrel (ht), Poor Integrity Fuels Corruption, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn)

06/06/2014: SC demands explanation on TRC provision (kp), SC summons govt for June 12 hearing (ht), Need To Amend TRC Law, by Anil Karki (rn), 9th anniv of Bandarmude blast: Ghost of blast still haunts Madi folks, by Dewan Rai (kp), UML, UCPN-M claimpost of coordinator (ht), Govt fund reallocation at three-year lowTotal amount transferred from one budget heading to another stands at Rs 35.31bn, by Rupak D. Sharma (ht), Annual budget by mid-June ‘not possible’ (kp), Towards a meritocracy: What is wrong with Nepal is that people are not doing the jobs they are supposed to do, by Neeti Aryal Khanal (kp), Tough Times, Soft Leadership: The first government under the second constituent assembly moves too slow to catch up with the fast rising expectations, by Abijit Sharma (sp), Insulted and Humiliated, by Dipak Gyawali (sp), Constitutional déjà vu: Two opposing formulae for federalism and two opposing ways to decide which one to go for, by Damakant Jayshi (nt)

05/06/2014: Federalism talks take centrestage: 139 CA members express views, 270 wait for their turn, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Discussion on state restructuring continues at CA (ht), Oppn continue obstruction of parliament (kp), House stalled againover four-point deal (ht), Lawyers Articulate Views On New Constitution, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Nepal must abideby international laws, says Swire (ht), We have not been able to rise above party politics, interview with Chiranjibi Nepal (rep)

04/06/2014: TRC Act challenged afresh in SC, by Dewan Rai (kp), Insurgency victims move SC against TRC Act (ht), Parliament proceedings disrupted again (ht), FinMin Mahat refutes irregularities charge (kp), Three-party meet comes a cropper (kp), Decentralisation should be thrust of federalism, say CA members (ht), Secularism’s (dis)contents: Inarticulate proponents of secularism have ceded ground to those wishing to reinstate Nepal as a Hindu state, by Rishikesh Ram Bhandary (kp)

03/06/2014: Govt doled out ‘Rs 15b’ to non-budget projects: Govt yet to spend capital budget of Rs 51b out of the allocated Rs 85b, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp), Talks to clear House obstruction on (ht), NC agrees to address some oppn demands (kp), Parties continue to bicker over federalism, power distribution (kp), Debate on federalism continues (ht), EC says SSP Kharel must stay put at MPR (ht), Women’s rights activists organise sit-in to remind govt to act (ht), Faulty hearings: The recent hearings on Supreme Court justices have only highlighted a pressing need to reform the judiciary, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Reflecting On The Aftermath Of Secularism, by Prem Khatry (rn)

02/06/2014: House obstruction continues: Opposition demands deal implementation; FinMin barred from clarifying charges, bvy Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Parliament meet adjourned again till tomorrow, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Parliamentary
commission seeks details on budget reallocation
(ht), Federalism debate continues in Constituent Assembly (ht), Long and winding road: After 120 days in office, Koirala and cohorts offer Nepali voters more questions than answers, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), I have internalised criticism against me in dissolution of CA-I, interview with Subas Nembang (kp), Constitution Writing: Set Process Vs Consensus, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Lawmakers say current allocation not enough: Urge government for upward revision in constituency development programme fund (ht 02/06/2014)

01/06/2014: NC, UML to deal with oppositions’ concerns (ht), ‘Dispute in House won’t affect statute process’ (ht), Put manifesto agenda in budget, NC asks govt (kp), At it again: Congress-UML rivalry (rep), Untouchability crime: Many ‘unaware’ of discrimination law, by Weena Pun (kp), Stop Lining Pockets Of Few, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Women’s protests to change form (ht), Lawyers seek new mechanism to appoint judges, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht)

31/05/2014: CA drafting committee begins work on statute: Five subcommittees formed; their works not to be shared with press (kp), CA’s constitution drafting committee begins its task (ht), Bhattarai, Poudel spar on state restructuring model (kp), Lawmakers debate state restructuring (ht), Second chance: Federalism debate (rep), Budget, staff transfers wedge in NC-UML ties: UML leaders miffed at NC’s ‘unilateral’ preparations for fiscal budget, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UML lawmakers want party to quit govt: Say NC ministers taking decisions without their consent, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), UML lawmakers want party to quit govt (rep), Dahal against budget transfers, UML also unhappy: Fund transfers made only for management purposes: Finance secretary, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), UCPN (Maoist) obstructs parliament, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Opposition obstructs budget session on Day One, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Opposition obstructs first budget session meeting (rep), EC turns down SSP’s transfer (kp), Election Commission denies permission to transfer SSP Kharel (ht)

30/05/2014: Debate begins on disputed issues: State restructuring and power devolution key agendas, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Top leaders  air views on federalism (ht), UCPN (Maoist) says no to CA vote on thorny issues; voting if consensus eludes: PM Koirala, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), RPP-N to reject statute without Hindu identity (rep) [No problem! They only represent 6 percent of the voters; the remaining 94 percent are against the Hindu state!!], Managing coalitions not easy: Koirala; PM admits he is facing difficulties to run govt smoothly (ht), Sr SC Justice Shah fires warning shot (kp), Justice Shah calls on all not to shake the roots of judiciary (ht), Family of 'living martyr' feels betrayed by state, by Madhushudhan Gauragain (rep), Khanal’s dossier reflects on right wing influence in SAsia, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Seventh Republic Day observed (kp), Dismal response, bland celebrations (ht), Too much of a good thing: There is a need to rethink the way various government holidays, including Republic Day, are celebrated, by Shyam K.C. (kp), From Katari to Qatar:Beset by political troubles, the Nepali state, both directly and indirectly, has forced its citizens to migrate, by Sanjay Sharma (kp), Be United For National Commitments, by D.M. Thapa (rn)

29/05/2014: ICJ finds faults in TRC Act, says amend it (ht) (see ICJ report), Statute drafting process: Parties treading the right path, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Seventh Republic Day: Institutionalisation  of new system ‘slow’ (kp), NBA's constitutional conclave begins today (rep), Development fund: Writ at SC against proposed fund hike (kp), Writ against money allocated for lawmakers (ht), CA poll injured demand redress, by Khagendra Awasthi (kp), Forced connections: Paranoid obsession with outside events as a perennial threat to one’s existence will not bring prosperity nor security, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Principles And Values Of Justice Should Not Perish, by Gyan Basnet (rn), No Sense Of Responsibility, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

28/05/2014: The ugly truth: Inequalities in Nepal (rep), CA nominations: SC cannot tread on executive turf, govt petitions, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Govt files review petition in SC: Seeks more time as parties working to forge consensus (ht), Govt petitions SC over ruling on 26 CA nominations, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Paudel, Acharya swap roles in CA committees (ht), Government’s Honeymoon Period, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

27/05/2014: Govt to seek judicial review in court today: Supreme Court deadline for appointing 26 CA members expiring (kp), House panel endorses all 8 judges, 2 unanimously, by Pranab Kharel (kp), PHSC okays apex court judges’ appointment, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), All judges get through panel hearing, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Efforts on to bring parties outside CA in statute drafting process: Bhattarai (kp), Efforts on to deal with parties outside CA: Bhattarai says Constitutional Dialogue and Consensus Committee,govt doing homework, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Keeping track of time: We must rethink the fundamental notion of time and how it relates to work and productivity, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Hear them out: The inclusion of members of the judiciary in the Judicial  Council is what has made the Council prone to controversy, by Prakash Bom (kp), The impossibility of hope: The day Prachanda and Kamal Thapa merge into one unified party is the day Nepal will finally be poised for a take-off, by Bishal Thapa (rep)

26/05/2014: 26 CA nominations: Govt to appeal to SC for terms relaxation (kp), 81 candidates in fray for 4 CA seats (kp), SC justice appointment: Malafide intent behind notice against me: Rana, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Parliament is not helping the independence of judiciary, interview with Bipin Adhikari (kp), Govt says 100 days productive (kp)

25/05/2014: PHSC grills Joshi, Upadhyay (kp), JC nominees say Justice Shah showed bias, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Hearing meaningless: Lawmakers (ht), RPP-N demands Hindu state, symbolic monarch, by Binod Ghimire (kp), Thapa warns of Mahabharat if his party ignored (ht), Drive against discrimination (kp), Gautam blames oppn parties for civic poll delay (ht) [??], Opaque justice: A lack of transparency, along with a  superiority complex in Nepal’s judicial system, hinders the delivery of justice, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Resolving conflict: Community-based mediation can be a cheaper and more humane alternative to the court system, by Yogendra P. Paneru (kp), Schools of peace: Two Phidim schools are affirming themselves as zones of peace, free of political intervention and ideological politicisation, by Isabelle Duquesne (kp)

24/05/2014: PM assures Baidya of all-party conference: Parties to prepare for meet likely to be held after Koirala’s India visit (kp), PM Koirala ready to hold all-party conference (ht), PM signals Baidya he's positive on roundtable (rep), House committee grills two apex court justice nominees (kp), Withdraw candidacy, Parajuli told: PHSC begins hearing of justices nominated by Judicial Council, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), PHSC starts hearings for recommended justices: JC says its letter to panel was not intended so insult sovereign parliament, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Process to select apex court judges faulty: Law minister (ht), Judicial Integrity In Question, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), Lawmakers stress on judicial reform (rep), By-election preparations almost complete, says CEC Uprety (kp), 147 polling centers, 324 booths for CA by-polls (rep), UML names candidates (kp), CPN-UML, Cong finalise candidates (ht)

23/05/2014: CA members to act to reform judiciary, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), 'Judiciary must be independent‚ accountable', by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Lawmakers sharply divided over new judicial system (rep), Hearing begins today; some lawyers against JC recommendations (kp), JC to meet today to discuss PHSC move: Says it is ready to send details of recommended judges, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Two sub-panels formed to ease statute writing (kp), RPP-N hints at parting ways with monarchy for Hindu state, by Binod Ghimire (kp), RPP-N can compromise on constitutional monarchy (ht), Convictions and Modi-fications: Opinion-makers must now firmly state their positions on republicanism, federalism and secularism, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Oil in the Himalayas: Oil is a national security asset, the shortage of which creates disturbances and threatens Nepal’s security balance, by Sunil Bahadur Thapa (kp), Nepal's transitional justice: Towards complexity, by Charan Prasai (ht), Rise of Narendra Modi: Guesswork Galore, by Keshab Poudel (sp)

22/05/2014: 'CA alone can't ensure legitimacy of new statute' (rep), SC justice appointment: House special committee to begin hearing from tomorrow, by Pranab Kharel (kp), PHSC asks for  nominees’ details, begins hearing (ht), PHSC summons judges recommended judges (rep), Do we need them? Relevance of hearing panel (rep), Conscription issue sent to PDCC (kp), Military training issue sent to dialogue panel (ht), PM feels the heat, threatens to quit (kp), Stand and deliver: 100 days on, NC-led govt seems to be  losing momentum, not gaining energy (kp), UML often acts like the opposition in government, interview with Minendra Rijal (rep), Major parties begin preparations for June by-elections (ht), Dalit Janajati Party splits; issue with EC: DJP chief accused of appropriating CA member’s salary and fund for district (ht), Badly begun, half lost: Resolving disputed constitutional issues will require engagement in good faith by major party leaders, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Gerontocracy vs. Juvenocracy, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

21/05/2014: Government’s 100 days fail to cheer watchers, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), 100 days of Koirala govt: Keeping clean image intact, by Kosmos Biswokarma (rep), Dismal performance: Tangible achievements made: NC spokesman Badu, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Honeymoon indeed: 100 days of Sushil Koirala (rep), Parties busy finalising by-poll candidates, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), 15 names proposed for by-poll candidate (kp), PHSC divided over seeking JC papers (kp), PHSC meet stalls as big 3 at odds over letter (rep), House panel members brief top leaders, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), CA members against military conscription (kp), CA members divided over compulsory army training: UCPN-Maoist continues to make a pitch for the idea; Cong,UML scoff at it,term the demand ‘irrational, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC CA members defy Nembang’s junket ruling: Nine of them departed for a 10-day visit to China yesterday (ht), Truth be told: Truth commissions, even with all limitations, should give victims a platform to tell the nation how they suffered, by Eduardo Gonzáles Cueva (kp)

20/05/2014: SC justice appointment: House panel set to ask for more JC documents, by Pranab Kharel (kp), PHSC condemns Judicial Council for defying summons (ht), Missing the point (ht), Dialogue panel asks PM to reach out to parties, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Move afoot to engage parties outside CA: Constitutional sub-panel formed to prepare modalities of talks (ht), Lawyers say nobody is independent! Slam SC judgment on nomination of 26 CA members (ht), CA members for justifiable sharing of revenue and natural resources : Two commissions to be formed to ensure equitable distribution (ht)

19/05/2014: Clear terms sought for resource sharing, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA to discuss federalism, state power (kp), Contentious issues to vex parties:Leaders divided on distribution of natural resources, revenue sharing (ht), Statute may not be delivered on time: Gyawali (ht), PM intensifies consultations (ht), National women's conference ends with nine-point declaration (ht), House hearing from judges: MPs lambaste JC response (kp), PHSC divided on JC accountability (ht), TRC bill: Bill in line with the constitution, say drafters, by Dewan Rai (kp), Hindu state rally (kp), Near abroad: For Modi to deliver on growth at home and stability in Nepal, he should keep away from the Hindu right, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), Going nowhere: Nepal's peace process is a tactical tool rather than an evolutionary outcome of the armed conflict, by D.B. Subedi (rep), Inheritance of hope: The law guarantees equal rights to women but discriminations against them persist, by Swechha Ghimire (rep)

18/05/2014: PDCC set to hold talks with parties, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PM lobbies for getting judge names endorsed: Meets half a dozen leaders of smaller parties to ask them to support NC (kp), PM consults parties on judges’ appointment (ht), Campaign in UML against candidates (kp), Khanal gets memo from UML CC members (ht), Some country for old men: There is a marked dichotomy between how Nepali society treats elder politicians and elder creative professionals, by Abhi Subedi (kp)

17/05/2014: PHSC has no role in judge appt: SC, by Pranab Kharel (kp), SC stays PHSC summons to JC members, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), SC stays PHSC summons to JC: Says it is contrary to constitution, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), The House rules: The Judicial Council Row (rep), Justice appointment row: UML leaders start signature campaign (kp), UML CC members in signature drive against JC choices (rep), Nembang briefs envoys on statute drafting progress: Assures a new constitution will be drawn up by January 22 (ht), CA committees ‘working well on schedule’ unlike in the past (ht), Dialogue committee sub-panel identifies 145 issues (ht), Lawmakers for identifying groups for talks, define jurisdiction, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep)

16/05/2014: All eyes on PHSC to see how it settles JC recommendations row, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), House panel seeks clarification: Tension flares with JC set to snub PHSC call, by Pranab Kharel (kp), JC ignores House panel’s summons, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Judicial Council to skip PHSC meeting: CPN-UML softens stance (rep), Writ in apex court against invite (kp), Gautam asks lawmakers not to toe anti-JC line (kp), Dhungana visited HQ as UML cadre: DPM (ht) [The Judiciary has to be independent, Mr Gautam!!], Step Down, Or Sack Him (ht), CA takes up thematic committees’ reports (ht), CA begins deliberations on contents of statue, by Thira L. B husal (rep), CA to debate military conscription (kp), Shape of things to come: Nepal’s future political course will be shaped by sedimentations taking place within each of the major political forces, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Parts of a whole: The transitional justice process must move beyond consultations to give victims a true opportunity to be partners and decision-makers, by Yvette Selim (kp), Let Appointments Be On Merit, by D.M. Thapa (rn), Regional parties in the east pushed to the corner: A divided movement, by Raju Adhikari (rep), Getting away with murder (nt), “I need to know why”: The war is not over for relatives of those killed and disappeared during the Maoist insurgency, by Gopal Gartaula (nt)

15/05/2014: CA members told to put statute before House job, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Resist the temptation (ht), Parties okay with SC’s  criteria for 26 nominees (ht) [There is nothing to okay! These are the rules of the interim constitution that should be well knwon by every politician!!], Apex court justice recommendations: JC member at UML door seeking support, by Pranab Kharel and Bhdra Sharma (kp), UML consults lawyers on SC justice appointments: Party leaders divided over issue (rep), JC member ruffles legal eagles’ feathers: Dhungana accused of visiting the party headquarters of CPN-UML, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Ministry of Peace seeks budget for TRC, CED (rep)

14/05/2014: Indigenous groups laud SC verdict on CA nominations, by Kamal Pariyar (rep), Hammering it home (rep), CA begins statute drafting process (kp), Lawmakers ordered to avoid foreign junkets; Such visits distract CAmembers from the task of statute writing: Nembang, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Nembang rules to stop foreign junkets, visits outside Valley (ht), Nembang asks CA members to shun foreign trips (rep), SC justice appointment: PHSC summons JC members (kp), House panel summons JC members over recommendations: Next meeting of PHSC scheduled for May 18, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), UML leaders divided over apex court justice appointments (kp), House panel divided on summoning CJ: Members want to know why senior-most justice publicly opposed JC’s decision, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Gautam held for Ujjan’s murder, Dhungel still free (kp), Convict Balkrishna Dhungel’s  accomplice nabbed, sent to jail: Pushkar held for Ujjan Shrestha’s killing; To serve life term after absconding for 2 years (ht), Hope for healing: Forgiveness and reconciliation are society-wide processes that will continue far beyond the TRC mandate, by Prakash Mani Sharma (kp), Madhesi agendas still not attained completely, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Red alert: The real reason behind Maoist crisis is not Pushpa Kamal Dahal as Baburam Bhattarai would have us believe, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

13/05/2014: CA member appointment: SC to govt: Give CA full shape within 15 days, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Nominate 26 CA members within 15 days, says apex court: Tells govt authorities to select individuals from various fields and all walks of life, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), SC gives govt 15 days to name 26 lawmakers: Prohibits nomination pf FPTP, PR candidates; states those nominated should have independent standing, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Outward bound : CA members should refrain from foreign visits and concentrate on constitution instead (kp), New statute must be a political document of consensus: Experts, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Major parties divided over  justice, lawmaker picks (kp), Big three at odds over JC's recommendation (rep), Parliamentary committee to summon Chief Justice on appointment row (rep), Govt admits it erred on TRC Bill: Realises its mistake a day after it was turned into Act, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NHRC vacuum impedes TRC formation (rep), ‘Ensure equal representation of women in state mechanisms’ (ht), Non-reforming Nepalis: Political wrangling in diaspora organisations dissuades Nepalis who want to do something for the country, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Whose voices? The victims’ movement seeks a human rights practice  rooted in the everyday experiences of victims’ lives, by Ram Kumar Bhandari and Bhagiram Chaudhary (kp)

12/05/2014: CA gets 2 reports from past thematic panels (kp), Add speed (ht), Prez seals TRC bill: Paves way for formation of two commissions to ensure transitional justice, by Dewan Rai (kp), TRC Act takes effect (ht), 19 fake cases in ‘disappeared’ persons list in Kavre district (ht), Ties with CPN-M won’t hit peace, constitution: Dahal (kp), Unity with CPN-M for constitution: Dahal; Says Baidhya’s party not averse to statute if there’s consensus among all sectors (ht), Dahal: CPN-Maoist should be included in statute-drafting process (rep), Is UCPN-M Splitting Again?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Slow pace of rebuilding police posts hinders policing: We need Rs 37 billion to reconstruct all the damaged buildings, by Arjun Oli (rep)

11/05/2014: CA to deliberate on disputed statute issues from Tuesday, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Former NHRC commissioners find ‘faulty provisions’ in TRC bill (kp), Sub-panel enlists disputed issues in judiciary (ht), Civic poll date  after passage of bill: DPM Singh (ht), Old rules: Political leadership in Nepal (rep), Imminent change: The appointment of law enforcement authorities will be decided by the electoral constituency in federalism, by Prakash Bom (kp), What kind of government: Federalism has taken precedence in the national agenda but form of governance has yet to see public debate, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), The next frontier: Youths should voice their opinions on the Post-2015 development agenda, by Sanjog Thakuri (kp)

10/05/2014: Previous state model ‘contentious’: CA records panel to send matter of state restructuring for deliberation (kp), State restructuring disputes singled out (ht), CA to discuss old disputes starting Tuesday (rep), DPMs contradict each other on local election (kp), JC won’t revise names of SC justice nominees: Dhungana (kp), Dhungana defends JC decision:  Challenges Parliament to impeach office bearers if it can (ht), JC member Dhungana defends justice recommendations (rep), Most Tarai armed groups ‘losing grip’, by Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp), Fear of rupture in UCPN-M: Leaders from both camps play it down, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht)

09/05/2014: Constitution drafting panel meets experts (ht), TRC for greater nat’l unity: PM Koirala; Says neighbours India and China are Nepal’s top foreign policy priority (kp), PM spells out foreign policy mantra: It begins with our neighbours, says Koirala while addressing diplomat (ht), SC justice appointment: House panel seeks copy of council’s recommendation (kp), House panel seeks minutes on JC recommendations, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Minutes of meeting that picked SC judges sought, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Rayamajhi says new force will be born (kp), 2-yr-old deal basis for statute, say experts (kp), Diplomatic missions promoting Nepal for FDIs (ht), For the record: International community must join the campaign to convince the Adhikari couple to end their hunger strike, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Levying the land: Domestic and international migration trends have greatly changed the ways land is used in Nepal, by Raj Pariyar (kp), More equal than others: Ensuring equal property rights for women, before and after marriage, could go some way towards eliminating the dowry practice, by Seema Pandey (kp), Imagine no borders: Separating communities by drawing lines on a map  will alienate them, propagating a cycle of hate, by Rubeena Mahato (nt), Village of the widows: Time hasn’t healed the sorrow of the women of Dang who are dismayed by the self-pardon of perpetrators, by Devika Gharti Magar (nt), Justice denied: The Legislature-parliament passed the TRC and Forced Disappearances Bill with majority, by Keshab Poudel (sp), "Germany Rejected Blanket Amnesty", interview on writing the Nepali constitution with Rainer Arnold (sp)

08/05/2014: CA sub-panel identifies 48 statute-related issues (ht), SC justice appointment: House spl panel set to look into plaints today (kp), BRB demands put Dahal on the horns of a dilemma, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal lashes out at Bhattarai (ht), Glass half-full: Top party leaderships still need to reach out to stakeholders for consensus on critical issues (kp), Nepalis spell out their priorities: Aspire for good education, better jobs, healthcare, finds survey (ht), Inclusive by association: We can continue to build representative institutions or pretend that all is well in society, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Babu Ram’s Development Outlook: Many Issues Look Obscure, by Mukti Rijal (rn)

07/05/2014: CA full house likely to get business next week (ht) [without having full size??], CA to debate conscription, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Truth and reconciliation: NHRC postings must for setting up TRC (kp), Toothless PHSC has a lot to chew on JC decision: Can the 72-member panel reject eight judges recommended for SC? (ht), With Bhattarai out of CC, meet leaves UCPN (Maoist) messier, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal-Bhattarai feud spills over (ht), CPN-M to boycott by-election (ht), Koirala slammed for no-show (ht), Law Minister pledges justice for VAW victims (ht), The adversary within: Good governance relies on a triangular relationship among security, democracy and development, by Govind Prasad Kusum (kp), Politics of forgiveness: The current TRC bill fails to address specific measures and provisions to be fulfilled prior to granting amnesty, by Chgandra Prasad Luitel (rep)

06/05/2014: CA subcommittee begins work to report past pacts (kp), CA drafting committee collecting views on statute-writing principles, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Parties reach understanding to share House committees (ht), Constitution experts consulted (kp), Fund for lawmakers: High time to review Rs 1m dole, say experts, by Anil Giri (kp), CJ, Bar head spar over judges’ selection (ht), Local polls after statute: Gautam (ht), Freedom and equality: The greatest danger for Nepal is tabula rasa politics - the intention of rebuilding the country from scratch, by Gérard Toffin (kp), Conflict by proxy: Unless Nepal continues to maintain strong political unity and integrity, the nation will remain at risk, by Daman Bahadur Ghale (kp) [To uphold its integrity and unity, Nepal needs an inclusive participatory system based on federalism and decentralization!], Traversing transitions: A few international examples on power sharing during transitions can help Nepal map its own path, by Yogendra P. Paneru (kp)

05/05/2014: Records panel not to own up decisions made outside 1st CA (kp), Panel to probe JC decision on cards: PHSC meeting on May 7 or 8 to decide on sub-committee (ht), Apex court justice appointment: 22 plaints against nominees (kp), Government position unclear (kp), Judging the judges: The Judicial Council, dominated by political appointees, is faulty and must be reformed, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Demolition job: Dahal must engage with Baidya to bring him on board the peace process, not otherwise (kp), Koirala’s record on constitution good, governance poor, interview with Puranjan Acharya, Nepali Congress (kp)

04/05/2014: PM under fire for ‘govt inertia’ (ht), Voters can enjoy ‘right to  reject’ in by-elections (ht), Communist collapse: The UML and Maoists have both diluted, or virtually abandoned, their revolutionary ideology, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp)

03/05/2014: Records panel subcommittees list agenda from first CA (kp), Whither Legislative Accountability?, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), Probe politicisation of Sherpa’s grief: Climbers, by Rajan Pokhrel (ht)

02/05/2014: When negotiating identity is compulsion: Many young Dalits hide behind pseudo-surnames as shield against discrimination, by Weena Pun (kp), 26 nominees unlikely for fortnight or so, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), SC justice appointment: JC member defends recommendations, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Voice for victims: Victims are on the frontline of a new approach to activism as Nepalis no longer trust politicians and NGOs, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), A Tarai test case: Police firing at an exam centre in the Tarai and apathy of politicians make slogans about uplifting marginalised groups ring hollow, by Trishna Rana (nt), Justifying the justices: The Judicial Council and the Law Minister have come under fire for their Supreme Court nominations, by Binita Dahal (nt)

01/05/2014: Pace didn’t match (ht), Bhattarai, Shrestha set to up the ante against Dahal, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Compomise without surrender: Continuing freedom of expression is bound to result in something we can call a Nepali Renaissance, by Pramod Mishra (kp), TRC Bill: An Overview, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), House panel wants details of judges picked for apex court Hearing likely to get delayed, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Silver lining: Number, names and boundaries of federal provinces will feature as content issues once again; But they can be resolved through referendum, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Bamdev's misogyny: Home minister seems to believe a woman is not a complete individual or citizen in herself and that she is always subordinate to a man, by Anjali Subedi (rep) [He really believes in this! This is typical male Thagadhari thinking that should have no place in a new Nepal! There is no chance for a better Nepal with ministers like Bam Dev Gautam!!]]

30/04/2014: House session draws to a close (kp), Prez prorogues House session (ht), First two months: PM’s ‘mixed’ track record, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Apex court justice nomination: Controversy lands in House (kp), No comments: Sharma, by Abdhesh Kumar Jha(kp)

29/04/2014: CA dialogue panel in consensus bid for inclusive statute process (kp), CA sub-committee to hold talks with stakeholders (ht), Constitution panel to equip itself well (ht), Justice recommendations; Bar: Hold JC members accountable, by Pranab Kharel (kp), NBA urges PHSC to probe JC decision, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Question of ethics (ht), TRC bill offers hope to relatives of disappeared, by Ananda Gautam (kp), Whose reconciliation? Reconciliation is not possible without the disclosure of truth and the prosecution of individuals involved in grave human rights abuses, by Suman Khadka and Sanjeev Pokharel (kp), Polls before constitution: DPM (kp), Women power: It is time to move beyond tokenism and internalise the need to empower women, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Unheard Voices, by Anil Karki (rn)

28/04/2014: Parliamentary hearring: UML panelists to reject ‘controversial’ judges (kp), NBA advisory panel questions selection of apex court judges (ht), Call for reviewing provisions in TRC bill (kp), Call to amend TRC Bill for justice (ht), A step forward: Passage of the TRC bill marks the  beginning of a long, difficult process (kp), Convergence on TRC, CA bodies positives for new constitution, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (kp), Madhesi lawmakers bank on state pledge: Hope panel to implement pacts with outfits will take shape (ht), Corruption and Constitution: The drafting of a new constitution provides a valuable opportunity to take a broader view of corruption, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Warfare of perceptions: Despite all its faults, the political community in Nepal has displayed considerable sagacy in keeping calm and movind on with whatever deal destiny has delivered in its hands, by C.K. Lal (rep)

27/04/2014: TRC bill clears clouds of mistrust; Law a milestone in ongoing peace process: Bhattarai, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Pathways to power: A healthy pre-electoral alliance with a long-term vision has never been tried in Nepal, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Fiscal federalism: Federalism can be used as a vehicle for socioeconomic transformation and a s an instrument to consolidating democracy at the local level, by Bhim Prasad Bhurtel (rep), Compromise call: The key to writing the constitution is to dream up a model that sufficiently satisfies the NC, UML, Maoist, and the Madheshis, by Anand Jha (rep)

26/04/2014: Parliament passes TRC bill: Special Court for handling war-era cases; Govt attorney must file cases forwarded by TRC, by Pranab Kharel (kp), House passes TRC, CID Bill, by Prakash Acharya (ht), House okays TRC bill finally: Bill passed with major amendments; RPP-N, Rastriya Janamorcha, NWPP, Tharuhat Tarai Party against bill, by Thira L. Bhusal and Ashok Dahal (rep), Maoist praises NC Veep's stance on TRC, by Rameshwar Karki (rep), CA committees get leaders (kp), Chairpersons of CA panels elected unopposed (ht), Heads of all five CA committees elected unopposed (rep), Ray of hope: Election of CA committee heads (rep)

25/04/2014: Nembang prods govt to give CA full shape (ht), Big 3 set to keep vital CA panels: Bhattarai poised to lead Political Dialogue Committee, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Bhattarai, Sitaula, Poudel in fray (ht), Election of CA committee heads today: Bhattarai, Sitaula, Poudel proposed, by Ashok Dahal (rep), PM’s panel pick pricks Poudel (kp), Drafting panel works out schedule (kp), No amnesty for serious crimes: Home minister (kp) [Discrimination against the fundamental rights of women in the context of citizenship is a serious crime as well!!], Kapilvastu shuns Loktantra Day celebrations, seeks constitution (ht), No defence, only defiance: As ultra-nationalism unexpectedly and oddly gains ground in Nepal, the remaining option is to shout louder, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), A little of both: Conditional continuity of Nepali citizenship could be a solution to the dual nationality debate, by Bishnu P. Ghimire (kp), A Frugal PM Is A Rare Find, by D.M. Thapa (rn), Empowerment Of Women, by Pramita Aryal (rn)

24/04/2014: No citizenship through mother: DPM Gautam (rep) [Male Bahun UML leaders are obviously showing their true face! This man is absolutely diqualified for the process towards an inclusive Nepal and should be dismissed immediately!!], Lawmakers make 26 proposals, by Pranab Kharel (kp), ‘Take war-era cases to spl court’ (kp), Devolving power: A separate bill to guide prosecution will allow the TRC to focus on seeking truth (kp), Big III seek to tweak TRC Bill: Register amendment proposal to deal with some vital issues, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Parties likely to miss first statute process deadline (kp), CA to form panels through voting (kp), Displaced 8 years ago, conflict victims still ‘unwilling’ to return, by Bechu Gaud (kp), Tharus warn of protest to assert identity: Urge govt to remove them from the list of Madhesi people (ht), Loktantra Day: Victims find the celebrations meaningless (ht), The middle way: Unless we find moderates on all sides, we are likely to see a repeat of the first Constituent Assembly, by Deepak Thapa (kp), UCPN-Maoist Faces New Test, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Seven-party Opposition Alliance Reeks Of Groupism, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

23/04/2014: House will pass TRC bill ‘soon’ (kp), NBA offers ways to solve bill issues (kp), Organization working for Dalits warn of protests (rep), Wrong priority: TRC bill has provisions of no amnesty for perpetrators of rape but there is room for reconsiliation for other offences including murder, by Chandra Prasad Luitel (rep)

22/04/2014: CA committee chairpersons: Hope for consensus even as vote planned (kp), Voting to elect CA committee chairs on Friday (ht), People’s constitution will be from the street, says Baidhya (ht), Quota quagmire: Distributing government appointments to please parties in the coalition makes a mockery of meritocracy, by Gopal Thapa (kp), Politics And Corruption: Tales Of Healthy Twins, by Prem Khatry (rn), Look before you leap: Difficulty of setting up a federal structure has forced many countries to roll-back federalism initiative; Nepal may meet same fate if it does not resolve federal fiscal issues, by Sukhdev Shah (rep), Let it go: Important political agreements among parties can be reached through regular political dialogue rather than through HLPC, by D.B. Subedi (rep)

21/04/2014: In House, TRC bill gets wide support, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Lawmakers divided as parliament debates TRC bill: Amendments can be registered by Thursday (rep), Ruling party lawmakers find flaws in TRC Bill, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Memorandum to Chairman Nembang (kp), Conflict victims want revision of TRC bill, submit memo to Speaker  (rep), Transitional justice: No TRC process is flawless. Still, for post-conflict Nepal it’s the best way to heal our society (kp) [The TRC is necessary but it must respect principles of human rights and justice!], Whose discourse? Transitional justice seems to have been intrumentalised by local elites to maintain existing social structures, by Shradha Ghale (kp), State should officially acknowledge victims, interview with Ram Kumar Bhandari, founder of the National Network of the Families of the Disappeared and Missing (kp), House calling: Not only are provisions of new TRC bill flawed, my first-hand experience suggests even the process of preparing it was fault, by Raju Prasad Chapagai (rep), CA committee to inform Nembang about failure to elect its chair (kp), Meaning of Maoist-Madhesi Alliance, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

20/04/2014: Sectt: CA panel chiefs  to be elected by April 28 (kp), RPP-Nepal keen to lead a CA panel (kp), No amnesty in bill, say leaders; It should be amended as required: UML leader Gyawali (kp) [Obviously, only politicians understand this bill; jurists and human rights specialists are not able to do so!!], ICTJ concerned over proposed bill (kp), Nepal urged to amend TRC bill (ht), Deliberations begin on bills related to TRC (nn), Reviving conflict era incidents not good: Poudel (nn) [Not good for the victims or not good for the perpetrators? Your party claims it does not stand for general amnesty ?!] Conflict victims demand amendment in TRC Bill (nn), Lawmakers’ house up in the air as offices lock horns (kp), UCPN (Maoist) in alliance bid with smaller parties: Seven opposition parties informally  agreed on Saturday to co-work during constitution drafting (kp), Federalists’ bid to form alliance: Ruling parties flay move, say it could mar consensus (ht), Right time: Federalism debate (rep), A Strange Case Of Foreign Funding In Media, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

19/04/2014: House resumes; parties for bulk handling of war cases, by Pranab Kharel (kp), House resumes with agreement on TRC, CID, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Parliament resumes business as Maoists withdraw protest: TRC bill tabled, deliberations to beginn Sunday (rep), Parties fail to pick head of CA dialogue panel; call for consensus (kp), Panels’ poll  schedule tomorrow (ht), Funds misuse allegation: Norway: Action to be taken if charges serious (kp), PM asks Norway to be transparent (kp), Norway to probe if its funds being misused: Assurance follows allegation against South Asia Trust (ht), Dealing With Transitional Justice, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), DPM Singh defends Bill on TRC, CID: Says the law is meant for reconciliation; Lawyers flay blanket amnesty provision (ht), Heed the victims: Ending peace process (rep), Bodde expresses concern about TRC Bill with Dahal: Urges to pay heed also to what UN,international rights bodies are saying (ht), Federalism poll report made public: Initial findings suggest many against ethnicity-based federal states (ht) [The demand for ethnicity based federalism will go on as long as the ethnicty based central state is uphold by the current elites!], Ethniticity-based federalism loses steam, survey shows (rep), Help, not hinder: Koirala can deliver only if Nepali Congress continues to support him; he alonme can't be accountable for shortcomings of the coalition government, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep), Political Prufrocks: Like Prufrock, our leaders are indecisive, not knowing which of their assigned tasks is important, by Raj Kumar Baral (rep)

18/04/2014: Parliament stalled  for the second day (ht), UCPN (M) keeps on disrupting parliament (kp), House obstruction likely to end today: Government should withdraw Fujel cases: Dahal (rep), Maoists positive about letting House function (kp), Bills on TRC, Disappearance Commission tabled in parliament (nn), Two Adhikari murder  accused released on bail (ht), Two Adhikari murder accused freed on bail, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), Two Fujel accused released on bail, by Ramesh Kumar Poudel (rep), International rights bodies take exception to TRC Bill (ht) [see common declaration of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and International Commission of Jurists], AI, HRW and ICJ concerned over amnesty provision in TRC (rep), Bill violates int’l law: Rights bodies (kp), Reparation, reconciliation rather than prosecution: Many of the victims believe revenge would not brimg any solution, by Ashok Dahal (rep) [Justice does not mean revenge!!], Just want justice: The quest for justice unites two women whose relatives were killed and disappeared by the Nepal Army and the Maoists, by Bhrikuti Rai (nt), “Forgive and move on”: All cases of grave human rights  violations must go for trial, but victims must also have the power to forgive, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Chepangs seek seat in CA (ht), Parties to ensure 50% candidacy for women in local polls, by Santosh Ghimire (rep), EC proposes amendment of local body act 2048 (nn), Centre against periphery: There is no political will for local elections anong Kathmandu's smug and self-absorbed rulers (nt), Vacuum in the villages: Nepalis are paying a heavy price  for the absence of local elections, by Kunda Dixit (nt), Parliamentary absenteeism: An emerging challenge, by Pranav Bhattarai (ht), New Year: Hopes And Anxieties, by D.M. Thapa (rn), Dalits embark on challenging journey with hopes in the new constitution: Nepal's most underprivileged Dalit community and activists involved had highly praised the contents agreed in the previous Constituent Assembly; and they now demand that the current CA should adopt the past agreements, by Kamal Pariyar (rep), Donor funds used without accountability: Lawmakers (kp), Dixitspeak (kp), Norway denies funding activities against ongoing peace process (nn), Crisis Of Confidence: Major parties in the newly elected constituent assembly have begun to show the same old mistrust that led to the death of the previous CA without giving birth to a new constitution, by Abijit Sharma (sp)

17/04/2014: Justice for whom? The transitional justice bill contradicts the Supreme Court verdict and is unacceptable to victims, by Gyanendra Raj Aran (kp), Parties agree to bring all war-era cases under TRC, by Anil Giri (kp), Govt-oppn logjam puts statute drafting at risk, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Conflict ear cases: Mahara seeks separate collective mechanism (ht) [There cannot be a collective mechanism for victims!!], Victims of conflict want perpetrators booked, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Parties agree to form special court to take up conflict-era cases: No agreement on Fujel murder case, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Lawyers divided over case withdrawal (rep), Trial begins for Adhikari murder, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), Plot afoot against Maoist: Thapa (kp), UCPN-M obstructs House proceedings: Govt proposal to amend Bill on TRC, disappearances gets lukewarm reply (ht), UCPN (Maoist) picks Dahal as PP leader (kp), UCPN (M) seeks legitimacy for property transactions passed by party during war: Previous attempt to legalise land transaction endorsed by the party was stopped by SC (kp), UCPN (M) inquiry irks officials, squatters: Party had sought clarification from LSPRC members over ‘bribery’, by Janak Nepal (kp), The Hague Awaits..., by Gyan Basnet (rn), Here's the rub: If TRC is completely impartial, all leaders, security officials, prime ministers, home ministers an defense ministers from 1996 to 206 could be in the dragnet, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Congress Has No Liberty To Whine, Complain And Point Fingers At Others, interview with Gagan Thapa (rep)

16/04/2014: Parties urge PM to end stand-off with Maoists: UCPN (M) to boycott CA until charge sheet against cadres withdrawn (kp), UCPN-Maoist boycotts meeting with ruling parties (ht), UCPN-M to protest in House, street: Party to take its agitation to all the 75 districts of country (ht), Pillay urges govt to uphold int’l law on TRC, disappearnce bills (kp), UN warns against amnesties for  civil war crimes (ht), Krishna Adhikari murder case: Maoist cadres, suspects’ kin halt traffic in Chitwan, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), War-era cases: Rayamajhi challenges PM Koirala (kp), Reconciliation Mantra To End Transition, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Women’s rights activists serve ultimatum to PM (ht)

15/04/2014: Acharya: Reconciliation basis for TRC formation: ‘Discouraging impunity and finding truth twin goals of commissions’ (kp), NC lawmakers against amnesty in war crimes (ht), UCPN (Maoist) to launch stir if cadres not freed (kp), UCPN-M to boycott all meetings with ruling parties: Wants charge-sheet against Krishna Prasad murder accused withdrawn (ht), UCPN (Maoist) quits big 3 meet over Adhikari case, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Third party’s absence leaves Cong, UML without agenda to discuss (ht), Cleared suspect accuses state, Maoists of harassment, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp), CA moots reviving previous bills (kp), Man of few means: PM Koirala’s austerity alone will not be enough; he needs to take decisive action and reach for cross-party consensus, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), A force for change: The more the present set of leaders take us for a ride, the closer the patriotic revolution will be, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (kp), Conducting local elections: Politicians renege on their pledge, by Mukti Rijal (ht), Madhes parties agree central committee size, preamble (rep), From the horse's mouth: Most conflict victims I met at a conference wanted to forget the bitter past and move on, by Anjali Subedi (rep), Evolutionary federalism: The only way to ensure a flourishing Nepal is to provide a pathway for constitutional evolution from the ground up, by Bishal Thapa (rep)

14/04/2014: Fill 26 CA vacancies before electing CA panel chairs: Lawmakers, by Ashok Dahal (rep), CA panels begin work on statute: Parties to elect committee heads in consensus; vote to be last resort (kp), Lawmakers say no to foreign aid for CA work (kp), Give House business: Speaker (ht), CA panel berth a thorny issue (ht), UCPN (M) offered PDCC leadership (kp), Dahal warns of yet another conflict: Accuses Prime Minister of backtracking on HLPC agreement (ht), Janajatis announce protest (kp), CPN-Maoist leader hauls CA over coal (ht), Lack of judges cripples apex court, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Chief Justice Sharma promises appointments in a week (kp), CJ Sharma to appoint judges soon: Stays mum on chances of retaining retiring justices (ht), Challenges aplenty, as CJ assumes office, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), The promise of progress: The major parties’ proposals for the economy look visionary but lack substance, sincerity and realism, by Ram C. Acharya (kp), Big 3 to unite in House to endorse TRC bill (rep), Bill on TRC, CID reconciliatory; not for amnesty: Minister Acharya, by Prakash Acharya (ht), The purpose of the TRC is reconciliation in society, interviews with Rajesh Lekhak and Pradip Gyawali (kp), Adhikari couple to continue hunger strike (ht), Match Promise With Delivery, by P. Kharel (rn), Bill on TRC and CID: Deal with shortcomings, by Hari Bansh Jha (ht)

13/04/2014: ‘Sole focus on rights can’t solve war cases’: Leaders of major parties involved in drafting the bill  say it is far more important to take recourse to reconciliation in order to complete the peace process, by Dewan Rai (kp), No dispute on TRC bill among major parties: Sharma (rep), CA panels begin work six months after polls (rep), UML, UCPN (M) ask PM to hasten appointment, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal seeks HLPC, Koirala says ‘not necessary’ (ht), Federalism by design: Given the complexity of issues, a high-level committee of independent experts should decide on the structure and basis of federal units, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Bamdev and the Left: In his outburst against Kharel, Bamdev seems unaware of contradiction between his commitment to rule of law and his unstated values which lump together politics and administration, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (rep), South African TRC: TRC ensured individual amnesty for perpetrator, truth for society and acknowledgement and reparation for victim, by Babina Kharel (rep)

12/04/2014: TRC, CID Bill to be tabled on April 16 , by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Bill gives rape victims hope: ‘Every crime other than rape can be pardoned and their victims and perpetrators reconciled’, by Weena Pun (kp) [This may be true for rape victimes, but what about those murdered and disappeared and their families as well as those who suffered irreparable injuries, mental as well as physical?], Rs 46.5b spent for fighters, rebuilding, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Sharma appointed chief justice (kp), President appoints Sharma chief justice despite objections in PHSC (ht), Damodar Sharma appointed chief justice (rep), Term ends for five SC temporary justices (kp), It’s back to square one in SC as five ad hoc judges retire again (ht), SC to be left with just five justices from Sunday (rep), JC drafts new criteria for judge appointment, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), FSPN presses for fringe parties’ unity (kp), PM delaying statute, says UML leader (ht), Koirala alters local election plans (ht), Govt working on several aspects of federalism: Preparing groundwork so that federal units can function smoothly after constitution, by Prakash Acharya (ht), I won't sign statute against ethnic-identity: CA vice-chair, by Bhanubhakta Niraula (rep), Baidya threatens to revive 'people's govt'; TRC bill biased against Maoists: Gajurel, Gurung, by Dhruva Dangal (rep), Baidya on wrong footing: BRB (nn), Of manners and the CA members, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

11/04/2014: Victims, rights advocates find fault with TRC bill, by Dewan Rai (kp), Victims, right defenders cry foul over revised TRC bill, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Surrender to blackmail: Do the democrats in the government realise that they will be historically tarred as anti-human rights?, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), The tale of two Commissions, by Binita Dahal (nt), CA by-polls to be held on June 22 (kp), By-election in four constituencies to be held on June 22 (ht), Writing before rhetoric: It would be wiser for donors to push for the timely writing of the constitution instead of local polls, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Think nationally, act locally: Federalism and local elections are not contradictory, they are two sides of the same coin, by Damakant Jayshi (nt), Civil Service: Women's zero presence in Special Class: Men fill 100% of positions in the Special Class category of the civil service known as the permanent government of the state, by Tara Wagley (rep)

10/04/2014: Govt tables TRC bill: Reviewed bill does not spell out serious crimes other than rape, by Dewan Rai (kp), 'No amnesty for serious human rights violations', by Thira L. Bhusal and Ashok Dahal (rep) [??], Rights activists decry TRC bill, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Five Parliament committees formed (kp), Pick and choose: PDCC and HLPC jurisdictions must be delineated before moving forward (kp), Parties stuck over CA dialogue panel, HLPC leaderships (kp), HLPC Again, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), PM commits to adhere to past achievements (kp), One for all, all for one: An inclusive society cannot be built with slogans alone; it needs a change of heart from everyone, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Of peons and progressives: Labelling people political ‘elites’ simply for holding a different opinion merely exposes intolerance, by Sanjeev Pokharel (kp), Local Democracy In Nepal: Sacrificed At The Altar Of Power Game, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Why the delay? Nepal's ratification of the Rome Statute could be a good step to end impunity, by Roshan Kumar Jha (rep)

09/04/2014: Referendum if no accord: PM, by Anil Giri (kp), Disagreement arrests transitional justice work, by Dewan Rai (kp), Voices getting louder against HLPC formation (kp), Janajatis to press for ethnic federalism (kp), Necessity and ideology: The Dalit agenda has been reduced to combating social, but not political, abuse, by Subhash Nepal (kp)

08/04/2014: Transitional justice: Cross-party committee to finalise separate bills, by Dewan Rai), Parties agree to form panel to discipline lawmakers (kp), Dialogue committee to elect its head next week (kp), PM adds three more ministers to his Cabinet (kp), Long road to equality: There are laws designed to protect women's rights, but they are rarely implemented, by Nirmala Siwakoti (kp)

07/04/2014: Lawmakers stress following CA calendar (kp), On the move: CA should immediately begin work on identifying past achievements (kp), Five to seven states viable: PM Koirala (kp), Cross-party TRC panel divided over provisions (kp), UCPN (Maoist) does not endorse blanket amnesty, interview with Barsha Man Pun (kp), Optimistic Statute Work Plan, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

06/04/2014: CA begins work without 26 nominees: 'Nominations will take some more days', by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), CA seeks all pact details: Asks government to furnish details of all agreements signed with parties, groups post CPA, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Another panel to draft TRC bills in three days (kp), UCPN (Maoist) rejects bills on TRC, disapperance commission: Threatens to take to streets if draft bill not amended, by Kosh Raj Koirala and Ashok Dahal (rep), The big picture: Transnational justice bodies (rep), Beyond rhetoric: The Nepali Dalit movement needs a leader like Mayawati to organise Dalits under one umbrella and push for change, by Pramod Bhagat (kp), Tracking the transition: Track II diplomacy supports a collaborative process of peacebuilding and expedites development, by Yogendra P. Paneru (kp), Behind the façade: It is naïve to believe that there is no need for yet another force, led by a person whose claims to morality ring hollow, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (rep)

05/04/2014: CA endorses calendar; statute draft by mid-Oct (kp), House endorses timeline with minor changes (rep), Love or loss? Constitution timetable (rep), Local body election law amendment: Poll panel proposes 50  percent female candidacy, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Dahal decries verdict on war-era cases, by Binod Ghimire (kp), New conflict if law not changed for TRC: Dahal; says, SC should not flaunt its powers (rep), 72 hours set to file plaints against CJ nominee Sharma (kp), Conflict-era ammunition recovered in Rolpa, by Hira Bahadur Gharti Magar (rep), Public Service Delivery: Role Of Local Governments, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), Opportunities and challenges: What we need is inclusive and multilingual language policy, along with strong will and definite action plan to implement it, by Shankar Dewan (rep)

04/04/2014: Secretariat proposes working calendar, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA secretariat floats constitution calendar (ht), CA aims for statute by mid-February: First draft to be ready by mid November, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Administrative reform recommendations: ‘12 ministries in federal set-up’ (kp), Deny amnesty for heinous crimes: TRC task force, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), Taskforce proposes TRC refer wartime cases to OAG, by Dewan Rai (kp), NHRC to government: Ratify Rome Statute (kp), NHRC urges govt to address rights defender’s demand (ht), Govt takes exception to HRW report on Tibetan refugees (ht), Refugees should respect law of the land: MoFA (kp), Govt: HRW report 'unnecessary meddling' (rep), Urgent need for a sense of urgency (nt), Nepal does well in personal freedom: Social Progress Index says country needs to invest in access to information (ht), Contradictions and trust deficits: UCPN (Maoist) in a fix, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht)

03/04/2014: SC: War crimes can be tried under regular law, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Conflict-era cases can be tried under existing laws: SC (rep), Maoists press govt to allow wartime property deals, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Don’t grant mass amnesty for war-era crimes: AHRC to govt (ht), TRC draft preparation: Taskforce completes discussion process (kp), Activating Transitional Justice Mechanism: A Ray Of Hope, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), PM discusses civic elections, Cabinet expansion with leaders (ht), Coast clear for Cabinet expansion: RPP to get two ministries (kp), A question of leadership: What intellectual and moral credentials do our leaders have to meet Nepal’s formidable challenges?, by Pramod Mishra (kp), There's been no discussion on merits and demerits of federal models, interview with Vijay Kant Karna, Professor of Political Science, Tribhuvan University (rep)

02/04/2014: Transitional justice mechanism: Maoists demand TRC panel seat (kp), Victims draw attention of global community (kp), Formation of House panels put off (ht), Formation of House thematic panels deferred, by Ashok Dahal (rep), ‘PM should lead HLPC first’ (kp), ‘Prioritise women in 26 seats’ (kp), Tibetans ill-treated in Nepal due to China, says HRW report (ht), Nepal tightening curbs on Tibetans, bows to China: HRW (rep), Women ex-PLA struggle for living, social acceptance, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Justice not served: Victims’ alliances must be watchful of political actors who seek to undermine transitional justice, by Hemanta Raj Dahal (kp), Instrument of peace: Discussion surrounding TRC has been Kathmandu centric, with minimum consultations with people victimized by Maoists as well as security forces, by D.B. Subedi (rep)

01/04/2014: TRC team initiates discussion (kp), Leave conflict era cases to TRC: BRB (ht), Bhattarai: New laws must for dealing with conflict-era crimes, by Ramesh Kumar Paudel (rep), Bhattarai says he must be tried for conflict era cases (nn), Speaker rues delay in CA nominations (kp), 15 parliamentary panels set to take shape (ht), Fringe party lawmakers want either PAC or SAC: Reject membership of other parliamentary committees, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Baidya challenges govt to jail him (rep), Unity among left forces stalled (kp), DCC recommends Damodar Sharma as chief justice: Parliamentary hearing likely to be cut short to hasten appointment, by Anata Raj Luitel (ht), Election intention: NC-UML need do assure Maoists and Madhesi parties that local elections will not affect the federalism agenda, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Efficient Parliament For Improved PFM, by Anirudra Neupane (rn)

31/03/2014: Slow but moving (ht), House for Mr Dahal (rep), CA chair to lawmakers: No foreign trips please: International community urged not to lure lawmakers into trips abroad, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Local elections by mid-June: PM (ht) [Please don't ridicule the people!!], Local polls impossible by June-end, says CEC Uprety, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Ill beginning for TRC work, by Dewan Rai (kp), TRC task force begins its work (ht), Clear and present: Only transitional justice bills drafted transparently will enjoy legitimacy (kp), Govt will bring TRC, disappearance bills within deadline, interview with Narahari Acharya (kp), SP, TMLP approve merger document: New party to be guided by democratic socialism (kp), Fresh headway in unification of three Madhes parties: Yadav's draft proposal endorsed with minor amendments, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Remember, Slow And Steady Will Not Win The Race, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Crucible of civil society: Traditionally entrenched forms of identity often interfere with the functioning of non-state organisations, by Gérard Toffin (sp), Eighth year itch: Timely promulgation of constitution is perhaps the only antidote to the rise of extremism in response to elite capture of state, by C.K. Lal (rep), Intention matters: Demands for federal units after particular ethnic groups shrouds and complicates the whole purpose of federalizing Nepal, by Sanjeev Pokharel (rep)

30/03/2014: CA calendar within 15 days: Secretariat (kp), Selection of CA panels’ heads likely to be delayed (ht), New CA must focus on thorny issues : Experts, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Under fire, Shrestha quits TRC taskforce (kp), Ex-SSP quits after furore (rep), NBA for victim-centric TRC, disappearance panel, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), Criminal justice: As state tackles offender, sufferers often left out, by Weena Pun (kp), Extra-judicial killings: Report contradicts govt submission to UNHRC in Geneva on killings in Tarai (ht) [see report], Opponents of CA differ in idea (kp), Quo vadis, Maoists? The Maoist downfall can largely be attributed to the failure to develop a viable alternate model of resource distribution, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Strange bedfellows: It is likely that NC and UML will spend months, perhaps years bickering over power sharing yet again, pushing the constitution making to the backburner, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Justice for stability: The best way to appease neglected minorities and avoid any kind of disturbance to the stability of the nation is to have federal states along ethnic lines, by Anand Jha (rep)

29/03/2014: Process to draft new constitution set rolling: CA forms five committees, by Prakash Acharya (ht), CA unanimous in adopting past pacts: Assembly approves five committees to expedite constitution writing (kp), CA starts ownership process for last CA's work, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), NHRC objects to Shrestha as conflict expert (ht), TRC receives a blow as members threaten to quit (kp), Victims cry foul over govt's choice of TRC bill drafters (rep), Social Accountability Tools Civic Engagement For Local Governance, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), What's new? The new CMP is new wine in old bottle, in what it is largely a rehash of the previous CMPs with cosmetic changes, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep), Time for change: Do we ever wonder why we emphasize so much on youth? Because they have the ability and capacity to embrace change, by Hitesh Karki (rep)

28/03/2014: New CA set to cash in on last one’s gains, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), CA to own up past agreements, Secretariat printing copies of reports of earlier thematic committees; Agenda to be tabled in Constituent Assembly today (kp), Proposal to own work of CA-I to be tabled today (rep), Big III to own up previous CA’s statute decisions (ht), CA takes ownership of first CA’s achievements (nn), Three parties close to deal on statute, peace (kp), Parties share seats of 26 lawmakers (kp) [This is once again a fundamental violation of the constitution! These seats are not reserved for any parties!!!], Team to draft TRC, CED bills (kp), Another Test Of Prachanda, by Narayan Prasad Ghimire (rn), Can Koirala deliver? Depends on how much fire he still has in his belly, by Damakant Jayshi (nt)

27/03/2014: Govt urged to consult war victims (kp), UCPN (Moist) demands HLPC leadership (kp), NC, CPN-UML unwilling to
let Dahal lead HLPC: Propose UCPN-Maoist chairman to head Constituent Assembly panel
(ht), Big-3 top guns to head CA thematic committees: Maoists want high-level committee outside CA for Dahal, by Ashok Dahal (rep), NA Deployment During CA poll endorsed by parliament (kp), House panel endorses army mobilisation during CA polls (ht), House endorses army mobilization for Nov polls (rep), Not much to show: The government gets a poor score on delivery for its first month in office (kp), Consult us on TRC bill: Conflict victims to govt (rep), Those directly responsible for crimes are guilty, not civilian commanders, interview with Govinda Bandi (rep) [??], Former PLA fighters feel insurgency was waste of time, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Mahathir Mantra For Development Political Stability, Selfless Leadership, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Secession and loyalty: The events in Crimea have much to teach us, especially regarding secession risks if provinces are not federated judiciously, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

26/03/2014: First meeting of Constitutional Council on Thursday (nn), Parties agree to revive HLPC: Cross-party mechanism ‘no substitute for Assembly’, by Anil Giri (kp), Big 3 to form body to assist govt, statute drafting, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Minister pledges TRC bill in 2 wks; work yet to start, by Dewan Rai (kp), Govt to bring bills on TRC, disappearances soon: Likely to be tabled in House in 15 days after forging consensus (ht), TRC, disappearance commission revised bills by 15 days: Acharya (rep), Families of disappeared struggle for redress, by Kalendra Sejuwal (rep), EC urges govt to clear its position on local election, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Anti-federal forces against local polls: Thapa (kp) [Local elections should take place as soon as possible, but this statement is nonsense!], 33 fringe parties unveil policy and program; no backtrack from round-table meeting (nn), No Relief In Sight For People, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn), Koirala-led government: Things to ponder, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht)

25/03/2014: Panel to woo more parties into govt: The committee is scheduled to hold talks with  the UCPN (Maoist) on Tuesday and approach other parties in the coming days (kp), Committee formed to steer govt (ht), NC, UML form high-level body to oversee govt functioning (rep), Anti-money Laundering bill endorsed by House (kp), Legislature-Parliament passes five bills (ht), Victims urge govt to act on TRC (kp), Conflict victims appeal to the state to come clean (ht), UN inquires about health of couple on hunger strike (ht), Women leaders demand for equal participation in local polls (kp), Army seeks constitutional role in NDC: CoAS Gen Rana stresses on national force’s presence in National Defence Council, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht), Army urges govt to induct CoAS in NDC (rep), Entrenched politics: Ruling parties must focus less on bickering and more on constitution writing and development, by Madhav Karki (kp)

24/03/2014: Kin of disappeared still without answers, by Dewan Rai (kp), Inescapable truth: Functioning transitional justice institutions are in Nepal’s interest (kp), Ban urges respect for right to truth (kp), Handling the truth; The state must apologise, acknowledge and provide justice to victims and survivors of the conflict, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp), Appeal to ratify Rome Statute without delay (ht), NC, UML to talk CA committee formation (kp), In PP meet, Koirala takes a lot of flak: Almost a dozen NC parliamentarians who spoke on the occasion criticised the PM on a range of issues, by Anil Giri (kp), NC lawmakers  grind axe against own govt, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Govt bypassed House in passing agenda: UML MPs, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Maoists decry anti-money laundering provisions (kp), Statute impossible from CA, says CPN-M (ht), UML for holding local polls by mid-June, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Observers weigh viability of a new political force, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Frustration And Fantasy, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

23/03/2014: UNHRC doubts Nepal’s compliance, by Dewan Rai (kp), Danger zone: Transitional justice (rep), Parties get busy choosing heads of CA, parliamentary committees (ht), RPP demand for two ministries delaying Cabinet expansion: Delay has also affected nomination of 26 members to the Constituent Assembly (ht), Diversity should be basis of federalism, says CPN-UML Chief Khanal (ht), Constitution to ensure right to clean water, sanitation (ht), Gajurel says constitution not panacea for all ills (ht), Public Disillusionment About Politics, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

22/03/2014: CA adopts rules of procedure (kp), Fresh CA Rules cleared: All 16 committees likely by Mar 28, EC doubtful of local polls in May, by Bhadra Sharma (ht), CA approves new regulations four months after polls (rep), Maoists warn of House disruption over TRC bills, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Transitional justice mechanisms under UN scrutiny: Nepal quizzed on independence of NHRC, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Call for ending  discrimination, recognising rights of Dalits (ht), Inclusion In Local Bodies: Why Not Amend Laws Progressively?, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn)

21/03/2014: Govt slashes fuel prices, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Govt partially rolls back fuel price hike: Agrees to cut NOC staff perks (ht), NOC’s monthly loss surges to Rs 1.22 billion: If not for downward revision in prices, losses would have fallen to Rs 910m (ht), Don’t force opposition to stall House, says Dahal (ht), Rights activists seek UN help for fasting Adhikari couple (ht), AHRC urges govt to appoint judges in SC (ht), Words Should Be Turned Into Deeds, by D.M. Thapa (rn), Mockery of Justice?, by Pratyush Nath Upreti (sp), Local Elections Becoming Urgent, by Nishesh Dhungana (sp)

20/03/2014: Straight talk: Wider consultations are necessary to ensure acceptance of the constitution (kp) Second CA continuation of first one, say lawmakers (ht), Opposition stalls House proceedings on Day II: Govt ready to halve fuel price hike, oppn wants it cut by 75 pc, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Govt ready to roll back fuel price hike 50 pc, by Ashok Dahal (rep), House disrupted as protests continue (kp), Partial effect of Valley bandh; 107 held, freed: General public largely defy strike, venture out on roads; Vandalism, arson reported in city (ht), Nepal on back foot in Geneva, by Dewan Rai (kp), Frustration mounts inside NC over CMP, by Anil Giri (kp), Maoist parties forge alliance to thwart local polls (rep), Fault lines: Corruption, criminalisation of politics and ethnic injustice continue to present serious problems, by Pramod Mishra (kp), No Good Bedfellows, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

19/03/2014: Govt unveils CMP, code of conduct for Cabinet (kp), Govt promises the moon in CMP: Pledges zero tolerance against corruption,an end to power  outages in three years and safe air travel within six months! (ht), Govt makes its CMP public (rep), CMP: Key dev projects will be made strike-free (kp), Nembang for bigwigs to lead key panels (kp), Fuel price fury puts off House meeting (kp), House adjourned over petroleum price hike:Finance Minister talks of reviewing hiked prices but opposition demands the  decision to be revoked (ht), Opposition obstructs House over fuel price hike, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Govt steps up preparations for local polls, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), EC yet to garner parties’ backing in holding local polls, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Local bodies’ elections: An urgent need, by Bihari Krishna Shrestha (ht), Strategising women’s rights: The role of women in political parties must be a key concern for the women's movement, by Seira Tamang (kp), Politics of cartels: Political parties have become much too powerful not only for health of the people but also the health of the society and nation, by Chaitanya Mishra (rep), Open up: Citizens have the right to information on the affairs of parliament, government or any other public institution, by Yek Raj Pathak (rep)

18/03/2014: Govt will rewrite TRC bill: Acharya (kp), Ministry initiates process to amend local election laws (kp), UCPN (M), CPN-M unification: Bhattarai puts reforms ahead of party merger (kp), Bhattarai against party unity with Baidya (ht), Baidha talks about possibility of party unity with UCPN (M) (nn), Sadbhawana law maker Sah faces arrest, by Manish Gautam and Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp), Lawmaker absconding after arrest warrant (ht), Police out to nab lawmaker Sah over Janakpur blast: Sah claims he is being framed, by Kamal Pariyar (rep), CA Court suspends RPP-N member (kp), RPP-N lawmaker's CA membership stayed (ht), A time for positive thinking: We need to focus on wealth creation and a pro-poor, not pro-poverty, agenda, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Institutionalising democracy: The new constitution must be partly a peace agreement and partly a national legal framework for federal governance, by Surya Dhungel (kp), Rising powers: Talk of unification between the two Maoist parties, though welcome, has raised concerns about constitution drafting, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp)

17/03/2014: Crisis in judiciary: Fate of five ad hoc judges uncertain; Delay in formation of parliamentary hearing committee blamed, by Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), House to have 4 new panels to address public concerns, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Rules for uninterrupted work (kp), Major parties fail to nominate deputy PP leaders, whips: Parliament secretariat says this has affected House proceedings (rep), Divided they fall: Unification of the two Maoist parties will help them regain lost strength (kp), Maoists to press for parliamentary probe into alleged vote fraud in house (rep), Local polls can be held in May-June if there is political will, interview with Neel Kantha Uprety, Chief Election Commissioner (kp), Prelude To Maoist Unity, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), IEDs continue to imperil human lives in Nepal, by Om Astha Rai (rep)

16/03/2014: Thematic panel to take up ownership issue (ht), Dahal comes clean on poll loss: Blames abandonment of traditional constituencies, by Akhilesh Upadhyay and Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Events favour merger of two parties, interview with Pushpa Kamal Dahal (kp), Govt struggles to unveil policy (kp), UCPN-M not to quit prez election agenda (ht), Vacancies to be filled after Bill is passed (ht)

15/03/2014: Talks intensify to pick thematic panel chairs at the earliest, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), Govt explains to un rights committee: Reply on criminalisation misleading, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Govt sent false report to UN: Rights activists; Former chief justice-led administration ‘has blamed apex court’for delay in TRC formation (ht), CA chair angles for key leaders as committee heads: Wants some active ex-lawmakers among 26 nominees, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Madhesi leaders sceptical about new constitution: Doubt if it will protect Tarai’s interests (ht), Panel recommendations: Local bodies may have 40pc women (kp), PM has three mobile phones for property, by Anil Giri (kp) [How did he survive for 75 years without regular income??], Doing the maths: Economic advantages in centralizing the taxes in revenue side and in decentralizing public ggods and services in expenditure side create a dilemma, by Bhim Prasad Bhurtel (rep), Is Democracy In Peril?, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn)

14/03/2014: Cart before the horse (nt), Parliamentary, Constituent Assembly Rules tabled in House (ht), Draft CA regulation proposes major changes: Suggests removing bills committee and conducting question hour (rep), Maoist parties in working alliance: Warn of joint movement against local elections, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), UCPN-M, CPN-M inching closer: Bhattarai’s concerns to be addressed (ht), Maoist parties' joint statement sets off unification buzz: Deferral of local polls, early formation of TRC demanded, by Ashok Dahal (rep), CPN-M forms People’s Administration (kp), PM, DPM and 8 ministers furnish property details (kp), With opposition joining forces, local polls look distant, by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), EC prepared for May polls: Uprety, by Bhadra Sharma and Darshan Karki (kp), EC seeks autonomy to hold periodic polls, by Arjun Bhandari and Ananta Raj Luitel (ht), If you love the people: The political class must act immediately to announce local elections this spring, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Democracy in crisis: The failure to address corruption has been a primary factor for setbacks in democracy the world over, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Missing the point: When it is possible to circumvent the democratic process and still enjoy political power why would anyone want to be accountable?, by Rubeena Mahato (nt), Politics vs. Development, by D. M. Thapa (rn)

13/03/2014: Property details: Koirala Cabinet misses deadline, by Anil Giri (kp), Major parties divided over holding local polls (kp), Delayed dividend: Political parties are taking forever to start the all-important CA process (kp), The fuss is over (ht), On with it now: Constitution making task (rep), With Rules finalised, CA set to move forward, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Unwieldy committees proposed at CA: Drafting panel suggests two 191-member committees and three panels comprising 73 members each, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Justices review CA elections (ht), Courting trouble: The Supreme Court should refrain from issuing verdicts on political matters and leave it to the Legislature, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Challenges Before The Present Government, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Why public institutions fail in Nepal: Growing Moral Crisis, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Crime and punishment: A notorious gangster, a tax evader, or a smuggler who has funded the party knocks a leader's door and asks him to release a consignment of smuggled goods or his lakey from prison, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep), Stop it: Absence of effective policies and programs contributes the most to the great exodus, by Som Bhandari (rep)

12/03/2014: Nefin wants remaining 26 CA seats (kp), CA nomination hearing shelved (ht) [??], Parties iron out differences: Panel to table final draft at CA meeting tomorrow, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA chair to certify, Prez to unveil new constitution: CA Regulations 2014 draft finalized, by Ashok Dahal (rep), CA Rules finalised, finally: Prez to unveil statute after assembly chair certifies it, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Govt CMP to take a few more days (ht), Carter Center brings Nepal chapter to a close, by Anil Giri (kp), Congress does not want CDOs to conduct local polls, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), CPN-Maoist mulls protests but lacks agenda (rep), Second rung Madhesi leaders miffed by delayed unity (rep), The deep state strikes back: These are lean times for those who had hoped for a radical transformation of the state, by Daulat Jha (kp)

11/03/2014: Rights violation cases gathering dust, by Dewan Rai (kp), A time for justice: New government must make amends for the failure of predecessors to advance transitional justice, by Santosh Sigdel (kp), Govt policy, programmes likely today (kp), CA procedure dispute to be settled today (kp), NC, UML to drop ‘authentication’: ‘authentication’: Likely to replace the term with ‘certification’ in the CA Rules to reach ‘win-win situation’, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC, UML close to Common Minimum Program: Load-shedding woe to be tackled (rep) [???], Power games at cost of statute: Sujata (ht), Time running out (ht), Thapa warns stir to overthrow government (kp), 33-party alliance wants cadres released (kp), Govt not inclusive: Sujata (kp), PM, Dahal meet (kp), House passes four ordinances amid fringe parties’ protest (ht), Dahal, parties in talks for grand federal alliance: UCPN-Maoist, Matrika Yadav-led CPN (Maoist) agree on forming a broader coalition, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), PM in parleys to name envoys, fill statutory bodies (rep), Talks on to conduct local elections before June 14 (ht), Local polls in status quo against federalism: Upendra Yadav (ht), Of the people: Holding local elections within the next six months will require consideration of a host of factors, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), Common cause: There is a need to broaden the understanding of the women’s movement in Nepal, beyond the activism led by NGOs, by Neeti Aryal Khanal (kp)

10/03/2014: Final hearing on picking 26 CA members tomorrow (ht), EC: Revise laws to conduct local polls by May-end, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Govt policy to stress on early local elections (kp), Local polls after statute, says Minister Nidhi (ht), UCPN-M for local polls after drafting statute (ht), Myagdi leaders for elections before constitution delivery (ht), A useful campaign: For local elections to happen, NC-UML need to reach out to other parties (kp), Constitution authentication still vexing issue, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC, UML to settle bill stamping row (kp), NC, UML attempt middle-way solution Likely to provide shared roles to prez, CA chair (rep), Worrying chasm: Congress-UML differences (rep), Checks and balances: NC-UML must avoid the arrogance of majoritarianism, a major reason democracies across the world failed, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp), CA 2 and political parties: Learn from the past mistakes, by Charan Prasai (ht), Futile Dispute, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), How to thrive? Nepal is wrongly seated on hyperbolic slogans of republicanism, federalism and secularism, which don't resonate with common man, by Aditya Man Shrestha (rep)

09/03/2014: PM’s delivery dismal on pact with CPN-UML, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), NC drops flexibility hint on constitution authentication issue (ht), Govt to uplift women’s status, says PM Koirala (kp) [Yes, by disregarding them! Look at your own government! Look at your own party!!], Women unsafe at their own homes: INSEC (rep), 3,000 VAW cases in 2013 (kp), Dhading Police establishes women cells in all VDCs, by Sudip Kaini (kp), CPN-Maoist building base for protests (kp), TMDP defends Chaudhary: Says the CA member had gone to India during insurgency and returned after the peace process started (ht), Conflict victims, await succor while fakes make hay, by Devendra Basnet (rep), Averting The Caucus, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [This article is a good example for misunderstanding ethnic issues and the necessity to end male Bahunbad!], Goals for the future: What Nepal needs is a constitution, local elections and economic development, by Jimmy Carter (kp), One last chance: The NC and UML are still acting like adversaries, casting doubt on whether a a constitution will be written in a year, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp)

08/03/2014: NC, UML ask MPs toattend House meets (kp), CA caucus debate rages; parties divided: Rastriya Prajatantra Party-Nepal supports the position taken by the NC and the UML on the caucus issue, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [Self-protection of male Tagadharis!!], CA rules panel summoned to iron out differences (rep), Prez, CA chair may jointly authenticate constitution (ht), House hearings sought for Regmi era appointments, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Major Madhesi parties offered three berths (ht), Local development ministry ready for civic elections (ht), Women still less equal in citizenship, property rights: Birth registration also a hassle, by Anjali Subedi (rep)

07/03/2014: Lawmakers bask in sun as House meets: Meeting adjourned as attendance falls way below the quorum of 143, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Parliament prorogued for lack of quorum: Ordinances on extradition, crime prevention not even discussed for passing (ht), UML CC for CA chair to authenticate constitution: Against further debate on the issue (ht), Congress plans nationwide move targeting local polls (kp), UML asks govt to announce date (kp), Majority of people want election: Carter Center (kp), Gautam urges Adhikaris to end fast: Govt ready to settle them anywhere they feel safe, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht) [Provide justice in all such cases, not resettlement!!!], UCPN (Maoist) objects to diffusion notice: DPM appeals to Adhikari couple to end fast (rep), From Cabin 16-17: What could explain the international community’s disinterest in addressing wartime excesses?, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt), Mohan Bikram against ethnic federalism (ht), Public hope dampens as CA fails to take off: One after another disputes between the two parties have sowed seeds of mistrust between them even before starting the constitution making process, says Prof Khanal, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Macho nationalism: A Nepali man can marry anyone and his child will be Nepali, but if a Nepali woman marries a foreigner her child can be denied citizenship, by Mallika Aryal (nt), Not just half the sky: Let’s not ‘celebrate’ International Women’s Day on Saturday. Let’s mark it as a day of mourning (nt), Cabinet Expansion: Government of Rebel: Whether knowingly or unknowingly, the majority of Koirala’s new cabinet members rebelled against the party at one time or another, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Koirala On The Chair, by Tilak Rawal (sp), Functions Of Civic Education, by Dev Raj Dahal (sp)

06/03/2014: Price of prohibition: Imposing whips and barring caucuses in the CA will only create resentment (kp), Prez lobbies for bill right: Sheetal Niwas makes its position clear to the parties involved in preparing CA rules, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp) [Support to his party, the Nepali Congress, by the 'independent' president! The president has to be newly elected immediately!!], NC to hold talks with UML brass (ht), Confusion abounds over Regmi govt appointments (kp), UML stresses parliamentary hearing: Khanal says it’s a must for constitutional appointments (ht), Conflict victim’s kin seek govt help: Mina Khadka of Alsamari in Arghakhanchi has gone missing after she was arrested by state security forces during insurgency, by Birendra KC (kp), Kin of martyrs vent ire on Maoists (ht), On The New Government, by Gyan Basnet, by Gyan Basnet (rn), Don’t Turn Constitution-making Process Into A Wild-goose Chase, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), There are leaders in their 60s waiting for leadership roles, interview with Bidya Bhandari, CPN-UML, Neglected citizens: Nepal’s uneven development (rep)

05/03/2014: Govt doing little to move TRC bill; We are studying the apex court verdict: Minister Rijal, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Vote mulled to settle CA rule dispute (kp), Top guns asked to settle dispute over CA regulation, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Matter of prestige for two big parties: CPN-UML threatens to take it to full House for resolution through vote, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Govt ready to offer DPM to Maoists: Gautam, by LB Thapa (rep), Preparations for local polls under way: DPM (kp) [?], Faux pas: PM needs to be careful before making remarks on contentious issues (kp), Fervent revolution: Modern revolutions, including Nepal's Maoist insurgency, are essentially religious in origin, by Gérard Toffin (kp), Focus On Local Elections, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

04/03/2014: Janajatis seek half of 26 CA nominations (kp), Panel drafting: CA Rules asks for more time: Fails to resolve differences on who will authenticate statute (ht), CA panel seeks 10 more days (rep), CA regulations drafting committee term extended (nn), Speaker demands govt info on TRC: Instruction issued in context of Adhikari couple’s fast (kp), Kin of disappeared demand TRC (kp), Cief Justice appointment: Judicial Council forwards senior justices’ details to CC (kp), Judicial Council proposes five names for Chief Justice (ht), House seeks details on Adhikari couple: Tells govt to clarify PM’s reported statement on Tanakpur (ht), Nembamg asks PM to clarify Tanakpur remarks (kp), House asks govt to clarify PM remarks (rep), Go local: NC-UML must assure all others that local: elections will be fair and independent (kp), UML for directly-elected executive PM (rep), Government spends Rs 52m on foreign trips: Around Rs 250,000 of taxpayers’money used to finance international visits of officials per day (ht), Building on hope: Young leaders from across parties need to unite to make themselves heard, by Sujeev Shakya (kp), Team of two: As constitution drafting requires consensus, the NC and UML must take all other parties into confidence, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Falling short: Underrepresentation of women in state bodies has made mockery of one-third provision, by Ashok Dahal (rep)

03/03/2014: Monotonous tune (ht), CA rules of procedure: Congress-UML tussle over bill plays spoilsport (kp), Inter-party rift on CA rules continues: Disputes will be settled before tomorrow’s CA meet: Karna, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC, UML dispute over prez authenticating statute bill, by Ashok Dahal (rep), No dispute in CA nominations: RPP (ht) [???? Mr Thapa should read the interim constitution before he quotes from it!!], EC starts local poll work: Forms two separate committees for the purpose, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Govt has two weeks to fix local poll dates: CEC (ht), Local Election Rhetoric, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), PR rules not practical: Uprety (ht), Godar massacre: NHRC blames lab for report delay (kp), The rights debate: The Maoist call for TRC legislation falls in line with the Supreme Court judgment (kp), Data show impunity going unabated (ht), No compromise on federalism, democracy and republic, interview with Minendra Rijal (NC), Minister for Information and Communications (kp), Restoration of plutarchy: Status quo, no matter how enlightened, often degenerates into plutarchy that fuels the fire of insurgency sooner or later, by C.K. Lal (rep), Minority report: The famous Gorkha King invaded not only their territories but also their culture and language, by Bir Nembang (rep)

02/03/2014: Speaker presses PM to appoint 26 CA members: Nembang seeks priority for excluded, experts in seats (kp) [This is not only a priority, it must be exclusive according to the interim constitution!!], Bill related to new statute: Congress for empowering Prez to pass bill; UML opposes senior coalition partner’s demand (kp), Who will do the honours? Prez or CA Chairman?, by Arjun Bhandari and Prakash Acharya (ht), Conflict victims rue govt apathy, by Tularam Pandey (kp), UCPN (Maoist) demands TRC before constitution writing, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), ‘We’ll seek Prez, Veep re-election’ (kp), Maoists for fresh election of prez, VP (rep), Look within: Irregularities in parties (rep), Unanswered questions: Would a Muslim President continue the tradition of giving blessings during Dashain?, by Pratyush Nath Upreti (kp), Team game: The Congress and the UML must work to resolve their crisis of confidence, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), UML Ministers’ Pick: The Selected Dominate The Elected, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

01/03/2014: When will 26 CA members be nominated? Information minister says process will begin by tomorrow (ht), CA rules of procedure: Tough steps on anvil to keep House in order, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Ca likely to retain whip provision, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Five CA committees to ensure timely constitution, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Statute delay ‘exacerbating’ HR problem in Nepal (kp) [see corresponding report by U.S. Department of State], NC has assured to implement gentleman’s agreement: UML (ht), Minister selection process censured (kp), Party in moral decline, say UML advisors: Suggest to party leadership to set retirement age for leaders, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep)  [This should urgently be introduced within all parties!!], Sujata criticizes NC of failing to ensure 'inclusive cabinet' (nn), ‘Include UCPN-Maoist in govt’ (ht), UML political report: Nepali Congress remains chief rival, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), CPN-M for grand coalition (ht), Constitution Making: Learn From The Past, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn)

28/02/2014: Powerful panel proposed in CA, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), UML factional feud: Gautam calls for action against Nepal (kp), Gautam criticises Nepal for airing views against party (ht), DPM Gautam demands action against Nepal (rep), Leaders misuse PR system to send kin to CA (ht), MSP, TMDP likely to merge before Holi: MJF-N has hinted party may opt out of unification process (ht), Better late than never: No surprise that government formation took so long; The surprising thing is that it didn’t take longer (nt), The men in the ministry: Koirala cabinet is unrepresentative in terms of available capacities but it must still deliver on critical areas, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Premier challenges: Sushil Koirala faces the tough task of handling the government while also writing a constitution in time, by Pramod Bhagat (kp), Nepal’s best way forward: New model of development is to work with engines of growth—from companies to local entrepreneurs, by Rajiv Shah (kp), Consensus, Compromises Are Good Indicators, by D. M. Thapa (rn), Home sweet Home: The stand-off over the Home Ministry shows how little Nepal’s politics has changed in 25 years, by Anurag Acharya (nt)

27/02/2014: CA to start real task in few more weeks: Deadline for CA regulation drafting committee extended (rep), Gharti wins CA vice-chair post by a landslide (kp), Onsari Gharti elected CA vice-chair: 484 of 489 lawmakers present cast vote in her favour (ht), UCPN (M) demands CA chair’s wings clipped: Maoist lawmakers proposed that the CA chair and the vice chair should have equal power (kp) [??], Powering on: Now that Cabinet has been formed, the focus must be a constitution and local elections (kp), Minister selection process: UML‘overlooked’ elected leaders, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Non-inclusive cabinet: Learn a lesson for the CA (rep), US: The new government has a unique opportunity, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp) [The demands concerning development efforts are necessary but the US obviously still lack understanding of Nepal's realities!!], The art of the impossible: A coalition Cabinet has been formed but there is no telling how mutual disgruntlement will manifest, by Deepak Thapa (kp), RPP dissatisfied, seeks two ministries (ht), UCPN-M claims credit for republican set-up in country (ht), Govt accused of delaying justice; Punish killers of Krishna Prasad Adhikari: HURON (ht), Making Local Governance Meaningful: Give Constitutional Space, by Mukti Rijal (rn), Local elections in six months: Deputy PM Singh (nn), Now Focus On Writing Constitution, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Home Ministry row blown out of proportion, interview with Krishna Prasad Sitaula, NC General Secretary (rep), Appearance and reality: NC-UML is a marriage of compulsion, not convenience; The parties that fought for weeks over ministerial berths are unlikely to turn into trusted couple overnight, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

26/02/2014: UML on board, 19 ministers sworn in, by Anil Giri (kp), NC-UML coalition gets 20 new ministers: Six of them are not even CA members; Twelve ministers first timers, including the PM, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Koirala cabinet finally takes shape: Gautam and Singh become DPMs; Mahat gets Finance and Pandey Foreign Affairs, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), CPN-UML team draws flak for non-MPs selection, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UML lower rungs in rift over cabinet names (rep), Many NC leaders not invited to oath ceremony (kp), Two in CA VC race; Gharti likely winner (kp), Onsari Gharti Magar elected CA Vice-Chairperson (nn), Speaker concerned about lack of agenda (kp), CA panel number bone of contention: Suggestions are for creating five committees in total - three thematic and two procedural (kp), Will Congress-UML Coalition Deliver?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

25/02/2014: Women’s representation in ca: Fallen strength worries female members, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PM to appoint Congress, UML ministers today, by Anil Giri and Bhadra Sharma (kp), Deal opens Cabinet door to expansion: Cong, UML to get 10 ministries each, six to go to fringe parties (ht), Congress to finalise its ministerial names today (ht), NC, UML allocate ministries, but fail to pick ministers (rep), UCPN-M to field Gharti for CA vice-chair: Bhattarai likely to head Constitutional Committee (ht), Stray explosives pose public security threat, by Weena Pun (kp), Police station in mine-infested area, by Mohan Budhair (kp), Bill to oust ordinances: Bill to oust ordinances: Nineteen of the total 24 ordinances need to be replaced by parliament, by Pranab Kharel (kp), House forms special security committee (kp), UCPN (M) seeks Prez re-election (kp), Hold fresh prez election: UCPN-Maoist; Alleges Congress, CPN-UML compromised on the issue for a ministry (ht), Corruption travails: Seven high-level commissions have been formed to reform the bureaucracy; yet, nothing has changed, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Non-communist constitution: If Maoists had managed to push through a constitution in first CA, it would have been a communist constitution with core communist jargon and undemocratic features, by Sukhdev Shah (rep) [?? Neither did the UCPN-M have the necessary majority to push something through nor is the current perspective of continued conservatism and non-inclusion of any help for Nepal's future!!], Constitution Within A Year?, by Shyam K.C. (rn), Worried About Constitution? You Get Or Forget?, by Prem Khatry (rn)

24/02/2014: UML decides to join Koirala govt: PM agrees to give partner Home, Information ministries, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), CPN-UML agrees to join Koirala-led govt, by Prakash Acharya (ht), UML likely to join government today: Gautam to becoma DPM, home minister, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Coalition after PM cedes Home turf, by Anil Giri (kp), Gautam to be home minister (ht), UML authorizes Gautam to pick up ministerial nominees (nn), Deuba faction warns of staying out of govt (ht), Cabinet expansion delay affects bureaucratic work (kp), Big II against caucuses (kp), 7-point pact detrimental to nation, says Rayamajhi (kp), CA vice chair poll schedule out (ht), Promulgate constitution before local polls: Pun (ht), Power-sharing with CPN-UML: Compulsion for NC, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), Not a Very Hopeful Start, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), The prerequisites: While all efforts should be directed at a timely constitution, the importance of participatory constitutionalism, the raison d'être of the CA, must not be overlooked, by Raju Prasad Chapagai (rep)

23/02/2014: UML leaders hint at staying out of govt: Say will focus on constitution writing and local election instead, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Majority against joining govt sans home ministry: To continue support to NC government, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), NC betrayed deal reached (ht), Cabinet expansion mired in Koirala-Deuba row (kp), Euphoria withers as cabinet expansion delayed, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Cabinet expansion likely today (ht), Koirala positive to give Home Ministry to UML (nn), Breakthrough: UML central committee decides to join govt (nn), NC-UML talks conclude; more discussions on Monday (nn), Home row for rigging local polls: Pun (kp), NC, UML have intentions to misuse power: Kamal Thapa (nn), House rules drafted; panel divided over CA procedure, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Binod Ghimire (kp), CA panel for 14 House committees, by Ashok Dahal (rep), Own first CA’s work for timely statute: Leaders (kp)

22/02/2014: NC waits for UML to expand Cabinet: In the event of NC not giving Home Ministry to UML, Deuba has claimed the post for his faction (kp), Govt expansion deferred again (rep), Koirala still hopeful of roping in UML (ht), UML CC meet to dwell on govt, convention (kp), UML calls prez fiat unconstitutional: Wonders why Koirala is silent on the issue (ht), UML demands PM reject prez's 7-pt directive (rep), Prez gave no to-do list, PM tells House (kp), Rights situation worse in Regmi’s tenure: Insec (kp), Relaunch De-mining op: NHRC to Govt (kp), Forgery case filed against RPP-Nepal (ht), Making the leap: Conservatism, incrementalism and traditional structure cannot address new realities; A fresh approach is required to transform the original structure, by Gaurav SJB Rana (rep)

21/02/2014: Statute countdown began on Jan 22, says Nembang, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA rules drafting panel may seek extra time (kp), Four committees proposed in CA: Political committee to replace constitutional committee, by Ashok Dahal (rep), New CA hopes for more assertive Nembang, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), CA vice-chair to be elected on Feb 26 (ht), Comatose government: The country is exactly where it was 14 years ago (nt), NC fails to pick its ministers (nn), UML to join govt only if NC adheres to 7-point agreement (kp), CPB-UML adamant on home ministry (ht), UML says no to government sans home ministry (rep), UML leader Poudel objects President’s directive to PM (nn), BRB flays Koirala, Nembang, Regmi (kp), Election of those who killed CA unfortunate: BRB (ht), Little possibility of Madhesi parties forging party unity: Yadav (nn), Human rights situation worse in western region (ht), Torture victim moves UN’s rights panel (ht), Bouncing back: To regain its political ground, the UCPN (Maoist) needs to stick to agendas of change, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Presidential prerogatives: Both the President and Prime Minister must respect their roles as outlined in the Interim Constitution, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), The architecture of democracy: Indigenise Nepal’s polity by addressing the birth defects this Constituent Assembly has inherited from the previous one, by Bihari K. Shrestha (nt), Leading the young, by Tsering Dolker Gurung (nt)

20/02/2014: 4 CA thematic committees proposed (kp), CA Chair Nembang has tough task ahead, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA chair says parties have 11 months to deliver constitution (ht), Nembang for owning deals reached in previous CA (rep), Give me a sign: Constitution making (rep), Election of CA Vice-Chair on Feb 26 (nn), Poll expenditure details: EC seeks action against violators (kp), PM preparing to expand Cabinet: May induct NC ministers tomorrow even if UML refuses to join (ht), UML pushes for statute amendment: Seeks motion in house to endorse prez, vice-prez, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), UML needs respectable position, says Nepal: ‘NC domination unacceptable’ (ht), Nepali Congress wants an all-powerful Prime Minister, interview with Shankar Pokharel , CPN-UML (rep), People’s movement injured vent ire (ht), 2013 saw rise in number of human rights violations (ht) [see summary of INSEC report], Lingering Political Imbroglio, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Will Nepal survive? How would Nepal survive the loss of its national emblems, Sagarmatha and Gautama Buddha?, by Aditya Man Shrestha (rep)

19/02/2014: Nembang on CA chair, again: With backing from NC, he is elected unopposed to top post by the 571-member CA, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai and Binod Ghimire (kp), Nembang elected CA chair unopposed: Gets bouquets and brickbats from lawmakers; Urged not to repeat past mistakes (ht), Nembang unopposed as CA chair, by Kosh Raj Koirala and Ashok Dahal (kp), An old hand at parliamentary business (ht), UML in dilemma as Congress gives what it asked for, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), UML not to budge on home ministry (rep), Respectable position needed: UML; Bamdev Gautam says his party won’t accept any position Congress gives (ht), Unwritten deal with NC was a mistake: UML (nn), Dahal vents ire at Big II; Kamal Thapa of RPP-Nepal warns parliament against politics of negation (kp), UCPN (Maoist) alleges NC, UML violating spirit of consensus (rep), Insurgency victim Maina remembered (ht) [The criminals from among the army will never be punsihed!!!], Identity crisis: Having seemingly abandoned the class struggle, the Maoists are now searching for a new political identity, by Prakash Chandra Lohani, RPP (kp)

18/02/2014: CA to elect chairman today: NC and UML to vote for Subas Nembang; UCPN (M) and allies may field Krishna B Mahara (kp), UML seeks support for Nembang to chair CA: Congress, RPP-Nepal, fringe forces pledge to vote in favour (ht), Nembang almost certain to become CA chairman: Maoists undecided (rep), UCPN (Maoist) decides to support Nembang's candidacy for CA Chair (nn), Subash Nembang elected unanimous House Speaker (nn), PM adamant against conceding Finance, Home, by Losh Raj Koirala (rep), NC urges coalition partner to join govt (ht), What Ails The New Government?, by Shyam K.C. (rn), RPP-Nepal taken to task over nominations (ht), Stay order on UCPN-Maoist PR candidate’s CA membership (ht), Power game at the helm: Threat of repetition, by Dilli Raj Khanal (ht), Tail wags the dog: Even though the framers of our constitution have accepted the principles of federalism they haven't imbibed the spirit, by Bishal Thapa (rep)

17/02/2014: Nefin stir to secure favourable statute (kp), Election panel seeks govt letter for local, by-polls (kp), EC for local bodies polls before mid-June (ht), CA chairman poll: CPN-UML, UCPN (Maoist) in the race, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), CA chair election tomorrow (ht), NC issues whip, to vote for UML candidate (kp), Spokesperson: Sense & Sensibility, by P. Kharel (rn), UCPN (Maoist) not to join govt now (kp), UCPN-M to stay out of government (ht), UCPN (Maoist) won't join govt: Bogati (rep), UML will form govt after three months: Panta (ht) [And when will you start to do what you have been elected for???], Thaw in NC, UML relations: Koirala for no coalition partner other than UML, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Crisis of confidence: NC-UML dispute is now dragging the country to a new crisis in governance (kp), Crack In Coalition, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn) [in which coalition???], LGBTs warn of protests if excluded from CA (rep), Fewer CA committees mooted for swift constitution drafting: Suggestions to reduce the number of procedural committees to two, by Pranab Kharel (kp), A law for parties: Corruption in financing and a volatile political space require a comprehensive law regulating parties, by Tika P. Dhakal (kp), Anti-money laundering measures: FATF asks Nepal to enact five ordinances (kp), The Dajyu sndrome: The state is the only hope for Madheshis and they would have to to join hands across party lines to make it more Madhesh-friendly, by C.K. Lal (rep)

16/02/2014: A month on, CA without agenda (kp), Sushil-led Government, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km) [see part 2 (24/02/2014), part 3 (14/03/2014), part 4 (17/03/2014), part 5 (23/03/2014), part 6 (05/03/2014), part 7 (14/04/2014), part 8 (21/04/2014), part 9 (27/04/2014), part 10 (02/05/2014), part 11 (07/05/2014), part 12 (12/05/2014), part 13 (26/05/2014), part 14 (01/06/2014), part 15 (07/06/2014), part 16 (14/06/2014), part 17 (10/06/2014), part 18 (24/06/2014), Part 19 (01/07/2014), part 20 (03/07/2014), part 21 (08/07/2014), part 23 (18/07/2014), part 22 (27/07/2014), part 24 (31/07/2014), part 25 (04/08/2014), part 26 (09/08/2014), part 27 (19/08/2014), part 28 (05/09/2014), part 29 (21/09/2014), part 30 (08/10/2014), part 30A (08/10/2014), part 31 (12/10/2014), part 32 (21/10/2014), part 33 (23/10/2014), part 35 (06/11/2014), part 36 (10/11/2014), part 38 (18/11/2014), part 39 (21/11/2014), part 40 (30/11/2014), part 37 (04/12/2014), part 41 (10/12/2014), part 42 (21/12/2014), part 43 (28/12/2014), part 44 (08/01/2015), part 45 (15/01/2015), part 46 (23/01/2015), part 47 (29/01/2015), part 48 (06/02/2015), part 49 (11/02/2015), part 50 (14/02/2015), part 51 (20/02/2015), part 52 (04/03/2015), part 53 (12/03/2015), part 54 (27/03/2015), part 55 (30/03/2015), part 56 (06/04/2015), part 57 (12/04/2015), part 58 (18/04/2015)], Koirala courts Dahal as option; Dahal’s advice: Reconcile with UML to form a stable govt, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Dahal offers support to Koirala-led government: Says delay in expanding Cabinet not giving good impression in relation to statute drafting task (ht), UML won’t join govt even with home ministry: Poudel (ht), UML distanced, Oli’s ambitions may be hit, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Near nil chance of UML joining NC-led govt: Paudel; 'NC reluctant to elect UML man as CA chair' (rep), UCPN-M claims CA chair Congress, UML fail: Ready to lead govt if to rise to the occasion (ht), PWDs end hunger strike after govt assurance (rep), Government to facilitate statute writing within year: PM (rep) [Which government??? What are your ideas on main issues of the constitution??? When did you talk to other parties on theses issues??? Especially, when did you discuss these issues with representatives of the numerous social groups of the country, i.e. outside the circle of male Bahuns????], Conflict victims deprived of govt relief, by Bhawani Bhatta (kp), A daal-bhaat issue: For many Nepalis, democracy, human rights and good governance are matters of survival, by Kirsten Geelan (kp) [see report Rights and Governance in Nepal], Biting The Bullet, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

15/02/2014: Cabinet expansion gets bogged down in Home row (kp), NC-UML negotiations over Home deadlocked: Mahat and Sitaula for conceding (rep), Ungentlemanly: Home Ministry dispute (rep), Berth pangs delay Cabinet expansion (ht), PM for NC to retain berth (kp), Koirala's test: Koirala must show tthat as an executive head, he holds the rein of power, not his aides or deputies, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep), House defers PM felicitation event: NC-UML tussle over Home portfolio led the House speaker to put off the event set for Friday, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Tussle over home haunts House (ht), Vocational training benefits war victims, by Biplav Maharjan (kp), Local Body Elections Best Remedy To Local Malaise, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn), EU EOM-N seeks statutory safeguard for PR seats (rep)

14/02/2014: NC-UML power dispute lingers on (kp), Deadlock over home portfolio continues: Nepali Congress MPs urge prime minister not to give home ministry to CPN-UML, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Don’t alienate UML: Cong lawmakers (kp), Oli rebuffs PM's talks offer: UML leaders hinting at alternative to Gautam for home minister (rep), Home ministry bone of contention as local election nears, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), The year of living dangerously; It’s very simple: KP Oli needs Bam Dev and Bam Dev wants the Home Ministry, by Anurag Acharya (nt), Whose Home is it anyway? Sushil Koirala’s first of many hurdles is to untangle the Home Ministry knot, by Trishna Rana (nt), Another crossroad: He may have once hijacked a plane, now Sushil Koirala needs to steer the country towards stability (nt), Prez directive discomfiting: Mahat (rep), Call to ensure CA seats for disabled (kp), Private sector hopes for action from new government: About two dozen laws witing to be endorsed, by Rudra Pangeni (rep), The new government: Not At Home, by Abijit Sharma (sp), Odd Allies: Portrayed as Mr. Clean, prime minister Sushil Koirala's journey will face many storms, by Keshab Poudel (sp), Civic Education For Democratic Practice, by Dev Raj Dahal (sp), Utter Lack of Urgency, by Dipak Gyawali (sp)

13/02/2014: Intra-party feuds fuel Home Ministry row (kp), No pact yet with UML: PM Koirala (kp), No home ministry deal with UML: PM (ht), Rigidity over home ministry sours NC-UML ties: Nepali Congress says there was no deal (rep), NC should not haggle over Home Ministry: Sujata (ht), Khanal downplays differences with NC (ht), Race heats up in NC for ministerial berths (kp), Prez reminds PM of seven-point work (ht), 49-member panel to draft CA rules of procedures, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), 49-member panel to amend CA regulations (ht), Differently-abled warn of fast-unto-death to ensure berths in CA (ht), The blind and the clueless: The modern industrial sector, where most government money and foreign aid goes, has been captured by the elites, by Lal Shanker Ghimire (kp), Flourishing Spoils System, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), New constitution must be made by stepping on CPA, interview with Baburam Bhattarai (rep)

12/02/2014: Marginalised groups demand nomination for 26 CA seats (kp), UML threatens to stay away from govt, by Tika R. Pradhan (ht), Koirala sworn in, UML stays out: NC’s Prakash Man Singh also declines to take oath, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Koirala assumes office as PM: UML opts to stay out of govt unless given home ministry, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Home Ministry row dogs coalition: The row had deepened due to upcoming local elections and the prospect of Bam Dev Gautam leading it, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Home Ministry row: Koirala denies any promise; Khanal prays to God (nn), UML leader says party may remain in opposition but still create amicable environment for statute (nn), Regmi steps down as CJ (kp) [This does not justify that he did not step down in March 2013!!], Regmi steps down as chief justice: 'Scored a political success but set a bad precedent', by Nabin Khatiwada (rep), ICJ welcomes Regmi’s decision (kp), ICJ hails ex-govt chief for not returning to apex court (ht), To receive ex-PM facilities (kp), On hunger and thirst: The hunger strike is the last resort for those with no means of rabble-rousing, by Pranaya SJB Rana (kp), Economy first: How will the future states of Nepal create an environment for growth and investment to sustain themselves?, by Saloman Rajbanshi (kp), Can Untainted Koirala Tackle All Challenges?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

11/02/2014: Koirala elected prime minister: Votes for: 405; Votes against: 148, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Koirala elected PM, to be sworn in today, by Arjun Bhandari and Ram K. Kant (ht), Sushil Koirala becomes Nepal's 37th PM: Political government back after 11 months, by Thira L. Bhusal and Ashok Dahal (rep), ‘Squeaky clean’ politician (kp), Committed to democracy (ht), Top job at last for simple-living NC veteran, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Fingers crossed: Sushil Koirala as new PM (rep), Oath today as Home dispute festers (kp), NC, UML still wrangling over home ministry (rep), Built to last: A stable Koirala govt will greatly help complete the constitution-writing process (kp) [The problem is that it is already unstable on the very first day!!], CPN-UML decides not to join government (nn), UML will not let NC 'live in peace': Gautam (nn), Madhesi parties shun Koirala: Madhesi leaders say that they are apprehensive about Koirala government’s ability to address their concerns, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Keep your promises, private sector tells new government, by Sanjeev Giri (kp), Pvt sector emphasises on merit: Stresses on economic development, constitution-drafting process (ht), Regmi ‘not to return’ to Supreme Court (kp), Regmi as chief to justice resign today (ht), Cases of poll violence ‘neglected’, by Laxmi Sah (kp),   Lawmakers asked to reject TRC Ordinance (ht), Let us be: The international community should not distract the CA members with seminars and study tours, by Binod Sijapati (kp), Sense of balance: The fresh mandate of the elections must be kept in mind while taking ownership of decisions of the last CA, by Shyam Khagendra N. Sharma (kp), A New Beginning?, by Shyam K.C. (rn), Predicting the unpredictable: If the formation of the government alone proved to be such an uphill task, imagine the drafting of the constitution, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Unity of purpose: We need to establish a tradition of the largest party forming government but with full backing of major parties in case of no confidence motion, by Sukhdev Shah (rep)

10/02/2014: Congress, UML close deal: 7-point pact paves way for a new govt under Koirala, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Big 2 to have similar share in Cabinet (kp), Koirala poised to become PM today (ht), Koirala set to become PM today, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Koirala elected prime minister with 405 votes (nn), Bamdev Gautam named for DPM, home minister, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Koirala to be tested by party, statute writing (kp), UML volte-face paves way for power-sharing, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Bar suggests Regmi not retake chief justice post (kp), NBA plans protest against Regmi rejoining judiciary (ht), Major parties have pledged to take ownership of CA-I, interview with Ram Sharan Mahat (kp), Sutra for progressive constitution (ht), Ongoing Power Struggle, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn), Treasure trove: Education in mother tongue is a must to help marginalized youth gain social acceptance without compromising on their identity, by Roshan Adhikari (rep)

09/02/2014: Prez election: Congress, UML stick to their guns (kp), Big II fail to work out issues related to deal on power-sharing: NC not banking solely on UML; Congress President starts process of consulting other parties, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Ties between NC and UML turn trickier: Oli's election as PP leader was game changer, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Secretariat gets no pm names on Day 1 (kp), NC, UML collect prime ministerial poll forms (ht), UML not to file candidacy for PM (rep), NC, UML finally break the ice; agree on power sharing; document to be signed shortly (nn), Mist cleared; Koirala registers PM candidacy at parliament secretariat (nn), NC, UML join hands, six-point agreement made (nn), Pressure on Maoists in and outside party to join govt, by Ashok Dahal (rep), NC turns to UCPN (Maoist) for support (nn), UCPN (M) Dahal hints the party might join the government (nn), Bhattarai asks prez to take initiative (ht), FSPN panel to lead unification efforts (kp), Old challenges for new CA: Chalise (kp), Strange bedfellows: Communists practicing in a democratic polity must accept intra-party rivalries as normal, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp), Quest for more: Despite the gloomy political state of affairs, there is a growing sense of hope in the Nepali people, by Abhi Subedi (kp), UML PP Leader Election Rise of New Syndicate?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn), Opening the door: Although SC verdict on TRC is a landmark, victims are unconvinced about the nation's ability to implement it, by Raju Prasad Chapagai (rep), Next Nepali Prime Minister, by Surya B. Prasai (nn)

08/02/2014: CPN-UML not to claim PM post: It believes NC is the rightful party to lead government (kp), UML PP leader addresses house: Oli seeks vote for key posts (kp), Oli against retaining President Yadav: His diatribe against Congress queers power-sharing equation, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Onus on NC: Government formation (rep), UML, Maoists: Prez poll to honor democratic norms; Don't make prez post part of horse trading: NC (rep), UCPN-M keeps options to join govt open (ht), Gender minorities to stage protests for CA seat, by Anjali Subedi (rep), Chitwan squatters won't vote if poll-time promises not fulfilled, by Chandni Hamal (rep), NBA to protest Regmi's return to SC (rep)

07/02/2014: Big 2 still at odds over power pact, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Top Two bargaining hard for their pie in new dispensation, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Khanal, Oli positive on coalition govt (kp), UML not in race for PM: Poudel (ht), Leadership handover issue comes to fore in UML, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Constitution writing: Dahal wants his role defined (kp), NBA to protest Regmi’s return (kp), Chhori Maya missing case: AHRC rues delayed justice (kp), Sharing sorrow to ease pain: Nearly eight years after the conflict ended, female relatives of victims find strength in numbers, by Juanita Malagon (nt), Everyday cost of bandhs Rs 1.79 bn: Strikes trigger inflation, affect tourist inflow (ht), Know your right: The new government must work to remove obstacles for implementing the Right to Information Act, by Vinaya Kasajoo (kp), Lessons unlearned: Despite widening rifts, there is still time for the Congress to consolidate and maintain its unity, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), The female factor: No rights without citizenship, by Dipak Gyawali (rep)

06/02/2014: PM poll details out, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), PM election schedule published (ht), NC, UML talk power sharing (ht), Demand for prez election may delay govt formation (rep), UML to form govt if NC fails (kp), Two to tango: Shaky NC-UML ties could get shakier with Oli’s election as UML PP leader (kp), NC instructs its lawmakers to be Present at PM vote (kp), Battle for Madheshi party hot seat: Mahato and Yadav in leadership tussle, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Madhesi parties unification only after new government (rep), Parliament passes poll related ordinances (ht), Anti-money laundering: House okays ordinance despite Maoist objection (kp), Constitute TRC without delay: Rayamajhi (ht), UCPN (Maoist) pushes for early formation of TRC (rep), Four leaders withdraw constituency (kp), Differently abled begin relay hunger strike (kp), Regmi’s possible return to judiciary sparks controversy (ht), Bitter realities: Where is a Nepali Arvind Kejriwal to infuse new hope, or a ‘Rahul Koirala’ to fight the system from within?, by Pramod Mishra (kp), Constructing federalism: Federalism debate must focus on combining effective governance with recognition of diversity within the population, by Yogendra Paneru (kp), On Consensus Politics, by Gyan Basnet and Shailendra K. Shrestha (rn), Another Bite At The Cherry, by Uttam Maharjan (rn)

05/02/2014: Marginalized groups to mount pressure for representation in CA, by Anjali Subedi (rep), Double winners withdraw from one constituency (nn), PM election on ‘February 10’: Voting process to begin at 11 am (kp), Date for voting to elect PM set for February 10 (ht), PM election on Feb 10 (rep), NC pushes Koirala as PM, fixes Cabinet set-up terms, by Anil Giri (kp), NC swings into high gear to form govt: Wants inclusive Cabinet with as many parties as possible, by Prakash Acharya (ht), NC urged to keep all options open for forming new govt, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Oli pips Khanal in PP vote: Backed by Gautam, Oli wins 98 of the total 173 votes to beat UML chairman by 23 votes, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Oli turns the table on party chair, big-time: Defeats Khanal in PP election with 23 votes, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Oli defeats UML chairman Khanal for PP leader: In a first since 1991, PP leader is other than party chief, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), NC-UML coalition will form strong govt: Oli (nn), No end to miseries of conflict victims in sight, by Raj Kumar Parajuli (ht), Nepal objects to rotation culture (ht), Parliamentary perversions: Systemic perversions in parliamentary democracy cannot ensure political stability and legitimacy, by Lok Raj Baral (kp), Blood over water: The consequences of the Madhesi parties’ nepotism in selecting PR candidates will manifest in the next election, by Dipendra Jha (kp), Too much politicking: Constitution-writing suffers, by Birendra P. Mishra (ht), The to-do list: People are frustrated by narrow personal interests of leaders, their hypocracy and expedience, and deteriorating quality of leadership, by Bhagirath Basnet (rep)

04/02/2014: President calls parties to form majority govt (kp), Prez asks House to form majority govt (ht), PM poll date likely tomorrow (kp), Election for the prime minister on 10 Feb (nn), UML PP leader: Khanal and Oli in the fray (kp), CPN-UML set to elect PP leader today (ht), Khanal, Oli in intense lobbying for support, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), KP Oli wins the race against Khanal in PP leader voting (nn), Congress CWC meet to focus on govt formation (kp), NC summons CWC as Prez calls for majority govt (rep), Cong working on broader guideline for power sharing (ht), Koirala’s challenges, by Rajendra Pokharel (nn), RPP-N for panels to adopt past CA pacts (kp), Power dressing: The UML’s instruction to its lawmakers to wear daura suruwal is reminiscent of Panchayat-era politics, by Pramod Bhagat (kp) [Long live Bahunbad!!!], Away from consensus: A postmodern world cannot go hand-in-hand with the grand narrative of consensus, by Raj Kumar Baral (kp), The Elusive Consensus, by Shyam K.C. (rn)

03/02/2014: The marginalised: Issues political agenda no more, by Weena Pun (kp), Parties fail to form consensus govt, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht), Parties near majority govt: Power-sharing deal still remains a tall order for the two largest parties (kp), Process of electing PM (ht), Make haste: Government formation (rep), March of history: Though it now looks inevitable, majority govts have a poor history (kp), Change in UML power equation, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Gautam backs Oli in PP leadership race (ht), Race for PP leader becomes two-way battle: Bam Dev Gautam sides with K.P. Oli, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), Maoists vying for Assembly chair (kp), UCPN (Maoist) forms 'shadow cabinet', by Ashok Dahal (rep), House legitimises Regmi govt, CA elections: Two-third majority votes in favour of prez order; MJF-N,NWPP oppose 25-point decree, by Prakash Acharya (ht) [Is it a legitimate and constitutional procedure to legitimise stepps that should not have been taken without legimation almost one year back??], Statute hurdle removal endorsed, by Binod Ghimire (kp), 3 Madhes-based parties at variance, by Pranab Kharel (kp), Congress, UML gear up for local election, by Birendra KC (kp), Threat to take Adhikari murder to global fora (ht), The expanding middle: By the time of the next election, the Nepali middle class will constitute a decisive majority of voters, by Tika P. Dhakal (kp), The UML has no qualms about staying in opposition, interview with Ishwar Pokhrel (kp), Maoists In Dilemma, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn)

02/02/2014: Unity govt elusive, majority one likely: With support of 13 parties, NC making final bid for consensus govt today, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), Consensus government unlikely, parleys to form a majority government (nn), Congress ready to form majority government: To try for consensus today as well; Some parties to sit in opposition, others still undecided (ht), Parties headed toward majority govt: Not to seek deadline extension for consensus, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep), Prez to decide on deadline extension (ht), Koirala urges President to initiate majority govt process; UCPN (M), RPP-N to stay in opposition (nn), ‘Prez poll a must’ (ht), Dahal secures PP leadership (kp), PWDs to stage hunger strike for CA representation (rep), Nine financial ordinances tabled at the house (nn), Power to women: Women’s participation in decision-making is crucial to building a strong state, by Samira Paudel (kp), NC Mustn’t Be Stuck In Time Warp, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn)

01/02/2014: Oli may field Bhandari if his PP leader bid fails (kp), Bidya Bhandari in race for PP leader: 'She might file candidacy if K P Oli senses his defeat' (rep), Dahal to be the UCPN (M) parliamentary party leader (nn), Consensus, power-sharing a tall order for Congress, by Anil Giri (kp), ‘EC working to hold local polls’ (kp), HRW, ICJ note concerns about TRC Ordinance (kp), ICJ, HRW urge govt to enact new mechanism (ht) [see statement by HRW], Int'l rights groups urge Nepal to respect SC's ruling on human rights (nn), Give More Teeth To TRC, by Pranav Bhattarai (rn)

31/01/2014: NC could go for coalition govt (kp), Parties push for majority govt (kp), Time to go for majority govt: Leaders, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), UML task force holds talks with Congress (kp), NC in no mood to compromise on prez poll (ht), Stuck with you: Sushil Koirala may become the next Prime Minister, but he is already a lame duck, by Anurag Acharya (nt), ‘Vote on Tuesday if no consensus’, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), CPN-UML to elect PP leader on February 4: Khanal,Oli in fray; Bid for consensus candidate still on, by Arjun Bhandari (ht), UML to vote for PP leader Feb 4: Gautam support crucial, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), More lawmakers oppose ‘controversial’ ordinances (kp), RPP-N demands ‘proper share’ of power (kp) [What is proper for a party that owns 4% of the MPs??], CPN-M set to bring fringe leftist forces, by Roshan Sedhai (kp), Govt to replace TRC Ordinance with fresh Bills on two commissions (ht), Country on autopilot: There must be some meaning and advantage to Nepal being a country with a historically evolved land frontier, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp), Foreign Interference, Politics And Media, by D.M. Thapa (rn), Back to square zero: For every step we take forward, we seem to take two back, by Trishna Rana (nt), Houses Divided: Major political parties need to bridge the trust deficit to make sure that the past did not repeat, by Abijit Sharma (sp), Finally Convened, by Tilak Rawal (sp)

30/01/2014: Bit parties block past CA pacts: Big 3 put proposals on hold after strong opposition, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), Big Three fail to push proposal through CA: RPP-N, RJ threaten to obstruct House session, by Prakash Acharya (ht), Show some guts: Tabling federal motion (rep), Second CA meet forms business advisory panel (kp), Unified in name only: Top UML leaders engage in battle of one-upmanship, by Bhadra Sharma (kp), No deal on PP leader in CPN-UML (ht), UML to elect its PP leader on 4 February (nn), First things first (ht), Conflict victims cry foul as TRC ordinance tabled (rep), War victims tell govt to heed to SC (kp), ‘Living martyr’ status sought for paralysed Kayastha (ht), Plaints against 8 out of 14 bills (kp), United we stand: Fragmented Madhesi parties look to come together to be relevant in the CA (kp), Foreign ambassadors running 'parallel government" in Nepal: Thapa (nn) [???], The great unknown: Supposed influence of foreigners has become a handy tool for politicians to discredit legitimate demands, by Deepak Thapa (kp), Towards Writing The Constitution, by Uttam Maharjan (rn), Alarming signs: The state failure in health and education sectors signals the beginning of state failure, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep)

29/01/2014: Big 3 ‘to adopt’ old CA pacts: Six-member task force to prepare a proposal to ensure new constitution in one year, by Anil Giri (kp) [To adopt the suggestions of the different committees of CA-I would even be more important than the adoption of the agrrements between the high lever party politicians!!], Big Three get down to business: To table proposal today with commitment to get statute in a year (ht) [What did such commitments mean so far? Absolutely nothing!!], Big 3 to reaffirm federal democratic republic at new CA: Panel to suggest what to own from past CA, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep), NC told to come up with concrete proposal (kp), Parties advised 3-step formula, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp), ‘Don’t impose first CA’s decisions’ (kp), UML not to drop demand for prez poll (ht), UCPN (M) against joining NC-led govt (kp), Six ordinances tabled in House (ht), Legal experts decry tabling of TRC bill (kp), Two-state plan in Karnali costs UCPN (M) dear, say locals, by Janak Nepal (kp), Time to go: President Ram Baran Yadav has served the republic well, it is time to step down, by Narayan Manandhar (kp), Falling short: Underestimating victims' need for justice and overestimating the power of wrongdoers will create a vicious cycle of conflict, by Gopal Krishna Siwakoti (rep)